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Dr. Nidhi Patel
Spinal Column Anatomy
 Vertebra
 Vertebral Body
 Pedicles Anterior (2) &
Laminae Posterior (2)
 Transverse Process –
Junction of the
Pedicles and Laminae
 Spinous Processes –
Joining of the Laminae
 Intervertebral Disks
 Avoids Hazards of General Anesthesia
 Patient is Alert earlier postoperative
 Lower incidence of Nausea/Vomiting
 Better Pain Control/Less Narcotics
 Indications
 Best reserved for operations below the level of the umbilicus
 R/LIH, GYN, Peroneal, Anal, LE’s
 C-sections
 Preferable to Epidural & GA
 Risk/Benefit Ratio
 Contraindications
 Refusal
 Infection
 Severe Neurological Disease
 Hypovolemia
 Coagulopathy
 LMWH use?
 Overall incidence of Spinal Hematoma
 Estimated < 1/220,000 – SAB
 Estimated < 1/150,000 - CLE
 Benefit/Risk Ratio
 Recommendations
 A single injection of a local anesthetic
solution into the subarachnoid space usually
at the lumbar level
 Intrathecal Narcotics
 Commonly at L3-L4
 Largest Interspace
 L5-S1
 Small needles  PDPH
 Large needles improve
tactile sensations
 Pencil-point needles 
PDPH risk
 Further reduction with
addition of ITN
 Side injection needles with
large holes  CSF but
careful to have entire hole
 Baricity of anesthetic solution
 Position of the patient
 During injection
 Immediately after injection
 Drug Dosage (mg)
 Concentration times volume
 Addition of Opioids
 Site of Injection
 Patient Age
 Elderly patients > 80 yrs
 Patient Height
 Intra-abdominal Pressure
 Pregnancy & Obesity
 Drug Volume
 Added Vasoconstrictor
 Rate of Injection
 Except for Hypobaric
 Gender
 Females < Males
 Pregnant versus Non-pregnant
 Weight
 Increased Weight
 Lesser concentration needed?
 2-6 dermatomes
higher than the
sensory block
Motor Block
 2 dermatomes
lower than
sensory block
 Isobaric – Stays where you put it
 LA has the same density or specific gravity as CSF (1.003-
1.008) – Normal Saline
 Hypobaric – “Floats” up – Lighter than CSF
 LA has a density or specific gravity that is less than CSF
(<1.003) – Sterile Water
 Hyperbaric – Settles to Dependent aspect of the
subarachnoid space – Heavier than CSF
 LA has a density or specific gravity that is greater than CSF
(>1.008) - Dextrose
 Sitting
 With Legs hanging over side of bed
 Have the patient hug a pillow
 Put Feet up on a Stool (no wheels)
 Assistant MUST keep the patient from Swaying
 Curve her back like a “C”, Halloween Cat, Shrimp,
Cannon ball
 Up in the Bed (quicker but not optimal)
 Baricity?
 Lateral Decubitus (Left or Right?)
 Needs to be Parallel to the Edge of the Bed
 Legs Flexed up to Abdomen
 Forehead Flexed down towards Knees
 Jack-knife Position
 Chosen for ano-rectal surgery
 CSF will not drip from hub of needle
 Use hypobaric solution
 Bupivacaine less run-off than lidocaine
 Identify Suitable Patients
 Equipment Required
 Single-shot or Catheter Placement
 Continuous spinal with epidural catheter
 Know your Spinal/Epidural Kit
 Determine Insertion Approach
 Midline
 Paramedian
 Midline
 Most commonly used
 As needle passes thru the
dura mater a “pop” is often
 CSF flows thru once stylet is
 For small gauge needles (26-29
g) this may take 5-10 seconds
 May take even longer in
dehydrated or elderly patients
 If no CSF flow, needle can be
obstructed by a nerve root
(rotate 90 degrees)
 After identifying the proper
interspace palpate the
spinous process
 Insert needle 1 cm lateral
and 1 cm inferior to this
point and direct needle
towards interspace
 May need to walk medially off
of transverse process
 Ligamentum flavum is
usually the first resistance
 Bypasses supraspinous and
intraspinous ligaments
Taylor (L5-S1)
 If it is not a labor epidural/c-section, give
versed, fentanyl and oxygen prior to neuraxial
 Local Anesthetics to the skin, deep tissues?
 Skin wheal should be performed at vertebral interspace (1-2
ml) and to adjacent sides (.5ml) with 1% Lidocaine
Unable to locate CSF
Inability to enter SA space
 If bone (os) encountered superficially
redirect needle cephalad
 If bone (os) encountered deep
redirect needle caudally
Inability to aspirate CSF before injection
Ensure that you have CSF in all 4 planes
Surgery outlasting the drug selected
Short, intermediate & long term local anesthetics
Can increase duration & efficacy with opioids/LA admixture
5-10 mcg fentanyl or 1-2 mcg sufentanil
Dose (mg) Duration
T-10 T-4 Plain w/epi (0.2 mg)
Lidocaine 30-50 mg 75-100 mg 45-60 min 60-90 min
Tetracaine 6-10 mg 12-15 mg 60-90 min 120-180 min
Bupivacaine 6-10 mg 12-15 mg 90 min 140 min
Ropivacaine 6-10 mg 12-15 mg 90 min 140 min
Drug Dose
Peak effect
(hrs) Advantages Disadvantages
mg 30 60 12-24
Long duration
Significant side
effects; delayed
biphasic modality
Fentanyl 10-25
5 10 2-3 Rapid onset Short duration
Sufentanil 5-10 mcg 5 10 2-4
Rapid onset;
few side
Short duration; can
see sinusoidal fetal
HR; respiratory
depression >
10 mg
10 15 4-5
Rapid onset;
of spinal
Nausea and
vomiting; pruritis
 Definition of determining level: analgesia versus
 Alcohol skin wipe
 Pinch
 “toothpick” skin test
 Nerve stimulator
 Etc., etc., etc.
 Beware: break no skin, use no needles
 Work fast after local anesthetic injected
 Assess early and frequently
 Augment position changes to maximize spread hyper /
hypo baric solutions early
 Co-administration of IT Opioids
 ? Make patient cough several times
 More effective with lidocaine
 Use previously discussed strategies
 Re-do spinal anesthetic
 Supplementation with local anesthetic per surgeon
 Analgesic intravenous supplements
 Dissociative intravenous supplements
 General Anesthesia
 Spinal Anesthesia Group
 10-12 mg Hyperbaric Bupivacaine
 Supplemental Anxiolysis & fentanyl
 Intraarticular Group
 IA Injection 15 min before incision by
anesthesia in holding
 Followed customized format
 2-injection technique
 20 ml Bupivacaine 0.5% with epinephrine
 Propofol Infusion
 50-100 mg/kg/hr
 Fentanyl supplementation
 50-100 mcg during injection with 2 mg
 General Anesthesia Group
 Standardized Induction
 Desflurane or Sevoflurane
Time Requirements between Groups
*Sig p < .05
Time from Surgical Start to
First Postoperative Analgesic Request
* *Sig p < .05
 Placement of Local Anesthetic into epidural
Dural Rent
 Indications
 Contraindications
 Same as SAB (
 ? Tattoos
 Epidural blocks can be placed 4 hrs after last dose of SQ Heparin, 12 hrs after
last dose of LMWH
 NSAIDS (including ASA) not contraindicated
 Placement relatively safe with INR < 1.5
Orthopedic Major hip/knee surgery, pelvic fractures
OB/GYN C-section; laboring analgesia/female pelvic organs
Urology Prostate, bladder procedures
General Surgery
*Thoracic vs Lumbar)
Upper & lower abdominal procedures* (height of block)
Postoperative analgesia, combination with GA to reduce requirements
Pediatric Procedures
(*usually through caudal)
Penile procedures, IHR, Ortho procedures; Postoperative analgesia,
combination with GA to reduce requirements
Vascular Surgery Vascular reconstruction, amputations
Thoracic Surgery
(*Thoracic epidural)
Postoperative analgesia, combination with GA to reduce requirements
Medical Conditions Known/suspected MH
 Typically use Loss of Resistance Technique
 Routinely placed in Lumbar region
 Use the needle for skin infiltration to identify midline
 Insert the needle in a slightly cephalad direction
 Dorsum of non-injecting hand rests on patient’s
 Thumb and index finger grasp hub of needle
 Seat needle into intraspinous ligament and
advance in slightly cephalad direction with
continuous pressure on plunger of syringe and
when the needle exits ligamentum flavum feel
sudden loss of resistance
 The distance from skin to epidural space is 4-6 cm in
90% of the population
 Never change the direction of the needle tip after it
passes through the ligamentum flavum
 Do not advance the needle
 Air versus Normal Saline
 Missed dermatomes
 Presence of parasthesias?
 Thread catheter 3-5 cm
 Check position
 Presence of parasthesias?
 Remove needle while keeping positive pressure on catheter (thread
 Check position
 Secure catheter
 Check position
 Test dose
 Aspirate for Blood or CSF
 Off midline insertion usually results in higher blood vessel puncture
 A change of 20% or greater in HR after test dose indicates intravascular injection
(replace catheter)
 A dense motor block within 5 minutes after test dose indicates spinal block (if
positive either replace catheter or convert to continuous spinal technique)
 Only give test dose after contraction is over in pregnant women
 If patient on beta blocker a change in systolic pressure > 20 mm Hg indicates
intravascular injection
 1.5 % Lidocaine with epinephrine vs 2% Lidocaine
Problem Interpretation Reason Action
Needle floppy, angles laterally Missed intraspinous ligament Entry off midline Reassess and redirect needle
Hit bone < 2 cm on insertion Hit spinous process Missed interspace; spine flexion
Identify interspace; redirect
needle more caudal
Hit bone > 4cm or > Contacted lamina Needle entry too lateral Redirect more midline or use
paramedian approach
Bony resistance all approaches Arthritic spine & ligaments Ossification of ligaments Use paramedian approach
Cannot thread catheter Narrow epidural space; Missed
epidural space, false loss of
Space not dilated
Epidural needle too close to dura;
catheter not in epidural space
Dilates space with 20 ml NS
Try rotating the needle slightly to
change bevel direction
Resistance to LA injection,
difficulty passing catheter, clear
fluid in catheter, cold fluid in
Drip back of LA Cold fluid = LA; may be in
subdural space
Can be widespread patchy block
with hemodynamic stability;
replace catheter and wait for
Pain (parasthesia) with catheter
Catheter near nerve root Approach too lateral; too much
catheter in epidural space
If pain persists replace catheter;
withdraw catheter if > 5 cm and
Can’t palpate spinous process Obesity or arthritis (obscuring
spinous processes)
Obesity; severe arthritis Try midline approach for obese
Use 22 g needle to identify bony
Use paramedian approach
Drug Concentration (%) Onset
Plain/Epi (min)
2-Chloroprocaine 3 10-15 45-60/60-90
Lidocaine 2 10-15 80-120/120-180
Mepivacaine 1-2 15 90-160/160-200
Bupivacaine 0.25-.375 (*not surgical suitable)
0.5-.75 (*.75 -Not on OB)
15-20+ 160-220/180+
Etidocaine 15-20 15-20 120-200/150+
Ropivacaine 0.5 – 0.75 15-20+ 140-180/150+
Levobupivacaine 0.5 15-20 160-220/180+
 Volume is the key factor in determining height of blockade
 Typical loading dose is 10-20 ml given in 5 ml increments
 Wait about 2-3 minutes between increments
 Use of epinephrine and bicarbonate will speed up onset on anesthesia
 If block incomplete after bolus replace catheter rather than wasting time
giving larger dose or re-positioning catheter
 Inject one-quarter to one-third of initial dose about 15 minutes after initial
bolus to enhance sensory blockade
 Cookbook guideline
 To determine volume you can use the 5-foot rule
 Example: For an individual who is 5 feet in height you administer 1 ml of local anesthetic
solution for each segment requiring blockade and increase the volume by 0.1 ml for every 2
inches above 5 feet.
 Example: For someone 5’10” in height and you enter at L3-L4 Interspace and want a to block up
to T-6.
 8 ml for L3-S5 and 7 ml for L2-T6 = 15 ml (base amount)
 Additional amount is 0.1 ml times 5 (10 inches/2) = 0.5 times 15 segments = 7.5
(supplemental amount)
 Overall add the 15 ml plus the 7.5 ml to get a dose of 22.5 ml
Need a total of 22.5 ml to achieve a T-6 level on a 70” person
 Opioids
 Morphine, Fentanyl, Sufentanil, Depo-Dur
 Depo-Dur Considerations
 Clonidine
 Hemodynamic Considerations
 Sodium Bicarbonate
 Speeds onset & Prolongs duration
 CSE technique
 Allows for immediate relief of pain (from SAB) & subsequent
administration of medications via CLE for prolonged anesthesia
 Advantages
 Reported to decrease failure rates of CLE (confirmation of epidural
 Clinical uses:
 General Surgery
 Laboring analgesia & Cesarean Section
 High risk patients
 Slower onset of sympathetic blockade
 Careful positioning during SAB with subsequent titration of CLE
 Administration of intrathecal opioids with small amount of
bupivacaine (2.5-5 mg) decreases epidural dosing requirements and
decreases degree of sympathectomy
 CSE offers the advantages of both spinal and epidural
 CSE provides rapid onset and careful titration
 Can use doses as low as 40 mg lidocaine or 7.5 mg bupivacaine
 Additional Opioids
 Sufentanil
 Fentanyl
 Morphine
 Potential disadvantages
 Catheter migration into SA space
 Test Dose
 Transient parasthesias
 Ideal length of spinal needle beyond epidural needle is 12-13 mm
 Longer spinal needles associated with higher incidence

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  • 2. Spinal Column Anatomy  Vertebra  Vertebral Body  Pedicles Anterior (2) & Laminae Posterior (2)  Transverse Process – Junction of the Pedicles and Laminae  Spinous Processes – Joining of the Laminae  Intervertebral Disks
  • 3.  Avoids Hazards of General Anesthesia  Patient is Alert earlier postoperative  Lower incidence of Nausea/Vomiting  Better Pain Control/Less Narcotics
  • 4.  Indications  Best reserved for operations below the level of the umbilicus  R/LIH, GYN, Peroneal, Anal, LE’s  C-sections  Preferable to Epidural & GA  Risk/Benefit Ratio  Contraindications  Refusal  Infection  Severe Neurological Disease  Hypovolemia  Coagulopathy  LMWH use?
  • 5.  Overall incidence of Spinal Hematoma  Estimated < 1/220,000 – SAB  Estimated < 1/150,000 - CLE  Benefit/Risk Ratio  Recommendations
  • 6.
  • 7. *
  • 8.  A single injection of a local anesthetic solution into the subarachnoid space usually at the lumbar level  Intrathecal Narcotics  Commonly at L3-L4  Largest Interspace  L5-S1
  • 9.  Small needles  PDPH  Large needles improve tactile sensations  Pencil-point needles  PDPH risk  Further reduction with addition of ITN  Side injection needles with large holes  CSF but careful to have entire hole subarachnoid
  • 10.  Baricity of anesthetic solution  Position of the patient  During injection  Immediately after injection  Drug Dosage (mg)  Concentration times volume  Addition of Opioids  Site of Injection
  • 11.  Patient Age  Elderly patients > 80 yrs  Patient Height  Intra-abdominal Pressure  Pregnancy & Obesity  Drug Volume
  • 12.  Added Vasoconstrictor  Rate of Injection  Except for Hypobaric  Gender  Females < Males  Pregnant versus Non-pregnant  Weight  Increased Weight  Lesser concentration needed?
  • 13. Sympathetic Block  2-6 dermatomes higher than the sensory block Motor Block  2 dermatomes lower than sensory block Sensory Motor Sympathetic T5
  • 14.  Isobaric – Stays where you put it  LA has the same density or specific gravity as CSF (1.003- 1.008) – Normal Saline  Hypobaric – “Floats” up – Lighter than CSF  LA has a density or specific gravity that is less than CSF (<1.003) – Sterile Water  Hyperbaric – Settles to Dependent aspect of the subarachnoid space – Heavier than CSF  LA has a density or specific gravity that is greater than CSF (>1.008) - Dextrose
  • 15.  Sitting  With Legs hanging over side of bed  Have the patient hug a pillow  Put Feet up on a Stool (no wheels)  Assistant MUST keep the patient from Swaying  Curve her back like a “C”, Halloween Cat, Shrimp, Cannon ball  Up in the Bed (quicker but not optimal)  Baricity?  Lateral Decubitus (Left or Right?)  Needs to be Parallel to the Edge of the Bed  Legs Flexed up to Abdomen  Forehead Flexed down towards Knees  Jack-knife Position  Chosen for ano-rectal surgery  CSF will not drip from hub of needle  Use hypobaric solution  Bupivacaine less run-off than lidocaine
  • 16.  Identify Suitable Patients  Equipment Required  Single-shot or Catheter Placement  Continuous spinal with epidural catheter  Know your Spinal/Epidural Kit  Determine Insertion Approach  Midline  Paramedian
  • 17.  Midline  Most commonly used  As needle passes thru the dura mater a “pop” is often appreciated  CSF flows thru once stylet is used  For small gauge needles (26-29 g) this may take 5-10 seconds  May take even longer in dehydrated or elderly patients  If no CSF flow, needle can be obstructed by a nerve root (rotate 90 degrees)
  • 18.  After identifying the proper interspace palpate the spinous process  Insert needle 1 cm lateral and 1 cm inferior to this point and direct needle towards interspace  May need to walk medially off of transverse process  Ligamentum flavum is usually the first resistance indentified  Bypasses supraspinous and intraspinous ligaments Traditional Taylor (L5-S1)
  • 19.  GIVE INTRAVENOUS FLUID BOLUS OF 500 CC PRIOR TO SAB/EPIDURAL DOSE.  If it is not a labor epidural/c-section, give versed, fentanyl and oxygen prior to neuraxial anesthesia.  Local Anesthetics to the skin, deep tissues?  Skin wheal should be performed at vertebral interspace (1-2 ml) and to adjacent sides (.5ml) with 1% Lidocaine
  • 20. Unable to locate CSF Inability to enter SA space  If bone (os) encountered superficially redirect needle cephalad  If bone (os) encountered deep redirect needle caudally Inability to aspirate CSF before injection Ensure that you have CSF in all 4 planes Surgery outlasting the drug selected Short, intermediate & long term local anesthetics Can increase duration & efficacy with opioids/LA admixture 5-10 mcg fentanyl or 1-2 mcg sufentanil Dose (mg) Duration T-10 T-4 Plain w/epi (0.2 mg) Lidocaine 30-50 mg 75-100 mg 45-60 min 60-90 min Tetracaine 6-10 mg 12-15 mg 60-90 min 120-180 min Bupivacaine 6-10 mg 12-15 mg 90 min 140 min Ropivacaine 6-10 mg 12-15 mg 90 min 140 min
  • 21. Drug Dose Onset (min) Peak effect (min) Duration (hrs) Advantages Disadvantages Morphine 0.1-0.25 mg 30 60 12-24 Long duration Significant side effects; delayed respiratory depression; biphasic modality Fentanyl 10-25 mcg 5 10 2-3 Rapid onset Short duration Sufentanil 5-10 mcg 5 10 2-4 Rapid onset; few side effects Short duration; can see sinusoidal fetal HR; respiratory depression > fentanyl Meperidine 10 mg 10 15 4-5 Rapid onset; potentiation of spinal anesthesia Nausea and vomiting; pruritis significant
  • 22.  Definition of determining level: analgesia versus anesthesia  Alcohol skin wipe  Pinch  “toothpick” skin test  Nerve stimulator  Etc., etc., etc.  Beware: break no skin, use no needles
  • 23.  Work fast after local anesthetic injected  Assess early and frequently  Augment position changes to maximize spread hyper / hypo baric solutions early  Co-administration of IT Opioids  ? Make patient cough several times  More effective with lidocaine
  • 24.  Use previously discussed strategies  Re-do spinal anesthetic  Supplementation with local anesthetic per surgeon  Analgesic intravenous supplements  Dissociative intravenous supplements  General Anesthesia
  • 25.  Spinal Anesthesia Group  10-12 mg Hyperbaric Bupivacaine  Supplemental Anxiolysis & fentanyl  Intraarticular Group  IA Injection 15 min before incision by anesthesia in holding  Followed customized format  2-injection technique  20 ml Bupivacaine 0.5% with epinephrine (1:200,000)  Propofol Infusion  50-100 mg/kg/hr  Fentanyl supplementation  50-100 mcg during injection with 2 mg midazolam  General Anesthesia Group  Standardized Induction  Desflurane or Sevoflurane Time Requirements between Groups SurgicalTim e A nesthesia Tim eTO TA L H ospitalTim e 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Spinal Intraarticular General *Sig p < .05 * TimeinMinutes (MeanSD) Time from Surgical Start to First Postoperative Analgesic Request 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Spinal Intraarticular General * *Sig p < .05 TimeinMinutes(SD)
  • 26.  Placement of Local Anesthetic into epidural space Dural Rent
  • 27.  Indications  Contraindications  Same as SAB (  ? Tattoos  Epidural blocks can be placed 4 hrs after last dose of SQ Heparin, 12 hrs after last dose of LMWH  NSAIDS (including ASA) not contraindicated  Placement relatively safe with INR < 1.5 Orthopedic Major hip/knee surgery, pelvic fractures OB/GYN C-section; laboring analgesia/female pelvic organs Urology Prostate, bladder procedures General Surgery *Thoracic vs Lumbar) Upper & lower abdominal procedures* (height of block) Postoperative analgesia, combination with GA to reduce requirements Pediatric Procedures (*usually through caudal) Penile procedures, IHR, Ortho procedures; Postoperative analgesia, combination with GA to reduce requirements Vascular Surgery Vascular reconstruction, amputations Thoracic Surgery (*Thoracic epidural) Postoperative analgesia, combination with GA to reduce requirements Medical Conditions Known/suspected MH
  • 28.  Typically use Loss of Resistance Technique  Routinely placed in Lumbar region  Use the needle for skin infiltration to identify midline structures  Insert the needle in a slightly cephalad direction  Dorsum of non-injecting hand rests on patient’s back  Thumb and index finger grasp hub of needle  Seat needle into intraspinous ligament and advance in slightly cephalad direction with continuous pressure on plunger of syringe and when the needle exits ligamentum flavum feel sudden loss of resistance  The distance from skin to epidural space is 4-6 cm in 90% of the population  Never change the direction of the needle tip after it passes through the ligamentum flavum  Do not advance the needle  Air versus Normal Saline  Missed dermatomes  Presence of parasthesias?
  • 29.  Thread catheter 3-5 cm  Check position  Presence of parasthesias?  Remove needle while keeping positive pressure on catheter (thread concurrently)  Check position  Secure catheter  Check position  Test dose  Aspirate for Blood or CSF  Off midline insertion usually results in higher blood vessel puncture  A change of 20% or greater in HR after test dose indicates intravascular injection (replace catheter)  A dense motor block within 5 minutes after test dose indicates spinal block (if positive either replace catheter or convert to continuous spinal technique)  Only give test dose after contraction is over in pregnant women  If patient on beta blocker a change in systolic pressure > 20 mm Hg indicates intravascular injection  1.5 % Lidocaine with epinephrine vs 2% Lidocaine
  • 30. Problem Interpretation Reason Action Needle floppy, angles laterally Missed intraspinous ligament Entry off midline Reassess and redirect needle Hit bone < 2 cm on insertion Hit spinous process Missed interspace; spine flexion inadequate Identify interspace; redirect needle more caudal Hit bone > 4cm or > Contacted lamina Needle entry too lateral Redirect more midline or use paramedian approach Bony resistance all approaches Arthritic spine & ligaments Ossification of ligaments Use paramedian approach Cannot thread catheter Narrow epidural space; Missed epidural space, false loss of resistance Space not dilated Epidural needle too close to dura; catheter not in epidural space Dilates space with 20 ml NS Try rotating the needle slightly to change bevel direction Resistance to LA injection, difficulty passing catheter, clear fluid in catheter, cold fluid in catheter Drip back of LA Cold fluid = LA; may be in subdural space Can be widespread patchy block with hemodynamic stability; replace catheter and wait for resolution Pain (parasthesia) with catheter insertion Catheter near nerve root Approach too lateral; too much catheter in epidural space If pain persists replace catheter; withdraw catheter if > 5 cm and reassess Can’t palpate spinous process Obesity or arthritis (obscuring spinous processes) Obesity; severe arthritis Try midline approach for obese Use 22 g needle to identify bony landmarks Use paramedian approach
  • 31. Drug Concentration (%) Onset (min) Duration Plain/Epi (min) 2-Chloroprocaine 3 10-15 45-60/60-90 Lidocaine 2 10-15 80-120/120-180 Mepivacaine 1-2 15 90-160/160-200 Bupivacaine 0.25-.375 (*not surgical suitable) 0.5-.75 (*.75 -Not on OB) 15-20+ 160-220/180+ Etidocaine 15-20 15-20 120-200/150+ Ropivacaine 0.5 – 0.75 15-20+ 140-180/150+ Levobupivacaine 0.5 15-20 160-220/180+
  • 32.  Volume is the key factor in determining height of blockade  Typical loading dose is 10-20 ml given in 5 ml increments  Wait about 2-3 minutes between increments  Use of epinephrine and bicarbonate will speed up onset on anesthesia  If block incomplete after bolus replace catheter rather than wasting time giving larger dose or re-positioning catheter  Inject one-quarter to one-third of initial dose about 15 minutes after initial bolus to enhance sensory blockade  Cookbook guideline  To determine volume you can use the 5-foot rule  Example: For an individual who is 5 feet in height you administer 1 ml of local anesthetic solution for each segment requiring blockade and increase the volume by 0.1 ml for every 2 inches above 5 feet.  Example: For someone 5’10” in height and you enter at L3-L4 Interspace and want a to block up to T-6.  8 ml for L3-S5 and 7 ml for L2-T6 = 15 ml (base amount)  Additional amount is 0.1 ml times 5 (10 inches/2) = 0.5 times 15 segments = 7.5 (supplemental amount)  Overall add the 15 ml plus the 7.5 ml to get a dose of 22.5 ml Need a total of 22.5 ml to achieve a T-6 level on a 70” person
  • 33.  Opioids  Morphine, Fentanyl, Sufentanil, Depo-Dur  Depo-Dur Considerations  Clonidine  Hemodynamic Considerations  Sodium Bicarbonate  Speeds onset & Prolongs duration
  • 34.  CSE technique  Allows for immediate relief of pain (from SAB) & subsequent administration of medications via CLE for prolonged anesthesia  Advantages  Reported to decrease failure rates of CLE (confirmation of epidural placement)  Clinical uses:  General Surgery  Laboring analgesia & Cesarean Section  High risk patients  Slower onset of sympathetic blockade  Careful positioning during SAB with subsequent titration of CLE  Administration of intrathecal opioids with small amount of bupivacaine (2.5-5 mg) decreases epidural dosing requirements and decreases degree of sympathectomy
  • 35.
  • 36.  CSE offers the advantages of both spinal and epidural anesthesia  CSE provides rapid onset and careful titration  Can use doses as low as 40 mg lidocaine or 7.5 mg bupivacaine  Additional Opioids  Sufentanil  Fentanyl  Morphine  Potential disadvantages  PDPHA  Catheter migration into SA space  Test Dose  Transient parasthesias  Ideal length of spinal needle beyond epidural needle is 12-13 mm  Longer spinal needles associated with higher incidence