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The Fundamental And Vital Principle Of Ayurveda
Ayurveda - The Bio-Physical Life Style of Medicine.
By --- Prof.Dr.S.R.Joshi.G.F.A.M.Ph.D.F.A.I.M.(BHU)
In India Physics, Chemistry and Biology are the subjects taught in the
premedical colleges. And when the students enter the conventional
(allopathic) Medical colleges the subjects that are taught to them are
Anatomy Physiology and the Bio –chemistry. But when the students
enter the Ayurvedic colleges there is a drastic change .
Here in Ayurvedic Medical Colleges the subjects that are taught
to them are the Bio-Physics first along with the Basic Anatomy known
as Sharir Rachana and the Ayurvedic Physiology known as Dosh-
Dhatu-Mala Vidnyan. And this is but most natural only, because in
Ancient Ayur-vedic times(5000-2000 yrs B.C.) the Bio-chemistry and
Bacteriology were in their Primitive Stages only. They were not at all
developed as they are developed today. The fundamental revolution in
Bio-Chemistry took place in yr. 1865 when F. Kekule discovered the first
Benzene –Ring. (The Hexagonal Carbon Atom Skeleton) . Thus the
present development & revolution in Bio- Chemistry took place only
after the discovery of the first Benzene ring only.
Naturally Ayurveda as a Science of Life fundamentally & vitally
depends upon the Bio physical aspect of life rather than the Bio –
chemical one And for Ayurvedic students” Bio Physics” is a new Concept
To start with let us define & understand the meaning of these two
words viz. the Bio- Physics & Ayur-veda. Bios is a Greek word & Ayu is a
Sanskrit word but amazingly the meaning of these two linguistically
diverse & different words is one and the same only. And the meaning is
“The life energy or the life force & the span of life.”
On the other hand the meaning of the next two words namely
Physics & Veda is absolutely different, no doubt that these two words
are perfectly scientific in nature but their meaning differs drastically
from each other.
1. Physics: Is a science of the Universe which deals with three basic
elements of our Universe namely The Matter, The Energy or Force
& The Space.
2. Veda: Means the Knowledge. & in Ayurveda this knowledge
means the knowledge of the living human body during Health &
Diseases including the maintenance of Health & treatment of
Diseases. ”Charaka, the great ancient physician has classically
elaborated the most scientific & perfect meaning of the word
“Veda” in 4 criteria, in relation with the living human body. He
says Veda means the knowledge of :-
“Hetu, Ling, Aoushadha, Dnyanum, Swastha, Atura, Parayanum.”
Cha. Su. 1/24. And the meaning & the scientific translation of
these Sanskrit words is as follows:
1. Hetu: means the knowledge of causes or etiology of diseases
including their pathogenesis & the knowledge of factors that
govern the maintenance of good health.
2. Ling: means the knowledge of
a. Signs & Symptoms of good health &
b. Signs & Symptoms of diseases.
3. Swastha Parayan: means the knowledge of nutrition of the
living human body to maintain good health.
4. Aoushadha Dnyanum for Atura (patient): means the
knowledge of medicines to cure the diseases of patients &
sick persons.
And exactly this is the marvellous explanation and the moto
of Ayurveda as a science of life. Now in order to achieve this
knowledge of health & diseases, the basic structural &
functional knowledge of the living human body is absolutely
essential. Therefore----
let us study the basic principles of Ayurveda First
Whole the science &practice of Ayurveda depends upon six Basic
Bio-physical principles of the Living Human body & they are;---
(1)The Structural principle known as the” Panch Maha Bhoot
Sidhhanta” which deals with the Gross & the Microscopic Structures
of the human body ( Anatomy & Histology)
(2)The Functional principle known as the “Dosh Dtatu Mala
Sidhhanta” which deals with the metabolic functions of the Human
body during health & Diseses.(Physiology & Pathology)
(3) The Action principle known as the “Rasa Veerya Vipaka
Sidhhanta”which deals with the action of the food & drugs on the
Human body & also the action of the Human body on the food & drugs
(Pharmacology of food and drugs )
(4) The Spiritual principle known as the “Atma & the Mana
Sidhhanta”which deals with the Life Energy and the Psycho-Somatic
functions of the living Human body.
(5) TheTime & the Ageing principle known as the ”Dig & Kaal”
Sidhhanta which deals with the physiological changes of Growth
Development and Ageing process during life time.
(6)The Bio Thermal principle known as “Agni Sidhhant” of the living
Human body which deals with the caloric-heat producing metabolism of
the living Human body, & this depends upon the enzymes co-enzymes
and the hormones that are active during the life time .And according to
Ayur veda there are more than 500 Agni in the living body & the Ref. is
eto ~yaoadXa Agnayaa: a Anyaaina maaMsa poiXaYau pMcaaigna Xataina a vaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Xaa 3a60 ca.saU
30a28kaya [it Antragnao: tsya icaik%saa “kaya icaik%saa”a Speciality of
And there are eight branches of this life science & they are—
Geriatrics & The Anti Oxidant Therapy (Rasayan Chikitsa)
The Structural Principle
And here again the great Charaka has discovered an intelligent
relationship in between the Universe & the living human body. He
“Purusho –Ayam Lok Sammitah” Cha. Sha. 5/3
1. Purusho: means the living human body.
2. Lok: means the Universe.
3. Sammitah: means the similarity or imaging.
Meaning that structurally & functionally the living human
body is a miniature image of this universe or in scientific
terminology – the living human body is the Microcosom of
this universe. Now let us study the universe first & then we
will find out it’s similarity in the living human body.
The Universe - The Matter
Just look at the universe you will find that the universe is
composed of Galaxies having innumerable stars & planets
Commented [DJ1]:
including The Sun, The our Earth & it’s moon also. All of
them occupy some space in the universe & they have their
own peculiar size & shape; & in scientific terminology these
objects having size & shape are known as Matter. And thus
on our Earth also, the highest mountain of the World, The
Mount Everest, the holiest river Ganga & the smallest gas
particle of Hydrogen all of them are matter & matter only.
This means that at least on our earth the matter exists in
three physical forms viz. solids, liquids & gases.
1. The Mount Everest is a solid state of matter.
2. The Holy river Ganga is a liquid state of matter.
3. The Hydrogen Gas atom is a gaseous state of matter.
And in Ayurveda in Sanskrit language
1. the solid state of matter is known as – Prithivi
2. the liquid state of matter is known as- Aap
3. the gaseous state of matter is known as- Vayu.
Now just look at the living human body, you will find that
it is composed of Bones, Big muscles, Big organs like
Lever, Spleen, Kidney & others & they are all solid state
organs & tissues of the living human body. Thus in
Ayurveda they are all known as SOLID = PRITHIVI tissues
& organs of the living human body. In the same way, in
the living human body, the circulating Blood, the
secretion of Bile, Urine, Saliva, Tears, Endocrinal gland
secretions & Gastro-intestinal secretions are all present in
the liquid or fluid state of matter only. Thus in Ayurveda,
all of them are Aap elements or substances. And finally,
the Oxygen, the Carbon dioxide & the other colonic gases
are all present in the gaseous state of matter only. In
Ayur-Veda they are known as Vayu elements. Thus there
is a Bio-physical similarity of the living human body in
the form of Prithivi, Aap & Vayu -- with the solid, liquid
& gaseous state of matter of the Universe.
Universe – Energy - Force
Today we have some knowledge of about 9 energies
that are present in this universe and they are
(1) Gravitation, (2) Motion (Kinetic Energy),
(3) Magnetism, (4) Electricity, (5) Heat, (6) Light,
(7) Sound (8) Atomic.& (9) Chemical
In our universe, all the stars & planets including our
Earth are constantly in motion & rotation. They maintain
their plane, orbit, speed, direction & distance also from
each other. They do not collide with each other & do not
produce collision leading to their destruction. And the
energy that maintains this motion, orbit, plane & distance
etc. of the stars & planets is known as Gravitation. It is a
force of attraction that is present in between the stars &
planets which attract each other & maintain their motion
& existence also. Our Earth also possesses it’s own
gravitational energy, but it is the Sun’s gravitational
energy that acts on our Earth & maintains the Earth’s
orbit, circulatory motion & distance from the Sun. Today
probably our Earth is the only planet which gave birth to
the living organisms ranging from viruses, bacteria,Big-
dinosaurs, animals & the last achievement as the living
human beings. The evolution & maintenance of life
activity depends upon three important factors & they are
(1) The Atmosphere especially Oxygen, (2) The Water &
(3) The Food & naturally our Earth has to supply us the
gas oxygen, water & food. Our Earth is very rich in oxygen
gas & salt water but for production of food & drinking
water we have to take the help of Sun’s energy in the
form of light energy (Photon- Electromagnetic energy) &
heat energy. The photons help to produce chlorophyll in
vegetables & plants which is our basic food. And the heat
from the Sun produces water vapor, clouds, leading to
thunderstorms (sound, light, electricity) and rains &
finally the drinking water. Thus the energies produced by
the Sun viz. Gravitation, Photons & Heat are vital for the
existence of our Earth & the life process on the Earth.
But in addition to this help from the Sun, the Earth has to
protect the life activity also from the Sun. Some
unwanted dangerous energies are released by the Sun
during the so called Solar Winds or Auroras which
bombard & damage the Earth’s atmosphere & water also.
They are a huge no. of Protons & Electrons emitted by the
Solar Winds. Here the Earth’s strong Polar Energy known
as Magnetism plays a very vital role. It attracts the
protons & electrons towards the Earth’s North Pole &
South Pole & convert them into Polar Lights & thus saves
the water & atmosphere & Earth’s life activity from the
solar winds. And probably the Red Planet’s (Mars) weak
magnetic energy was unable to protect its atmosphere &
water from the solar winds.
Apart from the stars & planets, the Universe is
composed of an unlimited element known as Space. It is
supposed to be a totally empty or vacuum area, but it is
not true. 99.9% of the Space is full of a fourth state (other
than Solid, Liquid & Gas) of matter known as Plasma.
Ref.(For the love of Physics –Walter Lewin page 107)
Plasma is an ionized state of gaseous matter, where the
protons & the electrons of the atoms get separated from
each other & move freely in the Universe. Here the free
movement of the Plasma, especially Superhot Plasma,
produces massive ripples (waves of sound energy).
(The source of Sound Energy of the Universe.)
Atomic Energy
Just before the 2nd World War, the definition of the
word Energy was “Energy neither can be created nor can
be destroyed. The Universal energy is a Constant.” But
the atomic bomb blast has revolutionized this definition.
The matter particles of Uranium 235 atom were
completely transformed into three form of energies &
they are (1) The Thunderbolt Sound followed by (2) Fire
(Heat) & (3) Radiation (Light). Thus today the definition is
“Not energy but Mattergy” is a Constant of this Universe.
The atomic blast has revolutionized Atomic Physics also.
It says the matter atom inherits latent sound energy,
latent heat energy & latent light energy also which are
released by the atomic bomb blast.
Chemical Energy
(1)On our Earth the chemical energy of woods and oils
gets converted into Heat and Co2.(2)The chemical energy
of gun powder gets converted into Kinetic energy of the
bullet and the (3)The chemical energy stored in a car
battery gets converted into electricity and so on.
Thus these are the nine energies of the Universe.
Now let us see the similarities of these energies in the
LIVING human body.
1) Gravitational Energy: The Sanskrit translation =
“Gurutwa Shakti”. The human body also possesses
gravitational energy & it is measured in terms of
weight in kilograms by weighing the living human
body with the help of a weighing machine.
2) Kinetic Energy or Motion: In Sanskrit it is Gati
Gandhana Bala Shakti. The kinetic energy of the
living heart muscle is measured by The Echo-
Cardiography LVEF (Left Ventricular Ejection Force),
the Pulse rate & the blood pressure. Motion is the
locomotion of the human body. And the other
motions are Respiratory movements, Intestinal
movements, Blinking of the Eyelids & the other
voluntary movements of the hands & feet.
3) Magnetism: In Sanskrit it is Chumbak or Schleesh-
Bandhana Shakti. The living human body is ferro-
magnetic especially the blood & we can study whole
the body including the details of the smallest
tissues of the living human body with the help of
MRI machine (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).
4) Electricity: In Sanskrit it is Vidyut Shakti. In living
human body the Heart, the Brain & the Spinal Cord
produce micro-electric currents & during health &
illness they are measured by 1) Electro Cardiogram,
2) Electro Encephalogram & 3) Electro Myelogram.
And all the functions of the nervous system totally
depend upon the electrochemical impulses that are
generated in the nerves.
5) Heat – Caloric Energy: In Sanskrit it is Agni Shakti
. FOR Every second of life activity in the living human
body, caloric heat energy is required to maintain the
body temperature at 37 degree Celsius & for each &
every movement of the living human body. The human
body produces a huge amount of caloric heat energy
by converting the Carbon & other food chemicals into
heat with the help of substances known as Enzymes
that are present in the living human body. The normal
daily requirement is about 2400 calories & the calories
are measured during life time with the help of BMR
(Basal Metabolic Rate).
6) Light- Photons: in Sanskrit it is Tej Prakash Shakti.
Our Sun is the biggest source of natural light & heat
energy for our Earth in this Universe. The smallest
unit of a light particle is known as Photon (it is an
electromagnetic radiation). The Sunlight is
composed of two fractions 1) The Visible Light & 2)
Nonvisible Light. The nonvisible light rays are known
as Infrared rays & Ultraviolet rays. The vegetables &
the plants on this earth absorb & utilize the visible
light (photons) to produce the green substance of
the leaves known as Chlorophyll. Thus our food
especially vegetarian is very rich in photon energy.
The living human body absorbs these photons &
convert them into caloric heat energy. And when
this energy reaches the body tissues, the body
tissues convert them back into infrared radiation.
And this radiation is emitted out via the skin. Thus
the luster & the brightness of the living human body
skin depends upon this emission of infrared rays.
And this can be seen & studied with the help of
infrared photography.( Prabha&Kanti in Ayurveda)
7) Sound: In Sanskrit it is Shabda, Omkara, Naada
Shakti. We have already seen that the free
movements of superhot plasma in the space
produces massive ripples of sound waves (energy).
In addition to this ; the thunderstorm of clouds in
the earth’s atmosphere also produces a huge sound
energy. In the living human body the sound energy
is produced by the beating heart (Heart sounds),
respiratory sounds, intestinal peristaltic sounds &
some sounds from joint movements also.
8) Atomic Energy: In Sanskrit it is Anu Shakti,
Paramanu Samyog Shakti (Ayurved). The true
atomic energy is neither the destructive atomic
bomb blast energy nor the heat energy produced in
atomic power plants to generate electricity, but it is
an energy that is present at the subatomic level for
the construction or the synthesis of the nucleus of
an atom. The subatomic particles are known as
Quarks and the union of these quarks together to
produce the protons & neutrons, of an Atom a
strange force or energy that binds these Quarks
together is known as Gluon. And in the living human
body it is known as Samyog Shakti which binds the
living human body paramanu particles together to
produce tissues & build up the human body. And
this is again a discovery of Charaka only. He says:-
“Paramanunam samyoga kurvan shariram
arabhate” cha sha 7/17( paramanu=DNA ?)
meaning that it is the Samyog Shakti that acts on
the living paramanu particles, bound them together
& start the building of the human body.
Thus Gluon, the Samyog Shakti = true atomic
binding energy – The Atomic Energy.
(9) Chemical Energy -- In Sanskrit, In Ayurveda it is
“Oja Shakti” (1)The chemical energy stored in the
muscles gets converted into mechanical energy
while Riding a Bicycle.
(2)) The chemical energy of food is converted into
yet another form of chemical energy known as ATP
(Adenosine Tri Phosphate) with the help of
enzymes and hormones and finally this chemical
energy is converted into heat to maintain body
temperature and it`s further conversion into
kinetic energy for body locomotion and other
movements of the human body . Thus these are
the nine energies that are present in the universe
and in the human body also. Thus just like the
similarity of Matter in the universe & the LIVING
human body, there is also a vast similarity in
between the energies of the universe & the
energies that are present in the living human body.
Space: In Sanskrit it is Akash. The Space is the last
element of this vast universe. 99.9% of the space is
filled with plasma & the rest is vacuum. In the living
human body, the hollow organs, the Alveoli of the
Lungs, the tubular hollow space in the Gastro
intestinal tract, ducts like Ureter & the Para nasal
sinuses are all empty spaces filled with air
molecules. The smallest space in the human body is
known as ICS (Inter Cellular Space). It is an Ultra
microscopic space that is present in between the
two adjacent cells, & this has a similarity with the
ultra ultra microscopic space that is present in
between the protons of the nucleus of an atom and
the rotating electrons. Thus there is also a similarity
in between the Space of the Universe & the Space
that is present in the living human body.
And finally the truth of the words Bios & the Ayu
Bios & Ayu
According to modern science, the basic molecule
that is absolutely essential to start the life activity is
known as DNA molecule (DNA = De-oxy-rhibo-
nucleic-acid). Dr. Hargobinddas Khurana, an Indian
borne American scientist was awarded the Noble
Prize in 1968 for successfully synthesizing the DNA
molecule artificially in a test tube. Biologists allover
the world were highly enthusiastic & thought that to
conquer victory over the life energy is now within
the reach of the living human beings. They were
very anxious to see the further progress of life
activity in that artificial DNA molecule. But even
after watching the progress for months together,
“creation of life energy(growth & multiplication) in
that artificial D N A molecule was a great failure”.
Thus Dr. Hargobinddas Khurana in his book on
genetics says:
“Mysterious is the molecular dice that
converts the lifeless molecules to life”.
Thus Bios or Ayu is mystery even today.And Nobody
knows the exact nature of the life energy & exact
span of life also. In Ayurveda, the union of the life
energy with the lifeless molecules known as
Paramanu is described as:
“Achetana api Chaitanya yogen paramatmana
Akaro vishwam akhilam Anityam Natakakruti”
Sharangdhar Ch. 5
Achetana = lifeless molecule = Paramanu
Chaitanya = the life energy, Atma in Ayurved
Yogen = the union of Paramanu & Atma.
Vishwam = Living Human Beings &other creatures
Anityam = not permenant at all.
Natakakruti= just like a drama (A time bound
meaning that the union of life energy with lifeless
molecule, Paramanu takes place at the Parmanu
(DNA) level only, but this union is not at all a
permanent one. This is a time bound union only just
like a drama & this is the truth of the words, Bios –
Ayu- The Life energy.
Structurally, the DNA molecule is a double Helical
molecule & amazingly it has a same Helical (Serpent
like) similarity with the Kundalini Shakti mentioned
in Yoga.
Similarity Physics
1) Universe – Matter = Solid, Liquid, Gaseous state.
Living human body = Prithivi, Aap, Vayu
2) Universe – Nine energies, imp. Gravitation
Living Human body – Nine energies +Atma=Ten
imp. Tej Agni ( T E J also means Ten Energies
Join together = The Living Human Body)
3) Universe – Space – Plasma
Living human body – Space – Akash
4) Living human body = Five basic physical elements
– Prithivi, Aap, Vayu, Tej, Akash = Pancha Maha
Bhoot Siddhanta of Ayur-veda & then the
The Mysterious Bios – Ayu
In Sanskrit, they are known as Atma, Shariree,
Divine Light, JeevanJyoti, Pran Jyoti, Chaitanya
Thus the living human body = Pancha (Five) Maha
Bhoot + Atma, the Bios the Sixth one.
= Hexa (Six) basic Bio-Physical structural and
functional body.
In Sanskrit, Shad – Dhatu – Purush.
Thus the living human body is a true Microcosm
of this universe.
And this the first basic principle of Ayurveda as a
science of life.
Bio – Physics = Ayur - Veda
Thank you.

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Ayurveda's Bio-Physical Principles

  • 1. Bio-Physics The Fundamental And Vital Principle Of Ayurveda Ayurveda - The Bio-Physical Life Style of Medicine. By --- Prof.Dr.S.R.Joshi.G.F.A.M.Ph.D.F.A.I.M.(BHU) In India Physics, Chemistry and Biology are the subjects taught in the premedical colleges. And when the students enter the conventional (allopathic) Medical colleges the subjects that are taught to them are Anatomy Physiology and the Bio –chemistry. But when the students enter the Ayurvedic colleges there is a drastic change . Here in Ayurvedic Medical Colleges the subjects that are taught to them are the Bio-Physics first along with the Basic Anatomy known as Sharir Rachana and the Ayurvedic Physiology known as Dosh- Dhatu-Mala Vidnyan. And this is but most natural only, because in Ancient Ayur-vedic times(5000-2000 yrs B.C.) the Bio-chemistry and Bacteriology were in their Primitive Stages only. They were not at all developed as they are developed today. The fundamental revolution in Bio-Chemistry took place in yr. 1865 when F. Kekule discovered the first Benzene –Ring. (The Hexagonal Carbon Atom Skeleton) . Thus the present development & revolution in Bio- Chemistry took place only after the discovery of the first Benzene ring only. Naturally Ayurveda as a Science of Life fundamentally & vitally depends upon the Bio physical aspect of life rather than the Bio – chemical one And for Ayurvedic students” Bio Physics” is a new Concept .
  • 2. To start with let us define & understand the meaning of these two words viz. the Bio- Physics & Ayur-veda. Bios is a Greek word & Ayu is a Sanskrit word but amazingly the meaning of these two linguistically diverse & different words is one and the same only. And the meaning is “The life energy or the life force & the span of life.” On the other hand the meaning of the next two words namely Physics & Veda is absolutely different, no doubt that these two words are perfectly scientific in nature but their meaning differs drastically from each other. 1. Physics: Is a science of the Universe which deals with three basic elements of our Universe namely The Matter, The Energy or Force & The Space. 2. Veda: Means the Knowledge. & in Ayurveda this knowledge means the knowledge of the living human body during Health & Diseases including the maintenance of Health & treatment of Diseases. ”Charaka, the great ancient physician has classically elaborated the most scientific & perfect meaning of the word “Veda” in 4 criteria, in relation with the living human body. He says Veda means the knowledge of :- “Hetu, Ling, Aoushadha, Dnyanum, Swastha, Atura, Parayanum.” Cha. Su. 1/24. And the meaning & the scientific translation of these Sanskrit words is as follows: 1. Hetu: means the knowledge of causes or etiology of diseases including their pathogenesis & the knowledge of factors that govern the maintenance of good health. 2. Ling: means the knowledge of a. Signs & Symptoms of good health & b. Signs & Symptoms of diseases. 3. Swastha Parayan: means the knowledge of nutrition of the living human body to maintain good health.
  • 3. 4. Aoushadha Dnyanum for Atura (patient): means the knowledge of medicines to cure the diseases of patients & sick persons. And exactly this is the marvellous explanation and the moto of Ayurveda as a science of life. Now in order to achieve this knowledge of health & diseases, the basic structural & functional knowledge of the living human body is absolutely essential. Therefore---- let us study the basic principles of Ayurveda First Whole the science &practice of Ayurveda depends upon six Basic Bio-physical principles of the Living Human body & they are;--- (1)The Structural principle known as the” Panch Maha Bhoot Sidhhanta” which deals with the Gross & the Microscopic Structures of the human body ( Anatomy & Histology) (2)The Functional principle known as the “Dosh Dtatu Mala Sidhhanta” which deals with the metabolic functions of the Human body during health & Diseses.(Physiology & Pathology) (3) The Action principle known as the “Rasa Veerya Vipaka Sidhhanta”which deals with the action of the food & drugs on the Human body & also the action of the Human body on the food & drugs (Pharmacology of food and drugs ) (4) The Spiritual principle known as the “Atma & the Mana Sidhhanta”which deals with the Life Energy and the Psycho-Somatic functions of the living Human body. (5) TheTime & the Ageing principle known as the ”Dig & Kaal” Sidhhanta which deals with the physiological changes of Growth Development and Ageing process during life time.
  • 4. (6)The Bio Thermal principle known as “Agni Sidhhant” of the living Human body which deals with the caloric-heat producing metabolism of the living Human body, & this depends upon the enzymes co-enzymes and the hormones that are active during the life time .And according to Ayur veda there are more than 500 Agni in the living body & the Ref. is eto ~yaoadXa Agnayaa: a Anyaaina maaMsa poiXaYau pMcaaigna Xataina a vaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Xaa 3a60 ca.saU 30a28kaya [it Antragnao: tsya icaik%saa “kaya icaik%saa”a Speciality of Ayurveda And there are eight branches of this life science & they are— Medicine,Pediatrics,Gynecology,Eye+ENT,Surgery,Toxicolgy Geriatrics & The Anti Oxidant Therapy (Rasayan Chikitsa) The Structural Principle And here again the great Charaka has discovered an intelligent relationship in between the Universe & the living human body. He says:- “Purusho –Ayam Lok Sammitah” Cha. Sha. 5/3 1. Purusho: means the living human body. 2. Lok: means the Universe. 3. Sammitah: means the similarity or imaging. Meaning that structurally & functionally the living human body is a miniature image of this universe or in scientific terminology – the living human body is the Microcosom of this universe. Now let us study the universe first & then we will find out it’s similarity in the living human body. The Universe - The Matter Just look at the universe you will find that the universe is composed of Galaxies having innumerable stars & planets Commented [DJ1]:
  • 5. including The Sun, The our Earth & it’s moon also. All of them occupy some space in the universe & they have their own peculiar size & shape; & in scientific terminology these objects having size & shape are known as Matter. And thus on our Earth also, the highest mountain of the World, The Mount Everest, the holiest river Ganga & the smallest gas particle of Hydrogen all of them are matter & matter only. This means that at least on our earth the matter exists in three physical forms viz. solids, liquids & gases. 1. The Mount Everest is a solid state of matter. 2. The Holy river Ganga is a liquid state of matter. 3. The Hydrogen Gas atom is a gaseous state of matter. And in Ayurveda in Sanskrit language 1. the solid state of matter is known as – Prithivi 2. the liquid state of matter is known as- Aap 3. the gaseous state of matter is known as- Vayu. Now just look at the living human body, you will find that it is composed of Bones, Big muscles, Big organs like Lever, Spleen, Kidney & others & they are all solid state organs & tissues of the living human body. Thus in Ayurveda they are all known as SOLID = PRITHIVI tissues & organs of the living human body. In the same way, in the living human body, the circulating Blood, the secretion of Bile, Urine, Saliva, Tears, Endocrinal gland secretions & Gastro-intestinal secretions are all present in the liquid or fluid state of matter only. Thus in Ayurveda, all of them are Aap elements or substances. And finally, the Oxygen, the Carbon dioxide & the other colonic gases are all present in the gaseous state of matter only. In Ayur-Veda they are known as Vayu elements. Thus there
  • 6. is a Bio-physical similarity of the living human body in the form of Prithivi, Aap & Vayu -- with the solid, liquid & gaseous state of matter of the Universe. Universe – Energy - Force Today we have some knowledge of about 9 energies that are present in this universe and they are (1) Gravitation, (2) Motion (Kinetic Energy), (3) Magnetism, (4) Electricity, (5) Heat, (6) Light, (7) Sound (8) Atomic.& (9) Chemical In our universe, all the stars & planets including our Earth are constantly in motion & rotation. They maintain their plane, orbit, speed, direction & distance also from each other. They do not collide with each other & do not produce collision leading to their destruction. And the energy that maintains this motion, orbit, plane & distance etc. of the stars & planets is known as Gravitation. It is a force of attraction that is present in between the stars & planets which attract each other & maintain their motion & existence also. Our Earth also possesses it’s own gravitational energy, but it is the Sun’s gravitational energy that acts on our Earth & maintains the Earth’s orbit, circulatory motion & distance from the Sun. Today probably our Earth is the only planet which gave birth to the living organisms ranging from viruses, bacteria,Big- dinosaurs, animals & the last achievement as the living human beings. The evolution & maintenance of life activity depends upon three important factors & they are (1) The Atmosphere especially Oxygen, (2) The Water & (3) The Food & naturally our Earth has to supply us the
  • 7. gas oxygen, water & food. Our Earth is very rich in oxygen gas & salt water but for production of food & drinking water we have to take the help of Sun’s energy in the form of light energy (Photon- Electromagnetic energy) & heat energy. The photons help to produce chlorophyll in vegetables & plants which is our basic food. And the heat from the Sun produces water vapor, clouds, leading to thunderstorms (sound, light, electricity) and rains & finally the drinking water. Thus the energies produced by the Sun viz. Gravitation, Photons & Heat are vital for the existence of our Earth & the life process on the Earth. But in addition to this help from the Sun, the Earth has to protect the life activity also from the Sun. Some unwanted dangerous energies are released by the Sun during the so called Solar Winds or Auroras which bombard & damage the Earth’s atmosphere & water also. They are a huge no. of Protons & Electrons emitted by the Solar Winds. Here the Earth’s strong Polar Energy known as Magnetism plays a very vital role. It attracts the protons & electrons towards the Earth’s North Pole & South Pole & convert them into Polar Lights & thus saves the water & atmosphere & Earth’s life activity from the solar winds. And probably the Red Planet’s (Mars) weak magnetic energy was unable to protect its atmosphere & water from the solar winds. Apart from the stars & planets, the Universe is composed of an unlimited element known as Space. It is supposed to be a totally empty or vacuum area, but it is not true. 99.9% of the Space is full of a fourth state (other than Solid, Liquid & Gas) of matter known as Plasma.
  • 8. Ref.(For the love of Physics –Walter Lewin page 107) Plasma is an ionized state of gaseous matter, where the protons & the electrons of the atoms get separated from each other & move freely in the Universe. Here the free movement of the Plasma, especially Superhot Plasma, produces massive ripples (waves of sound energy). (The source of Sound Energy of the Universe.) Atomic Energy Just before the 2nd World War, the definition of the word Energy was “Energy neither can be created nor can be destroyed. The Universal energy is a Constant.” But the atomic bomb blast has revolutionized this definition. The matter particles of Uranium 235 atom were completely transformed into three form of energies & they are (1) The Thunderbolt Sound followed by (2) Fire (Heat) & (3) Radiation (Light). Thus today the definition is “Not energy but Mattergy” is a Constant of this Universe. The atomic blast has revolutionized Atomic Physics also. It says the matter atom inherits latent sound energy, latent heat energy & latent light energy also which are released by the atomic bomb blast. Chemical Energy (1)On our Earth the chemical energy of woods and oils gets converted into Heat and Co2.(2)The chemical energy of gun powder gets converted into Kinetic energy of the bullet and the (3)The chemical energy stored in a car battery gets converted into electricity and so on. Thus these are the nine energies of the Universe.
  • 9. Now let us see the similarities of these energies in the LIVING human body. 1) Gravitational Energy: The Sanskrit translation = “Gurutwa Shakti”. The human body also possesses gravitational energy & it is measured in terms of weight in kilograms by weighing the living human body with the help of a weighing machine. 2) Kinetic Energy or Motion: In Sanskrit it is Gati Gandhana Bala Shakti. The kinetic energy of the living heart muscle is measured by The Echo- Cardiography LVEF (Left Ventricular Ejection Force), the Pulse rate & the blood pressure. Motion is the locomotion of the human body. And the other motions are Respiratory movements, Intestinal movements, Blinking of the Eyelids & the other voluntary movements of the hands & feet. 3) Magnetism: In Sanskrit it is Chumbak or Schleesh- Bandhana Shakti. The living human body is ferro- magnetic especially the blood & we can study whole the body including the details of the smallest tissues of the living human body with the help of MRI machine (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). 4) Electricity: In Sanskrit it is Vidyut Shakti. In living human body the Heart, the Brain & the Spinal Cord produce micro-electric currents & during health & illness they are measured by 1) Electro Cardiogram, 2) Electro Encephalogram & 3) Electro Myelogram. And all the functions of the nervous system totally depend upon the electrochemical impulses that are generated in the nerves.
  • 10. 5) Heat – Caloric Energy: In Sanskrit it is Agni Shakti . FOR Every second of life activity in the living human body, caloric heat energy is required to maintain the body temperature at 37 degree Celsius & for each & every movement of the living human body. The human body produces a huge amount of caloric heat energy by converting the Carbon & other food chemicals into heat with the help of substances known as Enzymes that are present in the living human body. The normal daily requirement is about 2400 calories & the calories are measured during life time with the help of BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). 6) Light- Photons: in Sanskrit it is Tej Prakash Shakti. Our Sun is the biggest source of natural light & heat energy for our Earth in this Universe. The smallest unit of a light particle is known as Photon (it is an electromagnetic radiation). The Sunlight is composed of two fractions 1) The Visible Light & 2) Nonvisible Light. The nonvisible light rays are known as Infrared rays & Ultraviolet rays. The vegetables & the plants on this earth absorb & utilize the visible light (photons) to produce the green substance of the leaves known as Chlorophyll. Thus our food especially vegetarian is very rich in photon energy. The living human body absorbs these photons & convert them into caloric heat energy. And when this energy reaches the body tissues, the body tissues convert them back into infrared radiation. And this radiation is emitted out via the skin. Thus the luster & the brightness of the living human body
  • 11. skin depends upon this emission of infrared rays. And this can be seen & studied with the help of infrared photography.( Prabha&Kanti in Ayurveda) 7) Sound: In Sanskrit it is Shabda, Omkara, Naada Shakti. We have already seen that the free movements of superhot plasma in the space produces massive ripples of sound waves (energy). In addition to this ; the thunderstorm of clouds in the earth’s atmosphere also produces a huge sound energy. In the living human body the sound energy is produced by the beating heart (Heart sounds), respiratory sounds, intestinal peristaltic sounds & some sounds from joint movements also. 8) Atomic Energy: In Sanskrit it is Anu Shakti, Paramanu Samyog Shakti (Ayurved). The true atomic energy is neither the destructive atomic bomb blast energy nor the heat energy produced in atomic power plants to generate electricity, but it is an energy that is present at the subatomic level for the construction or the synthesis of the nucleus of an atom. The subatomic particles are known as Quarks and the union of these quarks together to produce the protons & neutrons, of an Atom a strange force or energy that binds these Quarks together is known as Gluon. And in the living human body it is known as Samyog Shakti which binds the living human body paramanu particles together to produce tissues & build up the human body. And this is again a discovery of Charaka only. He says:-
  • 12. “Paramanunam samyoga kurvan shariram arabhate” cha sha 7/17( paramanu=DNA ?) meaning that it is the Samyog Shakti that acts on the living paramanu particles, bound them together & start the building of the human body. Thus Gluon, the Samyog Shakti = true atomic binding energy – The Atomic Energy. (9) Chemical Energy -- In Sanskrit, In Ayurveda it is “Oja Shakti” (1)The chemical energy stored in the muscles gets converted into mechanical energy while Riding a Bicycle. (2)) The chemical energy of food is converted into yet another form of chemical energy known as ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate) with the help of enzymes and hormones and finally this chemical energy is converted into heat to maintain body temperature and it`s further conversion into kinetic energy for body locomotion and other movements of the human body . Thus these are the nine energies that are present in the universe and in the human body also. Thus just like the similarity of Matter in the universe & the LIVING human body, there is also a vast similarity in between the energies of the universe & the energies that are present in the living human body. Space Space: In Sanskrit it is Akash. The Space is the last element of this vast universe. 99.9% of the space is filled with plasma & the rest is vacuum. In the living human body, the hollow organs, the Alveoli of the
  • 13. Lungs, the tubular hollow space in the Gastro intestinal tract, ducts like Ureter & the Para nasal sinuses are all empty spaces filled with air molecules. The smallest space in the human body is known as ICS (Inter Cellular Space). It is an Ultra microscopic space that is present in between the two adjacent cells, & this has a similarity with the ultra ultra microscopic space that is present in between the protons of the nucleus of an atom and the rotating electrons. Thus there is also a similarity in between the Space of the Universe & the Space that is present in the living human body. And finally the truth of the words Bios & the Ayu Bios & Ayu According to modern science, the basic molecule that is absolutely essential to start the life activity is known as DNA molecule (DNA = De-oxy-rhibo- nucleic-acid). Dr. Hargobinddas Khurana, an Indian borne American scientist was awarded the Noble Prize in 1968 for successfully synthesizing the DNA molecule artificially in a test tube. Biologists allover the world were highly enthusiastic & thought that to conquer victory over the life energy is now within the reach of the living human beings. They were very anxious to see the further progress of life activity in that artificial DNA molecule. But even after watching the progress for months together, “creation of life energy(growth & multiplication) in that artificial D N A molecule was a great failure”.
  • 14. Thus Dr. Hargobinddas Khurana in his book on genetics says: “Mysterious is the molecular dice that converts the lifeless molecules to life”. Thus Bios or Ayu is mystery even today.And Nobody knows the exact nature of the life energy & exact span of life also. In Ayurveda, the union of the life energy with the lifeless molecules known as Paramanu is described as: “Achetana api Chaitanya yogen paramatmana Akaro vishwam akhilam Anityam Natakakruti” Sharangdhar Ch. 5 Achetana = lifeless molecule = Paramanu Chaitanya = the life energy, Atma in Ayurved Yogen = the union of Paramanu & Atma. Vishwam = Living Human Beings &other creatures Anityam = not permenant at all. Natakakruti= just like a drama (A time bound picture). meaning that the union of life energy with lifeless molecule, Paramanu takes place at the Parmanu (DNA) level only, but this union is not at all a permanent one. This is a time bound union only just like a drama & this is the truth of the words, Bios – Ayu- The Life energy. Structurally, the DNA molecule is a double Helical molecule & amazingly it has a same Helical (Serpent like) similarity with the Kundalini Shakti mentioned in Yoga.
  • 15. Summery Similarity Physics 1) Universe – Matter = Solid, Liquid, Gaseous state. Living human body = Prithivi, Aap, Vayu 2) Universe – Nine energies, imp. Gravitation Living Human body – Nine energies +Atma=Ten imp. Tej Agni ( T E J also means Ten Energies Join together = The Living Human Body) 3) Universe – Space – Plasma Living human body – Space – Akash 4) Living human body = Five basic physical elements – Prithivi, Aap, Vayu, Tej, Akash = Pancha Maha Bhoot Siddhanta of Ayur-veda & then the The Mysterious Bios – Ayu In Sanskrit, they are known as Atma, Shariree, Divine Light, JeevanJyoti, Pran Jyoti, Chaitanya etc. Thus the living human body = Pancha (Five) Maha Bhoot + Atma, the Bios the Sixth one. = Hexa (Six) basic Bio-Physical structural and functional body. In Sanskrit, Shad – Dhatu – Purush. Thus the living human body is a true Microcosm of this universe. And this the first basic principle of Ayurveda as a science of life. Bio – Physics = Ayur - Veda