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Optimizing Cypher
Queries in Neo4j
Wes Freeman (@wefreema)
Mark Needham (@markhneedham)
Today's schedule
• Brief overview of cypher syntax
• Graph global vs Graph local queries
• Labels and indexes
• Optimization patterns
• Profiling cypher queries
• Applying optimization patterns
Cypher Syntax
• Statement parts
o Optional: Querying part (MATCH|WHERE)
o Optional: Updating part (CREATE|MERGE)
o Optional: Returning part (WITH|RETURN)
• Parts can be chained together
Cypher Syntax - Refresher
MATCH (n:Label)-[r:LINKED]->(m)
WHERE n.prop = "..."
RETURN n, r, m
Starting points
• Graph scan (global; potentially slow)
• Label scan (usually reserved for aggregation
queries; not ideal)
• Label property index lookup (local; good!)
Introducing the football dataset
The 1.9 global scan
n = # of nodes
START pl = node(*)
MATCH (pl)-[:played]->(stats)
WHERE = "Wayne Rooney"
RETURN stats
150ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels
The 2.0 global scan
MATCH (pl)-[:played]->(stats)
WHERE = "Wayne Rooney"
RETURN stats
130ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels
n = # of nodes
Why is it a global scan?
• Cypher is a pattern matching language
• It doesn't discriminate unless you tell it to
o It must try to start at all nodes to find this pattern, as
Introduce a label
Label your starting points
CREATE (player:Player
{name: "Wayne Rooney"} )
k = # of nodes with that labelLabel scan
MATCH (pl:Player)-[:played]->(stats)
WHERE = "Wayne Rooney"
RETURN stats
80ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels (~900 :Player nodes)
Indexes don't come for free
CREATE INDEX ON :Player(name)
O(log k)
k = # of nodes with that labelIndex lookup
MATCH (pl:Player)-[:played]->(stats)
WHERE = "Wayne Rooney"
RETURN stats
6ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels (~900 :Player nodes)
Optimization Patterns
• Avoid cartesian products
• Avoid patterns in the WHERE clause
• Start MATCH patterns at the lowest
cardinality and expand outward
• Separate MATCH patterns with minimal
expansion at each stage
Introducing the movie data set
Anti-pattern: Cartesian Products
MATCH (m:Movie), (p:Person)
Subtle Cartesian Products
MATCH (p:Person)-[:KNOWS]->(c)
WHERE"Tom Hanks"
MATCH (k:Keyword)
Counting Cartesian Products
MATCH (pl:Player),(t:Team),(g:Game)
80000 ms w/ ~900 players, ~40 teams, ~1200 games
MATCH (pl:Player)
WITH COUNT(pl) as players
MATCH (t:Team)
WITH COUNT(t) as teams, players
MATCH (g:Game)
RETURN COUNT(g) as games, teams, players8ms w/
~900 players, ~40 teams, ~1200 games
Better Counting
Directions on patterns
MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]-(m)
WHERE = "Tom Hanks"
Parameterize your queries
MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]-(m)
WHERE = {name}
Fast predicates first
MATCH (t:Team)-[:played_in]->(g)
WHERE NOT (t)-[:home_team]->(g)
AND g.away_goals > g.home_goals
MATCH (t:Team)-[:played_in]->(g)
WHERE g.away_goals > g.home_goals
AND NOT (t)-[:home_team]->()
Fast predicates first
Patterns in WHERE clauses
• Keep them in the MATCH
• The only pattern that needs to be in a
WHERE clause is a NOT
• MERGE can take advantage of unique
constraints and indexes
MERGE (without index)
MERGE (g:Game
time: 1245,
home_goals: 2,
away_goals: 3,
match_id: 292846,
attendance: 60102})
188 ms w/ ~400 games
Adding an index
CREATE INDEX ON :Game(match_id)
MERGE (with index)
MERGE (g:Game
time: 1245,
home_goals: 2,
away_goals: 3,
match_id: 292846,
attendance: 60102})
6 ms w/ ~400 games
Alternative MERGE approach
MERGE (g:Game { match_id: 292846 })
SET = 1290257100
SET g.time = 1245
SET g.home_goals = 2
SET g.away_goals = 3
SET g.attendance = 60102
Profiling queries
• Use the PROFILE keyword in front of the
o from webadmin or shell - won't work in browser
• Look for db_hits and rows
• Ignore everything else (for now!)
Reviewing the football dataset
Football Optimization
MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season),
WHERE = "2012-2013"
SUM(stats.goals) as goals
LIMIT 103137 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
Football Optimization
==> ColumnFilter(symKeys=["", " INTERNAL_AGGREGATEe91b055b-a943-4ddd-9fe8-e746407c504a", "
INTERNAL_AGGREGATE240cfcd2-24d9-48a2-8ca9-fb0286f3d323"], returnItemNames=["", "COLLECT(DISTINCT", "goals"], _rows=10, _db_hits=0)
==> Top(orderBy=["SortItem(Cached( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE240cfcd2-24d9-48a2-8ca9-fb0286f3d323 of type Number),false)"],
limit="Literal(10)", _rows=10, _db_hits=0)
==> EagerAggregation(keys=["Cached( of type Any)"], aggregates=["( INTERNAL_AGGREGATEe91b055b-a943-4ddd-9fe8-
e746407c504a,Distinct(Collect(Property(team,name(0))),Property(team,name(0))))", "( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE240cfcd2-24d9-48a2-
8ca9-fb0286f3d323,Sum(Property(stats,goals(13))))"], _rows=503, _db_hits=10899)
==> Extract(symKeys=["stats", " UNNAMED12", " UNNAMED108", "season", " UNNAMED55", "player", "team", " UNNAMED124", "
UNNAMED85", "game"], exprKeys=[""], _rows=5192, _db_hits=5192)
==> PatternMatch(g="(player)-[' UNNAMED124']-(stats)", _rows=5192, _db_hits=0)
==> Filter(pred="Property(season,name(0)) == Literal(2012-2013)", _rows=5192, _db_hits=15542)
==> TraversalMatcher(trail="(season)-[ UNNAMED12:contains_match WHERE true AND true]->(game)<-[ UNNAMED85:in WHERE
true AND true]-(stats)-[ UNNAMED108:for WHERE true AND true]->(team)<-[ UNNAMED55:away_team WHERE true AND true]-
(game)", _rows=15542, _db_hits=1620462)
Break out the match statements
MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season)
MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game)
MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game)
MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player)
WHERE = "2012-2013"
SUM(stats.goals) as goals
LIMIT 10200 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
Start small
• Smallest cardinality label first
• Smallest intermediate result set first
Exploring cardinalities
MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season)
1140 games, 3 seasons
MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game:Game)
25 teams, 1140 games
Exploring cardinalities
MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game:Game)
31117 stats, 1140 games
MATCH (stats)<-[:played]-(player:Player)
31117 stats, 880 players
Look for teams first
MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game:Game)
MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season)
WHERE = "2012-2013"
MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game)
MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player)
SUM(stats.goals) as goals
LIMIT 10162 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
==> ColumnFilter(symKeys=["", " INTERNAL_AGGREGATEbb08f36b-a70d-46b3-9297-b0c7ec85c969", "
INTERNAL_AGGREGATE199af213-e3bd-400f-aba9-8ca2a9e153c5"], returnItemNames=["", "COLLECT(DISTINCT", "goals"], _rows=10, _db_hits=0)
==> Top(orderBy=["SortItem(Cached( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE199af213-e3bd-400f-aba9-8ca2a9e153c5 of type Number),false)"],
limit="Literal(10)", _rows=10, _db_hits=0)
==> EagerAggregation(keys=["Cached( of type Any)"], aggregates=["( INTERNAL_AGGREGATEbb08f36b-a70d-46b3-9297-
b0c7ec85c969,Distinct(Collect(Property(team,name(0))),Property(team,name(0))))", "( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE199af213-e3bd-400f-
aba9-8ca2a9e153c5,Sum(Property(stats,goals(13))))"], _rows=503, _db_hits=10899)
==> Extract(symKeys=["stats", " UNNAMED12", " UNNAMED168", "season", " UNNAMED125", "player", "team", " UNNAMED152", "
UNNAMED51", "game"], exprKeys=[""], _rows=5192, _db_hits=5192)
==> PatternMatch(g="(stats)-[' UNNAMED152']-(team),(player)-[' UNNAMED168']-(stats)", _rows=5192, _db_hits=0)
==> PatternMatch(g="(stats)-[' UNNAMED125']-(game)", _rows=10394, _db_hits=0)
==> Filter(pred="Property(season,name(0)) == Literal(2012-2013)", _rows=380, _db_hits=380)
==> PatternMatch(g="(season)-[' UNNAMED51']-(game)", _rows=380, _db_hits=1140)
==> TraversalMatcher(trail="(game)-[ UNNAMED12:away_team WHERE true AND true]->(team)", _rows=1140,
Look for teams first
Filter games a bit earlier
MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season)
WHERE = "2012-2013"
MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game)
MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game)
MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player)
SUM(stats.goals) as goals
LIMIT 10148 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
Filter out stats with no goals
MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season)
WHERE = "2012-2013"
MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game)
MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game)WHERE stats.goals > 0
MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player)
SUM(stats.goals) as goals
59 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: {title} })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]-
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]-
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]-
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]-
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)MATCH
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)WITH DISTINCT movies as related,
count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writersORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie,
collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres,
directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESCWITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight:
actormoviesweight}) as actors,
movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as
related, genres, directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors,
movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as
related, genres, directors, writersMATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-
WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors,
genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })
MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight,
count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as
genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT
as writers
ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors,
movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as
related, genres, directors, writers
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)WITH as keyword,
count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related,
actors, genres, directors, writers
ORDER BY keyword_weight
RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)
WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight // 1 row per actor
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC
WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres,
directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie
ORDER BY keywords DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related,
movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers
10x faster
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)
WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight // 1 row per actor
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC
WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres,
directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie
ORDER BY keywords DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related,
movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers
10x faster
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]-
>()) as actormoviesweight
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor
WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres,
directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie
ORDER BY keywords DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related,
movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers
10x faster
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)
WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actorWITH movie, collect({name:, weight:
actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres,
directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie
ORDER BY keywords DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related,
movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers
10x faster
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)
WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor
WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]-
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres,
directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie
ORDER BY keywords DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related,
movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers
10x faster
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)
WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor
WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie,
genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movieORDER BY keywords DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related,
movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers
10x faster
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)
WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor
WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie,
genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie
ORDER BY keywords DESCWITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as
related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers
10x faster
Movie query optimization
MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)
WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight
ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor
WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre)
WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row
MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row
MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)
WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row
MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie,
genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie
ORDER BY keywords DESC
WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as
related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 rowMATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)
RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors,
writers // 1 row
10x faster
Design for Queryability
Design for Queryability
Design for Queryability
Making the implicit explicit
• When you have implicit relationships in the
graph you can sometimes get better query
performance by modeling the relationship
Making the implicit explicit
Refactor property to node
MATCH (g:Game)
WHERE > 1343779200
AND < 1369094400
MATCH (s:Season)-[:contains]->(g)
WHERE = "2012-2013"
Refactor property to node
• Avoid the global scan
• Add indexes / unique constraints
• Split up MATCH statements
• Measure, measure, measure, tweak, repeat
• Soon Cypher will do a lot of this for you!
Bonus tip
• Use transactions/transactional cypher
Q & A
• If you have them send them in

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Optimizing Cypher Queries in Neo4j

  • 1. Optimizing Cypher Queries in Neo4j Wes Freeman (@wefreema) Mark Needham (@markhneedham)
  • 2. Today's schedule • Brief overview of cypher syntax • Graph global vs Graph local queries • Labels and indexes • Optimization patterns • Profiling cypher queries • Applying optimization patterns
  • 3. Cypher Syntax • Statement parts o Optional: Querying part (MATCH|WHERE) o Optional: Updating part (CREATE|MERGE) o Optional: Returning part (WITH|RETURN) • Parts can be chained together
  • 4. Cypher Syntax - Refresher MATCH (n:Label)-[r:LINKED]->(m) WHERE n.prop = "..." RETURN n, r, m
  • 5. Starting points • Graph scan (global; potentially slow) • Label scan (usually reserved for aggregation queries; not ideal) • Label property index lookup (local; good!)
  • 7. The 1.9 global scan O(n) n = # of nodes START pl = node(*) MATCH (pl)-[:played]->(stats) WHERE = "Wayne Rooney" RETURN stats 150ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels
  • 8. The 2.0 global scan MATCH (pl)-[:played]->(stats) WHERE = "Wayne Rooney" RETURN stats 130ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels O(n) n = # of nodes
  • 9. Why is it a global scan? • Cypher is a pattern matching language • It doesn't discriminate unless you tell it to o It must try to start at all nodes to find this pattern, as specified
  • 10. Introduce a label Label your starting points CREATE (player:Player {name: "Wayne Rooney"} )
  • 11. O(k) k = # of nodes with that labelLabel scan MATCH (pl:Player)-[:played]->(stats) WHERE = "Wayne Rooney" RETURN stats 80ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels (~900 :Player nodes)
  • 12. Indexes don't come for free CREATE INDEX ON :Player(name) OR CREATE CONSTRAINT ON pl:Player ASSERT IS UNIQUE
  • 13. O(log k) k = # of nodes with that labelIndex lookup MATCH (pl:Player)-[:played]->(stats) WHERE = "Wayne Rooney" RETURN stats 6ms w/ 30k nodes, 120k rels (~900 :Player nodes)
  • 14. Optimization Patterns • Avoid cartesian products • Avoid patterns in the WHERE clause • Start MATCH patterns at the lowest cardinality and expand outward • Separate MATCH patterns with minimal expansion at each stage
  • 16. Anti-pattern: Cartesian Products MATCH (m:Movie), (p:Person)
  • 17. Subtle Cartesian Products MATCH (p:Person)-[:KNOWS]->(c) WHERE"Tom Hanks" WITH c MATCH (k:Keyword) RETURN c, k
  • 18. Counting Cartesian Products MATCH (pl:Player),(t:Team),(g:Game) RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT pl), COUNT(DISTINCT t), COUNT(DISTINCT g) 80000 ms w/ ~900 players, ~40 teams, ~1200 games
  • 19. MATCH (pl:Player) WITH COUNT(pl) as players MATCH (t:Team) WITH COUNT(t) as teams, players MATCH (g:Game) RETURN COUNT(g) as games, teams, players8ms w/ ~900 players, ~40 teams, ~1200 games Better Counting
  • 20. Directions on patterns MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]-(m) WHERE = "Tom Hanks" RETURN m
  • 21. Parameterize your queries MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]-(m) WHERE = {name} RETURN m
  • 22. Fast predicates first Bad: MATCH (t:Team)-[:played_in]->(g) WHERE NOT (t)-[:home_team]->(g) AND g.away_goals > g.home_goals RETURN t, COUNT(g)
  • 23. Better: MATCH (t:Team)-[:played_in]->(g) WHERE g.away_goals > g.home_goals AND NOT (t)-[:home_team]->() RETURN t, COUNT(g) Fast predicates first
  • 24. Patterns in WHERE clauses • Keep them in the MATCH • The only pattern that needs to be in a WHERE clause is a NOT
  • 25. MERGE and CONSTRAINTs • MERGE is MATCH or CREATE • MERGE can take advantage of unique constraints and indexes
  • 26. MERGE (without index) MERGE (g:Game {date:1290257100, time: 1245, home_goals: 2, away_goals: 3, match_id: 292846, attendance: 60102}) RETURN g 188 ms w/ ~400 games
  • 27. Adding an index CREATE INDEX ON :Game(match_id)
  • 28. MERGE (with index) MERGE (g:Game {date:1290257100, time: 1245, home_goals: 2, away_goals: 3, match_id: 292846, attendance: 60102}) RETURN g 6 ms w/ ~400 games
  • 29. Alternative MERGE approach MERGE (g:Game { match_id: 292846 }) ON CREATE SET = 1290257100 SET g.time = 1245 SET g.home_goals = 2 SET g.away_goals = 3 SET g.attendance = 60102 RETURN g
  • 30. Profiling queries • Use the PROFILE keyword in front of the query o from webadmin or shell - won't work in browser • Look for db_hits and rows • Ignore everything else (for now!)
  • 32. Football Optimization MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season), (team)<-[:away_team]-(game), (stats)-[:in]->(game), (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player) WHERE = "2012-2013" RETURN, COLLECT(DISTINCT, SUM(stats.goals) as goals ORDER BY goals DESC LIMIT 103137 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
  • 33. Football Optimization ==> ColumnFilter(symKeys=["", " INTERNAL_AGGREGATEe91b055b-a943-4ddd-9fe8-e746407c504a", " INTERNAL_AGGREGATE240cfcd2-24d9-48a2-8ca9-fb0286f3d323"], returnItemNames=["", "COLLECT(DISTINCT", "goals"], _rows=10, _db_hits=0) ==> Top(orderBy=["SortItem(Cached( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE240cfcd2-24d9-48a2-8ca9-fb0286f3d323 of type Number),false)"], limit="Literal(10)", _rows=10, _db_hits=0) ==> EagerAggregation(keys=["Cached( of type Any)"], aggregates=["( INTERNAL_AGGREGATEe91b055b-a943-4ddd-9fe8- e746407c504a,Distinct(Collect(Property(team,name(0))),Property(team,name(0))))", "( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE240cfcd2-24d9-48a2- 8ca9-fb0286f3d323,Sum(Property(stats,goals(13))))"], _rows=503, _db_hits=10899) ==> Extract(symKeys=["stats", " UNNAMED12", " UNNAMED108", "season", " UNNAMED55", "player", "team", " UNNAMED124", " UNNAMED85", "game"], exprKeys=[""], _rows=5192, _db_hits=5192) ==> PatternMatch(g="(player)-[' UNNAMED124']-(stats)", _rows=5192, _db_hits=0) ==> Filter(pred="Property(season,name(0)) == Literal(2012-2013)", _rows=5192, _db_hits=15542) ==> TraversalMatcher(trail="(season)-[ UNNAMED12:contains_match WHERE true AND true]->(game)<-[ UNNAMED85:in WHERE true AND true]-(stats)-[ UNNAMED108:for WHERE true AND true]->(team)<-[ UNNAMED55:away_team WHERE true AND true]- (game)", _rows=15542, _db_hits=1620462)
  • 34. Break out the match statements MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season) MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game) MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game) MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player) WHERE = "2012-2013" RETURN, COLLECT(DISTINCT, SUM(stats.goals) as goals ORDER BY goals DESC LIMIT 10200 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
  • 35. Start small • Smallest cardinality label first • Smallest intermediate result set first
  • 36. Exploring cardinalities MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season) RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT game), COUNT(DISTINCT season) 1140 games, 3 seasons MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game:Game) RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT team), COUNT(DISTINCT game) 25 teams, 1140 games
  • 37. Exploring cardinalities MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game:Game) RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT stats), COUNT(DISTINCT game) 31117 stats, 1140 games MATCH (stats)<-[:played]-(player:Player) RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT stats), COUNT(DISTINCT player) 31117 stats, 880 players
  • 38. Look for teams first MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game:Game) MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season) WHERE = "2012-2013" MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game) MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player) RETURN, COLLECT(DISTINCT, SUM(stats.goals) as goals ORDER BY goals DESC LIMIT 10162 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
  • 39. ==> ColumnFilter(symKeys=["", " INTERNAL_AGGREGATEbb08f36b-a70d-46b3-9297-b0c7ec85c969", " INTERNAL_AGGREGATE199af213-e3bd-400f-aba9-8ca2a9e153c5"], returnItemNames=["", "COLLECT(DISTINCT", "goals"], _rows=10, _db_hits=0) ==> Top(orderBy=["SortItem(Cached( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE199af213-e3bd-400f-aba9-8ca2a9e153c5 of type Number),false)"], limit="Literal(10)", _rows=10, _db_hits=0) ==> EagerAggregation(keys=["Cached( of type Any)"], aggregates=["( INTERNAL_AGGREGATEbb08f36b-a70d-46b3-9297- b0c7ec85c969,Distinct(Collect(Property(team,name(0))),Property(team,name(0))))", "( INTERNAL_AGGREGATE199af213-e3bd-400f- aba9-8ca2a9e153c5,Sum(Property(stats,goals(13))))"], _rows=503, _db_hits=10899) ==> Extract(symKeys=["stats", " UNNAMED12", " UNNAMED168", "season", " UNNAMED125", "player", "team", " UNNAMED152", " UNNAMED51", "game"], exprKeys=[""], _rows=5192, _db_hits=5192) ==> PatternMatch(g="(stats)-[' UNNAMED152']-(team),(player)-[' UNNAMED168']-(stats)", _rows=5192, _db_hits=0) ==> PatternMatch(g="(stats)-[' UNNAMED125']-(game)", _rows=10394, _db_hits=0) ==> Filter(pred="Property(season,name(0)) == Literal(2012-2013)", _rows=380, _db_hits=380) ==> PatternMatch(g="(season)-[' UNNAMED51']-(game)", _rows=380, _db_hits=1140) ==> TraversalMatcher(trail="(game)-[ UNNAMED12:away_team WHERE true AND true]->(team)", _rows=1140, _db_hits=1140) Look for teams first
  • 40. Filter games a bit earlier MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season) WHERE = "2012-2013" MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game) MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game) MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player) RETURN, COLLECT(DISTINCT, SUM(stats.goals) as goals ORDER BY goals DESC LIMIT 10148 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
  • 41. Filter out stats with no goals MATCH (game)<-[:contains_match]-(season:Season) WHERE = "2012-2013" MATCH (team)<-[:away_team]-(game) MATCH (stats)-[:in]->(game)WHERE stats.goals > 0 MATCH (team)<-[:for]-(stats)<-[:played]-(player) RETURN, COLLECT(DISTINCT, SUM(stats.goals) as goals ORDER BY goals DESC LIMIT 10 59 ms w/ ~900 players, ~20 teams, ~400 games
  • 42. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: {title} }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 43. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 44. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]- (movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 45. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie)MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]- >(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 46. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie)MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]- >(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 47. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]- >(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 48. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie)MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]- >(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 49. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies)MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 50. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie)WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writersORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 51. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESCWITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 52. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writersMATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<- [:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies) WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 53. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' }) MATCH (genre)<-[:HAS_GENRE]-(movie) MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) MATCH (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actormovies) MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT keyword) as weight, count(DISTINCT actormovies) as actormoviesweight, movie, collect(DISTINCT as genres, collect(DISTINCT as directors, actor, collect(DISTINCT as writers ORDER BY weight DESC, actormoviesweight DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT {name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors, movie, collect(DISTINCT {related: {title: related.title}, weight: weight}) as related, genres, directors, writers MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword:Keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies)WITH as keyword, count(movies) as keyword_weight, movie, related, actors, genres, directors, writers ORDER BY keyword_weight RETURN collect(DISTINCT keyword), movie, actors, related, genres, directors, writers
  • 54. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor) WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight // 1 row per actor ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie ORDER BY keywords DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers 10x faster
  • 55. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor) WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight // 1 row per actor ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie ORDER BY keywords DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers 10x faster
  • 56. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor)WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]- >()) as actormoviesweight ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie ORDER BY keywords DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers 10x faster
  • 57. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor) WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actorWITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie ORDER BY keywords DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers 10x faster
  • 58. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor) WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]- >(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie ORDER BY keywords DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers 10x faster
  • 59. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor) WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]- >(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movieORDER BY keywords DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers 10x faster
  • 60. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor) WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie ORDER BY keywords DESCWITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers 10x faster
  • 61. Movie query optimization MATCH (movie:Movie {title: 'The Matrix' })<-[:ACTED_IN]-(actor) WITH movie, actor, length((actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->()) as actormoviesweight ORDER BY actormoviesweight DESC // 1 row per actor WITH movie, collect({name:, weight: actormoviesweight}) as actors // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_GENRE]->(genre) WITH movie, actors, collect(genre) as genres // 1 row MATCH (director)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, collect( as directors // 1 row MATCH (writer)-[:WRITER_OF]->(movie) WITH movie, actors, genres, directors, collect( as writers // 1 row MATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword)<-[:HAS_KEYWORD]-(movies:Movie) WITH DISTINCT movies as related, count(DISTINCT as keywords, movie, genres, directors, actors, writers // 1 row per related movie ORDER BY keywords DESC WITH collect(DISTINCT { related: { title: related.title }, weight: keywords }) as related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 rowMATCH (movie)-[:HAS_KEYWORD]->(keyword) RETURN collect( as keywords, related, movie, actors, genres, directors, writers // 1 row 10x faster
  • 65. Making the implicit explicit • When you have implicit relationships in the graph you can sometimes get better query performance by modeling the relationship explicitly
  • 67. Refactor property to node Bad: MATCH (g:Game) WHERE > 1343779200 AND < 1369094400 RETURN g
  • 68. Good: MATCH (s:Season)-[:contains]->(g) WHERE = "2012-2013" RETURN g Refactor property to node
  • 69. Conclusion • Avoid the global scan • Add indexes / unique constraints • Split up MATCH statements • Measure, measure, measure, tweak, repeat • Soon Cypher will do a lot of this for you!
  • 70. Bonus tip • Use transactions/transactional cypher endpoint
  • 71. Q & A • If you have them send them in