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                          Power of Communion
             Recognizing Jesus' Real Presence in the Lord's Supper

                             Memorization Verses:
Certainly not just eating and drinking do      Sacrament. Whoever believes these words has
these things, but the words written here:      exactly what they say: "forgiveness of sins."
"Given and shed for you for the forgiveness
of sins." These words, along with the bodily
eating and drinking, are the main thing in the
LSB 634                                 His very blood for sinners shed. 5 We dare not ask how this can be,
atjcol.htm                              But simply hold the mystery
1 The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord,  And trust this word where life begins;
We celebrate with one accord;           "Given and shed for all your sins."
It is our comfort in distress,          6 They who this word do not believe,
Our heart's sweet joy and happiness.    This food unworthily receive,
2 He blotted out with His own blood     Salvation here will never find--
The judgment that against us stood;     May we this warning keep in mind!
For us He full atonement made,          7 But blest is each believing guest
And all our debt He fully paid.         Who in these promises finds rest;
3 That this forever true shall be       For Jesus shall in love remain
He gives a solemn guarantee:            With all who here His grace obtain.
In this His holy Supper here            8 Help us sincerely to believe
We taste His love so sweet, so near.    That we may worthily receive
4 His Word proclaims and we believe.    Your Supper and in You find rest.
That in this Supper we receive          Amen! They who believe are blest.
His very body, as He said,
Pray: 23 Yet he gave a command 29 They ate till they were
 PRAYER         to the skies above              gorged—
                  and opened the doors of the     he had given them what they
• Given and     heavens;                        craved.
                24 he rained down manna for the 30 But before they turned from
shed            people to eat,                  what they craved,
• Words together he gave them the grain of        even while the food was still
                heaven.                         in their mouths,
• Forgiveness, 25 Human beings ate the bread of …
                                                38 Yet he was merciful;
Life, Salvation angels;
                  he sent them all the food they he forgave their iniquities
• Righteousness could eat.                        and did not destroy them.
• Blessing      26 He let loose the east wind   Time after time he restrained his
                from the heavens
P raise           and by his power made the       and did not stir up his full
R epentance     south wind blow.                wrath.
                                                39 He remembered that they
A ppreciation   27 He rained meat down on them
                                                were but flesh,
Y ou            like dust,
                                                  a passing breeze that does not
                  birds like sand on the
E veryone       seashore.                       return.
R esolve        28 He made them come down

                inside their camp,
                  all around their tents.
 LSB 621

 Let all mortal flesh keep silence

 2 King of kings yet born of Mary,
  As of old on earth He stood,
  Lord of lords, in human vesture,
  In the body and the blood,
  He will give to all the faithful
  His own self for heav'nly food.
“Where is God? Where is He?” someone behind
me asked. ..

For more than half an hour the child in the noose
stayed there, struggling between life and death,
dying in slow agony under our eyes. And we had
to look him full in the face. He was still alive
when I passed in front of him. His tongue was still
red, his eyes were not yet glazed.

Behind me, I heard the same man asking:

“Where is God now?”

And I heard a voice within me answer him:

“Where is He? Here He is—He is hanging here on
this gallows. . . .”
 The world, other religions, and the evil
  reality of pain, suffering, despair, grief
  and the Accuser himself want to remind
  us that:
    Rituals mean nothing, they are merely
     symbols that can snap in two in the storm
    Our faith is wishful thinking, or worship
     but a pipe dream
    Our actions are fruitless, our efforts are
     without merit
    We are hypocritical, irrational, blind,
     boring, simple, arrogant, bigoted,
     unprofitable, inefficient, and insulting.
 Why, then does God “remember” us in
  Communion: a simple meal of bread and
  wine?...what power exists?
 God participates in our communion with Him by:
    Bringing the “body of Christ” together with a
     meal to have fellowship with the “body of Christ”
     as we are actively bringing to remembrance the
     reality of the “body of Christ”.
    ….Huh?
 God‟s sharing of Himself is not contingent on
  time/space. His history is not our history, his
  time/space, not ours. Therefore all three truths co-
   1.   “so in Christ we, though many, form one body,
        and each member belongs to all the others.”
        Rom. 12:5 (1 Cor. 10:17)
   2.   “is not the bread that we break a participation in
        the body of Christ?” 1 Cor. 10:16
   3.   “I have been crucified with Christ and I no
        longer live, but Christ lives in me.”
 The power of Communion resides in
  the following:
  1. Bringing about an active redemption
     to individuals who are resurrected
     spiritual (cross/conversion) and
     physically (last day) because of
     Christ‟s own death and victory.
  2. Bringing broken and cantankerous
     people together, despite diversities
     and cultural practices, customs and
     languages, politics and education, to
     a cohesive whole in the supper.
  3. The bringing to active remembrance
     that God does hear his people, that he
     loves them, and has already secured
     salvation for them.
 The Hebrew mind is different than the western mind
   Right “thinking” vs. Right “action”
 To the Jewish mind, the
  understanding of God is not
  achieved by referring to a Greek
  way to timeless qualities of
  Supreme Being, to ideas of
  goodness and perfection, but
  rather by sensing the living acts
  of His concern, to His dynamic
  attentiveness to man. We speak
  not of His goodness in general
  but of His compassion for the
  individual man in a particular
 To try to distill the
  Bible, which is bursting
  with life, drama, and
  tension, to a series of
  principles would be like
  trying to reduce a living
  person to a diagram
 "For he hath not despised nor abhorred
    the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath
    he hid his face from him; but when he
    cried unto him, he heard." (Psalm 22:24)
   "The LORD also will be a refuge for the
    oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
   And they that know thy name will put
    their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast
    not forsaken them that seek thee." (Psalm
   "I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy:
    for thou hast considered my trouble; thou
    hast known my soul in adversities;"
    (Psalm 31:7)
   "Who remembered us in our lowly state,
    For His mercy endures forever;" (Psalm
   136:23)
 To Remember (zakar) is not an intellectual or theoretical
  pursuit, nor is it a separate event from its source (that
  which you are remembering), instead:
    To remember is to bring to completion
    To remember is to keep it existing
    To remember is to continue the reality of it (one event,
     continual benefits and atmosphere)
    To remember is to DO SOMETHING (living for the event
     or to keep it mind while working everyday).
 Just as God remembers the Israelites continually
    in the midst of suffering,
    in protection from the angel of death,
    in the proclamation of true living and right teaching,
 So also, we remember Him in the Lord‟s supper
    Proclaiming the reality of Christ‟s death once for sins
    Recognizing the Body of Christ which is both for us, in
     us, and is us
    The active unity and doing of true living and right
This can be especially important to us as recovering alcoholics. We have felt in the past,
and sometimes even now, estranged from the fellowship of believers, and of our local churches.
Perhaps we feel especially unworthy of that fellowship. Perhaps some of our more manifest past
sins involved other church members or hurt them (for which we may owe some future amends).
Or perhaps we can not help comparing our lack of Christian life with someone else‟s obviously
exemplary life and character—with the result that we become filled with self-hatred and loathing,
and begin to be plagued by an accusing conscience.It is just then that we must realize that
    communion is open to all who confess their
penitence and in faith look for the assurance of the forgiveness of their sins that is here offered.
God does not open Holy Communion up to only those who have reached a certain level of
sanctified life. He says, “Take, drink, ye all..”, yes, all of you! Come! God does not „grade‟
sinfulness (as you and I sometimes do). Very few of us could say that we ever felt “better” than
those “others” who come to the Lord‟s Table. Rather, we have felt that we were the “worst” who
came (if we did come) because we could not lick our alcoholism and kept repeating the same
sinful behaviors over and over, and over again. But we must remember that all come for
forgiveness. All are equally in need in God‟s sight. All come for the same assurance and the
strengthening necessary to fight against sin (which is indeed the “disease” that infects us all)
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                                            Hebrew Word Study | Skip Moen »                                                               Google Image Result for
 •How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things?
 •How can forgiveness, life, and salvation be obtained through the bodily
  eating and drinking?
 •Does everyone who eats and drinks the Sacrament also receive forgiveness,
  life, and salvation?
 SS Given and shed
                                        Say            Mean          Matter
 M Words together
 T Forgiveness, Life, Salvation        Key phrases Own words        Answer the
 W Righteousness                                                    questions/
 Th Blessing
 Certainly not just eating and drinking
  do these things, but the words written
  here: "Given and shed for you for the
  forgiveness of sins." These words,
  along with the bodily eating and
  drinking, are the main thing in the
  Sacrament. Whoever believes these
  words has exactly what they say:
  "forgiveness of sins."
 •
 Not simply the eating and drinking,         mysteries in our holy religion, to
    but the words of Christ together with     exercise our faith, and raise our
    His body and blood under the bread        profoundest adoration of Your divine
    and wine are the way through which        majesty. You did not ordain them to
    these blessings are given.                encourage a bold arrogance in us to
   "We do not claim this of bread and        search into the depths of Your
    wine-since in itself bread is bread-but   incomprehensible nature. Your
    of that bread and wine which are          presence in the elements of the bread
    Christ's body and blood and with          and wine, by the influences of Your
    which the words are coupled. These        Spirit, and by the application of Your
    and no other, we say, are the treasure    merits to the soul of the truly
    through which forgiveness is              penitent, shall be sufficient for me to
    obtained" (Large Catechism V 28).         adore Your love, to revere Your
                                              Sacrament, and come to Your table.
   Christ's words of promise have put
                                              O blessed Jesus, I beg the assistance
    these gifts into the Sacrament, and
                                              of Your grace, and a happy
    the believer receives them there
                                              communion between You and my
    through faith.
                                              soul. Amen. (Johann Gerhard, 1582-
   •                                         1637).
   Pray: O Lord, You ordained
 Forgiveness, life, and salvation are
  truly offered to all who eat the Lord's
  body and blood in the Sacrament, but
  only through faith can we receive the
  blessings offered there.
 Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who has
  believed that what the Lord has said to
  her will be accomplished.
 Luke 11:27-28 "Blessed is the mother
  who gave you birth and nursed you."
  He replied: "Blessed rather are those
  who hear the word of God and obey it."
 •
 Note: To "keep" or "obey" God's
  Word of promise is to believe or trust
  it. "For in the Gospel a righteousness
  from God is revealed, a righteousness
  that is by faith from first to last, just
  as it is written: 'The righteous will live
  by faith'" (Rom. 1:17).
 1 Cor. 10:3-5 They all ate the same
  spiritual food and drank the same
  spiritual drink; for they drank from the
  spiritual rock that accompanied them,
  and that rock was Christ. Nevertheless,
  God was not pleased with most of them;
  their bodies were scattered over the
 •
 Bible narrative: There was a blessing in
  touching Jesus or being touched by Him,
  and faith received it (Matt. 9:20-22, 27-
 •
 Pray: I thank You, Lord God
  Almighty, for the wondrous gift which
  You bestow on me in the Holy Supper.
  And I beg Your mercy that You would
  cause it to strengthen my faith toward
  You, to make me abound more and
  more in true holiness and in fervent
  love toward my neighbor: through
  Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord.
  Amen. (Zorn).
LSB 623                                     Rejoicing in our unity,
                                            Proclaim Your love until You come
   1 Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray     To bring Your scattered loved ones
    That we may feast on You today;         home.
    Beneath these forms of bread and wine  5 Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray:
    Enrich us with Your grace divine.       O keep us steadfast till that day
   2 Give us, who share this wondrous      When each may be Your welcomed
    food,                                   guest
    Your body broken and Your blood,        In heaven's high and holy feast.
    The grateful peace of sins forgiv'n,
    The certain joys of heirs of heav'n.
   3 By faith Your Word has made us bold
    To seize the gift of love retold;
    All that You are we here receive,
    And all we are to You we give.
   4 One bread, one cup, one body, we,
Certainly not just eating and drinking do receives them there through faith.
these things, but the words written here:    Forgiveness, life, and salvation are truly
"Given and shed for you for the forgiveness offered to all who eat the Lord's body and
of sins." These words, along with the bodilyblood in the Sacrament, but only through
eating and drinking, are the main thing in faith can we receive the blessings offered
the Sacrament. Whoever believes these        there.
words has exactly what they say:             Note: To "keep" or "obey" God's Word of
"forgiveness of sins."                       promise is to believe or trust it. "For in the
Not simply the eating and drinking, but the Gospel a righteousness from God is
words of Christ together with His body and revealed, a righteousness that is by faith
blood under the bread and wine are the way from first to last, just as it is written: 'The
through which these blessings are given. righteous will live by faith'" (Rom. 1:17).
"We do not claim this of bread and wine- •
since in itself bread is bread-but of that
bread and wine which are Christ's body and
blood and with which the words are
coupled. These and no other, we say, are the
treasure through which forgiveness is
obtained" (Large Catechism V 28).
Christ's words of promise have put these
gifts into the Sacrament, and the believer
 How to Receive

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12.05.11 communion power of communion

  • 1. Communion Power of Communion Recognizing Jesus' Real Presence in the Lord's Supper Memorization Verses: Certainly not just eating and drinking do Sacrament. Whoever believes these words has these things, but the words written here: exactly what they say: "forgiveness of sins." "Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins." These words, along with the bodily eating and drinking, are the main thing in the
  • 2. LSB 634 His very blood for sinners shed. 5 We dare not ask how this can be, atjcol.htm But simply hold the mystery 1 The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord, And trust this word where life begins; We celebrate with one accord; "Given and shed for all your sins." It is our comfort in distress, 6 They who this word do not believe, Our heart's sweet joy and happiness. This food unworthily receive, 2 He blotted out with His own blood Salvation here will never find-- The judgment that against us stood; May we this warning keep in mind! For us He full atonement made, 7 But blest is each believing guest And all our debt He fully paid. Who in these promises finds rest; 3 That this forever true shall be For Jesus shall in love remain He gives a solemn guarantee: With all who here His grace obtain. In this His holy Supper here 8 Help us sincerely to believe We taste His love so sweet, so near. That we may worthily receive 4 His Word proclaims and we believe. Your Supper and in You find rest. That in this Supper we receive Amen! They who believe are blest. His very body, as He said,
  • 4. Pray: 23 Yet he gave a command 29 They ate till they were PRAYER to the skies above gorged— and opened the doors of the he had given them what they • Given and heavens; craved. 24 he rained down manna for the 30 But before they turned from shed people to eat, what they craved, • Words together he gave them the grain of even while the food was still heaven. in their mouths, • Forgiveness, 25 Human beings ate the bread of … 38 Yet he was merciful; Life, Salvation angels; he sent them all the food they he forgave their iniquities • Righteousness could eat. and did not destroy them. • Blessing 26 He let loose the east wind Time after time he restrained his anger from the heavens P raise and by his power made the and did not stir up his full R epentance south wind blow. wrath. 39 He remembered that they A ppreciation 27 He rained meat down on them were but flesh, Y ou like dust, a passing breeze that does not birds like sand on the E veryone seashore. return. R esolve 28 He made them come down inside their camp, all around their tents.
  • 5.  LSB 621  Let all mortal flesh keep silence  2 King of kings yet born of Mary, As of old on earth He stood, Lord of lords, in human vesture, In the body and the blood, He will give to all the faithful His own self for heav'nly food.
  • 6. “Where is God? Where is He?” someone behind me asked. .. For more than half an hour the child in the noose stayed there, struggling between life and death, dying in slow agony under our eyes. And we had to look him full in the face. He was still alive when I passed in front of him. His tongue was still red, his eyes were not yet glazed. Behind me, I heard the same man asking: “Where is God now?” And I heard a voice within me answer him: “Where is He? Here He is—He is hanging here on this gallows. . . .”
  • 7.  The world, other religions, and the evil reality of pain, suffering, despair, grief and the Accuser himself want to remind us that:  Rituals mean nothing, they are merely symbols that can snap in two in the storm  Our faith is wishful thinking, or worship but a pipe dream  Our actions are fruitless, our efforts are without merit  We are hypocritical, irrational, blind, boring, simple, arrogant, bigoted, unprofitable, inefficient, and insulting.  Why, then does God “remember” us in Communion: a simple meal of bread and wine?...what power exists?
  • 8.  God participates in our communion with Him by:  Bringing the “body of Christ” together with a meal to have fellowship with the “body of Christ” as we are actively bringing to remembrance the reality of the “body of Christ”.  ….Huh?  God‟s sharing of Himself is not contingent on time/space. His history is not our history, his time/space, not ours. Therefore all three truths co- exist: 1. “so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Rom. 12:5 (1 Cor. 10:17) 2. “is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?” 1 Cor. 10:16 3. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”
  • 9.  The power of Communion resides in the following: 1. Bringing about an active redemption to individuals who are resurrected spiritual (cross/conversion) and physically (last day) because of Christ‟s own death and victory. 2. Bringing broken and cantankerous people together, despite diversities and cultural practices, customs and languages, politics and education, to a cohesive whole in the supper. 3. The bringing to active remembrance that God does hear his people, that he loves them, and has already secured salvation for them.
  • 10.  The Hebrew mind is different than the western mind  Right “thinking” vs. Right “action”
  • 11.
  • 12.  To the Jewish mind, the understanding of God is not achieved by referring to a Greek way to timeless qualities of Supreme Being, to ideas of goodness and perfection, but rather by sensing the living acts of His concern, to His dynamic attentiveness to man. We speak not of His goodness in general but of His compassion for the individual man in a particular situation"
  • 13.  To try to distill the Bible, which is bursting with life, drama, and tension, to a series of principles would be like trying to reduce a living person to a diagram
  • 14.  "For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard." (Psalm 22:24)  "The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee." (Psalm 9:9-10)  "I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities;" (Psalm 31:7)  "Who remembered us in our lowly state, For His mercy endures forever;" (Psalm  136:23)
  • 15.  To Remember (zakar) is not an intellectual or theoretical pursuit, nor is it a separate event from its source (that which you are remembering), instead:  To remember is to bring to completion  To remember is to keep it existing  To remember is to continue the reality of it (one event, continual benefits and atmosphere)  To remember is to DO SOMETHING (living for the event or to keep it mind while working everyday).  Just as God remembers the Israelites continually  in the midst of suffering,  in protection from the angel of death,  in the proclamation of true living and right teaching,  So also, we remember Him in the Lord‟s supper continually:  Proclaiming the reality of Christ‟s death once for sins  Recognizing the Body of Christ which is both for us, in us, and is us  The active unity and doing of true living and right teaching
  • 16. This can be especially important to us as recovering alcoholics. We have felt in the past, and sometimes even now, estranged from the fellowship of believers, and of our local churches. Perhaps we feel especially unworthy of that fellowship. Perhaps some of our more manifest past sins involved other church members or hurt them (for which we may owe some future amends). Or perhaps we can not help comparing our lack of Christian life with someone else‟s obviously exemplary life and character—with the result that we become filled with self-hatred and loathing, and begin to be plagued by an accusing conscience.It is just then that we must realize that communion is open to all who confess their penitence and in faith look for the assurance of the forgiveness of their sins that is here offered. God does not open Holy Communion up to only those who have reached a certain level of sanctified life. He says, “Take, drink, ye all..”, yes, all of you! Come! God does not „grade‟ sinfulness (as you and I sometimes do). Very few of us could say that we ever felt “better” than those “others” who come to the Lord‟s Table. Rather, we have felt that we were the “worst” who came (if we did come) because we could not lick our alcoholism and kept repeating the same sinful behaviors over and over, and over again. But we must remember that all come for forgiveness. All are equally in need in God‟s sight. All come for the same assurance and the strengthening necessary to fight against sin (which is indeed the “disease” that infects us all)
  • 17. URL List from Friday, May. 11 2012 0:29 jewish mind on the importance of writing - n&sa=N&biw=858&bih=842&tbm= ip/resources/self_made_man.jpg AM Google Search isch&tbnid=tUDnBwGyml7IqM:&i mgrefurl=http://www.livinglutheran. com/seeds/exploring-evangelical- n&biw=858&bih=842&tbm=isch&t hrome&ie=UTF- What It Is To Remember (and Forget) bnid=BClR- lutheran-worship- To copy this list, type [Ctrl] A, then type 8&q=jewish+mind+on+written+wor tZV8rhwPM:&imgrefurl=http://jessz 1.html&docid=DtOMXEAPNIn3CM [Ctrl] C. d#hl=en&sclient=psy- ewpage13.htm &imgurl=http://www.livinglutheran. ab&q=jewish+mind+on+the+import com/seeds/Evangelical-Lutheran- can- ance+of+writing&oq=jewish+mind+ Worship- christianity.html&docid=cjN1be2xl0 Google Search Results | Essay File on+the+importance+of+writing&aq ENTRY.jpg&w=295&h=195&ei=L 58oM&imgurl=http://www.lutherse =f&aqi=q- night wiesel god remember - Google Search KisT- w1&aql=&gs_l=serp.3..33i21.16204 ade_man.jpg&w=320&h=374&ei=F eWK8fw0gGA972lCg&zoom=1&ia wer%20of%20communion?query=p .19583.0.19684. KmsT_DJMorE0AGY4eSOCg&zoo hrome&ie=UTF- ct=rc&dur=1&sig=10117032016366 ower%20of%20communion&cx=00 53.1j19j5.25.0...0.0.XvlX4H7lLwQ m=1&iact=hc&vpx=611&vpy=417 8&q=night+weisel+god+remember# 1236895&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw 0220049578489321948%3Ag6kssmf &pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_c &dur=898&hovh=243&hovw=208& hl=en&sa=X&ei=RKOsT4rWIMSbi =217&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:42 inge&cof=FORID%3A11&sitesearc p.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=356e729b7a15c7f tx=100&ty=141&sig=10117032016 QKeyM3ABw&ved=0CCUQvwUo 9,r:6,s:0,i:88&tx=48&ty=100 h=&safe=high 0&biw=858&bih=842 3661236895&page=2&tbnh=154&tb AQ&q=night+wiesel+god+remembe nw=131&start=16&ndsp=20&ved=1 r&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r t:429,r:11,s:16,i:135 _cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=356e729b7a15c hebrew worship - Google Search 7f0&biw=858&bih=842 Frequent Reception.pdf worship&um=1&ie=UTF- Google Image Result for http://ecx.images- f 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa %20Frequent%20Reception.pdf Elie Wiesel's Relationship with God =N&tab=wi&ei=KqisT_XLJ4Lk6Q P%252BnvL._BO2,204,203,200_PIs HnoJCfBA&biw=858&bih=842&sei itb-sticker-arrow- The Hebrew Mind vs The Western Mind /suff/suff.html#SECTION00050000 =SqisT67tEoPg0QGQmamtCg click,TopRight,35,- 00000000000 76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg pdf hebrew_mind_vs__the_western_min Google Image Result for n&biw=858&bih=842&tbm=isch&t d.htm holic.pdf 1 Corinthians 10:16 Is not the cup of bnid=UTj61VjqVfan8M:&imgrefurl thanksgiving for which we give ephen-colbert-on-american- = thanks a participation in the blood of christianity-1311696004-6380.jpg tion-American-Christianity-Thomas- Paedocommunion: A Biblical Examination Christ? And is not the bread that we Bergler/dp/0802866840&docid=_- break a participation in the body of 80IXDrD421qM&imgurl=http://ecx. n.pdf n&biw=858&bih=842&tbm=isch&t medonline/Paedocommunion.htm Christ? images- bnid=owiP8Kt2oiAkrM:&imgrefurl = munion.pdf XPP%25252BnvL._BO2,204,203,20 -colbert-on-american-christianity- 0_PIsitb-sticker-arrow- holy communion « The Word 4 Life 1311696004- click,TopRight,35,- 6380.jpg.html&docid=Rlgc89gxrIM 76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg&w=3 Rom 12:5, Numbers 21:4-9, Psalm 119, Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with vGM&imgurl=http://images.stuffofa Christ and I no longer live, but 00&h=300&ei=FKmsT_DJMorE0A Romans 10:8-18, John 6:60-63, communion/ Christ lives in me. The life I live in GY4eSOCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx Romans 10:17,Matthew 26:26-28 american-christianity-1311696004- the body, I live by faith in the Son of =507&vpy=476&dur=3138&hovh=2 NIV - so in Christ we, though many, 6380.jpg&w=450&h=337&ei=FKms God, who loved me and gave 25&hovw=225&tx=84&ty=100&sig form one - Bible Gateway T_DJMorE0AGY4eSOCg&zoom=1 the word remember in hebrew mind - himself for me. =101170320163661236895&page=2 &iact=hc&vpx=559&vpy=471&dur Google Search &tbnh=153&tbnw=146&start=16&n =10266&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx dsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:16,i:151 ch=rom%2012:5,%20Numbers%202 =179&ty=74&sig=10117032016366 1:4- hrome&ie=UTF- 1236895&page=1&tbnh=159&tbnw 9,%20Psalm%20119,%20Romans% 8&q=the+word+remember+in+hebr =217&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:42 2010:8-18,%20John%206:60- ew+mind Google Image Result for 9,r:11,s:0,i:97 Psalm 115:12 The LORD remembers us and 63,%20Romans%2010:17,Matthew will bless us: He will bless the house %2026:26-28%20&version=NIV /Evangelical-Lutheran-Worship- of Israel, he will bless the house of ENTRY.jpg Aaron, Hebrew Word Study | Skip Moen » Google Image Result for remember
  • 18.  •How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things?  •How can forgiveness, life, and salvation be obtained through the bodily eating and drinking?  •Does everyone who eats and drinks the Sacrament also receive forgiveness, life, and salvation? •______________________________  SS Given and shed Say Mean Matter  M Words together  T Forgiveness, Life, Salvation Key phrases Own words Answer the  W Righteousness questions/ Personal  Th Blessing application
  • 19.  Certainly not just eating and drinking do these things, but the words written here: "Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins." These words, along with the bodily eating and drinking, are the main thing in the Sacrament. Whoever believes these words has exactly what they say: "forgiveness of sins."  •
  • 20.  Not simply the eating and drinking, mysteries in our holy religion, to but the words of Christ together with exercise our faith, and raise our His body and blood under the bread profoundest adoration of Your divine and wine are the way through which majesty. You did not ordain them to these blessings are given. encourage a bold arrogance in us to  "We do not claim this of bread and search into the depths of Your wine-since in itself bread is bread-but incomprehensible nature. Your of that bread and wine which are presence in the elements of the bread Christ's body and blood and with and wine, by the influences of Your which the words are coupled. These Spirit, and by the application of Your and no other, we say, are the treasure merits to the soul of the truly through which forgiveness is penitent, shall be sufficient for me to obtained" (Large Catechism V 28). adore Your love, to revere Your Sacrament, and come to Your table.  Christ's words of promise have put O blessed Jesus, I beg the assistance these gifts into the Sacrament, and of Your grace, and a happy the believer receives them there communion between You and my through faith. soul. Amen. (Johann Gerhard, 1582-  • 1637).  Pray: O Lord, You ordained
  • 21.  Forgiveness, life, and salvation are truly offered to all who eat the Lord's body and blood in the Sacrament, but only through faith can we receive the blessings offered there.  Luke 1:45 Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.  Luke 11:27-28 "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." He replied: "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."  •
  • 22.  Note: To "keep" or "obey" God's Word of promise is to believe or trust it. "For in the Gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: 'The righteous will live by faith'" (Rom. 1:17).  1 Cor. 10:3-5 They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered over the desert.  •
  • 23.  Bible narrative: There was a blessing in touching Jesus or being touched by Him, and faith received it (Matt. 9:20-22, 27- 29).  •  Pray: I thank You, Lord God Almighty, for the wondrous gift which You bestow on me in the Holy Supper. And I beg Your mercy that You would cause it to strengthen my faith toward You, to make me abound more and more in true holiness and in fervent love toward my neighbor: through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen. (Zorn).
  • 24. LSB 623 Rejoicing in our unity, Proclaim Your love until You come  1 Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray To bring Your scattered loved ones That we may feast on You today; home. Beneath these forms of bread and wine  5 Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray: Enrich us with Your grace divine. O keep us steadfast till that day  2 Give us, who share this wondrous When each may be Your welcomed food, guest Your body broken and Your blood, In heaven's high and holy feast. The grateful peace of sins forgiv'n, The certain joys of heirs of heav'n.  3 By faith Your Word has made us bold To seize the gift of love retold; All that You are we here receive, And all we are to You we give.  4 One bread, one cup, one body, we,
  • 25. Certainly not just eating and drinking do receives them there through faith. these things, but the words written here: Forgiveness, life, and salvation are truly "Given and shed for you for the forgiveness offered to all who eat the Lord's body and of sins." These words, along with the bodilyblood in the Sacrament, but only through eating and drinking, are the main thing in faith can we receive the blessings offered the Sacrament. Whoever believes these there. words has exactly what they say: Note: To "keep" or "obey" God's Word of "forgiveness of sins." promise is to believe or trust it. "For in the Not simply the eating and drinking, but the Gospel a righteousness from God is words of Christ together with His body and revealed, a righteousness that is by faith blood under the bread and wine are the way from first to last, just as it is written: 'The through which these blessings are given. righteous will live by faith'" (Rom. 1:17). "We do not claim this of bread and wine- • since in itself bread is bread-but of that bread and wine which are Christ's body and blood and with which the words are coupled. These and no other, we say, are the treasure through which forgiveness is obtained" (Large Catechism V 28). Christ's words of promise have put these gifts into the Sacrament, and the believer
  • 26.  How to Receive Communion Worthily