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Dr Rajesh Kar,
 Tonsils are sub epithelial
collections of lymphoid
tissue scattered in the
 Anatomically the tonsils are
classified based on their
location into :
(“adenoids”), lingual and
tubal tonsils.
 Generally, the palatine
tonsils referred to as“the
 The tonsils develop
from the second
pharyngeal pouch.
 In the extraembryonic
life, the ventral part of
the 2nd pharyngeal
pouch is represented by
crypta magna or
intratonsillar cleft.
The tonsils are 3 masses of tissue:
 - lingual tonsil
 - pharyngeal (adenoid) tonsil
 - palatine or faucial tonsil
 Together they form Waldeyer's ring, are
lymphoid tissue, covered by respiratory
epithelium pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelium.
 produce lymphocytes
 are active in the synthesis of
 a ring of lymphoid tissue in the
oropharynx and nasopharynx.
 are the first lymphoid aggregates in the
aerodigestive tract – thought to play a role in
 *Site: lateral walls of
oropharynx, between the
anterior and posterior
pillars- tonsillar fossa
 *Shape: almond shape
 *2 surfaces: medial, lateral
 *2 poles: upper, lower
 * 10-12 primary crypts,
secondary crypts
 *Plica semilunaris and
plica triangularis
Medial surface
 Medial surface
 It is lined by stratified squamous non
keratinising epithelium which dips
into the crypts
 The crypts are 12-15 in number
 Secondary crypts arise from the
primary crypts and extend into the
substance of the tonsil
 One of the crypts located in the upper
part is larger than the rest – crypta
 The crypts serve to increase the
surface area of the tonsil
 The crypts may be filled with cheesy
material – epithelial debris, food
particles and bacteria
Lateral surface
 It is covered by the fibrous
capsule of the tonsil
 The tonsillar bed is separated
from the capsule by loose areolar
 This makes it is easy to dissect
the tonsil from its bed during
 It is the site of collection of pus
in peritonsillar abscess (quinsy)
 Some fibers of palatoglossus
and palatopharyngeus muscles
get attached to the capsule of
Upper pole
 It extends into the soft
 There is a semilunar fold
of mucous membrane
 which covers the medial
part of the upper pole
 It extends from anterior
pillar to posterior pillar
 It encloses a potential
space – supratonsillar
Lower pole
 It is attached to the tongue
 A triangular fold of mucous
membrane extends from
theanterior tonsillar pillar to
the lower pole
 It encloses a space – anterior
tonsillar space
 The lower pole is separated
from the tongue by
thetonsillo-lingual sulcus
 This sulcus may harbour
Structures related to the
bed of tonsils
 Bed is formed by the 2
 1.Superior constrictor
 2.Styloglossus
 Loose areolar tissue
containing paratonsillar vein
 Pharyngo-basilar fascia
 Superior constrictor
 Bucco-pharyngeal fascia
 Styloglossus
 Medial pterygoid muscle
 Glossopharyngeal nerve
 Facial artery
 Submandibular salivary
 Anterior: anterior pillar
 Posterior: posterior pillar
 Superior: soft palate
 Inferior: tongue
 Medial: cavity of the
 Lateral: loose areolar tissue,
paratonsillar veins, superior
buccopharyngeal fascia,
glossopharyngeal nerve,
facial artery, pterygoid
muscles and the mandible.
Blood supply
 through the external
carotid artery branches:
 Superior pole
 Ascending pharyngeal
artery(tonsilar branches)
Lesser palatine artery
 Inferior pole
 Facial artery branches
 Dorsal lingual artery
 Ascending palatine artery
 Venous outflow - by the
plexus around the tonsilar
capsule, the lingual vein,
and the pharyngeal plexus.
 Lymphatic drainage - The
tonsils do not have any
afferent vessels but has
efferents which drain into
the Jugulodigastric nodes.
 Sensory supply - the
glossopharyngeal nerve,the
lesser palatine nerve
 - True fibrous capsule
 - Fibrous septa
 - Crypts lined by
stratified squamous
 - Lymphoid nodules:
germinal centres – B
cells and plasma cells;
surrounded by T cells.
Functions of Tonsils
 1. Immunity
 2. Lymphocyte
 3. Antibodies formation
 4. Barrier to infections
What is
tonsillitis ?
 Tonsillitis is inflammation of
the tonsils most commonly
caused by a viral or bacterial
 Mostly affects children in
the age group of 5-15 years,
may also affect adults
 Organisms beta-
hemolytic streptococci(most
common), staphylococci,
pneumococci, H.influenzae
 Symptoms: sore throat,
difficulty in swallowing,
fever, ear ache, constitutional
 Types:-Tonsillitis is often
labelled as acute, sub-
acute, or chronic.
 Acute tonsillitis tends to
be bacterial or viral in
nature, while
 Sub-acute tonsillitis is
caused by the bacterium
 Chronic tonsillitis
generally lasts for a long
time and is caused by
Acute Tonsillitis
(here tonsillitis is a part of
generalized pharyngitis,
mostly seen in viral
Acute follicular
(infection spread into the crypts
with purulent material,
presenting at the opening of
crypts as yellow spots.)
Acute membranous
(follows stage of acute
follicular tonsillitis where
exudates coalesce to
form membrane on the surface)
Tonsillitis(tonsil is uniformly
enlarged and congested)
Predisposing factors
 - URTI
 - Postnasal discharge
due to sinusitis
 - Residual tonsillar
tissue after
 - Exanthemata
 - Blood dyscrasias
 - Cold drinks and foods
 - Contact with infected
 - Crowded and ill
ventilated environment
 - Imbedded foreign
 Symptoms:
 1. Sore throat – raw sensation in
the throat
 2. Refusal to eat due to
 3. Earache – either referred pain
from the tonsil
 or due to acute otitis media
 4. Voice becomes thick and
 5. Jugulodigastric nodes are
enlarged and painful
 6. Fever, may be associated with
chills and rigor.
 Headache, tachycardia.
 1.Tonsils appear congested and
 - Yellowish spots – follicular
 - Whitish membrane – membranous
 - Red and enlarged – parenchymatous
 2.Hyperemia of pillars, uvula, soft
 3.Halitosis, impeded movements of
palate and increased secretions
 4.Enlarged and tender jugulodigastric
 1. Bed rest, soft diet,
plenty of fluids, warm
 saline gargles
 2. Analgesics- aspirin,
paracetamol; lozenges
 3. Antimicrobial therapy-
 erythromycin; for 7 to
 1. Chronic tonsillitis – incomplete
resolution of acute tonsillitis
 2. Peritonsillar abscess
 3. Parapharyngeal abscess
 4. Acute otitis media – recurrent
 5. Cervical abscess due to suppuration
of jugulodigastric nodes
 6. Rheumatic fever – group A B-
hemolytic streptococci
 7. Subacute bacterial endocarditis
(patients with valvular heart disease)
– streptococcus viridans
 - Characterised by recurrent acute
 Etiology:
 1. Recurrent acute tonsillitis
 2. Subclinical infection of tonsils
 3. Chronic infection in sinuses or teeth
Chronic Tonsillitis
Chronic parenchymatous
Chronic Follicular
Chronic fibrotic
 1. Keratinous plug presses the adjacent
epithelium and lymphoid tissue- causing
their atrophy.
 2. When many plugs are present they
produce an appearance clinically
resembling follicular tonsillitis but
inflammatory reaction is absent.
 3. Histology: In chronic tonsillitis lumen
of the crypt contains bacterial colonies,
inflammatory cells including polymorphs
and lymphocytes with increased vascularity.
 4. The lymphoid tissue is hyperplastic
with germinal follicle .
 1. Recurrent throat pain
 2. Cough
 3. Halitosis and bad taste in the mouth
 4. Quiescent phase: discomfort, irritation, pain;
 asymptomatic
 Signs:
 1. Appearance: hypertrophied, congested – chr.
parenchymatous; small, fibrotic with cheesy debris –
chr. Follicular
 2. Irwin-moore sign pressure on the
anterior pillar expresses frank pus or cheesy
material mainly seen in fibroid type
 3. Flushing of the anterior pillar compared to rest of
the pharyngeal mucosa
 4. Enlarged jugulodigastric nodes
 1. Conservative treatment: general health care,
nutritious diet,treatment of co-existing infections of
teeth, sinuses and nose
 2. Surgical treatment: Tonsillectomy – when the
enlarged tonsils interfere with speech, deglutition,
respiration or in case of recurrent attacks
 Peritonsillar abscess
 Parapharyngeal
 Retro pharyngeal
 Intra tonsillar abscess
 Tonsillar cyst
 Tonsillolith
 Focus of infection
forRF, AGN
 It’s the surgical removal of tonsils , done in
 the treatment of chronic infection of
 tonsils ,obstructive sleep apnea ,
 supporative ottits media etc.
A. Absolute
 1. Recurrent infections of throat
 2. Peritonsillar abscess
 3. Tonsillitis causing febrile seizures
 4. Hypertrophy of tonsils causing obstruction
 5. Suspicion of malignancy
 B. Relative
 1. Diphtheria carriers,
 2. Streptococcal carriers
 3. Chronic tonsillitis with bad taste or halitosis
 4. Recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis in a patient with valvular heart disease
 C. As a Part of Another Operation
 1. Palatopharyngoplasty
 2. Glossopharyngeal neurectomy.
 3. Removal of styloid process.
 1. Haemoglobin level less than 10 g%.
 2. Acute upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis.
 3. Children under 3 years of age.
 4. Overt or submucous cleft palate.
 5. Bleeding disorders, e.g. leukaemia, purpura, aplastic
anaemia, haemophilia.
 6. At the time of epidemic of polio.
 7. Uncontrolled systemic disease, e.g. diabetes, cardiac
disease, hypertension or asthma.
 8. Tonsillectomy is avoided during the period of menses.
 Usually done under general anaesthesia
 with endotracheal intubation.
 In adults, it may be done under local
 anaesthesia.
 Rose's position, i.e. patient lies supine
with head extended by placing a pillow
under the shoulders and a rubber pad
under the head.
 Advantages of Rose
 1. There is virtually no aspiration of
blood or secretions into the airway.
 2. Both hands of the surgeon are
free. This position helps in proper
application of the Boyles Davis mouth
 3. The surgeon can be comfortably
seated at the head end of the patient
Boyles Davis mouth gag
 Boyles tongue blade  Davis mouth gag
 1. Boyle-Davis mouth gag is introduced and opened. It is held in place by Draffin's
bipods .
 2. Tonsil is grasped with tonsil-holding forceps and pulled medially.
 3. Incision is made in the mucous membrane where it reflects from the tonsil to
anterior pillar. It may be extended along the upper pole to mucous membrane
between the tonsil and posterior pillar.
 4. A blunt curved scissor may be used to dissect the tonsil from the peritonsillar
tissue and separate its upper pole.
 5. Now the tonsil is held at its upper pole and traction applied downwards and
medially. Dissection is continued with tonsillar dissector or scissors until lower pole
is reached
 6. Now wire loop of tonsillar snare is threaded over the tonsil on to its pedicle,
tightened, and the pedicle cut and the tonsil removed.
 7. A gauze sponge is placed in the fossa and pressure applied for a few minutes.
 8. Bleeding points are tied with silk. Procedure is repeated on the other side.
Steps of Operation
(Dissection and Snare
 Variations in dissection methods include the
 - cold steel (eg, scissors, curettes)
 - monopolar cautery
 - bipolar cautery
 - radiofrequency ablation/coblation (can be used to
shrink tonsils)
 - harmonic scalpel with vibrating titanium blades
 - microdebrider - for an intracapsular technique
 1. Immediate general care
 (a) Keep the patient in coma position until
 fully recovered from anaesthesia.
 (b) Keep a watch on bleeding from the
 nose and mouth.
 (c) Keep check on vital signs, e.g. pulse,
 respiration and blood pressure.
 2. Diet
 a.When patient is fully recovered he is to take
 liquids, e.g. cold milk or ice cream.
 b.Sucking of ice cubes gives relief from pain.
 c.Diet is gradually built from soft to solid food.
 They may take custard, jelly, soft boiled eggs
 or slice of bread soaked in milk on the 2nd
 day.
 d. Plenty of fluids should be encouraged.
Post-operative Care
 A. Immediate
 1 immediate haemorrhage. Occurs at the
 time of operation. It can be controlled by
 pressure, ligation or electrocoagulation of
 the bleeding vessels.
 2. Reactionary haemorrhage. Occurs within
 a period of 24 hours and can be controlled
 by simple measures such as removal of the
 clot, application of pressure or
 vasoconstrictor.
 3. Injury to tonsillar pillars, uvula, soft
 palate, tongue or superior constrictor
 muscle due to bad surgical technique. 4. Injury to teeth.
 5. Aspiration of blood.
 6. Facial oedema. Some patients get oedema
 of the face particularly of the eyelids.
 7. Surgical emphysema. Rarely occurs due to
 injury to superior constrictor muscle.
 1. Infection. Infection of tonsillar fossa may
 lead to parapharyngeal abscess or otitis
 media.
 2. Lung complications. Aspiration of blood,
 mucus or tissue fragments may cause
 atelectasis or lung abscess.
 3. Scarring in soft palate and pillars.
Delayed Complications
Set of instruments for tonsillectomy.(1) Knife in kidney tray, (2) & (3) Toothed and non-
toothed Waugh's forceps, (4) Tonsil holding forceps, (5) Tonsil dissector and anterior pillar
retractor, (6)Luc'sforceps, (7) Scissor, (8) Curved artery forceps, (9) Negus artery forceps, (10)
Tonsillar snare, (11) Boyle Davis mouth gag with three sizes of tongue blades, (12) Doyen's
mouth gag, (13) Adenoid curette, (14) Tonsil swabs,
(15) Nasopharyngeal pack, (16) Towel clip
 Due to elongated styloid process or calcification of
stylohyoid ligament
 Patient complains of pain in tonsillar fossaand
upper neck which radiates to ipsilateral ear
 It gets aggravated on swallowing
 Diagnosis is by transoral palpation in tonsillar
 X-ray Townes view is helpful in diagnosis
 Treatment is by excision of styloid process by
transoral or cervical approach
Thank You

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Tonsils ppt

  • 2.  TONSILS  Tonsils are sub epithelial collections of lymphoid tissue scattered in the pharynx.  Anatomically the tonsils are classified based on their location into : palatine(faucial), nasopharyngeal (“adenoids”), lingual and tubal tonsils.  Generally, the palatine tonsils referred to as“the tonsils”.
  • 3.  Embryology  The tonsils develop from the second pharyngeal pouch.  In the extraembryonic life, the ventral part of the 2nd pharyngeal pouch is represented by crypta magna or intratonsillar cleft.
  • 4.  ANATOMY The tonsils are 3 masses of tissue:  - lingual tonsil  - pharyngeal (adenoid) tonsil  - palatine or faucial tonsil  Together they form Waldeyer's ring, are lymphoid tissue, covered by respiratory epithelium pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.  produce lymphocytes  are active in the synthesis of immunoglobulins.  a ring of lymphoid tissue in the oropharynx and nasopharynx.  are the first lymphoid aggregates in the aerodigestive tract – thought to play a role in immunity
  • 5.  Overview  *Site: lateral walls of oropharynx, between the anterior and posterior pillars- tonsillar fossa  *Shape: almond shape  *2 surfaces: medial, lateral  *2 poles: upper, lower  * 10-12 primary crypts, secondary crypts  *Plica semilunaris and plica triangularis
  • 6.  Medial surface  Medial surface  It is lined by stratified squamous non keratinising epithelium which dips into the crypts  The crypts are 12-15 in number  Secondary crypts arise from the primary crypts and extend into the substance of the tonsil  One of the crypts located in the upper part is larger than the rest – crypta magna  The crypts serve to increase the surface area of the tonsil  The crypts may be filled with cheesy material – epithelial debris, food particles and bacteria
  • 7.  Lateral surface  It is covered by the fibrous capsule of the tonsil  The tonsillar bed is separated from the capsule by loose areolar tissue  This makes it is easy to dissect the tonsil from its bed during tonsillectomy  It is the site of collection of pus in peritonsillar abscess (quinsy)  Some fibers of palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscles get attached to the capsule of tonsil
  • 8.  Upper pole  It extends into the soft palate  There is a semilunar fold of mucous membrane  which covers the medial part of the upper pole  It extends from anterior pillar to posterior pillar  It encloses a potential space – supratonsillar fossa
  • 9.  Lower pole  It is attached to the tongue  A triangular fold of mucous membrane extends from theanterior tonsillar pillar to the lower pole  It encloses a space – anterior tonsillar space  The lower pole is separated from the tongue by thetonsillo-lingual sulcus  This sulcus may harbour carcinoma
  • 10.  Structures related to the bed of tonsils  Bed is formed by the 2 muscles  1.Superior constrictor  2.Styloglossus
  • 11.  TONSILLAR BED  Loose areolar tissue containing paratonsillar vein  Pharyngo-basilar fascia  Superior constrictor muscle  Bucco-pharyngeal fascia  Styloglossus  Medial pterygoid muscle  Glossopharyngeal nerve  Facial artery  Submandibular salivary gland
  • 12.  Relations  Anterior: anterior pillar  Posterior: posterior pillar  Superior: soft palate  Inferior: tongue  Medial: cavity of the oropharynx  Lateral: loose areolar tissue, paratonsillar veins, superior constrictor, buccopharyngeal fascia, glossopharyngeal nerve, facial artery, pterygoid muscles and the mandible.
  • 13.  Blood supply  through the external carotid artery branches:  Superior pole  Ascending pharyngeal artery(tonsilar branches) Lesser palatine artery  Inferior pole  Facial artery branches  Dorsal lingual artery  Ascending palatine artery
  • 14.   Venous outflow - by the plexus around the tonsilar capsule, the lingual vein, and the pharyngeal plexus.  Lymphatic drainage - The tonsils do not have any afferent vessels but has efferents which drain into the Jugulodigastric nodes.  Sensory supply - the glossopharyngeal nerve,the lesser palatine nerve
  • 15.  Histology  - True fibrous capsule  - Fibrous septa  - Crypts lined by stratified squamous epithelium  - Lymphoid nodules: germinal centres – B cells and plasma cells; surrounded by T cells.
  • 16.  Functions of Tonsils  1. Immunity  2. Lymphocyte formation  3. Antibodies formation  4. Barrier to infections
  • 17.  What is tonsillitis ?  Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by a viral or bacterial infection.  Mostly affects children in the age group of 5-15 years, may also affect adults  Organisms beta- hemolytic streptococci(most common), staphylococci, pneumococci, H.influenzae  Symptoms: sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, fever, ear ache, constitutional symptoms
  • 18.  Tonsillitis  Types:-Tonsillitis is often labelled as acute, sub- acute, or chronic.  Acute tonsillitis tends to be bacterial or viral in nature, while  Sub-acute tonsillitis is caused by the bacterium Actinomyces.  Chronic tonsillitis generally lasts for a long time and is caused by bacteria. Acute tonsillitis Sub-acute Chronic tonsillitis
  • 19.  Acute Tonsillitis Acute catarrhal/superficial (here tonsillitis is a part of generalized pharyngitis, mostly seen in viral infections) Acute follicular (infection spread into the crypts with purulent material, presenting at the opening of crypts as yellow spots.)
  • 20.  Acute membranous (follows stage of acute follicular tonsillitis where exudates coalesce to form membrane on the surface) Acute parenchymatous Tonsillitis(tonsil is uniformly enlarged and congested)
  • 21.  Predisposing factors Endogenous  - URTI  - Postnasal discharge due to sinusitis  - Residual tonsillar tissue after tonsillectomy  - Exanthemata  - Blood dyscrasias Exogenous  - Cold drinks and foods  - Contact with infected persons  - Crowded and ill ventilated environment  - Imbedded foreign body
  • 22.  Symptoms:  1. Sore throat – raw sensation in the throat  2. Refusal to eat due to odynophagia  3. Earache – either referred pain from the tonsil  or due to acute otitis media  4. Voice becomes thick and muffled  5. Jugulodigastric nodes are enlarged and painful  6. Fever, may be associated with chills and rigor.  Headache, tachycardia.
  • 23.
  • 24.  Signs  1.Tonsils appear congested and swollen  - Yellowish spots – follicular  - Whitish membrane – membranous  - Red and enlarged – parenchymatous  2.Hyperemia of pillars, uvula, soft palate  3.Halitosis, impeded movements of palate and increased secretions  4.Enlarged and tender jugulodigastric nodes
  • 25.  Treatment  1. Bed rest, soft diet, plenty of fluids, warm  saline gargles  2. Analgesics- aspirin, paracetamol; lozenges  3. Antimicrobial therapy- penicillin,  erythromycin; for 7 to 10days
  • 26.  Complications  1. Chronic tonsillitis – incomplete resolution of acute tonsillitis  2. Peritonsillar abscess  3. Parapharyngeal abscess  4. Acute otitis media – recurrent attacks  5. Cervical abscess due to suppuration of jugulodigastric nodes  6. Rheumatic fever – group A B- hemolytic streptococci  7. Subacute bacterial endocarditis (patients with valvular heart disease) – streptococcus viridans
  • 28.   - Characterised by recurrent acute attacks  Etiology:  1. Recurrent acute tonsillitis  2. Subclinical infection of tonsils  3. Chronic infection in sinuses or teeth Chronic Tonsillitis Chronic parenchymatous Chronic Follicular Chronic fibrotic
  • 29.  Pathology  1. Keratinous plug presses the adjacent epithelium and lymphoid tissue- causing their atrophy.  2. When many plugs are present they produce an appearance clinically resembling follicular tonsillitis but inflammatory reaction is absent.  3. Histology: In chronic tonsillitis lumen of the crypt contains bacterial colonies, inflammatory cells including polymorphs and lymphocytes with increased vascularity.  4. The lymphoid tissue is hyperplastic with germinal follicle .
  • 30.  SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Symptoms:  1. Recurrent throat pain  2. Cough  3. Halitosis and bad taste in the mouth  4. Quiescent phase: discomfort, irritation, pain;  asymptomatic  Signs:  1. Appearance: hypertrophied, congested – chr. parenchymatous; small, fibrotic with cheesy debris – chr. Follicular  2. Irwin-moore sign pressure on the anterior pillar expresses frank pus or cheesy material mainly seen in fibroid type  3. Flushing of the anterior pillar compared to rest of the pharyngeal mucosa  4. Enlarged jugulodigastric nodes
  • 31.   1. Conservative treatment: general health care, nutritious diet,treatment of co-existing infections of teeth, sinuses and nose  2. Surgical treatment: Tonsillectomy – when the enlarged tonsils interfere with speech, deglutition, respiration or in case of recurrent attacks Treatment
  • 32.  COMPLICATIONS  Peritonsillar abscess  Parapharyngeal abscess  Retro pharyngeal abscess  Intra tonsillar abscess  Tonsillar cyst  Tonsillolith  Focus of infection forRF, AGN
  • 34.   It’s the surgical removal of tonsils , done in  the treatment of chronic infection of  tonsils ,obstructive sleep apnea ,  supporative ottits media etc. Tonsillectomy
  • 35.  Indications A. Absolute  1. Recurrent infections of throat  2. Peritonsillar abscess  3. Tonsillitis causing febrile seizures  4. Hypertrophy of tonsils causing obstruction  5. Suspicion of malignancy  B. Relative  1. Diphtheria carriers,  2. Streptococcal carriers  3. Chronic tonsillitis with bad taste or halitosis  4. Recurrent streptococcal tonsillitis in a patient with valvular heart disease  C. As a Part of Another Operation  1. Palatopharyngoplasty  2. Glossopharyngeal neurectomy.  3. Removal of styloid process.
  • 36.  Contraindications  1. Haemoglobin level less than 10 g%.  2. Acute upper respiratory tract infection, acute tonsillitis.  3. Children under 3 years of age.  4. Overt or submucous cleft palate.  5. Bleeding disorders, e.g. leukaemia, purpura, aplastic anaemia, haemophilia.  6. At the time of epidemic of polio.  7. Uncontrolled systemic disease, e.g. diabetes, cardiac disease, hypertension or asthma.  8. Tonsillectomy is avoided during the period of menses.
  • 37.   Usually done under general anaesthesia  with endotracheal intubation.  In adults, it may be done under local  anaesthesia. Anaesthesia
  • 38.  Position  Rose's position, i.e. patient lies supine with head extended by placing a pillow under the shoulders and a rubber pad under the head.  Advantages of Rose position:  1. There is virtually no aspiration of blood or secretions into the airway.  2. Both hands of the surgeon are free. This position helps in proper application of the Boyles Davis mouth gag.  3. The surgeon can be comfortably seated at the head end of the patient
  • 39.  Boyles Davis mouth gag  Boyles tongue blade  Davis mouth gag
  • 40.  1. Boyle-Davis mouth gag is introduced and opened. It is held in place by Draffin's bipods .  2. Tonsil is grasped with tonsil-holding forceps and pulled medially.  3. Incision is made in the mucous membrane where it reflects from the tonsil to anterior pillar. It may be extended along the upper pole to mucous membrane between the tonsil and posterior pillar.  4. A blunt curved scissor may be used to dissect the tonsil from the peritonsillar tissue and separate its upper pole.  5. Now the tonsil is held at its upper pole and traction applied downwards and medially. Dissection is continued with tonsillar dissector or scissors until lower pole is reached  6. Now wire loop of tonsillar snare is threaded over the tonsil on to its pedicle, tightened, and the pedicle cut and the tonsil removed.  7. A gauze sponge is placed in the fossa and pressure applied for a few minutes.  8. Bleeding points are tied with silk. Procedure is repeated on the other side. Steps of Operation (Dissection and Snare Method)
  • 41.
  • 42.   Variations in dissection methods include the following  - cold steel (eg, scissors, curettes)  - monopolar cautery  - bipolar cautery  - radiofrequency ablation/coblation (can be used to shrink tonsils)  - harmonic scalpel with vibrating titanium blades  - microdebrider - for an intracapsular technique Methods
  • 43.  1. Immediate general care  (a) Keep the patient in coma position until  fully recovered from anaesthesia.  (b) Keep a watch on bleeding from the  nose and mouth.  (c) Keep check on vital signs, e.g. pulse,  respiration and blood pressure.  2. Diet  a.When patient is fully recovered he is to take  liquids, e.g. cold milk or ice cream.  b.Sucking of ice cubes gives relief from pain.  c.Diet is gradually built from soft to solid food.  They may take custard, jelly, soft boiled eggs  or slice of bread soaked in milk on the 2nd  day.  d. Plenty of fluids should be encouraged. Post-operative Care
  • 44.  A. Immediate  1 immediate haemorrhage. Occurs at the  time of operation. It can be controlled by  pressure, ligation or electrocoagulation of  the bleeding vessels.  2. Reactionary haemorrhage. Occurs within  a period of 24 hours and can be controlled  by simple measures such as removal of the  clot, application of pressure or  vasoconstrictor.  3. Injury to tonsillar pillars, uvula, soft  palate, tongue or superior constrictor  muscle due to bad surgical technique. 4. Injury to teeth.  5. Aspiration of blood.  6. Facial oedema. Some patients get oedema  of the face particularly of the eyelids.  7. Surgical emphysema. Rarely occurs due to  injury to superior constrictor muscle. Complications
  • 45.   1. Infection. Infection of tonsillar fossa may  lead to parapharyngeal abscess or otitis  media.  2. Lung complications. Aspiration of blood,  mucus or tissue fragments may cause  atelectasis or lung abscess.  3. Scarring in soft palate and pillars. Delayed Complications
  • 46. Set of instruments for tonsillectomy.(1) Knife in kidney tray, (2) & (3) Toothed and non- toothed Waugh's forceps, (4) Tonsil holding forceps, (5) Tonsil dissector and anterior pillar retractor, (6)Luc'sforceps, (7) Scissor, (8) Curved artery forceps, (9) Negus artery forceps, (10) Tonsillar snare, (11) Boyle Davis mouth gag with three sizes of tongue blades, (12) Doyen's mouth gag, (13) Adenoid curette, (14) Tonsil swabs, (15) Nasopharyngeal pack, (16) Towel clip
  • 47.   Due to elongated styloid process or calcification of stylohyoid ligament  Patient complains of pain in tonsillar fossaand upper neck which radiates to ipsilateral ear  It gets aggravated on swallowing  Diagnosis is by transoral palpation in tonsillar fossa  X-ray Townes view is helpful in diagnosis  Treatment is by excision of styloid process by transoral or cervical approach STYALGIA (EAGLE’S SYNDROME)