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*The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Copyright © Moody Press and John MacArthur, Jr., 1983-2007 *Barclay's Daily Study Bible
*Wiersbe Expository Outlines  *J. Vernon McGee's Thru The Bible
“ Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus”.  Phil 2:5 *That’s  high theology !
But the high theology in the world is  meaningless  unless it is put into action in  ordinary lives  – like Epaphroditus and like you and like me.
*The whole point of the Incarnation is  putting the Divine (high theology) into a human life .
How is Jesus reflected in the day-to-day actions of our lives?
Phil 2:17-30 presents  three   men , all serving together in Rome, whose lives are exceptional patterns for godly living:  Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus .
Paul might be described as the  sacrificial   rejoicer ,  Timothy as the  single-minded   sympathizer , and  Epaphroditus as the  loving   gambler .
Paul would be thought of as a major actor while Timothy and Epaphroditus would be looked upon as  supporting actors .
There are about  100 folks  mentioned in Paul’s letters and in the book of Acts who helped him in his ministry.
Paul would not have been able to accomplish  half  of what he did without these 100 people to support him.
*Epaphroditus is one of those 100 whom  God had prepared  to help Paul.  *He had traveled 700 miles (no motorized vehicles) to get there.
* Everything we know  about Epaphroditus, we know from this little letter. *Although there is  very little written  about Epaphroditus in books here on earth,
there may be  libraries in Heaven  full of all the things that God accomplished through him.
EPAPHRODITUS :  THE LOVING GAMBLER   The third model spiritual servant described in 2:17-30 is  Epaphroditus , another protégé of Paul's.
He was  not an apostle  and spiritual statesman such as Paul or  even an elder  like Timothy. There is  no record  of any outstanding work that he accomplished.
Nothing is known  of his family, his personal background, his conversion, how long he had been a believer, or his specific functions in the churches at Philippi, Rome, or elsewhere .
Epaphroditus’  level of sacrificial service to the Lord is especially  encouraging  for the believer, for whom the examples of great preachers and pastors such as Paul and
Timothy may seem  beyond reach .
Philippians 2:25-30 25 ) “But I thought it necessary to send to you  Epaphroditus , my  brother  and  fellow worker  and  fellow soldier , who is also
your  messenger  and  minister  to my need;  26 ) because he was longing for you all and was  distressed  because you had heard that he was sick.
27 ) For indeed he was sick to the point of death, but God had  mercy  on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow.
28 ) Therefore I have sent him all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may  rejoice  and I may be less concerned about you.
29 ) Therefore  receive  him in the Lord with all  joy , and hold men like him in high regard;
30 ) because he came close to death for the work of Christ,  risking his life  to complete what was deficient in your service to me.” ( Philippians 2:25-30 )
25 )“But I thought it necessary to send to you  Epaphroditus , my  brother  and  fellow worker  and  fellow soldier ,”  Phil 2:25
The name  Epaphroditus  means "favored by Aphrodite," the Greek goddess of love (whom the Romans called Venus),
indicating that, like Timothy he was probably born and  educated in Greek culture . *The name was common and later came to mean " loving ”.
Although Epaphroditus was often abbreviated to  Epaphras , there is no evidence he was the man by that name mentioned in Col 1:7 & 4:12(pastor in Colosse).
*Paul knew that it was time that Epaphroditus went back home, and in all probability he was the bearer of this letter.  *But there was a problem.
The Philippian Church had sent Epaphroditus to  stay  with Paul, and if he came back home, there would not be lacking those who said that he was a  quitter .
Here Paul gives him a carefully  worded, tremendous  testimonial which would  silence any possible criticism  of his return.
Paul called Epaphroditus:  his brother, his fellow-worker, and his fellow-soldier . (v25)
In using the pronoun “ my ”, Paul manifested a  deep and loving  relationship with this remarkable man.  My brother, & fellow worker, & fellow soldier .
Paul ventured to call an  ordinary  and virtually  unknown  believer not only his brother, but also his fellow worker and fellow soldier in God’s service.
Epaphroditus was a  brother , which means he knew the  fellowship  of the Gospel; a  fellow-worker , which tied him to the furtherance of the Gospel;
and a  fellow-soldier , which means he knew how to  battle  for the faith of the Gospel.
II Timothy 2:3-4  “ Suffer hardship with me, as a  good soldier  of Christ Jesus.  No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life,
so that he may  please the One  Who enlisted him as a soldier.”  II Timothy 2:3-4
How easy it is for Christians to get  out of balance !  *Some Christians think only of the  fellowship  and have no time to win souls or fight the enemy.
*Others are so wrapped up in  service  that they forget fellowship.  *This was the mistake Martha made  ( Luke 10:38-42 ).
*Still others are always  fighting , so much so that they  neglect  the fellowship.  *We need to be  balanced  Christians.
Epaphroditus exemplifies the spirit of sacrifice for the sake of Christ that involves  no public acclaim, no prominence, no high office, no great talents .
He was  not  a noted preacher, teacher, or leader; therefore his example seems to be more relevant and  attainable .
*Then Paul goes on to call him your  messenger  and the  minister  of my need.  *It is impossible to supply the flavour of these words in translation.
*The word Paul uses for messenger is  apostolos . * Apostolos  literally means anyone who is  sent out  on an errand, but Christian usage had ennobled it and
by using it Paul by implication ranks Epaphroditus with himself and all the apostles of Christ.
*The word he uses for servant is  leitourgos .  *In secular Greek this was a magnificent word.
In the ancient days in the Greek cities there were men who, because they loved their city so much, at their  own expense  undertook certain great civic duties.
It might be to  defray the expenses  of an embassy, or the cost of putting on one of the dramas of the great poets, or of training the athletes who would
represent the city in the games, or of fitting out a warship and paying a crew to serve in the navy of the state.
These men were the  supreme benefactors  of the state and they were known as  leitourgoi .
Paul takes the great  Christian word   apostolos   and the great  Greek word  leitourgos , and applies them to Epaphroditus.
*"Give a man like that a  welcome home ," he says.  *"Hold him in  honour  for he hazarded his life for Christ."
*Paul is  making it easy  for Epaphroditus to go home.  *There is something very wonderful here.
It is  touching  to think of Paul, himself in the very shadow of death, in prison and awaiting judgment, showing such  Christian concern  for Epaphroditus.
He was facing death, and yet it  mattered to him  that Epaphroditus should not meet with  embarrassment  when he went home.
Paul was a true Christian in his attitude to others; for he was never so immersed in his own troubles that he had no time to think of the  troubles of his friends .
26 ) “because he was longing for you all and was  distressed  because you had heard that he was sick.” Philippians 2:26
Epaphroditus knew that news of his illness had filtered back to Philippi, and he was  distressed (his heart ached)  because he knew that his friends there would
be worried about him.  *He may unintentionally have become  distracted  to the point of being less useful to Paul.
He was not apprehensive about his life-threatening illness, but rather was  distressed over their distress !
27 ) “For indeed he  was sick  to the  point of death , but God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow.” (2:27)
The Philippians had  good reason  to be worried about Epaphroditus's health, because he had been  sick to the point of death .
Astheneo ( was sick ) translates a compound verb composed of the negative -  a  (“without”) and  sthenos  ("strength") and literally means " without strength ."
In Rome Epaphroditus fell ill, perhaps with the notorious  Roman fever  which sometimes swept the city like a scourge, and was near to death.
*Had God not had mercy on him, he  would have died .  *It is interesting that, although Paul once had exercised the  gift of healing  (Acts 28:8),
he evidently  did not use it  to heal Epaphroditus — perhaps because the era of miraculous apostolic signs was nearly over (2 Tim 4:20).
Many sincere believers today hold the  theory  that Christians should not be sick, that they should trust God to heal them.
*Epaphroditus  was so sick he almost died!  *Why didn't Paul heal Epaphroditus?
Paul and the other apostles had " sign gifts " because they did not have what we have today, the New Testament!
When Paul started out with the Gospel message, nothing of the New Testament had been written.
*Paul himself wrote 1 Thess, the first book of the New Testament to be penned. *When he went into a new territory with his message, what was his  authority ?
He had no authority, except  sign gifts , which included the gift of healing.
*But now Paul is nearing the  conclusion  of his ministry. *You will remember that Paul had a  thorn in the flesh  which the Lord Jesus would not remove.
*Instead, Jesus gave Paul the  grace to bear it .  *Then you remember that Timothy had  stomach   trouble .
*If Paul had been a  faith   healer , wouldn’t he have healed Timothy?  *Actually, Paul told him to take a little wine for his stomach's sake.
*And in  2Timothy 4:20  he said that he had  left  Trophimus  sick  at Miletus. * Why  hadn't he healed him?
And now Paul says he has this young believer, Epaphroditus, with him and he was  so sick  he almost died.
*Paul didn't heal him. *Rather, he  gives all the credit to God ; he says that  God had mercy on him .  *His healing came about in a natural sort of way.
God heals in one of  three  ways: *Directly *Indirectly *Delayed
*Paul made it a  matter of prayer , and God heard and answered his prayers.  * Why  hadn't Paul used his gift of healing?
Because at this late stage, even before the apostles disappeared from the scene, the  emphasis  was moving back to the  Great Physician .
When God spares a person from death it is always a reflection of  His mercy .
The two blind men who begged Jesus to restore their sight realized that their only hope was  through His mercy .  (Matthew 9:27)
*Their initial cry, in fact, was for  mercy , not healing. *Similarly, the ten lepers first cry to the Lord was, "Jesus, Master,  have mercy on us , " (Luke 17:12-13).
In the same way, the Canaanite woman, the man with the deranged son, and the blind beggar Bartimaeus all came to Jesus  asking first for mercy .
God in his  mercy  spared the life of Epaphroditus and so spared Paul yet more sorrow (in addition to being imprisoned).
28 ) “Therefore I have  sent   him  all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may  rejoice  and I may be less concerned about you.”  Phil 2:28
Despite the  personal loss  he would experience, Paul  gladly   sent Epaphroditus back even though the Philippians had not asked that he be sent back.
*He knew that his loss would be their gain.  *And their  joy  in having Ephaphroditus back in their fellowship would bring Paul  relief .
*Paul wanted them to  rejoice , not sorrow.  So “that I may be less concerned about you" -- he was disturbed about the church in Philippi because it
had been  mourning  instead of rejoicing.
29 ) “Therefore  receive him  then in the Lord with all joy, and hold men like him in high regard; because he came close to death for the work of Christ,  risking  his
life to complete what was deficient in your service to me.”  Philippians 2:29
*Such is the remarkable power and reward of  selfless   love .  *Paul, Epaphroditus, and the believers in Philippi were indeed " of the same mind ,
maintaining the same  love , united in spirit, intent on one purpose, doing  nothing from selfishness  or empty conceit, but with humility of mind“ regarding one
another as more important than themselves; not merely looking out for their own personal interests, but also for the  interests of others " (Phil 2:2-4).
*Paul  selflessly  exhorted the Philippians, “ receive him  then in the Lord with all joy” * Prosdechomai  (receive) refers to glad and  favorable acceptance.
The Pharisees and scribes used this word derogatorily of Jesus'  receiving  and eating with those they considered vile sinners (Luke 15:2).
Jesus used it to describe  the way  that humble, childlike believers (Matt 18:5), faithful preachers of the Gospel, and the Gospel itself should be  received .
30 )“because he came close to death for the work of Christ,  risking his life  to complete what was deficient in your service to me.”  Philippians 2:30
They were to hold Epaphroditus  in high regard (v29)  because he had  risked his life  (v30) in his service to Paul on behalf of the Philippians’ church.
That he was willing to go to Rome while Paul was still imprisoned also shows great  courage .
Although Paul lived in his own rented quarters and could receive visitors, Epaphroditus understood that  this situation could change overnight .
If Caesar decided that Paul was indeed a threat to him as had been charged, he would  not hesitate  to order his immediate execution.
That would put Paul's associates  in danger  of arrest, imprisonment, and perhaps execution. Epaphroditus knew that the  risk  he was taking was real.
There is a word in this passage which later had a famous usage.
The word is the verb  paraboleuesthai (risking) ;  it is a  gambler's word  and means “to stake everything”.
Risking  translates a form of  paraboleuomai , which literally means " to throw aside ."
It speaks of voluntarily  hazarding  one's welfare and thereby  exposing oneself to danger .
Sometimes used of  gambling , it is for that reason that the title of this section refers to Epaphroditus as  “ The Loving Gambler “.
Paul is saying that for the sake of Jesus Christ Epaphroditus  gambled his life .
With total disregard for his own welfare, Epaphroditus continually  put his life on the line  for the work of Christ.
Soon after New Testament times, a group of Christians banded together in an association they called  Parabolani , which means " The Gamblers ."
In A.D. 252  plague  broke out in Carthage; the heathen threw out the bodies of their dead and fled in terror.
Cyprian, the Christian bishop, gathered his congregation together and set them to burying the dead and nursing the sick in that  plague-stricken city ;
and by so doing they saved the city, at the  risk of their lives , from destruction and desolation.
Taking  Epaphroditus as their model , they visited prisoners and ministered to the sick, especially those with  dangerous   communicable  diseases
whom no one else would help.  *They  boldly proclaimed  the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they w ent.
Perhaps Paul was here playing on the name Epaphroditus, which, as noted above, means " favored of Aphrodite ."
Because she was the  goddess of gambling  as well as of  love , men would often cry out " Epaphroditus " as they cast the dice, hoping to be  favored by her .
In stark contrast to those men, Epaphroditus was  risking his life for something immeasurably more valuable than money .
*His life entailed  much risk ; but it was really  no gamble .  *Without reservation, he could sincerely testify with Paul that "whatever things were gain to me, those
things I have counted  as loss  for the sake of Christ.  More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my
Lord, for Whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but  rubbish  so that I may gain Christ"  (Phil 3:7-8).
There should be in the Christian an almost  reckless courage  which makes him ready to  gamble with his life  to serve Christ and men.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.“  Jim Eliot October 28, 1949 
Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus were three  very different  individuals:  Paul  the bold, fearless leader; Timothy  his quiet, devoted
assistant;  Epaphroditus  a diligent, behind-the-scenes worker.
Yet all three manifested the most important characteristic of a godly leader —  a life worth imitating .
*It should send chills up and down our spines to read about these men.  *They lived in the first century, at the time of the Roman Empire.
The empire of Caesar Augustus grew, moved out and took over the world.
*The law of Rome became supreme everywhere.  *There was  little mercy  shown to anyone, but there was law and order everywhere.
There was not a power in that day that could  protest  against Rome.
Then there went out this little man,  Paul  the apostle, and those who were like-minded with him, and they preached a Gospel that there is a God of the
universe Who, through a redemption that He had wrought  on a Roman cross , had provided  mercy  for mankind. Multitudes turned to the Lord Jesus in that day.
*Now in the book of Philippians, we see  this little man , Paul the apostle, chained to a Roman soldier.  *What is he doing?
*Well, he is  witnessing  for Christ, and he is  rejoicing  in the Lord.  *He has  the mind of Christ .
*Also we see a fine young man,  Timothy , walking in that pagan city.  *You say you cannot live for Christ in a  godless society ?
*Well, look at Timothy!  *He did very well.  *He also had  the mind of Christ .
Now take a look at  Epaphroditus , a faithful believer way up yonder in the city of Philippi -- it was a Roman colony, but it was also a  pagan, heathen city .
* Epaphroditus had the mind of Christ .  *When we look at him, we need to say to ourselves: “ Stop making excuses  in this day in which we are living!”
If these men could have the  mind of Christ  in the first century, surely today in the twentieth-first century right where we are now, you and I can have the  mind of Christ .
By yielding to Him, the Spirit of God can produce in our own lives the  mind of Christ .  *Oh, how desperately this is needed in our day!

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11 November 27, 2011 Philippians, Chapter 2 Verse 25 - 30

  • 3. *The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Copyright © Moody Press and John MacArthur, Jr., 1983-2007 *Barclay's Daily Study Bible
  • 4. *Wiersbe Expository Outlines *J. Vernon McGee's Thru The Bible
  • 5. “ Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus”. Phil 2:5 *That’s high theology !
  • 6. But the high theology in the world is meaningless unless it is put into action in ordinary lives – like Epaphroditus and like you and like me.
  • 7. *The whole point of the Incarnation is putting the Divine (high theology) into a human life .
  • 8. How is Jesus reflected in the day-to-day actions of our lives?
  • 9. Phil 2:17-30 presents three men , all serving together in Rome, whose lives are exceptional patterns for godly living: Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus .
  • 10. Paul might be described as the sacrificial rejoicer , Timothy as the single-minded sympathizer , and Epaphroditus as the loving gambler .
  • 11. Paul would be thought of as a major actor while Timothy and Epaphroditus would be looked upon as supporting actors .
  • 12. There are about 100 folks mentioned in Paul’s letters and in the book of Acts who helped him in his ministry.
  • 13. Paul would not have been able to accomplish half of what he did without these 100 people to support him.
  • 14. *Epaphroditus is one of those 100 whom God had prepared to help Paul. *He had traveled 700 miles (no motorized vehicles) to get there.
  • 15. * Everything we know about Epaphroditus, we know from this little letter. *Although there is very little written about Epaphroditus in books here on earth,
  • 16. there may be libraries in Heaven full of all the things that God accomplished through him.
  • 17. EPAPHRODITUS : THE LOVING GAMBLER The third model spiritual servant described in 2:17-30 is Epaphroditus , another protégé of Paul's.
  • 18. He was not an apostle and spiritual statesman such as Paul or even an elder like Timothy. There is no record of any outstanding work that he accomplished.
  • 19. Nothing is known of his family, his personal background, his conversion, how long he had been a believer, or his specific functions in the churches at Philippi, Rome, or elsewhere .
  • 20. Epaphroditus’ level of sacrificial service to the Lord is especially encouraging for the believer, for whom the examples of great preachers and pastors such as Paul and
  • 21. Timothy may seem beyond reach .
  • 22. Philippians 2:25-30 25 ) “But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus , my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier , who is also
  • 23. your messenger and minister to my need; 26 ) because he was longing for you all and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick.
  • 24. 27 ) For indeed he was sick to the point of death, but God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow.
  • 25. 28 ) Therefore I have sent him all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may rejoice and I may be less concerned about you.
  • 26. 29 ) Therefore receive him in the Lord with all joy , and hold men like him in high regard;
  • 27. 30 ) because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was deficient in your service to me.” ( Philippians 2:25-30 )
  • 28. 25 )“But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus , my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier ,” Phil 2:25
  • 29. The name Epaphroditus means "favored by Aphrodite," the Greek goddess of love (whom the Romans called Venus),
  • 30. indicating that, like Timothy he was probably born and educated in Greek culture . *The name was common and later came to mean " loving ”.
  • 31. Although Epaphroditus was often abbreviated to Epaphras , there is no evidence he was the man by that name mentioned in Col 1:7 & 4:12(pastor in Colosse).
  • 32. *Paul knew that it was time that Epaphroditus went back home, and in all probability he was the bearer of this letter. *But there was a problem.
  • 33. The Philippian Church had sent Epaphroditus to stay with Paul, and if he came back home, there would not be lacking those who said that he was a quitter .
  • 34. Here Paul gives him a carefully worded, tremendous testimonial which would silence any possible criticism of his return.
  • 35. Paul called Epaphroditus: his brother, his fellow-worker, and his fellow-soldier . (v25)
  • 36. In using the pronoun “ my ”, Paul manifested a deep and loving relationship with this remarkable man. My brother, & fellow worker, & fellow soldier .
  • 37. Paul ventured to call an ordinary and virtually unknown believer not only his brother, but also his fellow worker and fellow soldier in God’s service.
  • 38. Epaphroditus was a brother , which means he knew the fellowship of the Gospel; a fellow-worker , which tied him to the furtherance of the Gospel;
  • 39. and a fellow-soldier , which means he knew how to battle for the faith of the Gospel.
  • 40. II Timothy 2:3-4 “ Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life,
  • 41. so that he may please the One Who enlisted him as a soldier.” II Timothy 2:3-4
  • 42. How easy it is for Christians to get out of balance ! *Some Christians think only of the fellowship and have no time to win souls or fight the enemy.
  • 43. *Others are so wrapped up in service that they forget fellowship. *This was the mistake Martha made ( Luke 10:38-42 ).
  • 44. *Still others are always fighting , so much so that they neglect the fellowship. *We need to be balanced Christians.
  • 45. Epaphroditus exemplifies the spirit of sacrifice for the sake of Christ that involves no public acclaim, no prominence, no high office, no great talents .
  • 46. He was not a noted preacher, teacher, or leader; therefore his example seems to be more relevant and attainable .
  • 47. *Then Paul goes on to call him your messenger and the minister of my need. *It is impossible to supply the flavour of these words in translation.
  • 48. *The word Paul uses for messenger is apostolos . * Apostolos literally means anyone who is sent out on an errand, but Christian usage had ennobled it and
  • 49. by using it Paul by implication ranks Epaphroditus with himself and all the apostles of Christ.
  • 50. *The word he uses for servant is leitourgos . *In secular Greek this was a magnificent word.
  • 51. In the ancient days in the Greek cities there were men who, because they loved their city so much, at their own expense undertook certain great civic duties.
  • 52. It might be to defray the expenses of an embassy, or the cost of putting on one of the dramas of the great poets, or of training the athletes who would
  • 53. represent the city in the games, or of fitting out a warship and paying a crew to serve in the navy of the state.
  • 54. These men were the supreme benefactors of the state and they were known as leitourgoi .
  • 55. Paul takes the great Christian word apostolos and the great Greek word leitourgos , and applies them to Epaphroditus.
  • 56. *"Give a man like that a welcome home ," he says. *"Hold him in honour for he hazarded his life for Christ."
  • 57. *Paul is making it easy for Epaphroditus to go home. *There is something very wonderful here.
  • 58. It is touching to think of Paul, himself in the very shadow of death, in prison and awaiting judgment, showing such Christian concern for Epaphroditus.
  • 59. He was facing death, and yet it mattered to him that Epaphroditus should not meet with embarrassment when he went home.
  • 60. Paul was a true Christian in his attitude to others; for he was never so immersed in his own troubles that he had no time to think of the troubles of his friends .
  • 61. 26 ) “because he was longing for you all and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick.” Philippians 2:26
  • 62. Epaphroditus knew that news of his illness had filtered back to Philippi, and he was distressed (his heart ached) because he knew that his friends there would
  • 63. be worried about him. *He may unintentionally have become distracted to the point of being less useful to Paul.
  • 64. He was not apprehensive about his life-threatening illness, but rather was distressed over their distress !
  • 65. 27 ) “For indeed he was sick to the point of death , but God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow.” (2:27)
  • 66. The Philippians had good reason to be worried about Epaphroditus's health, because he had been sick to the point of death .
  • 67. Astheneo ( was sick ) translates a compound verb composed of the negative - a (“without”) and sthenos ("strength") and literally means " without strength ."
  • 68. In Rome Epaphroditus fell ill, perhaps with the notorious Roman fever which sometimes swept the city like a scourge, and was near to death.
  • 69. *Had God not had mercy on him, he would have died . *It is interesting that, although Paul once had exercised the gift of healing (Acts 28:8),
  • 70. he evidently did not use it to heal Epaphroditus — perhaps because the era of miraculous apostolic signs was nearly over (2 Tim 4:20).
  • 71. Many sincere believers today hold the theory that Christians should not be sick, that they should trust God to heal them.
  • 72. *Epaphroditus was so sick he almost died! *Why didn't Paul heal Epaphroditus?
  • 73. Paul and the other apostles had " sign gifts " because they did not have what we have today, the New Testament!
  • 74. When Paul started out with the Gospel message, nothing of the New Testament had been written.
  • 75. *Paul himself wrote 1 Thess, the first book of the New Testament to be penned. *When he went into a new territory with his message, what was his authority ?
  • 76. He had no authority, except sign gifts , which included the gift of healing.
  • 77. *But now Paul is nearing the conclusion of his ministry. *You will remember that Paul had a thorn in the flesh which the Lord Jesus would not remove.
  • 78. *Instead, Jesus gave Paul the grace to bear it . *Then you remember that Timothy had stomach trouble .
  • 79. *If Paul had been a faith healer , wouldn’t he have healed Timothy? *Actually, Paul told him to take a little wine for his stomach's sake.
  • 80. *And in 2Timothy 4:20 he said that he had left Trophimus sick at Miletus. * Why hadn't he healed him?
  • 81. And now Paul says he has this young believer, Epaphroditus, with him and he was so sick he almost died.
  • 82. *Paul didn't heal him. *Rather, he gives all the credit to God ; he says that God had mercy on him . *His healing came about in a natural sort of way.
  • 83. God heals in one of three ways: *Directly *Indirectly *Delayed
  • 84. *Paul made it a matter of prayer , and God heard and answered his prayers. * Why hadn't Paul used his gift of healing?
  • 85. Because at this late stage, even before the apostles disappeared from the scene, the emphasis was moving back to the Great Physician .
  • 86. When God spares a person from death it is always a reflection of His mercy .
  • 87. The two blind men who begged Jesus to restore their sight realized that their only hope was through His mercy . (Matthew 9:27)
  • 88. *Their initial cry, in fact, was for mercy , not healing. *Similarly, the ten lepers first cry to the Lord was, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us , " (Luke 17:12-13).
  • 89. In the same way, the Canaanite woman, the man with the deranged son, and the blind beggar Bartimaeus all came to Jesus asking first for mercy .
  • 90. God in his mercy spared the life of Epaphroditus and so spared Paul yet more sorrow (in addition to being imprisoned).
  • 91. 28 ) “Therefore I have sent him all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may rejoice and I may be less concerned about you.” Phil 2:28
  • 92. Despite the personal loss he would experience, Paul gladly sent Epaphroditus back even though the Philippians had not asked that he be sent back.
  • 93. *He knew that his loss would be their gain. *And their joy in having Ephaphroditus back in their fellowship would bring Paul relief .
  • 94. *Paul wanted them to rejoice , not sorrow. So “that I may be less concerned about you" -- he was disturbed about the church in Philippi because it
  • 95. had been mourning instead of rejoicing.
  • 96. 29 ) “Therefore receive him then in the Lord with all joy, and hold men like him in high regard; because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his
  • 97. life to complete what was deficient in your service to me.” Philippians 2:29
  • 98. *Such is the remarkable power and reward of selfless love . *Paul, Epaphroditus, and the believers in Philippi were indeed " of the same mind ,
  • 99. maintaining the same love , united in spirit, intent on one purpose, doing nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind“ regarding one
  • 100. another as more important than themselves; not merely looking out for their own personal interests, but also for the interests of others " (Phil 2:2-4).
  • 101. *Paul selflessly exhorted the Philippians, “ receive him then in the Lord with all joy” * Prosdechomai (receive) refers to glad and favorable acceptance.
  • 102. The Pharisees and scribes used this word derogatorily of Jesus' receiving and eating with those they considered vile sinners (Luke 15:2).
  • 103. Jesus used it to describe the way that humble, childlike believers (Matt 18:5), faithful preachers of the Gospel, and the Gospel itself should be received .
  • 104. 30 )“because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was deficient in your service to me.” Philippians 2:30
  • 105. They were to hold Epaphroditus in high regard (v29) because he had risked his life (v30) in his service to Paul on behalf of the Philippians’ church.
  • 106. That he was willing to go to Rome while Paul was still imprisoned also shows great courage .
  • 107. Although Paul lived in his own rented quarters and could receive visitors, Epaphroditus understood that this situation could change overnight .
  • 108. If Caesar decided that Paul was indeed a threat to him as had been charged, he would not hesitate to order his immediate execution.
  • 109. That would put Paul's associates in danger of arrest, imprisonment, and perhaps execution. Epaphroditus knew that the risk he was taking was real.
  • 110. There is a word in this passage which later had a famous usage.
  • 111. The word is the verb paraboleuesthai (risking) ; it is a gambler's word and means “to stake everything”.
  • 112. Risking translates a form of paraboleuomai , which literally means " to throw aside ."
  • 113. It speaks of voluntarily hazarding one's welfare and thereby exposing oneself to danger .
  • 114. Sometimes used of gambling , it is for that reason that the title of this section refers to Epaphroditus as “ The Loving Gambler “.
  • 115. Paul is saying that for the sake of Jesus Christ Epaphroditus gambled his life .
  • 116. With total disregard for his own welfare, Epaphroditus continually put his life on the line for the work of Christ.
  • 117. Soon after New Testament times, a group of Christians banded together in an association they called Parabolani , which means " The Gamblers ."
  • 118. In A.D. 252 plague broke out in Carthage; the heathen threw out the bodies of their dead and fled in terror.
  • 119. Cyprian, the Christian bishop, gathered his congregation together and set them to burying the dead and nursing the sick in that plague-stricken city ;
  • 120. and by so doing they saved the city, at the risk of their lives , from destruction and desolation.
  • 121. Taking Epaphroditus as their model , they visited prisoners and ministered to the sick, especially those with dangerous communicable diseases
  • 122. whom no one else would help. *They boldly proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they w ent.
  • 123. Perhaps Paul was here playing on the name Epaphroditus, which, as noted above, means " favored of Aphrodite ."
  • 124. Because she was the goddess of gambling as well as of love , men would often cry out " Epaphroditus " as they cast the dice, hoping to be favored by her .
  • 125. In stark contrast to those men, Epaphroditus was risking his life for something immeasurably more valuable than money .
  • 126. *His life entailed much risk ; but it was really no gamble . *Without reservation, he could sincerely testify with Paul that "whatever things were gain to me, those
  • 127. things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my
  • 128. Lord, for Whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ" (Phil 3:7-8).
  • 129. There should be in the Christian an almost reckless courage which makes him ready to gamble with his life to serve Christ and men.
  • 130. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.“ Jim Eliot October 28, 1949 
  • 131. Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus were three very different individuals: Paul the bold, fearless leader; Timothy his quiet, devoted
  • 132. assistant; Epaphroditus a diligent, behind-the-scenes worker.
  • 133. Yet all three manifested the most important characteristic of a godly leader — a life worth imitating .
  • 134. *It should send chills up and down our spines to read about these men. *They lived in the first century, at the time of the Roman Empire.
  • 135. The empire of Caesar Augustus grew, moved out and took over the world.
  • 136. *The law of Rome became supreme everywhere. *There was little mercy shown to anyone, but there was law and order everywhere.
  • 137. There was not a power in that day that could protest against Rome.
  • 138. Then there went out this little man, Paul the apostle, and those who were like-minded with him, and they preached a Gospel that there is a God of the
  • 139. universe Who, through a redemption that He had wrought on a Roman cross , had provided mercy for mankind. Multitudes turned to the Lord Jesus in that day.
  • 140. *Now in the book of Philippians, we see this little man , Paul the apostle, chained to a Roman soldier. *What is he doing?
  • 141. *Well, he is witnessing for Christ, and he is rejoicing in the Lord. *He has the mind of Christ .
  • 142. *Also we see a fine young man, Timothy , walking in that pagan city. *You say you cannot live for Christ in a godless society ?
  • 143. *Well, look at Timothy! *He did very well. *He also had the mind of Christ .
  • 144. Now take a look at Epaphroditus , a faithful believer way up yonder in the city of Philippi -- it was a Roman colony, but it was also a pagan, heathen city .
  • 145. * Epaphroditus had the mind of Christ . *When we look at him, we need to say to ourselves: “ Stop making excuses in this day in which we are living!”
  • 146. If these men could have the mind of Christ in the first century, surely today in the twentieth-first century right where we are now, you and I can have the mind of Christ .
  • 147. By yielding to Him, the Spirit of God can produce in our own lives the mind of Christ . *Oh, how desperately this is needed in our day!