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V. Social Base Processing Analysis
I. Pre- Conversion
A 1963-78 Home Bound Early Years
I was born into a farming family in a small village of Changhua, Taiwan in 1963,
as the second child, with a sister who was five years older. Both my parents were from
the same farming village without a high educational background. When I was two, my
parents divorced. They both remarried later on. My older sister stayed with father and
grandparents. Legally, I belonged to my mom. Age five, I moved from the country to
the capital city, Taipei, where I stayed with my mom, a stepfather, a stepsister, and a
stepbrother as the youngest in this new family. My stepfather adopted me legally. He
came from Mainland China to avoid the Communist persecution in 1949. As a new
immigrant, he restarted his life in Taiwan as a police officer without a fat paycheck. His
job required him to be absent from home at least two to three whole days a week. He was
conservative, kind, and generous and a man of integrity in people’s eyes, though he did
not show much affection to the children. We lived in a complex which the government
provided for the workers’ families in Taipei. All my education from kindergarten to
college was in Taipei. For reasons of money, I did not allow to develop my talents, such
as dancing, music and art. One time I was chosen to be in a school dancer group in first
grade. But my mom would not allow me to attend because of the expense of the costume.
Friends were not welcomed to visit either since she thought it was shameful to show
people our home.
In fourth grade, I started keeping things inside because a neighbor girl spread
gossip about my adopted background. I felt dismay. In fifth grade, I gave a speech in
front of the whole school but lost confidence to speak later on. Mom was the
homemaker and started baby-sitting at home by this time. In order to attend a good
junior high school with my good grades, I transferred to another district, which provided
a brand new environment for me, without old friends. I buried myself in study to escape
loneliness and learned to enjoy it. I used community library and broadened my horizons
of thought. My stepfather was worried about the financial load, since he got the lung
cancer at that point. He wished that I could go to a government funded school where all
the fees and expenses would be covered by the government and I would be guaranteed
have a teaching job after graduating. However, I was stubborn and strong willed. As a
result, I enrolled in the Taipei First Girl’s Senior High School, which is the best one in
Taipei. He died during my first semester of high school.
Summary: Family (1963-1978)
Emotional Economic Strategic Physical
I was cared for but
did not feel loved.
But I do remember
some laughing
Stepfather was the
main breadwinner;
mom worked at
home as a baby-
sitter later.
All I wanted was to
be the top student in
every subject and
Lived in a complex
which was provided
by the government
for the workers’
families in Taipei.
B. 1978-1981, Home Alone
After my stepfather died, mom went out to work as a live-in housekeeper. My
stepsister who was five years my senior was going to night school while working during
the day. My stepbrother who was 2 years my senior attending the boarding school.
Most of the time I was home alone. The only time for mom to be home was to prepare
the food to honor the ancestors at the ancestral shrine. As I went through the teenage
years and the soul-searching adventure, friendships become my main emotional support.
I was forced to learn how to live independently both emotionally and physically.
Summary: Isolation ( 1978-1981)
Emotional Economic Strategic Physical
Classmates and
friends were the
ones I got support
Mom provided the
needs after my
stepfather died of
Mainly from school.
Mom could not give
me advice since she
was not well
educated, and her
goal was to earn the
Lived in same
complex and home
II. Kingdom Encounter ( 1981-1991)
A. 1981-1984 Campus Crusade Impact
As my soul-searching journey went on for almost one year, I just ate, slept and
became more depressed. My depression did not lift until I met Jesus. On the top of the
highest mountain in Taiwan, the Yu-Mountain, I experienced an empty feeling inside.
This feeling shattered my whole value system and lifestyle. My favorite hobbies, such as
mountain climbing, photography, movies, anthropology, broadcasting, and traveling,
were no longer fulfilling to me. I felt disconnected from this world.
After accepting Jesus as my personal savior and my Lord through a Campus
Crusade staff worker, I was involved in Campus Crusade student ministry as a student
coworker for the rest two years in college. Campus Crusade became my Social
supporting base since I was very involved their training and campus activities like Bible
study, leadership training and short-term mission trips. In the meantime mother-
daughter relationship worsened. Mother even threatened that she would not provide the
tuition or would end the mother-daughter relationship if I continued the church activities.
I experienced God’s provision through church in my early Christian walk. This helps me
to have faith in God’s faithfulness for financial needs. And I started to tithe and
experienced His promise in this regard.
I was baptized on December 23, 1984. Having Jesus in me, I realized that life
would not be a dream and “gone with the wind.” Those bits and pieces that once had
been falling apart started to fit into their own places. Mom expelled me out of home for
three days first. But before my graduation from NTU, in order to display my gratitude to
what the Lord had done in my life, I had a photo exhibition titled “ The Bygone Years:
My Testimony of Gratitude."
Summary: partnership/group (1981-1984)
Emotional Economic Strategic Physical
Mainly from
Campus Crusade
and fellowship.
Mom provided the
needs. Started to
experience God’s
provision through
Mainly from
Campus crusade co-
lived in same
complex and home
alone before move
to a new house
bought by Mom.
However some
period of time had
roommate lived
under the same roof.
B.& C 1984-1991 Local Church Influence, Community /Team
After graduating from NTU, I was eager to serve the Lord and started working
full time in different parachurch organizations. Later I did earn my living as a reporter,
an editor, and a librarian. I relocated to a new church, which was close to the house
bought by Mom and I lived alone. Sometime some church sisters moved in. This church
became my main social support base. I started experiencing the healing power of the
Holy Spirit under pastor’s spiritual covering.
Unfortunately, Mom told me to leave her house permanently. With church
pastor’s help, I moved out and never came back until Mom died of a car accident. At that
time I rented a room in a sister’s house and started a career to be a reporter. In the
meantime I served in God’s kingdom as a freelance writer at the Christian Tribute, that
weekly newspaper to influence the local church in Taiwan. After mom died, I inherited
her property and lived in a missionary apartment with ten other sisters. I felt the sense of
community until I came to the U. S.
Summary: partnership/group (1984-1990)
Emotional Economic Strategic Physical
Mainly from
Campus Crusade
co-workers and
Mom provided the
needs. Started to
experience God’s
provision through
faith. Then
supported by my
Mainly from friends
and church elders.
Rent a room shared
with stepsisters.
Then lived with ten
church sisters and
learned how to live
a life-style of
III. Mission possible ( 1991- the Present)
A. 1991-1992 Out of Egypt
My ministry activity or fruitfulness is not the focus of this phase. I knew God was
working primarily in me. He wanted to teach me to minister out of who I am. Since
1991, I stepped out of the culture of Taiwan to visit Hong Kong, Mainland China,
Philippines before came to the US. for graduate study. Started isolation period of time.
I was involved in a student ministry, the Overseas Chinese Christian Student Fellowship
Summary: Isolation (1991-1992)
Emotional Economic Strategic Physical
Old friends in
Taipei or the U.S
Supported with
family funds
Almost non, mainly
from the Lord
Rent an apt.
Sometime shared
with a housemate,
sometime lived
B. 1992-1997 A Pit, A Prison, Then a Palace
I came to the U.S. in 1991. After a deep process of isolation, step by step, I have
reformed my belief system based on Biblical truth, and developed my own personal Four-
L personality theory. In 1993, I went to Russia for one month as a school project. Also
participated in Chinese Mission 92 in D.C. And Bill Gorthard’s “Basic Life Seminar”
and “Financial Freedom Seminar” gave me more strategic support in this wilderness
Summary: Isolation/ independent ( 1992-1997)
Emotional Economic Strategic Physical
Old friends in
Taipei or the U.S.
Plus the friends I
made in the U.S.
especially church
Part time job and
Family funds
Not much except
Basic life seminar
Independently home
C. 1997- the present Back to the First Love
During this period of time, I started to identify my gifts and skills and use them
with increasing effectiveness. I also gained a better understanding of the Body of Christ
and experienced the many kinds of relationships it offers. These relationship experiences
teach both negative and positive lessons.
I attended Boulder Vinelife Community Church, Colorado, from September of
1997 to September of 1999. I love this church, because it is so dynamic and energetic in
Lord’s Kingdom. And I have enjoyed broadening my horizon by attending an American
church like Vinelife and seeing the Holy Spirit breaking the wall of ages, races and
languages. After I come on Fuller, my life was occupied mainly by school and Harvest
Rock Church where I became a church member.
Summary: partnership/group ( September 1997- the present)
Emotional Economic Strategic Physical
Church fellowship,
prayer partners.
Part time job and
family funds.
It’s great to learn
lots ministry
insights and
philosophy from
Bible study group,
prayer group and
Lived alone in an
apt, once a while
practiced the gift of
VI Analysis of 5 Key Process Items
Title-- Name Chosen
Context-- God showed my destiny by my name,
1999, Aug. Phase III, C, Renewal in Colorado
Type: Destiny Preparation P(DP) [103]
Two sisters saw a beautiful flower which is the exact meaning of my Chinese name:
Li-Hua in different circumstances in Ellel Ministry, School of Healing in Aug, 1999. The
meaning of “Laura” is the crown of leaves, which has the healing power and means
victoria, plus Rev. 22:2,… and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
In the meanwhile, my last name had been changed from Yeh, ( means leaves which have
the healing power), to Sun, (Mal 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall be the Sun of
righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth, and grow up as
calves of the stall ) since I had been adopted.
Once I had been felt shame about this adopted status, but the Lord turned it around to
help me realize the truth that all of us are adopted to the kingdom of God. God used
Name and Birth Circumstance to prepare my destiny.
Title-- Waiting is not wasting
Context: “You just waited for one hour, I had been waiting you for over twenty years”.
1983, Summer, Phase II, A
Type: Word Items P(WI) [182]
On one occasion in my early Christian walk, I was so angry waiting for a friend who had
promised to return my bike in an hour. However, after waiting two hours, I was too mad
to read the Bible. When I tried to bow my head to calm down, I heard a gentle voice
said,. --“You just waited for one hour, I had been waiting for you for over twenty years”.
I was not a very patient person. I was touched and overwhelmed by the everlasting love
of God at that moment. I realized that I had been keeping Him waiting for so long and He
is still so gentle and patient to me.
Title—Gift of Healing?
Context-- Counseling attending the School of Healing in Toronto. Phase III. C.1999, Apr.
Type: Double Confirmation P(DBLC)[262]
Vinelife Church Pastor Bob had a word from the Lord for me while he anointed me with
oil on my forehead and hands at a Celebration Jesus Service. He said, my hands would
heal the sick. He had clear words from the Lord and said I had the gift of healing. He
asked me if I have ever thought of laying hands on people and praying for the sick? I said
"As a matter of fact I am thinking of attending the School of Healing in Toronto?" I did
go on to attend Ellel’s healing training courses July 11-Aug, 10. in Toronto, Canada. The
Lord did do an awesome work in me during this healing retreat.
The word came through Pastor Bob just encourage me to go for it and as a result of that
healing retreat, I felt I am on the right track with Lord’s way.
Title—Ministry ! Where?
Context-- Finding a Place in Ministry, Phase III. C.1999, Apr.
Type: Divine Affirmation P(DA) [264]
Apr.8-10, 1999 at New Life Church , CO Springs. The things I learned: put our
relationship with the Lord first and let the Holy Spirit break all the rules and regulations.
Pastor Joseph, Garlington said, I can praise God for “I know I have a place in the Body
of Christ, even if I don’t know where it is now” God is trying to get you ready for what
He already has ready for you. On April 9, Pastor John Fenn prophesied over me
regarding finding a place in the ministry. He prayed with his hands laid over my head,
and said, “You will be a facilitator with multi-functions, and when the time comes, every
thing will go click, click together. Be confident, peace will be with you, and will you find
favor even being a student at Fuller Seminary.”
When I was confused and downcast, this experience always drew me back in His
presence, and kept going on the destiny.
Title—A pit, A Prison then A Palace.
Context—First came to the U.S. Phase III. A.1991-2,
Type: Isolation P(I) [274]
In August 1991, I flew to the United States to attain the dreams the Lord had planned for
me. However, I came to a brand new culture totally different from what I expected. I
stepped into a journey of isolation. More often than not, I felt limited, all alone and
downcast. The feeling of loss and confusion overwhelmed me. Somehow, I shrank back
into a vulnerable baby who saw without understanding. And who heard without
comprehension. Like the Israelites, I started to complain and ask why God led me to the
U.S. I felt ashamed, inferior, and unworthy. I could not read fast, write well or talk
eloquently which were things for which I used to be proficient.
Isolation did force me to be flexible and to rediscover my true identity since the formal
relationships, connections, and reputations could no longer be counted on. I was at times
arrogant and stubborn and the lessons I learned were humility and patience while I waited
on the Lord to purify my heart. I learned to trust and obey His word and give all the glory
to God; to be available and show self-denial.
During this isolation, my life was a sort of prison. However, the Lord brought me out of it
eventually so that I was able to know His will - what is good, pleasing and perfect.(Rom.
12:1-2). He is a life-transforming God. He does not just recover and reclaim me; he
restores, revives, and renews me. He never leaves me trapped in my weaknesses and
failures but instead keeps shaping and molding me as long as I let him. His focus is
always on where I am headed not where I've been.
I came to realize that all my former suffering was to be a part of my training for
leadership. I needed to go through this agonizing time of testing before the Lord’s
promise could be fulfilled. If I had not gone through this isolation to be purified, I may
have been proud, domineering, harsh, unsympathetic, and inclined to see myself in the
light of my own talents. I am glad the Lord led me through this trial to eventual triumph.
VII Major Principles of 5 Key Process items
Type Title/Observation Event Principle
1. Destiny Preparation Name chosen A leader can track his/her
own destiny from God
through their name chosen
and birth circumstances.
2. Word Items Waiting is not Wasting A leader should be the one
who reflects the image of
God who is full of mercy,
patience and gentleness.
3. Double
Gift of Healing A leader can count on God to
make his/her paths clear at
critical junctures.
4. Divine Affirmation Ministry! Where? A leader needs listens to
5. Isolation A Pit, A prison then A palace 1. A leader can be restored,
revived and renewed through
the refining process of
2. A leader should expect to
meet God in the desert.
VII Major Principles of 5 Key Process items
Type Title/Observation Event Principle
1. Destiny Preparation Name chosen A leader can track his/her
own destiny from God
through their name chosen
and birth circumstances.
2. Word Items Waiting is not Wasting A leader should be the one
who reflects the image of
God who is full of mercy,
patience and gentleness.
3. Double
Gift of Healing A leader can count on God to
make his/her paths clear at
critical junctures.
4. Divine Affirmation Ministry! Where? A leader needs listens to
5. Isolation A Pit, A prison then A palace 1. A leader can be restored,
revived and renewed through
the refining process of
2. A leader should expect to
meet God in the desert.

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05 socialbase 7

  • 1. V. Social Base Processing Analysis I. Pre- Conversion A 1963-78 Home Bound Early Years I was born into a farming family in a small village of Changhua, Taiwan in 1963, as the second child, with a sister who was five years older. Both my parents were from the same farming village without a high educational background. When I was two, my parents divorced. They both remarried later on. My older sister stayed with father and grandparents. Legally, I belonged to my mom. Age five, I moved from the country to the capital city, Taipei, where I stayed with my mom, a stepfather, a stepsister, and a stepbrother as the youngest in this new family. My stepfather adopted me legally. He came from Mainland China to avoid the Communist persecution in 1949. As a new immigrant, he restarted his life in Taiwan as a police officer without a fat paycheck. His job required him to be absent from home at least two to three whole days a week. He was conservative, kind, and generous and a man of integrity in people’s eyes, though he did not show much affection to the children. We lived in a complex which the government provided for the workers’ families in Taipei. All my education from kindergarten to college was in Taipei. For reasons of money, I did not allow to develop my talents, such as dancing, music and art. One time I was chosen to be in a school dancer group in first grade. But my mom would not allow me to attend because of the expense of the costume. Friends were not welcomed to visit either since she thought it was shameful to show people our home. In fourth grade, I started keeping things inside because a neighbor girl spread gossip about my adopted background. I felt dismay. In fifth grade, I gave a speech in front of the whole school but lost confidence to speak later on. Mom was the homemaker and started baby-sitting at home by this time. In order to attend a good junior high school with my good grades, I transferred to another district, which provided a brand new environment for me, without old friends. I buried myself in study to escape loneliness and learned to enjoy it. I used community library and broadened my horizons of thought. My stepfather was worried about the financial load, since he got the lung cancer at that point. He wished that I could go to a government funded school where all the fees and expenses would be covered by the government and I would be guaranteed have a teaching job after graduating. However, I was stubborn and strong willed. As a result, I enrolled in the Taipei First Girl’s Senior High School, which is the best one in Taipei. He died during my first semester of high school. Summary: Family (1963-1978) Emotional Economic Strategic Physical I was cared for but did not feel loved. But I do remember some laughing hours. Stepfather was the main breadwinner; mom worked at home as a baby- sitter later. All I wanted was to be the top student in every subject and class. Lived in a complex which was provided by the government for the workers’ families in Taipei. 10
  • 2. B. 1978-1981, Home Alone After my stepfather died, mom went out to work as a live-in housekeeper. My stepsister who was five years my senior was going to night school while working during the day. My stepbrother who was 2 years my senior attending the boarding school. Most of the time I was home alone. The only time for mom to be home was to prepare the food to honor the ancestors at the ancestral shrine. As I went through the teenage years and the soul-searching adventure, friendships become my main emotional support. I was forced to learn how to live independently both emotionally and physically. Summary: Isolation ( 1978-1981) Emotional Economic Strategic Physical Classmates and friends were the ones I got support from Mom provided the needs after my stepfather died of cancer. Mainly from school. Mom could not give me advice since she was not well educated, and her goal was to earn the money. Lived in same complex and home alone. II. Kingdom Encounter ( 1981-1991) A. 1981-1984 Campus Crusade Impact As my soul-searching journey went on for almost one year, I just ate, slept and became more depressed. My depression did not lift until I met Jesus. On the top of the highest mountain in Taiwan, the Yu-Mountain, I experienced an empty feeling inside. This feeling shattered my whole value system and lifestyle. My favorite hobbies, such as mountain climbing, photography, movies, anthropology, broadcasting, and traveling, were no longer fulfilling to me. I felt disconnected from this world. After accepting Jesus as my personal savior and my Lord through a Campus Crusade staff worker, I was involved in Campus Crusade student ministry as a student coworker for the rest two years in college. Campus Crusade became my Social supporting base since I was very involved their training and campus activities like Bible study, leadership training and short-term mission trips. In the meantime mother- daughter relationship worsened. Mother even threatened that she would not provide the tuition or would end the mother-daughter relationship if I continued the church activities. I experienced God’s provision through church in my early Christian walk. This helps me to have faith in God’s faithfulness for financial needs. And I started to tithe and experienced His promise in this regard. I was baptized on December 23, 1984. Having Jesus in me, I realized that life would not be a dream and “gone with the wind.” Those bits and pieces that once had been falling apart started to fit into their own places. Mom expelled me out of home for three days first. But before my graduation from NTU, in order to display my gratitude to 11
  • 3. what the Lord had done in my life, I had a photo exhibition titled “ The Bygone Years: My Testimony of Gratitude." Summary: partnership/group (1981-1984) Emotional Economic Strategic Physical Mainly from Campus Crusade and fellowship. Mom provided the needs. Started to experience God’s provision through faith. Mainly from Campus crusade co- workers. lived in same complex and home alone before move to a new house bought by Mom. However some period of time had roommate lived under the same roof. B.& C 1984-1991 Local Church Influence, Community /Team After graduating from NTU, I was eager to serve the Lord and started working full time in different parachurch organizations. Later I did earn my living as a reporter, an editor, and a librarian. I relocated to a new church, which was close to the house bought by Mom and I lived alone. Sometime some church sisters moved in. This church became my main social support base. I started experiencing the healing power of the Holy Spirit under pastor’s spiritual covering. Unfortunately, Mom told me to leave her house permanently. With church pastor’s help, I moved out and never came back until Mom died of a car accident. At that time I rented a room in a sister’s house and started a career to be a reporter. In the meantime I served in God’s kingdom as a freelance writer at the Christian Tribute, that weekly newspaper to influence the local church in Taiwan. After mom died, I inherited her property and lived in a missionary apartment with ten other sisters. I felt the sense of community until I came to the U. S. Summary: partnership/group (1984-1990) Emotional Economic Strategic Physical Mainly from Campus Crusade co-workers and fellowship. Mom provided the needs. Started to experience God’s provision through faith. Then supported by my salary. Mainly from friends and church elders. Rent a room shared with stepsisters. Then lived with ten church sisters and learned how to live a life-style of community 12
  • 4. III. Mission possible ( 1991- the Present) A. 1991-1992 Out of Egypt My ministry activity or fruitfulness is not the focus of this phase. I knew God was working primarily in me. He wanted to teach me to minister out of who I am. Since 1991, I stepped out of the culture of Taiwan to visit Hong Kong, Mainland China, Philippines before came to the US. for graduate study. Started isolation period of time. I was involved in a student ministry, the Overseas Chinese Christian Student Fellowship Choir. Summary: Isolation (1991-1992) Emotional Economic Strategic Physical Old friends in Taipei or the U.S Supported with family funds Almost non, mainly from the Lord Rent an apt. Sometime shared with a housemate, sometime lived alone. B. 1992-1997 A Pit, A Prison, Then a Palace I came to the U.S. in 1991. After a deep process of isolation, step by step, I have reformed my belief system based on Biblical truth, and developed my own personal Four- L personality theory. In 1993, I went to Russia for one month as a school project. Also participated in Chinese Mission 92 in D.C. And Bill Gorthard’s “Basic Life Seminar” and “Financial Freedom Seminar” gave me more strategic support in this wilderness stage. Summary: Isolation/ independent ( 1992-1997) Emotional Economic Strategic Physical Old friends in Taipei or the U.S. Plus the friends I made in the U.S. especially church families. Part time job and Family funds Not much except Basic life seminar Independently home alone C. 1997- the present Back to the First Love During this period of time, I started to identify my gifts and skills and use them with increasing effectiveness. I also gained a better understanding of the Body of Christ and experienced the many kinds of relationships it offers. These relationship experiences teach both negative and positive lessons. 13
  • 5. I attended Boulder Vinelife Community Church, Colorado, from September of 1997 to September of 1999. I love this church, because it is so dynamic and energetic in Lord’s Kingdom. And I have enjoyed broadening my horizon by attending an American church like Vinelife and seeing the Holy Spirit breaking the wall of ages, races and languages. After I come on Fuller, my life was occupied mainly by school and Harvest Rock Church where I became a church member. Summary: partnership/group ( September 1997- the present) Emotional Economic Strategic Physical Church fellowship, prayer partners. Part time job and family funds. It’s great to learn lots ministry insights and philosophy from Bible study group, prayer group and conference. Lived alone in an apt, once a while practiced the gift of hospitality. 14
  • 6. VI Analysis of 5 Key Process Items #1 Title-- Name Chosen Context-- God showed my destiny by my name, 1999, Aug. Phase III, C, Renewal in Colorado Type: Destiny Preparation P(DP) [103] Description: Two sisters saw a beautiful flower which is the exact meaning of my Chinese name: Li-Hua in different circumstances in Ellel Ministry, School of Healing in Aug, 1999. The meaning of “Laura” is the crown of leaves, which has the healing power and means victoria, plus Rev. 22:2,… and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. In the meanwhile, my last name had been changed from Yeh, ( means leaves which have the healing power), to Sun, (Mal 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall be the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall ) since I had been adopted. Interpretation: Once I had been felt shame about this adopted status, but the Lord turned it around to help me realize the truth that all of us are adopted to the kingdom of God. God used Name and Birth Circumstance to prepare my destiny. #2 Title-- Waiting is not wasting Context: “You just waited for one hour, I had been waiting you for over twenty years”. 1983, Summer, Phase II, A Type: Word Items P(WI) [182] Description: On one occasion in my early Christian walk, I was so angry waiting for a friend who had promised to return my bike in an hour. However, after waiting two hours, I was too mad to read the Bible. When I tried to bow my head to calm down, I heard a gentle voice said,. --“You just waited for one hour, I had been waiting for you for over twenty years”. Interpretation: I was not a very patient person. I was touched and overwhelmed by the everlasting love of God at that moment. I realized that I had been keeping Him waiting for so long and He is still so gentle and patient to me. #3 Title—Gift of Healing? Context-- Counseling attending the School of Healing in Toronto. Phase III. C.1999, Apr. Type: Double Confirmation P(DBLC)[262] Description: Vinelife Church Pastor Bob had a word from the Lord for me while he anointed me with oil on my forehead and hands at a Celebration Jesus Service. He said, my hands would heal the sick. He had clear words from the Lord and said I had the gift of healing. He asked me if I have ever thought of laying hands on people and praying for the sick? I said "As a matter of fact I am thinking of attending the School of Healing in Toronto?" I did 15
  • 7. go on to attend Ellel’s healing training courses July 11-Aug, 10. in Toronto, Canada. The Lord did do an awesome work in me during this healing retreat. Interpretation: The word came through Pastor Bob just encourage me to go for it and as a result of that healing retreat, I felt I am on the right track with Lord’s way. #4 Title—Ministry ! Where? Context-- Finding a Place in Ministry, Phase III. C.1999, Apr. Type: Divine Affirmation P(DA) [264] Description: Apr.8-10, 1999 at New Life Church , CO Springs. The things I learned: put our relationship with the Lord first and let the Holy Spirit break all the rules and regulations. Pastor Joseph, Garlington said, I can praise God for “I know I have a place in the Body of Christ, even if I don’t know where it is now” God is trying to get you ready for what He already has ready for you. On April 9, Pastor John Fenn prophesied over me regarding finding a place in the ministry. He prayed with his hands laid over my head, and said, “You will be a facilitator with multi-functions, and when the time comes, every thing will go click, click together. Be confident, peace will be with you, and will you find favor even being a student at Fuller Seminary.” Interpretation: When I was confused and downcast, this experience always drew me back in His presence, and kept going on the destiny. #5 Title—A pit, A Prison then A Palace. Context—First came to the U.S. Phase III. A.1991-2, Type: Isolation P(I) [274] Description: In August 1991, I flew to the United States to attain the dreams the Lord had planned for me. However, I came to a brand new culture totally different from what I expected. I stepped into a journey of isolation. More often than not, I felt limited, all alone and downcast. The feeling of loss and confusion overwhelmed me. Somehow, I shrank back into a vulnerable baby who saw without understanding. And who heard without comprehension. Like the Israelites, I started to complain and ask why God led me to the U.S. I felt ashamed, inferior, and unworthy. I could not read fast, write well or talk eloquently which were things for which I used to be proficient. Isolation did force me to be flexible and to rediscover my true identity since the formal relationships, connections, and reputations could no longer be counted on. I was at times arrogant and stubborn and the lessons I learned were humility and patience while I waited on the Lord to purify my heart. I learned to trust and obey His word and give all the glory to God; to be available and show self-denial. Interpretation: During this isolation, my life was a sort of prison. However, the Lord brought me out of it eventually so that I was able to know His will - what is good, pleasing and perfect.(Rom. 12:1-2). He is a life-transforming God. He does not just recover and reclaim me; he 16
  • 8. restores, revives, and renews me. He never leaves me trapped in my weaknesses and failures but instead keeps shaping and molding me as long as I let him. His focus is always on where I am headed not where I've been. I came to realize that all my former suffering was to be a part of my training for leadership. I needed to go through this agonizing time of testing before the Lord’s promise could be fulfilled. If I had not gone through this isolation to be purified, I may have been proud, domineering, harsh, unsympathetic, and inclined to see myself in the light of my own talents. I am glad the Lord led me through this trial to eventual triumph. 17
  • 9. VII Major Principles of 5 Key Process items Type Title/Observation Event Principle 1. Destiny Preparation Name chosen A leader can track his/her own destiny from God through their name chosen and birth circumstances. 2. Word Items Waiting is not Wasting A leader should be the one who reflects the image of God who is full of mercy, patience and gentleness. 3. Double Confirmation Gift of Healing A leader can count on God to make his/her paths clear at critical junctures. 4. Divine Affirmation Ministry! Where? A leader needs listens to God! 5. Isolation A Pit, A prison then A palace 1. A leader can be restored, revived and renewed through the refining process of isolation 2. A leader should expect to meet God in the desert. 18
  • 10. VII Major Principles of 5 Key Process items Type Title/Observation Event Principle 1. Destiny Preparation Name chosen A leader can track his/her own destiny from God through their name chosen and birth circumstances. 2. Word Items Waiting is not Wasting A leader should be the one who reflects the image of God who is full of mercy, patience and gentleness. 3. Double Confirmation Gift of Healing A leader can count on God to make his/her paths clear at critical junctures. 4. Divine Affirmation Ministry! Where? A leader needs listens to God! 5. Isolation A Pit, A prison then A palace 1. A leader can be restored, revived and renewed through the refining process of isolation 2. A leader should expect to meet God in the desert. 18