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Would Customer Participation Certainly Cause Customer Satisfaction?

                                                             Wang Haijun
                        Human&Social Science College of Wuhan University of Science and Engineering
                                                      Wuhan, China

                          Abstract                                  customers participated in the production and delievery of
     Customer participation in the production of goods and          the service will help them to understand the service then
services appears to be growing. The marketing literature has        make them have a appropriate expectation about the
largely focused on the economic implications of this trend and      service quality, so customer participation will shorten the
has not addressed the methods of customer participation and         difference ot the expected service quality and
customers' potential psychological responses to participation. On   recognization. Which will help the customers to recognize
the base of the existent marketing literatures, this study is to    the quality of the service and improve the satisfaction of
investigate the influence of customer participation on customer
satisfaction by experiment. The study shows that customer
                                                                    the customers(Ennew and Binks,1999). Besides, because
participation is not a pure stimulating factor to customer          customers and contact employees work together, if the
satisfaction,perceived consistency of participation methods 态       results of the service is not as expected, customers will
customer self-regulatory state and different service outcome will   attribute some reasons to themselves which will reduce
have effect on customer satisfaction in the different degree.       their complaining and increase their satisfaction. But
   Keywords - Self-regulatory state; Customer satisfaction;         according to the theory of Neeli Bendapudi and Robert
Customer participation; Perceived participation methods;            P.Leone ļ¼ˆ 2003 ļ¼‰ , when an outcome is worse than
Cognitive consistency                                               expected, a customer who participates in production with
                                                                    the firm will be as satisfied with the firm as will a
                    I. INTRODUCTION                                 customer who does not participate in production; When
                                                                    an outcome is better than expected, a customer who
     Customers increasingly are being encouraged to take            participates in production with the tlrm will be less
on more active roles in producing goods and services.
                                                                    satisiled with the tlrm than will a customer who does not
They go into photography stores and use machines to
                                                                    participate in production. Yen Gwinner and Suļ¼ˆ2004ļ¼‰
crop, enlarge, correct, or enhance their photographs;
                                                                    also expresse their different idea, they think the customers
check themselves in and out of hotels; and even routinely
                                                                    who participate in the service will pay more cost such as
scan and bag their own groceries at supermarkets.
                                                                    energy and time, so if the service fail, they will be more
Customer participation per se is not new. Supermarkets,
                                                                    dissatisfied compared with the customers who do not
which are models of customer co-production with
                                                                    participate in the service.
customers selecting, carting, and transporting groceries,
                                                                       Why customerā€™s participation will not sure lead to
date to the 1930s. What is new is the recognition that
                                                                    customer satisfaction? The current literatures want to
encouraging customers to be "co-producers" in this sense
                                                                    explain their relationship directly from different theories,
is the next frontier in competitive effectiveness. We are
                                                                    but the results are not certain. So there should be some
seeing the emergence of the "customizing consumer"
                                                                    influencing mediators between the two variables. What
(Moyers 1989)ā€”consumers who examine market
                                                                    are these factors? We shall try to settle this problems in
offerings and create a customized consumption
                                                                    the following parts of this article.
experience for themselves (Firat, Dholakia, and
Venkatesh 1995). On the basis of this trend. Lovelock and
Young (1979) urge firms to use customers to increase
                                                                                      II. METHODOLOGY
productivity. Schneider and Bowen (1995) suggest that
firms should use customer talents to deliver superior
                                                                       Customer participation has been defined as "the degree
service. Lengnick-Hall (1996) urges firms to examine the
                                                                    to which the customer is involved in producing and
roles that customers can and do play in the service
                                                                    delivering the service" (Dabholkar 1990) . Extending this
production process. Recently, Prahalad and Ramaswamy
                                                                    construct, Meuter and Bitner (1998) distinguish among
(2000) have advocated co-opting customer competence as
                                                                    three types of service production based on customer
a competitive strategy.
   Until recently, the logic of these exhortations has relied       participation: firm production, joint production, and
                                                                    customer production. In our research, we define the
almost exclusively on an economic rationale. Few
                                                                    cognitive consistency between customer perceived
researches focused on the methods of customer
                                                                    participation methods and their expected methods as
participation and customers' potential psychological
                                                                    follows:ā€the customers perceive the methods in their
responses to participation. Additionally, from the current
                                                                    participation process is consistent to the mental expected
marketing literatures, there are still some argues about
                                                                    methods which can realize their hope.ā€
whether the customer participation will definitely lead to
customer satisfaction. Bitner(1997) believed that

                                             978-1-4244-4639-1/09/$25.00 Ā©2009 IEEE
This consistency can be explained by the coginitive            Regulatory fit is experienced when people pursue a
consistency theory(Festinger 1959; Heider 1958).               goal in a manner that sustains their regulatory orientation.
According to this theory, When our inner systems (beliefs,     Previous research on promotion and prevention
attitudes, values, etc.) all support one another and when      orientations has found that regulatory fit increases
these are also supported by external evidence, then we         people_s perception that a decision they made was ā€˜rightā€™,
have a comfortable state of affairs. The discomfort of         which in turn transfers value to the decision outcome,
cognitive dissonance occurs when things fall out of            including being willing to pay more for a product than
alignment, which leads us to try to achieve a maximum          those who chose the same product without regulatory fit
practical level of consistency in our world.                   (Higgins, 2000; Higgins et al., in press). Accordingly,
We also have a very strong need to believe we are being        when customers participating in the service, if scenario is
consistent with social norms. When there is conflict           consistent to their regulatory focus, they will be more
between behaviors that are consistent with inner systems       satisfied than those who do not participate in the service.
and behaviors that are consistent with social norms, the       So we propose the following hypothesis:
potential threat of social exclusion often sways us               H3: When customers participate in the production or
towards the latter, even though it may cause significant       delievery of service, if the scenario they perceived is
inner dissonance.                                              consistent to their regulatory focus, the customers with
    Avnet and Higgins(2006) find besides the results the       promotion focus will be more satisfied than the customers
 difference of the action process will have effection on       with prevention focus.
 customers affect experience. Because customer                    H4: When customers participate in the production or
 participation is the mutual actions between customers and     delievery of service, if the scenario they perceived is not
 contact employees, so the attitude of the customers is        consistent to their regulatory focus, the customers with
 determined by the customers themselves and service            promotion focus will be less satisfied than the customers
 provider. General speaking, the whole scenario of the         with prevention focus.
 participation is designed by the service provider, so the
 psychological feeling of the customers is coming from
 their feelings about the whole scenario. The customers                              III. RESULTS
 who participated in the service always expect good results         We adopt simulative scene experiment to test all the
 of the service, according to the recognitive consistency      hypotheses. In the literatures of psychology and
 thoery, customers will be more satisfactied if the scenario   marketing, simulative scene experiment method is
 the perceived are consistent with or superior to their        abroadly accepted, and by using this method, we can
 expected situations than the customers who do not             control complicated variables easily, which has quite high
 participate in the service. If the scenario designed by the   exterior validity(Hui and Bateson,1991; Reeder, 2001).
 service provider is not consistent with their expected,            There are totally 120 EMBA students voluntarily
 customers will neglect this information because they are      participated in the experiment. We divide all the
 always looking for the proof to support their consistency.    participants into two groups randomly. We can see table 1
 What is more, customers who participate in the service        the whole scenario pirture.
 spend so much energy and time cost, so they will be more                               TABLE I
 dissatisfied. Then we propose the following hypothesis:                          THE DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENARIO

    H1:when customers participate in service, if the           The control of customers participation
 scenarios they perceived are consistent with or superior to   You are on of the potential customers You are the potential customers for A
 their expected, they will be more satisfied than the          for A brand car, now they invite you    brand car, before you purchase this
 customers who do not participate in the service.              to participate in the design of the new car,you do not have the chance
    H2: when customers participate in service, if the          model, for the following two design     toparticipate in the design of the car.
 scenarios they perceived are not consistent with their        idea, which one is suitable to you?
 expected, they will be more dissatisfied than the             a态 The outlin should be stydle and
 customers who do not participate in the service.                    inner design be humanistic.
    According to regulatory focus theory (Higgins, 1997,       b态 Safety and responsible, and
 1998), different regulatory states arise when people                durable.
 follow different types of ā€œself-guides:ā€ (a) ideal self            For the two groups, one group members will read the
 guides, individualsā€™ representations of desired states as     scenario they participate in the service and the other one
 hopes or aspirations; and (b) ought self-guides,              will read the other scenario they do not participate at their
 individualsā€™ representationsof desired states as duties or    own pace. After the participants finished reading the
 responsibilities. Higgins (1987) suggested that a             scenario, they will answer one item, nine points
 promotion focus is associated with a personā€™s desire to       questionaire, and ā€œ1ā€ represtents ā€œtotally dissatisfiedā€, ā€œ9ā€
 achieve ideal states, which are defined as that personā€™s      represents ā€œtotally satisfactiedā€.      We adopt selves
 hopes, desires, or aspirations. In contrast, a prevention     questions to test participantsā€™ regulatory focus(Brocker,
 focus is associated with a personā€™s desire to achieve ought   2002; Idson and Higgins 2000).
 states, which are defined as that personā€™s duties
 obligations, or responsibilities.
To test H1 and H2, we performed ANOVA test for the                              IV. DISCUSSION
   two groups. For the customers who participated in the                Although the researchs about customer participation
   service and their perceived scenarios are consistent with      are quite abundant in the marketing, but we do not get
   or superior to their expected, their mean satisfaction         consistent opition about whther customer participation
   points is 7.63; fot those who did not participate in the       certainly cause customer satisfaction. Which means some
   service and their perceived scenarios are not consistent       influencing factors between these two variables. But
   with their expected, their mean satisfaction points is 6.67.   current literatures pay little attention to this point, they
   And for the customers who do not participate in the            want to settle this problem directly by using different
   service, their mean satisfaction point is 5.47. The two        theory. So the factors between the two variables are still
   differences of the points(7.63 and 5.47; 6.67 and 5.47) are    like ā€œblack caseā€. From the research background of
   all significant(p=0.001;p=0.001). So H1 and H2 is
                                                                  customer participation and the prior research results, we
   certified. That is to say, when customers participate in
                                                                  take customers regulatory focus and the consistency of
   service, if the scenarios they perceived are consistent with
                                                                  perceived scenario as the influencing factors between
   or superior to their expected, they will be more satisfied
   than the customers who do not participate in the               customer participation and customer participation, which
   service.And if the scenarios they perceived are not            fill the gap in the customer participation theory at some
   consistent with their expected, they will be more              degree.
   dissatisfied than the customers who do not participate in           The results give us some illuminations: when
   the service.                                                   customers participate in service, if the scenarios they
      To test H3 and H4, we devided the group in which the        perceived are consistent with or superior to their expected,
   group members participate in the service into two groups       they will be more satisfied than the customers who do not
   according to their perceived scenarios. The we performed       participate in the service.And if the scenarios they
   ANOVA test for the two groups and we get the results as        perceived are not consistent with their expected, they will
   table 2 and table 3.                                           be more dissatisfied than the customers who do not
                                                                  participate in the service.
                         TABLE 2                                     What is more, when customers participate in the
       THE RESULTS OF ANOVA FOR PERCEIVED SCENARIO                production or delievery of service, if the scenario they
                                                                  perceived is consistent to their regulatory focus, the
              Regulatory focus      Mean       F        Sig.
                                                                  customers with promotion focus will be more satisfied
             Prevention focus        6.00                         than the customers with prevention focus. And if the
consistent                                   31.925     .001      scenario they perceived is         not consistent to their
             Promotion focus         7.17
                                                                  regulatory focus, the customers with promotion focus will
             Prevention focus        7.56
Not                                                               be less satisfied than the customers with prevention focus.
                                             14.336     .007
consistent   Promotion focus         6.67

                                                                                     V. CONCLUSION
      When customers participate in the production or                Because most of the researches about customer
   delievery of service, if the scenario they perceived is        participation and customer satisfaction are descriptive,
   consistent to their regulatory focus, the mean satisfaction    very few literatures in marketing and management can
   point for the customer with prevention focus is 6.00 and       give the managers detail and normative suggestions. So
   for those with promotion focus is 7.17, the difference of      another purpose of this article is to help the company to
   these two points are significant(p=0.001). So H3 get           design effective customer participated scenarios to
   supported. That is to say, when customers participate in       increase customer satisfaction. Particularly, this article
   the production or delievery of service, if the scenario they   provide demonstration proofs that there are some factors
   perceived is consistent to their regulatory focus, the         between customer participation and customer satisfaction.
   customers with promotion focus will be more satisfied             Firstly, customer participation can lead to customer
   than the customers with prevention focus.                      satisfaction, but which will behind some kind of
      And if the scenario they perceived is not consistent to     precondition. From our lives, we can see many cases in
   their regulatory focus, the mean satisfaction point for the    which customers feel too bad even they participate in the
   customer with prevention focus is 7.56 and for those with      service such as the shopping during their tourism.The
   promotion focus is 6.67, the difference of these two points    scenarios they perceived are consistent with or not to
   are significant(p=0.007). Then H4 is proved. So when           their expected are very important to their satisfaction. So
   customers participate in the production or delievery of        just designing a scenario randomly is not enough for the
   service, if the scenario they perceived is not consistent to   companies, managers must do some investigations to find
   their regulatory focus, the customers with promotion           which kind of scenarios are suitable to their potential
   focus will be less satisfied than the customers with           customers. Then by designing most suitable scenarios to
   prevention focus.                                              increase customer satisfaction.
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  • 1. Would Customer Participation Certainly Cause Customer Satisfaction? Wang Haijun Human&Social Science College of Wuhan University of Science and Engineering Wuhan, China Abstract customers participated in the production and delievery of Customer participation in the production of goods and the service will help them to understand the service then services appears to be growing. The marketing literature has make them have a appropriate expectation about the largely focused on the economic implications of this trend and service quality, so customer participation will shorten the has not addressed the methods of customer participation and difference ot the expected service quality and customers' potential psychological responses to participation. On recognization. Which will help the customers to recognize the base of the existent marketing literatures, this study is to the quality of the service and improve the satisfaction of investigate the influence of customer participation on customer satisfaction by experiment. The study shows that customer the customers(Ennew and Binks,1999). Besides, because participation is not a pure stimulating factor to customer customers and contact employees work together, if the satisfaction,perceived consistency of participation methods 态 results of the service is not as expected, customers will customer self-regulatory state and different service outcome will attribute some reasons to themselves which will reduce have effect on customer satisfaction in the different degree. their complaining and increase their satisfaction. But Keywords - Self-regulatory state; Customer satisfaction; according to the theory of Neeli Bendapudi and Robert Customer participation; Perceived participation methods; P.Leone ļ¼ˆ 2003 ļ¼‰ , when an outcome is worse than Cognitive consistency expected, a customer who participates in production with the firm will be as satisfied with the firm as will a I. INTRODUCTION customer who does not participate in production; When an outcome is better than expected, a customer who Customers increasingly are being encouraged to take participates in production with the tlrm will be less on more active roles in producing goods and services. satisiled with the tlrm than will a customer who does not They go into photography stores and use machines to participate in production. Yen Gwinner and Suļ¼ˆ2004ļ¼‰ crop, enlarge, correct, or enhance their photographs; also expresse their different idea, they think the customers check themselves in and out of hotels; and even routinely who participate in the service will pay more cost such as scan and bag their own groceries at supermarkets. energy and time, so if the service fail, they will be more Customer participation per se is not new. Supermarkets, dissatisfied compared with the customers who do not which are models of customer co-production with participate in the service. customers selecting, carting, and transporting groceries, Why customerā€™s participation will not sure lead to date to the 1930s. What is new is the recognition that customer satisfaction? The current literatures want to encouraging customers to be "co-producers" in this sense explain their relationship directly from different theories, is the next frontier in competitive effectiveness. We are but the results are not certain. So there should be some seeing the emergence of the "customizing consumer" influencing mediators between the two variables. What (Moyers 1989)ā€”consumers who examine market are these factors? We shall try to settle this problems in offerings and create a customized consumption the following parts of this article. experience for themselves (Firat, Dholakia, and Venkatesh 1995). On the basis of this trend. Lovelock and Young (1979) urge firms to use customers to increase II. METHODOLOGY productivity. Schneider and Bowen (1995) suggest that firms should use customer talents to deliver superior Customer participation has been defined as "the degree service. Lengnick-Hall (1996) urges firms to examine the to which the customer is involved in producing and roles that customers can and do play in the service delivering the service" (Dabholkar 1990) . Extending this production process. Recently, Prahalad and Ramaswamy construct, Meuter and Bitner (1998) distinguish among (2000) have advocated co-opting customer competence as three types of service production based on customer a competitive strategy. Until recently, the logic of these exhortations has relied participation: firm production, joint production, and customer production. In our research, we define the almost exclusively on an economic rationale. Few cognitive consistency between customer perceived researches focused on the methods of customer participation methods and their expected methods as participation and customers' potential psychological follows:ā€the customers perceive the methods in their responses to participation. Additionally, from the current participation process is consistent to the mental expected marketing literatures, there are still some argues about methods which can realize their hope.ā€ whether the customer participation will definitely lead to customer satisfaction. Bitner(1997) believed that 978-1-4244-4639-1/09/$25.00 Ā©2009 IEEE
  • 2. This consistency can be explained by the coginitive Regulatory fit is experienced when people pursue a consistency theory(Festinger 1959; Heider 1958). goal in a manner that sustains their regulatory orientation. According to this theory, When our inner systems (beliefs, Previous research on promotion and prevention attitudes, values, etc.) all support one another and when orientations has found that regulatory fit increases these are also supported by external evidence, then we people_s perception that a decision they made was ā€˜rightā€™, have a comfortable state of affairs. The discomfort of which in turn transfers value to the decision outcome, cognitive dissonance occurs when things fall out of including being willing to pay more for a product than alignment, which leads us to try to achieve a maximum those who chose the same product without regulatory fit practical level of consistency in our world. (Higgins, 2000; Higgins et al., in press). Accordingly, We also have a very strong need to believe we are being when customers participating in the service, if scenario is consistent with social norms. When there is conflict consistent to their regulatory focus, they will be more between behaviors that are consistent with inner systems satisfied than those who do not participate in the service. and behaviors that are consistent with social norms, the So we propose the following hypothesis: potential threat of social exclusion often sways us H3: When customers participate in the production or towards the latter, even though it may cause significant delievery of service, if the scenario they perceived is inner dissonance. consistent to their regulatory focus, the customers with Avnet and Higgins(2006) find besides the results the promotion focus will be more satisfied than the customers difference of the action process will have effection on with prevention focus. customers affect experience. Because customer H4: When customers participate in the production or participation is the mutual actions between customers and delievery of service, if the scenario they perceived is not contact employees, so the attitude of the customers is consistent to their regulatory focus, the customers with determined by the customers themselves and service promotion focus will be less satisfied than the customers provider. General speaking, the whole scenario of the with prevention focus. participation is designed by the service provider, so the psychological feeling of the customers is coming from their feelings about the whole scenario. The customers III. RESULTS who participated in the service always expect good results We adopt simulative scene experiment to test all the of the service, according to the recognitive consistency hypotheses. In the literatures of psychology and thoery, customers will be more satisfactied if the scenario marketing, simulative scene experiment method is the perceived are consistent with or superior to their abroadly accepted, and by using this method, we can expected situations than the customers who do not control complicated variables easily, which has quite high participate in the service. If the scenario designed by the exterior validity(Hui and Bateson,1991; Reeder, 2001). service provider is not consistent with their expected, There are totally 120 EMBA students voluntarily customers will neglect this information because they are participated in the experiment. We divide all the always looking for the proof to support their consistency. participants into two groups randomly. We can see table 1 What is more, customers who participate in the service the whole scenario pirture. spend so much energy and time cost, so they will be more TABLE I dissatisfied. Then we propose the following hypothesis: THE DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENARIO H1:when customers participate in service, if the The control of customers participation scenarios they perceived are consistent with or superior to You are on of the potential customers You are the potential customers for A their expected, they will be more satisfied than the for A brand car, now they invite you brand car, before you purchase this customers who do not participate in the service. to participate in the design of the new car,you do not have the chance H2: when customers participate in service, if the model, for the following two design toparticipate in the design of the car. scenarios they perceived are not consistent with their idea, which one is suitable to you? expected, they will be more dissatisfied than the a态 The outlin should be stydle and customers who do not participate in the service. inner design be humanistic. According to regulatory focus theory (Higgins, 1997, b态 Safety and responsible, and 1998), different regulatory states arise when people durable. follow different types of ā€œself-guides:ā€ (a) ideal self For the two groups, one group members will read the guides, individualsā€™ representations of desired states as scenario they participate in the service and the other one hopes or aspirations; and (b) ought self-guides, will read the other scenario they do not participate at their individualsā€™ representationsof desired states as duties or own pace. After the participants finished reading the responsibilities. Higgins (1987) suggested that a scenario, they will answer one item, nine points promotion focus is associated with a personā€™s desire to questionaire, and ā€œ1ā€ represtents ā€œtotally dissatisfiedā€, ā€œ9ā€ achieve ideal states, which are defined as that personā€™s represents ā€œtotally satisfactiedā€. We adopt selves hopes, desires, or aspirations. In contrast, a prevention questions to test participantsā€™ regulatory focus(Brocker, focus is associated with a personā€™s desire to achieve ought 2002; Idson and Higgins 2000). states, which are defined as that personā€™s duties obligations, or responsibilities.
  • 3. To test H1 and H2, we performed ANOVA test for the IV. DISCUSSION two groups. For the customers who participated in the Although the researchs about customer participation service and their perceived scenarios are consistent with are quite abundant in the marketing, but we do not get or superior to their expected, their mean satisfaction consistent opition about whther customer participation points is 7.63; fot those who did not participate in the certainly cause customer satisfaction. Which means some service and their perceived scenarios are not consistent influencing factors between these two variables. But with their expected, their mean satisfaction points is 6.67. current literatures pay little attention to this point, they And for the customers who do not participate in the want to settle this problem directly by using different service, their mean satisfaction point is 5.47. The two theory. So the factors between the two variables are still differences of the points(7.63 and 5.47; 6.67 and 5.47) are like ā€œblack caseā€. From the research background of all significant(p=0.001;p=0.001). So H1 and H2 is customer participation and the prior research results, we certified. That is to say, when customers participate in take customers regulatory focus and the consistency of service, if the scenarios they perceived are consistent with perceived scenario as the influencing factors between or superior to their expected, they will be more satisfied than the customers who do not participate in the customer participation and customer participation, which service.And if the scenarios they perceived are not fill the gap in the customer participation theory at some consistent with their expected, they will be more degree. dissatisfied than the customers who do not participate in The results give us some illuminations: when the service. customers participate in service, if the scenarios they To test H3 and H4, we devided the group in which the perceived are consistent with or superior to their expected, group members participate in the service into two groups they will be more satisfied than the customers who do not according to their perceived scenarios. The we performed participate in the service.And if the scenarios they ANOVA test for the two groups and we get the results as perceived are not consistent with their expected, they will table 2 and table 3. be more dissatisfied than the customers who do not participate in the service. TABLE 2 What is more, when customers participate in the THE RESULTS OF ANOVA FOR PERCEIVED SCENARIO production or delievery of service, if the scenario they perceived is consistent to their regulatory focus, the Regulatory focus Mean F Sig. customers with promotion focus will be more satisfied Prevention focus 6.00 than the customers with prevention focus. And if the consistent 31.925 .001 scenario they perceived is not consistent to their Promotion focus 7.17 regulatory focus, the customers with promotion focus will Prevention focus 7.56 Not be less satisfied than the customers with prevention focus. 14.336 .007 consistent Promotion focus 6.67 V. CONCLUSION When customers participate in the production or Because most of the researches about customer delievery of service, if the scenario they perceived is participation and customer satisfaction are descriptive, consistent to their regulatory focus, the mean satisfaction very few literatures in marketing and management can point for the customer with prevention focus is 6.00 and give the managers detail and normative suggestions. So for those with promotion focus is 7.17, the difference of another purpose of this article is to help the company to these two points are significant(p=0.001). So H3 get design effective customer participated scenarios to supported. That is to say, when customers participate in increase customer satisfaction. Particularly, this article the production or delievery of service, if the scenario they provide demonstration proofs that there are some factors perceived is consistent to their regulatory focus, the between customer participation and customer satisfaction. customers with promotion focus will be more satisfied Firstly, customer participation can lead to customer than the customers with prevention focus. satisfaction, but which will behind some kind of And if the scenario they perceived is not consistent to precondition. From our lives, we can see many cases in their regulatory focus, the mean satisfaction point for the which customers feel too bad even they participate in the customer with prevention focus is 7.56 and for those with service such as the shopping during their tourism.The promotion focus is 6.67, the difference of these two points scenarios they perceived are consistent with or not to are significant(p=0.007). Then H4 is proved. 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