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Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666

               Multilevel modelling of heterogeneous catalytic reactors
                                                                    B. G. Lakatos*
                                                                                         &                &
                                  Department of Process Engineering, University of Veszprem, H-8200 Veszprem, Hungary


   The paper presents the fundamental elements of the multilevel mathematical models of heterogeneous catalytic reactors. These
models are derived by means of the volume-averaging method, appropriately modi"ed for the dispersed systems, and provide
a theoretical basis for modelling heterogeneous systems across scales. The properties of the models are shown and analysed.
A three-level model of a well-stirred catalytic reactor with bidispersed catalysts is presented. The model equations are solved by means
of multilevel collocation. The transient behaviour of the reactor is investigated by means of computer simulation.          2001 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Multilevel model; Volume averaging; Well-stirred catalytic reactor; Bidispersed catalyst; Multilevel collocation

1. Introduction                                                                      hierarchy of the system we can reformulate and general-
                                                                                     ise these models about the so-called multilevel dynamical
   In reaction engineering, pseudo-homogeneous models                                models, providing in this way a suitable theoretical basis
are often used for modelling heterogeneous catalytic re-                             for modelling and computing the heterogeneous systems
actors, taking into consideration the e!ects of intrapellet                          across scales.
processes only by means of e!ectiveness factors. When,                                  In the paper, some fundamental aspects of the multi-
however, the time scales of processes inside the catalyst                            level dynamical models are presented. The hierarchy of
pellets and those of the continuous #uid phase are of                                the modelling levels is derived and analysed. A three-level
similar order of magnitude then this approach can lead                               model is derived for well-stirred catalytic reactors with
to signi"cant errors, especially under dynamic condi-                                bidispersed catalysts and some transient phenomena are
tions, as was revealed by Ramkrishna and Arce (1989).                                studied by simulation.
The two-phase heterogeneous models represent a more
rational basis for modelling heterogeneous systems since
these models handle all processes occurring simulta-                                 2. Multilevel dynamical models
neously in the #uid phase and inside the catalysts. These
models were used mainly for kinetic studies (Dogu                                    2.1. Volume averaging for dispersed phase
& Smith, 1975; Datar, Kulkarni & Doraiswamy, 1987;
Burghardt, Rogut & Gotkowska, 1988; Keil, 1996; Mol-     K                             Consider the two-phase heterogeneous systems shown
ler & O'Connor, 1996) and parameters estimation                                      schematically in Fig. 1 in which the interfacial surfaces
(Imison & Rice, 1975; Do & Rice, 1982; Kim & Chang,                                  between the phases are complex and may vary in time.
1994), while Arce and Ramkrishna (1991), Trinh and                                   Let be a scalar quantity which in the - and -phases is
Ramkrishna (1994) and recently Vernikovskaya, Zagor-                                 denoted, respectively, by    and . Then the variation of
                                                                                                                ?       @
nikov, Chumakova and Noskov (1999) applied them for                                    inside the phases is described by the balance equations
studying dynamic phenomena. In all cases, the hetero-                                   *
geneous models were determined on phenomenological                                          G #
 ( j )" , i" , ,                             (1)
                                                                                       G *t         G   G
basis. However, taking into consideration the discrete
nature of the catalyst phase and the characteristic                                  where j is the #ow density and is the volumetric source
                                                                                             G                       G
                                                                                     density of quantity . The transport across the        -
                                                                                     interface is described by the boundary conditions
  * Correspondence address: Department of Process Engineering, Uni-
versity of Veszprem, P.O. Box 158, H-8201, Veszprem, Hungary.                        n (j !     w)#n ( j !     w)" ,                         (2)
                                                                                      ? ?   ? ?     @ @    @ @    ?@
0009-2509/01/$ - see front matter             2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 7 3 - 6
660                                    B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666

                                                                         volume < for the -phase that
                                                                         < "constant ¸                                            (5)
                                                                           ?             ?
                                                                         for which the conditions
                                                                            ;¸ ; ,                                              (6)
                                                                          ?     ?     ?
                                                                             J                                                  (7)
                                                                           @     ?
                                                                         are valid then the single-level mathematical model can be
                                                                         converted into a two-level mathematical model by means
                                                                         of the modied volume averaging technique.
                                                                            In this case, the phase average of quantity in the
                                                                          -phase is dened in the usual way (Whitaker, 1967;
                                                                         Slattery, 1967; Gray, 1975)

                                                                                     1                      1
                                                                         1        2                    d d,                    (8)
                                                                              ?                    ?     ?
      Fig. 1. Two-phase systems with di!erent -phase scales.                          4               4?
                                                                         where  # and              is the characteristic function
                                                                                        ?    @       ?
                                                                         of the set of points of the -phase, but the phase average
                                                                         of quantity in the -phase takes the form
where w is the velocity of the interface, while     denotes
                                                 ?@                                        4@
the surface source density of quantity .                                 1        2            1    2 n d ,                     (9)
                                           G                                  @                     @ . @ @
   The set of equations (1) and boundary conditions (2)                             
form a microscopic mathematical model of the two-                        where 1.2 denotes the average of over a particle:
phase systems under investigation. In fact, this is                                  .

a single-level model since all variables are represented on                           1
                                                                         1 2                 d.                             (10)
the same, microscopic, level. However, such mathemat-                        @ .           @
                                                                                       @ 4@
ical description is very complicated and impracticable.                     In Eq. (9) n is the population density function of the
One procedure for working around this problem is the                     elements of the dispersed -phase, termed next particles,
use of local averaging method (Whitaker, 1967; Slattery,                 dened as n : R;R;RPR by means of which
1967; Gray, 1975) by means of which Eqs. (1) are aver-                                                  
                                                                         n(x, t,  ) d expresses the number of particles having
aged over a representative local volume  to obtain                                @     @
                                                                         volume ( ,  #d ) at moment of time t in the aver-
a simplied, well-structured, but usually not closed set of                          @ @       @
                                                                         aging volume  associated with coordinate x.
averaged equations. Applying some closure scheme re-                        A second average that is important in this method is
sults in an averaged formulation of the dynamic behav-                   the intrinsic phase average
iour of multiphase systems. This formulation is also
a single-level mathematical model since it is expressed                             1
                                                                         1   2@ 1 2,                                       (11)
purely in terms of the averaged, macroscopic, quantities.                     @          @
   This procedure, however, leads to meaningful results
                                                                         where      is the volume fraction of the -phase
only if (1) the characteristic lengths and          of both                      @

phases are of similar order of magnitude, where is the                          4@K
                                                                                    n d                                  (12)
distance over which varies signicantly and is the                        @           @    @
characteristic length of the phases; (2) there exists such                     
averaging volume                                                        while the partial volume of the -phase is given as

constant ¸                                                  (3)                        4@K
                                                                                    n d .                                 (13)
                                                                          @            @     @
that the three characteristic lengths satisfy the inequali-                       
ties                                                                       On the basis of Eqs. (9)}(13), the volume-averaging
                                                                         theorem and the general transport theorem can also be
 ;¸; .                                                         (4)
                                                                         written in terms of the population density function of the
These conditions may be satised for systems in Fig. 1a                   -phase.
and b, but not for system shown in Fig. 1c in which the
  -phase is, in essence, a dispersed phase. Accordingly,                 2.2. Two-level model for heterogeneous systems
next the -phase will be treated as a continuous one.
Here, the characteristic lengths of the phases may di!er                   Applying the volume-averaging operator (8) to
signicantly, but if it is possible to dene such averaging              Eqs. (1), making use of the appropriate forms of the
B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666                                         661

volume-averaging theorem and of the general transport
theorem, and considering the boundary conditions (2),
for the system in Fig. 1c, the following set of equations
are obtained.
  For the continuous -phase we obtain one equation:
    * 1 2?
1 2? ? ? #1 2?
 ( 1 2?1 2?)
  ?   *t    ?    ? ?    ?

 ( 1D 2?
1 2?)! 1 2?
          ? ?           ?        ? ?

           4@L        d
  !           1 2        @ n d
                 @ . dt         @

           4@L                                                       Fig. 2. Splitting a single modelling level into two levels of a two-phase
      #        n       j n dA d
                        @ @        @                                 system.
                 @ 4@

      !        n          n dA d .                     (14)
                        ?@ @       @                                    The set of equations (14)}(17) is termed two-level
                @ 4@
                                                                     model, since the dependent variables and system para-
The left-hand-side terms of Eq. (14) describe the motion             meters that are involved in it can be divided into two
of quantity in the continuous phase, while the right-                equivalent classes, termed here modelling levels. Vari-
hand-side terms describe the changes of         due to the           ables 1 2? and n, for instance, are dened as variables of
variation of volume of the particles, and to the transfer of                   ?
                                                                     the macroscopic level, while          remained a variable of
   through the surfaces of particles, and production of                                                  @
                                                                     the microscopic level. The former is termed higher mod-
   due to some surface source, respectively. On the left-            elling level, whilst the latter is the lower modelling level.
hand side, the conductive term was closed by means of                Therefore, a single-level model was converted into
the usual dispersion-type closure model (Carbonell                   a two-level one as it is shown in Fig. 2. The particles on
 Whitaker, 1983; Quintard  Whitaker, 1993).                        the higher modelling level are represented as point sinks
  For the dispersed -phase we obtain two equations.                  immersed and moving in the continuous phase, while on
The population balance equation                                      the lower level are described as material bodies of nite
*n                  * d                                             volume which have their own inner world, often with
 (1 2 n)#             @ n 1 2 n              (15)              complex processes.
*t          @ .    * dt              @ .
                      @                                                 In the two-level model (14)}(17), a number of processes
describes the behaviour of particles immersed and mov-               occurring on two di!erent scales is collected and related.
ing in the continuous phase, while the equation                      For instance, it describes three-dimensional motions in
                                                                     the physical space on two scales, particles are assumed to
     @ #
 (       #q )                                   (16)       be of general form, or both surface and volumetric source
 @ *t       @ @ @   @   @                                            terms are present. This model, being in fact cognition-
                                                                     oriented one, provides a framework for modelling hetero-
describes the motion of quantity inside the particles.
                                                                     geneous systems across scales, as well as for their multi-
Here, q denotes some non-convective component of
        @                                                            level computations. A further advantage of this model is
the #ow density that may be of complex nature, depend-
                                                                     that during the course of developing it reliable estimates
ing on the structure of particles. Eqs. (14)}(16) are com-
                                                                     can be obtained for the model errors, so that purpose-
pleted with the constraint for the volume fractions of
                                                                     oriented models, useful for engineering computations,
                                                                     can be derived by its successive reduction allowing at the

         4@L                                                         same time exact error analysis.
    #      n d 1                                 (17)
?          @     @
                                                                    2.3. Generalisation: multilevel dynamical models
as well with the appropriate boundary and initial condi-
tions. The boundary conditions for Eq. (14) describe the                Generalisation of the two-level models leads to the
connection of the system with the environment while the              concept of multilevel dynamical models. In fact, when the
boundary conditions for Eq. (16) describe the connection             particles are of complex nature, composed, from instance,
between the interior of a particle and its continuous                from a great number of particles of much smaller size,
phase environment. The details of the derivation of Eqs.             then the volume averaging process on this second, small-
(14)}(17), as well as of the derivation of equations of              er, scale may also lead to meaningful and much simpler
motion of the system will be published elsewhere.                    models. In this way a three-level model can be dened.
662                                    B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666

                                                                           We note here that it is often useful to describe even the
                                                                         continuous -phase by means of a two-level model, vis-
                                                                         ualising it as consisting of a large number of #uid ele-
                                                                         ments that simultaneously interact with each other and
                                                                         with the particles of the dispersed -phase. Such model
                                                                         was derived and presented recently by Lakatos, Ulbert
                                                                         and Blickle (1999) for describing micromixing in continu-
                                                                         ous crystallizers.

                                                                         3. Three-level models of catalytic reactors with bidisper-
                                                                         sed catalysts

                                                                            Consider a continuous catalytic reactor in which an
                                                                         APProduct-type reaction occurs and both the #uid and
Fig. 3. Coupling the modelling levels in a three-level mathematical      solid phases can be considered perfectly mixed. Let the
representation.                                                          catalyst (macro-) particles be agglomerates of small por-
                                                                         ous (micro-) particles what means that the catalyst is of
                                                                         biporous nature. Let us assume that there exists some
Here, the modelling levels are coupled with each other as                resistance to the mass transfer at the #uid phase}macro-
it is shown schematically in Fig. 3.                                     particles interface, adsorption of the reagent A occurs at
   Based on the extension of a two-level model into the                  the surface of the microparticles with Freundlich-iso-
three-level representation, a denition of the n-level mod-              therm, and the rst-order reaction occurs only in the
els can be formulated as follows:                                        microparticles.
   If the variables x , x ,2 and equations F , F ,2                         Considering the system in terms of the multilevel mod-
with the corresponding boundary conditions B , B ,2                      els, here the rst modelling level is formed by the com-
of a distributed parameter model can be divided into                     pletely stirred #uid-phase. The second-level model
n equivalent classes that can be grouped into a hierarchy                describes the di!usion-type motion in the macropores,
in such a way that                                                       and the third modelling level is in fact the mathematical
M :F (x ,    f [x ]), B (u),                                             description of the di!usion and reaction in the micro-
                                                                   pores. Denoting the third phase as -phase, the rst ( )
M :F (x ,    f [x ]), B (x ),                                            level is described by the averaged equations (14) and (15),
M :F (x ,    f [x ]), B (x ),                                            the second ( ) level is also described by similar averaged
                                                                  equations obtained by replacing the indices by and
 $                                                                          by , and the third level is described by Eq. (16)
M :F (x ), B (x     ),                             (18)                  replacing the index by . Under such conditions, the
  L L L     L L                                                        purpose-oriented model of the system, obtained through
then the model is called n-level (dynamical) model with                  a number of simplifying steps, and with the further
the notion                                                               assumptions:
x Yx Yx Y2Yx ,                                                           E the reactor is isotherm;
                                                                         E the macroparticles can be modelled as spheres, cylin-
M YM YM Y2YM ,                                          (19)
                         L                                              ders or plates, while the microparticles can be
where Y denotes the relation higher level } lower level,                   modelled as spheres;
F are the equations of the ith level, f are functionals of               E both the macro and microparticles are monodispersed
  G                                      G
their arguments transmitting the in#uence of the (i!1)th                   with constant characteristic sizes R and R , respec-
                                                                                                               @      A
level to the ith level, while B are the boundary conditions                tively;
transmitting the in#uence of the ith level to the (i!1)th                E the catalytic activity is constant,
level.                                                                        consists of the following equations and boundary
    The multilevel dynamical models are characterised by                   conditions:
a number of special properties because of the character-
istic hierarchy of the levels expressed by Eqs. (18). For                Fluid-phase * rst ( ) level:
instance, they exhibit some memory features and a char-
                                                                                    dc             m(1! ) D *c
acteristic structure of eigenvalues due to the e!ects the                F:           ? q(c !c )!       ? @ @ @       .
                                                                          ?        ? dt      ?GL ?     R       *r @ @
lower levels, often leading to complex dynamic phe-                                                     @        @ P 0
nomena.                                                                                                               (20)
B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666                           663

Macropores * second ( ) level:                                       and dimensionless parameters

           *c     D *       *c                                              D              m(1! )
             @ @ @     rK @                                       p  ? @, p                  ? @p ,
          @ *t rK *r @ *r                                                qR                      
                @     @       @                                                @                ?
F :                                                       (21)
 @                                                                         3(1! )         D R              c
       3(1! ) D *c                                                   p            @ A $ A @, p              @K    p ,
      !     @ A A A       ,                                                     c        D R      3(1! )          
           R     *r A A                                                            @K       @ A               @   $
            A      A P 0
                                                                           k R           kR
subject to the boundary conditions                                   p  P @ , p  R @ , p cI .
                                                                            D             D        @K
                                                                            A @            A @

      *c           *c         k
B :     @      0,   @       R [c !c @ @ ].                         Eqs. (20)}(25) are written in dimensionless form as
 @    *r @ @       *r @ @     D ?    @P 0
        @ P 0       @ P 0

                                                                       d           *
                                            (22)                     p   ?  ! !p    @                            ,         (28)
                                                                      d    ?GL ? *
Micropores * third ( ) level:                                                                             E

                                                                     *     1 *          *     *
       *c       D *     *c                                              @              @ !p   A                       ,   (29)
F:        A A A      r A !k c                           (23)        *     *          *    *
 A    A *t     r *r A *r        P A                                                                              K
                A   A     A
                                                                     *   p          *
subject to the boundary conditions                                     A          A !p                                   (30)
                                                                     *             *      A

B:     A       0, c  A A a cI .                        (24)
 A   *r A H             A P 0     $ @                               subject to the boundary conditions
       H P 0

In general, the initial conditions are                               *                 *
                                                                       @         0,     @             p [ !      ],      (31)
                                                                     *                 *                  ?  @ E
c (0)c , c (r ,0)c (r ),                                                 E                   E
 ?          ?  @ @         @ @

                                                                     *                 *
c (r , r ,0)c (r , r ).
 A A @         A A @
                                                    (25)               A         0,     A   p I                           (32)
                                                                     *                 *         @
   Naturally, the rst-level boundary conditions are in-                K              K
cluded into the equation F since it describes a com-                 and to the initial conditions
pletely stirred #uid}solid suspension. Equations F and
                                                  ?                       (0)   ,     ( ,0) ( ),        ( , ,0) ( , ). (33)
F have been simplied signicantly because of the
  @                                                                   ?       ?     @         @       A          A
monodisperse nature of particles, since in this case the               The problem (28)}(33) was solved numerically by de-
population density functions have the delta function                 veloping a two-level orthogonal collocation scheme with
forms n N (r !R ), i , . By the same reasons,
          G    G G       G                                           the aid of which the partial di!erential equations might
the functionals f and f transmitting the e!ects of the
                  ?        @                                         be converted into a system of ordinary di!erential ones.
   and levels to the and levels, respectively, have                  According to the method of orthogonal collocation (Vil-
taken the forms                                                      ladsen  Stewart, 1967), approximate solutions were

*c (t)                                                              constructed for       and    in terms of orthogonal poly-
  @         c (r , t) (r !R ) dr                                                       @      A
 *r @ @        @ @        @  @ @
                                                          (26)       nomials of degree N and M in  and , respectively,
    @ P 0                                                          written in the forms
                                                                     I ( , )     d ( ) L
*c (r , t)                                                           @            L
  A @          c (r , r , t) (r !R ) dr .               (27)
  *r              A @ A          A  A A                                       L
     A PA 0A                                                       and
                                                                                + ,
4. Solution to the model equations                                    I ( , , )         g ( ) L K,                  (35)
                                                                       A                   KL
                                                                                 K L
  Before solving numerically the problem (20)}(25) we                where the coe$cients d , n1, 2,2, N#1 and
rewrite it in dimensionless form by introducing the di-                                            L
                                                                     g , m1, 2,2, M#1, n1, 2,2, N#1 are un-
mensionless variables                                                  KL
                                                                     known functions of the dimensionless time . Note that
    r        r     D                                                 polynomials (32) and (33) satisfy the boundary conditions
  @ ,  A , t @ ,                                                  at the values 0 and 0 due to their appropriate
    R        R     R
      @        A    @                                                forms.
     c                                                                   The N and M interior collocation points were selected
    A , c c
 A        ?K     K                                                   to be the roots of the shifted Legendre polynomials of
664                                 B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666

order N and M, dened as

    r¸ Q (r)¸ Q (r) dr , n, m0,1, 2,2,               (36)
        L        K        LK
where           is the Kronecker delta. The (N#1)-th and
(M#1)-th collocation points were selected               1
and          1.
    Substituting functions (34) and (35) into Eqs. (29) and
(30), respectively, and requiring those to be satised at all
collocation points, as well as taking into consideration
the boundary conditions (31) and (32), together with the
Eq. (28), a set of (N#1) (M#1) ordinary di!erential
equations was obtained.
    The resulting set of ODE was solved by means of the
semi-implicit Runge}Kutta method (Villadsen  Michel-
sen, 1978). The program was written in C/C# imple-#,                  Fig. 4. E!ects of the shape of macroparticles and of the rate of the
mented on PC, and was used for investigating di!erent                 #uid-particle mass transfer on the transient responses of the reactor.
transient phenomena of the catalytic reactors with bidis-
persed catalysts by computer simulation. In the simula-
tions, the following base-case values of parameters were
used: p 1.65, p 0.2 m, p 2, p 1.2, p 15,
p R, p 1, k0.5.

5. Simulation results and discussion

   First we consider the system without reaction, i.e. the
vessel is assumed to be operated as an adsorber with
bidispersed adsorbents. Here the transient responses of
the system to the step changes of the adsorbate were
   The numerical experiences have shown that in the
interval 10(¹ /¹ D R/D R(10 of the ratio
                    @ A      A @ @ A                                  Fig. 5. Transient processes in the #uid, in the macroparticles and in the
of the time scales of macro- and microparticles, the tran-
sient behaviour of the adsorber was a!ected either by the
macro- and micropore mass transport. At larger values of
this ratio the micropore transport, while for smaller
                                                                      tration proles in the macro- and microparticles are
values the macropore transport was the dominant factor
                                                                      shown for two moments of dimensionless time .
a!ecting the transient responses.
                                                                         Consider now the system with chemical reaction, i.e.
   Fig. 4 shows the in#uence of the shape of macropar-
                                                                      the vessel is assumed to be operated as a catalytic reactor
ticles on the relative uptake given as
                                                                      with bidispersed catalysts, but with di!erent boundary
        O /F@ EQ  ds                                               conditions. Namely, we assume that the reagent is #ow-
u( )  /E E ,                                       (37)           ing through the vessel without any catalyst under sta-
       /F@ EQ    ds
          /E E                                                     tionary conditions, when suddenly a given amount of
for two di!erent values of parameter p expressing the                 empty catalyst is introduced into the vessel. If we can
in#uence of the rate of mass transfer between the #uid                assume that the disturbance of the hydrodynamics of the
phase and macroparticles. In the case of negligible mass              vessel is negligible, then the initial conditions of the
transfer resistance, only small in#uence of the shape of              problem (28)}(32) can be written in the form
macroparticles is observed while for small rate of mass
                                                                         (0) ,         ( ,0)0,     ( , ,0)0.             (38)
transfer the macroparticle shape becomes an important                  ?       ?     @            A
factor of the transients.                                             Numerical experiences have shown that minima might be
   The whole transient process occurring simultaneously               detected in the #uid-phase concentration of the reactor in
at the three modelling levels of the system, computed for             a wide range of parameters, similarly to that observed for
the empty vessel initial conditions and step change of the            monoporous catalysts (Imison  Rice, 1975; Do  Rice,
adsorbate at the inlet, is presented in Fig. 5. The concen-           1982). The place of minima on the time axis and their
B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666                           665

                                                                         6. Conclusions

                                                                            The multilevel mathematical models, presented in
                                                                         the paper in general terms, were derived by means
                                                                         of the volume-averaging method, appropriately modied
                                                                         for the dispersed systems. It might be applied for de-
                                                                         scribing the heterogeneous catalytic reactors because
                                                                         of the discrete nature of the catalyst phase and of the
                                                                         corresponding hierarchy of the system. The multilevel
                                                                         dynamical models, in their original cognition-oriented
                                                                         form provide a suitable theoretical basis for modelling
                                                                         and computing the heterogeneous systems across
                                                                            A three-level dynamical model of a well-stirred cata-
Fig. 6. The in#uence of the voidage of the reactor on the minima of
#uid concentration.                                                      lytic reactor with bidispersed catalysts was presented and
                                                                         analysed in terms of the multilevel models. The model
                                                                         equations were solved by means of a two-level ortho-
                                                                         gonal collocation scheme. This method has proved suit-
                                                                         able for computing the concentration distributions in
                                                                         both the macropores and micropores in transient states
                                                                         of the reactor. By means of computer simulation several
                                                                         transient phenomena have been considered, showing the
                                                                         in#uence of the shape of macroparticles, of the mass
                                                                         transfer resistance at the #uid}macroparticle interface,
                                                                         and of the voidage of the reactor on the transient behav-
                                                                         iour of the reactor.


                                                                         a       parameter of the Freundlich isotherm
Fig. 7. Macropore and micropore concentration distributions at di-       A       surface, m
mensionless time  10.                                                 C       concentration, kg m
                                                                         d       coe$cients of the polynomial (Eq. (34))
                                                                         D       di!usion coe$cient, m s
values are strongly a!ected by the relative amount of the                D       matrix of the di!usion coe$cients
catalyst as it is seen in Fig. 6. This gure shows the                   g       coe$cients of the polynomial (Eq. (35))
history of the #uid concentration for di!erent values of                 j       #ow density, quantity m s
the reactor voidage . The capacity of catalyst increases                 k       exponent of Freundlich-isotherm
with decreasing voidage and the minima arise at smaller                  k       reaction rate coe$cient, s
moments of time. Fig. 7 presents the concentration distri-               k       mass transfer rate coe$cient, s
butions of the macropores and micropores for two di!er-                  ¸Q      shifted Legendre-polynomial of order m
ent ratios of the time scales of macro- and microparticles               ¸       characteristic length scale of averaging, m
at the dimensionless time 10. This gure illustrates                  n       population density function, no m
well that for ¹ /¹ +10 the micropores are lled with                    n       normal unit vector
                @ A
reactant continuously as compared to the macropore                       p       dimensionless parameter
concentration distribution, while in the case of                         q       volumetric #ow rate, m s
¹ /¹ +10, this concentration is practically zero                       q       #ow density, quantity m s
  @ A
since the reactant di!used into the micropores is com-                   r       radial coordinate, m
pletely consumed by the reaction.                                        R       radius, m
   The minima presented in the reactor responses arise                   t       time, s
because of the memory e!ects of the lower levels repre-                  u       relative uptake
sented by the macro- and microparticles. The di!erences                  ¹       time scale of di!usion, s
in the #uid concentration seem to be characteristic for                  v       velocity, m s
applying it into some preliminary estimation of the sys-                        volume, averaging volume, m
tem parameters.                                                          w       velocity of the -interface, m s
666                                      B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666

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  • 1. Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666 Multilevel modelling of heterogeneous catalytic reactors B. G. Lakatos* & & Department of Process Engineering, University of Veszprem, H-8200 Veszprem, Hungary Abstract The paper presents the fundamental elements of the multilevel mathematical models of heterogeneous catalytic reactors. These models are derived by means of the volume-averaging method, appropriately modi"ed for the dispersed systems, and provide a theoretical basis for modelling heterogeneous systems across scales. The properties of the models are shown and analysed. A three-level model of a well-stirred catalytic reactor with bidispersed catalysts is presented. The model equations are solved by means of multilevel collocation. The transient behaviour of the reactor is investigated by means of computer simulation. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Multilevel model; Volume averaging; Well-stirred catalytic reactor; Bidispersed catalyst; Multilevel collocation 1. Introduction hierarchy of the system we can reformulate and general- ise these models about the so-called multilevel dynamical In reaction engineering, pseudo-homogeneous models models, providing in this way a suitable theoretical basis are often used for modelling heterogeneous catalytic re- for modelling and computing the heterogeneous systems actors, taking into consideration the e!ects of intrapellet across scales. processes only by means of e!ectiveness factors. When, In the paper, some fundamental aspects of the multi- however, the time scales of processes inside the catalyst level dynamical models are presented. The hierarchy of pellets and those of the continuous #uid phase are of the modelling levels is derived and analysed. A three-level similar order of magnitude then this approach can lead model is derived for well-stirred catalytic reactors with to signi"cant errors, especially under dynamic condi- bidispersed catalysts and some transient phenomena are tions, as was revealed by Ramkrishna and Arce (1989). studied by simulation. The two-phase heterogeneous models represent a more rational basis for modelling heterogeneous systems since these models handle all processes occurring simulta- 2. Multilevel dynamical models neously in the #uid phase and inside the catalysts. These models were used mainly for kinetic studies (Dogu 2.1. Volume averaging for dispersed phase & Smith, 1975; Datar, Kulkarni & Doraiswamy, 1987; Burghardt, Rogut & Gotkowska, 1988; Keil, 1996; Mol- K Consider the two-phase heterogeneous systems shown ler & O'Connor, 1996) and parameters estimation schematically in Fig. 1 in which the interfacial surfaces (Imison & Rice, 1975; Do & Rice, 1982; Kim & Chang, between the phases are complex and may vary in time. 1994), while Arce and Ramkrishna (1991), Trinh and Let be a scalar quantity which in the - and -phases is Ramkrishna (1994) and recently Vernikovskaya, Zagor- denoted, respectively, by and . Then the variation of ? @ nikov, Chumakova and Noskov (1999) applied them for inside the phases is described by the balance equations studying dynamic phenomena. In all cases, the hetero- * geneous models were determined on phenomenological G # ( j )" , i" , , (1) G *t G G basis. However, taking into consideration the discrete nature of the catalyst phase and the characteristic where j is the #ow density and is the volumetric source G G density of quantity . The transport across the - G interface is described by the boundary conditions * Correspondence address: Department of Process Engineering, Uni- versity of Veszprem, P.O. Box 158, H-8201, Veszprem, Hungary. n (j ! w)#n ( j ! w)" , (2) ? ? ? ? @ @ @ @ ?@ 0009-2509/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 7 3 - 6
  • 2. 660 B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666 volume < for the -phase that ? < "constant ¸ (5) ? ? for which the conditions ;¸ ; , (6) ? ? ? J (7) @ ? are valid then the single-level mathematical model can be converted into a two-level mathematical model by means of the modied volume averaging technique. In this case, the phase average of quantity in the -phase is dened in the usual way (Whitaker, 1967; Slattery, 1967; Gray, 1975) 1 1 1 2 d d, (8) ? ? ? Fig. 1. Two-phase systems with di!erent -phase scales. 4 4? where # and is the characteristic function ? @ ? of the set of points of the -phase, but the phase average of quantity in the -phase takes the form where w is the velocity of the interface, while denotes ?@ 4@ the surface source density of quantity . 1 2 1 2 n d , (9) G @ @ . @ @ The set of equations (1) and boundary conditions (2) form a microscopic mathematical model of the two- where 1.2 denotes the average of over a particle: phase systems under investigation. In fact, this is . a single-level model since all variables are represented on 1 1 2 d. (10) the same, microscopic, level. However, such mathemat- @ . @ @ 4@ ical description is very complicated and impracticable. In Eq. (9) n is the population density function of the One procedure for working around this problem is the elements of the dispersed -phase, termed next particles, use of local averaging method (Whitaker, 1967; Slattery, dened as n : R;R;RPR by means of which 1967; Gray, 1975) by means of which Eqs. (1) are aver- n(x, t, ) d expresses the number of particles having aged over a representative local volume to obtain @ @ volume ( , #d ) at moment of time t in the aver- a simplied, well-structured, but usually not closed set of @ @ @ aging volume associated with coordinate x. averaged equations. Applying some closure scheme re- A second average that is important in this method is sults in an averaged formulation of the dynamic behav- the intrinsic phase average iour of multiphase systems. This formulation is also a single-level mathematical model since it is expressed 1 1 2@ 1 2, (11) purely in terms of the averaged, macroscopic, quantities. @ @ @ This procedure, however, leads to meaningful results where is the volume fraction of the -phase only if (1) the characteristic lengths and of both @ phases are of similar order of magnitude, where is the 4@K n d (12) distance over which varies signicantly and is the @ @ @ characteristic length of the phases; (2) there exists such averaging volume while the partial volume of the -phase is given as constant ¸ (3) 4@K n d . (13) @ @ @ that the three characteristic lengths satisfy the inequali- ties On the basis of Eqs. (9)}(13), the volume-averaging theorem and the general transport theorem can also be ;¸; . (4) written in terms of the population density function of the These conditions may be satised for systems in Fig. 1a -phase. and b, but not for system shown in Fig. 1c in which the -phase is, in essence, a dispersed phase. Accordingly, 2.2. Two-level model for heterogeneous systems next the -phase will be treated as a continuous one. Here, the characteristic lengths of the phases may di!er Applying the volume-averaging operator (8) to signicantly, but if it is possible to dene such averaging Eqs. (1), making use of the appropriate forms of the
  • 3. B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666 661 volume-averaging theorem and of the general transport theorem, and considering the boundary conditions (2), for the system in Fig. 1c, the following set of equations are obtained. For the continuous -phase we obtain one equation: * 1 2? 1 2? ? ? #1 2? ( 1 2?1 2?) ? *t ? ? ? ? ! ( 1D 2? 1 2?)! 1 2? ? ? ? ? ? 4@L d ! 1 2 @ n d @ . dt @ 4@L Fig. 2. Splitting a single modelling level into two levels of a two-phase # n j n dA d @ @ @ system. @ 4@ 4@L ! n n dA d . (14) ?@ @ @ The set of equations (14)}(17) is termed two-level @ 4@ model, since the dependent variables and system para- The left-hand-side terms of Eq. (14) describe the motion meters that are involved in it can be divided into two of quantity in the continuous phase, while the right- equivalent classes, termed here modelling levels. Vari- hand-side terms describe the changes of due to the ables 1 2? and n, for instance, are dened as variables of variation of volume of the particles, and to the transfer of ? the macroscopic level, while remained a variable of through the surfaces of particles, and production of @ the microscopic level. The former is termed higher mod- due to some surface source, respectively. On the left- elling level, whilst the latter is the lower modelling level. hand side, the conductive term was closed by means of Therefore, a single-level model was converted into the usual dispersion-type closure model (Carbonell a two-level one as it is shown in Fig. 2. The particles on Whitaker, 1983; Quintard Whitaker, 1993). the higher modelling level are represented as point sinks For the dispersed -phase we obtain two equations. immersed and moving in the continuous phase, while on The population balance equation the lower level are described as material bodies of nite *n * d volume which have their own inner world, often with # (1 2 n)# @ n 1 2 n (15) complex processes. *t @ . * dt @ . @ In the two-level model (14)}(17), a number of processes describes the behaviour of particles immersed and mov- occurring on two di!erent scales is collected and related. ing in the continuous phase, while the equation For instance, it describes three-dimensional motions in the physical space on two scales, particles are assumed to * @ # ( #q ) (16) be of general form, or both surface and volumetric source @ *t @ @ @ @ @ terms are present. This model, being in fact cognition- oriented one, provides a framework for modelling hetero- describes the motion of quantity inside the particles. geneous systems across scales, as well as for their multi- Here, q denotes some non-convective component of @ level computations. A further advantage of this model is the #ow density that may be of complex nature, depend- that during the course of developing it reliable estimates ing on the structure of particles. Eqs. (14)}(16) are com- can be obtained for the model errors, so that purpose- pleted with the constraint for the volume fractions of oriented models, useful for engineering computations, phases can be derived by its successive reduction allowing at the 4@L same time exact error analysis. # n d 1 (17) ? @ @ 2.3. Generalisation: multilevel dynamical models as well with the appropriate boundary and initial condi- tions. The boundary conditions for Eq. (14) describe the Generalisation of the two-level models leads to the connection of the system with the environment while the concept of multilevel dynamical models. In fact, when the boundary conditions for Eq. (16) describe the connection particles are of complex nature, composed, from instance, between the interior of a particle and its continuous from a great number of particles of much smaller size, phase environment. The details of the derivation of Eqs. then the volume averaging process on this second, small- (14)}(17), as well as of the derivation of equations of er, scale may also lead to meaningful and much simpler motion of the system will be published elsewhere. models. In this way a three-level model can be dened.
  • 4. 662 B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666 We note here that it is often useful to describe even the continuous -phase by means of a two-level model, vis- ualising it as consisting of a large number of #uid ele- ments that simultaneously interact with each other and with the particles of the dispersed -phase. Such model was derived and presented recently by Lakatos, Ulbert and Blickle (1999) for describing micromixing in continu- ous crystallizers. 3. Three-level models of catalytic reactors with bidisper- sed catalysts Consider a continuous catalytic reactor in which an APProduct-type reaction occurs and both the #uid and Fig. 3. Coupling the modelling levels in a three-level mathematical solid phases can be considered perfectly mixed. Let the representation. catalyst (macro-) particles be agglomerates of small por- ous (micro-) particles what means that the catalyst is of biporous nature. Let us assume that there exists some Here, the modelling levels are coupled with each other as resistance to the mass transfer at the #uid phase}macro- it is shown schematically in Fig. 3. particles interface, adsorption of the reagent A occurs at Based on the extension of a two-level model into the the surface of the microparticles with Freundlich-iso- three-level representation, a denition of the n-level mod- therm, and the rst-order reaction occurs only in the els can be formulated as follows: microparticles. If the variables x , x ,2 and equations F , F ,2 Considering the system in terms of the multilevel mod- with the corresponding boundary conditions B , B ,2 els, here the rst modelling level is formed by the com- of a distributed parameter model can be divided into pletely stirred #uid-phase. The second-level model n equivalent classes that can be grouped into a hierarchy describes the di!usion-type motion in the macropores, in such a way that and the third modelling level is in fact the mathematical M :F (x , f [x ]), B (u), description of the di!usion and reaction in the micro- pores. Denoting the third phase as -phase, the rst ( ) M :F (x , f [x ]), B (x ), level is described by the averaged equations (14) and (15), M :F (x , f [x ]), B (x ), the second ( ) level is also described by similar averaged equations obtained by replacing the indices by and $ by , and the third level is described by Eq. (16) M :F (x ), B (x ), (18) replacing the index by . Under such conditions, the L L L L L purpose-oriented model of the system, obtained through then the model is called n-level (dynamical) model with a number of simplifying steps, and with the further the notion assumptions: x Yx Yx Y2Yx , E the reactor is isotherm; L E the macroparticles can be modelled as spheres, cylin- M YM YM Y2YM , (19) L ders or plates, while the microparticles can be where Y denotes the relation higher level } lower level, modelled as spheres; F are the equations of the ith level, f are functionals of E both the macro and microparticles are monodispersed G G their arguments transmitting the in#uence of the (i!1)th with constant characteristic sizes R and R , respec- @ A level to the ith level, while B are the boundary conditions tively; G transmitting the in#uence of the ith level to the (i!1)th E the catalytic activity is constant, level. consists of the following equations and boundary The multilevel dynamical models are characterised by conditions: a number of special properties because of the character- istic hierarchy of the levels expressed by Eqs. (18). For Fluid-phase * rst ( ) level: instance, they exhibit some memory features and a char- dc m(1! ) D *c acteristic structure of eigenvalues due to the e!ects the F: ? q(c !c )! ? @ @ @ . ? ? dt ?GL ? R *r @ @ lower levels, often leading to complex dynamic phe- @ @ P 0 nomena. (20)
  • 5. B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666 663 Macropores * second ( ) level: and dimensionless parameters *c D * *c D m(1! ) @ @ @ rK @ p ? @, p ? @p , @ *t rK *r @ *r qR @ @ @ @ ? F : (21) @ 3(1! ) D R c 3(1! ) D *c p @ A $ A @, p @K p , ! @ A A A , c D R 3(1! ) R *r A A @K @ A @ $ A A P 0 k R kR subject to the boundary conditions p P @ , p R @ , p cI . D D @K A @ A @ *c *c k B : @ 0, @ R [c !c @ @ ]. Eqs. (20)}(25) are written in dimensionless form as @ *r @ @ *r @ @ D ? @P 0 @ P 0 @ P 0 d * (22) p ? ! !p @ , (28) d ?GL ? * Micropores * third ( ) level: E * 1 * * * *c D * *c @ @ !p A , (29) F: A A A r A !k c (23) * * * * A A *t r *r A *r P A K A A A * p * subject to the boundary conditions A A !p (30) * * A *c B: A 0, c A A a cI . (24) A *r A H A P 0 $ @ subject to the boundary conditions H P 0 In general, the initial conditions are * * @ 0, @ p [ ! ], (31) * * ? @ E c (0)c , c (r ,0)c (r ), E E ? ? @ @ @ @ * * c (r , r ,0)c (r , r ). A A @ A A @ (25) A 0, A p I (32) * * @ Naturally, the rst-level boundary conditions are in- K K cluded into the equation F since it describes a com- and to the initial conditions ? pletely stirred #uid}solid suspension. Equations F and ? (0) , ( ,0) ( ), ( , ,0) ( , ). (33) F have been simplied signicantly because of the @ ? ? @ @ A A monodisperse nature of particles, since in this case the The problem (28)}(33) was solved numerically by de- population density functions have the delta function veloping a two-level orthogonal collocation scheme with forms n N (r !R ), i , . By the same reasons, G G G G the aid of which the partial di!erential equations might the functionals f and f transmitting the e!ects of the ? @ be converted into a system of ordinary di!erential ones. and levels to the and levels, respectively, have According to the method of orthogonal collocation (Vil- taken the forms ladsen Stewart, 1967), approximate solutions were *c (t) constructed for and in terms of orthogonal poly- @ c (r , t) (r !R ) dr @ A *r @ @ @ @ @ @ @ (26) nomials of degree N and M in and , respectively, @ P 0 written in the forms and , I ( , ) d ( ) L *c (r , t) @ L (34) A @ c (r , r , t) (r !R ) dr . (27) *r A @ A A A A L A PA 0A and + , 4. Solution to the model equations I ( , , ) g ( ) L K, (35) A KL K L Before solving numerically the problem (20)}(25) we where the coe$cients d , n1, 2,2, N#1 and rewrite it in dimensionless form by introducing the di- L g , m1, 2,2, M#1, n1, 2,2, N#1 are un- mensionless variables KL known functions of the dimensionless time . Note that r r D polynomials (32) and (33) satisfy the boundary conditions @ , A , t @ , at the values 0 and 0 due to their appropriate R R R @ A @ forms. c The N and M interior collocation points were selected A , c c A ?K K to be the roots of the shifted Legendre polynomials of $
  • 6. 664 B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666 order N and M, dened as r¸ Q (r)¸ Q (r) dr , n, m0,1, 2,2, (36) L K LK where is the Kronecker delta. The (N#1)-th and LK (M#1)-th collocation points were selected 1 , and 1. + Substituting functions (34) and (35) into Eqs. (29) and (30), respectively, and requiring those to be satised at all collocation points, as well as taking into consideration the boundary conditions (31) and (32), together with the Eq. (28), a set of (N#1) (M#1) ordinary di!erential equations was obtained. The resulting set of ODE was solved by means of the semi-implicit Runge}Kutta method (Villadsen Michel- sen, 1978). The program was written in C/C# imple-#, Fig. 4. E!ects of the shape of macroparticles and of the rate of the mented on PC, and was used for investigating di!erent #uid-particle mass transfer on the transient responses of the reactor. transient phenomena of the catalytic reactors with bidis- persed catalysts by computer simulation. In the simula- tions, the following base-case values of parameters were used: p 1.65, p 0.2 m, p 2, p 1.2, p 15, p R, p 1, k0.5. 5. Simulation results and discussion First we consider the system without reaction, i.e. the vessel is assumed to be operated as an adsorber with bidispersed adsorbents. Here the transient responses of the system to the step changes of the adsorbate were studied. The numerical experiences have shown that in the interval 10(¹ /¹ D R/D R(10 of the ratio @ A A @ @ A Fig. 5. Transient processes in the #uid, in the macroparticles and in the of the time scales of macro- and microparticles, the tran- microparticles. sient behaviour of the adsorber was a!ected either by the macro- and micropore mass transport. At larger values of this ratio the micropore transport, while for smaller tration proles in the macro- and microparticles are values the macropore transport was the dominant factor shown for two moments of dimensionless time . a!ecting the transient responses. Consider now the system with chemical reaction, i.e. Fig. 4 shows the in#uence of the shape of macropar- the vessel is assumed to be operated as a catalytic reactor ticles on the relative uptake given as with bidispersed catalysts, but with di!erent boundary O /F@ EQ ds conditions. Namely, we assume that the reagent is #ow- u( ) /E E , (37) ing through the vessel without any catalyst under sta- /F@ EQ ds /E E tionary conditions, when suddenly a given amount of for two di!erent values of parameter p expressing the empty catalyst is introduced into the vessel. If we can in#uence of the rate of mass transfer between the #uid assume that the disturbance of the hydrodynamics of the phase and macroparticles. In the case of negligible mass vessel is negligible, then the initial conditions of the transfer resistance, only small in#uence of the shape of problem (28)}(32) can be written in the form macroparticles is observed while for small rate of mass (0) , ( ,0)0, ( , ,0)0. (38) transfer the macroparticle shape becomes an important ? ? @ A factor of the transients. Numerical experiences have shown that minima might be The whole transient process occurring simultaneously detected in the #uid-phase concentration of the reactor in at the three modelling levels of the system, computed for a wide range of parameters, similarly to that observed for the empty vessel initial conditions and step change of the monoporous catalysts (Imison Rice, 1975; Do Rice, adsorbate at the inlet, is presented in Fig. 5. The concen- 1982). The place of minima on the time axis and their
  • 7. B. G. Lakatos / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 659}666 665 6. Conclusions The multilevel mathematical models, presented in the paper in general terms, were derived by means of the volume-averaging method, appropriately modied for the dispersed systems. It might be applied for de- scribing the heterogeneous catalytic reactors because of the discrete nature of the catalyst phase and of the corresponding hierarchy of the system. The multilevel dynamical models, in their original cognition-oriented form provide a suitable theoretical basis for modelling and computing the heterogeneous systems across scales. A three-level dynamical model of a well-stirred cata- Fig. 6. The in#uence of the voidage of the reactor on the minima of #uid concentration. lytic reactor with bidispersed catalysts was presented and analysed in terms of the multilevel models. The model equations were solved by means of a two-level ortho- gonal collocation scheme. This method has proved suit- able for computing the concentration distributions in both the macropores and micropores in transient states of the reactor. By means of computer simulation several transient phenomena have been considered, showing the in#uence of the shape of macroparticles, of the mass transfer resistance at the #uid}macroparticle interface, and of the voidage of the reactor on the transient behav- iour of the reactor. Notation a parameter of the Freundlich isotherm $ Fig. 7. Macropore and micropore concentration distributions at di- A surface, m mensionless time 10. C concentration, kg m d coe$cients of the polynomial (Eq. (34)) L D di!usion coe$cient, m s values are strongly a!ected by the relative amount of the D matrix of the di!usion coe$cients catalyst as it is seen in Fig. 6. This gure shows the g coe$cients of the polynomial (Eq. (35)) KL history of the #uid concentration for di!erent values of j #ow density, quantity m s the reactor voidage . The capacity of catalyst increases k exponent of Freundlich-isotherm ? with decreasing voidage and the minima arise at smaller k reaction rate coe$cient, s P moments of time. Fig. 7 presents the concentration distri- k mass transfer rate coe$cient, s R butions of the macropores and micropores for two di!er- ¸Q shifted Legendre-polynomial of order m K ent ratios of the time scales of macro- and microparticles ¸ characteristic length scale of averaging, m at the dimensionless time 10. This gure illustrates n population density function, no m well that for ¹ /¹ +10 the micropores are lled with n normal unit vector @ A reactant continuously as compared to the macropore p dimensionless parameter H concentration distribution, while in the case of q volumetric #ow rate, m s ¹ /¹ +10, this concentration is practically zero q #ow density, quantity m s @ A since the reactant di!used into the micropores is com- r radial coordinate, m pletely consumed by the reaction. R radius, m The minima presented in the reactor responses arise t time, s because of the memory e!ects of the lower levels repre- u relative uptake sented by the macro- and microparticles. The di!erences ¹ time scale of di!usion, s in the #uid concentration seem to be characteristic for v velocity, m s applying it into some preliminary estimation of the sys- volume, averaging volume, m tem parameters. w velocity of the -interface, m s
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