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@koenighotze#Voxxed #10TipsMicroservices
10 Tips for failing badly at
David Schmitz
Senacor Technologies
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
David Schmitz / @koenighotze
Senacor Technologies
Principal Architect
That’s me coding EJBs
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
This is not YOU!
Opinions are my OWN!TM
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
What’s in it for you?
Your boss want’s to modernise, but you don’t
Things to do to sabotage your project
Lessons learned the hard way
Things have been anonymised to protect the guilty
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The Boss read about
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Extreme agile
cloud native digital
Disrupt or be
Sounds good. And
cloud and agile equal
Industry 4.0!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
“IT People! Make it happen! Build
me some microservices”
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
What the hell is a microservice and why should I care?
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Microservices IMHO
Single Bounded Context
UI and Services
Local storage
Share nothing
User Interface
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Whatever! BLAH BLAH
User Interface
Too lazy to actually read all
this stuff…looks boring and I
want to look at funny cat
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Sabotage Extravaganza
Follow these
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Sabotage Extravaganza
Direction of
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
10 - Go Full-Scale-Polyglot
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Waldo-Tech Stack
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Technical knowledge - Excitement
Groundhog Code - Redevelop solutions
Maintenance field trips
Heisenberg monitoring & Ops
The Zoo of Technology
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Jump the Bandwagon
$ npm ls | grep @0
│ ├─┬ fbjs@0.8.8
│ │ │ ├─┬ encoding@0.1.12
│ │ │ │ └── iconv-lite@0.4.15
│ │ └── ua-parser-js@0.7.12
├─┬ react-scripts@0.8.5
│ │ ├── normalize-range@0.1.2
│ │ │ │ └── json5@0.5.1
│ │ │ └── source-map-support@0.4.11
│ │ │ └── regenerator-runtime@0.10.1
│ │ │ └── ms@0.7.2
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
thx @Codepitbull
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Freedom is a human right
Everybody loves a puzzle - REST, HAL, SIREN
Find new friends while searching for fixes on
Synergies: Polyglot UI with beta status
Keep ops on their toes by multi-monitoring and
logging (easy win -> Date format!)
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And ignore Ops!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
9 - The data monolith
(c) Disney Corporation
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Mum said we should share
Credit Account Payment
Giant SQL
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Mum said we should share
Credit Account Payment
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Name must be
VARCHAR(200) instead of
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Account table changes
Credit Account Payment
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Credit Account Payment
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Sharing is a Good ThingTM
All microservices must share the database
Avoid table or schema ownership
Insidious dependencies, e.g. Connection pools
keep everybody awake at night
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And ignore Ops!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
8 - The event monolith
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Marketing Pitch
Direction of Time
Customer Credit
Event Store
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Eventsourcing Marketing Pitch
Audit trail - Immutable history for free
Distributed data management
Decoupled microservices with CQRS
…and much more!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
‘Das schöne
Österreich’ will no longer be
accepted as a country code
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
WET is the new DRY
“Das schöne
Direction of Time
Customer Credit
Event Store
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Don’t change messy past events
Don’t come up with a data strategy
Copy and Paste compensation actions
Event history as bugfixes
Dont’t need it? Play the “We might become
google or linkedin!” card
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
7 - The Home Grown monolith
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
– Carl Sagan (slightly paraphrased)
“If you wish to make MICROSERVICES from
scratch, you must first create a FRAMEWORK”
Wrapping up
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Home made Eventsourcing
"type": "NewCustomerCreated",
"id": 1234,
"payload": {
"type": "NewCustomerCreated",
"id": 1234,
"payload": {
CustomerAccount Reporting
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The customer system needs
special, non-numeric ids
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Version increase
Customer V2
"type": "NewCustomerCreated",
"id": "1234-5678",
"payload": {
ES 2
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Runtime surprise
Customer V2Account Reporting
"type": "NewCustomerCreated",
"id": "1234-5678",
"payload": {
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Change the world event
Customer V2Account V2 Reporting V2
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Microservice Promise
Independent release
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Monolithic Release Plan
Common Release
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Cross-cutting dependencies as social tools
Job insurance via invasive frameworks
Building frameworks is fun! Try it!
Ideas: Collections, String-Utils, Logging, ORM!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
6 - Think of the meat cloud
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Optimise your Revenue!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Who KNOWS how
to do it?K
Optimise your Revenue!
Who WANTS it
to be done?
Who has the
Who has TIME
to actually
do it?
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Insight: CD is very useful
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And the rest of the world?
Delivery pipeline
with love
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Quickly…release a new
Customer microservice
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Ops Toolchain - Vi all the way!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Ops Toolchain - Vi all the way!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Prod Status - Illustration
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Infrastructure is expensive…be proud to take
care of it
Microsoft Word is some kind of automation
Play the “we are not google” card
If someone asks, say you are using Docker
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
5 - The distributed monolith
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Friends stay close together
Customer AccountCredit
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Let’s offer a discount to
new users
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The Musketeer Pattern
Customer AccountCredit
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Combine the complexity of a
microservice architecture with
the rigidity and fragility of a
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The network is reliable
Dependencies indicate good design, like in
Dependency Injection
Synchronous dependencies are easy
What is half a system good for, anyway? So
avoid Circuit breakers
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And ignore Ops!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
4 - The SPA monolith
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Micro is REST only
Customer REST Credit RESTAccount REST
Giant Monster UI
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Add a mandatory
social-number field to the
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
But not that mandatory. E.g. if
the customer is not committed, yet
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
No clear responsibility
Customer Domain Credit DomainAccount Domain
Comprehensive UI Domain
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Domain is spread around
Customer REST Credit RESTAccount REST
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Ach, just put it there
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Meet people while discussion ownership
and conflicting features
Keep the testers busy with side effects
Single point of failure -> Easy to find
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
By all means, avoid composition
CreditCustomer Account
Tailor.JS / Project Mosaic
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
…and avoid Hyperlinks!
CreditCustomer Account
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
3 - The decision monolith
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
“But we need Java 7…it is 2017 after all!”
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The sieve of sanity
Architecture & Design
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The sieve of sanity
Actors Augmented realityCloud
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The sieve of sanity
Actors Augmented realityCloud
Architecture & Design
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The sieve of sanity
Actors Augmented realityCloud
Architecture & Design
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
…works on larger scale, too
Architecture & Design
Customer AccountCredit Security
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Frustrate your coworkers
Irritate motivated colleagues
If you are older than 30…play the “This is
_real_ enterprise, kid” card
Ivory towers are beautiful
Assume people are dumb, and you are smart
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The monolithic
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
MS is for Devs only
Credit Account Payment
… … …
Branch Office Toolset Something
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Let’s force the user to
always enter a valid address
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
No, the customer
should be able to enter partial
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Requirements Ping Pong
Credit Account Payment
Branch Office Toolset
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Change Management
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Requirements Management
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Slow means more time for Twitter!
The servant of many kings is a free man
Change / Requirement Mgmt. are your allies
Business people don’t know Eric Evans
Conway’s law works both ways
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And ignore Ops!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
1 - Use a HR driven Architecture
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
It is easier to search for React
developers than for general
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
DevOps Team
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Magic Specification
Success Template
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Frontend Microservice
Service Microservice
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Frontend Microservice
Service Microservice
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And ignore Ops!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Programmers do not like other people
Avoid spread of knowledge
Business knows the domain. Devs know tech
Nobody should have a big picture, keep them in the
Meetings mean coffee and biscuits
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And: In case of bugs…
It’s always the other team’s fault!
And: In case of bugs…
It’s always the other team’s fault!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Wrapping up….
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The key to failure is the
hidden monolith
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
The hidden monolith
Deployment and Release
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
And ignore Ops!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
MS mean Work - Fight them
Greenfield != Brownfield - The perfect excuse
Think of the organisational impact. You do not want to change!
Embrace the monolith
Microservices are a fad. Wait for SOAP 4.0
Dont’t underestimate the power of broken windows
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze
Thank you!
Thank you!
#VoxxedVienna #10TipsMicroservices @koenighotze

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