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The instant online people booking system
for work and volunteering
Slivers-of-Time is the online platform for creating talent pools of
people for work or volunteering.
Our platform helps you get access to vetted people with the right
skills that can be booked instantly and precisely for the time
We positively transform the way organisations recruit, manage and utilise their
people. You can manage your people better with Slivers of Time to deliver better
service levels to your customers.
It takes just 4 Easy Steps
Slivers of Time l About us
The Slivers-of-Time platform is a web-based application that can be customised to your branding
and linked from other websites.
Secure, robust and reliable.
Slivers of Time l About us
Slivers-of-Time helps you create private or shared talent pools of people ready to work or
These people can be from your existing staff, approved partners and agencies or new web
applications. This is done through defining roles, rules and the approval process for workers or
Slivers of Time l About us
Administrators can be given full management of live data such as registrations, bookings and
Slivers-of-Time enables approved people to update their hour-by-hour availability to work or
volunteer. This enables truly flexible working or volunteering.
Approved people or organisations can then search for and book people from your talent pool for
specific requirements.
Once a request has been made online, workers and volunteers are alerted instantly and can
confirm the booking by text or email.
Slivers of Time l About us
Our system also transforms itself so it is optimised for use from the PC at your desk, a tablet on
the shop floor, or from a smartphone on the move so you are always just a click away from
booking the best available people when you need them.
Slivers of Time l About us
Who does what?
There are three major roles that make Silvers of Time work:
•	 An administrator creates the roles and rules that everyone else will follow during set up
•	 A person who needs a task done makes a booking for people to perform the task
•	 A person who is willing to use their talents to do this task accepts the booking.
Slivers of Time l About us
Key Features
Self-service online bookings
•	 Timesheet approvals and management
•	 Merged paid and volunteering platform
•	 Support for multiple users and advocate accounts
•	 Multiple area or agency management
Workers and Volunteers
•	 Update hour-by-hour availability to work or volunteer
•	 Set location and role preferences
•	 Worker and volunteer profiles
•	 Timesheet and booking schedules
•	 Live email and text confirmations
Powerful Talent pool administration tool
•	 Manage all work or volunteer activity and information
•	 Web portal to publish opportunities
•	 Vettings and approvals
•	 Schedule re-occurring bookings
•	 On-costs and agency mark-up management
•	 Extensive reporting available
•	 CSV and Excel data exporting
Slivers of Time l About us
Fully configurable and customisable system
•	 Web-based. No Installation required
•	 Secure hosted web services
•	 Responsive design for mobile and tablets
•	 Timebanking functionality
Slivers of Time l About us
Business Case
Our technology helps employers, agencies, charities and the public sector to save costs and
achieve their goals by:
Delivering new business models and services
•	 Facilitating flexible working and volunteering
•	 Creating person-to-person e-marketplaces
•	 Enabling live self-service web and mobile opportunities
Increase customer experience
•	 Managing urgent and irregular staffing requirements
•	 Provide relief bank staffing
•	 Reduce number of “empty” service points
Reduced the cost of recruiting
•	 Avoid paying premiums for “last minute” shift bookings
•	 Hiring precisely by the hour – pay for what you need not agency minimums
•	 Enables an employer to manage competitive multiple-agency recruitment
•	 Generate more competitive pricing from suppliers through pricing transparency
Enhanced brand value for employees and in the community
•	 Increasing the use of volunteers in your organisation
•	 Ensure employee volunteering is only given to authorised levels and approved charities
Slivers of Time l About us
New Model = New competitiveness
We saw the same trend in PC’s with Dell,
We saw it with books with Amazon.
It’s the “internet effect” on most industries.
It generates more competitive pricing from suppliers through pricing transparency
Slivers of Time l About us
Slivers of Time l About us
A fast solution to launch and integrate
Our platform can interface with existing HR/Workforce Management systems so an organisation
can have one payroll and reporting system even for temporary and flexible work and
volunteering. All data stored on our systems belongs to the relevant customer. It can be
exported to them at any time.
A Slivers-of-Time system is easily launched. Unless local hosting is specifically required, it can
be run from our highly secure data centre but configured, branded and coloured to your
requirements. It is available over any internet connection from a PC, Mac, tablet or smart
phones for users to access anywhere at any time.
We know that getting the Slivers platform off the ground is not just about the technology. It’s
about the people who will use it, processes to support it and getting it going. Our team
combines technical developers, operations managers, project managers and marketing
expertise. We have the team who can help you. We have been at the heart of implementations
by corporates, councils and charities.
Slivers of Time l About us
About Us
We are focused on helping our clients achieve their goals better by transforming the way organi-
sations recruit, manage and utilise their people.
As a social enterprise though, we would add the words “with a heart”. We think that the best
way to help our clients as well as our society and economy to improve is by untapping the mas-
sive available talent pool eager to work – flexibly and at the last minute.
Our approach is by helping people to build their experience by combining any amounts of work
or volunteering from multiple organisations. The more people we can get building their experi-
ence, even a sliver at a time, will help them, and our businesses, charities and public organisa-
tions to pull together to build a strong economy and community.
Call us now to get started. 0207 954 9295
Or visit
Slivers of Time l About us
Slivers-of-Time Working
The Slivers model enables you to create talent pools of vetted and approved people that are
right for your organisation, right for your roles, in anticipation of you needing them for an
individual opportunity.
Slivers of Time l About us
Today when you need someone to work or volunteer you publish a listing inviting people to ap-
ply. Sometimes you go to an agency that might already have these people, or know how to get
them better than you do. Or perhaps a general listings website and hope someone sees your op-
No-one is anticipating your demand in this model. The result is usually a higher cost and lower
service levels:
•	 Cost for the agency to search
•	 The time lost when they do so
•	 Cost for repeated interviewing and on-boarding
With Slivers there is no more waiting for that important task to be completed. No more wonder-
ing if they will find someone. No more wondering when they will be on-boarded or vetted.
Our platform searches the talent pool of approved and vetted people, and matches the role you
want, the time and duration you need, the remuneration level or volunteering level, and the
location, to find your best choices.
•	 You make the final selection.
•	 You book them. Instantly.
If you have ever booked a hotel room, or a flight, or bought something online … you already
know how to use Slivers. Instead of an inventory of hotel rooms or flights, you will pick from an
inventory of available people.
Slivers of Time l About us
It’s that easy.
Slivers of Time’s instant online staff booking and time
management system can positively transform the way you
currently source and manage temporary, agency and
zero-hour staff.
It streamlines the process of engaging and managing multiple
preferred staffing partners, agencies and even the general
market, and levels the playing field with open and transparent
competitive pricing.
Slivers of Time l About us
A large employer can:
•	 Put a listing on your own site and recruit directly
•	 Create your own talent pool and save money
•	 Partner with specific agencies, all at different commission rates to use their resources
•	 Book people working for outside agencies at pre-approved rates
•	 General office staff, Marketing, PR, web development, catering, office services etc.
•	 Source people from temp agencies at pre-approved fees, even at the last minute
•	 Short term or longer term can be booked and managed
•	 Manage staff on zero hours contracts
•	 Enable existing workforce with spare time to be used for overtime or sickness coverage
•	 Partner with Charities to facilitate and track employee community outreach programs
•	 You approve the charities
•	 You see and control the time your employees give
•	 Take some of the people from the charities into your talent pool
Slivers of Time l About us
Effectiveness Analysis – Quantifying the benefits
Slivers of Time l About us
Slivers of Time l About us
Case Study:
Booking Practical Support,
Personal Care or a Carer Break: Greenwich
Greenwich P2P marketplace is a brand new way for people to take control of organising their
home support services which has been developed by Greenwich Council and the Greenwich
Carers Centre.
Who is this for?
This service is available to all vulnerable adults living within the London Borough of Greenwich
and their families/carers. It is funded by the local Authority and managed by The Greenwich
Carers Centre using software, under licence, from Slivers of Time. It is very important that
Carers and vulnerable adults have the flexibility to choose the right care worker to attend to
their personal care needs.
How does it work?
To start shopping on the Marketplace you will first need to be registered as a P2P Customer by
completing our Customer Profile and signing a Customer Agreement. If you wish to purchase
Domiciliary or Respite care you will also have to have had a recent and valid risk assessment
carried out by a Risk Assessor (this can be arranged for you).
Slivers of Time l About us
What can this service do for them?
•	 Once you have registered you will be able to:
•	 See all the Care Workers who are qualified, available and willing to do your booking.
•	 Book your Care Worker within a couple of clicks.
•	 Let the marketplace take care of any payments and administration.
•	 See how much you have spent.
You (or someone on your behalf) can then log into the system, select the type of service you
require, the times and dates that you want to have that service and then choose a worker from
those showing as available and that you think are competent to meet your needs.
To help you decide which worker to book, workers have provided a personal photograph and full
details of their qualifications, training, skills and personal attributes. You can also identify and
mark your preferred workers to make future bookings easier to manage.
Once you have chosen a worker you simply select them on the system and the worker is
immediately informed of your request. They will contact you to let you know that they have
accepted the booking.
In some circumstances P2P Customer Services are able to make bookings on your behalf if you
do not have access to the internet or are unable to make your own bookings.
Slivers-of-Time Volunteering
Slivers of Time l About us
We enable Charities to deliver massive amounts more from volunteers and deliver more value
than they can do today.
Charities can create a talent pool of vetted volunteers that can be instantly booked to perform
a volunteering task.
We open the whole model to new ways of volunteering, unleashing the power of thousands of
people who want to volunteer but who are not being used. Slivers-of-Time gives volunteers the
choice of when they want to give time hour-by-hour around their other commitments.
Slivers of Time l About us
We will enable:
•	 Tracking the vetting of volunteer candidates
•	 Self-service booking of vetted volunteers for tasks
•	 A productivity tool for charity administrators
•	 Employee volunteering outreach in the community for companies with CSR programs
•	 Mobile access to the platform so we can provide faster, “on the road” services
•	 Inbuilt reports and integration into external systems
The payback for any organisation using this platform is:
•	 Reduced volunteer management overheads
•	 Improved service: Immediate booking of the right available resource
•	 Detailed reporting to funders and trustees
Increased utilisation of volunteers
Many charities are limited in the number of volunteers they can actively use because of the
management burden for their administrators. With so many charity budgets and donations being
squeezed this really helps make the budget go further and help even more people who need it.
Improved experience for volunteers
Slivers-of-Time gives volunteers the choice of when they want to give time hour-by-hour around
their other commitments. We open the whole model to new ways of volunteering. Unleashing
the power of thousands of people who want o volunteer but who are being under-used.
Slivers of Time l About us
Case Study:
Breakaway for Carers, Hertfordshire.
A system for carers to book breaks is showing how the internet can help personalise care.
The idea fits neatly with the personalisation of social care, by enabling service users to purchase
services online directly from care workers at mutually convenient times. Tim Anfilogoff, head of
community well-being at Hertfordshire Council, came across the slivers of time concept when
he was bidding to become one of the Department of Health’s demonstrator sites for testing new
ways of providing breaks for carers. “It became blindingly obvious when we looked at slivers
that it was a mechanism that would turn something complicated into something easy,” he says.
The council’s Breakaway for Carers service says would-be volunteers now know that they only
need to give up time when they can. “It has helped because we can tell people they can give
the time they want when they want to,” says Breakaway manager April Parrott. “And the carers
like it too. At first I thought we’d struggle to get people online because of the amount of older
people we have but I have been surprised by the number who choose to use it.”
Slivers of Time l About us
As more volunteers are attracted by the flexible approach, more carers can be given a break.
“The costs of running a service like this are minimal compared with the benefits of keeping 100
or so clients in their home, even for just six months longer,” says Parrott.
One of those who has taken to the online approach is Jeanette Grenby. She says booking a
volunteer sitter online has “made the most fantastic difference” to her life. She cares for her
77-year-old husband Trevor, who has Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. “I use it on an ad hoc
basis if I want to go to the hairdresser or go out in the evening,” she says. “I can book some
time on the computer and get out of the house and stop thinking about Trevor for a few hours –
the alternative is being imprisoned here.”
Slivers of Time l About us
Case Study:
WRVS Care Bank Scheme
Slivers-of-Time and WRVS launched the Care Bank pilot to provide ‘time credit’ rewards for
those who use their time to help older or vulnerable people, bringing the community together to
help each other.
Volunteers who register with CareBank help out with things like shopping, driving, housework
and gardening. In return for this, they gain time credits that can be used for the volunteers’
own or their family’s support in the future.
Slivers of Time l About us
Slivers-of-Time Community
We believe the whole community works better when it all works together.
A real Community not a virtual one
Social networking for social good.
Slivers of Time l About us
A large employer in the community:
•	 Manage both employment needs and volunteering initiatives in one place.
•	 To put social value at the heart of all their ‘people-resourcing’ and put the local
residents who most need work first
•	 Partner with anyone helping people find work, all at different commission rates, to use
their resources
•	 Book these people working for outside companies at pre-approved rates
•	 General office, marketing, PR, web development, catering, office services etc.
•	 Source people from multiple temp agencies at pre-agreed fees even at the last minute
•	 Short term or longer term can be booked and managed
•	 Partner with Charities to facilitate and track employee community outreach programs
•	 Approved charities only
•	 See and control the time employees give
•	 Take some of the people from the charities into their talent pool
Slivers of Time l About us
A Charity in the community:
•	 Link to major employers to enable their employees to donate their time
•	 Already registered, all employers have to do is specific vetting for their roles
•	 Take in unemployed people so they can build their experiences
•	 Make their limited resources more productive
•	 Use as an admin productivity tool, as well as self service
•	 Better report back to companies and donors about the value each has donated
Individuals in the community:
•	 Register with the community using the platform and tell everyone what they can do and
want to do
•	 Make themselves available for either or both volunteering or paid work
•	 Be available for as little or as long as they want
•	 Build their CV by being active through volunteering and working
Slivers of Time l About us
Case Study:
A Local Council engages
in Slivers of Time initiative
First there was the nine-to-fiver, then the part-timer, but now the council is at the forefront of
the newest workplace revolution – the Slivers-of-Time employee.
Walford Community residents who have a few spare hours can now market their free hours
through the website “Walford Local”. Walford Council is launching the new initiative to increase
opportunities for local people and employers. And the council has already got on the
bandwagon, by hiring qualified and vetted individuals who are booked for 60 or 90 minute shifts
to take children in care to and from school, or medical appointments.
As the Council Leader says, “There are always employers who want extra staff to work odd
hours or cover peak times or absences. And there are always residents with a few hours to spare
in need of an extra income. Now we are matching these two groups.”
Research has proved that many residents struggle to get jobs because of commitments like
childcare, studying or health issues. But these residents also have thousands of free hours a
year. The ability to sell slivers of your time allows residents to enter the workforce on their own
terms at times of their choosing. Residents can list the hours they wish to work, which are then
bought by employers.
Slivers of Time l About us
As one Slivers-of-Time worker says, “I have been booked for the NHS through Slivers-of-Time to
do health promotion to people in the street. I have also worked for a cinema, which I loved. I
had to check tickets and people’s ID. Right now, I am still building my experience. I hope I can
also work in shops and offices through Slivers.”
Local employers enjoy the system because they are able to engage extra workers for
short-notice requirements rather than relying on overtime or muddling through understaffed.
They also gain access to a pool of individuals who have chosen to work in a way that expects
flexibility and rewards reliability.
The leader added, “I am committed to localism. There is much power that Local Authorities can
delegate but they do have a role in tackling worklessness in their area. We have an unusually
high incidence of lone parents in the borough. I believe many of these people want to work but
can only do so around the ever changing demands of child care.
We acted as a catalyst for Slivers-of-Time Working. We, and other Councils, use this new kind of
worker for tasks such as: peak time library help, park wardens on sunny days, taking minutes at
school governor meetings, security, electoral office duties at election time, taking children in
care to/from school, handling peak periods in the registrar’s office and so on.
Slivers of Time l About us
Our demand enabled the market to start here. Other employers then joined the market. The
local Primary Care Trust uses Slivers-of-Time Workers for public health outreach, for example
signing up members of the public for anti-smoking classes. Housing Associations in our area have
also started to deploy this very efficient, cost effective, pool of motivated local people.
Typically they use Slivers-of-Time workers for tasks such as: cleaning, resident outreach, call
centre duties and property handovers.”
Slivers of Time l About us

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  • 1. The instant online people booking system for work and volunteering Slivers-of-Time is the online platform for creating talent pools of people for work or volunteering. Our platform helps you get access to vetted people with the right skills that can be booked instantly and precisely for the time required.
  • 2. We positively transform the way organisations recruit, manage and utilise their people. You can manage your people better with Slivers of Time to deliver better service levels to your customers. It takes just 4 Easy Steps 2 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 3. The Slivers-of-Time platform is a web-based application that can be customised to your branding and linked from other websites. Secure, robust and reliable. 3 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 4. Slivers-of-Time helps you create private or shared talent pools of people ready to work or volunteer. These people can be from your existing staff, approved partners and agencies or new web applications. This is done through defining roles, rules and the approval process for workers or volunteers. 4 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 5. Administrators can be given full management of live data such as registrations, bookings and vettings. Slivers-of-Time enables approved people to update their hour-by-hour availability to work or volunteer. This enables truly flexible working or volunteering. Approved people or organisations can then search for and book people from your talent pool for specific requirements. Once a request has been made online, workers and volunteers are alerted instantly and can confirm the booking by text or email. 5 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 6. Our system also transforms itself so it is optimised for use from the PC at your desk, a tablet on the shop floor, or from a smartphone on the move so you are always just a click away from booking the best available people when you need them. 6 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 7. Who does what? There are three major roles that make Silvers of Time work: • An administrator creates the roles and rules that everyone else will follow during set up • A person who needs a task done makes a booking for people to perform the task • A person who is willing to use their talents to do this task accepts the booking. 7 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 8. Key Features Self-service online bookings • Timesheet approvals and management • Merged paid and volunteering platform • Support for multiple users and advocate accounts • Multiple area or agency management Workers and Volunteers • Update hour-by-hour availability to work or volunteer • Set location and role preferences • Worker and volunteer profiles • Timesheet and booking schedules • Live email and text confirmations Powerful Talent pool administration tool • Manage all work or volunteer activity and information • Web portal to publish opportunities • Vettings and approvals • Schedule re-occurring bookings • On-costs and agency mark-up management • Extensive reporting available • CSV and Excel data exporting 8 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 9. Fully configurable and customisable system • Web-based. No Installation required • Secure hosted web services • Responsive design for mobile and tablets • Timebanking functionality 9 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 10. Business Case Our technology helps employers, agencies, charities and the public sector to save costs and achieve their goals by: Delivering new business models and services • Facilitating flexible working and volunteering • Creating person-to-person e-marketplaces • Enabling live self-service web and mobile opportunities Increase customer experience • Managing urgent and irregular staffing requirements • Provide relief bank staffing • Reduce number of “empty” service points Reduced the cost of recruiting • Avoid paying premiums for “last minute” shift bookings • Hiring precisely by the hour – pay for what you need not agency minimums • Enables an employer to manage competitive multiple-agency recruitment • Generate more competitive pricing from suppliers through pricing transparency Enhanced brand value for employees and in the community • Increasing the use of volunteers in your organisation • Ensure employee volunteering is only given to authorised levels and approved charities 10 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 11. New Model = New competitiveness We saw the same trend in PC’s with Dell, We saw it with books with Amazon. It’s the “internet effect” on most industries. It generates more competitive pricing from suppliers through pricing transparency 11 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 12. 12 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 13. A fast solution to launch and integrate Our platform can interface with existing HR/Workforce Management systems so an organisation can have one payroll and reporting system even for temporary and flexible work and volunteering. All data stored on our systems belongs to the relevant customer. It can be exported to them at any time. A Slivers-of-Time system is easily launched. Unless local hosting is specifically required, it can be run from our highly secure data centre but configured, branded and coloured to your requirements. It is available over any internet connection from a PC, Mac, tablet or smart phones for users to access anywhere at any time. We know that getting the Slivers platform off the ground is not just about the technology. It’s about the people who will use it, processes to support it and getting it going. Our team combines technical developers, operations managers, project managers and marketing expertise. We have the team who can help you. We have been at the heart of implementations by corporates, councils and charities. 13 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 14. About Us We are focused on helping our clients achieve their goals better by transforming the way organi- sations recruit, manage and utilise their people. As a social enterprise though, we would add the words “with a heart”. We think that the best way to help our clients as well as our society and economy to improve is by untapping the mas- sive available talent pool eager to work – flexibly and at the last minute. Our approach is by helping people to build their experience by combining any amounts of work or volunteering from multiple organisations. The more people we can get building their experi- ence, even a sliver at a time, will help them, and our businesses, charities and public organisa- tions to pull together to build a strong economy and community. Call us now to get started. 0207 954 9295 Or visit 14 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 15. Slivers-of-Time Working The Slivers model enables you to create talent pools of vetted and approved people that are right for your organisation, right for your roles, in anticipation of you needing them for an individual opportunity. 15 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 16. Today when you need someone to work or volunteer you publish a listing inviting people to ap- ply. Sometimes you go to an agency that might already have these people, or know how to get them better than you do. Or perhaps a general listings website and hope someone sees your op- portunity. No-one is anticipating your demand in this model. The result is usually a higher cost and lower service levels: • Cost for the agency to search • The time lost when they do so • Cost for repeated interviewing and on-boarding With Slivers there is no more waiting for that important task to be completed. No more wonder- ing if they will find someone. No more wondering when they will be on-boarded or vetted. Our platform searches the talent pool of approved and vetted people, and matches the role you want, the time and duration you need, the remuneration level or volunteering level, and the location, to find your best choices. • You make the final selection. • You book them. Instantly. If you have ever booked a hotel room, or a flight, or bought something online … you already know how to use Slivers. Instead of an inventory of hotel rooms or flights, you will pick from an inventory of available people. 16 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 17. It’s that easy. Slivers of Time’s instant online staff booking and time management system can positively transform the way you currently source and manage temporary, agency and zero-hour staff. It streamlines the process of engaging and managing multiple preferred staffing partners, agencies and even the general market, and levels the playing field with open and transparent competitive pricing. 17 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 18. A large employer can: • Put a listing on your own site and recruit directly • Create your own talent pool and save money • Partner with specific agencies, all at different commission rates to use their resources • Book people working for outside agencies at pre-approved rates • General office staff, Marketing, PR, web development, catering, office services etc. • Source people from temp agencies at pre-approved fees, even at the last minute • Short term or longer term can be booked and managed • Manage staff on zero hours contracts • Enable existing workforce with spare time to be used for overtime or sickness coverage • Partner with Charities to facilitate and track employee community outreach programs • You approve the charities • You see and control the time your employees give • Take some of the people from the charities into your talent pool 18 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 19. Effectiveness Analysis – Quantifying the benefits 19 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 20. 20 Slivers of Time l About us Case Study: Booking Practical Support, Personal Care or a Carer Break: Greenwich Greenwich P2P marketplace is a brand new way for people to take control of organising their home support services which has been developed by Greenwich Council and the Greenwich Carers Centre. Who is this for? This service is available to all vulnerable adults living within the London Borough of Greenwich and their families/carers. It is funded by the local Authority and managed by The Greenwich Carers Centre using software, under licence, from Slivers of Time. It is very important that Carers and vulnerable adults have the flexibility to choose the right care worker to attend to their personal care needs. How does it work? To start shopping on the Marketplace you will first need to be registered as a P2P Customer by completing our Customer Profile and signing a Customer Agreement. If you wish to purchase Domiciliary or Respite care you will also have to have had a recent and valid risk assessment carried out by a Risk Assessor (this can be arranged for you).
  • 21. 21 Slivers of Time l About us What can this service do for them? • Once you have registered you will be able to: • See all the Care Workers who are qualified, available and willing to do your booking. • Book your Care Worker within a couple of clicks. • Let the marketplace take care of any payments and administration. • See how much you have spent. You (or someone on your behalf) can then log into the system, select the type of service you require, the times and dates that you want to have that service and then choose a worker from those showing as available and that you think are competent to meet your needs. To help you decide which worker to book, workers have provided a personal photograph and full details of their qualifications, training, skills and personal attributes. You can also identify and mark your preferred workers to make future bookings easier to manage. Once you have chosen a worker you simply select them on the system and the worker is immediately informed of your request. They will contact you to let you know that they have accepted the booking. In some circumstances P2P Customer Services are able to make bookings on your behalf if you do not have access to the internet or are unable to make your own bookings.
  • 23. We enable Charities to deliver massive amounts more from volunteers and deliver more value than they can do today. Charities can create a talent pool of vetted volunteers that can be instantly booked to perform a volunteering task. We open the whole model to new ways of volunteering, unleashing the power of thousands of people who want to volunteer but who are not being used. Slivers-of-Time gives volunteers the choice of when they want to give time hour-by-hour around their other commitments. 23 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 24. We will enable: • Tracking the vetting of volunteer candidates • Self-service booking of vetted volunteers for tasks • A productivity tool for charity administrators • Employee volunteering outreach in the community for companies with CSR programs • Mobile access to the platform so we can provide faster, “on the road” services • Inbuilt reports and integration into external systems The payback for any organisation using this platform is: • Reduced volunteer management overheads • Improved service: Immediate booking of the right available resource • Detailed reporting to funders and trustees Increased utilisation of volunteers Many charities are limited in the number of volunteers they can actively use because of the management burden for their administrators. With so many charity budgets and donations being squeezed this really helps make the budget go further and help even more people who need it. Improved experience for volunteers Slivers-of-Time gives volunteers the choice of when they want to give time hour-by-hour around their other commitments. We open the whole model to new ways of volunteering. Unleashing the power of thousands of people who want o volunteer but who are being under-used. 24 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 25. Case Study: Breakaway for Carers, Hertfordshire. A system for carers to book breaks is showing how the internet can help personalise care. The idea fits neatly with the personalisation of social care, by enabling service users to purchase services online directly from care workers at mutually convenient times. Tim Anfilogoff, head of community well-being at Hertfordshire Council, came across the slivers of time concept when he was bidding to become one of the Department of Health’s demonstrator sites for testing new ways of providing breaks for carers. “It became blindingly obvious when we looked at slivers that it was a mechanism that would turn something complicated into something easy,” he says. The council’s Breakaway for Carers service says would-be volunteers now know that they only need to give up time when they can. “It has helped because we can tell people they can give the time they want when they want to,” says Breakaway manager April Parrott. “And the carers like it too. At first I thought we’d struggle to get people online because of the amount of older people we have but I have been surprised by the number who choose to use it.” 25 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 26. As more volunteers are attracted by the flexible approach, more carers can be given a break. “The costs of running a service like this are minimal compared with the benefits of keeping 100 or so clients in their home, even for just six months longer,” says Parrott. One of those who has taken to the online approach is Jeanette Grenby. She says booking a volunteer sitter online has “made the most fantastic difference” to her life. She cares for her 77-year-old husband Trevor, who has Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. “I use it on an ad hoc basis if I want to go to the hairdresser or go out in the evening,” she says. “I can book some time on the computer and get out of the house and stop thinking about Trevor for a few hours – the alternative is being imprisoned here.” 26 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 27. Case Study: WRVS Care Bank Scheme Slivers-of-Time and WRVS launched the Care Bank pilot to provide ‘time credit’ rewards for those who use their time to help older or vulnerable people, bringing the community together to help each other. Volunteers who register with CareBank help out with things like shopping, driving, housework and gardening. In return for this, they gain time credits that can be used for the volunteers’ own or their family’s support in the future. 27 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 28. Slivers-of-Time Community We believe the whole community works better when it all works together. A real Community not a virtual one Social networking for social good. 28 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 29. A large employer in the community: • Manage both employment needs and volunteering initiatives in one place. • To put social value at the heart of all their ‘people-resourcing’ and put the local residents who most need work first • Partner with anyone helping people find work, all at different commission rates, to use their resources • Book these people working for outside companies at pre-approved rates • General office, marketing, PR, web development, catering, office services etc. • Source people from multiple temp agencies at pre-agreed fees even at the last minute • Short term or longer term can be booked and managed • Partner with Charities to facilitate and track employee community outreach programs • Approved charities only • See and control the time employees give • Take some of the people from the charities into their talent pool 29 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 30. A Charity in the community: • Link to major employers to enable their employees to donate their time • Already registered, all employers have to do is specific vetting for their roles • Take in unemployed people so they can build their experiences • Make their limited resources more productive • Use as an admin productivity tool, as well as self service • Better report back to companies and donors about the value each has donated Individuals in the community: • Register with the community using the platform and tell everyone what they can do and want to do • Make themselves available for either or both volunteering or paid work • Be available for as little or as long as they want • Build their CV by being active through volunteering and working 30 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 31. Case Study: A Local Council engages in Slivers of Time initiative First there was the nine-to-fiver, then the part-timer, but now the council is at the forefront of the newest workplace revolution – the Slivers-of-Time employee. Walford Community residents who have a few spare hours can now market their free hours through the website “Walford Local”. Walford Council is launching the new initiative to increase opportunities for local people and employers. And the council has already got on the bandwagon, by hiring qualified and vetted individuals who are booked for 60 or 90 minute shifts to take children in care to and from school, or medical appointments. As the Council Leader says, “There are always employers who want extra staff to work odd hours or cover peak times or absences. And there are always residents with a few hours to spare in need of an extra income. Now we are matching these two groups.” Research has proved that many residents struggle to get jobs because of commitments like childcare, studying or health issues. But these residents also have thousands of free hours a year. The ability to sell slivers of your time allows residents to enter the workforce on their own terms at times of their choosing. Residents can list the hours they wish to work, which are then bought by employers. 31 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 32. As one Slivers-of-Time worker says, “I have been booked for the NHS through Slivers-of-Time to do health promotion to people in the street. I have also worked for a cinema, which I loved. I had to check tickets and people’s ID. Right now, I am still building my experience. I hope I can also work in shops and offices through Slivers.” Local employers enjoy the system because they are able to engage extra workers for short-notice requirements rather than relying on overtime or muddling through understaffed. They also gain access to a pool of individuals who have chosen to work in a way that expects flexibility and rewards reliability. The leader added, “I am committed to localism. There is much power that Local Authorities can delegate but they do have a role in tackling worklessness in their area. We have an unusually high incidence of lone parents in the borough. I believe many of these people want to work but can only do so around the ever changing demands of child care. We acted as a catalyst for Slivers-of-Time Working. We, and other Councils, use this new kind of worker for tasks such as: peak time library help, park wardens on sunny days, taking minutes at school governor meetings, security, electoral office duties at election time, taking children in care to/from school, handling peak periods in the registrar’s office and so on. 32 Slivers of Time l About us
  • 33. Our demand enabled the market to start here. Other employers then joined the market. The local Primary Care Trust uses Slivers-of-Time Workers for public health outreach, for example signing up members of the public for anti-smoking classes. Housing Associations in our area have also started to deploy this very efficient, cost effective, pool of motivated local people. Typically they use Slivers-of-Time workers for tasks such as: cleaning, resident outreach, call centre duties and property handovers.” 33 Slivers of Time l About us