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Ig-Ai'R-lr.ll: ttv;58
r the phii
€o ru otr Et Als
trfltramuros, MBnlla
4 16 !3

i - v#rgus*
x .----..-..- .-T:t::::l-o:--.--.-- .
Counsel ftrl bl're
Uflit 6-8 A0 L*nsberph Flece Corrciomillir.;m
17f T. I,loleto ':stilsr Scout il,?ftilr.$r:t,*ets,
Que;:on Clty, t4ett'c Flaniltr
AT"TY. r}A}iS
" tlounscl fcrr the fi.€spondeni
22 Sunrise l!ills, i$ew plariila
iQi"ieuorl City, Metro l{anlia
6FPr hii0. l.S-163 {pC}
Attached is a copy of the R E $ 6 L u T t d ff of il.le cornff,lssiorr
{fAl II{Jtr(.1J lrr thf fi:,oie-*ntllifus,:i r:f se pi.omulgtatr:cl Aprrl 5, 2013,
Manlia, 05 Apri! 2013,
lg-APR-?013 0g:53 iJ. rj2
Republic of the PhilipPines
Inkamuros, Manila
EN B*lsc
SPA Cage No, t3*167 (DC)
Brillantes, S.S. jr-, CJicirman
Tagle, L. N., Cornw$eaiarur
Yusoph E.R, Commic*i.Dvr
x---+ --'-"-x
ffi4 c,&.s.:
For resolution by th-e comnntssion Ett Eanc it fhe ,{ptton Jur
Rtcansidwr*fronl dateC ie f.b**ry 2013 fited by petitioner Elmer Felix
M" PclrrEl assailing the loint Ecsolgfiorte d.ated 31 lanr'tary 20x.2 of the
Cornrnission ($enunrd Diuisrion) which disrfueaed the Petlfions dated 29
Ocf.ober 2fr1i. W derny dile course to or cancel the Certi{icate of
Cand.idacy of rmpondent Fernando Vatiejo Gonsalez'
The factual anteeedents of the case are as fotr'Iows:
Respondent is an incumbent mernbet clf tkre House of
iatives repr I the 3a ict ince of
tnber 2012, p.rn., he his of Candidacy
I Matio[ fw nliou dct+d f RG€ords, at * {06'420.
? Resolulion fanuary 201? ion (Srccrd iw:); Iil', at prget 3t8-n'
t----"- "' -- -'
1 Petition dated 39 Ostubet 2012; id', et Prges l-12
i3-APR-2i t-i 0J r 53 P, l]3
liFA Crcr No, I$"rGZ fDC)
Porrcl u, (jonzabz Page 3 o{ 11,
En Banc Rerolution
re-election {or the upcorninB 2CItr3 National, Local and
eontfery to the requirements provided, by larar.u Petitioner also
avsred that respondent materially mi*represented lus birth place
when he si;ated in his (hrtit'icate of Candidary that he was born in
Liga.o Citv Aibay conhadirting the official rscords which stated that
he wae bcrn in Legaspi,
Pursuarrt to Connelec Resolution No.. 9,523,rs the f-omrnission
(Secand" Diaiaian, through the Clerk of the eommiseion, issued
Surwmons anfh Nofice of Conftrenael6 dated 20 N,rvernber 2012 directing
I ltetpondenf s Crrdfitaiu $ C,mtdidnry; ld, at pege 16,
! loetitloa dahd 29 tlctolnr lI)12, ld., rt page IB.
o lii , at page 04,
7 ld,
t ilJ, ,t pagc il5,
e nfrdaoit of Elaction o! Philippitu Citizeu;l'ip dated 11 Septefitffi 1961 executed by Raiael
Ferrrando Gonea.l*e Vall*!o; fri , at prgee 14-15,
s Oath ol rtlir,g*lrrce damd li Seplecrber x961 exectted by Ralael Fernando Gcrrzahg
Vnlleio;lC., &t paSA 23.
ri ,'rJ.. nt prges +#t7.
ra.td_, at prse 08.
ri ld-, rr p.ges 09-lS,
le Id., af Fa$r lt{l
1! (iommission on Electioru*, "1g1 Tha Mrtir.{ of the Arn+ndrlgrt to llr;lw 2}, i14 and 25 of
tltr COir{EtS,C Ruier of Procedtrr* i+t Prrrpnae of the 13 Msy il13 National, I.ocel and ARMM
Elrutioflp a+d Subsequent Bl 5 Septeor ,t
t6 lur:rripyrc zpitJl Nol e;rre date ntbu 2012: Becorde, ot poge.53 tJ
19-APR-2013 1C:00 P, tl4
5Pr1 Cree No- 1SX57 iDt)
Psrn.,i ir. GoaanlEr
PagE 3 of ltr
El BRrrr: Rerolsttoo
se$pondent to (ile his verified Ansawr within tha reglementary period
afld to athnd tlrc ccnfermc€ $et on 04 December 201?.t7 On thc sanre
date, the Cierk of the Comrnission served a Notice al Conf*cnur[ on
Eespondent, in his Anlwerza dated 2ii November 2AL2, denied
the accu*ations and firaifltaifled the (ollowtng:n (1) That he ia a
natural born sitiaen hat ing executed an E'lectiou of PhiliVptru
Cffiaenslrifr arrd OaIft af Allegiaacerr on l.l. Septernber Lg6L;x (2) That
the Corunissi no iuriadiction to d responden{s
uitizenship as ted by the Supreme the case of
Limkadthor1g v. COMELECEs;16 (3) That'Ra.[ael Gonualeo
VaIIejo' ir o Vallep Gorrzale/;u (4) That the
possession is not a prerequisite for electing
citizenship of tmmigration Circular is nothing
but a datab,asing requirement"'ae (6) That the C*msHtution leane
torvards petmitHng elections;s and (Q That petitinner's teliance on
the ptevious COMELEC Deci*iort i* rnrsplaced'a't
On the scheduled conference, the parfies, through their
reepective couflsels, appeared
then direeted fo substit their
,dnys Petitioner and respondent submitted their Mtmoran*a
on 14 December ?01?.r{
tl t.1
r0 Notfcc al Cau/trr,r('r .lat+r{ !0 Novemher 201?; page lrl,
l't l/l
ru *ilnudr dated ?6 Novernber ?012; lrr., at pagee 53-73.
t Id,
ar Af;1,itarrit of Election ef Fitilippitc Cdtixrrr6it p dated I1 Septcmber 19)61 er*eutrd by S*.#aei
Fernandc 6anz go; Li., rl pag*e 77'78.
I Onik iancc Catccl 1L Scptember 1961 ereculed by l{afrel Fertrando Ganzaks
Vrllelo; Id,, rt page 79.
ri id", Et prges 57-59.
6 GR Nos. 17E83'1."32, 1?9tZS, l?9'!5?-93. & 1792{t0{1,01 ,{pdl 200t9
16 A+*uer dahd i6 Novemhtr 2012; Raeorde, !t Pr8.i fll'63.
e Id,, rt paEtt oB-55.
s fd., at pagrs fi$66,
F Id., ot paEBa 66-6S,
'rtId. at pa8e 6Sru,
s td., ai paBp ,0.
r? Ap*niefice ds6d ZE November ZO1Z is,ued by tlre Ckrk oI the Comnriss[on; I., , rt pt6e
* Order dat+<l 0{ tlerernbrr ?01'I irsued by tlre C+mmiesion (Sbcorrd Dfuirioid; Id,, lt prge
r'i Fetltionet'[ to1efltr:mrtdrim dtted l,t DecembPf
!d., dt Paget 335-3c'0
Respcndenf s M etxoruwl u m d e|a,d'l 4 tbet 201 2l tri,, a t pa6ea 23$21?
1ii-APR-2013 iJr0l P.05
r No. 1g-i6? {p(}
Gis*xil*z Irrge { of Il
En Barrc Resolution
On 18 Febr*ary 30tr3, petitioner filed the s f*r.ItuwetetvA'rqrr(/,r-^ ax:auurB tnH lorffi fi^g$otunot? of ion
{Seemd D*oieion)" H* assi6n*d the foliowlng errorsrie
"t lvith ali elue rexpec[ this H*noreble c*urnrission's assailed
Resolution islored
.*.*n.. E-ri
^ltcflj.Alrfreqlocurnent fe'r tlrat
asruntirrg that the
respcrtdenf himself, he ff,s,I
nante and *idr:;i.r.6 i,r,et!:tl
bound try the t*,u- ':u;Lrr..;
rnobEnf,l rniEr€prruetr,tam,tn
his CC(j and deny lt due ,;surse;
IL Even acsuurhrg argueiirJo thet the person who signed tlw Clath of
nrr;'E *qd Elertion rf Fhi Citjm:*}.;i" .o ri,re reep
la he still conunitted a mrs fltaiiL*i. i:t hw fl{-X-- ,ia he
fact no genuine intentir:n to r€riounce his ctilaen:1..1,., 1/!l)Et".i !,e r-sr red ?1
yeats old by the evictr*nt fe-llt 'i-tmt "'!e
did fist ,r6a hrs r:rl rr'rrl€ fl'lid ciici net
affix his real airy*-uture. E.;eir on E:l,is rner,B asriirerpdon" the r+ri-.r:xj.;iit *{!l
ssll be ccnsidetred tr., havs mnd+ a rnisregrre*;irir4;on k! his C$C herause
f-{8 {.I|.EAI{.LY tr!{D trl(If'}}rmlrui) T(} HE BO[-TNI} Bf iT EECAL'SE tiE
jl {'A I. $rCtfi'IL jli g
rT 11ilr' e i Jai,-:
-..'ri,rlr*(:., i,ir ,;:+;r:; Iir:llla;i*lta J,l,ti8 tr,nir flp}:ly *li lhe
iISt;lr+t cPP,r',1
ltr T3".i l-lx,:.r,-,:r :i tl.e -'Ili- i-rr.',.:I, i.rE i'&ii,rn l.rtii*tia! rtu':!qc $f
ii is ni,t p,*-s- :lr t[-.: h':r: ,;; i'.r: iar":d. Jvtr. ,l *rt n'r-r{ra*rier (he
1'qllatr,J;, f::!r--i -,d,:,li-:l;)":llil-,1. rrf i.'rir: r::s1;r;ll;i;lJ ,:hEt *ie ljjli!; irg''! giruady
t:Jr:iLn.:d ;l ic*siorl rle*l,e.rir,gg hirn ,s netirtai'.b*tu Biilprns $ti'd,,*i'r, .tt r.uflJlet
3! jr'itl Fiorl:r:"ir'rt dll{* 3"1 t-i-.:'',-r'?t)f5; iri, al y'ergee'398405.
:fI irl., nt pagr:s .r,{:$:.t,.i}.
.,rr ,y', rl pr?+ {ft,/,
,t"Rt*or:;ir|e ri;lirr;r rla{eri li F1.::i:r,lr:ry til?;, Jn,, ,'ai pages 4i!6.4}0,
r r,i,. ai pptre 4ff,1 '.t
P, 06
:9-APR-?013 1C:02
$FA Co+e rr)*. 13-167 iDr'li
F antei t, flut::,igr',ltrl
Page 5 o{ lt
firr iFnrrc Raeolution
be considererl here because il was nilt PreseRted in the Memorandurn'
Burthsrrnore, this Llonorable Contnaission itself declared that tt hae
iur6diction lnsofar ac reapondent's gualificaiions for the 2013 eiection it
V, This Honorable Cornmission shoqll instead take iudicial notice
of ich P the use of aliaces'
Cl at it' Y logical and legal
co respondent hae rernained u Spanieh
citizen all throughout his political career,"
We now rule,
Irertinently, the 1fl35 Constittltion, whieh was reinforced at the
time of respondenfls birth, declBres as citizens o{ the Phitippines
those whoee rnothers are citizene of the Philippines and elect
t hrtippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority, viz:44
"gecti*n 1" The fotlowing are citizens o{ the Philippines:
{*},"-...!sh,p.{$-,sss.there._sxn- r#...sf-.s,'4-rhi.linq[$8n-#.E]s
.;.u*;,li;, i*o oiri,rallllt!-,tici t'4
cormllary with the said constihrtional proviflion .
Comrnonwealth Act No. 625 which set$ fsrth the manner of elec$ng
f'hiiippine cirizenshipr to u;it:{r
n 1" Tte cptton t+ P!'"il:p' tiz !n' aqeovdarme
wiih s en (4i,
i, le iS' I ttonl eh'ali be
rvofo to try the PariY concerned
r oaths, ancl $hall be ffied wiih
rid ohall acc the aforeraid
sta,trrnnnr. ivith the oatA of alles to the tion and the
fi+u*rnment uf the Ph'iilPPl':rr:e "
{1} xxx:
, - f, tt ir loatau .( !"t"4'til'l t"1r' -''wBlt /anrt't B'i Il/ g'lt
P. 01
,5FA Crut No- X!-I5Z {Df,}
i+'iNel t, fjorr z
:rage 6 of 11
En &l:,ni Eee$lution
of the Philippines; and (A) on of the Etatement
d oath *rlth the nearest civi {3
In the ca$e at hand, it is undiuputed, that respondert was born
to a Spaniuh faths and Filipino mother. Thus, the assigned errors
ba bsil ttown to Lhe core iscue oI whethq or not r nt
va elected Philippine ciHzeuhip purcluant to the nr
requiremmts of law?
We anawer in the affirmative and lay skess on the follewing
Firsf, FeHtiorrer ixile<i -"o eql;:,blirsh r*e1x-:ndr.rr3 s',ad= a
rnaterial misreprcsentason in hs Certiifirate af ilaur;i.tisfy it;t
simply, he failed to e.stab,iish ttat r+rpcnde:rt is nct a n-a.[ur:a] u*-rrtr
citiaen ef the Philippinm"
Basie is t:re rule that he who asserto a fact or an a,fflrmative of
has tl:e burrie:r of i;+'' i, R:d: ;t ths:
Coufl which linr-i e }t aEr in the i "--ar'.,cr
provides lftal "lrurdex cf y'aaf is lhe ilitfg af a party ta prexnt evilerwe on
the facts im i.cs,r{d necrsna;1rt to establish his d,aim or dc{enae by ffu .ttflBunl o!
euiden* reqw;rc | by law,"*
*x Id,
{{ Errrefrd P"rsollrs! Mt6rageli1a1ilt S4fl)icc4 tnc. t:a V1lencil, G R l{o, 1$+3b8, 15 Iu}.
2008 s* S,ectiorr. 1. i..ule lt'I., {Gi'{EI.EJ f,iuler cf Fi'ctad,rt+ lt prL,vidc,:
"gecriEn 1.'l}e Rules al Caurt. - In i:!re abse&:e ot eny uppl!:$le
Fflvlslono !n tlrese Rules, lhe FertktEnt prolistiolts oi tht Rulits tt( Court
in the Philip-uinm shali lr+ *-.rpiitt-b1,, t"r rnalo.qy lr m $;.tll*!rinn'
characttr anC e.**ci,"
lg-APR-?0i3 i0r06 P .JP
SPA Caac l.Jo. f J-167 (DC! r.,, Goneri]ee
?agr 7 c.'f 1,
DE,S;rn g lls6qrluYic1r
Applying the lioregoing in the car$e at irar'd. it iu thsrefore clear
ttrat petitiuner failed tr: sufficiently prove ttre allega;ioru hr l',is
Petition. The incomsiatencies :irt the spellings snd si,grraturrr;,
urtcorroborated by anv otlmr eviden,ee,, lraye no iegal basisr to stand
on. Other tiran mere assertions and speculations, petitiofler failed to
premflt any pviderrce to substantiate his claim that the Affidnait of
Electtan af Fhiliyyine Gtizenship{6 and Qath of Allegtan#z used by
r€spofldent were Executed by another pexsorl Even contrary to his
claim is ihr IVBI R"epotto dated 25 Aprtl 2012 stating that the
questioned signqhrrea appearing on the Afldfrait af Election ef
Phi,,ippine {.ititcnship and Gsdh af Allegi*nce urrd the sample signatures
supplied by one Fernando Goruales were $rritten by ,ane and *€
safne Person.
TVe have stressed time and again that allegahons rntrst be
proven by sufficient evidence. Mere allegation is not evidence End is
not equivalent to proof
Ae c.offectly ruted by the Conrrnission (Second Diaision),
nt hat elected Philippine Citiz having
an Eler:fr iliTrpine Citizcnship anti Cafh 47IcE on
tl $eptember 1961, Respcnderrt's failure to re hhe said
docunierrts does not rendei bris election nugatory. P fit patts o(
the Rssolurion of the cormnission {second Division) are quoted an
to regieter t?re sam* with the nearcet civil registry'
ThereEfter, he continu* to reaide in Tutrura+ Ligao City'
tr Afrcla.tit qf Elacrion ol Ptt iipwrie ciliecnehdP datcd l L seP ircr 1861 exesu*d by Ratrrel
Fcrnando Gclzalee Vall*io; ft,ecolds' at PaSeE 24-2S,
er Oafh .lf Alkg*nct dut*rl 1l Se[tern,rar 19i1 exetuietl b.u Rafsrl Fern*ndo Gorrcales
va-li*jor Iii , ai page 33.
s NBI ttqrott dricd 25 April 2fr12i id , at page* d2-65
aB jtr.s{rli,tir:,r dated 51 tanurr} 2il1t oi ,c;#mnnl+p{un (:gecoud Diuaion); Id rt pag* {0{
1g-APR-2tl i I 1.;l lr:17
D n1
SFA. Crrr l.lo, !*t6Z IDC'I
[lorail v tfunt:skt Page I of 1L
Eu Eaat'Reoolutirrn
d positive
the aet of
l{rnile it may bt true that respcnd
doctlrnetrlir prtrr.lng iris riectiLlfi o? cifi
registry, the cace of fuf* v. $-sncndea iE a
does not negate the fact oi.recpondands el
has trcome a natuai-born Filipino eitisen. Indeed, hls actual exercire uf
phiii citiz oi€r th* yeai3 nstice ta tlw public which
then tha e of formal regi
.Secclxd. Nrwhere does it provide in the Bureau of Imndgration
clircul o thet faitrure to cancel an Alien certiJicate Regishatiorr
rendera an eiection oi Fhilippine citizenship ineffective. Neithm is
t!'.fil!. l-ri'nt'$ bela+a,'rl *pai4fea*i^'. ^{ lti- }'i " 'i' : ,
---- F..-Ay er I. r L. ..urL: urlrr,r'.1,.ie..$ I() Blve B di6til.."..
',il! i'lt l'.^rCir'i,,7 ,a.,,., '-p,.''r Trl,,:1 that t('-' ' i r .l, la',v ,r.-.
iwJryrucieflce. };hri., rt F.t-; 5; argued thi. ..,11...,111+*.'i fail,:r": ,:,
(Encsi hie fuien :.-:--:l:iicrt. ui ftegi*i:rat,:u jl:s ;*6al liaLiii-*.;:, r1.-
{.]r:t,:rrnission is nu; #} i}ri,v,,+ ir-}elrfi }n +'ovtr11' ,'h,,'..1+ ilsu.:s
Tlrir.l Pe'"iii-ir,+t'; il.l,cqat;; i.n rcl;lo.:c:: t'..r r*sp'-r:i:-*nt/'r l.i-';t.
1rt:,Ce tioes Ht)i f.e-ryq!3 fir rr.-*cilr,.r)r-;rri"u qrrciiiir'-^rii i',i eli6b;:|' :cr
the office ihat he seeks to be e,lected, rhus, it is not a grounri iru tiely
ctue course to or cencel a ce:tificate of cnnCiclary,
$ection 78 in relation to $ie{rion 74 o( the OEC yields no other
conciusion tryt thnt the facw stat+d in a cerhficate o{ candidacy must
be true and that any false repre$entation contained therein of a
rnateria! fact shall be a grourrd for the deninl $r canceliation of the
,raid +:ertificate.s]
Althr:ugh" the [a'*r deer not expresstry specrry what corrstitutes
ia! nrier*;xes*ni.ation, an iutis elistrtssi.ort
iight orr this matter, tt'.e Abcdk p'
Cororntissloa {xfl iJecfi,;tt-s32 and Snlseda [7 p, Camwtlsei*n gw
Elesf,rgrfff,s3 th,* Srnprrrtle Court clarified, in l"lue tt" Camwvasifit's r0r{
Lr u Li*!r arrrl DepurtntiOn, fole uffi i:]rdev (]6 Ai.l1+t^s: rSs4i.g'
5r ( otr ox tt,l.ctioua, C.t{ Na il S Aprit ?008 M
'*i G.R, Nos, Sf:{-3U,31 $er,eorber 1}Sl
ii fi.R. No, 13r,.tr8$. i6 Augult 1999,
813 I tt I 08 P, 0,
Pege 9 of 1l
En Baur: Resolution
SPA Case No. 13'167 (DC)
Pornsl u, Canz*lcz
taw c&n be gleantd "trom a
y matentt falsitY; a candidnte who
runs and is ebeted,lu cannot wrw;
r aialation of the eleetion laPs'"55 In
the words oi the $uPreme Court,
Elections,w Btat the material misrepreserttaHon contemplated by
Section 7S of the Code refers to a candiclate's qualificaHons for an
'In in
candidacy rse
certificate Pu
from the requirerncrrt of materiatity' a pre$
under rt 78 rnust consist of a lrdeliberate to
*irinf*r* or hide a fact which wEuld othetwi$e rander a candidate
ineligible." In $ther wttrds, it must be rngde with an intention to deceive
the electoraie ag to one'u qualiflcstion, t"' p"Ulit office'"s d'
-$Ir' ..,r-i
013 I tt r 08 P, 0,
Fege 9 of trl
En Baur Reeolution
S?A Case No. 13'167 (flC)
Plrrtcl u, Canuzfuz
taw c&n be gleaned "fom a
y materiel falsity; a candiilate who
runs arld is electad,lu cannot wnry;
r aialatiow of the eleetion laps'":5 In
the words of thE $uPreme Court,
Elections,s4 that the material rr,isrepresentation contemplated by
Section 78 of the Code refers to a eandidate's quatrificaHons for an
"ltri in
candidacy rse
certificate Pu
from the requirerncrrt cf ruteriatity' 6 pre
under rt 78 rnust conslst of a 'rdeliberate to
*rriof*r* or hida a fact which wquld otherwise rsnder a candtdate
ineiigible." In other wotrds, it must be mgde with an intention to deceive
the electoraie as t$ eine'u qualiflcqtions tot p"Ulit office'"s d'
-J-u.r' ..,.ej
1g-f,FR-20i3 i0:11
$Pl Crrt Ne, t$.:tCY {f,}C!
Fomel rr, Citrvailec
or;t1fi{: Qi;'illt: !:, I :-ri}i ill' t'1 lE f,f-}MN4i5l'itt}F
{:i)P.Tl l',tab I i+ ilE C(}P}'
'I'ilere law
matt€x. The ma
certificate a lled
of ttre Ouuribus Election Cocle" The following conclusiona are
declucihle lrcnn the sald case:s7
(1) A nrirrepre$en in a c"utiflcate of candidacy is.rnatcrisl
wheD it refers to a qu tion for elective office and affects the
candidate's e[gibtlitY.
$ection 74.
Ftrence, respondent did ntlt ccmrnit any matertal
rnisrepresentatir:n in relafiort tu his birth place'
Il nt
Prge 10 trf 11
En Bnnc Resoludon
To wind up, the eor$mission Epr Eamc holds that petitioner
respondent's of the n58
declaring res atu e Ft on
;;- til'a"T1'*"ffil_#
. *n"Jif
tire 1935 Constitutiort ' No" 625'
WEIERESOBE, prernises cortsidered' the Commisaion Ln Banc
RESOLVED, as it hereby REsotvEs, to DENY the Mofion -fur
fi,ec 1S F 2013 ror $F The
Res d en arY 2ff15 ia AF
t"lA. JrjE;lip'IItA E. niir,/, r:r? i17
('r ij.i:K (.):r'1HI: ('r:l'' ; .i,: 'i,
Ft t.Xpz s. Cattoxlssion oil flecttOils. G R. N0. 1?2.f"{0, 07 Ju*e 2007
tr Houst o( Epprerentahvel Elertoral Tribt!+el, If"tidr a' Cortqalar' HEiET (}'se.No 1tI'
Ir54, 10 llecearber ?llllrRmsrds, at pag** 3$9"395
19-fiPIi-2t]13 it]i12 P, 02
Pagc 11 of tt
Er Eraru BesdutionSPA CE*e No' 13-167 tD{]l
IrSrupJ tr. G+naclet
LuCtl,llro N{FAcL
I trereby certify that the conclu$iors in the above resoturion
$$ere reached in c.neultatiorr arnong the *rernbess of the commission
before the case wfiE assigned to the writer of the opirdon of the
(hmndssion (En tsanc)'
r.': t'..'
ooo,a,'''' t''''
i,i;,r,i,,, *,,i r'.,i ;''

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COMELEC EnBanc Decision on Pornel vs. Gonzalez

  • 1. Ig-Ai'R-lr.ll: ttv;58 cu5rb r the phii €o ru otr Et Als trfltramuros, MBnlla 4 16 !3 ltL : I ELlclER FEI"IX M.{Et, E'tI BANC i - v#rgus* Petitioner' F$R;TAIiI DO VALTE)O GO I{ZALEZ, x .----..-..- .-T:t::::l-o:--.--.-- . NIITICE I, ATTY, ANFIA CANTDAD SAIGN.DUPAYA THE LAVU FIRM OF DUPAYA & DI.,IPAYA Counsel ftrl bl're Uflit 6-8 A0 L*nsberph Flece Corrciomillir.;m 17f T. I,loleto ':stilsr Scout il,?ftilr.$r:t,*ets, Que;:on Clty, t4ett'c Flaniltr a.. ATTY. O SAR.MTENIO tr AT"TY. r}A}iS " tlounscl fcrr the fi.€spondeni 22 Sunrise l!ills, i$ew plariila iQi"ieuorl City, Metro l{anlia 6FPr hii0. l.S-163 {pC} GSEET IHGS I Attached is a copy of the R E $ 6 L u T t d ff of il.le cornff,lssiorr {fAl II{Jtr(.1J lrr thf fi:,oie-*ntllifus,:i r:f se pi.omulgtatr:cl Aprrl 5, 2013, Manlia, 05 Apri! 2013, FOfT TTiE COHFII$$TSIt:
  • 2. lg-APR-?013 0g:53 iJ. rj2 ,Jirr,- t, ELME& FE[",H M. FORNEL, Fetitioncv, -aer6v&' Republic of the PhilipPines COMMI$SION ON EIEETIONS Inkamuros, Manila EN B*lsc TERNANDO GBNZALEU, vALLEIO Respondent. SPA Cage No, t3*167 (DC) fucrctt: Brillantes, S.S. jr-, CJicirman Tagle, L. N., Cornw$eaiarur Yusoph E.R, Commic*i.Dvr x---+ --'-"-x ffi4 c,&.s.: REsQturI_qN For resolution by th-e comnntssion Ett Eanc it fhe ,{ptton Jur Rtcansidwr*fronl dateC ie f.b**ry 2013 fited by petitioner Elmer Felix M" PclrrEl assailing the loint Ecsolgfiorte d.ated 31 lanr'tary 20x.2 of the Cornrnission ($enunrd Diuisrion) which disrfueaed the Petlfions dated 29 Ocf.ober 2fr1i. W derny dile course to or cancel the Certi{icate of Cand.idacy of rmpondent Fernando Vatiejo Gonsalez' The factual anteeedents of the case are as fotr'Iows: Respondent is an incumbent mernbet clf tkre House of iatives repr I the 3a ict ince of 'tlbay' tnber 2012, p.rn., he his of Candidacy I Matio[ fw nliou dct+d f RG€ords, at * {06'420. ? Resolulion fanuary 201? ion (Srccrd iw:); Iil', at prget 3t8-n' 415, t----"- "' -- -' tt 1 Petition dated 39 Ostubet 2012; id', et Prges l-12
  • 3. i3-APR-2i t-i 0J r 53 P, l]3 liFA Crcr No, I$"rGZ fDC) Porrcl u, (jonzabz Page 3 o{ 11, En Banc Rerolution re-election {or the upcorninB 2CItr3 National, Local and Eleeticns.a eontfery to the requirements provided, by larar.u Petitioner also avsred that respondent materially mi*represented lus birth place when he si;ated in his (hrtit'icate of Candidary that he was born in Liga.o Citv Aibay conhadirting the official rscords which stated that he wae bcrn in Legaspi, Pursuarrt to Connelec Resolution No.. 9,523,rs the f-omrnission (Secand" Diaiaian, through the Clerk of the eommiseion, issued Surwmons anfh Nofice of Conftrenael6 dated 20 N,rvernber 2012 directing I ltetpondenf s Crrdfitaiu $ C,mtdidnry; ld, at pege 16, ! loetitloa dahd 29 tlctolnr lI)12, ld., rt page IB. o lii , at page 04, 7 ld, t ilJ, ,t pagc il5, e nfrdaoit of Elaction o! Philippitu Citizeu;l'ip dated 11 Septefitffi 1961 executed by Raiael Ferrrando Gonea.l*e Vall*!o; fri , at prgee 14-15, s Oath ol rtlir,g*lrrce damd li Seplecrber x961 exectted by Ralael Fernando Gcrrzahg Vnlleio;lC., &t paSA 23. ri ,'rJ.. nt prges +#t7. ra.td_, at prse 08. ri ld-, rr p.ges 09-lS, le Id., af Fa$r lt{l 1! (iommission on Electioru*, "1g1 Tha Mrtir.{ of the Arn+ndrlgrt to llr;lw 2}, i14 and 25 of tltr COir{EtS,C Ruier of Procedtrr* i+t Prrrpnae of the 13 Msy il13 National, I.ocel and ARMM Elrutioflp a+d Subsequent Bl 5 Septeor ,t t6 lur:rripyrc zpitJl Nol e;rre date ntbu 2012: Becorde, ot poge.53 tJ
  • 4. 19-APR-2013 1C:00 P, tl4 5Pr1 Cree No- 1SX57 iDt) Psrn.,i ir. GoaanlEr PagE 3 of ltr El BRrrr: Rerolsttoo se$pondent to (ile his verified Ansawr within tha reglementary period afld to athnd tlrc ccnfermc€ $et on 04 December 201?.t7 On thc sanre date, the Cierk of the Comrnission served a Notice al Conf*cnur[ on petifioner.te Eespondent, in his Anlwerza dated 2ii November 2AL2, denied the accu*ations and firaifltaifled the (ollowtng:n (1) That he ia a natural born sitiaen hat ing executed an E'lectiou of PhiliVptru Cffiaenslrifr arrd OaIft af Allegiaacerr on l.l. Septernber Lg6L;x (2) That the Corunissi no iuriadiction to d responden{s uitizenship as ted by the Supreme the case of Limkadthor1g v. COMELECEs;16 (3) That'Ra.[ael Gonualeo VaIIejo' ir o Vallep Gorrzale/;u (4) That the possession is not a prerequisite for electing citizenship of tmmigration Circular is nothing but a datab,asing requirement"'ae (6) That the C*msHtution leane torvards petmitHng elections;s and (Q That petitinner's teliance on the ptevious COMELEC Deci*iort i* rnrsplaced'a't On the scheduled conference, the parfies, through their reepective couflsels, appeared then direeted fo substit their ,dnys Petitioner and respondent submitted their Mtmoran*a on 14 December ?01?.r{ tl t.1 r0 Notfcc al Cau/trr,r('r .lat+r{ !0 Novemher 201?; page lrl, l't l/l ru *ilnudr dated ?6 Novernber ?012; lrr., at pagee 53-73. t Id, ar Af;1,itarrit of Election ef Fitilippitc Cdtixrrr6it p dated I1 Septcmber 19)61 er*eutrd by S*.#aei Fernandc 6anz go; Li., rl pag*e 77'78. I Onik iancc Catccl 1L Scptember 1961 ereculed by l{afrel Fertrando Ganzaks Vrllelo; Id,, rt page 79. ri id", Et prges 57-59. 6 GR Nos. 17E83'1."32, 1?9tZS, l?9'!5?-93. & 1792{t0{1,01 ,{pdl 200t9 16 A+*uer dahd i6 Novemhtr 2012; Raeorde, !t Pr8.i fll'63. e Id,, rt paEtt oB-55. s fd., at pagrs fi$66, F Id., ot paEBa 66-6S, 'rtId. at pa8e 6Sru, s td., ai paBp ,0. r? Ap*niefice ds6d ZE November ZO1Z is,ued by tlre Ckrk oI the Comnriss[on; I., , rt pt6e t06, * Order dat+<l 0{ tlerernbrr ?01'I irsued by tlre C+mmiesion (Sbcorrd Dfuirioid; Id,, lt prge 108. r'i Fetltionet'[ to1efltr:mrtdrim dtted l,t DecembPf "Ul?; !d., dt Paget 335-3c'0 Respcndenf s M etxoruwl u m d e|a,d'l 4 tbet 201 2l tri,, a t pa6ea 23$21? and {}'
  • 5. 1ii-APR-2013 iJr0l P.05 r No. 1g-i6? {p(} Gis*xil*z Irrge { of Il En Barrc Resolution On 18 Febr*ary 30tr3, petitioner filed the s f*r.ItuwetetvA'rqrr(/,r-^ ax:auurB tnH lorffi fi^g$otunot? of ion {Seemd D*oieion)" H* assi6n*d the foliowlng errorsrie "t lvith ali elue rexpec[ this H*noreble c*urnrission's assailed Resolution islored .*.*n.. E-ri ^ltcflj.Alrfreqlocurnent fe'r tlrat asruntirrg that the respcrtdenf himself, he ff,s,I nante and *idr:;i.r.6 i,r,et!:tl bound try the t*,u- ':u;Lrr..; rnobEnf,l rniEr€prruetr,tam,tn his CC(j and deny lt due ,;surse; IL Even acsuurhrg argueiirJo thet the person who signed tlw Clath of nrr;'E *qd Elertion rf Fhi Citjm:*}.;i" .o ri,re reep la he still conunitted a mrs fltaiiL*i. i:t hw fl{-X-- ,ia he fact no genuine intentir:n to r€riounce his ctilaen:1..1,., 1/!l)Et".i !,e r-sr red ?1 yeats old by the evictr*nt fe-llt 'i-tmt "'!e did fist ,r6a hrs r:rl rr'rrl€ fl'lid ciici net affix his real airy*-uture. E.;eir on E:l,is rner,B asriirerpdon" the r+ri-.r:xj.;iit *{!l ssll be ccnsidetred tr., havs mnd+ a rnisregrre*;irir4;on k! his C$C herause f-{8 {.I|.EAI{.LY tr!{D trl(If'}}rmlrui) T(} HE BO[-TNI} Bf iT EECAL'SE tiE r,UD NOT USE F{IS O!fuI.I F:HA(. I.I.Ah'tE Ai{E FATT-HN "i'fJ AFFIX HI$ jl {'A I. $rCtfi'IL jli g rT 11ilr' e i Jai,-: -..'ri,rlr*(:., i,ir ,;:+;r:; Iir:llla;i*lta J,l,ti8 tr,nir flp}:ly *li lhe iISt;lr+t cPP,r',1 ltr T3".i l-lx,:.r,-,:r :i tl.e -'Ili- i-rr.',.:I, i.rE i'&ii,rn l.rtii*tia! rtu':!qc $f ":,r,-.t.!,ril,iil ii is ni,t p,*-s- :lr t[-.: h':r: ,;; i'.r: iar":d. Jvtr. ,l *rt n'r-r{ra*rier (he 1'qllatr,J;, f::!r--i -,d,:,li-:l;)":llil-,1. rrf i.'rir: r::s1;r;ll;i;lJ ,:hEt *ie ljjli!; irg''! giruady t:Jr:iLn.:d ;l ic*siorl rle*l,e.rir,gg hirn ,s netirtai'.b*tu Biilprns $ti'd,,*i'r, .tt r.uflJlet $" 3! jr'itl Fiorl:r:"ir'rt dll{* 3"1 t-i-.:'',-r'?t)f5; iri, al y'ergee'398405. :fI irl., nt pagr:s .r,{:$:.t,.i}. .,rr ,y', rl pr?+ {ft,/, ]r "ilirtrpg ,t"Rt*or:;ir|e ri;lirr;r rla{eri li F1.::i:r,lr:ry til?;, Jn,, ,'ai pages 4i!6.4}0, r r,i,. ai pptre 4ff,1 '.t
  • 6. P, 06 :9-APR-?013 1C:02 $FA Co+e rr)*. 13-167 iDr'li F antei t, flut::,igr',ltrl Page 5 o{ lt firr iFnrrc Raeolution be considererl here because il was nilt PreseRted in the Memorandurn' Burthsrrnore, this Llonorable Contnaission itself declared that tt hae iur6diction lnsofar ac reapondent's gualificaiions for the 2013 eiection it eoncerned" V, This Honorable Cornmission shoqll instead take iudicial notice of ich P the use of aliaces' Cl at it' Y logical and legal co respondent hae rernained u Spanieh citizen all throughout his political career," We now rule, Irertinently, the 1fl35 Constittltion, whieh was reinforced at the time of respondenfls birth, declBres as citizens o{ the Phitippines those whoee rnothers are citizene of the Philippines and elect t hrtippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority, viz:44 "gecti*n 1" The fotlowing are citizens o{ the Philippines: {*},"-...!sh,p.{$-,sss.there._sxn- r#...sf-.s,'4-rhi.linq[$8n-#.E]s .;.u*;,li;, i*o oiri,rallllt!-,tici t'4 cormllary with the said constihrtional proviflion . is Comrnonwealth Act No. 625 which set$ fsrth the manner of elec$ng f'hiiippine cirizenshipr to u;it:{r n 1" Tte cptton t+ P!'"il:p' tiz !n' aqeovdarme wiih s en (4i, """ti"ut i, le iS' I ttonl eh'ali be rvofo to try the PariY concerned r oaths, ancl $hall be ffied wiih rid ohall acc the aforeraid sta,trrnnnr. ivith the oatA of alles to the tion and the fi+u*rnment uf the Ph'iilPPl':rr:e " {1} xxx: xxxx , - f, tt ir loatau .( !"t"4'til'l t"1r' -''wBlt /anrt't B'i Il/ g'lt
  • 7. P. 01 ,5FA Crut No- X!-I5Z {Df,} i+'iNel t, fjorr z :rage 6 of 11 En &l:,ni Eee$lution of the Philippines; and (A) on of the Etatement d oath *rlth the nearest civi {3 In the ca$e at hand, it is undiuputed, that respondert was born to a Spaniuh faths and Filipino mother. Thus, the assigned errors ba bsil ttown to Lhe core iscue oI whethq or not r nt va elected Philippine ciHzeuhip purcluant to the nr requiremmts of law? We anawer in the affirmative and lay skess on the follewing points: Firsf, FeHtiorrer ixile<i -"o eql;:,blirsh r*e1x-:ndr.rr3 s',ad= a rnaterial misreprcsentason in hs Certiifirate af ilaur;i.tisfy it;t simply, he failed to e.stab,iish ttat r+rpcnde:rt is nct a n-a.[ur:a] u*-rrtr citiaen ef the Philippinm" Basie is t:re rule that he who asserto a fact or an a,fflrmative of has tl:e burrie:r of i;+'' i, R:d: ;t ths: Coufl which linr-i e }t aEr in the i "--ar'.,cr provides lftal "lrurdex cf y'aaf is lhe ilitfg af a party ta prexnt evilerwe on the facts im i.cs,r{d necrsna;1rt to establish his d,aim or dc{enae by ffu .ttflBunl o! euiden* reqw;rc | by law,"* *x Id, {{ Errrefrd P"rsollrs! Mt6rageli1a1ilt S4fl)icc4 tnc. t:a V1lencil, G R l{o, 1$+3b8, 15 Iu}. 2008 s* S,ectiorr. 1. i..ule lt'I., {Gi'{EI.EJ f,iuler cf Fi'ctad,rt+ lt prL,vidc,: "gecriEn 1.'l}e Rules al Caurt. - In i:!re abse&:e ot eny uppl!:$le Fflvlslono !n tlrese Rules, lhe FertktEnt prolistiolts oi tht Rulits tt( Court in the Philip-uinm shali lr+ *-.rpiitt-b1,, t"r rnalo.qy lr m $;.tll*!rinn' characttr anC e.**ci,"
  • 8. lg-APR-?0i3 i0r06 P .JP SPA Caac l.Jo. f J-167 (DC! r.,, Goneri]ee ?agr 7 c.'f 1, DE,S;rn g lls6qrluYic1r Applying the lioregoing in the car$e at irar'd. it iu thsrefore clear ttrat petitiuner failed tr: sufficiently prove ttre allega;ioru hr l',is Petition. The incomsiatencies :irt the spellings snd si,grraturrr;, urtcorroborated by anv otlmr eviden,ee,, lraye no iegal basisr to stand on. Other tiran mere assertions and speculations, petitiofler failed to premflt any pviderrce to substantiate his claim that the Affidnait of Electtan af Fhiliyyine Gtizenship{6 and Qath of Allegtan#z used by r€spofldent were Executed by another pexsorl Even contrary to his claim is ihr IVBI R"epotto dated 25 Aprtl 2012 stating that the questioned signqhrrea appearing on the Afldfrait af Election ef Phi,,ippine {.ititcnship and Gsdh af Allegi*nce urrd the sample signatures supplied by one Fernando Goruales were $rritten by ,ane and *€ safne Person. TVe have stressed time and again that allegahons rntrst be proven by sufficient evidence. Mere allegation is not evidence End is not equivalent to proof Ae c.offectly ruted by the Conrrnission (Second Diaision), nt hat elected Philippine Citiz having an Eler:fr iliTrpine Citizcnship anti Cafh 47IcE on tl $eptember 1961, Respcnderrt's failure to re hhe said docunierrts does not rendei bris election nugatory. P fit patts o( the Rssolurion of the cormnission {second Division) are quoted an followsfe to regieter t?re sam* with the nearcet civil registry' ThereEfter, he continu* to reaide in Tutrura+ Ligao City' 'OH as ec n8 tr Afrcla.tit qf Elacrion ol Ptt iipwrie ciliecnehdP datcd l L seP ircr 1861 exesu*d by Ratrrel Fcrnando Gclzalee Vall*io; ft,ecolds' at PaSeE 24-2S, er Oafh .lf Alkg*nct dut*rl 1l Se[tern,rar 19i1 exetuietl b.u Rafsrl Fern*ndo Gorrcales va-li*jor Iii , ai page 33. s NBI ttqrott dricd 25 April 2fr12i id , at page* d2-65 aB jtr.s{rli,tir:,r dated 51 tanurr} 2il1t oi ,c;#mnnl+p{un (:gecoud Diuaion); Id rt pag* {0{
  • 9. 1g-APR-2tl i I 1.;l lr:17 D n1 SFA. Crrr l.lo, !*t6Z IDC'I [lorail v tfunt:skt Page I of 1L Eu Eaat'Reoolutirrn d positive the aet of l{rnile it may bt true that respcnd doctlrnetrlir prtrr.lng iris riectiLlfi o? cifi registry, the cace of fuf* v. $-sncndea iE a does not negate the fact oi.recpondands el has trcome a natuai-born Filipino eitisen. Indeed, hls actual exercire uf phiii citiz oi€r th* yeai3 nstice ta tlw public which then tha e of formal regi .Secclxd. Nrwhere does it provide in the Bureau of Imndgration clircul o thet faitrure to cancel an Alien certiJicate Regishatiorr rendera an eiection oi Fhilippine citizenship ineffective. Neithm is t!'.fil!. l-ri'nt'$ bela+a,'rl *pai4fea*i^'. ^{ lti- }'i " 'i' : , ---- F..-Ay er I. r L. ..urL: urlrr,r'.1,.ie..$ I() Blve B di6til..".. ',il! i'lt l'.^rCir'i,,7 ,a.,,., '-p,.''r Trl,,:1 that t('-' ' i r .l, la',v ,r.-. iwJryrucieflce. };hri., rt F.t-; 5; argued thi. ..,11...,111+*.'i fail,:r": ,:, (Encsi hie fuien :.-:--:l:iicrt. ui ftegi*i:rat,:u jl:s ;*6al liaLiii-*.;:, r1.- {.]r:t,:rrnission is nu; #} i}ri,v,,+ ir-}elrfi }n +'ovtr11' ,'h,,'..1+ ilsu.:s Tlrir.l Pe'"iii-ir,+t'; il.l,cqat;; i.n rcl;lo.:c:: t'..r r*sp'-r:i:-*nt/'r l.i-';t. 1rt:,Ce tioes Ht)i f.e-ryq!3 fir rr.-*cilr,.r)r-;rri"u qrrciiiir'-^rii i',i eli6b;:|' :cr the office ihat he seeks to be e,lected, rhus, it is not a grounri iru tiely ctue course to or cencel a ce:tificate of cnnCiclary, $ection 78 in relation to $ie{rion 74 o( the OEC yields no other conciusion tryt thnt the facw stat+d in a cerhficate o{ candidacy must be true and that any false repre$entation contained therein of a rnateria! fact shall be a grourrd for the deninl $r canceliation of the ,raid +:ertificate.s] Althr:ugh" the [a'*r deer not expresstry specrry what corrstitutes ia! nrier*;xes*ni.ation, an iutis elistrtssi.ort iight orr this matter, tt'.e Abcdk p' Cororntissloa {xfl iJecfi,;tt-s32 and Snlseda [7 p, Camwtlsei*n gw Elesf,rgrfff,s3 th,* Srnprrrtle Court clarified, in l"lue tt" Camwvasifit's r0r{ Lr u Li*!r arrrl DepurtntiOn, fole uffi i:]rdev (]6 Ai.l1+t^s: rSs4i.g' 5r ( otr ox tt,l.ctioua, C.t{ Na il S Aprit ?008 M '*i G.R, Nos, Sf:{-3U,31 $er,eorber 1}Sl ii fi.R. No, 13r,.tr8$. i6 Augult 1999,
  • 10. 813 I tt I 08 P, 0, Pege 9 of 1l En Baur: Resolution SPA Case No. 13'167 (DC) Pornsl u, Canz*lcz taw c&n be gleantd "trom a y matentt falsitY; a candidnte who runs and is ebeted,lu cannot wrw; r aialation of the eleetion laPs'"55 In the words oi the $uPreme Court, Elections,w Btat the material misrepreserttaHon contemplated by Section 7S of the Code refers to a candiclate's qualificaHons for an 'In in candidacy rse certificate Pu xxxX xTxx xxxx from the requirerncrrt of materiatity' a pre$ under rt 78 rnust consist of a lrdeliberate to *irinf*r* or hide a fact which wEuld othetwi$e rander a candidate ineligible." In $ther wttrds, it must be rngde with an intention to deceive the electoraie ag to one'u qualiflcstion, t"' p"Ulit office'"s d' -$Ir' ..,r-i
  • 11. 013 I tt r 08 P, 0, Fege 9 of trl En Baur Reeolution S?A Case No. 13'167 (flC) Plrrtcl u, Canuzfuz taw c&n be gleaned "fom a y materiel falsity; a candiilate who runs arld is electad,lu cannot wnry; r aialatiow of the eleetion laps'":5 In the words of thE $uPreme Court, Elections,s4 that the material rr,isrepresentation contemplated by Section 78 of the Code refers to a eandidate's quatrificaHons for an "ltri in candidacy rse certificate Pu xxxH xrxx xxxx from the requirerncrrt cf ruteriatity' 6 pre under rt 78 rnust conslst of a 'rdeliberate to *rriof*r* or hida a fact which wquld otherwise rsnder a candtdate ineiigible." In other wotrds, it must be mgde with an intention to deceive the electoraie as t$ eine'u qualiflcqtions tot p"Ulit office'"s d' -J-u.r' ..,.ej
  • 12. 1g-f,FR-20i3 i0:11 $Pl Crrt Ne, t$.:tCY {f,}C! Fomel rr, Citrvailec or;t1fi{: Qi;'illt: !:, I :-ri}i ill' t'1 lE f,f-}MN4i5l'itt}F {:i)P.Tl l',tab I i+ ilE C(}P}' 'I'ilere law matt€x. The ma certificate a lled of ttre Ouuribus Election Cocle" The following conclusiona are declucihle lrcnn the sald case:s7 (1) A nrirrepre$en in a c"utiflcate of candidacy is.rnatcrisl wheD it refers to a qu tion for elective office and affects the candidate's e[gibtlitY. $ection 74. to Ftrence, respondent did ntlt ccmrnit any matertal rnisrepresentatir:n in relafiort tu his birth place' Il nt Prge 10 trf 11 En Bnnc Resoludon To wind up, the eor$mission Epr Eamc holds that petitioner {ai]edtotai.qe*nygrorurdtowarrantt}tedpnialandcaneellatronrr{ respondent's of the n58 declaring res atu e Ft on ;;- til'a"T1'*"ffil_# ,;il?.,"_.' . *n"Jif H.i'#ilff-m' tire 1935 Constitutiort ' No" 625' WEIERESOBE, prernises cortsidered' the Commisaion Ln Banc RESOLVED, as it hereby REsotvEs, to DENY the Mofion -fur fi,ec 1S F 2013 ror $F The Res d en arY 2ff15 ia AF i!--1,:f,,!lq:ll:r tl t"lA. JrjE;lip'IItA E. niir,/, r:r? i17 ('r ij.i:K (.):r'1HI: ('r:l'' ; .i,: 'i, Ft t.Xpz s. Cattoxlssion oil flecttOils. G R. N0. 1?2.f"{0, 07 Ju*e 2007 tr Houst o( Epprerentahvel Elertoral Tribt!+el, If"tidr a' Cortqalar' HEiET (}'se.No 1tI' Ir54, 10 llecearber ?llllrRmsrds, at pag** 3$9"395
  • 13. 19-fiPIi-2t]13 it]i12 P, 02 Pagc 11 of tt Er Eraru BesdutionSPA CE*e No' 13-167 tD{]l IrSrupJ tr. G+naclet 50 T]RDERED. hil, R EI.O M' Commiesioner h$;* TYTABTA G LuCtl,llro N{FAcL Cornmksi6net ATIPJS I trereby certify that the conclu$iors in the above resoturion $$ere reached in c.neultatiorr arnong the *rernbess of the commission before the case wfiE assigned to the writer of the opirdon of the (hmndssion (En tsanc)' r.': t'..' ooo,a,'''' t'''' i,i;,r,i,,, *,,i r'.,i ;'' 'i,nfq.ltr-!'I'ri't'