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The Dim statement is usedfor declaring the variable using any data type. It can also be used for declaring the
variable of type enumeration, structure, class, or interface. We can specify different data types for different
variables by using a separate As clause for each variable we declare. Alternatively, we can declare several
variables to be of the same type by using a common As clause. Each variable takes the data type specifiedin the
first As clause encounteredafter its variablename part.
Dim A As Integer
Public A As Integer
2.1.1 How to declare multiple variables in a single line
Dim A, B As Integer, STR As String
Dim A As Integer : Dim B As Double
 We can specify each variable's data type in the Dim statement. We can also specify an initial value. If we
do not, Visual Basic uses default settings.
 We can use Dim only at module or procedure level.
 Undeclared variables and variables declared without data types are assignedthe Object data type but it
can cause slow execution.
2.1.2 How to Declare Constant
We use the Const statement to declare a constant and set its value. By declaring a constant, we assign a
meaningful name to a value. Once a constant is declared, it cannot be modified or assigneda new value. If we
have a value that never changes in our application, we can define a named constant and use it in place of a literal
value. A name is easier to remember than a value. We can define the constant just once and use it in many
places in our code. If in a later version we needto redefine the value, the Const statement is the only place we
needto make a change.
Dim Const DaysInYear = 365
Private Const Days = 7
Public Const Funday As String = "Sunday"
2.1.3 How to declare multiple constants in a single line
Public Const Four As Integer = 4, Five As Integer = 5, Six As Integer = 44
2.1.4 Enumerations
Enumerations provide a convenient way to work with sets of relatedconstants and to associate constant values
with names which are easier to remember than their values. This also improves the readability of code because all
the relatedvalues use the same enumeration name. For example, we can declare an enumeration for a set of
integer constants associatedwith the days of the week, and then use the names of the days rather than their
integer values in your code. To create an enumeration we use Enum keyword followed by the enumeration name.
We can also specify the type of enumeration as Byte, Integer, Long, SByte, Short, UInteger, ULong, or UShort.
Each member takes the enumeration's data type. If we do not specify data type for the enumeration than the
default data type will be Integer.
Enum Days
End Enum
Console.WriteLine(Days. Sunday)
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 Visual Basic initializes the first member with value zero if no value is given to it followed by an (n+1)
 Enumerations do not necessarily needto follow a sequential ordering. For example:-
Enum BoilingPoints As Byte
Fahrenheit = 212
Celcius = 100
End Enum
Console.WriteLine(BoilingPoints. Celcius)
 If the value of a member exceeds the allowable range for the underlying data type, or if you initialize any
member to the maximum value allowed by the underlying data type, the compiler reports an error.
 Values of enumeration can repeat. For example:-
Enum Colors
Red = 1
Brown = 2
Green = 1
End Enum
Dim A As Integer = 1
Dim A As Integer = 1, B As Double = 2
Dim A As Integer = 1 : Dim B As Double = 2
Dim STR As String = "HELLO"
Dim a As Integer = 1 _
& 2
1. Name Conflict Avoidance. Local variable names are not susceptible to conflict. For example, you can
create several different procedures containing a variable called intTemp. As long as each intTempis
declared as a local variable, each procedure recognizes only its own version of intTemp. Any one procedure
can alter the value in its local intTempwithout affecting intTempvariables in other procedures.
2. Memory Consumption. Local variables consume memory only while their procedure is running. Their
memory is releasedwhen the procedure returns to the calling code.
The data type of a programming element refers to what kindof data it can hold and how it stores that data.
Following are the data type in Visual Basic:-
Boolean Boolean Depends on platform True or False
Byte Byte 1 byte 0 through 255 (unsigned)
Char 2 bytes 0 through 65535 (unsigned)
Date DateTime 8 bytes 0:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 0001 through
11:59:59 PM on December 31, 9999
Decimal Decimal 16 bytes 0 through +/-
79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 (+/-
7.9...E+28) † with no decimal point; 0 through +/-
7.9228162514264337593543950335 with 28
places to the right of the decimal;
smallest nonzero number is +/-
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0.0000000000000000000000000001 (+/-1E-28) †
Double 8 bytes -1.79769313486231570E+308 through -
4.94065645841246544E-324 † for negative
4.94065645841246544E-324 through
1.79769313486231570E+308 † for positive values
Integer Int32 4 bytes -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647 (signed)
Long (long
Int64 8 bytes -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through
9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (9.2...E+18 †) (signed)
Object Object (class) 4 bytes on 32-bit
8 bytes on 64-bit
Any type can be stored in a variable of type Object
SByte SByte 1 byte -128 through 127 (signed)
Int16 2 bytes -32,768 through 32,767 (signed)
Single 4 bytes -3.4028235E+38 through -1.401298E-45 † for
negative values;
1.401298E-45 through 3.4028235E+38 † for
positive values
String (class) Depends on
implementing platform
0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters
UInteger UInt32 4 bytes 0 through 4,294,967,295 (unsigned)
ULong UInt64 8 bytes 0 through 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
(1.8...E+19 †) (unsigned)
(inherits from
Depends on
implementing platform
Each member of the structure has a range
determinedby its data type and independent of
the ranges of the other members
UShort UInt16 2 bytes 0 through 65,535 (unsigned)
 The Object Data Type is the root type in the .NET Framework and in Visual Basic which means that all
other data types and object types are derivedfrom it. It also means that any other data type can be
converted to Object.
2.3.1 Boolean Data Type
1. It holds values that can be only True or False. The keywords True and False correspond to the two states
of Boolean variables.
2. We can use the Boolean data type to contain two-state values such as true/false, yes/no, or on/off.
3. The default value of Boolean is False.
4. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Boolean structure.
Dim A As Boolean
If A = false Then
System.Console.write("default value of boolean is false")
End If
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 When Visual Basic converts numeric data type values to Boolean, 0 becomes False and all other values
become True. When Visual Basic converts Boolean values to numeric types, False becomes 0 and True
becomes -1.
2.3.2 Byte Data Type
1. Holds unsigned8-bit (1-byte) integers that range in value from 0 through 255.
2. Use the Byte data type to contain binary data.
3. The default value of Byte is 0.
 Byte is an unsignedtype so it cannot represent a negative number. If we use the unary minus (-) operator
on an expression that evaluates to type Byte, Visual Basic converts the expression to Short first.
 The Byte data type widens to Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, or
Double. This means we can convert Byte to any of these types without encountering a
System.OverflowException error.
 The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Byte structure.
2.3.3 Char Data Type
1. Holds unsigned2-byte code points ranging in value from 0 through 65535. Each code point, or character
code, represents a single Unicode character.
2. Use the Char data type when we need to hold only a single character anddo not needthe overheadof
String. In some cases we can use Char(), an array of Char elements, to hold multiple characters.
3. The default value of Char is the character with a code point of 0.
4. Visual Basic does not convert directly between Char and the numeric types. We can use the Asc, AscW
Functions to convert a Char value to an Integer. We can use the Chr, ChrW Functions to convert an
Integer value to a Char.
5. The first 128 code points (0–127) of Unicode correspond to the letters and symbols on a standard U.S.
keyboard. These first 128 code points are the same as those the ASCII character set defines. The second
128 code points (128–255) represent special characters, such as Latin-based alphabet letters, accents,
currency symbols, and fractions. Unicode uses the remaining code points (256-65535) for a wide variety of
symbols, including worldwide textual characters, diacritics, and mathematical andtechnical symbols.
 Char is an unsignedtype and cannot represent a negative value. In any case, we should not use Char to
hold numeric values.
 The Char data type widens to String. This means we can convert Char to String and will not encounter a
System.OverflowException error.
 Appending the literal type character C to a single-character string literal forces it to the Char data type.
 The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Char structure.
 You can use methods like IsDigit and IsPunctuation on a Char variable to determine its Unicode
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2.3.4 Date Data Type
1. It holds 8-byte values that represent dates ranging from January 1 of the year 0001 through December 31
of the year 9999, and times from 12:00:00 AM (midnight) through 11:59:59.9999999 PM.
2. The default value of Date is 0:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 0001.
3. We must enclose a Date literal within number signs (# #). We must specify the date value in the format
M/d/yyyy, for example #5/31/1993#. This requirement is independent of our locale and our computer's
date and time format settings.The reason for this restriction is that the meaning of our code should never
change depending on the locale in which our application is running. Suppose we hard-code a Date literal
of #3/4/1998# and intendit to mean March 4, 1998. In a locale that uses mm/dd/yyyy, 3/4/1998
compiles as we intend. But suppose we deploy our application in many countries. In a locale that uses
dd/mm/yyyy, our hard-coded literal would compile to April 3, 1998. In a locale that uses yyyy/mm/dd,
the literal would be invalid(April 1998, 0003) and cause a compiler error.
4. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.DateTime structure.
5. If we convert a Date value to the String type, Visual Basic renders the date according to the short date
format specifiedby the run-time locale, and it renders the time according to the time format (either 12-
hour or 24-hour) specifiedby the run-time locale.
6. If we do not include a date in a date/time literal, Visual Basic sets the date part of the value to January 1,
0001. If we do not include a time in a date/time literal, Visual Basic sets the time part of the value to the
start of the day, that is, midnight (0:00:00).
7. Syntax: Dim DateAndTime As Date = #8/13/2002 12:14 PM#
2.3.5 Double Data Type
1. Holds signed8-byte double-precision floating-point. Double-precision numbers store an approximation of
a real number.
2. The Double data type provides the largest and smallest possible magnitudes for a number.
3. The default value of Double is 0.
4. The floating-point data types do not have any internal representation of trailing zero characters. For
example, they do not distinguish between 4.2000 and 4.2. Consequently, trailing zero characters do not
appear when we display or print floating-point values.
5. Appending the literal type character R to a literal forces it to the Double data type. Appending the
identifier type character # to any identifier forces it to Double.
6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Double structure.
2.3.6 Decimal Data Type
1. Holds signed16-byte values representing 96-bit (12-byte) integer numbers scaledby a variable power of
10. The scaling factor specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point; it ranges from 0
through 28.
2. It is particularly suitable for calculations, such as financial, that require a large number of digits but
cannot tolerate rounding errors.
3. The default value of Decimal is 0.
4. Decimal is not a floating-point data type. The Decimal structure holds a binary integer value, together
with a sign bit and an integer scaling factor that specifies what portion of the value is a decimal fraction.
Because of this, Decimal numbers have a more precise representation in memory than floating-point
types (Single and Double). The Decimal data type is the slowest of all the numeric types. We should
weigh the importance of precision against performance before choosing a data type.
5. The Decimal data type widens to Single or Double. This means we can convert Decimal to either of these
types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.
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6. Visual Basic does not store trailing zeros in a Decimal literal. However, a Decimal variable preserves any
trailing zeros acquired computationally. The following example illustrates this.
7. Appending the literal type character D to a literal forces it to the Decimal data type. Appending the
identifier type character @ to any identifier forces it to Decimal.
8. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Decimal structure.
2.3.7 Integer Data Type
1. Holds signed32-bit (4-byte) integers that range in value from -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647.
2. The Integer data type provides optimal performance on a 32-bit processor. The other integral types are
slower to load and store from and to memory.
3. The default value of Integer is 0.
4. The Integer data type widens to Long, Decimal, Single, or Double. This means we can convert Integer to
any one of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.
5. Appending the literal type character I to a literal forces it to the Integer data type. Appending the
identifier type character % to any identifier forces it to Integer.
6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Int32 structure.
2.3.8 Long Data Type
1. Holds signed64-bit (8-byte) integers ranging in value from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through
9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (9.2...E+18)
2. Use the Long data type to contain integer numbers that are too large to fit in the Integer data type.
3. The default value of Long is 0.
4. The Long data type widens to Decimal, Single, or Double. This means we can convert Long to any one of
these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.
5. Appending the literal type character L to a literal forces it to the Long data type. Appending the identifier
type character & to any identifier forces it to Long.
6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Int64 structure.
2.3.9 Object Data Type
1. Holds 32-bit (4-byte) addresses that refer to objects. We can assign any reference type (string, array, class,
or interface) to an Object variable. An Object variable can also refer to data of any value type (numeric,
Boolean, Char, Date, structure, or enumeration).
2. The Object data type can point to data of any data type. We can use Object data type when we do not
know at compile time what data type the variable might point to. Whatever data type it refers to, an
Object variable does not contain the data value itself, but rather a pointer to the value. It always uses four
bytes in computer memory, but this does not include the storage for the data representing the value of the
variable. Because of the code that uses the pointer to locate the data, Object variables holding value types
are slightly slower to access than explicitly typed variables. Performance. A variable you declare with the
Object type is flexible enough to contain a reference to any object. However, when you invoke a method or
property on such a variable, you always incur late binding (at run time). To force early binding (at compile
time) and better performance, declare the variable with a specific class name, or cast it to the specific data
3. The default value of Object is Nothing (a null reference).
4. All data types and all reference types widen to the Object data type. This means you can convert any type
to Object without encountering a System.OverflowException error. However, if you convert between value
types and Object, Visual Basic performs operations called boxing and unboxing, which make execution
5. Object has no literal type character or identifier type character.
6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Object class.
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2.3.10 SByte Data Type
1. Holds signed8-bit (1-byte) integers that range in value from -128 through 127.It can be used to contain
integer values that do not require the full data width of Integer or even the half data width of Short to
save memory consumption.
2. The default value of SByte is 0.
3. The SByte data type is not part of the Common Language Specification (CLS), so CLS-compliant code
cannot consume a component that uses it.
4. The SByte data type widens to Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, and Double. This means you can
convert SByte to any of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.
5. SByte has no literal type character or identifier type character.
6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.SByte structure.
2.3.11 Short Data Type
1. Holds signed16-bit (2-byte) integers that range in value from -32,768 through 32, can be used to
contain integer values that do not require the full data width of Integer to save memory consumption.
2. The default value of Short is 0.
3. The Short data type widens to Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, or Double. This means you can convert
Short to any one of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.
4. The literal type character S is used to the Short data type.
5. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Int16 structure.
2.3.12 Single Data Type
1. Holds signed4-byte single-precision floating-point numbers ranging from negative values to positive
values. Single-precision numbers store an approximation of a real number.
2. It is used to contain floating-point values that do not require the full data width of Double. In some cases
the common language runtime might be able to pack your Single variables closely together and save
memory consumption.
3. The default value of Single is 0.
4. The Single data type widens to Double. This means you can convert Single to Double without
encountering a System.OverflowException error.
5. The floating-point data types do not have any internal representation of trailing 0 characters. For example,
they do not distinguish between 4.2000 and 4.2. Consequently, trailing 0 characters do not appear when
you display or print floating-point values.
6. Appending the literal type character F to a literal forces it to the Single data type. Appending the identifier
type character ! to any identifier forces it to Single.
7. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Single structure.
2.3.13 String Data Type
1. Holds sequences of unsigned2-byte code points that range in value from 0 through 65535. Each code
point, or character code, represents a single Unicode character. A string can contain from 0 to
approximately two billion (2 ^ 31) Unicode characters.
2. Use the String data type to hold multiple characters without the array management overheadof Char(),
an array of Char elements.
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3. The default value of String is Nothing (a null reference). It is not the same as the empty string ("").
4. You must enclose a String literal within quotation marks (" "). If you must include a quotation mark as
one of the characters in the string, you use two contiguous quotation marks (""). The following example
illustrates this.
Dim h As String = "Hello"
5. Once you assign a string to a String variable, that string is immutable, which means you cannot change
its length or contents. When you alter a string in any way, Visual Basic creates a new string and
abandons the previous one. The String variable then points to the new string.
6. String cannot represent negative values. In any case, you should not use String to hold numeric values.
7. Appending the identifier type character $ to any identifier forces it to the String data type. String has no
literal type character. However, the compiler treats literals enclosedin quotation marks (" ") as String.
8. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.String class.
2.3.14 UInteger Data Type
1. Holds unsigned32-bit (4-byte) integers ranging in value from 0 through 4,294,967,295.The UInteger data
type provides the largest unsignedvalue in the most efficient data width.
2. The default value of UInteger is 0.
2.3.15 ULong Data Type
1. Holds unsigned64-bit (8-byte) integers. It can be used to contain binary data.
2. The default value of ULong is 0.
3. ULong is an unsignedtype, it cannot represent a negative number.
4. The ULong data type is not part of the Common Language Specification
5. The ULong data type widens to Decimal, Single, and Double. This means you can convert ULong to any
of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.
6. Appending the literal type characters UL to a literal forces it to the ULong data type. ULong has no
identifier type character.
7. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.UInt64 structure.
2.3.16 User-Defined Data Type
1. Holds data in a format you define. The Structure statement defines the format. It is used when you need
to combine various data types into a single unit, or when none of the elementary data types serve your
2. The default value of a structure data type consists of the combination of the default values of each of its
2.3.17 UShort Data Type
1. Holds unsigned16-bit (2-byte) integers ranging in value from 0 through 65,535. We use the UShort data
type to contain binary data too large for Byte.
2. The default value of UShort is 0.
3. UShort is an unsignedtype; it cannot represent a negative number. LS Compliance.
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4. The UShort data type widens to Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, and Double. This
means you can convert UShort to any of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException
5. Appending the literal type characters US to a literal forces it to the UShort data type. UShort has no
identifier type character.
6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.UInt16 structure.
Advantages of using data types
Specifying data types for all our variables is known as strong typing. It has several advantages:
 It takes advantage of compiler type checking. This catches statements that can fail at run time due to
errors such as overflow. It also catches calls to methods on objects that do not support them.
 It results in faster execution of our code.
2.4. Types
A data type is a value type if it holds the data within its own memory allocation. A reference type contains a
pointer to another memory location that holds the data.
2.4.1 Value Types
Value types include the following:
 All numeric data types
 Boolean, Char, and Date
 All structures, even if their members are reference types
 Enumerations, since their underlying type is always SByte, Short, Integer, Long, Byte, UShort,
UInteger, or ULong
2.4.2 Reference Types
Reference types include the following:
 String
 All arrays, even if their elements are value types
 Class types, such as Form
 We can assign either a reference type or a value type to a variable of the Object data type. An Object
variable always holds a pointer to the data, never the data itself. However, if we assign a value type to an
Object variable, it behaves as if it holds its own data.
 In the .NET Framework, a structure is a value type and a class is a reference type. For this reason, value
types such as Char and Integer are implementedby .NET Framework structures, whereas reference types
such as Object and String are supported by .NET Framework classes. Note that every array is a reference
type, even if its members are value types, and that every structure is a value type, even if it has reference
type members.
Following functions are used to convert a value to a specific data type:-
Function name Return data type
CBool() Boolean Data Type
CByte() Byte Data Type
CChar() Char Data Type
CDate() Date Data Type
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CDbl() Double Data Type
CDec() Decimal Data Type
CInt() Integer Data Type
CLng() Long Data Type
CObj() Object Data Type
CSByte() SByte Data Type
CShort() Short Data Type
CSng() Single Data Type
CStr() String Data Type
CUInt() UInteger Data Type
CULng() ULong Data Type
CUShort() UShort Data Type
 If the expression passed to the function is outside the range of the data type to which it is to be converted,
an OverflowException occurs.
 When we convert a nonintegral value to an integral type, the integer conversion functions (CByte, CInt,
CLng, CSByte, CShort, CUInt, CULng, and CUShort) remove the fractional part and round the value to
the closest integer. If the fractional part is exactly 0.5, the integer conversion functions round it to the
nearest even integer. For example, 0.5 rounds to 0.
2.5.1 Widening and Narrowing Conversions
In type conversion the result of the conversion may exist within the range of the destination data type or not. A
widening conversion changes a value to a data type that can accommodate any possible value of the original data.
A narrowing conversion changes a value to a data type that might not be able to hold some of the possible values. Widening Conversions
The table shows the standard widening conversions:
SByte SByte, Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Byte Byte, Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single,
Short Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
UShort UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, Double
Integer Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
UInteger UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, Double
Long Long, Decimal, Single, Double
ULong ULong, Decimal, Single, Double
Decimal Decimal, Single, Double
Single Single, Double
Double Double
Any enumerated
type (Enum)
Its underlying integral type and any type to which the underlying
type widens
Char Char, String
Char array Char array, String
Any type Object
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 By definition, every data type widens to itself.
 Conversions from Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, or Decimal to Single or Double might result in loss of
precision, but never in loss of magnitude. In this sense they do not incur information loss. Widening
conversions always succeedat run time and never incur data loss. You can always perform them
implicitly, whether the Option Strict Statement sets the type checking switch to On or to Off. Narrowing Conversions
The standard narrowing conversions include the following:
 The reverse directions of the widening conversions in the preceding table (except that every type widens to
 Conversions in either direction between Boolean and any numeric type
 Conversions from any numeric type to any enumeratedtype (Enum)
 Conversions in either direction between String and any numeric type, Boolean, or Date
 Conversions from a data type or object type to a type derivedfrom it
Narrowing conversions do not always succeedat run time, and can fail or incur data loss. An error occurs if the
destination data type cannot receive the value being converted. For example, a numeric conversion can result in
an overflow. The compiler does not allow you to perform narrowing conversions implicitly unless the Option Strict
Statement sets the type checking switch to Off.
Widening conversions always succeed, they do not throw exceptions. Narrowing conversions, when they fail, most
commonly throw the following exceptions:
 InvalidCastException — if no conversion is defined between the two types
 OverflowException — if the convertedvalue is too large for the target type
2.5.2 CType Function
The CType Function is an alternative conversion function available in VB.NET which can be used for for any kind
of type conversion. It takes two arguments; first argument specifies value to be converted and second argument
specifies typename to which value is to be converted.
Dim Number As Long = 1000
Dim NewNumber As Single = CType (Number, Single)
2.5.3 TryCast Function
It is a type conversion function which is used for any kindof reference type conversion that does not throw an
exception. If an attempted conversion fails then CType throws InvalidCastException error which can adversely
affect the performance of application where as TryCast returns nothing insteadof having to handle a possible
Dim Number As Long = 1000
Dim NewNumber As Object = CType (Number, Object)
Keyword Data types Run-time failure
CType() Any data types Throws InvalidCastException
TryCast() Reference types only Returns Nothing
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 Forces explicit declaration of all variables to be used in the program.
 If used, the Option Explicit statement must appear before any other source code statements.
 If we try to use an undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time.
 If we do not specify Option Explicit in our code than by default Option Explicit is On.
Option Explicit On
Dim a As Integer
a = 10
b = 10 ' This assignment produces a COMPILER ERROR because variable is not declared and Option
Explicit is On.
 Visual Basic allows conversions of many data types to other data types. Data loss can occur when the
value of one data type is converted to a data type with less precision or smaller capacity. A run -time error
occurs if such a narrowing conversion fails. Option Strict ensures compile -time notification of these
narrowing conversions so that they can be avoided. It restricts implicit data type conversions to only
widening conversions.
 If used, the Option Strict statement must appear before any other source code.
 Because Option Strict On provides strong typing, prevents unintendedtype conversions with data loss
and improves performance, its use is strongly recommended. The compiler default is Option Strict Off if
we do not specify Option Strict in our code.
The compiler default is Option Strict Off if we do not specify Option Strict in our code.
 This is used to specify the default comparison method to be used when needto compare string data’s.
Option Compare Binary sets the string comparison method to Binary. If used, the Option Compare
statement must appear in a file before any other source code statements.
 The Option Compare statement specifies the string comparison method (Binary or Text) for a class,
module or structure.
 If an Option Compare statement is not included, the default text comparison method is Binary.
 IMPORTS STATEMENT is used to import any namespace. After using IMPORTS statement all named
members of that namespace are available without qualification. For example:-
Imports System.Console
Module module1
Sub main()
End Sub
 Each file can contain any number of Imports statements. Imports statements must be placed before any
The scope of a declared element is the set of all code that can refer to it without qualifying its name or making it
available through an Imports Statement. An element can have scope at one of the following levels:-
Page 14
A block is a set of statements enclosedwithin initiating andterminating declaration statements, such as the
 Do and Loop
 If and End If
 Select and End Select
 Try and End Try
 While and End While
For Example:-
If n < 1291 Then
Dim cube As Integer
Cube = n ^ 3
End If
An element declaredwithin a procedure is not available outside that procedure. Only the procedure that contains
the declaration can use it. Variables at this level are also known as local variables
Sub main()
Dim a As Integer
End Sub
Module level applies to modules, classes, and structures. We can declare elements at this level by placing the
declaration statement outside of any procedure or block but within the module, class, or structure.
If we declare an element at module level using the Friend(Visual Basic) or Public (Visual Basic) keyword, it
becomes available to all procedures throughout the namespace in which the element is declared. With the
following alteration to the preceding example, the string variable strMsg can be referredto by code anywhere in
the namespace of its declaration.
Namespace scope includes nestednamespaces. An element available from within a namespace is also available
from within any namespace nestedinside that namespace.
If your project does not contain any Namespace Statements, everything in the project is in the same namespace.
In this case, namespace scope can be thought of as project scope. Public elements in a module, class, or
structure are also available to any project that references their project.
Level Description
Block scope Variable is available only within the code block in which it is declared
Procedure scope Variable is available to all code within the procedure in which it is declared
Module scope Variable is available to all code within the module, class, or structure in
which it is declared
Variable is available to all code in the namespace in which it is declared
Page 15
Function Description
IsArray() An array of values, rather than a single value
IsDate() A Date Data Type (Visual Basic) value, or a string that can be interpretedas a date
and time value
IsDBNull() An object of type DBNull, which represents missing or nonexistent data
IsError () An exception object, which derives from Exception
IsNothing() Nothing (Visual Basic), that is, no object is currently assignedto the variable
IsNumeric() A number, or a string that can be interpreted as a number
IsReference() A reference type (such as a string, array, delegate, or class type)
2.8 Arrays
An array is a set of values that are logically relatedto each other, such as the number of students in each grade
in a grammar school.
An array allows you to refer to these relatedvalues by the same name and to use a number, called an index or
subscript, to tell them apart. The individual values are calledthe elements of the array. They are contiguous from
index 0 through the highest index value.
In contrast to an array, a variable containing a single value is called a scalar variable.
Dim students(6) As Integer
Dim values As Double() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
The array students in the preceding example contain 7 elements. The indexes of the elements range from 0
through 6. Having this array is simpler than declaring 7 different variables.
The following illustration shows the array students. For each element of the array:
 The index of the element represents the grade (index 0 represents kindergarten).
 The value containedin the element represents the number of students in that grade.
Elements of the "students" array
The following example shows how to refer to the first, second, and last element of the array students.
Dim kindergarten As Integer = students(0)
Dim firstGrade As Integer = students(1)
Dim sixthGrade As Integer = students(6)
MsgBox("Students in kindergarten = " & CStr(kindergarten))
MsgBox("Students in first grade = " & CStr(firstGrade))
MsgBox("Students in sixth grade = " & CStr(sixthGrade))
2.8.1 Array Dimensions
The array students in the preceding example uses one index and is said to be one -dimensional. An array that
uses more than one index or subscript is called multidimensional.A dimension is a direction in which you can
vary the specification of an array's elements. An array that holds the sales total for each day of the month has
one dimension (the day of the month). An array that holds the sales total by department for each day of the
Page 16
month has two dimensions (the department number and the day of the month). The number of dimensions an
array has is called its rank.
You specify an element of an array by supplying an index or subscript for each of its dimensions. The elements
are contiguous along each dimension from index 0 through the highest index for that dimension.
The following illustrations show the conceptual structure of arrays with different ranks. Each element in the
illustrations shows the index values that access it. For example, you can access the first element of the second
row of the two-dimensional array by specifying indexes (1, 0).
One-dimensional array
Two-dimensional array
Three-dimensional array
One Dimension
Many arrays have only one dimension, such as the number of people of each age. The only requirement to specify
an element is the age for which that element holds the count. Therefore, such an array uses only one index. The
following example declares a variable to hold a one-dimensional array of age counts for ages 0 through 120.
To declare a one-dimensional array variable, add one pair of parentheses after the variable name.
Dim cargoWeights() As Double
Dim ageCounts(120) As UInteger
Two Dimensions
Page 17
Some arrays have two dimensions, such as the number of offices on each floor of each building on a campus. The
specification of an element requires both the building number and the floor, and each element holds the count for
that combination of building and floor. Therefore, such an array uses two indexes. The following example declares
a variable to hold a two-dimensional array of office counts, for buildings 0 through 40 and floors 0 through 5.
To declare a multidimensional array variable, add one pair of parentheses after the variable name andplace
commas inside the parentheses to separate the dimensions.
Dim atmospherePressures(,,,) As Short
Dim officeCounts(40, 5) As Byte
NOTE: - A two-dimensional array is also called a rectangular array.
Three Dimensions
A few arrays have three dimensions, such as values in three -dimensional space. Such an array uses three
indexes, which in this case represent the x, y, and z coordinates of physical space. The following example declares
a variable to hold a three-dimensional array of air temperatures at various points in a three -dimensional volume.
Dim airTemperatures(99, 99, 24) As Single
More than Three Dimensions
Although an array can have as many as 32 dimensions, i t is rare to have more than three.Suppose you want to
track sales amounts for every day of the present month. You might declare a one -dimensional array with 31
elements, one for each day of the month, as the following example shows.
Dim salesAmounts(30) As Double
Now suppose you want to track the same information not only for every day of a month but also for every month
of the year. You might declare a two-dimensional array with 12 rows (for the months) and 31 columns (for the
days), as the following example shows.
Dim salesAmounts(11, 30) As Double
Now suppose you decide to have your array hold information for more than one year. If you want to track sales
amounts for 5 years, you could declare a three -dimensional array with 5 layers, 12 rows, and 31 columns, as the
following example shows.
Dim salesAmounts(4, 11, 30) As Double
Note that, because each index varies from 0 to its maximum, each dimension of salesAmounts is declared as one
less than the required length for that dimension. Note also that the size of the array increases with each new
dimension. The three sizes in the preceding examples are 31, 372, and 1,860 elements respectively.
Another kind of array is one which holds other arrays as elements. This is known as an array of arrays or a
jagged array. A jagged array can be either one -dimensional or multidimensional, and so can its elements.
Sometimes the data structure in your application is two-dimensional but not rectangular. For example, you might
have an array of months, each element of which is an array of days. Since different months have different
numbers of days, the elements do not form a rectangular two-dimensional array. In such a case, you can use a
jagged array insteadof a multidimensional array.
NOTE:- Zero-Length Arrays
An array with no elements is also called a zero-length array. A variable holding a zero-length array does not have
the value Nothing. To create an array that has no elements, declare one of the array's di mensions to be -1, as
shown in the following example.
Dim twoDimensionalStrings(-1, 3) As String
You might needto create a zero-length array under the following circumstances:
Page 18
 Your code needs to access members of the Array class, such as Length or Rank, or call a Visual Basic
function such as UBound, without risking a NullReferenceException exception.
 You want to keepthe consuming code simpler by not having to check for Nothing as a special case.
 Your code interacts with an application programming interface (API) that requires you to pass a zero-length
array to one or more procedures, or that returns a zero-length array from one or more procedures.
Visual Basic uses several types of procedures:
 Sub Procedures perform actions but do not return a value to the calling code.
 Event-handling procedures are Sub procedures that execute in response to an event raised by user action or by
an occurrence in a program.
 Function Procedures return a value to the calling code. They can perform other actions before returning.
 Property Procedures return and assign values of properties on objects or modules.
 Operator Procedures define the behavior of a standard operator when one or both of the operands is a newly-
defined class or structure.
 Generic Procedures in Visual Basic define one or more type parameters in addition to their normal parameters,
so the calling code can pass specific data types each time it makes a call.
A Sub procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Sub and End Sub statements. The Sub
procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code, but it does not return a value to the calling
You can define a Sub procedure in modules, classes, and structures. By default, it is Public, which means you can
call it from anywhere in your application that has access to the module, class, or structure in which you defined it.
The syntax for each parameter in the parameter list is as follows:
[Optional] [ByVal | ByRef] [ParamArray] parametername As datatype
If the parameter is optional, you must also supply a default value as part of its declaration. The syntax for
specifying a default value is as follows:
Optional [ByVal | ByRef] parametername As datatype = defaultvalue
The syntax for a call to a Sub procedure is as follows:
[Call] subname[(argumentlist)]
Sub tellOperator(ByVal task As String)
Dim stamp As Date
stamp = TimeOfDay()
MsgBox("Starting " & task & " at " & CStr(stamp))
End Sub
Call tellOperator("file update")
Page 19
A Function procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Function and End Function statements.
The Function procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code. When it returns control, it also
returns a value to the calling code.
Each time the procedure is called, its statements run, starting with the first executable statement after the Function
statement and ending with the first End Function, Exit Function, or Return statement encountered.
You can define a Function procedure in a module, class, or structure. It is Public by default, which means you can
call it from anywhere in your application that has access to the module, class, or structure in which you defined it.
[modifiers] Function functionname[(parameterlist)] As returntype
'Statements of the Function procedure
End Function
Function findSqrt(ByVal radicand As Single) As Single
End Function
The value a Function procedure sends back to the calling code is called its return value. The procedure returns this
value in one of two ways:
 It assigns a value to its own function name in one or more statements of the procedure. Control does not
return to the calling program until an Exit Function or End Function statement is executed.
Function functionname[(parameterlist)] As returntype
functionname = expression
'When control returns to the calling code, expression is the return value.
End Function
 It uses the Return statement to specify the return value, and returns control immediately to the calling
Function functionname[(parameterlist)] As returntype
End Function
The syntax for a call to a Function procedure is as follows:
lvalue = functionname[(argumentlist)]
1. If a parameter is defined as Optional (Visual Basic), you can either include it in the argument list or omit it. If
you omit it, the procedure uses the default value defined for that parameter. If you omit an argument for an
Optional parameter and there is another parameter after it in the parameter list, you can mark the place of the
omitted argument by an extra comma in the argument list.
Page 20
To define a procedure parameter
Precede the parameter name with ByVal or ByRef to specify the passing mechanism.
 Errors
 Exceptions
 Unstructured Exception Handling
 Structured Exception Handling
On Error {Goto [line|0|-1] Resume Next}
Enables the error-handling routine that starts at the line specified in the required line argument. The line
argument is any line label or line number. If a run-time error occurs, control branches to the specified line,
making the error handler active. The specified line must be in the same procedure as the On Error
statement, or a compile-time error will occur.
GoTo 0
Disables enabled error handler in the current procedure and resets it to Nothing.
GoTo -1
Disables enabled exception in the current procedure and resets it to Nothing.
Resume Next
Specifies that when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement immediately following the
statement where the error occurred, and execution continues from that point. Use this form rather than On
Error GoTo when accessing objects
On Error GoTo handler
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
c = a / b
Exit Sub
Page 21
On Error Resume Next
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
c = a / b
System.Console.WriteLine("program completed")
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo handler
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
c = a / b
Exit Sub
System.Console.WriteLine("Error Number(Err.Number): " & Err.Number &
System.Console.WriteLine("Error Description(Err.Description): " &
Err.Description & vbCrLf)
System.Console.WriteLine("Error Source File(Err.Source): " &
Err.Source & vbCrLf)
Page 22
On Error GoTo handler
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
c = a / b
If TypeOf Err.GetException() Is OverflowException Then
System.Console.WriteLine("overflow error")
End If
Exit Sub
Sub Main()
On Error GoTo -1
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
c = a / b
If TypeOf Err.GetException() Is OverflowException Then
System.Console.WriteLine("overflow error")
End If
Exit Sub
Page 23
On Error GoTo handler
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
Exit Sub
Page 24
[try statements]
Exit Try
Catch exception As Type
[catch statemnets]
Exit Try
Catch exception2 As Type
[catch statemnets]
[Finally statments]
End Try
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
c = a / b
Catch exception1 As Exception
System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.Message & vbCrLf)
Exit Try
End Try
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 1
b = 0
c = a / b
Catch exception1 As System.OverflowException
System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.Message & vbCrLf)
Page 25
Exit Try
Catch exception2 As Exception
System.Console.WriteLine(exception2.Message & vbCrLf)
Exit Try
System.Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "program completed")
End Try
End Try
Throw New OverflowException
Catch exception1 As System.OverflowException
System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.Message & vbCrLf)
Exit Try
Page 26
 Encapsulation
 Polymorphism
 Abstraction
 Inheritance
It can be defined as the separation between implementation and interface (i.e., data and function). It can be defined
as wrapping up of data into single unit. It is also called as data hiding. Encapsulation is implemented using classes
and structures.
Classes are the heart and soul of an object-oriented language. It is the user defined data type which can bind the
data and function into single unit. It provides the template framework which can have data members and methods.
It also consist some special procedures called as constructors and destructors. We can also create properties,
procedures and classes in it.
[Public Private Protected Friend Protected Friend]
[MustInherit Partial NotInheritable] Classname
[Inherits] classname
[Implements] interfacename, interfacename
Public Class Line
Private ID As Integer
Public Name As String
Private mstrFileName As String
'NOTE: properties represents the charcterstics of an objet (Class). It uses
Set and Get method to manipulate internal values
Property EMPID() As Integer
Return ID
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
ID = Value
End Set
End Property
ReadOnly Property EmpName() As String
Return Name
End Get
End Property
Page 27
WriteOnly Property FileName() As String
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mstrFileName = Value
End Set
End Property
Function display() As Integer
Return mstrLine
End Function
Sub abc(ByVal a As Integer)
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim oLine As Line = New Line()
'Or Dim oLine As New Line()
End Sub
Constructors Methods
No return type May have return type
Same name as that of class. In VB.NET it
is Sub New()
End Sub block
Have different name
Called implicitly Called explicitly
It is the user defined data type like classes which can bind the data and function into single unit. It provides the
template framework which can have data members and methods. You cannot inherit from a structure; structures
should be used only for objects that do not need to be extended. We can use structures when the object you wish to
create has a small instance size.
Structure a
[Public Private Protected Friend Protected Friend]
[Implements interfacename]
End Structure
Structure abc
Private id As Integer
Page 28
Public name As String
Sub display(ByVal id As Integer)
End Sub
End Structure
Sub Main()
Dim obj As New abc = "BCA"
obj. display(1)
End Sub
Structures and classes are similar in the following respects:
 Both are container types, meaning that they contain other types as members.
 Both have members, which can include constructors, methods, properties, fields, constants, enumerations.
 Both can implement interfaces.
Value type. Structures use stack allocation Reference type. Classes use heap
Cannot have default parameter-less
constructors ans destructor.
Can have default constructors and
Cannot inherit any class or structures. That
is why structures are also called as sealed
class. So it cannot override finalize
Can inherit any class or structures.
All structure elements are Public by default class variables and constants are Private by
structure must have at least one nonshared
variable or nonshared, noncustom event
class can be completely empty
Shared members are properties, procedures, and fields that are shared by all instances of a class or structure. Some
programming languages refer to such items as static members.
Page 29
Shared fields and properties are useful when you have information that is part of a class but is not specific to any
one instance of a class. When you change the value of a shared field and property, you change the value associated
with the class and all instances of the class.
On the other hand, changing the value of a non-shared field or property associated with any one instance does not
affect the value of that field or property in other instances of the class. Non-shared fields and properties exist
independently for each instance of a class.
In this way, shared fields and properties behave like global variables that can be accessed only from instances of a
class, or with qualification of the class name. Without shared fields and properties, you would need to use module-
level variables to achieve the same effect. However, module-level variables can make your classes difficult to
understand and maintain. Furthermore, using module-level variables in this way violates the concept of
encapsulation that classes represent.
Shared procedures are class methods that are not associated with a specific instance of a class. Shared procedures
and properties do not have access to instances of the class.
Public Class Item
Public Shared Count As Integer = 1
Public Shared Sub ShareMethod()
MsgBox("Current value of Count: " & Count)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String)
' Use Count to initialize SerialNumber.
Me.SerialNumber = Count
Me.Name = Name
' Increment the shared variable
Count += 1
End Sub
Public SerialNumber As Integer
Public Name As String
Public Sub InstanceMethod()
MsgBox("Information in the first object: " & _
Me.SerialNumber & vbTab & Me.Name)
End Sub
End Class
Sub TestShared()
' Create two instances of the class.
Dim part1 As New Item("keyboard")
Dim part2 As New Item("monitor")
Page 30
End Sub
A Constructor is a special function which is called automatically when a class is created. A Destructor is a
special function which is called automatically when a class is destroyed. In VB.NET,
Class Dog
'The age variable
Private Age As Integer
Public Sub New()
'This constructor block
Console.Writeline("Dog is Created With Age Zero")
Age = 0
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal val As Integer)
Console.Writeline("Dog is Created With Age " +
Age = val
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
'This destructor block
Console.Writeline("Dog is Destroyed")
End Sub
'The Main Function
End Class
 Public: Declaring a class as Public means you can "see" and instantiate this class in any other classes or
subroutines within the same assembly. If you've compiled it into a DLL, referencing assemblies can see it,
as well. Declaring a Public Sub / Function or Property means that when its container class is instantiated, the
consumer can also see the method or property.
 Private: Private limits the visibility to a scope. Declaring a private class within a class means that "sub-
class" can't be seen from outside of the class. This is also true for methods and properties - they can be seen
within the class, but not to any consumers or inheritors.
 Protected: Protected members act as private members in class. This will more likely apply to methods and
properties; they won't necessarily be seen outside of the class in which they're declared. However, if a class
inherits the container class, that inheritor can see the protected members.
 Friend: This applies to classes, methods, and properties. They can be seen within the assembly, but not to
any referencing assemblies or even inheritors. (This is the equivalent of "internal" in C#)
Page 31
 Protected Friend: This is what it seems; classes, methods, and properties declared with this can be seen
both within the assembly, as well as by inheritors. They cannot be seen from referencing assemblies. (This
is "protected internal" in C#)
Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal A As Integer, ByVal B As Integer)
Console.Writeline("Adding Integers: " + Convert.ToString(a + b))
End Sub
Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal A As String, ByVal B As String)
Console.Writeline("Adding Strings: " + a + b)
End Sub
Inheritance is the property in which, a derived class acquires the attributes of its base class. In simple terms, you
can create or 'inherit' your own class (derived class), using an existing class (base class). You can use the Inherits
keyword for this.
Class Human
'This is something that all humans do
Public Sub Walk()
End Sub
End Class
Class Programmer
Inherits Human
Public Sub StealCode()
Console.Writeline("Stealing code")
End Sub
End Class
 MustInherit
The MustInherit keyword specifies that a class cannot be instantiated and can be used only as a base
class. i.e., if you declare our Human class as "MustInherit Class Human", then you can't create
objects of type Human without inheriting it.
 NotInheritable
The NotInheritable keyword specifies that a class cannot be inherited. I.e., if you specify
'NotInheritable Class Human', no derived classes can be made from the Human class.
 The Overridable keyword is used to mark a function as overridable.
Page 32
 The keyword Overrides is used to mark that a function is overriding some base class function.
Class Human
'Speak() is declared Overridable
Public Overridable Sub Speak()
End Sub
End Class
Class Indian
Inherits Human
Public Overrides Sub Speak()
Console.Writeline("Speaking Hindi")
End Sub
End Class
Interfaces define the properties, methods, and events that classes can implement. They also provide another way of
implementing polymorphism. Through interfaces, we specify methods that a component must implement without
actually specifying how the method is implemented. We just specify the methods in an interface and leave it to the
class to implement those methods. Visual Basic .NET does not support multiple inheritance directly but using
interfaces we can achieve multiple inheritance.
We use the Interface keyword to create an interface and implements keyword to implement the interface. Once you
create an interface you need to implement all the methods specified in that interface. The following code
demonstrates the use of interface.
[ Public | Private | Protected | Friend | Protected Friend ] _
[ Shadows ] Interface name
[ Inherits interfacename[, interfacename ]]
[ [ Default ] Property proname ]
[ Function memberame ]
[ Sub memberame ]
[ Event memberame ]
End Interface
Public Interface Test
'creating an Interface named Test
Sub disp()
Function Multiply() As Double
'specifying two methods in an interface
End Interface
Public Class One
Implements Test
'implementing interface in class One
Page 33
Public i As Double = 12
Public j As Double = 12.17
Sub disp() Implements Test.disp
'implementing the method specified in interface
WriteLine("sum of i+j is" & i + j)
End Sub
Public Function multiply() As Double Implements Test.Multiply
'implementing the method specified in interface
WriteLine(i * j)
End Function
End Class
Interface Interface1
Sub sub1(ByVal i As Integer)
End Interface
Interface Interface2
Inherits Interface1 ' Demonstrates interface inheritance.
Sub M1(ByVal y As Integer)
ReadOnly Property Num() As Integer
End Interface
Public Class ImplementationClass1
Implements Interface1
Sub Sub1(ByVal i As Integer) Implements Interface1.Sub1
' Place code here to implement this method.
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ImplementationClass2
Implements Interface2
Dim INum As Integer = 0
Sub sub1(ByVal i As Integer) Implements Interface2.Sub1
' Place code here that implements this method.
End Sub
Sub M1(ByVal x As Integer) Implements Interface2.M1
' Place code here to implement this method.
End Sub
ReadOnly Property Num() As Integer Implements _
Num = INum
End Get
End Property
End Class
Page 34
ADO.NET –Working with databases
Applications need to communicate with the database for the following tasks:
 Retrieving the data stored in the database and presenting it in a user friendly
 Updating the database that is inserting, modifying and deleting data
Hence ADO.NET is a model used by .NET applications to communicate with the
Every organization maintains data pertaining to its business, employees and clients.
Therefore most applications require some form of data provides one of
the most powerful and easy front end development environments for database
management. In actual production environment database is installed on one of the
computers in the network .The application is installed on many clients and all the
clients access the same database installed on the server. It is the applications
responsibility to preset the data to the user and process it. The machine on which the
database is there is known as the server and the machines on which the applications
are there are known as clients.
Evolution of ADO.NET
ODBC-(pronounced as separate letters) Short for Open DataBase Connectivity, a
standard database access method developed by the SQL Access group in 1992. The
goal of ODBC is to make it possible to access any data from any application,
regardless of which database management system (DBMS) is handling the data.
ODBC manages this by inserting a middle layer, called a database driver , between an
application and the DBMS. The purpose of this layer is to translate the application's
data queries into commands that the DBMS understands. For this to work, both the
application and the DBMS must be ODBC-compliant -- that is, the application must be
capable of issuing ODBC commands and the DBMS must be capable of responding to
them. ODBC is a database interface used to interact with database from a
programming language through its functions. The functions of ODBC include adding,
modifying, deleting data and obtaining details about the database, tables, view and
indexes. So ODBC provides access to any data source, either local or remote as long
as appropriate ODBC driver is available.
Microsoft followed a strategy called Universal Data Access. The UDA strategy of
Microsoft is designed to provide access to all types of data through a single data access
model. Hence Microsoft introduced oledb as an enhancement odbc .OLEDB includes
Page 35
access to data other than SQL data while ODBC is an industry standard way to
connect to SQL databases like oracle, db2, access etc:
Since OLEDB is a C++ API, it is not directly accessible to many development
environments. For this environment Microsoft has provided a set of programmable
objects known as the Activex data objects that allow access to OLEDB.
Keeping in sync with universal data access strategy, Microsoft has released ADO.NET
as the data access technology while working in the .NET platform. ADO. NET is the
primarly library for building solutions within the .NET framework while COM based
applications still use ADO as data access tool
The first data access model (DAO was created for local data bases).Next was RDO
(Remote Data Object) and ADO (Activex Data abject) which were designed for client
server architecture. But ADO was a connected data access technology using only
connected architecture
Overview of ADO.NET
Visual Studio .NET provides support for a new generation of data access technology
known as ADO.NET.ADO.NET typically reduce development time ,simplify code and
provide excellent performance.
ADO.NET provides user to retrieve data from database using 2 architectures
1. Connected Architecture
2. Disconnected Architecture
Connected Architecture
A Connection to the database system is made and then interacted with it through SQL
queries using the connection. The application stays connected to the DB system even
when it is not using DB services. The connection remains open until the application is
1) Gives the updated information to client immediately
2) Suitable where data change is frequent.
1) Leaving the connection open for lifetime time of the application Commonly
wastes valuable and expensive database resources, as most of the time
Page 36
applications only query and view the persistent data ,so with more number of
connections, performance degrades.
2) Since connection is maintained for long time security and network traffic is a
major issue.
3) Not suitable for websites since applications which are on the web need to be
easily scalable since traffic to a website can go up by any order of magnitude in a
very short period
Disconnected architecture
ADO.Net solves this problem by managing a local buffer of persistent data called a
data set. Application automatically connects to the database server when it needs to
run a query and then disconnects immediately after getting the result back and storing
it in the dataset.
Dataset is disconnected In-Memory representation of the database. The dataset object
stores the tables, their relationship and their different constraints. The user can perform
operations like update, insert and delete on this dataset locally, and the changes made
to the dataset are applied to the actual database as a batch when needed. This greatly
reduces network traffic and results in better performance.
1) Database security and network security problem of connected architecture is
1) If data is updated frequently in database, dataset have to be refilled again and again
i.e real time data not available.
Features of ADO.NET are described below
Data Access Styles
ADO.NET allows us to work with connected as well as disconnected Architecture.
Applications connect to the database only when retrieving and updating data. After
Page 37
that connection is closed. When the database needs to be updated the connection is re
established. ADO.NET uses data reader to work in the connected mode and datasets to
work in the disconnected mode.
Data is cached in datasets
DataSet is a disconnected in memory representation of data. It can be considered as a
local copy of the relevant portions of the database. The dataset is persisted in memory
and data in it can be manipulated and updated independent of the database. When the
use of dataset is finished, changes can be made back to the central database for
updating. ADO.NET supports scalability by working with datasets. Operations are
performed in the set instead of database, so resources are saved. The most common
task with database is to retrieve data and do some kind of processing with it. In most
of the real life situations, applications require data from multiple tables. Typical
example would be to retrieve the records in the orders table for a particular customer
along with the customer information in Customers table. Since it is not possible to go
back to the database each time the application needs to process the next record or
related records so dataset acts as the temporary store of records. So dataset acts like a
virtual data store and it can include information about the relationships between those
tables and constraints on what data the tables can contain
Data Sets are independent of data Sources
Datasets act as the cache for data retrieved from a database.The dataset doesn’t have
any actual relationship with the database.
Data transfer in XML format
Data is transferred from a database into a dataset and from the dataset to another
component by using XML. XML is an industry standard format .This means that your
application data components can exchange data with any other component in any other
application as long as the component understands XML.We can use XML as a data
source and store data from it in a dataset. Knowledge of XML is not required.
Interaction through commands
All operations are performed using commands. A data command can be a SQL
statement or a stored procedure. We can retrieve, insert, delete or modify data from a
database using commands.
ADO.NET Architecture
ADO.NET is a collection of classes, interfaces, structures and enumerated types that
manage data access from relational data stores within the .NET framework.
Page 38
Two ways we can access :
Either through dataset or data reader Object
Using dataset: Data is catched in a dataset and application can access the data from
the dataset.
Using a data reader: It uses the connection object to connect and command object to
retrieve data. It provides data only in read only and forward only mode.
The ADO .NET provides two central components for data access and data
manipulation. i.e Dataset and .NET Data provider
 Data Providers
The .Net Framework includes mainly two Data Providers for ADO.NET. They are the
 Microsoft SQL Server Data Provider (for Microsoft sql server 7.0 or later)
 OLEDB Data Provider. (for data sources exposed using oledb)
Data Providers model in the ADO.NET is a set of 4 components. They are
Connection Object, Command Object , DataReader Object and DataAdapter
Page 39
1) Connection Object provides physical connection to the Data Source.
The Connection Object connect to the specified Data Source and open a
connection between the application and the Data Source, depends on the
parameter specified in the Connection String . When the connection is
established, SQL Commands will execute with the help of the Connection Object
and retrieve or manipulate data in the Data Source. A connection can be created
and managed using
 SqlConnection object
 OLEDB uses the OleDbConnection Object.
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data
source=C:Documents and SettingskanikamDesktopPUBS.mdb")
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection
conn.ConnectionString= Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data
source=C:Documents and SettingskanikamDesktopPUBS.mdb"
2) Command Object uses to perform SQL statement like read, add, update, and delete
records in a data source. ADO .NET provides the OleDbCommand or SqiCommand
class to perform these database operations. The command class must mater; the
connection class-. For example, if you are using a SqlConnection object to-
communicate with a SQL Server, you must also use commands that derive from the
SqiCommand class. The Command Object requires an instance of a Connection
Object for executing the SQL statements . In order to retrieve a result set or
execute an SQL statement against a Data Source , first you have to create a
Connection Object and open a connection to the Data Source specified in the
connection string. The Command Object has a property called CommandText ,
which contains a String value that represents the command that will be executed
against the Data Source. Once a command object has been set up, it can be
executed using any of the following methods:
Page 40
A. The ExecuteNonQuery() is one of the most frequently used method in
SqlCommand Object, and is used for executing statements that do not return
result sets (ie. statements like insert data , update data etc.)
B. The ExecuteScalar() in SqlCommand Object is using for retrieve a single
value from Database after the execution of the SQL Statement. The
executeScalar() executes SQL statements as well as Stored Procedure and
returned a scalar value on first column of first row in the returned Result Set.
If the Result Set contains more than one columns or rows , it will take only the
value of first column of the first row, and all other values will ignore. If the
Result Set is empty it will return a NULL reference.
It is very useful to use with aggregate functions like Count(*) or Sum() etc.
When compare to ExecuteReader() , ExecuteScalar() uses fewer System
C. The ExecuteReader() in SqlCommand Object sends the SQL
statements to the Connection Object and populate a SqlDataReader Object
based on the SQL statement.
The SqlDataReader Object is a stream-based , forward-only, read-only
retrieval of query results from the Data Source. The SqlDataReader cannot
be created directly from code, they can created only by calling the
ExecuteReader method of a C# Command Object.
D. The ExecuteXMLReader executes the command and returns a
XMLDataReader Object, which can be used to read the results one row at a time.
Dim mycomm As New OleDbCommand
Dim statement As String
statement = "select Author from publisher"
mycomm.Connection = conn
mycomm.CommandText = statement
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader
reader = mycomm.ExecuteReader()
3. DataReader Object(For Connected Architecture) is a stream-based , forward-
only, read-only retrieval of query results from the Data Source. The DataReader
Object provides a connection oriented data access to the Data Sources. It helps to
increase application performance and reduce system overhead because only one
row at a time is ever in memory. The DataReader is an abstract class and cannot be
used in an application. Instead, you have to use the SqlDataReader or the
Page 41
OleDbDataReader object, depending on the database you are connected to.
ExecuteReader returns a DataReader object
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader
reader = mycomm.ExecuteReader()
A Connection Object can contain only one DataReader at a time and the connection
in the DataReader remains open, also it cannot be used for any other purpose while
data is being accessed. When we started to read from a DataReader it should always be
open and positioned prior to the first record. The Read() method in the DataReader is
used to read the rows from DataReader and it always moves forward to a new valid
row, if any row exist.. Read method returns true if there are more rows that can be
fetched, otherwise false. You should always call the close method when you have finished
using the DataReader object by using reader. Close()
While (reader.Read())
End While
GetString() method is also used access the value of a column in the returned row
For example reader.Read();
4. DataAdapter Object(Acts as an interface For Disconnected Architecture) ,
which populate a Dataset Object with results from a Data Source .
DataAdapter is a part of the ADO.NET Data Provider. DataAdapter provides
the communication between the Dataset and the Datasource. We can use the
DataAdapter in combination with the DataSet Object. DataAdapter provides this
combination by mapping Fill method, which changes the data in the DataSet to
match the data in the data source, and Update, which changes the data in the data
source to match the data in the DataSet. That is, these two objects combine to
enable both data access and data manipulation capabilities.
The DataAdapter can perform Select , Insert , Update and Delete SQL
operations in the Data Source. The Insert , Update and Delete SQL operations ,
Page 42
we are using the continuation of the Select command perform by the
The SelectCommand property of the DataAdapter is a Command Object that
retrieves data from the data source. The InsertCommand , UpdateCommand ,
and DeleteCommand properties of the DataAdapter are Command objects that
manage updates to the data in the data source according to modifications made to
the data in the DataSet.
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data
source=C:Documents and SettingskanikamDesktopPUBS.mdb")
Dim mycomm As New OleDbCommand
Dim statement As String
statement = "select Author from publisher"
mycomm.Connection = conn
mycomm.CommandText = statement
Dim titlesDA as OledbDataAdapter= New OledbDataAdapter()
Dim titlesDS As DataSet=New DataSet()
Updating a database using DataSetand DataAdapter
The update method of the. Datadapter. is. called to resolve changes from A
DataSet back to the the data source, the Update method, like the Fill method
takes as arguments an instance of a DataSet and an optional DataTable object
or DataTable_name. The DataSet instance is the DataSet tha contains the
changes that have been made to the DataTable and DataTable identifies the table
from which to retrieve the changes When update method is called the DataAdapter
analyzes the changes that have been made and executes the appropriate insert,update
or delete command.
Page 43
Page 44
The DataSet object Model
Page 45
Page 46
Page 47
Steps to create Database connection (MS-Access)
Page 48
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Public i As Integer = 0
Private Sub Form1 _Load (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
'Fetch the connection string from properties of your database. Go to server explorer->
Select database folder (.mdb File)-> right click->Choose properties->Fetch connection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu"
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim dt As New DataTable
'For connected arch, you need to open connection and close connection explicitly.
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0)
TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1)
End Sub
Private Sub Btn_FirstRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Page 49
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu"
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim dt As New DataTable
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
i = 0
TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0)
TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1)
End Sub
Private Sub Btn_PreviousRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu"
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim dt As New DataTable
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
i = i - 1
TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0)
TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1)
End Sub
Private Sub Btn_NextRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu"
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim dt As New DataTable
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
i = i + 1
TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0)
TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1)
End Sub
Private Sub Btn_LastRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con
Page 50
cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu"
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim dt As New DataTable
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
i = dt.Rows.Count - 1
TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0)
TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1)
End Sub
Private Sub BtnInsertNewRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "insert into stu values(" & TextBox1.Text & ",'" & TextBox2.Text & "')"
End Sub
Private Sub BtnDeleteRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim con As New OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "delete from stu where ID=" & TextBox1.Text
End Sub
End Class
1. Start Page
-> This is a first window which gets opened when we start Visual Studio.
Page 51
->We can use start Page to create a new project by clicking the project link in create or we can select existing
project from resent projects.
2. Toolbox
Page 52
-> The Toolbox Window contains a set of controls that can be placed on a Form wind
produce a graphical user interface.
-> The toolbox can be opened by choosing the command Toolbox in the
View menu.
-> The simplest method of adding a control to a form is to double-click the
desired object in the Toolbox. A control can also be added to a form by
selecting it and then dropping it onto the form.
-> It includes tabs like All Window forms, Common Controls, Containers,
Menus & Toolbars, Data, Components, Printing, Dialogs, Crystal Reports and
General. They appear when we are working with a window form in a designer
mode but when we switch to code designer then we see only general in toolbox.
->We can also add own tabs by right clicking the toolbox and selecting the add
tab item.
2. Solution Explorer Window
-> Solution Explorer Window provides an easy access to different application
files including files contains forms and codes.
-> It provides a tree view of all applications which are present in a solution.
A solution may contain different types of applications like Window
application, Web application, Console application, Class Library Etc.
3. Properties Window
Page 53
->Once a control i.e. object have been added to the form, we can set properties of objects through the help of
Properties window.
-> We can also access all events associated with an object through the help of Properties window.
->Two important properties of objects are the Name property and the Text property. The Name property
allows the programmer to assign a descriptive name to an object, rather than using the default name provided by
Visual Basic for that object. The value of the Text property of an object is displayed to the user when the
application is running.
4. Output Window
Page 54
-> The Output pane provides us the detail status of building and running programs.
-> We can see the output of a program with the help of System.console.write method.
Page 55
5. Component Tray
-> This includes those components which when are added to a form are visible at design time but not at runtime
for e.g. timer control.
Page 56
6. Server Explorer
-> Server explorer is a great tool which provides us a graphical environment to create database connection easily.
Page 57
7. Error List
-> Error List Window shows the error and warnings in current project. For example if we are trying to use a
variable which is not declared then it will show error.
Page 58
8. Object Browser and Class View Window
-> Class View presents solution and project in terms of classes they contain and the members of these classes. It
gives us an easy way of jumping to a member of class that we want to access quickly by just double clicking.
Object Browser Window lets us look at all the members of an object at once.
9. Debug and Release Versions.
->In debug version of a program VB stores a great amount of data needed to interface with the debugger in a
program when it runs.
->In release version a program does not have all the added data and it can run as stand alone program.
10. Break point
->We can insert break points into the program which are useful in tracking the program in step by step executable
manner when they are hit with the help of implementing the event.
Page 59
 Both languages support the creation of windows form application with the help of Graphical User Interface.
 Both languages support event driven programming.
1. Integer Data type has changed.
Short (Int16), Integer (Int32), Long (Int64).
Dim Age As Integer
Dim ID As Long
Dim Age As Short
Dim ID As Integer
2. Defining user defined types (UDT) has a new syntax.
Type Customer
CustomerNumber as Long
CustomerName As String
End Type
Structure Customer
Public CustomerNumber as Integer
Public CustomerName As String
End Structure
3. Public Property Get CustomerName() As String
CustomerName = m_CustName
End Property
Public Property Let CustomerName(sCustName As String)
m_CustName = sCustName
End Property
3. Public Property CustomerName() As String
CustomerName = m_CustName
End Get
m_CustName = Value
End Set
End Property
4. Option Base can start from 1 or 0. 4. All arrays have Base 0.
5. It supports Unstructured exception handling. 5. It supports Structured as well as Unstructured
exception handling.
6. VB is object based. It doesn't support Inheritance and
polymorphism. It supports interfaces in an awkward way.
6. VB.Net is object oriented. It supports Inheritance
and polymorphism. It fully supports interface-based
7. VB doesn’t supports multithreading. 7. VB.Net supports multithreading.
8. By default the variable is variant. 8. By default the variable is object.
9. VB is interpreted language. 9. VB.Net is compiled language
10. It does not support concept of Partial classes. 10. It supports concept of Partial classes.
Page 60
11. 'If Not X Is Y' 11. It supports IsNot operator. ‘If X IsNot Y'
12. VB is an Unmanaged Language. It is not supported by
the feature of CLR.
12. VB.Net is a Managed Language. It has a support
of CLR feature.
13. VB has the drawback of DLL hell. 13. It do not have DLL hell drawback.
14. Dim x, y as Integer.
VB will consider x as Variant and y as Integer.
14. Dim x, y as Integer.
VB.Net will declare x and y both as Integer
15. ByRef is default. 15. ByVal is the default.
16. It does not support feature of Garbage Collection. 16. It supports feature of Garbage Collection.
17. It supports recordset and ADO for database
17. It supports ADO.NET for database connectivity.
18. It does not support interoperability. 18. It supports interoperability.

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  • 2. UNIT II Page 2 2.1 DECLARATION The Dim statement is usedfor declaring the variable using any data type. It can also be used for declaring the variable of type enumeration, structure, class, or interface. We can specify different data types for different variables by using a separate As clause for each variable we declare. Alternatively, we can declare several variables to be of the same type by using a common As clause. Each variable takes the data type specifiedin the first As clause encounteredafter its variablename part. Dim A As Integer Public A As Integer 2.1.1 How to declare multiple variables in a single line Dim A, B As Integer, STR As String Dim A As Integer : Dim B As Double Note:  We can specify each variable's data type in the Dim statement. We can also specify an initial value. If we do not, Visual Basic uses default settings.  We can use Dim only at module or procedure level.  Undeclared variables and variables declared without data types are assignedthe Object data type but it can cause slow execution. 2.1.2 How to Declare Constant We use the Const statement to declare a constant and set its value. By declaring a constant, we assign a meaningful name to a value. Once a constant is declared, it cannot be modified or assigneda new value. If we have a value that never changes in our application, we can define a named constant and use it in place of a literal value. A name is easier to remember than a value. We can define the constant just once and use it in many places in our code. If in a later version we needto redefine the value, the Const statement is the only place we needto make a change. Dim Const DaysInYear = 365 Private Const Days = 7 Public Const Funday As String = "Sunday" 2.1.3 How to declare multiple constants in a single line Public Const Four As Integer = 4, Five As Integer = 5, Six As Integer = 44 2.1.4 Enumerations Enumerations provide a convenient way to work with sets of relatedconstants and to associate constant values with names which are easier to remember than their values. This also improves the readability of code because all the relatedvalues use the same enumeration name. For example, we can declare an enumeration for a set of integer constants associatedwith the days of the week, and then use the names of the days rather than their integer values in your code. To create an enumeration we use Enum keyword followed by the enumeration name. We can also specify the type of enumeration as Byte, Integer, Long, SByte, Short, UInteger, ULong, or UShort. Each member takes the enumeration's data type. If we do not specify data type for the enumeration than the default data type will be Integer. Enum Days Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday End Enum Console.WriteLine(Days. Sunday) Note:
  • 3. UNIT II Page 3  Visual Basic initializes the first member with value zero if no value is given to it followed by an (n+1) progression  Enumerations do not necessarily needto follow a sequential ordering. For example:- Enum BoilingPoints As Byte Fahrenheit = 212 Celcius = 100 End Enum Console.WriteLine(BoilingPoints. Celcius)  If the value of a member exceeds the allowable range for the underlying data type, or if you initialize any member to the maximum value allowed by the underlying data type, the compiler reports an error.  Values of enumeration can repeat. For example:- Enum Colors Red = 1 Brown = 2 Green = 1 End Enum 2.2 DECLARATION AND ASSIGNMENT Dim A As Integer = 1 Dim A As Integer = 1, B As Double = 2 Dim A As Integer = 1 : Dim B As Double = 2 Dim STR As String = "HELLO" Dim STR As String = "THIS IS A LONG SENTENCE" _ & "WHICH WE WANT TO PRINT" Dim a As Integer = 1 _ & 2 2.2.1 ADVANTAGES OF LOCAL VARIABLES 1. Name Conflict Avoidance. Local variable names are not susceptible to conflict. For example, you can create several different procedures containing a variable called intTemp. As long as each intTempis declared as a local variable, each procedure recognizes only its own version of intTemp. Any one procedure can alter the value in its local intTempwithout affecting intTempvariables in other procedures. 2. Memory Consumption. Local variables consume memory only while their procedure is running. Their memory is releasedwhen the procedure returns to the calling code. 2.3 DATA TYPES The data type of a programming element refers to what kindof data it can hold and how it stores that data. Following are the data type in Visual Basic:- TYPE CLR TYPE STRUCTURE STORAGE ALLOCATION VALUE RANGE Boolean Boolean Depends on platform True or False Byte Byte 1 byte 0 through 255 (unsigned) Char (single character) Char 2 bytes 0 through 65535 (unsigned) Date DateTime 8 bytes 0:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 0001 through 11:59:59 PM on December 31, 9999 Decimal Decimal 16 bytes 0 through +/- 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 (+/- 7.9...E+28) † with no decimal point; 0 through +/- 7.9228162514264337593543950335 with 28 places to the right of the decimal; smallest nonzero number is +/-
  • 4. UNIT II Page 4 0.0000000000000000000000000001 (+/-1E-28) † Double (double- precision floating- point) Double 8 bytes -1.79769313486231570E+308 through - 4.94065645841246544E-324 † for negative values; 4.94065645841246544E-324 through 1.79769313486231570E+308 † for positive values Integer Int32 4 bytes -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647 (signed) Long (long integer) Int64 8 bytes -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (9.2...E+18 †) (signed) Object Object (class) 4 bytes on 32-bit platform 8 bytes on 64-bit platform Any type can be stored in a variable of type Object SByte SByte 1 byte -128 through 127 (signed) Short (short integer) Int16 2 bytes -32,768 through 32,767 (signed) Single (single- precision floating- point) Single 4 bytes -3.4028235E+38 through -1.401298E-45 † for negative values; 1.401298E-45 through 3.4028235E+38 † for positive values String (variable- length) String (class) Depends on implementing platform 0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters UInteger UInt32 4 bytes 0 through 4,294,967,295 (unsigned) ULong UInt64 8 bytes 0 through 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (1.8...E+19 †) (unsigned) User- Defined (structure) (inherits from ValueType) Depends on implementing platform Each member of the structure has a range determinedby its data type and independent of the ranges of the other members UShort UInt16 2 bytes 0 through 65,535 (unsigned) Note:  The Object Data Type is the root type in the .NET Framework and in Visual Basic which means that all other data types and object types are derivedfrom it. It also means that any other data type can be converted to Object. 2.3.1 Boolean Data Type 1. It holds values that can be only True or False. The keywords True and False correspond to the two states of Boolean variables. 2. We can use the Boolean data type to contain two-state values such as true/false, yes/no, or on/off. 3. The default value of Boolean is False. 4. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Boolean structure. Dim A As Boolean If A = false Then System.Console.write("default value of boolean is false") End If
  • 5. UNIT II Page 5 Note:  When Visual Basic converts numeric data type values to Boolean, 0 becomes False and all other values become True. When Visual Basic converts Boolean values to numeric types, False becomes 0 and True becomes -1. 2.3.2 Byte Data Type 1. Holds unsigned8-bit (1-byte) integers that range in value from 0 through 255. 2. Use the Byte data type to contain binary data. 3. The default value of Byte is 0. Note:  Byte is an unsignedtype so it cannot represent a negative number. If we use the unary minus (-) operator on an expression that evaluates to type Byte, Visual Basic converts the expression to Short first.  The Byte data type widens to Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, or Double. This means we can convert Byte to any of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.  The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Byte structure. 2.3.3 Char Data Type 1. Holds unsigned2-byte code points ranging in value from 0 through 65535. Each code point, or character code, represents a single Unicode character. 2. Use the Char data type when we need to hold only a single character anddo not needthe overheadof String. In some cases we can use Char(), an array of Char elements, to hold multiple characters. 3. The default value of Char is the character with a code point of 0. 4. Visual Basic does not convert directly between Char and the numeric types. We can use the Asc, AscW Functions to convert a Char value to an Integer. We can use the Chr, ChrW Functions to convert an Integer value to a Char. 5. The first 128 code points (0–127) of Unicode correspond to the letters and symbols on a standard U.S. keyboard. These first 128 code points are the same as those the ASCII character set defines. The second 128 code points (128–255) represent special characters, such as Latin-based alphabet letters, accents, currency symbols, and fractions. Unicode uses the remaining code points (256-65535) for a wide variety of symbols, including worldwide textual characters, diacritics, and mathematical andtechnical symbols. Note:  Char is an unsignedtype and cannot represent a negative value. In any case, we should not use Char to hold numeric values.  The Char data type widens to String. This means we can convert Char to String and will not encounter a System.OverflowException error.  Appending the literal type character C to a single-character string literal forces it to the Char data type.  The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Char structure.  You can use methods like IsDigit and IsPunctuation on a Char variable to determine its Unicode classification.
  • 6. UNIT II Page 6 2.3.4 Date Data Type 1. It holds 8-byte values that represent dates ranging from January 1 of the year 0001 through December 31 of the year 9999, and times from 12:00:00 AM (midnight) through 11:59:59.9999999 PM. 2. The default value of Date is 0:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 0001. 3. We must enclose a Date literal within number signs (# #). We must specify the date value in the format M/d/yyyy, for example #5/31/1993#. This requirement is independent of our locale and our computer's date and time format settings.The reason for this restriction is that the meaning of our code should never change depending on the locale in which our application is running. Suppose we hard-code a Date literal of #3/4/1998# and intendit to mean March 4, 1998. In a locale that uses mm/dd/yyyy, 3/4/1998 compiles as we intend. But suppose we deploy our application in many countries. In a locale that uses dd/mm/yyyy, our hard-coded literal would compile to April 3, 1998. In a locale that uses yyyy/mm/dd, the literal would be invalid(April 1998, 0003) and cause a compiler error. 4. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.DateTime structure. 5. If we convert a Date value to the String type, Visual Basic renders the date according to the short date format specifiedby the run-time locale, and it renders the time according to the time format (either 12- hour or 24-hour) specifiedby the run-time locale. 6. If we do not include a date in a date/time literal, Visual Basic sets the date part of the value to January 1, 0001. If we do not include a time in a date/time literal, Visual Basic sets the time part of the value to the start of the day, that is, midnight (0:00:00). 7. Syntax: Dim DateAndTime As Date = #8/13/2002 12:14 PM# 2.3.5 Double Data Type 1. Holds signed8-byte double-precision floating-point. Double-precision numbers store an approximation of a real number. 2. The Double data type provides the largest and smallest possible magnitudes for a number. 3. The default value of Double is 0. 4. The floating-point data types do not have any internal representation of trailing zero characters. For example, they do not distinguish between 4.2000 and 4.2. Consequently, trailing zero characters do not appear when we display or print floating-point values. 5. Appending the literal type character R to a literal forces it to the Double data type. Appending the identifier type character # to any identifier forces it to Double. 6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Double structure. 2.3.6 Decimal Data Type 1. Holds signed16-byte values representing 96-bit (12-byte) integer numbers scaledby a variable power of 10. The scaling factor specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point; it ranges from 0 through 28. 2. It is particularly suitable for calculations, such as financial, that require a large number of digits but cannot tolerate rounding errors. 3. The default value of Decimal is 0. 4. Decimal is not a floating-point data type. The Decimal structure holds a binary integer value, together with a sign bit and an integer scaling factor that specifies what portion of the value is a decimal fraction. Because of this, Decimal numbers have a more precise representation in memory than floating-point types (Single and Double). The Decimal data type is the slowest of all the numeric types. We should weigh the importance of precision against performance before choosing a data type. 5. The Decimal data type widens to Single or Double. This means we can convert Decimal to either of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error.
  • 7. UNIT II Page 7 6. Visual Basic does not store trailing zeros in a Decimal literal. However, a Decimal variable preserves any trailing zeros acquired computationally. The following example illustrates this. 7. Appending the literal type character D to a literal forces it to the Decimal data type. Appending the identifier type character @ to any identifier forces it to Decimal. 8. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Decimal structure. 2.3.7 Integer Data Type 1. Holds signed32-bit (4-byte) integers that range in value from -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647. 2. The Integer data type provides optimal performance on a 32-bit processor. The other integral types are slower to load and store from and to memory. 3. The default value of Integer is 0. 4. The Integer data type widens to Long, Decimal, Single, or Double. This means we can convert Integer to any one of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error. 5. Appending the literal type character I to a literal forces it to the Integer data type. Appending the identifier type character % to any identifier forces it to Integer. 6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Int32 structure. 2.3.8 Long Data Type 1. Holds signed64-bit (8-byte) integers ranging in value from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (9.2...E+18) 2. Use the Long data type to contain integer numbers that are too large to fit in the Integer data type. 3. The default value of Long is 0. 4. The Long data type widens to Decimal, Single, or Double. This means we can convert Long to any one of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error. 5. Appending the literal type character L to a literal forces it to the Long data type. Appending the identifier type character & to any identifier forces it to Long. 6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Int64 structure. 2.3.9 Object Data Type 1. Holds 32-bit (4-byte) addresses that refer to objects. We can assign any reference type (string, array, class, or interface) to an Object variable. An Object variable can also refer to data of any value type (numeric, Boolean, Char, Date, structure, or enumeration). 2. The Object data type can point to data of any data type. We can use Object data type when we do not know at compile time what data type the variable might point to. Whatever data type it refers to, an Object variable does not contain the data value itself, but rather a pointer to the value. It always uses four bytes in computer memory, but this does not include the storage for the data representing the value of the variable. Because of the code that uses the pointer to locate the data, Object variables holding value types are slightly slower to access than explicitly typed variables. Performance. A variable you declare with the Object type is flexible enough to contain a reference to any object. However, when you invoke a method or property on such a variable, you always incur late binding (at run time). To force early binding (at compile time) and better performance, declare the variable with a specific class name, or cast it to the specific data type. 3. The default value of Object is Nothing (a null reference). 4. All data types and all reference types widen to the Object data type. This means you can convert any type to Object without encountering a System.OverflowException error. However, if you convert between value types and Object, Visual Basic performs operations called boxing and unboxing, which make execution slower. 5. Object has no literal type character or identifier type character. 6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Object class.
  • 8. UNIT II Page 8 2.3.10 SByte Data Type 1. Holds signed8-bit (1-byte) integers that range in value from -128 through 127.It can be used to contain integer values that do not require the full data width of Integer or even the half data width of Short to save memory consumption. 2. The default value of SByte is 0. 3. The SByte data type is not part of the Common Language Specification (CLS), so CLS-compliant code cannot consume a component that uses it. 4. The SByte data type widens to Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, and Double. This means you can convert SByte to any of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error. 5. SByte has no literal type character or identifier type character. 6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.SByte structure. 2.3.11 Short Data Type 1. Holds signed16-bit (2-byte) integers that range in value from -32,768 through 32, can be used to contain integer values that do not require the full data width of Integer to save memory consumption. 2. The default value of Short is 0. 3. The Short data type widens to Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, or Double. This means you can convert Short to any one of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error. 4. The literal type character S is used to the Short data type. 5. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Int16 structure. 2.3.12 Single Data Type 1. Holds signed4-byte single-precision floating-point numbers ranging from negative values to positive values. Single-precision numbers store an approximation of a real number. 2. It is used to contain floating-point values that do not require the full data width of Double. In some cases the common language runtime might be able to pack your Single variables closely together and save memory consumption. 3. The default value of Single is 0. 4. The Single data type widens to Double. This means you can convert Single to Double without encountering a System.OverflowException error. 5. The floating-point data types do not have any internal representation of trailing 0 characters. For example, they do not distinguish between 4.2000 and 4.2. Consequently, trailing 0 characters do not appear when you display or print floating-point values. 6. Appending the literal type character F to a literal forces it to the Single data type. Appending the identifier type character ! to any identifier forces it to Single. 7. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.Single structure. 2.3.13 String Data Type 1. Holds sequences of unsigned2-byte code points that range in value from 0 through 65535. Each code point, or character code, represents a single Unicode character. A string can contain from 0 to approximately two billion (2 ^ 31) Unicode characters. 2. Use the String data type to hold multiple characters without the array management overheadof Char(), an array of Char elements.
  • 9. UNIT II Page 9 3. The default value of String is Nothing (a null reference). It is not the same as the empty string (""). 4. You must enclose a String literal within quotation marks (" "). If you must include a quotation mark as one of the characters in the string, you use two contiguous quotation marks (""). The following example illustrates this. Dim h As String = "Hello" 5. Once you assign a string to a String variable, that string is immutable, which means you cannot change its length or contents. When you alter a string in any way, Visual Basic creates a new string and abandons the previous one. The String variable then points to the new string. 6. String cannot represent negative values. In any case, you should not use String to hold numeric values. 7. Appending the identifier type character $ to any identifier forces it to the String data type. String has no literal type character. However, the compiler treats literals enclosedin quotation marks (" ") as String. 8. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.String class. 2.3.14 UInteger Data Type 1. Holds unsigned32-bit (4-byte) integers ranging in value from 0 through 4,294,967,295.The UInteger data type provides the largest unsignedvalue in the most efficient data width. 2. The default value of UInteger is 0. 2.3.15 ULong Data Type 1. Holds unsigned64-bit (8-byte) integers. It can be used to contain binary data. 2. The default value of ULong is 0. 3. ULong is an unsignedtype, it cannot represent a negative number. 4. The ULong data type is not part of the Common Language Specification 5. The ULong data type widens to Decimal, Single, and Double. This means you can convert ULong to any of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error. 6. Appending the literal type characters UL to a literal forces it to the ULong data type. ULong has no identifier type character. 7. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.UInt64 structure. 2.3.16 User-Defined Data Type 1. Holds data in a format you define. The Structure statement defines the format. It is used when you need to combine various data types into a single unit, or when none of the elementary data types serve your needs. 2. The default value of a structure data type consists of the combination of the default values of each of its members. 2.3.17 UShort Data Type 1. Holds unsigned16-bit (2-byte) integers ranging in value from 0 through 65,535. We use the UShort data type to contain binary data too large for Byte. 2. The default value of UShort is 0. 3. UShort is an unsignedtype; it cannot represent a negative number. LS Compliance.
  • 10. UNIT II Page 10 4. The UShort data type widens to Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, and Double. This means you can convert UShort to any of these types without encountering a System.OverflowException error. 5. Appending the literal type characters US to a literal forces it to the UShort data type. UShort has no identifier type character. 6. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the System.UInt16 structure. Advantages of using data types Specifying data types for all our variables is known as strong typing. It has several advantages:  It takes advantage of compiler type checking. This catches statements that can fail at run time due to errors such as overflow. It also catches calls to methods on objects that do not support them.  It results in faster execution of our code. 2.4. Types A data type is a value type if it holds the data within its own memory allocation. A reference type contains a pointer to another memory location that holds the data. 2.4.1 Value Types Value types include the following:  All numeric data types  Boolean, Char, and Date  All structures, even if their members are reference types  Enumerations, since their underlying type is always SByte, Short, Integer, Long, Byte, UShort, UInteger, or ULong 2.4.2 Reference Types Reference types include the following:  String  All arrays, even if their elements are value types  Class types, such as Form NOTE:  We can assign either a reference type or a value type to a variable of the Object data type. An Object variable always holds a pointer to the data, never the data itself. However, if we assign a value type to an Object variable, it behaves as if it holds its own data.  In the .NET Framework, a structure is a value type and a class is a reference type. For this reason, value types such as Char and Integer are implementedby .NET Framework structures, whereas reference types such as Object and String are supported by .NET Framework classes. Note that every array is a reference type, even if its members are value types, and that every structure is a value type, even if it has reference type members. 2.5 DATA TYPE CONVERSION FUNCTIONS Following functions are used to convert a value to a specific data type:- Function name Return data type CBool() Boolean Data Type CByte() Byte Data Type CChar() Char Data Type CDate() Date Data Type
  • 11. UNIT II Page 11 CDbl() Double Data Type CDec() Decimal Data Type CInt() Integer Data Type CLng() Long Data Type CObj() Object Data Type CSByte() SByte Data Type CShort() Short Data Type CSng() Single Data Type CStr() String Data Type CUInt() UInteger Data Type CULng() ULong Data Type CUShort() UShort Data Type NOTE:  If the expression passed to the function is outside the range of the data type to which it is to be converted, an OverflowException occurs.  When we convert a nonintegral value to an integral type, the integer conversion functions (CByte, CInt, CLng, CSByte, CShort, CUInt, CULng, and CUShort) remove the fractional part and round the value to the closest integer. If the fractional part is exactly 0.5, the integer conversion functions round it to the nearest even integer. For example, 0.5 rounds to 0. 2.5.1 Widening and Narrowing Conversions In type conversion the result of the conversion may exist within the range of the destination data type or not. A widening conversion changes a value to a data type that can accommodate any possible value of the original data. A narrowing conversion changes a value to a data type that might not be able to hold some of the possible values. Widening Conversions The table shows the standard widening conversions: DATA TYPE WIDENS TO DATA TYPES SByte SByte, Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double Byte Byte, Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, Double Short Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double UShort UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, Double Integer Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double UInteger UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, Double Long Long, Decimal, Single, Double ULong ULong, Decimal, Single, Double Decimal Decimal, Single, Double Single Single, Double Double Double Any enumerated type (Enum) Its underlying integral type and any type to which the underlying type widens Char Char, String Char array Char array, String Any type Object
  • 12. UNIT II Page 12 NOTE:  By definition, every data type widens to itself.  Conversions from Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, or Decimal to Single or Double might result in loss of precision, but never in loss of magnitude. In this sense they do not incur information loss. Widening conversions always succeedat run time and never incur data loss. You can always perform them implicitly, whether the Option Strict Statement sets the type checking switch to On or to Off. Narrowing Conversions The standard narrowing conversions include the following:  The reverse directions of the widening conversions in the preceding table (except that every type widens to itself)  Conversions in either direction between Boolean and any numeric type  Conversions from any numeric type to any enumeratedtype (Enum)  Conversions in either direction between String and any numeric type, Boolean, or Date  Conversions from a data type or object type to a type derivedfrom it Narrowing conversions do not always succeedat run time, and can fail or incur data loss. An error occurs if the destination data type cannot receive the value being converted. For example, a numeric conversion can result in an overflow. The compiler does not allow you to perform narrowing conversions implicitly unless the Option Strict Statement sets the type checking switch to Off. NOTE: Widening conversions always succeed, they do not throw exceptions. Narrowing conversions, when they fail, most commonly throw the following exceptions:  InvalidCastException — if no conversion is defined between the two types  OverflowException — if the convertedvalue is too large for the target type 2.5.2 CType Function The CType Function is an alternative conversion function available in VB.NET which can be used for for any kind of type conversion. It takes two arguments; first argument specifies value to be converted and second argument specifies typename to which value is to be converted. Dim Number As Long = 1000 Dim NewNumber As Single = CType (Number, Single) 2.5.3 TryCast Function It is a type conversion function which is used for any kindof reference type conversion that does not throw an exception. If an attempted conversion fails then CType throws InvalidCastException error which can adversely affect the performance of application where as TryCast returns nothing insteadof having to handle a possible exception. Dim Number As Long = 1000 Dim NewNumber As Object = CType (Number, Object) Summary:- Keyword Data types Run-time failure CType() Any data types Throws InvalidCastException TryCast() Reference types only Returns Nothing
  • 13. UNIT II Page 13 2.4 OPTION STATEMENTS 2.4.1 OPTION EXPLICIT  Forces explicit declaration of all variables to be used in the program.  If used, the Option Explicit statement must appear before any other source code statements.  If we try to use an undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time.  If we do not specify Option Explicit in our code than by default Option Explicit is On. Option Explicit On Dim a As Integer a = 10 b = 10 ' This assignment produces a COMPILER ERROR because variable is not declared and Option Explicit is On. 2.4.2 OPTION STRICT  Visual Basic allows conversions of many data types to other data types. Data loss can occur when the value of one data type is converted to a data type with less precision or smaller capacity. A run -time error occurs if such a narrowing conversion fails. Option Strict ensures compile -time notification of these narrowing conversions so that they can be avoided. It restricts implicit data type conversions to only widening conversions.  If used, the Option Strict statement must appear before any other source code.  Because Option Strict On provides strong typing, prevents unintendedtype conversions with data loss and improves performance, its use is strongly recommended. The compiler default is Option Strict Off if we do not specify Option Strict in our code. NOTE: The compiler default is Option Strict Off if we do not specify Option Strict in our code. 2.4.3 OPTION COMPARE  This is used to specify the default comparison method to be used when needto compare string data’s. Option Compare Binary sets the string comparison method to Binary. If used, the Option Compare statement must appear in a file before any other source code statements.  The Option Compare statement specifies the string comparison method (Binary or Text) for a class, module or structure.  If an Option Compare statement is not included, the default text comparison method is Binary. 2.5 IMPORTS STATEMENT  IMPORTS STATEMENT is used to import any namespace. After using IMPORTS statement all named members of that namespace are available without qualification. For example:- Imports System.Console Module module1 Sub main() Writleine("Hello") End Sub  Each file can contain any number of Imports statements. Imports statements must be placed before any declarations. 2.6 SCOPE IN VB.NET The scope of a declared element is the set of all code that can refer to it without qualifying its name or making it available through an Imports Statement. An element can have scope at one of the following levels:-
  • 14. UNIT II Page 14 2.6.1 BLOCK SCOPE A block is a set of statements enclosedwithin initiating andterminating declaration statements, such as the following:  Do and Loop  If and End If  Select and End Select  Try and End Try  While and End While For Example:- If n < 1291 Then Dim cube As Integer Cube = n ^ 3 End If 2.6.2 PROCEDURE SCOPE An element declaredwithin a procedure is not available outside that procedure. Only the procedure that contains the declaration can use it. Variables at this level are also known as local variables Sub main() Dim a As Integer Writleine(a) End Sub 2.6.3 MODULE SCOPE Module level applies to modules, classes, and structures. We can declare elements at this level by placing the declaration statement outside of any procedure or block but within the module, class, or structure. 2.6.4 NAMESPACE SCOPE If we declare an element at module level using the Friend(Visual Basic) or Public (Visual Basic) keyword, it becomes available to all procedures throughout the namespace in which the element is declared. With the following alteration to the preceding example, the string variable strMsg can be referredto by code anywhere in the namespace of its declaration. Namespace scope includes nestednamespaces. An element available from within a namespace is also available from within any namespace nestedinside that namespace. If your project does not contain any Namespace Statements, everything in the project is in the same namespace. In this case, namespace scope can be thought of as project scope. Public elements in a module, class, or structure are also available to any project that references their project. Level Description Block scope Variable is available only within the code block in which it is declared Procedure scope Variable is available to all code within the procedure in which it is declared Module scope Variable is available to all code within the module, class, or structure in which it is declared Namespace scope Variable is available to all code in the namespace in which it is declared
  • 15. UNIT II Page 15 2.7 CHECKING DATA TYPES FUNCTIONS Function Description IsArray() An array of values, rather than a single value IsDate() A Date Data Type (Visual Basic) value, or a string that can be interpretedas a date and time value IsDBNull() An object of type DBNull, which represents missing or nonexistent data IsError () An exception object, which derives from Exception IsNothing() Nothing (Visual Basic), that is, no object is currently assignedto the variable IsNumeric() A number, or a string that can be interpreted as a number IsReference() A reference type (such as a string, array, delegate, or class type) 2.8 Arrays An array is a set of values that are logically relatedto each other, such as the number of students in each grade in a grammar school. An array allows you to refer to these relatedvalues by the same name and to use a number, called an index or subscript, to tell them apart. The individual values are calledthe elements of the array. They are contiguous from index 0 through the highest index value. In contrast to an array, a variable containing a single value is called a scalar variable. Dim students(6) As Integer Dim values As Double() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} The array students in the preceding example contain 7 elements. The indexes of the elements range from 0 through 6. Having this array is simpler than declaring 7 different variables. The following illustration shows the array students. For each element of the array:  The index of the element represents the grade (index 0 represents kindergarten).  The value containedin the element represents the number of students in that grade. Elements of the "students" array The following example shows how to refer to the first, second, and last element of the array students. Dim kindergarten As Integer = students(0) Dim firstGrade As Integer = students(1) Dim sixthGrade As Integer = students(6) MsgBox("Students in kindergarten = " & CStr(kindergarten)) MsgBox("Students in first grade = " & CStr(firstGrade)) MsgBox("Students in sixth grade = " & CStr(sixthGrade)) 2.8.1 Array Dimensions The array students in the preceding example uses one index and is said to be one -dimensional. An array that uses more than one index or subscript is called multidimensional.A dimension is a direction in which you can vary the specification of an array's elements. An array that holds the sales total for each day of the month has one dimension (the day of the month). An array that holds the sales total by department for each day of the
  • 16. UNIT II Page 16 month has two dimensions (the department number and the day of the month). The number of dimensions an array has is called its rank. You specify an element of an array by supplying an index or subscript for each of its dimensions. The elements are contiguous along each dimension from index 0 through the highest index for that dimension. The following illustrations show the conceptual structure of arrays with different ranks. Each element in the illustrations shows the index values that access it. For example, you can access the first element of the second row of the two-dimensional array by specifying indexes (1, 0). One-dimensional array Two-dimensional array Three-dimensional array One Dimension Many arrays have only one dimension, such as the number of people of each age. The only requirement to specify an element is the age for which that element holds the count. Therefore, such an array uses only one index. The following example declares a variable to hold a one-dimensional array of age counts for ages 0 through 120. To declare a one-dimensional array variable, add one pair of parentheses after the variable name. Dim cargoWeights() As Double Dim ageCounts(120) As UInteger Two Dimensions
  • 17. UNIT II Page 17 Some arrays have two dimensions, such as the number of offices on each floor of each building on a campus. The specification of an element requires both the building number and the floor, and each element holds the count for that combination of building and floor. Therefore, such an array uses two indexes. The following example declares a variable to hold a two-dimensional array of office counts, for buildings 0 through 40 and floors 0 through 5. To declare a multidimensional array variable, add one pair of parentheses after the variable name andplace commas inside the parentheses to separate the dimensions. Dim atmospherePressures(,,,) As Short Dim officeCounts(40, 5) As Byte NOTE: - A two-dimensional array is also called a rectangular array. Three Dimensions A few arrays have three dimensions, such as values in three -dimensional space. Such an array uses three indexes, which in this case represent the x, y, and z coordinates of physical space. The following example declares a variable to hold a three-dimensional array of air temperatures at various points in a three -dimensional volume. Dim airTemperatures(99, 99, 24) As Single More than Three Dimensions Although an array can have as many as 32 dimensions, i t is rare to have more than three.Suppose you want to track sales amounts for every day of the present month. You might declare a one -dimensional array with 31 elements, one for each day of the month, as the following example shows. Dim salesAmounts(30) As Double Now suppose you want to track the same information not only for every day of a month but also for every month of the year. You might declare a two-dimensional array with 12 rows (for the months) and 31 columns (for the days), as the following example shows. Dim salesAmounts(11, 30) As Double Now suppose you decide to have your array hold information for more than one year. If you want to track sales amounts for 5 years, you could declare a three -dimensional array with 5 layers, 12 rows, and 31 columns, as the following example shows. Dim salesAmounts(4, 11, 30) As Double Note that, because each index varies from 0 to its maximum, each dimension of salesAmounts is declared as one less than the required length for that dimension. Note also that the size of the array increases with each new dimension. The three sizes in the preceding examples are 31, 372, and 1,860 elements respectively. JAGGED ARRAY Another kind of array is one which holds other arrays as elements. This is known as an array of arrays or a jagged array. A jagged array can be either one -dimensional or multidimensional, and so can its elements. Sometimes the data structure in your application is two-dimensional but not rectangular. For example, you might have an array of months, each element of which is an array of days. Since different months have different numbers of days, the elements do not form a rectangular two-dimensional array. In such a case, you can use a jagged array insteadof a multidimensional array. NOTE:- Zero-Length Arrays An array with no elements is also called a zero-length array. A variable holding a zero-length array does not have the value Nothing. To create an array that has no elements, declare one of the array's di mensions to be -1, as shown in the following example. Dim twoDimensionalStrings(-1, 3) As String You might needto create a zero-length array under the following circumstances:
  • 18. UNIT II Page 18  Your code needs to access members of the Array class, such as Length or Rank, or call a Visual Basic function such as UBound, without risking a NullReferenceException exception.  You want to keepthe consuming code simpler by not having to check for Nothing as a special case.  Your code interacts with an application programming interface (API) that requires you to pass a zero-length array to one or more procedures, or that returns a zero-length array from one or more procedures. 2.9 TYPES OF PROCEDURES Visual Basic uses several types of procedures:  Sub Procedures perform actions but do not return a value to the calling code.  Event-handling procedures are Sub procedures that execute in response to an event raised by user action or by an occurrence in a program.  Function Procedures return a value to the calling code. They can perform other actions before returning.  Property Procedures return and assign values of properties on objects or modules.  Operator Procedures define the behavior of a standard operator when one or both of the operands is a newly- defined class or structure.  Generic Procedures in Visual Basic define one or more type parameters in addition to their normal parameters, so the calling code can pass specific data types each time it makes a call. SUB PROCEDURES A Sub procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Sub and End Sub statements. The Sub procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code, but it does not return a value to the calling code. You can define a Sub procedure in modules, classes, and structures. By default, it is Public, which means you can call it from anywhere in your application that has access to the module, class, or structure in which you defined it. The syntax for each parameter in the parameter list is as follows: [Optional] [ByVal | ByRef] [ParamArray] parametername As datatype If the parameter is optional, you must also supply a default value as part of its declaration. The syntax for specifying a default value is as follows: Optional [ByVal | ByRef] parametername As datatype = defaultvalue The syntax for a call to a Sub procedure is as follows: [Call] subname[(argumentlist)] Sub tellOperator(ByVal task As String) Dim stamp As Date stamp = TimeOfDay() MsgBox("Starting " & task & " at " & CStr(stamp)) End Sub Call tellOperator("file update")
  • 19. UNIT II Page 19 FUNCTION PROCEDURES A Function procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements enclosed by the Function and End Function statements. The Function procedure performs a task and then returns control to the calling code. When it returns control, it also returns a value to the calling code. Each time the procedure is called, its statements run, starting with the first executable statement after the Function statement and ending with the first End Function, Exit Function, or Return statement encountered. You can define a Function procedure in a module, class, or structure. It is Public by default, which means you can call it from anywhere in your application that has access to the module, class, or structure in which you defined it. DECLARATION SYNTAX [modifiers] Function functionname[(parameterlist)] As returntype 'Statements of the Function procedure End Function Function findSqrt(ByVal radicand As Single) As Single End Function RETURNING VALUES The value a Function procedure sends back to the calling code is called its return value. The procedure returns this value in one of two ways:  It assigns a value to its own function name in one or more statements of the procedure. Control does not return to the calling program until an Exit Function or End Function statement is executed. Function functionname[(parameterlist)] As returntype functionname = expression 'When control returns to the calling code, expression is the return value. End Function  It uses the Return statement to specify the return value, and returns control immediately to the calling program. Function functionname[(parameterlist)] As returntype Returnexpression End Function The syntax for a call to a Function procedure is as follows: lvalue = functionname[(argumentlist)] NOTE: 1. If a parameter is defined as Optional (Visual Basic), you can either include it in the argument list or omit it. If you omit it, the procedure uses the default value defined for that parameter. If you omit an argument for an Optional parameter and there is another parameter after it in the parameter list, you can mark the place of the omitted argument by an extra comma in the argument list.
  • 20. UNIT II Page 20 To define a procedure parameter Precede the parameter name with ByVal or ByRef to specify the passing mechanism. 2.10 EXCEPTION HANDLING  Errors  Exceptions TYPES OF EXCEPTION HANDLING  Unstructured Exception Handling  Structured Exception Handling UNSTRUCTURED EXCEPTION HANDLING Syntax: On Error {Goto [line|0|-1] Resume Next} GoToline Enables the error-handling routine that starts at the line specified in the required line argument. The line argument is any line label or line number. If a run-time error occurs, control branches to the specified line, making the error handler active. The specified line must be in the same procedure as the On Error statement, or a compile-time error will occur. GoTo 0 Disables enabled error handler in the current procedure and resets it to Nothing. GoTo -1 Disables enabled exception in the current procedure and resets it to Nothing. Resume Next Specifies that when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement immediately following the statement where the error occurred, and execution continues from that point. Use this form rather than On Error GoTo when accessing objects Example: On Error GoTo handler Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b Exit Sub handler: System.Console.WriteLine("Error") System.Console.ReadLine()
  • 21. UNIT II Page 21 Example: On Error Resume Next Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b System.Console.WriteLine("program completed") System.Console.ReadLine() Exit Sub Example: On Error GoTo handler Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b Exit Sub handler: System.Console.WriteLine("Error Number(Err.Number): " & Err.Number & vbCrLf) System.Console.WriteLine("Error Description(Err.Description): " & Err.Description & vbCrLf) System.Console.WriteLine("Error Source File(Err.Source): " & Err.Source & vbCrLf) System.Console.WriteLine(Err.GetException) System.Console.ReadLine()
  • 22. UNIT II Page 22 Example: On Error GoTo handler Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b handler: If TypeOf Err.GetException() Is OverflowException Then System.Console.WriteLine("overflow error") End If System.Console.ReadLine() Exit Sub Example: Sub Main() On Error GoTo -1 Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b handler: If TypeOf Err.GetException() Is OverflowException Then System.Console.WriteLine("overflow error") End If System.Console.ReadLine() Exit Sub
  • 23. UNIT II Page 23 Example: On Error GoTo handler Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 Err.Raise(6) handler: System.Console.WriteLine(Err.Description) System.Console.ReadLine() Exit Sub
  • 24. UNIT II Page 24 STRUCTURED EXCEPTION HANDLING Try [try statements] Exit Try Catch exception As Type [catch statemnets] Exit Try Catch exception2 As Type [catch statemnets] Finally [Finally statments] End Try Example: Try Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b Catch exception1 As Exception System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.Message & vbCrLf) System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.ToString) Exit Try End Try Example: Try Dim a, b, c As Integer a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b Catch exception1 As System.OverflowException System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.Message & vbCrLf)
  • 25. UNIT II Page 25 System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.ToString) Exit Try Catch exception2 As Exception System.Console.WriteLine(exception2.Message & vbCrLf) System.Console.WriteLine(exception2.ToString) Exit Try Finally System.Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "program completed") End Try End Try Example: Try Throw New OverflowException Catch exception1 As System.OverflowException System.Console.WriteLine(exception1.Message & vbCrLf) Exit Try
  • 26. UNIT II Page 26 2.11 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING FEATURES FOUR PILLARS OF OOPS  Encapsulation  Polymorphism  Abstraction  Inheritance ENCAPSULATION It can be defined as the separation between implementation and interface (i.e., data and function). It can be defined as wrapping up of data into single unit. It is also called as data hiding. Encapsulation is implemented using classes and structures. CLASSES Classes are the heart and soul of an object-oriented language. It is the user defined data type which can bind the data and function into single unit. It provides the template framework which can have data members and methods. It also consist some special procedures called as constructors and destructors. We can also create properties, procedures and classes in it. [Public Private Protected Friend Protected Friend] [MustInherit Partial NotInheritable] Classname [Inherits] classname [Implements] interfacename, interfacename Public Class Line Private ID As Integer Public Name As String Private mstrFileName As String 'NOTE: properties represents the charcterstics of an objet (Class). It uses Set and Get method to manipulate internal values Property EMPID() As Integer Get Return ID End Get Set(ByVal Value As Integer) ID = Value End Set End Property ReadOnly Property EmpName() As String Get Return Name End Get End Property
  • 27. UNIT II Page 27 WriteOnly Property FileName() As String Set(ByVal Value As String) mstrFileName = Value End Set End Property Function display() As Integer Return mstrLine End Function Sub abc(ByVal a As Integer) Console.WriteLine(mstrLine) End Sub End Class Sub Main() Dim oLine As Line = New Line() 'Or Dim oLine As New Line() System.Console.WriteLine(Obj.display()) End Sub DIFFERENCE BETWWEN CONSTRUCTORS AND METHODS Constructors Methods No return type May have return type Same name as that of class. In VB.NET it is Sub New() End Sub block Have different name Called implicitly Called explicitly STRUCTURES It is the user defined data type like classes which can bind the data and function into single unit. It provides the template framework which can have data members and methods. You cannot inherit from a structure; structures should be used only for objects that do not need to be extended. We can use structures when the object you wish to create has a small instance size. Structure a [Public Private Protected Friend Protected Friend] [Partial] [Implements interfacename] End Structure Structure abc Private id As Integer
  • 28. UNIT II Page 28 Public name As String Sub display(ByVal id As Integer) Console.WriteLine(id) End Sub End Structure Sub Main() Dim obj As New abc = "BCA" Console.WriteLine( obj. display(1) End Sub SIMILARITIES BETWEEN STRUCTURES AND CLASSES Structures and classes are similar in the following respects:  Both are container types, meaning that they contain other types as members.  Both have members, which can include constructors, methods, properties, fields, constants, enumerations.  Both can implement interfaces. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRUCTURES AND CLASSES STRUCTURES CLASSES Value type. Structures use stack allocation Reference type. Classes use heap allocation. Cannot have default parameter-less constructors ans destructor. Can have default constructors and destructor. Cannot inherit any class or structures. That is why structures are also called as sealed class. So it cannot override finalize method. Can inherit any class or structures. All structure elements are Public by default class variables and constants are Private by default structure must have at least one nonshared variable or nonshared, noncustom event element class can be completely empty SHARED MEMBERS IN VISUAL BASIC Shared members are properties, procedures, and fields that are shared by all instances of a class or structure. Some programming languages refer to such items as static members.
  • 29. UNIT II Page 29 SHARED FIELDS AND PROPERTIES Shared fields and properties are useful when you have information that is part of a class but is not specific to any one instance of a class. When you change the value of a shared field and property, you change the value associated with the class and all instances of the class. On the other hand, changing the value of a non-shared field or property associated with any one instance does not affect the value of that field or property in other instances of the class. Non-shared fields and properties exist independently for each instance of a class. In this way, shared fields and properties behave like global variables that can be accessed only from instances of a class, or with qualification of the class name. Without shared fields and properties, you would need to use module- level variables to achieve the same effect. However, module-level variables can make your classes difficult to understand and maintain. Furthermore, using module-level variables in this way violates the concept of encapsulation that classes represent. SHARED PROCEDURES Shared procedures are class methods that are not associated with a specific instance of a class. Shared procedures and properties do not have access to instances of the class. Public Class Item Public Shared Count As Integer = 1 Public Shared Sub ShareMethod() MsgBox("Current value of Count: " & Count) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String) ' Use Count to initialize SerialNumber. Me.SerialNumber = Count Me.Name = Name ' Increment the shared variable Count += 1 End Sub Public SerialNumber As Integer Public Name As String Public Sub InstanceMethod() MsgBox("Information in the first object: " & _ Me.SerialNumber & vbTab & Me.Name) End Sub End Class Sub TestShared() ' Create two instances of the class. Dim part1 As New Item("keyboard") Dim part2 As New Item("monitor") part1.InstanceMethod() part2.InstanceMethod() Item.ShareMethod()
  • 30. UNIT II Page 30 End Sub CONSTRUCTORS & DESTRUCTORS A Constructor is a special function which is called automatically when a class is created. A Destructor is a special function which is called automatically when a class is destroyed. In VB.NET, Class Dog 'The age variable Private Age As Integer Public Sub New() 'This constructor block Console.Writeline("Dog is Created With Age Zero") Age = 0 End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal val As Integer) Console.Writeline("Dog is Created With Age " + Convert.ToString(val)) Age = val End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() 'This destructor block Console.Writeline("Dog is Destroyed") End Sub 'The Main Function End Class ABSTRACTION  Public: Declaring a class as Public means you can "see" and instantiate this class in any other classes or subroutines within the same assembly. If you've compiled it into a DLL, referencing assemblies can see it, as well. Declaring a Public Sub / Function or Property means that when its container class is instantiated, the consumer can also see the method or property.  Private: Private limits the visibility to a scope. Declaring a private class within a class means that "sub- class" can't be seen from outside of the class. This is also true for methods and properties - they can be seen within the class, but not to any consumers or inheritors.  Protected: Protected members act as private members in class. This will more likely apply to methods and properties; they won't necessarily be seen outside of the class in which they're declared. However, if a class inherits the container class, that inheritor can see the protected members.  Friend: This applies to classes, methods, and properties. They can be seen within the assembly, but not to any referencing assemblies or even inheritors. (This is the equivalent of "internal" in C#)
  • 31. UNIT II Page 31  Protected Friend: This is what it seems; classes, methods, and properties declared with this can be seen both within the assembly, as well as by inheritors. They cannot be seen from referencing assemblies. (This is "protected internal" in C#) POLYMORPHISM Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal A As Integer, ByVal B As Integer) Console.Writeline("Adding Integers: " + Convert.ToString(a + b)) End Sub Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal A As String, ByVal B As String) Console.Writeline("Adding Strings: " + a + b) End Sub INHERITANCE Inheritance is the property in which, a derived class acquires the attributes of its base class. In simple terms, you can create or 'inherit' your own class (derived class), using an existing class (base class). You can use the Inherits keyword for this. Class Human 'This is something that all humans do Public Sub Walk() Console.Writeline("Walking") End Sub End Class Class Programmer Inherits Human Public Sub StealCode() Console.Writeline("Stealing code") End Sub End Class SOME IMPORTANT KEYWORDS  MustInherit The MustInherit keyword specifies that a class cannot be instantiated and can be used only as a base class. i.e., if you declare our Human class as "MustInherit Class Human", then you can't create objects of type Human without inheriting it.  NotInheritable The NotInheritable keyword specifies that a class cannot be inherited. I.e., if you specify 'NotInheritable Class Human', no derived classes can be made from the Human class.  The Overridable keyword is used to mark a function as overridable.
  • 32. UNIT II Page 32  The keyword Overrides is used to mark that a function is overriding some base class function. Class Human 'Speak() is declared Overridable Public Overridable Sub Speak() Console.Writeline("Speaking") End Sub End Class Class Indian Inherits Human Public Overrides Sub Speak() Console.Writeline("Speaking Hindi") End Sub End Class INTERFACES Interfaces define the properties, methods, and events that classes can implement. They also provide another way of implementing polymorphism. Through interfaces, we specify methods that a component must implement without actually specifying how the method is implemented. We just specify the methods in an interface and leave it to the class to implement those methods. Visual Basic .NET does not support multiple inheritance directly but using interfaces we can achieve multiple inheritance. We use the Interface keyword to create an interface and implements keyword to implement the interface. Once you create an interface you need to implement all the methods specified in that interface. The following code demonstrates the use of interface. [ Public | Private | Protected | Friend | Protected Friend ] _ [ Shadows ] Interface name [ Inherits interfacename[, interfacename ]] [ [ Default ] Property proname ] [ Function memberame ] [ Sub memberame ] [ Event memberame ] End Interface Example: Public Interface Test 'creating an Interface named Test Sub disp() Function Multiply() As Double 'specifying two methods in an interface End Interface Public Class One Implements Test 'implementing interface in class One
  • 33. UNIT II Page 33 Public i As Double = 12 Public j As Double = 12.17 Sub disp() Implements Test.disp 'implementing the method specified in interface WriteLine("sum of i+j is" & i + j) Read() End Sub Public Function multiply() As Double Implements Test.Multiply 'implementing the method specified in interface WriteLine(i * j) Read() End Function End Class Example: Interface Interface1 Sub sub1(ByVal i As Integer) End Interface Interface Interface2 Inherits Interface1 ' Demonstrates interface inheritance. Sub M1(ByVal y As Integer) ReadOnly Property Num() As Integer End Interface Public Class ImplementationClass1 Implements Interface1 Sub Sub1(ByVal i As Integer) Implements Interface1.Sub1 ' Place code here to implement this method. End Sub End Class Public Class ImplementationClass2 Implements Interface2 Dim INum As Integer = 0 Sub sub1(ByVal i As Integer) Implements Interface2.Sub1 ' Place code here that implements this method. End Sub Sub M1(ByVal x As Integer) Implements Interface2.M1 ' Place code here to implement this method. End Sub ReadOnly Property Num() As Integer Implements _ Interface2.Num Get Num = INum End Get End Property End Class
  • 34. UNIT II Page 34 ADO.NET –Working with databases Applications need to communicate with the database for the following tasks:  Retrieving the data stored in the database and presenting it in a user friendly format  Updating the database that is inserting, modifying and deleting data Hence ADO.NET is a model used by .NET applications to communicate with the database. Every organization maintains data pertaining to its business, employees and clients. Therefore most applications require some form of data provides one of the most powerful and easy front end development environments for database management. In actual production environment database is installed on one of the computers in the network .The application is installed on many clients and all the clients access the same database installed on the server. It is the applications responsibility to preset the data to the user and process it. The machine on which the database is there is known as the server and the machines on which the applications are there are known as clients. Evolution of ADO.NET ODBC-(pronounced as separate letters) Short for Open DataBase Connectivity, a standard database access method developed by the SQL Access group in 1992. The goal of ODBC is to make it possible to access any data from any application, regardless of which database management system (DBMS) is handling the data. ODBC manages this by inserting a middle layer, called a database driver , between an application and the DBMS. The purpose of this layer is to translate the application's data queries into commands that the DBMS understands. For this to work, both the application and the DBMS must be ODBC-compliant -- that is, the application must be capable of issuing ODBC commands and the DBMS must be capable of responding to them. ODBC is a database interface used to interact with database from a programming language through its functions. The functions of ODBC include adding, modifying, deleting data and obtaining details about the database, tables, view and indexes. So ODBC provides access to any data source, either local or remote as long as appropriate ODBC driver is available. Microsoft followed a strategy called Universal Data Access. The UDA strategy of Microsoft is designed to provide access to all types of data through a single data access model. Hence Microsoft introduced oledb as an enhancement odbc .OLEDB includes
  • 35. UNIT II Page 35 access to data other than SQL data while ODBC is an industry standard way to connect to SQL databases like oracle, db2, access etc: Since OLEDB is a C++ API, it is not directly accessible to many development environments. For this environment Microsoft has provided a set of programmable objects known as the Activex data objects that allow access to OLEDB. Keeping in sync with universal data access strategy, Microsoft has released ADO.NET as the data access technology while working in the .NET platform. ADO. NET is the primarly library for building solutions within the .NET framework while COM based applications still use ADO as data access tool The first data access model (DAO was created for local data bases).Next was RDO (Remote Data Object) and ADO (Activex Data abject) which were designed for client server architecture. But ADO was a connected data access technology using only connected architecture Overview of ADO.NET Visual Studio .NET provides support for a new generation of data access technology known as ADO.NET.ADO.NET typically reduce development time ,simplify code and provide excellent performance. ADO.NET provides user to retrieve data from database using 2 architectures 1. Connected Architecture 2. Disconnected Architecture Connected Architecture A Connection to the database system is made and then interacted with it through SQL queries using the connection. The application stays connected to the DB system even when it is not using DB services. The connection remains open until the application is closed. Advantage 1) Gives the updated information to client immediately 2) Suitable where data change is frequent. Limitation 1) Leaving the connection open for lifetime time of the application Commonly wastes valuable and expensive database resources, as most of the time
  • 36. UNIT II Page 36 applications only query and view the persistent data ,so with more number of connections, performance degrades. 2) Since connection is maintained for long time security and network traffic is a major issue. 3) Not suitable for websites since applications which are on the web need to be easily scalable since traffic to a website can go up by any order of magnitude in a very short period Disconnected architecture ADO.Net solves this problem by managing a local buffer of persistent data called a data set. Application automatically connects to the database server when it needs to run a query and then disconnects immediately after getting the result back and storing it in the dataset. Dataset is disconnected In-Memory representation of the database. The dataset object stores the tables, their relationship and their different constraints. The user can perform operations like update, insert and delete on this dataset locally, and the changes made to the dataset are applied to the actual database as a batch when needed. This greatly reduces network traffic and results in better performance. Advantage 1) Database security and network security problem of connected architecture is resolved. Limitation 1) If data is updated frequently in database, dataset have to be refilled again and again i.e real time data not available. Features of ADO.NET are described below Data Access Styles ADO.NET allows us to work with connected as well as disconnected Architecture. Applications connect to the database only when retrieving and updating data. After
  • 37. UNIT II Page 37 that connection is closed. When the database needs to be updated the connection is re established. ADO.NET uses data reader to work in the connected mode and datasets to work in the disconnected mode. Data is cached in datasets DataSet is a disconnected in memory representation of data. It can be considered as a local copy of the relevant portions of the database. The dataset is persisted in memory and data in it can be manipulated and updated independent of the database. When the use of dataset is finished, changes can be made back to the central database for updating. ADO.NET supports scalability by working with datasets. Operations are performed in the set instead of database, so resources are saved. The most common task with database is to retrieve data and do some kind of processing with it. In most of the real life situations, applications require data from multiple tables. Typical example would be to retrieve the records in the orders table for a particular customer along with the customer information in Customers table. Since it is not possible to go back to the database each time the application needs to process the next record or related records so dataset acts as the temporary store of records. So dataset acts like a virtual data store and it can include information about the relationships between those tables and constraints on what data the tables can contain Data Sets are independent of data Sources Datasets act as the cache for data retrieved from a database.The dataset doesn’t have any actual relationship with the database. Data transfer in XML format Data is transferred from a database into a dataset and from the dataset to another component by using XML. XML is an industry standard format .This means that your application data components can exchange data with any other component in any other application as long as the component understands XML.We can use XML as a data source and store data from it in a dataset. Knowledge of XML is not required. Interaction through commands All operations are performed using commands. A data command can be a SQL statement or a stored procedure. We can retrieve, insert, delete or modify data from a database using commands. ADO.NET Architecture ADO.NET is a collection of classes, interfaces, structures and enumerated types that manage data access from relational data stores within the .NET framework.
  • 38. UNIT II Page 38 Two ways we can access : Either through dataset or data reader Object Using dataset: Data is catched in a dataset and application can access the data from the dataset. Using a data reader: It uses the connection object to connect and command object to retrieve data. It provides data only in read only and forward only mode. The ADO .NET provides two central components for data access and data manipulation. i.e Dataset and .NET Data provider  Data Providers The .Net Framework includes mainly two Data Providers for ADO.NET. They are the  Microsoft SQL Server Data Provider (for Microsoft sql server 7.0 or later)  OLEDB Data Provider. (for data sources exposed using oledb) Data Providers model in the ADO.NET is a set of 4 components. They are Connection Object, Command Object , DataReader Object and DataAdapter Object.
  • 39. UNIT II Page 39 1) Connection Object provides physical connection to the Data Source. The Connection Object connect to the specified Data Source and open a connection between the application and the Data Source, depends on the parameter specified in the Connection String . When the connection is established, SQL Commands will execute with the help of the Connection Object and retrieve or manipulate data in the Data Source. A connection can be created and managed using  SqlConnection object  OLEDB uses the OleDbConnection Object. Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=C:Documents and SettingskanikamDesktopPUBS.mdb") Or Dim conn As New OleDbConnection conn.ConnectionString= Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=C:Documents and SettingskanikamDesktopPUBS.mdb" 2) Command Object uses to perform SQL statement like read, add, update, and delete records in a data source. ADO .NET provides the OleDbCommand or SqiCommand class to perform these database operations. The command class must mater; the connection class-. For example, if you are using a SqlConnection object to- communicate with a SQL Server, you must also use commands that derive from the SqiCommand class. The Command Object requires an instance of a Connection Object for executing the SQL statements . In order to retrieve a result set or execute an SQL statement against a Data Source , first you have to create a Connection Object and open a connection to the Data Source specified in the connection string. The Command Object has a property called CommandText , which contains a String value that represents the command that will be executed against the Data Source. Once a command object has been set up, it can be executed using any of the following methods:
  • 40. UNIT II Page 40 A. The ExecuteNonQuery() is one of the most frequently used method in SqlCommand Object, and is used for executing statements that do not return result sets (ie. statements like insert data , update data etc.) B. The ExecuteScalar() in SqlCommand Object is using for retrieve a single value from Database after the execution of the SQL Statement. The executeScalar() executes SQL statements as well as Stored Procedure and returned a scalar value on first column of first row in the returned Result Set. If the Result Set contains more than one columns or rows , it will take only the value of first column of the first row, and all other values will ignore. If the Result Set is empty it will return a NULL reference. It is very useful to use with aggregate functions like Count(*) or Sum() etc. When compare to ExecuteReader() , ExecuteScalar() uses fewer System resources. C. The ExecuteReader() in SqlCommand Object sends the SQL statements to the Connection Object and populate a SqlDataReader Object based on the SQL statement. The SqlDataReader Object is a stream-based , forward-only, read-only retrieval of query results from the Data Source. The SqlDataReader cannot be created directly from code, they can created only by calling the ExecuteReader method of a C# Command Object. D. The ExecuteXMLReader executes the command and returns a XMLDataReader Object, which can be used to read the results one row at a time. Dim mycomm As New OleDbCommand Dim statement As String statement = "select Author from publisher" mycomm.Connection = conn mycomm.CommandText = statement Dim reader As OleDbDataReader reader = mycomm.ExecuteReader() 3. DataReader Object(For Connected Architecture) is a stream-based , forward- only, read-only retrieval of query results from the Data Source. The DataReader Object provides a connection oriented data access to the Data Sources. It helps to increase application performance and reduce system overhead because only one row at a time is ever in memory. The DataReader is an abstract class and cannot be used in an application. Instead, you have to use the SqlDataReader or the
  • 41. UNIT II Page 41 OleDbDataReader object, depending on the database you are connected to. ExecuteReader returns a DataReader object Dim reader As OleDbDataReader reader = mycomm.ExecuteReader() A Connection Object can contain only one DataReader at a time and the connection in the DataReader remains open, also it cannot be used for any other purpose while data is being accessed. When we started to read from a DataReader it should always be open and positioned prior to the first record. The Read() method in the DataReader is used to read the rows from DataReader and it always moves forward to a new valid row, if any row exist.. Read method returns true if there are more rows that can be fetched, otherwise false. You should always call the close method when you have finished using the DataReader object by using reader. Close() While (reader.Read()) MessageBox.Show(reader.GetValue(0)) End While GetString() method is also used access the value of a column in the returned row For example reader.Read(); Str=reader.GetString(1) 4. DataAdapter Object(Acts as an interface For Disconnected Architecture) , which populate a Dataset Object with results from a Data Source . DataAdapter is a part of the ADO.NET Data Provider. DataAdapter provides the communication between the Dataset and the Datasource. We can use the DataAdapter in combination with the DataSet Object. DataAdapter provides this combination by mapping Fill method, which changes the data in the DataSet to match the data in the data source, and Update, which changes the data in the data source to match the data in the DataSet. That is, these two objects combine to enable both data access and data manipulation capabilities. The DataAdapter can perform Select , Insert , Update and Delete SQL operations in the Data Source. The Insert , Update and Delete SQL operations ,
  • 42. UNIT II Page 42 we are using the continuation of the Select command perform by the DataAdapter. The SelectCommand property of the DataAdapter is a Command Object that retrieves data from the data source. The InsertCommand , UpdateCommand , and DeleteCommand properties of the DataAdapter are Command objects that manage updates to the data in the data source according to modifications made to the data in the DataSet. Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=C:Documents and SettingskanikamDesktopPUBS.mdb") Dim mycomm As New OleDbCommand Dim statement As String statement = "select Author from publisher" mycomm.Connection = conn mycomm.CommandText = statement Dim titlesDA as OledbDataAdapter= New OledbDataAdapter() titlesDA.SelectCommand=mycomm Dim titlesDS As DataSet=New DataSet() TitlesDA.Fill(titlesDS,”publisher”) Conn.close Updating a database using DataSetand DataAdapter The update method of the. Datadapter. is. called to resolve changes from A DataSet back to the the data source, the Update method, like the Fill method takes as arguments an instance of a DataSet and an optional DataTable object or DataTable_name. The DataSet instance is the DataSet tha contains the changes that have been made to the DataTable and DataTable identifies the table from which to retrieve the changes When update method is called the DataAdapter analyzes the changes that have been made and executes the appropriate insert,update or delete command. TitlesDA.Update(titlesDS) v
  • 44. UNIT II Page 44 The DataSet object Model
  • 48. UNIT II Page 48 Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Public i As Integer = 0 Private Sub Form1 _Load (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim con As New OleDbConnection 'Fetch the connection string from properties of your database. Go to server explorer-> Select database folder (.mdb File)-> right click->Choose properties->Fetch connection string con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET) APPLICATIONSWin_ConnectivityWin_Connectivitystudent.accdb" Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu" Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim dt As New DataTable 'For connected arch, you need to open connection and close connection explicitly. con.Open() dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() dt.Load(dr) TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0) TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1) con.Close() End Sub Private Sub Btn_FirstRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
  • 49. UNIT II Page 49 Btn_FirstRecord.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET) APPLICATIONSWin_ConnectivityWin_Connectivitystudent.accdb" Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu" Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim dt As New DataTable con.Open() dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() dt.Load(dr) i = 0 TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0) TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1) con.Close() End Sub Private Sub Btn_PreviousRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn_PreviousRecord.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET) APPLICATIONSWin_ConnectivityWin_Connectivitystudent.accdb" Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu" Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim dt As New DataTable con.Open() dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() dt.Load(dr) i = i - 1 TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0) TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1) con.Close() End Sub Private Sub Btn_NextRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn_NextRecord.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET) APPLICATIONSWin_ConnectivityWin_Connectivitystudent.accdb" Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu" Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim dt As New DataTable con.Open() dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() dt.Load(dr) i = i + 1 TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0) TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1) con.Close() End Sub Private Sub Btn_LastRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn_LastRecord.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET) APPLICATIONSWin_ConnectivityWin_Connectivitystudent.accdb" Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con
  • 50. UNIT II Page 50 cmd.CommandText = "select * from stu" Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim dt As New DataTable con.Open() dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() dt.Load(dr) i = dt.Rows.Count - 1 TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows(i)(0) TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(i)(1) con.Close() End Sub Private Sub BtnInsertNewRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnInsertNewRecord.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET) APPLICATIONSWin_ConnectivityWin_Connectivitystudent.accdb" Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "insert into stu values(" & TextBox1.Text & ",'" & TextBox2.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() End Sub Private Sub BtnDeleteRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnDeleteRecord.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:DOTNET(.NET) APPLICATIONSWin_ConnectivityWin_Connectivitystudent.accdb" Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "delete from stu where ID=" & TextBox1.Text con.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() End Sub End Class 1. Start Page -> This is a first window which gets opened when we start Visual Studio.
  • 51. UNIT II Page 51 ->We can use start Page to create a new project by clicking the project link in create or we can select existing project from resent projects. 2. Toolbox
  • 52. UNIT II Page 52 -> The Toolbox Window contains a set of controls that can be placed on a Form wind produce a graphical user interface. -> The toolbox can be opened by choosing the command Toolbox in the View menu. -> The simplest method of adding a control to a form is to double-click the desired object in the Toolbox. A control can also be added to a form by selecting it and then dropping it onto the form. -> It includes tabs like All Window forms, Common Controls, Containers, Menus & Toolbars, Data, Components, Printing, Dialogs, Crystal Reports and General. They appear when we are working with a window form in a designer mode but when we switch to code designer then we see only general in toolbox. ->We can also add own tabs by right clicking the toolbox and selecting the add tab item. 2. Solution Explorer Window -> Solution Explorer Window provides an easy access to different application files including files contains forms and codes. -> It provides a tree view of all applications which are present in a solution. A solution may contain different types of applications like Window application, Web application, Console application, Class Library Etc. 3. Properties Window
  • 53. UNIT II Page 53 ->Once a control i.e. object have been added to the form, we can set properties of objects through the help of Properties window. -> We can also access all events associated with an object through the help of Properties window. ->Two important properties of objects are the Name property and the Text property. The Name property allows the programmer to assign a descriptive name to an object, rather than using the default name provided by Visual Basic for that object. The value of the Text property of an object is displayed to the user when the application is running. 4. Output Window
  • 54. UNIT II Page 54 -> The Output pane provides us the detail status of building and running programs. -> We can see the output of a program with the help of System.console.write method.
  • 55. UNIT II Page 55 5. Component Tray -> This includes those components which when are added to a form are visible at design time but not at runtime for e.g. timer control.
  • 56. UNIT II Page 56 6. Server Explorer -> Server explorer is a great tool which provides us a graphical environment to create database connection easily.
  • 57. UNIT II Page 57 7. Error List -> Error List Window shows the error and warnings in current project. For example if we are trying to use a variable which is not declared then it will show error.
  • 58. UNIT II Page 58 8. Object Browser and Class View Window -> Class View presents solution and project in terms of classes they contain and the members of these classes. It gives us an easy way of jumping to a member of class that we want to access quickly by just double clicking. Object Browser Window lets us look at all the members of an object at once. 9. Debug and Release Versions. ->In debug version of a program VB stores a great amount of data needed to interface with the debugger in a program when it runs. ->In release version a program does not have all the added data and it can run as stand alone program. 10. Break point ->We can insert break points into the program which are useful in tracking the program in step by step executable manner when they are hit with the help of implementing the event.
  • 59. UNIT II Page 59 SIMILARITES BETWEEN VB AND VB.NET  Both languages support the creation of windows form application with the help of Graphical User Interface.  Both languages support event driven programming. DIFFERENCEBETWEEN VB AND VB.NET VB VB.NET 1. Integer Data type has changed. Short (Int16), Integer (Int32), Long (Int64). e.g.; Dim Age As Integer Dim ID As Long Dim Age As Short Dim ID As Integer 2. Defining user defined types (UDT) has a new syntax. Type Customer CustomerNumber as Long CustomerName As String End Type Structure Customer Public CustomerNumber as Integer Public CustomerName As String End Structure 3. Public Property Get CustomerName() As String CustomerName = m_CustName End Property Public Property Let CustomerName(sCustName As String) m_CustName = sCustName End Property 3. Public Property CustomerName() As String Get CustomerName = m_CustName End Get Set m_CustName = Value End Set End Property 4. Option Base can start from 1 or 0. 4. All arrays have Base 0. 5. It supports Unstructured exception handling. 5. It supports Structured as well as Unstructured exception handling. 6. VB is object based. It doesn't support Inheritance and polymorphism. It supports interfaces in an awkward way. 6. VB.Net is object oriented. It supports Inheritance and polymorphism. It fully supports interface-based programming. 7. VB doesn’t supports multithreading. 7. VB.Net supports multithreading. 8. By default the variable is variant. 8. By default the variable is object. 9. VB is interpreted language. 9. VB.Net is compiled language 10. It does not support concept of Partial classes. 10. It supports concept of Partial classes.
  • 60. UNIT II Page 60 11. 'If Not X Is Y' 11. It supports IsNot operator. ‘If X IsNot Y' 12. VB is an Unmanaged Language. It is not supported by the feature of CLR. 12. VB.Net is a Managed Language. It has a support of CLR feature. 13. VB has the drawback of DLL hell. 13. It do not have DLL hell drawback. 14. Dim x, y as Integer. VB will consider x as Variant and y as Integer. 14. Dim x, y as Integer. VB.Net will declare x and y both as Integer 15. ByRef is default. 15. ByVal is the default. 16. It does not support feature of Garbage Collection. 16. It supports feature of Garbage Collection. 17. It supports recordset and ADO for database connectivity. 17. It supports ADO.NET for database connectivity. 18. It does not support interoperability. 18. It supports interoperability.