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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
The impact of research and development (R&D) on economic
growth: The
case of the MENA countries.
Lamia Ben Amor and
Naceur Ben Zina
1. Member and researcher at the unit of reasearch, economic and
developpement at the University of
Economics and Management of Sfax, Tunisia.
2. Associate Professor of Economics at the Unit of Dynamic
Economics and Environmental Research
(URDEE) at the University of Economics and Management of
Sfax, Tunisia.
* Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected]
The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between
research and development (R & D) and
economic growth. We will try to enlighten, from a theoretical
side, the importance of R&D as a critical
factor for recovery.
This empirical study is based on different estimation methods
developed in the context of a static panel on
a sample of 15 countries over the period 1980-2009. The
methods used are the GMM (Generalized
Method of Moments), the OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) and
causality tests, a unit root applied to panel
data. The overall findings identify a positive and significant
JEL Codes: C33, D83, F43.
Keywords: R & D, Economic Growth, Static Panel Model.
To cope with the increased globalization, competition from
emerging economies and ever-changingneeds
of consumers, the economies of industrialized countries are
increasingly relying on the activities of
research anddevelopment, which are essential to provide the
firms with the competitive advantages
necessary for their competitiveness.
According to the OECD (2004), expenditure on research and
development (R & D) conducted
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
inindustrialized countries (EU, U.S., Japan) increased from 396
billion euros in 1995 to more than680
billion in 2003. In the same way, some emerging economies
seem to be determined also to increase their
technological capital. Let us takeChina as an example: by
reference to OECD, its expenditure of R& D
expressed as a percentage of the GDP (gross domestic product)
doubled during the period 1995 -2002.
Indeed, they went from 0.6% to 1.2%.
The key role of R & D in the competitiveness of firms led by
industrialized countries to seekterritories
and more attractive partners to carry out their innovation
strategies, including emergingmarkets, which
should increase their technological capital. R&D often implies
a set of cumulativeprocesses of
inventions and innovations, skills and know-how. Through its
horizontal and verticaldiversification of
goods and services, it is considered as the generator of technical
progress. R&D, innovation,
technological developments have been regarded since the
second half of the eighteenth century as an
indisputable source of productivity growth. However, the non-
rival and partially excludable product of
R&D recognizes that certain agents or sectors have not fully
developed the capabilities of their own
R&D, thus benefiting from other’s R&D.
The major objective of this paper is to examine the impact of
research and development (R&D) on
economic growth in MENA countries as host countries. A
developing country that suffers from
under-capacity in R&D efforts can benefit from international
R&D. We have choosen a sample of these
countries ( we selected 15 countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti,
Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait,
Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE)
during the period 1980 - 2009 in which
information is available on R&D expenditure. (We chose this
period starting from 1980 due to
unavailability of data for some countries before the year 1980
as Tunisia and Algeria). This paper is
structured as follows: The next section describes the literature
on research and development (R&D)
where we particulary analyze the importance of R&D in
economic growth. Indeed, this paper is a
general summary of the reason for having a link between R&D
and economic growth.
As for the the third section, it presents our empirical validation
test based on static panel data. The
appropriation of R&D is the subject of section four.
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
2. Literature review on research and development (R&D)
The recent economic studies whether on theories of endogenous
growth or on international trade show
that thebenefits of R&D do not stop at national borders. In this
context, Eaton and Kortum (1996)
estimated that the foreign R&D accounted for 87% of
productivity growth in France. While 60% gain
inproductivity in Japan is provided byU.S R&D, against 20% of
U.Searnings due to Japanese R & D.
The importance of technological innovation and R&D
expenditure in economic growth has drawnthe
attention of economists since the launch of the research on the
origin of the concept of"residue" stated
by Solow (1957). It has become much more explicit in the
recent years due tothe theoretical
developments undertaken in the framework of the theory of
endogenous growth.
Moreover, the impact of R&D on productivity growth has been
the subject of several studies:Griliches
(1979), Mairesse and Cuneo (1985), Dosi (1988). The true
modelling of R&Dstarted as from the years
1990s. Indeed, the activity of R&D represents the important
source ofdevelopment of new knowledge
and technological innovation (Crossman and Helpman (1991)).
In the same way for Romer (1990), it leads to technological
innovations. Contributions came then With
Aghion and Howitt (1998). In addition, it is a dominating
source of economic growth. In fact, theactivity
of R& D took a great importance in the recent models of the
endogenous growth whosecreative
processes and diffusion of technology constitute the important
engines. Moreover, R&D isconsidered as
a product of technology. It is used to improve the living
standard, increase theproductivity of the factors
of production and stimulate economic growth.
In this context, we present the theoretical and empirical basis as
well as the nature of research
anddevelopment (R&D). In other words, we highlight the
endogenous theory of growth where R&D
plays a fundamental role. Then, we will try to identify the
effect of R&D on the economic growthof the
MENA countries starting from a static panel model. Within this
context, it makes thetheoretical,
empirical, and the nature of research and development (R&D).
It focuses on the theory of endogenous
growth where R&D occupies a fundamental role.
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
Thus, with the increased interdependence of economies, this
process of dissemination of knowledge and
expertise is gaining importance internationally. In addition,
international agreements between countries
require them to confront international competition based on
competitiveness and differentiation
capabilities. In addition, total factor productivity (TFP) of a
given country depends not only on its own
stock of R&D but also on that of its partners.
In this context, we present the theoretical and empirical basis as
well as the nature of research and
development (R&D). In other words, we highlight the
endogenous theory of growth where theR& D
plays a fundamental role. Then, we will try to identify the
effect of R&D on the economic growth of the
MENA countries starting from a static model of panel. Thus,
with the increased interdependence of
economies, this process of dissemination of knowledge and
expertise is gaining importance
internationally. In addition, international agreements between
countries require them to confront
international competition based on competitiveness and
differentiation capabilities. In addition, total
factor productivity (TFP) of a given country depends not only
on its own stock of R&D but also that of
its partners.
Thanks to modernization and fast technological development,
the research and development (R&D)
constitutes an important factor of growth. Moreover, it is
essential to follow the activities of R&Dto
work out adequate policies and analyze them well. This idea is
dictated by a certain number
oftheoretical and factual arguments.
Concerning the theoretical arguments, we notice that the
numberof new models of the endogenous
economic growth rises by giving a particular importance to
theactivity and expenditure in the research
and development. Indeed, R&D constitutes a primary source for
technological advance and economic
growth. Besides, the development andenrichment of the
research fields of the international
macro-economy, following the intensificationand the
diversification of the sources of interdependence
of the economies, represent important factors.
As for the factual arguments, we notice the attention given by
certain countries, such asTunisia which has
highlighted the activity of the research and development since
theimplementation of a program of
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
structural adjustment (PSA). This program created, in 1991, a
newpublic agency which takes care of the
promotion of innovation (the Secretariat of State to
the“Scientific research” and technology). Hence, the
very fast evolution of telecommunication and information
technologies in the world and their
implication on the total productivity of the factorsof the
companies constitutes an important factor. In
fact, several authors are interested in thisphenomenon by taking
it as a fundamental subject of research.
Frascati (1993), for example, definedR&D as the whole set of
work of creation undertaken in a systematic
way to increase the stock ofknowledge and its importance for
new applications. In his Handbook
entitled “Standard Methodsuggested for the investigations into
research and experimental development”,
OECD distinguishes three forms of R&D:
ᅵ Fundamental R&D: the expenditure is devoted to the analysis
of the properties, the structures
andthe physical and natural phenomena, in order to organize
the facts in general laws by means
ofexplanatory diagrams and interpretative theory.
ᅵ Applied research: it allows the operational working of ideas.
The knowledge orinformation drawn
from this research is likely to be patented and can be kept
secret. This typeisundertaken either to
distinguish the possible applications of the results of a basic
research or to findnew solutions.
ᅵ Experimental R&D: it consists of a systematic work founded
on the knowledge obtained by
theapplied research whose objective is to acquire new materials,
devices, products, processes and
The endogenous theory of growth devotes a great importance to
the part played by research
anddevelopment in the productivity growth making it in the
centre of several studies. R&D isregarded as
a primary source of technological advance, and especially
represents one of the enginesof economic
growth for the countries which devote much effort to research
and development inthe form of expenditure.
Since the activity of R&D is a form of knowledge, it represents
the mainway of developing new
knowledge and technological innovation for the developed
countries (Crossman-Helpman (1991)). These
countries devote important financial resources to this
activitywhich acts positively on growth in terms of
productivity. Therefore the real expenditure of R&D in these
countries increases in a remarkable way. The
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
case for the developing countries is completelydifferent. These
countries do not carry out research
activities by themselves.
However, they benefitmainly from the technical change which
takes place in the developed countries
thanks to their opening on the outside world through the
importation of new technologies incorporated in
The theory of growth shows the role of the technological
advance in the invention of new machines and
new intermediate goods which give way to the possibility of
The human capital andtechnology are two facets of the same
phenomenon, two factorsfor the
accumulation ofknowledge as the strategic role of knowledge
explains the increase in the immaterial
investment. Lucas (1988) considers that education is an
investment in human capital ; in his model,
knowledge is considered under its individual aspect (education,
formation) andhe seek to integrate more
significant dimensions as well as the objectives of knowledge.
As knowledge is the result of a collective activity and research
takes the form oftechnology. The key idea
is that research is an investment. Actually, we notice that the
20 last years have been characterized by a
development inthe activities of R&D. Indeed, in all OECD
countries, the firms have strongly raised
theirexpenditure on R&D. Investment in R&D is today more
than even before, a conditionof the growth
of nations. In fact, the activity of R&D necessarily goes
through the existence of certainqualifications
which can control the tools of research.
Innovation, technological advance and research and
development (R&D) evolve by playing a very
important part in the process of economic growth. These last
years have been characterized by
theappearance of many research orientations, thanks to the
differences in terms of the growth rate of
thereal income per capita and also to other factors which propel
the process of research. In this respect,
we can primarily distinguish three factors in favour of the
of this process. But, what isinteresting is that there is always a
persistence of differences in terms of
income by capita on the international level. These successive
factors are:
ᅵ An increase in the volume of work.
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
ᅵ An increase in the stock of capital.
ᅵ An increase of the total productivity of the factors of
production “PTF”.
The increase in productivity is directly connected with the
evolution of labourqualifications, on the one
hand, and with innovation and technological advanceon the
other hand. It involves theexistence of more
powerful capital equipment (built-in technological advance) and
results in a greateffectiveness of the two
joined factors of production.
Investments in R&D directly contribute tothe accumulation of
knowledge by giving place to new
products and processes of production thuscontributing to the
improvement of productivity.
The advantages which ensue from the investments in R&D are
spread between the companies and the
organizations. Indeed, the productivitygrowth of a company
depends not only on its activities in R&D,
but also on its efforts towardsthe R&D of the other generating
sectors of knowledge.
Therefore, investment in R&D is regarded as a source of
improvement of productivity. The technological
advance constitutes adetermining factor of growth rate through
its impact on the productivity of the
factors of production.
It includes innovations of a technical and organisational nature.
We distinguish two major types of
• Innovations of the products which are used to introduce new
products on the market (example:cds, cars)
or raw materials. Their objective is to offer the consumers a
product which meets theirneeds
(Improvement of the well being).
This type of innovation depends directly on the activities ofthe
The innovation of a procedure based on the implementation of
new methods of production.
To day, we clearly observe an expansion of the policies of
innovation mainly in the developed
countrieswhich devote a great investment to the R&D. This
shows the existence of a suitable climate
forinnovation in these countries. It is remarkable that during
these last years, companies of
hightechnology or state-of-the-art technology (data-processing,
pharmaceutical) have
significantlyincreased their expenditure in research and
development. The role of the government
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
policiesregarding the R&D should not be neglected. Indeed, the
policies of innovation define the
specificactions of the State, which must, on the one hand,
encourage the accumulation of a qualified
labour and, on the other hand, help the companies prospect the
markets. This justifies the need of
thepublic administrations to support the R&D.
What are then the reasons for the government aid and the
alternative mechanisms available to thepublic
administrations to support the R&D? To answer this question,
we will try to analyze thejustification of the
government aid in the R&D starting from the theories of
economic growth.
In the neo-classical theory of growth, the technological advance
is supposed to be exogenous (Solow
1956). With the long run balance, the growth of the population
and technological advancedetermine the
level of growth rate.
This implies, according to basic assumptions, that long-
termgrowth rate is stable and given in an
exogenous way. Within this framework, the impact of anaction
of the public authorities is practically
The neo-classical theory of growth presumes that the economy
starts from a weak relationship between
capital and labour. Similarly, the marginalreturns on capital are
decreasing, which reduces the motivation
for investment in the new capital.
Therefore, each new unit of the capital produces a lower income
and less large savings. In the longrun,
there will be an absence of incentives for investment.
Consequently, the capital growth rate bycapita is
The neo-classical theory of growth presumes an efficient
distribution of resources in the economy. The
assumptions which underlie this theory exclude the modification
from this distribution.
Therefore, the intervention of the State in such an economy is
not justified at least in the field ofefficiency.
Any policy affecting the resource allocation would decrease the
total production anddelay the economic
growth. However, the intervention of the state could be founded
on the criterionof equity. But, the
assumptions underlying the neo-classical theory are not
realistic. Thetechnological change is not always
an exogenous factor outside the market, determined by anun
known process. In the 20th century, a good
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
number of discoveries and improvements were madein the
commercial sector by companies with a
lucrative goal and not by public administrations oruniversities
where researches are directed by non
commercial forces.
Markets are seldom in aperfect competition. Moreover, the
private sector cannot produce all the desired
goods and services because some of them are public goods and
others produce external effects.
The endogenous theory of growth recommends the relaxation of
certain neo-classical assumptionsand
incorporates the failures of the market. However, the long-term
economic growth is directed bythe
accumulation of the factors of production namelyfounded this
time, on knowledge, humancapital, training,
R&D and innovation. The neo-classical theory of growth
identifies only one sourceof growth - the
accumulation of the physical capital - which generates
machines, structures and stocks and differs from
the “R&D capital”. The latter includes the highly specializedor
very specialized labour. The neo-classical
theorists do not obviously neglect the other sources, but they
explicitly do not integrate them in the
models by considering that technologicaladvance is an
exogenous variable. On the other hand, the models
of endogenous growth arecharacterized by a great diversity of
selected resources such as the investment
in physical, human and public capital, in the division of labour,
practical training (Learning by doing),
research and technological innovation. The endogenous theory
of growth recommends that
technologicaladvance ensues from the R&D carried out by
profit-making companies. Thus, research and
development constitutes an important factor in the production
The models worked out in this theory try to explain the origin
of the endogenous technologicaladvance
which is characterized by an increase in the variety of the goods
produced or consumed, orby the
improvement of quality. We distinguish, in general, four ways
of research:
ᅵ The first one results from the work of Romer (1986) and
seeks the engine of growth in
thephenomenon of practical training which takes place inside
the companies .
ᅵ The second, introduced by Lucas in 1988, favours the
accumulation of the human capitalwithin
the educational system.
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
ᅵ The third insists on the driving role of infrastructure and
public expenditure. This current is
initiated by the work of R. Barro (1990-1991).
ᅵ The fourth, based on the work of Romer (1990), Aghion and
Howitt (1998), highlights the role
of R&D or innovation.
We can distinguish three levels of innovationsystems:
ᅵ A system of the innovating company;
ᅵ A system of the immediate environment of the company;
ᅵ A system of the overall environment concerning the general
elements which support
In this respect, innovation is first of all: A business of the
companies, which, to innovate, areinteracting
with other companies, government organizations, universities,
etc. Then, it is a system of innovation
which includes these whole factors and their interactions. In
short, the assumption, according to which the
factors determining the long-term growth are endogenous with
the decisionmakingprocess, constitutes
one of the main exemptions from the neo-classical theory of
growth andinvolves important effects on the
Indeed, if the long-term growth is directed by the factors of
production based on knowledge, which
belongs to the normal structure of the costs of the company,
then the public administrations can influence
the long-term growth by changing the cost of thesefactors via
the direct subsidies, taxincentives or
marketing policies. The endogenous theories ofgrowth provide a
framework of analysis of growth and its
determinants which can also be used to study the impact of the
public policies on the economic growth
and investment in R&D.
R&D is a cumulative process of acquisition of competences and
know-how. The transfer oftacit
knowledge is delicate and represents a specific characteristic of
the activity of R&D.Moreover, some
expenses necessary to R&D, such as the capital expenditures
ofinfrastructures, are irrecoverable.
Therefore investment in R&D is an irreversible one and
subjected to uncertainty. From the uncertainty of
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
the cumulative process (R&D) emerges adynamic behaviour
research, which provides information on the
intrinsic nature of the good. Themajor objective of this paper is
to know the impact of research and
development (R&D) oneconomic growth in the MENA
countries. (The countries taken in our sample are
about 15; these are: Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Djibouti,
Egypt, UAE, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait,
Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia) during the period
1980 - 2009 where information
onexpenditure on the R&D is available.
We try to follow an approach in which we consider researchand
development to be a fundamental factor
in the economic growth in these countries. This empirical study
and the nature of research and
development (R&D). It focuses on the theory of endogenous
growth where R&D occupies a fundamental
role. Thus, we try to identify the effect of R&D on economic
growth in MENA countries from a static
panel model.
This empirical study is based on different estimation methods
developed recently such as the GMM
(GeneralizedMethod of Moments) and the OLS (Ordinary Least
Squares). Hence, we use the causality
tests andunit root while adopting the recent literature on the
econometrics of panel data.
Finally, we estimatethis model by the method "Full Modified
Ordinary Least Square” (FMOLS), and then
interpret the results.
3.1 Model Overview
Within the framework of this study, we consider a transformed
linear log function Cobb – Douglas of the
following production:
ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵ
The examined basic model takes as a starting point the work of
Sadraoui and Ben Zina (2007). We limit
ourselves to the study of the simple linear models of the panel
data which are defined inopposition to the
dynamic models using delayed endogenous variables. We
assume that the per capita GDP incurred by
governments is a function of the R & D, capital, and labour. The
model is presented as a log-linear
relationship between variables.
Thus, we define:
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
Y: the real gross domestic product per capita for country (i) in
year t;
K: the value of the real capital for country (i) in year t;
L: the labor for country (i) in year t;
RD: the ratio of the expenditure in research and development to
the GDP for country (i) in year t;
ᅵᅵᅵ: the term of error.
3.2 Results and interpretations
3.2.1 Graphical representation of the different variables
Figure 1 : Logarithm of Gross Domestic Product
Figure2 : Logarithm of Labor
Figure3 : Logarithm of Capital
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
Figure4 : Logarithm of research and development (R&D)
ᅵ We note that the gross domestic product (GDP) in this
country is changing significantly. Indeed,
theGDP has been trending upward.
ᅵ Moreover, the GDP trend is different according to countries
of MENA. Still, on the other
variables, we distinguish a particular development whose series
show a trend, which makes
non-stationary variables.
ᅵ A study of the series in level shows that they are not
stationary; the different analysis of each
series shows that they are differenced stationary.
3.2.2 Study of stationarity and cointegration of series
The unit root tests have become a common approach for the
analysis of stationary time series.
However, the implementation of these tests on panel data is
recent. If we refer to the article
"R&DCooperation and Economic Growth", we find that the tests
most frequently used are those of
Levinand Lin (LL) and Im, Pesaran and Shin for (IPS). Indeed,
these two tests are used to study the
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
nonstationary series. To overcome the low power of tests "LL"
and check the stationary state of
thegroup, we use the IPS method which suggested a unit root
test in the context of a panel data model
using the average individual statistics regressions "ADF". The
longitudinal cross-sectional datashould
ideally meet the assumptions necessary for the application of
the alternative statistica t-bar totest the
null hypothesis of unit root for all i (ᅵᅵ =0)
t ᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵ 1N tᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵ
Where: ti T (pi) : represents ADF tests estimated with delayed
différences ;
N : is number of groups N= 1,2,

T : The period of time T =1,2,

IPS suggests the use of fllowing of standardized studies:
Where E (tᅵᅵ ) and Var ( tᅵᅵ ) are respectively the arithmetic
means and variances of the individual
ADF statistics, since ᅵᅵᅵ 0. The IPS study shows
that the standardized statistics converges weakly to
the normal standard distribution, allowing to compare it to the
critical values of distribution. The
application of the unit root tests show that LL and IPS are all
statistics assigned to a unit root.
Table 1: Unit root tests
Statistique Y L K RD
Levin- Lin rho-stat -0.04484 0.86878 -0.16490 0.17205
Levin-Lint-rho-stat 0.79204 1.99911 0.71672 1.20149
1.84314 2.15673 0.81625 1.34737
IPS ADF- stat 1.13540 1.89654 -0.83109 0.59321
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
The checking of properties of non stationary state for all the
variables of the panel leads us to study the
existence of a long-term relationship between these variables. In
other words, the study of the existence of
a relationship of cointegration, by applying Pedroni’s tests of
co-integration, is based on the unit root tests
of the estimated residuals.
The co-integration tests on panel data are to test the presence of
the unit root in the estimated residuals.
However, the problem of deceitful regressions, well known in
econometrics time series, also arises in the
case of the panel data.
Pedroni‘s tests are of null hypothesis of no co-integration based
on the unit root tests of the estimated
residuals. Pedroni has developed seven homogeneous and
heterogeneous co-integration tests on the
panel data. These tests take into account the heterogeneity in
the co-integration relationship, that is to say
that for every individual, one or more co-integration relations
are not necessarily identical for each panel
individual. The implementation of Pedroni’s tests requires a
first step in estimating the long-term
relationship for each individual described by:
such as : i =1

.N, t =1

.T et m =1

In Pedroni’s seven tests, four are based on the dimension
"within" (intra) and three on the dimension
"between" (inter). These two categories are based on the null
hypothesis of no co integration
(non-stationary state of the estimated residuals). The distinction
between the two categories is made on
the level of the alternative hypothesis:
H"ï¿œ8ρᅵᅵρ:1∀ i:within ρᅵ:ρ∀ i:between
Pedroni has shown that under appropriate normalizations, based
on functions of Brownian motion, each
of the seven statistics follows a normal rule, centred, and
limited to N and T which are sufficiently
√v →Nï¿œ0,1ï¿œ
The results are shown in the following table:
Table 2 : Pedroni’s cointegration tests
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
Rho-stat V-stat PP-stat Adf-stat Rho_stat
Pp _stat
1 Adf_stat
(y, L, k,
0 .31934 1.72137 -1.09983 -1.80154 1.76313 -0.94537 -2.62449
Note :
: These are tests based on the dimension "BETWEEN"
From the results found in this table, we notice the existence of a
long-term relationship between the
variables, that is to say, a co-integration. To carry out tests of
Co-integration on panel data and to obtain
an estimate of the vectors of Co-integration, it is necessary to
apply an effective method of estimation.
Within this framework, we can distinguish several techniques
such as, the FMOLS method “least square
completely modified” used by Pedroni, the DOLS method
(dynamic least square), the GMM method
“Method of Moments Generalized” and the ML “Maximum of
Probability”. Philips and Moon (1999)
showed that within the framework of the panel data, the FMOLS
and DOLS techniques lead to
asymptotically distributed estimators according to a reduced
centred normal law. Similarly, Pedroni (1996)
affirms that MCO estimators “ordinary Least Square” are
highly- convergent, whereas their asymptotic
distributions are distorted and depend on the parameters of bad
effects. According to Pedroni, these
problems can be more marked in the presence of heterogeneity.
For this model, the estimation of these
co-integral vectors by the FMOLS method and for the whole of
the panel, is given by (T - Student
between brackets):
ᅵGᅵH ᅵ
N.NLᅵ ᅵ
ᅵ.Nᅵᅵ ᅵ
Based on the estimator of Pedroni, the econometric
specification of this model combines the use of the
instrumental variables and the FMOLS method. The use of the
instrumental variables makes it possible to
obtain consistent estimations. Thus, the estimate by the GMM
makes it possible to obtain a diagonal
matrix of correlations.
Table 3 : Correlation matrix
LPIB 1.000000 0.954639 0.981909 0.898691
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
LL 0.954639 1.000000 0.976842 0.944499
LK 0.981909 0.976842 1.000000 0.911354
RD 0.898691 0.944499 0.911354 1.000000
Yet, we use the Haussman Test (1978) which can be applied to
many problems of specification in
However, its most widespread use is that of the tests of
specification of the individualeffects as a panel. It
is thus used to explain the fixed and random effects. Its general
idea is at thesame time simple and
brilliant. Let us actually suppose that we seek to test the
possible presence ofa correlation or a defect of
specification. Let us admit that we have two types of estimators
for theparameters of the studied model:
the first estimator is supposed to be predetermined while the
second is not. Consequently, all what we
have to do is to compare a distance balanced by a matrixof
variance- covariance between the two
estimators to be able to determine whether thespecification is
correct or not. In fact, the technical use of
this principle in this model makes itpossible to obtain a matrix
of variance -covariance having good
Table 4 : Variance- covariance Matrix
C 5.812536 -0.615414 0.025530 0.033289
LL -0.615530 0.065199 -0.002745 -0.003432
LK 0.025530 -0.002745 0.000157 438 E-05
RD 0.033289 -0.003432 438 E-05 0.000476
The econometrics of the panel makes it possible to control the
heterogeneity of the observations intheir
individual dimensions either by taking into account a
presumably certainspecific effect, “Fixedeffects”,
or by considering a non observable specific effect (Radom
effects). In this work, we examine the link
between R& D and growth in various countries. On a sample of
15 countries during the period 1980 -
2009, the results of the obtained estimates using the various
methods instatic panel, show that the
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
impact of R& D on growth varies according to the indicator of
theinternal expenditure of research and
development “DIRD” of each country taken in the sample.
Onthe basis of this last indicator, it arises from
the estimates that the increase in apoint of percentageof this
indicator is brought to 0.427 point of
additional growth. The application of the tests of unitroot LL
and IPS shows that the whole of the
statistical series is affected of a unit root. The checking of the
properties of non stationary state for all
the variables of the panel leads us to Study the existence of a
relation of long run between these variables.
In other words, we study theexistence of a relation of co-
integration by applying the co-integration tests
of Pedroni. Moreover, we use the technique of the tests of unit
root in order to represent the estimated
“residues” of the various countries included in our sample
At the end of this research, the inventory of the main theoretical
arguments and empirical results
obtained reveal and confirm the importance of the R&D in the
stimulation of growth. The drawn
conclusions are also of a theoretical and empirical nature. On
the theoretical level, we have showed
that the endogenous theory of growth recommends the
loosening of certain
neo-classicalassumptions to highlight other underlying ones.
Besides, the models worked out in this
theory arecharacterized by a diversity of resources; for instance,
investment in physical and human
capitalwithin the educational system “Lucas (1988)”, practical
training (Learning by doing) “Romer
(1990)”, the driving role of infrastructure and public
expenditure “R.Barro (1991)”, research and
technological innovation “Aghion and Howitt (1998)”, etc.
Moreover, this theory provides a well defined framework of
analysis for the research anddevelopment
as a fundamental factor in the economic growth. All in all, the
empirical steps that wehad adopted in
this work, made it possible to meet our need to evaluate to
what extent the MENAcountries have
profited from the R&D incorporated over the period 1980 -2009.
The results areconvincing, indicating
that there is a positive relationship between research and
development and growth. In fact, this
empirical study of the MENA countries has brought important
results: The existence of a positive
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,
Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
ISSN 2076-9202
relationship between research and development and economic
growth inthese countries. Indeed, the
volume of expenditure of R&D acts on the speed of
convergencebetween the countries. So, the
research and development constitutes a crucial factor
forrecovery. Therefore, stocks of R&D are
necessary to adapt the advantages of the technological
Moreover, on the level of the developed capital, a policy of
research and development and adynamic
specialization constitute the principal determinants of recovery.
Besides, the MENA countries must
profit from their closeness to Europe to increase their exports
and attract the FDE (Foreign Direct
Investment) inorder to increase their creative capacities and
improve their speed of convergence
compared to thedeveloped countries.
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半尛ᇈ㬁㿺ꖀ瓑시 ꘀ曠䃚㐒盜订 巔 诊 觥䙄怇 韊ᅵᅑ닆ᅵ 묫ꂈ
ᅵ㵊ㄅ浵䅪ㄅ‫ﯞ‬ㄅ诞窊 ᕓ ㄅ暇粐뿀仆秹ꏜ ㄅᅬ 茱镭烠聂쑂ᅵ䭐ㄅ뙬ѡϐᅵ‫ޜ‬ᅵ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᎀㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ᐄㄅㄅ愀
윮 ⌃☔欚䒮 瓉
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅࢊㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ᶹ
ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ‫ﺅ‬가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ ២
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ₜ가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⠆㗐 ä¢ŸëŒ²àžŠ 蘒霜矘䠌 ꀟ ỵ
♳ 蔑鿌ꑳ 犊 ꀕ ㊱菱雺蔆栶늜柞 汚꟢⊶쫇ㄅ銄뗛脍䗘ᅵ孮藥點怕ㆲ匥ႈ
䣝 뗺 ᅵϋ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ
가ㄅℙㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ꞛ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ‫ﮜ‬
ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅՎㄅㄅ가
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᶕㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ┐
ㄅㄅ‫ﷻ‬ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ‫ﺜ‬가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ᷁ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ÿㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ ϙㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ϙㄅㄅᅵ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가 ㄅㄅរ가가Ẃㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가 ㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅꞀㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ˃ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅԗㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅᶔㄅㄅ가
⠭䥧옶瘟 ꁶ ㄅ監닝 éª±ï¿œêµ¡Ô«è·á¶«àžš ច韺ૡ㫀‫ܪ‬ 鲗䇙ᅵョ蔪㚶蟬멶
瑙耜얙‫ﺣ‬쌅쥅泍ㄅꃜ 姡⺘ଟ ᐃ퍵䋎 Ꮘㄅ䛌拗쉂蝲ㄅ钥糕暧ꟊ杪 捖 ᅧ ຕ
졷ๆ à€ŽêŠ  ㄅ훀螓㜝䀟硳㒗 ㈡咲쌀톌皌윐ꅃ 잀땚⚬쟻찂呬赐姐が腀芮 ࿋ 鉅㖹
遱 쒹 ä‰çŒ­êŽŸé¡·â„³ä„¬à€‰èŸ—æšé³Ÿã”£â€«ï®­â€¬å†Ÿã„…èŒ«êŸ•æ§®æ¡ìšƒ ᙜ ꌛ⛅ 픵饘膜牐뚻အ⢻
筗죪魭ᅵ叛⚑匛藱 ᅵ険䡬䲞숎䁲㝥癔쎣 㿗ㄅ✑ဏ
绻偔揞묅鞺⩜ 耲巖벚䃰ꎃ
ㄅ芣춈ぐꎅ 皇‎ 煖鹙ㄅ⡆聒莏 呯韋穿卓郅 虏劄㉗橥ꕅ圌 サㄅ‫ﭖ‬ꆷ 抁땺
碈鵰䄊噓曟ㄅㄅㄅ âªªêº„ä³±æ¢’àŽ±ì–‘áŠäª”í„¯åƒ“ï¿œè·ŽæŸ› 鎃 멅甔잚㙩㙚깩 ꉯ 嵆
㘈 김鿆렌멛碷 婎 옘朗环鍹 휡䊂은ㄞ●玞 滜붒剀䙜‫ﺃ‬兏⅟殫 쟗䀚ᘓᅵΧ
֌ 鮜 玪颎鱭癡 ᗶ❗ 턌띊ᅵㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ᎐
ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﺯ‬ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﻇ‬ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가Ϳㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳
羀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琒⠀ 牐橯捥⁎慍慮敧ㄅ湡⁀慅瑳匠摩ㄅ牆浡湩⁧䵐煵
ᅵ敓楲污穩摥喕诏唛鉊焞 䆶ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅ가₋ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅπ가ㄅ 가 ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ
ㄅρㄅĬ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가 αㄅ가가
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫ݳ‬ㄅㄅ가₶ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ד‬ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ╙가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅ℧ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅ©ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ڹ‬ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅǟ ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ʣㄅㄅㄅㄅӗ厍‫ﯕ‬㘬譞 柕놪ᅵ盀䍥瘠깐핶ᅵ뮱⊧ 㙵 ⍳ 䯄뭀 눹
텒쬈锁僝跙‫ff‬匯ꟶ煿 ᙮ 凜 ᒏ 牞좩嚀ꅧ 가ㄅㄅῬㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ﻩ‬ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᶥㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅÙㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ݞ‬ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫ײַ‬ ᜋㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫﯀‬ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ
ㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ履㣊ㄅ苃ᅵ쀊쁈姑깗 ᅵ蝊
滞ᅏ 䚉䲲仙絬 àŽ“
䶲鋈䶊倪魒뚡倥䛏⬉똻ㄅ㊯ᅵ 箉 迶籯 萞탚ⁿ嶊 àŽ­
鬲 䧁法峫㇈笁翭䬀 藺 äŽ‡é»µé®œàŽ¶
ㄅ淃㚧俁 댮満䌯 ᅵ柲⣆錏ꑟ ㄅ
郭죶∮㔚劷ᅵ銝 ⊪ 瞍쏌ᔢ 鈜絟ᅵ矯ㄅ吝 궰ㄅㄅㄅ 躿倇ㄅ怈ꞩ ï¿œ
딀ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お恊ꞩ ᅵ딀ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ匀牥慩楬ㄅㄅՋㄅㄅĀĀ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﷺ‬가 ⅷㄅ가가ㄅ䗞윮 ⌃☔欚䒮
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Ơㄅㄅ가 ㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ‫שׂ‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 Ṝ가ㄅửㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅԟㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ̹ ㄅ⁝ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ٹ‬ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가‫ב‬ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ٬ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅʙ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ
ã„…ã„…ã„…ä±ã„…ê”°èš¹é—‘ä­›ï¿œå­ ì¡™â€Ží€—èº™ã•à€± ㈙煺 ㌩䚣폯擔 빪 爱蝐딅䛛♱ 䣀
釀卙ᅵ웙晙 䜞ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ℶㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅጇㄅ
ㄅㄅ៝가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ⅳӇ Gㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가
가ㄅ㲣社㊑렿뒣瞇䄑늡竍囜畲ꁆ ㄅㄅᅬ 蟺檊 ᘟꌩ 粐ㄅ仺秞 ᅫ 蜵ᕭ䣠职ㄅ
ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ᐀ 灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳
羀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琔⚀牐橯捥⁎慍慮敧ㄅ湡⁀慗敎睲牯獫倠畬扭湩⁧䵐
ᅵ敓楲污穩ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅԏㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﭗ‬ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ⁁ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ➎가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ؚ‬ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ῝ㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ
䉑 蔟鿌ꖳ疊㯿䀪ꕭ 工爍큍唞ᅵ 좵圄ㄅ䬚㶓䚐坮‫זݢ‬櫥浗涹ន箺刪捧㞪䈷䲌箶
霉䚊๘ 쪆⑮翙볹 箳ㄅ³ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ‫م‬ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫⅏ݐ‬
가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가‫ﯶ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ꒲ 鍪陊棔熚홉决쫂䶎욛첫랏粮 붣ㄅㄅ筎
蠟坢붲淪祶荋⛌瀔䩰ᅵ䱲廀ㄅ䥠厎碿籕ㄅ鏮퍳䆶槝 杄짞掙ꌟ ᅵ韧 æŠ¥ã„…àŽœ
⏛‫דּ‬䔞쳟 퉡钑ꇻ 툝벟ㄅ쵊홭뛣垚♧ 쇔租ᅵ铕㯆拟誑硺쀎ㄅᅵ綯‫ﲰ‬ 藵 궰ㄅㄅㄅ 茿
倇ㄅ琈 ᅵ뜀ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お瑊 ᅵ뜀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅՋㄅㄅĀĀㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가가가가
ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅអㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ăㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅúㄅㄅʄㄅㄅ ㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ
ㄅ᜙ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ孖័⌈꿎嗀듈๔〮莳가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅ가‫ﺕ‬ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ 檙䎬䃶뀚奝蠗鐝嶫
鵈ㄅᅵ ᅵ䆺ㄅ⩜ 愚ꀹ ㄅ묪撑刺 쟍簟췔䐂㟟⧊里嶂䯞ᔮ 䀙ㄅ应ㄅ횁ㄅ芣
ぐꎅ 剚 㢲嗡傍 ꌗ ᅵಟ蔉撎퓊ᔚ屒걑싗ꘔ 蛟ㄅꘇ헩뒬 㛑
舕ㄅ憟ㄅ⢠ㄅ蛲姧悊奜ㆮꏡ 씫ᅵ㌟玓颎㱄㲔䉵 ᇉ犿ㄅ럯玭㩰銅㎧ꕒ⓫
굎 襓Ɐ啎㘈 김霆밌롗碿 퉎 䘘 玬譹敭팡岀뭀㘺쓏搎 ᅵ箜ꒁ 賺㎚勏↛
䀹ᘝ ퟔ蚶ųɆ춎犺䣕첇잶㬳矄詺厺梞쬀 훀랧혿ᅵᅵ㔥暚鉜泵낔掲ㄅ⫱ â®­
뢟棻ㄅㄅ퍧䎞ຈ ㄅᅵ疯実틞댠䔉鰞 캶ㄅ뀓뀇隀埮⪌
힟 막ᅵᅵꉶ ç°³ 쟘ᥚ 立
甥楻㷚䜇 쳈䞟㟑䘳项⑎绥蝞⟎⋯劂魳룵 駕甉矰篟 隯磒忇刬蜑⇌闹 뗧霏
늿쟰똜艕ㅣ영 䔑Ϳ䭐ㄅ 벖ϥᅵㄅᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰 벖ϥᅵㄅᅵ
ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᘀ 灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ
煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琖⚀牐橯捥⁎慍慮敧ㄅ湡⁀瑓摵湥⁎朗歲牥ㄅ慍杮牥
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가℠ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ㠈穪 éœ’ì£ã„…è†àš—èŽ“åœµ
àŒ… 䳰Һ✀롟 㳯똬쒠卌墄涗쁘咘晝겷큍 ⛊뢔䳋䟉蓘쎲 캄静ꃋ 젬ᅵㄅĔ
ï¿œéŽæ‡‘ê»œá™›Ð©àž’ã„…á†±ï¿œë«–ç’ë¡·è‡šåƒ¢ê…ž տ䊮ꎮ 灢駉ꐝ 㻲冇됪懐둜엓 챉ណ⿵ㄅ湊୊
àŽ‡ì‹ç±”à°¬í‘íåŽ‹âº™âŽ•å±ã®åŽ›àŠ‹ì¬‰êˆ 隬噒鷳銚핮쿎귚㻆闱⟿
ãžž 껈擒ㄅ蜕죈 ㏺Ṻ⎊ߐ 䘌斫ᅵㄅ鲣葪 琊ㄅ土⟺첒芬蒃육 àŒŸ 暒篹뵚鳅
愉䚉롈䑌 抩ㄅㄅ壐같祌荇ㄅ䞎 ᅵ턶ᅵ牥䈆 蛚 岢ㄅ뜣 朜諏ᅵ䐯鞈睉핏
ꓳ蕃請ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ‫ﻃ‬ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅVㄅꬷㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅᶕㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ가
ㄅㄅㄅㄅổ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…íŽ©ä€Œä†³äŠ³èµ³àœ¬ 뚥煉䋪熰‫އ‬ 㕲
ㄅ㮥 驔 ⟥녮㲭嫀ㄅ哚 蒹ㄅ㎙鮻✳钐톟 暙ꐳ 뵵ㄅӪ根苂巚煇쀶쁘励
깓 ᅵ蝊盞兟쩷ꎓ饎鶢ㄅ쟀㒏럈䌡浕쩓ㄅ㔍쀮㛺塊燙㍚땿‫ﻹ‬鐶퉍둜랷 槓⇏ 蝄ㄅ
扑멊뫗⻟楯ᅵ䞏皫 蹂ᅵㄅㄅㄅ誯㓯緕枊㛖㮚뚍 ㌎猱柍饪硫 慞㷚➣筡曀
儙☑䀝៙凞៚ᅷꅁ 춹ᅵ牖䙜ㄅ컟䟻ㄅㄅ뱪ㄅ⬖䞯郊ㄅ絁 ៗ 髟뛃瀊ℬ飀㳟
偟ㄅᅵ㮈 ᅵ뜀ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ڻ‬ㄅDž℉ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅՋㄅㄅ가℠ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 가 ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ‷ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ꬰㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ͋가가ㄅ
ㄅ֧枅愳䵕ᔓՌ뚏ᅵ챘ㄅ閎잔峊눋툫篭 ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅỆㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가
ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅ가ㄅ ã„…ã„…ÔŽ ԙㄅ가가가
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅꞀ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅᵶㄅㄅㄅDZㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ šㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅⱣㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ijㄅㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅԮ가ㄅ٪ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ가₎ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가 ủㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가‫ﭟ‬ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅ가
가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ͔㞲牶麀ㄅ킧 㳖뺻 鹟퇆媂덗濭⎎ᵀ ⋭林Ṍ㡊枺株깞
䬱쬿㺬띿쪻딍쫠籆ᅵ걎癿Ꮻ툍䡍╣ㄅ슲苡䫃꺱ᗅ滌푪ꌄ ㄅ襯ꉬ ꎉ
瞧跡䟏‫ٳ‬᎙ㄅ酆 楞⣟殯媐芆俰裒ㄅ‫ک‬ ㄅ쭆⻥陜毟焎䞲⚲≰涭 綜
蜪㋕ 됳゜颚鏁놰 쏟㍡ㄅ ꥭ펠됣ꀝ ï¿œ 뒃몜퀫ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ‫נ‬
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ
ገ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅŋㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᜊ가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅОㄅㄅ
‫ﻁ‬ㄅㄅꞵㄅㄅ가가ảㄅㄅㄅ가᜕ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ˚⌃☔ㄅ䒮
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅࢊㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ➎가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ Ộ가가ㄅㄅ©ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ➒償ㄅ嬹婪㿷ʣ階쮇ᅵꃑ ǐ厍ߕ 㘬赞 柕놪ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﻍ‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅṟ ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ̀έㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가가가ㄅ가ˊ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가가 ㄅ⅃ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가
ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가⁷ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ̀┛ ꗚ 뱙 ⟊ 㝩寚밿ᅵꈐ  ⢂╱
뚖젵䁭‫ޕ‬ 咧㕿邞 䚖锫垮ᅵㄅᓝ곜偏ㄅ㣭ꇑ 牜峊棏㒙䗶筵ᅵ냃爳 賏࢚
ᚓ ï¿œ 㷅偄湪Ƴ햷㊌ꄳ ㄅ篮‫ﳏ‬ 坌ㄅㄅ앭 ㊱대忲ꝣ볌 㟒쎘䪶㱰䀡‫ﺟ‬ ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ Ϛㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ Ïšã„…ã„…ï¿œ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
가 가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ Șㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ姊햐蟡
퀝⠇ 涹ꌚ 룃덝刬ㄅᅵ惞嘃銵庻ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ â‚œ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅꭆㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ●ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅⅆㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ‫َ‬가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ៯가ύ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ֭͘ꍻ ᅑꄛ ㄅㄅ棎겔닢
굕ꑐ 錀寪밁ᅵ⡚빟䱳쥓閐迮蒖䝒ꔲ䕪ಥ鱗比ొ䥓띻⢠ᅵ밞⪒㳛훎謩얅명釪蓡棛
㔮逺 溕䅒畃醱 뮭ủ㇌짿ㄅ⋛䆵꺍 큪䊵⟶뚊ℵ냘 럞뷒鎹獣뜢䔲랱
çºï¿œàŒ³ ⚹ Ȕ렺窉䄮⎚垣퉶 㳎鍃뒄ᖮ ᅵ✟ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ៝ㄅ가ㄅㄅ
가ㄅⅰ҇ ÿㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ڀ‬ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ݣ‬ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅῒ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ영ㄅ윐Ϳ䭐ㄅ䱛ౠ
ϑᅵ‫ޚ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵ
ϑᅵ‫ޚ‬ ï¿œ
煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琚᐀ 灓牡獫䔠敬瑣楲慣䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ嬄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡
ᅵ敓楲ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…â‚Ž
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…Æžã„…ê°€ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ១ㄅㄅㄅЈ
가ㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ
가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ瞀럟鈧규莅憔⏟ Ὴ匌索栻솿ㄅ⥡
䡊벹⅏昋ꥬᅵ賿퀊Ṝ猬孟劃㐇啎눟棙넵倰ㄅᅵ鉄 腵ꉚ 殷哲䃯婅䑬韅쑢뉭퀜
ˎ郙륰葚裥滊 陆 흏矮 廜‑ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가Èㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅd
ㄅśㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅឰㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅň가가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ֠ ㄅ玊☡䞂뭌핲蜲㇌㏎숧ㄅ쑛槏둟斳
益 퀿ᅵퟩ銡딥暔鉑ㄅ낔枌 â®­ 뒟棏綯 鏇䋮躈ㄅ풢沕骯✟棭ᅵ쌏욚 蹂
ᅵ堃䎖ㄅᅝ棟쟪범䆌 턺絩 䜀饩 甅晻⟒ 쟣睠ꘔ鏟頀焚옙䞜៹⏛돭裻풠懜 犚
橣뵂귺蟷 ᅵ뿳告 ä ³ 욿 ꖜ⌯㇟涃 ä©„ã†€ã„…ì€€åƒŸã„…àŒˆ 햎ᅵꄀ ᅵ倀ŋᐂ
᐀ ã„…ã„…æ„€ãŠàœŠ 햎ᅵꄀ ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ匀牥慩楬敺偀ՋᅵᅵĀĀ㠀ᅵㄅᅵ
ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ˿ㄅឪㄅㄅ‫ת‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가еㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅņㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅԟ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가ㄅⅅ蚊便➑ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅԉㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅꞑㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅῊㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ⅀ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ᵜㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가 ㄅ↊ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ã„…ÌŽã„… ‫ݵ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ 가가 가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅᜌㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅˣㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅϟㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﮫ‬曶가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅ가ꝇ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ﮔ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ
‫ﭺ‬Έ가가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ٌ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅ䢜〉⒈ㄅ䭐 ᅵ‫ޞ‬
ä©¡äš° ᅵ‫ޞ‬
ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ï¿œÐŠï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œà€€ ᅵᅵᅵᅵ
煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琜ᘀ 慗敎睲牯獫倠畬扭湩⁧䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ射䭐Ѓᅵㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ쪉펵웊ꡀㄅ얊뱡鳻멎鵟 䆮咪ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅΈㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ‫ﭹ‬ㄅ‫ؚ‬ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가Ǡ
ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅùㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅǘㄅ ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ Ɱㄅㄅ가ㄅ⁗ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가 가ឬㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅ©ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가 ã„…ã„…ÇŸ ㄅㄅ
ã„…âž’ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…Å‘ã„…ê°€ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ
멩㙆尀ㄅ㥡늚⚛ 醻 쯵 ᅵ룻‫ޛ‬ 綈⚿ㄅ花댜岗㈪횀ㄅ뀜膯苖턃쑈⡆슘ㄅㄅㄅ‫ב‬碏⍕
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅꝝㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅꜣㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가¹ţㄅ가ㄅㄅ ᶙ가ㄅ ㄅ가가
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ‌ꋘ ▒ᔵ 剪 鑬뢰荣 펪귣錪펀朚 è¡‚ãºŽå„‚ä«¢åž¶ï¿œæ°¯é©è›àŒ² ã„…ï¿œà€Ž
ㄅϿㄅ흍垯㌑ㄅᓓ곜偅ㄅ㭬科牜䣢桏 㧎筵ᅵꌩ 悧 ᅵᅵᅑᅵ륇ᅵ 뭋ꂈ ᅵ㵊ㄅ
浹䉢 늟鯳㒊 談푕卣繈뿥仆秹ꏭ 柅ㄅ蔵镭䓠聂쑑뿱䭐ㄅ믕⭿ϖᅵ‫ޣ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵ
ᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰믕⭿ϖᅵ‫ޣ‬ ï¿œ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ֍ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 怘昿緶络銿ᅵ蟟⁢飠㧩⟆
ㄅ蜮 ⌃☔⬚䒮 璙
‫ﱎ‬ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ姊떒蟡퀝⠇ 涹
ꌚ 룃덝㈬ㄅᅵ拞嘃銵劻䣭ᅵ ᐶ蔷 ⫚ 震ᅵ ⚰ᚅ곚皇墺㵎銉Džꋿ ꋧ 曀ꂶ 庋
䰬䟧Ɔ骊穩⮡ ꗓ 䮉晵殣ℱ녡鑍单ㄅ原팵핏৵ ⟘ 튏푁ㄅ죙⚁ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅ∞ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅỵㄅ▄
ℹ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅӗ‫ݢ‬ㄅㄅᶹㄅ‫﮺‬가ㄅ가ℐㄅㄅ가ㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅó Շㄅ가 ㄅ‫م‬ㄅㄅៗㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅԢㄅㄅ
가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅλㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅẝㄅឈㄅ ㄅₖ가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ Ώῳ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가가 ㄅ⅂
가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ뭋杶ꌖ㎺髞䧲賚 朏ㅜ 뿈䚠쥜櫶蟧淅爍倛쇊합ㄅ졜ġ ï¿œ
ꍋ ㄅ⯅䟢땍芙 暇荃✝ 갺➇ 隄䍉垟垷淆皲瘖湆㷲ㄅᆉ愕竔‫ﮔ‬嶑뻒螺䚈淍 骶⛗퐊
㟪 鷌㓟 ᅵ걕Ả䊝 㗿쩶鯏⌟睟꿟氩ҫᏇ谂忱螢‫ۿ‬䭐ㄅ耓瞵ϓᅵ‫ޠ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅ
ᅵ䩡䚰耓瞵ϓᅵ‫ޠ‬ ï¿œ
煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琞ក慅瑳匠摩ㄅ牆浡湩⁧ 牄睹污䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ搄
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ驜˖僱֊䔥혔䠚蠜 䧚捥퐠䏩㢱瞌 뎫ᅵ䠵⪕䠎焈䅚䎂
ㄅꁱ Å¿âž·èŒ•ì•“à€‰è‹µã¢„ 뵊㣫 ㄅㄅ가 ‫ﷺ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅð
ꝏK ‫ﻗ‬가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ט‬ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ҿㄅㄅ가가가ǹㄅ가ㄅ가가 가ឬㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ Ộ가
ㄅㄅㄅ©ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅϚㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ Á가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가 ‫ڏ‬가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫ﯮ‬ʣㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫﯀‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅṞ ㄅ ㄅ當뀿摔ꎀ圻 䘎ᅣꆛ ã„…àœ‡ 棎걜닢 赕ꑐ ጀ
å¬˜ë°å¿¡éš¯ã„…è›ŒèªŠâŒ¡á¿à€ 꺥쩀諔ㄅ㢮毑ɮ쵓 兀䏓 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅᵃㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫﯀‬ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅӺㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ
가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅⅲчㄅǿㄅ ⾗ 가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ ㄅ࢚ㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ á¿žã„…ã„…
ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ï¿œÐ–ï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œàŒ€ ᅵᅵᅵᅵ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁧ ㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ដ가가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅ가₃ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅăㄅㄅ
가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅƵㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅηㄅ가ㄅ‫م‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ᶙ ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅꝚㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ甬늈䩚쵙橷琢皩쩱╮ 觶ㄅ
蝟 鍀⚀䅺湂瀵珙䧳掚ꑻ ⚘ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅꭆㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅҰㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ쐢搫ꟻ䗩↲ ㋡ㄅ苋滊 驆ᅵ柧繮 廃„ㄅꂚ 쟰瘊㜵咹dã®­
祗ꇡ åš†àž› 捆鬑悡䜊 屚 㲲嗊傍 Ꟗ秞卓郅 螏劄㉗橥ꕅ圌 㜵ㄅ‫݊‬ꁷ
Ⓜ骜癕㱅쪌倂狭ㄅ艫й몢浔冊泄⩻㑉蚟鈞ㄅ䚈鞥槚㎚ꑭ 逸ᅵ댋뛟‫ﻞ‬곩⋶ 蚝厺 큪哕
蒇霌絎㔓䋪冰‫އ‬ ╲ 쿡‫ﮥ‬毳眓ꋒ ìŒ²ëž°çŸè¯±æ³›àŒ»áš¹ Ȕ웚犉섮⎝⎧ 䥻 àŽ™
剎⚀ㄅ枯鱐』瀖ᅵ㧎뙀腱⇙펟䋟깓ꉹ ⺕뙓ᅵ釞 왉锶ㄅ傳銧柬蒣工㒻型ᶛ嵯⓹䛭
ퟻ鎿ㄅ瑂忎┐撮뵻 뛒뀆⠍ 䶯 肈ㄅ耿톥ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ﮔ‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가‫ﮟ‬ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅῒㄅㄅ
ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳
羀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琠ᘀ 朗摯牣晡⁎慃灲湥牎⁹䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ垄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ₣ⁱㄅꝫㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가‫ڻ‬ㄅDž℉ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가℠ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ砈 ìŒœï¿œéœ–ìŒ£ã„…è†àš—èŽ“
圕 àŒ… 峰Һ✀롿 㲯럌쒠卌墄涗쎘䲘晝겷퀍턷셅ㄅ焚銗ㄅㄅ蝥ᅵ鎉⻳
䆗욋鉙醵嶏蟐Ț맮⠝쎣嶞ㄅㄅㄅ泮↱ ㄅㄅ ‫ݲ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅᵲㄅ가가៝ㄅㄅᎋ
ㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ 가ㄅ가가Ꝍㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ﮚ‬
가Αɍ ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가᜻ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ‫ﻩ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅẚㄅ가가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ原䘩가ㄅㄅㄅㄅṜㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가‫ﯶ‬ㄅㄅ가ㄅṎㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ݚ‬ ҹㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가
ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅԧㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅȣ가ÿㄅ ㄅㄅ Ԏㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅ‫שּ‬Ợㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가ㄅ䌜〈㌊㢊ㄅ
䭐ㄅ✏쀙Ϙᅵ‫ޣ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰✏쀙Ϙᅵ‫ޣ‬ ï¿œ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ֍ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ℍ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ‫ﯵ‬ㄅ‫ݎﻞ‬ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅðꝏK 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 가가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가
ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ⁁ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ➧ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ爒슫軋䟛ㄅ⇙降僇衹ㄅ쀕 Ꞷㄅꇧ Ӑ쟜둣ᚚ ᅵţ㙊 ᅵꏯ 흀 跷ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅₙㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ࢮㄅㄅㄅ가
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ 가 ㄅύ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가
ㄅ ㄅㄅឈㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ᎓ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ●ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅɧㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅៈㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가‫ﭟ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅℋ ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ朠Ĝ㒰꺚럟瞀哑⊛ 办ꁿ 㐶狘쎢灺㳢桏㒙㧎㭵枌톓끳爵
豏࢚횣ᅵ掏 偄湪ẳ햷㚌ꄱ ㄅ쟑ㄅ럱㒊 誻푕匣繈燳ꝣ볌ᅵ 慍╛隞怐 焒㿌䭐ㄅ
㜃ϕᅵ‫ޠ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰㜃ϕᅵ‫ޠ‬ ï¿œ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
Jㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ╛ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가
가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ℞ㄅKㄅⱺㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ迉猙ᅵ㟯麟뮻ㄅ밄穢 挋
쮃 뚻샀蔋ㄅ⮪ ‫⩞ނ‬ɝ⎀鞿 寊晐⊊걂㛋懌Ꙍ
가가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가 가ㄅ
ㄅㄅ가가͇ㄅĔㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅЙㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅⁱ가ҿㄅㄅ가가가ỹㄅ가ㄅ가가 가ឬ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅI가
℠ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가T가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅ
ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가가가가ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ‫ﮩ‬ ㄅ ㄅㄅ甭鹵 匌疿 ᘿ 㰟햞ꑝ 儃 厚뚍璚銭폯ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ֮ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ҝㄅㄅێㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가
ㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ᎐ㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅỜ‫ﻇ‬ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ劂魳룵 딉鏫 ᅵ쯶喊菔䠳 욿漏 ꖣ
윯ㄅ뛁灊℞需⧌ 偯ㄅ瀈
ᅵ홐ᅵꐀ ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お祊ᅵ홐ᅵꐀ ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ匀牥慩楬敺偀Ջᅵ
ᅵĀĀ㠀ᅵㄅᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ï¿œ
ᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ瀣pᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵ猠q~ᅧᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ⌀ t匏畎
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅ가֪ㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ࢢㄅㄅҶ가가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅֱ靕ᅵᅵẳ憗ㄅ遹凵⚀䏚℔뷷吮
旑槜㛘萩鞒滚↱ 㮫ᅵ灒獯வㄅ䟡旁ʞ꺅솊朥顎߉ 䙜킩靂퇵ᛉ 黋ㄅ磗렎篚뀚⟕ꋚ 㘟ㄅ
⢱텄 뙀赔煜슩 ♬ㄅ襷窲奆瀜囫営㌿랥Қ埄꿱ႈ 뜵㹃ꀊ I뷥ꄀ ㄅ笟 黚
ㄅ蜕죈 돚ᅺ浊ߐ 䄌涻ᅵ깢鲣葪 土⡟ᅵ薬钃ᅵ àŒŸ 橓‫ﯹ‬뜚ᅵ愱䚩륈䑌
ଡ᱊ 䊩ㄅㄅ峐같界荇‫ݒ‬䞎᜙ᅵㄅㄅㄅ∆ㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 가가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가➪ㄅ가ㄅ 가가
가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가‫ﯙ‬ㄅ ㄅ가
ㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅӳㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ֬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ仪 鐝늰擫‫ﻊ‬돪규鬫얎朚 柺욓衂‫ﲎ‬ ꈋ é“”êœŽï¿œæŒ­å«èƒ˜àŒª ã„…ï¿œ 흍
垯ᅵㄅ铅벌倷ㄅᣮ 䗑㐜靵檧㚙䗳磵퉡 悧ᑧ럊⒓ㄅᥱ 淆饇ᅵ 䄐늡ㄅ凜捲ꁊ ㄅ篮
‫ﳏ‬ 坌㕓 䪫힔㎣繈뿥컺秞쏭濥ㄅ茱ᕭ壠聊ㄅᅵ䭐ㄅꜣ耒ϐᅵ‫ޜ‬ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ楃祎䔠畱灩敭瑮䎠癯牥ㄅ䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ匄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ꜟ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ˿ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ת‬ㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅͰ가ㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅ苰㧩⟆ㄅ䜮 ⌃☔ㄅ䒮
繎 鿆项䅯銉ࢊ⺱ホㆇ몙滌ㄅ柠订鮂倛⻢┳戟욓謎Ꮉ ᚃ 뎔 ꂻ 儏ᅵ㭳
䙐熇溻摙䠐걞얳겆ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ̉ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Ꝍㄅㄅꜗㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅː가가ㄅㄅŧㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅ가가š ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가
ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ϑㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ῭가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가‫ݓ‬가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅϒ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ㊢ッ
皟 寳❬ 뀏ᐖᅵㄅ鎁 鈅㏪ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ€ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ
ㄅꝬㄅㄅ‫ڡ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가
ㄅㄅㄅ῟가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ 가 ㄅㄅㄅ ᅗ翇倃ㄅՍᅵꔀᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀
ᅵᅵᅵÿᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ Ԛㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ࣢ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ̂ㄅㄅ가
ឋ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅጥ͠ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅѐㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가‫ێ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가‫ﺓ‬가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅҚ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅ 가 ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ⱻ가Նࣕ가ㄅ ㄅㄅⱞ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ䞎 ᅵ턶霗용棊萏ᅵᅵ嗔湛 誮ᅵ䐯히盉퍗搫쉃ꉥ 阑⫝̸ ꆻ
㹟炻가ះ 가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가➪ㄅ가ㄅ 가가‫ﺻ‬ㄅ가
가ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﮐ‬가‫ﹲ‬ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ
가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅꝑㄅㄅㄅㄅԌ가ㄅźㄅㄅ가ㄅ Ιㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ΰ가ㄅ
ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅⅻㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가
ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ кㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ홪뜯 뜏
䩪淣갿䕘㘜  瘵쿊 ç°¯ ⊏ ㄅ위 ≿ 倆 럐ퟍᅵꈀ ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お
럐ퟍᅵꈀ ï¿œã„…ï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œåŒ€ç‰¥æ…©æ¥¬æ•ºå€Õ‹ï¿œï¿œÄ€Ä€ã €ï¿œàŒ€ ᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵ
ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ瀊pᅵᅵᅵ
ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
가가 ㄅㄅㄅ가₋ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ̔ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가Ǡㄅㄅ
ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ
䖖脆莄䶝搶鬵ㄅ꺵ᅵ壝䃮䍱ꅞ ㄅ䂮ꎮ 灲駉ꐝ 緳ꌎ 桒쎡棺讧흅颓㱙忮峎ᅵᛌ 가ㄅ
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ‫ﮫ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가
ㄅㄅㄅʥㄅ 가Ṻㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ƃㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가
ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx
International Journal of Information, Business and Management,.docx

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  • 1. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 51 The impact of research and development (R&D) on economic growth: The case of the MENA countries. 1 Lamia Ben Amor and 2 Naceur Ben Zina 1. Member and researcher at the unit of reasearch, economic and developpement at the University of Economics and Management of Sfax, Tunisia. 2. Associate Professor of Economics at the Unit of Dynamic Economics and Environmental Research (URDEE) at the University of Economics and Management of Sfax, Tunisia.
  • 2. * Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between research and development (R & D) and economic growth. We will try to enlighten, from a theoretical side, the importance of R&D as a critical factor for recovery. This empirical study is based on different estimation methods developed in the context of a static panel on a sample of 15 countries over the period 1980-2009. The methods used are the GMM (Generalized Method of Moments), the OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) and causality tests, a unit root applied to panel data. The overall findings identify a positive and significant relationship. JEL Codes: C33, D83, F43. Keywords: R & D, Economic Growth, Static Panel Model. 1. INTRODUCTION
  • 3. To cope with the increased globalization, competition from emerging economies and ever-changingneeds of consumers, the economies of industrialized countries are increasingly relying on the activities of research anddevelopment, which are essential to provide the firms with the competitive advantages necessary for their competitiveness. According to the OECD (2004), expenditure on research and development (R & D) conducted International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 52 inindustrialized countries (EU, U.S., Japan) increased from 396 billion euros in 1995 to more than680 billion in 2003. In the same way, some emerging economies seem to be determined also to increase their technological capital. Let us takeChina as an example: by reference to OECD, its expenditure of R& D expressed as a percentage of the GDP (gross domestic product) doubled during the period 1995 -2002.
  • 4. Indeed, they went from 0.6% to 1.2%. The key role of R & D in the competitiveness of firms led by industrialized countries to seekterritories and more attractive partners to carry out their innovation strategies, including emergingmarkets, which should increase their technological capital. R&D often implies a set of cumulativeprocesses of inventions and innovations, skills and know-how. Through its horizontal and verticaldiversification of goods and services, it is considered as the generator of technical progress. R&D, innovation, technological developments have been regarded since the second half of the eighteenth century as an indisputable source of productivity growth. However, the non- rival and partially excludable product of R&D recognizes that certain agents or sectors have not fully developed the capabilities of their own R&D, thus benefiting from other’s R&D. The major objective of this paper is to examine the impact of research and development (R&D) on economic growth in MENA countries as host countries. A developing country that suffers from under-capacity in R&D efforts can benefit from international
  • 5. R&D. We have choosen a sample of these countries ( we selected 15 countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE) during the period 1980 - 2009 in which information is available on R&D expenditure. (We chose this period starting from 1980 due to unavailability of data for some countries before the year 1980 as Tunisia and Algeria). This paper is structured as follows: The next section describes the literature on research and development (R&D) where we particulary analyze the importance of R&D in economic growth. Indeed, this paper is a general summary of the reason for having a link between R&D and economic growth. As for the the third section, it presents our empirical validation test based on static panel data. The appropriation of R&D is the subject of section four. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202
  • 6. 53 2. Literature review on research and development (R&D) The recent economic studies whether on theories of endogenous growth or on international trade show that thebenefits of R&D do not stop at national borders. In this context, Eaton and Kortum (1996) estimated that the foreign R&D accounted for 87% of productivity growth in France. While 60% gain inproductivity in Japan is provided byU.S R&D, against 20% of U.Searnings due to Japanese R & D. The importance of technological innovation and R&D expenditure in economic growth has drawnthe attention of economists since the launch of the research on the origin of the concept of"residue" stated by Solow (1957). It has become much more explicit in the recent years due tothe theoretical developments undertaken in the framework of the theory of endogenous growth. Moreover, the impact of R&D on productivity growth has been the subject of several studies:Griliches (1979), Mairesse and Cuneo (1985), Dosi (1988). The true modelling of R&Dstarted as from the years 1990s. Indeed, the activity of R&D represents the important
  • 7. source ofdevelopment of new knowledge and technological innovation (Crossman and Helpman (1991)). In the same way for Romer (1990), it leads to technological innovations. Contributions came then With Aghion and Howitt (1998). In addition, it is a dominating source of economic growth. In fact, theactivity of R& D took a great importance in the recent models of the endogenous growth whosecreative processes and diffusion of technology constitute the important engines. Moreover, R&D isconsidered as a product of technology. It is used to improve the living standard, increase theproductivity of the factors of production and stimulate economic growth. In this context, we present the theoretical and empirical basis as well as the nature of research anddevelopment (R&D). In other words, we highlight the endogenous theory of growth where R&D plays a fundamental role. Then, we will try to identify the effect of R&D on the economic growthof the MENA countries starting from a static panel model. Within this context, it makes thetheoretical, empirical, and the nature of research and development (R&D). It focuses on the theory of endogenous
  • 8. growth where R&D occupies a fundamental role. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 54 Thus, with the increased interdependence of economies, this process of dissemination of knowledge and expertise is gaining importance internationally. In addition, international agreements between countries require them to confront international competition based on competitiveness and differentiation capabilities. In addition, total factor productivity (TFP) of a given country depends not only on its own stock of R&D but also on that of its partners. In this context, we present the theoretical and empirical basis as well as the nature of research and development (R&D). In other words, we highlight the endogenous theory of growth where theR& D plays a fundamental role. Then, we will try to identify the
  • 9. effect of R&D on the economic growth of the MENA countries starting from a static model of panel. Thus, with the increased interdependence of economies, this process of dissemination of knowledge and expertise is gaining importance internationally. In addition, international agreements between countries require them to confront international competition based on competitiveness and differentiation capabilities. In addition, total factor productivity (TFP) of a given country depends not only on its own stock of R&D but also that of its partners. Thanks to modernization and fast technological development, the research and development (R&D) constitutes an important factor of growth. Moreover, it is essential to follow the activities of R&Dto work out adequate policies and analyze them well. This idea is dictated by a certain number oftheoretical and factual arguments. Concerning the theoretical arguments, we notice that the numberof new models of the endogenous economic growth rises by giving a particular importance to theactivity and expenditure in the research
  • 10. and development. Indeed, R&D constitutes a primary source for technological advance and economic growth. Besides, the development andenrichment of the research fields of the international macro-economy, following the intensificationand the diversification of the sources of interdependence of the economies, represent important factors. As for the factual arguments, we notice the attention given by certain countries, such asTunisia which has highlighted the activity of the research and development since theimplementation of a program of International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 55 structural adjustment (PSA). This program created, in 1991, a newpublic agency which takes care of the promotion of innovation (the Secretariat of State to the“Scientific research” and technology). Hence, the very fast evolution of telecommunication and information technologies in the world and their
  • 11. implication on the total productivity of the factorsof the companies constitutes an important factor. In fact, several authors are interested in thisphenomenon by taking it as a fundamental subject of research. Frascati (1993), for example, definedR&D as the whole set of work of creation undertaken in a systematic way to increase the stock ofknowledge and its importance for new applications. In his Handbook entitled “Standard Methodsuggested for the investigations into research and experimental development”, OECD distinguishes three forms of R&D: ï¿œ Fundamental R&D: the expenditure is devoted to the analysis of the properties, the structures andthe physical and natural phenomena, in order to organize the facts in general laws by means ofexplanatory diagrams and interpretative theory. ï¿œ Applied research: it allows the operational working of ideas. The knowledge orinformation drawn from this research is likely to be patented and can be kept secret. This typeisundertaken either to distinguish the possible applications of the results of a basic research or to findnew solutions. ï¿œ Experimental R&D: it consists of a systematic work founded
  • 12. on the knowledge obtained by theapplied research whose objective is to acquire new materials, devices, products, processes and services. The endogenous theory of growth devotes a great importance to the part played by research anddevelopment in the productivity growth making it in the centre of several studies. R&D isregarded as a primary source of technological advance, and especially represents one of the enginesof economic growth for the countries which devote much effort to research and development inthe form of expenditure. Since the activity of R&D is a form of knowledge, it represents the mainway of developing new knowledge and technological innovation for the developed countries (Crossman-Helpman (1991)). These countries devote important financial resources to this activitywhich acts positively on growth in terms of productivity. Therefore the real expenditure of R&D in these countries increases in a remarkable way. The International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
  • 13. ISSN 2076-9202 56 case for the developing countries is completelydifferent. These countries do not carry out research activities by themselves. However, they benefitmainly from the technical change which takes place in the developed countries thanks to their opening on the outside world through the importation of new technologies incorporated in capitalequipment. The theory of growth shows the role of the technological advance in the invention of new machines and new intermediate goods which give way to the possibility of investment. The human capital andtechnology are two facets of the same phenomenon, two factorsfor the accumulation ofknowledge as the strategic role of knowledge explains the increase in the immaterial investment. Lucas (1988) considers that education is an investment in human capital ; in his model, knowledge is considered under its individual aspect (education, formation) andhe seek to integrate more
  • 14. significant dimensions as well as the objectives of knowledge. As knowledge is the result of a collective activity and research takes the form oftechnology. The key idea is that research is an investment. Actually, we notice that the 20 last years have been characterized by a development inthe activities of R&D. Indeed, in all OECD countries, the firms have strongly raised theirexpenditure on R&D. Investment in R&D is today more than even before, a conditionof the growth of nations. In fact, the activity of R&D necessarily goes through the existence of certainqualifications which can control the tools of research. Innovation, technological advance and research and development (R&D) evolve by playing a very important part in the process of economic growth. These last years have been characterized by theappearance of many research orientations, thanks to the differences in terms of the growth rate of thereal income per capita and also to other factors which propel the process of research. In this respect, we can primarily distinguish three factors in favour of the evolution of this process. But, what isinteresting is that there is always a
  • 15. persistence of differences in terms of income by capita on the international level. These successive factors are: ï¿œ An increase in the volume of work. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 57 ï¿œ An increase in the stock of capital. ï¿œ An increase of the total productivity of the factors of production “PTF”. The increase in productivity is directly connected with the evolution of labourqualifications, on the one hand, and with innovation and technological advanceon the other hand. It involves theexistence of more powerful capital equipment (built-in technological advance) and results in a greateffectiveness of the two joined factors of production. Investments in R&D directly contribute tothe accumulation of knowledge by giving place to new
  • 16. products and processes of production thuscontributing to the improvement of productivity. The advantages which ensue from the investments in R&D are spread between the companies and the organizations. Indeed, the productivitygrowth of a company depends not only on its activities in R&D, but also on its efforts towardsthe R&D of the other generating sectors of knowledge. Therefore, investment in R&D is regarded as a source of improvement of productivity. The technological advance constitutes adetermining factor of growth rate through its impact on the productivity of the factors of production. It includes innovations of a technical and organisational nature. We distinguish two major types of innovation: • Innovations of the products which are used to introduce new products on the market (example:cds, cars) or raw materials. Their objective is to offer the consumers a product which meets theirneeds (Improvement of the well being). This type of innovation depends directly on the activities ofthe R&D.
  • 17. The innovation of a procedure based on the implementation of new methods of production. To day, we clearly observe an expansion of the policies of innovation mainly in the developed countrieswhich devote a great investment to the R&D. This shows the existence of a suitable climate forinnovation in these countries. It is remarkable that during these last years, companies of hightechnology or state-of-the-art technology (data-processing, pharmaceutical) have significantlyincreased their expenditure in research and development. The role of the government International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 58 policiesregarding the R&D should not be neglected. Indeed, the policies of innovation define the specificactions of the State, which must, on the one hand, encourage the accumulation of a qualified
  • 18. labour and, on the other hand, help the companies prospect the markets. This justifies the need of thepublic administrations to support the R&D. What are then the reasons for the government aid and the alternative mechanisms available to thepublic administrations to support the R&D? To answer this question, we will try to analyze thejustification of the government aid in the R&D starting from the theories of economic growth. In the neo-classical theory of growth, the technological advance is supposed to be exogenous (Solow 1956). With the long run balance, the growth of the population and technological advancedetermine the level of growth rate. This implies, according to basic assumptions, that long- termgrowth rate is stable and given in an exogenous way. Within this framework, the impact of anaction of the public authorities is practically ignored. The neo-classical theory of growth presumes that the economy starts from a weak relationship between capital and labour. Similarly, the marginalreturns on capital are decreasing, which reduces the motivation
  • 19. for investment in the new capital. Therefore, each new unit of the capital produces a lower income and less large savings. In the longrun, there will be an absence of incentives for investment. Consequently, the capital growth rate bycapita is cancelled. The neo-classical theory of growth presumes an efficient distribution of resources in the economy. The assumptions which underlie this theory exclude the modification from this distribution. Therefore, the intervention of the State in such an economy is not justified at least in the field ofefficiency. Any policy affecting the resource allocation would decrease the total production anddelay the economic growth. However, the intervention of the state could be founded on the criterionof equity. But, the assumptions underlying the neo-classical theory are not realistic. Thetechnological change is not always an exogenous factor outside the market, determined by anun known process. In the 20th century, a good International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
  • 20. ISSN 2076-9202 59 number of discoveries and improvements were madein the commercial sector by companies with a lucrative goal and not by public administrations oruniversities where researches are directed by non commercial forces. Markets are seldom in aperfect competition. Moreover, the private sector cannot produce all the desired goods and services because some of them are public goods and others produce external effects. The endogenous theory of growth recommends the relaxation of certain neo-classical assumptionsand incorporates the failures of the market. However, the long-term economic growth is directed bythe accumulation of the factors of production namelyfounded this time, on knowledge, humancapital, training, R&D and innovation. The neo-classical theory of growth identifies only one sourceof growth - the accumulation of the physical capital - which generates machines, structures and stocks and differs from the “R&D capital”. The latter includes the highly specializedor
  • 21. very specialized labour. The neo-classical theorists do not obviously neglect the other sources, but they explicitly do not integrate them in the models by considering that technologicaladvance is an exogenous variable. On the other hand, the models of endogenous growth arecharacterized by a great diversity of selected resources such as the investment in physical, human and public capital, in the division of labour, practical training (Learning by doing), research and technological innovation. The endogenous theory of growth recommends that technologicaladvance ensues from the R&D carried out by profit-making companies. Thus, research and development constitutes an important factor in the production process. The models worked out in this theory try to explain the origin of the endogenous technologicaladvance which is characterized by an increase in the variety of the goods produced or consumed, orby the improvement of quality. We distinguish, in general, four ways of research: ï¿œ The first one results from the work of Romer (1986) and seeks the engine of growth in thephenomenon of practical training which takes place inside
  • 22. the companies . ï¿œ The second, introduced by Lucas in 1988, favours the accumulation of the human capitalwithin the educational system. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 60 ï¿œ The third insists on the driving role of infrastructure and public expenditure. This current is initiated by the work of R. Barro (1990-1991). ï¿œ The fourth, based on the work of Romer (1990), Aghion and Howitt (1998), highlights the role of R&D or innovation. We can distinguish three levels of innovationsystems: ï¿œ A system of the innovating company; ï¿œ A system of the immediate environment of the company; ï¿œ A system of the overall environment concerning the general elements which support
  • 23. innovation. In this respect, innovation is first of all: A business of the companies, which, to innovate, areinteracting with other companies, government organizations, universities, etc. Then, it is a system of innovation which includes these whole factors and their interactions. In short, the assumption, according to which the factors determining the long-term growth are endogenous with the decisionmakingprocess, constitutes one of the main exemptions from the neo-classical theory of growth andinvolves important effects on the policy. Indeed, if the long-term growth is directed by the factors of production based on knowledge, which belongs to the normal structure of the costs of the company, then the public administrations can influence the long-term growth by changing the cost of thesefactors via the direct subsidies, taxincentives or marketing policies. The endogenous theories ofgrowth provide a framework of analysis of growth and its determinants which can also be used to study the impact of the public policies on the economic growth and investment in R&D.
  • 24. 3. METHODOLOGY R&D is a cumulative process of acquisition of competences and know-how. The transfer oftacit knowledge is delicate and represents a specific characteristic of the activity of R&D.Moreover, some expenses necessary to R&D, such as the capital expenditures ofinfrastructures, are irrecoverable. Therefore investment in R&D is an irreversible one and subjected to uncertainty. From the uncertainty of International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 61 the cumulative process (R&D) emerges adynamic behaviour research, which provides information on the intrinsic nature of the good. Themajor objective of this paper is to know the impact of research and development (R&D) oneconomic growth in the MENA countries. (The countries taken in our sample are about 15; these are: Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Djibouti,
  • 25. Egypt, UAE, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia) during the period 1980 - 2009 where information onexpenditure on the R&D is available. We try to follow an approach in which we consider researchand development to be a fundamental factor in the economic growth in these countries. This empirical study and the nature of research and development (R&D). It focuses on the theory of endogenous growth where R&D occupies a fundamental role. Thus, we try to identify the effect of R&D on economic growth in MENA countries from a static panel model. This empirical study is based on different estimation methods developed recently such as the GMM (GeneralizedMethod of Moments) and the OLS (Ordinary Least Squares). Hence, we use the causality tests andunit root while adopting the recent literature on the econometrics of panel data. Finally, we estimatethis model by the method "Full Modified Ordinary Least Square” (FMOLS), and then interpret the results. 3.1 Model Overview
  • 26. Within the framework of this study, we consider a transformed linear log function Cobb – Douglas of the following production: ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ The examined basic model takes as a starting point the work of Sadraoui and Ben Zina (2007). We limit ourselves to the study of the simple linear models of the panel data which are defined inopposition to the dynamic models using delayed endogenous variables. We assume that the per capita GDP incurred by governments is a function of the R & D, capital, and labour. The model is presented as a log-linear relationship between variables. Thus, we define: International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 62
  • 27. Y: the real gross domestic product per capita for country (i) in year t; K: the value of the real capital for country (i) in year t; L: the labor for country (i) in year t; RD: the ratio of the expenditure in research and development to the GDP for country (i) in year t; ᅵᅵᅵ: the term of error. 3.2 Results and interpretations 3.2.1 Graphical representation of the different variables Figure 1 : Logarithm of Gross Domestic Product Figure2 : Logarithm of Labor Figure3 : Logarithm of Capital 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6
  • 28. 9.7 9.8 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 LPIB 9.88 9.92 9.96 10.00 10.04 10.08 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 LL International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 63
  • 29. Figure4 : Logarithm of research and development (R&D) ï¿œ We note that the gross domestic product (GDP) in this country is changing significantly. Indeed, theGDP has been trending upward. ï¿œ Moreover, the GDP trend is different according to countries of MENA. Still, on the other variables, we distinguish a particular development whose series show a trend, which makes non-stationary variables. ï¿œ ï¿œ A study of the series in level shows that they are not stationary; the different analysis of each series shows that they are differenced stationary. 3.2.2 Study of stationarity and cointegration of series The unit root tests have become a common approach for the analysis of stationary time series. However, the implementation of these tests on panel data is recent. If we refer to the article "R&DCooperation and Economic Growth", we find that the tests most frequently used are those of Levinand Lin (LL) and Im, Pesaran and Shin for (IPS). Indeed,
  • 30. these two tests are used to study the 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 LK 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 RD
  • 31. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 64 nonstationary series. To overcome the low power of tests "LL" and check the stationary state of thegroup, we use the IPS method which suggested a unit root test in the context of a panel data model using the average individual statistics regressions "ADF". The longitudinal cross-sectional datashould ideally meet the assumptions necessary for the application of the alternative statistica t-bar totest the null hypothesis of unit root for all i (ᅵᅵ =0) t ᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵ 1N tᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵ ï¿œ ï¿œ!" Where: ti T (pi) : represents ADF tests estimated with delayed différences ; N : is number of groups N= 1,2,

  • 32. T : The period of time T =1,2,

..30 IPS suggests the use of fllowing of standardized studies: Zᅵᅵ√Nï¿œtᅵᅵ%E'tᅵᅵ(ï¿œ )varï¿œtᅵᅵᅵ Where E (tᅵᅵ ) and Var ( tᅵᅵ ) are respectively the arithmetic means and variances of the individual ADF statistics, since ᅵᅵᅵ 0. The IPS study shows that the standardized statistics converges weakly to the normal standard distribution, allowing to compare it to the critical values of distribution. The application of the unit root tests show that LL and IPS are all statistics assigned to a unit root. Table 1: Unit root tests Statistique Y L K RD Levin- Lin rho-stat -0.04484 0.86878 -0.16490 0.17205 Levin-Lint-rho-stat 0.79204 1.99911 0.71672 1.20149 Levin-Lin ADF-stat
  • 33. 1.84314 2.15673 0.81625 1.34737 IPS ADF- stat 1.13540 1.89654 -0.83109 0.59321 International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 65 The checking of properties of non stationary state for all the variables of the panel leads us to study the existence of a long-term relationship between these variables. In other words, the study of the existence of a relationship of cointegration, by applying Pedroni’s tests of co-integration, is based on the unit root tests of the estimated residuals. The co-integration tests on panel data are to test the presence of the unit root in the estimated residuals. However, the problem of deceitful regressions, well known in econometrics time series, also arises in the case of the panel data. Pedroni‘s tests are of null hypothesis of no co-integration based
  • 34. on the unit root tests of the estimated residuals. Pedroni has developed seven homogeneous and heterogeneous co-integration tests on the panel data. These tests take into account the heterogeneity in the co-integration relationship, that is to say that for every individual, one or more co-integration relations are not necessarily identical for each panel individual. The implementation of Pedroni’s tests requires a first step in estimating the long-term relationship for each individual described by: yï¿œ/ᅵαᅵᅵΎᅵtᅵβ"ï¿œx"ï¿œ/ᅵ⋯ᅵβ5ï¿œx5ï¿œ/ᅵεᅵ/ such as : i =1

.N, t =1

.T et m =1

M In Pedroni’s seven tests, four are based on the dimension "within" (intra) and three on the dimension "between" (inter). These two categories are based on the null hypothesis of no co integration (non-stationary state of the estimated residuals). The distinction between the two categories is made on the level of the alternative hypothesis: H"ï¿œ8ρᅵᅵρ:1∀ i:within ρᅵ:ρ∀ i:between Pedroni has shown that under appropriate normalizations, based on functions of Brownian motion, each of the seven statistics follows a normal rule, centred, and limited to N and T which are sufficiently
  • 35. important: zᅵᅵ%Ό√N √v →Nï¿œ0,1ï¿œ The results are shown in the following table: Table 2 : Pedroni’s cointegration tests International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 66 Rho-stat V-stat PP-stat Adf-stat Rho_stat 1 Pp _stat 1 Adf_stat 1 (y, L, k, RD) 0 .31934 1.72137 -1.09983 -1.80154 1.76313 -0.94537 -2.62449
  • 36. Note : 1 : These are tests based on the dimension "BETWEEN" From the results found in this table, we notice the existence of a long-term relationship between the variables, that is to say, a co-integration. To carry out tests of Co-integration on panel data and to obtain an estimate of the vectors of Co-integration, it is necessary to apply an effective method of estimation. Within this framework, we can distinguish several techniques such as, the FMOLS method “least square completely modified” used by Pedroni, the DOLS method (dynamic least square), the GMM method “Method of Moments Generalized” and the ML “Maximum of Probability”. Philips and Moon (1999) showed that within the framework of the panel data, the FMOLS and DOLS techniques lead to asymptotically distributed estimators according to a reduced centred normal law. Similarly, Pedroni (1996) affirms that MCO estimators “ordinary Least Square” are highly- convergent, whereas their asymptotic distributions are distorted and depend on the parameters of bad effects. According to Pedroni, these
  • 37. problems can be more marked in the presence of heterogeneity. For this model, the estimation of these co-integral vectors by the FMOLS method and for the whole of the panel, is given by (T - Student between brackets): ï¿œGï¿œH ï¿œ I.ï¿œK I.ï¿œL I.ï¿œM% ï¿œ% N.NLï¿œ ï¿œ ï¿œ.Nᅵᅵ ï¿œ O.ï¿œ ï¿œP Based on the estimator of Pedroni, the econometric specification of this model combines the use of the instrumental variables and the FMOLS method. The use of the instrumental variables makes it possible to obtain consistent estimations. Thus, the estimate by the GMM makes it possible to obtain a diagonal matrix of correlations. Table 3 : Correlation matrix LPIB LL LK RD LPIB 1.000000 0.954639 0.981909 0.898691
  • 38. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 67 LL 0.954639 1.000000 0.976842 0.944499 LK 0.981909 0.976842 1.000000 0.911354 RD 0.898691 0.944499 0.911354 1.000000 Yet, we use the Haussman Test (1978) which can be applied to many problems of specification in econometrics. However, its most widespread use is that of the tests of specification of the individualeffects as a panel. It is thus used to explain the fixed and random effects. Its general idea is at thesame time simple and brilliant. Let us actually suppose that we seek to test the possible presence ofa correlation or a defect of specification. Let us admit that we have two types of estimators for theparameters of the studied model: the first estimator is supposed to be predetermined while the second is not. Consequently, all what we
  • 39. have to do is to compare a distance balanced by a matrixof variance- covariance between the two estimators to be able to determine whether thespecification is correct or not. In fact, the technical use of this principle in this model makes itpossible to obtain a matrix of variance -covariance having good properties. Table 4 : Variance- covariance Matrix C LL LK RD C 5.812536 -0.615414 0.025530 0.033289 LL -0.615530 0.065199 -0.002745 -0.003432 LK 0.025530 -0.002745 0.000157 438 E-05 RD 0.033289 -0.003432 438 E-05 0.000476 The econometrics of the panel makes it possible to control the heterogeneity of the observations intheir individual dimensions either by taking into account a presumably certainspecific effect, “Fixedeffects”, or by considering a non observable specific effect (Radom effects). In this work, we examine the link between R& D and growth in various countries. On a sample of 15 countries during the period 1980 -
  • 40. 2009, the results of the obtained estimates using the various methods instatic panel, show that the International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 68 impact of R& D on growth varies according to the indicator of theinternal expenditure of research and development “DIRD” of each country taken in the sample. Onthe basis of this last indicator, it arises from the estimates that the increase in apoint of percentageof this indicator is brought to 0.427 point of additional growth. The application of the tests of unitroot LL and IPS shows that the whole of the statistical series is affected of a unit root. The checking of the properties of non stationary state for all the variables of the panel leads us to Study the existence of a relation of long run between these variables. In other words, we study theexistence of a relation of co- integration by applying the co-integration tests of Pedroni. Moreover, we use the technique of the tests of unit
  • 41. root in order to represent the estimated “residues” of the various countries included in our sample model. 4. CONCLUSION At the end of this research, the inventory of the main theoretical arguments and empirical results obtained reveal and confirm the importance of the R&D in the stimulation of growth. The drawn conclusions are also of a theoretical and empirical nature. On the theoretical level, we have showed that the endogenous theory of growth recommends the loosening of certain neo-classicalassumptions to highlight other underlying ones. Besides, the models worked out in this theory arecharacterized by a diversity of resources; for instance, investment in physical and human capitalwithin the educational system “Lucas (1988)”, practical training (Learning by doing) “Romer (1990)”, the driving role of infrastructure and public expenditure “R.Barro (1991)”, research and technological innovation “Aghion and Howitt (1998)”, etc. Moreover, this theory provides a well defined framework of analysis for the research anddevelopment
  • 42. as a fundamental factor in the economic growth. All in all, the empirical steps that wehad adopted in this work, made it possible to meet our need to evaluate to what extent the MENAcountries have profited from the R&D incorporated over the period 1980 -2009. The results areconvincing, indicating that there is a positive relationship between research and development and growth. In fact, this empirical study of the MENA countries has brought important results: The existence of a positive International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 7, No.3, 2015 ISSN 2076-9202 69 relationship between research and development and economic growth inthese countries. Indeed, the volume of expenditure of R&D acts on the speed of convergencebetween the countries. So, the research and development constitutes a crucial factor forrecovery. Therefore, stocks of R&D are
  • 43. necessary to adapt the advantages of the technological diffusion. Moreover, on the level of the developed capital, a policy of research and development and adynamic specialization constitute the principal determinants of recovery. Besides, the MENA countries must profit from their closeness to Europe to increase their exports and attract the FDE (Foreign Direct Investment) inorder to increase their creative capacities and improve their speed of convergence compared to thedeveloped countries. REFERENCES Aghion, P. Howitt, P. (1998).Endogenous economic growth, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass Barro, R. (1991). Economic growth in a cross section countries’, Quarterly Journal of Ecomics, Vol. 106, pp. 407-443. Chantal, K. Cincera, M. (2001). Determinants of innovation activities of firms in has Newly Industrialized Country: Year econometric analysis with firm- level dated for the Turkish manufacturing sector', Economy and Forecast, vol. 150-151, pp. 139-158. Christophe, H. (2000).The econometrics of the data of panel; Linear models simples', Doctoral School,
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  • 47. ㄅ̀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫؀‬ㄅㄅㄅDㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅЀㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ橌癡✡慬 杮匯牎湩㭧L枅瑯獥q~ä°‚à€€ 朷歲慃敬摮牡t䰊朣✭牰橯瑩✹浰振污湥慀✲朗歲慃敬 æ‘®ç‰¡ä°»à€€ 朷歲灳捡瑥✀捌浯瀯朲楪祎瀯✭慎歳倯朲敪瑣圀牯獫慰散砻pᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅĀ ㄅㄅƀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅĀÎㄅㄅㄅㄅĀㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅt ㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅLㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅȀㄅㄅĀㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅnㄅㄅㄅ˟ЀJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ橌癡✡瑵汩启敲卥瑥嬻ㄅ硥散瑰朩獮t 嬢捌浯瀯朲楪祎瀯✭慣敬摮牡圯牯䑫祡䰻Ѐ敷步t䰢朣✭牰橯瑩✹浰振污湥慀✲朗 歲敗步砻 ᅵᅵᅵㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅѷㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…æœ·æ­²æ…„ç…¹çž€àŒ€ 灞 ᅵᅵᅵᅵ牵∀ 䱛朣ㄅ牰橯瑩ㄅ浰挮污湥慀ㄅ朗歲慄㭹烇₭焌㻌ᅵ砀pᅵ瀇灰灰灰t 匈慎摮牡着ᅵᅵᅵ磿牳─朣ㄅ牰橯瑩ㄅ浰琮獡ㄅ牐橯捥⑎朗歲灳捡圥㛢ⱟ儚ȄԀ L挎污湥慀䜲瑰朩瑮ㄅ捌浯瀯朲楪祎振瑰朩獮䌯污湥慀䜲瑰朩㭮L昍敩摬汁慩䵳灡 t䰓慪慶甯楎✬慈桳慍㭰L瀍楲瑮敓瑎湩獧t䰡朣✭牰橯瑩✹牰湩✎牐湩华瑥楎杮㭳 L猔牰慥獀敚瑥朗歲灳捡瑥⠀ 捌浯瀯朲楪祎眯牯獫慰散圯牯獫慰散敓瑎湩㭧L理楚 ⑳ 琰ᎀ捌浯瀯朲楪祎瀯✭慎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅʂㄅZㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅLㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅㄅ4ㄅㄅㄅㄅĀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅDㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ṍㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ敬楮湥䥎ᘀ 業楮慭䑬祡䥳ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅ‫؀‬ㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅԀㄅㄅㄅȀㄅLㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅāㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅĀㄅ가ㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ʥㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅĀㄅ ㄅㄅㄅȀㄅ ȀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅЀㄅȀㄅĀㄅԀㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅȀㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅpㄅ đāāāāāāāāㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅIã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…æ¹¥å‘€æµ©ä¥¥ã„…æ¹¥å‘€æµ©äµ¥æ‘¯ä¥¥à€€ 慲䜷晊敳 䥎ᔀ 敳楲污敖獲朩䜮卮牎慥䥭ㄅ瑳牡䑎祡IçŒŽæ…Žç‘²æ…„äœ¹åŠæ•¥ä¥«à€€ 瑳牡䵎摯䥥ㄅ瑳牡 䵎湯桎I猉慎瑲楔敭I猍慎瑲楔敭服敀I猉ㄅㄅㄅㄅZㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ[ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅt ㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ʡĀLㄅㄅㄅȀㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅȀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅ가ㄅ۞ㄅˠㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅសសㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫؀‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅȀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Îㄅ
  • 48. ʛㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅZㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ[ㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅȀㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ 1ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ¬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅāㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅĀㄅㄅㄅq~)ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅáᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ甀q~ +ᅵđāāāāāāāā煳瞀⎀ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵq~眳 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~)ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅ ㄅ¬ㄅㄅ‫؀‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ ɳ̀ FㄅㄅㄅㄅLㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫؀‬ㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅ ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ìž™éµ¡ï¿œä€Ð€æ¥³æ•ºçžï¿œà€€ Ñ·ï¿œà€€ t䘈敩摬怮瑀က 楆汥ㄅ湩楀慣朎 獲t䘉敩摬眮獢t䘊敩摬枮浡瑥ㄅ楆汥ㄅ畀慲楎湯t䘋敩摬献慎瑲t䘌敩摬昮湩ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~Aㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅԀㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ʋㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅԀㄅㄅㄅㄅ̀ㄅㄅㄅㄅŞㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅΝĀIㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅ rㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ쇚ᛃ 텠ᅵ䘂ㄅ本摡慆瑣牯I琉牚獥朚摬灞䀿ᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵက ᅵᅵ獞q~㌓@ᅵᅵ睠ᅵᅵᅵᅵ瑘က 楆汥ㄅ捡畎污朗歲牳ㄅ朣ㄅ牰橯瑩ㄅ慀慎祎数 ㄅㄅ가ћㄅʇㄅㄅᎀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅȊȀJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅZ ㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ʋㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅɧㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅԀㄅㄅㄅ‫؀‬ㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫כּ‬̝‫؀‬Iㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ Iㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ˟ĀJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ̀t䘕敩摬攮慬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅԀㄅㄅㄅŰt ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅĀt ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅƁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅĀ ㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ楆 汥ㄅ慢敳楬敮會瑳煳瞀ㄅᅵᅵq~ç ¡t䘖敩摬献档摥汵湩䵧瑥朚瑀ᄀ朆睲牡ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅĀtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅӻㄅㄅ Ԁㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Ìㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
  • 49. ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅĀㄅ가ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅȞĀIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅ ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ê°€ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œç€àŒ€ 楆汥ㄅ癳敐捲湥獎q~Iᅵᅵㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅĀ가Žㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅĀㄅ가ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅq~ㄅㄅĀㄅ가ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅĀ ㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ楆汥ㄅ慢敳楬敮䌶獯獎q~ï¿œï¿œç„€çž€â„€ç‘žà€€ 楆汥ㄅ慢獣q~ᅵᅵ焀瞀℀ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅĀtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~VĀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~I ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ楆汥ㄅ慢敳楬敮圞牯獫q~ᅵᅵᅵᅵĀt䘖敩摬戮獡汥湩䑥牵瑡朩 獮q~ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵt䘑敩摬攮灞湥敳祔数煳瞀嘀ᅵᅵt䘉敩摬瘮捡煳瞀ㄅᅵᅵq~ç ¡t 䘓敩摬戮獡汥湩㍥會瑳煳瞀ㄅᅵᅵq~ç ¡t䘋敩摬献慎瑲煳瞀㚀ㄅᅵ⎁ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~Vㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~Iㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~Iㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅ ㄅ楆汥ㄅ敲慭湩湩坧牯獫q~ᅵᅵ昁듅Āt䘗敩摬戮獡汥湩㝥畄慲楎湯煳瞀ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~Vㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~Iㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅĀtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅ̇ЀI昇硩摥摉L戌獡䍥污湥慀瑲☀捌浯瀯朲楪祎瀯✭慣敬摮牡圯 牯䍫污湥慀㭲L搋晩敊敲据獥t䰬朣✭牰橯瑩✹浰振污湥慀✲慃敬摮牡敄楊楮楎湯 䰻ㄅ敳楲污穩摥慎敭q~砅pᅵ瀁牳⚀朣ㄅ牰橯瑩ㄅ浰挮污湥慀ㄅ慃敬摮牡敄楊楮 楎湯ᅵ㉃㉊ᅵᅵ䚄Ȁ摩L損祡硅散瑰朩獮t䰓慪慶甯楎✬牔敥敓㭎[攊捞灥楎ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅLㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ͛ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅkȀㄅㄅ˜ȀJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ[ㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅpㄅㄅㄅ ㄅrㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ȟㄅㄅㄅㄅ灰灰灰瑰ㄅ瑓湡慀 摲ㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵ瑞ㄅ楆汥ㄅ朣灭敬敎煳瞀⎀ 琀ㄅ楆汥ㄅ慭慮敧瑲ᅵt䘔敩摬戮獡汥湩
  • 50. ㅥ䌰獯獎q~ï¿œï¿œç„€çž€â„€ç‘žà€€ 楆汥ㄅ慥獣q~ᅵᅵ焀瞀℀瑞ㄅ楆汥ㄅ朮敎瑳ᅵt䘓敩 摬戮獡汥湩㉥會瑳煳瞀ㄅᅵᅵq~ç ¡t䘈敩摬挮獶q~ᅵᅵ焀瞀℀瑞ᔀ 楆汥ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅѷㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ➀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ楬散獮䥥ㄅ楬散獮䜥瑰朩獮J瀐牡湥剎 ç¥ç•¯æ²ä¥¥å­€àŒ€ 畡桎牯穩摥朒敬瑳Ȁ䥛L挈污湥慀煲瞀ȀL攌慭汩摁牀獥煳瞀ԀL朐 本慢坬牯噫捥朎瑲㘀捌浯瀯朲楪祎愯杬牯瑩浚戯晵敊✲片畯数䍀污畣慬敎噀污敵 ã­³L瀎牡湥剎獥畯捲煥瞀 甋敳䅲捣畯瑮q~砅q~ïŒ‰ï¿œï¿œï¿œçƒ¿ï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œàŒ€ t倏 朲敪瑣䎠湡条牥煵瞀ㄅᅵ嘄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ„ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅՃ가ㄅㄅㄅ가‫דּ‬ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ؄ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ 가 가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅጥ͢ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅёㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ쯜հㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅҚ가ㄅ 가៮ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ Ṝ가 ㄅỬㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅԟㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ Ұㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ‫ٌ‬가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅῂㄅㄅ‫م‬ㄅㄅẗㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ࣕㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ῥㄅㄅ틲 傐䣪䲊 鎊쵟恍햪㛌디㿜꜉镖ᄝퟧႩ ᅵᐃ腓薣淔㬟 哪ꕟ 僐ᅵ鷱杻 參뵙멅㔈➚홚㙩깚 퉯骁氐 岁ꟍ‫ﰿ‬ 璩 ì“€ 첯谰ᅵㄅ⻬ 쫛깃蔉躀扮䮞 ᅵ竄ꒁ 賺ㄅ⚟ℭㄅ컅윗䀩 ᅵɧ֌ 龜 ㄅ첇잶㬲矄詻鎟梞ᅵ 후ᅵ퍟ᅵ㲂꺵╅ 剋刓쀧㙺塊燙댲핞 鐶≏ㄅ 䓩ㄅ쇑䅿뢔 컕쯗ㄅ㛀첡厃 半尛ᇈ㬁㿺ꖀ瓑시 ꘀ曠䃚㐒盜订 巔 诊 觥䙄怇 韊ᅵᅑ닆ᅵ 묫ꂈ ᅵ㵊ㄅ浵䅪ㄅ‫ﯞ‬ㄅ诞窊 ᕓ ㄅ暇粐뿀仆秹ꏜ ㄅᅬ 茱镭烠聂쑂ᅵ䭐ㄅ뙬ѡϐᅵ‫ޜ‬ᅵ 䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰뙬ѡϐᅵ‫ޜ‬ᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ؅ㄅㄅㄅㄅ8ㄅЈㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᎀㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ᐄㄅㄅ愀 おJᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵ匀牥慩楬敺镀가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﺎ‬ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ℠ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ﷺ‬가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ‫מ‬ 윮 ⌃☔欚䒮 瓉 ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅࢊㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ᶹ ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ‫ﺅ‬가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ ២
  • 51. ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ₜ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⠆㗐 ä¢ŸëŒ²àžŠ 蘒霜矘䠌 ꀟ ỵ ♳ 蔑鿌ꑳ 犊 ꀕ ㊱菱雺蔆栶늜柞 汚꟢⊶쫇ㄅ銄뗛脍䗘ᅵ孮藥點怕ㆲ匥ႈ 鈯黮枪蝈霊莕ㄅ텐ᔍ 䣝 뗺 ᅵϋ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅℙㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ꞛ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ‫ﮜ‬ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅՎㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᶕㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ┐ ㄅㄅ‫ﷻ‬ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ‫ﺜ‬가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ᷁ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ÿㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ϙㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ϙㄅㄅᅵ ᅵᅵᅵㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ؅ㄅㄅㄅㄅ8ㄅБㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅĀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅꭊㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가 ㄅㄅរ가가Ẃㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가 ㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅꞀㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ˃ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅԗㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅᶔㄅㄅ가 ⠭䥧옶瘟 ꁶ ㄅ監닝 éª±ï¿œêµ¡Ô«è·á¶«àžš ច韺ૡ㫀‫ܪ‬ 鲗䇙ᅵョ蔪㚶蟬멶 瑙耜얙‫ﺣ‬쌅쥅泍ㄅꃜ 姡⺘ଟ ᐃ퍵䋎 Ꮘㄅ䛌拗쉂蝲ㄅ钥糕暧ꟊ杪 捖 ᅧ ຕ 졷ๆ à€ŽêŠ  ㄅ훀螓㜝䀟硳㒗 ㈡咲쌀톌皌윐ꅃ 잀땚⚬쟻찂呬赐姐が腀芮 ࿋ 鉅㖹 遱 쒹 ä‰çŒ­êŽŸé¡·â„³ä„¬à€‰èŸ—æšé³Ÿã”£â€«ï®­â€¬å†Ÿã„…èŒ«êŸ•æ§®æ¡ìšƒ ᙜ ꌛ⛅ 픵饘膜牐뚻အ⢻ 筗죪魭ᅵ叛⚑匛藱 ᅵ険䡬䲞숎䁲㝥癔쎣 㿗ㄅ✑ဏ 绻偔揞묅鞺⩜ 耲巖벚䃰ꎃ ㄅ芣춈ぐꎅ 皇‎ 煖鹙ㄅ⡆聒莏 呯韋穿卓郅 虏劄㉗橥ꕅ圌 サㄅ‫ﭖ‬ꆷ 抁땺 碈鵰䄊噓曟ㄅㄅㄅ âªªêº„ä³±æ¢’àŽ±ì–‘áŠäª”í„¯åƒ“ï¿œè·ŽæŸ› 鎃 멅甔잚㙩㙚깩 ꉯ 嵆 㘈 김鿆렌멛碷 婎 옘朗环鍹 휡䊂은ㄞ●玞 滜붒剀䙜‫ﺃ‬兏⅟殫 쟗䀚ᘓᅵΧ ֌ 鮜 玪颎鱭癡 ᗶ❗ 턌띊ᅵㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ᎐ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﺯ‬ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﻇ‬ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가Ϳㄅ ㄅ가‫ݚ‬ϗㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가‫ݚ‬ϗㄅㄅᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ؅ㄅㄅㄅㄅ8ㄅЏㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅȀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳 羀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琒⠀ 牐橯捥⁎慍慮敧ㄅ湡⁀慅瑳匠摩ㄅ牆浡湩⁧䵐煵 瞀ㄅᅵ怄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵ敓楲污穩摥喕诏唛鉊焞 䆶ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅ가₋ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅπ가ㄅ 가 ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅρㄅĬ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가 αㄅ가가
  • 52. ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫ݳ‬ㄅㄅ가₶ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ד‬ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ╙가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅIㄅ℧ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ©ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ڹ‬ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅǟ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ʣㄅㄅㄅㄅӗ厍‫ﯕ‬㘬譞 柕놪ᅵ盀䍥瘠깐핶ᅵ뮱⊧ 㙵 ⍳ 䯄뭀 눹 텒쬈锁僝跙‫ff‬匯ꟶ煿 ᙮ 凜 ᒏ 牞좩嚀ꅧ 가ㄅㄅῬㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ﻩ‬ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᶥㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅÙㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ݞ‬ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫ײַ‬ ᜋㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫﯀‬ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ履㣊ㄅ苃ᅵ쀊쁈姑깗 ᅵ蝊 滞ᅏ 䚉䲲仙絬 àŽ“ 䶲鋈䶊倪魒뚡倥䛏⬉똻ㄅ㊯ᅵ 箉 迶籯 萞탚ⁿ嶊 àŽ­ 鬲 䧁法峫㇈笁翭䬀 藺 äŽ‡é»µé®œàŽ¶ ㄅ淃㚧俁 댮満䌯 ᅵ柲⣆錏ꑟ ㄅ 郭죶∮㔚劷ᅵ銝 ⊪ 瞍쏌ᔢ 鈜絟ᅵ矯ㄅ吝 궰ㄅㄅㄅ 躿倇ㄅ怈ꞩ ï¿œ 딀ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お恊ꞩ ᅵ딀ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ匀牥慩楬ㄅㄅՋㄅㄅĀĀ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﷺ‬가 ⅷㄅ가가ㄅ䗞윮 ⌃☔欚䒮 擩 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Ơㄅㄅ가 ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ‫שׂ‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 Ṝ가ㄅửㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅԟㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ̹ ㄅ⁝ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ٹ‬ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가‫ב‬ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ٬ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅʙ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ã„…ã„…ã„…ä±ã„…ê”°èš¹é—‘ä­›ï¿œå­ ì¡™â€Ží€—èº™ã•à€± ㈙煺 ㌩䚣폯擔 빪 爱蝐딅䛛♱ 䣀 釀卙ᅵ웙晙 䜞ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ℶㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅጇㄅ ㄅㄅ៝가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ⅳӇ Gㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가 가ㄅ㲣社㊑렿뒣瞇䄑늡竍囜畲ꁆ ㄅㄅᅬ 蟺檊 ᘟꌩ 粐ㄅ仺秞 ᅫ 蜵ᕭ䣠职ㄅ 䑵뿑䭐ㄅ嗠ᅵϣᅵㄅᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰嗠ᅵϣᅵㄅᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵЛᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵЀᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ᐀ 灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳 羀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琔⚀牐橯捥⁎慍慮敧ㄅ湡⁀慗敎睲牯獫倠畬扭湩⁧䵐 煵瞀ㄅᅵ怄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵ敓楲污穩ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ
  • 53. ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅԏㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﭗ‬ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅðㄅKㄅㄅㄅ가͢가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ⁁ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ➎가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ؚ‬ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ῝ㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅƮㄅㄅㄅ가ˇㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ₱ㄅㄅㄅ䳊謈 䉑 蔟鿌ꖳ疊㯿䀪ꕭ 工爍큍唞ᅵ 좵圄ㄅ䬚㶓䚐坮‫זݢ‬櫥浗涹ន箺刪捧㞪䈷䲌箶 溚ඐ 霉䚊๘ 쪆⑮翙볹 箳ㄅ³ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ‫م‬ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫⅏ݐ‬ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가‫ﯶ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ꒲ 鍪陊棔熚홉决쫂䶎욛첫랏粮 붣ㄅㄅ筎 蠟坢붲淪祶荋⛌瀔䩰ᅵ䱲廀ㄅ䥠厎碿籕ㄅ鏮퍳䆶槝 杄짞掙ꌟ ᅵ韧 æŠ¥ã„…àŽœ ⏛‫דּ‬䔞쳟 퉡钑ꇻ 툝벟ㄅ쵊홭뛣垚♧ 쇔租ᅵ铕㯆拟誑硺쀎ㄅᅵ綯‫ﲰ‬ 藵 궰ㄅㄅㄅ 茿 倇ㄅ琈 ᅵ뜀ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お瑊 ᅵ뜀ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅՋㄅㄅĀĀㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅtㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가가가가 ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅអㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ăㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅúㄅㄅʄㄅㄅ ㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ ㄅ᜙ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ孖័⌈꿎嗀듈๔〮莳가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅ가‫ﺕ‬ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ 檙䎬䃶뀚奝蠗鐝嶫 鵈ㄅᅵ ᅵ䆺ㄅ⩜ 愚ꀹ ㄅ묪撑刺 쟍簟췔䐂㟟⧊里嶂䯞ᔮ 䀙ㄅ应ㄅ횁ㄅ芣 ぐꎅ 剚 㢲嗡傍 ꌗ ᅵಟ蔉撎퓊ᔚ屒걑싗ꘔ 蛟ㄅꘇ헩뒬 㛑 舕ㄅ憟ㄅ⢠ㄅ蛲姧悊奜ㆮꏡ 씫ᅵ㌟玓颎㱄㲔䉵 ᇉ犿ㄅ럯玭㩰銅㎧ꕒ⓫ 㕝 굎 襓Ɐ啎㘈 김霆밌롗碿 퉎 䘘 玬譹敭팡岀뭀㘺쓏搎 ᅵ箜ꒁ 賺㎚勏↛ 컹⟗ 䀹ᘝ ퟔ蚶ųɆ춎犺䣕첇잶㬳矄詺厺梞쬀 훀랧혿ᅵᅵ㔥暚鉜泵낔掲ㄅ⫱ â®­ 뢟棻ㄅㄅ퍧䎞ຈ ㄅᅵ疯実틞댠䔉鰞 캶ㄅ뀓뀇隀埮⪌ 힟 막ᅵᅵꉶ ç°³ 쟘ᥚ 立 甥楻㷚䜇 쳈䞟㟑䘳项⑎绥蝞⟎⋯劂魳룵 駕甉矰篟 隯磒忇刬蜑⇌闹 뗧霏 늿쟰똜艕ㅣ영 䔑Ϳ䭐ㄅ 벖ϥᅵㄅᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰 벖ϥᅵㄅᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵНᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ‫ᅵᅵᅵᅵ؀‬ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᘀ 灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琖⚀牐橯捥⁎慍慮敧ㄅ湡⁀瑓摵湥⁎朗歲牥ㄅ慍杮牥 煵瞀ㄅᅵ朄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ
  • 54. ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅΉㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가℠ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ㠈穪 éœ’ì£ã„…è†àš—èŽ“åœµ àŒ… 䳰Һ✀롟 㳯똬쒠卌墄涗쁘咘晝겷큍 ⛊뢔䳋䟉蓘쎲 캄静ꃋ 젬ᅵㄅĔ ï¿œéŽæ‡‘ê»œá™›Ð©àž’ã„…á†±ï¿œë«–ç’ë¡·è‡šåƒ¢ê…ž տ䊮ꎮ 灢駉ꐝ 㻲冇됪懐둜엓 챉ណ⿵ㄅ湊୊ àŽ‡ì‹ç±”à°¬í‘íåŽ‹âº™âŽ•å±ã®åŽ›àŠ‹ì¬‰êˆ 隬噒鷳銚핮쿎귚㻆闱⟿ 䐝ㄅ趐栜䀒✹졈➭묟 ãžž 껈擒ㄅ蜕죈 ㏺Ṻ⎊ߐ 䘌斫ᅵㄅ鲣葪 琊ㄅ土⟺첒芬蒃육 àŒŸ 暒篹뵚鳅 愉䚉롈䑌 抩ㄅㄅ壐같祌荇ㄅ䞎 ᅵ턶ᅵ牥䈆 蛚 岢ㄅ뜣 朜諏ᅵ䐯鞈睉핏 ꓳ蕃請ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ‫ﻃ‬ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅVㄅꬷㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅᶕㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅổ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…íŽ©ä€Œä†³äŠ³èµ³àœ¬ 뚥煉䋪熰‫އ‬ 㕲 ㄅ㮥 驔 ⟥녮㲭嫀ㄅ哚 蒹ㄅ㎙鮻✳钐톟 暙ꐳ 뵵ㄅӪ根苂巚煇쀶쁘励 깓 ᅵ蝊盞兟쩷ꎓ饎鶢ㄅ쟀㒏럈䌡浕쩓ㄅ㔍쀮㛺塊燙㍚땿‫ﻹ‬鐶퉍둜랷 槓⇏ 蝄ㄅ 扑멊뫗⻟楯ᅵ䞏皫 蹂ᅵㄅㄅㄅ誯㓯緕枊㛖㮚뚍 ㌎猱柍饪硫 慞㷚➣筡曀 儙☑䀝៙凞៚ᅷꅁ 춹ᅵ牖䙜ㄅ컟䟻ㄅㄅ뱪ㄅ⬖䞯郊ㄅ絁 ៗ 髟뛃瀊ℬ飀㳟 偟ㄅᅵ㮈 ᅵ뜀ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅՋㄅㄅĀĀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅtㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ڻ‬ㄅDž℉ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅՋㄅㄅ가℠ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ‷ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ꬰㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ͋가가ㄅ ㄅ֧枅愳䵕ᔓՌ뚏ᅵ챘ㄅ閎잔峊눋툫篭 ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅỆㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅ가ㄅ ã„…ã„…ÔŽ ԙㄅ가가가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅꞀ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅᵶㄅㄅㄅDZㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ šㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅⱣㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ijㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅԮ가ㄅ٪ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ가₎ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가 ủㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가‫ﭟ‬ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ͔㞲牶麀ㄅ킧 㳖뺻 鹟퇆媂덗濭⎎ᵀ ⋭林Ṍ㡊枺株깞 䬱쬿㺬띿쪻딍쫠籆ᅵ걎癿Ꮻ툍䡍╣ㄅ슲苡䫃꺱ᗅ滌푪ꌄ ㄅ襯ꉬ ꎉ 瞧跡䟏‫ٳ‬᎙ㄅ酆 楞⣟殯媐芆俰裒ㄅ‫ک‬ ㄅ쭆⻥陜毟焎䞲⚲≰涭 綜 蜪㋕ 됳゜颚鏁놰 쏟㍡ㄅ ꥭ펠됣ꀝ ï¿œ 뒃몜퀫ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ‫נ‬ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ገ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅŋㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᜊ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅՋㄅㄅĀĀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅÿㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
  • 55. ㄅㄅÿㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅt䔛獡⁎楓敀䘠慲業杮☠䐠祲慷汬煵瞀ㄅᅵ 怄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅОㄅㄅ ‫ﻁ‬ㄅㄅꞵㄅㄅ가가ảㄅㄅㄅ가᜕ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ˚⌃☔ㄅ䒮 璙 ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅࢊㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ➎가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ Ộ가가ㄅㄅ©ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ➒償ㄅ嬹婪㿷ʣ階쮇ᅵꃑ ǐ厍ߕ 㘬赞 柕놪ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﻍ‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅṟ ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ̀έㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가가가ㄅ가ˊ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가가 ㄅ⅃ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가⁷ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ̀┛ ꗚ 뱙 ⟊ 㝩寚밿ᅵꈐ  ⢂╱ 뚖젵䁭‫ޕ‬ 咧㕿邞 䚖锫垮ᅵㄅᓝ곜偏ㄅ㣭ꇑ 牜峊棏㒙䗶筵ᅵ냃爳 賏࢚ ᚓ ï¿œ 㷅偄湪Ƴ햷㊌ꄳ ㄅ篮‫ﳏ‬ 坌ㄅㄅ앭 ㊱대忲ꝣ볌 㟒쎘䪶㱰䀡‫ﺟ‬ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ Ϛㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ Ïšã„…ã„…ï¿œ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ؅ㄅㄅㄅㄅ8ㄅВㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ 가 가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ Șㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ姊햐蟡 퀝⠇ 涹ꌚ 룃덝刬ㄅᅵ惞嘃銵庻ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ â‚œ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅꭆㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ●ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅⅆㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ‫َ‬가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ៯가ύ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ֭͘ꍻ ᅑꄛ ㄅㄅ棎겔닢 굕ꑐ 錀寪밁ᅵ⡚빟䱳쥓閐迮蒖䝒ꔲ䕪ಥ鱗比ొ䥓띻⢠ᅵ밞⪒㳛훎謩얅명釪蓡棛 㔮逺 溕䅒畃醱 뮭ủ㇌짿ㄅ⋛䆵꺍 큪䊵⟶뚊ℵ냘 럞뷒鎹獣뜢䔲랱 çºï¿œàŒ³ ⚹ Ȕ렺窉䄮⎚垣퉶 㳎鍃뒄ᖮ ᅵ✟ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ៝ㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅⅰ҇ ÿㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ڀ‬ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ݣ‬ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅῒ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ영ㄅ윐Ϳ䭐ㄅ䱛ౠ ϑᅵ‫ޚ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵ ᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰䱛ౠ ϑᅵ‫ޚ‬ ï¿œ
  • 56. ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵЉᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅ灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琚᐀ 灓牡獫䔠敬瑣楲慣䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ嬄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡 䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵ敓楲ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…â‚Ž ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…Æžã„…ê°€ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ១ㄅㄅㄅЈ 가ㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ瞀럟鈧규莅憔⏟ Ὴ匌索栻솿ㄅ⥡ 䡊벹⅏昋ꥬᅵ賿퀊Ṝ猬孟劃㐇啎눟棙넵倰ㄅᅵ鉄 腵ꉚ 殷哲䃯婅䑬韅쑢뉭퀜 ˎ郙륰葚裥滊 陆 흏矮 廜‑ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가Èㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅd ㄅśㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅឰㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅň가가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ֠ ㄅ玊☡䞂뭌핲蜲㇌㏎숧ㄅ쑛槏둟斳 益 퀿ᅵퟩ銡딥暔鉑ㄅ낔枌 â®­ 뒟棏綯 鏇䋮躈ㄅ풢沕骯✟棭ᅵ쌏욚 蹂 ᅵ堃䎖ㄅᅝ棟쟪범䆌 턺絩 䜀饩 甅晻⟒ 쟣睠ꘔ鏟頀焚옙䞜៹⏛돭裻풠懜 犚 橣뵂귺蟷 ᅵ뿳告 ä ³ 욿 ꖜ⌯㇟涃 ä©„ã†€ã„…ì€€åƒŸã„…àŒˆ 햎ᅵꄀ ᅵ倀ŋᐂ ᐀ ã„…ã„…æ„€ãŠàœŠ 햎ᅵꄀ ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ匀牥慩楬敺偀ՋᅵᅵĀĀ㠀ᅵㄅᅵ ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵ瀛pᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵ猠q~ᅧᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅt匑慰歲ㄅ汅捥牎捩污 煵瞀ㄅᅵ堄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ˿ㄅឪㄅㄅ‫ת‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가еㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅņㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅԟ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅⅅ蚊便➑ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅԉㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅꞑㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅῊㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ⅀ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ᵜㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫﮹‬가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅdㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ➌ㄅᵙㄅㄅㄅㄅ­ㄅㄅ 가 ㄅ↊ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ã„…ÌŽã„… ‫ݵ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 가가 가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅᜌㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅˣㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅϟㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﮫ‬曶가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅ가ꝇ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ﮔ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ‫ﭺ‬Έ가가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ٌ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅ䢜〉⒈ㄅ䭐 ᅵ‫ޞ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ
  • 57. ä©¡äš° ᅵ‫ޞ‬ ï¿œ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ï¿œÐŠï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œà€€ ᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅ灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琜ᘀ 慗敎睲牯獫倠畬扭湩⁧䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ射䭐Ѓᅵㄅ ᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ쪉펵웊ꡀㄅ얊뱡鳻멎鵟 䆮咪ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅΈㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ‫ﭹ‬ㄅ‫ؚ‬ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가Ǡ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅùㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅǘㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ Ɱㄅㄅ가ㄅ⁗ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가 가ឬㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ©ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가 ã„…ã„…ÇŸ ㄅㄅ ã„…âž’ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…ã„…Å‘ã„…ê°€ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ 멩㙆尀ㄅ㥡늚⚛ 醻 쯵 ᅵ룻‫ޛ‬ 綈⚿ㄅ花댜岗㈪횀ㄅ뀜膯苖턃쑈⡆슘ㄅㄅㄅ‫ב‬碏⍕ —蟀囆ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅꬵㄅㄅᵍㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅꝝㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅꜣㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가¹ţㄅ가ㄅㄅ ᶙ가ㄅ ㄅ가가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ‌ꋘ ▒ᔵ 剪 鑬뢰荣 펪귣錪펀朚 è¡‚ãºŽå„‚ä«¢åž¶ï¿œæ°¯é©è›àŒ² ã„…ï¿œà€Ž ㄅϿㄅ흍垯㌑ㄅᓓ곜偅ㄅ㭬科牜䣢桏 㧎筵ᅵꌩ 悧 ᅵᅵᅑᅵ륇ᅵ 뭋ꂈ ᅵ㵊ㄅ 浹䉢 늟鯳㒊 談푕卣繈뿥仆秹ꏭ 柅ㄅ蔵镭䓠聂쑑뿱䭐ㄅ믕⭿ϖᅵ‫ޣ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵ ᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰믕⭿ϖᅵ‫ޣ‬ ï¿œ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵЎᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅᎀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ֍ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 怘昿緶络銿ᅵ蟟⁢飠㧩⟆ ㄅ蜮 ⌃☔⬚䒮 璙 ‫ﱎ‬ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ姊떒蟡퀝⠇ 涹 ꌚ 룃덝㈬ㄅᅵ拞嘃銵劻䣭ᅵ ᐶ蔷 ⫚ 震ᅵ ⚰ᚅ곚皇墺㵎銉Džꋿ ꋧ 曀ꂶ 庋 䰬䟧Ɔ骊穩⮡ ꗓ 䮉晵殣ℱ녡鑍单ㄅ原팵핏৵ ⟘ 튏푁ㄅ죙⚁ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ∞ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅỵㄅ▄ ℹ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅӗ‫ݢ‬ㄅㄅᶹㄅ‫﮺‬가ㄅ가ℐㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅó Շㄅ가 ㄅ‫م‬ㄅㄅៗㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅԢㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅλㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅẝㄅឈㄅ ㄅₖ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ Ώῳ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가가 ㄅ⅂ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가г가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ뭋杶ꌖ㎺髞䧲賚 朏ㅜ 뿈䚠쥜櫶蟧淅爍倛쇊합ㄅ졜ġ ï¿œ
  • 58. ꍋ ㄅ⯅䟢땍芙 暇荃✝ 갺➇ 隄䍉垟垷淆皲瘖湆㷲ㄅᆉ愕竔‫ﮔ‬嶑뻒螺䚈淍 骶⛗퐊 㟪 鷌㓟 ᅵ걕Ả䊝 㗿쩶鯏⌟睟꿟氩ҫᏇ谂忱螢‫ۿ‬䭐ㄅ耓瞵ϓᅵ‫ޠ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅ ᅵ䩡䚰耓瞵ϓᅵ‫ޠ‬ ï¿œ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵЋᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵក灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琞ក慅瑳匠摩ㄅ牆浡湩⁧ 牄睹污䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ搄 䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ驜˖僱֊䔥혔䠚蠜 䧚捥퐠䏩㢱瞌 뎫ᅵ䠵⪕䠎焈䅚䎂 ㄅꁱ Å¿âž·èŒ•ì•“à€‰è‹µã¢„ 뵊㣫 ㄅㄅ가 ‫ﷺ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅð ꝏK ‫ﻗ‬가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ט‬ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ҿㄅㄅ가가가ǹㄅ가ㄅ가가 가ឬㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ Ộ가 ㄅㄅㄅ©ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅϚㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ Á가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가 ‫ڏ‬가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫ﯮ‬ʣㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫﯀‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅṞ ㄅ ㄅ當뀿摔ꎀ圻 䘎ᅣꆛ ã„…àœ‡ 棎걜닢 赕ꑐ ጀ å¬˜ë°å¿¡éš¯ã„…è›ŒèªŠâŒ¡á¿à€ 꺥쩀諔ㄅ㢮毑ɮ쵓 兀䏓 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅᵃㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫﯀‬ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅӺㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅⅲчㄅǿㄅ ⾗ 가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅ ㄅ࢚ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ á¿žã„…ã„… ㄅ가Ϟㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Ϟㄅㄅᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ï¿œÐ–ï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œàŒ€ ᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰ㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅጀㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁧ ㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ដ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가₃ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅăㄅㄅ 가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅƵㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅηㄅ가ㄅ‫م‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ᶙ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅꝚㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ甬늈䩚쵙橷琢皩쩱╮ 觶ㄅ 蝟 鍀⚀䅺湂瀵珙䧳掚ꑻ ⚘ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅꭆㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅҰㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ쐢搫ꟻ䗩↲ ㋡ㄅ苋滊 驆ᅵ柧繮 廃„ㄅꂚ 쟰瘊㜵咹dã®­ 祗ꇡ åš†àž› 捆鬑悡䜊 屚 㲲嗊傍 Ꟗ秞卓郅 螏劄㉗橥ꕅ圌 㜵ㄅ‫݊‬ꁷ Ⓜ骜癕㱅쪌倂狭ㄅ艫й몢浔冊泄⩻㑉蚟鈞ㄅ䚈鞥槚㎚ꑭ 逸ᅵ댋뛟‫ﻞ‬곩⋶ 蚝厺 큪哕 蒇霌絎㔓䋪冰‫އ‬ ╲ 쿡‫ﮥ‬毳眓ꋒ ìŒ²ëž°çŸè¯±æ³›àŒ»áš¹ Ȕ웚犉섮⎝⎧ 䥻 àŽ™ 鹺뺣噂蚷꿝
  • 59. 剎⚀ㄅ枯鱐』瀖ᅵ㧎뙀腱⇙펟䋟깓ꉹ ⺕뙓ᅵ釞 왉锶ㄅ傳銧柬蒣工㒻型ᶛ嵯⓹䛭 ퟻ鎿ㄅ瑂忎┐撮뵻 뛒뀆⠍ 䶯 肈ㄅ耿톥ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ‫ﮔ‬ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가‫ﮟ‬ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅῒㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅϛㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅϛㄅㄅᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵГᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵက ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳 羀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琠ᘀ 朗摯牣晡⁎慃灲湥牎⁹䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ垄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰 ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ₣ⁱㄅꝫㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가‫ڻ‬ㄅDž℉ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가℠ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ砈 ìŒœï¿œéœ–ìŒ£ã„…è†àš—èŽ“ 圕 àŒ… 峰Һ✀롿 㲯럌쒠卌墄涗쎘䲘晝겷퀍턷셅ㄅ焚銗ㄅㄅ蝥ᅵ鎉⻳ 䆗욋鉙醵嶏蟐Ț맮⠝쎣嶞ㄅㄅㄅ泮↱ ㄅㄅ ‫ݲ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅᵲㄅ가가៝ㄅㄅᎋ ㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ 가ㄅ가가Ꝍㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ﮚ‬ 가Αɍ ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가᜻ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ‫ﻩ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅẚㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ原䘩가ㄅㄅㄅㄅṜㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가‫ﯶ‬ㄅㄅ가ㄅṎㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ݚ‬ ҹㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅԧㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅȣ가ÿㄅ ㄅㄅ Ԏㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ‫שּ‬Ợㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가ㄅ䌜〈㌊㢊ㄅ 䭐ㄅ✏쀙Ϙᅵ‫ޣ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰✏쀙Ϙᅵ‫ޣ‬ ï¿œ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵАᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ기ᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ℀灰ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅJㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ֍ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ℍ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ‫ﯵ‬ㄅ‫ݎﻞ‬ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅðꝏK 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 가가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ⁁ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ➧ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ爒슫軋䟛ㄅ⇙降僇衹ㄅ쀕 Ꞷㄅꇧ Ӑ쟜둣ᚚ ᅵţ㙊 ᅵꏯ 흀 跷ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅₙㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ࢮㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ 가 ㄅύ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가 ㄅ가‫ב‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ‫ﻩ‬ㄅꬵㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅឈㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ᎓ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ
  • 60. 가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ●ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅɧㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅៈㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가‫ﭟ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅℋ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ朠Ĝ㒰꺚럟瞀哑⊛ 办ꁿ 㐶狘쎢灺㳢桏㒙㧎㭵枌톓끳爵 豏࢚횣ᅵ掏 偄湪ẳ햷㚌ꄱ ㄅ쟑ㄅ럱㒊 誻푕匣繈燳ꝣ볌ᅵ 慍╛隞怐 焒㿌䭐ㄅ 㜃ϕᅵ‫ޠ‬ ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰㜃ϕᅵ‫ޠ‬ ï¿œ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ؅ㄅㄅㄅㄅ8ㄅЍㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ⁎ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅЀㄅ͋ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ Jㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ╛ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ℞ㄅKㄅⱺㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ迉猙ᅵ㟯麟뮻ㄅ밄穢 挋 쮃 뚻샀蔋ㄅ⮪ ‫⩞ނ‬ɝ⎀鞿 寊晐⊊걂㛋懌Ꙍ 가가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가 가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가가͇ㄅĔㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅЙㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅⁱ가ҿㄅㄅ가가가ỹㄅ가ㄅ가가 가ឬ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅI가 ℠ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가T가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅ ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가가가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ‫ﮩ‬ ㄅ ㄅㄅ甭鹵 匌疿 ᘿ 㰟햞ꑝ 儃 厚뚍璚銭폯ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅ֮ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ҝㄅㄅێㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ᎐ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅỜ‫ﻇ‬ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ劂魳룵 딉鏫 ᅵ쯶喊菔䠳 욿漏 ꖣ 윯ㄅ뛁灊℞需⧌ 偯ㄅ瀈 ᅵ홐ᅵꐀ ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お祊ᅵ홐ᅵꐀ ᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ匀牥慩楬敺偀Ջᅵ ᅵĀĀ㠀ᅵㄅᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ï¿œ ᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ瀣pᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵ猠q~ᅧᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ⌀ t匏畎 敀瑮圠牯敫獲煵瞀ㄅᅵ嘄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ㄅ가֪ㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ࢢㄅㄅҶ가가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅֱ靕ᅵᅵẳ憗ㄅ遹凵⚀䏚℔뷷吮 旑槜㛘萩鞒滚↱ 㮫ᅵ灒獯வㄅ䟡旁ʞ꺅솊朥顎߉ 䙜킩靂퇵ᛉ 黋ㄅ磗렎篚뀚⟕ꋚ 㘟ㄅ ⢱텄 뙀赔煜슩 ♬ㄅ襷窲奆瀜囫営㌿랥Қ埄꿱ႈ 뜵㹃ꀊ I뷥ꄀ ㄅ笟 黚 ㄅ蜕죈 돚ᅺ浊ߐ 䄌涻ᅵ깢鲣葪 土⡟ᅵ薬钃ᅵ àŒŸ 橓‫ﯹ‬뜚ᅵ愱䚩륈䑌 ଡ᱊ 䊩ㄅㄅ峐같界荇‫ݒ‬䞎᜙ᅵㄅㄅㄅ∆ㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가➪ㄅ가ㄅ 가가 가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가‫ﯙ‬ㄅ ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅӳㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅ
  • 61. ㄅㄅㄅ֬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ仪 鐝늰擫‫ﻊ‬돪규鬫얎朚 柺욓衂‫ﲎ‬ ꈋ é“”êœŽï¿œæŒ­å«èƒ˜àŒª ã„…ï¿œ 흍 垯ᅵㄅ铅벌倷ㄅᣮ 䗑㐜靵檧㚙䗳磵퉡 悧ᑧ럊⒓ㄅᥱ 淆饇ᅵ 䄐늡ㄅ凜捲ꁊ ㄅ篮 ‫ﳏ‬ 坌㕓 䪫힔㎣繈뿥컺秞쏭濥ㄅ茱ᕭ壠聊ㄅᅵ䭐ㄅꜣ耒ϐᅵ‫ޜ‬ᅵ䭐ȁᅵᅵㄅᅵ䩡 䚰ꜣ耒ϐᅵ‫ޜ‬ᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ؅ㄅㄅㄅㄅ8ㄅЈㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅq~ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅpㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ楃祎䔠畱灩敭瑮䎠癯牥ㄅ䵐煵瞀ㄅᅵ匄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ 䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ꜟ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ˿ㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ת‬ㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅͰ가ㄅ가가가가ㄅㄅ苰㧩⟆ㄅ䜮 ⌃☔ㄅ䒮 璹 繎 鿆项䅯銉ࢊ⺱ホㆇ몙滌ㄅ柠订鮂倛⻢┳戟욓謎Ꮉ ᚃ 뎔 ꂻ 儏ᅵ㭳 䙐熇溻摙䠐걞얳겆ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ̉ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Ꝍㄅㄅꜗㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅː가가ㄅㄅŧㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ가가š ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ϑㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ῭가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가‫ݓ‬가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가가ㄅϒ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ㊢ッ 皟 寳❬ 뀏ᐖᅵㄅ鎁 鈅㏪ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ€ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅꝬㄅㄅ‫ڡ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ῟가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ 가 ㄅㄅㄅ ᅗ翇倃ㄅՍᅵꔀᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お琢Սᅵꔀᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ匀牥慩楬敺偀ՋᅵᅵĀĀ㠀ᅵ기ᅵㄅ ᅵᅵᅵÿᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 瀥pᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵ猠q~ᅧᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ─t䌕瑩⁹煅極浰湥⁎服敶獲煵 瞀ㄅᅵ厄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ Ԛㄅㄅ 가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ࣢ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ̂ㄅㄅ가 ឋ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅጥ͠ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅѐㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가‫ێ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가‫ﺓ‬가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅҚ가ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가 ㄅㄅ ㄅ가가ⱻ가Նࣕ가ㄅ ㄅㄅⱞ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ䞎 ᅵ턶霗용棊萏ᅵᅵ嗔湛 誮ᅵ䐯히盉퍗搫쉃ꉥ 阑⫝̸ ꆻ 㹟炻가ះ 가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가➪ㄅ가ㄅ 가가‫ﺻ‬ㄅ가
  • 62. 가ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ﮐ‬가‫ﹲ‬ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅꝑㄅㄅㄅㄅԌ가ㄅźㄅㄅ가ㄅ Ιㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ΰ가ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅⅻㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ кㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ홪뜯 뜏 䩪淣갿䕘㘜  瘵쿊 ç°¯ ⊏ ㄅ위 ≿ 倆 럐ퟍᅵꈀ ᅵ倀ŋᐂ᐀ ㄅㄅ愀お 럐ퟍᅵꈀ ï¿œã„…ï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œï¿œåŒ€ç‰¥æ…©æ¥¬æ•ºå€Õ‹ï¿œï¿œÄ€Ä€ã €ï¿œàŒ€ ᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵ烿灰灰灰煳瞀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ瀊pᅵᅵᅵ ㄅᅵᅵᅵÿᅵ猠q~ᅧᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ☀t䔙灞敲獳䎠癯湩⁧會灭湡⁹䵐煵瞀ㄅ ᅵ怄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가 ㄅㄅㄅ가₋ㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ̔ㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가Ǡㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅ 䖖脆莄䶝搶鬵ㄅ꺵ᅵ壝䃮䍱ꅞ ㄅ䂮ꎮ 灲駉ꐝ 緳ꌎ 桒쎡棺讧흅颓㱙忮峎ᅵᛌ 가ㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ‫ﮫ‬ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 ㄅㄅㄅʥㄅ 가Ṻㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ƃㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가 ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅῘㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅЀㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ Đ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅꝑӫㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ⹀ㄅ가가ㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ 가ㄅㄅ가●ㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ ㄅƳˆㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ▒ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅ 가가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅṥㄅ가ㄅ 가가ㄅㄅ가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅꝣ가가가ㄅ가ㄅⱰ가ㄅ á¿žã„…ã„…ã„… Ϛㄅㄅㄅㄅȁㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ Ïšã„…ã„…ï¿œ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ敓楲污穩摥䭐؅ᅵᅵᅵᅵ8ᅵВᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵㄅᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ灰灰灰獰q~¬ᅵᅵᅵ烿ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ✀灰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ 煳 羀 ᅵᅵᅵᅵpᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ琧ᘀ 硅牰獥ㄅ服楶杮䌠浯慰祮煵瞀ㄅᅵ厄䭐Ѓᅵㄅᅵ䩡 䚰ᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵᅵ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ驜兢偑ф䄥혔䠚蠜 槚捥풠䏩㢱ㄅꜿ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅΈㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ 가‫בֿ‬ㄅㄅㄅΰㄅㄅㄅㄅ‫ؘ‬가ㄅㄅ⅊ㄅ가 %ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가 가ㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ‫ﮉ‬ㄅㄅㄅⱻㄅㄅ가ㄅ가가ҏ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가가ㄅ가ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ 가가Ằ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가Ꝫㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ ‫ך‬가 가ㄅ가ㄅ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅꝆㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ ã„…á¿Šã„…ã„… 가ㄅㄅㄅㄅ ㄅㄅ가 ㄅㄅ 가ㄅㄅ؅ㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅϞ ㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅㄅㄅ가ㄅ가ㄅㄅã„