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2. Photos
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El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo
ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut
andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta
eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur
mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae
coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam,
comniment explab imint fugit, est porro
officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate
sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui
doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas
est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant.
Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi
voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut
restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur
audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped
molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero
dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga.
Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos
est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae
que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium
explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem
pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit
doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit,
occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed
ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam
Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as
etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum
cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam
volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel
earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie
ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at.
Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum
lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut
plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis
illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res
alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio
design_basics.indd 24-25 7/30/12 12:30 AM
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El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo
ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut
andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta
eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur
mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae
coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam,
comniment explab imint fugit, est porro
officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate
sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui
doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas
est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant.
Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi
voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut
restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur
audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped
molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero
dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga.
Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos
est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae
que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium
explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem
pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit
doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit,
occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed
ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam
Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as
etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum
cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam
volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel
earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie
ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at.
Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum
lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut
plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis
illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res
alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio
design_basics.indd 26-27 7/30/12 12:30 AM
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El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo
ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut
andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta
eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur
mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae
coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam,
comniment explab imint fugit, est porro
officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate
sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui
doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas
est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant.
Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi
voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut
restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur
audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped
molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero
dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga.
Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos
est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae
que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium
explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem
pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit
doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit,
occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed
ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam
Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as
etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum
cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam
volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel
earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie
ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at.
Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum
lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut
plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis
illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res
alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio
design_basics.indd 28-29 7/30/12 12:30 AM
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El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo
ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut
andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta
eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur
mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae
coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam,
comniment explab imint fugit, est porro
officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate
sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui
doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas
est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant.
Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi
voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut
restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur
audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped
molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero
dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga.
Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos
est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae
que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium
explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem
pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit
doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit,
occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed
ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam
Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as
etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum
cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam
volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel
earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie
ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at.
Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum
lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut
plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis
illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res
alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio
white space
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El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo
ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut
andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta
eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur
mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae
coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam,
comniment explab imint fugit, est porro
officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate
sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui
doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas
est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant.
Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi
voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut
restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur
audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped
molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero
dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga.
Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos
est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae
que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium
explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem
pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit
doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit,
occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed
ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam
Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as
etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum
cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam
volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel
earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie
ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at.
Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum
lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut
plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis
illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res
alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio
external margins
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El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo
ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut
andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta
eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur
mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae
coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam,
comniment explab imint fugit, est porro
officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate
sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui
doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas
est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant.
Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi
voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut
restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur
audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped
molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero
dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga.
Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos
est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae
que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium
explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem
pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit
doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit,
occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed
ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam
Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as
etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum
cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam
volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel
earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie
ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at.
Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum
lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut
plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis
illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res
alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio
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caption Caption caption Caption goes
here Caption here caption Caption goes
here caption Caption caption Caption
goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption
Caption goes here caption Caption
caption Caption goes here Caption
here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here
caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here
caption Caption caption Caption goes
here Caption here caption Caption goes
here caption Caption caption Caption
goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption
Caption goes here caption Caption
caption Caption goes here Caption
here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption
caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here
caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
design_basics.indd 44-45 7/30/12 12:31 AM
Caption here caption Caption goes here
caption Caption caption Caption goes
here Caption here caption Caption goes
here caption Caption caption Caption
goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption
Caption goes here caption Caption
caption Caption goes here Caption
here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here
caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here
caption Caption caption Caption goes
here Caption here caption Caption goes
here caption Caption caption Caption
goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption
Caption goes here caption Caption
caption Caption goes here Caption
here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
goes here caption
Caption caption
Caption goes
here Caption here
caption Caption
Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption
caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here
caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption
Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Caption here caption Caption goes here caption
Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption
goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
Student Name
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
quote goes here make it good
design_basics.indd 46-47 7/30/12 12:31 AM
8 9
design_basics.indd 48-49 7/30/12 12:31 AM
8 9
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
design_basics.indd 50-51 7/30/12 12:31 AM
8 9
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
design_basics.indd 52-53 7/30/12 12:31 AM
8 9
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
Photos of
design_basics.indd 54-55 7/30/12 12:31 AM
8 9
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
Photos of
must touch
the photo
design_basics.indd 56-57 7/30/12 12:31 AM
8 9
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
Photos of
must touch
the photo
Action of the
photo should
be facing the
middle of the
design_basics.indd 58-59 7/30/12 12:31 AM
8 9
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
Photos of
must touch
the photo
Action of the
photo should
be facing the
middle of the
Copy/Words go to
the outside of the
page - don’t trap
copy between pics
design_basics.indd 60-61 7/30/12 12:31 AM
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
Photos of
must touch
the photo
Action of the
photo should
be facing the
middle of the
Copy/Words go to
the outside of the
page - don’t trap
copy between pics
Use a
w/story 9
design_basics.indd 62-63 7/30/12 12:31 AM
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
Photos of
must touch
the photo
Action of the
photo should
be facing the
middle of the
Copy/Words go to
the outside of the
page - don’t trap
copy between pics
Use a
Use a
always 9
design_basics.indd 64-65 7/30/12 12:31 AM
Design from
the middle
out: Photos,
White Space
Photos of
must touch
the photo
Action of the
photo should
be facing the
middle of the
Copy/Words go to
the outside of the
page - don’t trap
copy between pics
Use a
Use a
always 9
stay on
the grid.
Zoom in
a check
design_basics.indd 66-67 7/30/12 12:31 AM

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Simple Yearbook Design

  • 2. 1. Start With Columns Level 1 design_basics.indd 4-5 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 10. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here 4. Add captions that touch the photo Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here design_basics.indd 20-21 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 11. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here 5. Add headline and Story Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy body copy body copy goes here body copy design_basics.indd 22-23 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 12. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline to an amazing Story Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam, comniment explab imint fugit, est porro officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant. Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga. Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit, occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam quat. Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at. Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio design_basics.indd 24-25 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 13. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline to an amazing Story Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam, comniment explab imint fugit, est porro officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant. Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga. Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit, occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam quat. Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at. Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio PHOTOS design_basics.indd 26-27 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 14. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline to an amazing Story Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam, comniment explab imint fugit, est porro officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant. Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga. Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit, occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam quat. Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at. Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio WORDS design_basics.indd 28-29 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 15. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline to an amazing Story Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam, comniment explab imint fugit, est porro officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant. Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga. Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit, occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam quat. Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at. Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio white space design_basics.indd 30-31 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 16. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline to an amazing Story Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam, comniment explab imint fugit, est porro officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant. Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga. Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit, occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam quat. Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at. Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio external margins design_basics.indd 32-33 7/30/12 12:30 AM
  • 17. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline to an amazing Story Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here El etusci doluptatusam fugias de nihillo ribusantem doloratur, sunducimil is aut andipid mi, quat maximusam volum volupta eatis sitiore mpelitiae veribus essit liciur mo officab oratiis doloria sequos audae coriam rest, cus eum facessum essimusam, comniment explab imint fugit, est porro officiis sinctes net exerio od mi, seque quate sitem. Natem quia doluptas vitius eaqui doluptatur sintibus di utet quis aut voluptas est, quatio. Cusaperibus, volor sam aliant. Sed molutem qui officiis atur, consequi voluptia pedit quoditasped quo volut restemp orepero illa volupta tiossi atiur audisqu iantiis re pedisque explacersped molorro que porpost voloria aliquod ero dolorem facipsa quae nobit a alit fuga. Simpore pratur aut dem rerum remquos est, od mod qui optatios aliqui blaudae que ernam expe nis alianda erspeditium explaut alitatus debitia exceptus aliatem pelestincil idebitiis dolorum nonem fugit doluptas voluptae ped quo qui nis exerchit, occaestiassi volupta estrum numquo consed ma doloreicid mosserum simusam, sam quat. Unto cus eos volupta is endam remqui as etur aut quunt velendae sit quat occaborum cus, sime nienimi ntemolo qui ut ex eum lam volenim anditi doluptaqui dolores ne ea vel earitium quibus nimus porrum eaqui officie ntisqua muscima pereptat peditatur at. Gent plabo. Ut et auditatis res eate occum lam am volorro con coruntiis mo explaut plia erum haruptatet volectem am, consenis illiqui tem fugitio nesenimust faces res alibus velenimos cusam fugiatia verovitatio external margins white space WORDS PHOTOS design_basics.indd 34-35 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 18. 1. Use Grids Level 2 design_basics.indd 36-37 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 22. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good design_basics.indd 44-45 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 23. Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Caption here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here caption Caption goes here caption Caption caption Caption goes here Headline Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good Student Name quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good quote goes here make it good design_basics.indd 46-47 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 25. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins design_basics.indd 50-51 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 26. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline design_basics.indd 52-53 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 27. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline Photos of different sizes design_basics.indd 54-55 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 28. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline Photos of different sizes Captions must touch the photo they describe design_basics.indd 56-57 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 29. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline Photos of different sizes Captions must touch the photo they describe Action of the photo should be facing the middle of the page design_basics.indd 58-59 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 30. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline Photos of different sizes Captions must touch the photo they describe Action of the photo should be facing the middle of the page Copy/Words go to the outside of the page - don’t trap copy between pics design_basics.indd 60-61 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 31. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline Photos of different sizes Captions must touch the photo they describe Action of the photo should be facing the middle of the page Copy/Words go to the outside of the page - don’t trap copy between pics Use a headline w/story 9 design_basics.indd 62-63 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 32. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline Photos of different sizes Captions must touch the photo they describe Action of the photo should be facing the middle of the page Copy/Words go to the outside of the page - don’t trap copy between pics Use a headline w/story Use a subheadline always 9 design_basics.indd 64-65 7/30/12 12:31 AM
  • 33. Recap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Design from the middle out: Photos, Words, White Space Margins Create an eyeline Photos of different sizes Captions must touch the photo they describe Action of the photo should be facing the middle of the page Copy/Words go to the outside of the page - don’t trap copy between pics Use a headline w/story Use a subheadline always 9 Always stay on the grid. Zoom in a check yourself. design_basics.indd 66-67 7/30/12 12:31 AM