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Rory O’Mara Founder & CEO
Dear Investor,
For those of you who know me and have worked with me, you will know that I
am passionate about helping you create wealth in all aspects of your lives, be it
property, investment & business.
The best way to share my knowledge is via a 121 Strategy Review. The session is
based at my home/office in Winchester, Hants, lasting for 3-4 hours.
The primary Objective is to understand where you are now and look at strategies
that can help you achieve Your Specific Goals over the next 12 months. You leave
with a 6 point Action Plan.
Charlotte will provide homemade sandwiches & soup and if we are lucky a
delicious home-made Victoria sponge/cookies.
Make your booking today. Email me at for
more details.
Here are a few comments from 121 Sessions that I have run.
Rory caught my attention with his presentation at a local property investor meeting
where he outlined his property journey and deals that he was able to put together for
himself and his clients, in a no nonsense way, I thought it would be good to speak to
this guy and find out more. The bonus was that he also offered 121 strategy review
sessions, so I promptly dropped him a mail and was booked in the diary for the
following week to meet up at his home.
What I found refreshing was the welcoming nature of both Rory and his wife
Charlotte (Thank you for the homemade lunch and Victoria sponge cake..p.s you can
take this home if you do not eat it all)
Rory is very knowledgeable, not only about financing deals but in terms of business
and seeking out where problems lie in a situation in order to come up with a solution
or an alternative way of looking at a deal (perhaps even one that you have not even
thought about).
For myself, I was looking for some clarification regarding whether the things that I
was doing were right and the best strategies to achieve my goals within my given
Rory will take you back to the nuts and bolts of what you are trying to achieve, right
now and over the next 12 months, starting with your goals (financial or otherwise) and
tailor your session accordingly (he won’t teach you to sucks eggs if you already know
how to)
You will walk away with some very useful nuggets of information, contacts in key
areas to help you move forward with your chosen strategies, recommendations for
next steps and an ACTION plan for you to start implementing to get you going again.
Rory will reinvigorate you and hold you accountable with a follow up call 4 weeks
after your session.
It does not matter where you are in your property journey you can always learn new
things. I would thoroughly recommend these sessions and the 4 hours was a snip at the
price (so you have no excuse)"
Prash Reddy – Property Investor
For an aspiring investor with a limited portfolio who has recently started learning
about investing in property to fulfil his dream of achieving financial freedom; having
an inspiring mentor is nothing less than a treat. Having gone through many property
seminars, networking events and reading a few books I needed a seasoned expert to
help me define my strategy, setup my goals and create an action plan to achieve them
according to my circumstances. This is exactly what I achieved during my session
with Rory yesterday. Rory made me realize that sometimes the opportunity is sitting
right in front of you and all you need is to take a step further to achieve it. It is
often not as difficult as it seems to be.
Rory and I discussed in great length my personal and professional commitments, my
goals and aspirations and what I really want out of property investment. We then went
through what I have done so far as an investor, how can I improve further and what I
can do to expand my portfolio by using the power of leveraging. This is what I wanted
from a mentoring session and this is exactly what I got when I met Rory. I now have a
goal based on SMART principle and a plan to achieve it. All I need is to put the plan
in action. PS. Please let Charlotte know that my wife loved the cake as well, thank
you very much :) ...
Kam Naqvi – Property Investor
It was extremely helpful to discuss my portfolio with Rory, and examine various
strategies in depth. He instantly understood what I was trying to achieve and
suggested options and resources that I hadn't considered. He condensed everything
into simple and logical steps.
Being able to have the time to tap into his wealth of knowledge and experience,
quietly and without pressure was exactly how I had hoped the meeting would be. It
will enable me to go forward with more confidence. He can also sort out a tricky little
problem of refinancing a flat that is at the end of its mortgage life.
His sincere desire to help was immediately apparent and I have absolutely no
hesitation in saying that the session I spent with him was very good value for money.
His knowledge of property and finance is vast and he shared it generously.
Julie Warren – Property Investor
Having just attended Rory’s one to one session, I can unreservedly recommend the
time and money spent on such a great service. Rory holds the sessions in the relaxed
atmosphere of the office in his home in Winchester, whilst his wife provided a very
tasty lunch and copious cups of tea to help absorb the wealth of information. The one
to one session has helped me to clarify my jumble of strategies, leaving me with a set
plan of tasks that I can set myself to, in order to up my game. Within hours of leaving
the meeting, Rory had introduced me to a contact and I was having a phone
conversation that could potentially make a £60K return on a £3500 investment on a
family owned property.
Paul Thomas – Property Investor
I wasn't sure what to expect from the half day meet with Rory, and even half way
through I wasn't sure if I was totally clear what I was getting out of it. However, Rory
is way more than a finance expert; he is obviously an effective business coach as well.
By the end of our meeting I had a lot more clarity around my multiple options going
forwards and how I was going to take the steps necessary, in business generally as
well as in property. Although Rory never mentioned the word mentor when describing
himself it was certainly the impression I left with. I'm looking forward to staying in
contact and seeking his counsel in the future.
The lunch and cake were rather good too.
Stuart Young – Property Investor
My husband and I went to see Rory for a 121 Strategy Review - We were needing
clarification of our plans and direction and we certainly got that in abundance!
Rory & Charlotte invite you into their lovely home and you feel relaxed and well
looked after (more about the VS later).
Rory has incredible energy and vast knowledge across many financial and property
spheres. The review is personal to what you want and he is very geared to drilling
down on all aspects and giving you a clear idea of the financials and the way forward.
We left with a structured plan of what to do next, with lots of contacts in different
fields to explore.
Rory has continued after the review to put us in touch with more people and we have a
follow up call booked for a months’ time, which is great.
We would definitely recommend booking a review with Rory and especially to have
Charlotte's scrummy lunch and delectable homemade Victoria Sandwich ☺
Wendy & Martell Stewart – Property Investors
Excellent, bespoke, informative, intelligent and knowledgeable. Words which spring
to mind after spending a delightful few hours in Rory's company discussing my new
start in property investment.
If you're at all 'concerned' about your financial ability to make a start in property,
and/or want thoughtful, insightful suggestions on what to do to get going, do yourself
a huge favour and make the effort to meet with Rory. I guarantee it will be time well
invested. You will be taken through the nuts and bolts, upside and downside of any
ideas you have in a straight-talking no-nonsense way, which is exactly what you need!
There's plenty of training available out there for you to choose from but start with
Rory and save yourself a fortune! A snip at £195!
They feed you too! And if Mrs O'Mara's Victoria Sponge isn't legendary buy now... it
should be!"
And yep, cake was thoroughly enjoyed thanks. There's a business opportunity in
Victoria Sponge's for Charlotte....! Imagine my surprised delight on opening the box
expecting to see a one-portion piece of cake and seeing a whole half! Yummm!!
Sam Pike – Property Investor
I went to see Rory to discuss Bridging and Commercial finance but we ended up
discussing my current portfolio and how to streamline profits instead! I was also
pleasantly surprised to find out that my Rent 2 Rent portfolio was generating a 336%
ROI on cash invested in the first year alone! Compare this 336% ROI to a mere 10%
on my single let properties and it gave me greater clarity on where to invest my
energy! Astounding stuff!
Rory also helped me to plan a way forward in my tax planning (through my
accountant) to make greater gains and use my profits from across my businesses to
buy more property within a Ltd company structure, a genius idea!
Overall, I really enjoyed the day spent with Rory at his beautiful home, I feel he is
undercharging for this service and I honestly feel that with his wealth of knowledge
and experience in the property market, he should be a starting point for all people new
to the property field as well as existing experienced investors alike. I feel that there is
something for everyone here with Rory during his powerful sessions and I highly
recommend you attend a session with Rory, I've already told him that I'm looking to
go back and see him again at a later date and that's from someone who has been in this
business for 10 years now.
Neil Ward – Property Investor & Rent 2 Rent Expert
First thank you for all your time and input today – you certainly went above and
Thank you also for your kind hospitality, with all the refreshments, luncheon and, of
course, Charlotte, you’re famous and delectable Victoria Sponge.
I think I can safely say for us both that, whilst our heads are spinning somewhat after a
very long day, we certainly have plenty of actionable ideas / strategies in our toolbox
now. Your clear vision and incisive assessment of both our present position and our
options to move things forward to improve cash flow and to deal with our PPR
mortgage has focussed our minds and shown us that this IS do-able. After all, how
DO you eat an elephant? One bite at a time of course!
We’ll be back in touch with updates – and hopefully some concrete deals.
Sylvia & Calvin Barrows – C S Properties
Updates 4 weeks on……
It is just on a month since spent one of the most informative days of our property
investing career to date with Rory O’Mara. This was not just about property finance,
how bridging works etc. but looking holistically at what we needed to do and how we
could do it, in order to get from where we are to where we want to be. We came away
with a plethora of actionable ideas and strategies in our toolbox. His clear vision and
incisive assessment has focussed our minds and shown us that this IS do-able – two
more deals already pipelining. Thank you Rory!
Calvin & Sylvia Barrows – C S Properties
Massively beneficially and incredible value for money - if you are serious about what
you want to achieve and if you really want to make it happen set aside just £195 and
just one day of your life to meet with Rory O’Mara.
The 121 is all about where you are now, where you want to be and what action you
need to take in order to get there.
This is an honest, open and thought provoking discussion, no subject is avoided and
no subject is sugar coated; you will leave with a clear action plan and a commitment to
report back to Rory with your progress.
Duncan Kent – Property Investor
"I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Rory for a one to one session.
It is incredibly good value and includes an excellent lunch with a Victoria sponge for
which thanks are due to Charlotte! Rory has the ability to make you feel totally at
ease and has provided a useful follow up action plan to cement all that was discussed
over 4/5 hours (we went over time). He has further asked me to call him in 4 weeks to
report on progress which I feel is above and beyond what I was expecting. Although
my situation is rather complicated with a number of balls in the air Rory has still
managed to provide much more clarity in my mind going forward".
Ian Lovelace – Property Investor
I’d seen Rory speak at a couple of networking events, and was impressed with the
ethical way he interacted with the audience happily sharing his knowledge. As a result
of this and after a little online research I decided to book a 121 strategy session during
which Rory walked through several live case studies drawing out how the bridging
element worked both for him and the investor.
We talked about where I wanted to be by the end of 2015 (goals and objectives) and
how I planned to get there. Rory then looked through my property investment
strategies and helped me focus on the strategy that with the right effort could return a
good passive income within a short timeframe. Rory set me some targets and
provided a number of useful suggestions to help me move along my property
investment journey.
It was nice to spend time with somebody who was genuinely interested in what I
wanted to achieve, and was willing to offer advice on the best way to get there. Rory
has even set an action (now diarised) for me to call him in four week’s time to update
him on my progress. The small fee payable was in my view value for money and
what’s more, if I do my first deal with Rory within six months, this fee will be
I would also like to thank Charlotte, Rory’s wife who provided a delicious lunch and
home baked cake, the remainder of which I was given to take home.
Karen Stanbridge - Property Investor
"I met with Rory for a 121 at his home in Winchester. I came with a specific matter to
explore but the process became a journey that covered different but interconnected
goals and aspirations. My experience of Rory was that of credibility and trust. He was
informative and I felt that he genuinely cares about an individual needs. I found him
astute and respectful and while there was space to become acquainted he remained on
task so that I gained clarity not only on financial matters but a plan of action was
provided with practical steps to assist in its implementation. I felt that his advice was
truly independent and observed how well he is supported in this role by his family. I
felt that the fee was money well spent."
J.D.Kirby Property Investor.
I had met Rory at a couple of property events and had read some of his articles in
“Your Property News”. Many people spoke highly of him so I decided to invest a day
of my time in meeting up with him – the Victoria Sponge cake was worth the fee
itself; thank you Charlotte.
This was a seriously good day for me. I expected a bit of an upsell to other services,
but instead was challenged, educated and inspired to achieve some ambitious goals to
achieve my “reason why”.
Rory is so much more than a Mortgage Broker – his business experience and honest/
direct approach, gives you much to think over, and he certainly leaves no stone
unturned in working with you to achieve more.
Highly recommended to all Property Investors whether they are new to the game or
come with some experience as I did. Be warned though; this is not a cosy fireside
Andy Property Investor
Rory, thank you for your time and hospitality, it was a very informative and thought
provoking day, with a great lunch included! If you want to be shown ways of making
deals happen, then Rory is your man. The time we spent together has certainly left me
with many positive actions going forward and with the confidence that I will find a
way of making a deal work with Rory’s help. I highly recommend spending a day with
Rory to make sure you have an understanding of all the armoury available to you to
ensure you make things happen!
Jonathan Stein Property Investor
"I had a great day with Rory and Charlotte and felt very welcomed in their home. I
told Rory about my property plans and he gave me honest feedback on areas where I
could improve them. It was good to hear about Rory's background and how he is
always looking for opportunities. He made me realise there are additional strategies I
could try closer to home to generate a more consistent monthly income.
The day was all about setting some key actions that could take my business forward
and Rory kindly put me in touch with a few of his contacts which can help me further.
It was good to learn about the real risks of over-leveraging and putting plans in place
to benefit me in the short term, as well as long into retirement.
If you're looking for some no nonsense advice and a tasty home-made lunch, book a 1-
2-1 with Rory and he can help you take your business forward (see the woods from the
Chris Holmes Property Investor
“Having met Rory on several occasions at the Berkshire Property Meeting, I was
struck by his integrity and willingness to share advice in an honest and open fashion,
without upselling property related products and services.
As I am deciding upon strategy at present, it was important I had neutral advice
specifically tailored to my individual circumstance. Due to Rory’s integrity and
reputation across the property network I took up his one-on-one strategy session
offering. For the price it really can’t be beaten! We spent 4 hours going through mind-
set, my aspirations, what is realistic (not marketing hype) and developed this in to
objective, measurable goals that we both agreed are realistic and sit in line with my
aspirations. The setting is relaxing and the Victoria sponge cake nice J!
The key to Rory’s strategy meeting is coming away with clarity and real actions. My
session with Rory has helped me massively. The cost is ‘small beer’ when compared
to the return on investment!”
Jerome Bird Property Investor
I found the time spent with Rory to be a great investment. We were able to crystallise
some key areas of focus and develop a clear plan of action. The conversation was
honest and focused. Surprisingly the real nugget of opportunity came from an idea I
had put to the back of my mind but when I saw Rory's enthusiasm for the concept it
gave me confidence that there was a real business there and we will be taking this
forward as one pillar of our strategy. The rationale for the discussion and the outcomes
were logical and gave me the confidence to progress.
Rory was happy to share information and has already connected me with some other
like-minded people within days of our discussion. I would recommend this service to
anyone serious about taking real action with their property goals.
David Holloway
We spent a very valuable few hours with Rory at a time when we were spinning too
many plates to be truly effective. His style is supportive, creative and yet objective.
Rory is an attentive listener who encourages you to think bigger, helps you clarify
your goals and explore new ideas. His energy is infectious and he models what so
many preach - focus on the things that are important and operate to your own
standards. Looking forward to checking in with Rory again in the future as we
continue our property adventures.
Ian and Penny Ellison Property Investors
I first met Rory at a Pin meeting in Southampton and immediately identified that with
his direct and no nonsense approach that he could be a person that would be very
useful to meet and discuss / clarify debt financing..
We subsequently arranged a 1-2-1 and he exceeded my expectations in not only
clarifying the position with the mortgage companies which has enabled me to
consolidate a business plan but also helped to guide me in my aspirations in an
eloquent and professional manner.
I would not hesitate recommending Rory to anyone seeking advice on not necessarily
just the financial front as he has expansive knowledge on many aspects of the property
industry, is truly professional in his approach and genuinely has a desire to help – a
worthwhile investment!
Thanks Rory and to your wife for all her hospitality.
Malcolm Cookson Property Investor
I met Rory for a 1-2-1 session. I did not know what to expect. I took the train to
Winchester and was greeted at the station by a smiling Rory. First time I had been to
Winchester. We had a short drive to Rory's lovely house. After meeting Rory's wife
and a coffee, we were down to business. So Rory went through my background and
gave me a tailored plan of action. Rory cuts through the fluff and explains as it is. So
at the end of the day, you are given a plan of action with clear goals and Rory will
hold you accountable. I would recommend Rory's session to all property investors.
Nadeem Akram - Property Investor
"It was a great pleasure to meet Rory, be welcomed into his home and being treated
like a true guest. Genuine old school hospitality which is now rare to find. On my
drive home a lot of things became more clearer in my mind. I will be quantifying my
goals in numbers using the key metrics and monthly cash-flow targets.
There was no up-sell and I can say he has a very humble approach. Also he was very
helpful in expressing the "right mind-set” and his theory of find a problem- bring a
valuable solution in order to profit is so simple but is so true and has been on my mind
since yesterday’s meeting. I will look forward to working with Rory in future
commercial financing, bridging financing and development financing.”
Javeed - Property Investor
Many many thanks for the meet up, we discussed many points and I have to say it was
really refreshing to speak to someone who understood the questions I had the key
points of my future in property were dissected, and actions were drawn up.
The WARTS AND ALL which I didn't have answers to, now don't seem so daunting
your prompt reaction to dealing with some of the areas gave me a reassuring feeling,
people are around who want to help you. The £ 195.00 fee was what we call in Wigan
VFM value for money, even though we ran over our time limit allocated there was no
mention of extra money.
I now look forward, to dealing with the actions and knowing I have someone who
understands my current situation, and wants to help my late father once said "even the
heavy weight champion of the world has a coach "well I think I have found mine”.
David Lloyd Property Investor
"I saw Rory present at a PIN network meeting and despite the general high quality of
speakers Rory stood out for me. I followed up with a 121 session as it's useful to have
contacts for bridging and if the session was of the same quality as the presentation
then the low cost represented excellent value.
Indeed, the session was that and more. It was informative and though provoking and
has given me a list of items to follow up and research and also execute against. The
session itself was thoroughly enjoyable, in a relaxed environment, and I have
absolutely no hesitation in recommending this as part of any individual’s on-going
progress in life and work."
Again, many thanks, Eric
Eric Forward Property Investor
I had a fantastic 121 with Rory. It was much more than I expected. We arranged the
meeting and within a week, in which I sent him the 1-2-1 form and my business plan
to glance through, he was able to find time to go through both with a fine toothcomb,
analysing each before I got there. He is very methodical, very energised and his
enthusiasm was quite infectious and wonderful. He is passionate about his work and
trying to help people get ahead.
We discussed all sorts of strategies, even strategies like rent to rent and lease options
which do not need mortgages, title splitting etc. and he had many real life cases
backed up with documentation and supporting data which made them all more real.
We also discussed the various associated pitfalls which you do not normally hear of
and he suggested ways to avoid them. He even fully analysed deals I brought with me.
There was not a dull moment.
He drove his point’s home in a classroom scenario jumping between white
board/flipchart, and a table with 2 or 3 computers open at various screens, also looking
up websites. We discussed my plans; he challenged my thinking, about past issues
and how to move forward. He helped me focus and he mapped out achievable goals
within specific time frames, which he expects me to, start acting on immediately.
I learnt a lot about bridging, joint ventures and several different strategies with no
upsell or hardsell. He packed in a lot in the four hours. (He even sent me the
summary of the day’s work the very next day before I even had time to send them a
thank you message.) He had had everything arranged to the very last detail. He
wasted no time at all, even matched me up immediately to the next session after a very
nice three course home-made lunch prepared by his wonderful wife.
They were both very welcoming and their beautiful house had the right ambience.
Apart from lunch, Mrs O’Mara gives a background support which is needed too
(showed me a few things I was overlooking). Finally she even took me on a mini tour
of Winchester which was not part of the deal at all. All in all, it was a wonderful and
very useful experience.
Eudora Osadebay. Property Investor
My words cannot match the quality of Rory's professionalism, his knowledge,
information, interest and human understanding that he imparted in our 4 hour 121
Having spent six months total immersion to the point of burnout and six months ill and
treading water, Rory has ignited my flame and given me confidence and to ask for
help. He went through my strategies and composed a very doable action
list. Naturally he explained the numbers on bridging and am now comfortable with the
concept and involving J Vs.
I was fortunate to have won a prize draw for our 121 meet but look forward to
another a great brain storming 4 hours with delicious lunch; I cannot rate Rory more
Joy Brook Property Investor
“I recently attended a one to one session with Rory, travelling two and a half hours to
get there, unsure of what I would find or learn. I assure you that I learnt an awful lot. I
was introduced to concepts that led my mind (and now business plan) in directions I
hadn't previously considered.
Over and above Rory's vast technical knowledge he has an innate gift, both rare and
genuine. The gift is depth of character, and it lends gravity to his suggestions and
ideas; it helps push you forward into taking action. And you'd better be willing to take
action - he's interested in you and will expect updates once you leave the session.
After reading my testimonial I suggest you book a session with Rory”
Andy Stevenson Property Investor & Letting Agent
“I would thoroughly recommend a 1 on 1 with Rory O’Mara to anyone serious about
taking a keen look at their current situation. Rory is thorough and distinct, yet the
atmosphere of the consultation was relaxed and informal. The learning’s of operating a
business, from home with a partner who is also your spouse was an inspiration.
Rory’s ability to see into a situation, tenacity and work ethic are obvious; an excellent
and informative afternoon, with detailed, structured and programmed follow-up. This
is just one instance of Rory generously going the extra mile in giving both current
examples, contacts and developing further opportunities.
Not only was the advice practical, but the stretching of my existing paradigms was
worth far more than the amount paid.
Thank you Rory and Charlotte – a splendid and valuable session, which as a result I
have re-booked”
Dan Norman Director Property Solutions Now
“I had privilege of spending an afternoon with Rory and Charlotte. It was to put it
mildly; an amazing experience and I recommend it whole heartedly.
I have been in property for over three years and have spent thousands on courses and
networking meetings. I have come to expect lots of wisdom followed by a soft sell. I
had therefore come prepared with a pad and pen. Guess what? I did not need it.
Rory quickly identified my current status and goals. We then worked collaboratively
with a flip chart and pen, brainstorming ideas, options, strategies etc, taking a short
break for a delicious lunch. After lunch we homed in on key actions and I walked
away with an action plan. Now it’s up to me but I am comforted knowing that Rory
and Charlotte (because they are a team) will always be there for me. Rory has a gift of
drawing out key issues, the difference that make the difference and moulding it in way
that can lead you to succeed in your goals.
Rory and Charlotte thank you for all you’ve done for me”.
Kindest Regards
Prakash Patel Property Investor
For us this year began with a 1-2-1 with Rory O’Mara; it was just the motivation we
needed to start the New Year.
We have been on the property circuit for nearly 2 years now and have seen Rory at
many events promoting his business and giving his expert knowledge.
We knew this was someone who we could really learn from and would love to work
with in the future. We spent an inspiring day at his home. We went through where we
are now and where we want to be. Rory has a gift of recognising strengths and giving
you the confidence to take your business to the next level.
For us we were on the edge of making some big decisions and Rory was the right
person to give us the encouragement and skills to move forward.
One of the most amazing things to come out of the day was that Rory gave us our
'WHY', I'm not sure he even knew he did this, but it enabled us to focus on our
business and not only take it in the right direction but also to another level.
If you get a chance to spend time with Rory, do not hesitate, do it NOW, he's inspiring
and also a really nice guy :)
Tasha & Karen - Property investors - Lodgewood Solutions
I first met Rory at a PIN meeting in Bristol a few months back and was immediately
struck by his sincerity and business acumen. I felt immediately that I would like him
to be part of my network and the 5 odd hours I spent with him at his home were
excellent. (As was lunch)
He has a straight-forward and well-structured plan and works through all your
questions methodically, (and enjoyably). He really helps you stretch yourself mentally.
I came away feeling that not only had I got better than ‘value for money’, but with a
definitive list of actions to help me move my business to the next level. I was only
hoping to leave with one useful idea to follow up – instead, I’ve got five! Rory has
also given me some great introductions which I shall be following up over the next
days and weeks.
The only thing I need to do now is work off that lunch!
Richard Aylward Property Investor
Rory is a well-respected professional in the world of property investment, specialising
in bridging finance which he has made his own niche. He is both personable and
extremely helpful using his knowledge, expertise and business contacts to good effect
when presenting proposals to you, designed to help you to attain your goals.
He has a lot of information to impart and always seems to have a well thought out
answer to any question you ask him.
Above all he makes you feel relaxed and is therefore easy to talk with and to discuss
ideas at ease.
I should have no hesitation in recommending Rory and his 1-2-1 consultation if you
are setting out into the world of investing or you wish to discuss ways to finance
specific projects.
Charlotte his wife is charming and an excellent cook. No wonder Rory keeps on about
her Victoria sponge cake and sees this as an essential component of the 1-2-1 session.
Richard Hodgson Property Investor
“I spent an incredibly productive afternoon working with Rory discussing about the
ins and outs of various strategies that I had already identified. Rory was able to draw
on his vast business and property experience, and generate ideas and angles that I had
and would never consider Rory is an excellent motivator and speaker, and helped me
focus on the things that really matter in my action plan going forward. I know that if
I’m successful in implementing just one of the actions that will be enough to make it
worthwhile. A really inspirational afternoon that is definitely money well spent. Thank
Graham Hathaway Property Investor
“It was a real pleasure to meet Rory and his wife Charlotte during my one to one
session. Even the most driven individuals sometimes find a lull in life when their
professional life and personal life are ticking along smoothly.
Rory restored my drive and ambition by taking a step back and looking at my existing
business and focusing on areas that can be maximised. Needless to say, my staff team
a struggling to keep up and the wheel is turning every faster. The main issue for many
Managing Directors is having like-minded individuals to bounce ideas off.
Money well spent! Excellent session.
You have changed my mind-set and I now have a far more creative approach which
was lacking”
Kevin Gunputh Property Investor & Business Owner
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Rory for the 121 session we had.
The time flew by and my hands were hurting from all the notes I made in the session.
Your knowledge in all fields relating to business was amazing and I can truly say life
There was no hint of selling, just useful practical advice on how to accumulate wealth
using my own skills and passion. I would highly recommend this service to anyone
considering entering into property or for experienced investors, I guarantee that you
will learn something. The fee of £195 is incredibly low and I can honestly say it was
worth 100 times this figure. Keep up the amazing work.”
Harry Singh Property Investor
“I had briefly introduced myself to Rory at a networking meeting, I suggested that I
would like to sit down and have a chat sometime. Rory invited me to see him for an
afternoon in the personal surroundings of his home. I expected a real in-depth look at
HMO lending and bridging finance.
What followed completely took me by surprise: -
Prior to our meeting I was asked to complete a questionnaire about my circumstances
including my career and the outcome I sought from property. Rory had clearly taken
time and interest in the content of this questionnaire as the day was filled with realistic
ideas and suggestions surrounding my existing career and how this could be enhanced
to give the financial basis to develop our property aspirations. This day was
information packed, specifically based on my strategy for property investing; I came
away with several realistic and completely out of the box goals to work on.
I paid £195 for what was undoubtedly one of the best investments of my time I have
made. Coupled with the countless coffee, biscuits, cake and lunch which was provided
by Rory's wife”
Johnlee Owen Property Investor
“We came to see Rory for our 1-2-1 in his office, not really sure what to expect from
guy who makes his living from bridging financing. However it wasn't a session about
how we can benefit from his product. In fact it could not been further away from it.
Rory made sure he understands our situation and offered spectrum of ideas and tips in
regards of our current business as well for our development in property. He spoke in
simple and honest way and laid things as he believed they are without all the pretty
story telling some mentors do. Before we knew it we were clear on our options and
possibilities and we knew exactly what our next steps will be.
Spending one afternoon with Rory was worth to me more than what I learned at some
very expensive courses.
Thank you for your time and ideas Rory. You are truly amazing”
Dorka and Ales Property Investors
“I went to meet Rory with some trepidation, but was amazed at the amount of truly
beneficial information I was given, also the genuine interest in my existing business
providing many ideas and plans and put them in a realistic time scale. Rory also
opened my eyes to information I doubt I would have gained on my own. It was a truly
worthwhile day, Thanks Rory”
Phill Preece Property Investor
“If you have any preconceived ideas that a 121 review session with Rory will be just
an overview of how Bridging Finance works, rest assured you can cast them aside
My 121 session with Rory was exceptionally beneficial and delivered with great
passion. He gave an overview of several property investment strategies, HMO’s, Title
Splits, Options, Mortgage Hosts, Commercial and Residential finance, to name a few,
reinforced by quoting real life case studies.
We discussed my immediate and longer term goals and the best starting point to
achieve them. Don’t worry if you can’t jot your notes down fast enough. Rory will e-
mail you a detailed breakdown summary of your session.
Take Action today. I can highly recommend this session will be an investment in your
future. Exceptional value and your £195 fee will be refunded within 6 months when
you complete your first deal with Rory. Thanks Rory”
Liz Couch. Property Investor
"I spent an incredibly beneficial session with Rory. I was expecting to be given an
overview of how bridging works, a few insights into HMO's and then a sales pitch. However, Rory exceeded my expectations.
He helped me on a number of levels - he eloquently outlined a number of different
property investment strategies, with many real-life case studies, that I would never
have considered before; discussed my goals and suggested a few ideas on how to
achieve them; and he challenged some of my (unrealistic) preconceptions about my
how quickly I could build a substantial passive income from property with the
strategies I was already working on.
It was great to spend some time with someone who was genuinely interested in what I
wanted to do & his energy and informal style really helped me focus on a few 'gems'
that I know will make me money. There was no 'hard sell' and the small £195 fee was
worth every penny - it will also be refunded when I do my first deal with Rory".
Jamie Madill Investor
“Having contacted Rory via email and filled in the questionnaire, I was invited down
to spend a 4 hour mentor session at his house. Upon my arrival, I was greeted by his
wife, shortly after which coffee and homemade cake arrived...which was lovely!
Rory had clearly spent time over my questionnaire as all my points and financial goals
were written down on a flip chart in front of me. We then spent the time chatting
through different strategies and ideas, all done at my pace, on a very informal and
friendly basis. The whole afternoon was very relaxed and extremely helpful and
Rory is clearly a very knowledgeable and professional man and at the end of the
afternoon, I left with both a deeper understanding of my aims and targets, but also
with some new and very exciting opportunities. Since our meeting, I have undergone a
joint venture which has enabled me to pursue my goal of passive financial freedom.
Rory put me in contact with a number of new clients, all of which I now communicate
with on a regular basis, swapping knowledge and ideas.
Lastly, 'our' meeting did extend by an hour and a half. Rory was anxious that all my
questions were answered and I felt happy with how to go forward. A very enjoyable,
informative and invaluable afternoon! Thank you Rory!”
Ronnie Hall Property Investor
“Following a mind blowing few hours spent with Rory discussing investment
strategies, we came away buzzing with excitement. Rory’s creative approach to
finance is so refreshing at a time when so many people believe their hands are totally
tied by banks. His energy and commitment to helping people make money was very
clear and we are currently working with Rory to fund some superb deals which would
otherwise have hit the bin. Its not rocket science! It’s just knowing who to go to and
we found him!”
Sue Morton & Helen Baister - Aquarius Property Investment
So, if a 121 Session appeals and you are unsure if it is for you, just pick up the phone
and call me.
Download the 121 booking Form – Complete and email back to me today
Best regards
Rory O’Mara
CEO & Founder
Tel: 08456 440 911
To book a 121 Session, please complete the attached 121 booking form and return by
email to

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  • 1. Rory O’Mara Founder & CEO Dear Investor, For those of you who know me and have worked with me, you will know that I am passionate about helping you create wealth in all aspects of your lives, be it property, investment & business. The best way to share my knowledge is via a 121 Strategy Review. The session is based at my home/office in Winchester, Hants, lasting for 3-4 hours. The primary Objective is to understand where you are now and look at strategies that can help you achieve Your Specific Goals over the next 12 months. You leave with a 6 point Action Plan. Charlotte will provide homemade sandwiches & soup and if we are lucky a delicious home-made Victoria sponge/cookies. Make your booking today. Email me at for more details. Here are a few comments from 121 Sessions that I have run. Rory caught my attention with his presentation at a local property investor meeting where he outlined his property journey and deals that he was able to put together for himself and his clients, in a no nonsense way, I thought it would be good to speak to this guy and find out more. The bonus was that he also offered 121 strategy review sessions, so I promptly dropped him a mail and was booked in the diary for the following week to meet up at his home. What I found refreshing was the welcoming nature of both Rory and his wife Charlotte (Thank you for the homemade lunch and Victoria sponge cake..p.s you can take this home if you do not eat it all) Rory is very knowledgeable, not only about financing deals but in terms of business and seeking out where problems lie in a situation in order to come up with a solution or an alternative way of looking at a deal (perhaps even one that you have not even thought about).
  • 2. For myself, I was looking for some clarification regarding whether the things that I was doing were right and the best strategies to achieve my goals within my given timeframe. Rory will take you back to the nuts and bolts of what you are trying to achieve, right now and over the next 12 months, starting with your goals (financial or otherwise) and tailor your session accordingly (he won’t teach you to sucks eggs if you already know how to) You will walk away with some very useful nuggets of information, contacts in key areas to help you move forward with your chosen strategies, recommendations for next steps and an ACTION plan for you to start implementing to get you going again. Rory will reinvigorate you and hold you accountable with a follow up call 4 weeks after your session. It does not matter where you are in your property journey you can always learn new things. I would thoroughly recommend these sessions and the 4 hours was a snip at the price (so you have no excuse)" Prash Reddy – Property Investor For an aspiring investor with a limited portfolio who has recently started learning about investing in property to fulfil his dream of achieving financial freedom; having an inspiring mentor is nothing less than a treat. Having gone through many property seminars, networking events and reading a few books I needed a seasoned expert to help me define my strategy, setup my goals and create an action plan to achieve them according to my circumstances. This is exactly what I achieved during my session with Rory yesterday. Rory made me realize that sometimes the opportunity is sitting right in front of you and all you need is to take a step further to achieve it. It is often not as difficult as it seems to be. Rory and I discussed in great length my personal and professional commitments, my goals and aspirations and what I really want out of property investment. We then went through what I have done so far as an investor, how can I improve further and what I can do to expand my portfolio by using the power of leveraging. This is what I wanted from a mentoring session and this is exactly what I got when I met Rory. I now have a goal based on SMART principle and a plan to achieve it. All I need is to put the plan in action. PS. Please let Charlotte know that my wife loved the cake as well, thank you very much :) ...
  • 3. Kam Naqvi – Property Investor It was extremely helpful to discuss my portfolio with Rory, and examine various strategies in depth. He instantly understood what I was trying to achieve and suggested options and resources that I hadn't considered. He condensed everything into simple and logical steps. Being able to have the time to tap into his wealth of knowledge and experience, quietly and without pressure was exactly how I had hoped the meeting would be. It will enable me to go forward with more confidence. He can also sort out a tricky little problem of refinancing a flat that is at the end of its mortgage life. His sincere desire to help was immediately apparent and I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that the session I spent with him was very good value for money. His knowledge of property and finance is vast and he shared it generously. Julie Warren – Property Investor Having just attended Rory’s one to one session, I can unreservedly recommend the time and money spent on such a great service. Rory holds the sessions in the relaxed atmosphere of the office in his home in Winchester, whilst his wife provided a very tasty lunch and copious cups of tea to help absorb the wealth of information. The one to one session has helped me to clarify my jumble of strategies, leaving me with a set plan of tasks that I can set myself to, in order to up my game. Within hours of leaving the meeting, Rory had introduced me to a contact and I was having a phone conversation that could potentially make a £60K return on a £3500 investment on a family owned property. Paul Thomas – Property Investor I wasn't sure what to expect from the half day meet with Rory, and even half way through I wasn't sure if I was totally clear what I was getting out of it. However, Rory is way more than a finance expert; he is obviously an effective business coach as well. By the end of our meeting I had a lot more clarity around my multiple options going forwards and how I was going to take the steps necessary, in business generally as well as in property. Although Rory never mentioned the word mentor when describing
  • 4. himself it was certainly the impression I left with. I'm looking forward to staying in contact and seeking his counsel in the future. The lunch and cake were rather good too. Stuart Young – Property Investor My husband and I went to see Rory for a 121 Strategy Review - We were needing clarification of our plans and direction and we certainly got that in abundance! Rory & Charlotte invite you into their lovely home and you feel relaxed and well looked after (more about the VS later). Rory has incredible energy and vast knowledge across many financial and property spheres. The review is personal to what you want and he is very geared to drilling down on all aspects and giving you a clear idea of the financials and the way forward. We left with a structured plan of what to do next, with lots of contacts in different fields to explore. Rory has continued after the review to put us in touch with more people and we have a follow up call booked for a months’ time, which is great. We would definitely recommend booking a review with Rory and especially to have Charlotte's scrummy lunch and delectable homemade Victoria Sandwich ☺ Wendy & Martell Stewart – Property Investors Excellent, bespoke, informative, intelligent and knowledgeable. Words which spring to mind after spending a delightful few hours in Rory's company discussing my new start in property investment. If you're at all 'concerned' about your financial ability to make a start in property, and/or want thoughtful, insightful suggestions on what to do to get going, do yourself a huge favour and make the effort to meet with Rory. I guarantee it will be time well invested. You will be taken through the nuts and bolts, upside and downside of any ideas you have in a straight-talking no-nonsense way, which is exactly what you need! There's plenty of training available out there for you to choose from but start with Rory and save yourself a fortune! A snip at £195! They feed you too! And if Mrs O'Mara's Victoria Sponge isn't legendary buy now... it should be!" And yep, cake was thoroughly enjoyed thanks. There's a business opportunity in
  • 5. Victoria Sponge's for Charlotte....! Imagine my surprised delight on opening the box expecting to see a one-portion piece of cake and seeing a whole half! Yummm!! Cheers, Sam Pike – Property Investor I went to see Rory to discuss Bridging and Commercial finance but we ended up discussing my current portfolio and how to streamline profits instead! I was also pleasantly surprised to find out that my Rent 2 Rent portfolio was generating a 336% ROI on cash invested in the first year alone! Compare this 336% ROI to a mere 10% on my single let properties and it gave me greater clarity on where to invest my energy! Astounding stuff! Rory also helped me to plan a way forward in my tax planning (through my accountant) to make greater gains and use my profits from across my businesses to buy more property within a Ltd company structure, a genius idea! Overall, I really enjoyed the day spent with Rory at his beautiful home, I feel he is undercharging for this service and I honestly feel that with his wealth of knowledge and experience in the property market, he should be a starting point for all people new to the property field as well as existing experienced investors alike. I feel that there is something for everyone here with Rory during his powerful sessions and I highly recommend you attend a session with Rory, I've already told him that I'm looking to go back and see him again at a later date and that's from someone who has been in this business for 10 years now. Neil Ward – Property Investor & Rent 2 Rent Expert First thank you for all your time and input today – you certainly went above and beyond… Thank you also for your kind hospitality, with all the refreshments, luncheon and, of course, Charlotte, you’re famous and delectable Victoria Sponge. I think I can safely say for us both that, whilst our heads are spinning somewhat after a very long day, we certainly have plenty of actionable ideas / strategies in our toolbox now. Your clear vision and incisive assessment of both our present position and our options to move things forward to improve cash flow and to deal with our PPR mortgage has focussed our minds and shown us that this IS do-able. After all, how DO you eat an elephant? One bite at a time of course! We’ll be back in touch with updates – and hopefully some concrete deals. Sylvia & Calvin Barrows – C S Properties
  • 6. Updates 4 weeks on…… It is just on a month since spent one of the most informative days of our property investing career to date with Rory O’Mara. This was not just about property finance, how bridging works etc. but looking holistically at what we needed to do and how we could do it, in order to get from where we are to where we want to be. We came away with a plethora of actionable ideas and strategies in our toolbox. His clear vision and incisive assessment has focussed our minds and shown us that this IS do-able – two more deals already pipelining. Thank you Rory! Calvin & Sylvia Barrows – C S Properties Massively beneficially and incredible value for money - if you are serious about what you want to achieve and if you really want to make it happen set aside just £195 and just one day of your life to meet with Rory O’Mara. The 121 is all about where you are now, where you want to be and what action you need to take in order to get there. This is an honest, open and thought provoking discussion, no subject is avoided and no subject is sugar coated; you will leave with a clear action plan and a commitment to report back to Rory with your progress. Duncan Kent – Property Investor "I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Rory for a one to one session. It is incredibly good value and includes an excellent lunch with a Victoria sponge for which thanks are due to Charlotte! Rory has the ability to make you feel totally at ease and has provided a useful follow up action plan to cement all that was discussed over 4/5 hours (we went over time). He has further asked me to call him in 4 weeks to report on progress which I feel is above and beyond what I was expecting. Although my situation is rather complicated with a number of balls in the air Rory has still managed to provide much more clarity in my mind going forward". Ian Lovelace – Property Investor
  • 7. I’d seen Rory speak at a couple of networking events, and was impressed with the ethical way he interacted with the audience happily sharing his knowledge. As a result of this and after a little online research I decided to book a 121 strategy session during which Rory walked through several live case studies drawing out how the bridging element worked both for him and the investor. We talked about where I wanted to be by the end of 2015 (goals and objectives) and how I planned to get there. Rory then looked through my property investment strategies and helped me focus on the strategy that with the right effort could return a good passive income within a short timeframe. Rory set me some targets and provided a number of useful suggestions to help me move along my property investment journey. It was nice to spend time with somebody who was genuinely interested in what I wanted to achieve, and was willing to offer advice on the best way to get there. Rory has even set an action (now diarised) for me to call him in four week’s time to update him on my progress. The small fee payable was in my view value for money and what’s more, if I do my first deal with Rory within six months, this fee will be refunded. I would also like to thank Charlotte, Rory’s wife who provided a delicious lunch and home baked cake, the remainder of which I was given to take home. Karen Stanbridge - Property Investor "I met with Rory for a 121 at his home in Winchester. I came with a specific matter to explore but the process became a journey that covered different but interconnected goals and aspirations. My experience of Rory was that of credibility and trust. He was informative and I felt that he genuinely cares about an individual needs. I found him astute and respectful and while there was space to become acquainted he remained on task so that I gained clarity not only on financial matters but a plan of action was provided with practical steps to assist in its implementation. I felt that his advice was truly independent and observed how well he is supported in this role by his family. I felt that the fee was money well spent." J.D.Kirby Property Investor.
  • 8. I had met Rory at a couple of property events and had read some of his articles in “Your Property News”. Many people spoke highly of him so I decided to invest a day of my time in meeting up with him – the Victoria Sponge cake was worth the fee itself; thank you Charlotte. This was a seriously good day for me. I expected a bit of an upsell to other services, but instead was challenged, educated and inspired to achieve some ambitious goals to achieve my “reason why”. Rory is so much more than a Mortgage Broker – his business experience and honest/ direct approach, gives you much to think over, and he certainly leaves no stone unturned in working with you to achieve more. Highly recommended to all Property Investors whether they are new to the game or come with some experience as I did. Be warned though; this is not a cosy fireside chat! Andy Property Investor Rory, thank you for your time and hospitality, it was a very informative and thought provoking day, with a great lunch included! If you want to be shown ways of making deals happen, then Rory is your man. The time we spent together has certainly left me with many positive actions going forward and with the confidence that I will find a way of making a deal work with Rory’s help. I highly recommend spending a day with Rory to make sure you have an understanding of all the armoury available to you to ensure you make things happen! Jonathan Stein Property Investor "I had a great day with Rory and Charlotte and felt very welcomed in their home. I told Rory about my property plans and he gave me honest feedback on areas where I could improve them. It was good to hear about Rory's background and how he is always looking for opportunities. He made me realise there are additional strategies I could try closer to home to generate a more consistent monthly income. The day was all about setting some key actions that could take my business forward and Rory kindly put me in touch with a few of his contacts which can help me further. It was good to learn about the real risks of over-leveraging and putting plans in place to benefit me in the short term, as well as long into retirement.
  • 9. If you're looking for some no nonsense advice and a tasty home-made lunch, book a 1- 2-1 with Rory and he can help you take your business forward (see the woods from the trees)!" Chris Holmes Property Investor “Having met Rory on several occasions at the Berkshire Property Meeting, I was struck by his integrity and willingness to share advice in an honest and open fashion, without upselling property related products and services. As I am deciding upon strategy at present, it was important I had neutral advice specifically tailored to my individual circumstance. Due to Rory’s integrity and reputation across the property network I took up his one-on-one strategy session offering. For the price it really can’t be beaten! We spent 4 hours going through mind- set, my aspirations, what is realistic (not marketing hype) and developed this in to objective, measurable goals that we both agreed are realistic and sit in line with my aspirations. The setting is relaxing and the Victoria sponge cake nice J! The key to Rory’s strategy meeting is coming away with clarity and real actions. My session with Rory has helped me massively. The cost is ‘small beer’ when compared to the return on investment!” Jerome Bird Property Investor I found the time spent with Rory to be a great investment. We were able to crystallise some key areas of focus and develop a clear plan of action. The conversation was honest and focused. Surprisingly the real nugget of opportunity came from an idea I had put to the back of my mind but when I saw Rory's enthusiasm for the concept it gave me confidence that there was a real business there and we will be taking this forward as one pillar of our strategy. The rationale for the discussion and the outcomes were logical and gave me the confidence to progress. Rory was happy to share information and has already connected me with some other like-minded people within days of our discussion. I would recommend this service to anyone serious about taking real action with their property goals. David Holloway
  • 10. We spent a very valuable few hours with Rory at a time when we were spinning too many plates to be truly effective. His style is supportive, creative and yet objective. Rory is an attentive listener who encourages you to think bigger, helps you clarify your goals and explore new ideas. His energy is infectious and he models what so many preach - focus on the things that are important and operate to your own standards. Looking forward to checking in with Rory again in the future as we continue our property adventures. Ian and Penny Ellison Property Investors I first met Rory at a Pin meeting in Southampton and immediately identified that with his direct and no nonsense approach that he could be a person that would be very useful to meet and discuss / clarify debt financing.. We subsequently arranged a 1-2-1 and he exceeded my expectations in not only clarifying the position with the mortgage companies which has enabled me to consolidate a business plan but also helped to guide me in my aspirations in an eloquent and professional manner. I would not hesitate recommending Rory to anyone seeking advice on not necessarily just the financial front as he has expansive knowledge on many aspects of the property industry, is truly professional in his approach and genuinely has a desire to help – a worthwhile investment! Thanks Rory and to your wife for all her hospitality. Malcolm Cookson Property Investor I met Rory for a 1-2-1 session. I did not know what to expect. I took the train to Winchester and was greeted at the station by a smiling Rory. First time I had been to Winchester. We had a short drive to Rory's lovely house. After meeting Rory's wife and a coffee, we were down to business. So Rory went through my background and gave me a tailored plan of action. Rory cuts through the fluff and explains as it is. So at the end of the day, you are given a plan of action with clear goals and Rory will hold you accountable. I would recommend Rory's session to all property investors. Nadeem Akram - Property Investor "It was a great pleasure to meet Rory, be welcomed into his home and being treated like a true guest. Genuine old school hospitality which is now rare to find. On my drive home a lot of things became more clearer in my mind. I will be quantifying my goals in numbers using the key metrics and monthly cash-flow targets.
  • 11. There was no up-sell and I can say he has a very humble approach. Also he was very helpful in expressing the "right mind-set” and his theory of find a problem- bring a valuable solution in order to profit is so simple but is so true and has been on my mind since yesterday’s meeting. I will look forward to working with Rory in future commercial financing, bridging financing and development financing.” Javeed - Property Investor Many many thanks for the meet up, we discussed many points and I have to say it was really refreshing to speak to someone who understood the questions I had the key points of my future in property were dissected, and actions were drawn up. The WARTS AND ALL which I didn't have answers to, now don't seem so daunting your prompt reaction to dealing with some of the areas gave me a reassuring feeling, people are around who want to help you. The £ 195.00 fee was what we call in Wigan VFM value for money, even though we ran over our time limit allocated there was no mention of extra money. I now look forward, to dealing with the actions and knowing I have someone who understands my current situation, and wants to help my late father once said "even the heavy weight champion of the world has a coach "well I think I have found mine”. David Lloyd Property Investor "I saw Rory present at a PIN network meeting and despite the general high quality of speakers Rory stood out for me. I followed up with a 121 session as it's useful to have contacts for bridging and if the session was of the same quality as the presentation then the low cost represented excellent value. Indeed, the session was that and more. It was informative and though provoking and has given me a list of items to follow up and research and also execute against. The session itself was thoroughly enjoyable, in a relaxed environment, and I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this as part of any individual’s on-going progress in life and work." Again, many thanks, Eric
  • 12. Eric Forward Property Investor I had a fantastic 121 with Rory. It was much more than I expected. We arranged the meeting and within a week, in which I sent him the 1-2-1 form and my business plan to glance through, he was able to find time to go through both with a fine toothcomb, analysing each before I got there. He is very methodical, very energised and his enthusiasm was quite infectious and wonderful. He is passionate about his work and trying to help people get ahead. We discussed all sorts of strategies, even strategies like rent to rent and lease options which do not need mortgages, title splitting etc. and he had many real life cases backed up with documentation and supporting data which made them all more real. We also discussed the various associated pitfalls which you do not normally hear of and he suggested ways to avoid them. He even fully analysed deals I brought with me. There was not a dull moment. He drove his point’s home in a classroom scenario jumping between white board/flipchart, and a table with 2 or 3 computers open at various screens, also looking up websites. We discussed my plans; he challenged my thinking, about past issues and how to move forward. He helped me focus and he mapped out achievable goals within specific time frames, which he expects me to, start acting on immediately. I learnt a lot about bridging, joint ventures and several different strategies with no upsell or hardsell. He packed in a lot in the four hours. (He even sent me the summary of the day’s work the very next day before I even had time to send them a thank you message.) He had had everything arranged to the very last detail. He wasted no time at all, even matched me up immediately to the next session after a very nice three course home-made lunch prepared by his wonderful wife. They were both very welcoming and their beautiful house had the right ambience. Apart from lunch, Mrs O’Mara gives a background support which is needed too (showed me a few things I was overlooking). Finally she even took me on a mini tour of Winchester which was not part of the deal at all. All in all, it was a wonderful and very useful experience. Eudora Osadebay. Property Investor
  • 13. My words cannot match the quality of Rory's professionalism, his knowledge, information, interest and human understanding that he imparted in our 4 hour 121 meeting. Having spent six months total immersion to the point of burnout and six months ill and treading water, Rory has ignited my flame and given me confidence and to ask for help. He went through my strategies and composed a very doable action list. Naturally he explained the numbers on bridging and am now comfortable with the concept and involving J Vs. I was fortunate to have won a prize draw for our 121 meet but look forward to another a great brain storming 4 hours with delicious lunch; I cannot rate Rory more highly. Joy Brook Property Investor “I recently attended a one to one session with Rory, travelling two and a half hours to get there, unsure of what I would find or learn. I assure you that I learnt an awful lot. I was introduced to concepts that led my mind (and now business plan) in directions I hadn't previously considered. Over and above Rory's vast technical knowledge he has an innate gift, both rare and genuine. The gift is depth of character, and it lends gravity to his suggestions and ideas; it helps push you forward into taking action. And you'd better be willing to take action - he's interested in you and will expect updates once you leave the session. After reading my testimonial I suggest you book a session with Rory” Andy Stevenson Property Investor & Letting Agent “I would thoroughly recommend a 1 on 1 with Rory O’Mara to anyone serious about taking a keen look at their current situation. Rory is thorough and distinct, yet the atmosphere of the consultation was relaxed and informal. The learning’s of operating a business, from home with a partner who is also your spouse was an inspiration. Rory’s ability to see into a situation, tenacity and work ethic are obvious; an excellent and informative afternoon, with detailed, structured and programmed follow-up. This is just one instance of Rory generously going the extra mile in giving both current examples, contacts and developing further opportunities.
  • 14. Not only was the advice practical, but the stretching of my existing paradigms was worth far more than the amount paid. Thank you Rory and Charlotte – a splendid and valuable session, which as a result I have re-booked” Dan Norman Director Property Solutions Now “I had privilege of spending an afternoon with Rory and Charlotte. It was to put it mildly; an amazing experience and I recommend it whole heartedly. I have been in property for over three years and have spent thousands on courses and networking meetings. I have come to expect lots of wisdom followed by a soft sell. I had therefore come prepared with a pad and pen. Guess what? I did not need it. Rory quickly identified my current status and goals. We then worked collaboratively with a flip chart and pen, brainstorming ideas, options, strategies etc, taking a short break for a delicious lunch. After lunch we homed in on key actions and I walked away with an action plan. Now it’s up to me but I am comforted knowing that Rory and Charlotte (because they are a team) will always be there for me. Rory has a gift of drawing out key issues, the difference that make the difference and moulding it in way that can lead you to succeed in your goals. Rory and Charlotte thank you for all you’ve done for me”. Kindest Regards Prakash Patel Property Investor For us this year began with a 1-2-1 with Rory O’Mara; it was just the motivation we needed to start the New Year. We have been on the property circuit for nearly 2 years now and have seen Rory at many events promoting his business and giving his expert knowledge. We knew this was someone who we could really learn from and would love to work with in the future. We spent an inspiring day at his home. We went through where we are now and where we want to be. Rory has a gift of recognising strengths and giving you the confidence to take your business to the next level. For us we were on the edge of making some big decisions and Rory was the right person to give us the encouragement and skills to move forward.
  • 15. One of the most amazing things to come out of the day was that Rory gave us our 'WHY', I'm not sure he even knew he did this, but it enabled us to focus on our business and not only take it in the right direction but also to another level. If you get a chance to spend time with Rory, do not hesitate, do it NOW, he's inspiring and also a really nice guy :) Tasha & Karen - Property investors - Lodgewood Solutions I first met Rory at a PIN meeting in Bristol a few months back and was immediately struck by his sincerity and business acumen. I felt immediately that I would like him to be part of my network and the 5 odd hours I spent with him at his home were excellent. (As was lunch) He has a straight-forward and well-structured plan and works through all your questions methodically, (and enjoyably). He really helps you stretch yourself mentally. I came away feeling that not only had I got better than ‘value for money’, but with a definitive list of actions to help me move my business to the next level. I was only hoping to leave with one useful idea to follow up – instead, I’ve got five! Rory has also given me some great introductions which I shall be following up over the next days and weeks. The only thing I need to do now is work off that lunch! Richard Aylward Property Investor Rory is a well-respected professional in the world of property investment, specialising in bridging finance which he has made his own niche. He is both personable and extremely helpful using his knowledge, expertise and business contacts to good effect when presenting proposals to you, designed to help you to attain your goals. He has a lot of information to impart and always seems to have a well thought out answer to any question you ask him. Above all he makes you feel relaxed and is therefore easy to talk with and to discuss ideas at ease.
  • 16. I should have no hesitation in recommending Rory and his 1-2-1 consultation if you are setting out into the world of investing or you wish to discuss ways to finance specific projects. Charlotte his wife is charming and an excellent cook. No wonder Rory keeps on about her Victoria sponge cake and sees this as an essential component of the 1-2-1 session. Richard Hodgson Property Investor “I spent an incredibly productive afternoon working with Rory discussing about the ins and outs of various strategies that I had already identified. Rory was able to draw on his vast business and property experience, and generate ideas and angles that I had and would never consider Rory is an excellent motivator and speaker, and helped me focus on the things that really matter in my action plan going forward. I know that if I’m successful in implementing just one of the actions that will be enough to make it worthwhile. A really inspirational afternoon that is definitely money well spent. Thank you.” Graham Hathaway Property Investor “It was a real pleasure to meet Rory and his wife Charlotte during my one to one session. Even the most driven individuals sometimes find a lull in life when their professional life and personal life are ticking along smoothly. Rory restored my drive and ambition by taking a step back and looking at my existing business and focusing on areas that can be maximised. Needless to say, my staff team a struggling to keep up and the wheel is turning every faster. The main issue for many Managing Directors is having like-minded individuals to bounce ideas off. Money well spent! Excellent session. You have changed my mind-set and I now have a far more creative approach which was lacking” Kevin Gunputh Property Investor & Business Owner
  • 17. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Rory for the 121 session we had. The time flew by and my hands were hurting from all the notes I made in the session. Your knowledge in all fields relating to business was amazing and I can truly say life changing. There was no hint of selling, just useful practical advice on how to accumulate wealth using my own skills and passion. I would highly recommend this service to anyone considering entering into property or for experienced investors, I guarantee that you will learn something. The fee of £195 is incredibly low and I can honestly say it was worth 100 times this figure. Keep up the amazing work.” Harry Singh Property Investor “I had briefly introduced myself to Rory at a networking meeting, I suggested that I would like to sit down and have a chat sometime. Rory invited me to see him for an afternoon in the personal surroundings of his home. I expected a real in-depth look at HMO lending and bridging finance. What followed completely took me by surprise: - Prior to our meeting I was asked to complete a questionnaire about my circumstances including my career and the outcome I sought from property. Rory had clearly taken time and interest in the content of this questionnaire as the day was filled with realistic ideas and suggestions surrounding my existing career and how this could be enhanced to give the financial basis to develop our property aspirations. This day was information packed, specifically based on my strategy for property investing; I came away with several realistic and completely out of the box goals to work on. I paid £195 for what was undoubtedly one of the best investments of my time I have made. Coupled with the countless coffee, biscuits, cake and lunch which was provided by Rory's wife” Johnlee Owen Property Investor “We came to see Rory for our 1-2-1 in his office, not really sure what to expect from guy who makes his living from bridging financing. However it wasn't a session about how we can benefit from his product. In fact it could not been further away from it. Rory made sure he understands our situation and offered spectrum of ideas and tips in regards of our current business as well for our development in property. He spoke in
  • 18. simple and honest way and laid things as he believed they are without all the pretty story telling some mentors do. Before we knew it we were clear on our options and possibilities and we knew exactly what our next steps will be. Spending one afternoon with Rory was worth to me more than what I learned at some very expensive courses. Thank you for your time and ideas Rory. You are truly amazing” Dorka and Ales Property Investors “I went to meet Rory with some trepidation, but was amazed at the amount of truly beneficial information I was given, also the genuine interest in my existing business providing many ideas and plans and put them in a realistic time scale. Rory also opened my eyes to information I doubt I would have gained on my own. It was a truly worthwhile day, Thanks Rory” Phill Preece Property Investor “If you have any preconceived ideas that a 121 review session with Rory will be just an overview of how Bridging Finance works, rest assured you can cast them aside now. My 121 session with Rory was exceptionally beneficial and delivered with great passion. He gave an overview of several property investment strategies, HMO’s, Title Splits, Options, Mortgage Hosts, Commercial and Residential finance, to name a few, reinforced by quoting real life case studies. We discussed my immediate and longer term goals and the best starting point to achieve them. Don’t worry if you can’t jot your notes down fast enough. Rory will e- mail you a detailed breakdown summary of your session. Take Action today. I can highly recommend this session will be an investment in your future. Exceptional value and your £195 fee will be refunded within 6 months when you complete your first deal with Rory. Thanks Rory” Liz Couch. Property Investor "I spent an incredibly beneficial session with Rory. I was expecting to be given an overview of how bridging works, a few insights into HMO's and then a sales pitch. However, Rory exceeded my expectations. He helped me on a number of levels - he eloquently outlined a number of different property investment strategies, with many real-life case studies, that I would never
  • 19. have considered before; discussed my goals and suggested a few ideas on how to achieve them; and he challenged some of my (unrealistic) preconceptions about my how quickly I could build a substantial passive income from property with the strategies I was already working on. It was great to spend some time with someone who was genuinely interested in what I wanted to do & his energy and informal style really helped me focus on a few 'gems' that I know will make me money. There was no 'hard sell' and the small £195 fee was worth every penny - it will also be refunded when I do my first deal with Rory". Jamie Madill Investor “Having contacted Rory via email and filled in the questionnaire, I was invited down to spend a 4 hour mentor session at his house. Upon my arrival, I was greeted by his wife, shortly after which coffee and homemade cake arrived...which was lovely! Rory had clearly spent time over my questionnaire as all my points and financial goals were written down on a flip chart in front of me. We then spent the time chatting through different strategies and ideas, all done at my pace, on a very informal and friendly basis. The whole afternoon was very relaxed and extremely helpful and informative. Rory is clearly a very knowledgeable and professional man and at the end of the afternoon, I left with both a deeper understanding of my aims and targets, but also with some new and very exciting opportunities. Since our meeting, I have undergone a joint venture which has enabled me to pursue my goal of passive financial freedom. Rory put me in contact with a number of new clients, all of which I now communicate with on a regular basis, swapping knowledge and ideas. Lastly, 'our' meeting did extend by an hour and a half. Rory was anxious that all my questions were answered and I felt happy with how to go forward. A very enjoyable, informative and invaluable afternoon! Thank you Rory!” Ronnie Hall Property Investor “Following a mind blowing few hours spent with Rory discussing investment strategies, we came away buzzing with excitement. Rory’s creative approach to finance is so refreshing at a time when so many people believe their hands are totally tied by banks. His energy and commitment to helping people make money was very clear and we are currently working with Rory to fund some superb deals which would
  • 20. otherwise have hit the bin. Its not rocket science! It’s just knowing who to go to and we found him!” Sue Morton & Helen Baister - Aquarius Property Investment So, if a 121 Session appeals and you are unsure if it is for you, just pick up the phone and call me. Download the 121 booking Form – Complete and email back to me today Best regards Rory O’Mara CEO & Founder Tel: 08456 440 911 To book a 121 Session, please complete the attached 121 booking form and return by email to