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                                                                                                  Edited by:
                                                                                                  Gina Ziervogel,
                                                                                                  Alfred Opere
                                                                                                  Ignitius Chagonda
                                                                                                  Jacob Churi
                                                                                                  Amadou Dieye
                                     Integrating meteorological and
       Keziya Magawa, a
                                                                                                  Boris Houenou
   farmer with Nazareti
 Womens’ Group, tends
                                                                                                  Said Hounkponou
maize in a field school in
    Chibelela, Tanzania.
                                     indigenous knowledge-based                                   Eric Kisiangani
                                                                                                  Evans Kituyi

  Photo: IDRC/ F. Nzema              seasonal climate forecasts for                               Cromwel Lukorito
                                                                                                  Ayub Macharia

                                     the agricultural sector
                                                                                                  Henry Mahoo
                                                                                                  Amos Majule
                                                                                                  Paul Mapfumo
                                     Lessons from participatory action                            Mtambanengwe
                                                                                                  Francis Mugabe
                                     research in sub-Saharan Africa                               Laban Ogallo
                                                                                                  Gilbert Ouma
                                                                                                  Amadou Sall
                                                                                                  Greno Wanda

                                                                     Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 01
Ziervogel, G. and Opere, A. (editors). 2010. Integrating       About CCAA Learning Papers
meteorological and indigenous knowledge-based seasonal
climate forecasts in the agricultural sector. International    In 2009, the CCAA program launched a series of learning
Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Climate           forums, bringing supported research teams together to
Change Adaptation in Africa learning paper series.             share knowledge on themes relevant to climate change
                                                               adaptation. These forums facilitate learning across teams,
Copyright © 2010 IDRC                                          and aim to generate synthetic lessons and findings useful
                                                               to government officials, development organizations, donors,
Cover photo: Keziya Magawa, a farmer with Nazareti
                                                               communities affected by climate change, and a broad range
Womens’ Group, tends maize in a field school in
                                                               of institutions working to support adaptation in Africa.
Chibelela, Tanzania.
                                                               Through a facilitated process of discussion, forum
Photo: IDRC/ F. Nzema
                                                               participants share research findings, and progressively
This publication may be downloaded, saved, printed             deepen their exploration of common themes arising.
and reproduced for educational and research purposes.          Facilitators, CCAA staff members, and technical editors
When used, we request inclusion of a note recognizing          work with researchers and subject area specialists to
the authorship and the permission granted for use by the       crystallize key learning, and structure knowledge into core
International Development Research Centre.                     topics for further discussion. The results of these successive
                                                               rounds of discussion are then written up in paper form and
Please send enquiries and comments to
                                                               extensively reviewed by contributors, external experts, and
                                                               CCAA staff members.
About CCAA                                                     CCAA Learning Papers can be accessed in electronic format
                                                               at along with briefs which accompany
The Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program
                                                               most titles. Hard copies are available upon request.
was launched in 2006 and is jointly funded by Canada’s
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
and the United Kingdom’s Department for International          Acknowledgements
Development (DFID). It is hosted and managed by IDRC from
                                                               The editors and contributing authors express their
headquarters in Ottawa and three regional offices in Africa.
                                                               appreciation to the following expert reviewers, who provided
Web site:                                     invaluable comments during the drafting of this paper:

                                                               Professor Richard Anyah, Department of Meteorology,
                                                               University of Connecticut
About IDRC
                                                               Professor Declan Conway, School of International
IDRC is a Canadian Crown corporation that works in close
                                                               Development, University of East Anglia, and policy advisor
collaboration with researchers from the developing world
                                                               to United Kingdom’s Department for
in their search for the means to build healthier, more
                                                               International Development
equitable, and more prosperous societies.
                                                               Dr Polly Ericksen, Senior Scientist, International Livestock
                                                               Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya

                                                               Dr Carla Roncoli, Associate Director, Master’s in
About DFID
                                                               Development Practice and Adjunct Faculty, Department of
DFID is the part of the UK government that manages             Anthropology, Emory University
Britain’s aid to poor countries and works to get rid of
                                                               Professor Tim Wheeler, School of Agriculture, Policy
extreme poverty.
                                                               and Development, University of Reading, and deputy                                                chief scientific advisor to the Department for International

i Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
CCAA Learning Paper

Acronyms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Context. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

     Use of climate information by agricultural and pastoral communities . . 3

     Rationale for exploring the integration of meteorological and
     indigenous forecasts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. Currently available climate information and farmers’ views of it . . . . . 5
     Seasonal climate forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

     Indigenous knowledge about climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4. Integration of IKFs and SCFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
     Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

     Down-scaling and up-scaling climate information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5. Tailoring information to user needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

6. Applying tailored climate information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

7. The way forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

     Lessons for national meteorological services and
     regional climate centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

     Support for integrating IKFs and SCFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

     Supporting future uptake of integrated climate forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

     Lessons for policymakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

8. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

                                                                                           Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program ii
CCAA Learning Paper

                     CCAA     Climate Change Adaptation in Africa

                     CSE      Centre de suivi écologique

                     GHA      Greater Horn of Africa

                     ICPAC    IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre

                     IDID     Initiatives pour un développement intégré durable

                     IGAD     Intergovernmental Authority on Development

                     IKF      indigenous knowledge-based seasonal forecast

                     IRA      Institute of Resource Assessment (University of Dar es Salaam)

                     KMD       Kenya Meteorological Department

                     MSU      Midland State University (Zimbabwe)

                     PAR       participatory action research

                     SCF       seasonal climate forecasts developed by national meteorological services

                     SUA      Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania)

                     TMA       Tanzania Meteorological Agency

iii Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
Extreme climatic events, such as
droughts and floods, as well as chang-
es in the mean climate, have a direct
effect on crops and livestock and, thus,
people’s livelihoods. Food security is at
risk, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa
where local production remains largely
rain-fed. Given that climate variability
is likely to increase with increasing                                                                      Farmers walk
greenhouse gas emissions, it is more                                                                       through flooded
important than ever to understand                                                                          rice fields in
how this variability can be managed to                                                                     Malawi.
reduce the negative consequences.
                                                                                                           Photo courtesy of
The impact is already significant. In                                                                      Gina Ziervogel
Malawi, for example, as a result of the     maximize opportunities during favour-
2002 drought, approximately 5 million       able conditions. However, exploring the
people needed emergency food aid,           synergies between these two sources
which took a long time to be delivered.     of climate information is a challenge.
A similar situation occurred in Niger       It requires not only an understanding
in 2004–2005 when approximately 2.5         of the current uptake of the informa-
million people — or a fifth of the popu-    tion, but also mechanisms and policies
lation — was in need of food rations        to support improvements in generat-       Climate information can
(UNDP 2007). In 2009, approximately         ing, disseminating, and using climate     help farmers and pastoralists
3.8 million people in Kenya required        information.
                                                                                      manage their crops and
food aid because of the prolonged
drought (FEWS Net 2010). In 2006, sub-
                                            SCFs are generated by national meteo-     livestock to minimize risks
                                            rological and hydrological services us-   and maximize opportunities.
Saharan Africa accounted for 13% of
                                            ing models and empirical data. These
the world’s population and 25% of the
                                            specialized, scientific institutions
undernourished people in the develop-
                                            generate weather and climate-related
ing world (FAO 2006).
                                            products under guidelines set by the
Reducing the impact of climate vari-        World Meteorological Organization.
ability and change on food produc-          Their work is supplemented by other
tion and livelihoods may be achieved,       regional and international climate
in part, by using available climate         centres including the African Centre
information to anticipate and manage        of Meteorological Applications for
annual climate-related risks (Tarhule       Development, the Centre Régional de
2005; Washington et al. 2006). Climate      Formation et d’Application en Agromé-
information is available from two main      téorologie et Hydrologie Opérationelle
sources: meteorological seasonal            (AGRHYMET), IGAD Climate Predic-
climate forecasts (SCFs) and indig-         tion and Applications Centre (ICPAC),
enous knowledge-based seasonal              the Climate Systems Analysis Group
forecasts (IKFs). This information can      (University of Cape Town), the United
help farmers and pastoralists manage        Kingdom Meteorological Office, the
their crops and livestock to minimize       National Oceanic and Atmospheric
risks during unfavourable seasons and       Administration, and others.
                                                                                 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 1
Producing useful
  forecasts requires a deep
  understanding of the needs
  of specific user groups and
  the benefits and challenges
                                       IKFs, on the other      farmers use SCFs, but the temporal and spatial scale of
  forecasts may present to
                                       hand, are produced      these is not precise enough; thus, they could benefit from
  these users.                         locally by people who   the local details added by IKFs. It is, therefore, important
                                       live in the area for    that policymakers, practitioners, and forecasters (both
                                       which the prediction    from meteorological services and indigenous groups)
is made. They are often based on generations of experience     target existing gaps and take advantage of opportunities if
and include both biophysical and mystical indicators.          they are to support farmers and pastoralists in managing
                                                               climate risk.
Although for years many communities have successfully
relied on indigenous forecasting methods in planning           The Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program,
agricultural activities, SCFs have become increasingly         funded by the International Development Research
available in many parts of Africa over recent decades          Centre (Canada) and the Department for International
(O’Brien and Vogel 2003; Patt et al. 2007; Roncoli et al.      Development (United Kingdom), has supported a number
2009). However, despite significant advances in the science    of projects that have investigated how SCFs might be better
of seasonal forecasting and increased awareness of these       integrated into agricultural and pastoral decision-making
forecasts, most African countries have not experienced         to strengthen livelihoods and food security. Through these
significant benefits from using this information to reduce     projects, it has become clear that IKFs, which have been
climate impacts. A key challenge has been access to and        used by communities for decades, provide information that
ability to respond to meteorological climate information,      is complementary to the SCFs. Some projects set out to
by vulnerable groups as well as institutions and agencies      investigate links between the two information sources at the
charged with managing the impacts of climate variability.      outset, while others explored them when they emerged as
                                                               an important focus in supporting increased uptake of SCF
Producing useful forecasts requires a deep understanding
of the characteristics and needs of specific user groups
(Ziervogel 2004) as well as a clear view of the benefits and   In this paper, we seek to answer two questions. First,
challenges they present to these users. Studies carried        how can farmers’ and pastoralists’ needs be met by the
out in West Africa (Roncoli et al. 2009) and southern Africa   dissemination and application of meteorological information
(Ziervogel and Calder 2003; Ziervogel et al. 2006) show        and, second, how can SCFs complement indigenous
limited adoption of SCFs by farmers because of serious         knowledge about the climate.
resource limitations (lack of land, labour, inputs, credit,
                                                               Although much research has been done over the past two
and market access) and limited exposure to the use of
                                                               decades on the challenges of and opportunities for applying
such forecasts. It is, therefore, important that the needs
                                                               SCFs, much of it has been theoretical (Patt and Gwata 2002;
and concerns of users, in particular vulnerable groups,
                                                               Archer 2003; Ziervogel et al. 2006). The CCAA projects
inform the content and dissemination of forecasts. The
                                                               provide a new insight, as they are based on participatory
fact that many small-scale farmers are unable to take
                                                               action research (PAR) methods, which involve researchers
advantage of forecasts due to resource constraints means
                                                               working with
that socioeconomic and political needs as well as cultural
contexts must be addressed in adaptation planning, along
                                                               extension officers,
with climate information needs.
                                                               meteorologists,      CCAA projects provide new
Combining meteorological and indigenous seasonal               and policymakers
                                                                                    insight, as they involve
forecasting is one way to deal with the challenges faced       to explore the
in the development, communication, and use of climate          realities of
                                                                                    researchers working with
information. Many farmers already use indigenous forecasts     disseminating        farmers, extension officers,
in their farm-level decisions and may only need certain        SCFs on the          meteorologists, and policymakers
information, such as total rainfall expected in the season,    ground. The          to explore the realities of
to complement what they already have. Similarly, some          objective of this    disseminating forecasts.

2 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
CCAA Learning Paper

report is to document the process and lessons learned          Context
during the projects with respect to using, applying, and
                                                               Use of climate information by agricultural and pastoral
integrating SCFs and IKFs. The individual project teams also
                                                               communities: As small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan
intend to analyze in more detail the implications of their
                                                               Africa face increasingly variable rainfall, in terms of the
specific research projects for practice and policy.
                                                               start and end of season and the amount and distribution
We begin by documenting lessons learned from eight PAR         of rainfall, the scientific community hopes that seasonal
projects on the use of SCFs and their integration with IKFs,   climate information can help them prepare and, therefore,
as captured in a learning forum hosted by the CCAA program     reduce the negative impacts of climate variability. Increased
in March 2010 (see “About CCAA Learning Papers” on p.i).       attention has also been paid to indigenous knowledge that
We then focus on the current availability of seasonal          draws on local understanding of the environment to inform
forecasts and indigenous knowledge before exploring            livelihood strategies. It may be possible to increase food
how the two types of information have been integrated, as      security if these combined forecasts can help improve
well as the platforms for disseminating this information       agricultural yields. Through technical and management
and the challenges of applying it.
We conclude by suggesting ways to
strengthen capacity to manage climate
variability among farmers, pastoralists,      CCAA projects that contributed knowledge to the learning forum
researchers, policymakers, and
providers of climate information.
                                              Project title and lead institution                         Short form in text
The selected PAR projects and their
                                              Strengthening the Capacity to Adapt to Climate             Benin (IDID)
lead institutions are listed here.
                                              Change in Rural Benin, Initiatives pour un développement
Participants in these projects were
                                              intégré durable
brought together for a week of learning
that provided an opportunity to share         Infoclim: Platform for Helping Vulnerable Communities      InfoClim (CSE)
experiences and insights developed            Adapt to Climate Change in Senegal, Centre de suivi
over the previous three years of the          écologique
projects’ lifespans.
                                              Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Risk           IK in Western
Also invited to take part in the              Management to Support Community Based Adaptation           Kenya (ICPAC)
discussions were experts from three           in Western Kenya, ICPAC
institutions — the Niamey-based
                                              Managing Risk, Reducing Vulnerability and Enhancing        Managing Risk in
African Centre of Meteorological
                                              Productivity under a Changing Climate in the Greater       the GHA (SUA)
Applications for Development,
                                              Horn of Africa, Sokoine University of Agriculture
the Hadley Centre in the United
Kingdom, and the Nairobi-based                Resilience and the African Smallholder : Enhancing the     African
ICPAC — that are involved in the              Capacity of Communities to Adapt to Climate Change in      Smallholders
production and dissemination of               Seven African Countries, University of Zimbabwe            (U. of Zimbabwe)
meteorological information. These
institutions represented one of the           Building Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change in Zambia     Zambia and
target audiences of the forum’s output.       and Zimbabwe, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe          Zimbabwe (MSU)
Several other participants from a wide        Strengthening Local Agricultural Innovation Systems in     Tanzania and
range of backgrounds, including the           Tanzania and Malawi, Institute of Resource Assessment,     Malawi (IRA)
humanitarian aid and development              University of Dar es Salaam
community, government and academia,
were also in attendance as observers.         Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change among               Pastoralist
                                              Pastoralists in Northern Kenya, Practical Action           Adaptation
                                                                                                         (Practical Action)

                                                                               Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 3
CCAA Learning Paper

                                                                   It is often hard for farmers
                                                                   and others, including chiefs
                                                                   and extension officers, to
                                                                   interpret probability-based
                                                                   forecasts and know how to
adjustments, farmers might be able to take advantage of                                                   In some places,
good seasons and minimize risks during less favourable
                                                                   respond to them.                       targeted research
ones. The PAR projects explored these opportunities in their                                              has helped farmers
various regional contexts.                                                                                understand the
                                                                nature of the information and how it might be used (Patt and
Although gains have been made in bringing together users
                                                                Gwata 2002; Roncoli et al. 2002; Ziervogel 2004; Patt et al. 2005;
and suppliers of climate information, numerous challenges
                                                                Roncoli 2007). Research has also shown that users like to have
remain associated with its use. Among farmers, there is
                                                                interaction with those knowledgeable about the forecast before
often confusion over terminology (e.g., “seasonal” and
                                                                making decisions about how to use it (Ziervogel 2004).
“weather” forecasts used interchangeably and what is meant
by below and above normal rainfall). In some cases, it is
not clear what information is of most use. The most widely
available information from the seasonal forecast is total
                                                                Currently available climate information
seasonal rainfall. However, users are often interested in the
                                                                and farmers’ views of it
onset, cessation, and intra-seasonal variations to support      Seasonal climate forecasts: The SCFs produced by the
decisions about what crops to plant, when to plant, which       meteorological services are disseminated at the national
technologies to use, and when to harvest.                       level in every country. The country is usually divided
                                                                into regions where different seasonal rainfall totals are
Rationale for exploring the integration of meteorological
                                                                expected. The information about expected rainfall is given in
and indigenous forecasts: Meteorological services have
                                                                probabilities, e.g., 40% chance of above-normal rainfall, 30%
been producing SCFs for the last few decades, and these
                                                                chance of normal, and 30% chance of below-normal rainfall.
are available in most countries in Africa (O’Brien and Vogel
                                                                According to project teams in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania,
2003; Washington et al. 2006; Patt et al. 2007). However,
                                                                and Kenya, it is often hard for farmers and others, including
their uptake by small-scale farmers and pastoralists has
                                                                chiefs and extension officers, to interpret these probabilities
been limited (Archer 2003; Luseno et al. 2003; Ziervogel et
                                                                and know how to respond to them.
al. 2006). The research community hopes that SCFs can be
better used to inform decisions on crop types, planting date,   There is also concern because the forecasts cover too
and the need for measures to safeguard yields (Patt and         large an area. In eastern Zimbabwe, for example, project
Gwata 2002; Ziervogel 2004; Patt et al. 2005).                  participants wanted to minimize their losses associated

 Table 1: Comparison of IKF and SCF methods

 IKFs                                                           SCFs

 Use biophysical indicators of the environment as               Use weather and climate models of measurable meteoro-
 well as spiritual methods                                      logical data

 Forecast methods are seldom documented                         Forecast methods are more developed and documented

 Up-scaling and down-scaling are usually complex                Up-scaling and down-scaling are relatively simple

 Indicators are mostly observed                                 Indicators are usually measurable

 Application of forecast output is less developed               Application of forecast output is more developed

 Communication is usually oral                                  Communication is usually written

 Explanation is based on spiritual and social values            Explanation is theoretical

 Taught by observation and experience                           Taught through lectures and readings

4 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
                                                                      I   33
with climatic variation. Farmers might
want to sell their livestock before
an imminent drought and restock
when conditions become favourable.
Alternatively, they might move their
livestock to localities where more                                              45
favourable conditions are expected                                        II    35
and where relatives or friends could                                            20
keep the cattle in trust until conditions
improve in their home range. When
presented with the SCF, they said           June to August 2010
the information covered areas that          Consensus Climate                  20
                                            Outlook for the Greater            45   III
were too large for them to have local
                                            Horn of Africa.                    35
relevance and inform their decisions.
                                            Image courtesy of ICPAC
They also thought that the short-
term weather forecasts on radio and         Key
television were for cities and holiday      Figures on the map                                 33
resorts and not for farm areas, because     represent percentage                          IV   33
                                            probability of                                     33
city names were given on the weather
                                                   Above Normal
map as reference points. This example        A
highlights the fact that communities’        B     Near Normal
                                             C     Below Normal
requests for information are different
from what is provided by the national
forecasters. Table 1 compares IKFs and
scientific methods of forecasting.

Although national climate information            In Benin, research found that
is often disseminated by radio, the              radio broadcasts of climate
project in Benin found that this method          information are only useful
is only useful if broadcasts occur at            if they occur at times when
times when farmers can listen, which             farmers can listen, which
vary according to season. They have
                                                 vary according to season.
learned that when farmers are tilling,
the broadcast should be in the evening,
but when farmers are waiting for the
                                            why. Farmers would like forecasts at
rains to start, the broadcast can be in
                                            least a month in advance of the short
the afternoon. The project team also
                                            (October–December) and long (March–
found that local discussion forums
                                            May) rainy seasons. Sometimes they
facilitated by climate information
                                            are received a few weeks before the
providers and local stakeholders
                                            season starts, by which time farmers
can improve follow-up and uptake
                                            have already made key decisions about
of information heard on the radio.
                                            their crops — types of seeds, when to
However, it is important to first
                                            plant — and have purchased inputs,
assess community access to radio.
                                            such as fertilizer. For this reason,
A number of projects found that SCFs        in Same district, Tanzania, IKFs are
are not received when farmers most          being used to complement SCFs. IKFs
need them, although it was not clear        are available early enough to give

                                                                                               Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 5
farmers time to prepare. A key lesson for meteorological         However, tailoring of climate information will depend on
departments is that timeliness of information dissemination      disseminators and users of the information ensuring that
is critical to farmer uptake.                                    their preferences are communicated to the meteorological
In Same district, farmers used to struggle to interpret SCFs
from the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA). But now,          Another shortcoming of the current national-level seasonal
as a result of the Managing Risk in the GHA (SUA) project,       climate information is that it does not provide advice on
a team has been established to interpret and disseminate         interventions. Some meteorological services integrate
the forecast, with the result that people are becoming more      the forecast with agricultural advice, producing an agro-
interested.                                                      meteorology bulletin with suggestions on what agricultural
                                                                 strategies might be most appropriate given the expected
In general, distribution of SCF information is still too
                                                                 rainfall. However, project participants felt that this type of
supply driven at the national level. Participants felt that
                                                                 information remains too broad to be useful: the information
this reflects a lack of understanding of specific user needs.

 Table 2: Comparison of IKFs, SCFs, and an integrated forecast for selected seasons and locations in Kenya and Tanzania

Season and           IKF summary report                 SCF report              Integrated report        Performance of
location             and indicators                                                                      integrated forecast

MAM 2010             Frogs making a lot of noise,       Seasonal rainfall       The IKFs and TMA         Reported as “very
Same, Tanzania       ants moving and spreading          will be normal.         forecasts indicate       good” meaning
(Managing Risk       across roads, signifying that      The main indica-        normal rains, expect-    almost all predicted
in the GHA           the Masika (rainy) season is       tors include sea        ed to decrease as the    events came
project site)        about to start. IKF indicators     surface tem-            season progresses.       to pass.
                     show that rains during the         peratures of the
                     Masika season will decrease        Indian and Pacific
                     especially in May.                 Oceans and wind

SOND 2009            Stars and bubbles in water         August to               The Nganyi forecast      Reported as “very
Nganyi               pots in shrines suggest rains      September:              provided a more          good” meaning
community            will start in the 2nd week of      low-intensity rain-     detailed version of      almost all predicted
(IK in Western       August. Mid-August to end of       fall. October to        the KMD forecast         events for the season
Kenya projects)      September: light rain. October     November: more          and was therefore        came to pass.
                     to early December: increased       intense rainfall.       adopted as follows:
                     rainfall intensity. 2nd week of    Rains to continue
                                                                                2nd week August:
                     December to mid-January:           into January 2010.
                                                                                onset of the rainy
                     light rain.
                                                        Good overall            season. Mid-August
                     Rains will be accompanied by       distribution of         to end of September:
                     heavy storms, but not as severe    rain throughout         light rains. October
                     as those in the previous season    the season with         to early December:
                     (March–May 2009). Early rains      no extended dry         increased rainfall
                     will be polluted. The overall      spells. There will      intensity. 2nd week
                     distribution of rains over the     be heavy storms         December to mid-
                     season will be good.               and high winds.         January 2010: light

6 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
CCAA Learning Paper

  The integration of indigenous
  knowledge is very important
  as it is highly localized, and
  often comes with practical
  advice on measures to
                                           is insufficiently      to reduce the impact of variable climate (UNEP 2007).
  take in light of the forecast            downscaled to          Observing stars, wind patterns, cloud movement, and the
  conditions.                              provide advice at      position of the moon and sun allows weather and climate
                                           the local level, and   forecasts to be made. Knowledge also exists about patterns
farmers in different parts of a district may need to respond      in the occurrence of local natural hazards. People know that
differently because of unique local environmental conditions.     they have to plan to be able to cope with natural disasters
The integration of indigenous knowledge is very important in      and various ways are sought to recover from hazards. Such
this process, as it is highly localized, and often comes with     knowledge is not properly documented, but depends on oral
practical advice on measures to take in light of the forecast     education by elders. Accumulated indigenous knowledge is
conditions. Using local languages and terminology familiar        passed from one generation to the next through traditional
to farmers is also essential to the usability of forecast         socialization processes.
information, and too often overlooked in the provision
                                                                  Because of the oral nature of indigenous knowledge,
of SCFs.
                                                                  little has been published on the process of integrating it
Learning forum participants observed that improvements            into environmental conservation, management of natural
in infrastructure and capacity building among staff at local      disasters, or indicators of and responses to climate
meteorological stations might help address some of the            variability. Another challenge is maintaining this information
challenges around producing useful forecasts and increase         base in the face of the demise of older generations and
coverage. In Tanzania, the meteorological services have been      the current wider scale of interactions of communities
decentralized, and participants felt that this could support      with other cultures. It is important to record this precious
direct interaction and engagement with communities.               knowledge before it becomes “extinct” (Ocholla-Ayayo 2003).
Indigenous knowledge about climate: Traditionally, farmers        Various indicators and predictors (environmental, biological,
have based their decisions about crop and irrigation cycles       and traditional belief) are commonly used by farmers
on indigenous knowledge of weather and climate patterns.          to support farm decisions and adaptive measures. This
This knowledge has been gained through many decades of            knowledge is based on locally defined conditions and needs
experience and has been passed down through generations.          and is dynamic and nurtured by observation. The experience
The knowledge is also adapted to local conditions and needs.      of men and women farmers is incorporated into the
                                                                  indicators, modifying them slightly to meet current needs
One of the reasons indigenous knowledge plays a big role
                                                                  and situations. As an example, Table 2 gives the forecasts
in farmers’ decisions is because traditional societies’
                                                                  and indicators used by the IK in Western Kenya (ICPAC)
livelihoods are closely intertwined with nature (UNEP
                                                                  project and the Tanzania component of the Managing Risk in
2007). Their survival has depended on the sustainability
                                                                  the GHA (SUA) project.
of resources in their local environment, thus, they have
conserved these resources by adhering to strict traditional       In the Zambia and Zimbabwe (MSU) project, the key
laws — including taboos and heavy penalties — under               indigenous knowledge indicators used for weather
the guidance of elders (DMCN 2004). Particular plant and          and climate forecasting included fruiting patterns, the
animal species were considered sacred or associated with          emergence of leaves and weeds, and wind movement. North
bad omens that hindered people from overexploiting them.          to south winds are called male winds, while south to north
Some species were associated with shrines and water               are female winds. When either is strong, rainfall is expected.
sources protected by effective clan laws. Plants or animals       The observation of clear cloudless days has also been linked
that provided medicine and food became the subject of strict      to some meteorological processes in this area.
rules and practices to ensure their continuing availability
                                                                  Western scientists have tended to reject the traditional
(Ocholla-Ayayo 1976).
                                                                  knowledge of local communities as primitive, non-
Indigenous communities recognize that to be able to live          quantitative, employing non-conventional methods, and
with natural hazards, they must monitor environmental             unscientific. However, indigenous knowledge systems have
conditions, including the weather and climate, to make            more recently attracted the attention of many people in both
relevant predictions and advise on appropriate actions            developed and developing countries, and the importance

                                                                                  Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 7
has reduced farmers’ confidence in
                                                                                      traditional knowledge and has led them
                                                                                      to seek out both seasonal and short-
                                                                                      term weather forecasts. If SCFs can
                                                                                      capture the increasingly variable climate,
                                                                                      they may be able to provide important
                                                                                      information that can create a framework
                                                                                      for developing strategies for responding
                                                                                      and adapting to climate change.

Nganyi IK forecasters                                                                 Because indigenous knowledge has
explain the use of some                                                               been used for generations and is part
of the tools they use
                                                                                      of many rural communities’ way of
in interpreting natural
                                                                                      life, it makes sense to explore the role
                                                In Zambia and Zimbabwe,               of IKFs in relation to SCFs. This is
Photo: IDRC and DFID/                           indigenous knowledge                  particularly important if SCFs are seen
T. Omondi
                                                indicators included fruiting          as external knowledge, too general,
                                                patterns, the emergence of            and of questionable relevance to small-
                                                leaves and weeds, and wind            scale farmers and pastoralists. It is a
                                                movement.                             challenge for disseminators to package
                                                                                      the two information types; however,
                                                                                      those involved in the learning forum
                                                                                      supported an approach that does not
                                                                                      prioritize either type of information, but
                                          of this information is beginning to be
                                                                                      rather finds ways to use both.
                                          recognized. Practitioners are starting
                                          to realize the importance of recognizing    One of the projects, implemented
                                          and working with indigenous                 by ICPAC working with the Nganyi
                                          knowledge that builds on generations        community in western Kenya, has
                                          of experience (Orlove et al. 2010) to       experience in integrating these two
                                          best support the adaptive capacity and      domains of climate knowledge (Box 2).
                                          strategies of rural communities.            Despite the project’s achievements,
                                                                                      challenges still centre on building
                                                                                      trust and acceptance of the SCFs
                                          Integration of IKFs and SCFs
                                                                                      by the community, sourcing and
                                          It is clear that IKFs and SCFs both         authenticating information based on
                                          have strengths and weaknesses. A            indigenous knowledge, and acquiring
                                          major challenge is how to bring them        meteorological data within the project
                                          together in a way that respects their       area to cross-validate SCFs and
                                          different values and builds on their        IKFs. There is also an urgent need to
                                          strengths. This is set against a backdrop   integrate indigenous risk-reduction
                                          of a changing climate, which means          strategies with SCFs to provide local
                                          that indigenous knowledge indicators        communities with new tools for coping
                                          might not be as reliable as they were       with the current climate extremes and
                                          in the past. Some projects have noted       adapting for future climate changes
                                          that increasing variability in climate      and greater impacts.

8 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
CCAA Learning Paper

Integration of IKFs and SCFs in the IK in Western Kenya project
Twice a year, the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications        during the season. An evaluation of the first season’s
Centre (ICPAC) convenes a Climate Outlook Forum for               forecast, validated by information from the community at the
the Greater Horn of Africa which produces a consensus             dissemination workshop, revealed surprisingly good results
seasonal forecast from modern-day climate scientists. The         — the community concurred that the forecast was accurate.
forecast is subsequently downscaled for Kenya by Kenya
                                                                  Over the life of the project, five seasonal forecasts went
Meteorological Department (KMD). In September 2008,
                                                                  through a similar “bridging” process, bringing together
through a CCAA-supported project focusing on IK in Western
                                                                  meteorologically-based climate outlooks for the region,
Kenya, ICPAC brought meteorologists and Nganyi indigenous
                                                                  with the more locally specific forecasts produced by the
knowledge forecasters together to produce a further
                                                                  Nganyi. These took place in September 2008, March 2009,
downscaled consensus forecast for the project area. The
                                                                  September 2009, March 2010 and September 2010.
Nganyi clan is locally renowned for its forecasting abilities.
For generations, family members have handed down                  A key outcome expected of the project is increased use of
their skill and knowledge in interpreting local indicators,       climate information by the community in planning their
including plant and animal behaviour, night sky phenomena         activities, along with increased mutual trust and information
and a host of other signs that many consider mystical rather      exchange between climate scientists and those with
than scientific.                                                  indigenous knowledge. In addition, the project will be able to
                                                                  document the history and practices of the Nganyi community
The method for arriving at a consensus began with
                                                                  and outline the structure of a sustainable disaster risk
presentation of the meteorological forecasts for the region
                                                                  management curriculum incorporating indigenous
and the consensus indigenous forecast (11 groups from
                                                                  knowledge. In July 2010, KMD committed resources to
within the Nganyi clan met to agree on a common forecast).
                                                                  build a new community resource centre which will help to
This was followed by a facilitated discussion of the two
                                                                  sustain indigenous forecasting practices, and strengthen the
forecasts by all. The points of departure were thoroughly
                                                                  harmonization between SCF and IKF begun in this project.
considered and reasons for the differences explored.
Agreement was then reached on a harmonized forecast.
The indigenous knowledge practitioners were very useful
in this process, as they are familiar with the local features
that would modify the large-scale systems considered by the
meteorological methods.

Representatives of government departments (e.g., health,
agriculture, education, security, water) were then invited
to assume the role of change agent in communicating
the risks arising from the forecast. The officials produced
advisories for the public regarding activities in their area of
responsibility in anticipation of the forecast conditions. The
integrated forecast and advisories were then disseminated
to the larger community at a meeting at a church compound
within the project area. The various advisories were
presented by the officer responsible for the subject area.

The meetings were also used to evaluate the previous              SCF meets IKF: Members of the Nganyi “rainmaker” clan of western Kenya
season’s forecast, specifically, whether it was accurate,         working with meteorologists to develop a harmonized forecast that bridges
                                                                  between their systems of interpretation.
whether people received it in time, and whether any
weather-related impacts were experienced in the region            Photo: IDRC and DFID/ T. Omondi

                                                                                      Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 9
CCAA Learning Paper

                                                                    information is usually
                                                                    too “coarse” for crop
                                                                    planning, but integrating
                                                                    indigenous forecasts
To integrate the different forecasts, detailed information                                            to provide rainfall
about both types must be available. This seems to be an
                                                                    with those provided               distribution; hence, most
emerging challenge in Senegal also, according to the                by the meteorological             farmers relied on local
Infoclim (CSE) project, with information based on indigenous        departments can bridge            indicators. However,
knowledge not easily available. The reluctance of those with        this gap.                         advances have been
indigenous knowledge is understandable and should be                                                  made that allow for
respected. However, if trust is developed between partners                                            down-scaling to the
through participatory projects, opportunities for working                                             local level.
together are likely to increase.
                                                                 Some participants at the learning forum felt that there is
Combining IKFs and SCFs is one way to deal with the              a need to scale up some indigenous knowledge indicators,
challenges faced in the development, communication, and          such as certain tree species, so that they could be used
use of seasonal forecasts. Many farmers already make use         more widely. Up-scaling might be a priority if communities
of indigenous forecasts in their farm-level decisions. Thus,     identified this need and if relevant indicators could be scaled.
forecasters should target existing gaps so as to add value to    Mystical indicators, for example, cannot be up-scaled as
communities working on the ground. Meteorological services       people outside a local area have no knowledge of them.
could help explain the probability approach for the benefit of   But plant indicators may be used over a wide area. Local
indigenous knowledge users. Meteorological information is        knowledge about such indicators could be shared with other
usually too “coarse” for crop planning, but integrating IKFs     communities. Up-scaling of tree species as indigenous
with the SCFs provided by the meteorological departments         knowledge indicators has been carried out in the Zambia and
can bridge this gap as demonstrated by the IK in Western         Zimbabwe (MSU) and Benin (IDID) projects.
Kenya (ICPAC) and Managing Risk in the GHA (SUA) projects.
                                                                 Forecasting is not an end in itself, but should be viewed in
Climatologists are often uncertain what role indigenous          a context of decision-making and risk management. Thus,
knowledge might play and indigenous knowledge forecasters        there were conflicting opinions about whether indigenous
are suspicious of external people telling them about             knowledge should be up-scaled. At the forum, some people
their environment. For future integration to occur, both         felt that indigenous knowledge is only useful locally and
groups must be open to working together and building             should not be up-scaled. Others felt that it could be “out-
understanding and trust. If this is achieved, imaginative,       scaled,” where findings in one place (where there are good
innovative, and perhaps unexpected responses to climate          meteorological data and where relationships between the
risk may emerge.                                                 two approaches can be demonstrated) can be extrapolated
                                                                 to other areas. Exactly how this might be done has not
Validation: One way to increase acceptance of IKFs among
                                                                 been established. Similarly, some researchers feel that
the scientific community is to validate these forecasts by
                                                                 indigenous knowledge should be used in regional consensus
comparing them with SCFs. The starting point would be to
                                                                 forums by integrating it with meteorological science, but how
monitor indigenous knowledge indicators to see whether
                                                                 to do this remains a challenge.
they are linked to known scientific parameters. Tanzania and
Benin projects brought farmers and researchers together
in the field to observe and reflect on phenological change       Tailoring information to user needs
identified by farmers and linked to other environmental
                                                                 Tailoring climate information to farmers’ and pastoralists’
indicators. Another method was to use a core team to
                                                                 local needs requires a number of steps and a range
monitor indigenous knowledge indicators, then explore how
                                                                 of stakeholders must be involved. One of the clearest
these indicators relate to scientific ones.
                                                                 contributions made by the PAR projects has been the
Down-scaling and up-scaling climate information: A               establishment of multistakeholder platforms to interpret
second step in easing the integration of SCFs and IKFs           meteorological, climate, agronomic, and indigenous
might be to look at information at the same spatial scale.       information, develop advice about how farmers and
SCFs are usually given for regions rather than localities. In    pastoralists might change their farming practices in light of
Benin, for example, the meteorological service was unable        this information, and disseminate the tailored information to

10 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
make it more accessible to users than
the national level seasonal forecast.

The project in Benin, for example,
has established pre-alert committees
in 35 communes and it works with
a national agro-meteorological
pre-alert committee. The national
committee includes members from
the national meteorological services,
the national farmers committee, the
Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry
of Environment, researchers from
                                                                                                            Farmers and
national research institutes and the
                                                                                                            researchers discussing
two national universities, project                                                                          drought tolerant maize
members, NGOs, and farmers.                 In Benin, pre-alert                                             varieties near Vumari
They receive the national agro-             committees such as the                                          village of Tanzania’s
                                            one shown here bring                                            Same district.
meteorological information from the
                                            together national and
meteorological services in bulletin         local stakeholders to in-
                                                                                                            Photo courtesy of SUA
form. The various members provide           terpret data and develop
input, based on their interpretation        agro-meteorological
                                            advisories useful to
of the national information as well as
                                            rural producers.
their own experience and disciplinary
background to develop a package of          Photo courtesy
                                            of IDID-ONG
holistic and locally relevant information
they think will be suited to farmer use.
                                            services, NGO representatives,
They prepare a bulletin in French
                                            extension officers from district to
and send it to the local pre-alert
                                            village levels, researchers, input
committees, which are composed
                                            suppliers, and indigenous weather
of representatives of farmers’
                                            forecasting groups. Once the national
organizations, local leaders, extension
                                            SCF is released by the TMA, the core
service members, and local radio
                                            team meets and compares it with the
stations. The local committees
                                            indigenous knowledge-based weather
adapt the information to their area
                                            forecast. Since the project began 3
by considering recent weather and
                                            years ago, the two types of forecasts
the stage of agricultural production
                                            have not contradicted each other. The
farmers are engaged in. The
                                            comparison has made it easier to make
information is also translated into the
                                            recommendations to farmers on which
local language. A communication plan
                                            crops to plant and when, whether
is then developed targeting
                                            they should consider diversifying, and
farmer meetings in the villages
                                            whether pastoralists might consider
and local radio.
                                            selling their livestock. This advice
In Same District, Tanzania, the             is disseminated via brochures that
Managing Risk in the GHA (SUA) project      extension officers and district officials
has established a core team that            distribute or use as reference material
includes staff from the meteorological      when talking to farmers. The project

                                                                                 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 11
These platforms have
                            increased farmer
                            confidence and capacity
                            to use data while helping
                            scientists understand
team also prints posters                                      enhancing adaptation to climate change among pastoralists
that are put up in district IKFs and better tailor            in northern Kenya. By exploring existing formal and informal
offices and given to        their forecasts for local         information channels, which were not immediately evident,
villages. To ensure that    adaptation.                       the project was able to build on these channels before
this work is sustainable,                                     attempting to develop new ones.
the project team has
                                                              For example, they found that key sources of information
asked the district
                                                              for herders were the shops and houses selling goods to
authorities to set aside a budget for team meetings in the
                                                              them. Women, on the other hand, share information at the
future and to extend the practice to other areas.
                                                              wells where they collect water; they discuss weather, range
These learning platforms have served two main functions.      conditions, and where herders have moved. It was clear that
First, they have brought together actors who might            settled pastoralists receive information at regular meetings
not usually spend time together, thus strengthening           convened by the local chief. The chief, who is in contact
communication channels among those in the information         with the district steering group that convenes to examine
chain. Second, the interactions have built confidence         climate information relevant to the district, passes on that
among both farmers and extension officers in terms of         information at the monthly village meetings. Project and
understanding and using the data. The multi-stakeholder       extension staff members occasionally attend these meetings
platforms have not only been effective in increasing farmer   as well to disseminate climate and non-climate information.
confidence and building farmer capacity to understand and
                                                              One of the key challenges that emerged around establishing
use data, but have also increased scientists’ capacity to
                                                              platforms for information use is the danger of creating
understand IKFs and better tailor their forecasts for
                                                              expectations and dependency. In some projects, such as
local adaptation.
                                                              in the African Smallholders (U. of Zimbabwe) research
The platforms also served another function in projects in     in Zimbabwe, free inputs, such as seeds, are being given
Malawi and Zimbabwe. They provided an opportunity to raise    to farmers to help them put into practice the advice they
awareness among farmers about both climate change and         receive through the platforms. The seeds must be used
seasonal climate information. Building such awareness         on the learning plots. However, because many of the
seemed to create increased demand for climate information     communities in the area are vulnerable, they are receiving a
(from the meteorological services, from IKFs, and from        lot of assistance from NGOs and the government, which can
the consensus forecast where available). It also increased    determine the type of crop or variety they plant. Thus, it is
awareness among suppliers of climate data and those           imperative that policymakers are included in the system for
disseminating the data about the needs of farmers.            disseminating climate information to ensure that the right
                                                              seeds or crop varieties are distributed to the right place.
In eastern Zimbabwe (MSU), an innovative method of
                                                              Although this might make sense during these participatory
role-playing was used to help the various stakeholders
                                                              projects, there was a concern that this might create farmer
understand the needs and constraints of the others. For
                                                              dependency and reward failure in some cases.
example, farmers assumed the roles of meteorological
service scientists and vice versa and acted out their
                                                              Applying tailored climate information
response to the forecasts. This proved to be a powerful
way to help people see the nature of the problem and          The platforms mentioned above are places where various
think through various decisions as well as develop a basic    actors work together to produce new information. In this
understanding of some of the uncertainties associated with    section, we describe how some of that information and
the forecasts.                                                advice is put into practice.

Although establishing these new platforms serves many         In southern Zambia and southwestern Zimbabwe, the
good purposes, existing information dissemination channels    Zambia and Zimbabwe project has developed learning
can also be strengthened as a way of improving information    centres, where various options for managing climate
flow and contributing to the sustainability of information    variability are demonstrated in test fields. Through the
dissemination. This was clear in the project which aimed at   learning centres, training modules are presented by

12 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
CCAA Learning Paper

researchers, meteorological officers, and extension officers,      Instead of accepting dry           In central Tanzania,
who provide climate forecasts and adaptation strategies to         spells as evil or natural          climate information is
sensitize farmers. Those doing the training get IKFs from                                             paired with technical
                                                                   calamities, farmers are
farmers and integrate this information with SCFs from                                                 advice, such as
                                                                   now demanding more
meteorological officers before preparing and disseminating                                            promotion of in situ
advisories to farmers.                                             information on weather             rainwater harvesting
                                                                   conditions and how they            technologies and
Using this information, villages then decide what strategies
                                                                   might plan.                        improved early-maturing
to follow and what technology to employ. These decisions
                                                                                                      and drought-tolerant
then become the basis for what the project participants refer
                                                                                                      varieties, and this has
to as “baby trials” that address the concerns of a particular
                                                                 led to an increase in yield of farmers who adopted the
village and are managed by farmers within that village.
“Mother trials” then combine the various “baby trials” and
represent the concerns of a ward — about 600 households in       As part of the Tanzania and Malawi (IRA) project, they have
the Zimbabwean context.                                          also used learning plots, but they differ from those used
                                                                 in Zimbabwe. The plots linked to the learning centre are
Both mother and baby trials are monitored by the
                                                                 “mother plots,” where all sets of treatments are applied,
researchers and the farmers throughout the season, and
                                                                 including different fertilizers and seeds. The farmers then
a field day is held at harvest to demonstrate the effect of
                                                                 choose one or two of the strategies demonstrated in the
various crop management practices on yield, based on the
                                                                 mother plots to try on their “baby plots.”
given forecast. An interesting outcome of this approach is
that the farmers have taken it upon themselves to pass on        The farmers involved in the project help harvest the mother
this information and have developed dramas and songs             plots and can judge the results for themselves. In the 2009
related to the lessons they learn. Evidence of use has been      cropping season, for example, it was evident that the use
demonstrated in reapplication and scaling up of practices        of new tillage methods increased yields. These methods
that were taught. In addition, there has been a rise in          included ripping (using the Magoye ripper implement that
demand for early dissemination of the SCF and the training       creates deeper furrows), tie-ridging (using an ox-drawn
modules, as a result of the perceived increase in yield among    ridger and ties between furrows to increase water retention),
farmers who had attended the training.                           and deep ploughing using a “spring jembe” (a long, narrow
                                                                 implement attached to a hoe supported on a used motor
In Malawi, farmers involved in “learning plots” have begun
                                                                 vehicle suspension spring that has the ability to make deep
to adopt these strategies in their own fields. This seems to
                                                                 furrows on hard soils). Using these methods increased
be attributable to the demonstration technique and learning
                                                                 sorghum yields 30.5–66% over those using traditional tillage
by doing of farmers participating in the Tanzania and Malawi
                                                                 methods (slash and burn, locally called kuberega).
(IRA) project. In addition to uptake of adaptation strategies,
there has also been a change in attitude toward adaptation       The InfoClim (CSE) project in Senegal also supports a
to climate change. Before the project, farmers associated        process of learning among partners. A regional committee
change in weather with natural causes and thought they           and a number of local committees work with farmers to
could not do anything about it; now they realize that they       gather information on practices in the previous season.
can initiate adaptive strategies on their own. Instead of        Each local committee holds a forum once a year; most local
accepting dry spells as evil or natural calamities, farmers      people attend and talk about past experiences, challenges,
are now demanding more information from extension service        and what they might do in the coming season. During the
providers on weather conditions and how they might plan.         season, the local committee meets twice with the regional
They are finding that some kinds of IKFs are not working as      committee for updates.
they used to. Previously, when the temperature rose, the
                                                                 Evidence of change can be seen in the increased uptake
rains would begin; now it gets hot for two weeks and the
                                                                 of climate information by farmers. Although they said
rains don’t come.
                                                                 they appreciated the information they received from the
                                                                 meteorological office before the project started, they weren’t

                                                                                Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 13
because multiple stakeholders are
                                                                                     involved, they help create ownership
                                                                                     which appears to be increasing the use
                                                                                     of climate information.

                                                                                     The way forward
                                                                                     Lessons for national meteorological
                                                                                     services and regional climate centres:
                                                                                     These projects provide numerous
Research leader                                                                      lessons for meteorological services
Henry Mahoo of
Sokoine University of
                                                                                     in terms of strengthening the type
Agriculture discusses                                                                of information provided and how it is
the use of rain gauges
                                             Information that is                     disseminated, as well as interactions
with farmers in Mhezi                                                                with users.
village, Tanzania.                           tailored to user needs is
Photo courtesy of SUA                        more likely to be used.                 Information that is tailored to user
                                                                                     needs is more likely to be used. Clearly,
                                                                                     farmers want more than just information
                                                                                     about the overall rainfall expected in
                                                                                     a season. They need to know how the
                                          sure how to use it. Now, because the       upcoming season will differ from normal
                                          climate information is more specific       seasons in terms of the onset of the
                                          to their local area, farmers are           rainy season, cessation, and lengths of
                                          seeing and discussing the benefits of      dry spells, as well as the seasonal total.
                                          using it. For example, after the local     More important, there is a desire for
                                          committee evaluated information from       agro-meteorological information rather
                                          all partners, they suggested that it       than just meteorological information. For
                                          was too early to start planting. Those     example, although farmers want to hear
                                          who planted early lost their crops.        about rainfall, they are more interested
                                          Similarly, at the end of the season the    in suggestions about how they might
                                          committee suggested that farmers           change their activities in response to
                                          might wait to harvest as they were         changes in rainfall total and timing.
                                          expecting more rain. Those who did
                                                                                     Some meteorological services include
                                          not wait lost out on better yields. The
                                                                                     agro-meteorologists who can develop
                                          sharing of information and experience
                                                                                     this advice. Where this is not the case,
                                          has strengthened farmers’ capacity
                                                                                     partnerships are required to provide
                                          and built a collective understanding,
                                                                                     the needed information. As was
                                          supported by growing trust between
                                                                                     clearly seen from the projects, agro-
                                          the various actors.
                                                                                     meteorological information becomes
                                          It is clear that these multi-stakeholder   more useful if it is interpreted in
                                          platforms are helping to clarify           relation to local conditions and local
                                          how farmers interpret and apply            activities. Meteorological services
                                          climate information. As seen from          cannot be expected to provide locally
                                          the examples above, they can also          relevant information in all areas,
                                          be a good forum for disseminating          which again supports the need for
                                          successful farming practices and,          partnerships. Agricultural extension

14 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
CCAA Learning Paper

   When meteorologists
   engage with indigenous
   knowledge forecasters,
   value is added to the
   information from both
                                      officers, in particular,     were calls to promote the integration of these two types of
   sources.                           are important allies         climate information.
                                      because of their
                                                                   To improve current forecasting practices, more emphasis
                                      experience with
                                                                   could be placed on identifying local predictors — both what
agriculture strategies, climate variability, and local
                                                                   they predict and their equivalent in meteorological terms.
communities’ needs. In many cases, although extension
                                                                   This should be explored in relation to climate change
officers have been trained in agricultural science, they grew
                                                                   to help indigenous knowledge practitioners determine
up in local communities and are sensitive to the local signs
                                                                   whether these indicators are affected by climate change.
and beliefs of their elders. Thus, they are in a key position to
                                                                   Meteorological services could start integrating local
bridge the two types of information.
                                                                   indigenous knowledge, such as phenological data, into their
When meteorological staff engage with indigenous                   advisories to provide users with holistic information, as in
knowledge forecasters, value is added to the information                                                        the IK project in
from both sources. In projects where IKFs and SCFs were                                                         western Kenya
integrated (e.g., IK in Western Kenya and Managing Risk in                                                      and the IDID
the GHA), there was agreement on the expected forecast,               There was consensus                       project in Benin.
highlighting the fact that the two types of knowledge                 that IKFs should be used                  This alignment
can complement each other rather than being seen as                   more widely alongside                     between SCFs and
separate. A significant challenge will be to get buy-in from          meteorological SCFs to                    IKFs could help
meteorologists regarding the value of indigenous knowledge            increase reliability and                  users see that the
as well as getting indigenous knowledge forecasters to learn          acceptability of overall                  two approaches
more about SCFs and potential synergies. It is evident from           forecasts.                                are not in
KMD and TMA experiences that the participatory process                                                          opposition.
of engaging indigenous knowledge forecasters from the
                                                                   A core multidisciplinary team is needed to carry out the
beginning is key to this, as well as feedback from users who
                                                                   integration. Both human and institutional capacity must be
can articulate how indigenous forecasts are able to meet
                                                                   developed to validate indigenous knowledge indicators and
some of their requirements where SCFs may fall short.
                                                                   find effective ways to link IKFs with SCFs. Local farmer-
In addition to tailoring SCFs to users’ needs, there are           managed meteorological stations could be key in helping to
challenges related to the current spatial and temporal scale       validate IKFs, as had been shown through ICPAC’s work in
of the information. Farmers working in their fields not only       Kenya, Midlands State University in Zimbabwe, and the SUA
want to know how the projections for the region are relevant       team in Same, Tanzania. Achieving this integration is going
to their own activities, they also need the information in         to require sufficient time for case-study-based projects to
time. Farmers start preparing for planting weeks or months         pilot the various validation, integration, and dissemination
before the season starts. If they receive the seasonal             techniques. In addition, it is important that those working
forecast two weeks before the season, it is often too late         with SCFs and students learning about them are more
for them to change their plans. Through the projects, it           exposed to IKFs and their strengths from early on in the
became clear that providing indigenous forecasts earlier           curriculum.
than the SCFs can help farmers start thinking and planning
                                                                   Supporting future uptake of integrated climate forecasts:
for changes. But there should also be more emphasis
                                                                   The PAR projects have shown that even though indigenous
on helping meteorological services disseminate their
                                                                   knowledge is useful to farmers and can complement SCFs,
information as quickly as possible, which can depend on the
                                                                   to make the best use of this rich information, scientists
actors in the communications chain.
                                                                   and researchers will need increased capacity to request,
Support for integrating IKFs and SCFs: Among the                   analyze, and use the necessary data. Future research must
eight projects represented at the learning forum, there            involve specialists in fields, such as botany and zoology,
was consensus that IKFs should be used more widely in              who can study plant and animal behaviour and relate it to
conjunction with meteorological SCFs to increase reliability       conventional forecasts. Indigenous knowledge providers also
and acceptability of overall forecasts. For this reason, there     need to be supported so that they can share their knowledge

                                                                                  Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 15
12882908321 ccaa seasonal_forecasting
12882908321 ccaa seasonal_forecasting
12882908321 ccaa seasonal_forecasting
12882908321 ccaa seasonal_forecasting
12882908321 ccaa seasonal_forecasting

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12882908321 ccaa seasonal_forecasting

  • 1. CCAA LEARNING PAPER Edited by: Gina Ziervogel, Alfred Opere Contributing authors: Ignitius Chagonda Jacob Churi Amadou Dieye Integrating meteorological and Keziya Magawa, a Boris Houenou farmer with Nazareti Womens’ Group, tends Said Hounkponou maize in a field school in Chibelela, Tanzania. indigenous knowledge-based Eric Kisiangani Evans Kituyi Photo: IDRC/ F. Nzema seasonal climate forecasts for Cromwel Lukorito Ayub Macharia the agricultural sector Henry Mahoo Amos Majule Paul Mapfumo Florence Lessons from participatory action Mtambanengwe Francis Mugabe research in sub-Saharan Africa Laban Ogallo Gilbert Ouma Amadou Sall Greno Wanda Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 01
  • 2. Ziervogel, G. and Opere, A. (editors). 2010. Integrating About CCAA Learning Papers meteorological and indigenous knowledge-based seasonal climate forecasts in the agricultural sector. International In 2009, the CCAA program launched a series of learning Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Climate forums, bringing supported research teams together to Change Adaptation in Africa learning paper series. share knowledge on themes relevant to climate change adaptation. These forums facilitate learning across teams, Copyright © 2010 IDRC and aim to generate synthetic lessons and findings useful to government officials, development organizations, donors, Cover photo: Keziya Magawa, a farmer with Nazareti communities affected by climate change, and a broad range Womens’ Group, tends maize in a field school in of institutions working to support adaptation in Africa. Chibelela, Tanzania. Through a facilitated process of discussion, forum Photo: IDRC/ F. Nzema participants share research findings, and progressively This publication may be downloaded, saved, printed deepen their exploration of common themes arising. and reproduced for educational and research purposes. Facilitators, CCAA staff members, and technical editors When used, we request inclusion of a note recognizing work with researchers and subject area specialists to the authorship and the permission granted for use by the crystallize key learning, and structure knowledge into core International Development Research Centre. topics for further discussion. The results of these successive rounds of discussion are then written up in paper form and Please send enquiries and comments to extensively reviewed by contributors, external experts, and CCAA staff members. About CCAA CCAA Learning Papers can be accessed in electronic format at along with briefs which accompany The Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program most titles. Hard copies are available upon request. was launched in 2006 and is jointly funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Acknowledgements Development (DFID). It is hosted and managed by IDRC from The editors and contributing authors express their headquarters in Ottawa and three regional offices in Africa. appreciation to the following expert reviewers, who provided Web site: invaluable comments during the drafting of this paper: Professor Richard Anyah, Department of Meteorology, University of Connecticut About IDRC Professor Declan Conway, School of International IDRC is a Canadian Crown corporation that works in close Development, University of East Anglia, and policy advisor collaboration with researchers from the developing world to United Kingdom’s Department for in their search for the means to build healthier, more International Development equitable, and more prosperous societies. Dr Polly Ericksen, Senior Scientist, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya Dr Carla Roncoli, Associate Director, Master’s in About DFID Development Practice and Adjunct Faculty, Department of DFID is the part of the UK government that manages Anthropology, Emory University Britain’s aid to poor countries and works to get rid of Professor Tim Wheeler, School of Agriculture, Policy extreme poverty. and Development, University of Reading, and deputy chief scientific advisor to the Department for International Development i Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 3. CCAA Learning Paper Contents Acronyms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Context. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Use of climate information by agricultural and pastoral communities . . 3 Rationale for exploring the integration of meteorological and indigenous forecasts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Currently available climate information and farmers’ views of it . . . . . 5 Seasonal climate forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Indigenous knowledge about climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4. Integration of IKFs and SCFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Down-scaling and up-scaling climate information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5. Tailoring information to user needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6. Applying tailored climate information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7. The way forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Lessons for national meteorological services and regional climate centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Support for integrating IKFs and SCFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Supporting future uptake of integrated climate forecasts . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lessons for policymakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 8. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program ii
  • 4. CCAA Learning Paper Acronyms CCAA Climate Change Adaptation in Africa CSE Centre de suivi écologique GHA Greater Horn of Africa ICPAC IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre IDID Initiatives pour un développement intégré durable IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development IKF indigenous knowledge-based seasonal forecast IRA Institute of Resource Assessment (University of Dar es Salaam) KMD Kenya Meteorological Department MSU Midland State University (Zimbabwe) PAR participatory action research SCF seasonal climate forecasts developed by national meteorological services SUA Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania) TMA Tanzania Meteorological Agency iii Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 5. Introduction Extreme climatic events, such as droughts and floods, as well as chang- es in the mean climate, have a direct effect on crops and livestock and, thus, people’s livelihoods. Food security is at risk, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where local production remains largely rain-fed. Given that climate variability is likely to increase with increasing Farmers walk greenhouse gas emissions, it is more through flooded important than ever to understand rice fields in how this variability can be managed to Malawi. reduce the negative consequences. Photo courtesy of The impact is already significant. In Gina Ziervogel Malawi, for example, as a result of the maximize opportunities during favour- 2002 drought, approximately 5 million able conditions. However, exploring the people needed emergency food aid, synergies between these two sources which took a long time to be delivered. of climate information is a challenge. A similar situation occurred in Niger It requires not only an understanding in 2004–2005 when approximately 2.5 of the current uptake of the informa- million people — or a fifth of the popu- tion, but also mechanisms and policies lation — was in need of food rations to support improvements in generat- Climate information can (UNDP 2007). In 2009, approximately ing, disseminating, and using climate help farmers and pastoralists 3.8 million people in Kenya required information. manage their crops and food aid because of the prolonged drought (FEWS Net 2010). In 2006, sub- SCFs are generated by national meteo- livestock to minimize risks rological and hydrological services us- and maximize opportunities. Saharan Africa accounted for 13% of ing models and empirical data. These the world’s population and 25% of the specialized, scientific institutions undernourished people in the develop- generate weather and climate-related ing world (FAO 2006). products under guidelines set by the Reducing the impact of climate vari- World Meteorological Organization. ability and change on food produc- Their work is supplemented by other tion and livelihoods may be achieved, regional and international climate in part, by using available climate centres including the African Centre information to anticipate and manage of Meteorological Applications for annual climate-related risks (Tarhule Development, the Centre Régional de 2005; Washington et al. 2006). Climate Formation et d’Application en Agromé- information is available from two main téorologie et Hydrologie Opérationelle sources: meteorological seasonal (AGRHYMET), IGAD Climate Predic- climate forecasts (SCFs) and indig- tion and Applications Centre (ICPAC), enous knowledge-based seasonal the Climate Systems Analysis Group forecasts (IKFs). This information can (University of Cape Town), the United help farmers and pastoralists manage Kingdom Meteorological Office, the their crops and livestock to minimize National Oceanic and Atmospheric risks during unfavourable seasons and Administration, and others. Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 1
  • 6. Producing useful forecasts requires a deep understanding of the needs of specific user groups and the benefits and challenges IKFs, on the other farmers use SCFs, but the temporal and spatial scale of forecasts may present to hand, are produced these is not precise enough; thus, they could benefit from these users. locally by people who the local details added by IKFs. It is, therefore, important live in the area for that policymakers, practitioners, and forecasters (both which the prediction from meteorological services and indigenous groups) is made. They are often based on generations of experience target existing gaps and take advantage of opportunities if and include both biophysical and mystical indicators. they are to support farmers and pastoralists in managing climate risk. Although for years many communities have successfully relied on indigenous forecasting methods in planning The Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program, agricultural activities, SCFs have become increasingly funded by the International Development Research available in many parts of Africa over recent decades Centre (Canada) and the Department for International (O’Brien and Vogel 2003; Patt et al. 2007; Roncoli et al. Development (United Kingdom), has supported a number 2009). However, despite significant advances in the science of projects that have investigated how SCFs might be better of seasonal forecasting and increased awareness of these integrated into agricultural and pastoral decision-making forecasts, most African countries have not experienced to strengthen livelihoods and food security. Through these significant benefits from using this information to reduce projects, it has become clear that IKFs, which have been climate impacts. A key challenge has been access to and used by communities for decades, provide information that ability to respond to meteorological climate information, is complementary to the SCFs. Some projects set out to by vulnerable groups as well as institutions and agencies investigate links between the two information sources at the charged with managing the impacts of climate variability. outset, while others explored them when they emerged as an important focus in supporting increased uptake of SCF Producing useful forecasts requires a deep understanding information. of the characteristics and needs of specific user groups (Ziervogel 2004) as well as a clear view of the benefits and In this paper, we seek to answer two questions. First, challenges they present to these users. Studies carried how can farmers’ and pastoralists’ needs be met by the out in West Africa (Roncoli et al. 2009) and southern Africa dissemination and application of meteorological information (Ziervogel and Calder 2003; Ziervogel et al. 2006) show and, second, how can SCFs complement indigenous limited adoption of SCFs by farmers because of serious knowledge about the climate. resource limitations (lack of land, labour, inputs, credit, Although much research has been done over the past two and market access) and limited exposure to the use of decades on the challenges of and opportunities for applying such forecasts. It is, therefore, important that the needs SCFs, much of it has been theoretical (Patt and Gwata 2002; and concerns of users, in particular vulnerable groups, Archer 2003; Ziervogel et al. 2006). The CCAA projects inform the content and dissemination of forecasts. The provide a new insight, as they are based on participatory fact that many small-scale farmers are unable to take action research (PAR) methods, which involve researchers advantage of forecasts due to resource constraints means working with that socioeconomic and political needs as well as cultural farmers, contexts must be addressed in adaptation planning, along extension officers, with climate information needs. meteorologists, CCAA projects provide new Combining meteorological and indigenous seasonal and policymakers insight, as they involve forecasting is one way to deal with the challenges faced to explore the in the development, communication, and use of climate realities of researchers working with information. Many farmers already use indigenous forecasts disseminating farmers, extension officers, in their farm-level decisions and may only need certain SCFs on the meteorologists, and policymakers information, such as total rainfall expected in the season, ground. The to explore the realities of to complement what they already have. Similarly, some objective of this disseminating forecasts. 2 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 7. CCAA Learning Paper report is to document the process and lessons learned Context during the projects with respect to using, applying, and Use of climate information by agricultural and pastoral integrating SCFs and IKFs. The individual project teams also communities: As small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan intend to analyze in more detail the implications of their Africa face increasingly variable rainfall, in terms of the specific research projects for practice and policy. start and end of season and the amount and distribution We begin by documenting lessons learned from eight PAR of rainfall, the scientific community hopes that seasonal projects on the use of SCFs and their integration with IKFs, climate information can help them prepare and, therefore, as captured in a learning forum hosted by the CCAA program reduce the negative impacts of climate variability. Increased in March 2010 (see “About CCAA Learning Papers” on p.i). attention has also been paid to indigenous knowledge that We then focus on the current availability of seasonal draws on local understanding of the environment to inform forecasts and indigenous knowledge before exploring livelihood strategies. It may be possible to increase food how the two types of information have been integrated, as security if these combined forecasts can help improve well as the platforms for disseminating this information agricultural yields. Through technical and management and the challenges of applying it. We conclude by suggesting ways to strengthen capacity to manage climate variability among farmers, pastoralists, CCAA projects that contributed knowledge to the learning forum researchers, policymakers, and providers of climate information. Project title and lead institution Short form in text The selected PAR projects and their Strengthening the Capacity to Adapt to Climate Benin (IDID) lead institutions are listed here. Change in Rural Benin, Initiatives pour un développement Participants in these projects were intégré durable brought together for a week of learning that provided an opportunity to share Infoclim: Platform for Helping Vulnerable Communities InfoClim (CSE) experiences and insights developed Adapt to Climate Change in Senegal, Centre de suivi over the previous three years of the écologique projects’ lifespans. Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Risk IK in Western Also invited to take part in the Management to Support Community Based Adaptation Kenya (ICPAC) discussions were experts from three in Western Kenya, ICPAC institutions — the Niamey-based Managing Risk, Reducing Vulnerability and Enhancing Managing Risk in African Centre of Meteorological Productivity under a Changing Climate in the Greater the GHA (SUA) Applications for Development, Horn of Africa, Sokoine University of Agriculture the Hadley Centre in the United Kingdom, and the Nairobi-based Resilience and the African Smallholder : Enhancing the African ICPAC — that are involved in the Capacity of Communities to Adapt to Climate Change in Smallholders production and dissemination of Seven African Countries, University of Zimbabwe (U. of Zimbabwe) meteorological information. These institutions represented one of the Building Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change in Zambia Zambia and target audiences of the forum’s output. and Zimbabwe, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe (MSU) Several other participants from a wide Strengthening Local Agricultural Innovation Systems in Tanzania and range of backgrounds, including the Tanzania and Malawi, Institute of Resource Assessment, Malawi (IRA) humanitarian aid and development University of Dar es Salaam community, government and academia, were also in attendance as observers. Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change among Pastoralist Pastoralists in Northern Kenya, Practical Action Adaptation (Practical Action) Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 3
  • 8. CCAA Learning Paper It is often hard for farmers and others, including chiefs and extension officers, to interpret probability-based forecasts and know how to adjustments, farmers might be able to take advantage of In some places, good seasons and minimize risks during less favourable respond to them. targeted research ones. The PAR projects explored these opportunities in their has helped farmers various regional contexts. understand the nature of the information and how it might be used (Patt and Although gains have been made in bringing together users Gwata 2002; Roncoli et al. 2002; Ziervogel 2004; Patt et al. 2005; and suppliers of climate information, numerous challenges Roncoli 2007). Research has also shown that users like to have remain associated with its use. Among farmers, there is interaction with those knowledgeable about the forecast before often confusion over terminology (e.g., “seasonal” and making decisions about how to use it (Ziervogel 2004). “weather” forecasts used interchangeably and what is meant by below and above normal rainfall). In some cases, it is not clear what information is of most use. The most widely available information from the seasonal forecast is total Currently available climate information seasonal rainfall. However, users are often interested in the and farmers’ views of it onset, cessation, and intra-seasonal variations to support Seasonal climate forecasts: The SCFs produced by the decisions about what crops to plant, when to plant, which meteorological services are disseminated at the national technologies to use, and when to harvest. level in every country. The country is usually divided into regions where different seasonal rainfall totals are Rationale for exploring the integration of meteorological expected. The information about expected rainfall is given in and indigenous forecasts: Meteorological services have probabilities, e.g., 40% chance of above-normal rainfall, 30% been producing SCFs for the last few decades, and these chance of normal, and 30% chance of below-normal rainfall. are available in most countries in Africa (O’Brien and Vogel According to project teams in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, 2003; Washington et al. 2006; Patt et al. 2007). However, and Kenya, it is often hard for farmers and others, including their uptake by small-scale farmers and pastoralists has chiefs and extension officers, to interpret these probabilities been limited (Archer 2003; Luseno et al. 2003; Ziervogel et and know how to respond to them. al. 2006). The research community hopes that SCFs can be better used to inform decisions on crop types, planting date, There is also concern because the forecasts cover too and the need for measures to safeguard yields (Patt and large an area. In eastern Zimbabwe, for example, project Gwata 2002; Ziervogel 2004; Patt et al. 2005). participants wanted to minimize their losses associated Table 1: Comparison of IKF and SCF methods IKFs SCFs Use biophysical indicators of the environment as Use weather and climate models of measurable meteoro- well as spiritual methods logical data Forecast methods are seldom documented Forecast methods are more developed and documented Up-scaling and down-scaling are usually complex Up-scaling and down-scaling are relatively simple Indicators are mostly observed Indicators are usually measurable Application of forecast output is less developed Application of forecast output is more developed Communication is usually oral Communication is usually written Explanation is based on spiritual and social values Explanation is theoretical Taught by observation and experience Taught through lectures and readings 4 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 9. 33 I 33 33 with climatic variation. Farmers might want to sell their livestock before an imminent drought and restock when conditions become favourable. Alternatively, they might move their livestock to localities where more 45 favourable conditions are expected II 35 and where relatives or friends could 20 keep the cattle in trust until conditions improve in their home range. When presented with the SCF, they said June to August 2010 the information covered areas that Consensus Climate 20 Outlook for the Greater 45 III were too large for them to have local Horn of Africa. 35 relevance and inform their decisions. Image courtesy of ICPAC They also thought that the short- term weather forecasts on radio and Key television were for cities and holiday Figures on the map 33 resorts and not for farm areas, because represent percentage IV 33 probability of 33 city names were given on the weather Above Normal map as reference points. This example A highlights the fact that communities’ B Near Normal C Below Normal requests for information are different from what is provided by the national forecasters. Table 1 compares IKFs and scientific methods of forecasting. Although national climate information In Benin, research found that is often disseminated by radio, the radio broadcasts of climate project in Benin found that this method information are only useful is only useful if broadcasts occur at if they occur at times when times when farmers can listen, which farmers can listen, which vary according to season. They have vary according to season. learned that when farmers are tilling, the broadcast should be in the evening, but when farmers are waiting for the why. Farmers would like forecasts at rains to start, the broadcast can be in least a month in advance of the short the afternoon. The project team also (October–December) and long (March– found that local discussion forums May) rainy seasons. Sometimes they facilitated by climate information are received a few weeks before the providers and local stakeholders season starts, by which time farmers can improve follow-up and uptake have already made key decisions about of information heard on the radio. their crops — types of seeds, when to However, it is important to first plant — and have purchased inputs, assess community access to radio. such as fertilizer. For this reason, A number of projects found that SCFs in Same district, Tanzania, IKFs are are not received when farmers most being used to complement SCFs. IKFs need them, although it was not clear are available early enough to give Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 5
  • 10. farmers time to prepare. A key lesson for meteorological However, tailoring of climate information will depend on departments is that timeliness of information dissemination disseminators and users of the information ensuring that is critical to farmer uptake. their preferences are communicated to the meteorological services. In Same district, farmers used to struggle to interpret SCFs from the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA). But now, Another shortcoming of the current national-level seasonal as a result of the Managing Risk in the GHA (SUA) project, climate information is that it does not provide advice on a team has been established to interpret and disseminate interventions. Some meteorological services integrate the forecast, with the result that people are becoming more the forecast with agricultural advice, producing an agro- interested. meteorology bulletin with suggestions on what agricultural strategies might be most appropriate given the expected In general, distribution of SCF information is still too rainfall. However, project participants felt that this type of supply driven at the national level. Participants felt that information remains too broad to be useful: the information this reflects a lack of understanding of specific user needs. Table 2: Comparison of IKFs, SCFs, and an integrated forecast for selected seasons and locations in Kenya and Tanzania Season and IKF summary report SCF report Integrated report Performance of location and indicators integrated forecast MAM 2010 Frogs making a lot of noise, Seasonal rainfall The IKFs and TMA Reported as “very Same, Tanzania ants moving and spreading will be normal. forecasts indicate good” meaning (Managing Risk across roads, signifying that The main indica- normal rains, expect- almost all predicted in the GHA the Masika (rainy) season is tors include sea ed to decrease as the events came project site) about to start. IKF indicators surface tem- season progresses. to pass. show that rains during the peratures of the Masika season will decrease Indian and Pacific especially in May. Oceans and wind strength. SOND 2009 Stars and bubbles in water August to The Nganyi forecast Reported as “very Nganyi pots in shrines suggest rains September: provided a more good” meaning community will start in the 2nd week of low-intensity rain- detailed version of almost all predicted (IK in Western August. Mid-August to end of fall. October to the KMD forecast events for the season Kenya projects) September: light rain. October November: more and was therefore came to pass. to early December: increased intense rainfall. adopted as follows: rainfall intensity. 2nd week of Rains to continue 2nd week August: December to mid-January: into January 2010. onset of the rainy light rain. Good overall season. Mid-August Rains will be accompanied by distribution of to end of September: heavy storms, but not as severe rain throughout light rains. October as those in the previous season the season with to early December: (March–May 2009). Early rains no extended dry increased rainfall will be polluted. The overall spells. There will intensity. 2nd week distribution of rains over the be heavy storms December to mid- season will be good. and high winds. January 2010: light rains. 6 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 11. CCAA Learning Paper The integration of indigenous knowledge is very important as it is highly localized, and often comes with practical advice on measures to is insufficiently to reduce the impact of variable climate (UNEP 2007). take in light of the forecast downscaled to Observing stars, wind patterns, cloud movement, and the conditions. provide advice at position of the moon and sun allows weather and climate the local level, and forecasts to be made. Knowledge also exists about patterns farmers in different parts of a district may need to respond in the occurrence of local natural hazards. People know that differently because of unique local environmental conditions. they have to plan to be able to cope with natural disasters The integration of indigenous knowledge is very important in and various ways are sought to recover from hazards. Such this process, as it is highly localized, and often comes with knowledge is not properly documented, but depends on oral practical advice on measures to take in light of the forecast education by elders. Accumulated indigenous knowledge is conditions. Using local languages and terminology familiar passed from one generation to the next through traditional to farmers is also essential to the usability of forecast socialization processes. information, and too often overlooked in the provision Because of the oral nature of indigenous knowledge, of SCFs. little has been published on the process of integrating it Learning forum participants observed that improvements into environmental conservation, management of natural in infrastructure and capacity building among staff at local disasters, or indicators of and responses to climate meteorological stations might help address some of the variability. Another challenge is maintaining this information challenges around producing useful forecasts and increase base in the face of the demise of older generations and coverage. In Tanzania, the meteorological services have been the current wider scale of interactions of communities decentralized, and participants felt that this could support with other cultures. It is important to record this precious direct interaction and engagement with communities. knowledge before it becomes “extinct” (Ocholla-Ayayo 2003). Indigenous knowledge about climate: Traditionally, farmers Various indicators and predictors (environmental, biological, have based their decisions about crop and irrigation cycles and traditional belief) are commonly used by farmers on indigenous knowledge of weather and climate patterns. to support farm decisions and adaptive measures. This This knowledge has been gained through many decades of knowledge is based on locally defined conditions and needs experience and has been passed down through generations. and is dynamic and nurtured by observation. The experience The knowledge is also adapted to local conditions and needs. of men and women farmers is incorporated into the indicators, modifying them slightly to meet current needs One of the reasons indigenous knowledge plays a big role and situations. As an example, Table 2 gives the forecasts in farmers’ decisions is because traditional societies’ and indicators used by the IK in Western Kenya (ICPAC) livelihoods are closely intertwined with nature (UNEP project and the Tanzania component of the Managing Risk in 2007). Their survival has depended on the sustainability the GHA (SUA) project. of resources in their local environment, thus, they have conserved these resources by adhering to strict traditional In the Zambia and Zimbabwe (MSU) project, the key laws — including taboos and heavy penalties — under indigenous knowledge indicators used for weather the guidance of elders (DMCN 2004). Particular plant and and climate forecasting included fruiting patterns, the animal species were considered sacred or associated with emergence of leaves and weeds, and wind movement. North bad omens that hindered people from overexploiting them. to south winds are called male winds, while south to north Some species were associated with shrines and water are female winds. When either is strong, rainfall is expected. sources protected by effective clan laws. Plants or animals The observation of clear cloudless days has also been linked that provided medicine and food became the subject of strict to some meteorological processes in this area. rules and practices to ensure their continuing availability Western scientists have tended to reject the traditional (Ocholla-Ayayo 1976). knowledge of local communities as primitive, non- Indigenous communities recognize that to be able to live quantitative, employing non-conventional methods, and with natural hazards, they must monitor environmental unscientific. However, indigenous knowledge systems have conditions, including the weather and climate, to make more recently attracted the attention of many people in both relevant predictions and advise on appropriate actions developed and developing countries, and the importance Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 7
  • 12. has reduced farmers’ confidence in traditional knowledge and has led them to seek out both seasonal and short- term weather forecasts. If SCFs can capture the increasingly variable climate, they may be able to provide important information that can create a framework for developing strategies for responding and adapting to climate change. Nganyi IK forecasters Because indigenous knowledge has explain the use of some been used for generations and is part of the tools they use of many rural communities’ way of in interpreting natural indicators. life, it makes sense to explore the role In Zambia and Zimbabwe, of IKFs in relation to SCFs. This is Photo: IDRC and DFID/ indigenous knowledge particularly important if SCFs are seen T. Omondi indicators included fruiting as external knowledge, too general, patterns, the emergence of and of questionable relevance to small- leaves and weeds, and wind scale farmers and pastoralists. It is a movement. challenge for disseminators to package the two information types; however, those involved in the learning forum supported an approach that does not prioritize either type of information, but of this information is beginning to be rather finds ways to use both. recognized. Practitioners are starting to realize the importance of recognizing One of the projects, implemented and working with indigenous by ICPAC working with the Nganyi knowledge that builds on generations community in western Kenya, has of experience (Orlove et al. 2010) to experience in integrating these two best support the adaptive capacity and domains of climate knowledge (Box 2). strategies of rural communities. Despite the project’s achievements, challenges still centre on building trust and acceptance of the SCFs Integration of IKFs and SCFs by the community, sourcing and It is clear that IKFs and SCFs both authenticating information based on have strengths and weaknesses. A indigenous knowledge, and acquiring major challenge is how to bring them meteorological data within the project together in a way that respects their area to cross-validate SCFs and different values and builds on their IKFs. There is also an urgent need to strengths. This is set against a backdrop integrate indigenous risk-reduction of a changing climate, which means strategies with SCFs to provide local that indigenous knowledge indicators communities with new tools for coping might not be as reliable as they were with the current climate extremes and in the past. Some projects have noted adapting for future climate changes that increasing variability in climate and greater impacts. 8 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 13. CCAA Learning Paper Integration of IKFs and SCFs in the IK in Western Kenya project Twice a year, the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications during the season. An evaluation of the first season’s Centre (ICPAC) convenes a Climate Outlook Forum for forecast, validated by information from the community at the the Greater Horn of Africa which produces a consensus dissemination workshop, revealed surprisingly good results seasonal forecast from modern-day climate scientists. The — the community concurred that the forecast was accurate. forecast is subsequently downscaled for Kenya by Kenya Over the life of the project, five seasonal forecasts went Meteorological Department (KMD). In September 2008, through a similar “bridging” process, bringing together through a CCAA-supported project focusing on IK in Western meteorologically-based climate outlooks for the region, Kenya, ICPAC brought meteorologists and Nganyi indigenous with the more locally specific forecasts produced by the knowledge forecasters together to produce a further Nganyi. These took place in September 2008, March 2009, downscaled consensus forecast for the project area. The September 2009, March 2010 and September 2010. Nganyi clan is locally renowned for its forecasting abilities. For generations, family members have handed down A key outcome expected of the project is increased use of their skill and knowledge in interpreting local indicators, climate information by the community in planning their including plant and animal behaviour, night sky phenomena activities, along with increased mutual trust and information and a host of other signs that many consider mystical rather exchange between climate scientists and those with than scientific. indigenous knowledge. In addition, the project will be able to document the history and practices of the Nganyi community The method for arriving at a consensus began with and outline the structure of a sustainable disaster risk presentation of the meteorological forecasts for the region management curriculum incorporating indigenous and the consensus indigenous forecast (11 groups from knowledge. In July 2010, KMD committed resources to within the Nganyi clan met to agree on a common forecast). build a new community resource centre which will help to This was followed by a facilitated discussion of the two sustain indigenous forecasting practices, and strengthen the forecasts by all. The points of departure were thoroughly harmonization between SCF and IKF begun in this project. considered and reasons for the differences explored. Agreement was then reached on a harmonized forecast. The indigenous knowledge practitioners were very useful in this process, as they are familiar with the local features that would modify the large-scale systems considered by the meteorological methods. Representatives of government departments (e.g., health, agriculture, education, security, water) were then invited to assume the role of change agent in communicating the risks arising from the forecast. The officials produced advisories for the public regarding activities in their area of responsibility in anticipation of the forecast conditions. The integrated forecast and advisories were then disseminated to the larger community at a meeting at a church compound within the project area. The various advisories were presented by the officer responsible for the subject area. The meetings were also used to evaluate the previous SCF meets IKF: Members of the Nganyi “rainmaker” clan of western Kenya season’s forecast, specifically, whether it was accurate, working with meteorologists to develop a harmonized forecast that bridges between their systems of interpretation. whether people received it in time, and whether any weather-related impacts were experienced in the region Photo: IDRC and DFID/ T. Omondi Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 9
  • 14. CCAA Learning Paper Meteorological information is usually too “coarse” for crop planning, but integrating indigenous forecasts To integrate the different forecasts, detailed information to provide rainfall about both types must be available. This seems to be an with those provided distribution; hence, most emerging challenge in Senegal also, according to the by the meteorological farmers relied on local Infoclim (CSE) project, with information based on indigenous departments can bridge indicators. However, knowledge not easily available. The reluctance of those with this gap. advances have been indigenous knowledge is understandable and should be made that allow for respected. However, if trust is developed between partners down-scaling to the through participatory projects, opportunities for working local level. together are likely to increase. Some participants at the learning forum felt that there is Combining IKFs and SCFs is one way to deal with the a need to scale up some indigenous knowledge indicators, challenges faced in the development, communication, and such as certain tree species, so that they could be used use of seasonal forecasts. Many farmers already make use more widely. Up-scaling might be a priority if communities of indigenous forecasts in their farm-level decisions. Thus, identified this need and if relevant indicators could be scaled. forecasters should target existing gaps so as to add value to Mystical indicators, for example, cannot be up-scaled as communities working on the ground. Meteorological services people outside a local area have no knowledge of them. could help explain the probability approach for the benefit of But plant indicators may be used over a wide area. Local indigenous knowledge users. Meteorological information is knowledge about such indicators could be shared with other usually too “coarse” for crop planning, but integrating IKFs communities. Up-scaling of tree species as indigenous with the SCFs provided by the meteorological departments knowledge indicators has been carried out in the Zambia and can bridge this gap as demonstrated by the IK in Western Zimbabwe (MSU) and Benin (IDID) projects. Kenya (ICPAC) and Managing Risk in the GHA (SUA) projects. Forecasting is not an end in itself, but should be viewed in Climatologists are often uncertain what role indigenous a context of decision-making and risk management. Thus, knowledge might play and indigenous knowledge forecasters there were conflicting opinions about whether indigenous are suspicious of external people telling them about knowledge should be up-scaled. At the forum, some people their environment. For future integration to occur, both felt that indigenous knowledge is only useful locally and groups must be open to working together and building should not be up-scaled. Others felt that it could be “out- understanding and trust. If this is achieved, imaginative, scaled,” where findings in one place (where there are good innovative, and perhaps unexpected responses to climate meteorological data and where relationships between the risk may emerge. two approaches can be demonstrated) can be extrapolated to other areas. Exactly how this might be done has not Validation: One way to increase acceptance of IKFs among been established. Similarly, some researchers feel that the scientific community is to validate these forecasts by indigenous knowledge should be used in regional consensus comparing them with SCFs. The starting point would be to forums by integrating it with meteorological science, but how monitor indigenous knowledge indicators to see whether to do this remains a challenge. they are linked to known scientific parameters. Tanzania and Benin projects brought farmers and researchers together in the field to observe and reflect on phenological change Tailoring information to user needs identified by farmers and linked to other environmental Tailoring climate information to farmers’ and pastoralists’ indicators. Another method was to use a core team to local needs requires a number of steps and a range monitor indigenous knowledge indicators, then explore how of stakeholders must be involved. One of the clearest these indicators relate to scientific ones. contributions made by the PAR projects has been the Down-scaling and up-scaling climate information: A establishment of multistakeholder platforms to interpret second step in easing the integration of SCFs and IKFs meteorological, climate, agronomic, and indigenous might be to look at information at the same spatial scale. information, develop advice about how farmers and SCFs are usually given for regions rather than localities. In pastoralists might change their farming practices in light of Benin, for example, the meteorological service was unable this information, and disseminate the tailored information to 10 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 15. make it more accessible to users than the national level seasonal forecast. The project in Benin, for example, has established pre-alert committees in 35 communes and it works with a national agro-meteorological pre-alert committee. The national committee includes members from the national meteorological services, the national farmers committee, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, researchers from Farmers and national research institutes and the researchers discussing two national universities, project drought tolerant maize members, NGOs, and farmers. In Benin, pre-alert varieties near Vumari They receive the national agro- committees such as the village of Tanzania’s one shown here bring Same district. meteorological information from the together national and meteorological services in bulletin local stakeholders to in- Photo courtesy of SUA form. The various members provide terpret data and develop input, based on their interpretation agro-meteorological advisories useful to of the national information as well as rural producers. their own experience and disciplinary background to develop a package of Photo courtesy of IDID-ONG holistic and locally relevant information they think will be suited to farmer use. services, NGO representatives, They prepare a bulletin in French extension officers from district to and send it to the local pre-alert village levels, researchers, input committees, which are composed suppliers, and indigenous weather of representatives of farmers’ forecasting groups. Once the national organizations, local leaders, extension SCF is released by the TMA, the core service members, and local radio team meets and compares it with the stations. The local committees indigenous knowledge-based weather adapt the information to their area forecast. Since the project began 3 by considering recent weather and years ago, the two types of forecasts the stage of agricultural production have not contradicted each other. The farmers are engaged in. The comparison has made it easier to make information is also translated into the recommendations to farmers on which local language. A communication plan crops to plant and when, whether is then developed targeting they should consider diversifying, and farmer meetings in the villages whether pastoralists might consider and local radio. selling their livestock. This advice In Same District, Tanzania, the is disseminated via brochures that Managing Risk in the GHA (SUA) project extension officers and district officials has established a core team that distribute or use as reference material includes staff from the meteorological when talking to farmers. The project Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 11
  • 16. These platforms have increased farmer confidence and capacity to use data while helping scientists understand team also prints posters enhancing adaptation to climate change among pastoralists that are put up in district IKFs and better tailor in northern Kenya. By exploring existing formal and informal offices and given to their forecasts for local information channels, which were not immediately evident, villages. To ensure that adaptation. the project was able to build on these channels before this work is sustainable, attempting to develop new ones. the project team has For example, they found that key sources of information asked the district for herders were the shops and houses selling goods to authorities to set aside a budget for team meetings in the them. Women, on the other hand, share information at the future and to extend the practice to other areas. wells where they collect water; they discuss weather, range These learning platforms have served two main functions. conditions, and where herders have moved. It was clear that First, they have brought together actors who might settled pastoralists receive information at regular meetings not usually spend time together, thus strengthening convened by the local chief. The chief, who is in contact communication channels among those in the information with the district steering group that convenes to examine chain. Second, the interactions have built confidence climate information relevant to the district, passes on that among both farmers and extension officers in terms of information at the monthly village meetings. Project and understanding and using the data. The multi-stakeholder extension staff members occasionally attend these meetings platforms have not only been effective in increasing farmer as well to disseminate climate and non-climate information. confidence and building farmer capacity to understand and One of the key challenges that emerged around establishing use data, but have also increased scientists’ capacity to platforms for information use is the danger of creating understand IKFs and better tailor their forecasts for expectations and dependency. In some projects, such as local adaptation. in the African Smallholders (U. of Zimbabwe) research The platforms also served another function in projects in in Zimbabwe, free inputs, such as seeds, are being given Malawi and Zimbabwe. They provided an opportunity to raise to farmers to help them put into practice the advice they awareness among farmers about both climate change and receive through the platforms. The seeds must be used seasonal climate information. Building such awareness on the learning plots. However, because many of the seemed to create increased demand for climate information communities in the area are vulnerable, they are receiving a (from the meteorological services, from IKFs, and from lot of assistance from NGOs and the government, which can the consensus forecast where available). It also increased determine the type of crop or variety they plant. Thus, it is awareness among suppliers of climate data and those imperative that policymakers are included in the system for disseminating the data about the needs of farmers. disseminating climate information to ensure that the right seeds or crop varieties are distributed to the right place. In eastern Zimbabwe (MSU), an innovative method of Although this might make sense during these participatory role-playing was used to help the various stakeholders projects, there was a concern that this might create farmer understand the needs and constraints of the others. For dependency and reward failure in some cases. example, farmers assumed the roles of meteorological service scientists and vice versa and acted out their Applying tailored climate information response to the forecasts. This proved to be a powerful way to help people see the nature of the problem and The platforms mentioned above are places where various think through various decisions as well as develop a basic actors work together to produce new information. In this understanding of some of the uncertainties associated with section, we describe how some of that information and the forecasts. advice is put into practice. Although establishing these new platforms serves many In southern Zambia and southwestern Zimbabwe, the good purposes, existing information dissemination channels Zambia and Zimbabwe project has developed learning can also be strengthened as a way of improving information centres, where various options for managing climate flow and contributing to the sustainability of information variability are demonstrated in test fields. Through the dissemination. This was clear in the project which aimed at learning centres, training modules are presented by 12 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 17. CCAA Learning Paper researchers, meteorological officers, and extension officers, Instead of accepting dry In central Tanzania, who provide climate forecasts and adaptation strategies to spells as evil or natural climate information is sensitize farmers. Those doing the training get IKFs from paired with technical calamities, farmers are farmers and integrate this information with SCFs from advice, such as now demanding more meteorological officers before preparing and disseminating promotion of in situ advisories to farmers. information on weather rainwater harvesting conditions and how they technologies and Using this information, villages then decide what strategies might plan. improved early-maturing to follow and what technology to employ. These decisions and drought-tolerant then become the basis for what the project participants refer varieties, and this has to as “baby trials” that address the concerns of a particular led to an increase in yield of farmers who adopted the village and are managed by farmers within that village. innovations. “Mother trials” then combine the various “baby trials” and represent the concerns of a ward — about 600 households in As part of the Tanzania and Malawi (IRA) project, they have the Zimbabwean context. also used learning plots, but they differ from those used in Zimbabwe. The plots linked to the learning centre are Both mother and baby trials are monitored by the “mother plots,” where all sets of treatments are applied, researchers and the farmers throughout the season, and including different fertilizers and seeds. The farmers then a field day is held at harvest to demonstrate the effect of choose one or two of the strategies demonstrated in the various crop management practices on yield, based on the mother plots to try on their “baby plots.” given forecast. An interesting outcome of this approach is that the farmers have taken it upon themselves to pass on The farmers involved in the project help harvest the mother this information and have developed dramas and songs plots and can judge the results for themselves. In the 2009 related to the lessons they learn. Evidence of use has been cropping season, for example, it was evident that the use demonstrated in reapplication and scaling up of practices of new tillage methods increased yields. These methods that were taught. In addition, there has been a rise in included ripping (using the Magoye ripper implement that demand for early dissemination of the SCF and the training creates deeper furrows), tie-ridging (using an ox-drawn modules, as a result of the perceived increase in yield among ridger and ties between furrows to increase water retention), farmers who had attended the training. and deep ploughing using a “spring jembe” (a long, narrow implement attached to a hoe supported on a used motor In Malawi, farmers involved in “learning plots” have begun vehicle suspension spring that has the ability to make deep to adopt these strategies in their own fields. This seems to furrows on hard soils). Using these methods increased be attributable to the demonstration technique and learning sorghum yields 30.5–66% over those using traditional tillage by doing of farmers participating in the Tanzania and Malawi methods (slash and burn, locally called kuberega). (IRA) project. In addition to uptake of adaptation strategies, there has also been a change in attitude toward adaptation The InfoClim (CSE) project in Senegal also supports a to climate change. Before the project, farmers associated process of learning among partners. A regional committee change in weather with natural causes and thought they and a number of local committees work with farmers to could not do anything about it; now they realize that they gather information on practices in the previous season. can initiate adaptive strategies on their own. Instead of Each local committee holds a forum once a year; most local accepting dry spells as evil or natural calamities, farmers people attend and talk about past experiences, challenges, are now demanding more information from extension service and what they might do in the coming season. During the providers on weather conditions and how they might plan. season, the local committee meets twice with the regional They are finding that some kinds of IKFs are not working as committee for updates. they used to. Previously, when the temperature rose, the Evidence of change can be seen in the increased uptake rains would begin; now it gets hot for two weeks and the of climate information by farmers. Although they said rains don’t come. they appreciated the information they received from the meteorological office before the project started, they weren’t Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 13
  • 18. because multiple stakeholders are involved, they help create ownership which appears to be increasing the use of climate information. The way forward Lessons for national meteorological services and regional climate centres: These projects provide numerous Research leader lessons for meteorological services Henry Mahoo of Sokoine University of in terms of strengthening the type Agriculture discusses of information provided and how it is the use of rain gauges Information that is disseminated, as well as interactions with farmers in Mhezi with users. village, Tanzania. tailored to user needs is Photo courtesy of SUA more likely to be used. Information that is tailored to user needs is more likely to be used. Clearly, farmers want more than just information about the overall rainfall expected in a season. They need to know how the sure how to use it. Now, because the upcoming season will differ from normal climate information is more specific seasons in terms of the onset of the to their local area, farmers are rainy season, cessation, and lengths of seeing and discussing the benefits of dry spells, as well as the seasonal total. using it. For example, after the local More important, there is a desire for committee evaluated information from agro-meteorological information rather all partners, they suggested that it than just meteorological information. For was too early to start planting. Those example, although farmers want to hear who planted early lost their crops. about rainfall, they are more interested Similarly, at the end of the season the in suggestions about how they might committee suggested that farmers change their activities in response to might wait to harvest as they were changes in rainfall total and timing. expecting more rain. Those who did Some meteorological services include not wait lost out on better yields. The agro-meteorologists who can develop sharing of information and experience this advice. Where this is not the case, has strengthened farmers’ capacity partnerships are required to provide and built a collective understanding, the needed information. As was supported by growing trust between clearly seen from the projects, agro- the various actors. meteorological information becomes It is clear that these multi-stakeholder more useful if it is interpreted in platforms are helping to clarify relation to local conditions and local how farmers interpret and apply activities. Meteorological services climate information. As seen from cannot be expected to provide locally the examples above, they can also relevant information in all areas, be a good forum for disseminating which again supports the need for successful farming practices and, partnerships. Agricultural extension 14 Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program
  • 19. CCAA Learning Paper When meteorologists engage with indigenous knowledge forecasters, value is added to the information from both officers, in particular, were calls to promote the integration of these two types of sources. are important allies climate information. because of their To improve current forecasting practices, more emphasis experience with could be placed on identifying local predictors — both what agriculture strategies, climate variability, and local they predict and their equivalent in meteorological terms. communities’ needs. In many cases, although extension This should be explored in relation to climate change officers have been trained in agricultural science, they grew to help indigenous knowledge practitioners determine up in local communities and are sensitive to the local signs whether these indicators are affected by climate change. and beliefs of their elders. Thus, they are in a key position to Meteorological services could start integrating local bridge the two types of information. indigenous knowledge, such as phenological data, into their When meteorological staff engage with indigenous advisories to provide users with holistic information, as in knowledge forecasters, value is added to the information the IK project in from both sources. In projects where IKFs and SCFs were western Kenya integrated (e.g., IK in Western Kenya and Managing Risk in and the IDID the GHA), there was agreement on the expected forecast, There was consensus project in Benin. highlighting the fact that the two types of knowledge that IKFs should be used This alignment can complement each other rather than being seen as more widely alongside between SCFs and separate. A significant challenge will be to get buy-in from meteorological SCFs to IKFs could help meteorologists regarding the value of indigenous knowledge increase reliability and users see that the as well as getting indigenous knowledge forecasters to learn acceptability of overall two approaches more about SCFs and potential synergies. It is evident from forecasts. are not in KMD and TMA experiences that the participatory process opposition. of engaging indigenous knowledge forecasters from the A core multidisciplinary team is needed to carry out the beginning is key to this, as well as feedback from users who integration. Both human and institutional capacity must be can articulate how indigenous forecasts are able to meet developed to validate indigenous knowledge indicators and some of their requirements where SCFs may fall short. find effective ways to link IKFs with SCFs. Local farmer- In addition to tailoring SCFs to users’ needs, there are managed meteorological stations could be key in helping to challenges related to the current spatial and temporal scale validate IKFs, as had been shown through ICPAC’s work in of the information. Farmers working in their fields not only Kenya, Midlands State University in Zimbabwe, and the SUA want to know how the projections for the region are relevant team in Same, Tanzania. Achieving this integration is going to their own activities, they also need the information in to require sufficient time for case-study-based projects to time. Farmers start preparing for planting weeks or months pilot the various validation, integration, and dissemination before the season starts. If they receive the seasonal techniques. In addition, it is important that those working forecast two weeks before the season, it is often too late with SCFs and students learning about them are more for them to change their plans. Through the projects, it exposed to IKFs and their strengths from early on in the became clear that providing indigenous forecasts earlier curriculum. than the SCFs can help farmers start thinking and planning Supporting future uptake of integrated climate forecasts: for changes. But there should also be more emphasis The PAR projects have shown that even though indigenous on helping meteorological services disseminate their knowledge is useful to farmers and can complement SCFs, information as quickly as possible, which can depend on the to make the best use of this rich information, scientists actors in the communications chain. and researchers will need increased capacity to request, Support for integrating IKFs and SCFs: Among the analyze, and use the necessary data. Future research must eight projects represented at the learning forum, there involve specialists in fields, such as botany and zoology, was consensus that IKFs should be used more widely in who can study plant and animal behaviour and relate it to conjunction with meteorological SCFs to increase reliability conventional forecasts. Indigenous knowledge providers also and acceptability of overall forecasts. For this reason, there need to be supported so that they can share their knowledge Climate Change Adaptation in Africa program 15