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Equitable Co=operative Industrial Society, ,
LI &1 IT E D.
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BrapeI y and Millinery Oepa ptments.
' Half-yearly Clearance Sale '"':
and shall continue it until the Saturday %eel following.
During that time our Stocks will be sold at reduced prices. Greater reductions win be made on After
Season's Goods, and these, with Remnants of all kinds, and several very Special Pure»ses, will constitute
our Bargains. The favour of your call is solicited.
In this Depsrtenent we hope to surpass anything we have bad in
the past for smartness snd also for quality.
we shall have Shoes, Laced. snd Bats, from 2/77, these have
rio equal; snd a splendid stock of better qualities,
from'3/77 to 16/6.
We would ssk our. Members and the Public to come snd have a
kook round. , and we feel sure they mill be pleased with our stock.
we beg to ssy we have the most Up-to-date Stock that we have
ever had.
Light Boots from 4/77 up tc 1S/6. Box-calf Bsl. snd Derby
from 7/71, and our Ken's %o'rking Boots from 4/71, sre very
tl value. Gome snd see for yoarselves.
In or Bepsirin Department we are doing a very lstge trade.
Heshing bat Best English Leather ased, snd Fsfr VV ages psith
Therefore we ssk you so bring your Repairs where they wi11 be
neatly amt qaieklv Bone, aml returned to you, the same dsy H
again report Increasing Sales,
;;.;.;;,"",::";„;":,ENGLISH MEAT.
Hoine=cnred BACON and HAMS
s specrs1ity. Everyone guaranteed. Upwards of 16 TONS
having already been cared, snd by the end of the season we
I hope tc doable this quantity. A good supply always on hand
at our Central snd .Branch Butcheries.
NOTICE.—XII Slaughtered and Cured on yoa Own Premises
snd Sold in tbe above Dep'artments.
Furnishing and Hardware Departments.
„„,',",',ll. .. tTOUSEtTOLD FURNITURE ",',","„'i',l' '.
%e hold a very large stock of HApDAARE and CQOCKF/Y, Showrooms of which are in the
Basement under the 1st Floor of the Furnishing and Tailoring Departments.
ittt: 3E%'ELLERY DEPARTMENT. We have a good selection of these goods. Should our Members
require some line we have not in stock, Makers are always pleased to send selection of goods on approval.
%ATGHES, GLOGES aml JElVELLERY REPAIRED ON THE PREMISES. Prices reasonable. Mfork gusrntttea
OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. ~ALII& S~~d'Zaefs~mt, .mt~f~rht, u'h. v"~~::,-',';:-'
tes'timonnds from Members whn. have'been fttted by us, and we, shall be pledsed to show them to sny of onr Mcmbers-'
PICTURES FRAMEB, Sample of fjfonldfngs to.he seen fn the Shave Departateat.
Speciai Sale of Pictures at Reduced Prices.
'girlrahr (6qlriiabii Ka-apzratibz ktha3triai Wacirfa. Kth.ESTABLISHE D 1861Registered ender the Zndnstrisl snd Provident Societies Act, 1893.
OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETt.—First, it provides its Members and the General Public with Bread, Flour,Grocery, Provisions, Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Butchers' Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware,Furniture, etc. ; Second, it seeks the Domestic, Social, and Intellectual advanc
The QUARTERLY MEETINO will be held in the LARGE HALL,
On MONDAY EVENlNQ, FEB. 10th, 1908, at Half-'past Seven o'clock.~a ef Ratguese:
1.—Minutes of. htst Qasrterfy Meeting'snd Special Genteel 10. Apphcstton of the Derb D
r v
'I .. 'iVR. HE%SOB, President. .. 2i edfr. QE(b BACON Ilr. IIED. WARD .. ~ ST
Il.. VH. COI, LSON, Treasurer " „,. 2:
*ISr. W. B. HOWIBD .. . . .. "I Kn E. IL ERIES .. . .. gg
Ifr. C. OSTICK .. .. .. gg is)gr. W. H. GOLDSTEIN " " - - 27
IIi tl':D I ' SBIS . . 27 'lfr bf. SMILLEB. . .. Sv
Xr. W. P , qC9)SSB„Hr. B. Dhy, aud, Kr. W. SpdLDcRS+:,I, ;o,--
Csmuna- , Mr. H. H. HOPPER.
~ - '
Igsmbsm sash eBgt jq:~pfestings have bees hslddurhqf Hie ~.:,'",-, :;„".;—;:„:.';:
Cr .: . .-.:-:—.::..: . ~g '
Wtb jtbmqg "~~;-",&dm '. Q;~'Tv.Q''.~'ILm H.,gma)bwr P,'gushy. -- ~umstknctvqla, forrmdrs Smn»e ~a,"',,
umam ef the aaufgdatm 's'elected fcz sappbzb
.ar mss s w his or hsr Pass Card to ahtsla ay ', " zbe persoa who gives them out.
I' .: "- 2 votiag are Rom Ig noon to p psnl on IIQIID loth, lcgg
E.-r 'N lfessrs. COULSON, HEWSON snd WIBD.
Sleuus. ;ShfbLIJIIL, '.
Tilxostso ~ ~ ~ Ifkssrs. HKWSON;
Come .. .. .. .. Hesgua HdlLBISi HOWdBB iuid
I -„*" trpgyc~dHIS)fl(t+I)STIPE, WSBD,aud'
.and HOWBSIt
;„,i~',~)IowdED and ~IIIS sod QOLDSTE
Bcvcnxsv Messrs. BkCON, HARRIS sod WIRD.
I, That no Idember be allowed to speak more than once on any motion st the quarterly, or sny other Qenersl Ifeebng of the hfembers convened for thepmpose of tnmsscting the business of the Society, exoept the movers of motions snd amendments, who shsB each be sBowed s reply; snd no blember shall spealr aftersnob reply.
That no blembere, except movers and eeconders of Besolotions, be sBowed to speak more than gve minutes on sny Resolution.!
s. That sB qnesilons relating to the Balance Sheet, which ere sent to the Secretary befoxe the Qenersl ldeeting, have the pndenmec.
vsr amendments szs male upon oriynsl propositions, no second smendm'ent shall be tabes into consideration untH the Srst amendment has beenof. . (a) If s gmt amendumot bs omzmd it shaB ihsplsoe tbe origmst question snd become itself the qneslion; whereupon say further amendment msy be,;.'vileii-, ,",.at'avsd. (b),If' the grat amendmsnt be negatived„then asecond maybe moved to the original question nnder consideralionl bst ccdy ons amendment shall be snb-to tbs Ifeetiag for 'esussion at oas 4'. (e) Tbe mover of every resolution aad of every amendment shall have s zight of reply, immediately after which tbebe pat fmm the chair; but no other hlcmbsr sbsB be aBowed to speak more than once on the same question, unless penniudon be given to explain, or theattention of the chair be csBed to s point of onler.
a motion once oamicd shall not be 'rescinded st any ldeeting wftbout dse aotice having been given.
fo Wlsm sny motion or amendment hss been made snd seconded, it is open to sny bfember to propose the "previous question ";eke., that the motion before: . The bleating be not pct. The mover snd seemder of "the previous question" cannot afterwards speck on the motion before the Ifecting.
When tbe Pre:ident ri ei io -. peak, Ilercbere shall immediately take their seat--.I
We bcg tc submit tc ycu the 185th Quarterly Report snd Balance Sheet. The total amount received for 6ocds sold
8 the quarter is 874,127 5s. Qd. , being an increase of 67,682 12s. 5sd. over the corresponding quarter of last year. The uctbprcflts on the quarter's business, including 8182 19s. 7d, brought forward from last quarter, after sllowiug for all expenses, depreciation,snd interest, amount to 24„690 Os. 5(pf., which, with 8500.from Reserve Pand, we propose to dispose of as follows: —65 100 Ou, M.Dividend cu hfcmbcrs' Purctumcs gt I/6 in the g, 260 14s. ld. for Educational Purposes, 225 Os. Od. to Workmen's InsurancePuud, 84 6s. Qd. carried forward tc next quarter. 288 persons have joined the Society within the quarter, 225 have withdrawueand 48 fcrfcitcd as pcr rule, mating the present number 11,458.
Wc src pleased tc say that the Climax Cheek System is urorkiug well, there being fewer mistakes to rectify than used tobc with the Boot System. The Committee would appeal to all Members tc be part' Idar h h
t b
c rs c c p ie w cn pure acing tc remember and givethc;z cwn numbers, as uct remembering aud giving wrong numbers has been the f t f th
tak h hu c causa o mcs c c mistakes that have occurred.Thc Plans for the Office aud New Tailoring and Out6ttiug Dcpartmcutx at the Central have been passed by the Committacof the Corp, mt n, and wc hop tc b m a p tiou tc st~ m a fcw wccta mth this work.
Wc bcg tc announce that is the- intention of the Committee at th M ~~a rtcrl M ting,e, c ay Qoa y cating, acting on Counsel'g opinion, tcpropose an alteration of thc Rules, viu. , "that one of the objects of thc Scc' ty b th furth f h '
*tron of S
Jad px fo alex aqr Xe aseaxam pue 'axas auo Japun sluaurroffe fo
sxapfoq urorf urnuue Jad .
pg 'fies 'Ie aanaururoo Xq3nn pue 'pardnooo
a&saran aql 01 nip Joaoe afeDs parenpeJS 'e 110 axf pplorfs snort
sxfneq feraxaunnoo fixeulpxo aqt fo ssarqnfasn fo axaqds aqX apts
-Xno uraqX aoefd saauetsmnoxlo asoqxs asoqy fiq pafequroo srreaur
srr fiq aJe 'ffo arfeqs oX Xfnorffrp uapxnq p. amooaq 'or paxxosax aouo
'qorq, lx 'Japuaf fiauour JO „aarffo ueo 5ursrrxaJ e a o suorfae
l. 'E
pfirole sftg,
" 'fuaa Jed p of-.'6'.moxf'ge "paxtofftx arf rxrurerri-+OO aqX fiq papuafep pueq ~faxrf aqx fo SarrP4, 'qoftye' uo 'qo4eijpe, Uf, fuss, s~rf'-e ff'eq':Xaqtxniut I'fiXPfejjj"~&~0trfafff' ffttlMB Of uoffa» axfef fiffpeax'fteteu tres IIOSXrra qetrs tpxqrt Ur ' '
"UO pfref Ppjoqs rfjataoS jueuaL aqf Xerff'afqesntpU arf'~ ~ ~
Irfprxea fav„sfuamfoffv puxr sffni
ox tlosxad xff e se sxaqmam-eroffaf siq hq Jaserpxnd aqf fo fsxtoxrfde'lfemS aqf Xeqst afeafyutr Of afefutuaai Xef Os Seq fxeffa UV . ,
aqf Oj Xaafqne 'Sfuamanoxdmf. Srq ffe m Xeaxafm. erq' fa 'a~rxye..Of saauerxpe xof sfaexff. px. fl flfeut atff fiq Josaatuexet4qfo ', '
fsarf aqf of asxefsf'p. of 'Sufpfoq sfq, qsmbuqax of axle'ay,-;';;:Srfxrtf aqf UI Xatfffa 'Upfernqxra xfarff Jafouruxd fietU ~ttnoO'fiftmoO .: 'fxfVfx aqf pue'SpfOq aq Syuef arp JOf axnuaf. fo,',
spire'f'x, xapuff xov lean sfrff go irriofsnroxd aspe atff fiq' 'parxomax —.ffa'neo' aqx ox fixaraos aqx uroxf anp sr xeqst fo Uotfxodard slqaxe sxfueq Xfpaxa qeffqefs'a OX ~'feffdea fo Uorsproxd —'.
fifaraOS srq OX unq moxf any gnax fo Xmiome paxtrf aqf xof UJUXanatfi:m paxafmroana. uaaq aAeq Xsed aqf Uf qaupn saftfnarfffp aqL III 'Jaqmam"Xueuaf qaea of axnsua pploqs sfU3UIRkdksxt Sr3rtowze eexxsrronfsla Unrrnlos
fiOJIexrxx JIO SIIOXXXarrOO Uzevs. rnffu
A . ' '
-'. 'tfff00Kff I.'IffKXffVQ5 IdXXVffffdONO ÃIDOHPI SHL
Our Spring and Summer Patterns
are now in, and we shall appreciate su opportunity
of showing vou our Selection, including a large
assortment of
Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds,
arid Saxony Su i ti ng s,
Confined Cloths and Unique Styles.
We sre in a position to give absolutely bette~ value than any
competitors, snd invite Members to make comparisons before
dealing elsewhere.
We are prepared for e, RECORD Season's Trade, snd ssk
you to place cour orders as early as possihjc to prevent &j&»appoint-
ment in the height of the Season.
Get into touch with us to-day. Prices that will suit everybody.
All Garments made by British Skilled Labour
In tbsnkinc our kfembere for ti&cir very' generous support of this Department &ianna the present sec»on, we beg rc auucuuce that
we have already made extensive
Q P R [N G g FA QQ N
Specially wc u&gl&t
LITTLE BOYS' SMART BELT SUITS in Green, Blue and Dark Cardinal Yelvet, Fancy Tweeds, etc.
YOUTHS' and MEN'S in Up-to-date Patterns.
PI eliminant'y . Announcement.
Yfe wish to bring before the notice of our Members that it Is intended to again hold a
during the Month of February, for 14 days only,
commencing on Monday the 1?th until the end of the month
1@hen they will find it to their advantage if they will be good enough to look in.
P'rcp&trarions for the coming Season are now in fuii swing. rl 0' have
Come.and iasPret ur Stoclr wh eh is th ls g st in the Co nty. I Nta~ P I llollSRAU PleCt&S I
We caa show yoa the best assorted and most artistic Wall Decorations to be got for the price,
class of Paper procnrsble we ars shia to supply, not only inexpensive Machine Printed Papers, but a range of Stamped Papm In
Relief;. LMnomars'. &An»glypto»,
kc„with:",bold embossing '&sad, customers requiring Hsndpainted Papers can alBo be »applied
Every piece of Paperhangings, whatever tbe price, ik manufactured fn England, a fact we desire to impress
We have in stock —PULPS, from Ild to 5d, SANITARIES, from 2 d to tf .
GOLDSj g Wd &r t/-, SILKS, T,td.
TILES, OAKS, STAIRS and CEILINGS equally cheap.
-;.v%', Plain, 'Stt&tts& I&a»dms 'ArtC9h&tttrs&& mi't. ::Ssf,gtsg'jtad:. .
gI~. ::,c I, Sioakat. Snb-Ceatrai oaly. Cams aud visit Showroom patt~
and:yfnsesces:'to afatih'jmr cat'iof'. ~::p't& mc.' .'qpaie'r dnrf' & ..'
Sao'ek'i'af oar Stocks at Central pur'ajsbb&g and aji Brancucs
for Damp VM; ~~'plain&and+stank &@jr -
Papers Hang wrth despatch bv Cwn
Grocery 8'z Provision Departments,
! Registered Brands
of the
Highest gnaHty,
only obtainable at
"rp ft.O G RFS~"
Q gS c
~~e &p
gx+ @5 'gQ
! QS +Q
(g ~y +g--
r( +
&a .+~ +@~
%e hold a large, varied, and well-selected Stock of'
NEe SEAsows FLOWER h. VEGETABLE SEEDS.,Cat Iogues and Inustrated Price Lists supphed free. on' application at the Cen~any of our Branches. "
Any vanety not in stock can be obtained at-way-sbasrh"-~'~' "-'"+ "-:'."
4h4ea ter ~r 4 ~ere ee0e4 Jan 1jb~.
e ~ ~ ~ Pm ijb@
504 Refit ~kset foist' +~ere.
~r ef QeeAere an 4isariet.
:ca%ere 4eyoalte4 lect peer.
et ChAwr ~ ~
ieerece nebulae ef Ceylt4, .
eo ei
5, inc. I.
~~&4 4r liLI
'4~4. 44 l.
4W ~
quitable Co=operative Industrial Society, '„",
OUBs.oci-, i- ..:. -,:;,,-„.
i. !'„-T o.',
;i ir;';t,'J.; !')
of inspection -:.enwhich comprise the Newest snd Choicesb csrefu!ly selected in London su(: Masdh
making your purchases is, earns, ,y.'
.. .., ..
Gus' Dress and Costume Materials consist only of the Nbwesi MstdHsletsn '~rt, , ' '.
"'~f?ritmgk Base-Blues, snd .!IitrCity. SPecial value in Costume Cloths st 1/11lss B/S and Q/St in'scft ~,&
A IPlencid assortment oi Tritnmiin?ts to' su?f'snip' r
Our steck of Black Dress and Costume MsteriaI's ia excepydca~-'~ '
tamgtnts that wiB recommendDi'ess and Costume Mskinft on the Premises. We sre in s Position to turn out-smsrube.
us lo others;
, . hold one of the choidest stocks of New Blouse Materia?aht-ths s.
!;shall shaw them conEsusDy in our wbtgowr's'. duriftg, the settles. :,!";,", .'-';-";„:; ",
Hosiery is replete for the Season, snd Ladies' Umbrellas
mejude the leading novelties ln Tsn, Lace, snd with smart Btufdkraiand -, „-.." E onbe Lace Curtains.
Embroidered Goods; reliaMs covezs:::. -. —
We would esPecislly call your attention to oxq stock of Soft uniia?tini? 6uaggr esuarsM~4
Our Manchester Goods'cannot be beaten for good value and 'for aasertnasritu We?tuse kgeaef~~uftgcks m e +y
branch of the department we ar'e st t?la'~' "
We speciaIEy invite our Members to pay s visit to our Millinery and Mant?a ghoSrussgtr
' '
r~'iduieeet in Mdhnerv and
iis many requisites are always on show. 'We ean execute Mi!hnery Orders wrth'ttudtil .: ' ' '
dar. mtn workrooms.
The leading novelties in Ladies' Coats also on viesrr .-'Children'a ~*''
t's sliedsliiy.
Decently we have considerably augmented earls?bsk'. of Underclothing aad ~.-
We now stock several of the best makes of. Col'sets msnufsetur'id. by: PetO'.W.'S. st their Desbcro Mettcry as weU as several of the
most pogn?ur ai?Vcitated ngskaa.
Every care hss be'en taken in our 'preparation' fm' 'the Sessou I 'basil!ass 'tpiattalei'patp' our~' reit?uircmtmts snd Oonvenienee !)urstocks described abave have been carefnlly beughh and pio'vitlon hae been iiiiitfji~ fkr ss thei rusli of tke gascon's trade and our crampedsPace wi?? admit) to make your shoPPinga P?easur/s, :„?Idw. we'reran'. ejitg, et'atrnestly' solicit your Patronage snd loyalty.
Furnishing and Hardware Departments. ,
GOOD RELIABLE FURNITURE. Our cwn make s specialty.OII,C LOT HSr LIrsVOLEUlurS ants CtaRIsET5.
'Mailcarts from 32/~ Folders from 8/3
PRAM TVRES FIXED. Prksgs very reasonable.
Travelling Requisites.
XitsdEI note
g 4 a
FEDERATION from 4 19 64 yean' written guarantee.
GLOBE - -' from 5 10 0
ELBWIOK - - is 8 8 0
RUDGE WHITWORTH at st'agora'
priooo, less n.- ln the S aiaooant
me /sly dioidesd ca 'all' Cycfea
Gdrddit Chairs airtI Sea?S 6 da:
Bl. .
under the Industrral and Provide Sociattttt.
Butter snd pggs from Country Members Z2, 084
No. 1 Branch —BRACEBRIDGE. No. 11 Branch —BARDNEY.
No. 1, Ripen Street; No. 2, Gresham Street; No. 3, Burton Road; No. 4, High Street; No. 5, Baggeholme Road,
The QUARTERLY MEETING will be held in the LARGE HALL,
agenda of Rusiness:
1.—Minutes of last ftfusrterly Meeting, February 10th, 1908.
Special General Meeting, March 9th, 1908.
March 16th, 1908.
2.—Admission of Nest Members.
8.—Report snd Balance Sheet.
4.—Subscription to the Nottingbam Institute for the Blind.
6,—Application for a Subscription to s "Horse Ambulance
for Lmeoln.
1908, at Half-past Seven o'clock.
6.—Application for Subscription from Co-operative Union
to Hodgson Prat t Iiemorisl.
7.—Application for Subscription for Bridge over River Till,
at Saxilbyt renewed front April, 1900.
8.—Election of Sir Members of Educational Committee.
9.—Nomination for President, Treasurer, Secretary, and
Three Committeemen, snd Two Auditors.
10—Any other business.
Et tho close a SPECIXIt GENRES KEETIEG will be held, to consider the ProPosed Alteration of Rules 8, 9, gs, as
fhnall Iioldings. " Power to invest Surplus Capital, and power to vote in respect to Invsstmeata
eMr. WAL HEWSON, President
'Mr. WM. COIJLSON, Treasurer
'ffr. Wiu. TURNER, Secretary
28 Mr. GEO. BACON .. .. .. 29
29 bfr. W. B. HOWABD .. .. .. 29
o7 bfr. C. OSTICK .. .. .. 29
29 Mr. IL SMALLBB .. .. .. 29
Apnrzozs —'bfr. W. P. ARMSTRONG, Mr. T. E. CUBTIS, tfz. B. DAT, snd 'ffr. W- SPALDHIG
Cesnrzz —kir. FBED STEPHENSON. Asmsvswr Cssninz —Mr. H. H. BOPEB.
' Retiring Members each eligible for nomination. 29 Committee Meetings bsvs been beld dnring tbe quarter.
Boor Inn Bnoz
Messrs. SifALLER, BACON snd BATES.
biessrs. HEWSON, OSTICK snd WARD
biessrs. BACON, HABRIB snd BATES.
Come .. .. .. '.. Messra HARBIB, HOWARD snd BATES.
Boaerrses .. blesse. HEWBOif, OSTICK, WARD snd GOLDSTEIN.
Fmsnos .. .. .. Messm. COULSON. TURNER and HOWARD.
Borssne, Lrvz Swoon mn Fsze Rema. USTICE, HOWARD and SbfALLER.
Tbst no Member be allowed to speak more tbsp ones on sny motion st the qcsrrcrty, or sny otlnz' Geiirmd'Meerfng of the Membem convened for the
pnrfrose of transacting the bnsinees of the Society, except the movers of motions snd amendments, wbo sbsB eseb be
", snd no Member shall speak after
snob reply.
That no Members, ezcept movers snd seeondere of Resolutions, be suowed to speak more tbsn gve niinnins an sny BesplaEom
'pbst sii qnestions relating to the Balance Sheet, which sre sent to the Secretary before the General Meszfng, have tbe prsbwssee.
Whenever amendments sre made npon original propositions, no second amendment sbeu be taken into eoasbbcstica imtil the grat aprendment has been
disposeli of. (o) If s grat amendment be carrie it she(i displace the original qnestion snd become itself the qnes8ont 'wlnzpspon sny fcktber amendment msy be
89 H tbe grst amendment be negatived, then s second msy be moved to the original qnesuon ender ecnrddrrmtetaq but only ene ameadment sbsB be snb-
ndtted to tbe Meeting for disenssion at one time. (I) The mover of every resolution end of every amendment shall brealrziggpf, zesty, fmmedmtcfy after
Cnmtfon sbsff be pnt from the chair; bpt no other bfember shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same qaestipn, anEef peamseen bb givpn tp pz (sfn, pr the
stteniion of the chair be ceiled to s point of order.
given to ezp 'n, or e
A motion once carried shall not be rescindei at any bfeeting without dne notice having been given.
When any motion or amendment hss been made snd seeonded, it is open to sny tfember to propose tbe «prsrrfens'qcqetkm «
tbe Meeting be not pnt. The mover snd seconder of "tbe previous question" cannot afterwards spesir on tbe motion tr'ef
; fm, t e motion befom
7. When the President rises to speak, 'Members sbsB immediately take their seats.
We beg to eubrrut to you the 186th Quarterly Report and Balance Sheet. The gogaI . r'erfefved for Sooda sold
TBf!572. 4d., bemg au mczeaae of 88,781 182. Od over the corzegpoadfag ~" . "z of I 2 Th8 ~~.~z agg year. The nett
progtz on the quarter'2 business, including 84 62. 4p. brought forward from last quarter, after allpngag fozo~ag oz a expeaaeg, depreciation,
aad interest, amount to 84,949 5a. 9+., which we propose to dispose of aa follow'a: —84785 Cg. Od
Purchases at I/6 in the 8, E65 9a. 6d. Eacational Purposes, 895 Og. M. to Workmen's Iaauarracrf", .p(r(ttd 81(N
898 159. 8@. carried forward to next quarter. 975 peraoac have joined tbe Society wi(ihm qaazbaz; 994 have withdrawn,
aad 11 forfeited as per rule, making the present number 11,498.
One result of the zecommeadationz of the Special Auditors will be seen in this quarters'
azraagemeat of the Profits. Interest, which bag previously been dealt with ia the Disposal Acc'ouat m ao aa a 8xed abazga
oa Trade Account. This reduces the Pro&ta shown to aa absolutely aet amount.
We have to announce a change of Maaagoczg ia the Building Department. The Oomraftga'9 lieve gecm
" '
'awg gecaied the services of
Mr Rutherford who comes to as with excellent references from the Oommitlee and Architect f9 o -oPezative Wholesale
Somety, aad we begeve he wIII be of great value to ac in the ercctioa of the flew Premises in Silver Strreaaaea m ver treat wlacb aze aow
being erected
Registered Opcee,
Srr.vzn Sznzm', Dincorw, dfrril 28th, 19(78
ave ope Shop Ia Slang Styrfeg fbi lrbe safe rrf
e est brrmde arrive daily
prices to oompaze with competitorw. This Department is eagacly ~~ d d
. b
Meat can only be obtained at the SiacE Street SboP Eo d~ ePaztmcntr and 4Imlomg
&~fof fks C~tflct cffife
WM- TURIrIEB, Sgrnmz~
„Stmng Boom Fees ..
„Survey Fees ........
Bank Withdmvmts
0 4 0
318 6 a
317 6
51,407 4 8
„Interest on Inve
„Branch lfsnsge
„Sale Fired S sn ortei Iggo
„Sale of ltlilliag Plint ......,....„;......'....'.', .-, '.' "i.-. .'v':4, :It*-"
„Insurance Preniiume (rfetnhorsf ':..;....:.':;."; ..;''; "" -'W. ty' ttv-.
„Bulee, Cards, Cash Boolre, ete. ............................ 13 1 10
„Proposition Fees .............................. 15 3 0
„Transfer Fees I 9 3
„Nomination Fees. ..... .... .......... 011 0
17 3 3
a. "":,„",%ajkagPFeajiertp datdgiI~
a Si~-asiieHat Fmtd.«.......'..~ ..~ ..Chamber of Commerce ....................
Co-operative Uoioo, Ltd.
No. 9 District FBdlsnd Section Co-op. Union
Windy Nook Fund. .................
Lincoln Deaf snd Dumb Institute ..........
Society for Prevention of Craelty co Children
Devonshire Hospital
Charity Organization Society ..............
„Non-blembers' Dividend
„Bdacstionsl Qrsnt
Brsnell Feetlvaie
„dnnusl Festival
Conference Tees
„Interest on Bonds
„Bepsyment of Bond .
„Withdrswsle Worlunen'c CompenssBon Fend
Insurance Fund. ..........., ....
„Special dudits
„Bank Deposits
„Cash in hand. ...............,
„Cash in Shop Title
I I'
8 15
1 10
1 1
ft 9
9 9
17 17
169 8
136 9
10 0
19 9
14 1
9 0
11 1.
19 11
9 9
0 0
17 8
4 0
10 6
995 10 11
fbSBS'. 9 'dt
8134,191 6
8134,191 6
To Wages. ........., .....
„Committee snd Secretary's Salaries ....
Survey Fees ....„huditors' Fees ..............- ~ -.~
„Bente ..................
„Bates snd Taxes .....................
„Insarance Premiums
,.Horse Keep
„Stocktaking, Extending. Checkiog, dc.
„Printing, Sistiooery snd hdvertising
„Stamps snd Check Books
Bepsirs ..., .
„Gas snd Electricity. ........ ..........„Water. ....................., ... .....„Delegates' Expenses
„Quarterly Meeting Expenses
„Colts sud Hall Cleaning
„3farket Expenses. ...........„Harness Repairs and Shoeing ......
„Coals for Heating sud Lifts
„Insarsnos Pand .............
„Oil, Coal and Coke ........... .
„Telephones. ..........................
„Gratuities ...........................„Bsnlr Commission
„Depreciation of Branch snd Cottage Property ..
Fixed snd Rolling Stock snd l
Horses ...........~............... .....)
„Depreciation of idilling Plant
„Estimated Interest, Shares
„Interest on Loans
Special Loans .........
Penny Bank Deposits. ..
Bonds ..(Interim)
s d 2 s
4,214 3 6
4313 0
217 6
25 0 0
115 16 9
339 6 5
7316 2
514 4 8
72 7 3
184 16 8
60 8 6
748 2 36
292 0 0
7D 7 6
14 19 3
17 9 0
710 2
7 7 1
2616 2
115 I 1
85 10 0
25 0 0
902 4 10
414 3
I 9 6
23 1 9
7223 8 7$
633 D 5
269 0 0
800 0 0
1,192 0 5
1,600 0 V
301 10 5
149 10 1
197 14 34
16 15 6
0 9 3
2,264 19 66
By Interest on Shares ()nvmtmlmtt(. ..~ ~ ..~ "~
Eembersr property hecuuat "".
„Rents snd Way)eaves. ...~ ."""- "-"„Strong Boom Fees
„garvey Fees .........."-.".- -""."""„Bales.Cstds, Books, dw. .."-"""""-..."
„Insaranee Premimne ...""-----.-""""
Property hccount
„Rates returncd ... ....... ........-"~"
„Bank Interest
„1)snsgement Expenses %embers' Property
„Dividend Co.operative Whohsals Society Bank. .
., Balance l—(PmdueSvs Expenses). ..
(Distribut)ve „)..
2 s d
119 6 4
444 5 7
15 7
4 0
13 6
1 10
9 0
8 19 11
0 ') 6
41 0 2
26 11 0
23 10 2
IC827 12 10
7,890 6 2
12 8
19 0
568 11 11
210,682 8 7 810,682 8 7
last ipuerter.
hdditicns toterccs Dividends on
d 8 s d
7,965 0
40 0
50 0
25 0
100 0
10 0
20 0
50 0
ll 16
10 0
10 0
Cc operahve Wholesale Society, Ltd.
Hebden Briidge Fustian
Co-opemtive Insurance
Co-opersEive PrinCing
Paisley Co.opemtive Hsnafseturiiug Society, Ltil.
Wm. Thomson tr Sons, Lrd.
Co-operative Newspaper Society, Ltd.
hitedsle Co-opersuvs Wotsted Society, Ltd.
Dudley Bucket sad Fender Society, Ltd. ............,
hleester NoaBemakers' Sooiety„Ltd, ........-.......',
She)Beld Cuilsty Society, Ltd.......................1
Leek Sioi TwisC. Society, Ltd.
0 i
0 l
Huston, Proctor ik Co., Ltd., Debentures
hocrued Iataresll
Bobey E Co Ltd. , Debentures ... ...,..........,
ILincoln Corpctanon Redeemable Stock.
1,836 5 0;)2414 0 jj
1,255 0 0 )
Loins i
Leek Silk Twist Society, Limited
Cooperuhve Watch Society, Ltd. ..................; 10 0
Norch Wales Quarries, Ltd. ... ..................'
50 0
Lincoln Hhle. Shn and Fst'Company, Ltd. ..........'
198 0
Ruston. Pmchir di CO., Ltd. ........................l
597 0
Clayton 8 Shuttleworth, Lhl. ............. .......1
85 0
Lincoln PLindmy Bank Shares ....... ...... ....'2,294 10
c il
I 105 8 10
I 0 0
I 5 0
1 0 0
210 0
8 5 0
015 0
010 0
30 12 6
s d
593 0 4
13 1 0
2ii I
110 0
9,563 9 2
54 I 0
50 0 0
25 0 0
53 17 1
106 0 0
10 0 0
32 10 0
54. 11 l
1116 7
10 5 0
10)5 0
1010 0
50 0 0
323 0 0
597 0 0
85 0 0
2,32- 2 6
1,860 19
1,2s5 0 0 )
3.880 0 0
817 I
6 0 0
21O O!
411 I
30 19 6
24 14 0
.16 5 ) 3713 8
s d
2965 0 0
o, o
E(0,..90 f'
.; 41():.r(kn
10 0
20 0 0
50 0 p
11 16 7
10 0 0
io 0 o.
10 0 0
po o 0
128 0 0
597 D 0
86 0 0
2,294 10 0
1,386 5 0
I;255 0 8
8,890 0 0
17,437 II 7
To Stook in hsud, Jsn. 1st, 1908
„Purchases snd Carnage ......„Productive Wages
„Distributive Wages ..........
Balance to ProSt snd Loss descant
5 s d 6
2,718 7 0
1,627 12 10
7,890 6 9
s d
7 sg
16 5
6 0
17 11
By Goods sold. ......,....."--.'-
„.Dividend'c on Parehssm. ...'. ."~ ~
„Stockin haul, dprS 1st, ISOS....
6?,185 11 0
612 4 8
56,87? 12 Ik
5124,675 7 Vt5124,675 7 ?d
To Non-Rcmberc' Dividend. ...................„Subscriptions ........................., , ...
„Branch Festivals
„dnnuat Fectivai ...........................„Conference Tees
„Two Dead Horses written oif ............„Speoisl audit and Vslastion ................„Under-estimated Sharc Interest tact quarter ..
2 s d
4019 9
4610 0
23 2 0
22 11 I
13 12 11.
70 11 3
108 0 0
24 4 Z
By amount fmm lest quarter
„Over cetrmsted Dmdeml hurt quarter
„Balance from Trade amount ...
s d
4 6 4}
5512 6
18 10)
17 11
Balance disposable
349 11 7
4,949 5 2d
25,298 16 sd 25,298 16
Wn, the undersigned, have examined the books and asoounts of your Society for the Qmetsz sndsd capri} 1st, 190S,
Jffrrt'f 28th, 1908.
Stocks ssd
accounts owing
Jsn. 1st, 1903.
Ceubrat Groeeri
Dntlury snd Rdhnery
Boots and Shoes ....... ....,
Butchery and Breaches ......Coals ......................Tailoring
Gutstthrg and Beady-Hades ..!Furnishing
Budtng .."-...".......'...".."..'t
Rill and Bakery. .................„Hykehsm Farm ......'
Vicarage Faun
Brscebrfdge Brsnoh
Bmtoa Boas Branch. ......., ....Shakespdare Street Branch ..........Bipon Street Branch ................Welbmnn Bnmch ....., .... .......Retheringhun Branch ........., , ...Cauwick Bmul Branch
Ssxilby Branch
Bsggehoime Bead Branch
Gmsham Street Branch
Bardney Branch ... ..
Hornmstte Branch. ....., ...Sleafonl Bmnch ....................
High Street Branch ..........Rarket Bases Branch
Wian Street Branch ....,....., .....Hackthorn Bmneh. ...,....v. ........
B s d
5,761 5 7
7,388 6 11
3,334 11 2
878 5 I
350 8 6
1,597 7 3
2,725 I 0
2,650 6 2
s,o'i3 6
4,816 0 9
522 6 2
1,165 12 0
1025 9 9
1,$63 15 0
349 9 0
814 8 0
1,615 I
114811 6
399 ll 0
?28 5 0
MS Z 6
859 12 9
900 13 0
1,811 11 ll
2,142 7 3
4,098 2 0
1571 4 8
578 2 3
282 10 0
587 16 0
190 IV 9
s d
I 4
14 4
6 4
6 2
15 3
12 8
12 0
5 0
18 5
18 9
14 2
13 10 4
912 8
6 810
6 14 10
o yu
aud Osrriege.
s d
2148 I 9
012 I '
0 0 6
44916 5!
113 2
109 15 0
95 2 4
601 15 6
147 0 0
54 16 ?
2,467 16 6
2,041 17 0
1,302 18 0
2,269 19 0
2,606 3 0
251 4 0
1,358 'l6 0
1,205 3 0
1,678 12 0
1,841 0 0
1,709 10 6
1,895 19 0
2,326 16 7
4,288 2 0
1.07V I 9
948 9 9
979 18 8
1,866 13 0
247 6 0
5 s d
101 I 7
136 12 5
84 11 0
268 16 2
1,025 2 0
73S 9 11
69 11 0
48 3 I
6 610
36"9 6 !30 5 0
610 0
24 10 0
80 7 4
50 'I 6
85 10 8
9 0 0
6 10 it
610 0
B,'s, 5
1,046-12 6
6cl 4 8
360 '8. 6
492 6 9
507 8 Io
151 15 10
239 1$4
524 15 9
2$5 8 8
1,468 lo 5
69:18 4
VS 15 8
278 14
244 8 6
129 3 9
2489 7
293 1$ 0
259 19 8
130 5 9
185 15
172 6
ISS 9 8
IVS 9 3
287 4
3VS 15 II
613 4,O
11110-'AA, '
IIS O-. g"
. 188 ko VV. .31 lbi 160—
5 s d
848 9 8}
250 IO li132 2 5
845 I 4
444 18
58 V
1$1 15 44
95 4
436 V Ii
125 18
9V 13 I+.
145 3 11:
X~I5IIMO, 1 .
5 s d
0 3
0 I 4}
0, I 5
0 2 lgl
io I 6
8 I tfd
0 I 7I}
0 O,II/
8 I 8
0 I I
0 I lg
0 I gl
.:O I
S 680
I rtf}S
s d
9 4
6 11
14 9
0 QO
14 8
I 6
8 Sd
4 ?O
0 6
9 Vd
8 ld
8 9
18 7
4 lod
12 6
I 11
12 ll)
16 Vr}
13 5
'5 Iok
, 7 0
8 Vrt
11 7
58,409 12 dd 51,919 16 5 87,983 5 9 S,VI8 7 0 9,?IV"'19r. R
Qtfl 18 '5k
Coal Sales at Lincoln. .... . .. 52,976 18
Do. Ceuntry Branches 881 10
Total Coal Bares. ... B$,858 $. 6.
To Stock in hand January 1st. 1907
„Goods and Pigs purchased .
., Transfers from other Departments
„Wages. ........
Balance. Profit
s d
508 19 7 ! By Salas
740 10 11 l „Transfers to oiher DspsrbneaM
o45 15 1 '
„Stock in hand December 81st, 1967.-.
380 17 8
134 3 0
110 1 5
22,370 7 8
17 0;,M
7 8
To Stook in baud January 1st, 1&07
.. Goods and Cattle purchased .......
., Transfers from other Departments
, . Balance Pro5t
s il
1,059 6 8
846 ll 8
206 16 1
259 12
126 6 3
818 5 1$
$2.416 17 6$
By Ssles ........ ......... ~ -......~
„Transfers rrom other Depsrlmabts ...
„Stook in hand December 31st, 1987....
$2,416 17
179 16 109
1,071 8 8
1,165 12 0
bfr. W Hillman, president. ..... 11 Mr T. iMsthsr, Secretary .. .. 11 j
'Mr. W Lovstt ..".- ~ """-.11 I"- «fffm 6.M Terner 9'Mr. C. Dawkins, Vice President. . 11 Mr G E. Beck................ 9 I
*Mr. W Roberts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- . .- M '
«gfrfa M. fk. finarm. ......., .. 11Mr. D. Worth. Treasarer ...... 10 "Mrs. M A. Dring .............. 11 ) lfr. C. Treavett. ..........,...
The kg ares after the names indicate the number of lfeetings attended, eleven havtbg bdsnftefd
'Retiring lfembers, each eligible for election
The Candidates nominated are blr. 4. Deskin, B.d., LL B., Mr, C. Dawkins, Mrs. M. 4 Dring Ilfr. T Gaylee«Xr«Wlfjsvsfkdgrs. 8L 4 ffnstm Mr Wm B bermMiss 4, kf. Turner.
Votes must be given by making a X opposite' to the names of candidate selected for sapport.
Each member must. show his or ber pass Card to obtain s voting paper from the person who gives them Ogf,
Members must not vote for more than Six Candidates. The hours of voting are from 12 noon all fbytg. baiMtnxftry bhy Lkth
Entertainment i blrs. Daiso. Messrs. Lovers ik Woarn; Library, Miss Tesxsa, Messm. Dawxrss «9 Boamrr ~
t Fmtthtfn
Two Sub-Committee Meetings have been held
To Balance forwsnl .....
„Reserve for Cleaning .
„Quartedy Grant ....
,.Cards, Catalogues and Piece ..
„Saleof Newspapers, Msgsxlnss. Jrc.
.. ikduft Chou
., Gymnasium
„Children's Festival ..............
dadttrd unu foui«'t correct, Spl'it Jlcf. 1908.
g. d Sad86910 0 0
18 6 9
60 l4 1
3 2 2
1 6
0 9 0
1 6 0
1 3 9
915 0
0 0
18 011
412 6
015 0
210 0
018 9
1 9 1
810 0
2 18 10
4 11
9 8 0
1 4 8
215 1G
0 7 2
0 010
01'0 6
0 6 7
286 0 99
-Effg 0 9$.
WM. P. 8RMSTftOWG, W. SPSLDfffiy, ~~!-."":-iu
By Librarian's Salary ... , .„Librmian's Resistant .„..Newsyayers, Magaxinni dnw. -
„ddult Choir ....
„Junior Choi
„kfusieLibrsrian .. . '... ' „"'' ""~ ."~ -.-.~
Giant to Women'a Gmhl ..... ..„Gymnasium
„Children'e FesMvat ..,, Panting sad Ststfrbfney
I::„Secretmy'e Poafsfpk
Grass to ManagsrkeCfeax
tstives, Mr. W. H. GOLDSTEIN
The Quarterly Meeting will be held in the School-room, COLEBY, on Saturday, Msy 9th, at 7-58 Pam ~ and Mr. G. HASLET.
Clarke, Hsrmston I Mr. J Flatters sndWare&ocau Bsszcu Couvuxxzz. —btr. D. P Ablewhite, Coleby. Chairman; Mr 5 Grey, Leadeni&sm r W'
.-hia snd Mr R Dave, Weibournei Mr. E,Mr. F. Thornton, Boothby; btr. B. Gsdd, Nsvenby; Mr. J. Msblechorpe, Wellingore; Mr. J. Sharps, Mr. n'8
Buoniag, Lesdenbsm; Mr. B. Allis, Pnlbcck; Mr. T. W. Codd, Csythorpe; Mr. E. Codd, Honingtou
The Quar'terly Meetiag will be beld in the School-t'oom, RIBBY& on Friday, Eay 8th, at 7 9 m. tsSve, Mr. G. HARMS.
n Secretar: btr. Predk. W. Baldook, Mr. Wm. Ogden,bfexuasmeaxu Bsexcu Couurrrsx. —Mr. John Caswell, Metheringhsm. Cnsirmsn btr. Vtsddtmn yi ~sd 5 M Joseph Bsumber, Digby;Mr. John T Bobinccn. Metneringhsm; Mr. Arthur Wilmn, Dunstan; Mr. Thos. Winnsll, Scopwick ' « harl s Ogden an r oceP
Mr. Richard Taylor. Blsnkney; Mr. Charles Msckinder, Kirkby Green.
Mn H. Psrlrec, Soathrey; Mr. G. Maddieoa,Besneux Bsxnca Couurrrss. —Mr. G, htiik Bsrdney, Chairman; vtr. W. W. Meanwell, Bsrdney, Secretary
Bardney; Mr. bf. Coitus, Bsrdney; bfr. J.Penwick, Bsrdney.
The Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Tempersace Han, SLEApaRD, on Saturday, May 9th, at 7 p.m. RepresentsRe resents&a, Mr. W. HEWSON.
se&ogham Moor, Chairman; Mr. D Sparrow, 7 Aiexandrs
S«a«rd Mr. r. Wsiner 15 New Street Slestord Mr. p W. Jsekron 9 Clarmont sce es m
"'5' «. W audxto Ei«««St to 8o 5 Si io 5 M 5 Ct I 17 i d. Boa re Bond, Stestord I «. H. itesvt,
Station Road, Roekington; ur. J. Smith, Chapel Lane, Lessinghsm
The Quarterly Ifeeting will be held in the Club Room, "George Inn, " MARKET RA8Elt, on Saturday, Igay 9th, st 'I 55 Pm 'Pmse
Mxaxcx Reczu Baencu Cozmxvss. -Ifr. J.J. Hopkins, George Street. Market Rssen, Chairman; bfr. John pickweB. Vnioa Streak Marketeet, srket Raven, Secretsr
bfr Joseph Penney Waterloo Street Msrlet Seven 'bfr J 7 Busboy Linwood dost market R,&en Mr J Wbitworth Oxiord Strmtxtord Street, bfsrket Recon;
Mr. Thos. Dean, Nursery Street, bfsrket Raven, Mr. P Ingleby, &Vsterioo Street, Market Raven; Mr. Moses Crow, WBImgbsm Road, Market Basen;
btr. J. T. Dowse. Gsllymoor Lane, bfarket Raven; Mr G. Ibbetson, Onion Street, btsrket Raven.
The Quarterly Meeting wBI be held on the Society'a Premises, BASSINGESM, ou Saturday, Nay 9th, at 7 p.m. Rcprmentahvc, Mr. C. OSTICE
Bees&nauru Bsxzcu Couurvvsa. —bir. W. Woodhesd, Chairman; Mr. T. H. Coliin, Secretary; «. Carter, Mr. E. Beynoidx, «. J Wsnhcad, Bamtugbam'
btr. J. Marshall, cenr. , Carlton-ie- Vtoorlsnd; &Mr. G. Johnson, «.E. Stones, Norton Disney; Vtr. J.Longmste Anbcurn.
The Quarterly Meeting will be held la the Club room, "Rodaey" Hotel, HCRNCASTLE, on Saturday, Msy Pth, at 7-89 p.m. RcPrmentstive «. G
Hoszmgxrs Bmucu Cozurrve&. —Mr. S. Bawling, Spiicby |toad Horncsvt&e, Chairman; Er. J. W. Gardener, 88 Queen Streak Horncavtie, Secretary;
Mr. 5 p. Whitworth, 88 Spilsbv Road, Horncsetle; blr. W. H. psrkin, Boston Road, Horacssrle I bfr. p Vsriow, I Hopton Street, Horncsctle;
bfr. A Blood, 98 East Street, Horncsstie; Mr. J.W. Cooper, 15 Albert Street, Hornosstle; btr. J. Gowsn, Si pmcpectStreet, Horncsctle; bfr. C. Larder,
North Street. Horncsetle; Mr. W. Atldncon. 58 Queen Street, Hornoastie; btr. J. G Moveemeaesr, East Street, Hornesstte; Mr. H. Sharp, 58 Foun«y
Street Horncsstle; Mr. Luna, Ediin&on. near Horneastle.
Tbe Quarterly Ifeeting will be held an the Braach Premisee, SAXILBY, on Satavday, May 9th, at 7 p.m. Representative, bfr. F.H. BATES.
Ssxrrnv Baxz&m Comrrrrsz. —btr. Geo. hisrchsll, Ssxiiby, Chairman; Mr. F. Cherrill, Saxilby, Secretary; Mr. Jnm Vsney, Saxilby; Mr. John Graves,
Saxi by; btr J'onstbsn Credisnd, Ssxilby; Mr. Hy. Caviil, Ssxilby; bfr. J'no. Wm. Poole, Bsxilby; Mr. John Dove, Ssxnby! Ilr. George Binghsm, Ssxilby;
«.Arthur Poole, Ssxilby; Mr Joha Revill, Ssxilby; Mr. Fred Dove, Ssxilby.
The Lincoln Co-operative Quarterly Record.
xtII Communications to be nddrcstsd to the Editor, Wm. Terner, 98 Queen's Crescent.
Na. g4
Co-operators and the Co-operative News.
I would appeal ta the Ca-operators of Lincoln ta take the
W Co-oPcr&csee ¹ms weekly, the aflicial organ of the Ca-
operative mavement. As a paper advocating social
progress and presenting things from the ca-operative standpoint,
it is worth reading. As G. J.Halyaake says: "Every new member
af a store should be reqnired ta take the oflicial paper. This alone
would increase the circulation of the Co-oPcrrrgve ¹ws 3a,aaa a
year, If every new member took the paper, every old member
would be very much wondered at if he did nat take it also. Na
groceries carried into any member's house aught ta be warranted
unless the newspaper of the stores went with them.
Ca-Operation is like a bicycle. If those wha ride it keep going
they ga pleasantly and mvfftly, and travel far, but if they stop
they must dismount or tumble. There are many great measures
a statesman canld devdse, and which he would gladly have his
name associated with, which he cannot venture ta bring forward
unless there be educated apinien ta appud1 ta. He is abflged ta
confess that "the time has nat arrived. *'
This is in some cases
a cant excuse put forward by timid or msincere statesmen. Sut
the truth of the plea is taa obvious where the public are ignorant.
In ca-operative societies, in their smaller way, the same thing
is true. Every intelligent board. of directors know that they
could da much better far the society if the members were better
informed. There is nat a ca-aperaiive society in the kingdom
which might nat be twice as rich as it is,gf the members were as
intelligent as they should be. Without knowledge, all movement
is like that of the vane-matfan withaut progress, whereas co-
operation should resemble the sere'w' steamer and unite motion with
advancement. "
Co-operation and the Small Holdings
and Allotments Acts, 1907.
S fins matter comes befar''e the another'5 'af .
fhcfc (yftmtccly
A Meeting May 8th and ath and the I hm In t1'e I gHa11, SiIvcr Street, May iyfh, we here ptfnf tha Clauses afthe Act refat g thereto sa th t members may read the achewording for themselves,
opmtATICN Bv
Thbys ara 'very wide
at fm r Ifafh .,
tlo-operators and the Sugar lax, and the
Forthcoming, Budget.
HE Parliamentary Committee of the Co-operative
T Congress are making representations to The
Chancellor of the Exchequer and urging him to include
the abolition of the Tax in his forthcoming Budget.
During the seven years the Tax has been in opera-
tion it has cost "Co-operative Consumers alone"
This is more than one-ninth of the whole Tax. The
Tax was imposed as a %ar Tax, and was never
intended to take permanent form. Therefore the
time has now arrived for its repeal.
COMMITTEE (constituted at a public meeting held on
A November zzth, zgo7, at which Lord Brassey presided)
has been formed for the purpose of establishing some suit-
able memorial of the life work of 5k. Hodgson Pratt. It is con-
sidered to be in accordance with lir. Pratt's own practice when
H~ring (and ivith what would undoubtedly have been his wish) that
the purely persorial part of this memorial should not be large, but
that the effort should be directed to the continuance of Mr. Pratt's
work by the foundation of a Scholarship, or Scholarships, or Prize
Essay associated with his name.
It is believed tha.t it may be possible to secure the placing of a
portrait, medallion, or bust of Mr. Pratt in the National Portrait
Gallery at a futrire date, and for such purpose it is proposed that an
adequate sum should be set aside.
It is suggested that the actual memorial should take the form
of Travelling Scholarships enabling workers of either sex to become
acquainted with technical and social development in foreign
countries, or the colonies, or in the endowment of a scholarship at
one of the Universities, with, it is hoped, the establishment of a.
Prize Essay on the subject of "Association
"or some other selected
theme which embodies the spirit of Mr. Pratt's many activities.
AH of these to bear Mr. Pratt's name.
A sum of at least $5,ooo will be required to effect these objects„
and the committee has complete congdence that aH who were
associated with iAIr. Pratt, and aH who have seen and felt the far-
reacbing results of his self-denying life, and who understand the
debt of the present generation to his inspiration. and example, wiH
enable the committee to find this su'm at. its scr'vice.
Lord Brassey is presiderit, Ixird Avebmy treasmer, aud' the joirit
secretaries of the committee are Mr J.C. Gray, , of the C'o-operative
Union, klr. J.F.Green, of the Internationa1 Arbitration and peace
Association, and Mr. B. T. HCH, uf the Wo'Ring Mcn.'s', Club aud
Institute Union.
Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to the Hodgson
Pratt Memorial Fund, crossed "Robarts, I.ubbock and Eo.,'*'.-aud
forwarded to the secretaries at Club Union BCHdingsr CfcrkgnwCH
Road, London, E.C.
Gleanings from other Balance Sheets
of Neighbouring Societies.
SPAIDIRG, Quarter ending- December 28th, zgo7.
Sales .. .. .. .. $3,478 2 xz
Share Capital .. .. @,35g
Reserve Fund .. .. l;igz o n
Dividend .. .. .. 6o o zo
Assets .. .. .. .. lg,5gz z6 7
Number of M'embers
PETERBOROUGH; Quartcrr Culling Dcccuibcr 28th, 1907.
Sales .. .. .. ., $78,8zg zz
Shar'e Capital .. -.gzg5, 435 z3 5
Reserve Fund .. .. f5;35'I 7 5
..~7;8xg x 6
Number of Mcmbets
SCUNTEGRPE, QllRIicr cudlng December 4th, Igo4 zgo7.
Sales .. .. . . /&6;24z zo ot
Share Capital .. ... gz8;g55 5 xi/
Reserve Fmid .. .. '
')z~r' 3 8
Dividend .. .. ,. go 2 o
Assets .. . .. .. x
N, ~'IM i-:::',:~j~g~*g '
G~'„:-'~'ending'. 0'ifiil 4th:I'go8
%~~k~'-r @78'*i% 6
gt ~
SWEATINQI Its Cause and Cure.
~ -,b L.
Whole ale Arinual; Igog, there is a remark
— inarii ~
I oe e;, r
able arucle on the aboz csubject, by L.
winch aH Co-operators should aud. It can be had at the
Library in Free School Lane.
His conclusions are as foHows':—
Sweatin, which is bnt a 'phase of poverty, Hnds its origin in thc
competitive system of industry. It can only co pbe m letelv elmun
ated by the loycal dev'clopment of,the principle of Co-opeiation.
realisation of our Co-operative'ideal, increasingly to control com-
petition and to nntigate its affects.
We can usefully proceed —'
z. To strengthen the laws relating to public health.
To restrict further''thc, conditions of- employment of aH
worl ers, and particularly of women and children.
To regiilate strictly the structure and sanitation and ven-
tilation of factorics aud aH other workplaces.
4. To check sternly industrial kglmg and mutilation and the
consequent manufactmc of widows and orphans.
To make orgamsed pmvision for widows and orphans and
aH helpless women "Iaboaiing 'with child.
6. To shorten the worhng, day, .
To give a proper physicaf, mental, moral, and industrial
training to every c'hild. '
8. To succour the uaemploycdby an intelligent and humane
poor law organisation, accompamed by drastic treatment
of the worthless.
To give pensions to the aged Poor.
xo. To legislate for a 'minimum wage:
And so onwards, until Cu.-operation, the Law of Life, is sub-
stituted for Competition, the Law of Deatlz
Artistic Tailoring at Moderate Prices.
We havd this season had a record trade, for Easter. This enables us to state, with confidence, that we are-':-"'-" =
giving enti're satisfaction. You can rely upon having a perfect fit, combined with the littest style, at a strictly:moderati. cost. We have the largest and most select Stock of Spring and -Summer Goods in the City,'u'nnqualled for Design and Quality.
We shall be pleased to supply Patterns and Estimates free on application. All Garinents are made in our;:s:-'-
dtwn Workrooms by Skilled British Workinen.
Spp&lfll AdVdiitflgf. S
' An C equ~ed Selection of Materials of eicclusive design.
2. Itetention of Appearance,
3. Solid Cloths, made of Pure Worsted dc Botany Yarns, the same throughout.
We Offer. ~ ~ 4. Ident guali)y only in Trimmings.
5. The I steal Styles snd Shades.
6. A Perfect Pit; with Comfort.
Members and Sons of Members should join the Provident Club NOW for an Overcoat in the Autumn,
- This department is now replete with:.NEW".00@AS for the SpnrkIG ah'd SIIMMBit SBAsoifs, and we are
—,. ~tco announce to,our Members that:our, .'-Seek'is thsoboughly'an uy-to-dste 'onu'„noi Pains have been sPared
ifffi~nttfe;, tha~„";which Will be.fnu'ndtsecond cto'none m' the.City for. Qualityr Style and Value; so that we
~~.'~tnt'hect;ddttieedpating 'a rtecOrd' 'Szeuagctnf S trade.
Soys'Youths'Aged's Tweed Suits f, «I ~"vE&&LE ~Ef'&~+&E
is well stacked with SMART SUITS in Velvet and Tweed. Theln au the Neer Green and Brown Shades and Stripes
edau Sut lu Colours aud Qualities, from Ii to 8/st Bine, and Green Velvet.
HATS of all kinds, in all Shapes, 6/6 to 7/6. STRAW HATS in great variety, Boys' and Men' s, at ptices
pLEAsE ckLL IhrtsD InrspacT.
Iffflt ftflfj Shnff 06Partment.
In this department we hope to do a verv large trade,
therefore we hre well prepared with a large stock of all the most
IIP TO-DATE FOOT WEAR for Spring and Summer, both in
Black and Tan Boots and Shoes. We are quite confident that no
p~m~ m~m~q
S eeial Notice!
To meet the requirements of Alem-
I ! hers desirous of purchasing FOREIGN ~
Grocery Department.
I t
!1!", '!!.'
TeaS are selected with the ntmost
Our eas care.
The'continued increase in Sales are
the best proofs of the qualities.
The Prices range from I/O to S/- per lb
We specially recommend
2/ 8 2/4those sold by ns at
Ouf Coffees are blends of exquisite
possessing a freshness
srhfch never fails to be appreciated.
~Prices 1/-, 1/4, and 1/8
per lb.
Cocoas and -Chocolates
Qualities and tlavoors to snit sll palates.
QT 3KOST RnksoÃsnLK parens.
d Trial and Comparison is all sre ask.
Butter FINKsT DANisH.
Direct importations' s times veeeBy'. -
Hams and Bacon
(PLartt aNn' S@oxxn)
, 1
— —
- . RICH
Great variety
'Popular Prices.
of the Finest Qualities
Bedding=out Plants frem Otjg 0%5 FARM,
tke., '&c., kc.
NOW READY OAW '~""'"~"'~'~~:.::-':==':.
-:-'-:- ':~ . , roc!ave prompt a~''-'I:-" '!
Apl .
~.' '.ly
3080. 3.9.
'7P 8.
PCi 6$. 1,
8,'?.'?g .
-!4g: l;;. c;
gl 4l,
if /PE'f. 4~pppg~.
wo-operative Society Limited
coovIB, iu'&'
on sr
iri h".'. ei t
Prod. P ~vate,
Ap v'i
J'uly ~
'i .'5
~i' ~484
" Total
* ' ~ t@
' ~
C. I. S. Prod.
g .
ia, , :g re,
stomers during the rear 1907
20. Total Amount paid or credited as Dividend on purchases to Cu
91. Average Dividend per Z on Members' pu
Iy ~i(
05 ",'". ':-.,~,
'= -:4g
tg 41' jlC1jl*.'4
A 3l
Of the
Co-operative Society Limited
F0R THE YEAR 1907.
43XZ4.X* Nr&s k lrLLQ% WXiCI. P'Q A.~g
'll. Number of Members .... ." "" ... .... .... .... .... .., . .. , ////-Sf
»2. Share Capital, NOT includmg interest, , „Q,,~~~»,:.„::.:;::,;::;;;~";,,;.:;:;,::»,+'.;,'.-, »~„',".'.:-;,".i
TradeDehts ... .... .... ,..';--':-.:.:::.
.gg$,g:, ' -
@ouse'~y, :own'ed'hy, ;Society''. » ':y'&~'8''u'-;;:;":.;!„"::;:i:,~~up»"
s, including Uivfdeed *::,'-',':. i:,;;:.:;";:.;:
8'eh etfes„-' 'iesnt ~"m~'All, ,
other 'Funds not provrde4 .for . ',' -
pcn1~nnt'%+fwaysj dtc., gteln@-, . ikove, specify these helovr I— . , —:,".: '.
mg 'credit hei'ance. n't::haik'andvessh
g,~;:"-:"1R, Oeu'ng to "the Boei»ety forgoods ',
.fluq! 5 ,A //-I
. Number of Employee on December 81st, 1907—
Distributive ....,
4qjI:.pthar::, OIIleers .not meluded in the, . . . '",', '.»:.I'::-,:,~'r»'i:,-'."„'!"
g Norz. —This item must include the actual proiits of the Society, after providing for theexpenses, but before dednetinII interest on share capital, i.c., in all cases let theamount stated as»prost Include t'he'sum which is paid as interest on the sharecapital of the society. This is specially requested, in order to show the pro5ts ofall societies on an equal basis.
Amount of Interest psidon 84ue Capital „:/:.
, g Total krnonirt paid. or credited a'
n-:Dtsn~i+~hases to Customers during the year 1907'
l1.:Ave e Dividend er k ' -' '"
',yr~~.g .~~'~~
pe saeQst44e- ~~
equitable Co=operative Industrial Society, ~,
special attention of the Member. s is callecl to the choicely-assortecl alrcl up-to-datein this department. Last year the Sales exceecled those of the pr evious year by pl, el33
and they are still increasing. This surely should prove to those who are not makingtheir purchases with us. that those who do loyally patronize their own establishment
O v v dMdl' vc d,thorough satisfaction is given, and that we are being recommended by them.Let us once more appeal for greater loyalty. Our gieat CLEARANCE SALES have the eIIBI
of keeping our Stocks clean a)rd free from any . accumulation of old stock, and constadditions are being made of Newest Goods most carefully selected.
For Good Value for. Money you cannot buy better than at YOl!R OWN SHOP.
Furnishing and Hardware Departments.
lover 100
sold thrsseesoo)
e d
+Federation - - «om 4 l9 0 +
Elswick . - - „6l5 0 +
RIIdge-%hitworth „519 0 +
Travel I in@ Req uisi tes.
Hammocl Chairs, ~& Good variety of Mailcarts
Q Upholstered Wicker Chairs,2/IO. 3/h cr 5/I I. $' aod Pashcarts. $': from 6/I I; .ENAMELLED AND BRASS PRESERVING PANS.QA 8 DE g TQQ l $ Syringes, Water Cans, Lawn Irtlowers, Bamboo Canes& Hdeat-
Grass Shears, Ae.
SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES. Sights Tested FI'ee. , Satisfaction GIIaranteed':-""": '
English Beef, /8 trtton 8 Pork. '.";,„;.;;;;;."~™'~.-PORK PIES, SAUSAGE, and POTTED MEAT are fresh 'daily, and of om'own manufatherefore can be relied upon for purity and. quahtye OtrxrrTv and CxzaNz. toss. our:HoME-cv FIED BAcoN AND HAMs a specialty. Every one guatsln'look into rtnr Harn, Bacdr anrr hard Factor) tsilr convince you v;e are the largest curers in the City.Ring up Na. 8- Orders ssri11 recef are prone ps and cssreful ssteenere
Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acu 1893.
OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY.—First, it Provides its Members and the General Public with Bread, Flour,
Grocery, provisions, Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Butchers' Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware,
Furnl'ture, etc. ; Second, it seeks the Domestic, Social, and Intellectual advancement ofits Members.
ess grl73, 500. Number of Members, 11,500. Share CaPital, 8158,396 1s Od.
I oan Capital, 853,630 63. 6d. Reserve Pund, k5,890 193. 1&d.
The REPORT and BALANCE SHEET for the I8pth Quarter,
Ended JULY 1st, 1908.
Grcaerr nrslverr. e 4 ss~ TSBotllls ollunslls rvteaeles + mu,
Pumhsees from the Co-operstive Wholesale Society a16,325 a3,698 gf,66$ a210 a911 X1,827 a16 84
from other Co-operative Sourcee ... E$39 E115 E73 rf0 968 S2
Value of Goods produced, gmwn, snd manufactured by this Society
Butter snd Eggs from Country Ifembere
af 220 826 877
g22 987
No. 1
n 3
Central Stores and Offices —SILVER STREET and
ll Branch —BARDNEY.
No. 1, Ripon Street; No. 2, Gresham Street; No. 3. Burton Road; No. 4, High Street; No. 5, Bsggeholme Road
No. 6, Boundary Street, Bracebridge. COLONIAL MEAT SHOP, SINCIL STREET.
The ANNUAL MEETING will Pe held in the LARGE HALL,
On MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST ~h, 1908, at Half-past Seven o'clock.
~ends of Rusiness:
l.—Minutes of last Quarterly Meeting snd Special Meeting,
Msy 11th, 1908.
2.—Admission of New Members.
3.—Bepors snd Balance Sheet.
4,—Application for a Subscription to the Orphan Fund of
the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants.
5.—Nomination of Five Members of the Educaticmsl
6.—Eleotion of President, Treasurer, eeretiry, Thme
Committeemen, and Two Auditors.
7—Any other business.
«Rr. WIL HEWSON, President
")Ifr. WhL COULSON, Tressumr
eKr. WM. Tl)BNEB, Secretary
r. W. B. HOWARD ..
hlr. IL SlfALLEB
'hfr. F. H. BATES
Aonmoas —*hlr. W. P. ABhlSTBONG, ifr. T. E. CURTIS, lfr. R. DAY, snd 'Mr. W. SPALDING,
Cmnraa —Kr. FRED STEPHENSON. Assrsvsar Cmarsa lgr; H. H. ROPER.
Retiring Members each eligible for Eleciioa. 96 Committee Meetings have been held daring 4he Quarter.
Candidates Nomins4el for the Electioa of President: —hlessrs. G. Harris and W. Hewson. Membcm must vote f»»e only.
The Csmhdstes Nominated for the Election of Three Members of the ifsnsgement Committee I—lfessrs. 6' Bacon F H Bsbn H BeH T Burii R Fisher
W. Hewson, C. Ostich, F. Swsby, snd G. Ward. Members must not vote for more than Three Candidates.
Voter must be given by mating s X opposite to the names of cs'ndidates selectel for support.
Rash member must show his or her Puss Card to ob4ain s voting paper from the person who gives them out.
The hours of votiag sm from 19 nooa tiH 9 pan. on Monday, August 19th, 1908.
Boor kiln Snos
Ga os a av
lhasa mr
hfessrs. HABRIS, BATES sad HABLEY.
Colas .. .~ .~ .. Messrs. HOWARD, HARRIS sud BATES.
Botsotaes .. .. Messrs. HSWSON, WARD snd GOLDSTEIN.
Fmeuca .. .. .. Masse. COULSON, TUBNRB and HOWARD.
Boxume, Iuva Srocu saa Fmw Kessm. USTICE, HOWARD snd SMALLER.
1. That ao Member be suowed to spesb more Quw once on ssy motion st the Quarterly, or sny c4her General hleetiag of the Miinbem convened for the
pmpose of ~gthe basiness of ihe Society, escept the movers ol motioss snd amendments, who shsH each be avowal s reply i snd no Member shall spesb ~g~q
ouch reply.
9. That nc lfambers, except movers snd seconders of Resolutions, be sHowed to spesb more than gve minutes on any Besolution. - .
I g. That sH qaestions relating to the Balance Sheet, which sre sent to the Secrebtry before the General Meeringl have ths pmfersncs.
Whenever amendments sre anule upon original propositions, no second amendment shall be 4 shen into considenVSun mtSI. Eiiidfdif'E(f'tsstthsees rse
of. (s) If s &st amendment be carrie it shall displace the oriuiasl question snd become itself the question; wbeiespoa ally'-~tnoved, (4) If the 'Srst amendment be negatived, then s second msy be moved to Qw original question ender senshleration; bat only. oaa'Keeping fbt 4saassion st one time. (c) The mover of slaty resolution snd of every smenibeeai iTisE hive a itgKi of rijity,'sbsE be pat fmra tbs chair; bat po o4ber Member shall ht aHowel to speak more than once on ths same question, unless permission be given 'eup St,sthsti'cn cf the chair be calieE to a posit of enlei.
fs A msthm oaee eeried sbaH not be rewind'sd at any lfeehng m&eut due notice ha~ bees given.
~!'gp-" „"','; I If', =';, 'Efs . ', „,:~s)bttf, :;bshe ItstEghtbf ~ll 'm cpsn' tsl laty IE INC m '~. '*. , eae question. ";4 c., Clat the motion ~om
Ws bsg to submit to you:t'hs d87th Qaartsr)y Report and Ba)aacs Sheet. The total amoua4 rsosiysd for Gosdg
':f)et;EVEetfgghc 'L%«"gL~,;~sft"f~:,9'8::.'Ed fif@,EIL'.4ij 'cusp", bfitr',;
'qusr')(sr' &-.„4egsyssr,
&egtste Iud Oi)foes
leik +~,:elneI „Cene,ISISasa. aeeasueual~ltsm
@)tvrI ~,:;-M~%-:~~;m:.Sdvsa.„ff~=sird-:%'s:%sw, ~~~~8m,::Cin8 ~4,we hops b»~4
s'. '
'h ' " "hei " '
n waats
oi'ii sm m in t rapidly gro~ dimmot 'who hsvs hssa Es)ria for
"~:', '"-~:;:;i'-' "' . 's8j
ia the asighboarhood for ssvsral yssry.
- . g
Ws hsvs hoagh4 some laud adjoining our Branch at Horncast)s, wsrs we iaisnd to buf)d 8 New Rikshouto mss4 oar rsquirsmsats tn that district. 0aus sad Stab)st'I,'&
Ws have dscidsd that. with tbs new qasrtor ihs Coal Club shall be discoatiausd, ag it wss aot be' ussdMom~ in s reasonable maaasr, but ws have msds arrangemsats that lfembers can take advantage of the ordia prtil ~s purchases of Coal, if tbsy Eo dusirs it, along with other goods. ep
Signed on behalf of the Coownittee of iVanagenicnt,
TE =',.
To Cash iri Hand snd Shop Tttbt, kpr]l'1st
„(trode gold, .....
;;Ocntribntions to Share Celpifsf .....
Iiosn Capital .:.:....
Special Doss Capital
. 'Prmny Bnr)b Capital . .
Frdvident Clirb
.Goal Club
,-, Repayments, Membets' Pmperty decuunt
„Rents .........................., ...
„Interest on Investmentc ......... .....
(Reserve Fuod)
„Sale Fixed Stock and Horses account ..
„Rates returned
,, Insurance Premiums (nembers)
„Branch lifsnsgere' Bonds
„Rules, Cards, Cash Boobs, etc. .........
„Proposition Fees
„Trsneier Fees
„Nomination Fees
„Strong Room Fees
„Survey Fees .... ...
o gagbb=lgithdrswi)s
, 1808.. 288 412 I
4,714 6 6. '
2,047 18 8 7
2,014 18 6 r
1,242 6
p'0;0255 f',jj"~
004 1$.)8,-,
660 810/
R268 2' 4.
TS 16 Sv'
16 8 84
I 18.'e/+
388@ 8 0~
, r oncet ...:,:..;:,.:.,w. 'n=*
:.i!i. i:krone scen scars~ ~cSsidnnt ..",....'.'....n:,;.rv'.--.... 188RN .8
46 Rnttdjtl(tkeesnnb. ..». '- ., ''%'0" I~:;8 8
gelnbsrs Stggpcnty ~~c~ m 3 ici:tcsarsdc888'- 'h, Iiabb)SIStjgn's~',
cnnsnj)tchc mc)8cri;.:,", ;.,'
18 0
jjt 0~
.4tt18 8 y
88 1 8 v'
SL 8 Syy'
&IS' 6 4'
810 Vy
7 8~-'
82v)88 6' gv!
880'24 gi.
„":Frctjlastsvac %ig'ear *',.:.:;,',...';.';.,',.".c '':,'";,.;,',-',c';.,(br888,88r,8
%agan ...':.'
c...,..:.'.;,,.v.' .'-. . .
rgAkk& ..S.
"--ceres)c,a r'
Ranilug-kpg1 721(t+:- get
.108 *:tr.",
878,113 4 glad le 4
t»revioae Cost.
s d 8 s d
sad iuoas by tha '
noel~et 'econ, l
Central, Branoh Stores
and other Business
Beetling-houses .
Agricultura Land and
Buildings ... ..;..;...
99,554 le 0
18541 6 6
6,491 I 9
40 0 0
124.517 0 8 40 0 0
1,888 0 0 10'k,gdS Ilt 'Vl, ';810Id '0
Igdgty '.
9':0 .9:,$1$-=$'; 0'
'»$4$$ I" 9 .Iv'Igg:M"', 9'
190448'" gi' $4;fjpt» 'rd
$$$ 1$ 8'
*9$ 9',0 $9$tg "Id tg'$$: *;" 1 ','
0$~ .8,';S.':g; *
ddgithms ddditioas by
T ~ Beprerdatton, ', . kthrsnd '»!Peom. . . .„Sets»o»1, .wrtttimug """'. '«"',"o ' Balaiioathis BuSdfdg sad
g, t Previously. '
" .Itive', .'.
& So
.- 'Ivleed tttbetr 'Prugt»SP»hei ""''!~'."""'" BthutndtQuarter. Iver lag Dept. allowed. tdugnuu, . i,. '. n»nd"Burma.
. *StNdtni"::Mgmattdtn»v ', ,
9 s d $ s d 9 s d 0 s d 8 s 8 0 s d '0!'e''d B s 4 0 s d 0 s d 0 ~99,o87. 1» 9 IVI 18 0 .... 29,709 19 2 90,269 8 9 $SI 17,0
40 8 10 88 6 6 41 4 11 90,885 4 8 Sdtyd 7
Previous Addi@one
ee .
. .thte: „,''; '
~'-', :,':,, Waistnek
s d s d
" '
$' s''4' .:y'' " '
8 '4'
r '
0 s d 'y '
4l ~ d16,596 19 0 18+$8 19 0 ,V,86$ V. 0 jf. 800 5 0 g 7,$$$1$0 f 5»850. 0 0' /'
Ita; r ':,- .- =:::;,.=-:, " „.:=. :..
", .: 4l',-,s' 'd:!'»regs!=,"'e',:4""A
5167 715 9 I $167,725 9 1
19,669 14 4 f„SS?&sueso ~and Ious ha«sant ...... ......:......... Srfps IV II» sf;,
gisg 159 7
5 s d '5 s d
8619/46 js 6 &r'
110 sf'
159 15:11»~
SV. V 9:fr
41 4114
I 0 sr
509 19
5;844 15
'$5,647 '5 8 /
s d 8
95 Is sir'
97 19 O»r
5,695 Q"
~, eiuonntfuas js'rt'rjsjut«ni ';r»y.
"":"-"~ .-"
,.Or, -ud?uujuh:~jjtlsijntuu
To Nnuimrsabsrs' Dtrtdssd .............—.»
„Snuuh«?rootle«Is .......*........-..-..;
„Prosnsfife Sxepiofs'os' Oating
,.Qj'uto, se»r'sea'sold —Sejanes writte'u, og
„Ufufsiue«tjtsstad'Shine Ituruost jasj Snertsr
„Sah'inaa, dispossljjs
Wn, the nrjdernjgned, hare oxemjnek tire boohe hn
Jeep Xft?t, 1st?8
$5,547. 5",
tj aeoonnte of your Socio»ty-foo;jfihf:»~, ,'Srgfh?i Sajy shiit;1908 -=:~g;
' ',lj",«:jr d. '.
Qhiss-II 6,
6«048 6 0',
9?Iss: Ill 6'. .
sr»60 O' 9
9»ISV 8
.505 8
1«760 '6 I
7 818
0,419 16 0
5,800 18.10
V,459 7 9
S,S40 0.
78 17 5
9717 19 5
Sr774 18 4
6?IS4 9
'5,9V5 10 I
668 8 .9
?~Is 6
967: 0 '-S.,
1181 8 .0
640 19 0-
798 6 ii
1.647 0
I;185 18 0
48I 0 0
688 5 0
. 451 7 0
SVQ 14
'I'.649 19,4
I,VBS 4 It
4,418 0 Io
Idisfi 11 9
644 I:7 8
Sss 18 0
sits:I'9 0
.. I'll8 .5 .8.
59795 6 7
-..«611 8
4:4 S.
SVjf 'll
6' I-'. .9!11. 9:.
9;565 9 I
1661 Ii 6
I??Vd I -5
999 19
9«SIV os 6
;977 rl. g
S . -!p. ii,"
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1908 -directors'_report_-_part_1

  • 1. S THE LINCOLN ' Equitable Co=operative Industrial Society, , ', LI &1 IT E D. j lf N:»::«::::::::::~ '- -:' ~ ~: ~ ~ ++'&~W~A+%i We+r H 8 Y«&&N+Ã /~ c% rR+: H". ::«:::::W N+S. t jd kgb
  • 2. , 5-:",, 5', : . BrapeI y and Millinery Oepa ptments. o&RM" ' Half-yearly Clearance Sale '"': on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, and shall continue it until the Saturday %eel following. During that time our Stocks will be sold at reduced prices. Greater reductions win be made on After Season's Goods, and these, with Remnants of all kinds, and several very Special Pure»ses, will constitute our Bargains. The favour of your call is solicited. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. In this Depsrtenent we hope to surpass anything we have bad in the past for smartness snd also for quality. In our LA DIES' DEPA RTMEN T we shall have Shoes, Laced. snd Bats, from 2/77, these have rio equal; snd a splendid stock of better qualities, from'3/77 to 16/6. We would ssk our. Members and the Public to come snd have a kook round. , and we feel sure they mill be pleased with our stock. In our GENT'S DEPARTMENT we beg to ssy we have the most Up-to-date Stock that we have ever had. Light Boots from 4/77 up tc 1S/6. Box-calf Bsl. snd Derby from 7/71, and our Ken's %o'rking Boots from 4/71, sre very tl value. Gome snd see for yoarselves. REPAlRS. In or Bepsirin Department we are doing a very lstge trade. Heshing bat Best English Leather ased, snd Fsfr VV ages psith Therefore we ssk you so bring your Repairs where they wi11 be neatly amt qaieklv Bone, aml returned to you, the same dsy H required. N OUR BUTCHERING DEPARTMENTS again report Increasing Sales, ;;.;.;;,"",::";„;":,ENGLISH MEAT. ~ TRY US AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. ! SAUSAGES, BRAWN, POLONY tt'c PORK PIES FRESH DAILY. QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF CHEAPNESS. Hoine=cnred BACON and HAMS s specrs1ity. Everyone guaranteed. Upwards of 16 TONS having already been cared, snd by the end of the season we I hope tc doable this quantity. A good supply always on hand at our Central snd .Branch Butcheries. NOTICE.—XII Slaughtered and Cured on yoa Own Premises snd Sold in tbe above Dep'artments. 5 Furnishing and Hardware Departments. „„,',",',ll. .. tTOUSEtTOLD FURNITURE ",',","„'i',l' '. :.-:, „', Ol;R OlYN-AIAKE A SPECIALITY. CoiVIPARE QUALITY. PRICES CANNOT BE BEATEN. %e hold a very large stock of HApDAARE and CQOCKF/Y, Showrooms of which are in the Basement under the 1st Floor of the Furnishing and Tailoring Departments. ittt: 3E%'ELLERY DEPARTMENT. We have a good selection of these goods. Should our Members require some line we have not in stock, Makers are always pleased to send selection of goods on approval. %ATGHES, GLOGES aml JElVELLERY REPAIRED ON THE PREMISES. Prices reasonable. Mfork gusrntttea OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. ~ALII& S~~d'Zaefs~mt, .mt~f~rht, u'h. v"~~::,-',';:-' tes'timonnds from Members whn. have'been fttted by us, and we, shall be pledsed to show them to sny of onr Mcmbers-' PICTURES FRAMEB, Sample of fjfonldfngs to.he seen fn the Shave Departateat. Speciai Sale of Pictures at Reduced Prices.
  • 3. ON IS STRENGTH. " 'girlrahr (6qlriiabii Ka-apzratibz ktha3triai Wacirfa. Kth.ESTABLISHE D 1861Registered ender the Zndnstrisl snd Provident Societies Act, 1893. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETt.—First, it provides its Members and the General Public with Bread, Flour,Grocery, Provisions, Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Butchers' Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware,Furniture, etc. ; Second, it seeks the Domestic, Social, and Intellectual advanc The QUARTERLY MEETINO will be held in the LARGE HALL, On MONDAY EVENlNQ, FEB. 10th, 1908, at Half-'past Seven o'clock.~a ef Ratguese: 1.—Minutes of. htst Qasrterfy Meeting'snd Special Genteel 10. Apphcstton of the Derb D
  • 4. 8 r v k LIE)'VOLE RJUIVHBhR CO-OPED'WAIVE Ii()tB(lS)i&/I'Hh SHEIK'I'-Y, t(I t, 1I'I'HI). 'I .. 'iVR. HE%SOB, President. .. 2i edfr. QE(b BACON Ilr. IIED. WARD .. ~ ST Il.. VH. COI, LSON, Treasurer " „,. 2: c i ~ COMMITTEE OF lKANA. GEMENT. *ISr. W. B. HOWIBD .. . . .. "I Kn E. IL ERIES .. . .. gg Ifr. C. OSTICK .. .. .. gg is)gr. W. H. GOLDSTEIN " " - - 27 IIi tl':D I ' SBIS . . 27 'lfr bf. SMILLEB. . .. Sv Xr. W. P , qC9)SSB„Hr. B. Dhy, aud, Kr. W. SpdLDcRS+:,I, ;o,-- Csmuna- , Mr. H. H. HOPPER. ~ - ' Igsmbsm sash eBgt jq:~pfestings have bees hslddurhqf Hie ~.:,'",-, :;„".;—;:„:.';: Cr .: . .-.:-:—.::..: . ~g ' Wtb jtbmqg "~~;-",&dm '. Q;~'Tv.Q''.~'ILm H.,gma)bwr P,'gushy. -- ~umstknctvqla, forrmdrs Smn»e ~a,"',, umam ef the aaufgdatm 's'elected fcz sappbzb .ar mss s w his or hsr Pass Card to ahtsla ay ', " zbe persoa who gives them out. I' .: "- 2 votiag are Rom Ig noon to p psnl on IIQIID loth, lcgg DEPA.RTKENTA.L E.-r 'N lfessrs. COULSON, HEWSON snd WIBD. Sleuus. ;ShfbLIJIIL, '. Tilxostso ~ ~ ~ Ifkssrs. HKWSON; COMMITTEES. Come .. .. .. .. Hesgua HdlLBISi HOWdBB iuid . I -„*" trpgyc~dHIS)fl(t+I)STIPE, WSBD,aud' .and HOWBSIt ;„,i~',~)IowdED and ~IIIS sod QOLDSTE Bcvcnxsv Messrs. BkCON, HARRIS sod WIRD. STANDINQ ORDERS. I, That no Idember be allowed to speak more than once on any motion st the quarterly, or sny other Qenersl Ifeebng of the hfembers convened for thepmpose of tnmsscting the business of the Society, exoept the movers of motions snd amendments, who shsB each be sBowed s reply; snd no blember shall spealr aftersnob reply. That no blembere, except movers and eeconders of Besolotions, be sBowed to speak more than gve minutes on sny Resolution.! s. That sB qnesilons relating to the Balance Sheet, which ere sent to the Secretary befoxe the Qenersl ldeeting, have the pndenmec. vsr amendments szs male upon oriynsl propositions, no second smendm'ent shall be tabes into consideration untH the Srst amendment has beenof. . (a) If s gmt amendumot bs omzmd it shaB ihsplsoe tbe origmst question snd become itself the qneslion; whereupon say further amendment msy be,;.'vileii-, ,",.at'avsd. (b),If' the grat amendmsnt be negatived„then asecond maybe moved to the original question nnder consideralionl bst ccdy ons amendment shall be snb-to tbs Ifeetiag for 'esussion at oas 4'. (e) Tbe mover of every resolution aad of every amendment shall have s zight of reply, immediately after which tbebe pat fmm the chair; but no other hlcmbsr sbsB be aBowed to speak more than once on the same question, unless penniudon be given to explain, or theattention of the chair be csBed to s point of onler. a motion once oamicd shall not be 'rescinded st any ldeeting wftbout dse aotice having been given. fo Wlsm sny motion or amendment hss been made snd seconded, it is open to sny bfember to propose the "previous question ";eke., that the motion before: . The bleating be not pct. The mover snd seemder of "the previous question" cannot afterwards speck on the motion before the Ifecting. When tbe Pre:ident ri ei io -. peak, Ilercbere shall immediately take their seat--.I COMMITTEE'S REPOBTTO TllE MEhlBERS, We bcg tc submit tc ycu the 185th Quarterly Report snd Balance Sheet. The total amount received for 6ocds sold 8 the quarter is 874,127 5s. Qd. , being an increase of 67,682 12s. 5sd. over the corresponding quarter of last year. The uctbprcflts on the quarter's business, including 8182 19s. 7d, brought forward from last quarter, after sllowiug for all expenses, depreciation,snd interest, amount to 24„690 Os. 5(pf., which, with 8500.from Reserve Pand, we propose to dispose of as follows: —65 100 Ou, M.Dividend cu hfcmbcrs' Purctumcs gt I/6 in the g, 260 14s. ld. for Educational Purposes, 225 Os. Od. to Workmen's InsurancePuud, 84 6s. Qd. carried forward tc next quarter. 288 persons have joined the Society within the quarter, 225 have withdrawueand 48 fcrfcitcd as pcr rule, mating the present number 11,458. Wc src pleased tc say that the Climax Cheek System is urorkiug well, there being fewer mistakes to rectify than used tobc with the Boot System. The Committee would appeal to all Members tc be part' Idar h h ' t b c rs c c p ie w cn pure acing tc remember and givethc;z cwn numbers, as uct remembering aud giving wrong numbers has been the f t f th ' tak h hu c causa o mcs c c mistakes that have occurred.Thc Plans for the Office aud New Tailoring and Out6ttiug Dcpartmcutx at the Central have been passed by the Committacof the Corp, mt n, and wc hop tc b m a p tiou tc st~ m a fcw wccta mth this work. Wc bcg tc announce that is the- intention of the Committee at th M ~~a rtcrl M ting,e, c ay Qoa y cating, acting on Counsel'g opinion, tcpropose an alteration of thc Rules, viu. , "that one of the objects of thc Scc' ty b th furth f h ' *tron of S
  • 5. aJoe Jad px fo alex aqr Xe aseaxam pue 'axas auo Japun sluaurroffe fo sxapfoq urorf urnuue Jad . pg 'fies 'Ie aanaururoo Xq3nn pue 'pardnooo a&saran aql 01 nip Joaoe afeDs parenpeJS 'e 110 axf pplorfs snort * sxfneq feraxaunnoo fixeulpxo aqt fo ssarqnfasn fo axaqds aqX apts -Xno uraqX aoefd saauetsmnoxlo asoqxs asoqy fiq pafequroo srreaur srr fiq aJe 'ffo arfeqs oX Xfnorffrp uapxnq p. amooaq 'or paxxosax aouo 'qorq, lx 'Japuaf fiauour JO „aarffo ueo 5ursrrxaJ e a o suorfae l. 'E pfirole sftg, " 'fuaa Jed p of-.'6'.moxf'ge "paxtofftx arf rxrurerri-+OO aqX fiq papuafep pueq ~faxrf aqx fo SarrP4, 'qoftye' uo 'qo4eijpe, Uf, fuss, s~rf'-e ff'eq':Xaqtxniut I'fiXPfejjj"~&~0trfafff' ffttlMB Of uoffa» axfef fiffpeax'fteteu tres IIOSXrra qetrs tpxqrt Ur ' ' "UO pfref Ppjoqs rfjataoS jueuaL aqf Xerff'afqesntpU arf'~ ~ ~ „* Irfprxea fav„sfuamfoffv puxr sffni ' ox tlosxad xff e se sxaqmam-eroffaf siq hq Jaserpxnd aqf fo fsxtoxrfde'lfemS aqf Xeqst afeafyutr Of afefutuaai Xef Os Seq fxeffa UV . , aqf Oj Xaafqne 'Sfuamanoxdmf. Srq ffe m Xeaxafm. erq' fa 'a~rxye..Of saauerxpe xof sfaexff. px. fl flfeut atff fiq Josaatuexet4qfo ', ' fsarf aqf of asxefsf'p. of 'Sufpfoq sfq, qsmbuqax of axle'ay,-;';;:Srfxrtf aqf UI Xatfffa 'Upfernqxra xfarff Jafouruxd fietU ~ttnoO'fiftmoO .: 'fxfVfx aqf pue'SpfOq aq Syuef arp JOf axnuaf. fo,', fisfrinets &", spire'f'x, xapuff xov lean sfrff go irriofsnroxd aspe atff fiq' 'parxomax —.ffa'neo' aqx ox fixaraos aqx uroxf anp sr xeqst fo Uotfxodard slqaxe sxfueq Xfpaxa qeffqefs'a OX ~'feffdea fo Uorsproxd —'. fifaraOS srq OX unq moxf any gnax fo Xmiome paxtrf aqf xof UJUXanatfi:m paxafmroana. uaaq aAeq Xsed aqf Uf qaupn saftfnarfffp aqL III 'Jaqmam"Xueuaf qaea of axnsua pploqs sfU3UIRkdksxt Sr3rtowze eexxsrronfsla Unrrnlos fiOJIexrxx JIO SIIOXXXarrOO Uzevs. rnffu rptxS rt- i,*~, ' A . ' ' -'. 'tfff00Kff I.'IffKXffVQ5 IdXXVffffdONO ÃIDOHPI SHL
  • 6.
  • 7. BESPOKE TA II ORING DEPA RTMEN T. Our Spring and Summer Patterns are now in, and we shall appreciate su opportunity of showing vou our Selection, including a large assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, ' arid Saxony Su i ti ng s, AT EXCEPTIONAL PRICES. Confined Cloths and Unique Styles. We sre in a position to give absolutely bette~ value than any competitors, snd invite Members to make comparisons before dealing elsewhere. We are prepared for e, RECORD Season's Trade, snd ssk you to place cour orders as early as possihjc to prevent &j&»appoint- ment in the height of the Season. DON'T DELAY! DON'T WAIT.' Get into touch with us to-day. Prices that will suit everybody. All Garments made by British Skilled Labour GUTFITTIN0 AND READY-IIADE DEP IIIIRTMENT. In tbsnkinc our kfembere for ti&cir very' generous support of this Department &ianna the present sec»on, we beg rc auucuuce that we have already made extensive Q P R [N G g FA QQ N Specially wc u&gl&t LITTLE BOYS' SMART BELT SUITS in Green, Blue and Dark Cardinal Yelvet, Fancy Tweeds, etc. YOUTHS' and MEN'S in Up-to-date Patterns. PI eliminant'y . Announcement. Yfe wish to bring before the notice of our Members that it Is intended to again hold a GREAT AFTER SEASON'S CLEARANCE SALE during the Month of February, for 14 days only, commencing on Monday the 1?th until the end of the month 1@hen they will find it to their advantage if they will be good enough to look in. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS SEE BILLS. SUB=CENTRAL STORES, HIGH STREET. PAPE/HANGINGS ! PAPE/HANGINGS!! SEASON l BOY,. P'rcp&trarions for the coming Season are now in fuii swing. rl 0' have Come.and iasPret ur Stoclr wh eh is th ls g st in the Co nty. I Nta~ P I llollSRAU PleCt&S I We caa show yoa the best assorted and most artistic Wall Decorations to be got for the price, class of Paper procnrsble we ars shia to supply, not only inexpensive Machine Printed Papers, but a range of Stamped Papm In Relief;. LMnomars'. &An»glypto», ' kc„with:",bold embossing '&sad, customers requiring Hsndpainted Papers can alBo be »applied Every piece of Paperhangings, whatever tbe price, ik manufactured fn England, a fact we desire to impress We have in stock —PULPS, from Ild to 5d, SANITARIES, from 2 d to tf . GOLDSj g Wd &r t/-, SILKS, T,td. TILES, OAKS, STAIRS and CEILINGS equally cheap. , -;.v%', Plain, 'Stt&tts& I&a»dms 'ArtC9h&tttrs&& mi't. ::Ssf,gtsg'jtad:. . gI~. ::,c I, Sioakat. Snb-Ceatrai oaly. Cams aud visit Showroom patt~ and:yfnsesces:'to afatih'jmr cat'iof'. ~::p't& mc.' .'qpaie'r dnrf' & ..' Sao'ek'i'af oar Stocks at Central pur'ajsbb&g and aji Brancucs for Damp VM; ~~'plain&and+stank &@jr - Papers Hang wrth despatch bv Cwn
  • 8. Grocery 8'z Provision Departments, ALL OUg CANNED GOODS k. ! Registered Brands of the Highest gnaHty, only obtainable at co=opEil~TivE, SAN~ P gSTORES. "rp ft.O G RFS~" ! Q gS c ~~e &p gx+ @5 'gQ ~G ! QS +Q CÃ-,S 6~ (g ~y +g-- , @o r( + dPOC &a .+~ +@~ %e hold a large, varied, and well-selected Stock of' NEe SEAsows FLOWER h. VEGETABLE SEEDS.,Cat Iogues and Inustrated Price Lists supphed free. on' application at the Cen~any of our Branches. " Any vanety not in stock can be obtained at-way-sbasrh"-~'~' "-'"+ "-:'."
  • 9. 4h4ea ter ~r 4 ~ere ee0e4 Jan 1jb~. e ~ ~ ~ Pm ijb@ 504 Refit ~kset foist' +~ere. ~r ef QeeAere an 4isariet. :ca%ere 4eyoalte4 lect peer. et ChAwr ~ ~ ieerece nebulae ef Ceylt4, . eo ei 5, inc. I. ~~&4 4r liLI '4~4. 44 l. 4W ~
  • 10. PI TH E LINCOLN quitable Co=operative Industrial Society, '„", LIMITED.
  • 11. II Ry ANQ MILLINERII' . OUBs.oci-, i- ..:. -,:;,,-„. BRIGHT SpR)NG GOODSWITH IT ' i. !'„-T o.', ;i ir;';t,'J.; !') of inspection -:.enwhich comprise the Newest snd Choicesb csrefu!ly selected in London su(: Masdh making your purchases is, earns, ,y.' .. .., .. Gus' Dress and Costume Materials consist only of the Nbwesi MstdHsletsn '~rt, , ' '. "'~f?ritmgk Base-Blues, snd .!IitrCity. SPecial value in Costume Cloths st 1/11lss B/S and Q/St in'scft ~,& A IPlencid assortment oi Tritnmiin?ts to' su?f'snip' r Our steck of Black Dress and Costume MsteriaI's ia excepydca~-'~ ' tamgtnts that wiB recommendDi'ess and Costume Mskinft on the Premises. We sre in s Position to turn out-smsrube. us lo others; , . hold one of the choidest stocks of New Blouse Materia?aht-ths s. !;shall shaw them conEsusDy in our wbtgowr's'. duriftg, the settles. :,!";,", .'-';-";„:; ", Hosiery is replete for the Season, snd Ladies' Umbrellas mejude the leading novelties ln Tsn, Lace, snd with smart Btufdkraiand -, „-.." E onbe Lace Curtains. Embroidered Goods; reliaMs covezs:::. -. — -' We would esPecislly call your attention to oxq stock of Soft uniia?tini? 6uaggr esuarsM~4 Our Manchester Goods'cannot be beaten for good value and 'for aasertnasritu We?tuse kgeaef~~uftgcks m e +y branch of the department we ar'e st t?la'~' " ..':-. .'., '". We speciaIEy invite our Members to pay s visit to our Millinery and Mant?a ghoSrussgtr ' ' r~'iduieeet in Mdhnerv and iis many requisites are always on show. 'We ean execute Mi!hnery Orders wrth'ttudtil .: ' ' ' dar. mtn workrooms. The leading novelties in Ladies' Coats also on viesrr .-'Children'a ~*'' t's sliedsliiy. Decently we have considerably augmented earls?bsk'. of Underclothing aad ~.- We now stock several of the best makes of. Col'sets msnufsetur'id. by: PetO'.W.'S. st their Desbcro Mettcry as weU as several of the most pogn?ur ai?Vcitated ngskaa. Every care hss be'en taken in our 'preparation' fm' 'the Sessou I 'basil!ass 'tpiattalei'patp' our~' reit?uircmtmts snd Oonvenienee !)urstocks described abave have been carefnlly beughh and pio'vitlon hae been iiiiitfji~ fkr ss thei rusli of tke gascon's trade and our crampedsPace wi?? admit) to make your shoPPinga P?easur/s, :„?Idw. we'reran'. ejitg, et'atrnestly' solicit your Patronage snd loyalty. Furnishing and Hardware Departments. , GOOD RELIABLE FURNITURE. Our cwn make s specialty.OII,C LOT HSr LIrsVOLEUlurS ants CtaRIsET5. 'Mailcarts from 32/~ Folders from 8/3 PRAM TVRES FIXED. Prksgs very reasonable. Travelling Requisites. DRESS BASKETS (all khtde), BAGS, TIN TRUNKS, "' Cycles. XitsdEI note ALL IIIeeDS g 4 a FEDERATION from 4 19 64 yean' written guarantee. GLOBE - -' from 5 10 0 ELBWIOK - - is 8 8 0 RUDGE WHITWORTH at st'agora' priooo, less n.- ln the S aiaooant me /sly dioidesd ca 'all' Cycfea OF CYCLE ACCESSORIES Gdrddit Chairs airtI Sea?S 6 da: RUS?I PORT $;"„-:renab
  • 12. "SLOW' BUT SURE." "UNION IS STRENGTH. ' fIIICOlll lftqOIIPbll II,O-OPIIOiliII JIIIIIIISITI,'ll SOIItiIII Kill- ESTABLISHED ' Bl. . under the Industrral and Provide Sociattttt. Butter snd pggs from Country Members Z2, 084 Central Stores and Offices —SILVER STREET and FREESCHOOL LANE, LINCOLN. No. 1 Branch —BRACEBRIDGE. No. 11 Branch —BARDNEY. 2 „BURTON ROAD, LINCOLN. 12 „ NORTH STREET, HORNCASTLE. 3 SHAKESPEARE, STREET, LINCOLN. 13,. SOUTII STREET, SLEAPORD. RIPON STREET, LINCOLN. 14 „HIGH STREET, LINCOLN. WELBOURN. 15» UNION STREET MARKET RASEN. 6 „METHE RINGHA]K. 16 „BASSINGHASL 7 „CANWICK ROAD, LINCOLN. 17 „REEPHAM. 3 „SAXILBY. 13 „WINN STREET, LINCOLN. 9 „BAGGEHOLME ROAD, LINCOLN. 19 „HACKTHORN. 10 „GRESHA.M STREET, LINCOLN. BUTCHERY BRANCHES. No. 1, Ripen Street; No. 2, Gresham Street; No. 3, Burton Road; No. 4, High Street; No. 5, Baggeholme Road, COLONIAL MEAT SHOP, SINCIL STREET. The QUARTERLY MEETING will be held in the LARGE HALL, On MONDAY EVENING IfiAY 11th, agenda of Rusiness: 1.—Minutes of last ftfusrterly Meeting, February 10th, 1908. Special General Meeting, March 9th, 1908. March 16th, 1908. 2.—Admission of Nest Members. 8.—Report snd Balance Sheet. 4.—Subscription to the Nottingbam Institute for the Blind. 6,—Application for a Subscription to s "Horse Ambulance " for Lmeoln. 1908, at Half-past Seven o'clock. 6.—Application for Subscription from Co-operative Union to Hodgson Prat t Iiemorisl. 7.—Application for Subscription for Bridge over River Till, at Saxilbyt renewed front April, 1900. 8.—Election of Sir Members of Educational Committee. 9.—Nomination for President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Three Committeemen, snd Two Auditors. 10—Any other business. Et tho close a SPECIXIt GENRES KEETIEG will be held, to consider the ProPosed Alteration of Rules 8, 9, gs, as ~ fhnall Iioldings. " Power to invest Surplus Capital, and power to vote in respect to Invsstmeata
  • 13. hljVWhg ELHI'llRBIIV W-OPED'H&ltIYR IXBOSVNR" COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. eMr. WAL HEWSON, President 'Mr. WM. COIJLSON, Treasurer 'ffr. Wiu. TURNER, Secretary bfr'. GEO. HARRIS 'MI GEO. WARD 'Ma R. H. BATES Mr. W. K GOLDSTEIN 28 Mr. GEO. BACON .. .. .. 29 29 bfr. W. B. HOWABD .. .. .. 29 o7 bfr. C. OSTICK .. .. .. 29 29 Mr. IL SMALLBB .. .. .. 29 Apnrzozs —'bfr. W. P. ARMSTRONG, Mr. T. E. CUBTIS, tfz. B. DAT, snd 'ffr. W- SPALDHIG Cesnrzz —kir. FBED STEPHENSON. Asmsvswr Cssninz —Mr. H. H. BOPEB. ' Retiring Members each eligible for nomination. 29 Committee Meetings bsvs been beld dnring tbe quarter. Boor Inn Bnoz FosnrsnIse Tsrsozlne Bmonssr DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEES Messrs. COVLSON, HEWSON snd WARD. Messrs. SifALLER, BACON snd BATES. bfessra HARRIS, HOWARD snd GOLDSTEIN. Messrs. SMALLER, BACON snd BATES. biessrs. HEWSON, OSTICK snd WARD biessrs. BACON, HABRIB snd BATES. "., ' Ii Come .. .. .. '.. Messra HARBIB, HOWARD snd BATES. Boaerrses .. blesse. HEWBOif, OSTICK, WARD snd GOLDSTEIN. Fmsnos .. .. .. Messm. COULSON. TURNER and HOWARD. Borssne, Lrvz Swoon mn Fsze Rema. USTICE, HOWARD and SbfALLER. Frees Err' Messrs USTICE, HOWARD, WARD. HARRIS and GOLDSTEIN. STANDING ORDERS. Tbst no Member be allowed to speak more tbsp ones on sny motion st the qcsrrcrty, or sny otlnz' Geiirmd'Meerfng of the Membem convened for the pnrfrose of transacting the bnsinees of the Society, except the movers of motions snd amendments, wbo sbsB eseb be sBpcpd'pe(ply ", snd no Member shall speak after snob reply. That no Members, ezcept movers snd seeondere of Resolutions, be suowed to speak more tbsn gve niinnins an sny BesplaEom 'pbst sii qnestions relating to the Balance Sheet, which sre sent to the Secretary before the General Meszfng, have tbe prsbwssee. Whenever amendments sre made npon original propositions, no second amendment sbeu be taken into eoasbbcstica imtil the grat aprendment has been disposeli of. (o) If s grat amendment be carrie it she(i displace the original qnestion snd become itself the qnes8ont 'wlnzpspon sny fcktber amendment msy be 89 H tbe grst amendment be negatived, then s second msy be moved to the original qnesuon ender ecnrddrrmtetaq but only ene ameadment sbsB be snb- ndtted to tbe Meeting for disenssion at one time. (I) The mover of every resolution end of every amendment shall brealrziggpf, zesty, fmmedmtcfy after Cnmtfon sbsff be pnt from the chair; bpt no other bfember shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same qaestipn, anEef peamseen bb givpn tp pz (sfn, pr the stteniion of the chair be ceiled to s point of order. given to ezp 'n, or e A motion once carried shall not be rescindei at any bfeeting without dne notice having been given. When any motion or amendment hss been made snd seeonded, it is open to sny tfember to propose tbe «prsrrfens'qcqetkm « I tbe Meeting be not pnt. The mover snd seconder of "tbe previous question" cannot afterwards spesir on tbe motion tr'ef ; fm, t e motion befom 7. When the President rises to speak, 'Members sbsB immediately take their seats. TO THE kfEkIBERS, COMMITTEE'S REPORT. We beg to eubrrut to you the 186th Quarterly Report and Balance Sheet. The gogaI . r'erfefved for Sooda sold TBf!572. 4d., bemg au mczeaae of 88,781 182. Od over the corzegpoadfag ~" . "z of I 2 Th8 ~~.~z agg year. The nett progtz on the quarter'2 business, including 84 62. 4p. brought forward from last quarter, after allpngag fozo~ag oz a expeaaeg, depreciation, aad interest, amount to 84,949 5a. 9+., which we propose to dispose of aa follow'a: —84785 Cg. Od Purchases at I/6 in the 8, E65 9a. 6d. Eacational Purposes, 895 Og. M. to Workmen's Iaauarracrf", .p(r(ttd 81(N 898 159. 8@. carried forward to next quarter. 975 peraoac have joined tbe Society wi(ihm qaazbaz; 994 have withdrawn, aad 11 forfeited as per rule, making the present number 11,498. One result of the zecommeadationz of the Special Auditors will be seen in this quarters' azraagemeat of the Profits. Interest, which bag previously been dealt with ia the Disposal Acc'ouat m ao aa a 8xed abazga oa Trade Account. This reduces the Pro&ta shown to aa absolutely aet amount. We have to announce a change of Maaagoczg ia the Building Department. The Oomraftga'9 lieve gecm " ' 'awg gecaied the services of Mr Rutherford who comes to as with excellent references from the Oommitlee and Architect f9 o -oPezative Wholesale Somety, aad we begeve he wIII be of great value to ac in the ercctioa of the flew Premises in Silver Strreaaaea m ver treat wlacb aze aow being erected Registered Opcee, Srr.vzn Sznzm', Dincorw, dfrril 28th, 19(78 ave ope Shop Ia Slang Styrfeg fbi lrbe safe rrf e est brrmde arrive daily prices to oompaze with competitorw. This Department is eagacly ~~ d d . b Meat can only be obtained at the SiacE Street SboP Eo d~ ePaztmcntr and 4Imlomg &~fof fks C~tflct cffife WM- TURIrIEB, Sgrnmz~
  • 14. QUARTERLY BALANCE SH EET, ENDED APRIL IStv 1908. C+81I ACCOUNT. „Stmng Boom Fees .. „Survey Fees ........ Bank Withdmvmts 0 4 0 318 6 a 317 6 51,407 4 8 „Interest on Inve „Dividends „Branch lfsnsge „Sale Fired S sn ortei Iggo „Sale of ltlilliag Plint ......,....„;......'....'.', .-, '.' "i.-. .'v':4, :It*-" „Insurance Preniiume (rfetnhorsf ':..;....:.':;."; ..;''; "" -'W. ty' ttv-. „Bulee, Cards, Cash Boolre, ete. ............................ 13 1 10 „Proposition Fees .............................. 15 3 0 „Transfer Fees I 9 3 „Nomination Fees. ..... .... .......... 011 0 17 3 3 ! a. "":,„",%ajkagPFeajiertp datdgiI~ a Si~-asiieHat Fmtd.«.......'..~ ..~ ..Chamber of Commerce .................... Co-operative Uoioo, Ltd. No. 9 District FBdlsnd Section Co-op. Union Windy Nook Fund. ................. Lincoln Deaf snd Dumb Institute .......... Society for Prevention of Craelty co Children Devonshire Hospital Charity Organization Society .............. „Non-blembers' Dividend „Bdacstionsl Qrsnt Brsnell Feetlvaie „dnnusl Festival Conference Tees „Interest on Bonds „Bepsyment of Bond . „Withdrswsle Worlunen'c CompenssBon Fend Insurance Fund. ..........., .... „Special dudits „Bank Deposits „Cash in hand. ..............., „Cash in Shop Title I I' 8 15 1 10 1 1 ft 9 9 9 9 17 17 169 8 136 9 10 0 19 9 14 1 9 0 11 1. 19 11 9 9 0 0 17 8 4 0 0 10 6 60 13 14 50 10 103 59,964 77r gd 995 10 11 fbSBS'. 9 'dt 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8134,191 6 8134,191 6 BEAK ACCOUNT.
  • 15. EXPZNSjp S ACCOUNT. Dr. To Wages. ........., ..... „Committee snd Secretary's Salaries .... Survey Fees ....„huditors' Fees ..............- ~ -.~ „Bente .................. „Bates snd Taxes ..................... „Insarance Premiums ,.Horse Keep „Stocktaking, Extending. Checkiog, dc. „Printing, Sistiooery snd hdvertising „Stamps snd Check Books Bepsirs ..., . „Gas snd Electricity. ........ ..........„Water. ....................., ... .....„Delegates' Expenses „Travelling „Quarterly Meeting Expenses „Colts sud Hall Cleaning „3farket Expenses. ...........„Harness Repairs and Shoeing ...... „Coals for Heating sud Lifts „Insarsnos Pand ............. „Oil, Coal and Coke ........... . „Telephones. .......................... „Gratuities ...........................„Bsnlr Commission „Depreciation of Branch snd Cottage Property .. Fixed snd Rolling Stock snd l Horses ...........~............... .....) „Depreciation of idilling Plant „Estimated Interest, Shares „Interest on Loans Special Loans ......... Penny Bank Deposits. .. Bonds ..(Interim) s d 2 s 4,214 3 6 4313 0 217 6 25 0 0 115 16 9 339 6 5 7316 2 514 4 8 72 7 3 184 16 8 60 8 6 748 2 36 292 0 0 7D 7 6 14 19 3 17 9 0 710 2 7 7 1 2616 2 115 I 1 85 10 0 25 0 0 902 4 10 414 3 I 9 6 23 1 9 7223 8 7$ 633 D 5 269 0 0 800 0 0 1,192 0 5 1,600 0 V 301 10 5 149 10 1 197 14 34 16 15 6 0 9 3 2,264 19 66 Ca. By Interest on Shares ()nvmtmlmtt(. ..~ ~ ..~ "~ Eembersr property hecuuat "". „Rents snd Way)eaves. ...~ ."""- "-"„Strong Boom Fees „garvey Fees .........."-.".- -""."""„Bales.Cstds, Books, dw. .."-"""""-..." „Insaranee Premimne ...""-----.-"""" Property hccount „Rates returncd ... ....... ........-"~" „Bank Interest „1)snsgement Expenses %embers' Property hcccunC „Dividend Co.operative Whohsals Society Bank. . ., Balance l—(PmdueSvs Expenses). .. (Distribut)ve „).. 2 s d 119 6 4 444 5 7 279 0 3 18 4 15 7 4 0 13 6 1 10 9 0 8 19 11 0 ') 6 41 0 2 26 11 0 23 10 2 IC827 12 10 7,890 6 2 400 9,717 12 8 19 0 s 568 11 11 210,682 8 7 810,682 8 7 INVKSTMRNTS fLCCOUNT SHSRRS. ! Belesee last ipuerter. ~ hdditicns toterccs Dividends on Purchases. d 8 s d 0 0 0 0; s 7,965 0 40 0 50 0 25 0 0 100 0 10 0 20 0 50 0 ll 16 10 0 10 0 Cc operahve Wholesale Society, Ltd. Hebden Briidge Fustian Co-opemtive Insurance Co-opersEive PrinCing Paisley Co.opemtive Hsnafseturiiug Society, Ltil. Wm. Thomson tr Sons, Lrd. Co-operative Newspaper Society, Ltd. hitedsle Co-opersuvs Wotsted Society, Ltd. Dudley Bucket sad Fender Society, Ltd. ............, hleester NoaBemakers' Sooiety„Ltd, ........-.......', She)Beld Cuilsty Society, Ltd.......................1 Leek Sioi TwisC. Society, Ltd. 0 0,) p 0 0 p 0 0 i 0 l 0 Huston, Proctor ik Co., Ltd., Debentures hocrued Iataresll Bobey E Co Ltd. , Debentures ... ...,.........., ILincoln Corpctanon Redeemable Stock. 1,836 5 0;)2414 0 jj 1,255 0 0 ) Loins i Leek Silk Twist Society, Limited Cooperuhve Watch Society, Ltd. ..................; 10 0 Norch Wales Quarries, Ltd. ... ..................' 50 0 Lincoln Hhle. Shn and Fst'Company, Ltd. ..........' 198 0 Ruston. Pmchir di CO., Ltd. ........................l 597 0 Clayton 8 Shuttleworth, Lhl. ............. .......1 85 0 Lincoln PLindmy Bank Shares ....... ...... ....'2,294 10 c il I 105 8 10 I 0 0 I 5 0 6O0 1 0 0 210 0 8 5 0 015 0 010 0 30 12 6 s d 593 0 4 13 1 0 2ii I 110 0 211 9,563 9 2 54 I 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 53 17 1 106 0 0 10 0 0 32 10 0 54. 11 l 1116 7 10 5 0 10)5 0 1010 0 50 0 0 323 0 0 597 0 0 85 0 0 2,32- 2 6 1,860 19 1,2s5 0 0 ) 3.880 0 0 817 I 6 0 0 21O O! 411 I OIO O! I 30 19 6 24 14 0 .16 5 ) 3713 8 s d 2965 0 0 .'=4'8- o, o ".--60,'3)-.9 E(0,..90 f' .; 41():.r(kn 10 0 20 0 0 50 0 p 11 16 7 10 0 0 io 0 o. 10 0 0 po o 0 128 0 0 597 D 0 86 0 0 2,294 10 0 1,386 5 0 I;255 0 8 8,890 0 0 17,437 II 7
  • 16.
  • 17. TR~E ACCOUNT Dr. To Stook in hsud, Jsn. 1st, 1908 „Purchases snd Carnage ......„Productive Wages Expenses „Distributive Wages .......... Balance to ProSt snd Loss descant 5 s d 6 55,080 51,919 2,718 7 0 1,627 12 10 7,890 6 9 12,436 5,236 s d 7 sg 16 5 6 0 17 11 By Goods sold. ......,....."--.'- „.Dividend'c on Parehssm. ...'. ."~ ~ „Stockin haul, dprS 1st, ISOS.... 6?,185 11 0 612 4 8 56,87? 12 Ik 5124,675 7 Vt5124,675 7 ?d PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Da. To Non-Rcmberc' Dividend. ...................„Subscriptions ........................., , ... „Branch Festivals „dnnuat Fectivai ...........................„Conference Tees „Two Dead Horses written oif ............„Speoisl audit and Vslastion ................„Under-estimated Sharc Interest tact quarter .. 2 s d 4019 9 4610 0 23 2 0 22 11 I 13 12 11. 70 11 3 108 0 0 24 4 Z Cs. By amount fmm lest quarter „Over cetrmsted Dmdeml hurt quarter „Balance from Trade amount ... s d 4 6 4} 5512 6 59 5,238 18 10) 17 11 Balance disposable 349 11 7 4,949 5 2d 25,298 16 sd 25,298 16 AUDITORS Wn, the undersigned, have examined the books and asoounts of your Society for the Qmetsz sndsd capri} 1st, 190S, Jffrrt'f 28th, 1908. DEPJtkRTMENTM DnpsnTstnrrrs. ! Stocks ssd accounts owing Jsn. 1st, 1903. Ceubrat Groeeri Dntlury snd Rdhnery Boots and Shoes ....... ...., Butchery and Breaches ......Coals ......................Tailoring Gutstthrg and Beady-Hades ..!Furnishing Budtng .."-...".......'...".."..'t Rill and Bakery. .................„Hykehsm Farm ......' Vicarage Faun Brscebrfdge Brsnoh Bmtoa Boas Branch. ......., ....Shakespdare Street Branch ..........Bipon Street Branch ................Welbmnn Bnmch ....., .... .......Retheringhun Branch ........., , ...Cauwick Bmul Branch Ssxilby Branch Bsggehoime Bead Branch Gmsham Street Branch Bardney Branch ... .. Hornmstte Branch. ....., ...Sleafonl Bmnch .................... High Street Branch ..........Rarket Bases Branch Wian Street Branch ....,....., .....Hackthorn Bmneh. ...,....v. ........ B s d 5,761 5 7 7,388 6 11 3,334 11 2 878 5 I 350 8 6 1,597 7 3 2,725 I 0 2,650 6 2 s,o'i3 6 4,816 0 9 522 6 2 1,165 12 0 1025 9 9 1,$63 15 0 349 9 0 814 8 0 1,615 I 114811 6 ~ 399 ll 0 ?28 5 0 MS Z 6 859 12 9 900 13 0 1,811 11 ll 2,142 7 3 4,098 2 0 1571 4 8 578 2 3 282 10 0 587 16 0 190 IV 9 19,938 5,208 2,160 5,?24 2,5M 688 941 1,865 11,793 149 ?7 s d 3 I 4 14 4 6 4 6 2 15 3 12 8 12 0 5 0 18 5 18 9 14 2 13 10 4 912 8 6 810 6 14 10 o yu Purchased aud Osrriege. s d 2148 I 9 012 I ' 0 0 6 44916 5! 113 2 109 15 0 95 2 4 601 15 6 147 0 0 54 16 ? 2,467 16 6 2,041 17 0 1,302 18 0 2,269 19 0 2,606 3 0 251 4 0 1,358 'l6 0 1,205 3 0 1,678 12 0 1,841 0 0 1,709 10 6 1,895 19 0 2,326 16 7 4,288 2 0 1.07V I 9 948 9 9 979 18 8 1,866 13 0 247 6 0 Productive Wages. 5 s d 101 I 7 136 12 5 84 11 0 268 16 2 1,025 2 0 73S 9 11 69 11 0 48 3 I 6 610 36"9 6 !30 5 0 610 0 24 10 0 80 7 4 50 'I 6 85 10 8 9 0 0 6 10 it 610 0 B,'s, 5 1,046-12 6 6cl 4 8 360 '8. 6 492 6 9 507 8 Io 151 15 10 239 1$4 524 15 9 2$5 8 8 1,468 lo 5 69:18 4 VS 15 8 278 14 244 8 6 129 3 9 2489 7 293 1$ 0 259 19 8 130 5 9 185 15 172 6 ISS 9 8 IVS 9 3 287 4 3VS 15 II 613 4,O 184,9 11110-'AA, ' IIS O-. g" . 188 ko VV. .31 lbi 160— tictPrusa 5 s d 848 9 8} 250 IO li132 2 5 845 I 4 444 18 58 V 1$1 15 44 95 4 436 V Ii 184' 125 18 9V 13 I+. 145 3 11: X~I5IIMO, 1 . 5 s d 0 3 0 I 4} 0, I 5 0 0 2 lgl io I 6 8 I tfd 0 I 7I} 0 O,II/ 8 I 8 0 I I 0 I lg 0 I gl .:O I Votlds 29.787 1$,549 6,124 8,274 2,?st 4,117 5+41 8,6$5 19,882 958 1,425 3,982 S 680 3,'stgt I rtf}S 9/56 9,4$6 sdtsd 2;Qdr 8,921 5.086 9;244 ;9,$74 ::.I;71$ 1,557 'i$,771 s d ll 16 9 4 6 11 2 14 9 17 0 QO 1145 Sj 14 8 I 6 8 Sd 15 4 ?O 0 6 9 Vd 8 ld 8 9 18 7 4 lod 12 6 I 11 12 ll) 16 Vr} 13 5 '5 Iok , 7 0 8 Vrt 11 7 9 58,409 12 dd 51,919 16 5 87,983 5 9 S,VI8 7 0 9,?IV"'19r. R Qtfl 18 '5k Coal Sales at Lincoln. .... . .. 52,976 18 Do. Ceuntry Branches 881 10 Total Coal Bares. ... B$,858 $. 6.
  • 18.
  • 19. n « ;-Q«r IIX'KEHAM FARM, 1907 Dr. To Stock in hand January 1st. 1907 „Goods and Pigs purchased . ., Transfers from other Departments „Wages. ........ Expenses Balance. Profit s d ' Cr. 508 19 7 ! By Salas 740 10 11 l „Transfers to oiher DspsrbneaM o45 15 1 ' „Stock in hand December 81st, 1967.-. 380 17 8 134 3 0 110 1 5 22,370 7 8 11 1,836 522 22,370 s 17 0;,M 6 7 8 VICARAGE FARM, 19OV. Dr. To Stook in baud January 1st, 1&07 .. Goods and Cattle purchased ....... ., Transfers from other Departments „Wages „Expenses , . Balance Pro5t s il 1,059 6 8 846 ll 8 206 16 1 259 12 126 6 3 818 5 1$ $2.416 17 6$ Cr, By Ssles ........ ......... ~ -......~ „Transfers rrom other Depsrlmabts ... „Stook in hand December 31st, 1987.... $2,416 17 179 16 109 1,071 8 8 1,165 12 0 EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE, bfr. W Hillman, president. ..... 11 Mr T. iMsthsr, Secretary .. .. 11 j 'Mr. W Lovstt ..".- ~ """-.11 I"- «fffm 6.M Terner 9'Mr. C. Dawkins, Vice President. . 11 Mr G E. Beck................ 9 I *Mr. W Roberts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- . .- M ' «gfrfa M. fk. finarm. ......., .. 11Mr. D. Worth. Treasarer ...... 10 "Mrs. M A. Dring .............. 11 ) lfr. C. Treavett. ..........,... The kg ares after the names indicate the number of lfeetings attended, eleven havtbg bdsnftefd 'Retiring lfembers, each eligible for election The Candidates nominated are blr. 4. Deskin, B.d., LL B., Mr, C. Dawkins, Mrs. M. 4 Dring Ilfr. T Gaylee«Xr«Wlfjsvsfkdgrs. 8L 4 ffnstm Mr Wm B bermMiss 4, kf. Turner. Votes must be given by making a X opposite' to the names of candidate selected for sapport. Each member must. show his or ber pass Card to obtain s voting paper from the person who gives them Ogf, Members must not vote for more than Six Candidates. The hours of voting are from 12 noon all fbytg. baiMtnxftry bhy Lkth DEPikRTMENT5L CObC!11TTEES. Entertainment i blrs. Daiso. Messrs. Lovers ik Woarn; Library, Miss Tesxsa, Messm. Dawxrss «9 Boamrr ~ t Fmtthtfn Two Sub-Committee Meetings have been held EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. To Balance forwsnl ..... „Reserve for Cleaning . INCOtfE. „Quartedy Grant .... ,.Cards, Catalogues and Piece .. „Saleof Newspapers, Msgsxlnss. Jrc. .. ikduft Chou ., Gymnasium „Children's Festival .............. dadttrd unu foui«'t correct, Spl'it Jlcf. 1908. g. d Sad86910 0 0 18 6 9 60 l4 1 3 2 2 1 6 0 9 0 1 6 0 1 3 9 s 915 0 0 0 18 011 412 6 5 015 0 210 0 018 9 1 9 1 810 0 2 18 10 4 11 9 8 0 1 4 8 215 1G 0 7 2 0 010 01'0 6 0 6 7 —I 286 0 99 j -Effg 0 9$. WM. P. 8RMSTftOWG, W. SPSLDfffiy, ~~!-."":-iu By Librarian's Salary ... , .„Librmian's Resistant .„..Newsyayers, Magaxinni dnw. - „ddult Choir .... „Junior Choi ! „kfusieLibrsrian .. . '... ' „"'' ""~ ."~ -.-.~ Giant to Women'a Gmhl ..... ..„Gymnasium „Children'e FesMvat ..,, Panting sad Ststfrbfney * I::„Secretmy'e Poafsfpk Grass to ManagsrkeCfeax ! „fhmdnes
  • 20.
  • 21. 10 tstives, Mr. W. H. GOLDSTEIN The Quarterly Meeting will be held in the School-room, COLEBY, on Saturday, Msy 9th, at 7-58 Pam ~ and Mr. G. HASLET. Clarke, Hsrmston I Mr. J Flatters sndWare&ocau Bsszcu Couvuxxzz. —btr. D. P Ablewhite, Coleby. Chairman; Mr 5 Grey, Leadeni&sm r W' R .-hia snd Mr R Dave, Weibournei Mr. E,Mr. F. Thornton, Boothby; btr. B. Gsdd, Nsvenby; Mr. J. Msblechorpe, Wellingore; Mr. J. Sharps, Mr. n'8 Buoniag, Lesdenbsm; Mr. B. Allis, Pnlbcck; Mr. T. W. Codd, Csythorpe; Mr. E. Codd, Honingtou The Quar'terly Meetiag will be beld in the School-t'oom, RIBBY& on Friday, Eay 8th, at 7 9 m. tsSve, Mr. G. HARMS. n Secretar: btr. Predk. W. Baldook, Mr. Wm. Ogden,bfexuasmeaxu Bsexcu Couurrrsx. —Mr. John Caswell, Metheringhsm. Cnsirmsn btr. Vtsddtmn yi ~sd 5 M Joseph Bsumber, Digby;Mr. John T Bobinccn. Metneringhsm; Mr. Arthur Wilmn, Dunstan; Mr. Thos. Winnsll, Scopwick ' « harl s Ogden an r oceP Mr. Richard Taylor. Blsnkney; Mr. Charles Msckinder, Kirkby Green. Mn H. Psrlrec, Soathrey; Mr. G. Maddieoa,Besneux Bsxnca Couurrrss. —Mr. G, htiik Bsrdney, Chairman; vtr. W. W. Meanwell, Bsrdney, Secretary Bardney; Mr. bf. Coitus, Bsrdney; bfr. J.Penwick, Bsrdney. The Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Tempersace Han, SLEApaRD, on Saturday, May 9th, at 7 p.m. RepresentsRe resents&a, Mr. W. HEWSON. se&ogham Moor, Chairman; Mr. D Sparrow, 7 Aiexandrs S«a«rd Mr. r. Wsiner 15 New Street Slestord Mr. p W. Jsekron 9 Clarmont sce es m "'5' «. W audxto Ei«««St to 8o 5 Si io 5 M 5 Ct I 17 i d. Boa re Bond, Stestord I «. H. itesvt, Station Road, Roekington; ur. J. Smith, Chapel Lane, Lessinghsm The Quarterly Ifeeting will be held in the Club Room, "George Inn, " MARKET RA8Elt, on Saturday, Igay 9th, st 'I 55 Pm 'Pmse Mxaxcx Reczu Baencu Cozmxvss. -Ifr. J.J. Hopkins, George Street. Market Rssen, Chairman; bfr. John pickweB. Vnioa Streak Marketeet, srket Raven, Secretsr bfr Joseph Penney Waterloo Street Msrlet Seven 'bfr J 7 Busboy Linwood dost market R,&en Mr J Wbitworth Oxiord Strmtxtord Street, bfsrket Recon; Mr. Thos. Dean, Nursery Street, bfsrket Raven, Mr. P Ingleby, &Vsterioo Street, Market Raven; Mr. Moses Crow, WBImgbsm Road, Market Basen; btr. J. T. Dowse. Gsllymoor Lane, bfarket Raven; Mr G. Ibbetson, Onion Street, btsrket Raven. The Quarterly Meeting wBI be held on the Society'a Premises, BASSINGESM, ou Saturday, Nay 9th, at 7 p.m. Rcprmentahvc, Mr. C. OSTICE Bees&nauru Bsxzcu Couurvvsa. —bir. W. Woodhesd, Chairman; Mr. T. H. Coliin, Secretary; «. Carter, Mr. E. Beynoidx, «. J Wsnhcad, Bamtugbam' btr. J. Marshall, cenr. , Carlton-ie- Vtoorlsnd; &Mr. G. Johnson, «.E. Stones, Norton Disney; Vtr. J.Longmste Anbcurn. The Quarterly Meeting will be held la the Club room, "Rodaey" Hotel, HCRNCASTLE, on Saturday, Msy Pth, at 7-89 p.m. RcPrmentstive «. G Hoszmgxrs Bmucu Cozurrve&. —Mr. S. Bawling, Spiicby |toad Horncsvt&e, Chairman; Er. J. W. Gardener, 88 Queen Streak Horncavtie, Secretary; Mr. 5 p. Whitworth, 88 Spilsbv Road, Horncsetle; blr. W. H. psrkin, Boston Road, Horacssrle I bfr. p Vsriow, I Hopton Street, Horncsctle; bfr. A Blood, 98 East Street, Horncsstie; Mr. J.W. Cooper, 15 Albert Street, Hornosstle; btr. J. Gowsn, Si pmcpectStreet, Horncsctle; bfr. C. Larder, North Street. Horncsetle; Mr. W. Atldncon. 58 Queen Street, Hornoastie; btr. J. G Moveemeaesr, East Street, Hornesstte; Mr. H. Sharp, 58 Foun«y Street Horncsstle; Mr. Luna, Ediin&on. near Horneastle. Tbe Quarterly Ifeeting will be held an the Braach Premisee, SAXILBY, on Satavday, May 9th, at 7 p.m. Representative, bfr. F.H. BATES. Ssxrrnv Baxz&m Comrrrrsz. —btr. Geo. hisrchsll, Ssxiiby, Chairman; Mr. F. Cherrill, Saxilby, Secretary; Mr. Jnm Vsney, Saxilby; Mr. John Graves, Saxi by; btr J'onstbsn Credisnd, Ssxilby; Mr. Hy. Caviil, Ssxilby; bfr. J'no. Wm. Poole, Bsxilby; Mr. John Dove, Ssxnby! Ilr. George Binghsm, Ssxilby; «.Arthur Poole, Ssxilby; Mr Joha Revill, Ssxilby; Mr. Fred Dove, Ssxilby. The Lincoln Co-operative Quarterly Record. NEW SERIES. xtII Communications to be nddrcstsd to the Editor, Wm. Terner, 98 Queen's Crescent. Na. g4 Co-operators and the Co-operative News. I would appeal ta the Ca-operators of Lincoln ta take the W Co-oPcr&csee ¹ms weekly, the aflicial organ of the Ca- operative mavement. As a paper advocating social progress and presenting things from the ca-operative standpoint, it is worth reading. As G. J.Halyaake says: "Every new member af a store should be reqnired ta take the oflicial paper. This alone would increase the circulation of the Co-oPcrrrgve ¹ws 3a,aaa a year, If every new member took the paper, every old member would be very much wondered at if he did nat take it also. Na groceries carried into any member's house aught ta be warranted unless the newspaper of the stores went with them. Ca-Operation is like a bicycle. If those wha ride it keep going they ga pleasantly and mvfftly, and travel far, but if they stop they must dismount or tumble. There are many great measures a statesman canld devdse, and which he would gladly have his name associated with, which he cannot venture ta bring forward unless there be educated apinien ta appud1 ta. He is abflged ta confess that "the time has nat arrived. *' This is in some cases a cant excuse put forward by timid or msincere statesmen. Sut the truth of the plea is taa obvious where the public are ignorant. In ca-operative societies, in their smaller way, the same thing is true. Every intelligent board. of directors know that they could da much better far the society if the members were better informed. There is nat a ca-aperaiive society in the kingdom which might nat be twice as rich as it is,gf the members were as intelligent as they should be. Without knowledge, all movement is like that of the vane-matfan withaut progress, whereas co- operation should resemble the sere'w' steamer and unite motion with advancement. " Co-operation and the Small Holdings and Allotments Acts, 1907. S fins matter comes befar''e the another'5 'af . fhcfc (yftmtccly A Meeting May 8th and ath and the I hm In t1'e I gHa11, SiIvcr Street, May iyfh, we here ptfnf tha Clauses afthe Act refat g thereto sa th t members may read the achewording for themselves, opmtATICN Bv Thbys ara 'very wide at fm r Ifafh .,
  • 22.
  • 23. THE LINCOLN CO-OPERATIVE Q'UARTERLY tlo-operators and the Sugar lax, and the Forthcoming, Budget. HE Parliamentary Committee of the Co-operative T Congress are making representations to The Chancellor of the Exchequer and urging him to include the abolition of the Tax in his forthcoming Budget. During the seven years the Tax has been in opera- tion it has cost "Co-operative Consumers alone" 24,426,931. This is more than one-ninth of the whole Tax. The Tax was imposed as a %ar Tax, and was never intended to take permanent form. Therefore the time has now arrived for its repeal. HODQSON PRATT MEIVIORIAI. . COMMITTEE (constituted at a public meeting held on A November zzth, zgo7, at which Lord Brassey presided) has been formed for the purpose of establishing some suit- able memorial of the life work of 5k. Hodgson Pratt. It is con- sidered to be in accordance with lir. Pratt's own practice when H~ring (and ivith what would undoubtedly have been his wish) that the purely persorial part of this memorial should not be large, but that the effort should be directed to the continuance of Mr. Pratt's work by the foundation of a Scholarship, or Scholarships, or Prize Essay associated with his name. It is believed tha.t it may be possible to secure the placing of a portrait, medallion, or bust of Mr. Pratt in the National Portrait Gallery at a futrire date, and for such purpose it is proposed that an adequate sum should be set aside. It is suggested that the actual memorial should take the form of Travelling Scholarships enabling workers of either sex to become acquainted with technical and social development in foreign countries, or the colonies, or in the endowment of a scholarship at one of the Universities, with, it is hoped, the establishment of a. Prize Essay on the subject of "Association "or some other selected theme which embodies the spirit of Mr. Pratt's many activities. AH of these to bear Mr. Pratt's name. A sum of at least $5,ooo will be required to effect these objects„ and the committee has complete congdence that aH who were associated with iAIr. Pratt, and aH who have seen and felt the far- reacbing results of his self-denying life, and who understand the debt of the present generation to his inspiration. and example, wiH enable the committee to find this su'm at. its scr'vice. Lord Brassey is presiderit, Ixird Avebmy treasmer, aud' the joirit secretaries of the committee are Mr J.C. Gray, , of the C'o-operative Union, klr. J.F.Green, of the Internationa1 Arbitration and peace Association, and Mr. B. T. HCH, uf the Wo'Ring Mcn.'s', Club aud Institute Union. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to the Hodgson Pratt Memorial Fund, crossed "Robarts, I.ubbock and Eo.,'*'.-aud forwarded to the secretaries at Club Union BCHdingsr CfcrkgnwCH Road, London, E.C. Gleanings from other Balance Sheets of Neighbouring Societies. SPAIDIRG, Quarter ending- December 28th, zgo7. Sales .. .. .. .. $3,478 2 xz Share Capital .. .. @,35g Reserve Fund .. .. l;igz o n Dividend .. .. .. 6o o zo Assets .. .. .. .. lg,5gz z6 7 Number of M'embers PETERBOROUGH; Quartcrr Culling Dcccuibcr 28th, 1907. Sales .. .. .. ., $78,8zg zz Shar'e Capital .. -.gzg5, 435 z3 5 Reserve Fund .. .. f5;35'I 7 5 Dividend ..~7;8xg x 6 Number of Mcmbets ' I'z~z SCUNTEGRPE, QllRIicr cudlng December 4th, Igo4 zgo7. Sales .. .. . . /&6;24z zo ot Share Capital .. ... gz8;g55 5 xi/ Reserve Fmid .. .. ' ')z~r' 3 8 Dividend .. .. ,. go 2 o Assets .. . .. .. x N, ~'IM i-:::',:~j~g~*g ' G~'„:-'~'ending'. 0'ifiil 4th:I'go8 AsseS %~~k~'-r @78'*i% 6 gt ~ ! SWEATINQI Its Cause and Cure. I ~ -,b L. Whole ale Arinual; Igog, there is a remark — inarii ~ I oe e;, r able arucle on the aboz csubject, by L. winch aH Co-operators should aud. It can be had at the Library in Free School Lane. His conclusions are as foHows':— Sweatin, which is bnt a 'phase of poverty, Hnds its origin in thc competitive system of industry. It can only co pbe m letelv elmun ated by the loycal dev'clopment of,the principle of Co-opeiation. realisation of our Co-operative'ideal, increasingly to control com- petition and to nntigate its affects. We can usefully proceed —' z. To strengthen the laws relating to public health. To restrict further''thc, conditions of- employment of aH worl ers, and particularly of women and children. To regiilate strictly the structure and sanitation and ven- tilation of factorics aud aH other workplaces. 4. To check sternly industrial kglmg and mutilation and the consequent manufactmc of widows and orphans. To make orgamsed pmvision for widows and orphans and aH helpless women "Iaboaiing 'with child. " 6. To shorten the worhng, day, . To give a proper physicaf, mental, moral, and industrial training to every c'hild. ' ' 8. To succour the uaemploycdby an intelligent and humane poor law organisation, accompamed by drastic treatment of the worthless. To give pensions to the aged Poor. xo. To legislate for a 'minimum wage: And so onwards, until Cu.-operation, the Law of Life, is sub- stituted for Competition, the Law of Deatlz
  • 24. .kkk -:'.:-."':-", :.: BESPOKE TA Ii ORI/t/G DEPA RTMElt/T. Artistic Tailoring at Moderate Prices. c r We havd this season had a record trade, for Easter. This enables us to state, with confidence, that we are-':-"'-" = giving enti're satisfaction. You can rely upon having a perfect fit, combined with the littest style, at a strictly:moderati. cost. We have the largest and most select Stock of Spring and -Summer Goods in the City,'u'nnqualled for Design and Quality. We shall be pleased to supply Patterns and Estimates free on application. All Garinents are made in our;:s:-'- dtwn Workrooms by Skilled British Workinen. Spp&lfll AdVdiitflgf. S ' An C equ~ed Selection of Materials of eicclusive design. 2. Itetention of Appearance, 3. Solid Cloths, made of Pure Worsted dc Botany Yarns, the same throughout. We Offer. ~ ~ 4. Ident guali)y only in Trimmings. 5. The I steal Styles snd Shades. 6. A Perfect Pit; with Comfort. fi.. Members and Sons of Members should join the Provident Club NOW for an Overcoat in the Autumn, OUTFITTING and READYm1NADE DEPARTMENT. - This department is now replete with:.NEW".00@AS for the SpnrkIG ah'd SIIMMBit SBAsoifs, and we are —,. ~tco announce to,our Members that:our, .'-Seek'is thsoboughly'an uy-to-dste 'onu'„noi Pains have been sPared ifffi~nttfe;, tha~„";which Will be.fnu'ndtsecond cto'none m' the.City for. Qualityr Style and Value; so that we ~~.'~tnt'hect;ddttieedpating 'a rtecOrd' 'Szeuagctnf S trade. Soys'Youths'Aged's Tweed Suits f, «I ~"vE&&LE ~Ef'&~+&E is well stacked with SMART SUITS in Velvet and Tweed. Theln au the Neer Green and Brown Shades and Stripes edau Sut lu Colours aud Qualities, from Ii to 8/st Bine, and Green Velvet. HATS of all kinds, in all Shapes, 6/6 to 7/6. STRAW HATS in great variety, Boys' and Men' s, at ptices , ranging from lt- to 4/6. TENNIS SHIRTS, CYCLING'HOSE, CYCLING CAPES, MACKINTOSH COATS, UMBRELLAS, UNDERSHIRTS, FANCY VESTS, OXFORD SHIRTS, etc., etc. pLEAsE ckLL IhrtsD InrspacT. Iffflt ftflfj Shnff 06Partment. In this department we hope to do a verv large trade, therefore we hre well prepared with a large stock of all the most IIP TO-DATE FOOT WEAR for Spring and Summer, both in Black and Tan Boots and Shoes. We are quite confident that no p~m~ m~m~q S eeial Notice! To meet the requirements of Alem- I ! hers desirous of purchasing FOREIGN ~
  • 25. Grocery Department. !ij,, ', I !,Ij!II! ! I!I ', I Ijj 'Ilj!I jI !,I!,I I t I!I I;,!Ij u ljll !1!", '!!.' TeaS are selected with the ntmost Our eas care. The'continued increase in Sales are the best proofs of the qualities. The Prices range from I/O to S/- per lb We specially recommend 2/ 8 2/4those sold by ns at Ouf Coffees are blends of exquisite aroma, possessing a freshness srhfch never fails to be appreciated. ~Prices 1/-, 1/4, and 1/8 per lb. OUR Cocoas and -Chocolates Qualities and tlavoors to snit sll palates. QT 3KOST RnksoÃsnLK parens. d Trial and Comparison is all sre ask. Butter FINKsT DANisH. CHOICEST BUTCH. Direct importations' s times veeeBy'. - Hams and Bacon (PLartt aNn' S@oxxn) THE FINEST QUALITIES. , 1 Cheese Froni the CHOICEST DAII'ES. — — COLOURED CANADLAN. FINEST ENGLISH" CHEDDAR. .:' ENGLISH -, - . RICH STILTON. ' ' CHESHIRE. RIPE GORGONZOLA, &c. ..-. Spring Cleaning Requisites BRUSHKS- MOPS--- LKATHERS Great variety at 'Popular Prices. METAL aNI! FURNITURE POLISHES ;WHITING. BLUE. SODA. BRLNSV ICK BLACK. HARD stNfr SOFT SOAPS of the Finest Qualities +++ Bedding=out Plants frem Otjg 0%5 FARM, INCX UDING CUCUMBER -LOBKI,IA - PHLOX DRUMMONDI MARIGOLD CALCKOLARIA - PANSY STOCKS aND ASTKRS GKRANIUMS PETUNIA TOMATO - FUCHS tke., '&c., kc. NOW READY OAW '~""'"~"'~'~~:.::-':==':. -:-'-:- ':~ . , roc!ave prompt a~''-'I:-" '! I
  • 26. I Apl . ~.' '.ly 3080. 3.9. 2240. '7P 8. PCi 6$. 1, 8,'?.'?g . -!4g: l;;. c; gl 4l, 'LAN(~, +it-,,i4. if /PE'f. 4~pppg~.
  • 27.
  • 28. V wo-operative Society Limited FOR THE YEAR 1907. $;g»„g. coovIB, iu'&' on sr ~ld iri h".'. ei t Prod. P ~vate, Ap v'i J'uly ~ 'i .'5 ~i' ~484 I3 j" " Total * ' ~ t@ ' ~ jg C. I. S. Prod. g . " Eg~ ia, , :g re, stomers during the rear 1907 20. Total Amount paid or credited as Dividend on purchases to Cu 91. Average Dividend per Z on Members' pu C.!y...~. Iy ~i(
  • 29. -1': I 3IWI 05 ",'". ':-.,~, '= -:4g 4)* tg 41' jlC1jl*.'4 ,8 A 3l t
  • 30. 'i $'IVK UNION LIMITED, t. NICHOLAS CROFT, HIGH STREET, MANCHKS'rKR STPITISTICPIL STPIT AMENT Of the Co-operative Society Limited F0R THE YEAR 1907. 43XZ4.X* Nr&s k lrLLQ% WXiCI. P'Q A.~g 'll. Number of Members .... ." "" ... .... .... .... .... .., . .. , ////-Sf »2. Share Capital, NOT includmg interest, , „Q,,~~~»,:.„::.:;::,;::;;;~";,,;.:;:;,::»,+'.;,'.-, »~„',".'.:-;,".i TradeDehts ... .... .... ,..';--':-.:.:::. .gg$,g:, ' - @ouse'~y, :own'ed'hy, ;Society''. » ':y'&~'8''u'-;;:;":.;!„"::;:i:,~~up»" s, including Uivfdeed *::,'-',':. i:,;;:.:;";:.;: ' -': 8'eh etfes„-' 'iesnt ~"m~'All, , other 'Funds not provrde4 .for . ',' - pcn1~nnt'%+fwaysj dtc., gteln@-, . ikove, specify these helovr I— . , —:,".: '. mg 'credit hei'ance. n't::haik'andvessh g,~;:"-:"1R, Oeu'ng to "the Boei»ety forgoods ', 'g"j~jj, %~A. .fluq! 5 ,A //-I 4"-.'- . Number of Employee on December 81st, 1907— Distributive ...., '" 4qjI:.pthar::, OIIleers .not meluded in the, . . . '",', '.»:.I'::-,:,~'r»'i:,-'."„'!" g Norz. —This item must include the actual proiits of the Society, after providing for theexpenses, but before dednetinII interest on share capital, i.c., in all cases let theamount stated as»prost Include t'he'sum which is paid as interest on the sharecapital of the society. This is specially requested, in order to show the pro5ts ofall societies on an equal basis. Amount of Interest psidon 84ue Capital „:/:. , g Total krnonirt paid. or credited a' n-:Dtsn~i+~hases to Customers during the year 1907' l1.:Ave e Dividend er k ' -' '" ',yr~~.g .~~'~~ pe saeQst44e- ~~
  • 32. special attention of the Member. s is callecl to the choicely-assortecl alrcl up-to-datein this department. Last year the Sales exceecled those of the pr evious year by pl, el33 and they are still increasing. This surely should prove to those who are not makingtheir purchases with us. that those who do loyally patronize their own establishment O v v dMdl' vc d,thorough satisfaction is given, and that we are being recommended by them.Let us once more appeal for greater loyalty. Our gieat CLEARANCE SALES have the eIIBI of keeping our Stocks clean a)rd free from any . accumulation of old stock, and constadditions are being made of Newest Goods most carefully selected. For Good Value for. Money you cannot buy better than at YOl!R OWN SHOP. "'- Furnishing and Hardware Departments. Cycles lover 100 sold thrsseesoo) e d +Federation - - «om 4 l9 0 + Elswick . - - „6l5 0 + RIIdge-%hitworth „519 0 + Travel I in@ Req uisi tes. TRUNKS, DRESS BASKETS, GLADSTONE, .KIT, BRIEF and AIARLBORO' BAGS, RUSH PORTAIANTEAUS, RUG STRAPS, vlf'. Hammocl Chairs, ~& Good variety of Mailcarts Q Upholstered Wicker Chairs,2/IO. 3/h cr 5/I I. $' aod Pashcarts. $': from 6/I I; .ENAMELLED AND BRASS PRESERVING PANS.QA 8 DE g TQQ l $ Syringes, Water Cans, Lawn Irtlowers, Bamboo Canes& Hdeat- Grass Shears, Ae. JOINERS' AND MOVLDERS' TOOLS TEA, DI %IVER. CH;st/%BE R and TRIfsI @ET SETS,TU.VIBLERS. GLASS DISIIES, SPECI/hlEN GLASS, c%c. cJEVLTELLERY AND ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS. SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES. Sights Tested FI'ee. , Satisfaction GIIaranteed':-""": ' KU'TCcXXKH Y'' WKX- ANT'1VCEXVT. English Beef, /8 trtton 8 Pork. '.";,„;.;;;;;."~™'~.-PORK PIES, SAUSAGE, and POTTED MEAT are fresh 'daily, and of om'own manufatherefore can be relied upon for purity and. quahtye OtrxrrTv and CxzaNz. toss. our:HoME-cv FIED BAcoN AND HAMs a specialty. Every one guatsln'look into rtnr Harn, Bacdr anrr hard Factor) tsilr convince you v;e are the largest curers in the City.Ring up Na. 8- Orders ssri11 recef are prone ps and cssreful ssteenere
  • 33. "SLOVil BUT SURE." "UNION IS STRENGTH" QIIICOlII KI/IIIflIblC 'KO-OPCCOtllIC III!lIIOICIlll +OCICfll, lf lb. ESTABLISHED 18BI. Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acu 1893. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY.—First, it Provides its Members and the General Public with Bread, Flour, Grocery, provisions, Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Butchers' Meat, Coals, Crockery, Hardware, Furnl'ture, etc. ; Second, it seeks the Domestic, Social, and Intellectual advancement ofits Members. ess grl73, 500. Number of Members, 11,500. Share CaPital, 8158,396 1s Od. I oan Capital, 853,630 63. 6d. Reserve Pund, k5,890 193. 1&d. B stere: The LINCOLN 8 LINDSEY BANKING COMPANY, Limited; The 00-OPEBATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY, Limited I snd the NATIONAL PBOVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. The REPORT and BALANCE SHEET for the I8pth Quarter, Ended JULY 1st, 1908. Grcaerr nrslverr. e 4 ss~ TSBotllls ollunslls rvteaeles + mu, Pumhsees from the Co-operstive Wholesale Society a16,325 a3,698 gf,66$ a210 a911 X1,827 a16 84 from other Co-operative Sourcee ... E$39 E115 E73 rf0 968 S2 Value of Goods produced, gmwn, snd manufactured by this Society Butter snd Eggs from Country Ifembere af 220 826 877 6607 g22 987 82.432 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n 3 9 „10 Central Stores and Offices —SILVER STREET and Branch —BRAOEBRIDGE. No BURTON ROAD, LINCOLN. SHAKESPEARE, STREET, LINCOLN. RIPON STREET, LINCOLN. WELBOVRN. METHERINGKARL CANWICK ROAD, LINCOLN. SAXILBY. RAGGEHOLME ROAD, LINCOLN. GRESHAM STREET LINCOLN. FREE SCHOOL LM'E, LINCOLN. ll Branch —BARDNEY. 12,. NORTH STREET, HORNCA. STLE. 13 SOUTH STRPET. SLEAPORD. 14 „HIGH STREET. LINCOLN. 15 ., UNION STREET, MARKET RASEN 16,. BASSINGHAM. 17 „REEPHAM. 13 „WINN STREET, LINCOLN. 19 .„KS.CKTHORN. BUTCHERY BRANCHES. No. 1, Ripon Street; No. 2, Gresham Street; No. 3. Burton Road; No. 4, High Street; No. 5, Bsggeholme Road No. 6, Boundary Street, Bracebridge. COLONIAL MEAT SHOP, SINCIL STREET. The ANNUAL MEETING will Pe held in the LARGE HALL, /dr~ On MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST ~h, 1908, at Half-past Seven o'clock. ~ends of Rusiness: l.—Minutes of last Quarterly Meeting snd Special Meeting, Msy 11th, 1908. 2.—Admission of New Members. 3.—Bepors snd Balance Sheet. 4,—Application for a Subscription to the Orphan Fund of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. 5.—Nomination of Five Members of the Educaticmsl Committee. 6.—Eleotion of President, Treasurer, eeretiry, Thme Committeemen, and Two Auditors. 7—Any other business.
  • 34. hI jX(l OUI Ef)GI'I'RBhV CO- OPVQHTIVR INDUS'&'8 POCIRvv, f(I@Ivvn. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT «Rr. WIL HEWSON, President ")Ifr. WhL COULSON, Tressumr eKr. WM. Tl)BNEB, Secretary I&. GEO. HABBIS 94 99 96 96 r. W. B. HOWARD .. 'Mr. C. USTICE hlr. IL SlfALLEB 'Mr. GEO. WARD 91 96 96 'hfr. F. H. BATES Mr. W. H. GOLDSTEIN Mr. G. BARLEY 94 96 96 Aonmoas —*hlr. W. P. ABhlSTBONG, ifr. T. E. CURTIS, lfr. R. DAY, snd 'Mr. W. SPALDING, Cmnraa —Kr. FRED STEPHENSON. Assrsvsar Cmarsa lgr; H. H. ROPER. Retiring Members each eligible for Eleciioa. 96 Committee Meetings have been held daring 4he Quarter. Candidates Nomins4el for the Electioa of President: —hlessrs. G. Harris and W. Hewson. Membcm must vote f»»e only. The Csmhdstes Nominated for the Election of Three Members of the ifsnsgement Committee I—lfessrs. 6' Bacon F H Bsbn H BeH T Burii R Fisher W. Hewson, C. Ostich, F. Swsby, snd G. Ward. Members must not vote for more than Three Candidates. Voter must be given by mating s X opposite to the names of cs'ndidates selectel for support. Rash member must show his or her Puss Card to ob4ain s voting paper from the person who gives them out. The hours of votiag sm from 19 nooa tiH 9 pan. on Monday, August 19th, 1908. DEPh RTME N TEL CO M M ITTEES Boor kiln Snos %rssrsanse Ga os a av lhasa mr Tstsoame Bmcsaar Messrs. COULSON, HEWSON snd WARD. hfessrs. SKALLEB, BATES sad BARLEY. Messrs. HARRIS, HOWABD snd GOLDSTEIN. Messm. SMALLEB, BATES snd HARLEY. Kessrs. HEWSON, USTICE sud WARD hfessrs. HABRIS, BATES sad HABLEY. Colas .. .~ .~ .. Messrs. HOWARD, HARRIS sud BATES. Botsotaes .. .. Messrs. HSWSON, WARD snd GOLDSTEIN. Fmeuca .. .. .. Masse. COULSON, TUBNRB and HOWARD. Boxume, Iuva Srocu saa Fmw Kessm. USTICE, HOWARD snd SMALLER. Fsoua Kmr Means USTICE, WABD, RABBIS; GOLDBTEIN snd HARLEY. STANDING ORDERS. 1. That ao Member be suowed to spesb more Quw once on ssy motion st the Quarterly, or sny c4her General hleetiag of the Miinbem convened for the pmpose of ~gthe basiness of ihe Society, escept the movers ol motioss snd amendments, who shsH each be avowal s reply i snd no Member shall spesb ~g~q ouch reply. 9. That nc lfambers, except movers snd seconders of Resolutions, be sHowed to spesb more than gve minutes on any Besolution. - . I g. That sH qaestions relating to the Balance Sheet, which sre sent to the Secrebtry before the General Meeringl have ths pmfersncs. Whenever amendments sre anule upon original propositions, no second amendment shall be 4 shen into considenVSun mtSI. Eiiidfdif'E(f'tsstthsees rse of. (s) If s &st amendment be carrie it shall displace the oriuiasl question snd become itself the question; wbeiespoa ally'-~tnoved, (4) If the 'Srst amendment be negatived, then s second msy be moved to Qw original question ender senshleration; bat only. oaa'Keeping fbt 4saassion st one time. (c) The mover of slaty resolution snd of every smenibeeai iTisE hive a itgKi of rijity,'sbsE be pat fmra tbs chair; bat po o4ber Member shall ht aHowel to speak more than once on ths same question, unless permission be given 'eup St,sthsti'cn cf the chair be calieE to a posit of enlei. fs A msthm oaee eeried sbaH not be rewind'sd at any lfeehng m&eut due notice ha~ bees given. ~!'gp-" „"','; I If', =';, 'Efs . ', „,:~s)bttf, :;bshe ItstEghtbf ~ll 'm cpsn' tsl laty IE INC m '~. '*. , eae question. ";4 c., Clat the motion ~om ~4~~~ COMM ITTEE'8 REPORTTo THE ))fEMBERS, Ws bsg to submit to you:t'hs d87th Qaartsr)y Report and Ba)aacs Sheet. The total amoua4 rsosiysd for Gosdg ':f)et;EVEetfgghc 'L%«"gL~,;~sft"f~:,9'8::.'Ed fif@,EIL'.4ij 'cusp", bfitr',; ' "„'' 'qusr')(sr' &-.„4egsyssr, &egtste Iud Oi)foes SILVER SIREETe LIECCLRp J?Ltg 16tlt e 1FOS. leik +~,:elneI „Cene,ISISasa. aeeasueual~ltsm @)tvrI ~,:;-M~%-:~~;m:.Sdvsa.„ff~=sird-:%'s:%sw, ~~~~8m,::Cin8 ~4,we hops b»~4 s'. ' 'h ' " "hei " ' n waats ' oi'ii sm m in t rapidly gro~ dimmot 'who hsvs hssa Es)ria for ~!~;:' "~:', '"-~:;:;i'-' "' . 's8j ia the asighboarhood for ssvsral yssry. - . g Ws hsvs hoagh4 some laud adjoining our Branch at Horncast)s, wsrs we iaisnd to buf)d 8 New Rikshouto mss4 oar rsquirsmsats tn that district. 0aus sad Stab)st'I,'& Ws have dscidsd that. with tbs new qasrtor ihs Coal Club shall be discoatiausd, ag it wss aot be' ussdMom~ in s reasonable maaasr, but ws have msds arrangemsats that lfembers can take advantage of the ordia prtil ~s purchases of Coal, if tbsy Eo dusirs it, along with other goods. ep Signed on behalf of the Coownittee of iVanagenicnt, WM. T()RABBI SECRErsar.
  • 35. TE =',. ( '' BALANCE SHEET, Dr. Isoona. To Cash iri Hand snd Shop Tttbt, kpr]l'1st „(trode gold, ..... ;;Ocntribntions to Share Celpifsf ..... Iiosn Capital .:.:.... Special Doss Capital . 'Prmny Bnr)b Capital . . Frdvident Clirb .Goal Club ,-, Repayments, Membets' Pmperty decuunt „Rents .........................., ... „Interest on Investmentc ......... ..... (Reserve Fuod) „Dividends „Sale Fixed Stock and Horses account .. „Rates returned ,, Insurance Premiums (nembers) „Branch lifsnsgere' Bonds „Rules, Cards, Cash Boobs, etc. ......... „Proposition Fees „Trsneier Fees „Nomination Fees „Strong Room Fees „Survey Fees .... ... o gagbb=lgithdrswi)s g. , 1808.. 288 412 I 4,714 6 6. ' 2,047 18 8 7 2,014 18 6 r 1,242 6 p'0;0255 f',jj"~ 004 1$.)8,-, 660 810/ R268 2' 4. TS 16 Sv' 16 8 84 I 18.'e/+ 8;8"8-'.f' j;'888,,:8.',88cy fo 388@ 8 0~ , r oncet ...:,:..;:,.:.,w. 'n=* :.i!i. i:krone scen scars~ ~cSsidnnt ..",....'.'....n:,;.rv'.--.... 188RN .8 46 Rnttdjtl(tkeesnnb. ..». '- ., ''%'0" I~:;8 8 gelnbsrs Stggpcnty ~~c~ m 3 ici:tcsarsdc888'- 'h, Iiabb)SIStjgn's~', ' cnnsnj)tchc mc)8cri;.:,", ;.,' ",:,c:c."Ilc 18 0 jjt 0~ .4tt18 8 y 88 1 8 v' SL 8 Syy' &IS' 6 4' 18888 810 Vy 8 800» 7 8~-' 82v)88 6' gv! 880'24 gi. „":Frctjlastsvac %ig'ear *',.:.:;,',...';.';.,',.".c '':,'";,.;,',-',c';.,(br888,88r,8 %agan ...':.' c...,..:.'.;,,.v.' .'-. . . ' 4t88tckgbtpc rgAkk& ..S. y MF~W+ "--ceres)c,a r' jb.NK ACCOUNT Ranilug-kpg1 721(t+:- get .108 *:tr.", !g;,I 878,113 4 glad le 4
  • 36.
  • 37. LdetND ~D BUILDINGS AQQP~vi '3 t»revioae Cost. s d 8 s d sad iuoas by tha ' noel~et 'econ, l Central, Branoh Stores and other Business Peemises Beetling-houses . Agricultura Land and Buildings ... ..;..;... 99,554 le 0 18541 6 6 6,491 I 9 40 0 0 124.517 0 8 40 0 0 1,888 0 0 10'k,gdS Ilt 'Vl, ';810Id '0 Igdgty '. 9':0 .9:,$1$-=$'; 0' '»$4$$ I" 9 .Iv'Igg:M"', 9' 190448'" gi' $4;fjpt» 'rd $$$ 1$ 8' 105!1$0 *9$ 9',0 $9$tg "Id tg'$$: *;" 1 ',' 0$~ .8,';S.':g; * AXED 4ND ROLLINS STOCK ~HGRQH ACCOUNT i»eeu ddgithms ddditioas by T ~ Beprerdatton, ', . kthrsnd '»!Peom. . . .„Sets»o»1, .wrtttimug """'. '«"',"o ' Balaiioathis BuSdfdg sad g, t Previously. ' . " .Itive', .'. & So .- 'Ivleed tttbetr 'Prugt»SP»hei ""''!~'."""'" BthutndtQuarter. Iver lag Dept. allowed. tdugnuu, . i,. '. n»nd"Burma. ' . *StNdtni"::Mgmattdtn»v ', , 9 s d $ s d 9 s d 0 s d 8 s 8 0 s d '0!'e''d B s 4 0 s d 0 s d 0 ~99,o87. 1» 9 IVI 18 0 .... 29,709 19 2 90,269 8 9 $SI 17,0 ' 40 8 10 88 6 6 41 4 11 90,885 4 8 Sdtyd 7 MILLING PL~T k.CCOUNK Previous Addi@one ee . . .thte: „,''; ' ~'-', :,':,, Waistnek s d s d " ' $' s''4' .:y'' " ' 8 '4' r ' 0 s d 'y ' 4l ~ d16,596 19 0 18+$8 19 0 ,V,86$ V. 0 jf. 800 5 0 g 7,$$$1$0 f 5»850. 0 0' /' MKMRNRS';:-'i~~' &CCOUNT Ita; r ':,- .- =:::;,.=-:, " „.:=. :.. '"... "., ', ", .: 4l',-,s' 'd:!'»regs!=,"'e',:4""A 5167 715 9 I $167,725 9 1 RKSRRVX POND ACCOUNT »»p
  • 38. r.»EVL5 19,669 14 4 f„SS?&sueso ~and Ious ha«sant ...... ......:......... Srfps IV II» sf;, gisg 159 7 « 6» 5 s d '5 s d 8619/46 js 6 &r' 110 sf' 159 15:11»~ SV. V 9:fr 41 4114 I 0 sr 509 19 5;844 15 '$5,647 '5 8 / s d 8 95 Is sir' 97 19 O»r 51 5,695 Q" ~, eiuonntfuas js'rt'rjsjut«ni ';r»y. "":"-"~ .-" ,.Or, -ud?uujuh:~jjtlsijntuu To Nnuimrsabsrs' Dtrtdssd .............—.» „Snuuh«?rootle«Is .......*........-..-..; „Prosnsfife Sxepiofs'os' Oating ,.Qj'uto, se»r'sea'sold —Sejanes writte'u, og „Ufufsiue«tjtsstad'Shine Ituruost jasj Snertsr „Sah'inaa, dispossljjs Wn, the nrjdernjgned, hare oxemjnek tire boohe hn Jeep Xft?t, 1st?8 $5,547. 5", AU33ITQR8'i~~"' tj aeoonnte of your Socio»ty-foo;jfihf:»~, ,'Srgfh?i Sajy shiit;1908 -=:~g; ' ',lj",«:jr d. '. Qhiss-II 6, ' 6«048 6 0', 9?Iss: Ill 6'. . sr»60 O' 9 9»ISV 8 .505 8 1«760 '6 I 7 818 0,419 16 0 s 5,800 18.10 V,459 7 9 S,S40 0. IIISW 4 8 78 17 5 I,QSV 0 9717 19 5 Sr774 18 4 6?IS4 9 '5,9V5 10 I 668 8 .9 ?~Is 6 967: 0 '-S., 1181 8 .0 640 19 0- 798 6 ii 1.647 0 I;185 18 0 48I 0 0 688 5 0 . 451 7 0 '6180'.5: SVQ 14 'I'.649 19,4 I,VBS 4 It 4,418 0 Io Idisfi 11 9 644 I:7 8 Sss 18 0 sits:I'9 0 .. I'll8 .5 .8. 59795 6 7 -..«611 8 4:4 S. SVjf 'll 6' I-'. .9!11. 9:. 9;565 9 I 1661 Ii 6 9,406 Iisls li'vfos I;710 QjLQ I??Vd I -5 999 19 9«SIV os 6 ;977 rl. g S . -!p. ii," '="4'dft»SS?jisry ind Mjihnarf. ..., ... 188 I4 +' ' jjtik»IS @.'-", ;;:, ' Ajf»::QS=-'-,".O'=;- M 4»r'=-', '='. .'= -'-Isis»jt»'16;Sfi=-:~«nd Shoes;, ...,.,;..... 149 fr" 6., '", jj&8,18«!. -: ":»" '-'Bhi " " ' '" ' wg»5SSSSS, ", "-jahStneev «nd ~...~ -.thuds .~ .~, ,.. :sslr» 8!!?8'll-:-,',."'""''SSh Outgtttns urd' seedy-jjhdss .. Rmushi g ';............. .Snildiag ISII snd Sdherv. ................... Iffhehes«gene ...........vdrsnngr-'shear. !...................' Siutoa Siia& Srsnah ..;.............ifhshsspuue Street Srsaeh ..........,jtipiiu. tjtrdit Sr«noh:. ;............%'ejhonra Sreurh ...;. 4 11- 8 1 7:nhss jfj-'Ifetherinshua, gurseh .. .. 5 0' «::941stjjf "„.V. 0 &96. . ., ?5,16;0 «%, ''711-Sr««tub IS' 0'-un ~ 6 6?ri'sado«df-S«u»hath!I-. -',.::.'."-;, !,', r;...... , . ,.'-; .d?Ijp-. =-y'18 -6 8 '- 4 6 6910 6.,''»' '; .'%6658 V 19,6 04 0, 16,'. ', , -", :- 'iC':".54, 5 ' i &iSIS;-.0''815 4 . . 5-0, : =: 49 5 9 549:"«7- ...,::.,-'=:-, -. . . ; 8 I @.: S,vov:rs7 I'7 8 6 5: !0- 0 6 ' 180.'0'...g.'".",-.!;;Qj, 6, 1@«O 0.. Bi,, 954%in5 10 0 . IIV 5.:7 .— . 4»18' 4» 0 .0, -g.. '. .."I»ASS610. 0- 194.9'-is":.. 6519 9 . o. I:g- -,?~it:::SSIVV I4-'6'" '155?9 6 ' 8 L.=d»' 58507 O'I'0»: '-, 68690'!S»I.-' 88if»918 '6-', —. LAOS 10: 8 7, 950518':-I - 5595Ã Iif! '-.:-. " .jjshgjl';,:
  • 39. LXhBIXjXTXEE 'go gfrare' Capt tet ,r. Xjprdtst. Lotos' Cspotst ....... r,. pratj 6 Benb Dspsjdte , ' Xghbsg'ore' Bonds .;:.;....... o President Clab ......., .... ., CtislClab ........ . Trsds Debts owing Expenses Torso Lusnsrrss RESERVES:— „tdonorst Paad „lnsarsnos Fend „Congress pand ..'..... „ejforbmea'6 xrisarsnos pand .........,'for so Rssssvss „Edbatejr', .......................... CgP'ITdhIr KGCgP ~gjjw'jj.t;,g ', , ', ':,'''-=' ', , '--', , —.":i!;,':,'', ;, / 69616 of24 0 0 775 10 6 jf .~ .~ —' —7rP67r. "6 969 66666, 66-:- ef 47 5257,022 7 9 (' $257,022 7 5,304 19 0 39 14 667 $5,344 13 25,344 13 ei r" 5"o ' '. CERTIFICATE S. and hereby certify the foregoing Hbatetnenb to be'~' ""' :-;,,",.:W;K~»,Rue K Gmrrta, R XXhx;;Xjg. Sphbmt'tt3. TR~E A.CCOUNT. rtnpkllVI@Nrtb ' ' ., ' ' ' ':. "., '::,«~~ 2 ~.'-:. y,,~As'r', '',' .~~;-., ~gelP. na~lejja, ",. Totals .or%'=';1'r~dpj'r" 3 .- - -.""-:."--, '"::;-EXP., ;;:.Xt-". :"4I4gl;-'lf".;f,:,»'j;166Xd,.d " .2566 kg 6 ddgXX 6 -5 26r660 XE 6 6EX6 0 4EX 17: '6:. „; Xrgw Xd 0 Xdppdj 6 XP .Ed r7 0 Xl 26 6 ',Edtgg XO 6 '75464 16 ~+@isb*%,.a'Wdlrr 0 ' M'0 "'0 '"' +6 64 * r 'Xiii ' AWhp +. „-"-XXXPPXtb'2E, '8;"sjr+'*+':16 '$606 Xd"XO '6 624 6 7 ,;-,'iiEo6.;:6,db. :62,666, QI''' 6-. 662315 6 PROPOSED, DISPOSXthIr OP PROFIT. Bslsooo forward