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TX Date: 11/10/08-13/10/08
Programme No. 133
Running time:
Versions: ALB/SRB
UNMIK TV & K1 Productions

Opening credits


Good evening / Good afternoon

My name is Orhan Murati/ Anamari Repic welcome to UN Report.

Salma Hayek, Mia Farrow, and First Lady Laura Bush.

What have they got in common?

They are all Goodwill Ambassadors for the United Nations raising awareness all over the


UNICEF officials state that a course of three vaccines costing a dollar and eight cents each
could prevent thousands of deaths from maternal and newborn tetanus.
So UNICEF have got together with the diaper brand Pampers and launched a campaign to
raise funds for the vaccines.

SOUNDBITE (English) Francois Gasse, UNICEF Senior Health Specialist
The strategy is to immunize every pregnant mother who comes in contact with health services
when they are pregnant or in ante-natal care, and you give protective dose of tetanus. And for
mothers, or women who have access to antenatal care, you deliver a campaign of a three-
dose vaccine and all those women are protected. And this will give at least five years'
protection. Unfortunately today, you still have 170 million women at risk, not protected. Those
are the women we are trying to reach with the protective dose of vaccine, with support, all the
supporters which I welcome. And I would like to finish by saying that the price of getting a
mother protected is less than a cup of coffee.

Mexican actress Salma Hayek, is the Pampers' spokeswoman for the campaign.

SOUNDBITE (English) Salma Hayek, Actress and Pampers Spokeswoman
When I first was approached by Pampers, what really excited me about this was the concept
of mothers from around the world working together to protect children.

Speaking of her trip to Sierra Leone, she said she was very moved to meet the victims of this
disease firsthand.

SOUNDBITE (English) Salma Hayek, Actress and Pampers Spokeswoman
When we first arrived, the first thing we saw before getting to the hotel, we went to this
hospital and I met this little, little lady, her name was Fatima. She was so tiny that even
though she was seven days old it looked like she was still in the womb of the mother and was
not even born yet. She was so little and she was infected with tetanus.

The program aims to raise an additional 200 million vaccines over the next three years.

Tetanus, a preventable medical condition but it claims one baby every three minutes and as
many as 30,000 mothers each year.


On mission to Haiti UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and actress Mia Farrow witness the
devastation and conditions after a month of storms and flooding.

SOUNDBITE (English) Mia Farrow, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
I thought of the tsunami and those terrible images. But in a way this is worse. Because it's
mud - thick, deep mud. It's not going to go anywhere.

Gonaives has a population of 350,000 many are living in makeshift shelters. Even in the
Cathedral, one of the cities only sound structures conditions are dangerous.
Joining the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador was Nigel Fisher, President of the Canadian
National Committee.

SOUNDBITE (English) Nigel Fisher, President Canadian National Committee, UNICEF
What struck me was that people with almost nothing are getting very little help. Even from the
Haitian authorities. In Gonaives so many areas of the city still covered deep in mud. We saw
countless people living on the roof, the ground floors are full of mud. What do they have to
clean out the mud? Tin cans and shovels.

The dead left by Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Iike are still being counted in Gonaives and
other more remote areas of Haiti. Walking among the survivors of Gonaives Mia Farrow can
raise awareness to the aftermath of the Hurricanes.

SOUNDBITE (English) Mia Farrow UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
We can do more. We can do more.


Hayley Westerna is UNICEF's youngest goodwill ambassador. She sang to some of the
poorest children in Accra, Ghana receiving treatment for guinea worm. The guinea worm
parasite that infects water sources children are more at risk as they play and drink from
infected water. UNICEF has been providing safe drinking water and Hayley hygiene

SOUNDBITE (English) Hayley Westerna, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
All the kids here, all the children here are so enthusiastic. It's so wonderful to see a new water
pump being built over in the corner there funded by UNICEF and this water pump's going to
benefit the school as well as the community. There's so much exciting progress being made.

SOUNDBITE (English) Hayley Westerna, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
quot;…but we're all washing our hands aren't we? With soap and water. We wash together. We're
all washing our hands [Laughs].quot;

Another program Hayley started three years ago was Bikes for Ghana. This has helped over
6,000 girls living in deprived rural communities.

SOUNDBITE (English), Hayley Westerna, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
These are just some of the girls I've helped with my Bikes for Ghana project. I've helped them
get to school and get an education.

Education that is the key to helping the over 75 million children in the world who are not in
school today. Bringing one child at a time closer to an 'Education for All' children by the year


Held under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan and Senegal's
President Abdoulaye Wade, ten private companies were recognized in New York for their
work in improving the lives of the world's most disadvantaged people.
The award ceremony was part of the special focus on the Millennium Development Goals

SOUNDBITE (English) Kemal Dervis, UNDP Administrator
As the world becomes more interdependent doing business with the poor has shown not only
to be a potential boost for companies' competitiveness, but also to be a force multiplier in the
fight against poverty. Business can create domestic employment and wealth, free local
entrepreneurial energies; all of which contribute to development and the MDGs.

Queen Rania an enthusiastic supporter of the micro-fund movement which provides financial
assistance to would-be entrepreneurs.

SOUNDBITE: (English) Queen Rania of Jordan
Today business leaders like all of you are rewriting a value equation to show that true worth
comes not only from profits, but from making a positive difference. More and more when we
look at the cruelest challenges our human family faces we find it is business leading the
charge of innovation for Human development. Investing the tools, initiating the partnerships,
re-imagining service delivery to bring life saving vaccines, and life altering technology into the
hand of the poor.

Queen Rania of Jordan is renowned for her philanthropic work and is involved in many charity


United States First Lady Laura Bush addressed a luncheon at United Nations headquarters in
her capacity as Honorary Ambassador for (UNESCO). The subject; UN Literacy Decade,
which runs from 2003-2012.

SOUNDBITE (English) Laura Bush, First Lady of the United States and Honorary
Ambassador for the United Nations Literacy Decade
When George was Governor of Texas, a professor from a university in San Angelo, Texas –
you might not know that San Angelo, Texas has universities, but it does – wrote me a letter
and he said the advantage of the reader over the non-reader is so profound that you would
think people would be demanding to learn to read and to read well. So I hope you will join me

with a renewed commitment to all those people who can't read now but who can change their
lives if they learn to read.

A UNESCO report says the number of illiterate adults has fallen by nearly 100 million in the
past 15 years. Bush announced that she would remain Honorary Ambassador for UNESCO
until 2012.


This week the United Nations observed World Mental Health Day.

We talk to experts who deal with this issue here in Kosovo.

World day of mental health

Yesterday, Friday 10th of October was the world day of mental health. This year’s theme was:
Making mental health a global priority.

There is a reason behind why making mental health a priority. According to different statistics
from many member countries of WHO, shows that psychiatric diseases are the second after
the cardiovascular diseases and which causes disabilities to people.

SOUNDBITE: GENTIAN QALA, Director of intensive psychiatric care
There was a lot done after the war in this direction. A big step was done with the creation of
centers based on communities, which never existed before the war. There is still a need to
have better cooperation with hospital structures and community centers. Of course, always
trying to have continued treatment for sick people and rehabilitation too. They have a need to
be independent and we should help to be pat of the society as much as we can.

SOUNDBITE: GANI SHABANI, Mental health officer in Ministry of Health
Securing all services for all Kosovo citizens, with emphasis on supporting the power of the
client and the family. We deal here also with the decrease of prevalence of psychiatric
diseases and ensuring the dignity, integrity and independence of the users of the services.
We also fight stigma and discrimination towards people with psychiatric diseases.

What are the main problems of mental health in Kosovo?

SOUNDBITE: GENTIAN QALA, Director of intensive psychiatric care
People visiting the psychiatric clinic mainly suffer from psychotic disorders such as
schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. This category consists 50% of the total hospitalization of
our patients which are 10,000 persons a year. 9% is depression, 5, 6% personality disorder,
9% are dependency disorders.

One of the most important things in mental health issues is the prevention. It may sound as a
cliché but it’s true that prevention activities are cheaper for the society. Now what we face in
Kosovo society is the suicide phenomenon. It’s not just a mental health problem but also a
social and economic problem. The suicide scale it’s three times higher within nine years in
Kosovo. This is very high.

SOUNDBITE: GANI SHABANI, Mental health officer in Ministry of Health
According to some studies, prevalence of post traumatic stress disorder is up to 42%,
emotional stress up to 43%, depression 41, 6%. All those are circumstances which we have

to take steps from Government, Ministry of Health; international institutes continue the
reforms in mental health professional services

Reforms on mental health services in Kosovo have taken place but there is still more to be

We have a small number of psychologists or psychiatrists, counselors or nurses, there is a
small number compare with big number of cases in the field. I call to everyone to reach a
psychologist or professionals in community centers because majority of mental health
problems are curable, treatable. They can provide big help instead of dealing with
themselves. I say again, even there are insufficient human or institutional sources they will
give the best they can.

SOUNDBITE: GENTIAN QALA, Director of intensive psychiatric care
New reality in Kosovo with little possibilities for employment or education, the lack of
confidence for the future certainly is some of the factors that have impact. Those are social
factors. But there are also individual factors with impact on posing difficulties, for example the
increase of number of youth who abuse which brings high risks of depression for youngsters.

SOUNDBITE: GANI SHABANI, Mental health officer in Ministry of Health
In the strategic plan 2008-2013 it’s foreseen the creation of psychiatric institution of forensics
and institute of abuse diseases. We lack such institutions. In cooperation with Ministry of
Health and Ministry of Justice the projects are ongoing. This could be of help because there is
a certain group of people who are forced to be closed for a psychiatric treatment.

With Kosovo’s recent history mental health is a real concern. Agencies are aware of the
problems but funds and facilities are always going to be an issue.

Kosovo rehabilitation centre for torture victims

“Kosovo rehabilitation center for torture victims” (KRCT) is an NGO that provides a
psychological support for its clients. In 2007 this centre has provided services to around 480

SOUNDBITE: FERIDE RUSHITI, Executive director of the centre
Clients have many different mental health problems. Mainly they suffer from post traumatic
stress disorder, depression, anxiety, somatic disorders, persons with family problems.

Treatments here help torture victims cope with their trauma and overcome victimization
outlook. KRCT promotes an interdisciplinary approach, involving professionals from different

SOUNDBITE: FERIDE RUSHITI, Executive director of the centre
When we started at the beginning our services focused on crisis intervention and the
treatments were short termed. After some time, we realized that dealing with persons who
were maltreated, suffered a torture and are traumatized. I can freely say that after nine years
from the end of war, the mental health of the population is still heavy.

It is a problem that needs to be addressed especially for asylum seekers who are returned
from other countries. They pose additional challenges as they could regress when returned to
the location where their ordeal began.

SOUNDBITE: FERIDE RUSHITI, Executive director of the centre

Having in mind that our government has many priorities, I can say that health is not a priority
for the government. Mental health is not a priority too. I think that today the government
should more engaged, it should pay more attention to this category of people that are
stigmatized by the society, left isolated and maltreated by the community they belong.


Our feature this week is an interview with Fahri Musliu, RTK correspondent from Belgrade. He
speaks about his professional challenges and the current relations between Serbia and


Mr. Musliu, you have been a correspondent from Belgrade for more than 30 years for
various Kosovo media. What period do you consider a major professional challenge
and how did you overcome it?

Fahri Musliu – For me as a journalist, correspondent for the Albanian media, the challenges
have begun in 1981, or when the unrest started in Kosovo, especially since 1986 and 1987,
the time when anti Albanian feelings were simmering in Serbia. Later on, especially after the
co-called Constitutional putsch and the abolishment of the Kosovo autonomy in 1989 the
situation changed radically. The conflicts started in ex-Yugoslavia. I for one was in a way
professionally relaxed, although it is hard to say so. I had already undergone a very difficult
phase that lasted from 1987 to 1989. Then I faced diverse extreme performances of the Serb
politicians and the Serb public in general.

Did you have problems in finding a collocutor till 2000, especially an official? Did you
have problems in sending the reports to editing boards?

Fahri Musliu – At that time I mainly communicated with the opposition leaders, but not with
the representatives who were in power; they were rather arrogant. I had interviews with the
representatives of Democratic Alternative (DA) and I had several interviews with the late Mr.
Đinđić. In the aftermath of 2000 I could not contact, let alone interview the Serb politicians,
except the deceased Prime Minister Đinđić and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Drašković.

What kind of importance do the Belgrade media have in Kosovo media?

Fahri Musliu – There is an enormous interest regardless of the fact that certain editing boards
in Kosovo, (my editing board is included) consider that some facts are not so important.
Sometimes they simply ignore certain events that are of great importance. The Albanians in
Kosovo, various academicians, people who follow events and news listen to Free Europe in
Serbian, they watch TV programme Open Studio of Voice of America that is broadcast every
evening at 23 h. They also listen to BBC, which means that they are very interested in the
events in Serbia and they are very well informed.

According to your judgment, how will the relations between the Serbs and Albanians
develop in Kosovo?

Fahri Musliu – In some way the Serbs in Kosovo are between an anvil and hammer. There is
a saying in Serb that goes: to be between an anvil and a hammer, that is to say in a very
difficult position. Belgrade exerts pressure on them dissuading them from accepting the reality
of Kosovo, from integrating into the society of Kosovo, from being an integral part of political
life in Kosovo. On the other hand, the authorities in Kosovo did not offer them the milieu in
which they would feel freely and where they would have enough for their livelihood. The
authorities of Kosovo have to work more in order to provide proper integration of the Serbs in

Kosovo. Then, they need to give major security guaranties to the Serbs, to establish jobs for
them and this is the key issue.

When can we expect complete normalcy in the relations between the Kosovo Serbs
and Albanians?

Fahri Musliu – I do not expect that it will happen soon, regardless of the fact that there is a far
stronger will on the part of the Albanians, not only the will but the need, although it came a bit
belatedly. The major problem is that the Albanians as a majority in Kosovo, as well as the
politicians have not succeeded in persuading the Serbs not to be concerned about their
security. I think that the Serb issue lies in that psychological moment. The Serbs have a
sense of fear and it is more instilled in their brains compared to reality. The situation in
Kosovo has changed a lot in a positive sense in the sphere of security. The atmosphere of
prevailing security that has been created after the declaration of independence of Kosovo and
after the Constitution of Kosovo entered into force. This matter and the adoption of other
numerous documents should be used for the improvement of the position of the Serbs above
all and the position of other minorities in Kosovo.

Mr. Musliu, thank you for this interview.

Fahri Musliu – Thank you too.


That’s all for this show good day.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
END / Final credits


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  • 1. SCRIPT: UN REPORT TX Date: 11/10/08-13/10/08 Programme No. 133 Running time: Versions: ALB/SRB UNMIK TV & K1 Productions Opening credits Presenter Good evening / Good afternoon My name is Orhan Murati/ Anamari Repic welcome to UN Report. Salma Hayek, Mia Farrow, and First Lady Laura Bush. What have they got in common? They are all Goodwill Ambassadors for the United Nations raising awareness all over the world. Title: UNICEF/ SALMA HAYEK SOURCE: UNTV GENEVA Voiceover UNICEF officials state that a course of three vaccines costing a dollar and eight cents each could prevent thousands of deaths from maternal and newborn tetanus. So UNICEF have got together with the diaper brand Pampers and launched a campaign to raise funds for the vaccines. SOUNDBITE (English) Francois Gasse, UNICEF Senior Health Specialist The strategy is to immunize every pregnant mother who comes in contact with health services when they are pregnant or in ante-natal care, and you give protective dose of tetanus. And for mothers, or women who have access to antenatal care, you deliver a campaign of a three- dose vaccine and all those women are protected. And this will give at least five years' protection. Unfortunately today, you still have 170 million women at risk, not protected. Those are the women we are trying to reach with the protective dose of vaccine, with support, all the supporters which I welcome. And I would like to finish by saying that the price of getting a mother protected is less than a cup of coffee. Voiceover Mexican actress Salma Hayek, is the Pampers' spokeswoman for the campaign. SOUNDBITE (English) Salma Hayek, Actress and Pampers Spokeswoman When I first was approached by Pampers, what really excited me about this was the concept of mothers from around the world working together to protect children. Voiceover Speaking of her trip to Sierra Leone, she said she was very moved to meet the victims of this disease firsthand. SOUNDBITE (English) Salma Hayek, Actress and Pampers Spokeswoman When we first arrived, the first thing we saw before getting to the hotel, we went to this hospital and I met this little, little lady, her name was Fatima. She was so tiny that even though she was seven days old it looked like she was still in the womb of the mother and was not even born yet. She was so little and she was infected with tetanus. 1
  • 2. Voiceover The program aims to raise an additional 200 million vaccines over the next three years. Tetanus, a preventable medical condition but it claims one baby every three minutes and as many as 30,000 mothers each year. Title: HAITI / MIA FARROW SOURCE: UNICEF GONAIVES, HAITI Voiceover On mission to Haiti UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and actress Mia Farrow witness the devastation and conditions after a month of storms and flooding. SOUNDBITE (English) Mia Farrow, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador I thought of the tsunami and those terrible images. But in a way this is worse. Because it's mud - thick, deep mud. It's not going to go anywhere. Voiceover Gonaives has a population of 350,000 many are living in makeshift shelters. Even in the Cathedral, one of the cities only sound structures conditions are dangerous. Joining the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador was Nigel Fisher, President of the Canadian National Committee. SOUNDBITE (English) Nigel Fisher, President Canadian National Committee, UNICEF What struck me was that people with almost nothing are getting very little help. Even from the Haitian authorities. In Gonaives so many areas of the city still covered deep in mud. We saw countless people living on the roof, the ground floors are full of mud. What do they have to clean out the mud? Tin cans and shovels. Voiceover The dead left by Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Iike are still being counted in Gonaives and other more remote areas of Haiti. Walking among the survivors of Gonaives Mia Farrow can raise awareness to the aftermath of the Hurricanes. SOUNDBITE (English) Mia Farrow UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador We can do more. We can do more. Title: GHANA / WESTERNA SOURCE: UNICEF ACCRA, GHANA Voiceover Hayley Westerna is UNICEF's youngest goodwill ambassador. She sang to some of the poorest children in Accra, Ghana receiving treatment for guinea worm. The guinea worm parasite that infects water sources children are more at risk as they play and drink from infected water. UNICEF has been providing safe drinking water and Hayley hygiene education. SOUNDBITE (English) Hayley Westerna, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador All the kids here, all the children here are so enthusiastic. It's so wonderful to see a new water pump being built over in the corner there funded by UNICEF and this water pump's going to benefit the school as well as the community. There's so much exciting progress being made. SOUNDBITE (English) Hayley Westerna, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador quot;…but we're all washing our hands aren't we? With soap and water. We wash together. We're all washing our hands [Laughs].quot; 2
  • 3. Voiceover Another program Hayley started three years ago was Bikes for Ghana. This has helped over 6,000 girls living in deprived rural communities. SOUNDBITE (English), Hayley Westerna, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador These are just some of the girls I've helped with my Bikes for Ghana project. I've helped them get to school and get an education. Voiceover Education that is the key to helping the over 75 million children in the world who are not in school today. Bringing one child at a time closer to an 'Education for All' children by the year 2015.quot; Title: NY / WORLD BUSINESS AND DEVELOPMENT AWARDS SOURCE: UNDP Voiceover Held under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan and Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade, ten private companies were recognized in New York for their work in improving the lives of the world's most disadvantaged people. The award ceremony was part of the special focus on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). SOUNDBITE (English) Kemal Dervis, UNDP Administrator As the world becomes more interdependent doing business with the poor has shown not only to be a potential boost for companies' competitiveness, but also to be a force multiplier in the fight against poverty. Business can create domestic employment and wealth, free local entrepreneurial energies; all of which contribute to development and the MDGs. Voiceover Queen Rania an enthusiastic supporter of the micro-fund movement which provides financial assistance to would-be entrepreneurs. SOUNDBITE: (English) Queen Rania of Jordan Today business leaders like all of you are rewriting a value equation to show that true worth comes not only from profits, but from making a positive difference. More and more when we look at the cruelest challenges our human family faces we find it is business leading the charge of innovation for Human development. Investing the tools, initiating the partnerships, re-imagining service delivery to bring life saving vaccines, and life altering technology into the hand of the poor. Voiceover Queen Rania of Jordan is renowned for her philanthropic work and is involved in many charity activities. UN LITERACY BUSH Voiceover United States First Lady Laura Bush addressed a luncheon at United Nations headquarters in her capacity as Honorary Ambassador for (UNESCO). The subject; UN Literacy Decade, which runs from 2003-2012. SOUNDBITE (English) Laura Bush, First Lady of the United States and Honorary Ambassador for the United Nations Literacy Decade When George was Governor of Texas, a professor from a university in San Angelo, Texas – you might not know that San Angelo, Texas has universities, but it does – wrote me a letter and he said the advantage of the reader over the non-reader is so profound that you would think people would be demanding to learn to read and to read well. So I hope you will join me 3
  • 4. with a renewed commitment to all those people who can't read now but who can change their lives if they learn to read. Voiceover A UNESCO report says the number of illiterate adults has fallen by nearly 100 million in the past 15 years. Bush announced that she would remain Honorary Ambassador for UNESCO until 2012. Presenter This week the United Nations observed World Mental Health Day. We talk to experts who deal with this issue here in Kosovo. World day of mental health Voiceover Yesterday, Friday 10th of October was the world day of mental health. This year’s theme was: Making mental health a global priority. SOUNDBITE: ALIRIZA ARENLIU, WHO There is a reason behind why making mental health a priority. According to different statistics from many member countries of WHO, shows that psychiatric diseases are the second after the cardiovascular diseases and which causes disabilities to people. SOUNDBITE: GENTIAN QALA, Director of intensive psychiatric care There was a lot done after the war in this direction. A big step was done with the creation of centers based on communities, which never existed before the war. There is still a need to have better cooperation with hospital structures and community centers. Of course, always trying to have continued treatment for sick people and rehabilitation too. They have a need to be independent and we should help to be pat of the society as much as we can. SOUNDBITE: GANI SHABANI, Mental health officer in Ministry of Health Securing all services for all Kosovo citizens, with emphasis on supporting the power of the client and the family. We deal here also with the decrease of prevalence of psychiatric diseases and ensuring the dignity, integrity and independence of the users of the services. We also fight stigma and discrimination towards people with psychiatric diseases. Voiceover What are the main problems of mental health in Kosovo? SOUNDBITE: GENTIAN QALA, Director of intensive psychiatric care People visiting the psychiatric clinic mainly suffer from psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. This category consists 50% of the total hospitalization of our patients which are 10,000 persons a year. 9% is depression, 5, 6% personality disorder, 9% are dependency disorders. SOUNDBITE: ALIRIZA ARENLIU, WHO One of the most important things in mental health issues is the prevention. It may sound as a cliché but it’s true that prevention activities are cheaper for the society. Now what we face in Kosovo society is the suicide phenomenon. It’s not just a mental health problem but also a social and economic problem. The suicide scale it’s three times higher within nine years in Kosovo. This is very high. SOUNDBITE: GANI SHABANI, Mental health officer in Ministry of Health According to some studies, prevalence of post traumatic stress disorder is up to 42%, emotional stress up to 43%, depression 41, 6%. All those are circumstances which we have 4
  • 5. to take steps from Government, Ministry of Health; international institutes continue the reforms in mental health professional services Voiceover Reforms on mental health services in Kosovo have taken place but there is still more to be done. SOUNDBITE: ALIRIZA ARENLIU, WHO We have a small number of psychologists or psychiatrists, counselors or nurses, there is a small number compare with big number of cases in the field. I call to everyone to reach a psychologist or professionals in community centers because majority of mental health problems are curable, treatable. They can provide big help instead of dealing with themselves. I say again, even there are insufficient human or institutional sources they will give the best they can. SOUNDBITE: GENTIAN QALA, Director of intensive psychiatric care New reality in Kosovo with little possibilities for employment or education, the lack of confidence for the future certainly is some of the factors that have impact. Those are social factors. But there are also individual factors with impact on posing difficulties, for example the increase of number of youth who abuse which brings high risks of depression for youngsters. SOUNDBITE: GANI SHABANI, Mental health officer in Ministry of Health In the strategic plan 2008-2013 it’s foreseen the creation of psychiatric institution of forensics and institute of abuse diseases. We lack such institutions. In cooperation with Ministry of Health and Ministry of Justice the projects are ongoing. This could be of help because there is a certain group of people who are forced to be closed for a psychiatric treatment. Voiceover With Kosovo’s recent history mental health is a real concern. Agencies are aware of the problems but funds and facilities are always going to be an issue. Kosovo rehabilitation centre for torture victims Voiceover “Kosovo rehabilitation center for torture victims” (KRCT) is an NGO that provides a psychological support for its clients. In 2007 this centre has provided services to around 480 people. SOUNDBITE: FERIDE RUSHITI, Executive director of the centre Clients have many different mental health problems. Mainly they suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, somatic disorders, persons with family problems. Voiceover Treatments here help torture victims cope with their trauma and overcome victimization outlook. KRCT promotes an interdisciplinary approach, involving professionals from different specialties. SOUNDBITE: FERIDE RUSHITI, Executive director of the centre When we started at the beginning our services focused on crisis intervention and the treatments were short termed. After some time, we realized that dealing with persons who were maltreated, suffered a torture and are traumatized. I can freely say that after nine years from the end of war, the mental health of the population is still heavy. Voiceover It is a problem that needs to be addressed especially for asylum seekers who are returned from other countries. They pose additional challenges as they could regress when returned to the location where their ordeal began. SOUNDBITE: FERIDE RUSHITI, Executive director of the centre 5
  • 6. Having in mind that our government has many priorities, I can say that health is not a priority for the government. Mental health is not a priority too. I think that today the government should more engaged, it should pay more attention to this category of people that are stigmatized by the society, left isolated and maltreated by the community they belong. Presenter Our feature this week is an interview with Fahri Musliu, RTK correspondent from Belgrade. He speaks about his professional challenges and the current relations between Serbia and Kosovo. TV DANAS & SUTRA INTERVIEW WITH FAHRI MUSLIU By SEFAM Mr. Musliu, you have been a correspondent from Belgrade for more than 30 years for various Kosovo media. What period do you consider a major professional challenge and how did you overcome it? Fahri Musliu – For me as a journalist, correspondent for the Albanian media, the challenges have begun in 1981, or when the unrest started in Kosovo, especially since 1986 and 1987, the time when anti Albanian feelings were simmering in Serbia. Later on, especially after the co-called Constitutional putsch and the abolishment of the Kosovo autonomy in 1989 the situation changed radically. The conflicts started in ex-Yugoslavia. I for one was in a way professionally relaxed, although it is hard to say so. I had already undergone a very difficult phase that lasted from 1987 to 1989. Then I faced diverse extreme performances of the Serb politicians and the Serb public in general. Did you have problems in finding a collocutor till 2000, especially an official? Did you have problems in sending the reports to editing boards? Fahri Musliu – At that time I mainly communicated with the opposition leaders, but not with the representatives who were in power; they were rather arrogant. I had interviews with the representatives of Democratic Alternative (DA) and I had several interviews with the late Mr. Đinđić. In the aftermath of 2000 I could not contact, let alone interview the Serb politicians, except the deceased Prime Minister Đinđić and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Drašković. What kind of importance do the Belgrade media have in Kosovo media? Fahri Musliu – There is an enormous interest regardless of the fact that certain editing boards in Kosovo, (my editing board is included) consider that some facts are not so important. Sometimes they simply ignore certain events that are of great importance. The Albanians in Kosovo, various academicians, people who follow events and news listen to Free Europe in Serbian, they watch TV programme Open Studio of Voice of America that is broadcast every evening at 23 h. They also listen to BBC, which means that they are very interested in the events in Serbia and they are very well informed. According to your judgment, how will the relations between the Serbs and Albanians develop in Kosovo? Fahri Musliu – In some way the Serbs in Kosovo are between an anvil and hammer. There is a saying in Serb that goes: to be between an anvil and a hammer, that is to say in a very difficult position. Belgrade exerts pressure on them dissuading them from accepting the reality of Kosovo, from integrating into the society of Kosovo, from being an integral part of political life in Kosovo. On the other hand, the authorities in Kosovo did not offer them the milieu in which they would feel freely and where they would have enough for their livelihood. The authorities of Kosovo have to work more in order to provide proper integration of the Serbs in 6
  • 7. Kosovo. Then, they need to give major security guaranties to the Serbs, to establish jobs for them and this is the key issue. When can we expect complete normalcy in the relations between the Kosovo Serbs and Albanians? Fahri Musliu – I do not expect that it will happen soon, regardless of the fact that there is a far stronger will on the part of the Albanians, not only the will but the need, although it came a bit belatedly. The major problem is that the Albanians as a majority in Kosovo, as well as the politicians have not succeeded in persuading the Serbs not to be concerned about their security. I think that the Serb issue lies in that psychological moment. The Serbs have a sense of fear and it is more instilled in their brains compared to reality. The situation in Kosovo has changed a lot in a positive sense in the sphere of security. The atmosphere of prevailing security that has been created after the declaration of independence of Kosovo and after the Constitution of Kosovo entered into force. This matter and the adoption of other numerous documents should be used for the improvement of the position of the Serbs above all and the position of other minorities in Kosovo. Mr. Musliu, thank you for this interview. Fahri Musliu – Thank you too. Presenter That’s all for this show good day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- END / Final credits 7