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Rich Giberti – Tucson, AZ

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He has risen…Hallelejuh !!

The infamous story of Jezebel     Elijah’s prophecy of her death
and her death. (2 Kings 9:30-37). had already been forgotten… but,
                                  it was still ‘thus saith the Lord.’

                                   Jehu & the Israelite army were on
                                   the move, and unknowingly
                                   fulfilling Elijah’s prophecy…

                                   Jezebel was thrown out the
                                   window, trampled by horses and
                                   eaten by dogs. Moments before
                                   her death, Jezebel knew she was
                                   getting ready to be killed by Jehu.
                                   When she heard he was coming
                                   she put on makeup and fixed her
                                   hair. This act tells a lot about her
Thyatira: The FOURTH
Revelation 2:18-29
  ¶ Unto the angel of the church of Thyatira write; These
things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame
of fire, and his feet are like fine brass. I know thy works, and
charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and
the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few
things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jez'ebel,
which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my
servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto
idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she
repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that
commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent
of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the
churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and
hearts:                              5
Thyatira: The FOURTH
The Whore demands complete allegiance & obeisance.
1. 1869, Vatican Council, dogma of Papal Infallibility
(Revelation 18: 7 „I sit as Queen, yet am no widow.‟)
2. 1965, Lee Vayle& „Exposition of 7 Church Ages‟,
Page 328 PP3; “who then will have the power of
infallibilitywhich is to be restored in this last age? … I will tell
you who will have it. It will be a prophet.”
3. 2006, Joseph Branham, St. Petersburg, Russia; "I
believe that everything Brother Branham says is Thus
Saith The Lord.” “If this Message is your absolute then
we can fellowship with one another. If you have another
absolute, if you take another man's idea, another man's
thought, his interpretation, then we can't fellowship."
Martin Luther said, “Unless I am convinced
by Scripture…”

Joseph Branham says, “These are the instructions
that Brother Branham left us…Therefore I believe
that this is the way it must be done by all…”

The priests
    opened the
    Ishtar Gate* and
    let in Cyrus, king
    of Medes-
    Persians – w/o a

    * Btw – Ishtar?
    There‟s your
Easter: Astarte, Ishtar, Mary –
    Queen of Heaven & Fertility

What‟s Jesus
got to do with it?        Pagan ? Yes
Timeline – 3rd 2000 years


                      The Seven Church Ages

     1st    2nd        3rd     4th    5th       6th     7th
                               2000 yrs

           Lion               Calf            Man        Eagle
           1stSeal             2nd           3rd Seal         4th Seal
                         Four horse riders

                     The Seven Seals             10
Laodicea: The SEVENTH
 Messenger – Wm. Branham aka Elijah the
 Prophet (Rev 2:8,11; Rev 10:1-7; Mal 4:5-6; Luke

 God prophesied, “I will send you Elijah…before the…day
 of the Lord” (Mal 4:5. Jesus said this man would „restore
 all things‟ (Matt 17:11).
 What does this mean?
 Who is this prophet-messenger, angel to the 7th church
 Has he come already? Is he yet to appear?
 Will this Elijah be one of the two witnesses?
 How will we recognize him?
Laodicea: The SEVENTH
Messenger – Wm. Branham aka Elijah the Prophet
   How will we recognize him?
   Most ages had difficulty recognizing the ones that God
   had sent (Romans 11:13; 1 Thes 2:15;
   1. Noah
   2. Moses
   3. David
   4. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the
   prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee..”
   Matt 23:29-39
   5. Elijah (in John Baptist) “Elias is come already, and
   they knew him not…” Matt 17:12

O Jerusalem,
     thou that
     killest the
     prophets, and
     stonest them
     which are sent
     unto thee..” Matt

Laodicea: The SEVENTH
Messenger – Wm. Branham aka Elijah the Prophet
   How will we recognize him?
   Among many Christians and Messianic believers, there is
   an expectation of one who will appear in the power and
   spirit of Elijah before the second coming of Yeshua the
   1. Isaiah 61:2 “acceptable year of the LORD, and the
   day of vengeance“; Luke 4:16-21; a scripture is split –
   2000 years between
   2. Malachi 3:1 / Isaiah 40:3 / John 1:19-13; Luke 1:17–
   John Baptist
   3. Malachi 4:5 – Wm Branham aka Elijah

The Spirit of ELIJAH
The spirit of Elijah is used FIVE times through history:
1. Elijah – 1 Kings 17:22
2. Elisha – 2 Kings 2:9 receives "a double portion" of Elijah's spirit
3. John the Baptist “Elias is come already, and they knew him not…”
Matt 17:12
4. William Branham “I will send Elijah the prophet…” Mal 4:5-6
5. Elijah (in one of the two witnesses) “power to shut heaven, that it rain
not…” Rev 11:6

Laodicea: The SEVENTH
 The pattern & example – Alpha &Omega
 1. True to the Word (Gal 1:8-9; 1 Cor 14:36-37; 1 Thes
 2. Spirit-filled & led (Gal 1:1)
 3. Power (Mark 16:17; 16:20; Matt 10:5-8; John 10:37-39;
 John 14:12)
 Joel 2:25 “I will restore to you…”
 Matt 17:11 “Elias truly shall first come, and restore all
 Acts 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith
 God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons
 and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall
 see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:…” Azusa
 Street Revival…
Laodicea: The SEVENTH
The Church Condition in the Last Days
   Short age: 1906AD to Present
   Frequent earthquakes – eventually destroyed
   “Peoples Rights”
   Rev 3:16 “thou art lukewarm…”
   Rev 3:17 “I am rich, and increased with goods…”
   Rev 3:15 “thou art wretched, and miserable, and
   poor, and blind, and naked…”

Rev 3:17 “I am rich, and increased with goods…”
Rev 3:14 ”Laodicea - Peoples Rights…”
Rev 3:15 “thou art
     wretched, and
     miserable, and poor,
     and blind, and naked…”

Rev 3:15 “and knowest
                               NOT that thou art
                               wretched, and
                               miserable, and poor,
                               and blind, and naked…”
What‟s the difference??

Rev 3:18 “anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that
thou mayest see.…”
Rev 1:13 & 2:1, Jesus is “in the midst” and
“walks among” the 7 churches, by the last
age He has been kicked out of His own
church – replaced by creeds, dogma, etc.
“In that day seven women will take hold of
one man…we will eat our own bread & wear
our own clothes, but be called by your
name…” Isaiah 4:1; Rev 18:7

    No room in the inn – Luke 2:7
    Go outside camp, bear his reproach
    – Heb 13:13
    Despised, rejected – Is 53:1-3
    Rejected King – Mark 11:8-10;
    John 6:15
    Why call me Lord, and do not the
    things I say? – Luke 6:46
    Lord, Lord…depart, I never knew
    you – Matt 7:21-23                        “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.”

The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and
the Seven Seals

Chapter Four and Five of Revelation is called “The
Breach” because they lay positioned between
Chapter Three and Chapter Six. They also appear
to occur in Heaven, whereas Chapters Two and
Three that deal with the Seven Church Ages, and
Chapter Six which is the events that transpire upon
the Earth after the Seals are opened. The Breach is
also a transition from a world order under grace, to a
world order under judgment and wrath. The very act
of the Lamb of God leaving the mercy seat to retrieve
the Sealed Book signifies a cessation of the old
order under a dispensation of intercessory grace, to a
new era of The Lion of Judah assuming his Kingly
throne to sit as ruler and judge.

The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and
the Seven Seals

The Lamb‟s blood had been upon the mercy seat for
nearly two thousand years, that blood was “the blood
of an everlasting covenant. (Hebrews 13:20).
Everlasting is a long span of time, not time without end
or eternal. The lamb‟s redemptive work concludes
during the Last Days, the ceremonial act of Kinsman
Redeemer calls for Him to leave the throne of mercy
to take the book out of the right hand of God. Once
the bloody lamb leaves his intercessory work, the same
throne becomes a throne of judgment; there is no
longer any mercy, grace or power to wash away the
Gentiles sins - “and he which is filthy, let him be filthy
still.” (Revelation 22:11)

The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and
the Seven Seals

When the Seventh Seal is broken, the mystery of
God is finished – One part of this mystery reveals
who was sealed during Christ's mediation, and how
each sealed believer overcame in each of Seven
Church Ages. Another aspect of this finishing
mystery is the restoration of the Word of God – all
doctrinal errors promulgated over the span of the
Gentile Church Ages will be corrected and taught.
The results of the seventh seal will manifest to the
Christian believers as an acceptance of the corrected
Word of God and faith for the resurrection (The
Rapture), in nominal church-goers as faith to endure
the Great Tribulation, and in unbelievers as hatred
towards Jesus and unwillingness to repent of their

7th Seal– “wheresover the carcass (the Fresh Word) is, there will the
eagles be gathered..” Math 24:28

1.  # Seven (completion)- Roman Candle analogy
2.  Wheat ripening in the sun
3.  The „Word‟ Sarah believed was growing in her womb
4.  Fruit maturing (opposite to Jude 1:12‟s “Autumn trees who‟s fruit
    withers and dies”)
5. Line upon line (Isaiah 28:10-13)
6. Secret Coming (Matt 24:36-42; 1 Thes 5:2-4)
7. Perousia „Elijah has already come.‟ (Matt 17:9-12)
8. Shout, Voice, Trump (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
9. „I show you a mystery…‟ (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)
10. 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 - heard things not lawful to be uttered in public
11. 3rd Pull – love secrets whispered to a bride
12. Wedding supper of the Lamb (Rev 19)

The Bride will not have to face the cataclysmic events the Bible prophesies for
the end times. We will be taken to heaven before the Tribulation-the time
period the Bible describes as ” . . . a time of trouble, Such as never was since
there was a nation, Even to that time.” [Dan 12:1]

During the first phase of His Second Coming, Jesus will come secretly to
“catch away His Bride”-the Church. Three and one half years later, during the
“Day of the Lord,” the second phase of His coming will take place. At that time
Christ will come visibly with all power and authority to establish His kingdom on
earth (Matt 24:29).

The saints will spend the intervening time in heaven before returning with
Christ. Jesus will come for the saints during the first phase, and with the saints
in the second phase. Christ is coming to rapture the saints before the
Tribulation-but returning with them afterward, the time when He pours out His
wrath in divine vengeance.

„Like a Roman
     candle firework,
     the seventh seal
     is the beginning
     of the end for
     all things

     … the
     dispensation of
     grace, the
     blindness of the
     Jews towards
     Jesus Christ,
     the seven
     trumpets, the
     seven vials of
     the wrath of
     God – even

Jesus                                                       Age
                      The Seven Church Ages

                                                                                                                  The Battle of Armageddon
                                                                  ( Shout Voice Trump )
                                                                                          3.5 years Tribulation
     1st    2nd        3rd      4th    5th          6th     7th
                                2000 yrs

                                                                                                                                                1000 years
           Lion               Calf                Man
           1stSeal              2nd              3rd Seal         4th Seal
                         Four horse riders

                                      5th Seal
                      Souls under the Altar (Jews)

                                                                                          6th Seal
                       Tribulations, Judgments
                                                                                                                                             7th Seal
                     Opening of The Seven Seals
                                              33                    The coming of the Lord
Revelation 19:7-9

     Let us rejoice and be glad
     and give honor to him, for
     the marriage of the Lamb is
     come, and his wife hath
     made herself ready. And to
     her was granted that she
     should be arrayed in fine
     linen, clean and white: for
     the fine linen is the
     righteousness of the saints.

     And he saith unto me, write,
     blessed are they which are
     called to the marriage
     supper of the Lamb.

Summary Q&A Seals of Revelation
Summary Q&A Seals of Revelation

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Summary Q&A Seals of Revelation

  • 1. Rich Giberti – Tucson, AZ 1
  • 4. The infamous story of Jezebel Elijah’s prophecy of her death and her death. (2 Kings 9:30-37). had already been forgotten… but, it was still ‘thus saith the Lord.’ Jehu & the Israelite army were on the move, and unknowingly fulfilling Elijah’s prophecy… Jezebel was thrown out the window, trampled by horses and eaten by dogs. Moments before her death, Jezebel knew she was getting ready to be killed by Jehu. When she heard he was coming she put on makeup and fixed her hair. This act tells a lot about her character.
  • 5. Thyatira: The FOURTH Age Revelation 2:18-29 ¶ Unto the angel of the church of Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass. I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jez'ebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: 5
  • 6. Thyatira: The FOURTH Age The Whore demands complete allegiance & obeisance. 1. 1869, Vatican Council, dogma of Papal Infallibility (Revelation 18: 7 „I sit as Queen, yet am no widow.‟) 2. 1965, Lee Vayle& „Exposition of 7 Church Ages‟, Page 328 PP3; “who then will have the power of infallibilitywhich is to be restored in this last age? … I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet.” 3. 2006, Joseph Branham, St. Petersburg, Russia; "I believe that everything Brother Branham says is Thus Saith The Lord.” “If this Message is your absolute then we can fellowship with one another. If you have another absolute, if you take another man's idea, another man's thought, his interpretation, then we can't fellowship." 6
  • 7. Martin Luther said, “Unless I am convinced by Scripture…” Joseph Branham says, “These are the instructions that Brother Branham left us…Therefore I believe that this is the way it must be done by all…” 7
  • 8. The priests opened the Ishtar Gate* and let in Cyrus, king of Medes- Persians – w/o a fight * Btw – Ishtar? There‟s your Easter… 8
  • 9. Easter: Astarte, Ishtar, Mary – Queen of Heaven & Fertility What‟s Jesus got to do with it? Pagan ? Yes Nothing… 9
  • 10. Timeline – 3rd 2000 years Jesus Christ Rapture The Seven Church Ages 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 2000 yrs Lion Calf Man Eagle 1stSeal 2nd 3rd Seal 4th Seal Four horse riders The Seven Seals 10
  • 11. Laodicea: The SEVENTH Age Messenger – Wm. Branham aka Elijah the Prophet (Rev 2:8,11; Rev 10:1-7; Mal 4:5-6; Luke 17:30) God prophesied, “I will send you Elijah…before the…day of the Lord” (Mal 4:5. Jesus said this man would „restore all things‟ (Matt 17:11). What does this mean? Who is this prophet-messenger, angel to the 7th church age? Has he come already? Is he yet to appear? Will this Elijah be one of the two witnesses? How will we recognize him? 11
  • 12. Laodicea: The SEVENTH Age Messenger – Wm. Branham aka Elijah the Prophet How will we recognize him? Most ages had difficulty recognizing the ones that God had sent (Romans 11:13; 1 Thes 2:15; 1. Noah 2. Moses 3. David 4. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee..” Matt 23:29-39 5. Elijah (in John Baptist) “Elias is come already, and they knew him not…” Matt 17:12 12
  • 13. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee..” Matt 23:29-39 13
  • 14. Laodicea: The SEVENTH Age Messenger – Wm. Branham aka Elijah the Prophet How will we recognize him? Among many Christians and Messianic believers, there is an expectation of one who will appear in the power and spirit of Elijah before the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. 1. Isaiah 61:2 “acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance“; Luke 4:16-21; a scripture is split – 2000 years between 2. Malachi 3:1 / Isaiah 40:3 / John 1:19-13; Luke 1:17– John Baptist 3. Malachi 4:5 – Wm Branham aka Elijah 14
  • 15. The Spirit of ELIJAH The spirit of Elijah is used FIVE times through history: 1. Elijah – 1 Kings 17:22 2. Elisha – 2 Kings 2:9 receives "a double portion" of Elijah's spirit 3. John the Baptist “Elias is come already, and they knew him not…” Matt 17:12 4. William Branham “I will send Elijah the prophet…” Mal 4:5-6 5. Elijah (in one of the two witnesses) “power to shut heaven, that it rain not…” Rev 11:6 15
  • 16. Laodicea: The SEVENTH Age The pattern & example – Alpha &Omega 1. True to the Word (Gal 1:8-9; 1 Cor 14:36-37; 1 Thes 2:13) 2. Spirit-filled & led (Gal 1:1) 3. Power (Mark 16:17; 16:20; Matt 10:5-8; John 10:37-39; John 14:12) Joel 2:25 “I will restore to you…” Matt 17:11 “Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.…” Acts 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:…” Azusa Street Revival… 16
  • 17. Laodicea: The SEVENTH Age The Church Condition in the Last Days Short age: 1906AD to Present Frequent earthquakes – eventually destroyed “Peoples Rights” Rev 3:16 “thou art lukewarm…” Rev 3:17 “I am rich, and increased with goods…” Rev 3:15 “thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked…” 17
  • 18. Rev 3:17 “I am rich, and increased with goods…” 18
  • 19. Rev 3:14 ”Laodicea - Peoples Rights…” 19
  • 20. Rev 3:15 “thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked…” 20
  • 21. Rev 3:15 “and knowest NOT that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked…” What‟s the difference?? 21
  • 22. Rev 3:18 “anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.…” 22
  • 23. Rev 1:13 & 2:1, Jesus is “in the midst” and “walks among” the 7 churches, by the last age He has been kicked out of His own church – replaced by creeds, dogma, etc. “In that day seven women will take hold of one man…we will eat our own bread & wear our own clothes, but be called by your name…” Isaiah 4:1; Rev 18:7 No room in the inn – Luke 2:7 Go outside camp, bear his reproach – Heb 13:13 Despised, rejected – Is 53:1-3 Rejected King – Mark 11:8-10; John 6:15 Why call me Lord, and do not the things I say? – Luke 6:46 Lord, Lord…depart, I never knew you – Matt 7:21-23 “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.” 23
  • 24. The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals Chapter Four and Five of Revelation is called “The Breach” because they lay positioned between Chapter Three and Chapter Six. They also appear to occur in Heaven, whereas Chapters Two and Three that deal with the Seven Church Ages, and Chapter Six which is the events that transpire upon the Earth after the Seals are opened. The Breach is also a transition from a world order under grace, to a world order under judgment and wrath. The very act of the Lamb of God leaving the mercy seat to retrieve the Sealed Book signifies a cessation of the old order under a dispensation of intercessory grace, to a new era of The Lion of Judah assuming his Kingly throne to sit as ruler and judge. 24
  • 25. The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals The Lamb‟s blood had been upon the mercy seat for nearly two thousand years, that blood was “the blood of an everlasting covenant. (Hebrews 13:20). Everlasting is a long span of time, not time without end or eternal. The lamb‟s redemptive work concludes during the Last Days, the ceremonial act of Kinsman Redeemer calls for Him to leave the throne of mercy to take the book out of the right hand of God. Once the bloody lamb leaves his intercessory work, the same throne becomes a throne of judgment; there is no longer any mercy, grace or power to wash away the Gentiles sins - “and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still.” (Revelation 22:11) 25
  • 26. The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals When the Seventh Seal is broken, the mystery of God is finished – One part of this mystery reveals who was sealed during Christ's mediation, and how each sealed believer overcame in each of Seven Church Ages. Another aspect of this finishing mystery is the restoration of the Word of God – all doctrinal errors promulgated over the span of the Gentile Church Ages will be corrected and taught. The results of the seventh seal will manifest to the Christian believers as an acceptance of the corrected Word of God and faith for the resurrection (The Rapture), in nominal church-goers as faith to endure the Great Tribulation, and in unbelievers as hatred towards Jesus and unwillingness to repent of their sins. 26
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28
  • 29. 29
  • 30. 7th Seal– “wheresover the carcass (the Fresh Word) is, there will the eagles be gathered..” Math 24:28 1. # Seven (completion)- Roman Candle analogy 2. Wheat ripening in the sun 3. The „Word‟ Sarah believed was growing in her womb 4. Fruit maturing (opposite to Jude 1:12‟s “Autumn trees who‟s fruit withers and dies”) 5. Line upon line (Isaiah 28:10-13) 6. Secret Coming (Matt 24:36-42; 1 Thes 5:2-4) 7. Perousia „Elijah has already come.‟ (Matt 17:9-12) 8. Shout, Voice, Trump (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) 9. „I show you a mystery…‟ (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) 10. 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 - heard things not lawful to be uttered in public 11. 3rd Pull – love secrets whispered to a bride 12. Wedding supper of the Lamb (Rev 19) SEVENTHSEAL 30
  • 31. The Bride will not have to face the cataclysmic events the Bible prophesies for the end times. We will be taken to heaven before the Tribulation-the time period the Bible describes as ” . . . a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time.” [Dan 12:1] During the first phase of His Second Coming, Jesus will come secretly to “catch away His Bride”-the Church. Three and one half years later, during the “Day of the Lord,” the second phase of His coming will take place. At that time Christ will come visibly with all power and authority to establish His kingdom on earth (Matt 24:29). The saints will spend the intervening time in heaven before returning with Christ. Jesus will come for the saints during the first phase, and with the saints in the second phase. Christ is coming to rapture the saints before the Tribulation-but returning with them afterward, the time when He pours out His wrath in divine vengeance. SEVENTHSEAL 31
  • 32. „Like a Roman candle firework, the seventh seal is the beginning of the end for all things … the dispensation of grace, the blindness of the Jews towards Jesus Christ, the seven trumpets, the seven vials of the wrath of God – even time.‟ 32
  • 33. Review Bride Jesus Age Christ The Seven Church Ages The Battle of Armageddon ( Shout Voice Trump ) 3.5 years Tribulation 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 2000 yrs Millennium 1000 years Lion Calf Man 1stSeal 2nd 3rd Seal 4th Seal Four horse riders Rapture 5th Seal Souls under the Altar (Jews) 6th Seal Tribulations, Judgments 7th Seal Opening of The Seven Seals 33 The coming of the Lord
  • 34. Revelation 19:7-9 Let us rejoice and be glad and give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. And he saith unto me, write, blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. 34