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JULY 2014
Kristi Hubbard
Chief Executive Officer, USA
I am so excited about our upcoming 20th
Anniversary National Conference! We’re
just two months away, and everyone at the
Home Office is working to bring you the
best, most powerful Conference yet. And
as we prepare all the great things we have
in store for you—products and programs that are sure to have a
dramatic effect on your Norwex business—I can’t help but also reflect
upon Norwex’s proud heritage. Although I joined the Norwex Family
relatively recently, I am already extremely proud of who we are and
how far we’ve come over the last 20 years in creating safer havens
across the world. Seeing the great strides we’ve made globally over
the last two decades just makes me that much more excited about
the future!
Over the next 20 years I believe we’ll open up a world of possibilities,
transforming even more homes, touching more lives, and expanding
into new geographical areas. What an amazing time to be a part
of Norwex!
I’ve often thought that one of the most comforting aspects of being
a Norwex Consultant and helping others reduce chemicals in their
homes is the fact that you don’t have to be an expert! You can start
out by taking one small step at a time, creating Chemical-Free Zones
throughout your own home. Then, as you gain confidence and learn
about cleaning with just water and an Enviro Cloth, you naturally want
to tell friends and family.
It works in a similar way at our Home Office, too. As part of our
June birthday celebrations, we’ll be encouraging local community
members to turn in chemical-laden cleaning and skin care products
for safe disposal. With each bottle, can or jug turned in, that’s one
more home made that much safer!
This month, think about all you are doing to make a small ripple of
difference in your corner of the world. And be proud of your role in
the very large impact that we’re all making together. I am!
The Norwex Mission:
“Improving quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.”
Debbie Bolton
Chief Sales Officer, North America
Hear those cheers echoing across North America?
Mop Month is back by popular demand! Many
of you will experience for the first time the joy of
offering all your July Hosts a free Norwex Mop in
this month’s Host Specials. And seasoned Norwex
Consultants know that our mop is a long-time
favorite of customers and Hosts as it makes cleaning a breeze. Paired
with the Envirowand, even dusty ceiling fans will be sparkling in minutes.
Those who have one Norwex mop frequently want a second. They make
wonderful housewarming or bridal shower gifts and are perfect for the
second home or even the office. Year after year, Consultants tell me how
Mop Month has helped them to jump-start their summer business, which
leads to Fall bookings, so I’m thrilled to bring it to you again. Don’t forget
that you too can be your own Host and earn the July Host Special. Doing so
provides a cost-free way for you to have a“loaner mop.”When you do, you
can offer Hosts the chance to use your loaner mop prior to their party. This
enables them to share with guests the many benefits of our Mop System,
which not only supports your Host’s party sales, it’s yet another reason for
her friends to book with you! Make the most of Mop Month right now by
calling everyone and offering them your next available July party date.
Mop Month is also a terrific time to join Norwex as it helps new Consultants
fill their party calendars, too. Be sure to follow up with those who’ve
expressed interest in joining and see if now is the right time. New
Consultants can jump-start their businesses and earn a“loaner mop,”too!
We know that soon many will begin budgeting for holiday spending, and
when your new Consultant starts her business in the summer, she can be
well on her way to a debt-free holiday season before it’s even Halloween!
See page 3 to learn
how to bring a guest.
US May Shining Stars
(Based on Group Sales Volume)
Group: Everyone in your genealogy up to and including the point of Breakaway.
Breakaway: Any Consultant who has been promoted to Sales Leader or higher.
1. Kimberly Warner		 $109,838.74
2. Sonya Eckel			 $108,586.88
3. Amanda DeSonia		 $106,248.22
4. Suzanne Holt			 $97,966.13
5. Pam Altendorf			 $91,499.41
1. Lisa Corwin			 $22,481.91
2. Toni Thomas			 $13,224.26
3. Amy Browarski			 $11,684.08
4. Brooke Krueger			 $11,187.39
5. Karla Collins			 $10,841.08
6. Elizabeth Pribbernow			 $10,453.97
7. Amanda DeSonia			 $10,394.14
8. Tiffany Anderson			 $10,351.80
9. Jolyn Techar			 $10,353.58
10. Kristina Kramer			 $10,326.00
FIRST place with 6 recruits:
Jennifer Boom
SECOND place with 4 recruits:
Aimee Carswell
Clair and Chastity Cook
Genelle Hoivik
Senior Executive
Sales Leader:
Amy Burton
Beth Gray
Executive Sales Leader:
Kayla DeWeese
Kathy Mindock
Lindsay Norman
Sales Leader:
Kathy and Andy Beutler
Abigail Bolton
Jennifer Boom
Megan Dorsey
Jodie Hylkema
Brandi Oliver
Jackie Riebe
Hope Rutrough
Lee Semp
Hollie Wood
Team Coordinator:
Kathryn Amaezechi
Michelle Bassham
Nora Bazuin
Jeannette Black
Erica Boerman
Sara Bradfield
Brenna Brooks
Lacey Brown
Aimee Carswell
Cheryl Ceru
Belinda Delaney
Colleen Faller
Donna Fear
Christine Felch
Starla Ferguson
DeAnn Fink
Stephanie Garlock
Jessica Gerlach
Pam Gibson
Lisa Gottschalk
Amy Greer
Cindy Gronsman
Launa Grunau
Heather Haug
Amy Herrera
Brittny Hylkema
Amy Kahler
Edie Kemp
Jenna Klinger
Jessalyn Knight
Sue Magleby
Elisabeth Mihaljevic
Cindy Moyer
Julie Obrien
Debra Parker
Julia Pelton
Cloyce Rakoci
Tasha Rostvit
Julia Rubert
Kalley Sadler
Trina Sickler
Inger Stanley
Erika Tiernan
Kelina Toney
Janeen Wynstra
Two weeks left! Make sure you’re a part of this
eco-paradise experience, March 1 – 5, 2015!
This once-in-a-lifetime trip could
only be better with a friend!
You still have two weeks to earn the
trip for two, or visit our website for
options to buy in a guest.
Achievers can register themselves and
guests online beginning August 1.
•	 We welcome you at the Tico Flower Market with dinner on Sunday, March 1.
•	 Day 2, we venture to the Doka Coffee Planation, whose coffee beans are ranked
among the best in the world. Shop and explore the estate’s butterfly farm before
descending nearly 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) through coffee-wrapped slopes to
the rainforests of the Central Pacific Coast.
•	 Then travel to Jacó, a never-ever-sleepy little beach town located on the Pacific.
•	 Day 3, choose whether to fulfill your sense of adventure or simply relax with one
of these activities:
Canopy Excursion (zip line), a unique treetop perspective of a
primary rainforest.
Skywalk the Forest, a seasoned naturalist guides us through the serenity of
tropical woodlands.
Tarcoles River Adventure, travel up the Tarcoles River by covered flat-bottom
boat to view the wetlands and mangroves of Carara National Park, a sanctuary
for 250 bird species, including the rare and beautiful Scarlet Macaw.
Sibo Rainforest Spa Treatment, the lush and exotic rainforest releases
ingredients to create an all-natural expression of balance and wellness.
•	 Continue your experience with a dinner concert at Zephyr
Palace, a masterful creation of French architecture
1,150 feet (350 meters) above the Pacific and atop
a jungle pinnacle.
Message from Bjørn
Dear all members of the Norwex Family,
It is with great pleasure I realize that I have now been doing Norwex for 20 years! Those years have gone by so fast, and incredible things
have happened.
First I would like to mention Britt, the manager of Norwex Holding in Norway – she is the only one that was with me from the start – we
have come a long way together, Britt!
The Norwex journey was not always smooth or easy. There has been lots of worries, challenges, and in the early days there was even huge
threats against us. But we have overcome all of that, and during the last 10 years or so we have seen incredible,
unbelievable growth. I am proud to say that we now have more than 50,000 active Consultants worldwide,
and this year again we are seeing unfathomable growth. This is all due to you out there in the field – you
are the ones creating Norwex, making the Norwex Family what it has become. So I want to humbly thank
you for all you are doing to spread the word of improving quality of life by reducing chemicals in our
homes. And I am extremely proud of what you are doing as well – you all know you are not only
building businesses, but more importantly, you are contributing to make the world a better
place to be, both for the present and for future generations. This is why Norwex is so unique –
this is what makes the Norwex Family so special.
Having seen what has happened during all these years, I can safely say that for all of
you out there the sky is not the limit. I know that if you are brave enough to believe
in yourself, your achievements would be practically unlimited. So whoever you are
and wherever you are, please dare to dream, dare to live your life the way you want
it to be. If you do that, the next 20 years will be even more incredible!!!
Best Regards
It All Started with a
Little Red Cloth ...
It all began 20 years ago this month with a little red cloth.
On June 28, Norwex celebrates its official 20th global
Anniversary! To commemorate the event, our famous
Red Enviro Cloth will feature a special 20th Anniversary
white label in honor of two decades of creating Chemical-
Free Zones around the world. This special-edition Red
Enviro Cloth will be substituted in all orders, incentives,
collections and specials through the end of the year, or
while supplies last.
Turning Homes into Chemical-Free
Encourage June customers to begin eliminating chemicals
from their homes, creating Chemical-Free Zones.
Download this Chemical Free-Zone Checklist and share it
with your customers to show where chemicals often lurk in
the home—usually
unbeknownst to
the people who live
there! Then share
these Chemical
Free-ZoneTags so
they can proudly
indicate areas of their
homes where they’ve
removed chemical-
laden products.
Make sure your
customers have
your contact
information; then ask them to send you their best photo
of what they eliminated from their homes, along with a
sentence describing how it made them feel. (Example:
“What a powerful feeling knowing I am eliminating
chemicals and making a positive difference for my
family!”) Post your favorite photos (including your own) on Each day during the week of June
23 – 27, we’ll draw four lucky winners of a Let’s Do Laundry
Pack! See the rules for all the details!
•	 20 lucky Hosts will receive calls from the Home Office letting
them know they’ve won a Household Package Plus*
A milestone anniversary deserves to be celebrated! And you’ll
especially want to have parties on your calendar Saturday, June 28!
•	 Two Consultants who hold parties June 28 will each receive
a Safe Haven Package!
Plan to Party June 28!
We reserve the right to change colors of items in packages.
*NOTE: Call must be answered to win; no messages will be left.
Zones for 20 Years!
How Safe Is Your Haven?
Use this checklist to help rid your home of common toxic chemicals
and learn about safer alternatives.
o Do you use plastic food containers?
Glass is best for storing foods and beverages, especially for baby. Another alternative is BPA-free plastic.
Never use plastic in the microwave; always use glass or ceramic to reheat.
o Do you filter your tap water?
Check your local municipality’s water quality report and consider using a filter for your water. Options range
from simple and inexpensive carafe filters to under-the-counter units to provide purified water from the tap.
o Do you drink bottled water?
Approximately 1,500 bottles end up in landfills and the ocean—every second. Reducing your use of plastic
bottles can help! Use an aluminum bottle or glass. Add fresh fruit or mint for a refreshing drink, without a
plastic taste.
o What’s under your kitchen sink?
Typical household cleaning products (all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, dishwasher detergent, dish-
washing liquid, scouring paste) may contain toxic and harmful chemicals. Ditch them and replace with
water, a Norwex Enviro Cloth and a Norwex Window Cloth for all your chemical-free cleaning needs!
o Do you cook with nonstick cookware?
Nonstick cookware may contain chemicals such as PFOAs and PTFEs. Both of these kinds of chemicals are
used for stick and stain resistance, but they come at a price to your health. Choose cast-iron, stainless steel
or glass/ceramic pans.
o Got cans in your pantry?
Most canned foods (including liquid baby formula) use a liner that contains BPA, a toxic chemical that can
leach into the food. Use fresh or frozen whenever possible—no BPA, plus more nutrients!
o Do you use air fresheners?
Don’t. They may contain toxic chemicals like phthalates at very high levels. Use plants to filter your air,
ventilate by opening a window, or use essential oils for natural fragrance. Enzyme-based Norwex Odour
Eliminator is also a great way to freshen the air, naturally.
o Do you use liquid hand soap?
Check for ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, and triclosan, which the AMA
recommends not using. There are far less-toxic alternatives, including Norwex Peppermint Foaming
Hand Wash.
o Do you have a shower curtain?
Chances are very good that it contains PVC, a chemical used to make plastic more flexible. This chemical
has been linked to a host of health problems, including respiratory irritation, nausea and central nervous
system damage. Use a greener alternative, like ethylene vinyl acetate, which can be found online.
o What’s in your personal care products?
Check the ingredient listings for these big no-nos: parabens, phthalates, sulfates, triclosan, synthetic fragrances,
synthetic dyes. Babies and children are especially sensitive to these ingredients. Switch to greener formulas,
especially for those products you use every day, like shower gel, body lotion, hand cream, etc. Norwex has a
full line of safe, effective, moisturizing skin care products to help you transition away from chemicals.
o What’s under your bathroom sink?
If you have a toilet bowl cleaner, descaling product or all-purpose cleaner, chances are good they contain
toxic chemicals. Norwex offers products with ingredients that work and won’t harm you or the environment,
including Blue Diamond All-in-One Bathroom Cleaner, Descaler, Bathroom Scrub Mitt, Ergonomic Toilet Brush
and Holder, as well as our Enviro Cloths to make cleaning easier, faster and healthier.
10848 - 0514
Register Today
and Bring Your Team!
The $199 registration
rate has been
extended through
noon, CDT, July 1!
Good news!
In addition to helping us celebrate our 20th Anniversary, not to mention being among
the first to see and touch our fantastic lineup of new fall products, Consultants who
come to National Conference can also take advantage of terrific training targeted just
for them!
Workshops for Everyone!
National Conference workshops are presented by top Leaders and experts who
provide important training to help Consultants at all levels grow their businesses
and expand their circle of influence. This year, each National Conference attendee
has their choice of five of the following workshops:
Bountiful Bookings—A consistent calendar is the key to a successful business.
Learn how to effectively schedule parties on your calendar before the party, at the
party and after the party, as well as when you are out and about.
Live Party Presentation—The magic of Norwex happens at the party. Watch and
learn product demonstrations, Booking and Recruiting Seeds, and how to keep
your party fast, fun and easy!
Advancing to the Next Level—Building a legacy is what Norwex is about!
Learn how to work as a team and move up the Norwex Career Ladder together.
Determine whom to work with using the tools on your Consultant Office as well
as how to partner with your current Leaders.
Successful Team Meetings—It is important to connect with your team through
monthly team meetings in order to build team spirit, recognize accomplishments,
provide training and review monthly company information. Whether your team is
local or long distance, learn how to support them live or via technology.
Weekly Success Habits—As a business owner, you wear lots of hats and keep
many plates spinning at once. Managing your time is critical to a successful
business. Avoid having important business appointments fall through the cracks.
Learn to follow duplicable business habits, and stay on target for your
business goals.
Selling Outside the Party—Marketing your business can take several directions.
Learn how to have successful results at trade shows, events and via social media.
Do Wonders for Your Business!
Criteria & Guidelines:
• All forms must be received NO LATER THAN 11:59 pm, June 30, 2014.
• To be nominated, a Consultant must consistently display a spirit of generous support
to all Norwex Consultants without expected personal benefit.
• You may nominate Consultants from your country only.
• Nominated Consultants must be from outside of your genealogy line.
• Two award winners will be selected, one from Canada and one from the United States.
• Award recipients will be selected from all submitted nominations by Home Office Executive
Review Committee.
• Please email this form to:
Submitted by:
Your Name: __________________________________________ Consultant Number:_________________
Phone #:__________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________
Name of Consultant: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone #:__________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________
State/Province of Consultant being nominated: ______________________________________________
Include a brief description of why you feel this person should be selected to receive the 2014 Spirit
of Generosity Award. (max of 500 words please):
10790 – 0414
Know a Consultant who consistently displays a
spirit of generous support? Let us know! Download
this form and email it to SpiritOfGenerosityUS@
Norwex. com no later than 11:59 pm, June 30, 2014.
Spirit of Generosity
Booking and Recruiting Seeds
You Can Use Now
Putting the Norwex Mop System to Work for YOU!
Demonstrating the Mop System at every party is a MUST! Once everyone sees the amazing benefits of this
system, they will want it! Here are some word choices to help encourage guests to book a party and take a
look at the Norwex business opportunity.
After demonstrating the Mop System say something like,“How many of you would love to have this
amazing Mop System?”As everyone is nodding yes, continue by saying,“My favorite way for you to get this
system is FREE! Simply by gathering together some of your friends and family just like our Host did tonight,
you could select the Mop System with your Host awards. Or, better yet, it comes in your Starter Kit that you
can earn absolutely FREE with your own Norwex business! Be thinking about what would work best for you
and we’ll talk after the party.”Be sure to invite every guest to Host a party and take a look at our business opportunity. It’s as simple
as saying,“I know you would love to get our Mop System for FREE! Which would you be most interested in, hosting a party or hearing
more about our business opportunity?”
Kathy Mitchell
Regional Sales Manager, USA
Brian Dill, Regional Sales Manager, USA
Simple Party Presentation:“Mission Possible
#summer2k14”Webinar, Monday, June 16,
2014, at 11 am CDT
Learn how to keep your summer business simple,
fun and thriving!
Sheila Hercules, Regional Sales Manager,
“Simple Office Systems”Webinar, Monday,
July 21, 2014, at 11 am CDT Calling all new Consultants! Take advantage
of this valuable training and learn to leverage
all the great promotions that are available!
Register now for the June 18 webinar!
New Consultant
Training Webinar
What are S?
Did you know you can receive training and attend a Norwex meeting
without ever leaving the comfort of your home? Well you can! A webinar
is an online meeting that allows you to listen in while your Norwex Home
Office presenter shares information with you. If there is a presentation,
you can view the meeting organizer’s screen while he or she presents it.
When using your computer, webinars are free of charge. You can also dial
in to the number provided to join the call; however, long distance charges
may apply. Register for a webinar today!
Norwex Español
on Facebook!
Remember, Spanish-speaking Consultants can now
receive Norwex articles, news, blogs and other
information in Spanish on Facebook! Spanish-
speaking Consultants who have their own Facebook
page are invited to join our Spanish group. Just send
a friend request to Monica Hysong, and she in turn
will send an invitation to join the group. It’s a great
way to stay tuned in, and there’s something new
every day!
We are honored that you’ve chosen to make
Norwex part of your future and invite you
to join the Norwex Consultant Connection
Group on Facebook. It’s a fun way to connect
with other Consultants in your country and
share business-building tips and success
stories! To join, simply send a request to
New to Norwex?
“EverythingYou Want,You Can Achieve”
We might be tempted to think that not speaking someone else’s language could be a barrier, and prevent
us from sharing the Gift of Norwex. However, as the experiences of Spanish-speaking Consultant Lucila
Hubbard clearly show, success is really a matter of mindset.
Lucila joined Norwex in February after attending a party at her sister’s house. As mom to a special-needs
child, she immediately understood that Norwex could be a great opportunity to help protect her son’s
health, as well as the whole family’s, by reducing the use of chemicals in her home. But even though Lucila
studies English, she didn’t feel comfortable doing parties in English. At the urging of her Upline, however,
she booked a party with her neighbor (an English-speaker) and soon had eight guests confirmed. Despite
“extreme nervousness,”Lucila made up her mind to have a successful party.
Lucila’s first party was a success by all accounts. Her orders totaled more than $800, and she even booked a party. The Host was so
impressed with Lucila’s presentation that she wrote a congratulations letter.
“Hi Alisa: I just wanted to let you know what an incredible job Lucila did last night!! WOW!!! I was very impressed. My friends loved her! I could
not believe how good her English was, and her product demonstrations and her real-life examples of using the product were so convincing and
so sincere. I think Lucila can do really well with this. It’s just a matter of finding people to put her in front of!”
Lucila now feels more confident and is motivated to hold more parties, regardless of any language“barriers.”
Here’s what else she learned:
•	 Objections are a mindset
•	 Focus on the products
•	 The key is the party
•	 Demonstrations are easy and fun
•	 Language is not a barrier
No matter what language is spoken, everyone
wants the healthiest home possible for their
families. Equipped with a“Can do”mindset
and Norwex marketing tools, you can break
through any“language barrier”and
experience success too great for words!
Monica Hysong
Regional Sales Manager, USA
Featured Products for July
The featured products for the July Ripple Effect will be the Norwex
Floor Systems. If you have testimonials you would like to share
with us, please send them to The
Ripple Effect will be sent to your customers on Tuesday, July 1,
2014, so be sure to update your personal message by the June
25 deadline. If you have not yet subscribed to Office Suite, we
encourage you to join the many Consultants and their customers
who are enjoying the benefits of this electronic newsletter, which
you can share with your customers via email. Let Ripple Effect help
you stay connected to all your Norwex customers each month.
Magnificent Mop Month!
Throughout July, your Hosts can earn a Norwex Mop based
on sales and bookings at their parties. What a great time to let
Customers know about all the ways our Norwex Floor Systems
and products help them create Chemical-Free Zones!
Norwex Floor Systems—One for Every Size and Space
Each of our four Norwex Floor Systems comes with the
Telescopic Mop Handle and either Small or Large Mop Base,
Small or Large Wet Mop Pad, and Small or Large Dry Mop Pad
or Superior Dry Mop Pad. Use a Norwex Floor System at your
parties to teach customers how to rid their homes of harmful
chemicals in products like floor and window cleaners. The
Norwex Floor Systems pick up everything using only water!
Mini Mop System—Item #: 1212, $81.99; Mop Starter System—
Item #: 1211, $92.99; Superior Mini Mop System—Item #: 1210,
$94.99; Superior Mop Starter System—Item #: 1209, $112.99
Add the Norwex Tile Mop Pad for extra cleaning power on
hard surfaces! Small—Item #: 350105, $24.99; Large—
Item #: 350106, $32.99
Mop Conversion Kit—Great for Cleaning Windows
These handy brackets convert either the Small or Large Mop
Base into the perfect window-cleaning machine. Just snap
them on; attach a Window Cloth, Envirotowel or Car Cloth; grab
your Spray Bottle (filled with water of course!) and you’re ready
to clean even the highest windows completely chemical-free.
Item #: 356400, $11.99
Rubber Brush—Give Dirt the Brush Off!
Quickly brush debris from Dry Mop Pads into the trash after
use. The Rubber Brush also removes hair, lint, crumbs and dust
from textiles, pets, car seats, furniture and carpeted stairs.
Item #: 357010, $14.99
Sue Thomson, Senior Executive Sales Leader – Colorado
Just AddWater!
Make Every Party Successful with the Norwex Mop!
“One of my top Norwex favorites is the mop, as it has literally changed my life. When I first
started selling Norwex, I had a dog that shed clumps year round. I went from vacuuming
multiple times a week to using my Norwex Mop to remove the hair from my house!”
Personal stories like this catch your guests’interest and give them a concrete idea of how the
product can help them.
Once all the guests have gathered in the kitchen, I open with,“Does anyone suffer from animal
hair?”It usually gets a little chuckle of understanding. I begin the demo by doing figure eights
with the Dry Superior Mop Pad and showing guests how it grabs the dog hair, dust and
crumbs. I also discuss the uniqueness of the angled edges and how it gets into the corners.
With the Host’s permission, I like to be adventurous and swipe under the refrigerator. I say
things like,“Should we go under the fridge? Oh, this gets me so excited!”I then proceed to the
trash can and demo how to use the Rubber Brush to release the dirt from the bottom of the
pad. It’s important to me that my customers understand they can clean their floors with just water and our mop by using the Antibac
pad.“Remember, blue for wet!”I tell them to get it wet and wring it out, and remind them that this fiber is just like the fiber in my Enviro
Cloth. It’s going to do the same thing to our floors—pick everything up from the surface and hold it in the pad. If customers have a
larger area to clean, they’ll need to rinse the pad a couple of times. If they have stickies on the floor from little ones, I show them how to
step on the base and rub a bit harder to release it. The mop is then passed around for others to try.
In conclusion, I share one last benefit—that it can wash windows! I suggest they use the blue pad to wash the window, and then use the
Mop Conversion Kit along with the Window Cloth to polish up the glass.
Don’t forget to share Booking and Recruiting Seeds! Here are two that I like to use:
“Many women choose to host a party so they can get the mop for free.”
“If you’re in love with Norwex and can see yourself doing what I’m doing, the mop is in the Starter Kit!”
Creating Safer Havens—Tips
for Avoiding Flame Retardants
Problem: Flame retardants (aka polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or“PBDEs”) are among
the most common and pervasive chemicals in our homes. They can be found in carpeting,
mattresses, children’s pajamas, computer casings and televisions. As they leach out of
these items into the air, they attach to dust particles floating in our homes. Unfortunately,
they’re at the root of many health concerns, including thyroid issues, cancer and
reproductive issues.
Solution: It can be hard to completely avoid flame retardants. But you can minimize your
family’s exposure by dusting and mopping thoroughly and regularly. Norwex Mops and the
Dusting Mitt are perfect solutions! Also, frequent hand-washing throughout the day helps to
remove the dust particles—this is especially important for toddlers and children who are usually closer to the floor, where dust settles.
Inspect any furniture that contains foam, like sofas, children’s car seats, changing pads, nursing pillows and mattresses. If foam is exposed,
replace it. When replacing carpet in your home, be careful with the foam pad underneath; it may contain flame retardants. Consider
closing off the area while the carpet is being removed.
Exciting news! Soon, you will begin to notice our new
BacLock logo in place of“Antibac”on many Norwex
Microfiber product labels. As you are probably aware, many
of our Norwex Microfiber products are described as“Antibac,”
indicating that the cloth contains an antibacterial agent for
self-cleansing purposes. The antibacterial agent is designed
to inhibit bacterial odor, mold and/or mildew growth within
the product.
Please note that the cloths themselves are not changing in
any way, nor is the antibacterial agent within them changing
in any way. However, the logo and the word“BacLock”will
now appear in place of“Antibac”on these products’labels, as
well as marketing materials describing them.
Why the change? Quite simply, Norwex was able to
trademark the name“BacLock.” We own the name and it is
exclusive to Norwex, which is good news for us all!
Is the New Antibac!
Modification Notice
The Envirotowel (Item #: 306001) was recently modified
as follows:
•	 The color is now a slightly darker shade of green.
•	 The label now includes the word“polish”to better
describe how the product should be used.
Please note, these updates do not affect the product’s usage
in any way.
Norwex NOW has
New Summer Items!
Just in time for
Summer, check out for
all the new items to
tell the world,
“I’m with Norwex!”
•	 “I Can Change the
World”t-shirt now
available in Ladies’
Small – XXL
•	 Norwex Beach Towel
•	 Norwex Umbrella
Shipping on
Orders Over $40
You have two more weeks to take advantage of our June special: 30% off site-
wide, plus a FREE car door magnet with each one purchased! Throughout July,
receive 500 business cards for the price of 250, plus FREE shipping on orders over
$40! Visit today!
Consultant Office Upgrade June 23
Please note that we will be upgrading and performing systems maintenance on our
computer system the evening of June 23. The upgrade and subsequent testing are
expected to take about 12 hours to complete. From approximately 10:00 p.m., CDT,
through 10:00 a.m., CDT, Tuesday, June 24, Consultants will be unable to log on or to
order. Please call our Consultant Care Center at 1-866-450-7499 for assistance during
this time frame.
Offices are closed in observance of
Independence Day on July 4, 2014. Our
Consultant Care Center will be open
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday,
July 5, 2014.
In addition, please note that our semi-
annual inventory count will affect
shipping as follows:
All orders received by midnight, CDT,
July 1, 2014, will be shipped on July 2
and 3, 2014. All orders received after
midnight, CDT, July 1 through July 6
will begin shipping on Monday,
July 7, 2014.
The Consultant Care Center will be
closed Saturday, June 21, to improve
our indoor environment.
Holiday Hours:
†Quick Start: First new Consultant who submits their Sales Consultant Application and Agreement from noon June 1, 2014 through midnight June 15, 2014, CDT, will count as two new recruits
when the recruit submits a minimum of $250 in Subtotal A Sales by July 1, 2014, at noon, CDT.
*New Sales Consultant Application and Agreement must be submitted to the Home Office from noon June 1, 2014 CDT, through noon August 1, 2014, CDT. To count toward this incentive, the
new Consultant must also submit $250 in Subtotal A Sales in the month they sign up.
** Recruiter’s Subtotal A Sales must be submitted from noon June 1, 2014 CDT, through noon August 1, 2014, CDT.
10834 - 0514
Thrill of theGrill!
JUNE 1 – JULY 31, 2014*
Now you’re cooking!
Recruit 2* and submit
$2,500 in Subtotal A Sales**
and receive a Norwex
chef’s apron!
Turn up the heat!
Recruit 4* and submit $5,000 in
Subtotal A Sales** and receive an
assortment of grilling utensils.
Get fired up!
Recruit 1 new Consultant*
and receive a set of two
Norwex oven mitts!
Cooking with gas!
Recruit 7* and submit $7,000 in Subtotal
A Sales** and receive a $300 Visa®
Gift card!
Put some sizzle in your summer with Norwex-branded
grilling accessories plus a $300 Visa® Gift card!
Recruit 1 by
June 15 and it
Download the flyer for details
Submit $1500 and receive a
package of NEW 2014 PRODUCTS.
Total value: $109
Submit $2500 and receive a
package of NEW 2014 PRODUCTS.
Total value: $219
Submit $4,500 and receive the
Total value: $239
All achievers
attending National
Conference will
be recognized on
stage. Products will
be shipped to all
achievers in August.
When working toward sales goals, remember
refund requests can result in adjusted
Subtotal A Sales in the month the refund
request is received in the Home Office.
To count toward this offer, all Retail Sales
must be received at Home Office after
12:00 pm CDT (noon) on July 1 and before
12:00 pm CDT (noon) on August 1.
JULY 1 – 31, 2014
Orders must be received from noon July 1, 2014, CDT through noon August 1, 2014 CDT.
Note: Colors in packages are pre-determined and may vary based on inventory availability.
Kitchen Solutions (reg. $57.96)
1 Kitchen Cloth, blue (antibac)
1 Kitchen Towel, blue (antibac)
1 Veggie & Fruit Scrub Cloth
1 Kitchen Scrub Cloth
Road Trip Must-Haves (reg. $30.98)
1 Timeless Natural Hand Cleaner
1 Travel Pack (antibac)
Kids’ Microfiber Package (reg. $54.98)
1 Kids Towel (antibac)
1 Baby Body Pack (antibac)
Out to Lunch Duo (reg. $19.98)
1 Out to Lunch Snack Bag
1 Out to Lunch Sandwich Wrap
SpecialsJuly Customer
Note: Colors in packages are pre-determined and may vary based on inventory availability.
PLUS the Hosting Plan
5	 buying guests	 =	 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac) $16.49
8	 buying guests	 =	 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac) $36.48
10	buying guests	 =	 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac), 1 Car Cloth $62.47
13	buying guests	 =	 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac), 1 Car Cloth, 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac) $79.46
15	buying guests	 =	 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac), 1 Car Cloth, 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac), 1 Kitchen Scrub Cloth $93.45
8% of total customer sales in free products with sales up to $249.99
10% of total customer sales in free products with sales $250.00-$749.99
12% of total customer sales in free products with sales $750.00 and above
For each booking, the Host will receive a Window Cloth. Bookings must be held within 45 days of the party date to qualify for the Host gifts.
To qualify for July Specials: Sales must be received at Home Office after 12:00 pm CDT (noon) on July 1 and before 12:00 pm CDT (noon) on August 1.
* Remember, Qualified Party Total and a party booking determine which level of the monthly Host Special that your Host qualifies for.
SpecialsJuly Host
$325 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking
A)	 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac)
B)	 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac)
C)	1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac)
D)	 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac)
E)	 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac)
$500 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking
A)	 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac)
B)	 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac)
C)	1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac)
D)	 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac)
E)	 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac)
F)	 1 Telescopic Mop Handle
G)	1 Mop Base, large
H)	 1 Dry Mop Pad, large
I)	 1 Wet Mop Pad, large (antibac)
$1000 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking
A)	 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac)
B)	 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac)
C)	1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac)
D)	 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac)
E)	 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac)
F)	 1 Telescopic Mop Handle
G)	1 Mop Base, large
H)	 1 Dry Mop Pad, large
I)	 1 Wet Mop Pad, large (antibac)
J)	 1 Rubber Brush
K)	 1 Tile Mop Pad, large
$750 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking
A)	 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac)
B)	 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac)
C)	1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac)
D)	 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac)
E)	 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac)
F)	 1 Telescopic Mop Handle
G)	1 Mop Base, large
H)	 1 Dry Mop Pad, large
I)	 1 Wet Mop Pad, large (antibac)
J)	 1 Rubber Brush

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  • 1. JULY 2014 Kristi Hubbard Chief Executive Officer, USA I am so excited about our upcoming 20th Anniversary National Conference! We’re just two months away, and everyone at the Home Office is working to bring you the best, most powerful Conference yet. And as we prepare all the great things we have in store for you—products and programs that are sure to have a dramatic effect on your Norwex business—I can’t help but also reflect upon Norwex’s proud heritage. Although I joined the Norwex Family relatively recently, I am already extremely proud of who we are and how far we’ve come over the last 20 years in creating safer havens across the world. Seeing the great strides we’ve made globally over the last two decades just makes me that much more excited about the future! Over the next 20 years I believe we’ll open up a world of possibilities, transforming even more homes, touching more lives, and expanding into new geographical areas. What an amazing time to be a part of Norwex! I’ve often thought that one of the most comforting aspects of being a Norwex Consultant and helping others reduce chemicals in their homes is the fact that you don’t have to be an expert! You can start out by taking one small step at a time, creating Chemical-Free Zones throughout your own home. Then, as you gain confidence and learn about cleaning with just water and an Enviro Cloth, you naturally want to tell friends and family. It works in a similar way at our Home Office, too. As part of our June birthday celebrations, we’ll be encouraging local community members to turn in chemical-laden cleaning and skin care products for safe disposal. With each bottle, can or jug turned in, that’s one more home made that much safer! This month, think about all you are doing to make a small ripple of difference in your corner of the world. And be proud of your role in the very large impact that we’re all making together. I am! impressions The Norwex Mission: “Improving quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.” Debbie Bolton Chief Sales Officer, North America Hear those cheers echoing across North America? Mop Month is back by popular demand! Many of you will experience for the first time the joy of offering all your July Hosts a free Norwex Mop in this month’s Host Specials. And seasoned Norwex Consultants know that our mop is a long-time favorite of customers and Hosts as it makes cleaning a breeze. Paired with the Envirowand, even dusty ceiling fans will be sparkling in minutes. Those who have one Norwex mop frequently want a second. They make wonderful housewarming or bridal shower gifts and are perfect for the second home or even the office. Year after year, Consultants tell me how Mop Month has helped them to jump-start their summer business, which leads to Fall bookings, so I’m thrilled to bring it to you again. Don’t forget that you too can be your own Host and earn the July Host Special. Doing so provides a cost-free way for you to have a“loaner mop.”When you do, you can offer Hosts the chance to use your loaner mop prior to their party. This enables them to share with guests the many benefits of our Mop System, which not only supports your Host’s party sales, it’s yet another reason for her friends to book with you! Make the most of Mop Month right now by calling everyone and offering them your next available July party date. Mop Month is also a terrific time to join Norwex as it helps new Consultants fill their party calendars, too. Be sure to follow up with those who’ve expressed interest in joining and see if now is the right time. New Consultants can jump-start their businesses and earn a“loaner mop,”too! We know that soon many will begin budgeting for holiday spending, and when your new Consultant starts her business in the summer, she can be well on her way to a debt-free holiday season before it’s even Halloween! COSTA RICA’S Calling! See page 3 to learn how to bring a guest.
  • 2. US May Shining Stars TOP LEADERS (Based on Group Sales Volume) Group: Everyone in your genealogy up to and including the point of Breakaway. Breakaway: Any Consultant who has been promoted to Sales Leader or higher. 1. Kimberly Warner $109,838.74 2. Sonya Eckel $108,586.88 3. Amanda DeSonia $106,248.22 4. Suzanne Holt $97,966.13 5. Pam Altendorf $91,499.41 TOP PERSONAL SALES 1. Lisa Corwin $22,481.91 2. Toni Thomas $13,224.26 3. Amy Browarski $11,684.08 4. Brooke Krueger $11,187.39 5. Karla Collins $10,841.08 6. Elizabeth Pribbernow $10,453.97 7. Amanda DeSonia $10,394.14 8. Tiffany Anderson $10,351.80 9. Jolyn Techar $10,353.58 10. Kristina Kramer $10,326.00 FIRST place with 6 recruits: Jennifer Boom SECOND place with 4 recruits: Aimee Carswell Clair and Chastity Cook Genelle Hoivik LisaCorwin 1ONE each reach ONE TOP RECRUITERS JenniferBoomKimberlyWarner
  • 3. Senior Executive Sales Leader: Amy Burton Beth Gray Executive Sales Leader: Kayla DeWeese Kathy Mindock Lindsay Norman Sales Leader: Kathy and Andy Beutler Abigail Bolton Jennifer Boom Megan Dorsey Jodie Hylkema Brandi Oliver Jackie Riebe Hope Rutrough Lee Semp Hollie Wood Team Coordinator: Kathryn Amaezechi Michelle Bassham Nora Bazuin Jeannette Black Erica Boerman Sara Bradfield Brenna Brooks Lacey Brown Aimee Carswell Cheryl Ceru Belinda Delaney Colleen Faller Donna Fear Christine Felch Starla Ferguson DeAnn Fink Stephanie Garlock Jessica Gerlach Pam Gibson Lisa Gottschalk Amy Greer Cindy Gronsman Launa Grunau Heather Haug Amy Herrera Brittny Hylkema Amy Kahler Edie Kemp Jenna Klinger Jessalyn Knight Sue Magleby Elisabeth Mihaljevic Cindy Moyer Julie Obrien Debra Parker Julia Pelton Cloyce Rakoci Tasha Rostvit Julia Rubert Kalley Sadler Trina Sickler Inger Stanley Erika Tiernan Kelina Toney Janeen Wynstra COSTA RICA’S CallingYOU! Two weeks left! Make sure you’re a part of this eco-paradise experience, March 1 – 5, 2015! This once-in-a-lifetime trip could only be better with a friend! You still have two weeks to earn the trip for two, or visit our website for options to buy in a guest. Achievers can register themselves and guests online beginning August 1. • We welcome you at the Tico Flower Market with dinner on Sunday, March 1. • Day 2, we venture to the Doka Coffee Planation, whose coffee beans are ranked among the best in the world. Shop and explore the estate’s butterfly farm before descending nearly 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) through coffee-wrapped slopes to the rainforests of the Central Pacific Coast. • Then travel to Jacó, a never-ever-sleepy little beach town located on the Pacific. • Day 3, choose whether to fulfill your sense of adventure or simply relax with one of these activities: Canopy Excursion (zip line), a unique treetop perspective of a primary rainforest. Skywalk the Forest, a seasoned naturalist guides us through the serenity of tropical woodlands. Tarcoles River Adventure, travel up the Tarcoles River by covered flat-bottom boat to view the wetlands and mangroves of Carara National Park, a sanctuary for 250 bird species, including the rare and beautiful Scarlet Macaw. Sibo Rainforest Spa Treatment, the lush and exotic rainforest releases ingredients to create an all-natural expression of balance and wellness. • Continue your experience with a dinner concert at Zephyr Palace, a masterful creation of French architecture 1,150 feet (350 meters) above the Pacific and atop a jungle pinnacle.
  • 4. Message from Bjørn Dear all members of the Norwex Family, It is with great pleasure I realize that I have now been doing Norwex for 20 years! Those years have gone by so fast, and incredible things have happened. First I would like to mention Britt, the manager of Norwex Holding in Norway – she is the only one that was with me from the start – we have come a long way together, Britt! The Norwex journey was not always smooth or easy. There has been lots of worries, challenges, and in the early days there was even huge threats against us. But we have overcome all of that, and during the last 10 years or so we have seen incredible, unbelievable growth. I am proud to say that we now have more than 50,000 active Consultants worldwide, and this year again we are seeing unfathomable growth. This is all due to you out there in the field – you are the ones creating Norwex, making the Norwex Family what it has become. So I want to humbly thank you for all you are doing to spread the word of improving quality of life by reducing chemicals in our homes. And I am extremely proud of what you are doing as well – you all know you are not only building businesses, but more importantly, you are contributing to make the world a better place to be, both for the present and for future generations. This is why Norwex is so unique – this is what makes the Norwex Family so special. Having seen what has happened during all these years, I can safely say that for all of you out there the sky is not the limit. I know that if you are brave enough to believe in yourself, your achievements would be practically unlimited. So whoever you are and wherever you are, please dare to dream, dare to live your life the way you want it to be. If you do that, the next 20 years will be even more incredible!!! Best Regards It All Started with a Little Red Cloth ... It all began 20 years ago this month with a little red cloth. On June 28, Norwex celebrates its official 20th global Anniversary! To commemorate the event, our famous Red Enviro Cloth will feature a special 20th Anniversary white label in honor of two decades of creating Chemical- Free Zones around the world. This special-edition Red Enviro Cloth will be substituted in all orders, incentives, collections and specials through the end of the year, or while supplies last. Turning Homes into Chemical-Free
  • 5. Encourage June customers to begin eliminating chemicals from their homes, creating Chemical-Free Zones. Download this Chemical Free-Zone Checklist and share it with your customers to show where chemicals often lurk in the home—usually unbeknownst to the people who live there! Then share these Chemical Free-ZoneTags so they can proudly indicate areas of their homes where they’ve removed chemical- laden products. Make sure your customers have your contact information; then ask them to send you their best photo of what they eliminated from their homes, along with a sentence describing how it made them feel. (Example: “What a powerful feeling knowing I am eliminating chemicals and making a positive difference for my family!”) Post your favorite photos (including your own) on Each day during the week of June 23 – 27, we’ll draw four lucky winners of a Let’s Do Laundry Pack! See the rules for all the details! • 20 lucky Hosts will receive calls from the Home Office letting them know they’ve won a Household Package Plus* A milestone anniversary deserves to be celebrated! And you’ll especially want to have parties on your calendar Saturday, June 28! • Two Consultants who hold parties June 28 will each receive a Safe Haven Package! $59.99 VALUED AT $72.99 VALUED AT $146.99 VALUED AT Plan to Party June 28! We reserve the right to change colors of items in packages. Registerpartiesbycreatingabookinginyour ConsultantOffice.BesuretoenteryourHosts’ name,phonenumber,addressandtimeofparty. *NOTE: Call must be answered to win; no messages will be left. Zones for 20 Years! How Safe Is Your Haven? CHEMICAL-FREE ZONE CHECKLIST Use this checklist to help rid your home of common toxic chemicals and learn about safer alternatives. KITCHEN o Do you use plastic food containers? Glass is best for storing foods and beverages, especially for baby. Another alternative is BPA-free plastic. Never use plastic in the microwave; always use glass or ceramic to reheat. o Do you filter your tap water? Check your local municipality’s water quality report and consider using a filter for your water. Options range from simple and inexpensive carafe filters to under-the-counter units to provide purified water from the tap. o Do you drink bottled water? Approximately 1,500 bottles end up in landfills and the ocean—every second. Reducing your use of plastic bottles can help! Use an aluminum bottle or glass. Add fresh fruit or mint for a refreshing drink, without a plastic taste. o What’s under your kitchen sink? Typical household cleaning products (all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, dishwasher detergent, dish- washing liquid, scouring paste) may contain toxic and harmful chemicals. Ditch them and replace with water, a Norwex Enviro Cloth and a Norwex Window Cloth for all your chemical-free cleaning needs! o Do you cook with nonstick cookware? Nonstick cookware may contain chemicals such as PFOAs and PTFEs. Both of these kinds of chemicals are used for stick and stain resistance, but they come at a price to your health. Choose cast-iron, stainless steel or glass/ceramic pans. o Got cans in your pantry? Most canned foods (including liquid baby formula) use a liner that contains BPA, a toxic chemical that can leach into the food. Use fresh or frozen whenever possible—no BPA, plus more nutrients! BATHROOM CH EMICAL FREE ZON E o Do you use air fresheners? Don’t. They may contain toxic chemicals like phthalates at very high levels. Use plants to filter your air, ventilate by opening a window, or use essential oils for natural fragrance. Enzyme-based Norwex Odour Eliminator is also a great way to freshen the air, naturally. o Do you use liquid hand soap? Check for ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, and triclosan, which the AMA recommends not using. There are far less-toxic alternatives, including Norwex Peppermint Foaming Hand Wash. o Do you have a shower curtain? Chances are very good that it contains PVC, a chemical used to make plastic more flexible. This chemical has been linked to a host of health problems, including respiratory irritation, nausea and central nervous system damage. Use a greener alternative, like ethylene vinyl acetate, which can be found online. o What’s in your personal care products? Check the ingredient listings for these big no-nos: parabens, phthalates, sulfates, triclosan, synthetic fragrances, synthetic dyes. Babies and children are especially sensitive to these ingredients. Switch to greener formulas, especially for those products you use every day, like shower gel, body lotion, hand cream, etc. Norwex has a full line of safe, effective, moisturizing skin care products to help you transition away from chemicals. o What’s under your bathroom sink? If you have a toilet bowl cleaner, descaling product or all-purpose cleaner, chances are good they contain toxic chemicals. Norwex offers products with ingredients that work and won’t harm you or the environment, including Blue Diamond All-in-One Bathroom Cleaner, Descaler, Bathroom Scrub Mitt, Ergonomic Toilet Brush and Holder, as well as our Enviro Cloths to make cleaning easier, faster and healthier. 10848 - 0514
  • 6. Register Today and Bring Your Team! The $199 registration rate has been extended through noon, CDT, July 1! Good news! In addition to helping us celebrate our 20th Anniversary, not to mention being among the first to see and touch our fantastic lineup of new fall products, Consultants who come to National Conference can also take advantage of terrific training targeted just for them! Workshops for Everyone! National Conference workshops are presented by top Leaders and experts who provide important training to help Consultants at all levels grow their businesses and expand their circle of influence. This year, each National Conference attendee has their choice of five of the following workshops: Bountiful Bookings—A consistent calendar is the key to a successful business. Learn how to effectively schedule parties on your calendar before the party, at the party and after the party, as well as when you are out and about. Live Party Presentation—The magic of Norwex happens at the party. Watch and learn product demonstrations, Booking and Recruiting Seeds, and how to keep your party fast, fun and easy! Advancing to the Next Level—Building a legacy is what Norwex is about! Learn how to work as a team and move up the Norwex Career Ladder together. Determine whom to work with using the tools on your Consultant Office as well as how to partner with your current Leaders. Successful Team Meetings—It is important to connect with your team through monthly team meetings in order to build team spirit, recognize accomplishments, provide training and review monthly company information. Whether your team is local or long distance, learn how to support them live or via technology. Weekly Success Habits—As a business owner, you wear lots of hats and keep many plates spinning at once. Managing your time is critical to a successful business. Avoid having important business appointments fall through the cracks. Learn to follow duplicable business habits, and stay on target for your business goals. Selling Outside the Party—Marketing your business can take several directions. Learn how to have successful results at trade shows, events and via social media. Do Wonders for Your Business! CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS
  • 7. Criteria & Guidelines: • All forms must be received NO LATER THAN 11:59 pm, June 30, 2014. • To be nominated, a Consultant must consistently display a spirit of generous support to all Norwex Consultants without expected personal benefit. • You may nominate Consultants from your country only. • Nominated Consultants must be from outside of your genealogy line. • Two award winners will be selected, one from Canada and one from the United States. • Award recipients will be selected from all submitted nominations by Home Office Executive Review Committee. • Please email this form to: Submitted by: Your Name: __________________________________________ Consultant Number:_________________ Phone #:__________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________ Nominee: Name of Consultant: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone #:__________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________ State/Province of Consultant being nominated: ______________________________________________ Include a brief description of why you feel this person should be selected to receive the 2014 Spirit of Generosity Award. (max of 500 words please): SUBMISSION DEADLINE JUNE 30, 2014 SPIRIT OF GENEROSITY NOMINATION FORM 10790 – 0414 NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2014 Know a Consultant who consistently displays a spirit of generous support? Let us know! Download this form and email it to SpiritOfGenerosityUS@ Norwex. com no later than 11:59 pm, June 30, 2014. Spirit of Generosity
  • 8. Booking and Recruiting Seeds You Can Use Now Putting the Norwex Mop System to Work for YOU! Demonstrating the Mop System at every party is a MUST! Once everyone sees the amazing benefits of this system, they will want it! Here are some word choices to help encourage guests to book a party and take a look at the Norwex business opportunity. After demonstrating the Mop System say something like,“How many of you would love to have this amazing Mop System?”As everyone is nodding yes, continue by saying,“My favorite way for you to get this system is FREE! Simply by gathering together some of your friends and family just like our Host did tonight, you could select the Mop System with your Host awards. Or, better yet, it comes in your Starter Kit that you can earn absolutely FREE with your own Norwex business! Be thinking about what would work best for you and we’ll talk after the party.”Be sure to invite every guest to Host a party and take a look at our business opportunity. It’s as simple as saying,“I know you would love to get our Mop System for FREE! Which would you be most interested in, hosting a party or hearing more about our business opportunity?” Kathy Mitchell Regional Sales Manager, USA Brian Dill, Regional Sales Manager, USA Simple Party Presentation:“Mission Possible #summer2k14”Webinar, Monday, June 16, 2014, at 11 am CDT Learn how to keep your summer business simple, fun and thriving! Register! Sheila Hercules, Regional Sales Manager, Canada “Simple Office Systems”Webinar, Monday, July 21, 2014, at 11 am CDT Calling all new Consultants! Take advantage of this valuable training and learn to leverage all the great promotions that are available! Register now for the June 18 webinar! New Consultant Training Webinar What are S? Did you know you can receive training and attend a Norwex meeting without ever leaving the comfort of your home? Well you can! A webinar is an online meeting that allows you to listen in while your Norwex Home Office presenter shares information with you. If there is a presentation, you can view the meeting organizer’s screen while he or she presents it. When using your computer, webinars are free of charge. You can also dial in to the number provided to join the call; however, long distance charges may apply. Register for a webinar today! Norwex Español on Facebook! Remember, Spanish-speaking Consultants can now receive Norwex articles, news, blogs and other information in Spanish on Facebook! Spanish- speaking Consultants who have their own Facebook page are invited to join our Spanish group. Just send a friend request to Monica Hysong, and she in turn will send an invitation to join the group. It’s a great way to stay tuned in, and there’s something new every day!
  • 9. We are honored that you’ve chosen to make Norwex part of your future and invite you to join the Norwex Consultant Connection Group on Facebook. It’s a fun way to connect with other Consultants in your country and share business-building tips and success stories! To join, simply send a request to New to Norwex? “EverythingYou Want,You Can Achieve” We might be tempted to think that not speaking someone else’s language could be a barrier, and prevent us from sharing the Gift of Norwex. However, as the experiences of Spanish-speaking Consultant Lucila Hubbard clearly show, success is really a matter of mindset. Lucila joined Norwex in February after attending a party at her sister’s house. As mom to a special-needs child, she immediately understood that Norwex could be a great opportunity to help protect her son’s health, as well as the whole family’s, by reducing the use of chemicals in her home. But even though Lucila studies English, she didn’t feel comfortable doing parties in English. At the urging of her Upline, however, she booked a party with her neighbor (an English-speaker) and soon had eight guests confirmed. Despite “extreme nervousness,”Lucila made up her mind to have a successful party. Lucila’s first party was a success by all accounts. Her orders totaled more than $800, and she even booked a party. The Host was so impressed with Lucila’s presentation that she wrote a congratulations letter. “Hi Alisa: I just wanted to let you know what an incredible job Lucila did last night!! WOW!!! I was very impressed. My friends loved her! I could not believe how good her English was, and her product demonstrations and her real-life examples of using the product were so convincing and so sincere. I think Lucila can do really well with this. It’s just a matter of finding people to put her in front of!” Lucila now feels more confident and is motivated to hold more parties, regardless of any language“barriers.” Here’s what else she learned: • Objections are a mindset • Focus on the products • The key is the party • Demonstrations are easy and fun • Language is not a barrier No matter what language is spoken, everyone wants the healthiest home possible for their families. Equipped with a“Can do”mindset and Norwex marketing tools, you can break through any“language barrier”and experience success too great for words! Monica Hysong Regional Sales Manager, USA Featured Products for July The featured products for the July Ripple Effect will be the Norwex Floor Systems. If you have testimonials you would like to share with us, please send them to The Ripple Effect will be sent to your customers on Tuesday, July 1, 2014, so be sure to update your personal message by the June 25 deadline. If you have not yet subscribed to Office Suite, we encourage you to join the many Consultants and their customers who are enjoying the benefits of this electronic newsletter, which you can share with your customers via email. Let Ripple Effect help you stay connected to all your Norwex customers each month.
  • 10. Magnificent Mop Month! Throughout July, your Hosts can earn a Norwex Mop based on sales and bookings at their parties. What a great time to let Customers know about all the ways our Norwex Floor Systems and products help them create Chemical-Free Zones! Norwex Floor Systems—One for Every Size and Space Each of our four Norwex Floor Systems comes with the Telescopic Mop Handle and either Small or Large Mop Base, Small or Large Wet Mop Pad, and Small or Large Dry Mop Pad or Superior Dry Mop Pad. Use a Norwex Floor System at your parties to teach customers how to rid their homes of harmful chemicals in products like floor and window cleaners. The Norwex Floor Systems pick up everything using only water! Mini Mop System—Item #: 1212, $81.99; Mop Starter System— Item #: 1211, $92.99; Superior Mini Mop System—Item #: 1210, $94.99; Superior Mop Starter System—Item #: 1209, $112.99 Add the Norwex Tile Mop Pad for extra cleaning power on hard surfaces! Small—Item #: 350105, $24.99; Large— Item #: 350106, $32.99 Mop Conversion Kit—Great for Cleaning Windows These handy brackets convert either the Small or Large Mop Base into the perfect window-cleaning machine. Just snap them on; attach a Window Cloth, Envirotowel or Car Cloth; grab your Spray Bottle (filled with water of course!) and you’re ready to clean even the highest windows completely chemical-free. Item #: 356400, $11.99 Rubber Brush—Give Dirt the Brush Off! Quickly brush debris from Dry Mop Pads into the trash after use. The Rubber Brush also removes hair, lint, crumbs and dust from textiles, pets, car seats, furniture and carpeted stairs. Item #: 357010, $14.99
  • 11. Sue Thomson, Senior Executive Sales Leader – Colorado Just AddWater! Make Every Party Successful with the Norwex Mop! “One of my top Norwex favorites is the mop, as it has literally changed my life. When I first started selling Norwex, I had a dog that shed clumps year round. I went from vacuuming multiple times a week to using my Norwex Mop to remove the hair from my house!” Personal stories like this catch your guests’interest and give them a concrete idea of how the product can help them. Once all the guests have gathered in the kitchen, I open with,“Does anyone suffer from animal hair?”It usually gets a little chuckle of understanding. I begin the demo by doing figure eights with the Dry Superior Mop Pad and showing guests how it grabs the dog hair, dust and crumbs. I also discuss the uniqueness of the angled edges and how it gets into the corners. With the Host’s permission, I like to be adventurous and swipe under the refrigerator. I say things like,“Should we go under the fridge? Oh, this gets me so excited!”I then proceed to the trash can and demo how to use the Rubber Brush to release the dirt from the bottom of the pad. It’s important to me that my customers understand they can clean their floors with just water and our mop by using the Antibac pad.“Remember, blue for wet!”I tell them to get it wet and wring it out, and remind them that this fiber is just like the fiber in my Enviro Cloth. It’s going to do the same thing to our floors—pick everything up from the surface and hold it in the pad. If customers have a larger area to clean, they’ll need to rinse the pad a couple of times. If they have stickies on the floor from little ones, I show them how to step on the base and rub a bit harder to release it. The mop is then passed around for others to try. In conclusion, I share one last benefit—that it can wash windows! I suggest they use the blue pad to wash the window, and then use the Mop Conversion Kit along with the Window Cloth to polish up the glass. Don’t forget to share Booking and Recruiting Seeds! Here are two that I like to use: “Many women choose to host a party so they can get the mop for free.” “If you’re in love with Norwex and can see yourself doing what I’m doing, the mop is in the Starter Kit!”
  • 12. Creating Safer Havens—Tips for Avoiding Flame Retardants Problem: Flame retardants (aka polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or“PBDEs”) are among the most common and pervasive chemicals in our homes. They can be found in carpeting, mattresses, children’s pajamas, computer casings and televisions. As they leach out of these items into the air, they attach to dust particles floating in our homes. Unfortunately, they’re at the root of many health concerns, including thyroid issues, cancer and reproductive issues. Solution: It can be hard to completely avoid flame retardants. But you can minimize your family’s exposure by dusting and mopping thoroughly and regularly. Norwex Mops and the Dusting Mitt are perfect solutions! Also, frequent hand-washing throughout the day helps to remove the dust particles—this is especially important for toddlers and children who are usually closer to the floor, where dust settles. Inspect any furniture that contains foam, like sofas, children’s car seats, changing pads, nursing pillows and mattresses. If foam is exposed, replace it. When replacing carpet in your home, be careful with the foam pad underneath; it may contain flame retardants. Consider closing off the area while the carpet is being removed. Exciting news! Soon, you will begin to notice our new BacLock logo in place of“Antibac”on many Norwex Microfiber product labels. As you are probably aware, many of our Norwex Microfiber products are described as“Antibac,” indicating that the cloth contains an antibacterial agent for self-cleansing purposes. The antibacterial agent is designed to inhibit bacterial odor, mold and/or mildew growth within the product. Please note that the cloths themselves are not changing in any way, nor is the antibacterial agent within them changing in any way. However, the logo and the word“BacLock”will now appear in place of“Antibac”on these products’labels, as well as marketing materials describing them. Why the change? Quite simply, Norwex was able to trademark the name“BacLock.” We own the name and it is exclusive to Norwex, which is good news for us all! Is the New Antibac! Envirotowel Modification Notice The Envirotowel (Item #: 306001) was recently modified as follows: • The color is now a slightly darker shade of green. • The label now includes the word“polish”to better describe how the product should be used. Please note, these updates do not affect the product’s usage in any way.
  • 13. Norwex NOW has New Summer Items! Just in time for Summer, check out for all the new items to tell the world, “I’m with Norwex!” • “I Can Change the World”t-shirt now available in Ladies’ Small – XXL • Norwex Beach Towel • Norwex Umbrella FREEIN JULY! Shipping on Orders Over $40 You have two more weeks to take advantage of our June special: 30% off site- wide, plus a FREE car door magnet with each one purchased! Throughout July, receive 500 business cards for the price of 250, plus FREE shipping on orders over $40! Visit today! Consultant Office Upgrade June 23 Please note that we will be upgrading and performing systems maintenance on our computer system the evening of June 23. The upgrade and subsequent testing are expected to take about 12 hours to complete. From approximately 10:00 p.m., CDT, through 10:00 a.m., CDT, Tuesday, June 24, Consultants will be unable to log on or to order. Please call our Consultant Care Center at 1-866-450-7499 for assistance during this time frame. Offices are closed in observance of Independence Day on July 4, 2014. Our Consultant Care Center will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 5, 2014. In addition, please note that our semi- annual inventory count will affect shipping as follows: All orders received by midnight, CDT, July 1, 2014, will be shipped on July 2 and 3, 2014. All orders received after midnight, CDT, July 1 through July 6 will begin shipping on Monday, July 7, 2014. The Consultant Care Center will be closed Saturday, June 21, to improve our indoor environment. Holiday Hours:
  • 14. †Quick Start: First new Consultant who submits their Sales Consultant Application and Agreement from noon June 1, 2014 through midnight June 15, 2014, CDT, will count as two new recruits when the recruit submits a minimum of $250 in Subtotal A Sales by July 1, 2014, at noon, CDT. *New Sales Consultant Application and Agreement must be submitted to the Home Office from noon June 1, 2014 CDT, through noon August 1, 2014, CDT. To count toward this incentive, the new Consultant must also submit $250 in Subtotal A Sales in the month they sign up. ** Recruiter’s Subtotal A Sales must be submitted from noon June 1, 2014 CDT, through noon August 1, 2014, CDT. 10834 - 0514 EXPERIENCE THE Thrill of theGrill! JUNE 1 – JULY 31, 2014* Now you’re cooking! Recruit 2* and submit $2,500 in Subtotal A Sales** and receive a Norwex chef’s apron! Turn up the heat! Recruit 4* and submit $5,000 in Subtotal A Sales** and receive an assortment of grilling utensils. Get fired up! Recruit 1 new Consultant* and receive a set of two Norwex oven mitts! Cooking with gas! Recruit 7* and submit $7,000 in Subtotal A Sales** and receive a $300 Visa® Gift card! Put some sizzle in your summer with Norwex-branded grilling accessories plus a $300 Visa® Gift card! $300 GIFT CARD QU ICK STA RT† Bonus: Recruit 1 by June 15 and it counts as Download the flyer for details
  • 15. July Consultant Specials v1v110860_JUL14_CON_US Submit $1500 and receive a package of NEW 2014 PRODUCTS. Total value: $109 OR Submit $2500 and receive a package of NEW 2014 PRODUCTS. Total value: $219 OR Submit $4,500 and receive the DELUXE PACKAGE OF NEW 2014 PRODUCTS. Total value: $239 All achievers attending National Conference will be recognized on stage. Products will be shipped to all achievers in August. When working toward sales goals, remember refund requests can result in adjusted Subtotal A Sales in the month the refund request is received in the Home Office. To count toward this offer, all Retail Sales must be received at Home Office after 12:00 pm CDT (noon) on July 1 and before 12:00 pm CDT (noon) on August 1. JULY 1 – 31, 2014
  • 16. v110860_JUL14_CS_US Orders must be received from noon July 1, 2014, CDT through noon August 1, 2014 CDT. Note: Colors in packages are pre-determined and may vary based on inventory availability. $49.99 cu4JUL $52.99 cu2JUL Kitchen Solutions (reg. $57.96) 1 Kitchen Cloth, blue (antibac) 1 Kitchen Towel, blue (antibac) 1 Veggie & Fruit Scrub Cloth 1 Kitchen Scrub Cloth Road Trip Must-Haves (reg. $30.98) 1 Timeless Natural Hand Cleaner 1 Travel Pack (antibac) Kids’ Microfiber Package (reg. $54.98) 1 Kids Towel (antibac) 1 Baby Body Pack (antibac) $17.49 cu1JUL Out to Lunch Duo (reg. $19.98) 1 Out to Lunch Snack Bag 1 Out to Lunch Sandwich Wrap $27.99 cu3JUL SpecialsJuly Customer
  • 17. Note: Colors in packages are pre-determined and may vary based on inventory availability. PLUS the Hosting Plan 5 buying guests = 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac) $16.49 8 buying guests = 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac) $36.48 10 buying guests = 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac), 1 Car Cloth $62.47 13 buying guests = 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac), 1 Car Cloth, 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac) $79.46 15 buying guests = 1 Enviro Cloth (antibac), 1 Vintage Body Pack (antibac), 1 Car Cloth, 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac), 1 Kitchen Scrub Cloth $93.45 8% of total customer sales in free products with sales up to $249.99 10% of total customer sales in free products with sales $250.00-$749.99 12% of total customer sales in free products with sales $750.00 and above For each booking, the Host will receive a Window Cloth. Bookings must be held within 45 days of the party date to qualify for the Host gifts. To qualify for July Specials: Sales must be received at Home Office after 12:00 pm CDT (noon) on July 1 and before 12:00 pm CDT (noon) on August 1. v110860_JUL14_HS_US * Remember, Qualified Party Total and a party booking determine which level of the monthly Host Special that your Host qualifies for. SpecialsJuly Host $325 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking A) 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac) B) 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac) C) 1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac) D) 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac) E) 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac) $500 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking A) 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac) B) 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac) C) 1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac) D) 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac) E) 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac) F) 1 Telescopic Mop Handle G) 1 Mop Base, large H) 1 Dry Mop Pad, large I) 1 Wet Mop Pad, large (antibac) $1000 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking A) 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac) B) 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac) C) 1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac) D) 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac) E) 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac) F) 1 Telescopic Mop Handle G) 1 Mop Base, large H) 1 Dry Mop Pad, large I) 1 Wet Mop Pad, large (antibac) J) 1 Rubber Brush K) 1 Tile Mop Pad, large $750 in Customer Sales and 1 Booking A) 1 Kitchen Towel, sea mist (antibac) B) 1 Kitchen Cloth, sea mist (antibac) C) 1 Scrubby Corner Cloth (antibac) D) 1 Dusting Mitt (antibac) E) 1 Enviro Cloth, yellow (antibac) F) 1 Telescopic Mop Handle G) 1 Mop Base, large H) 1 Dry Mop Pad, large I) 1 Wet Mop Pad, large (antibac) J) 1 Rubber Brush A DB CF H G E I J K