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Can	We	Have	a	Conversation	About		‘Ethics’?	
An	Introduction	
By	Abraham	Chiasson
Can	we	have	a	conversation	about		‘ethics’?	
By	Abraham	Chiassoni	
(The	following	is	provided	as	an	introduction	to	an	understanding	of	ethics	as	driven	
by	the	energies	and	dynamics	of	our	human	potentialities	and,	giving	rise	to	what	we	
describe	as	ethical	dynamics.1)	
I	guess	most	of	us	would	say	‘yes’	to	the	above	question,	some	would	focus	on	ethics	
in	the	context	of	their	religious	values	and	their	role	in	shaping	the	principles	and	
norms	guiding	their	behaviours,	others	would	focus	on	the	values	that	bind	them	
together	as	citizens	of	a	country	or,	of	a	specific	community	say,	a	university	or	of	a	
government	institution.	Others	still,	might	discuss	how	ethics	have	impacted	their	
relationship	qualities	and	commitments	and,	as	result,	have	shaped	as	examples,	
their	marriages	and	the	life	of	their	families.	
For	the	most	part,	ethics,	traditionally	understood,	make	for	interesting	and	
valuable	conversations	among	similarly	minded	individuals	e.g.,	those	who	share	a	
common	religious	faith	or,	who	have	chosen	a	specific	line	of	work,	say	the	medical	
profession	or	government	service;	nonetheless,	our	contemporary	‘ethical’	
challenges	have	little	to	do	with	similarly	minded	individuals	or	institutions	but	
rather,	how	to	create	an	‘ethical’	conversation	–	synergy	-	among	diversely	
motivated	individuals	and	institutions	(and,	we	could	also	say	societies).	
1	The	full	text	of	the	approach:	‘Towards	a	More	Open,	Shared	and	Responsible	Ethical	World	–	A	
Framework	for	Understanding	and	Transforming	Ethical	Dynamics’,	along	with	PPS	presentations	for	
each	of	its	chapters	can	be	found	at:	–	the	author	can	be	reached	at:
As	examples,	though	we	are	often	told	that	‘religious’	beliefs	and	attendant	values	
or,	simply	the	‘golden	rule’,	underpin	many	corporate	or	political	behaviours,	we	
have	all	come	to	understand	that	corporate	and	political	values	–	for	good	or	bad	-	
are	driven	by	the	need	for	survival	in	a	highly	competitive	and	cutthroat	world	with	
often	little	palpable	evidence	for	the	welfare	of	other	individuals	and	institutions.	
More	challenging	for	us	in	our	contemporary	western	world	are	those	whose	ethics	
are	in	contradiction	with	the	ethics	that	bind	(for	good	and	bad)	our	societies	
To	address	some	of	these	challenges,	some	have	gone	back	to	Aristotle	and	have	
argued	for	the	role	of	virtues	in	shaping	and	guiding	one’s	character	hoping	that	the	
‘right’	virtues	e.g.,	honesty,	courage	and	the	like,	would	bring	about	the	right	
behaviours	in	just	about	any	circumstance.	And,	though	we	have	preached	virtue	
ethics	in	our	schools	and	universities	and	continue	to	do	so	in	the	hope	that	they	
may	shape	such	behaviours	and,	for	some,	most	likely	have	had	the	desired	
outcome,	think	of	those	who	enrol	in	the	military	or	in	some	‘humanitarian’	pursuit,	
virtue	ethics	do	little	to	help	us	understand	and	deal	with	as	examples,	those	
religious	doctrines	or	political	ideologies	competing	to	control	the	future	of	our	
world,	be	they	those	that	we	agree	with	or	otherwise.		
In	summary,	notwithstanding	our	successes	over	time	to	address	the	issues	
embedded	in	our	‘human	condition’,	an	effective	conversation	about	ethics	now	
demands	a	more	comprehensive	approach,	one	capable	of	bringing	together	all	our	
capabilities	as	a	species	in	all	that	we	do	from	the	mundane	to	building	a	sustainable	
In	the	following,	we	will	briefly	examine	some	of	the	elements	that	should	help	us	
understand	the	ethics	we	have:	the	basis	for	an	analytical	framework	and,	the	ethics	
that	might	serve	us	better:	the	basis	for	a	transformational	framework.	
So,	what	would	be	the	basis	for	such	an	approach?
First,	one	would	have	to	acknowledge	that	we	are	dealing	with	a	‘dynamic’	
phenomenon	where	everything	we	do	has	an	ethical	dimension,	simply	put	our	
actions	and	accomplishments	are	a	reflection	of	our	values,	principles	and	norms	
and,	importantly,	our	relationship	qualities	and	commitments	–	the	‘operational’	
basis	for	our	ethics.	So	let	us	not	‘kid’	ourselves,	walking	down	the	street	has	an	
ethical	dimension	e.g.,	do	we	greet	–	acknowledge	-	or	not	our	fellow	human	beings.	
In	summary,	ethics	are	our	‘human	way’	of	being	in	synergy	with	the	forces	that	
gave	us	our	ability	to	bring	about	our	human	world	however	dysfunctional	e.g.,	wars	
and	tyranny,	that	this	may	have	appeared	at	different	points	of	our	human	history.			
While	‘god’	for	some,	prophets	for	others	or	‘wise’	individuals	e.g.,	Buddha	and	
Confucius,	have	given	us	insights	into	how	we	can	be	in	synergy	with	those	‘cosmic’	
forces	that	sustain	our	existence	in	the	universe,	not	to	mention	philosophers	e.g.,	
Aristotle,	who	have	toiled	on	such	issues	pretty	much	since	the	beginning	of	our	
existence	as	a	‘conscious’	species,	for	us	the	challenge	remains:	how	do	we	grow	–	
make	relevant	-	such	knowledge	and	intuitions	or,	for	some,	god	given	wisdom,	via	
our	ethical	actions	and	conversations,	more	so,	how	do	we	continue	the	
‘transcendent’	journey	of	those	wise	individuals	in	our	contemporary	world.	
As	a	starting	point	for	this	journey,	the	first	place	to	look	would	seem	to	be	what	I	
like	to	describe	as	our	‘core	human	potentialities’,	those	potentialities	–	basically	
structuring	energies	–	specific	to	our	species	that	have	driven	our	cognitive	or	other	
potentialities	e.g.,	social	and	political,	that	have	made	us	who	we	are.		These	
potentialities,	specific	to	our	species	could	be	identified	as:	‘consciousness,	
conscious	will,	a	sense	of	self,	personal	identity,	a	sense	of	vision	and,	hope’.	
Why	not	art,	religion	and	science	as	examples?	Granted,	they	are	all	profoundly	
human	potentialities,	so	why	not	‘core	human	potentialities’?	Quite	simply,	these	
potentialities,	which	I	describe	as	cognitive	potentialities,	are	structured	–	driven-
by	our	core	human	potentialities;	simply	put,	they	exist	to	give	life	and	substance	to	
our	core	human	potentialities.		As	examples,	we	would	be	hard	put	to	have	a	
‘meaningful’	sense	of	vision	without	the	contribution	of	art,	religion	and	science;	or	
for	that	matter,	our	consciousness	would	be	rather	sterile	to	say	the	least	if	not	for	
these	cognitive	potentialities.		Nonetheless,	it	is	our	potential	for	consciousness	and	
vision	that	spurs	our	vital	cognitive	potentialities	and	not	the	other	way	around.		
Still,	some	would	probably	like	to	start	the	conversation	with	religion	i.e.,	what	has	
given	many	in	its	institutional	form	their	structured	sense	of	belonging	to	the	
universe	along	with	those	beliefs,	values	and	ethics	most	conducive	to	respecting	
and	benefitting	from	such	a	belonging	and,	herein	lies	a	trap;	while	institutional	
religions	and	other	forms	of	spirituality	have	made	such	a	contribution,	they	have	
made	it	on	the	basis	of	the	needs	–	aspirations	–	of	our	core	human	potentialities,	
those	embedded	in	our	human	nature	at	a	point	in	time	e.g.,	our	need	–	potential	–	
for	vision	and	hope.			
While	some	of	the	beliefs,	values	and	ethics	associated	with	institutional	religions	
will	surely	resist	the	test	of	time,	our	core	human	potentialities	will	continue	via	as	
examples,	our	cognitive	potentialities	for	art,	philosophy	and	science,	to	seek	out	a	
more	satisfying	sense	of	belonging	to	the	universe	via	more	sophisticated	beliefs,	
values	and	ethics.	Obviously,	this	argument	will	not	convince	those	who	believe	in	
the	contrary	as	we	can	witness	in	our	contemporary	‘religious’	conflicts.	
In	summary,	having	a	conversation	about	ethics	is	about	having	a	conversation	
about	who	we	are	and	who	we	hope	to	become	on	the	basis	of	our	core	human	
potentialities	e.g.,	what	are	those	values,	principles	and	norms	and,	relationship	
commitments	and	qualities	in	our	life	that	will	foster	the	growth	of	our	human	
potentialities	such	as	for	consciousness	e.g.,	understanding	the	connections	between	
my	emotions	/	feelings	and	the	world	that	I	inhabit;	conscious	will	e.g.,	having	
control	over	what	happens	to	me;	a	sense	of	self	e.g.,	understanding	what’s	
important	to	me;	personal	identity	e.g.,	who	I	am	as	a	social	being	and	who	I	want	to
become;		‘vision’	or	the	inner	sense	of	beauty	that	spurs	me	to	bring	about	a	more	
satisfying	world;	and,	hope	or,	what	gives	me	the	energy	to	address	my	daily	
struggles	and	to	continue	my	journey.		
How	would	this	approach	‘work’?	
Our	human	world	like	that	of	nature	takes	place	in	a	world	of	competition	–	in	its	
social	dimension	this	could	be	described	as	politics	i.e.,	whose	authority	and	power	
‘carries	the	day’	and,	in	nature,	who	manages	to	get	the	resources	–	the	‘flower’	or	
the	‘weed’	by	the	side	of	the	road	or,	who	of	the	eagle	or	the	fish	lives	on	to	see	
another	day.			
In	our	world	as	in	nature,	the	results	of	such	competition	are	dependent	on	what	
could	be	described	as	‘mediating’	structures	e.g.,	authority	and	power	is	usually	
exercised	in	an	institutional	context	say	the	family	or	business	with	both	having	–	
when	things	are	‘working	well’	–	a	set	of	accepted	rules	for	its	exercise;	one	can	also	
see	that	mediation	takes	place	on	a	broader	scale	e.g.,	the	community,	country	or	
planet	via	the	UN	as	an	example.		In	nature,	mediation	takes	place	in	the	form	of	
context	e.g.,	the	‘flower’	or	the	‘weed’	will	be	dependent	on	the	qualities	of	the	soil	
and,	in	the	case	of	the	eagle	or	the	fish,	who	wins	depends	pretty	much	on	the	
characteristics	of	the	river	giving	an	advantage	to	one	or	the	other.	
Since	we	all	have	the	feeling,	at	least	on	some	occasions,	that	we	make	decisions	that	
will	affect	us	and	others,	we	are	pretty	much	like	formal	institutions,	a	mediating	
structure	looking	after	one’s	interest	and	impacting	on	others	with	a	set	of	rules	that	
we	have	either	been	given	or,	in	some	cases,	chosen	for	ourselves	with	respect	to	
our	needs,	hopes	and	dreams.			
From	an	‘action’	perspective,	engaging	in	a	conversation	about	ethics	is	about	
engaging	in	a	conversation	between	‘mediating’	structures,	between	individuals,	
between	individuals	and	institutions,	between	institutions	and,	between	individuals,
institutions	and	the	larger	mediating	context	e.g.,	community	and	society;	the	
results	of	such	mediation	being	our	‘human’	world;	more	specifically,	what	will	have	
‘importance	or	what	will	be	valued’	–	what	could	be	described	in	a	socio-political	
context	as	‘authority’	and,	who	will	have	the	‘power’	or	given	the	tools	to	make	this	
reality	happen.		
However,	before	addressing	the	world	of	our	socio-political	relationships,	and	the	
social	goods	and	social	qualities	that	result	from	this	mediation,	let’s	look	at	what	
underlies	and	supports	this	mediation	-	what’s	going	on	from	what	will	be	described	
as	our	specific	social	/	cognitive	structures	along	with	their	‘cognitive’	potentialities.		
Our	cognitive	architecture:	social	/	cognitive	structures	and	their	‘cognitive’	
potentialities	-	
Though	our	human	nature	contains	elements	of	what	could	be	ascribed	to	plants	
and	animals	and	which	are	essential	to	our	survival,	what	gives	life	to	what	we	
described	above	as	our	core	human	potentialities	is	to	be	found	in	our	‘core’	human	
–	social	and	cognitive	-	structures	–,	those	structures	that	underpin	all	that	we	do	as	
a	social	species	along	with	their	embedded	potentialities	for	bringing	forth	a	
specifically	human	–	social	–	world.	In	effect,	our	social	structures	(described	below)	
exist	inasmuch	as	they	are	the	expression	of	their	embedded	cognitive	potentialities,	
hence	the	reference	to	social	and	cognitive	structures,	those	that	together	bring	
about	our	social	and	cognitive	world.	
Looking	at	the	situation	holistically,	one	can	see	(or,	can	choose	to	see)	that	our	
cognitive	potentialities	fall	within	5	core	social	structures:	1)	those	cognitive	
potentialities	that	stem	from	our	human	nature	per	se	(our	core	social	structure)	
with	its	cognitive	potentialities	for	symbolism,	behaviors,	explanations,	invention,	
faith,	reason	and	technique;	2)	those	that	relate	to	the	self	(as	a	social	actor)	e.g.,	
cognitive	(emotions,	feelings)	energies,	embodiment,	empathy,	uniqueness,	beliefs,	
meaning	and	information;	3)	those	that	relate	to	our	domains	of	activity	e.g.,	social
qualities,	(behavioral)	forms,	stories,	beauty,	values,	truths	and	theories;	4)	those	
that	relate	to	our	mediating	structures	–	individuals,	institutions	and	‘society’	–	e.g.,	
(their)	universe,	(sense	of)	order,	ethos,	aesthetics,	ethics,	ideology	and	knowledge;	
and,	those	that	relate	to	what	could	be	described	as	our	‘collective	human	psyche’	(as	
a	species)	e.g.,	symbols,	rituals,	myths,	art,	religion,	philosophy	and	science.	
Obviously,	one	can	debate	the	choice	of	structures	and	what	was	identified	as	their	
cognitive	potentialities;	on	the	other	hand,	one	cannot	debate	that	such	features	as	
aesthetics,	ethics,	ideology	and	knowledge,	together,	play	a	role	in	our	mediations	as	
individuals,	institutions	and	societies	and	result	in	‘culturally’	specific	actions	and,	
we	could	also	say,	in	social	goods	and	qualities	that	we	‘recognize’	as	members	of	an	
institution	or	society.	More	so,	one	could	not	imagine	having	a	conversation	about	
ethics	without	referring	to	our	beliefs	as	a	‘self’,	the	stories	and	truths	giving	life	to	
our	domains	of	activities,	to	our	sense	of	order	or,	more	generally,	to	the	teachings	
of	‘religion’	that	have	affected	our	sense	of	‘morality’.		
In	summary,	having	a	meaningful	conversation	about	ethics	involves	having	what	
could	be	described	as	a	‘holistic’	conversation	where	all	of	our	cognitive	
potentialities	work	together	to	help	us	understand	‘who	we	are	and	hope	to	become’	
relative	to	any	given	human	challenge.	
Nonetheless,	this	working	together	of	our	cognitive	potentialities	takes	place	as	we	
mentioned	previously	in	a	socio-political	context	where	individuals,	institutions	and	
societies	compete	for	‘authority’	–	what	is	reflective	of	their	‘real’	ethical	aspirations	
or,	overarching	values	as	some	would	say	–,	and	‘power’	–	for	who	will	have	the	
wherewithal	to	implement	congruent	actions	-.		Here	is	what	this	entails.	
Our	struggle	for	authority	and	power	or,	creating	a	‘congruent’	world	-	
As	we	have	all	learned	to	acknowledge,	our	core	human	potentialities	say	for	‘vision	
and	hope’	nourished	by	our	cognitive	potentialities	as	individuals,	have	usually
brought	us	in	competition	with	other	individuals	and,	similarly	for	institutions	and	
societies	for	what	we	described	above	as	authority	and	power.		In	such	a	context,	
one	might	ask:	how	can	we	make	this	competition	‘generally’	beneficial	to	our	goal,	
say	for	fulfilment	and	growth	and,	how	can	a	different	understanding	of	ethics	be	
helpful	in	this	quest?	
As	a	backdrop	to	our	discussion,	we	can	see	that	our	domain	contributions,	or	
domain	decisions	for	that	matter,	do	not	have	an	equal	effect,	some	enhance	our	
core	human	potentialities	e.g.,	for	consciousness	or	a	sense	of	vision	and	hope	and,	
others	do	not	or	do	so	minimally	so,	that	over	time,	we	could	hypothesize	that	these	
core	human	potentialities	will	signal	one	way	or	another	to	the	individual,	
institution	or	society	and,	to	the	species	as	a	whole,	what	works	and	what	doesn’t	
work	for	us	pretty	much	like	our	successes	and	failures	as	an	individual	help	us	
distinguish	what’s	right	and	what’s	wrong.		
Historically,	the	‘holders’	of	such	knowledge	have	been	associated	with,	or	have	
been	given	the	role	of	‘authority’,	as	with	the	elders	of	the	tribe	or	with	valued	
institutions	such	as	the	church	or	universities	and,	have	been	given	the	means	–	
power	-	to	exercise	this	authority;	however,	in	our	contemporary	world,	we	can	now	
say	that	authority	and	power	is	also	vested	in	a	multitude	of	social	actors	be	they	
formal	institutions	or	the	individual	holder	of	a	useful	expertise,	simply	put,	to	any	
institution	or	individual	perceived	as	capable	of	contributing	to	our	human	
effectiveness	whatever	that	might	be	e.g.,	a	technology	company	such	as	Apple	or,	a	
medical	doctor	dealing	with	our	health	issues.	
Now,	probably	more	than	ever	with	the	advent	of	information	and	communication	
technologies,	we	can	see	that	authority	is	a	matter	of	competition	and,	those	who	
win	in	the	authority	‘marketplace’,	get	the	resources	–	the	‘power’,	often	expressed	
in	monetary	or	political	terms.		As	an	example,	for	good	or	bad,	corporations	have	
increasingly	usurped	the	authority	of	governments	to	regulate	them	in	the	name	of	
their	‘authority’	in	the	world	of	‘competitiveness’	thus	giving	them	the	power	to
impose	their	authority	or	what	has	importance	for	them.		We	could	also	say	that	our	
institutional	framework	as	a	society,	say	the	place	of	the	family	in	our	hierarchy	of	
institutions	–	its	power	-,	is	a	reflection	of	its	perceived	authority	or	contribution	in	
our	human	affairs.	
In	such	a	context,	some	could	say,	let	the	competition	continue	and	‘may	the	best	
person	win’,	and	put	their	faith	in	human	nature	to	sort	out	what’s	best.	However,	
history	has	taught	us	that	letting	the	‘powerful’	run	with	the	ball	i.e.,	what	has	
‘authority’	for	them,	has	its	consequences;	we	have	learned	sometimes	the	‘hard	
way’	that	human	hubris	has	to	be	channelled	for	the	betterment	of	society	and,	that	
the	quality	of	this	channelling	via	our	societal	governance	institutions	as	an	
example,	will	determine	our	faith	as	a	species:	what	has	authority	for	the	petroleum	
companies	may	not	be	best	for	us	all!	
With	these	challenges	in	mind,	how	do	we	foster	the	kind	of	authority	and	power	
dynamics	that	will	grow	our	core	human	potentialities	as	individuals,	institutions	
and	societies	and	lead	us	to	more	fulfilling	lives?	Though	religious	doctrines	and	
political	ideologies	e.g.,	communism,	capitalism	and	democracy,	have	been	–	and	are	
still	used	–	in	our	institutional	mediations	to	fulfil	this	function,	their	contributions	
to	our	collective	well-being	are	increasingly	being	challenged	by	‘hard	facts’	e.g.,	the	
spreading	use	of	terrorism	in	many	parts	of	the	world	for	political	power,	our	
biological	ecology	which	many	consider	be	on	the	brink	of	collapse	and,	our	social	
ecology,	even	in	‘developed’	countries,	is	being	challenged	by	increasing	inequality	
in	both	opportunities	for	contribution	and	reward.	
So,	what	does	this	mean	for	our	conversation	on	ethics?	
As	a	point	of	departure,	it	would	seem	useful	to	acknowledge,	irrespective	of	their	
contribution	to	human	accomplishment,	that	the	authority	and	power	dynamics	
sustained	by	our	religious	doctrines	and	political	ideologies	alike	and,	our	more	
mundane	authority	and	power	dynamics,	are	the	product	of	our	cognitive	–	species
driven	-	potentialities	e.g.,	their	realities	are	based	on	domain	stories	–	think	the	
Bible	or	the	Koran	-	or	sense	of	beauty	–	think	God	or	the	creation	–	and	truths	–	
think	democracy	-.		Simply	put,	our	authority	and	power	dynamics	are	embedded	in,	
but	also	in	synergy	with	our	cognitive	potentialities	e.g.,	change	the	story	or	
narrative	and	you	change	the	authority	and	power	dynamics	and	vice	versa.	
In	‘real	life’,	authority	and	power	dynamics	are	also	the	underpinnings	of	our	socio-
political	landscapes	where	they	ultimately	decide	on	matters	of	social	qualities	and	
social	goods,	those	that	will	give	the	landscape	its	realities,	more	so,	those	social	
qualities	and	social	goods	that	will	ultimately	serve	to	maintain	a	given	set	of	
authority	and	power	dynamics,	think	our	contemporary	addiction	to	automobiles	
or,	more	positively,	our	capacity	to	feed	ourselves	via	sophisticated	agricultural	
From	a	practical	‘relationship’	perspective,	we	can	see	that	authority	and	power	
dynamics	are	also,	most	importantly,	the	‘in	your	face’	expression	of	the	landscape’s	
ethical	realities	and	dynamics,	those	that	either	create	positive	ethical	tensions	
where	individuals	and	institutions	compete	to	bring	about	a	collectively	inspiring	
vision	or	set	of	overarching	values	say,	creating	a	more	‘just’	society	for	all	or,	where	
ethical	tensions	easily	become	sources	of	ethical	violence	where	vision	for	some	and	
their	overarching	values	suppose	the	domination	of	others	as	in	the	context	of	
‘authoritarian’	political	regimes	and,	all	those	situations	in	between	such	as	with	the	
vast	income	and	opportunity	inequalities	in	our	corporatist	societies.			
Finally,	as	we	have	previously	mentioned,	we	must	recognize	that	all	of	us	as	
individuals,	institutions	and	societies	are	‘condemned’	by	our	human	nature	to	
compete	for	authority	and	power,	driven	sometimes	by	a	desire	to	contribute	to	
‘human	good’	as	in	the	case	of	accepting	political	refugees	and,	at	other	times	
seeking	to	maximize	our	own	well-being	irrespective	of	the	damage	to	others	e.g.,	
our	‘love	affair’	with	the	automobile	or	air	plane	travel;	simply	put,	‘ethical’	violence	
is	pretty	much	in	our	human	nature	as	Freud	and	others	have	well	described.
Let’s	try	to	address	each	of	the	above	issues	as	to	what	they	imply	for	our	
conversation	on	ethics.	
Authority	and	power	dynamics	and	our	cognitive	potentialities	-	
Since	authority	and	power	dynamics	have	their	origins	in	our	cognitive	
potentialities	i.e.,	those	specific	to	our	species,	our	point	of	departure	for	
understanding	and,	eventually,	transforming	authority	and	power	dynamics	–	what	
we	also	described	above	as	‘ethical	dynamics’	–	must	begin	with	as	examples,	those	
symbols	such	as	‘money’	that	bring	about	our	individual,	institutional	or	societal	
universe	and	the	human	qualities	that	they	inspire	and,	we	could	also	say	how	those	
qualities	e.g.,	compassion	or	greed,	are	embodied	in	the	rituals	e.g.,	sharing	through	
altruistic	behaviour	or	stashing	away	for	personal	use,	that	give	a	sense	of	order	
(good	or	bad)	to	this	universe;	and,	we	can	also	see	how	these	rituals	will	give	rise	
over	time	to	our	collective	myths,	those	that	give	our	society	its	collective	spirit	or	
ethos,	itself	serving	to	give	us	our	sense	of	aesthetics	e.g.,	what	is	‘beautiful’	is	
expensive	in	the	case	of	money,	and	to	summarize	briefly,	our	ethics	or	the	ethical	
values	and	principles	that	will	drive	our	relationships,	the	ideologies	that	will	frame	
our	collective	thinking	and,	the	theories	that	will	be	the	basis	for	our	knowledge2.		
Skipping	this	understanding	or,	at	least	an	effort	to	do	so,	say	limiting	our	
conversation	to	matters	of	values	and	how	they	impact	on	such	and	such	reality,	is	
avoiding	the	synergistic	nature	of	our	cognitive	potentialities:	each	dimension	of	our	
cognitive	world	is	in	a	dynamic	relationship	to	the	other.	Better	still,	a	conversation	
on	ethics	must	have	a	‘structured’	approach	to	understanding	the	synergistic	nature	
of	our	ethical	reality.		
Authority	and	power	–	ethical	-	dynamics	and	social	realities	-	
2	-	One	could	also	begin	the	analysis	by	seeking	to	understand	the	realities	embedded	in	our	ethical	
values	and	principles.
As	we	mentioned	above,	authority	and	power	dynamics	or,	ethical	dynamics,	are	
always	driven	by	and	in	synergy	with	a	given	set	of	social	qualities	e.g.,	fairness,	
security	and	individual	freedoms,	and	social	goods	e.g.,	food,	education	and	public	
transit,	and	a	host	of	other	social	qualities	and	goods;	however,	we	have	also	
mentioned	that	social	qualities	and	social	goods	can	be	‘manipulated’	to	maintain	a	
specific	authority	and	power	structure	or,	specific	ethical	dynamics:	social	qualities	
such	as	greed	that	emphasize	individual	wealth	as	oppose	to	the	common	good	and,	
social	goods	that	emphasize	a	particular	e.g.,	corporate	based	consumption	pattern,	
both	tend	to	foster	those	ethical	dynamics	that	could	be	associated	with	unbridled	
Therefore,	since	social	qualities	and	social	goods	are	not	‘ethically’	neutral,	a	
conversation	on	ethics	should	normally	seek	out	both	their	embedded	‘social	
relationship’	values	and	principles	e.g.,	‘who	wins	–	who	loses’	but	also,	how	their	
embedded	values	and	principles	e.g.,	those	that	drive	social	goods	such	as	
automobiles,	impact	on	our	core	human	potentialities	say	for	our	personal	identity	
and	sense	of	vision	and,	as	we	will	see	later,	on	our	core	social	potentialities	e.g.,	for	
contribution	and	accountability	and,	on	what	will	be	described	as	our	institutional	
dimensions	e.g.,	those	related	to	our	sense	of	family	and	nation,	importantly,	those	
potentialities	and	dimensions	that	give	social	relevance	and	meaning	to	our	
individual	or	institutional	contributions.		
Authority	and	power	-	ethical	–	dynamics:	their	impact	on	our	social	potentialities	and	
institutional	dimensions	-	
At	the	outset,	we	must	keep	in	mind	that	our	authority	and	power	–	ethical	-	
relationships	in	the	best	of	circumstances	are	pretty	much	what	has	kept	our	species	
from	self	destruction	or,	from	a	more	positive	perspective,	put	it	on	a	path	of	
increasing	sophistication	in	multiple	areas	of	endeavour	e.g.,	from	the	political	to	the
scientific,	with	its	obvious	‘ups	and	downs’.	Simply	put,	they	are	at	the	core	of	our	
social,	hence	human,	existence.	
So	how	have	we	avoided	–	generally	-	those	authority	and	power	–	ethical	-	
relationships3	that	give	rise	to,	or	depend	on	the	creation	and	maintenance	of	
‘ethical’	violence	and,	how	have	we,	for	example,	promoted	those	relationships	that	
have	given	us	a	sense	of	accomplishment	and	growth?	Better	still,	how	do	we	create	
a	more	‘constructive’	ethical	synergy	among	the	social	actors	that	we	are	as	
individuals,	institutions	and	societies.	
This	is	a	tricky	question	since,	as	we	mentioned	above,	‘ethical’	violence	and	human	
relationships	often	go	hand	in	hand	and,	‘violence’	can	be	very	much	viewed	as	in	
‘the	eye	of	the	beholder’;	furthermore,	little	progress	in	human	affairs	usually	
happens	without	some	measure	of	‘ethical’	violence	for	some,	think	the	automobile	
in	the	age	of	the	horse	and	buggy	for	those	who	made	a	living	taking	care	of	the	
To	get	a	grip	on	this	challenge,	we	must	go	one	step	beyond	the	issues	that	we	
described	as	related	to	authority	and	power	or	ethical	dynamics	and	their	
connection	with	our	cognitive	potentialities	and,	social	qualities	and	social	goods	
and,	address	more	specifically	their	connection	with	what	will	be	described	below	
as	our	core	social	potentialities	–	those	potentialities,	like	what	we	described	for	our	
core	human	potentialities,	that	make	it	possible	–	give	us	the	impetus	-	to	grow	a	
‘human’	social	community	via	the	institutional	dimensions	i.e.,	as	individuals,	
institutions	and	societies,	that	they	have	spurred	and	that	have	become	the	myriad	
channels	for	their	enactment	and	development.	
For	example,	authority	and	power	-	ethical	–	relationships	driven	by	such	social	
qualities	(or	values)	as	fairness,	security	and	individual	freedoms	and,	social	goods	
3	-	Slavery	being	a	prime	example	of	our	human	failure	to	avoid	such	violence	along	with	the	
‘working’	conditions	at	the	dawn	of	the	industrial	revolution,	among	other	examples…
such	as	education,	food	and	transportation	and	their	embedded	values,	will	also	find	
their	relevance	(e.g.,	beyond	what	we	described	for	our	core	human	potentialities)	
inasmuch	as	they	contribute	to	growing	our	core	‘social’	potentialities	i.e.,	those	
related	to	empathy,	belonging,	contribution,	social	synergy,	accountability	and	a	
shared	sense	of	destiny	and,	to	those	‘institutional’	dimensions	(as	individuals,	
institutions	or	societies)	that	permit	our	domain	enactments	to	be	‘productively’	
connected	–	mediated	-	to	a	larger	social	purpose	i.e.,	institutional	dimensions	
related	to	a	sense	of	family	and	community,	to	a	particular	‘professional’	expertise	
and	capacity,	to	‘production’	whatever	that	may	mean	in	various	contexts,	to	the	
opportunity	for	participation	in	a	broader	institutional	life	such	as	in	civil	society	
and	the	state	and,	from	a	more	universal	perspective,	the	opportunity	for	sharing	in	
our	broader	realities	such	as	with	a	sense	of	nation	or	‘people’	and,	ultimately,	our	
identification	with	the	planet.	
Simply	put,	our	social	potentialities	as	individuals,	institutions	or	societies	provide	
the	social	energy	for	our	domain	contributions	and	their	embedded	values	while	our	
institutional	dimensions	provide	the	social	structure	for	their	‘inter’	institutional	
mediation	–	in	the	creation	of	our	world.	
While	the	choice	of	the	above	social	potentialities	and	institutional	dimensions	can	
be	debated,	one	aspect	that	can’t	is	the	role	of	ethical	dynamics	in	the	construction	
of	our	social	world	and	the	need	for	a	transformational	framework	sufficiently	
comprehensive	to	offer	hope,	not	only	to	those	individuals,	institutions	and	societies	
currently	at	‘the	top	of	the	pyramid’	or	sharing	in	the	dominant	ideology	but,	
importantly,	for	those	aspiring	to	a	‘better	world’.		
From	a	practical	viewpoint	this	would	mean	that	a	conversation	on	ethics,	say	in	a	
car	company	or	computer	firm,	that	would	focus	solely	on	the	relationship	between	
the	ethics	–	values…	-	underpinning	workers’	social	potentiality	for	contribution	and	
their	impact	on	the	company’s	production	dimension	would	be	both	alienating	to	
workers	–	reducing	them	pretty	much	to	a	simple	‘instrumental’	role	such	as	robots
–	and,	stifling	for	the	growth	of	the	company,	especially	in	our	post	industrial	
In	summary,	our	‘human’	social	potentialities	and	institutional	mediating	
dimensions	exist	–	have	a	life	–	in	each	of	us	as	individuals	and	in	each	of	our	
institutions	and	societies	since	they	derive	and	are	a	construct	of	the	‘human’	mind,	
permeating	all	that	we	do;	together	with	the	dynamics	of	authority	and	power	-	
ethical	dynamics	-	and	resultant	social	realities,	their	ultimate	aim	is	to	grow	our	
core	human	potentialities,	those	that	we	described	as:	consciousness,	conscious	will,	
a	sense	of	self,	personal	identity	and,	a	sense	of	vision	and	hope	for	us	all	–	as	
individuals,	institutions	and,	more	broadly,	as	societies	and	species.	
Beyond	our	conversation	about	ethics,	what	does	this	mean	for	all	of	us?	
As	humans,	like	it	or	not,	we	live	as	part	of	an	organic	whole	i.e.,	as	a	species	
occupying	a	specific	place	and	function	in	a	broader	universe	be	it	the	planet	for	
some	or	the	universe	per	se	for	others.	More	so,	our	growth	and	sense	of	
accomplishment	as	an	individual	is	very	much	tied	to	our	effective	participation	in	
this	organic	–	social	–	whole	even	though	we	may	have	the	illusion	otherwise,	think	
of	someone	as	original	as	Picasso	without	‘paint	or	canvas’	or	without	the	benefit	–	
stimulation	-	of	the	range	of	artists	who	preceded	him.		
In	this	context,	what	the	above	has	endeavoured	to	describe	is	that	ethics,	especially	
understood	as	being	the	basis	for	ethical	dynamics,	are	the	nexus	where	what	we	
have	described	as	our	human,	cognitive	and	social	potentialities	come	together	to	
bring	about	our	human	world.		
As	a	corollary,	trying	to	deal	with	our	contemporary	challenges,	be	they	at	the	level	
of	the	individual	struggling	for	an	understanding	of	the	forces	shaping	his	realities	
and	motivations	or,	more	broadly,	at	the	level	of	our	planet’s	civilizations	striving	
for	both	cultural	congruency	and	participation	in	human	emancipation,	will	require	
that	we	shed	our	current	understanding	of	ethics	as	mainly	in	the	world	of	our
societal,	religious	or	otherwise,	values,	principles	and	norms,	and	address	ethics	as	
embedded	in	–	in	synergy	–	with	all	our	human	potentialities,	sometimes	driving	
and	sometimes	being	driven	by	our	other	potentialities.	
i	Abraham	Chiasson	is	a	former	executive	with	the	public	service	of	Canada	with	
responsibilities	for	executive	education,	corporate	development,	service	quality	along	with	
other	responsibilities	for	strategic	planning	and	policy	development.

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