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Radiation biology
Study of effects of ionizing radiation
on living systems
✓ First recorded experiment in radiobiology -
performed by Becquerel when he intentionally left
a radium container in his vest pocket.
2 weeks later – erythema - ulceration - several
weeks to heal
✓ Pierre Curie – 1901 – repeated the experiment –
radium burn on his forearm
Types of Radiation
1] Photon beam (X-ray, Gama –ray)
2] Electron beam
3] Particle radiation (Neutron )
X ray photons
• X rays are produced when electrons decelerate.
• Poor penetration.
• Effective depth – 1cm.
Gamma rays
• Gamma rays are emmited by radioactive isotopes from excited
nucleus itself.
• Oldest – Radium., Caesium & cobalt.
• Cobalt is more widely used : Deep penetration. Low cost and
• Disadvantages: Not precise
Gamma rays are more harm to human body than the X- rays.
Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths than the X-rays.
Electron beam
• The subject is directly bombarded with electrons.
• Property :
• The depth of penetration of electron beam depends on energy
level of electron.
• Hence the beam has a depth limit.
• Uses :
a) In head and neck Ca, where spinal cord is to be spared.
b) Primary skin tumour of pinna & cartilage of nose.
c) Anterior placed tumour of frontal & ethmoidal sinus
Proton beam
• Heavy positive charged particles.
• Advantages:
a) Depth dose distribution. Small entry & exit point.
b) Does not depend on tissue O2.
• Application:
a) Chondosarcoma of skull base.
b) Chondroma of clivus.
• Mechanism : Heavy energy machines produce heavy uncharged
• Uses : Parotid gland tumour.
Ionizing Radiation
Type of radiation that produces the ejection of an orbital electron
from an atom or molecule and results in the formation of an ion pair.
 Particulate (alphas and betas)
 Waves (gamma and X- rays)
Non-Ionizing Radiation
Deposits insufficient energy and fails to eject electron, but can
induce excitation or molecular vibration and heat.
Examples include UV, microwaves, infrared, visible, radar, radio
waves, lasers, TV
Types of radiation
Ionizing Radiation Types
Solar Radiation
Cosmic Rays
Food & Drink
Sources of ionizing radiation exposures
Bertha Röntgen's hand,
Jan 18th1986
Potassium-40 (40K)
238U, 226Ra,
210Pb, 210Bi,
Measure of
Amount of
Ionization in air
Absorbed energy
per mass
Absorbed dose
weighted by type
of radiation
Radiation Units
For most types of radiation 1 R  1 rad  1 rem
Old Unit
curie (Ci)
roentgen (R)
SI Unit
Gray (J/kg)
Annual limits of radiation exposure
Occupational workers 20 mSv
General Public 1 mSv
A simple chest X-ray gives 0.2 mSv !!!
These limits are in addition to exposures from
natural and medical sources
Incident X-ray photon
Photon absorption via Compton effect
Formation of free radicals
Radical induced DNA damage
Biological effect (mutation, cancer, etc.)
Sequence of Radiation Effects
• Direct Action: When the atoms of the target
itself are ionized by the radiation. It is the
dominant process for high LET radiation.
• Indirect Action: When the radiation
interacts with other cellular molecules (e.g.
water) to produce free radicals that migrate to
and damage the target.
Interaction of radiation with bio-
For every one DNA
molecule, there are
1.2X107 water
Radiation Induced decomposition
of water within a cell
Production of free radicals within the cell can result in indirect effects
Most abundant molecule within humans: Water (70 -80%)
- Sparsely ionizing radiations such as x-rays or gamma- rays
induce damage mainly through indirect effect while densely
ionizing radiations such as neutrons and alpha particles cause
damage primarily through direct effect
- Indirect effects can be altered with use of radioprotectors
during radiotherapy while direct can not be altered
Mechanisms of radiation damage
Injury to cells/ tissues results from the transfer of energy to atoms and
Atoms and molecules may be exited or ionized depending upon the energy
and these excitation and ionizations can:
• Produce free radicals
• Break chemical bonds
• Produce new chemical bonds and cross linkage
between macromolecules
• Damage molecules that regulate vital
processes (DNA, RNA & Protein synthesis)
Biochemical reactions with ionizing radiation
DNA is primary target for cell damage
from ionizing radiation
Types of Radiation induced DNA damage
The most important types of radiation
induced lesions in DNA
Single-strand breaks
500-1000 per 1 Gy
Double strand breaks
40-50 per 1 Gy
Base damage: 1000-2000 per 1 Gy
Sometimes DNA
damage produces
later changes which
may contribute to
A gene may
respond to the
radiation by
changing its signal
to produce
protein. This may
be protective or
Gene Mutation
Sometimes a
specific gene is
changed so that it is
unable to make its
protein properly
Sometimes the
damage effects the
entire chromosome,
causing it to break or
recombine in an
abnormal way.
Sometimes parts of
two different
chromosomes may be
Cell Killing
Damaged DNA
may trigger
apoptosis, or
programmed cell
If only a few cells
are affected, this
reproduction of
damaged DNA
and protects the
Effects of DNA Damage
Options for irradiated cell
Possible cancers,
failure or genetic
At the organism level
Irradiated cell may
Cell survives but
loses some
Cell destroyed by
the immune
Cell survives but is
No effect
No effect
No effect
Cell Few cells killed : Organism will
heal & survives
More cells killed: Organism may
be survived with prolonged
More cells killed:
Organism will perish
Non repair /
mis- repair
The Cell Cycle
Cells most sensitive – Mitotic and close to
Resistance- greatest in latter part of S
For long G1’s, there is an early resistance
period followed by sensitive one at the
end of G1
progression of
through cell
-To prevent
defective DNA
- two check points – G1S and
G 1 - S
C H E C K -Before a cell makes the final commitment to
replicate, the G1/S checkpoint checks for DNA
-if damage is present, the DNA-repair machinery
and mechanisms that arrest the cell cycle
-The delay in cell cycle progression provides the
time needed for DNA repair;
-if the damage is not repairable, apoptotic pathways
are activated to kill the cell.
CHECK -The G2/M checkpoint monitors the completion
of DNA replication and checks whether the cell
can safely initiate mitosis and separate sister
-This checkpoint is particularly important in
cells exposed to ionizing radiation.
-Cells damaged by ionizing radiation activate
the G2/M checkpoint and arrest in G2; defects in
this checkpoint give rise to chromosomal
Cellular radiosensitivity
“The radiosensitivity of a population of cells is directly proportional
to their reproductive activity and inversely proportional to their
degree of differentiation.”
Cells tend to be radiosensitive if they have three properties:
• high division rate
(the time between divisions)
• long dividing future
(immature cells in early cellular life)
• unspecialized
(cells which have a widely diverse future)
Intestinal Epithelium
Nerve Cells
Muscle Tissue
 Cells most affected:
 Rapidly dividing cells:
(small intestines, bone
marrow, fetus)
 Cells least affected:
 Slowly dividing cells: (brain,
Relative Sensitivity of Cells and
Tissue Types
1. Somatic & Genetic Effects
2. Stochastic & Deterministic Effects
3. Short - term & Long - term Effects
Classification of biologic effects of
1. Somatic vs. Genetic Effects
Definition Effects Examples
Somatic Harm to person
exposed to the
Acute — large dose of
radiation absorbed in a
short time - Leukemia
Chronic — small amt of
radiations absorbed
repeatedly over long
time (latent period ≥20
Genetic Harm to person
in future
generation due
to ancestor’s
Radiation to reproductive
organs damage the DNA
of sperms or eggs
No threshold dose
- Congenital
2. Stochastic vs. Deterministic Effects
2. Stochastic vs. Deterministic Effects
Traits Effects Example
Stochastic “all or none”
response; any
dose can cause
No threshold dose
Every exposure to
ionizing radiation
carries with it the
possibility of
inducing a
stochastic effect.
 Incidence of
leukaemia &
certain tumours
“certainty effects”;
severity of effect
 with 
Threshold dose
exists below which
there will be no
Erythema: all will
experience once
minimum dose is
given; gets
worse with
3. Short - term vs. Long - term Effects
Traits Example
Short term
Determined primarily
by sensitivity of its
parenchymal cells
Bone marrow, oral mucosa
- high radiosensitive -
mitosis-linked cell death.
Muscle - low radiosensitive
Long term
Depend primarily on
extent of damage to
fine vasculature
fibroatrophy of the
irradiated tissue
Acute Radiation Syndrome
Dose Levels and Lethal Effects:
>50 Gy: Cerebrovascular syndrome (system collapse)
> 5 Gy: Gastrointestinal death (crypt cells destroyed)
3-5 Gy: Hematopoietic death (stem cell destruction)
Name of the radiation
Symptoms & consequences
1 - 2 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
(NVD) syndrome
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, giddiness, and
loss of appetite
2 - 6 Haematopoetic syndrome Bone marrow, spleen and thymus gets affected.
Approximate time of death varies between 10- 30 days.
8 - 15 Gastrointestinal (GI)
Damage to intestinal crypt takes place resulting in loss
of absorption of nutrient, dehydration, loss of weight,
severe electrolyte imbalance and low blood pressure.
Death occurs usually within 3 – 5 days.
> 25 Central Nervous System
(CNS) syndrome
Irritability, hyper excitability response, epileptic type fits
and coma. Symptoms are irreversible. Death usually
occurs within 48 hrs.
1. Skin –
i. Early or acute signs
▪ Increased susceptibility to chapping
▪ Intolerance to surgical scrub
▪ Blunting & leveling of finger ridges
▪ Brittleness & ridging of finger nails
ii. Late or chronic signs
▪ Loss of hair
▪ Dryness & atrophy of skin – sweat glands destroyed
▪ Pigmentations, telangiectasis, keratosis
▪ Indolent type of ulcerations
▪ Possibility of malignant changes in tissue
General effects of radiation
2. Hematopoietic injury – leucopenia, which in some
cases may progress to leukemia, anemia, lymphopenia
3. Eyes
Epilation of eyelashes
Inflammation, fibrosis, & decreased flexibility of eye
Ulceration & cataract
4. Ears
▪ edema of mucosa & collection of fluid causing
obstruction of Eustachian tube – Radiation Otitis
▪ Deafness due to rupture of ear drum
5. Testicles
Suppression of germinal activity
Alteration in fertility
6. Oral mucous membrane
Reddening & inflammation (mucositis)
Sloughing & pseudomembrane formation
Secondary infection
Obliteration of vasculature
Fibrosis of underlying C/T
Oral ulcerations
8. Taste buds – alterations in taste
9. Salivary glands – parenchymal component
affected – fibrosis, adiposis, loss of fine
Composition of saliva altered
Increased Na, Cl, Ca, Mg & proteins
Loses lubricating property
PH decreases – decalcification of enamel
Compensatory gland hypertrophy
Adult teeth are resistant to radiation
Prior to calcification tooth buds destroy
During calcification defect in cellular
differentiation - ↓sed vascularity, cellularity of
pulp & prone to pulpitis
Radiation caries
▪ Loss of vasculature & hematopoietic
Marrow replaced by fatty marrow & fibrous
connective tissue
Lack of osteoblasts & osteoblastic activity
Osteoradionecrosis following radiation
▪ The severity of deterministic damage seen in irradiated
tissues or organs depends on the amount of radiation
▪ All individuals receiving doses above the threshold level
show damage in proportion to the dose
Dose Rate
▪ High dose rate causes more
damage than exposure to the
same total dose given at a
lower dose rate
▪ When organisms are exposed
at lower dose rates, a greater
opportunity exists for repair of
damage, thereby resulting in
less net damage
▪ Presence of oxygen alters
how cells process free
▪ In presence of oxygen free
radicals lead to irreparable
lethal changes
• magnitude of the effect of oxygen on radiosensitivity
• Ratio of hypoxic to aerated cells to achieve the same
biologic effect.
• Sparsely ionizing radiation: 2.5-3
maximum permissible dose
• Greatest dose of radiation which is not expected tocausedetectable
bodily injury to people at any time during their lifetime.
• Theamount of ionizing radiation aperson may be exposed
to supposedly without beingharmed
• Thelimits of ionizing radiation set for radiation workers and the
general public by the International Commission on Radiological
• For radiology workers this limit for the whole body is 50 mSv.
Maximum Accumulated Dose
• Occupationally exposed workers must not exceed an accumulated
lifetime radiation dose.
• This is referred to as the maximum accumulated dose (MAD).
• MAD is determined by a formula based on the worker’s age.
• To determine the MAD for an occupationally exposed person, the
following formula is used:
• MAD=(N-18)x5 rems/ year
• MAD=(N-18)x0.05 Sv/ year
• where N refers to the person’s age in years. (Note that the number
18 refers to the minimum required age of a person who works with
Median lethal dose
• The amount of ionizing radiation that will kill 50 percent of
a population in a specified time
▪ Provides greater tumour destruction than is possible
with a large single dose
▪ Increased cellular repair of normal tissue
▪ Increases the mean oxygen tension in an irradiated
Rationale of Fractionation in Radiotherapy
▪ Repair of sublethal damage in normal cells
▪ Reoxygenation of tumour bed
▪ Redistribution of cells within the cell cycle
▪ Repopulation of normal cells
4 R’s of Radiobiology
Biologic Basis of Dose Fractionation
- Reflects the ability of cells to recover from damage that does
not cause lethality
- Repair capacity is greater in late responding tissues
- decreasing the dose per fraction will result in greater sparing
of late responding tissues
• Studies have shown that although repair can be an ongoing
process, the vast majority of the repair is finished by 6 hours
post irradiation.
• Once repair is complete the remaining cell population will
respond to subsequent dose of radiation as though the
original irradiation had not occurred
- Hypoxic cells are radioresistant
- Preferential elimination of more radiosensitive oxygenated
cells increases oxygen availability to surviving hypoxic cells
- increase tissue sensitivity to radiation
• The absorption of radiation
leads to the production of free
radicals .
• The free radicals have life span
of about 10-5 seconds and they
break chemical bonds , produce
chemical changes and initiate
the chain of events that results
in final expression of biologic
• Oxygen fixes the damage by
free radical to DNA.
Mechanism of Action
Mechanism of Reoxygenation
1. Reduction in ratio of total tumor cells to the surface area of
blood vessels.
for example if there are 10 capillaries
supplying to 100 tumor cells the ratio of tumor cells to
capillary is 10 which mean one
capillary supplying 10 cells.
After RT, 80 cells survived then ratio
becomes 8 so now one capillary
supplying to 8 cells
Mechanism of Reoxygenation
2. Distance of hypoxic cells from the blood vessels decreases
because of preferential killing and lyses of oxygenated
Mechanism of Reoxygenation
3. Increased radius of oxygen diffusion as total consumption of
oxygen is decreased.
4. As oxygenated cells are depopulated, there is reduction in intra
tumoral pressure permitting re opening of the some compressed blood
Mechanism of Reoxygenation
Clinical Significance of Reoxygenation
• After RT all oxygenated cells are killed and only hypoxic cells alive.
• So initial 20% becomes 100%.
• Within 6 hours % of hypoxic cells comes down to initial 20%.
• Human tumor re-oxygenate between fractions and it forms one of the
basis of fractionated radiotherapy.
• Timing of re-oxygenation vary from one tumor to other.
• Exact timing of re-oxygenation in human tumor is not known.
• If we know the exact timing of re-oxygenation of a particular tumor then
we can schedule the radiation fractionation accordingly.
• During fractionation, after each fraction of RT, cells in sensitive
phase are killed and before next fraction, cells progress through cell
cycle and again come to sensitive phase.
• This process is known as Redistribution
The dividing cells are
distributed throughout all
phases of cell cycle
If all the dividing cells occupy the
same phase of the cell cycle and then
all cells progress through various
phases of cell cycle simultaneously.
This can be achieved by treating the
cells with hydroxyurea.
When hydroxyurea is added, it kills all the cells in S-phase
and impose a block at the end of G1-phase.
So by making the cells in synchronization and knowing the time
when they pass through G2, M phase, which is the most sensitive
phase to radiation, we may achieve max kill by scheduling
fractionation accordingly.
• As a result of any injury to tissue which causes into depopulation of cells
eg. Physical injury the cells at the edge of the wound will start
multiplying faster in order to replace the dead tissue.
• Same thing happens in injury due to Radiation or Cytotoxic drugs.
• This phenomenon is called Repopulation.
Clinical Implications
• Side effects are reduced as normal tissue injury is healed by
accelerated repopulation.
• Effect on tumor is negative as more dose of RT is required to
compensate the accelerated repopulation.
• As the overall treatment time is increased, total dose to get the
same effect will also be increased.
• Once the treatment is started (either by RT or CT), the treatment
should be completed as early as possible.
• All forms of avoidable delay should be avoided.
Clinical Implications
• Since late reacting tissues do not show any significant
repopulation, prolonging overall treatment time has little sparing
effect on late reactions but a large sparing effect on early
• In head and neck cancers the repopulation starts at the end of 4th
week, so any treatment schedule longer than 4 week require
extra dose to compensate the accelerated repopulation.
According to standard therapeutic regimen :
Dose of 200cGY is delivered ; 5 days a week
for 5-6 weeks with total dosage of 50-60 Gy
Altered Fractionation Schemes
1. Hyperfractionation
- Smaller fraction size ( 115-120cGy)
- Two to three times in a day
- total dosage is larger ( 74-80Gy)
- treatment duration is same
-Advantages :
- improve therapeutic ratio
- Redistribution of tumor cells into more radiosensitive phases due to
multiple fractions
- differential sparing of late responding normal tissue
2. Hypofractionation :
- Larger fraction size ( 600-800cGy)
- Fractions delivered with gap of several days
- total dosage is lower (2100-3200cGy)
- treatment duration is short
Advantages :
- Evolved for the treatment of malignant melanoma ( conventional fractions
allow tumor cells to recover between fraction intervals , high dose per
fraction will overcome the reparative capacity of tumor cells
Altered Fractionation Schemes
3. Accelerated Fractionation:
- Same fraction size ( 180-200cGy)
- Two to three times in a day
- total dosage is similar
- treatment duration is short
Advantages :
- reduce the opportunity for accelerated repopulation of cells
Altered Fractionation Schemes
1. HALL, E. J., “Radiobiology for the radiologist”, Lippincott, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2000).
2. NIAS, A.W.,“An introduction to radiobiology”, Wiley, New York, New York,
U.S.A. (1998).
3. STEEL, GG., “Basic clinical radiobiology”, Arnold, London, United
Kingdom (2002).
4. Oral radiology, principles & interpretation: white & pharoah
5. Oral sequelae of head & neck radiotherapy: crit rev oral biol med 2003
6.Prevention & treatment of the consequences of head & neck radiotherapy:
crit rev oral biol med 2003
7.Protocol for the prevention and treatment of oral sequelae resulting from
head and neck radiation therapy: cancer 1992

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Radiation biology

  • 2. Radiation biology Study of effects of ionizing radiation on living systems
  • 3. HISTORY ✓ First recorded experiment in radiobiology - performed by Becquerel when he intentionally left a radium container in his vest pocket. 2 weeks later – erythema - ulceration - several weeks to heal ✓ Pierre Curie – 1901 – repeated the experiment – radium burn on his forearm
  • 4. Types of Radiation 1] Photon beam (X-ray, Gama –ray) 2] Electron beam 3] Particle radiation (Neutron )
  • 5. X ray photons • X rays are produced when electrons decelerate. • Poor penetration. • Effective depth – 1cm. Gamma rays • Gamma rays are emmited by radioactive isotopes from excited nucleus itself. • Oldest – Radium., Caesium & cobalt. • Cobalt is more widely used : Deep penetration. Low cost and maintainance. • Disadvantages: Not precise Gamma rays are more harm to human body than the X- rays. Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths than the X-rays.
  • 6. Electron beam • The subject is directly bombarded with electrons. • Property : • The depth of penetration of electron beam depends on energy level of electron. • Hence the beam has a depth limit. • Uses : a) In head and neck Ca, where spinal cord is to be spared. b) Primary skin tumour of pinna & cartilage of nose. c) Anterior placed tumour of frontal & ethmoidal sinus
  • 7. Proton beam • Heavy positive charged particles. • Advantages: a) Depth dose distribution. Small entry & exit point. b) Does not depend on tissue O2. • Application: a) Chondosarcoma of skull base. b) Chondroma of clivus. Neutrons • Mechanism : Heavy energy machines produce heavy uncharged particles. • Uses : Parotid gland tumour.
  • 8. Ionizing Radiation Type of radiation that produces the ejection of an orbital electron from an atom or molecule and results in the formation of an ion pair.  Particulate (alphas and betas)  Waves (gamma and X- rays) Non-Ionizing Radiation Deposits insufficient energy and fails to eject electron, but can induce excitation or molecular vibration and heat. Examples include UV, microwaves, infrared, visible, radar, radio waves, lasers, TV Types of radiation
  • 10. Radon X-Rays Consumer Products Nuclear Power Radioactive Waste Nuclear Medicine Solar Radiation Cosmic Rays Terrestrial Radiation Food & Drink   Sources of ionizing radiation exposures Bertha Röntgen's hand, Jan 18th1986 Potassium-40 (40K) 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 210Bi, 210Po
  • 11. Measure of Amount of radioactive material Ionization in air Absorbed energy per mass Absorbed dose weighted by type of radiation Radiation Units For most types of radiation 1 R  1 rad  1 rem Quantity Activity Exposure Absorbed Dose Dose Equivalent Old Unit curie (Ci) roentgen (R) rad rem SI Unit Becquerel Coulomb/kg Gray (J/kg) Sievert
  • 12. 14 Annual limits of radiation exposure Occupational workers 20 mSv General Public 1 mSv LIMIT ON LIFE TIME DOSE 1 Sv A simple chest X-ray gives 0.2 mSv !!! These limits are in addition to exposures from natural and medical sources
  • 13. Incident X-ray photon Photon absorption via Compton effect Formation of free radicals Radical induced DNA damage Biological effect (mutation, cancer, etc.) Sequence of Radiation Effects
  • 14. • Direct Action: When the atoms of the target itself are ionized by the radiation. It is the dominant process for high LET radiation. • Indirect Action: When the radiation interacts with other cellular molecules (e.g. water) to produce free radicals that migrate to and damage the target. Interaction of radiation with bio- molecules For every one DNA molecule, there are 1.2X107 water molecules
  • 15. H2O H2O+ e- H+ H2O2 OHo HO2 OH - Ho H2 WATER Radiation Induced decomposition of water within a cell Incoming Radiation Production of free radicals within the cell can result in indirect effects Most abundant molecule within humans: Water (70 -80%)
  • 16. - Sparsely ionizing radiations such as x-rays or gamma- rays induce damage mainly through indirect effect while densely ionizing radiations such as neutrons and alpha particles cause damage primarily through direct effect - Indirect effects can be altered with use of radioprotectors during radiotherapy while direct can not be altered
  • 17. Mechanisms of radiation damage Injury to cells/ tissues results from the transfer of energy to atoms and molecules. Atoms and molecules may be exited or ionized depending upon the energy and these excitation and ionizations can: ATOMS MOLECULES CELLS TISSUES ORGANS THE WHOLE BODY • Produce free radicals • Break chemical bonds • Produce new chemical bonds and cross linkage between macromolecules • Damage molecules that regulate vital processes (DNA, RNA & Protein synthesis)
  • 18. Biochemical reactions with ionizing radiation DNA is primary target for cell damage from ionizing radiation
  • 19. Types of Radiation induced DNA damage
  • 20. The most important types of radiation induced lesions in DNA Single-strand breaks 500-1000 per 1 Gy Double strand breaks 40-50 per 1 Gy Base damage: 1000-2000 per 1 Gy
  • 21. Genomic Instability Sometimes DNA damage produces later changes which may contribute to cancer. Gene Expression A gene may respond to the radiation by changing its signal to produce protein. This may be protective or damaging. Gene Mutation Sometimes a specific gene is changed so that it is unable to make its corresponding protein properly Chromosome Aberrations Sometimes the damage effects the entire chromosome, causing it to break or recombine in an abnormal way. Sometimes parts of two different chromosomes may be combined Cell Killing Damaged DNA may trigger apoptosis, or programmed cell death. If only a few cells are affected, this prevents reproduction of damaged DNA and protects the tissue. Effects of DNA Damage
  • 22. Options for irradiated cell Three possibilities Possible cancers, reproductive failure or genetic effects At the organism level Irradiated cell may Repair Die Cell survives but loses some function Cell destroyed by the immune system Cell survives but is dysfunctional No effect No effect No effect Cell Few cells killed : Organism will heal & survives More cells killed: Organism may be survived with prolonged symptoms More cells killed: Organism will perish Non repair / mis- repair
  • 23. The Cell Cycle Sensitivity Cells most sensitive – Mitotic and close to mitosis Resistance- greatest in latter part of S For long G1’s, there is an early resistance period followed by sensitive one at the end of G1
  • 24. CELL CYCLE CHECK POINTS progression of through cell -To prevent defective DNA cycle - two check points – G1S and G2M
  • 25. CELL CYCLE CHECK POINTS CHECK POINT G 1 - S POINT C H E C K -Before a cell makes the final commitment to replicate, the G1/S checkpoint checks for DNA damage; -if damage is present, the DNA-repair machinery and mechanisms that arrest the cell cycle -The delay in cell cycle progression provides the time needed for DNA repair; -if the damage is not repairable, apoptotic pathways are activated to kill the cell.
  • 26. G2-M POINT CHECK -The G2/M checkpoint monitors the completion of DNA replication and checks whether the cell can safely initiate mitosis and separate sister chromatids. -This checkpoint is particularly important in cells exposed to ionizing radiation. -Cells damaged by ionizing radiation activate the G2/M checkpoint and arrest in G2; defects in this checkpoint give rise to chromosomal abnormalities
  • 27. Cellular radiosensitivity “The radiosensitivity of a population of cells is directly proportional to their reproductive activity and inversely proportional to their degree of differentiation.” Cells tend to be radiosensitive if they have three properties: • high division rate (the time between divisions) • long dividing future (immature cells in early cellular life) • unspecialized (cells which have a widely diverse future)
  • 28. Lymphocytes Spermatogonia Hematopoietic Intestinal Epithelium Skin Nerve Cells Muscle Tissue Bone  Cells most affected:  Rapidly dividing cells: (small intestines, bone marrow, fetus)  Cells least affected:  Slowly dividing cells: (brain, nerves) Relative Sensitivity of Cells and Tissue Types
  • 30. 1. Somatic & Genetic Effects 2. Stochastic & Deterministic Effects 3. Short - term & Long - term Effects Classification of biologic effects of radiation
  • 31. 1. Somatic vs. Genetic Effects Definition Effects Examples Somatic Harm to person exposed to the radiation Acute — large dose of radiation absorbed in a short time - Leukemia Chronic — small amt of radiations absorbed repeatedly over long time (latent period ≥20 yrs) Genetic Harm to person in future generation due to ancestor’s exposure Radiation to reproductive organs damage the DNA of sperms or eggs No threshold dose - Congenital abnormality
  • 32. 2. Stochastic vs. Deterministic Effects
  • 33. 2. Stochastic vs. Deterministic Effects Traits Effects Example Stochastic “all or none” response; any dose can cause No threshold dose Every exposure to ionizing radiation carries with it the possibility of inducing a stochastic effect.  Incidence of leukaemia & certain tumours Deterministi c (non stochastic) “certainty effects”; severity of effect  with  dose; Threshold dose exists below which there will be no effect. Erythema: all will experience once minimum dose is given; gets worse with dose
  • 34. 3. Short - term vs. Long - term Effects Traits Example Short term effects Determined primarily by sensitivity of its parenchymal cells Bone marrow, oral mucosa - high radiosensitive - mitosis-linked cell death. Muscle - low radiosensitive Long term effects Depend primarily on extent of damage to fine vasculature Progressive fibroatrophy of the irradiated tissue
  • 36. Acute Radiation Syndrome Dose Levels and Lethal Effects: >50 Gy: Cerebrovascular syndrome (system collapse) > 5 Gy: Gastrointestinal death (crypt cells destroyed) 3-5 Gy: Hematopoietic death (stem cell destruction)
  • 37. SPECTRUM OF RADIATION INDUCED SYNDROME Dose (Gy) Name of the radiation syndrome Symptoms & consequences 1 - 2 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (NVD) syndrome Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, giddiness, and loss of appetite 2 - 6 Haematopoetic syndrome Bone marrow, spleen and thymus gets affected. Approximate time of death varies between 10- 30 days. 8 - 15 Gastrointestinal (GI) syndrome Damage to intestinal crypt takes place resulting in loss of absorption of nutrient, dehydration, loss of weight, severe electrolyte imbalance and low blood pressure. Death occurs usually within 3 – 5 days. > 25 Central Nervous System (CNS) syndrome Irritability, hyper excitability response, epileptic type fits and coma. Symptoms are irreversible. Death usually occurs within 48 hrs.
  • 39. 1. Skin – i. Early or acute signs ▪ Increased susceptibility to chapping ▪ Intolerance to surgical scrub ▪ Blunting & leveling of finger ridges ▪ Brittleness & ridging of finger nails ii. Late or chronic signs ▪ Loss of hair ▪ Dryness & atrophy of skin – sweat glands destroyed ▪ Pigmentations, telangiectasis, keratosis ▪ Indolent type of ulcerations ▪ Possibility of malignant changes in tissue General effects of radiation
  • 40. 2. Hematopoietic injury – leucopenia, which in some cases may progress to leukemia, anemia, lymphopenia 3. Eyes ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Epilation of eyelashes Inflammation, fibrosis, & decreased flexibility of eye lids Dryness Ulceration & cataract
  • 41. 4. Ears ▪ edema of mucosa & collection of fluid causing obstruction of Eustachian tube – Radiation Otitis Media ▪ Deafness due to rupture of ear drum 5. Testicles ▪ ▪ Suppression of germinal activity Alteration in fertility
  • 42. 6. Oral mucous membrane ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Reddening & inflammation (mucositis) Sloughing & pseudomembrane formation Secondary infection Obliteration of vasculature Fibrosis of underlying C/T Oral ulcerations
  • 43. 8. Taste buds – alterations in taste 9. Salivary glands – parenchymal component affected – fibrosis, adiposis, loss of fine vasculature. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Xerostomia Composition of saliva altered Increased Na, Cl, Ca, Mg & proteins Loses lubricating property PH decreases – decalcification of enamel Compensatory gland hypertrophy
  • 44. 10.Teeth ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Adult teeth are resistant to radiation Prior to calcification tooth buds destroy During calcification defect in cellular differentiation - ↓sed vascularity, cellularity of pulp & prone to pulpitis Radiation caries
  • 45. 11.Bone ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Loss of vasculature & hematopoietic elements Marrow replaced by fatty marrow & fibrous connective tissue Lack of osteoblasts & osteoblastic activity Osteoradionecrosis following radiation
  • 47. ▪ The severity of deterministic damage seen in irradiated tissues or organs depends on the amount of radiation received ▪ All individuals receiving doses above the threshold level show damage in proportion to the dose Dose
  • 48. Dose Rate ▪ High dose rate causes more damage than exposure to the same total dose given at a lower dose rate ▪ When organisms are exposed at lower dose rates, a greater opportunity exists for repair of damage, thereby resulting in less net damage
  • 49. Oxygen ▪ Presence of oxygen alters how cells process free radicals ▪ In presence of oxygen free radicals lead to irreparable lethal changes
  • 50. OXYGEN ENHANCEMENT RATIO: • magnitude of the effect of oxygen on radiosensitivity • Ratio of hypoxic to aerated cells to achieve the same biologic effect. • Sparsely ionizing radiation: 2.5-3
  • 51. maximum permissible dose • Greatest dose of radiation which is not expected tocausedetectable bodily injury to people at any time during their lifetime. • Theamount of ionizing radiation aperson may be exposed to supposedly without beingharmed • Thelimits of ionizing radiation set for radiation workers and the general public by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. • For radiology workers this limit for the whole body is 50 mSv.
  • 52. Maximum Accumulated Dose • Occupationally exposed workers must not exceed an accumulated lifetime radiation dose. • This is referred to as the maximum accumulated dose (MAD). • MAD is determined by a formula based on the worker’s age. • To determine the MAD for an occupationally exposed person, the following formula is used: • MAD=(N-18)x5 rems/ year • MAD=(N-18)x0.05 Sv/ year • where N refers to the person’s age in years. (Note that the number 18 refers to the minimum required age of a person who works with radiation.)
  • 53. Median lethal dose • The amount of ionizing radiation that will kill 50 percent of a population in a specified time
  • 55. ▪ Provides greater tumour destruction than is possible with a large single dose ▪ Increased cellular repair of normal tissue ▪ Increases the mean oxygen tension in an irradiated tumour Rationale of Fractionation in Radiotherapy
  • 56. ▪ Repair of sublethal damage in normal cells ▪ Reoxygenation of tumour bed ▪ Redistribution of cells within the cell cycle ▪ Repopulation of normal cells 4 R’s of Radiobiology
  • 57. Biologic Basis of Dose Fractionation 1. REPAIR OF SUBLETHAL DAMAGE: - Reflects the ability of cells to recover from damage that does not cause lethality - Repair capacity is greater in late responding tissues - decreasing the dose per fraction will result in greater sparing of late responding tissues
  • 58. • Studies have shown that although repair can be an ongoing process, the vast majority of the repair is finished by 6 hours post irradiation. • Once repair is complete the remaining cell population will respond to subsequent dose of radiation as though the original irradiation had not occurred
  • 59. 2. REOXYGENATION : - Hypoxic cells are radioresistant - Preferential elimination of more radiosensitive oxygenated cells increases oxygen availability to surviving hypoxic cells - increase tissue sensitivity to radiation
  • 60. • The absorption of radiation leads to the production of free radicals . • The free radicals have life span of about 10-5 seconds and they break chemical bonds , produce chemical changes and initiate the chain of events that results in final expression of biologic damage. • Oxygen fixes the damage by free radical to DNA. Mechanism of Action
  • 61. Mechanism of Reoxygenation 1. Reduction in ratio of total tumor cells to the surface area of blood vessels. for example if there are 10 capillaries supplying to 100 tumor cells the ratio of tumor cells to capillary is 10 which mean one capillary supplying 10 cells. After RT, 80 cells survived then ratio becomes 8 so now one capillary supplying to 8 cells
  • 62. Mechanism of Reoxygenation 2. Distance of hypoxic cells from the blood vessels decreases because of preferential killing and lyses of oxygenated cells. RT
  • 63. Mechanism of Reoxygenation 3. Increased radius of oxygen diffusion as total consumption of oxygen is decreased. RT
  • 64. 4. As oxygenated cells are depopulated, there is reduction in intra tumoral pressure permitting re opening of the some compressed blood vessels. RT Mechanism of Reoxygenation
  • 65. Clinical Significance of Reoxygenation • After RT all oxygenated cells are killed and only hypoxic cells alive. • So initial 20% becomes 100%. • Within 6 hours % of hypoxic cells comes down to initial 20%. • Human tumor re-oxygenate between fractions and it forms one of the basis of fractionated radiotherapy. • Timing of re-oxygenation vary from one tumor to other. • Exact timing of re-oxygenation in human tumor is not known. • If we know the exact timing of re-oxygenation of a particular tumor then we can schedule the radiation fractionation accordingly.
  • 66. 3. REDISTRIBUTION: • During fractionation, after each fraction of RT, cells in sensitive phase are killed and before next fraction, cells progress through cell cycle and again come to sensitive phase. • This process is known as Redistribution
  • 67. Redistribution Asynchronization:- The dividing cells are distributed throughout all phases of cell cycle Synchronization:- If all the dividing cells occupy the same phase of the cell cycle and then all cells progress through various phases of cell cycle simultaneously. This can be achieved by treating the cells with hydroxyurea.
  • 68. When hydroxyurea is added, it kills all the cells in S-phase and impose a block at the end of G1-phase. Redistribution
  • 69. Redistribution So by making the cells in synchronization and knowing the time when they pass through G2, M phase, which is the most sensitive phase to radiation, we may achieve max kill by scheduling fractionation accordingly.
  • 70. 4. REPOPULATION : • As a result of any injury to tissue which causes into depopulation of cells eg. Physical injury the cells at the edge of the wound will start multiplying faster in order to replace the dead tissue. • Same thing happens in injury due to Radiation or Cytotoxic drugs. • This phenomenon is called Repopulation.
  • 71. Clinical Implications • Side effects are reduced as normal tissue injury is healed by accelerated repopulation. • Effect on tumor is negative as more dose of RT is required to compensate the accelerated repopulation. • As the overall treatment time is increased, total dose to get the same effect will also be increased. • Once the treatment is started (either by RT or CT), the treatment should be completed as early as possible. • All forms of avoidable delay should be avoided.
  • 72. Clinical Implications • Since late reacting tissues do not show any significant repopulation, prolonging overall treatment time has little sparing effect on late reactions but a large sparing effect on early reactions. • In head and neck cancers the repopulation starts at the end of 4th week, so any treatment schedule longer than 4 week require extra dose to compensate the accelerated repopulation.
  • 73. According to standard therapeutic regimen : Dose of 200cGY is delivered ; 5 days a week for 5-6 weeks with total dosage of 50-60 Gy
  • 74. Altered Fractionation Schemes 1. Hyperfractionation - Smaller fraction size ( 115-120cGy) - Two to three times in a day - total dosage is larger ( 74-80Gy) - treatment duration is same -Advantages : - improve therapeutic ratio - Redistribution of tumor cells into more radiosensitive phases due to multiple fractions - differential sparing of late responding normal tissue
  • 75. 2. Hypofractionation : - Larger fraction size ( 600-800cGy) - Fractions delivered with gap of several days - total dosage is lower (2100-3200cGy) - treatment duration is short Advantages : - Evolved for the treatment of malignant melanoma ( conventional fractions allow tumor cells to recover between fraction intervals , high dose per fraction will overcome the reparative capacity of tumor cells Altered Fractionation Schemes
  • 76. 3. Accelerated Fractionation: - Same fraction size ( 180-200cGy) - Two to three times in a day - total dosage is similar - treatment duration is short Advantages : - reduce the opportunity for accelerated repopulation of cells Altered Fractionation Schemes
  • 77. 1. HALL, E. J., “Radiobiology for the radiologist”, Lippincott, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2000). 2. NIAS, A.W.,“An introduction to radiobiology”, Wiley, New York, New York, U.S.A. (1998). 3. STEEL, GG., “Basic clinical radiobiology”, Arnold, London, United Kingdom (2002). 4. Oral radiology, principles & interpretation: white & pharoah 5. Oral sequelae of head & neck radiotherapy: crit rev oral biol med 2003 6.Prevention & treatment of the consequences of head & neck radiotherapy: crit rev oral biol med 2003 7.Protocol for the prevention and treatment of oral sequelae resulting from head and neck radiation therapy: cancer 1992 References