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  There is / There are

Miss Rattikarn Chamnanya

Thumpinwittayakom School
                                àÃ×ͧ There is/There are

1. º·àÃÕ¹ÊíÒàÃç¨ÃÙ»àÃ×èͧ¹ÕéÁÕ 7 ¡Ãͺ
2. º·àÃÕ¹¹ÕéäÁ‹ãª‹¢ŒÍ·´Êͺ ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹äÁ‹µŒÍ§¡Ñ§ÇÅ㨠¾ÂÒÂÒÁ·íÒ仪ŒÒæ ·ÕÅСÃͺ ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹¨Ðä´ŒÃѺ¤ÇÒÁÃÙŒ
   ä´Œ·íÒ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁµ‹Ò§æ áÅÐä´ŒàÃÕ¹ÃÙŒ´ŒÇµÑǢͧ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹àͧ àÁ×͹ѡàÃÕ¹·íÒä´Œ¨Ðà¡Ô´¤ÇÒÁÀÒ¤ÀÙÁÔã¨ÁÒ¡
3. ¡‹Í¹·Õè¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹¨ÐÈÖ¡ÉÒ¤Ç÷íÒẺ·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre- test) ¡‹Í¹ ·íÒ´ŒÇ¤ÇÒÁ«×èÍÊѵ áÅŒÇ
   à¡çºäÇŒµÃǨ¾ÃŒÍÁ¡Ñºáºº·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test)
4. àÃÔèÁ·íÒµÑé§áµ‹¡Ãͺáá àÃÕ§仵ÒÁÅíҴѺ â´ÂäÁ‹¢ŒÒÁ¡Ãͺ㴡Ãͺ˹Öè§
5. Í‹Ò¹¤íÒ͸ԺÒÂáÅФíÒ¶ÒÁãˌࢌÒ㨠¤Ô´ãËŒ´Õ à¢Õ¹µÍºÅ§ã¹ÊÁØ´ Í‹Ңմà¢Õ¹ŧ㹺·àÃÕ¹ÊíÒàÃç¨ÃÙ»¹Õé
6. àÁ×è͵ͺ¤íÒ¶ÒÁàÊÃ稡Ãͺ˹Öè§ ãˌແ´´Ùà©Å µÃǨÊͺ´ÙÇ‹Ò¶Ù¡µŒÍ§ËÃ×ÍäÁ‹ ¶ŒÒµÍº¼Ô´ ¡ÅѺä»ÈÖ¡ÉÒã¹
   ¡Ãͺ·Õ輋ҹÁÒãËÁ‹ ·íÒ¤ÇÒÁࢌÒã¨ãËŒ´Õ áŌǡÅѺÁҵͺ¤íÒ¶ÒÁãËÁ‹
7. ·íÒ仪ŒÒæ äÁ‹µŒÍ§ÃպÌ͹ ¶ŒÒà˹×èÍ¡ç¾Ñ¡ÊÑ¡¤ÃÙ‹áŌǤ‹Í·íÒµ‹Íä»
8. àÁ×èÍÈÖ¡ÉÒ¨º·Ø¡¡ÃͺáÅŒÇãËŒ·íÒẺ·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test) àÊÃç¨áŌǴÙà©Å áÅеÃǨ·Ñé§
   Ẻ·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre-test) áÅÐËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test) à¾×èÍà»ÃÕºà·Õº¼Å´ŒÇµ¹àͧ


       1. ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ÃÙ¤ÇÒÁËÁÒ¢ͧ There is/There are
       2. ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ÊÒÁÒöà¢Õ¹»ÃÐâ¤â´Â㪌 There is/There are ã¹ÃÙ»ºÍ¡àÅ‹Ò »¯Ôàʸ
          áÅÐ ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ ä´Œ
Ẻ·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre-test)
                                àÃ×ͧ There is/There are

Choose the best answer.

1.____ a book on the table.                            6.____ apples in the box?
      a) There is                                            a) Is there
      b) There are                                           b) Are there

2.____ three pens under the chair.                     7.____ a cat under the table?
      a) There is                                            a) Is there
      b) There are                                           b) Are there

3.____ water in the glass.                             8.____ any dogs in the room?
      a) There is                                            a) Is there
      b) There are                                           b) Are there

4.____ students in the room.                           9.____ any rice in the plate?
      a) There is                                            a) Is there
      b) There are                                           b) Are there

5.____ an orange in the box.                           10.____ notebooks in the
       a) There is                                           a) Is there
        b) There are                                         b) Are there

                                        ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©ÅÂẺ·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre-test)

                1. a                2. b            3. a          4. b         5. a

                6. b                7. a            8. b          9. a         10. b

              ·íÒä´Œ¡Õ袌ͨÐ Í‹ÒÅ×Á

                                                    ¡Ãͺ·Õè 1

                                         ¡ÒÃ㪌 There is áÅÐ There are

There is / There are ÁÕ¤ÇÒÁËÁÒÂÇ‹Ò "ÁÕ" 㪌àÁ×è͵ŒÍ§¡ÒÃ¨ÐºÍ¡Ç‹Ò "ÁÕÍÐäÃÍÂÙ‹·Õèä˹" ઋ¹
-How many books are there on the table? (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ¡ÕèàÅ‹Á)
  -There is a book on the table. (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á)
-How many apples are there in the basket? (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂً㹵СÌҡռÅ)è
  -There is an apple in the basket. (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å)
-How many pens are there under the chair? (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂً㵌ࡌÒÍÕé¡Õè´ŒÒÁ)
  -There are two pens under the chair. (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂً㵌ࡌÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ)

¨Ò¡»ÃÐ⤵ÑÇÍ‹ҧ¢ŒÒ§µŒ¹¨Ð¾ºÇ‹Ò There is / There are 㪌ᵡµ‹Ò§¡Ñ¹ ´Ñ§¹Õé

1. There is 㪌¹íÒ˹ŒÒ¤íÒ¹ÒÁàÍ¡¾¨¹ ËÃ×ͤíÒ¹ÒÁ¹ÑºäÁ‹ä´Œ ઋ¹
There is a book on the table. (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á)
There is an apple in the basket. (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å)
There is water in the glass. (ÁÕ¹éíÒÍÂÙ‹ã¹á¡ŒÇ) ***¹éíҹѺäÁ‹ä´Œ
¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 1

¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ.
         µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁÕáͻແŠ1 ¼Å ÍÂÙã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ  There is an apple in the basket.
                           œ          ‹

            1. ÁÕ§Ù 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§     ______________________
            2. ÁÕÁŒÒÅÒ 1 µÑÇÍÂً㹺ŒÒ¹ ______________________
            3. ÁÕÊԧⵠ1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ______________________
            4. ÁÕà´ç¡·Òá 1 ¤¹ÍÂÙ‹º¹àµÕ§         ______________________
            5. ÁÕ¹¡ 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹º¹µŒ¹äÁŒ    ______________________

                                            ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 

                                                 ¡Ãͺ·Õè 2

                                          There is ã¹ÃÙ»»¯Ôàʸ

            ·íÒãˌ໚¹»¯Ôàʸ䴌â´Â¡ÒÃàµÔÁ not ËÅѧ is ઋ¹
        There is not a book on the table. (äÁ‹ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á)
        There is not an apple in the basket. (äÁ‹ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å)
        There is not water in the glass. (äÁ‹ÁÕ¹éíÒÍÂÙã¹á¡ŒÇ)

       ¨Ðà¢Õ¹໚¹Ãٻ‹͡çä´Œ ¡ç¨Ð໚¹ isn’t (ÍÕÊ«Öè¹) «Ö§¡çÁÒ¨Ò¡ is not ¹Ñè¹àͧ

                                              ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 2

 ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ.
               µÑÇÍ‹ҧ äÁ‹ÁÕáͻແŠ1 ¼ÅÍÂÙã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ  There is not an apple in the basket.
                                   œ        ‹

       1.   äÁ‹ÁÕ§Ù 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§       ________________
       2.   äÁ‹ÁÕÁŒÒÅÒ 1 µÑÇÍÂً㹺ŒÒ¹ ______________________
       3.   äÁ‹ÁÕÊԧⵠ1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ______________________
       4.   äÁ‹ÁÕà´ç¡·Òá 1 ¤¹ÍÂÙ‹º¹àµÕ§ ______________________
       5.   äÁ‹ÁÕ¹¡ 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹º¹µŒ¹äÁŒ ______________________

                                            ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 1

1.   There   is   a   snake in the room.
2.   There   is   a   zebra in the house.
3.   There   is   a   lion in the zoo.                         µÍº¶Ù¡¡Õ袌ͤР͋ҹ¡Ãͺ
4.   There   is   a   baby on the bed.                              µ‹Íä»ä´ŒàŨŒÒ
5.   There   is   a   bird on the tree.

                                               à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 2

                      1.   There   is   not   (isn’t)   a   snake in the room.
                      2.   There   is   not   (isn’t)   a   zebra in the house.
                      3.   There   is   not   (isn’t)   a   lion in the zoo.
                      4.   There   is   not   (isn’t)   a   baby on the bed.
                      5.   There   is   not   (isn’t)   a   bird on the tree.

         ÊÙŒ ÊÙŒ ·íÒä´Œ¡Õ袌ͨÐ ¶ŒÒÂѧ§§¡ç¡ÅѺä»
         Í‹Ò¹¡Ãͺ·Õè 1-2 ÍÕ¡·Õ¹Ð
¡Ãͺ·Õè 3

                               There is ã¹ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ·ÕµÍº Yes,No

                ·íÒãˌ໚¹¤íÒ¶ÒÁä´Œ â´Â¡ÒÃàÍÒ Is ¢Öé¹µŒ¹»ÃÐâ¤áÅŒÇàÍÒ there µÒÁËÅѧ
                               ¡ç¤×Í ÊÅѺ·Õè¡Ñ¹ÃÐËÇ‹Ò§ there ¡Ñº is ¹Ñè¹àͧ
                                        ¨Ò¡ There is ÃÙ»ºÍ¡àÅ‹Ò
                                     à»ÅÕè¹໚¹ Is there ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ

    Is there a book on the table?              (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙº¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á㪋äËÁ)
    Is there an apple in the basket?            (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å㪋äËÁ)
    Is there water in the glass?               (ÁÕ¹éíÒÍÂÙ‹ã¹á¡ŒÇ㪋äËÁ)

                                      Yes, there is. (㪋 ÁÕ)
                                    No, there isn’t. (äÁ‹ äÁ‹ÁÕ)

                                          ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 3

¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ.
               µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁÕáͻແŠ1 ¼ÅÍÂÙ㹵СÌÒ㪋äËÁ  Is there an apple in the basket?
                                 œ       ‹

       1. ÁÕ§Ù 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ãª‹äËÁ ______________________
          㪋 ÁÕ_______________________
       2. ÁÕÁŒÒÅÒ 1 µÑÇÍÂً㹺ŒÒ¹ãª‹äËÁ ______________________
          äÁ‹ äÁ‹ÁÕ _______________________
       3. ÁÕÊԧⵠ1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ㪋äËÁ_____________________
          äÁ‹ äÁ‹ÁÕ _______________________
       4. ÁÕ¹¡ 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹º¹µŒ¹äÁŒãª‹äËÁ ______________________
          㪋 ÁÕ_______________________
                                           ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 3

     1.   Is   there   a   snake in the room? Yes, there is.
     2.   Is   there   a   zebra in my house? No, there isn’t.
     3.   Is   there   a   lion in the zoo? No, there isn’t.
     4.   Is   there   a   bird on the tree? Yes, there is.

          ·íÒä´ŒäËÁ¤ÃѺ ¶ŒÒ¼Ô´¡çÅͧ¡ÅѺä»Í‹Ò¹
          ÍÕ¡¹Ð         Í‹Òà¾Ô觷ŒÍÅ‹Ð

                                                ¡Ãͺ·Õè 4

                          2. There are 㪌¹íÒ˹ŒÒ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¾ËÙ¾¨¹ ઋ¹
                 There are two pens on the chair. (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ)
                  There are eight cats in the room. (ÁÕáÁÇÍÂÙã¹ËŒÍ§ 8 µÑÇ)
                 There are dogs under the tree. (ÁÕÊعѢÍÂً㵌µŒ¹äÁŒËÅÒµÑÇ)

                                            ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 4

     ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ.
             µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁաŌǠ5 ¼ÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ  There are five bananas in the basket.

1.   ÁÕÊѵǏ (animal) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ _____________
2.   ÁÕªŒÒ§ (elephant) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ _________________
3.   ÁÕⵍР(table) 10 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ ___________________
4.   ÁÕ»ÅÒ 5 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹·ÐàÅÊÒº (lake) ____________________
5.   ÁÕ¹¡ 7 µÑÇÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒ ______________________
6.   ÁÕÁÐÁ‹Ç§ 4 ¼Å ÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé (chair)______________________

                                         ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 4

   1.   There   are   animals in the zoo.
   2.   There   are   elephants in the zoo.
   3.   There   are   ten tables in the room.
   4.   There   are   five fish in the lake.
                                                                       äÁ‹ÂÒ¡àÅÂ㪋äËÁ Í‹Ò¹
   5.   There   are   seven birds under the tree.
   6.   There   are   four mangoes on the chair.

                                                ¡Ãͺ·Õè 5

                                        There are ã¹ÃÙ»»¯Ôàʸ

                          ·íÒãˌ໚¹»¯Ôàʸ䴌â´Â¡ÒÃàµÔÁ not ࢌÒä»ËÅѧ are ઋ¹

                There are not two pens on the chair. (äÁ‹ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ)
                There are not eight cats in the room. (äÁ‹ÁÕáÁÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ 8 µÑÇ)
                There are not dogs under the tree. (äÁ‹ÁÕÊعѢÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒËÅÒµÑÇ)

                ¨Ðà¢Õ¹໚¹Ãٻ‹͡çä´Œ ¡ç¨Ð໚¹ aren’t (͍ÒϹ) «Ö觡çÁÒ¨Ò¡ are not ¹Ñè¹àͧ

                                             ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 5

¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ.
         µÑÇÍ‹ҧ äÁ‹ÁաŌǠ5 ¼ÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ There are not five bananas in the basket?

   1.   äÁ‹ÁÕÊѵǏ (animal) ËÅÒµÑÇ (many) ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ ____________
   2.   äÁ‹ÁÕªŒÒ§ (elephant) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ _________________
   3.   äÁ‹ÁÕⵍР(table) 10 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ ___________________
   4.   äÁ‹ÁÕ»ÅÒ 5 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹·ÐàÅÊÒº (lake) ____________________
   5.   äÁ‹ÁÕ¹¡ 7 µÑÇÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒ ______________________

                                          ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 5

   1.   There   are   not   (aren’t)   animals in the zoo.
   2.   There   are   not   (aren’t)   elephants in the zoo.
   3.   There   are   not   (aren’t)   ten tables in the room.
   4.   There   are   not   (aren’t)   five fish in the lake.              à¡‹§ÁÒ¡àÅ ͋ҹ
   5.   There   are   not   (aren’t)   seven birds under the tree.         ¡Ãͺ 6 µ‹ÍàÅÂ
                                                ¡Ãͺ·Õè 6

                                          There are ã¹ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ

                 ·íÒãˌ໚¹¤íÒ¶ÒÁ ä´Œâ´Â¡ÒÃàÍÒ Are ¢Öé¹µŒ¹»ÃÐâ¤áÅŒÇàÍÒ there µÒÁËÅѧ
                                ¡ç¤×Í ÊÅѺ·Õè¡Ñ¹ÃÐËÇ‹Ò§ there ¡Ñº are ¹Ñè¹àͧ
                                          There are ໚¹ÃÙ»ºÍ¡àÅ‹Ò
                                           Are there ໚¹ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ
                 Are there two pens on the chair? (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ㪋äËÁ)
                  Are there eight cats in the room? (ÁÕáÁÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ 8 µÑÇ㪋äËÁ)
                  Are there dogs under the tree? (ÁÕÊعѢÍÂً㵌µ¹äÁŒËÅÒµÑÇ㪋äËÁ)
                                           Yes, there are. (㪋 ÁÕ)
                                        No, there aren’t. (äÁ‹ äÁ‹Á)Õ

                                              ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 6

¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ.
         µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁաŌǠ5 ¼ÅÍÂً㹵СÌÒ㪋äËÁ  Are there five bananas in the basket?
    1. ÁÕªŒÒ§ (elephant) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ㪋äËÁ ______________
            㪋 ÁÕ_______________________
    2. ÁÕⵍР(table) 10 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ 㪋äËÁ___________________
            äÁ‹ äÁ‹Á_______________________
    3. ÁÕ¹¡ 7 µÑÇÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒãª‹äËÁ ______________________
            㪋 ÁÕ_______________________
    4. ÁÕÁÐÁ‹Ç§ 4 ¼Å ÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé (chair)㪋äËÁ_______________
            äÁ‹ äÁ‹Á_______________________
                                            ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 6

1. Are there many elephants in the zoo?
    Yes, there are.
2. Are there ten tables in the room? No, there aren’t.
3. Are there seven birds under the tree?
   Yes, there are.
4. Are there four mangoes on the chair?
    No, there aren’t.

                  ÊÙŒ ÊÙŒ¹Ð ¨Ð¶Ö§¡ÃͺÊØ´·ŒÒÂáÅŒÇ

                                           ¡Ãͺ·Õè 7

                            ÊÃØ»¡ÒÃ㪌 There is/ There are

                          »ÃÐ⤺͡àÅ‹Ò (affirmative)
                 There is        +      ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´ŒàÍ¡¾¨¹
                 There are             +        ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´Œ¾ËÙ¾¨¹

                                »ÃÐ⤻¯Ôàʸ (negative)

                 There is not          +        ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´ŒàÍ¡¾¨¹
                 There are not         +        ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´Œ¾ËÙ¾¨¹

                                »ÃÐ⤤íÒ¶ÒÁ (question)

                 Is there              +        ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´ŒàÍ¡¾¨¹
                 Are there             +        ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´Œ¾ËÙ¾¨¹

¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 7

Complete the sentences. àµÔÁ»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õâ´Â㪌 is ËÃ×Í are

1. There ____________ 2 tables in the living room. (ˌͧ¹Ñè§àÅ‹¹)

           2. ______there a cinema(âçÀҾ¹µÃ) in the city(àÁ×ͧ)?
3. ____________ there shops in this street (¶¹¹) ?
4. There ______________some money in the room.

5. There _______________not two rabbits.
6. There _______________a hotel next to the station. (ʶҹÕ)

7.           ____________ there a swimming pool (ÊÃÐÇ‹Ò¹éíÒ)?
8. ______________ there some milk in the glass?
9. There _______________ not a dog here.

10._______there cats in the bathroom? (ˌͧÍÒº¹éíÒ)

                                     ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 7

           1. are      2. Is         3. Are        4. is         5. are

           6. is       7. Is        8. Is         9. is         10. Are



                           Ẻ·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test)
                           àÃ×ͧ There is / There are

                       Choose the correct answer.
                       1. ___________ not a pen in my bag.
                       a. There is               b. There are
                       c. Is there               d. Are there

                       2. ___________ a picture on the wall?
                       a. There is           b. There are
                       c. Is there           d. Are there

                       3. ___________ a big tree in front of the house?
                       a. There is            b. There are
                       c. Is there            d. Are there
4. ___________ not two teachers in the classroom?
a. There is           b. There are
c. Is there           d. Are there

5. ___________ some bread on the plate. (¨Ò¹)
a. There is           b. There are
c. Is there           d. Are there

6. ___________ five pans in the kitchen.
a. There is            b. There are
c. Is there            d. Are there

7. __________ twenty – four hours in a day?
a. There is           b. There are
c. Is there           d. Are there

8. __________ not a bird in the cage. (¡Ã§)
a. There is            b. There are
c. Is there            d. Are there

9. __________ many cars on the road?
a. There is          b. There are
c. Is there          d. Are there

10. ___________ many days in a week?
a. There is           b. There are
c. Is there           d. Are there

       ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
à©ÅÂẺ·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post test)

1. a    2. c             3. c             4. d             5. a

6. b    7. d             8. a             9. d             10. d

                         ໚¹Âѧ䧺ŒÒ§ ¤Ðá¹¹ËÅѧàÃÕ¹ÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹äËÁ

       ¶ŒÒ¤Ðá¹¹ÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò¡çáÊ´§Ç‹ÒࢌÒã¨àÃ×èͧ¹ÕéáÅŒÇ áµ‹¶Òä´Œ¤Ðá¹¹¹ŒÍ¡Njҡ‹Í¹àÃÕ¹

           ¡çÅͧ¡ÅѺä»ÈÖ¡ÉÒãËÁ‹¹Ð Í‹Òà¾Ô觷ŒÍ ໚¹¡íÒÅѧã¨ãËŒ¨ŒÒ
บทเรียนสำเร็จThere is

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บทเรียนสำเร็จThere is

  • 1. º·àÃÕ¹ÊíÒàÃç¨ÃÙ» àÃ×ͧ è There is / There are Miss Rattikarn Chamnanya Thumpinwittayakom School
  • 2. ¢ŒÍá¹Ð¹íÒ㹡ÒÃ㪌º·àÃÕ¹ÊíÒàÃç¨ÃÙ» àÃ×ͧ There is/There are è 1. º·àÃÕ¹ÊíÒàÃç¨ÃÙ»àÃ×èͧ¹ÕéÁÕ 7 ¡Ãͺ 2. º·àÃÕ¹¹ÕéäÁ‹ãª‹¢ŒÍ·´Êͺ ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹äÁ‹µŒÍ§¡Ñ§ÇÅ㨠¾ÂÒÂÒÁ·íÒ仪ŒÒæ ·ÕÅСÃͺ ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹¨Ðä´ŒÃѺ¤ÇÒÁÃÙŒ ä´Œ·íÒ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁµ‹Ò§æ áÅÐä´ŒàÃÕ¹ÃÙŒ´ŒÇµÑǢͧ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹àͧ àÁ×͹ѡàÃÕ¹·íÒä´Œ¨Ðà¡Ô´¤ÇÒÁÀÒ¤ÀÙÁÔã¨ÁÒ¡ è 3. ¡‹Í¹·Õè¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹¨ÐÈÖ¡ÉÒ¤Ç÷íÒẺ·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre- test) ¡‹Í¹ ·íÒ´ŒÇ¤ÇÒÁ«×èÍÊѵ áÅŒÇ à¡çºäÇŒµÃǨ¾ÃŒÍÁ¡Ñºáºº·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test) 4. àÃÔèÁ·íÒµÑé§áµ‹¡Ãͺáá àÃÕ§仵ÒÁÅíҴѺ â´ÂäÁ‹¢ŒÒÁ¡Ãͺ㴡Ãͺ˹Öè§ 5. Í‹Ò¹¤íÒ͸ԺÒÂáÅФíÒ¶ÒÁãˌࢌÒ㨠¤Ô´ãËŒ´Õ à¢Õ¹µÍºÅ§ã¹ÊÁØ´ Í‹Ңմà¢Õ¹ŧ㹺·àÃÕ¹ÊíÒàÃç¨ÃÙ»¹Õé 6. àÁ×è͵ͺ¤íÒ¶ÒÁàÊÃ稡Ãͺ˹Öè§ ãˌແ´´Ùà©Å µÃǨÊͺ´ÙÇ‹Ò¶Ù¡µŒÍ§ËÃ×ÍäÁ‹ ¶ŒÒµÍº¼Ô´ ¡ÅѺä»ÈÖ¡ÉÒã¹ ¡Ãͺ·Õ輋ҹÁÒãËÁ‹ ·íÒ¤ÇÒÁࢌÒã¨ãËŒ´Õ áŌǡÅѺÁҵͺ¤íÒ¶ÒÁãËÁ‹ 7. ·íÒ仪ŒÒæ äÁ‹µŒÍ§ÃպÌ͹ ¶ŒÒà˹×èÍ¡ç¾Ñ¡ÊÑ¡¤ÃÙ‹áŌǤ‹Í·íÒµ‹Íä» 8. àÁ×èÍÈÖ¡ÉÒ¨º·Ø¡¡ÃͺáÅŒÇãËŒ·íÒẺ·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test) àÊÃç¨áŌǴÙà©Å áÅеÃǨ·Ñé§ áºº·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre-test) áÅÐËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test) à¾×èÍà»ÃÕºà·Õº¼Å´ŒÇµ¹àͧ ¨Ø´»ÃÐʧ¤¡ÒÃàÃÕ¹ÃÙŒ 1. ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ÃÙ¤ÇÒÁËÁÒ¢ͧ There is/There are Œ 2. ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ÊÒÁÒöà¢Õ¹»ÃÐâ¤â´Â㪌 There is/There are ã¹ÃÙ»ºÍ¡àÅ‹Ò »¯Ôàʸ áÅÐ ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ ä´Œ
  • 3. Ẻ·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre-test) àÃ×ͧ There is/There are è Choose the best answer. 1.____ a book on the table. 6.____ apples in the box? a) There is a) Is there b) There are b) Are there 2.____ three pens under the chair. 7.____ a cat under the table? a) There is a) Is there b) There are b) Are there 3.____ water in the glass. 8.____ any dogs in the room? a) There is a) Is there b) There are b) Are there 4.____ students in the room. 9.____ any rice in the plate? a) There is a) Is there b) There are b) Are there 5.____ an orange in the box. 10.____ notebooks in the Schoolbag a) There is a) Is there b) There are b) Are there ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 4. à©ÅÂẺ·´Êͺ¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ (Pre-test) 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. b ·íÒä´Œ¡Õ袌ͨÐ Í‹ÒÅ×Á ºÑ¹·Ö¡äÇŒ´ŒÇ¹Р¡Ãͺ·Õè 1 ¡ÒÃ㪌 There is áÅÐ There are @@@@@@@@@@ There is / There are ÁÕ¤ÇÒÁËÁÒÂÇ‹Ò "ÁÕ" 㪌àÁ×è͵ŒÍ§¡ÒÃ¨ÐºÍ¡Ç‹Ò "ÁÕÍÐäÃÍÂÙ‹·Õèä˹" ઋ¹ -How many books are there on the table? (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ¡ÕèàÅ‹Á) -There is a book on the table. (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á) -How many apples are there in the basket? (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂً㹵СÌҡռÅ)è -There is an apple in the basket. (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å) -How many pens are there under the chair? (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂً㵌ࡌÒÍÕé¡Õè´ŒÒÁ) -There are two pens under the chair. (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂً㵌ࡌÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ) ¨Ò¡»ÃÐ⤵ÑÇÍ‹ҧ¢ŒÒ§µŒ¹¨Ð¾ºÇ‹Ò There is / There are 㪌ᵡµ‹Ò§¡Ñ¹ ´Ñ§¹Õé 1. There is 㪌¹íÒ˹ŒÒ¤íÒ¹ÒÁàÍ¡¾¨¹ ËÃ×ͤíÒ¹ÒÁ¹ÑºäÁ‹ä´Œ ઋ¹ There is a book on the table. (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á) There is an apple in the basket. (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å) There is water in the glass. (ÁÕ¹éíÒÍÂÙ‹ã¹á¡ŒÇ) ***¹éíҹѺäÁ‹ä´Œ
  • 5. ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 1 ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ. µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁÕáͻແŠ1 ¼Å ÍÂÙã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ  There is an apple in the basket. œ ‹ 1. ÁÕ§Ù 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ ______________________ 2. ÁÕÁŒÒÅÒ 1 µÑÇÍÂً㹺ŒÒ¹ ______________________ 3. ÁÕÊԧⵠ1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ______________________ 4. ÁÕà´ç¡·Òá 1 ¤¹ÍÂÙ‹º¹àµÕ§ ______________________ 5. ÁÕ¹¡ 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹º¹µŒ¹äÁŒ ______________________ ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä»  ¡Ãͺ·Õè 2 There is ã¹ÃÙ»»¯Ôàʸ ·íÒãˌ໚¹»¯Ôàʸ䴌â´Â¡ÒÃàµÔÁ not ËÅѧ is ઋ¹  There is not a book on the table. (äÁ‹ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙ‹º¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á)  There is not an apple in the basket. (äÁ‹ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å) ‹  There is not water in the glass. (äÁ‹ÁÕ¹éíÒÍÂÙã¹á¡ŒÇ) ‹ ¨Ðà¢Õ¹໚¹Ãٻ‹͡çä´Œ ¡ç¨Ð໚¹ isn’t (ÍÕÊ«Öè¹) «Ö§¡çÁÒ¨Ò¡ is not ¹Ñè¹àͧ è ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 2 ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ. µÑÇÍ‹ҧ äÁ‹ÁÕáͻແŠ1 ¼ÅÍÂÙã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ  There is not an apple in the basket. œ ‹ 1. äÁ‹ÁÕ§Ù 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ ________________ 2. äÁ‹ÁÕÁŒÒÅÒ 1 µÑÇÍÂً㹺ŒÒ¹ ______________________ 3. äÁ‹ÁÕÊԧⵠ1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ______________________ 4. äÁ‹ÁÕà´ç¡·Òá 1 ¤¹ÍÂÙ‹º¹àµÕ§ ______________________ 5. äÁ‹ÁÕ¹¡ 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹º¹µŒ¹äÁŒ ______________________ ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 6. à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 1 1. There is a snake in the room. 2. There is a zebra in the house. 3. There is a lion in the zoo. µÍº¶Ù¡¡Õ袌ͤР͋ҹ¡Ãͺ 4. There is a baby on the bed. µ‹Íä»ä´ŒàŨŒÒ 5. There is a bird on the tree. à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 2 1. There is not (isn’t) a snake in the room. 2. There is not (isn’t) a zebra in the house. 3. There is not (isn’t) a lion in the zoo. 4. There is not (isn’t) a baby on the bed. 5. There is not (isn’t) a bird on the tree. ÊÙŒ ÊÙŒ ·íÒä´Œ¡Õ袌ͨÐ ¶ŒÒÂѧ§§¡ç¡ÅÑºä» Í‹Ò¹¡Ãͺ·Õè 1-2 ÍÕ¡·Õ¹Ð
  • 7. ¡Ãͺ·Õè 3 There is ã¹ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ·ÕµÍº Yes,No è ·íÒãˌ໚¹¤íÒ¶ÒÁä´Œ â´Â¡ÒÃàÍÒ Is ¢Öé¹µŒ¹»ÃÐâ¤áÅŒÇàÍÒ there µÒÁËÅѧ ¡ç¤×Í ÊÅѺ·Õè¡Ñ¹ÃÐËÇ‹Ò§ there ¡Ñº is ¹Ñè¹àͧ ¨Ò¡ There is ÃÙ»ºÍ¡àÅ‹Ò à»ÅÕè¹໚¹ Is there ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ Example:  Is there a book on the table? (ÁÕ˹ѧÊ×ÍÍÂÙº¹âµÐ 1 àÅ‹Á㪋äËÁ) ‹  Is there an apple in the basket? (ÁÕá͍»à»œÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ 1 ¼Å㪋äËÁ)  Is there water in the glass? (ÁÕ¹éíÒÍÂÙ‹ã¹á¡ŒÇ㪋äËÁ) ÇÔ¸¡Òõͺ Õ Yes, there is. (㪋 ÁÕ) No, there isn’t. (äÁ‹ äÁ‹ÁÕ) ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 3 ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ. µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁÕáͻແŠ1 ¼ÅÍÂÙ㹵СÌÒ㪋äËÁ  Is there an apple in the basket? œ ‹ 1. ÁÕ§Ù 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ãª‹äËÁ ______________________ 㪋 ÁÕ_______________________ 2. ÁÕÁŒÒÅÒ 1 µÑÇÍÂً㹺ŒÒ¹ãª‹äËÁ ______________________ äÁ‹ äÁ‹ÁÕ _______________________ 3. ÁÕÊԧⵠ1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ㪋äËÁ_____________________ äÁ‹ äÁ‹ÁÕ _______________________ 4. ÁÕ¹¡ 1 µÑÇÍÂÙ‹º¹µŒ¹äÁŒãª‹äËÁ ______________________ 㪋 ÁÕ_______________________ ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 8. à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 3 1. Is there a snake in the room? Yes, there is. 2. Is there a zebra in my house? No, there isn’t. 3. Is there a lion in the zoo? No, there isn’t. 4. Is there a bird on the tree? Yes, there is. ·íÒä´ŒäËÁ¤ÃѺ ¶ŒÒ¼Ô´¡çÅͧ¡ÅѺä»Í‹Ò¹ ÍÕ¡¹Ð Í‹Òà¾Ô觷ŒÍÅ‹Ð ¡Ãͺ·Õè 4 2. There are 㪌¹íÒ˹ŒÒ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¾ËÙ¾¨¹ ઋ¹ There are two pens on the chair. (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ) There are eight cats in the room. (ÁÕáÁÇÍÂÙã¹ËŒÍ§ 8 µÑÇ) ‹ There are dogs under the tree. (ÁÕÊعѢÍÂً㵌µŒ¹äÁŒËÅÒµÑÇ) ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 4 ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ. µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁաŌǠ5 ¼ÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ  There are five bananas in the basket. 1. ÁÕÊѵǏ (animal) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ _____________ 2. ÁÕªŒÒ§ (elephant) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ _________________ 3. ÁÕⵍР(table) 10 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ ___________________ 4. ÁÕ»ÅÒ 5 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹·ÐàÅÊÒº (lake) ____________________ 5. ÁÕ¹¡ 7 µÑÇÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒ ______________________ ‹ 6. ÁÕÁÐÁ‹Ç§ 4 ¼Å ÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé (chair)______________________ ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 9. à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 4 1. There are animals in the zoo. 2. There are elephants in the zoo. 3. There are ten tables in the room. 4. There are five fish in the lake. äÁ‹ÂÒ¡àÅÂ㪋äËÁ Í‹Ò¹ 5. There are seven birds under the tree. ¡Ãͺµ‹Íä»àÅ 6. There are four mangoes on the chair. ¡Ãͺ·Õè 5 There are ã¹ÃÙ»»¯Ôàʸ ·íÒãˌ໚¹»¯Ôàʸ䴌â´Â¡ÒÃàµÔÁ not ࢌÒä»ËÅѧ are ઋ¹ There are not two pens on the chair. (äÁ‹ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ) There are not eight cats in the room. (äÁ‹ÁÕáÁÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ 8 µÑÇ) There are not dogs under the tree. (äÁ‹ÁÕÊعѢÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒËÅÒµÑÇ) ‹ ¨Ðà¢Õ¹໚¹Ãٻ‹͡çä´Œ ¡ç¨Ð໚¹ aren’t (͍ÒϹ) «Ö觡çÁÒ¨Ò¡ are not ¹Ñè¹àͧ ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 5 ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ. µÑÇÍ‹ҧ äÁ‹ÁաŌǠ5 ¼ÅÍÂÙ‹ã¹µÐ¡ÃŒÒ There are not five bananas in the basket? 1. äÁ‹ÁÕÊѵǏ (animal) ËÅÒµÑÇ (many) ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ ____________ 2. äÁ‹ÁÕªŒÒ§ (elephant) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ _________________ 3. äÁ‹ÁÕⵍР(table) 10 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ ___________________ 4. äÁ‹ÁÕ»ÅÒ 5 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹·ÐàÅÊÒº (lake) ____________________ 5. äÁ‹ÁÕ¹¡ 7 µÑÇÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒ ______________________ ‹ ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 10. à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 5 1. There are not (aren’t) animals in the zoo. 2. There are not (aren’t) elephants in the zoo. 3. There are not (aren’t) ten tables in the room. 4. There are not (aren’t) five fish in the lake. à¡‹§ÁÒ¡àÅ ͋ҹ 5. There are not (aren’t) seven birds under the tree. ¡Ãͺ 6 µ‹ÍàÅ ¨ŒÒ ¡Ãͺ·Õè 6 There are ã¹ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ ·íÒãˌ໚¹¤íÒ¶ÒÁ ä´Œâ´Â¡ÒÃàÍÒ Are ¢Öé¹µŒ¹»ÃÐâ¤áÅŒÇàÍÒ there µÒÁËÅѧ ¡ç¤×Í ÊÅѺ·Õè¡Ñ¹ÃÐËÇ‹Ò§ there ¡Ñº are ¹Ñè¹àͧ There are ໚¹ÃÙ»ºÍ¡àÅ‹Ò Are there ໚¹ÃÙ»¤íÒ¶ÒÁ  Are there two pens on the chair? (ÁÕ»Ò¡¡ÒÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé 2 ´ŒÒÁ㪋äËÁ)  Are there eight cats in the room? (ÁÕáÁÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ 8 µÑÇ㪋äËÁ)  Are there dogs under the tree? (ÁÕÊعѢÍÂً㵌µ¹äÁŒËÅÒµÑÇ㪋äËÁ) Œ ÇÔ¸¡Òõͺ Õ Yes, there are. (㪋 ÁÕ) No, there aren’t. (äÁ‹ äÁ‹Á)Õ ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 6 ¨§à¢Õ¹»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õàé »š¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ. µÑÇÍ‹ҧ ÁաŌǠ5 ¼ÅÍÂً㹵СÌÒ㪋äËÁ  Are there five bananas in the basket? 1. ÁÕªŒÒ§ (elephant) ËÅÒµÑÇÍÂÙ‹ã¹ÊǹÊѵǏ㪋äËÁ ______________ 㪋 ÁÕ_______________________ 2. ÁÕⵍР(table) 10 µÑÇ ÍÂÙ‹ã¹ËŒÍ§ 㪋äËÁ___________________ äÁ‹ äÁ‹Á_______________________ Õ 3. ÁÕ¹¡ 7 µÑÇÍÂÙ㵌µŒ¹äÁŒãª‹äËÁ ______________________ ‹ 㪋 ÁÕ_______________________ 4. ÁÕÁÐÁ‹Ç§ 4 ¼Å ÍÂÙ‹º¹à¡ŒÒÍÕé (chair)㪋äËÁ_______________ äÁ‹ äÁ‹Á_______________________ Õ ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 11. à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 6 1. Are there many elephants in the zoo? Yes, there are. 2. Are there ten tables in the room? No, there aren’t. 3. Are there seven birds under the tree? Yes, there are. 4. Are there four mangoes on the chair? No, there aren’t. ÊÙŒ ÊÙŒ¹Ð ¨Ð¶Ö§¡ÃͺÊØ´·ŒÒÂáÅŒÇ ¡Ãͺ·Õè 7 ÊÃØ»¡ÒÃ㪌 There is/ There are »ÃÐ⤺͡àÅ‹Ò (affirmative) There is + ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´ŒàÍ¡¾¨¹ ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹ÑºäÁ‹ä´Œ There are + ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´Œ¾ËÙ¾¨¹ »ÃÐ⤻¯Ôàʸ (negative) There is not + ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´ŒàÍ¡¾¨¹ ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹ÑºäÁ‹ä´Œ There are not + ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´Œ¾ËÙ¾¨¹ »ÃÐ⤤íÒ¶ÒÁ (question) Is there + ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´ŒàÍ¡¾¨¹ ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹ÑºäÁ‹ä´Œ Are there + ¤íÒ¹ÒÁ¹Ñºä´Œ¾ËÙ¾¨¹ Í‹Ò¹¨ºáŌǡç仵ͺ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ñ¹¹Ð
  • 12. ¤íÒ¶ÒÁ¡Ãͺ·Õè 7 Complete the sentences. àµÔÁ»ÃÐ⤵‹Í仹Õâ´Â㪌 is ËÃ×Í are é 1. There ____________ 2 tables in the living room. (ˌͧ¹Ñè§àÅ‹¹) 2. ______there a cinema(âçÀҾ¹µÃ) in the city(àÁ×ͧ)? 3. ____________ there shops in this street (¶¹¹) ? 4. There ______________some money in the room. 5. There _______________not two rabbits. 6. There _______________a hotel next to the station. (ʶҹÕ) 7. ____________ there a swimming pool (ÊÃÐÇ‹Ò¹éíÒ)? 8. ______________ there some milk in the glass? 9. There _______________ not a dog here. 10._______there cats in the bathroom? (ˌͧÍÒº¹éíÒ) ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 13. à©Å¡Ãͺ·Õè 7 1. are 2. Is 3. Are 4. is 5. are 6. is 7. Is 8. Is 9. is 10. Are ***************************************************************************** à¡‹§ÁÒ¡ ·íÒẺ·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹䴌àÅ Ẻ·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post-test) àÃ×ͧ There is / There are è Choose the correct answer. 1. ___________ not a pen in my bag. a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 2. ___________ a picture on the wall? a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 3. ___________ a big tree in front of the house? a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there
  • 14. 4. ___________ not two teachers in the classroom? a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 5. ___________ some bread on the plate. (¨Ò¹) a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 6. ___________ five pans in the kitchen. a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 7. __________ twenty – four hours in a day? a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 8. __________ not a bird in the cage. (¡Ã§) a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 9. __________ many cars on the road? a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there 10. ___________ many days in a week? a. There is b. There are c. Is there d. Are there ´Ùà©ÅÂ˹ŒÒ¶Ñ´ä» 
  • 15. à©ÅÂẺ·´ÊͺËÅѧàÃÕ¹ (Post test) 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. d 10. d ໚¹Âѧ䧺ŒÒ§ ¤Ðá¹¹ËÅѧàÃÕ¹ÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò¡‹Í¹àÃÕ¹äËÁ ¶ŒÒ¤Ðá¹¹ÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò¡çáÊ´§Ç‹ÒࢌÒã¨àÃ×èͧ¹ÕéáÅŒÇ áµ‹¶Òä´Œ¤Ðá¹¹¹ŒÍ¡Njҡ‹Í¹àÃÕ¹ Œ ¡çÅͧ¡ÅѺä»ÈÖ¡ÉÒãËÁ‹¹Ð Í‹Òà¾Ô觷ŒÍ ໚¹¡íÒÅѧã¨ãËŒ¨ŒÒ