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Lesson 21
Biotic Factors in an Ecosystem
Objective - Identify the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of an ecosystem.
Lesson 22
Abiotic Factor in an Ecosystem
Objective - Identify the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of an ecosystem.
Lesson 23
Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems.
Lesson 24
Habitat in a bottle
Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems.
Lesson 25
Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems.
Lesson 26
Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems.
Lesson 27
Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their
environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic
Lesson 28
Carrying Capacity
Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their
environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic
Lesson 29
Predator/Prey Relationships
Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their
environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic
Lesson 30
How does Predator/Prey Populations Interact?
Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their
environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic
Lesson 31
Predator/Prey Adaptations
Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their
Lesson 32
Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to
Lesson 33
Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to
Lesson 34
Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to
Lesson 35
Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to
Lesson 36
Transfer of Energy in an Ecosystem
Objective - Describe the role of decomposers in the transfer of energy in an ecosystem.
Lesson 37
Food Chains and Food Webs
Objective - Predict how changes in one population might affect other populations based upon
their relationship in a food web.
Lesson 38
Food Chains and Food Webs
Objective - Predict how changes in one population might affect other populations based upon
their relationship in a food web.
Lesson 39
Changes in population size
Objective - Identify the factors in an ecosystem that influence changes in population size.
Lesson 40
What Effects Does Space Have on Plant Growth?
Objective - Identify the factors in an ecosystem that influence changes in population size.
Construct charts and graphs from data and observations.
Lesson 41
Carbon Cycle
Objective - Describe how living and non-living factors cycle in an ecosystem (water, carbon,
oxygen, and nitrogen)
Lesson 42
Oxygen Cycle
Objective - Describe how living and non-living factors cycle in an ecosystem (water, carbon,
oxygen, and nitrogen).
Lesson 43
Nitrogen Cycle
Objective - Describe how living and non-living factors cycle in an ecosystem (water, carbon,
oxygen, and nitrogen)
Lesson 44
Changes in One Population Might Affect Another
Objective - Predict how changes in one population might affect other population based upon their
relationships in a food web. Describe the effects humans and other organisms have on the
balance of the natural world.
Lesson 45
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem.
Lesson 46
Can you catch pollution?
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem.
Lesson 47
Resource Depletion
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem.
Lesson 48
Population Growth
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem.
Lesson 49
Habitat Destruction
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem.
Lesson 50
Oil Spill Clean Up
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem.
Lesson 51
Effects on Humans
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem.
Lesson 52
Concerns Arise Over Aquifer near Nuclear Test Site
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human
activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Evaluate the strengths
and weaknesses of claims, arguments, and data.
Lesson 53
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of Earth’s ecosystem and that human activity
can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystems. Design solutions to problems
using technology.
Lesson 54
Recycled Paper
Objective - Describe how human beings are part of Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities
can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystems. Demonstrate scientific concepts
through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities.
Lesson 55
Using the Metric System (use after lesson 6)
Objective - Use metric measurement devices in an investigation.
Lesson 56
Public Service Announcement
Objective - Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances, models,
exhibits, and activities.
Lesson 57
Observing Carbon in Water
Objective - Design and conduct scientific investigations. Describe how living and nonliving factors
cycle in an ecosystem. (Water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen)
Lesson 58
Solar Power - Is it All It's Cooked Up To Be?
Objective - Design solutions to problems using technology.
Lesson 59
How Contamination Water Can Be Cleaned Up
Objective - Design and conduct scientific investigations.
Lesson 60
What's in Garbage?
Objective - Design and conduct scientific investigations. Describe how human beings are part of
Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in
Lesson 61
What is Matter?
Objective - Students will be able to answer the question what is matter and give specific
Lesson 62
Measuring Matter
Objective - Students will experiment with how to measure mass.
Lesson 63
Physical Properties of Matter
Objective - Students will identify examples of physical properties of matter.
Lesson 64
Melting and Boiling Points
Objective - Students determine the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water.
Lesson 65
Chemical Properties of Matter
Objective - Students will identify examples of chemical properties of matter.
Lesson 66
Physical Changes of Matter
Objective - Students will identify examples of physical changes.
Lesson 67
Experimenting with Physical Changes of Matter
Objective - Students will understand that a change in state is a physical change.
Lesson 68
Chemical changes of matter
Objective - Students will identify examples of chemical changes.
Lesson 69
Experimenting with Chemical Changes
Objective - Students will understand that during a chemical change a new substance is formed.
Lesson 70
Kinds of Matter
Objective - Students will understand what an element, compound, and mixture is and be able to
give specific examples of each.
Lesson 71
Periodic Table of Elements
Objective - Students will understand how the periodic table is organized.
Lesson 72
Objective - Students will understand that an atom is the smallest particle of an element.
Lesson 73
Chemical Formulas
Objective - Students will understand how to read a chemical formula to determine how many
atoms of each element are present.
Lesson 74
Matter Unit Review Sheet
Objective - Student will demonstrate understanding of the matter concepts they have learned from
lessons 61-73.
Lesson 75
Solids, liquids, and gases
Objective - Students will understand that matter comes in three states – solids, liquids, and gases.
They will also understand the difference between each.
Lesson 76
Changes in states of matter
Objective - Students will understand that matter can change between the three main states.
Lesson 77
A Matter of State
Objective - To demonstrate how states of matter can change from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas, and
back again.
Lesson 78
Reactions of Matter
Objective - Student will understand the difference between a physical and a chemical change in
Lesson 79
Physical Changes in Matter 2
Objective - Students will understand that matter can undergo physical changes and examples of
those changes.
Lesson 80
Chemical Changes of Matter 2
Objective - Students will understand that matter can undergo chemical changes and examples of
those changes.
Lesson 81
Evidence of a chemical change
Objective - Students will look for evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place.
Lesson 82
Objective - Students experiment with steel wool to determine under what conditions rusting will
Lesson 83
Products and Reactants
Objective - Students will learn that a chemical reaction has two parts, products and reactants.
Lesson 84
Conservation of Matter
Objective - Students will witness that the amount of matter is the same before and after a
chemical reaction has taken place.
Lesson 85
Objective - Students will understand what an acid is.
Lesson 86
Objective - Students will understand what a base is.
Lesson 87
Objective - Students will understand what is pH and how is it measured.
Lesson 88
Acids and Bases Lab
Objective - Students will use indicators to determine whether certain solutions are acids or bases.
Lesson 89
pH Lab
Objective - Students use pH paper to measure the pH of different solutions.
Lesson 90
Chemical Reactions Review Sheet
Objective - Student will demonstrate understanding of the matter concepts they have learned
from lessons 74-89.
Lesson 91
Earth Systems
Objective – Students will understand be able to identify the four systems of earth and give a brief
description of each.
Lesson 92
Building a Terrarium
Objective – Students will see the four earth systems working together by building their own
Lesson 93
Classifying rocks
Objective – Students will classify rocks based on various physical observations.
Lesson 94
Types of rocks
Objective – Students will compare and contrast the formation of rock types.
Lesson 95
The Rock Cycle
Objective – Students will understand that rocks change as they go through the rock cycle.
Lesson 96
Rock Recycling
Objective – Students will be able to identify the rock group to which different rocks belong and
infer how they could have been formed through the rock cycle.
Lesson 97
Physical and Chemical Weathering
Objective – Students will understand what is weathering and the various types of weathering.
Lesson 98
Objective – Students will learn what erosion is and the various types of erosion.
Lesson 99
The Formation of Soil
Objective – Students will learn that weathering and erosion cause the formation of soil.
Lesson 100
Soil Sampling
Objective – Students will compare and contrast different soil samples.
Lesson 101
Objective – Students will learn about different kinds of fossils and how they tell us about Earth’s
Lesson 102
Relative Age vs. Absolute Age
Objective – Students will understand the difference differences between relative age and absolute
Lesson 103
Geologic Time Scale
Objective – Students will understand the geologic time scale and its purpose.
Lesson 104
Creating a Geologic Timeline
Objective – Students will get a better understanding of how old the earth truly is.
Lesson 105
Looking Closer at the Eras
Objective – Students will be introduced to life as it was during the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and
Cenozoic eras of the Phanerozoic Eon.
Lesson 106
Shaping the Land
Objective – Students will understand how Earths processes such as wind, water, and ice shape
the surface of Earth.
Lesson 107
Gliding Glaciers
Objective – Students will observe the effect of pressure on the melting rate of a glacier.
Lesson 108
Layers of the Earth
Objective – Students will learn about the layers of Earth.
Lesson 109
Earths Layers
Objective – Students will create a visual representation of the layers of the Earth.
Lesson 110
Theory of Plate Tectonics
Objective – Students will understand plate tectonics is the theory that explains how the lithosphere
moves and changes shape.
Lesson 111
Plate Boundaries
Objective – Students will understand the different types of movements tectonic plates can make.
Lesson 112
Plate Movements
Objective – Students will understand that plate movements cause major changes in the Earths
surface and what some of those changes are.
Lesson 113
Modeling Movement Along Faults
Objective – Students will be able to infer how faulting can change the lands surface.
Lesson 114
Objective – Students will understand the cause of and what is an earthquake.
Lesson 115
Objective – To build a model of a structure that can withstand a simulated earthquake
Lesson 116
Objective – Students will understand why volcanoes erupt, the different kinds of volcanoes, and
features that form from eruptions.
Lesson 117
Objective – Students will be able to hypothesize about how magma flows inside a volcano.
Lesson 118
How is Earth Like a Magnet
Objective – Students will understand how earth is like a magnet.
Lesson 119
Making A Compass
Objective – Students will make a simple compass to find magnetic north or south.
Lesson 120
Earthquakes and Volcanoes Review Sheet
Objective – Students will understand the causes of and conditions for earthquakes and volcanoes.
Lesson 121
Water on Earth
Objective – Students will understand where the water on Earth is located.
Lesson 122
The Water Cycle
Objective – Students will understand how water cycles through Earth.
Lesson 123
The Water Cycle- Experiment
Objective – Students will observe the water cycle in action by creating a small classroom
Lesson 124
Surface Water
Objective – Students will understand what the sources of surface water are.
Lesson 125
Ground Water
Objective – Students will understand the sources for groundwater.
Lesson 126
Water Moving Underground-Experiment
Objective – Students will determine the permeability of a variety of materials and draw conclusions
about why and how water collects and flows underground.
Lesson 127
Uses of Water
Objective – Students will understand the way humans use water on a daily basis.
Lesson 128
Objective – Students will learn where the oceans are located as well as the properties of ocean
Lesson 129
Desalination: Making fresh water from Salt Weather
Objective – Students will understand that fresh water can be made from salt water.
Lesson 130
The Ocean Floor
Objective – Students will understand the major features located on the ocean floor and how they
were formed.
Lesson 131
Modeling the Ocean Floor
Objective – Students make a model of the ocean floor.
Lesson 132
Movement of Ocean Water
Objective – Students will learn how ocean water moves in current, tides, and waves.
Lesson 133
Wave Movement-Experiment
Objective – Students will observe how waves affect a floating object.
Lesson 134
Marine Mammals
Objective – Students will learn about the various forms of mammals in the ocean.
Lesson 135
Resources from the Ocean
Objective – Students will learn some of the living and nonliving resources we get from the ocean.
Lesson 136
Ocean Pollution
Objective – Students will learn the major causes of ocean pollution.
Lesson 137
Impacts of Ocean Pollution
Objective – Student will learn the impacts pollution has on our oceans.
Lesson 138
Oil Spill Article
Objective – Students will learn more about what an oil spill is and does to the environment.
Lesson 139
Ocean Review Sheet
Objective – Students will review the concepts about oceans that they have learned in the previous
Lesson 140
Ocean Test
Objective – Students will be tested on the oceans concepts they have learned.
Lesson 141
The atmosphere
Objective – Students will get a better understanding of what the atmosphere is and what it is
composed of.
Lesson 142
Layers of the atmosphere
Objective – Students will understand that the atmosphere is composed of various layers.
Lesson 143
Energy in the Atmosphere
Objective – Students will understand in what forms energy takes place in the atmosphere.
Lesson 144
Heating Earth's Surface-Experiment
Objective – Students will use their critical thinking skills to develop a test about how quickly
different materials absorb radiation.
Lesson 145
Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
Objective – Students will learn what is the greenhouse effect and its role in global warming.
Lesson 146
Ozone Depletion
Objective – Students will learn the importance of the ozone layer and how it is being depleted.
Lesson 147
Relative Humidity
Objective – Students will understand what relative humidity is and how it is affected by
Lesson 148
Relative Humidity-Experiment
Objective – Students will construct a psychrometer in order to measure relative humidity.
Lesson 149
Air Pressure
Objective – Students will learn what air pressure is and how it can change.
Lesson 150
Changes in Air Pressure Experiment
Objective – Students will construct a barometer to measure air pressure
Lesson 151
Wind Patterns
Objective – Students will learn about the patterns that wind s follow.
Lesson 152
Making an Anemometer
Objective – Students will build their own anemometer to test wind speed.
Lesson 153
Jet Streams
Objective – Students will learn about a different kind of wind called a jet stream.
Lesson 154
All about Clouds
Objective – Students will learn about how clouds form as well as the various types of clouds.
Lesson 155
Types of Precipitation
Objective – Students will learn about the various types of precipitation and the conditions under
which they form.
Lesson 156
Air Masses
Objective – Students will learn the major types of air masses that affect weather in North America.
Lesson 157
Objective – Students will learn the main types of fronts.
Lesson 158
Modeling a Cold Front
Objective – Students observe a model of an advancing cold front.
Lesson 159
High and Low Pressure Systems
Objective – Students will learn how pressure systems affect weather.
Lesson 160
Thunderstorms and Lightning
Objective – Students will learn what a thunderstorm is and the conditions in which thunderstorms
Lesson 161
Objective – Students will learn what a hurricane is and the conditions in which hurricanes develop.
Lesson 162
Hurricanes Experiment
Objective – Students will understand that wind speed in a hurricane increases the height of ocean
waves and higher waves occur in shallower water.
Lesson 163
Objective – Students will learn the conditions in which a tornado forms as well as its
Lesson 164
Tornado in a jar
Objective – Students will create a tornado in a jar to witness first hand how they form.
Lesson 165
Weather Forecasting
Objective – Students will understand how weather forecasting affects our daily lives.
Lesson 166
Reading a Weather Map
Objective – Students will read a weather map.
Lesson 167
Objective – Students will learn the difference between climate and weather and learn the major
climate zones of the world and what affects them.
Lesson 168
Climate Changes
Objective – Students will learn about the major climate changes the world has undergone.
Lesson 169
The Sun
Objective – Students will describe the basic structure and composition of the sun.
Lesson 170
Inner Planets
Objective – Students will learn the characteristics of the four inner planets.
Lesson 171
Outer Planets
Objective – Students will learn the characteristics of the five outer planets.
Lesson 172
Speeding Around the Sun-Experiment
Objective – Students will learn to formulate a hypothesis about the revolution of a planet around
the sun.
Lesson 173
Celestial Bodies
Objective – Students will learn about other components of the solar system called celestial bodies.
Lesson 174
Objective – Students will explain how stars form and change.
Lesson 175
Earth's Movement Around The Sun
Objective – Students will learn why earth has a day and a night and how seasons are produced.
Lesson 176
Modeling The Seasons-Experiment
Objective – Students will model the cause of the seasons.
Lesson 177
The Moon
Objective – Students will learn what causes the moons phases as well as the characteristics of
Earths moon.
Lesson 178
Formation of the Universe
Objective – Students will study the major theory behind how the universe formed.
Lesson 179
Space Review Sheet
Objective – Students will review space concepts they have learned to prepare for test.
Lesson 180
Space Test
Objective – Students will demonstrate their understanding of space topics.
Lesson 1
What is Science?
When you think of science, what comes to your mind? Is it doing experiments, watching
the night sky, learning the life cycle of a frog? In fact, all of these things can be considered
science. Science makes up everything we do and we are. Science is a way of learning
what goes on around you. Learning the best temperature to keep a fish tank at and the
basics behind throwing a curve ball both require thinking like a scientist.
Science can be broken into three different branches.
Earth science is the study of earth’s
features such as rocks, water,
weather, and space.
Life science is the study of living
things including both plants and
animals. Life science is sometimes
referred to as biology.
Physical science is the study of motion, energy, sound, light, electricity, magnetism,
and the tiny particles that make up everything around you. Physical science includes
areas such as chemistry and physics.
The three branches of science create the world around us, as we know it. Science is
constantly changing and becoming more advanced in all of its fields.SAM
Lesson 1
What is Science?
Name: ____________________________________________________
Answer the following questions:
1. Which science is the study of living things?
2. Which science studies rocks, water, weather and space?
3. Which science studies magnetism?
Lesson 2
Scientific Discoveries
Science is always changing. Every year there are new contributions in every branch of
science. This can include anything from finding a cure to a disease, to discovering a new
star, to constructing a new theory about how humans have evolved over time. Your job is
to create a timeline of the past 100 years in regards to contributions in science. Your
timeline can be vertical or horizontal. The contribution can be in any of the three branches
of science we have discussed. You will need to find a contribution for every decade. For
example, you will need to find a contribution in science from the years 1900-1910. The
next contribution would be from the years 1911-1920 and so on. You may use resource
books, encyclopedias, or the Internet. Use the rubric below to help you create your
Lesson 2
Scientific Discoveries
Name: ______________________________________________________
Your job is to create a timeline of the past 100 years in regards to contributions in science.
Use your digital tools and digital typewriter. When stating your events make sure to
include details of the contribution.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content/Facts Facts were
accurate for all
events reported
on the timeline.
Facts were
accurate for
almost all
events reported
on the timeline.
Facts were
accurate for
most of the
events reported
on the timeline.
Facts were
often inaccurate
for events
reported on the
Dates An accurate,
complete date
has been
included for
each event.
An accurate,
complete date
has been
included for
almost every
An accurate
date has been
included for
almost every
Dates are
and/or missing
for several
Resources The timeline
contained at
least 8-10
events related
to the topic
being studied.
The timeline
contained at
least 6-7 events
related to the
topic being
The timeline
contained at
least 5 events
related to the
topic being
The timeline
contained fewer
than 5 events.
Readability The overall
appearance of
the timeline is
pleasing and
easy to read.
The overall
appearance of
the timeline is
pleasing and
easy to read.
The timeline is
The timeline is
difficult to read.
Lesson 3
Scientific Inquiry
We have already learned that science is all around us. The way we study the world is a
process called scientific inquiry. You use scientific inquiry everyday and probably don’t
even know you are using it.
The first step in scientific inquiry is to pose a question. The question is what you want to
learn more about or that is unexplained.
The second step in scientific inquiry is to develop a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an
educated guess of what you think will happen during your experiment. Your hypothesis
can’t be wrong as long as you are making a logical guess. Your hypothesis is what you
will be testing.
The third step in scientific inquiry is designing an experiment. The experiment is
actually testing what you wrote in your hypothesis. The experiment includes the
materials you use and the procedure you will be following.
The fourth step in scientific inquiry is recording your results. Results are the record of
what happened while conducting your experiment. Results are the evidence collected
including facts and data. Graphs are usually included in the results section.
The fifth and final step of scientific inquiry is drawing a conclusion. A conclusion
should answer several questions. Was my hypothesis correct? Why or why not? How
would I change the experiment if I did it again? Was there a human error that could
have changed the outcome of my experiment?
Lesson 3
Scientific Inquiry
Name: ____________________________
List and explain the 5 steps of scientific inquiry.

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6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum - Sixth Grade Science - Best Homeschool Curriculum - Cheap Homeschool Curriculum (Affordable)!

  • 2. Lesson 21 Biotic Factors in an Ecosystem Objective - Identify the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of an ecosystem. Lesson 22 Abiotic Factor in an Ecosystem Objective - Identify the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of an ecosystem. Lesson 23 Habitats Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Lesson 24 Habitat in a bottle Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Lesson 25 Populations Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Lesson 26 Communities Objective - List examples of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Lesson 27 Competition Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic factors). Lesson 28 Carrying Capacity Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic factors). Lesson 29 Predator/Prey Relationships Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic factors). SAM PLE 10-15
  • 3. Lesson 30 How does Predator/Prey Populations Interact? Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their environment (competition, territory, carrying capacity, population dependence, and other biotic factors). Lesson 31 Predator/Prey Adaptations Objective - Describe common ecological relationships between and among species and their environment. Lesson 32 Symbiosis Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to interdependency. Lesson 33 Mutualism Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to interdependency. Lesson 34 Parasitism Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to interdependency. Lesson 35 Commensalism Objective - Explain how two organisms can be mutually beneficial and how that can lead to interdependency. Lesson 36 Transfer of Energy in an Ecosystem Objective - Describe the role of decomposers in the transfer of energy in an ecosystem. Lesson 37 Food Chains and Food Webs Objective - Predict how changes in one population might affect other populations based upon their relationship in a food web. Lesson 38 Food Chains and Food Webs Objective - Predict how changes in one population might affect other populations based upon their relationship in a food web. SAM PLE 10-15
  • 4. Lesson 39 Changes in population size Objective - Identify the factors in an ecosystem that influence changes in population size. Lesson 40 What Effects Does Space Have on Plant Growth? Objective - Identify the factors in an ecosystem that influence changes in population size. Construct charts and graphs from data and observations. Lesson 41 Carbon Cycle Objective - Describe how living and non-living factors cycle in an ecosystem (water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen) Lesson 42 Oxygen Cycle Objective - Describe how living and non-living factors cycle in an ecosystem (water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen). Lesson 43 Nitrogen Cycle Objective - Describe how living and non-living factors cycle in an ecosystem (water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen) Lesson 44 Changes in One Population Might Affect Another Objective - Predict how changes in one population might affect other population based upon their relationships in a food web. Describe the effects humans and other organisms have on the balance of the natural world. Lesson 45 Pollution Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Lesson 46 Can you catch pollution? Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 5. Lesson 47 Resource Depletion Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Lesson 48 Population Growth Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Lesson 49 Habitat Destruction Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Lesson 50 Oil Spill Clean Up Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Lesson 51 Effects on Humans Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Lesson 52 Concerns Arise Over Aquifer near Nuclear Test Site Objective - Describe how human beings are part of the Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystem. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of claims, arguments, and data. Lesson 53 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Objective - Describe how human beings are part of Earth’s ecosystem and that human activity can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystems. Design solutions to problems using technology. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 6. Lesson 54 Recycled Paper Objective - Describe how human beings are part of Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystems. Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities. Lesson 55 Using the Metric System (use after lesson 6) Objective - Use metric measurement devices in an investigation. Lesson 56 Public Service Announcement Objective - Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities. Lesson 57 Observing Carbon in Water Objective - Design and conduct scientific investigations. Describe how living and nonliving factors cycle in an ecosystem. (Water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen) Lesson 58 Solar Power - Is it All It's Cooked Up To Be? Objective - Design solutions to problems using technology. Lesson 59 How Contamination Water Can Be Cleaned Up Objective - Design and conduct scientific investigations. Lesson 60 What's in Garbage? Objective - Design and conduct scientific investigations. Describe how human beings are part of Earth’s ecosystem and that human activities can purposefully or accidentally alter the balance in ecosystems. Lesson 61 What is Matter? Objective - Students will be able to answer the question what is matter and give specific examples. Lesson 62 Measuring Matter Objective - Students will experiment with how to measure mass. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 7. Lesson 63 Physical Properties of Matter Objective - Students will identify examples of physical properties of matter. Lesson 64 Melting and Boiling Points Objective - Students determine the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water. Lesson 65 Chemical Properties of Matter Objective - Students will identify examples of chemical properties of matter. Lesson 66 Physical Changes of Matter Objective - Students will identify examples of physical changes. Lesson 67 Experimenting with Physical Changes of Matter Objective - Students will understand that a change in state is a physical change. Lesson 68 Chemical changes of matter Objective - Students will identify examples of chemical changes. Lesson 69 Experimenting with Chemical Changes Objective - Students will understand that during a chemical change a new substance is formed. Lesson 70 Kinds of Matter Objective - Students will understand what an element, compound, and mixture is and be able to give specific examples of each. Lesson 71 Periodic Table of Elements Objective - Students will understand how the periodic table is organized. Lesson 72 Atoms Objective - Students will understand that an atom is the smallest particle of an element. Lesson 73 Chemical Formulas Objective - Students will understand how to read a chemical formula to determine how many atoms of each element are present. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 8. Lesson 74 Matter Unit Review Sheet Objective - Student will demonstrate understanding of the matter concepts they have learned from lessons 61-73. Lesson 75 Solids, liquids, and gases Objective - Students will understand that matter comes in three states – solids, liquids, and gases. They will also understand the difference between each. Lesson 76 Changes in states of matter Objective - Students will understand that matter can change between the three main states. Lesson 77 A Matter of State Objective - To demonstrate how states of matter can change from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas, and back again. Lesson 78 Reactions of Matter Objective - Student will understand the difference between a physical and a chemical change in matter. Lesson 79 Physical Changes in Matter 2 Objective - Students will understand that matter can undergo physical changes and examples of those changes. Lesson 80 Chemical Changes of Matter 2 Objective - Students will understand that matter can undergo chemical changes and examples of those changes. Lesson 81 Evidence of a chemical change Objective - Students will look for evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place. Lesson 82 Rusting Objective - Students experiment with steel wool to determine under what conditions rusting will occur. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 9. Lesson 83 Products and Reactants Objective - Students will learn that a chemical reaction has two parts, products and reactants. Lesson 84 Conservation of Matter Objective - Students will witness that the amount of matter is the same before and after a chemical reaction has taken place. Lesson 85 Acids Objective - Students will understand what an acid is. Lesson 86 Bases Objective - Students will understand what a base is. Lesson 87 pH Objective - Students will understand what is pH and how is it measured. Lesson 88 Acids and Bases Lab Objective - Students will use indicators to determine whether certain solutions are acids or bases. Lesson 89 pH Lab Objective - Students use pH paper to measure the pH of different solutions. Lesson 90 Chemical Reactions Review Sheet Objective - Student will demonstrate understanding of the matter concepts they have learned from lessons 74-89. Lesson 91 Earth Systems Objective – Students will understand be able to identify the four systems of earth and give a brief description of each. Lesson 92 Building a Terrarium Objective – Students will see the four earth systems working together by building their own terrarium. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 10. Lesson 93 Classifying rocks Objective – Students will classify rocks based on various physical observations. Lesson 94 Types of rocks Objective – Students will compare and contrast the formation of rock types. Lesson 95 The Rock Cycle Objective – Students will understand that rocks change as they go through the rock cycle. Lesson 96 Rock Recycling Objective – Students will be able to identify the rock group to which different rocks belong and infer how they could have been formed through the rock cycle. Lesson 97 Physical and Chemical Weathering Objective – Students will understand what is weathering and the various types of weathering. Lesson 98 Erosion Objective – Students will learn what erosion is and the various types of erosion. Lesson 99 The Formation of Soil Objective – Students will learn that weathering and erosion cause the formation of soil. Lesson 100 Soil Sampling Objective – Students will compare and contrast different soil samples. Lesson 101 Fossils Objective – Students will learn about different kinds of fossils and how they tell us about Earth’s past. Lesson 102 Relative Age vs. Absolute Age Objective – Students will understand the difference differences between relative age and absolute age. Lesson 103 Geologic Time Scale Objective – Students will understand the geologic time scale and its purpose. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 11. Lesson 104 Creating a Geologic Timeline Objective – Students will get a better understanding of how old the earth truly is. Lesson 105 Looking Closer at the Eras Objective – Students will be introduced to life as it was during the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras of the Phanerozoic Eon. Lesson 106 Shaping the Land Objective – Students will understand how Earths processes such as wind, water, and ice shape the surface of Earth. Lesson 107 Gliding Glaciers Objective – Students will observe the effect of pressure on the melting rate of a glacier. Lesson 108 Layers of the Earth Objective – Students will learn about the layers of Earth. Lesson 109 Earths Layers Objective – Students will create a visual representation of the layers of the Earth. Lesson 110 Theory of Plate Tectonics Objective – Students will understand plate tectonics is the theory that explains how the lithosphere moves and changes shape. Lesson 111 Plate Boundaries Objective – Students will understand the different types of movements tectonic plates can make. Lesson 112 Plate Movements Objective – Students will understand that plate movements cause major changes in the Earths surface and what some of those changes are. Lesson 113 Modeling Movement Along Faults Objective – Students will be able to infer how faulting can change the lands surface. Lesson 114 Earthquakes Objective – Students will understand the cause of and what is an earthquake. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 12. Lesson 115 Earthquakes Objective – To build a model of a structure that can withstand a simulated earthquake Lesson 116 Volcanoes Objective – Students will understand why volcanoes erupt, the different kinds of volcanoes, and features that form from eruptions. Lesson 117 Volcanoes Objective – Students will be able to hypothesize about how magma flows inside a volcano. Lesson 118 How is Earth Like a Magnet Objective – Students will understand how earth is like a magnet. Lesson 119 Making A Compass Objective – Students will make a simple compass to find magnetic north or south. Lesson 120 Earthquakes and Volcanoes Review Sheet Objective – Students will understand the causes of and conditions for earthquakes and volcanoes. Lesson 121 Water on Earth Objective – Students will understand where the water on Earth is located. Lesson 122 The Water Cycle Objective – Students will understand how water cycles through Earth. Lesson 123 The Water Cycle- Experiment Objective – Students will observe the water cycle in action by creating a small classroom terrarium. Lesson 124 Surface Water Objective – Students will understand what the sources of surface water are. Lesson 125 Ground Water Objective – Students will understand the sources for groundwater. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 13. Lesson 126 Water Moving Underground-Experiment Objective – Students will determine the permeability of a variety of materials and draw conclusions about why and how water collects and flows underground. Lesson 127 Uses of Water Objective – Students will understand the way humans use water on a daily basis. Lesson 128 Oceans Objective – Students will learn where the oceans are located as well as the properties of ocean water. Lesson 129 Desalination: Making fresh water from Salt Weather Objective – Students will understand that fresh water can be made from salt water. Lesson 130 The Ocean Floor Objective – Students will understand the major features located on the ocean floor and how they were formed. Lesson 131 Modeling the Ocean Floor Objective – Students make a model of the ocean floor. Lesson 132 Movement of Ocean Water Objective – Students will learn how ocean water moves in current, tides, and waves. Lesson 133 Wave Movement-Experiment Objective – Students will observe how waves affect a floating object. Lesson 134 Marine Mammals Objective – Students will learn about the various forms of mammals in the ocean. Lesson 135 Resources from the Ocean Objective – Students will learn some of the living and nonliving resources we get from the ocean. Lesson 136 Ocean Pollution Objective – Students will learn the major causes of ocean pollution. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 14. Lesson 137 Impacts of Ocean Pollution Objective – Student will learn the impacts pollution has on our oceans. Lesson 138 Oil Spill Article Objective – Students will learn more about what an oil spill is and does to the environment. Lesson 139 Ocean Review Sheet Objective – Students will review the concepts about oceans that they have learned in the previous lessons. Lesson 140 Ocean Test Objective – Students will be tested on the oceans concepts they have learned. Lesson 141 The atmosphere Objective – Students will get a better understanding of what the atmosphere is and what it is composed of. Lesson 142 Layers of the atmosphere Objective – Students will understand that the atmosphere is composed of various layers. Lesson 143 Energy in the Atmosphere Objective – Students will understand in what forms energy takes place in the atmosphere. Lesson 144 Heating Earth's Surface-Experiment Objective – Students will use their critical thinking skills to develop a test about how quickly different materials absorb radiation. Lesson 145 Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Objective – Students will learn what is the greenhouse effect and its role in global warming. Lesson 146 Ozone Depletion Objective – Students will learn the importance of the ozone layer and how it is being depleted. Lesson 147 Relative Humidity Objective – Students will understand what relative humidity is and how it is affected by temperature. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 15. Lesson 148 Relative Humidity-Experiment Objective – Students will construct a psychrometer in order to measure relative humidity. Lesson 149 Air Pressure Objective – Students will learn what air pressure is and how it can change. Lesson 150 Changes in Air Pressure Experiment Objective – Students will construct a barometer to measure air pressure Lesson 151 Wind Patterns Objective – Students will learn about the patterns that wind s follow. Lesson 152 Making an Anemometer Objective – Students will build their own anemometer to test wind speed. Lesson 153 Jet Streams Objective – Students will learn about a different kind of wind called a jet stream. Lesson 154 All about Clouds Objective – Students will learn about how clouds form as well as the various types of clouds. Lesson 155 Types of Precipitation Objective – Students will learn about the various types of precipitation and the conditions under which they form. Lesson 156 Air Masses Objective – Students will learn the major types of air masses that affect weather in North America. Lesson 157 Fronts Objective – Students will learn the main types of fronts. Lesson 158 Modeling a Cold Front Objective – Students observe a model of an advancing cold front. Lesson 159 High and Low Pressure Systems Objective – Students will learn how pressure systems affect weather. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 16. Lesson 160 Thunderstorms and Lightning Objective – Students will learn what a thunderstorm is and the conditions in which thunderstorms develop. Lesson 161 Hurricanes Objective – Students will learn what a hurricane is and the conditions in which hurricanes develop. Lesson 162 Hurricanes Experiment Objective – Students will understand that wind speed in a hurricane increases the height of ocean waves and higher waves occur in shallower water. Lesson 163 Tornadoes Objective – Students will learn the conditions in which a tornado forms as well as its characteristics. Lesson 164 Tornado in a jar Objective – Students will create a tornado in a jar to witness first hand how they form. Lesson 165 Weather Forecasting Objective – Students will understand how weather forecasting affects our daily lives. Lesson 166 Reading a Weather Map Objective – Students will read a weather map. Lesson 167 Climate Objective – Students will learn the difference between climate and weather and learn the major climate zones of the world and what affects them. Lesson 168 Climate Changes Objective – Students will learn about the major climate changes the world has undergone. Lesson 169 The Sun Objective – Students will describe the basic structure and composition of the sun. Lesson 170 Inner Planets Objective – Students will learn the characteristics of the four inner planets. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 17. Lesson 171 Outer Planets Objective – Students will learn the characteristics of the five outer planets. Lesson 172 Speeding Around the Sun-Experiment Objective – Students will learn to formulate a hypothesis about the revolution of a planet around the sun. Lesson 173 Celestial Bodies Objective – Students will learn about other components of the solar system called celestial bodies. Lesson 174 Stars Objective – Students will explain how stars form and change. Lesson 175 Earth's Movement Around The Sun Objective – Students will learn why earth has a day and a night and how seasons are produced. Lesson 176 Modeling The Seasons-Experiment Objective – Students will model the cause of the seasons. Lesson 177 The Moon Objective – Students will learn what causes the moons phases as well as the characteristics of Earths moon. Lesson 178 Formation of the Universe Objective – Students will study the major theory behind how the universe formed. Lesson 179 Space Review Sheet Objective – Students will review space concepts they have learned to prepare for test. Lesson 180 Space Test Objective – Students will demonstrate their understanding of space topics. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 18. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 1 Lesson 1 What is Science? When you think of science, what comes to your mind? Is it doing experiments, watching the night sky, learning the life cycle of a frog? In fact, all of these things can be considered science. Science makes up everything we do and we are. Science is a way of learning what goes on around you. Learning the best temperature to keep a fish tank at and the basics behind throwing a curve ball both require thinking like a scientist. Science can be broken into three different branches. Earth science is the study of earth’s features such as rocks, water, weather, and space. Life science is the study of living things including both plants and animals. Life science is sometimes referred to as biology. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 19. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 1 Physical science is the study of motion, energy, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, and the tiny particles that make up everything around you. Physical science includes areas such as chemistry and physics. The three branches of science create the world around us, as we know it. Science is constantly changing and becoming more advanced in all of its fields.SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 20. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 1 Lesson 1 What is Science? Name: ____________________________________________________ Answer the following questions: 1. Which science is the study of living things? _______________________________________________ 2. Which science studies rocks, water, weather and space? _______________________________________________ 3. Which science studies magnetism? _______________________________________________ SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 21. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 2 Lesson 2 Scientific Discoveries Science is always changing. Every year there are new contributions in every branch of science. This can include anything from finding a cure to a disease, to discovering a new star, to constructing a new theory about how humans have evolved over time. Your job is to create a timeline of the past 100 years in regards to contributions in science. Your timeline can be vertical or horizontal. The contribution can be in any of the three branches of science we have discussed. You will need to find a contribution for every decade. For example, you will need to find a contribution in science from the years 1900-1910. The next contribution would be from the years 1911-1920 and so on. You may use resource books, encyclopedias, or the Internet. Use the rubric below to help you create your timeline. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 22. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 2 Lesson 2 Scientific Discoveries Name: ______________________________________________________ Your job is to create a timeline of the past 100 years in regards to contributions in science. Use your digital tools and digital typewriter. When stating your events make sure to include details of the contribution. Timeline SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 23. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 2 CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Content/Facts Facts were accurate for all events reported on the timeline. Facts were accurate for almost all events reported on the timeline. Facts were accurate for most of the events reported on the timeline. Facts were often inaccurate for events reported on the timeline. Dates An accurate, complete date has been included for each event. An accurate, complete date has been included for almost every event. An accurate date has been included for almost every event. Dates are inaccurate and/or missing for several events. Resources The timeline contained at least 8-10 events related to the topic being studied. The timeline contained at least 6-7 events related to the topic being studied. The timeline contained at least 5 events related to the topic being studied. The timeline contained fewer than 5 events. Readability The overall appearance of the timeline is pleasing and easy to read. The overall appearance of the timeline is somewhat pleasing and easy to read. The timeline is relatively readable. The timeline is difficult to read. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 24. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 3 Lesson 3 Scientific Inquiry We have already learned that science is all around us. The way we study the world is a process called scientific inquiry. You use scientific inquiry everyday and probably don’t even know you are using it. The first step in scientific inquiry is to pose a question. The question is what you want to learn more about or that is unexplained. The second step in scientific inquiry is to develop a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess of what you think will happen during your experiment. Your hypothesis can’t be wrong as long as you are making a logical guess. Your hypothesis is what you will be testing. The third step in scientific inquiry is designing an experiment. The experiment is actually testing what you wrote in your hypothesis. The experiment includes the materials you use and the procedure you will be following. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 25. TEACHER MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 3 The fourth step in scientific inquiry is recording your results. Results are the record of what happened while conducting your experiment. Results are the evidence collected including facts and data. Graphs are usually included in the results section. The fifth and final step of scientific inquiry is drawing a conclusion. A conclusion should answer several questions. Was my hypothesis correct? Why or why not? How would I change the experiment if I did it again? Was there a human error that could have changed the outcome of my experiment? SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!
  • 26. STUDENT MANUAL SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON 3 Lesson 3 Scientific Inquiry Name: ____________________________ List and explain the 5 steps of scientific inquiry. SAM PLE 10-15 CLICK ON THIS SLIDE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO DOWNLOAD PREVIEW FILES!