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Verbal Irony In Romeo And Juliet
At the end of Act 3, Juliet and Romeo part after their wedding night only for Juliet to learn her
father has arranged her marriage to Paris in two days. The conversation with her mother about
Juliet's sorrow over "Tybalt" leads Juliet to suppress her feelings for Romeo. In an aside or a small
conversation to herself, Juliet states, "Villain and [Romeo] be many miles asunder. / God pardon
him! I do, with all my heart; / And yet no man like he doth grieve my heart" (3.5.81–81). This
statement helps to show the audience Juliet's true feelings while talking to her mother in this scene.
Juliet's talk with her mother about Romeo drives into the audience that while she is outwardly
showing her families' values, her true loyalty lies with her ... Show more content on
This relationship and newfound determination from Juliet to stay true to Romeo drives the rest of
the play and ultimately her death. Later in the argument with her mother, Juliet uses verbal irony or
says exactly what she does not mean when discussing her wish not to get married. Juliet shows her
distaste for marriage by saying, "I will not marry yet, and when I do I swear / It shall be Romeo,
whom you know I hate, / Rather than Paris..." (3.5. 21–23). This clear verbal irony further develops
the change in Juliet occurring in the play and at the same time brings a comedic element into the
argument. The fact that Romeo and Juliet are already married makes the audience chuckle when
Juliet claims she hates the man whom she snuck out her window just moments before. The audience
laughs at this claim because Juliet is telling the truth in a way that goes above her mother's head but
not above the audience's. This example of verbal irony also shows Juliet's new defiant nature.
Through this quote we see how Juliet has grown to lie directly to her parent's while before she
would not have dreamed to do such a thing. By directly telling her mother that she would rather
marry Romeo to make a point not to get married, she shows her newfound deceptive
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The Cask Of Amontillado Verbal Irony Essay
Poe also craftily includes verbal irony in his writings to enhance and amplify the style of suspense
and overall, apprehension. An exquisite paragon of this stylistic technique is Poe's short story, The
Cask of Amontillado. In said story, the main character, known as Montresor, cleverly plots to murder
his egregious foe, Fortunato, by entrapping and then, abandoning him in Montresor's catacomb
underneath his home. To avert any witnesses, Montresor tricks his stewards into vacating his
palazzo: "there were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honour of [a
festival]. I had told them, that I should not return until morning and had given them explicit orders
not to stir from the house. These orders were sufficient, I well knew, to insure their immediate
disappearance, one and all, as soon as my back was turned," (24). ... Show more content on ...
Yet, in this scenario, the opposite is demonstrated; Montresor, the master of the home, had delivered
an order, which he had expected and wished that his servants would disregard. Whereas in most
cases, masters would fire disobedient servants, Montresor had instead exploited the servants' lack of
loyalty to assure their desertion when he planned to murder Fortunato. Besides the touch of humor
this verbal irony invents, it also adds mysteriousness to the story, allowing the readers themselves to
experience fear, angst, and anxiety at the thought of how cunningly composed and devised
Montresor's heinous plans are. Thus, the style of the story becomes suspenseful and
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The Use of Dramatic, Situational, and Verbal Irony in...
In the play Othello, Shakespeare uses many literary devices to help the reader understand the theme
of the story. One of those many literary devices used in the play, is the wide range of irony.
Throughout the pages of the book the reader will see the use of dramatic, situational, and verbal
irony. Shakespeare does not use irony in an understated way, it is very direct, and can be found on
almost every page of the book. The use of irony creates suspense, and adds interest as to what will
happen. There are many examples of situational irony in Othello. One big example that went
throughout the story was the triangle of Cassio, Othello, and Iago. Iago wanted Cassio dead, while
Othello promoted Cassio to a higher position, and later in ... Show more content on
A third example of irony in the play is the use of war. In real life Othello is actually fighting a war,
and he is the leader that is in the topmost position. While on the other hand, there is a war in
Othello's head. He is fighting amongst himself, trying to see if Desdemona is really cheating on him
or not. This is the war he loses. The verbal irony used in the play is sometimes zany. Some of the
lines are found to be the exact opposite of what is actually the truth, but in such a manner is drives
the audience crazy. This is especially found between Iago and Othello. Othello would be found
saying things as: Honest Iago . . . "(V.II.92), "I know, Iago, Thy honesty and love doth mince this
matter" (II.III.263). Iago has poured his poison into Othello and made him truly deem that he is his
friend and protector. It shows how much trust Othello has in Iago, and shows the reader how it is
going to waste. One line that shows great irony is: "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green–
eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on" (III.III.195–96). But the whole reason Iago
wants to ruin Othello is because he is jealous, yet he counsels Othello on the matter instead. In the
end, Othello does kill his wife because he in fact is jealous. Verbal irony is found throughout this
play probably the most. It adds a bit of humor while tormenting the characters, who don't know the
truth. Dramatic irony is key component of
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Verbal Irony In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter
The crooked toothed dentist looks downward upon his fearful client. Wait, a crooked toothed
dentist? Ironic, isn't it. Irony is a clever literary device that many authors use to make the audience
stop and ponder what has been said, emphasize a central topic or idea, or do both. Nathaniel
Hawthorne, being the exceptional author that he is,uses each of the three types of irony, verbal,
dramatic, and situational, to affirm his simple truth, "Be true! Be true! Be true!" throughout his
novel. This chair is as comfortable as sitting on nails. Verbal irony is when a character or narrator
says something the expresses the opposite of what is actually meant and, moreover, it is quite
effortless to incorporate into a novel. Sarcasm and verbal irony ... Show more content on ...
If he had simply confessed to his crime earlier, Chillingworth may not have chosen to seek
vengeance seeing that the reverend has already reaped what he sowed. While the firefighters of New
York City are out on duty, their fire station burns down. Situational irony is when what happens
directly contradicts what was expected to happen. In the case of Hawthorne's novel, situational irony
is shown predominantly in the final scaffold scene. Dimmesdale, on the scaffold with Hester and
Pearl, confesses his sin to the onlookers below and he assumes that his guilty conscience will be
cleansed and he will live on a happy life. Conversely, though, he collapses on the scaffold and
promptly dies. To quote the bible, from John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will
set you free." Dimmesdale's confession to the community set him free of Chillingworth's grasp, as
well as his human binds. As the reverend, he must believe in the Christian's version of the afterlife,
so his death brought to him arguably by God himself, frees him of the terrible puritan community.
Irony has been a staple in literature centuries before Hawthorne's time and continues to work
centuries later in today's writing. The first
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm
Have you ever thought about being a talking animal? What would you do if the animals on your
farm were planning to overthrow your farm? The book Animal Farm is a novel, which was written
by George Orwell. The animals on Manor Farm wanted freedom because they felt that they were not
being treated right. The idea was made up by Old Major to rebel against farmer Jones. The animals
kicked Farmer Jones and his wife and their helpers off the farm. Snowball was the first leader of the
group. Snowball was a kind and smart leader. Napoleon was the next leader because he was mean
and kicked snowball of the farm. Then pigs started to treat the other animals with disrespect. The
pigs started to act like humans and the other animals were in the same spot as they were before.
There are a few themes in this novel, but the one that I chose ... Show more content on ...
Verbal irony is an irony that occurs when what is said is the opposite of what is meant. One example
of verbal irony is when the pigs change the commandments so they could be more like humans. One
of the original commandments said "No animal shall sleep in a bed." (pg. 43) but when the pigs
wanted to sleep in the beds in the farmhouse they changed it so "No animal shall sleep in a bed with
sheets". (pg. 79) This is ironic because the pigs use words to make it so that only they can sleep in a
bed. At the end of the novel, one of the commandments "All animals are equal" (pg. 43) was
OTHERS". (pg. 133) This is about the pigs wanting to become like the humans and wanting more
power over the other animals. It is ironic because it doesn't make sense. Why would some animals
like the pigs be more important than other animals like the chickens if all animals are equal. The
author uses verbal irony to emphasize the significance Animal Farm as a social commentary. Verbal
irony is used throughout this book and helps the reader understand the book
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How Does Antony Use Verbal Irony In Julius Caesar
Verbal irony is the intentional contrasting of what one says with what one means. Authors often use
verbal irony in dialogue to express a character's intentions behind he or she states. In The Tragedy of
Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the author includes verbal irony in Marc Antony's funeral
speech to show the purpose behind his words, which is to avenge his friend and the ruler of Rome,
Julius Caesar, by persuading the audience to rebel. By including complements about the
conspirators, mentioning Caesar's will, and stating his false motives, he achieves his purpose of
persuading the Romans to rebel against the conspirators. First, Marc Antony uses complements
about the conspirators to ironically portray them in a negative way. In the speech, Antony calls the
men honorable, stating that "they that have done this are honorable." and "I fear I wrong the
honourable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar." (Shakespeare 51). This is ironic because
when ... Show more content on ...
Throughout his speech, Antony stresses the fact that his purpose was not to make the people rise
against the conspirators, saying "O masters, if I were disposed to stir your hearts and minds to
mutiny and rage, I should do Brutus wrong and Cassius wrong, who you all know are honourable
men. I will not do them wrong..." (Shakespeare 50–51) and "Good friends, sweet friends, let me not
stir you up to such a sudden flood of mutiny." (Shakespeare 53). His explanation of his motives is
ironic because he tells the audience that it is not his intention to compel them to mutiny when in
actuality his motive is to stir them up to mutiny. By explaining, repeatedly, his false motives and
compelling the audience to mutiny, Antony achieves his purpose because, ironically, explaining that
it is not his intention to stir them up becomes the action that actually enrages the Roman citizens to
the point where they revolt and attack the conspirators, forcing them to leave
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Verbal Irony In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
Would you die for the one you love if you couldn't be with them all because of a feud? If so, you
would be pulling a Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare graced us with a beautiful play called
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, which is still known as of the greatest love story to ever be told.
Shakespeare conspired a play born for the stage and was for all people of his time to enjoy no matter
the status. Through the tale of two lovers and the rollercoaster of love, hatred, and death, William
Shakespeare managed to use ironic responses and thoughts all through his play. Verbal, situational,
and dramatic irony have key parts in Shakespeare's play and help to bring the laughter, tears, and life
to it. Verbal Irony is used in many ways and ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the story of two star–crossed lovers and their struggle with love we as the audience
experienced many emotions from hate, envy, love, tears of both joy and sadness, and even relief
from laughter. All of those emotions were brought on by dramatic, situational, and verbal irony that
Shakespeare embedded into the play knowing he wanted to be different and please all people. This
he was successful at and people today still are being affected by this beautiful piece of
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Pardoner's Tale
During the Middle Ages, The Canterbury Tales was the first major English literary work of Geoffrey
Chaucer. One of Chaucer's classic tales, "The Pardoner's Tale," establishes a concrete image of the
Pardoner's greed. Chaucer uses "The Pardoner's Tale" to expose that "greed is the root of all evil"
through verbal, situational and dramatic irony.
Chaucer uses verbal irony to prove that "greed is the root of all evil." Verbal irony is when a person
says the opposite of what he or she means. An extraordinary example of verbal irony is when the
three rioters claim that they are going to slay Death: "'And we will kill this traitor Death, I say!'"
(91). The three rioters demonstrate verbal irony due to the fact that they cannot kill Death. Geoffrey
Chaucer exposes that "greed is the root of all evil" through verbal irony in "The Pardoner's Tale." ...
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There are two examples of situational irony in the tale. A first example that Chaucer uses is when
the three rioters head to the tree to find Death. However, when they arrive under the tree; the three
rioters find gold rather than Death: "At once the three young rioters began/ To run, and reached the
tree, and there they found/ A pile of golden florins on the ground" (162–64). Situational irony is
used by Chaucer making his reader think that Death will be found by the rioters under the tree;
instead the three rioters find gold. Second, the Pardoner is another example of situational irony.
Rather than forgiving the people of the village from their sins, the Pardoner charges money to
forgive the sinner. Situational irony is demonstrating that "greed is root of all evil" in "The
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado
This Story Will Take Your Breath Away:
What is Ironically Underneath the Catacombs in "The Cask of Amontillado"
In the short story "The Cask of Amontillado," it deals with how someone can turn a seemingly nice
night into a horrible and tragic ending. Montresor lures an inebriated Fortunato to show him a rich
wine. But in a twist, Montresor chains him up and suffocates him. It uses an exceptional amount of
irony, verbal, situational, and dramatic irony. Edgar Allan Poe, author of "The Cask of
Amontillado," writes using three different variants of irony to create an eerie and suspenseful
atmosphere within the plot.
In "The Cask of Amontillado," Edgar Allen Poe uses several examples of verbal irony. Verbal irony
is when one character says something but actually means something different. One example is on
page 288 when Montresor says "My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met. How remarkably well you
are looking to–day." This is verbal irony because he does not really mean that he is looking well,
and this sentence starts the ensuing parts of Montresor luring the intoxicated Fortunato into the
catacombs, which begins the start of the suspenseful reader waiting to see if Montresor will fulfill
his mission.. Another example in the story of verbal irony is on page 289 when Fortunato has the
cough, and Montresor insists on going back, saying that his health is precious, when he really means
that he wants his health to decline and for him to die. "We will go back; your health is
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Verbal Irony In Harry Potter
The Oxford Dictionary of English defines irony as a literary technique, originally used in Greek
tragedy, by which the full significance of a character 's words or actions is clear to the audience or
reader although unknown to the character. Irony― the difference between appearance and reality
―is a literary device evident throughout all literature as either situational irony, dramatic irony, or
verbal irony. Surprising readers, situational irony contradicts the expected outcome of the story. For
example, the audience of the Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, expect that Harry Potter will
defeat Voldemort, the evil lord, by killing him; however, they are thrown off guard when it is
revealed that Harry Potter must allow Voldemort to kill ... Show more content on ...
Her family should provide her the support to fend off dangers like Arnold Friend;however, her
insubstantial relationship with her family instead leaves her vulnerable to Arnold Friend's
exploitations of her yearning for independence. The lack of authority over Connie allows her to
begin asserting her will and search for independence outside of her home;this makes the reader
wonder if she will truly find her independence. Connie's home is a safe space for her, but when
Arnold shows up, "[Connie's] kitchen looked like a place she had never seen before, some room she
had run inside but that wasn't good enough, wasn't going to help her" (Oates 262). Arnold Friend
invades her home without setting foot inside of it. He brings her childhood to an abrupt ending by
dragging her out of her home into the reality of adulthood. In the beginning, Connie goes out to
experience independence to establish her womanhood, but instead ends up leaving everything she
knows under the control of Arnold Friend, who will take her womanhood.
Connie's frequent dizzy spells give the readers a hint that something will go awry. Dizziness
overcomes Connie when she feels like Arnold is overpowering her and her surroundings feel
unfamiliar. When Connie realizes that neither Ellie nor Arnold are her age, "[she] felt a wave of
dizziness rise in her at this sight and she stared at him as if waiting
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In A Midsummer Night's Dream
William Shakespeare wrote the play A Midsummer's Night's Dream over four hundred years ago.
There are three types of irony, dramatic irony, verbal irony, and situational irony. Verbal irony is is
when the speaker says the opposite of what they mean. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows
more than the character. And situational irony is the opposite of what you think is going to happen
Shakespeare uses verbal irony a lot in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream. One example of verbal
irony in the play is when Helena says that she is Demetrius's dog (Shakespeare 2.1.26–34). This is
an example of verbal irony because she is not anywhere close to being Demetrius's dog. Another
example of verbal irony is when Helens says that she is Demetrius's magnet (Shakespeare 2.1.41–
47). This is also verbal irony because Helena is Demetrius's magnet he does not like her at all at this
point in the play so she is the total opposite of his magnet. These are some ways that Shakespeare
uses verbal irony in his play A Midsummer Night's Dream. ... Show more content on ...
One example is when Bottom's head gets turned into a donkey (Shakespeare 1.2.21). This is an
example of Dramatic irony because we know why his friends are running away from him because
his head is a donkey but he does not know that or that his head is a donkey. Another example of
verbal irony is when Helena does not know why Lysander is in love with her (3.2.13–18). This is
also dramatic irony because we know why Lysander is in love with her because Puck put the flower
juice on Lysander's eyes to make him fall in love with her however Helena still does not know why
Lysander is in love with her. These are some ways that shakespeare uses dramatic irony in A
Midsummer Night's
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Verbal Irony In Free Will
Irony Verbal irony throughout this novel helps us to better understand Will's character. When Jim
refers to Will as a "darn old dimwit Episcopal Baptist" we get a better understanding of Will.
(Bradbury29) Will always does what he feels is right. This may make him look boring to others, but
Will does not sway from what he believes. "Your mother, Will...around and around. Can you guess
which direction?" shows us how gullible Will can be.(Bradbury217) He knew that Mr. Dark was
saying whatever he could think of, but part of him still believed the lie. Will's emotions can get in
the way of his beliefs. Throughout the novel, situational irony gives us insight into Will's character.
"Running, Will knew he was doing just what the nephew wanted,"
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In Romeo And Juliet
In act 5 of Romeo and Juliet, there were several examples of both verbal and situational irony. The
first example was found in scene 1 when Balthasar brought Romeo news about Juliet. Romeo first
asks "How doth my lady? Is my father well? /How doth my Juliet? That I ask again, /For nothing
can be ill if she be well." (5.1.15–17). Then Balthasar responds with "Then she is well and nothing
can be ill." (5.1.18). The verbal irony is that Juliet is as well as she can ever be even though she is
dead. Because she is dead, she cannot deal with tragedy or illness again, so she is technically as well
as possible. Another example of verbal irony is seen again after Romeo purchases poison from the
apothecary. Romeo refers to the poison as cordial when he says "Come, cordial and not poison, go
with me /To Juliet's grave, for there must I use thee." (5.2.90–91). A cordial is a sweet liqueur or
medicine, and the irony in this line is ... Show more content on ...
While talking to Friar John, Friar Lawrence says, "Who bare my letter, then, to Romeo?" (5.3.13).
Friar John then responds with "I could not send it–here it is again– /Nor get a messenger to bring it
thee, /So fearful were they of infection." (5.3.14–16). This is an example of situational irony because
the Friar expected Romeo to receive the letter and ironically the opposite occurred, and the message
never even made its way to him. Later in the scene, after Romeo kisses Juliet and drinks his potion,
Juliet wakes up. She addresses the Friar by saying "O comfortable friar, where is my lord? /I do
remember well where I should be, /And there I am. Where is my Romeo?" (5.3.153–155). Juliet is
expecting that everything will be okay and that she will be reunited with Romeo, but the opposite
actually occurs. Juliet sees Romeo lying on the ground after he drinks the potion, and she stabs
herself out of
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Chronicle Verbal Irony In Verse 18
family is notorious for adhering to. When Elisha says, "What do we have to do with each other?" he
is using the same expression in its original translation that is used in 2 Samuel 16:10 when King
David rebukes Abishai. Considering the practices of the ancient monarchy's power at the time,
coupled with Joram's regnal formula in verse two of "doing evil," it would not be surprising if Joram
would have assumed the right to kill Elisha for his blatant apostasy. Elisha's condescending sneer of
not wanting to notice the king at all is so disrespectful that Josephus choses to omit such an insulting
remark in his Antiquities of the Jews 9.34. Elisha's temper was enraged to the point that he needed a
musician in order to restore him to a calm enough state to be able to receive the word of God,
similar to the way that the young David would play for King Saul in order to sooth his spirit. Verse
fifteen demonstrates the mystical trance–inducing properties of music that bring forth the power of
the Lord, whether through prophecy preparation, temple preparation (2 ... Show more content on ...
The NRSV translation uses the phrase "this is a trifle." The original Hebrew for the infinitive "to be
trifling" can be found in the phrase that is used when Elisha curses the youth to a bear attack in the
previous chapter. Any Mosaic law–abiding Jew would find conflict in Elisha's prophecy when he
says, "You will cut down every good tree." This violates the rules in Deuteronomy 20:19 that
prohibit cutting down fruit–bearing trees. Theologian Joe Sprinkle justifies Elisha's prophecy as not
being a complete failure on the basis that Israel was being punished for disobeying these laws.
Deuteronomy 20:10–12 states that Israel is required to make an offer of peace to their enemy if their
enemy was willing to be subjected to forced slave labor, another course of action that the Israelites
failed to follow in response to Elisha's
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Crucible
In The Crucible, Arthur Miller reveals false religious values over logical assumption is hazardous
and can cause great hysteria by using dramatic irony and verbal irony. The dramatic irony is a type
of situation that can lead to a dramatic event and mainly presents to the audience but not the other
characters. By using this to generate critical thinking throughout the audience and to catch the
attention. Verbal irony is the using of words and phrase that it seems to disobey itself or simply
being counterintuitive. These are the techniques that can help us try to comprehend what is the
author try to infer us in the content. By using dramatic irony and verbal irony, Miller shows the
insanity in Salem but he is also criticizing the very concept ... Show more content on ...
By using it to create the intensity to catch audience attention. As Danforth tries to comfort the court,
he starts to believe the act of Abigail and the other girls. He says "I have seen marvels in this court. I
have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits; I have seen them stuck by pins and slashed by
daggers. I have until this moment not the slightest reason to suspect that the children may be
deceiving me. Do you understand my meaning?"(III.127–132) This is a result of putting a person
with normal sanity in a group of people with insanity, the sharp sense can be reduced and dullness to
the stage with will follow the delusion. The believe of puritan hold his logical thinking and in
addition it eliminated the objective perspective that judge suppose to hold. Furthermore, another
dramatic irony such as Abigail fakes the voodoo to get out of the trouble. It generated the illusion of
mystery way to hurt people and get people to think about the existence of evil spirit, use it as an
attention tracker to move the attention from her. As an audience we know she is faking but people in
the scene are not aware of this and have any sense of unholy event is happening around Salem. This
concluded under the mass delusion our head cannot function normally and cannot form the critical
judgement nor
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm
The last type of irony that can be found in Animal Farm is verbal irony. Verbal irony is when a
character express words that is contrary to what it truly mean. Example of verbal irony that can be
found in Animal Farm is in the last commandment in chapter 10, page 51 and 52. The last
commandment used to be "All animals are equal" but it has changed to "All animals are equal, but
some animals are more equal than others." The sentence is ironic because it says that all animals are
equal, which means all animals in the farm, including the pigs and dogs, are on the same level but
the part that "more equal than others" is contradictory to the first part of the sentence. Therefore, the
sentence does not make any sense. However, it is not a secret
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Dramatic, Verbal and Situational Irony in 'The Cask of...
"The Cask of Amontillado" is a unique story as it appeals to readers through the use of irony. There
are several types of literary irony present throughout this story, such as situational, dramatic, and
verbal. Irony can influence the portrayal of a character in a story. Irony can also add intrigue and
excitement to the plot of the story. In Edgar Allen Poe's story, he uses the literary element of irony to
add to the plot and influence how the characters are portrayed throughout his story.
One of the first examples Poe uses is situational irony in the title. Situational irony is when
something turns out to be the opposite of what is expected. The title, "The Cask of Amontillado",
leads the reader to believe that a wine container or crate will be the topic of the story. After reading
the story, however, the reader finds that there is actually no sort of cask of Amontillado, sherry, or
any other wine. However, if the reader closely analyzes the title, an understanding of the irony soon
emerges. The word cask means wine barrel and comes from the same root word that forms casket or
coffin. So the cask of wine in the story ironically represents the casket of Fortunato, which turns out
to be the small crypt at the end of the catacombs.
Another use of situational irony involves the name of Fortunato. The word Fortunato is Italian for
good fortune or luck. This leads the reader to believe that something great or lucky will come to
Fortunato in the story, but that is not the case
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Verbal Irony In The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant
In Guy de Maupassant's story the necklace, Madame Loisel's is a women in the middle class who's
unsatisfied with her lifestyle and envies the upper class lifestyle. Her personality takes her through a
irony filled roller coaster throughout the story. The story shows three different types of irony in the
story which are verbal, situational, and dramatic. Verbal Irony is when words express something
opposite of what is truthfully meant. The first example of verbal irony is whenever her husbands
cooks a simple meal she shouts, "Aha! Scotch broth! What could be better?" This is irony because
she acts as if she's happy with the stew when she actually not. Instead as she says this she's
daydreaming of delicacies and a surrounding a higher class filled with silver and dishes upper class
worthy. The second occurrence is when Madame Loisel husband comes home with an invitation to
the ball and she calmly say, " I have no dress and so I can't go to this party. Give your invitation to a
friend whose wife has better clothes than I do."The reason this is verbal irony is because she makes
it seem as if she does not want to go the party when in all actuality she's trying to get him to buy her
a dress for her to go. This is obviously put emphasis on by the way she cries then stops quickly
before she makes her calmly toned statement ,which was in a way throwing a tantrum. in this
example she's being sarcastic again because she does not wish for her companion to give the
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
1. "In consequence I am inclined to reserve all judgments... (7)"
Verbal Irony: This is an example of verbal irony because throughout the course of the book the
protagonist, Nick becomes more inclined to judge those in the plot. Specifically, he judges Tom and
Daisy for their poor decisions that cause a negative impact on the lives of those around them. Nick
describes them as "careless people," who destroy the lives of others and then leave. Jordan, however
describes Nick as an honest person, which progressively is proved false.
2. "One October day in nineteen–seventeen... (72)"
Flashback: This flashback is crucial in providing background on Daisy, Gatsby, and other characters
in the story. It also provides the connection between ... Show more content on ...
It is unrealistic because both Gatsby and Daisy are leading different lives. Daisy is no longer an
innocent little girl; she has a husband and a child. While Gatsby is living a fantasy based around a
past love that has driven him to commit to shady relationships and throw lavish parties that in fact
repulse Daisy due to her way of life.
9. "He snatched the book from me and replaced it hastily on its shelf, muttering that if one brick was
removed the whole library was liable to collapse. (47)"
Symbolism: The library represents Gatsby's hope for the future. His hopes are in a fragile state and
any disruption would cause it to collapse. The man in the library is also similar to Nick because he is
one of the only other people to show up to Gatsby's funeral and in the same way may have been
concerned for Gatsby's wellbeing, similar to his concern for the stability of the library. The man in
the library is probably the only other character that attempted to understand Mr. Gatsby.
10. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of my head, whereupon
he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and set it back in place
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Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado
In the books and poems of Edgar Allan Poe, in this case particularly The Fall of the House of Usher
and A Cask of Amontillado, over 50 dark and gothic stories were expertly crafted through his clever
use of verbal irony and depressing imagery. Poe's books commonly focus on two themes– love and
death– and the melancholy intertwining of the two. His unique style stood out against the crowd of
literature in his day and age. Poe was a master in capturing the dark and twisted recesses of the
human In a twisted melancholy sense, Poe was not just blindly writing these dark and depressing
stories, either. His entire life is like one of his short stories– full of death, love, and broken hearts.
As a child, Edgar Allan Poe was orphaned at the age of three. He was moved to a family that
discredited his love of poetry– so much so that when he wanted to go to college, his foster father
denied him the money to go. After falling into debt by gambling for college tuition, Poe decided to
return home to his fiance– only ... Show more content on ...
Montresor is portrayed as a sane character, whose actions are not completely clear, yet the reader is
able to find that upon closer inspection, Montresor is a murderer. To build suspense and hint at the
looming threat that awaits Fortunato, Poe uses verbal irony to create a sense of uncertainty among
the reader. Montresor, when talking to Fortunato, is often actually jesting at Fortunato, finding great
satisfaction in his twisted plot for revenge. There are also small pieces of the story that create of
dramatic irony as well, albeit scattered. The names Fortunato and Montresor mean "The Lucky
One", and "To Reveal Fate", respectively. Poe gave Montresor a fitting name, as Montresor jokingly
reveals Fortunato's fate, but much to "The Lucky One's" ignorance, fails to realize he is being baited
into his own
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Verbal Irony In The Story Of An Hour
The Story of An Hour
By: Kate Chopin (1894)
I want to analyze the short story of Kate Chopin. Kate Chopin born on February 8th, 1850 in St.
Louis, Missouri, United States. And she died on August 22th, 1904 in St. Louis, Missouri, United
States. She was a U.S. author of short stories and novels based in Louisiana. She wrote many short
stories such as The Story of an Hour, The Storm, Desiree's Baby, and A Pair of Silk Stockings. I
choose The Story of An Hour because it is very interesting story. The Story of An Hour published on
December 6th, 1894.
In The Story of An Hour, the main characters are Mrs. Mallard (Louise) and Mr. Mallard. The other
name characters are Richards and Josephine. The story began with her sister Josephine who told
Louise the news about her husband died in a railroad accident. Louise was very sad, and sometimes
she wept at once. She went away to her room alone. No one followed her. She could see in the open
square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver ... Show more content on ...
According to the dictionary: "verbal irony occurs when the speaker expresses one thing but means
another." Based on this story, the verbal irony is a conversation between Josephine and Louise.
Josephine said "Louise, open the door! I beg; open the door–you will make yourself ill. What are
you doing, Louise? For heaven's sake open the door." Louise answers that "Go away. I am not
making myself ill." The fact is she was drinking a very elixir of life through that open window. And
I can see the verbal irony in the end story too that "When the doctors came they said she had died of
heart disease–of the joy that kills." That statement proves that she died of another thing. It is the
wrong statement that joy kills her. The one thing kills her is after seeing her husband alive. She did
not believe that her husband saved from the accident. Her dream as independent women destroys
after her husband
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Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado
"The death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world", wrote
Edgar Allan Poe, a prestigious author of the past. Poe has written gothic literature from poems and
short stories which reflect the life he endured throughout his early years. Born to two actors in
Boston, Poe lived an ordinary life until the age of three when his father abandoned his family. The
following year, Poe's mother died leading to him being put in an orphanage. Later, he was taken in
by the Allan family, who were middle–class plantation owners. Going into college while
additionally gambling on week nights, Poe faced debts and parted ways with his parents after they
refused to help him pay off his dues. From there, he went to live with ... Show more content on ...
As an example, in Poe's short story Cask of Amontillado, the author presents verbal irony when
Fortunato, the victim of vengeance, surprisingly congratulates Montresor, the avenger, for the
vindictive nature of his family coat of arms motto, "Nemo me impune lacessit" (Poe 3), which is
translated as "No one attacks me with impunity". The fact that Fortunato congratulated Montresor is
ironic because he had just applauded a well–significant motto that will soon be used upon him.
Moreover, in this case, Poe uses irony to develop a sense of hatred developing and leading to the
ultimate act of revenge, since Montresor will be the one to kill him. Simultaneously, the author
incorporates a dramatic use of cynicism as the reader knows that Montresor will be the one to kill
Fortunato, yet he himself is not aware of it due to his oblivious nature. Likewise, in the short story
Tell Tale Heart, the reader can infer the narrator's sarcasm, based on the diction of the mentally
deranged character who had just killed an old man. As the narrator states, "During all of that week I
was as friendly to the old man as I could be, and warm, and loving" (Poe 2), derision is conveyed
since the author truly murdered the man which is the worst treatment and result that anyone can
imagine. Poe's use of irony in both short stories creates suspense for the reader and is one of the
components of the gothic genre, the basis of most of his
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Crucible
Through "The Crucible" play, a lot of irony occurs, and the deeper it gets into the play and more use
of irony, and shows how it effects its ending. The use of verbal irony, which just means that, when a
person says one thing but means another, and also see how people's words get played around. In
situational irony, it means that something occurred that no one expected to happen. With the last
irony, dramatic irony means that, the reader knows something that the characters do not know. In
Arthur Miller's play, "The Crucible", verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony are depicted
through his play which affects the outcome at the end. The first type of irony is verbal irony, which
shows what a character said but they really meant
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Verbal And Situational Irony In Elsie Wiesel's Night
There are good examples of verbal and situational irony in Elsie Wiesel's memoir Night. Verbal
irony occurs when words are used to suggest the opposite of what is meant. It is grimly ironic when,
after the Jews are ordered to wear yellow stars, Elise's father says, "The yellow star? Oh well, what
of it? You don't die of it..." The statement is ironic because that is precisely how Elise's father died.
The wearing of the yellow star was one step on the path to the concentration camps and almost
certain death. After almost a year in the camps, Elise's father dies from dysentery at Buchenwald.
Situational irony occurs when what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or
appropriate. In section five, as Russian troops come closer ... Show more content on
They were being taken to Auschwitz and they were separated when they got there. Eliezer and his
father were told to go to the left, which meant forced labor. His mother, Hilda and Beatrice and
Tzipora were selected to go to the right which meant the gas chamber. Hilda and Beatrice managed
to survive.
Eliezer and his father were transferred from Birkenau to a work camp in Monowitz. Where they
would see a baby being hung, but the boy slowly dies due to his weight. In Monowitz everyone
lacked God's faith and they were desperate for food. They had 6 crematoria working day and night
and many other factories of death. Many celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year but
Eliezer did not take part.
Eliezer and his father never wanted to be separated. But as the book goes on the father gets very sick
and Eliezer has to take care of him. While they were waiting in line they watch a load of children go
into the fire. After that Eliezer debates running into the electric fence but he doesn't. Eliezer's father
soon gets very sick and the Nazis ordered him to the furnace and after Eliezer loses his father, he
feels a sense of relief because he no longer needs to take care of him but also misses him
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Verbal Irony Research Paper
The Importance of Irony in American Literature
Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite,
typically for humorous or emphatic effect. This essay will emphasize and recognize the power of
irony in American Literature. "To Build a Fire," "The Story of an Hour," and "The Crucible" all
show strong elements of irony. A quote, pulled from the book "How to Read Literature Like a
Professor" says that, "In each case, the sign carries with it a customary meaning, but that doesn't
guarantee it will deliver the received meaning." Ironic words may have many meanings, but will
never have the meaning you expect. In this essay three different stories will represent the three main
different types of irony. The types of irony shown in this essay will be situational irony, dramatic
irony, and verbal irony.
The first type of irony is dramatic irony. The reader knows what is going to happen in the story and
the main character does not know how the story will play out. For instance, Jack London's famous
tale, "To Build a Fire," is about a man traveling through the cold, wintery snow by himself. This
story shows many flashbacks to ... Show more content on ...
Verbal irony is when words express something contrary to truth or someone says the opposite of
what they really feel or mean. Verbal irony is often sarcastic. The town thinks that this group of girls
are witches and they are crazy. There is one man named Proctor that is involved with one of the
girls. Proctor has an affair on his wife, Elizabeth, with the main girl. Hale asks Proctor to recite the
Ten Commandments from the Bible. Proctor recited all of the Ten Commandments but adultry.
Proctor didn't remember adultry because he committed adultry against his wife Elizabeth with
Abigal. This represents how because Proctor had sinned against one of the Commandments, he
completely forgot to mention that adultry was one of the Ten great
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Verbal Irony Examples
Jane Austen, author of Pride and Prejudice, used her characters to incorporate multiple instances of
verbal, situational, and dramatic irony into her novel in order to satirize English social life during
the Regency Period. Austen's novel primarily follows Elizabeth Bennet – an upper class and
reasonable heroine, and her family. Throughout the book, Elizabeth and her family are used by Jane
Austen to create opportunities for irony. Despite Pride and Prejudice containing as much irony as
coal in Newcastle, each of Austen's uses of irony also target a specific aspect of one of her
characters or conflicts from the novel.
In order to effectively embed irony into her novel, Jane Austen used her characters to create
situations appropriate for ... Show more content on ...
Bennet's level of intelligence – the subject of much mockery. Mrs. Bennet is completely oblivious to
her own foolishness, and says ",you must not expect such girls to have the sense of their father and
mother" to Mr. Bennet in response to his complaint about Catherine and Lydia being silly. (Austen
25) Austen further elaborates Mrs. Bennet's false perception of herself when explaining that "[Mrs.
Bennet's] ignorance and folly contributed to [Mr. Bennet's] amusement" (Austen 213).
Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Bennet's intelligence impacts her daughters as Catherine and Lydia have
"minds more vacant than their sisters'" (Austen, 24). Austen refines Mrs. Bennet's character through
dramatic irony and as a result is able to explain why other characters' rudeness towards
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Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado
Toba Beta once said "pride is the mother of arrogance." Fortunato's pride caused him to become
arrogant about his wine tasting abilities. If was not for his request to go into the catacombs to show
he is better at wine tasting then Luchresi was, Fortunato would not have died. In The Cask of
Amontillado, Poe uses verbal irony and dramatic irony to reveal that too much pride can cause
ignorance to what is happening around them. First, Poe's use of verbal irony helps convey his theme
more clearly throughout the story. In the beginning of the story, Montresor tells Fortunato that his
"severe cold" will get even worse with how "insufferably damp" and "encrusted with nitre" (Poe 63)
his vaults are. Montresor is playing off of Fortunato's pride
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Verbal Irony In Oedipus Rex
'Oedipus Rex' is a tragic play written by Sophocles, that is known for its countless examples of irony
found within it. The story of Oedipus is a classic Greek tragedy. Oedipus is the son of King Laius
and Queen Jocasta in Thebes. The Oracle at Delphi reveals to them the tragic fate within their
family. Their son Oedipus was destined to kill his father and marry his mother. To try and prevent
this horrendous fate, King Laius sends his son to be terminated at the mountain of Kithairon.
Although King Laius and Queen Jocasta thought their fate was saved, they were mistaken. The
servant did not obey them, and he gave Oedipus to King Polybus and Queen Merope in Corinth.
Oedipus then proceeds throughout his life until he is told his unfortunate ... Show more content on ...
Another example of dramatic irony is when Oedipus curses himself without even realizing it. He is
cursing the man who killed Laius that is apparently still in Thebes. Oedipus states, "I pray that that
man's life be consumed in evil and wretchedness. And as for me, this curse applies no less If it
should turn out that the culprit is my guest here, Sharing my hearth" (Sophocles 1265). At this point
in the play, an oracle has told Oedipus that there is a plague in the city of Thebes because the former
king's murderer has never been found and punished. In this quote, Oedipus is referring to the
murderer; he declares that once found, the murderer must be banished. Although we know Oedipus
murdered King Laius, he doesn't, which means he also doesn't realize he's banishing himself. It's
also dramatic irony that he mentions the oracle revealing something to him, since it was an oracle
early in his life who warned him about killing King Laius.
Oedipus also displays situational irony throughout the tragic play. Situational irony is when
something is supposed to happen but actually something different than what was expected to happen
happens. Oedipus was set out to be a mighty king of Thebes. He is terribly mistaken when he finds
out his true fate and gouges his own eyes out. The play states, "For the king ripped from her gown
the golden brooches that were her ornament, and raised them, and plunged them down straight into
his own eyeballs"
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado
The Ironic Death In "The Cask of Amontillado" Edgar Allan Poe tells a story of a man named
Fortunato, a professional wine taster, who has foolishly brought death upon himself. Fortunato has
managed to anger a man with the name Montresor who has hatched a plan of revenge during a great
carnival. To help the reader fully understand Poe uses three different kinds of irony verbal, dramatic,
and situational. The verbal being their conversation, the dramatical, when he jokes about his health,
and the situational when he is dressed as a jester. The first example is of verbal irony. When
Montresor runs into Fortunato at the beginning of the story, he says, "My dear Fortunato, you are
luckily met" (POE 237). To Fortunato this may have seemed as a friendly thing to say. However,
what he actually was saying is, today is your lucky day, because Montresor knows he will finally
have a chance to kill him. Later, Montresor appears to be worried about Fortunato's health as they
travel deeper into the catacombs and says, "We will go back. Your health is precious" (POE 238).
When Montresor said this, he has no intention of going back and was not worried about Fortunato's
health. He was actually just saying that almost in mockery to lure him further in. ... Show more
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An example of dramatic irony is when Fortunato tells Montresor not to worry about his health and
that "the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I will not die of a cough" (POE 238) Montresor
then replies, "True–true." When the reader reads this, they see that Fortunato is clueless of
Montresor's true plan is and while he tells Fortunato he will be all right. That he will not die, he is
planning to kill him. This is dramatic because we as the reader feel a sense of sorrow because we
know the truth about what will
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
1. "In consequence I am inclined to reserve all judgments... (7)"
Verbal Irony: This is an example of verbal irony because throughout the course of the book the
protagonist, Nick becomes more inclined to judge those in the plot. Specifically, he judges Tom and
Daisy for their poor decisions that cause a negative impact on the lives of those around them. Nick
describes them as "careless people," who destroy the lives of others and then leave. Jordan, however
describes Nick as an honest person, which progressively is proved false.
2. "One October day in nineteen–seventeen... (72)"
Flashback: This flashback is crucial in providing background on Daisy, Gatsby, and other characters
in the story. It also provides the connection between ... Show more content on ...
It is unrealistic because both Gatsby and Daisy are leading different lives. Daisy is no longer an
innocent little girl; she has a husband and a child. While Gatsby is living a fantasy based around a
past love that has driven him to commit to shady relationships and throw lavish parties that in fact
repulse Daisy due to her way of life.
9. "He snatched the book from me and replaced it hastily on its shelf, muttering that if one brick was
removed the whole library was liable to collapse. (47)"
Symbolism: The library represents Gatsby's hope for the future. His hopes are in a fragile state and
any disruption would cause it to collapse. The man in the library is also similar to Nick because he is
one of the only other people to show up to Gatsby's funeral and in the same way may have been
concerned for Gatsby's wellbeing, similar to his concern for the stability of the library. The man in
the library is probably the only other character that attempted to understand Mr. Gatsby.
10. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of my head, whereupon
he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and set it back in place
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Ernest Hemingway: An Example Of Verbal Irony
The irony in this story can be seen in different areas of this story. An example of situational irony in
this story is that Elisa does not get time to experience actually motherhood because of work, and she
puts all of herself into raising her plants and making sure they are taken care of. "With her trowel
she turned the soil over and over, and smoothed it and patted it firm." (DiYanni, 2007, 728). Also an
example of verbal irony in this story would be when Henry offers to Elisa to take her to a boxing
match, and he says "I don't think you'd like it, but I'll take you if you really want to go." (DiYanni,
2007, 733). He is offering to take her, so he feels like he is doing good, but in reality he is just not
what Elisa wants to hear. I believe
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Use Of Verbal Irony In The Pardoner's Tale
Throughout "The Pardoner's Tale," the literary elements verbal irony and situational irony reveal the
theme that greed is the root of all evil. First, one rioter tells his friend, "Trust me... you needn't doubt
my word. I won't betray you, I'll be true" (Chaucer 130). The rioter's use of verbal irony helps to
reveal the theme by showing how greed can cause someone to do things they would not normally
do. The rioter's use of irony means the opposite of what it states; it is a warning to not trust the
rioter. This quote shows how greed has overcome the rioter, and he plans to do evil things to achieve
the gold. Another use of verbal irony is when the youngest rioter says to the apothecary, "Sell me
some poison if you will, I have a lot of rats
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado
Irony has been used in many forms to add humor and suspense in literature. Edger Allen Poe used
verbal irony in the "The Cask of Amontillado" to show Montresor's true intentions throughout the
story. Montresor is the mastermind behind the plan to kill Fontunato, a prideful, wealthy man who
adores wine, which in the end makes him the perfect target. We know Montresor's intentions are to
eliminate his "friend" because he says, "I must not only punish, but punish the impunity."(pg. 233)
Poe does not state what Fontunato did to deserve this, but the reader infers that it must of been
extreme because Montresor is dedicated to assassinate this man. One example of verbal irony that
was used in this story was when Montresor toasted to Fontunato's
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Verbal Irony In Animal Farm
Why is irony so commonly used? Animal Farm is about the Russian Revolution where the animals
take over the farm and overthrow their owner, Jones, who is a human. They promise that they will
never act like humans because Jones treated them so badly but they break that promise. In George
Orwell's novel Animal Farm, the irony is used to show how power can corrupt those who have it.
Throughout the book he uses all three methods of irony to convey that idea. Dramatic irony is the
type of irony that is used the most and the type that is the most obvious, but situational and verbal
irony are used too.
First of all, verbal irony is when the speaker says the opposite of what they mean. This is used in
Animal Farm throughout the book as ... Show more content on ...
This third and final type of irony is constantly used in books and movies. In Animal Farm, it is used
to show the reader how corrupt the pigs are becoming, at times when the other animals may not
realize it. The author demonstrates when the pigs start getting suspicious when Napoleon tells the
animals: "'Nevermind the milk, comrades! That will be attended to. The harvest is more important.
Comrade Snowball will lead the way. I shall follow in a few minutes'"(p.16). When the animals
came back in the evening they noticed that the milk had disappeared. This seems pretty obvious to
the readers that Napoleon is the one who drank all the milk but the other animals would not even
think of the possibility that Napoleon is the one that stole the milk. Later, after Snowball had been
kicked off the farm, Napoleon announced that he found out that Snowball had been an ally of Jones
since the beginning. At this moment, he asks if any other animals knew about this and demanded
that they step forward. Napoleon then got his wild dogs to rip their throats out and he even
attempted to kill Boxer, the brave horse. A few days after this incident, the animals recalled that the
Sixth Commandment "No animal shall kill any other animal" had been broken. But when Muriel
read it, it ran "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause"(p.61). It is obvious to the
audience that this commandment had been changed because if they flip back the book to the
beginning, the original list of Commandments are still there and the last two words "without cause"
were not there. The irony strongly displays that all this power given to Napoleon has gone to his
head, so much so that he has resorted to killing his
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A Literary Analysis Of Verbal Irony
There re several types of irony like situational irony. Irony is when appearances are different from
reality. Situational one is when an event occurs in a different way that what was anticipated or hope
for. Verbal is using language to express the gap between appearance and reality. A dramatic irony is
when we know something as an audience number or a reader that the character is not aware of In the
fifth paragraph there is irony. The reality is chaotic in this part because the streets are busy and
noisy. Commerce is everywhere. It is all very materialistic and somewhat vulgar. In fact, diction in
this part has a powerful impact in creating a strong image of what real life is around our narrator in
this paragraph. For example, words like "flaring streets" like they are on fire , "drunken men and
bargaining women" tells that everyone is ... Show more content on ...
He has been blind with but all that changed as soon as he arrived at the bazaar where he saw ppl for
who they really are .They are all concerned with selling trinkets that are unworthy of appreciation
whatsoever . In that retrospect and that kind of epiphany, he also understands that he is not a
crusader and his relationship with Mangan's sister is not holy. She just wanted to buy something. On
that accord, he is disheartened . We as the audience know it is a dramatic irony because we know the
outcome before the narrator himself. To end the irony in Araby, the fire that once burned in him has
waned down and the experience made him more mature. Alternatively, The Lady of Shalott a poem
by Alfred Tennyson is full of irony figures. Firstly the lady is compared to a bold seer which is a bit
of an ironic pun. A seer is basically a person who foretells the future. In this case the lady see her
future which is her death. In any case, she spent a life time looking at reflections of Camelot and not
the real thing so she wasn't that much of a seer at
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Verbal Irony In Edgar Allan Poe
Without doubt, Edgar Allan Poe's story is one of the author's masterpiece. The story is an exhibit of
artistic genius with various literary features well incorporated. Among them, irony, defined as, "A
figure of speech which is a contradiction or incongruity between what is expected and what actually
occurs", is the most evident. Allan Poe demonstrates the use of various types of irony throughout the
play, which he uses to pass the intended message to the audience.
Verbal irony, defined as the use of vocal language to express a feeling which is totally different from
what is expected, can be easily deducted from the plot. To begin with, the enthralling tale begins
with the anonymous narrator telling his readers that he is about to recount a "series of mere
household events". As it turns out in the story, the events cannot be simply described as mere when
the author clearly knows there is murder involved. When considering the horrible conclusion, the
very opening of the story establishes an ironic tone that continues until the end of the tale. Probably,
the ironic and casual way the narrator contemplates his story as mere is meant to inform the reader
that the facts of the story he is narrating may soon turn out to be something different from what is
first presented.
Secondly, the narrator mentions an ironic statement with regard to his nature. He indicates that he is
a timid and humane person. As a matter of fact, his parents made jokes concerning him with regard
to his
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm
Animal farm is a novel written by an English novelist named George Orwell. The novel revolves
around a group of animals who rebel against the Manor Farm's owner, Mr. Jones. The rebel was
inspired by a well–respected old boar named Major who taught the animals in the farm to embrace
Animalism and to achieve an idealistic state of justice, equality and freedom for themselves.
However, in the end, the animal farm is led by a selfish pig named Napoleon who becomes a
totalitarian dictator and abuses his power as a leader of the farm. There are three types of irony
found in the novel – situational irony, dramatic irony and verbal irony. Irony is a figure of speech in
which the opposite of what the readers would expect to happen in the novel occurs.
One of the irony that can be found in the novel is situational irony. The ... Show more content on ...
One morning, a pig named Squealer who serves as Napoleon's mouthpiece, gathers the animals
together and announces that Napoleon is dying. The animals are shocked to hear the piece of news.
In page 41, Napoleon has pronounced that any animals that drink alcohol will be execute as a
punishment and even in the seven commandments, it is stated that 'no animal shall drink alcohol'.
By evening, the hangover has subsided and Napoleon is back at work as usual. However, the next
day, Napoleon has instructed Whymper, a human who is hired to be an intermediary between
Animal Farm and the outside world, to purchase some pamphlets on brewing and distilling in
Willingdon. Napoleon also instructs to set aside a small field beyond the orchard to grow barley so
that he can brew his own beer. In this scene, the unexpected situational irony arises when Napoleon
changes his perspective on alcohol drastically within a matter of a day and forget about the solemn
that he pronounced
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of The Amontillado
In the story "Cask of the Amontillado", Written by Edgar Allen Poe, there are many different types
of irony to be seen. He used Verbal, Situational, and Dramatic very liberally. Verbal Irony is shown
in cask of the amontillado, Montresor says "And I [toast] to your long life." This is just one of the
many examples of Verbal Irony in this story, Along with "You are a man to be missed." These two
phrases allude to the fact that Montresor has something sinister planned, but of course this is not
picked up by the intoxicated Fortunato, or any of the readers until It's too late. "And I [toast] to your
long life." Basically is Montresor saying "I'm toasting to what life you have left." Because typically
when you toast something, you drink, which
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Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of The Amontillado
The Cask of the Amontillado
The Cask of the Amontillado uses irony throughout the story by dialogical interactions between
Montresor and Fortunato. In the event of Carnivale, Monstresor detects Fortuno on the street, and
offers Fortunato to go see the wine in the catacombs. Fortunato insists to go see the catacombs of
wine at once, but Montresor plays worried about Fortunato's cough and alters his decision about the
catacombs and advises him not to go. " Come, we will go back ere it is too late. Your cough–" ( 61).
This dialogical interaction of verbal irony impacts the story because it shifts the climax of the story
to the falling action. Montresor slowly shifts the climax of the story to the falling action, because he
slowly captivates
... Get more on ...

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Verbal Irony In Romeo And Juliet

  • 1. Verbal Irony In Romeo And Juliet At the end of Act 3, Juliet and Romeo part after their wedding night only for Juliet to learn her father has arranged her marriage to Paris in two days. The conversation with her mother about Juliet's sorrow over "Tybalt" leads Juliet to suppress her feelings for Romeo. In an aside or a small conversation to herself, Juliet states, "Villain and [Romeo] be many miles asunder. / God pardon him! I do, with all my heart; / And yet no man like he doth grieve my heart" (3.5.81–81). This statement helps to show the audience Juliet's true feelings while talking to her mother in this scene. Juliet's talk with her mother about Romeo drives into the audience that while she is outwardly showing her families' values, her true loyalty lies with her ... Show more content on ... This relationship and newfound determination from Juliet to stay true to Romeo drives the rest of the play and ultimately her death. Later in the argument with her mother, Juliet uses verbal irony or says exactly what she does not mean when discussing her wish not to get married. Juliet shows her distaste for marriage by saying, "I will not marry yet, and when I do I swear / It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate, / Rather than Paris..." (3.5. 21–23). This clear verbal irony further develops the change in Juliet occurring in the play and at the same time brings a comedic element into the argument. The fact that Romeo and Juliet are already married makes the audience chuckle when Juliet claims she hates the man whom she snuck out her window just moments before. The audience laughs at this claim because Juliet is telling the truth in a way that goes above her mother's head but not above the audience's. This example of verbal irony also shows Juliet's new defiant nature. Through this quote we see how Juliet has grown to lie directly to her parent's while before she would not have dreamed to do such a thing. By directly telling her mother that she would rather marry Romeo to make a point not to get married, she shows her newfound deceptive ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Cask Of Amontillado Verbal Irony Essay Poe also craftily includes verbal irony in his writings to enhance and amplify the style of suspense and overall, apprehension. An exquisite paragon of this stylistic technique is Poe's short story, The Cask of Amontillado. In said story, the main character, known as Montresor, cleverly plots to murder his egregious foe, Fortunato, by entrapping and then, abandoning him in Montresor's catacomb underneath his home. To avert any witnesses, Montresor tricks his stewards into vacating his palazzo: "there were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honour of [a festival]. I had told them, that I should not return until morning and had given them explicit orders not to stir from the house. These orders were sufficient, I well knew, to insure their immediate disappearance, one and all, as soon as my back was turned," (24). ... Show more content on ... Yet, in this scenario, the opposite is demonstrated; Montresor, the master of the home, had delivered an order, which he had expected and wished that his servants would disregard. Whereas in most cases, masters would fire disobedient servants, Montresor had instead exploited the servants' lack of loyalty to assure their desertion when he planned to murder Fortunato. Besides the touch of humor this verbal irony invents, it also adds mysteriousness to the story, allowing the readers themselves to experience fear, angst, and anxiety at the thought of how cunningly composed and devised Montresor's heinous plans are. Thus, the style of the story becomes suspenseful and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Use of Dramatic, Situational, and Verbal Irony in... In the play Othello, Shakespeare uses many literary devices to help the reader understand the theme of the story. One of those many literary devices used in the play, is the wide range of irony. Throughout the pages of the book the reader will see the use of dramatic, situational, and verbal irony. Shakespeare does not use irony in an understated way, it is very direct, and can be found on almost every page of the book. The use of irony creates suspense, and adds interest as to what will happen. There are many examples of situational irony in Othello. One big example that went throughout the story was the triangle of Cassio, Othello, and Iago. Iago wanted Cassio dead, while Othello promoted Cassio to a higher position, and later in ... Show more content on ... A third example of irony in the play is the use of war. In real life Othello is actually fighting a war, and he is the leader that is in the topmost position. While on the other hand, there is a war in Othello's head. He is fighting amongst himself, trying to see if Desdemona is really cheating on him or not. This is the war he loses. The verbal irony used in the play is sometimes zany. Some of the lines are found to be the exact opposite of what is actually the truth, but in such a manner is drives the audience crazy. This is especially found between Iago and Othello. Othello would be found saying things as: Honest Iago . . . "(V.II.92), "I know, Iago, Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter" (II.III.263). Iago has poured his poison into Othello and made him truly deem that he is his friend and protector. It shows how much trust Othello has in Iago, and shows the reader how it is going to waste. One line that shows great irony is: "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green– eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on" (III.III.195–96). But the whole reason Iago wants to ruin Othello is because he is jealous, yet he counsels Othello on the matter instead. In the end, Othello does kill his wife because he in fact is jealous. Verbal irony is found throughout this play probably the most. It adds a bit of humor while tormenting the characters, who don't know the truth. Dramatic irony is key component of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Verbal Irony In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter The crooked toothed dentist looks downward upon his fearful client. Wait, a crooked toothed dentist? Ironic, isn't it. Irony is a clever literary device that many authors use to make the audience stop and ponder what has been said, emphasize a central topic or idea, or do both. Nathaniel Hawthorne, being the exceptional author that he is,uses each of the three types of irony, verbal, dramatic, and situational, to affirm his simple truth, "Be true! Be true! Be true!" throughout his novel. This chair is as comfortable as sitting on nails. Verbal irony is when a character or narrator says something the expresses the opposite of what is actually meant and, moreover, it is quite effortless to incorporate into a novel. Sarcasm and verbal irony ... Show more content on ... If he had simply confessed to his crime earlier, Chillingworth may not have chosen to seek vengeance seeing that the reverend has already reaped what he sowed. While the firefighters of New York City are out on duty, their fire station burns down. Situational irony is when what happens directly contradicts what was expected to happen. In the case of Hawthorne's novel, situational irony is shown predominantly in the final scaffold scene. Dimmesdale, on the scaffold with Hester and Pearl, confesses his sin to the onlookers below and he assumes that his guilty conscience will be cleansed and he will live on a happy life. Conversely, though, he collapses on the scaffold and promptly dies. To quote the bible, from John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Dimmesdale's confession to the community set him free of Chillingworth's grasp, as well as his human binds. As the reverend, he must believe in the Christian's version of the afterlife, so his death brought to him arguably by God himself, frees him of the terrible puritan community. Irony has been a staple in literature centuries before Hawthorne's time and continues to work centuries later in today's writing. The first ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm Have you ever thought about being a talking animal? What would you do if the animals on your farm were planning to overthrow your farm? The book Animal Farm is a novel, which was written by George Orwell. The animals on Manor Farm wanted freedom because they felt that they were not being treated right. The idea was made up by Old Major to rebel against farmer Jones. The animals kicked Farmer Jones and his wife and their helpers off the farm. Snowball was the first leader of the group. Snowball was a kind and smart leader. Napoleon was the next leader because he was mean and kicked snowball of the farm. Then pigs started to treat the other animals with disrespect. The pigs started to act like humans and the other animals were in the same spot as they were before. There are a few themes in this novel, but the one that I chose ... Show more content on ... Verbal irony is an irony that occurs when what is said is the opposite of what is meant. One example of verbal irony is when the pigs change the commandments so they could be more like humans. One of the original commandments said "No animal shall sleep in a bed." (pg. 43) but when the pigs wanted to sleep in the beds in the farmhouse they changed it so "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets". (pg. 79) This is ironic because the pigs use words to make it so that only they can sleep in a bed. At the end of the novel, one of the commandments "All animals are equal" (pg. 43) was changed to "ANIMALS ARE EQUAL/ BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS". (pg. 133) This is about the pigs wanting to become like the humans and wanting more power over the other animals. It is ironic because it doesn't make sense. Why would some animals like the pigs be more important than other animals like the chickens if all animals are equal. The author uses verbal irony to emphasize the significance Animal Farm as a social commentary. Verbal irony is used throughout this book and helps the reader understand the book ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. How Does Antony Use Verbal Irony In Julius Caesar Verbal irony is the intentional contrasting of what one says with what one means. Authors often use verbal irony in dialogue to express a character's intentions behind he or she states. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the author includes verbal irony in Marc Antony's funeral speech to show the purpose behind his words, which is to avenge his friend and the ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar, by persuading the audience to rebel. By including complements about the conspirators, mentioning Caesar's will, and stating his false motives, he achieves his purpose of persuading the Romans to rebel against the conspirators. First, Marc Antony uses complements about the conspirators to ironically portray them in a negative way. In the speech, Antony calls the men honorable, stating that "they that have done this are honorable." and "I fear I wrong the honourable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar." (Shakespeare 51). This is ironic because when ... Show more content on ... Throughout his speech, Antony stresses the fact that his purpose was not to make the people rise against the conspirators, saying "O masters, if I were disposed to stir your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, I should do Brutus wrong and Cassius wrong, who you all know are honourable men. I will not do them wrong..." (Shakespeare 50–51) and "Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up to such a sudden flood of mutiny." (Shakespeare 53). His explanation of his motives is ironic because he tells the audience that it is not his intention to compel them to mutiny when in actuality his motive is to stir them up to mutiny. By explaining, repeatedly, his false motives and compelling the audience to mutiny, Antony achieves his purpose because, ironically, explaining that it is not his intention to stir them up becomes the action that actually enrages the Roman citizens to the point where they revolt and attack the conspirators, forcing them to leave ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Verbal Irony In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet Would you die for the one you love if you couldn't be with them all because of a feud? If so, you would be pulling a Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare graced us with a beautiful play called The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, which is still known as of the greatest love story to ever be told. Shakespeare conspired a play born for the stage and was for all people of his time to enjoy no matter the status. Through the tale of two lovers and the rollercoaster of love, hatred, and death, William Shakespeare managed to use ironic responses and thoughts all through his play. Verbal, situational, and dramatic irony have key parts in Shakespeare's play and help to bring the laughter, tears, and life to it. Verbal Irony is used in many ways and ... Show more content on ... Throughout the story of two star–crossed lovers and their struggle with love we as the audience experienced many emotions from hate, envy, love, tears of both joy and sadness, and even relief from laughter. All of those emotions were brought on by dramatic, situational, and verbal irony that Shakespeare embedded into the play knowing he wanted to be different and please all people. This he was successful at and people today still are being affected by this beautiful piece of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Pardoner's Tale During the Middle Ages, The Canterbury Tales was the first major English literary work of Geoffrey Chaucer. One of Chaucer's classic tales, "The Pardoner's Tale," establishes a concrete image of the Pardoner's greed. Chaucer uses "The Pardoner's Tale" to expose that "greed is the root of all evil" through verbal, situational and dramatic irony. Chaucer uses verbal irony to prove that "greed is the root of all evil." Verbal irony is when a person says the opposite of what he or she means. An extraordinary example of verbal irony is when the three rioters claim that they are going to slay Death: "'And we will kill this traitor Death, I say!'" (91). The three rioters demonstrate verbal irony due to the fact that they cannot kill Death. Geoffrey Chaucer exposes that "greed is the root of all evil" through verbal irony in "The Pardoner's Tale." ... Show more content on ... There are two examples of situational irony in the tale. A first example that Chaucer uses is when the three rioters head to the tree to find Death. However, when they arrive under the tree; the three rioters find gold rather than Death: "At once the three young rioters began/ To run, and reached the tree, and there they found/ A pile of golden florins on the ground" (162–64). Situational irony is used by Chaucer making his reader think that Death will be found by the rioters under the tree; instead the three rioters find gold. Second, the Pardoner is another example of situational irony. Rather than forgiving the people of the village from their sins, the Pardoner charges money to forgive the sinner. Situational irony is demonstrating that "greed is root of all evil" in "The Pardoner's ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado This Story Will Take Your Breath Away: What is Ironically Underneath the Catacombs in "The Cask of Amontillado" In the short story "The Cask of Amontillado," it deals with how someone can turn a seemingly nice night into a horrible and tragic ending. Montresor lures an inebriated Fortunato to show him a rich wine. But in a twist, Montresor chains him up and suffocates him. It uses an exceptional amount of irony, verbal, situational, and dramatic irony. Edgar Allan Poe, author of "The Cask of Amontillado," writes using three different variants of irony to create an eerie and suspenseful atmosphere within the plot. In "The Cask of Amontillado," Edgar Allen Poe uses several examples of verbal irony. Verbal irony is when one character says something but actually means something different. One example is on page 288 when Montresor says "My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met. How remarkably well you are looking to–day." This is verbal irony because he does not really mean that he is looking well, and this sentence starts the ensuing parts of Montresor luring the intoxicated Fortunato into the catacombs, which begins the start of the suspenseful reader waiting to see if Montresor will fulfill his mission.. Another example in the story of verbal irony is on page 289 when Fortunato has the cough, and Montresor insists on going back, saying that his health is precious, when he really means that he wants his health to decline and for him to die. "We will go back; your health is ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Verbal Irony In Harry Potter The Oxford Dictionary of English defines irony as a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character 's words or actions is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. Irony― the difference between appearance and reality ―is a literary device evident throughout all literature as either situational irony, dramatic irony, or verbal irony. Surprising readers, situational irony contradicts the expected outcome of the story. For example, the audience of the Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, expect that Harry Potter will defeat Voldemort, the evil lord, by killing him; however, they are thrown off guard when it is revealed that Harry Potter must allow Voldemort to kill ... Show more content on ... Her family should provide her the support to fend off dangers like Arnold Friend;however, her insubstantial relationship with her family instead leaves her vulnerable to Arnold Friend's exploitations of her yearning for independence. The lack of authority over Connie allows her to begin asserting her will and search for independence outside of her home;this makes the reader wonder if she will truly find her independence. Connie's home is a safe space for her, but when Arnold shows up, "[Connie's] kitchen looked like a place she had never seen before, some room she had run inside but that wasn't good enough, wasn't going to help her" (Oates 262). Arnold Friend invades her home without setting foot inside of it. He brings her childhood to an abrupt ending by dragging her out of her home into the reality of adulthood. In the beginning, Connie goes out to experience independence to establish her womanhood, but instead ends up leaving everything she knows under the control of Arnold Friend, who will take her womanhood. Connie's frequent dizzy spells give the readers a hint that something will go awry. Dizziness overcomes Connie when she feels like Arnold is overpowering her and her surroundings feel unfamiliar. When Connie realizes that neither Ellie nor Arnold are her age, "[she] felt a wave of dizziness rise in her at this sight and she stared at him as if waiting ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Examples Of Verbal Irony In A Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare wrote the play A Midsummer's Night's Dream over four hundred years ago. There are three types of irony, dramatic irony, verbal irony, and situational irony. Verbal irony is is when the speaker says the opposite of what they mean. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows more than the character. And situational irony is the opposite of what you think is going to happen happens. Shakespeare uses verbal irony a lot in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream. One example of verbal irony in the play is when Helena says that she is Demetrius's dog (Shakespeare 2.1.26–34). This is an example of verbal irony because she is not anywhere close to being Demetrius's dog. Another example of verbal irony is when Helens says that she is Demetrius's magnet (Shakespeare 2.1.41– 47). This is also verbal irony because Helena is Demetrius's magnet he does not like her at all at this point in the play so she is the total opposite of his magnet. These are some ways that Shakespeare uses verbal irony in his play A Midsummer Night's Dream. ... Show more content on ... One example is when Bottom's head gets turned into a donkey (Shakespeare 1.2.21). This is an example of Dramatic irony because we know why his friends are running away from him because his head is a donkey but he does not know that or that his head is a donkey. Another example of verbal irony is when Helena does not know why Lysander is in love with her (3.2.13–18). This is also dramatic irony because we know why Lysander is in love with her because Puck put the flower juice on Lysander's eyes to make him fall in love with her however Helena still does not know why Lysander is in love with her. These are some ways that shakespeare uses dramatic irony in A Midsummer Night's ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Verbal Irony In Free Will Irony Verbal irony throughout this novel helps us to better understand Will's character. When Jim refers to Will as a "darn old dimwit Episcopal Baptist" we get a better understanding of Will. (Bradbury29) Will always does what he feels is right. This may make him look boring to others, but Will does not sway from what he believes. "Your mother, Will...around and around. Can you guess which direction?" shows us how gullible Will can be.(Bradbury217) He knew that Mr. Dark was saying whatever he could think of, but part of him still believed the lie. Will's emotions can get in the way of his beliefs. Throughout the novel, situational irony gives us insight into Will's character. "Running, Will knew he was doing just what the nephew wanted," ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Examples Of Verbal Irony In Romeo And Juliet In act 5 of Romeo and Juliet, there were several examples of both verbal and situational irony. The first example was found in scene 1 when Balthasar brought Romeo news about Juliet. Romeo first asks "How doth my lady? Is my father well? /How doth my Juliet? That I ask again, /For nothing can be ill if she be well." (5.1.15–17). Then Balthasar responds with "Then she is well and nothing can be ill." (5.1.18). The verbal irony is that Juliet is as well as she can ever be even though she is dead. Because she is dead, she cannot deal with tragedy or illness again, so she is technically as well as possible. Another example of verbal irony is seen again after Romeo purchases poison from the apothecary. Romeo refers to the poison as cordial when he says "Come, cordial and not poison, go with me /To Juliet's grave, for there must I use thee." (5.2.90–91). A cordial is a sweet liqueur or medicine, and the irony in this line is ... Show more content on ... While talking to Friar John, Friar Lawrence says, "Who bare my letter, then, to Romeo?" (5.3.13). Friar John then responds with "I could not send it–here it is again– /Nor get a messenger to bring it thee, /So fearful were they of infection." (5.3.14–16). This is an example of situational irony because the Friar expected Romeo to receive the letter and ironically the opposite occurred, and the message never even made its way to him. Later in the scene, after Romeo kisses Juliet and drinks his potion, Juliet wakes up. She addresses the Friar by saying "O comfortable friar, where is my lord? /I do remember well where I should be, /And there I am. Where is my Romeo?" (5.3.153–155). Juliet is expecting that everything will be okay and that she will be reunited with Romeo, but the opposite actually occurs. Juliet sees Romeo lying on the ground after he drinks the potion, and she stabs herself out of ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Chronicle Verbal Irony In Verse 18 family is notorious for adhering to. When Elisha says, "What do we have to do with each other?" he is using the same expression in its original translation that is used in 2 Samuel 16:10 when King David rebukes Abishai. Considering the practices of the ancient monarchy's power at the time, coupled with Joram's regnal formula in verse two of "doing evil," it would not be surprising if Joram would have assumed the right to kill Elisha for his blatant apostasy. Elisha's condescending sneer of not wanting to notice the king at all is so disrespectful that Josephus choses to omit such an insulting remark in his Antiquities of the Jews 9.34. Elisha's temper was enraged to the point that he needed a musician in order to restore him to a calm enough state to be able to receive the word of God, similar to the way that the young David would play for King Saul in order to sooth his spirit. Verse fifteen demonstrates the mystical trance–inducing properties of music that bring forth the power of the Lord, whether through prophecy preparation, temple preparation (2 ... Show more content on ... The NRSV translation uses the phrase "this is a trifle." The original Hebrew for the infinitive "to be trifling" can be found in the phrase that is used when Elisha curses the youth to a bear attack in the previous chapter. Any Mosaic law–abiding Jew would find conflict in Elisha's prophecy when he says, "You will cut down every good tree." This violates the rules in Deuteronomy 20:19 that prohibit cutting down fruit–bearing trees. Theologian Joe Sprinkle justifies Elisha's prophecy as not being a complete failure on the basis that Israel was being punished for disobeying these laws. Deuteronomy 20:10–12 states that Israel is required to make an offer of peace to their enemy if their enemy was willing to be subjected to forced slave labor, another course of action that the Israelites failed to follow in response to Elisha's ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Crucible In The Crucible, Arthur Miller reveals false religious values over logical assumption is hazardous and can cause great hysteria by using dramatic irony and verbal irony. The dramatic irony is a type of situation that can lead to a dramatic event and mainly presents to the audience but not the other characters. By using this to generate critical thinking throughout the audience and to catch the attention. Verbal irony is the using of words and phrase that it seems to disobey itself or simply being counterintuitive. These are the techniques that can help us try to comprehend what is the author try to infer us in the content. By using dramatic irony and verbal irony, Miller shows the insanity in Salem but he is also criticizing the very concept ... Show more content on ... By using it to create the intensity to catch audience attention. As Danforth tries to comfort the court, he starts to believe the act of Abigail and the other girls. He says "I have seen marvels in this court. I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits; I have seen them stuck by pins and slashed by daggers. I have until this moment not the slightest reason to suspect that the children may be deceiving me. Do you understand my meaning?"(III.127–132) This is a result of putting a person with normal sanity in a group of people with insanity, the sharp sense can be reduced and dullness to the stage with will follow the delusion. The believe of puritan hold his logical thinking and in addition it eliminated the objective perspective that judge suppose to hold. Furthermore, another dramatic irony such as Abigail fakes the voodoo to get out of the trouble. It generated the illusion of mystery way to hurt people and get people to think about the existence of evil spirit, use it as an attention tracker to move the attention from her. As an audience we know she is faking but people in the scene are not aware of this and have any sense of unholy event is happening around Salem. This concluded under the mass delusion our head cannot function normally and cannot form the critical judgement nor ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm The last type of irony that can be found in Animal Farm is verbal irony. Verbal irony is when a character express words that is contrary to what it truly mean. Example of verbal irony that can be found in Animal Farm is in the last commandment in chapter 10, page 51 and 52. The last commandment used to be "All animals are equal" but it has changed to "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." The sentence is ironic because it says that all animals are equal, which means all animals in the farm, including the pigs and dogs, are on the same level but the part that "more equal than others" is contradictory to the first part of the sentence. Therefore, the sentence does not make any sense. However, it is not a secret ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Dramatic, Verbal and Situational Irony in 'The Cask of... "The Cask of Amontillado" is a unique story as it appeals to readers through the use of irony. There are several types of literary irony present throughout this story, such as situational, dramatic, and verbal. Irony can influence the portrayal of a character in a story. Irony can also add intrigue and excitement to the plot of the story. In Edgar Allen Poe's story, he uses the literary element of irony to add to the plot and influence how the characters are portrayed throughout his story. One of the first examples Poe uses is situational irony in the title. Situational irony is when something turns out to be the opposite of what is expected. The title, "The Cask of Amontillado", leads the reader to believe that a wine container or crate will be the topic of the story. After reading the story, however, the reader finds that there is actually no sort of cask of Amontillado, sherry, or any other wine. However, if the reader closely analyzes the title, an understanding of the irony soon emerges. The word cask means wine barrel and comes from the same root word that forms casket or coffin. So the cask of wine in the story ironically represents the casket of Fortunato, which turns out to be the small crypt at the end of the catacombs. Another use of situational irony involves the name of Fortunato. The word Fortunato is Italian for good fortune or luck. This leads the reader to believe that something great or lucky will come to Fortunato in the story, but that is not the case ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Verbal Irony In The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant In Guy de Maupassant's story the necklace, Madame Loisel's is a women in the middle class who's unsatisfied with her lifestyle and envies the upper class lifestyle. Her personality takes her through a irony filled roller coaster throughout the story. The story shows three different types of irony in the story which are verbal, situational, and dramatic. Verbal Irony is when words express something opposite of what is truthfully meant. The first example of verbal irony is whenever her husbands cooks a simple meal she shouts, "Aha! Scotch broth! What could be better?" This is irony because she acts as if she's happy with the stew when she actually not. Instead as she says this she's daydreaming of delicacies and a surrounding a higher class filled with silver and dishes upper class worthy. The second occurrence is when Madame Loisel husband comes home with an invitation to the ball and she calmly say, " I have no dress and so I can't go to this party. Give your invitation to a friend whose wife has better clothes than I do."The reason this is verbal irony is because she makes it seem as if she does not want to go the party when in all actuality she's trying to get him to buy her a dress for her to go. This is obviously put emphasis on by the way she cries then stops quickly before she makes her calmly toned statement ,which was in a way throwing a tantrum. in this example she's being sarcastic again because she does not wish for her companion to give the invitation ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby 1. "In consequence I am inclined to reserve all judgments... (7)" Verbal Irony: This is an example of verbal irony because throughout the course of the book the protagonist, Nick becomes more inclined to judge those in the plot. Specifically, he judges Tom and Daisy for their poor decisions that cause a negative impact on the lives of those around them. Nick describes them as "careless people," who destroy the lives of others and then leave. Jordan, however describes Nick as an honest person, which progressively is proved false. 2. "One October day in nineteen–seventeen... (72)" Flashback: This flashback is crucial in providing background on Daisy, Gatsby, and other characters in the story. It also provides the connection between ... Show more content on ... It is unrealistic because both Gatsby and Daisy are leading different lives. Daisy is no longer an innocent little girl; she has a husband and a child. While Gatsby is living a fantasy based around a past love that has driven him to commit to shady relationships and throw lavish parties that in fact repulse Daisy due to her way of life. 9. "He snatched the book from me and replaced it hastily on its shelf, muttering that if one brick was removed the whole library was liable to collapse. (47)" Symbolism: The library represents Gatsby's hope for the future. His hopes are in a fragile state and any disruption would cause it to collapse. The man in the library is also similar to Nick because he is one of the only other people to show up to Gatsby's funeral and in the same way may have been concerned for Gatsby's wellbeing, similar to his concern for the stability of the library. The man in the library is probably the only other character that attempted to understand Mr. Gatsby. 10. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of my head, whereupon he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and set it back in place ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado In the books and poems of Edgar Allan Poe, in this case particularly The Fall of the House of Usher and A Cask of Amontillado, over 50 dark and gothic stories were expertly crafted through his clever use of verbal irony and depressing imagery. Poe's books commonly focus on two themes– love and death– and the melancholy intertwining of the two. His unique style stood out against the crowd of literature in his day and age. Poe was a master in capturing the dark and twisted recesses of the human In a twisted melancholy sense, Poe was not just blindly writing these dark and depressing stories, either. His entire life is like one of his short stories– full of death, love, and broken hearts. As a child, Edgar Allan Poe was orphaned at the age of three. He was moved to a family that discredited his love of poetry– so much so that when he wanted to go to college, his foster father denied him the money to go. After falling into debt by gambling for college tuition, Poe decided to return home to his fiance– only ... Show more content on ... Montresor is portrayed as a sane character, whose actions are not completely clear, yet the reader is able to find that upon closer inspection, Montresor is a murderer. To build suspense and hint at the looming threat that awaits Fortunato, Poe uses verbal irony to create a sense of uncertainty among the reader. Montresor, when talking to Fortunato, is often actually jesting at Fortunato, finding great satisfaction in his twisted plot for revenge. There are also small pieces of the story that create of dramatic irony as well, albeit scattered. The names Fortunato and Montresor mean "The Lucky One", and "To Reveal Fate", respectively. Poe gave Montresor a fitting name, as Montresor jokingly reveals Fortunato's fate, but much to "The Lucky One's" ignorance, fails to realize he is being baited into his own ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Verbal Irony In The Story Of An Hour Sheline 2001597064 The Story of An Hour By: Kate Chopin (1894) I want to analyze the short story of Kate Chopin. Kate Chopin born on February 8th, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. And she died on August 22th, 1904 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. She was a U.S. author of short stories and novels based in Louisiana. She wrote many short stories such as The Story of an Hour, The Storm, Desiree's Baby, and A Pair of Silk Stockings. I choose The Story of An Hour because it is very interesting story. The Story of An Hour published on December 6th, 1894. In The Story of An Hour, the main characters are Mrs. Mallard (Louise) and Mr. Mallard. The other name characters are Richards and Josephine. The story began with her sister Josephine who told Louise the news about her husband died in a railroad accident. Louise was very sad, and sometimes she wept at once. She went away to her room alone. No one followed her. She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver ... Show more content on ... According to the dictionary: "verbal irony occurs when the speaker expresses one thing but means another." Based on this story, the verbal irony is a conversation between Josephine and Louise. Josephine said "Louise, open the door! I beg; open the door–you will make yourself ill. What are you doing, Louise? For heaven's sake open the door." Louise answers that "Go away. I am not making myself ill." The fact is she was drinking a very elixir of life through that open window. And I can see the verbal irony in the end story too that "When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease–of the joy that kills." That statement proves that she died of another thing. It is the wrong statement that joy kills her. The one thing kills her is after seeing her husband alive. She did not believe that her husband saved from the accident. Her dream as independent women destroys after her husband ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado "The death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world", wrote Edgar Allan Poe, a prestigious author of the past. Poe has written gothic literature from poems and short stories which reflect the life he endured throughout his early years. Born to two actors in Boston, Poe lived an ordinary life until the age of three when his father abandoned his family. The following year, Poe's mother died leading to him being put in an orphanage. Later, he was taken in by the Allan family, who were middle–class plantation owners. Going into college while additionally gambling on week nights, Poe faced debts and parted ways with his parents after they refused to help him pay off his dues. From there, he went to live with ... Show more content on ... As an example, in Poe's short story Cask of Amontillado, the author presents verbal irony when Fortunato, the victim of vengeance, surprisingly congratulates Montresor, the avenger, for the vindictive nature of his family coat of arms motto, "Nemo me impune lacessit" (Poe 3), which is translated as "No one attacks me with impunity". The fact that Fortunato congratulated Montresor is ironic because he had just applauded a well–significant motto that will soon be used upon him. Moreover, in this case, Poe uses irony to develop a sense of hatred developing and leading to the ultimate act of revenge, since Montresor will be the one to kill him. Simultaneously, the author incorporates a dramatic use of cynicism as the reader knows that Montresor will be the one to kill Fortunato, yet he himself is not aware of it due to his oblivious nature. Likewise, in the short story Tell Tale Heart, the reader can infer the narrator's sarcasm, based on the diction of the mentally deranged character who had just killed an old man. As the narrator states, "During all of that week I was as friendly to the old man as I could be, and warm, and loving" (Poe 2), derision is conveyed since the author truly murdered the man which is the worst treatment and result that anyone can imagine. Poe's use of irony in both short stories creates suspense for the reader and is one of the components of the gothic genre, the basis of most of his ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Crucible Through "The Crucible" play, a lot of irony occurs, and the deeper it gets into the play and more use of irony, and shows how it effects its ending. The use of verbal irony, which just means that, when a person says one thing but means another, and also see how people's words get played around. In situational irony, it means that something occurred that no one expected to happen. With the last irony, dramatic irony means that, the reader knows something that the characters do not know. In Arthur Miller's play, "The Crucible", verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony are depicted through his play which affects the outcome at the end. The first type of irony is verbal irony, which shows what a character said but they really meant ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Verbal And Situational Irony In Elsie Wiesel's Night There are good examples of verbal and situational irony in Elsie Wiesel's memoir Night. Verbal irony occurs when words are used to suggest the opposite of what is meant. It is grimly ironic when, after the Jews are ordered to wear yellow stars, Elise's father says, "The yellow star? Oh well, what of it? You don't die of it..." The statement is ironic because that is precisely how Elise's father died. The wearing of the yellow star was one step on the path to the concentration camps and almost certain death. After almost a year in the camps, Elise's father dies from dysentery at Buchenwald. Situational irony occurs when what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate. In section five, as Russian troops come closer ... Show more content on ... They were being taken to Auschwitz and they were separated when they got there. Eliezer and his father were told to go to the left, which meant forced labor. His mother, Hilda and Beatrice and Tzipora were selected to go to the right which meant the gas chamber. Hilda and Beatrice managed to survive. Eliezer and his father were transferred from Birkenau to a work camp in Monowitz. Where they would see a baby being hung, but the boy slowly dies due to his weight. In Monowitz everyone lacked God's faith and they were desperate for food. They had 6 crematoria working day and night and many other factories of death. Many celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year but Eliezer did not take part. Eliezer and his father never wanted to be separated. But as the book goes on the father gets very sick and Eliezer has to take care of him. While they were waiting in line they watch a load of children go into the fire. After that Eliezer debates running into the electric fence but he doesn't. Eliezer's father soon gets very sick and the Nazis ordered him to the furnace and after Eliezer loses his father, he feels a sense of relief because he no longer needs to take care of him but also misses him ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Verbal Irony Research Paper The Importance of Irony in American Literature Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. This essay will emphasize and recognize the power of irony in American Literature. "To Build a Fire," "The Story of an Hour," and "The Crucible" all show strong elements of irony. A quote, pulled from the book "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" says that, "In each case, the sign carries with it a customary meaning, but that doesn't guarantee it will deliver the received meaning." Ironic words may have many meanings, but will never have the meaning you expect. In this essay three different stories will represent the three main different types of irony. The types of irony shown in this essay will be situational irony, dramatic irony, and verbal irony. The first type of irony is dramatic irony. The reader knows what is going to happen in the story and the main character does not know how the story will play out. For instance, Jack London's famous tale, "To Build a Fire," is about a man traveling through the cold, wintery snow by himself. This story shows many flashbacks to ... Show more content on ... Verbal irony is when words express something contrary to truth or someone says the opposite of what they really feel or mean. Verbal irony is often sarcastic. The town thinks that this group of girls are witches and they are crazy. There is one man named Proctor that is involved with one of the girls. Proctor has an affair on his wife, Elizabeth, with the main girl. Hale asks Proctor to recite the Ten Commandments from the Bible. Proctor recited all of the Ten Commandments but adultry. Proctor didn't remember adultry because he committed adultry against his wife Elizabeth with Abigal. This represents how because Proctor had sinned against one of the Commandments, he completely forgot to mention that adultry was one of the Ten great ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Verbal Irony Examples Jane Austen, author of Pride and Prejudice, used her characters to incorporate multiple instances of verbal, situational, and dramatic irony into her novel in order to satirize English social life during the Regency Period. Austen's novel primarily follows Elizabeth Bennet – an upper class and reasonable heroine, and her family. Throughout the book, Elizabeth and her family are used by Jane Austen to create opportunities for irony. Despite Pride and Prejudice containing as much irony as coal in Newcastle, each of Austen's uses of irony also target a specific aspect of one of her characters or conflicts from the novel. In order to effectively embed irony into her novel, Jane Austen used her characters to create situations appropriate for ... Show more content on ... Bennet's level of intelligence – the subject of much mockery. Mrs. Bennet is completely oblivious to her own foolishness, and says ",you must not expect such girls to have the sense of their father and mother" to Mr. Bennet in response to his complaint about Catherine and Lydia being silly. (Austen 25) Austen further elaborates Mrs. Bennet's false perception of herself when explaining that "[Mrs. Bennet's] ignorance and folly contributed to [Mr. Bennet's] amusement" (Austen 213). Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Bennet's intelligence impacts her daughters as Catherine and Lydia have "minds more vacant than their sisters'" (Austen, 24). Austen refines Mrs. Bennet's character through dramatic irony and as a result is able to explain why other characters' rudeness towards ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado Toba Beta once said "pride is the mother of arrogance." Fortunato's pride caused him to become arrogant about his wine tasting abilities. If was not for his request to go into the catacombs to show he is better at wine tasting then Luchresi was, Fortunato would not have died. In The Cask of Amontillado, Poe uses verbal irony and dramatic irony to reveal that too much pride can cause ignorance to what is happening around them. First, Poe's use of verbal irony helps convey his theme more clearly throughout the story. In the beginning of the story, Montresor tells Fortunato that his "severe cold" will get even worse with how "insufferably damp" and "encrusted with nitre" (Poe 63) his vaults are. Montresor is playing off of Fortunato's pride ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Verbal Irony In Oedipus Rex 'Oedipus Rex' is a tragic play written by Sophocles, that is known for its countless examples of irony found within it. The story of Oedipus is a classic Greek tragedy. Oedipus is the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta in Thebes. The Oracle at Delphi reveals to them the tragic fate within their family. Their son Oedipus was destined to kill his father and marry his mother. To try and prevent this horrendous fate, King Laius sends his son to be terminated at the mountain of Kithairon. Although King Laius and Queen Jocasta thought their fate was saved, they were mistaken. The servant did not obey them, and he gave Oedipus to King Polybus and Queen Merope in Corinth. Oedipus then proceeds throughout his life until he is told his unfortunate ... Show more content on ... Another example of dramatic irony is when Oedipus curses himself without even realizing it. He is cursing the man who killed Laius that is apparently still in Thebes. Oedipus states, "I pray that that man's life be consumed in evil and wretchedness. And as for me, this curse applies no less If it should turn out that the culprit is my guest here, Sharing my hearth" (Sophocles 1265). At this point in the play, an oracle has told Oedipus that there is a plague in the city of Thebes because the former king's murderer has never been found and punished. In this quote, Oedipus is referring to the murderer; he declares that once found, the murderer must be banished. Although we know Oedipus murdered King Laius, he doesn't, which means he also doesn't realize he's banishing himself. It's also dramatic irony that he mentions the oracle revealing something to him, since it was an oracle early in his life who warned him about killing King Laius. Oedipus also displays situational irony throughout the tragic play. Situational irony is when something is supposed to happen but actually something different than what was expected to happen happens. Oedipus was set out to be a mighty king of Thebes. He is terribly mistaken when he finds out his true fate and gouges his own eyes out. The play states, "For the king ripped from her gown the golden brooches that were her ornament, and raised them, and plunged them down straight into his own eyeballs" ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado The Ironic Death In "The Cask of Amontillado" Edgar Allan Poe tells a story of a man named Fortunato, a professional wine taster, who has foolishly brought death upon himself. Fortunato has managed to anger a man with the name Montresor who has hatched a plan of revenge during a great carnival. To help the reader fully understand Poe uses three different kinds of irony verbal, dramatic, and situational. The verbal being their conversation, the dramatical, when he jokes about his health, and the situational when he is dressed as a jester. The first example is of verbal irony. When Montresor runs into Fortunato at the beginning of the story, he says, "My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met" (POE 237). To Fortunato this may have seemed as a friendly thing to say. However, what he actually was saying is, today is your lucky day, because Montresor knows he will finally have a chance to kill him. Later, Montresor appears to be worried about Fortunato's health as they travel deeper into the catacombs and says, "We will go back. Your health is precious" (POE 238). When Montresor said this, he has no intention of going back and was not worried about Fortunato's health. He was actually just saying that almost in mockery to lure him further in. ... Show more content on ... An example of dramatic irony is when Fortunato tells Montresor not to worry about his health and that "the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I will not die of a cough" (POE 238) Montresor then replies, "True–true." When the reader reads this, they see that Fortunato is clueless of Montresor's true plan is and while he tells Fortunato he will be all right. That he will not die, he is planning to kill him. This is dramatic because we as the reader feel a sense of sorrow because we know the truth about what will ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby 1. "In consequence I am inclined to reserve all judgments... (7)" Verbal Irony: This is an example of verbal irony because throughout the course of the book the protagonist, Nick becomes more inclined to judge those in the plot. Specifically, he judges Tom and Daisy for their poor decisions that cause a negative impact on the lives of those around them. Nick describes them as "careless people," who destroy the lives of others and then leave. Jordan, however describes Nick as an honest person, which progressively is proved false. 2. "One October day in nineteen–seventeen... (72)" Flashback: This flashback is crucial in providing background on Daisy, Gatsby, and other characters in the story. It also provides the connection between ... Show more content on ... It is unrealistic because both Gatsby and Daisy are leading different lives. Daisy is no longer an innocent little girl; she has a husband and a child. While Gatsby is living a fantasy based around a past love that has driven him to commit to shady relationships and throw lavish parties that in fact repulse Daisy due to her way of life. 9. "He snatched the book from me and replaced it hastily on its shelf, muttering that if one brick was removed the whole library was liable to collapse. (47)" Symbolism: The library represents Gatsby's hope for the future. His hopes are in a fragile state and any disruption would cause it to collapse. The man in the library is also similar to Nick because he is one of the only other people to show up to Gatsby's funeral and in the same way may have been concerned for Gatsby's wellbeing, similar to his concern for the stability of the library. The man in the library is probably the only other character that attempted to understand Mr. Gatsby. 10. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of my head, whereupon he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and set it back in place ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Ernest Hemingway: An Example Of Verbal Irony The irony in this story can be seen in different areas of this story. An example of situational irony in this story is that Elisa does not get time to experience actually motherhood because of work, and she puts all of herself into raising her plants and making sure they are taken care of. "With her trowel she turned the soil over and over, and smoothed it and patted it firm." (DiYanni, 2007, 728). Also an example of verbal irony in this story would be when Henry offers to Elisa to take her to a boxing match, and he says "I don't think you'd like it, but I'll take you if you really want to go." (DiYanni, 2007, 733). He is offering to take her, so he feels like he is doing good, but in reality he is just not what Elisa wants to hear. I believe ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Use Of Verbal Irony In The Pardoner's Tale Throughout "The Pardoner's Tale," the literary elements verbal irony and situational irony reveal the theme that greed is the root of all evil. First, one rioter tells his friend, "Trust me... you needn't doubt my word. I won't betray you, I'll be true" (Chaucer 130). The rioter's use of verbal irony helps to reveal the theme by showing how greed can cause someone to do things they would not normally do. The rioter's use of irony means the opposite of what it states; it is a warning to not trust the rioter. This quote shows how greed has overcome the rioter, and he plans to do evil things to achieve the gold. Another use of verbal irony is when the youngest rioter says to the apothecary, "Sell me some poison if you will, I have a lot of rats ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado Irony has been used in many forms to add humor and suspense in literature. Edger Allen Poe used verbal irony in the "The Cask of Amontillado" to show Montresor's true intentions throughout the story. Montresor is the mastermind behind the plan to kill Fontunato, a prideful, wealthy man who adores wine, which in the end makes him the perfect target. We know Montresor's intentions are to eliminate his "friend" because he says, "I must not only punish, but punish the impunity."(pg. 233) Poe does not state what Fontunato did to deserve this, but the reader infers that it must of been extreme because Montresor is dedicated to assassinate this man. One example of verbal irony that was used in this story was when Montresor toasted to Fontunato's ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Verbal Irony In Animal Farm Why is irony so commonly used? Animal Farm is about the Russian Revolution where the animals take over the farm and overthrow their owner, Jones, who is a human. They promise that they will never act like humans because Jones treated them so badly but they break that promise. In George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, the irony is used to show how power can corrupt those who have it. Throughout the book he uses all three methods of irony to convey that idea. Dramatic irony is the type of irony that is used the most and the type that is the most obvious, but situational and verbal irony are used too. First of all, verbal irony is when the speaker says the opposite of what they mean. This is used in Animal Farm throughout the book as ... Show more content on ... This third and final type of irony is constantly used in books and movies. In Animal Farm, it is used to show the reader how corrupt the pigs are becoming, at times when the other animals may not realize it. The author demonstrates when the pigs start getting suspicious when Napoleon tells the animals: "'Nevermind the milk, comrades! That will be attended to. The harvest is more important. Comrade Snowball will lead the way. I shall follow in a few minutes'"(p.16). When the animals came back in the evening they noticed that the milk had disappeared. This seems pretty obvious to the readers that Napoleon is the one who drank all the milk but the other animals would not even think of the possibility that Napoleon is the one that stole the milk. Later, after Snowball had been kicked off the farm, Napoleon announced that he found out that Snowball had been an ally of Jones since the beginning. At this moment, he asks if any other animals knew about this and demanded that they step forward. Napoleon then got his wild dogs to rip their throats out and he even attempted to kill Boxer, the brave horse. A few days after this incident, the animals recalled that the Sixth Commandment "No animal shall kill any other animal" had been broken. But when Muriel read it, it ran "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause"(p.61). It is obvious to the audience that this commandment had been changed because if they flip back the book to the beginning, the original list of Commandments are still there and the last two words "without cause" were not there. The irony strongly displays that all this power given to Napoleon has gone to his head, so much so that he has resorted to killing his ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. A Literary Analysis Of Verbal Irony There re several types of irony like situational irony. Irony is when appearances are different from reality. Situational one is when an event occurs in a different way that what was anticipated or hope for. Verbal is using language to express the gap between appearance and reality. A dramatic irony is when we know something as an audience number or a reader that the character is not aware of In the fifth paragraph there is irony. The reality is chaotic in this part because the streets are busy and noisy. Commerce is everywhere. It is all very materialistic and somewhat vulgar. In fact, diction in this part has a powerful impact in creating a strong image of what real life is around our narrator in this paragraph. For example, words like "flaring streets" like they are on fire , "drunken men and bargaining women" tells that everyone is ... Show more content on ... He has been blind with but all that changed as soon as he arrived at the bazaar where he saw ppl for who they really are .They are all concerned with selling trinkets that are unworthy of appreciation whatsoever . In that retrospect and that kind of epiphany, he also understands that he is not a crusader and his relationship with Mangan's sister is not holy. She just wanted to buy something. On that accord, he is disheartened . We as the audience know it is a dramatic irony because we know the outcome before the narrator himself. To end the irony in Araby, the fire that once burned in him has waned down and the experience made him more mature. Alternatively, The Lady of Shalott a poem by Alfred Tennyson is full of irony figures. Firstly the lady is compared to a bold seer which is a bit of an ironic pun. A seer is basically a person who foretells the future. In this case the lady see her future which is her death. In any case, she spent a life time looking at reflections of Camelot and not the real thing so she wasn't that much of a seer at ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Verbal Irony In Edgar Allan Poe Without doubt, Edgar Allan Poe's story is one of the author's masterpiece. The story is an exhibit of artistic genius with various literary features well incorporated. Among them, irony, defined as, "A figure of speech which is a contradiction or incongruity between what is expected and what actually occurs", is the most evident. Allan Poe demonstrates the use of various types of irony throughout the play, which he uses to pass the intended message to the audience. Verbal irony, defined as the use of vocal language to express a feeling which is totally different from what is expected, can be easily deducted from the plot. To begin with, the enthralling tale begins with the anonymous narrator telling his readers that he is about to recount a "series of mere household events". As it turns out in the story, the events cannot be simply described as mere when the author clearly knows there is murder involved. When considering the horrible conclusion, the very opening of the story establishes an ironic tone that continues until the end of the tale. Probably, the ironic and casual way the narrator contemplates his story as mere is meant to inform the reader that the facts of the story he is narrating may soon turn out to be something different from what is first presented. Secondly, the narrator mentions an ironic statement with regard to his nature. He indicates that he is a timid and humane person. As a matter of fact, his parents made jokes concerning him with regard to his ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm Animal farm is a novel written by an English novelist named George Orwell. The novel revolves around a group of animals who rebel against the Manor Farm's owner, Mr. Jones. The rebel was inspired by a well–respected old boar named Major who taught the animals in the farm to embrace Animalism and to achieve an idealistic state of justice, equality and freedom for themselves. However, in the end, the animal farm is led by a selfish pig named Napoleon who becomes a totalitarian dictator and abuses his power as a leader of the farm. There are three types of irony found in the novel – situational irony, dramatic irony and verbal irony. Irony is a figure of speech in which the opposite of what the readers would expect to happen in the novel occurs. One of the irony that can be found in the novel is situational irony. The ... Show more content on ... One morning, a pig named Squealer who serves as Napoleon's mouthpiece, gathers the animals together and announces that Napoleon is dying. The animals are shocked to hear the piece of news. In page 41, Napoleon has pronounced that any animals that drink alcohol will be execute as a punishment and even in the seven commandments, it is stated that 'no animal shall drink alcohol'. By evening, the hangover has subsided and Napoleon is back at work as usual. However, the next day, Napoleon has instructed Whymper, a human who is hired to be an intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world, to purchase some pamphlets on brewing and distilling in Willingdon. Napoleon also instructs to set aside a small field beyond the orchard to grow barley so that he can brew his own beer. In this scene, the unexpected situational irony arises when Napoleon changes his perspective on alcohol drastically within a matter of a day and forget about the solemn that he pronounced ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of The Amontillado In the story "Cask of the Amontillado", Written by Edgar Allen Poe, there are many different types of irony to be seen. He used Verbal, Situational, and Dramatic very liberally. Verbal Irony is shown in cask of the amontillado, Montresor says "And I [toast] to your long life." This is just one of the many examples of Verbal Irony in this story, Along with "You are a man to be missed." These two phrases allude to the fact that Montresor has something sinister planned, but of course this is not picked up by the intoxicated Fortunato, or any of the readers until It's too late. "And I [toast] to your long life." Basically is Montresor saying "I'm toasting to what life you have left." Because typically when you toast something, you drink, which ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Examples Of Verbal Irony In The Cask Of The Amontillado The Cask of the Amontillado The Cask of the Amontillado uses irony throughout the story by dialogical interactions between Montresor and Fortunato. In the event of Carnivale, Monstresor detects Fortuno on the street, and offers Fortunato to go see the wine in the catacombs. Fortunato insists to go see the catacombs of wine at once, but Montresor plays worried about Fortunato's cough and alters his decision about the catacombs and advises him not to go. " Come, we will go back ere it is too late. Your cough–" ( 61). This dialogical interaction of verbal irony impacts the story because it shifts the climax of the story to the falling action. Montresor slowly shifts the climax of the story to the falling action, because he slowly captivates ... Get more on ...