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Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do
Sudarshan Kriya?
Today's topic is Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya? And what are its
benefits? And how is it done? See, Sudarshan Kriya has many benefits. Think of it like this.
Like you buy a machine like a car or a bike. When you buy and bring it, you use it. But at the
same time, you have to keep in mind that it should be serviced from time to time. Otherwise,
it will deteriorate one day. Why isn't it? Because when you use something, a lot of garbage
gets accumulated in it during use.
Now it is necessary to clean it. If you do not, then those machines will be damaged. Then you
won't be able to utilize it. In exactly the same way your body is also a machine. That is the
second thing that this machine is the most complex machine. And the most expensive one
too. If the price of a human body is measured, then it is about 5 trillion dollars. No human can
make a machine like your body. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?)
Why should we do?
 There are millions of cells continuously working together in your body. Nonstop,
even when you sleep. It is your eyes that see the scene. When you buy a phone, you
see its camera, how many megapixels are there? The camera should be a maximum
megapixel or its resolution should be very good. And if you want a more good image
quality like for a professional suite, then you see a DSLR camera. Whose cost is up to
lakhs of rupees? And the camera that nature has given you, your eyes, you never think
about it. Have you ever looked at your body, your hands, your eyes, you don't know
your whole machine? Just be inside it but it is not bothered. (It's just inside the body
but it doesn't care.) Do you know how many megapixels your eyes have? Artificial
lenses cannot compete with eye lenses. Because when you see the scene with your
own eyes, some emotions come along with it which usually cannot come with a phone
camera or a DSLR camera. What I mean is that you are roaming around this
wonderful body of yours just like that. Never saw it with love, never, never got into
its depth. In the name of maintenance, just cover it with external shine. And keep
eating any food for the internal maintenance of this body. What the body does not
even need, you give those things to the body. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do
Sudarshan Kriya?)
 See, a human is the only creature that eats more than it needs. Eats more than his
appetite. He is obsessed with the taste of his tongue. And for the taste of the tongue,
he tortures with his stomach, that is, with his machine. Therefore, the size of a human
being is sometimes not as much as a human being. Because a person should have a
measurement. Just like animals. Every living being has a particular size. They cannot
be more than that. You look at the rabbit, the rabbit of the caste of which you see the
rabbit will be the limitation for the structure of their caste, it will be the same. Look at
the lion, the lion will eat only what it needs. All living beings except humans eat only
as much as they need. If an animal breaks its limit and starts eating it to taste like a
human, then it too will be oversized. So this wonderful machine means that this
physical body of yours is very amazing. No price can be judged. You only make only
many mistakes that you take body lightly. Because according to the nature of man, the
one who is near is not valued. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan
What Is Sudarshan Kriya?
 Sudarshan Kriya is a simple, energizing, and powerful breathing technique that
harmonizes the body, mind, and emotions in a rhythmic manner. Sudarshan Kriya
relieves you from negative emotions like stress, fatigue, anger, despair, and
depression. By this, the mind becomes calm, focused and the body energized and
becomes completely stress-free.
 We often get engulfed in the vortex of our emotions and become indifferent to our
lives by getting entangled in them. Through Sudarshan Kriya, understand your
emotions and learn to control them, not let them dominate you.
 Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique. There is a simple breathing technique that
is very powerful. Keeping the body fit and healthy, cleaning the waste that is in it, this
is 'Sudarshan Kriya'.
 See whatever actions you do from morning till evening. Whatever work you do at the
home, office, market anywhere, during this time you accumulate something within
yourself. A lot of tension, many such thoughts that bring you to this stress, make you
a victim of excitement. In your office too, you kept all those problems in your mind
and went home. You have stored any problem of the house, its memory also in your
mind. If there was any trouble with someone on the road in the market, then you
stored that memory in your mind. Now you have stored so much garbage in your
mind. So it is not good for your body at all. Also, it is not good for your mental state.
So with the help of Sudarshan Kriya, you can clean all these. You can throw it out.
 With this, your physical illness also ends.
 See if you do pranayama and do Sudarshan Kriya. So generally, you cannot even
touch a disease. Because it strengthens the immune system.
 Your body's fighter cells are strong.
 Patients with cancer have also benefited greatly from this Kriya.
 In short words, it is very important for your brain, mind, body, and your soul.
 Now it comes to how to do it? Look, Sudarshan Kriya is nothing but an experiment of
your breath. like vipassana meditation. If you search for Sudarshan Kriya on the
Internet, then you will see some different types of experiments. Your breath counting,
how do you inhale, exhale? All that as well as sitting in Vajrasana. But let me make it
even easier for you.
How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?
 See the frequency of each breath you take affects your mind, thoughts, and your body.
So your breathing will do the work of air pressure for you. and clean you from inside.
 Normally when you breathe, you are breathing normally you do not know that it is
happening. And as soon as you get angry your breathing becomes shorter and faster.
And when you are happy your breath is long.
 If there is an algorithm, then you just have to put that algorithm in your breath. The
whole existence is running on an algorithm. One tuning, one frequency has to be set,
one has to match.
 See, if you are too confused in Sudarshan Kriya or you are not able to do it, then you
can follow Buddha's Anapanasati Meditation or say Vipassana Meditation. Basically,
the main meditation is the same. After that, according to the research of the people,
different names have been given by doing a little manipulation in the technique. Like
Isha Kriya, Sudarshan Kriya, all these are used only on breathing. Meditation is the
breath itself. If you are doing Vipassana meditation, then by meditating on this use of
breathing, then whatever garbage you accumulate in your mind, that is, whatever
memories are there of your tense outside, office, your job market, family That,
anywhere, it gets transformed by concentrating on your breathing, then indirectly your
Sudarshan Kriya has already happened.
Steps Of Sudarshan Kriya
1 Ujjayi Pranayama
1. First stage of pranayama
2. Second stage of pranayama
3. Third stage of pranayama
2 Bhastrika Pranayama
1. First Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama
2. Second Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama
3. Third Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama
3 OM Chanting
Ujjayi Pranayama
 Let's Get ready for the first stage of Pranayama, let's sit in Vajrasana, and keep the
spine straight. Keep a smile on your face. close your eyes. Thumbs on the hipbone.
Hands parallel to the ground in the line of the navel. Keep a smile on your face. First a
simple breath in and out. Another simple breath in and out. And will do Pranayama
with Ujjayi breathing.
1. First Stage Of Pranayama: Take a normal breath in and let go. Take another
deep breath in and let go with Ujjayi breath
 1,2 Breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out. 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold
 1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4, hold 1,2,3,4, breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold
 Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.
 1,2 breath in and relax. Arms on your knees open to the sky. observe
the sensations and the body.
2. Second Stage Of Pranayama: Let's get ready for the second stage of pranayam.
First, take a normal breath in and Let go. another deep breath in, and Let go.
With Ujjayi breath
 1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold
 1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold
 Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.
 1,2 breath in and Relax. Arms on your knees open to the sky. observe
the sensations and the body.
3. Third Stage Of Pranayama: Let's get ready for the second stage of pranayam.
First, take a normal breath in and Let go. another deep breath in, and Let go.
And with Ujjayi breath
 1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold
 1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold
 Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.
 1,2 breath in and relax. arms on your knees open to the sky. Observe
the sensations and the body.
Bhastrika Pranayama
1. Fourth stage Of Pranayama: Let's get ready for Bhastrika Pranayama. Palms in the
loose fist next to your shoulders. spine erect. Chin up. Elbows close to the body.
Relax the shoulders. To begin, take a regular breath in and then exhale.
o First Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama: To begin, take a regular breath in and
then exhale. Take another deep breath in and exhale fully. And for Bhastrika
with the normal forceful breath, breath in and breath out.
o Breath in and breath out.
o Breath in and breath out continuously
o Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.
o And relax. Palms on your knees open to the sky. Observe the flow of energy
of the body. the gentle smile on your face.
2. Second Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama:
o Palms in the loose fist next to your shoulders. spine erect. Chin up. Elbows
close to the body. Relax the shoulders. To begin, take a regular breath in and
then exhale. Take another deep breath in and exhale fully and for Bhastrika
with the normal forceful breath, Breath in and out.
o Breath in and breath out.
o Breath in and breath out.
o Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.
o And relax. Palms on your knees open to the sky. Observe the flow of energy in
the body. keep the gentle smile on your face.
3. Let's get ready for the third and final round of Bhastrika Pranayama. Palms in the
loose fist next to your shoulders. spine erect. Chin up. Elbows close to the body.
Relax the shoulders. To begin, take a regular breath in and then exhale. Take another
deep breath in and exhale fully and for Bhastrika with the normal forceful breath,
Breath in and out.
o Breath in and breath out.
o Breath in and breath out.
o Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.
o And relax. Palms on your knees open to the sky. Observe the flow of energy in
the body. keep the gentle smile on your face.
o keep your eyes closed. slowly come out of Vajrasana and sit comfortably and
easily with your spine erect.
OM Chanting
 OM Chanting
o Let's chant OM three times. Take a deep breath in and let go. with the next
exhalation, we will chant OM. Take a deep breath in and say loudly OM three
times. OM, OM, OM.
Science Of This Kriya
 You understand it in such a way that our existence is made up of seven things.
Depends on seven things. First is Body, then there is Breath, then there is Mind,
Intellect, Memory, Ego, and Self Confidence. First of all our body, breath, mind,
intellect, memory, ego, and self-confidence. Let us leave the rest of the things and
focus on three things, body, breath, and mind. We have breath in the middle to
connect body and mind. Our breath connects our body and our mind.
 You people must have seen that whenever you get angry, become anxious, upset, get
depressed, the speed of your breathing changes. Your emotions are also having an
effect on your breathing. Can its reverse also be true? Yes, your breathing affects your
 If at the time when you are feeling very angry, you are anxious, at that time if you
take long deep breaths for one minute, only for one minute. You will see that with this
little practice, your mind will become very calm. It will be stable, the anger in your
mind, which was irritability, will suddenly go away.
 If you learn to control emotions by breathing, then think for yourself how powerful
you will become. Sudarshan Kriya gives you this power That you control your
breathing, you can control your emotions with your breathing.
 There is Pranayama in Sudarshan Kriya. It is actually divided into three stages. The
first pranayama, the second Soham technique, and the third stage is deep relaxation.
(Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?)
Sudarshan Kriya Benefits
 By using breathing in the right way we can get many benefits. We can get freedom
from all physical and mental diseases. As per medical science, 90% of toxins are
taken out through breath. Medical science also says that 80 to 90 % of diseases are
because of mental stress and tensions. In everybody life child to old people, stress
comes from the past life and from food also. when we do not know to get rid of it
stress is continuing depositing in the mind and body and creates many diseases.
Sudarshan kriya is a beautiful breathing practice to take out toxins from the body.
Nasa has done great research and found it very much effective, curing many diseases.
Aims and many other research centers have done research on Sudarshan kriya and
proved its advantages in human life.
 By doing Sudarshan kriya our total negative emotions are taken out.
 Our breathing pattern is affected by our different mind emotions, it is different for
happiness, fear, sorrow, etc. By doing Sudarshan kriya we are able to rest this
breathing as desired by our body.
 And it is very helpful for the body, mind, and soul.
 It is very beneficial at the level of physical, mental, and emotional.
 It is also beneficial in curing major diseases. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do
Sudarshan Kriya?)
(132)  sudarshan kriya benefits

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(132) sudarshan kriya benefits

  • 1. Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya? Today's topic is Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya? And what are its benefits? And how is it done? See, Sudarshan Kriya has many benefits. Think of it like this. Like you buy a machine like a car or a bike. When you buy and bring it, you use it. But at the same time, you have to keep in mind that it should be serviced from time to time. Otherwise, it will deteriorate one day. Why isn't it? Because when you use something, a lot of garbage gets accumulated in it during use. Now it is necessary to clean it. If you do not, then those machines will be damaged. Then you won't be able to utilize it. In exactly the same way your body is also a machine. That is the second thing that this machine is the most complex machine. And the most expensive one too. If the price of a human body is measured, then it is about 5 trillion dollars. No human can make a machine like your body. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?) Why should we do?
  • 2.  There are millions of cells continuously working together in your body. Nonstop, even when you sleep. It is your eyes that see the scene. When you buy a phone, you see its camera, how many megapixels are there? The camera should be a maximum megapixel or its resolution should be very good. And if you want a more good image quality like for a professional suite, then you see a DSLR camera. Whose cost is up to lakhs of rupees? And the camera that nature has given you, your eyes, you never think about it. Have you ever looked at your body, your hands, your eyes, you don't know your whole machine? Just be inside it but it is not bothered. (It's just inside the body but it doesn't care.) Do you know how many megapixels your eyes have? Artificial lenses cannot compete with eye lenses. Because when you see the scene with your own eyes, some emotions come along with it which usually cannot come with a phone camera or a DSLR camera. What I mean is that you are roaming around this wonderful body of yours just like that. Never saw it with love, never, never got into its depth. In the name of maintenance, just cover it with external shine. And keep eating any food for the internal maintenance of this body. What the body does not even need, you give those things to the body. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?)
  • 3.  See, a human is the only creature that eats more than it needs. Eats more than his appetite. He is obsessed with the taste of his tongue. And for the taste of the tongue, he tortures with his stomach, that is, with his machine. Therefore, the size of a human being is sometimes not as much as a human being. Because a person should have a measurement. Just like animals. Every living being has a particular size. They cannot be more than that. You look at the rabbit, the rabbit of the caste of which you see the rabbit will be the limitation for the structure of their caste, it will be the same. Look at the lion, the lion will eat only what it needs. All living beings except humans eat only as much as they need. If an animal breaks its limit and starts eating it to taste like a human, then it too will be oversized. So this wonderful machine means that this physical body of yours is very amazing. No price can be judged. You only make only many mistakes that you take body lightly. Because according to the nature of man, the one who is near is not valued. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?) What Is Sudarshan Kriya?
  • 4.  Sudarshan Kriya is a simple, energizing, and powerful breathing technique that harmonizes the body, mind, and emotions in a rhythmic manner. Sudarshan Kriya relieves you from negative emotions like stress, fatigue, anger, despair, and depression. By this, the mind becomes calm, focused and the body energized and becomes completely stress-free.  We often get engulfed in the vortex of our emotions and become indifferent to our lives by getting entangled in them. Through Sudarshan Kriya, understand your emotions and learn to control them, not let them dominate you.  Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique. There is a simple breathing technique that is very powerful. Keeping the body fit and healthy, cleaning the waste that is in it, this is 'Sudarshan Kriya'.  See whatever actions you do from morning till evening. Whatever work you do at the home, office, market anywhere, during this time you accumulate something within yourself. A lot of tension, many such thoughts that bring you to this stress, make you a victim of excitement. In your office too, you kept all those problems in your mind and went home. You have stored any problem of the house, its memory also in your mind. If there was any trouble with someone on the road in the market, then you stored that memory in your mind. Now you have stored so much garbage in your mind. So it is not good for your body at all. Also, it is not good for your mental state. So with the help of Sudarshan Kriya, you can clean all these. You can throw it out.  With this, your physical illness also ends.  See if you do pranayama and do Sudarshan Kriya. So generally, you cannot even touch a disease. Because it strengthens the immune system.  Your body's fighter cells are strong.  Patients with cancer have also benefited greatly from this Kriya.  In short words, it is very important for your brain, mind, body, and your soul.
  • 5.  Now it comes to how to do it? Look, Sudarshan Kriya is nothing but an experiment of your breath. like vipassana meditation. If you search for Sudarshan Kriya on the Internet, then you will see some different types of experiments. Your breath counting, how do you inhale, exhale? All that as well as sitting in Vajrasana. But let me make it even easier for you. How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?
  • 6.  See the frequency of each breath you take affects your mind, thoughts, and your body. So your breathing will do the work of air pressure for you. and clean you from inside.  Normally when you breathe, you are breathing normally you do not know that it is happening. And as soon as you get angry your breathing becomes shorter and faster. And when you are happy your breath is long.
  • 7.  If there is an algorithm, then you just have to put that algorithm in your breath. The whole existence is running on an algorithm. One tuning, one frequency has to be set, one has to match.  See, if you are too confused in Sudarshan Kriya or you are not able to do it, then you can follow Buddha's Anapanasati Meditation or say Vipassana Meditation. Basically, the main meditation is the same. After that, according to the research of the people, different names have been given by doing a little manipulation in the technique. Like Isha Kriya, Sudarshan Kriya, all these are used only on breathing. Meditation is the breath itself. If you are doing Vipassana meditation, then by meditating on this use of breathing, then whatever garbage you accumulate in your mind, that is, whatever memories are there of your tense outside, office, your job market, family That, anywhere, it gets transformed by concentrating on your breathing, then indirectly your Sudarshan Kriya has already happened. Steps Of Sudarshan Kriya 1 Ujjayi Pranayama 1. First stage of pranayama 2. Second stage of pranayama 3. Third stage of pranayama 2 Bhastrika Pranayama 1. First Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama 2. Second Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama 3. Third Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama 3 OM Chanting
  • 8. Ujjayi Pranayama  Let's Get ready for the first stage of Pranayama, let's sit in Vajrasana, and keep the spine straight. Keep a smile on your face. close your eyes. Thumbs on the hipbone. Hands parallel to the ground in the line of the navel. Keep a smile on your face. First a
  • 9. simple breath in and out. Another simple breath in and out. And will do Pranayama with Ujjayi breathing. 1. First Stage Of Pranayama: Take a normal breath in and let go. Take another deep breath in and let go with Ujjayi breath  1,2 Breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out. 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold  1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4, hold 1,2,3,4, breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold  Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.  1,2 breath in and relax. Arms on your knees open to the sky. observe the sensations and the body. 2. Second Stage Of Pranayama: Let's get ready for the second stage of pranayam. First, take a normal breath in and Let go. another deep breath in, and Let go. With Ujjayi breath  1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold  1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold  Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.  1,2 breath in and Relax. Arms on your knees open to the sky. observe the sensations and the body. 3. Third Stage Of Pranayama: Let's get ready for the second stage of pranayam. First, take a normal breath in and Let go. another deep breath in, and Let go. And with Ujjayi breath  1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold  1,2 breath in 1,2,3,4 hold 1,2,3,4 breath out 1,2,3,4,5,6 hold  Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes.  1,2 breath in and relax. arms on your knees open to the sky. Observe the sensations and the body. Bhastrika Pranayama
  • 10. 1. Fourth stage Of Pranayama: Let's get ready for Bhastrika Pranayama. Palms in the loose fist next to your shoulders. spine erect. Chin up. Elbows close to the body. Relax the shoulders. To begin, take a regular breath in and then exhale. o First Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama: To begin, take a regular breath in and then exhale. Take another deep breath in and exhale fully. And for Bhastrika with the normal forceful breath, breath in and breath out. o Breath in and breath out. o Breath in and breath out continuously o Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes. o And relax. Palms on your knees open to the sky. Observe the flow of energy of the body. the gentle smile on your face. 2. Second Round Of Bhastrika Pranayama: o Palms in the loose fist next to your shoulders. spine erect. Chin up. Elbows close to the body. Relax the shoulders. To begin, take a regular breath in and then exhale. Take another deep breath in and exhale fully and for Bhastrika with the normal forceful breath, Breath in and out. o Breath in and breath out. o Breath in and breath out. o Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes. o And relax. Palms on your knees open to the sky. Observe the flow of energy in the body. keep the gentle smile on your face. 3. Let's get ready for the third and final round of Bhastrika Pranayama. Palms in the loose fist next to your shoulders. spine erect. Chin up. Elbows close to the body. Relax the shoulders. To begin, take a regular breath in and then exhale. Take another deep breath in and exhale fully and for Bhastrika with the normal forceful breath, Breath in and out. o Breath in and breath out. o Breath in and breath out. o Do this continue for 5 to 7 minutes. o And relax. Palms on your knees open to the sky. Observe the flow of energy in the body. keep the gentle smile on your face. o keep your eyes closed. slowly come out of Vajrasana and sit comfortably and easily with your spine erect. OM Chanting
  • 11.  OM Chanting o Let's chant OM three times. Take a deep breath in and let go. with the next exhalation, we will chant OM. Take a deep breath in and say loudly OM three times. OM, OM, OM. Science Of This Kriya
  • 12.  You understand it in such a way that our existence is made up of seven things. Depends on seven things. First is Body, then there is Breath, then there is Mind, Intellect, Memory, Ego, and Self Confidence. First of all our body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego, and self-confidence. Let us leave the rest of the things and focus on three things, body, breath, and mind. We have breath in the middle to connect body and mind. Our breath connects our body and our mind.  You people must have seen that whenever you get angry, become anxious, upset, get depressed, the speed of your breathing changes. Your emotions are also having an effect on your breathing. Can its reverse also be true? Yes, your breathing affects your emotions.  If at the time when you are feeling very angry, you are anxious, at that time if you take long deep breaths for one minute, only for one minute. You will see that with this little practice, your mind will become very calm. It will be stable, the anger in your mind, which was irritability, will suddenly go away.  If you learn to control emotions by breathing, then think for yourself how powerful you will become. Sudarshan Kriya gives you this power That you control your breathing, you can control your emotions with your breathing.  There is Pranayama in Sudarshan Kriya. It is actually divided into three stages. The first pranayama, the second Soham technique, and the third stage is deep relaxation. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?)
  • 13. Sudarshan Kriya Benefits  By using breathing in the right way we can get many benefits. We can get freedom from all physical and mental diseases. As per medical science, 90% of toxins are taken out through breath. Medical science also says that 80 to 90 % of diseases are because of mental stress and tensions. In everybody life child to old people, stress comes from the past life and from food also. when we do not know to get rid of it stress is continuing depositing in the mind and body and creates many diseases. Sudarshan kriya is a beautiful breathing practice to take out toxins from the body. Nasa has done great research and found it very much effective, curing many diseases. Aims and many other research centers have done research on Sudarshan kriya and proved its advantages in human life.  By doing Sudarshan kriya our total negative emotions are taken out.  Our breathing pattern is affected by our different mind emotions, it is different for happiness, fear, sorrow, etc. By doing Sudarshan kriya we are able to rest this breathing as desired by our body.  And it is very helpful for the body, mind, and soul.  It is very beneficial at the level of physical, mental, and emotional.  It is also beneficial in curing major diseases. (Sudarshan Kriya Benefits | How To Do Sudarshan Kriya?)