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The parasite Lernaeocera branchialis on caged cod :
infection pattern is caused by differences in host

D. A. L Y S N E "* and A. S K O R P I N G #
" Finnmark University College, Follumsvei 31, N-9509 Alta, Norway
# Department of Zoology, University of Bergen, Realfagbygget, AlleT gaten 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway

(Received 23 January 2001 ; revised 5 May 2001 and 1 August 2001 ; accepted 1 August 2001)

Variation in host susceptibility causes significant differences in infection rates between hosts living in a semi-natural
situation. Such knowledge has implications for population dynamics and evolutionary models of host–parasite interactions
as well as for estimations of parasite abundance. Infection rates by Lernaeocera branchialis (L.) were measured through
time and space on caged Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). One group of hosts, identified by their infection history,
developed significantly higher infection rates than the others. These were fish which had been infected previously, but had
lost their infection. Differences between groups were consistent through both time and space. Two types of cod seem to
have been present in the caged population ; a small group of inherently susceptible fish, which were infected, and reinfected
if the parasite was lost, and another group of resistant hosts with a small chance of becoming infected.

Key words : Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, Lernaeocera branchialis, susceptibility.

                                                                   studies where the effect of heterogeneities in ex-
                                                                   posure rate to infective stages can be separated from
Most macroparasites show a non-random distri-                      heterogeneities in host susceptibility. As pointed out
bution across their host population (Shaw, Grenfell                by Clayton, Pruett-Jones & Lande (1992), a major
& Dobson, 1998). The level of parasite aggregation                 shortcoming in many studies has been that workers
has consequences for population regulation                         have been using variation in parasite numbers as a
(Anderson & May, 1978 ; May & Anderson, 1978), as                  measure of variation in susceptibility. Experimental
well as for epidemiological studies since, at in-                  studies in the laboratory, where individuals are
creasing levels of aggregation, a larger number of                 exposed to a known number of infective stages, have
hosts must be sampled in order to estimate parasite                repeatedly shown that host susceptibility varies
abundance. Furthermore, several evolutionary                       between individuals (Chevassus & Dorson, 1990 ;
models hypothesize that parasites can be important                 Bakke et al. 1992 ; Wakelin, 1994). These are not
selective agents on their hosts (Barbehenn, 1969 ;                 easily extrapolated to natural situations because
Hamilton & Zuk, 1982 ; Freeland, 1983 ; Hamilton,                  exposure rates may differ widely from those in the
Axelrod & Tanese, 1990). A necessary requirement                   field (Quinnell & Keymer, 1990), and also because
for such parasite-mediated selection is that the trait             host susceptibility may be affected by conditions in
to be selected must covary with parasite numbers                   the laboratory (Lloyd, 1995). An alternative is to run
(Goater & Holmes, 1997 ; Skorping, 1998). For                      field experiments where hosts can be exposed to
example, in the hypothesis proposed by Hamilton &                  naturally occurring transmission stages under en-
Zuk (1982) on sexual selection, it is assumed that                 vironmental conditions more similar to those ex-
differences in male heritable susceptibility will be                perienced in the wild. By using ectoparasites on
reflected in the distribution of parasites. The im-                 individually marked hosts, it should be possible to
portance of parasites as selective agents is likely to             compare infection rates between host individuals,
increase when parasite distribution becomes less                   and examine if differences in rates are consistent
aggregated because more hosts harbour a higher                     through time.
number of parasites.                                                 This paper describes fluctuations in the population
  In order to understand why wild-living parasites                 of Lernaeocera branchialis (L.) on caged cod (Gadus
aggregate within their host populations we need                    morhua L.) for 598 days. L. branchialis uses mainly
                                                                   different species of flatfish as intermediate hosts
                                                                   (Kabata, 1979), but can also develop on other fish
* Corresponding author : Finnmark University College,
N-9509 Alta, Norway, Tel : j 47 78 45 03 56. Fax : j47             species (Lester & Roubal, 1995). After mating, the
78 43 44 38. E-mail : daga!                                 pregnant female has a short free-living period

Parasitology (2002), 124, 69–76. " 2002 Cambridge University Press
DOI : 10.1017S0031182001008848 Printed in the United Kingdom
D. A. Lysne and A. Skorping                                                                                      70

Fig. 1. Chart of Kvalfjorden with cage locations marked by dots. Four net bags were placed in cage A, while cages B
and C had 1 net bag each.

searching for the definitive host, a gadoid fish. If
                                                               
successful, she will settle at the base of the gill arches
on the ventral side, and undergo a metamorphosis             Six hundred cod were caught by floating trawl off the
where the head penetrates into the heart region of the       coast of Finnmark County, Norway, and caged in
fish (Grabda, 1991). The parasite is known to                 Kvalfjorden (70m 42h N and 23m 48h E). The fish were
influence both growth and level of liver fat, and may         allowed to recover from capture and acclimatized for
be lethal, especially to young fish (Khan, Lee &              2 weeks while fed several times a day with artificial
Barker, 1990). The parasite may live up to 18 months         food. Thereafter, the fish were caged in 6 net bags
(Lester & Roubal, 1995) and can not move between             (height 4 m, volume 40 m$ each) at 3 different
hosts.                                                       locations in the fjord. One hundred cod were placed
  In the present study a field experimental approach          in each of 4 net bags in cage A (see Fig. 1). These
was used to address the following question. Do               were all free from infection by L. branchialis, with 3
infection rates vary between hosts due to inherent           accidental exceptions. The depth at low tide was 8 m
differences in susceptibility? Exposure can be                at this cage. This paper is part of a larger study, and
assumed to be random within each of the host                 fish from another 2 cages, which were placed in the
locations used in this experimental set-up. If then          study area for other reasons (labelled B and C in Fig.
the pattern of infection is caused mainly by factors         1), were also included in the present data. At caging
unrelated to host susceptibility, infection rates            100 cod were placed at random, with respect to
should show random variations between host indi-             infection, in one net bag in each of cage B and C
viduals.                                                     (Table 1). The cages were placed 200 m and 50 m
Variation in susceptibility to L. branchialis                                                                      71

                     Table 1. Infection levels of Lernaeocera branchialis on the caged cod at
                     the start of the experiment are given separately for the 3 cages in the
                     experiment together with the mean and range of both body mass and
                     length of the fish at caging, as well as increase in body mass and
                     length through the study period
                     (Cage-labelling refers to Fig. 1)

                                                   Cage A           Cage B           Cage C

                        Abundance                  0n01             0n85             0n71
                        Prevalence                 1n1 %           38n5 %           40n9 %
                      Mass (g)
                        Mean                    1876n4          1855n2            2013n2
                        Range                   1025n0–2905n0   1110n0–2525n0     1110n0–4300n0
                        Increase, mean          2454n6          2408n6            2248n7
                        Increase, range          410n0–4170n0    705n0–4490n0      310n0–5070n0
                      Length (cm)
                        Mean                      60n6             60n5             61n2
                        Range                     47n5–71n0        48n0–66n0        50n0–79n5
                        Increase, mean            10n6             10n3              9n5
                        Increase, range            3n5–21n0         2n0–18n5         1n0–20n5

from the shore respectively. Depths at low tide were            (i) included fish where numbers of parasites in-
31n5 m at cage B and 18n5 m at cage C. In the fjord             creased during a time-period, and group (ii) included
the average water level change is 1n8 m (Statens                fish where numbers of parasites did not increase.
Kartverk, 2001) between high to low tide. Strong                The data were used in a logistic regression model
tidal currents, which are especially pronounced close           with binomial errors in Glim4 (Crawley, 1993).
to the shores (Fig. 1), continuously replaced the               Groups of cod, identified by infection history, were
water within the cages.                                         tested for differences in age distributions using
   Before the separation into different cages fish were           contingency tables (GLM with Poisson errors and
inspected for L. branchialis, and length and mass               log link function). The variables were included in the
were recorded (Table 1). All fish were also in-                  models in a forward stepwise manner. Significance
dividually tagged with external anchor tags (T-tags).           of effects in the models were tested by comparing the
Before handling, each fish was anaesthetized in                  change in deviance by the removal of a term from the
0n15 % chlorobutanol (C H Cl O). During the ex-                 model with the values of Chi-square tables in
                           % ( $
perimental period the fish were anaesthetized, L.                accordance with Crawley (1993).
branchialis counted and length and mass recorded 6
times ; on days 0, 74, 327, 431, 522 and 598 after
caging. The large gap in collection times between the
second and third sample was caused by bad weather               A total of 495 cod survived the experimental period.
conditions which made it impossible to transport the            Of the survivors, 339 fish could be identified
fish between the cages and the location where they               throughout the study, while the remaining indi-
were anaesthetized and inspected. On day 598 all                viduals had lost their tags and were subsequently re-
surviving fish were killed and sexed. The otoliths               tagged. Of the 339 cod, which were identified
were removed for age determination. During the                  throughout the study, 79 % remained uninfected,
experiment cod were fed cuttings from the codfillet              while the rest of the fish harboured the parasite at
industry and herring meal mixed with commercial                 one or more sampling points. During the study
fish food (‘ Salmomix 45 % ’). Food was added to the             period there was a decline in numbers of hosts
cages twice a week, and what was not eaten, sank out            harbouring more than 1 L. branchialis (Fig. 2 ; χ# l
of the cage within a period of less than 30 sec.                9n29 ; P l 0n0023 at 1 ..). The death of 22 fish was
   Only fish which survived longer than day 327,                 caused by predation by the otter, Lutra lutra, which
were included in the analyses. All statistical tests            in most cases made the fish impossible to inspect for
were run using generalized linear models (GLMs) in              parasites. These killings took place during the dark
the Glim4 computer package (Crawley, 1993).                     period each year, between late November and early
Changes in frequency distribution of parasites                  February. The otter entered the cages through self-
through time were tested using a contingency table              made holes in the net. However, among the dead fish
(Poisson errors and log link function). Changes in              which could be inspected, intensity and prevalence
rates of infection were treated as binary data : group          were within the levels measured among the survivors
D. A. Lysne and A. Skorping                                                                                          72


Number of fish



                        0     74         327     431        522          598
                      June   August     April   August    November     January
                      1993   1993       1994     1994       1994        1995
                      Days after caging and month and year of sampling
Fig. 2. Numbers of cod harbouring different numbers of Lernaeocera branchialis during the period of caging. Only
fish which appeared in all samples (n l 339) were included. Number of L. branchialis per fish   1;  2; 
 3; 8 4;
: 5 ; 5 6.

Fig. 3. Infection rates, with standard errors, by Lernaeocera branchialis for fish which were free from infection at the
start of a time-period (open columns), compared to rates for fish which harboured the parasite (filled columns). ‘ 0 ’ l
No fish acquired new infections.

(intensity l 1.78, prevalence l 0n36, n l 22). Data           the changes in infection rates were not apparent from
on the surviving fish therefore seem not to have been          the analyses. Inclusion of a second order and third
biased by parasite-related deaths.                            order parameter of the ‘ time ’ variable did not exert
   The rate at which L. branchialis established within        significant influence on infection rates (χ# l 0n30 ; P
the caged population was high during the first time            l 0n58 at 1 ., and χ# l 2n56 ; P l 0n11 at 1 ..,
period (Fig. 3), but then dropped to a lower level ( χ#       respectively).
l 50n5 ; P 0n001 at 1. ..). Seasonal fluctuations in            Infection rates were compared between groups of
Variation in susceptibility to L. branchialis                                                                            73

                     Table 2. The influence of infection history and location on infection
                     rates of Lernaeocera branchialis on cod during successive time-periods
                     (‘ Infection history ’ identifies 2 groups among the cod. Fish which were un-
                     infected at the start of the time-period are compared to fish which harboured the
                     parasite (see also Fig. 3). ‘ Location ’ refers to the 3 locations in the fjord where
                     the cod were caged. In the analysis ‘ infection rate ’ was treated as a binary response
                     variable, and included in models (GLMs) with binomial errors.)

                                                 Inf. history        Location           Inf. history i
                      Days after caging           (.. l 1)         (.. l 2)         loc. (.. l 2)

                      0–74                        χ# l 1n93           χ# l 4n94           χ# l 0n31
                                                  P l 0n16            P l 0n09            P l 0n86
                      74–327                      χ# l 1n37           χ# l 2n44           χ# l 0n38
                                                  P l 0n24            P l 0n30            P l 0n83
                      327–431                     χ# l 0n28           χ# l 0n92           χ# l 0n002
                                                  P l 0n60            P l 0n63            P l 0n999
                      431–522                     χ# l 1n76           χ# l 1n64           χ# l 0n001
                                                  P l 0n19            P l 0n44            P l 0n999
                      522–598                     χ# l 0n13           χ# l 0n30           χ# l 3n099
                                                  P l 0n72            P l 0n86            P l 0n21

Fig. 4. Infection rates, with standard errors, by Lernaeocera branchialis for 2 subgroups of the fish classified as
‘ uninfected ’ in Fig. 3. Fish which had lost the infection, and therefore were free from the parasite at the start of the
time-period (open columns), are compared to fish which were not recorded as infected prior to the start of the time-
period (filled columns). ‘ 0 ’ l No fish acquired new infections.

cod identified by their infection history. Rates did               of the 4 time-periods, these cod were more likely to
not differ between fish which were uninfected at the                be infected than the cod which had never harboured
start of a time-period, compared to infected fish (Fig.            the parasite at any of the previous sampling points
3). This was shown statistically by the lack of                   (the statistics are given in Table 3). In the second
difference within all of the 5 time-periods which                  interval in Fig. 4, where infection rate is zero in the
were compared (the statistics are given in Table 2).              group of previously infected cod, only 11 of the
However, 1 subgroup among the uninfected fish                      individuals which were free from infection after 327
showed significantly higher rates of infection than                days in the cage, had been recorded as infected
the others. These were the fish which had been                     earlier in the study. None of these were recorded as
infected, but had lost their infection prior to the start         infected after 431 days in the cage. Furthermore,
of the time-period under investigation (Fig. 4). This             when compared to the group of cod which harboured
loss of infection was identified among individuals                 the parasite at the start of a time-period, the group of
which had harboured the parasite at one or more of                cod which had lost all their parasites, showed
the previous samplings but were free from infection               significantly higher infection rates in 2 of the 4 time-
at the start of the time-period in question. Within 3             periods (the statistics are given in Table 4). This
D. A. Lysne and A. Skorping                                                                                      74

                   Table 3. Fish which had been infected by Lernaeocera branchialis, but
                   had lost their infection prior to the start of the time-period, are
                   compared to fish which were not recorded as infected (see Fig. 4)
                   (These are subgroups of the ‘ uninfected ’ fish in Fig. 3. In the analyses ‘ infection
                   rate ’ was treated as a binary response variable, and included in models (GLMs)
                   with binomial errors.)

                                              Inf. history        Location            Inf. history
                    Days after caging          (.. l 1)         (.. l 2)          i location

                    74–327                    χ# l 7n92           χ# l 2n14        χ# l 3n06
                                              P l 0n005           P l 0n34         P l 0n08 (1 ..)
                    327–431                   χ# l 0n11           χ# l 0n61        χ# l 0n0002
                                              P l 0n74            P l 0n74         P l 0n999 (2 ..)
                    431–522                   χ# l 13n60          χ# l 3n58        χ# l 0n24
                                              P l 0n001           P l 0n17         P l 0n89 (2 ..)
                    522–598                   χ# l 7n03           χ# l 1n66        χ# l 0n118
                                              P l 0n008           P l 0n44         P l 0n94 (2 ..)

                   Table 4. Fish which had been infected by Lernaeocera branchialis
                   previous to the time-period in question, but had lost the infection (a
                   subgroup of the ‘ uninfected ’ in Fig. 3), are compared to fish which
                   harboured the parasite at the start of the period (the ‘ infected ’ fish in
                   Fig. 3)
                   (In the analyses ‘ infection rate ’ was treated as a binary response variable, and
                   included in models (GLMs) with binomial errors.)

                                              Inf. history       Location            Inf. history
                    Days after caging          (.. l 1)        (.. l 2)          i location

                    74–327                    χ# l 7n31          χ# l 4n64       χ# l 0n0008
                                              P l 0n007          P l 0n10        P l 0n977 (1 ..)
                    327–431                   χ# l 0n21               –               –
                                              P l 0n65                –               –
                    431–522                   χ# l 10n68         χ# l 3n22       χ# l 0n001
                                              P l 0n001          P l 0n20        P l 0n999 (2 ..)
                    522–598                   χ# l 2n41          χ# l 0n34       χ# l 2n82
                                              P l 0n12           P l 0n84        P l 0n24 (2 ..)

pattern may have been caused by age-related                    as uninfected. This difference was consistent through
differences in infection rates. If so, age of the fish           time and between locations. With respect to infection
should differ between groups identified by infective             rates, 2 types of cod therefore appear to have been
history. This was not found to be the case within any          present in the caged population ; one large group
of the time-periods (χ# 8n57 ; P 0n29 at 7 ..).              with a relatively small chance of becoming infected
    Differences in infection rates between individuals          and another smaller group with a much higher risk of
did not depend on which location the fish were                  acquiring the parasite. The strong water currents in
placed in. This appeared from the fact that ‘ location ’       the caging area, which caused continuously re-
neither affected infection rate (Tables 2, 3 and 4),            placement of the water within the cages, should
nor influenced the effect of ‘ infection history ’ within        produce random variation in exposure to infective
any of the time-periods (non-significant effects of the          stages among fish within each cage. Furthermore,
‘ infection historyilocation ’ interactions ; Tables 2,        during the experimental period there were no
3 and 4).                                                      significant differences in infection rates between the
                                                               cages. Therefore, the differences in rates between the
                                                               2 groups of cod, could not have been caused by
                                                               differences in the rate of exposure, but must have
In this study, infection rates did not vary randomly           been related to phenotypic differences.
between individual cod. Fish which had been                       An alternative explanation would be that the
infected previously with L. branchialis and had lost           smaller group of hosts may have differed in their
the infection, had a significantly higher rate of               behaviour in a way that made them more frequently
infection than cod which previously were recorded              exposed to transmission stages, for example, by
Variation in susceptibility to L. branchialis                                                                   75

occupying the bottom of the net bags. Poulin, Rau         Susceptibility can appear as a gradient from highly
Curtis (1991) showed that variation in behaviour           susceptible to resistant hosts. This view does not
influenced infection rates among laboratory reared          change the argument that infection rates decreased
brook trout fry (Salvelinus fontinalis) infected by the    through time due to declining probability of encoun-
crustacean ectoparasite Salmincola edwardsii. How-         tering susceptible hosts because the highly sus-
ever, if host behaviour were an important factor in        ceptible individuals were infected during the first
the present study the frequently exposed hosts             part of the study and moved into the infected class
should show high levels of infection rates throughout      with a low probability of reinfection.
the study period, independent of their previous               Other explanations for the observed decrease in
infection status. This was not observed.                   infection rate with time are possible, but less likely.
   The assumption that the caged cod population            A decrease in rates of infection with time could be
initially consisted of a small group of inherently         caused by stress during the caging process, which
susceptible fish among a larger group of resistant          may increase initial susceptibility to parasites (Lloyd,
ones, would explain both the decrease in the infection     1995). However, fish seem to acclimatize to cages
rates within the whole group of cod, and the               over a short time. Pickering (1987) argued that
fluctuating rate of infection among the fish which           within 3 weeks most individuals of several species do
had carried the parasite earlier, but lost it. The         not show signs of immune suppression. Seasonal or
infection rate within the whole group should decline       annual changes in densities of transmission stages
because the number of susceptibles rapidly became          may cause a decrease in rate of infection through
infected and moved into the infected class with a low      time. If densities decreased through the first autumn
probability of reinfection. Since this parasite may        and winter, the rates of infection should have
live for 18 months (Lester  Roubal, 1995), few of         increased again over the second summer (from April
these fish had lost their infection after 327 days in the   to early November which would be from 327 to 522
cage. This may explain the lack of new infections          days in the cage). This did not happen. Neither is it
among the group of susceptibles during the second          likely that annual fluctuations in densities of trans-
time-interval.                                             mission stages caused the observed pattern, because
   Are cod with a previous record of carrying the          changes in rates of infection with time differed
parasite more vulnerable to reinfection due to             between groups of cod. For example, infection rates
parasite-induced increase in susceptibility ? Such         increased in the group of infected cod between the
patterns were observed in the laboratory on juvenile       second-to-last and the last time-period. At the same
sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae) infected by the crus-        time the group of cod which had lost their infection,
tacean ectoparasite Argulus canadensis (Wilson, 1916 ;     showed a 40 % decrease in infection rates. It is
Poulin  FitzGerald, 1989), and on brook trout             therefore reasonable to conclude that the decrease in
fry infected by another crustacean ectoparasite S.         infection rates with time was caused by a declining
edwardsii (Poulin et al. 1991). However, the present       number of susceptible hosts.
data seem not to fit this explanation. L. branchialis          Are the present results comparable to the wild
did not induce higher infection rates among the fish        situation ? It is not likely that factors tied to the
harbouring the parasite, because the number of fish         caging situation, for example stress, would affect a
carrying more than 1 parasite did not increase with        fraction of the caged cod, i.e. the susceptible fish
time, and fish infected by the parasite at the start of     identified by their infection history, more seriously
a given time-period did not show higher infection          than the rest of the population. However, the
rates than uninfected hosts. A supposed increase in        availability of food may be more uniformly distri-
susceptibility due to earlier infection may also take      buted, and for part of the year more abundant,
effect only after the fish have lost the infection.          between caged individuals than experienced by wild-
However, if parasite-induced facilitation of re-           living fish. As a consequence, differences in host
infection were the most important factor causing           resistance caused by fluctuation in nutritional re-
changes in infection rates, we would expect rates to       source may be more pronounced among wild-living
be low at the start of the study period, and thereafter    hosts. The frequent availability of high quality food
increase as parasites died and numbers of previously       may explain why the numbers of multi-infected
infected fish increased through time. This was not          hosts decreased throughout the study period.
observed.                                                     Since this is a relatively pathogenic parasite (Khan,
   The argument that the caged cod initially con-          1988 ; Khan et al. 1990), cod that are able to avoid it
sisted of a small group of inherently susceptible fish      should have a fitness advantage relative to the
among a larger group of resistant ones, depends on         susceptible group. Why then, does resistance not
the assumption that the observed temporal variations       spread to the whole cod population ? We suggest 2
in infection rate are caused by changes in availability    possible mechanisms that may maintain such poly-
of susceptibles. The distribution of the cod popu-         morphism in susceptibility.
lation in 2 distinct groups, susceptible or resistant         Given that parasites show virulence specific to
hosts, may, however, not be a realistic model.             genotypes, Hamilton (1980) hypothesized that be-
D. A. Lysne and A. Skorping                                                                                         76

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We thank the staff at Finnmark Research Centre for their      , . . .  , . . (1995). Phylum
cooperation, Ellen Andersen and Sissel Kaino for technical
                                                               Arthropoda. In Fish Diseases and Disorders. Vol. I.
assistance. We also acknowledge Peter Hudson for con-
structive comments and discussions, and for improving          Protozoan and Metazoan Infections (ed. Woo,
the English. This study was financially supported by the        P. T. K.), pp. 475–598. CAB International,
Norwegian Research Council.                                    Wallingford, UK.
                                                             , . (1995). Environmental influences on host
                                                               immunity. In Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural
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  • 1. 69 The parasite Lernaeocera branchialis on caged cod : infection pattern is caused by differences in host susceptibility D. A. L Y S N E "* and A. S K O R P I N G # " Finnmark University College, Follumsvei 31, N-9509 Alta, Norway # Department of Zoology, University of Bergen, Realfagbygget, AlleT gaten 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway (Received 23 January 2001 ; revised 5 May 2001 and 1 August 2001 ; accepted 1 August 2001)  Variation in host susceptibility causes significant differences in infection rates between hosts living in a semi-natural situation. Such knowledge has implications for population dynamics and evolutionary models of host–parasite interactions as well as for estimations of parasite abundance. Infection rates by Lernaeocera branchialis (L.) were measured through time and space on caged Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). One group of hosts, identified by their infection history, developed significantly higher infection rates than the others. These were fish which had been infected previously, but had lost their infection. Differences between groups were consistent through both time and space. Two types of cod seem to have been present in the caged population ; a small group of inherently susceptible fish, which were infected, and reinfected if the parasite was lost, and another group of resistant hosts with a small chance of becoming infected. Key words : Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, Lernaeocera branchialis, susceptibility. studies where the effect of heterogeneities in ex-  posure rate to infective stages can be separated from Most macroparasites show a non-random distri- heterogeneities in host susceptibility. As pointed out bution across their host population (Shaw, Grenfell by Clayton, Pruett-Jones & Lande (1992), a major & Dobson, 1998). The level of parasite aggregation shortcoming in many studies has been that workers has consequences for population regulation have been using variation in parasite numbers as a (Anderson & May, 1978 ; May & Anderson, 1978), as measure of variation in susceptibility. Experimental well as for epidemiological studies since, at in- studies in the laboratory, where individuals are creasing levels of aggregation, a larger number of exposed to a known number of infective stages, have hosts must be sampled in order to estimate parasite repeatedly shown that host susceptibility varies abundance. Furthermore, several evolutionary between individuals (Chevassus & Dorson, 1990 ; models hypothesize that parasites can be important Bakke et al. 1992 ; Wakelin, 1994). These are not selective agents on their hosts (Barbehenn, 1969 ; easily extrapolated to natural situations because Hamilton & Zuk, 1982 ; Freeland, 1983 ; Hamilton, exposure rates may differ widely from those in the Axelrod & Tanese, 1990). A necessary requirement field (Quinnell & Keymer, 1990), and also because for such parasite-mediated selection is that the trait host susceptibility may be affected by conditions in to be selected must covary with parasite numbers the laboratory (Lloyd, 1995). An alternative is to run (Goater & Holmes, 1997 ; Skorping, 1998). For field experiments where hosts can be exposed to example, in the hypothesis proposed by Hamilton & naturally occurring transmission stages under en- Zuk (1982) on sexual selection, it is assumed that vironmental conditions more similar to those ex- differences in male heritable susceptibility will be perienced in the wild. By using ectoparasites on reflected in the distribution of parasites. The im- individually marked hosts, it should be possible to portance of parasites as selective agents is likely to compare infection rates between host individuals, increase when parasite distribution becomes less and examine if differences in rates are consistent aggregated because more hosts harbour a higher through time. number of parasites. This paper describes fluctuations in the population In order to understand why wild-living parasites of Lernaeocera branchialis (L.) on caged cod (Gadus aggregate within their host populations we need morhua L.) for 598 days. L. branchialis uses mainly different species of flatfish as intermediate hosts (Kabata, 1979), but can also develop on other fish * Corresponding author : Finnmark University College, N-9509 Alta, Norway, Tel : j 47 78 45 03 56. Fax : j47 species (Lester & Roubal, 1995). After mating, the 78 43 44 38. E-mail : daga! pregnant female has a short free-living period Parasitology (2002), 124, 69–76. " 2002 Cambridge University Press DOI : 10.1017S0031182001008848 Printed in the United Kingdom
  • 2. D. A. Lysne and A. Skorping 70 Fig. 1. Chart of Kvalfjorden with cage locations marked by dots. Four net bags were placed in cage A, while cages B and C had 1 net bag each. searching for the definitive host, a gadoid fish. If    successful, she will settle at the base of the gill arches on the ventral side, and undergo a metamorphosis Six hundred cod were caught by floating trawl off the where the head penetrates into the heart region of the coast of Finnmark County, Norway, and caged in fish (Grabda, 1991). The parasite is known to Kvalfjorden (70m 42h N and 23m 48h E). The fish were influence both growth and level of liver fat, and may allowed to recover from capture and acclimatized for be lethal, especially to young fish (Khan, Lee & 2 weeks while fed several times a day with artificial Barker, 1990). The parasite may live up to 18 months food. Thereafter, the fish were caged in 6 net bags (Lester & Roubal, 1995) and can not move between (height 4 m, volume 40 m$ each) at 3 different hosts. locations in the fjord. One hundred cod were placed In the present study a field experimental approach in each of 4 net bags in cage A (see Fig. 1). These was used to address the following question. Do were all free from infection by L. branchialis, with 3 infection rates vary between hosts due to inherent accidental exceptions. The depth at low tide was 8 m differences in susceptibility? Exposure can be at this cage. This paper is part of a larger study, and assumed to be random within each of the host fish from another 2 cages, which were placed in the locations used in this experimental set-up. If then study area for other reasons (labelled B and C in Fig. the pattern of infection is caused mainly by factors 1), were also included in the present data. At caging unrelated to host susceptibility, infection rates 100 cod were placed at random, with respect to should show random variations between host indi- infection, in one net bag in each of cage B and C viduals. (Table 1). The cages were placed 200 m and 50 m
  • 3. Variation in susceptibility to L. branchialis 71 Table 1. Infection levels of Lernaeocera branchialis on the caged cod at the start of the experiment are given separately for the 3 cages in the experiment together with the mean and range of both body mass and length of the fish at caging, as well as increase in body mass and length through the study period (Cage-labelling refers to Fig. 1) Cage A Cage B Cage C Infection Abundance 0n01 0n85 0n71 Prevalence 1n1 % 38n5 % 40n9 % Mass (g) Mean 1876n4 1855n2 2013n2 Range 1025n0–2905n0 1110n0–2525n0 1110n0–4300n0 Increase, mean 2454n6 2408n6 2248n7 Increase, range 410n0–4170n0 705n0–4490n0 310n0–5070n0 Length (cm) Mean 60n6 60n5 61n2 Range 47n5–71n0 48n0–66n0 50n0–79n5 Increase, mean 10n6 10n3 9n5 Increase, range 3n5–21n0 2n0–18n5 1n0–20n5 from the shore respectively. Depths at low tide were (i) included fish where numbers of parasites in- 31n5 m at cage B and 18n5 m at cage C. In the fjord creased during a time-period, and group (ii) included the average water level change is 1n8 m (Statens fish where numbers of parasites did not increase. Kartverk, 2001) between high to low tide. Strong The data were used in a logistic regression model tidal currents, which are especially pronounced close with binomial errors in Glim4 (Crawley, 1993). to the shores (Fig. 1), continuously replaced the Groups of cod, identified by infection history, were water within the cages. tested for differences in age distributions using Before the separation into different cages fish were contingency tables (GLM with Poisson errors and inspected for L. branchialis, and length and mass log link function). The variables were included in the were recorded (Table 1). All fish were also in- models in a forward stepwise manner. Significance dividually tagged with external anchor tags (T-tags). of effects in the models were tested by comparing the Before handling, each fish was anaesthetized in change in deviance by the removal of a term from the 0n15 % chlorobutanol (C H Cl O). During the ex- model with the values of Chi-square tables in % ( $ perimental period the fish were anaesthetized, L. accordance with Crawley (1993). branchialis counted and length and mass recorded 6 times ; on days 0, 74, 327, 431, 522 and 598 after  caging. The large gap in collection times between the second and third sample was caused by bad weather A total of 495 cod survived the experimental period. conditions which made it impossible to transport the Of the survivors, 339 fish could be identified fish between the cages and the location where they throughout the study, while the remaining indi- were anaesthetized and inspected. On day 598 all viduals had lost their tags and were subsequently re- surviving fish were killed and sexed. The otoliths tagged. Of the 339 cod, which were identified were removed for age determination. During the throughout the study, 79 % remained uninfected, experiment cod were fed cuttings from the codfillet while the rest of the fish harboured the parasite at industry and herring meal mixed with commercial one or more sampling points. During the study fish food (‘ Salmomix 45 % ’). Food was added to the period there was a decline in numbers of hosts cages twice a week, and what was not eaten, sank out harbouring more than 1 L. branchialis (Fig. 2 ; χ# l of the cage within a period of less than 30 sec. 9n29 ; P l 0n0023 at 1 ..). The death of 22 fish was Only fish which survived longer than day 327, caused by predation by the otter, Lutra lutra, which were included in the analyses. All statistical tests in most cases made the fish impossible to inspect for were run using generalized linear models (GLMs) in parasites. These killings took place during the dark the Glim4 computer package (Crawley, 1993). period each year, between late November and early Changes in frequency distribution of parasites February. The otter entered the cages through self- through time were tested using a contingency table made holes in the net. However, among the dead fish (Poisson errors and log link function). Changes in which could be inspected, intensity and prevalence rates of infection were treated as binary data : group were within the levels measured among the survivors
  • 4. D. A. Lysne and A. Skorping 72 40 30 Number of fish 20 10 0 0 74 327 431 522 598 June August April August November January 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 Days after caging and month and year of sampling Fig. 2. Numbers of cod harbouring different numbers of Lernaeocera branchialis during the period of caging. Only fish which appeared in all samples (n l 339) were included. Number of L. branchialis per fish 1; 2; 3; 8 4; : 5 ; 5 6. Fig. 3. Infection rates, with standard errors, by Lernaeocera branchialis for fish which were free from infection at the start of a time-period (open columns), compared to rates for fish which harboured the parasite (filled columns). ‘ 0 ’ l No fish acquired new infections. (intensity l 1.78, prevalence l 0n36, n l 22). Data the changes in infection rates were not apparent from on the surviving fish therefore seem not to have been the analyses. Inclusion of a second order and third biased by parasite-related deaths. order parameter of the ‘ time ’ variable did not exert The rate at which L. branchialis established within significant influence on infection rates (χ# l 0n30 ; P the caged population was high during the first time l 0n58 at 1 ., and χ# l 2n56 ; P l 0n11 at 1 .., period (Fig. 3), but then dropped to a lower level ( χ# respectively). l 50n5 ; P 0n001 at 1. ..). Seasonal fluctuations in Infection rates were compared between groups of
  • 5. Variation in susceptibility to L. branchialis 73 Table 2. The influence of infection history and location on infection rates of Lernaeocera branchialis on cod during successive time-periods (‘ Infection history ’ identifies 2 groups among the cod. Fish which were un- infected at the start of the time-period are compared to fish which harboured the parasite (see also Fig. 3). ‘ Location ’ refers to the 3 locations in the fjord where the cod were caged. In the analysis ‘ infection rate ’ was treated as a binary response variable, and included in models (GLMs) with binomial errors.) Inf. history Location Inf. history i Days after caging (.. l 1) (.. l 2) loc. (.. l 2) 0–74 χ# l 1n93 χ# l 4n94 χ# l 0n31 P l 0n16 P l 0n09 P l 0n86 74–327 χ# l 1n37 χ# l 2n44 χ# l 0n38 P l 0n24 P l 0n30 P l 0n83 327–431 χ# l 0n28 χ# l 0n92 χ# l 0n002 P l 0n60 P l 0n63 P l 0n999 431–522 χ# l 1n76 χ# l 1n64 χ# l 0n001 P l 0n19 P l 0n44 P l 0n999 522–598 χ# l 0n13 χ# l 0n30 χ# l 3n099 P l 0n72 P l 0n86 P l 0n21 Fig. 4. Infection rates, with standard errors, by Lernaeocera branchialis for 2 subgroups of the fish classified as ‘ uninfected ’ in Fig. 3. Fish which had lost the infection, and therefore were free from the parasite at the start of the time-period (open columns), are compared to fish which were not recorded as infected prior to the start of the time- period (filled columns). ‘ 0 ’ l No fish acquired new infections. cod identified by their infection history. Rates did of the 4 time-periods, these cod were more likely to not differ between fish which were uninfected at the be infected than the cod which had never harboured start of a time-period, compared to infected fish (Fig. the parasite at any of the previous sampling points 3). This was shown statistically by the lack of (the statistics are given in Table 3). In the second difference within all of the 5 time-periods which interval in Fig. 4, where infection rate is zero in the were compared (the statistics are given in Table 2). group of previously infected cod, only 11 of the However, 1 subgroup among the uninfected fish individuals which were free from infection after 327 showed significantly higher rates of infection than days in the cage, had been recorded as infected the others. These were the fish which had been earlier in the study. None of these were recorded as infected, but had lost their infection prior to the start infected after 431 days in the cage. Furthermore, of the time-period under investigation (Fig. 4). This when compared to the group of cod which harboured loss of infection was identified among individuals the parasite at the start of a time-period, the group of which had harboured the parasite at one or more of cod which had lost all their parasites, showed the previous samplings but were free from infection significantly higher infection rates in 2 of the 4 time- at the start of the time-period in question. Within 3 periods (the statistics are given in Table 4). This
  • 6. D. A. Lysne and A. Skorping 74 Table 3. Fish which had been infected by Lernaeocera branchialis, but had lost their infection prior to the start of the time-period, are compared to fish which were not recorded as infected (see Fig. 4) (These are subgroups of the ‘ uninfected ’ fish in Fig. 3. In the analyses ‘ infection rate ’ was treated as a binary response variable, and included in models (GLMs) with binomial errors.) Inf. history Location Inf. history Days after caging (.. l 1) (.. l 2) i location 74–327 χ# l 7n92 χ# l 2n14 χ# l 3n06 P l 0n005 P l 0n34 P l 0n08 (1 ..) 327–431 χ# l 0n11 χ# l 0n61 χ# l 0n0002 P l 0n74 P l 0n74 P l 0n999 (2 ..) 431–522 χ# l 13n60 χ# l 3n58 χ# l 0n24 P l 0n001 P l 0n17 P l 0n89 (2 ..) 522–598 χ# l 7n03 χ# l 1n66 χ# l 0n118 P l 0n008 P l 0n44 P l 0n94 (2 ..) Table 4. Fish which had been infected by Lernaeocera branchialis previous to the time-period in question, but had lost the infection (a subgroup of the ‘ uninfected ’ in Fig. 3), are compared to fish which harboured the parasite at the start of the period (the ‘ infected ’ fish in Fig. 3) (In the analyses ‘ infection rate ’ was treated as a binary response variable, and included in models (GLMs) with binomial errors.) Inf. history Location Inf. history Days after caging (.. l 1) (.. l 2) i location 74–327 χ# l 7n31 χ# l 4n64 χ# l 0n0008 P l 0n007 P l 0n10 P l 0n977 (1 ..) 327–431 χ# l 0n21 – – P l 0n65 – – 431–522 χ# l 10n68 χ# l 3n22 χ# l 0n001 P l 0n001 P l 0n20 P l 0n999 (2 ..) 522–598 χ# l 2n41 χ# l 0n34 χ# l 2n82 P l 0n12 P l 0n84 P l 0n24 (2 ..) pattern may have been caused by age-related as uninfected. This difference was consistent through differences in infection rates. If so, age of the fish time and between locations. With respect to infection should differ between groups identified by infective rates, 2 types of cod therefore appear to have been history. This was not found to be the case within any present in the caged population ; one large group of the time-periods (χ# 8n57 ; P 0n29 at 7 ..). with a relatively small chance of becoming infected Differences in infection rates between individuals and another smaller group with a much higher risk of did not depend on which location the fish were acquiring the parasite. The strong water currents in placed in. This appeared from the fact that ‘ location ’ the caging area, which caused continuously re- neither affected infection rate (Tables 2, 3 and 4), placement of the water within the cages, should nor influenced the effect of ‘ infection history ’ within produce random variation in exposure to infective any of the time-periods (non-significant effects of the stages among fish within each cage. Furthermore, ‘ infection historyilocation ’ interactions ; Tables 2, during the experimental period there were no 3 and 4). significant differences in infection rates between the cages. Therefore, the differences in rates between the 2 groups of cod, could not have been caused by  differences in the rate of exposure, but must have In this study, infection rates did not vary randomly been related to phenotypic differences. between individual cod. Fish which had been An alternative explanation would be that the infected previously with L. branchialis and had lost smaller group of hosts may have differed in their the infection, had a significantly higher rate of behaviour in a way that made them more frequently infection than cod which previously were recorded exposed to transmission stages, for example, by
  • 7. Variation in susceptibility to L. branchialis 75 occupying the bottom of the net bags. Poulin, Rau Susceptibility can appear as a gradient from highly Curtis (1991) showed that variation in behaviour susceptible to resistant hosts. This view does not influenced infection rates among laboratory reared change the argument that infection rates decreased brook trout fry (Salvelinus fontinalis) infected by the through time due to declining probability of encoun- crustacean ectoparasite Salmincola edwardsii. How- tering susceptible hosts because the highly sus- ever, if host behaviour were an important factor in ceptible individuals were infected during the first the present study the frequently exposed hosts part of the study and moved into the infected class should show high levels of infection rates throughout with a low probability of reinfection. the study period, independent of their previous Other explanations for the observed decrease in infection status. This was not observed. infection rate with time are possible, but less likely. The assumption that the caged cod population A decrease in rates of infection with time could be initially consisted of a small group of inherently caused by stress during the caging process, which susceptible fish among a larger group of resistant may increase initial susceptibility to parasites (Lloyd, ones, would explain both the decrease in the infection 1995). However, fish seem to acclimatize to cages rates within the whole group of cod, and the over a short time. Pickering (1987) argued that fluctuating rate of infection among the fish which within 3 weeks most individuals of several species do had carried the parasite earlier, but lost it. The not show signs of immune suppression. Seasonal or infection rate within the whole group should decline annual changes in densities of transmission stages because the number of susceptibles rapidly became may cause a decrease in rate of infection through infected and moved into the infected class with a low time. If densities decreased through the first autumn probability of reinfection. Since this parasite may and winter, the rates of infection should have live for 18 months (Lester Roubal, 1995), few of increased again over the second summer (from April these fish had lost their infection after 327 days in the to early November which would be from 327 to 522 cage. This may explain the lack of new infections days in the cage). This did not happen. Neither is it among the group of susceptibles during the second likely that annual fluctuations in densities of trans- time-interval. mission stages caused the observed pattern, because Are cod with a previous record of carrying the changes in rates of infection with time differed parasite more vulnerable to reinfection due to between groups of cod. For example, infection rates parasite-induced increase in susceptibility ? Such increased in the group of infected cod between the patterns were observed in the laboratory on juvenile second-to-last and the last time-period. At the same sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae) infected by the crus- time the group of cod which had lost their infection, tacean ectoparasite Argulus canadensis (Wilson, 1916 ; showed a 40 % decrease in infection rates. It is Poulin FitzGerald, 1989), and on brook trout therefore reasonable to conclude that the decrease in fry infected by another crustacean ectoparasite S. infection rates with time was caused by a declining edwardsii (Poulin et al. 1991). However, the present number of susceptible hosts. data seem not to fit this explanation. L. branchialis Are the present results comparable to the wild did not induce higher infection rates among the fish situation ? It is not likely that factors tied to the harbouring the parasite, because the number of fish caging situation, for example stress, would affect a carrying more than 1 parasite did not increase with fraction of the caged cod, i.e. the susceptible fish time, and fish infected by the parasite at the start of identified by their infection history, more seriously a given time-period did not show higher infection than the rest of the population. However, the rates than uninfected hosts. A supposed increase in availability of food may be more uniformly distri- susceptibility due to earlier infection may also take buted, and for part of the year more abundant, effect only after the fish have lost the infection. between caged individuals than experienced by wild- However, if parasite-induced facilitation of re- living fish. As a consequence, differences in host infection were the most important factor causing resistance caused by fluctuation in nutritional re- changes in infection rates, we would expect rates to source may be more pronounced among wild-living be low at the start of the study period, and thereafter hosts. The frequent availability of high quality food increase as parasites died and numbers of previously may explain why the numbers of multi-infected infected fish increased through time. This was not hosts decreased throughout the study period. observed. Since this is a relatively pathogenic parasite (Khan, The argument that the caged cod initially con- 1988 ; Khan et al. 1990), cod that are able to avoid it sisted of a small group of inherently susceptible fish should have a fitness advantage relative to the among a larger group of resistant ones, depends on susceptible group. Why then, does resistance not the assumption that the observed temporal variations spread to the whole cod population ? We suggest 2 in infection rate are caused by changes in availability possible mechanisms that may maintain such poly- of susceptibles. The distribution of the cod popu- morphism in susceptibility. lation in 2 distinct groups, susceptible or resistant Given that parasites show virulence specific to hosts, may, however, not be a realistic model. genotypes, Hamilton (1980) hypothesized that be-
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