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Sam Obeng Tuudah Dadeako
1945 – 20XX
“In the midst of life, death shows its
ugly head. No one wants to die, but
As a man thinks, so is he. Prov. 23:7
“W A T C H”
• W = Watch your Ways
• A = Watch your Actions
• T = Watch your Thoughts
• C = Watch Your Character
• H = Watch your Health
a.“A Balanced Sex Life” >Too much of it is …
b.“Alcohol” > Avoid hot-alcohol drinks if possible, but
look at 1 Tim 5:23
c. “Cigarette Smoking” > Avoid it altogether. It is not
necessary. You are buying disasters ….
d.“BE HAPPY” > You cannot get all the world’s riches.
Don’t imagine to being like that rich man. Stay and
budget with your income economically, effectively and
efficiently. Perhaps this point “d” should have been
point “a” above. Stay within your means and BE HAPPY.
“Communication is life. No
communication is death.”
“Knowledge is not wisdom.
Applying knowledge – inherent
and/or acquired – to solving
personal, socio-economic and global
issues effectively, economically and
efficiently is wisdom.”
“Inaction is tantamount to
stalemate and/or inefficiency.”
“Money talks, but wisdom survives
in every sphere of endeavour.”
"As you eat food to nourish your
body, so also should you read
consistently to develop your mind.
No one will take any advantage of
you if you know your stuff in your
chosen subject discipline."
“A human picture without a head
and/or a face is an image and/or an
effigy hidden from humanity.”
“Life and living are pieces of
performance on the actor’s stage in
a specific environment. Acting stops
when your life - a living soul -
becomes immortal. The last stage is
interment, awaiting rapture if …...”
“Measuring success is problematic
unless the measurer uses general or
specific rules of engagement – bank
balance, wealth, assets, recognition,
social status, legacy, fame,
inheritance, etc. – all give different
results depending on the
denominators used.”
“Whatever you do on earth society
will put a ‘grader’ mark on you
whilst living or dead. You know
yourself better.”
“It does not take only money to
bring up successful children. Children
look first on your examples, love,
habits, experience, daily efforts,
pieces of advice and encouragement,
societal values, etc. to lift themselves
up to achieve success – not ruling out
genetic intelligence completely.”
“Precautionary measures and
guided steps help you to see the
pitfalls ahead if you are pro-actively
mindful of events. Reactive
management is always a disaster
and costly to amend.”
“Wasting my time is wasting my life.
I don’t give time-wasters a foothold
in my life, if they are paying for my
professional services or not.”
“Love is wonderful. Any first love is
great, but sometimes fragile and
must be nurtured. The fragility – if
broken – may be with disastrously
dangerous consequences.”
“In the heat of things, be very careful
what you say. Spoken words are
irretrievable. Words can build up;
words can destroy. Words strengthen
people; words weaken people. Words
can create wars, words can bring
peace. Beware what you say !!!!!!!.”
“Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes
out of the mouth; this defiles a man.” Matthew 15:11 NKJV
“Any first training or speaking to
people in public with a presentation is
more challenging. You are not alone.
Calm your nerves down. Smile while
looking straight in the eyes of members
of the audience to muster courage. Be
yourself and the audience will appraise
and appreciate your presentation at
the end.”
“There are many types of prayer. I
know seventeen. But Thanksgiving,
Praise & Worship are my daily
favourite sacrifices. Thank Him for all
His provisions. Praise Him for who
He is. And Worship Him for His
majesty.” ‘Holy, Holy, Holy...’ Isaiah 6:2-3
“If you realise and accept that one
day you will die, you will use your
time wisely.”
“Friendliness magnetises
friendliness which sometimes
gravitates into erotic or philia or
storage love.”
“I do my good bits in my corner. If
you do your bits and all of us do our
good bits, the world will be a better
place tomorrow.”
“In the cosmos, magnetic impulses
draw people of like-minds together
in projects and proactive thinking for
the good of mankind.”
“Nothing is free in the world except
natural air and natural water at its
“My time is my life on earth.”
“The path to success is littered with
impediments. A good decision-maker
paddles through them.”
“Life and living interact with
frustrations. A little sense of humour
elevates you.”
“Education is good. But it is useless
if you cannot apply what you have
learnt to solve everyday living
“Appreciation is the receptacle of a
“Undue favours corrupt and corrupt
“Professionalism entails paying
attention to details and solving real
life issues in your field of learning,
but not mere certificates.”
“Procrastination is a stalemate
which gives birth to frustrations.”
“Stress is either good or bad. An average
level of stress energises you to achieve
your goals. Some stress are unavoidable
– death of a loved one, redundancy,
financial problems, etc. - You can renew
your mind to cope. Tomorrow is another
day. You can also avoid other stressful
issues, if you plan ahead. You are not
“Comparing, complaining,
concealing, conceiting, confronting,
confusing, conniving, contrasting,
contradicting and contrition (10cs)
are all antagonistic to contentment.”
“Constructive criticism motivates
people to compliment efficiency
whilst hate-infested and/or negative
criticism demoralises people to lower
“Self-motivation is a healing balm.”
“Every human name is precious and
sweet in ears of the individual. Treat
it with great respect.”
“Emotional intelligence
differentiates a matured
professional from his/her immatured
counterpart when it comes to
recognising their own emotions vis-
à-vis the emotions of others.”
“Before you condemn or ridicule or
negatively criticise someone, first
put yourself in the recipient’s shoes
before you deliver your bullets of
savour condemnations.”
“Leadership is exerting some given
and/or implied authority. If it shifts
into the excessive power, both the
leader and the led are damaged in
their pursuit of excellence.”
“Honesty in accepting our
shortcomings is a prerequisite for
peace in marriage and/or any other
human relationships – friendship,
community or society, workplace,
church, etc.”
“False illusions and expectations
lead to unhealthy relations in union
or group or society.”
“Counting on your past glories and
achievements makes you stagnant
and unproductive in the current
dynamic atmosphere.”
“It is a privilege to be led by God. If
we humble ourselves He reveals
hidden Spiritual agenda.”
“Every parent should always aim at
blessing his/her children. Parents’
spoken words can create or destroy
them in their daily lives. Four people
capable of cursing and/or blessing
them are you (two - father &
mother), pastors and teachers. In all
situations choose to bless them.”
“Human recognition is laudable, but
God’s recognition is irrevocable.”-
(Revelations 3:5)
“The presumptuous error of judging
and/or reading what is on the mind
of your opponent is detrimental to
the harmonious human amicable
“The test of times in life are many,
but to see your wife, husband, child,
father, mother, et cetera put into a
coffin and being lowered into the
grave is a devastating stressful
situation anyone will barely bear in
lifetimes. God is the only pillar of
rescue. Rely on Him.”
“When you hear that someone has
died, it doesn’t become real to you in
persona until a very close relative is
enveloped by the icy hands of death.
It then becomes very real. Look to
Jesus Christ for comfort.”
“Anger erupts as a volcano either in
desperation or from a store of
negative sentimental
“As you attend someone’s funeral be
reminded that, for sure, your turn
will arrive one day in future.”
“If you teach others – either paid or
unpaid – your knowledge and
experience are exponentially
increased or enlarged.”
“Any task written down and visibly
displayed has a higher probability of
being done.”
“Exalting yourself higher than your
neighbour robs you of your own
potential growth.”
“Volunteers for charitable societies
are the unseen heroes whose
services are pillars supporting the
status quo. They deserve recognition
and our praises as bedrock
“Hospital patients are very grateful
to caring doctors and medical staff
who dedicate their time and services
to serve their various fragile medical
interests. Uncaring medical staff
members are enigma to patients’
healing processes and recovery.”
“It is really disheartening to tell
your failures in life to people who
are dear to you to receive rebuke in
response instead of consolatory
encouragement. Listen patiently
before any response. Your words can
“Flexibility is the mother for change.”
“Change is to cope with inevitable
diversities of present and future life.”
“Any truthful word-abiding Christian
is bound to be resisted by ill-
believing leaders who amass ill-
gotten wealth from the Church.”
(1 Timothy 4:1-5)
“Within frustrations and failures
emerge victors who are resilient and
“Where there is no way, He makes a WAY.
When it’s impossible in human terms, He
makes it POSSIBLE. When you hit a wall in
life, He makes it possible for you to CLIMB
above it. If you can’t climb, He allows you
to PASS BENEATH it. If you can’t climb or
pass beneath it, He makes it easier for you
to pass either RIGHT or LEFT. TRUST HIM
“Christianity contains some
inclination towards the worship of
Our Maker to its apogee and to fulfil
the main purpose of our existence.”
“When a divorcee marries another
divorcee, their marital problems
compound to be worse as there are
four people in the marriage
“Gratitude has higher dividends
than retribution. Ungratefulness is a
“Truth, in many cases, hurts if
truthfully said. It costs. Truth is truth,
nothing but the truth.”
"Health provision is a prerogative of
every individual in any state or
country where human beings are
respected and dignified."
“Racial discrimination is an
anathema. But parents who
segregate in loving their children are
in the same boat.”
“The dynamics of human love are
“Ebola is a deployable killer in West
Africa. God help us to find a
permanent cure. However, ebola,
HIV and contact-transferable
diseases are now making men more
faithful to their marriage partners
than in previous generations.”
“Freedom is a genuine recipe
everyone needs for living in dignity.”
“Don’t give up in life. He is ever the
same to revive, reward & uplift you.”
"Impersonation and pretence are
cruel unforgiveable jokes associated
with the deadly epidemic - Ebola
 “Don’t spill out your home anger
and frustrations unto the street to
damage your reputation.”
“Any useful and accurate
information in the hands of a
proactive decision-maker turns
failure into success..”
“If you can’t change it; accept it and
move on. Life has some things
irreversible – like death. They are
part and parcel of living.”
“I make me happy. No one can give
me the upmost happiness I desire in
life. Make yourself happy from
“Never do any business in
partnership with your blood
relations, as your children and
siblings will be disadvantaged if
there are disputes in future
inheritance. ”
“A good promise with a good
intention produces fruitful results. ”
“Beneath all decorated tombs are
skeletons of bones – some older ones
in powdered form. ‘What is man that
you are mindful of him?’ You are a
walking skeleton. Don’t boast.”
“Bright daylight skies and
moonlight nights with accompanying
stars reveal your majestic brilliance.
Great is thy faithfulness. We worship
your majesty. Be exalted O Lord!”
“Winds blow to all directions at the
command of our Maker. Your wind of
favour will come your way one day
at a perfect timing. He who knows
the number of hairs on your head
will shine your direction.”
“Breathing shows a sign of life. The
reverse points to death.”
“If ‘African Punctuality’ converts to
‘African Priorities’, Africa will be a
great continent of time management
and economic success.”
“Live to enjoy life to the full. This is
the Creator’s will for you.”
“A real professional teacher is proud
of his/her students who make a
difference in their lives. I am proud
to be a teacher.”
• “Abrahamic religion is fourfold –
Judaism, Christianity, Moslem and
the Bahá'í Faith. Which is good and
“Real enjoyable sex life goes with
orgasm. Search for it. Your ignorance
and reluctance may slip your
marriage downhill.”
“Your life, religion, family and
business will not go according to
plan if you have no plan.”
“Respect and human recognition
due to others are reciprocated to you
in return or in kind.”
“If you make someone great – either
in life or in business – it pays a
dividend to you and your business.”
“When an enthusiasm for an event
or project is met with lukewarm
attitude, disaster and hurt are
“Promising is acting on a goodwill
platform. Make sure to fulfil all your
promises or refrain from promising.”
“Your wife/husband and children
are the best judges of your level in
Christian faith or a religion of your
“Your attitude determines your
altitude in all spheres of human
“Blindness to the emotions of others
is a sign of human degradation. Be
alert to other people’s feelings.”
“Any religious faith exercised
without human considerations is an
anathema to peaceful co-existence.”
“Travelling in an airplane beyond
the clouds or in deep seas in a ship
exhibits your majestic acts. Great are
your handiworks. No one can be
compared to You. Heaven and earth
are under your control. Reign
“Where do you hide the departed
souls before your second return? You
alone know …..”
“Fathers and mothers who look
after their children through thick and
thin are rewarded with great
“If you allow and permit birds, they
will build their nests on your head.
Be bold to say ‘NO’ where and when
a negative answer is necessary. ‘But
let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’, and your ‘No’
be No’. (Matthew 5.37a)
Sadly all goods things must come to an end. For
further quotes please contact Mr Sam Obeng Tuudah
in persona thru:
A. E-Addresses:
B. Link:
C. Website:
D. Mobile Contacts:
1. U K: +44 7958 846 118
2. Ghana: +233 267 871 085

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101 personalquotes01r4

  • 1. PERSONAL QUoTES OF: Sam Obeng Tuudah Dadeako 1945 – 20XX
  • 2. 1 “In the midst of life, death shows its ugly head. No one wants to die, but ….”
  • 3. 2 As a man thinks, so is he. Prov. 23:7 “W A T C H” • W = Watch your Ways • A = Watch your Actions • T = Watch your Thoughts • C = Watch Your Character • H = Watch your Health
  • 4. 3 MY 4 BALANCED LONG-AGE LIFE SECRETS a.“A Balanced Sex Life” >Too much of it is … b.“Alcohol” > Avoid hot-alcohol drinks if possible, but look at 1 Tim 5:23 c. “Cigarette Smoking” > Avoid it altogether. It is not necessary. You are buying disasters …. d.“BE HAPPY” > You cannot get all the world’s riches. Don’t imagine to being like that rich man. Stay and budget with your income economically, effectively and efficiently. Perhaps this point “d” should have been point “a” above. Stay within your means and BE HAPPY.
  • 5. 4 “Communication is life. No communication is death.”
  • 6. 5 “Knowledge is not wisdom. Applying knowledge – inherent and/or acquired – to solving personal, socio-economic and global issues effectively, economically and efficiently is wisdom.”
  • 7. 6 “Inaction is tantamount to stalemate and/or inefficiency.”
  • 8. 7 “Money talks, but wisdom survives in every sphere of endeavour.”
  • 9. 8 "As you eat food to nourish your body, so also should you read consistently to develop your mind. No one will take any advantage of you if you know your stuff in your chosen subject discipline."
  • 10. 9 “A human picture without a head and/or a face is an image and/or an effigy hidden from humanity.”
  • 11. 10 “Life and living are pieces of performance on the actor’s stage in a specific environment. Acting stops when your life - a living soul - becomes immortal. The last stage is interment, awaiting rapture if …...”
  • 12. 11 “Measuring success is problematic unless the measurer uses general or specific rules of engagement – bank balance, wealth, assets, recognition, social status, legacy, fame, inheritance, etc. – all give different results depending on the denominators used.”
  • 13. 12 “Whatever you do on earth society will put a ‘grader’ mark on you whilst living or dead. You know yourself better.”
  • 14. 13 “It does not take only money to bring up successful children. Children look first on your examples, love, habits, experience, daily efforts, pieces of advice and encouragement, societal values, etc. to lift themselves up to achieve success – not ruling out genetic intelligence completely.”
  • 15. 14 “Precautionary measures and guided steps help you to see the pitfalls ahead if you are pro-actively mindful of events. Reactive management is always a disaster and costly to amend.”
  • 16. 15 “Wasting my time is wasting my life. I don’t give time-wasters a foothold in my life, if they are paying for my professional services or not.”
  • 17. 16 “Love is wonderful. Any first love is great, but sometimes fragile and must be nurtured. The fragility – if broken – may be with disastrously dangerous consequences.”
  • 18. 17 “In the heat of things, be very careful what you say. Spoken words are irretrievable. Words can build up; words can destroy. Words strengthen people; words weaken people. Words can create wars, words can bring peace. Beware what you say !!!!!!!.” “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a man.” Matthew 15:11 NKJV
  • 19. 18 “Any first training or speaking to people in public with a presentation is more challenging. You are not alone. Calm your nerves down. Smile while looking straight in the eyes of members of the audience to muster courage. Be yourself and the audience will appraise and appreciate your presentation at the end.”
  • 20. 19 “There are many types of prayer. I know seventeen. But Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship are my daily favourite sacrifices. Thank Him for all His provisions. Praise Him for who He is. And Worship Him for His majesty.” ‘Holy, Holy, Holy...’ Isaiah 6:2-3
  • 21. 20 “If you realise and accept that one day you will die, you will use your time wisely.”
  • 22. 21 “Friendliness magnetises friendliness which sometimes gravitates into erotic or philia or storage love.”
  • 23. 22 “I do my good bits in my corner. If you do your bits and all of us do our good bits, the world will be a better place tomorrow.”
  • 24. 23 “In the cosmos, magnetic impulses draw people of like-minds together in projects and proactive thinking for the good of mankind.”
  • 25. 24 “Nothing is free in the world except natural air and natural water at its source.”
  • 26. 25 “My time is my life on earth.”
  • 27. 26 “The path to success is littered with impediments. A good decision-maker paddles through them.”
  • 28. 27 “Life and living interact with frustrations. A little sense of humour elevates you.”
  • 29. 28 “Education is good. But it is useless if you cannot apply what you have learnt to solve everyday living issues.”
  • 30. 29 “Appreciation is the receptacle of a favour.”
  • 31. 30 “Undue favours corrupt and corrupt absolutely.”
  • 32. 31 “Professionalism entails paying attention to details and solving real life issues in your field of learning, but not mere certificates.”
  • 33. 32 “Procrastination is a stalemate which gives birth to frustrations.”
  • 34. 33 “Stress is either good or bad. An average level of stress energises you to achieve your goals. Some stress are unavoidable – death of a loved one, redundancy, financial problems, etc. - You can renew your mind to cope. Tomorrow is another day. You can also avoid other stressful issues, if you plan ahead. You are not alone.”
  • 35. 34 “Comparing, complaining, concealing, conceiting, confronting, confusing, conniving, contrasting, contradicting and contrition (10cs) are all antagonistic to contentment.”
  • 36. 35 “Constructive criticism motivates people to compliment efficiency whilst hate-infested and/or negative criticism demoralises people to lower productivity.”
  • 37. 36 “Self-motivation is a healing balm.”
  • 38. 37 “Every human name is precious and sweet in ears of the individual. Treat it with great respect.”
  • 39. 38 “Emotional intelligence differentiates a matured professional from his/her immatured counterpart when it comes to recognising their own emotions vis- à-vis the emotions of others.”
  • 40. 39 “Before you condemn or ridicule or negatively criticise someone, first put yourself in the recipient’s shoes before you deliver your bullets of savour condemnations.”
  • 41. 40 “Leadership is exerting some given and/or implied authority. If it shifts into the excessive power, both the leader and the led are damaged in their pursuit of excellence.”
  • 42. 41 “Honesty in accepting our shortcomings is a prerequisite for peace in marriage and/or any other human relationships – friendship, community or society, workplace, church, etc.”
  • 43. 42 “False illusions and expectations lead to unhealthy relations in union or group or society.”
  • 44. 43 “Counting on your past glories and achievements makes you stagnant and unproductive in the current dynamic atmosphere.”
  • 45. 44 “It is a privilege to be led by God. If we humble ourselves He reveals hidden Spiritual agenda.”
  • 46. 45 “Every parent should always aim at blessing his/her children. Parents’ spoken words can create or destroy them in their daily lives. Four people capable of cursing and/or blessing them are you (two - father & mother), pastors and teachers. In all situations choose to bless them.”
  • 47. 46 “Human recognition is laudable, but God’s recognition is irrevocable.”- (Revelations 3:5)
  • 48. 47 “The presumptuous error of judging and/or reading what is on the mind of your opponent is detrimental to the harmonious human amicable relationships.”
  • 49. 48 “The test of times in life are many, but to see your wife, husband, child, father, mother, et cetera put into a coffin and being lowered into the grave is a devastating stressful situation anyone will barely bear in lifetimes. God is the only pillar of rescue. Rely on Him.”
  • 50. 49 “When you hear that someone has died, it doesn’t become real to you in persona until a very close relative is enveloped by the icy hands of death. It then becomes very real. Look to Jesus Christ for comfort.”
  • 51. 50 “Anger erupts as a volcano either in desperation or from a store of negative sentimental accumulations.”
  • 52. 51 “As you attend someone’s funeral be reminded that, for sure, your turn will arrive one day in future.”
  • 53. 52 “If you teach others – either paid or unpaid – your knowledge and experience are exponentially increased or enlarged.”
  • 54. 53 “Any task written down and visibly displayed has a higher probability of being done.”
  • 55. 54 “Exalting yourself higher than your neighbour robs you of your own potential growth.”
  • 56. 55 “Volunteers for charitable societies are the unseen heroes whose services are pillars supporting the status quo. They deserve recognition and our praises as bedrock veterans.”
  • 57. 56 “Hospital patients are very grateful to caring doctors and medical staff who dedicate their time and services to serve their various fragile medical interests. Uncaring medical staff members are enigma to patients’ healing processes and recovery.”
  • 58. 57 “It is really disheartening to tell your failures in life to people who are dear to you to receive rebuke in response instead of consolatory encouragement. Listen patiently before any response. Your words can heal.”
  • 59. 58 “Flexibility is the mother for change.”
  • 60. 59 “Change is to cope with inevitable diversities of present and future life.”
  • 61. 60 “Any truthful word-abiding Christian is bound to be resisted by ill- believing leaders who amass ill- gotten wealth from the Church.” (1 Timothy 4:1-5)
  • 62. 61 “Within frustrations and failures emerge victors who are resilient and persistent.”
  • 63. 62 “Where there is no way, He makes a WAY. When it’s impossible in human terms, He makes it POSSIBLE. When you hit a wall in life, He makes it possible for you to CLIMB above it. If you can’t climb, He allows you to PASS BENEATH it. If you can’t climb or pass beneath it, He makes it easier for you to pass either RIGHT or LEFT. TRUST HIM FROM TODAY TO BE A VICTOR IN YOUR LIFE ON EARTH.”
  • 64. 63 “Christianity contains some inclination towards the worship of Our Maker to its apogee and to fulfil the main purpose of our existence.”
  • 65. 64 “When a divorcee marries another divorcee, their marital problems compound to be worse as there are four people in the marriage indirectly.”
  • 66. 65 “Gratitude has higher dividends than retribution. Ungratefulness is a misdemeanour.”
  • 67. 66 “Truth, in many cases, hurts if truthfully said. It costs. Truth is truth, nothing but the truth.”
  • 68. 67 "Health provision is a prerogative of every individual in any state or country where human beings are respected and dignified."
  • 69. 68 “Racial discrimination is an anathema. But parents who segregate in loving their children are in the same boat.”
  • 70. 69 “The dynamics of human love are unsearchable.”
  • 71. 70 “Ebola is a deployable killer in West Africa. God help us to find a permanent cure. However, ebola, HIV and contact-transferable diseases are now making men more faithful to their marriage partners than in previous generations.”
  • 72. 71 “Freedom is a genuine recipe everyone needs for living in dignity.”
  • 73. 72 “Don’t give up in life. He is ever the same to revive, reward & uplift you.”
  • 74. 73 "Impersonation and pretence are cruel unforgiveable jokes associated with the deadly epidemic - Ebola outbreak."
  • 75. 74  “Don’t spill out your home anger and frustrations unto the street to damage your reputation.”
  • 76. 75 “Any useful and accurate information in the hands of a proactive decision-maker turns failure into success..”
  • 77. 76 “If you can’t change it; accept it and move on. Life has some things irreversible – like death. They are part and parcel of living.”
  • 78. 77 “I make me happy. No one can give me the upmost happiness I desire in life. Make yourself happy from today.”
  • 79. 78 “Never do any business in partnership with your blood relations, as your children and siblings will be disadvantaged if there are disputes in future inheritance. ”
  • 80. 79 “A good promise with a good intention produces fruitful results. ”
  • 81. 80 “Beneath all decorated tombs are skeletons of bones – some older ones in powdered form. ‘What is man that you are mindful of him?’ You are a walking skeleton. Don’t boast.”
  • 82. 81 “Bright daylight skies and moonlight nights with accompanying stars reveal your majestic brilliance. Great is thy faithfulness. We worship your majesty. Be exalted O Lord!”
  • 83. 82 “Winds blow to all directions at the command of our Maker. Your wind of favour will come your way one day at a perfect timing. He who knows the number of hairs on your head will shine your direction.”
  • 84. 83 “Breathing shows a sign of life. The reverse points to death.”
  • 85. 84 “If ‘African Punctuality’ converts to ‘African Priorities’, Africa will be a great continent of time management and economic success.”
  • 86. 85 “Live to enjoy life to the full. This is the Creator’s will for you.”
  • 87. 86 “A real professional teacher is proud of his/her students who make a difference in their lives. I am proud to be a teacher.”
  • 88. 87 • “Abrahamic religion is fourfold – Judaism, Christianity, Moslem and the Bahá'í Faith. Which is good and why?”
  • 89. 88 “Real enjoyable sex life goes with orgasm. Search for it. Your ignorance and reluctance may slip your marriage downhill.”
  • 90. 89 “Your life, religion, family and business will not go according to plan if you have no plan.”
  • 91. 90 “Respect and human recognition due to others are reciprocated to you in return or in kind.”
  • 92. 91 “If you make someone great – either in life or in business – it pays a dividend to you and your business.”
  • 93. 92 “When an enthusiasm for an event or project is met with lukewarm attitude, disaster and hurt are birthed.”
  • 94. 93 “Promising is acting on a goodwill platform. Make sure to fulfil all your promises or refrain from promising.”
  • 95. 94 “Your wife/husband and children are the best judges of your level in Christian faith or a religion of your choice.”
  • 96. 95 “Your attitude determines your altitude in all spheres of human endeavours.”
  • 97. 96 “Blindness to the emotions of others is a sign of human degradation. Be alert to other people’s feelings.”
  • 98. 97 “Any religious faith exercised without human considerations is an anathema to peaceful co-existence.”
  • 99. 98 “Travelling in an airplane beyond the clouds or in deep seas in a ship exhibits your majestic acts. Great are your handiworks. No one can be compared to You. Heaven and earth are under your control. Reign forever.”
  • 100. 99 “Where do you hide the departed souls before your second return? You alone know …..”
  • 101. 100 “Fathers and mothers who look after their children through thick and thin are rewarded with great satisfaction.”
  • 102. 101 “If you allow and permit birds, they will build their nests on your head. Be bold to say ‘NO’ where and when a negative answer is necessary. ‘But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’, and your ‘No’ be No’. (Matthew 5.37a)
  • 103. EPILOGUE Sadly all goods things must come to an end. For further quotes please contact Mr Sam Obeng Tuudah in persona thru: A. E-Addresses: 1. 2. 3. B. Link: C. Website: D. Mobile Contacts: 1. U K: +44 7958 846 118 2. Ghana: +233 267 871 085