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A Business Plan Tool Kit
John Gregg, Principal
Navigate Consulting
ļ€¦ What is a Business Plan
ļ€¦ Writing a Business Plan
Ā¶ Definition of a business plan
Ā¶ The role of a business plan in new business development process
Ā¶ The significance of a business idea
Ā¶ Developing a business idea
Ā¶ Elements of a promising business idea
Ā¶ Prioritizing a business idea
Ā¶ Protecting your business idea
ļ€¦ What is a Business Plan
Ā¶ Definition of a business plan
A business plan must have a detailed plan for the following eight factors ;
1) Product/ Service
2) Market and Competition
3) Marketing
4) Business System
5) Organization and HR
6) Opportunities and Risks
7) Implementation Schedule
8) Financial Planning
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
Developing a business idea (idea which can make money) into a detailed plan that can be
Ā¶ Role of a business plan in new business development process
New business
Internal support
Online Idea DB
Intangible Workshop
Megatrend Analysis
Business Plan Competition
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Idea Generation
Business plan write-up
Implementation and
Idea Generation
Management Team
Business Plan
Development Team
Investment Committee
Venture Team (TFT)
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
A business plan can be defined as the intermediary stage before a business idea can actually be
implemented as a new business
Ā¶ Significance of a business idea
There are many different ways to generate a business idea. The following are recommendations to come
up with well-organized business ideas-best if implemented at the same time
ā€“ Intangible Workshop : Hold workshops to generate ideas to facilitate company intangibles, as the
significance of intangibles continue to grow under the new economy
ā€“ Benchmarking/Megatrend Analysis : Study megatrends of other industries to generate ideas or
conduct benchmarking analysis
ā€“ Online Idea DB : Make an idea DB online to enable review/posting of ideas as a way to help develop
business ideas
ā€“ Business Plan Competition: Hold business plan competitions to generate business ideas
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
ā€˜No business idea, no business planā€™ ā€˜No business plan, no businessā€™
A business idea is the start of a business establishment. You must have many creative ideas which
can be transformed into a business in order to create value
Ā¶ Developing a business idea
Ā¶ Elements of a promising business idea
ā€“ The key to success in the marketplace is satisfied customers, not
great products.
(ex) ā€œOur new device can perform 200 operations per minute.ā€ (X)
ā€œOur new device has 25% fewer parts.ā€ (X)
ā€œOur new device will save the customer a quarter of the time.ā€
ā€“ Make value propositions to the customer
ā€“ Present customers with unique values.
Clear customer
Market of
adequate size
Feasibility and
degree of
1 2
4 3
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
ā—‡ Clear Customer Value
ā€¢ Who will buy your product/service ?
ā€¢ Why should the customer buy the product ? (What
needs does your product fulfill that the competitor
products cannot ?)
ā€¢ What is most unique about your business idea ?
Key Questions
ā€¢ Does the market you plan to target with your
products/services have adequate size (no precise
analysis needed, statistics or estimates can be used)
ā€¢ Know who your competitors are.
Clear customer
Market of
adequate size
degree of
1 2
4 3
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
ā—‡ Market of adequate size
Feasibility and
ā€¢ What is the market size ?
ā€¢ Is the market growing ?
ā€¢ What is your target market and market share ?
ā€¢ Who are your competitors ?
ā€¢ What are your strengths/weaknesses compare to your
competitors ?
Key Questions
ā€¢ A business idea should have the following four elements
according to product/service type and business system
ā€¢ Must specify where innovation is taking place
New product
Business System
Convention Innovation
Clear customer
Market of
adequate size
degree of
1 2
4 3
Feasibility and
ā—‡ Sufficient degree of innovation
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
ā€¢ How is your product/service innovative ?
ā€¢ How is your business system innovative ?
Key Questions
ā€¢ Consider feasibility (legal constraints, time/resource limits, etc)
ā€¢ Calculate overall profitability (simple cash flow, etc)
Clear customer
Market of
adequate size
degree of
1 2
Feasibility and
ā—‡ Feasibility and Profitability
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
ā€¢ What are the constraints in implementing your business
idea ?
ā€¢ Why are other people not implementing this kind of
business idea ?
ā€¢ What is the gross margin rate of your planned business ?
ā€¢ How much investment is necessary ? How much is the
variable cost ? Does the profit increase ?
ā€¢ What is the overall cash flow ?
Key Questions
Ā¶ Prioritization of a business idea - In search of a killer idea
ā€¢ A process to prioritize generated ideas
ā€¢ Positioning of ideas on the below chart based on the potential market and its feasibility
ā€¢ Killer Idea: An idea capable of creating a new market (ex. The pc, mobile phones, iphone, tabelets )
Seek solutions for
obstacles in
Immediately launch
business plan write-up
Seek ways to expand
market size
Low High
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
Ā¶ Protecting a business idea
Ways of protecting a business idea
ā€¢ Patenting : Patenting a business idea to ensure legal protection
ā€¢ Confidentiality agreement : Maintaining a confidentiality agreement with
related parties working on the business idea
ā€¢ Quick implementation : Implementing your business plan as soon as possible
ļ€¦ What is a business plan
Innovative ideas are the result of hard work and creative thinking. It is important to protect the idea
sufficiently so that the idea is not exposed to other industries
The best protection is to implement your business idea as quickly as possible
so as to build an entry barrier
Ā¶ The need to write a business plan
Ā¶ Elements of a good business plan
Ā¶ Business plan structure
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Summary
Ā¶ Product/ Service
Ā¶ Market and Competition
Ā¶ Marketing
Ā¶ Business System
Ā¶ Organization and HR
Ā¶ Opportunities and Risks
Ā¶ Implementation Schedule
Ā¶ Financial Planning
Ā¶ The need to write a business plan
ā€œWriting a business plan forces you into disciplined thinking, if you do an intellectually honest job.
An idea may sound great, but when you put down all the details and numbers it may fall apart.ā€
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
The business plan was first used in the USA by start-up and venture companies as means of acquiring funds
from private investors and venture capitalists. Even major corporations rely on business plans to help them
make internal investment decisions.
ā€¢ Can systematically examine feasibility of the new business from various angles
ā€¢ Can provide solutions to problems and heighten efficiency of the new business with clear analysis of the
ā€¢ Provides an invaluable tool for management and evaluation of the project
Benefits of writing a business plan
Ā¶ Elements of a good business plan
ā—‡ Clarity: Must clearly lay out the key points (strengths) of the business plan
ā—‡ Objectivity: Must be based on objective data
ā—‡ Simplicity: Should be comprehensible by technical layman
ā—‡ Consistency: Must have uniform visual layout and consistency in editing of the final version
ā—‡ Well-defined, quantifiable customer value : Lowering the cost of delivering an existing
value or creating a new value if this can be achieved at reasonable cost
ā—‡ Innovative product/service : The product/service and/or business system must possess a
high degree of innovation
ā—‡ The possibility to protect/sustain the innovation
ā—‡ A growing and/or large market : The target market should grow at a fast pace or should be
a large market
ā—‡ A far-sighted analysis of the competition : Provide a complete and objective description of
existing and potential future competitors
ā—‡ A careful weighing of the risks and opportunities : Provide a realistic description of the
risks involved in the business and plans to overcome them. Explain ways to make use of
potential opportunities
Main Contents
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Check to see if your readers can read and comprehend the summary in five to ten minutes even if the
person has no previous knowledge of your business concept or its technical or scientific basis
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Summary
The summary should be able to deliver the most important aspects of the business plan to the decision-makers
Focus on these four elements when writing your summary
ā€• Clarity of the business idea
ā€• Value the product/ service provides to the customer
ā€• Market size and growth
ā€• Return on investment
Describe your business idea as clearly, compellingly, and
concisely as you can
Ā¶ Product/ service
Development status of the product/service
ā€¢ Explain the stage of development your product/service has reached
ā€¢ Identify technical/legal/consumer behavioral/partnership (need to partner with other industries)/social and
cultural constraints in delivering product or service to customers and provide solution measures
ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the customer value is, the whole thing is a waste of time.ā€
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Clearly indicate how your product/service differs from those that are now or will be on the market
Customer Value
ā€¢ The business plan doesnā€™t make any sense if the product or service fails to provide better value to the customer
compared to current market offerings
ā€¢ Analyze the value the customer gains from your product/service
ā€¢ Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the new product/service from the customerā€™s perspective
Check List (Product/service)
ļƒ¼ Have you explained plans to retrieve the value delivered to the customer ?
(how will you get your money back)
ā–” Development status of the product/service
ļƒ¼ Have you accurately explained the current stage of development of your product/service ?
ļƒ¼ Have you indicated what resources (time, personnel, funds) you require for each subsequent development ?
ā–” Customer Value
ļƒ¼ Is there a clear definition of what customer value your product/service provides ?
ļƒ¼ Have you defined who you customers are and who are not ?
ļƒ¼ Have you identified why the customer buys your product/service ? (Have you explained what added
value the customer receives compared to other products/services)
ļƒ¼ Have you weighed the strengths/weaknesses of your product/service over comparable
products/services from the customerā€™s perspective ?
ļƒ¼ Have you conducted pilot tests or surveys to see if the product/service fulfills customer needs ?
( or tried other means to find out)
ļƒ¼ Have you explained the technical barriers and solution measures ?
ļƒ¼ Have you explained the institutional/legal constraints and ways to overcome them ?
ļƒ¼ Have you explained the customary/consumer behavioral constraints and solutions ?
ļƒ¼ Have you explained the cultural/social constraints and ways to overcome them ?
Yes No
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Market and Competition
Market size and growth
ā€¢ A rapid increase in the value of the company can be expected only if the market holds a great potential
ā€¢ The market size should be presented in figures i.e. number of customers, of unit sales, total sales
ā€¢ Your expectations for market growth are critical ; show what factors will affect developments (,
legislative initiatives)
ā€¢ Forecasting market size and growth
Define factors
influencing market
size and growth
Set hypothesis on
Collect facts needed
to verify hypothesis
(past trends, expert
Estimate market
size and growth
based on the
ā€œIf there is no competition, there is probably no market.ā€
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Market Segmentation
- Segment the market and explain your target market
- There are many ways to segment the market but the following three elements need to be present
1) Determine the number of customer in each market segment and their buying power (Measurability)
2) Identify customer behavioral pattern in each segment (Homogenous-within)
3) Use the same marketing strategy for customers within each segment
criteria for
goods markets
criteria for
industrial goods
ā€¢ Location : country, urban/rural (population density), climate
ā€¢ Demographics : age, sex, income, profession, religion, education level
ā€¢ Behavior : Frequency of product purchase, product usage, brand loyalty, price
sensitivity, purchasing variables
ā€¢ Psychological factors : Lifestyle (behavior, interest, opinion)
ā€¢Demographics : company size, industry, location
ā€¢Operations : technology employed (e.g., digital, analog)
ā€¢ Buying habits : centralized or decentralized purchasing, purchasing criteria
ā€¢Situational factor : urgency of need, order size
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ā€“Compare key customer value, target customers, sales revenue, market share, cost positioning, product lines, and
distribution channels of your company with those of your competitors
ā€“Compare strengths/weaknesses of your product with that of the competitors
ā€“Consider ways to maintain your competitive edge
ā€“Compare your intangible assets with those of the competitors
ā€“Analyze your positioning strategy in the market with that of the competitors
ā€“Maps for designing positioning strategy (samples)
Low High
Product line
Low High
Low High
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ļƒ¼ Have you explained factors crucial for success in your target market ?
ā–” Competition
ļƒ¼ Have you identified your competitors with comparable products/services ?
ļƒ¼ Have you given an analysis of your potential competitors ?
ā–” Market size and growth
ļƒ¼ Have you explained the general trend of your target market ?
ļƒ¼ Is there a rationale for present market size ?
ļƒ¼ Is there a rationale for future market growth rate ?
ā–” Market segmentation
ļƒ¼ Have you defined the criteria for market segmentation and its rationale ?
ļƒ¼ Have you compared the strengths and weaknesses of your major competitors with your own ?
ļƒ¼ Have you compared your strategies with those of your competitors ?
ļƒ¼ What is your competitive edge and have you explained if your competitive edge will be sustainable ?
ļƒ¼ Have you given a rationale for characteristics of each market segment (profitability, size, growth rate, future prospects)?
ļƒ¼ Is there a clear definition of the target customer and customer examples ?
ļƒ¼ Have you determined the target market share for each market segment ?
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Check List (Market and competition) Yes No
Ā¶ Marketing
ā€“Determine the attainable price for your product/service and evaluate on willingness of customers to pay the asked
price (new businesses often encounter problems because of the conventional wisdom that price is derived from
ā€“Quantify the customer value of your product/service and define the price bracket. Verify and refine your
assumptions through discussions with potential customers
ā€“The pricing strategy depends on your goal ; the choice can be either penetrating the market quickly by going with
low price (Penetration Strategy) or generating the highest possible return from the outset (Skimming Strategy)
Skimming strategy
Penetration strategy
ā€¢ A new product/service is positioned as better than previous options, so a higher price can be
justified. You can also create a superior image of the product/service
ā€¢ Higher prices generally lead to higher profit margins, and allow the new company to finance its
own growth
ā€¢Can set a new standard in the early stage (e.g. Facebook, google)
ā€¢Can lower fixed costs per unit if the fixed cost is high in the initial stage of the business
ā€¢ Can prevent market entry by competitors
ā€œMarketing is far too important to be left to the marketing department.ā€
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Marketing is a key element in a successful business launching. This requires a clear strategy for the so-called 4Ps
(Product, Price, Place, Promotion) (For product, refer to the product/service section)
ā€“How to deliver your product/service to the customer is a key marketing issue
ā€“The main factors to consider are ; the number of potential customers, range of product/service, where do they prefer to
shop, does the product require explanation, what is the price bracket, what is the frequency of purchase.
ā€“Another significant decision is whether your company will handle the distribution itself, or whether a specialized
operation will handle it for you. Technological developments have greatly expanded the spectrum of distribution channels
and the choices are as follows ;
1) Third-party Retailers : Products sold to the end customer via retailers
2) Outside Agents : Specialized companies acting as agents for the distribution of products (donā€™t acquire ownership
rights) and charging commission for sales
3) Franchising : Franchisees paying license or franchise fees and selling the product/service (e.g. McDonalds,
4) Wholesalers : A middle man specializing in re-sales to retailers
5) Stores : Selling products directly to customers
6) Own sales staff : Company marketing employees in charge of direct sales
7) Direct Mail : Selling products by mail to customers
8) Call Center : Inviting consumers to order products by telephone through advertising
9) Internet : Using Internet as a marketing channel
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ā€“Advertising your products/services in order to attract customerā€™s attention, informing, persuading and inspiring
ā€“Promotion can be defined as ā€˜marketing communicationā€™. Communication must explain the value of your
product/service to your customers, and convince customers that your product meets their needs better than
competing or alternative solutions
ā€“Ways to attract the customerā€™s attention
1) Classic Advertising : newspapers, magazines, TV, radio
2) Digital marketing, e-mail, google adwords, social media etc
3) PR (Public Relations) : articles in print media about your product, business or the management
4) Exhibitions
5) Customer Visits
ā€“ Focus on the people who make the purchasing decision or have the greatest influence on the purchasing decision
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ļƒ¼ Is the price of your product reasonable compared to market offerings from the customerā€™s point of view ?
ā–” Promotion
ļƒ¼ Have you analyzed who, within each customer group, ultimately makes the purchasing decision ?
ļƒ¼ Have you identified ways to draw attention of your target groups to your product/service ?
ā–” Price
ļƒ¼ Have you specified what your price strategy is and reasons for adopting the strategy ?
ļƒ¼ Does the price asked cover costs and ensure a fair return ?
ā–” Place
ļƒ¼ Have you explained the reasons for your choice of distribution channel ?
ļƒ¼ Have you determined how much resources will be used to attract and maintain customers ?
ļƒ¼ Have you described steps required for launching your product/service in the market ?
ļƒ¼ Have you specified the target sales volume for each distribution channel ?
ļƒ¼ Have you explained the typical process of selling your product/service ?
ļƒ¼ Have alternative distribution channels been compared and studied ?
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Check List (Marketing)
Yes No
R&D Production Marketing Sales Service
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Business System
A business system maps out the activities necessary to prepare and deliver a final product/service to the customer
Three elements, namely the value chain, make-or-buy decisions and the need for partnership, must be considered
within the business system
Value Chain
ā€“Describes the entire process of product/service delivery to end-users (use charts to enhance understanding)
ā€“Define the key value creating activities within the process (e.g.) In the case where R&D is the key activity
Need for partnership
ā€“Determine whether it is necessary to forge a partnership for a part or whole of the business system
ā€“Points to consider when making a partnership
ļƒ¼ Win-Win situation: Determine whether both sides can gain a fair advantage from the relationship
ļƒ¼ Need to disperse risks: Determine whether there is a need to avoid risks within certain parts of the business system (e.g. massive
initial investment)
ā€“Types of partnership
ļƒ¼ Non-binding partnership: Both parties can end the partnership quickly and easily
ļƒ¼ Close partnership: Can end the partnership only under agreement from both parties when there is a high degree of interdependence
ā€“Select field for partnership: Explain why there is a need for partnership in the select field
ā€“Select partner company: Compare strengths/weaknesses of the partner
Make or Buy
ā€¢ Define core skills for each process in the value chain
ā€¢ Decide whether it is best to carry out the individual activities by yourself or whether outsourcing is a better
option based on these criteria ; strategic significance, suitability, and availability
ā€¢ If outsourcing is your choice, compare potential vendors or suppliers
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ļƒ¼ Has the key value creation factor in the value chain been indicated ?
ā–” Partnership
ļƒ¼ Has the need for partnership been clearly explained ?
ļƒ¼ Have you compared potential partners ?
ā–” Value Chain
ļƒ¼ Is the value chain fully explained ?
ļƒ¼ Is the cost in each value chain objectively explained ?
ā–” Make or Buy
ļƒ¼ Specify which activities you want to handle yourself and which should be carried out by third parties ?
ļƒ¼ Have you compared possible ways to forge partnership ?
ļƒ¼ Have you examined whether the partnership gives equal benefits to both sides ?
ļƒ¼ Have you examined feasibility of your business from the viewpoint of strategic significance, suitability
and availability ?
ļƒ¼ Have you compared potential suppliers for outsourcing ?
Check List (Business System)
Yes No
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ā€“Explain organizational structure necessary for each stage of the business (show organizational chart)
ā€“Maintain TFT format during the incubating stage of the business. Separate into an independent
business unit once the operation is in full swing
ā€“Describe missions and functions of each organizational unit
ā€“Describe skills and qualifications required of the team leaders and members
ā€“Set up KPI for performance evaluation of team leaders and members
ā€“Suggest ways to reward outstanding team leaders and members
ā€“Show required number of personnel according to each organizational unit/rank
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Organization and HR
ļƒ¼ Is there enough background for the organizational structure ?
ļƒ¼ Have you selected KPI for performance evaluation of team leaders/members ?
ļƒ¼ Does the KPI match the missions and functions ?
ļƒ¼ Have you presented an organizational chart according to each business stage ?
ļƒ¼ Have you detailed functions and missions for each organizational unit ?
ā–” HR
ļƒ¼ Have you described the skills and qualifications required of each business unit leader ?
ļƒ¼ Have you suggested ways to reward outstanding team leaders/members ?
ļƒ¼ Is the organization structure suitable for speedy decision making ?
ļƒ¼ Have you described the skills and qualifications required of each unit team member ?
ļƒ¼ Will you utilize your own or outside people as team leaders/members, why ?
ļƒ¼ Have the number of ranks been minimized as much as possible ?
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Check List (Organization and HR)
Yes No
ā–” Organization
Analyze the opportunities and risks involved in the new business and promote risk management and opportunity use
Risk analysis
ā€“Analyze the fundamental risks related to the market, competition and technological development for the new business
ā€“Quantitatively measure the impact on the risks
ā€“Seek ways hedge or manage the risks
Opportunities analysis
ā€“Analyze additional opportunities related to the market, competition and technological development for the new business
ā€“Quantitatively measure the value of the options
ā€“Seek ways to enhance the value of the options
ā€œOne of the greatest myths about entrepreneurs is that they are all risk seekers.
All sane people want to avoid risk.ā€
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Opportunities and Risks
ļƒ¼ Are the risks related to the market, competition and technological change quantitatively evaluated ?
ā–” Risk analysis
ļƒ¼ Are the risks in market, competition, and technological change accurately defined ?
ļƒ¼ Have you suggested ways to hedge the risks ?
ā–” Opportunity analysis
ļƒ¼ Are the opportunities in market, competition and technological development accurately defined ?
ļƒ¼ Are the options related to the market, competition and technological development quantitatively evaluated ?
ļƒ¼ Have you pointed out ways to heighten the value of the options ?
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Check List (Opportunities and risks)
Yes No
Drawing up your implementation schedule
1) Gantt implementation schedule : Check major tasks on the Gantt chart
2) Major milestones : Indicate events that should be defined as milestones
3) Important connections and interdependencies between the work assignment groupings
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Implementation Schedule
A realistic five-year plan enables you to consider inter-related issues in promoting your project and above all, help you
to avoid possible risks from attempting to reach your targets with an overly optimistic planning
Sample Gantt Chart
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ļƒ¼ Are all major tasks included in the schedule ?
ā–” Gantt chart implementation schedule
ļƒ¼ Is the implementation schedule in the form of a Gantt chart ?
ļƒ¼ Is the schedule consistent with other sections (organization, personnel, financial planning) of the business plan ?
ā–” Milestone
ļƒ¼ Have all the major milestones been indicated ?
ļƒ¼ Are the milestones consistent with the Gantt implementation schedule ?
ļƒ¼ Is the schedule overly optimistic ?
ā–” Interrelation and interdependency
ļƒ¼ Is the order of tasks logically laid out ?
ļƒ¼ Is there a reasonable explanation for the interdependencies between tasks ?
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Check List (Implementation schedule)
Yes No
Minimum required for financial planning
1) Cash flow statement, income statement, balance sheet
2) Forecasts over five years, at least one year beyond the generation of positive cash flow
3) Detailed financial planning for the first two years (monthly or quarterly), thereafter annually
4) All figures must be based on reasonable assumptions (the basis for all assumptions must be provided in the
business plan)
5) Analysis of the economical efficiency (NPV, IRR, Payback period) and sensitivity analysis of major variable
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Ā¶ Financial Planning
Financial planning is a consolidation of all elements in the business plan and assists you in evaluating the
profitability of your business
Financial planning is used as a basic data for forecasting the amount of financing needed to set up a business
ā€œPlanning substitutes chaos for mistakes.ā€
Income statement
ā€¢ The income statement shows whether the business can generate profits. Businesses unable to yield long-term
profits cannot continue to exist
ā€¢ The provisions of the income statement are as below and sub-categorized according to the characteristics of the
business (Businesses operating on internal funds without any external sources does not take the interest cost into
consideration : unleveraged basis)
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
A. Revenue
B. Cost
ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of price x volume
ā€¢ Categorize into variable/fixed costs and give rationale
NotesYear 1 ~ 5
C. Gross Profit (A-B)
F. Depreciation
H. Tax
ā€¢ Show gross profit rate (gross profit/revenue)
ā€¢ Categorize into variable/fixed costs and SG&A/overhead and give rationale
ā€¢ Should be consistent with investment plans in the cash flow
statement, give rationale for manner and period of amortization
ā€¢ Indicate tax rate
Cash Flow Statement
ā€“The cash flow statement shows the amount of invested capital and the cash that will be generated from business
ā€“The provisions of the cash flow statement are as below ;
A. Operating cash flow
A.1. After-tax sales profit
A.2. Depreciation
A.3. Decrease/(increase) in account receivables
A.4. Increase in account payables/(decrease)
A.5. Decrease/(increase) in inventory
A.6. Decrease/(increase) in other working capital
B. Invested cash flow
ā€¢ Same as NOPLAT in income statement
ā€¢ Same as depreciation in income statement
ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of daily revenue x A/P
ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of daily revenue x A/P
ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of daily revenue x
inventory days
ā€¢ Give rationale in SG&A ratio
ā€¢ Detailed annual investment (Categorize into
assets/depreciation difference) should be put in
a separate provision
C. Net cash flow (A - B)
D. Accumulative cash flow
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
NotesYear 1 ~ 5
Balance Sheet
ā€“The balance sheet shows changes in corporate assets on an annual basis
ā€“The provisions of the balance sheet are as below ; (The balance sheet can be automatically calculated from the income
statement and cash flow statement figures)
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
A. Current assets
A.1. Account receivables
A.2. Inventories
A.3. Other working capital
ā€¢ Accumulative increase/decrease in account payables on the cash flow statement
ā€¢ Accumulative increase/decrease in inventories on the cash flow statement
ā€¢ Accumulative other working capital on the cash flow statement
C. Total assets (A+B)
D. Current liabilities
D.1. Account payables
E. Equity
E.1. Investment capital
E.2. Accumulative after-tax operating profit
ā€¢ Accumulative invested cash flow on the cash flow statement
ā€¢ Accumulative depreciation on the income statement
ā€¢ Accumulative increase/decrease in account receivables on the cash flow statement
ā€¢ Accumulative cash flow on the cash flow statement
ā€¢ Accumulative EBITDA on the income statement
NotesYear 1 ~ 5
F. Liabilities and equity (D + E)
B. Non-current assets
B.1. Investments
B.2. Accumulated depreciation
Results of economics analysis
ā€“Indicate economic profitability of the company by Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and
Payback period
ā€“ A typical economics analysis is as below ;
A. Net cash flow (from cash flow statement)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Perpetuity Total
B. Accumulated net cash flow (from cash flow statement)
C. Payback period : Point when accumulative net cash flow becomes a plus
D. Perpetuity : EBITDA x Multiple (multiple reflecting business characteristics)
E. Discount rate(i) : Cost of capital + Ī± (additional business risks)
F. Present value index :
G. NPV : (Ī£A x F + D x F)
H. IRR : Discount rate when A + D = Zero
1/(1+i) 1/(1+i)Ā² 1/(1+i)4
1/(1+i)Ā³ 1/(1+i)5 1/(1+i)
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
ā€» Perpetuity : Continued value/remaining value when the business continues its operation after the
forecasting period
Sensitivity analysis
ā€“Sensitivity analysis looks at how changes in the key drivers of the business affects the economics and
profitability, thereby evaluating the level of risk involved and identifying the risk factors
ā€“Key drivers mainly used for sensitivity analysis are investment cost, price, sales volume, etc.
ā€“Define potentials and solutions for each key driver
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Key Driver
Investment cost
Sales volume
Cost of
Mark changes in
PV and IRR
-10% Base +10% +20%
Mark changes in
ļƒ¼ In there an accurate basis for the assumptions ?
ā–” Balance sheet
ļƒ¼ Is the balance sheet easy to understand ?
ļƒ¼ Is the balance sheet consistent with the income statement/cash flow ?
ā–” Assumptions
ļƒ¼ Can a third person draw up the income & cash flow statements & balance sheet based on given assumptions ?
ļƒ¼ Is there an explanation on whether the price covers the cost and guarantees a reasonable profit ?
ā–” Income statement
ļƒ¼ Is the income statement easy to understand ?
ā–” Economics analysis and sensitivity analysis
ļƒ¼ Is the economics analysis easy to understand ?
ļƒ¼ Is the income statement categorized sufficiently ?
ā–” Cash flow statement
ļƒ¼ Is the cash flow statement easy to understand ?
ļƒ¼ Is the perpetuity adequately evaluated ?
ļƒ¼ Is the calculation accurate for NPV, IRR, and Payback Period ?
ļƒ¼ Is the sensitivity analysis on the key drivers reasonable ?
ļƒ¼ Is the cash flow statement categorized sufficiently ?
ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
Check List (Financial planning)
Yes No
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Infrastructure, Planning and Population
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  • 2. 1 Contents ļ€¦ What is a Business Plan ļ€¦ Writing a Business Plan
  • 3. 2 Ā¶ Definition of a business plan Ā¶ The role of a business plan in new business development process Ā¶ The significance of a business idea Ā¶ Developing a business idea Ā¶ Elements of a promising business idea Ā¶ Prioritizing a business idea Ā¶ Protecting your business idea ļ€¦ What is a Business Plan
  • 4. 3 Ā¶ Definition of a business plan A business plan must have a detailed plan for the following eight factors ; 1) Product/ Service 2) Market and Competition 3) Marketing 4) Business System 5) Organization and HR 6) Opportunities and Risks 7) Implementation Schedule 8) Financial Planning ļ€¦ What is a business plan Developing a business idea (idea which can make money) into a detailed plan that can be implemented
  • 5. 4 Ā¶ Role of a business plan in new business development process New business promotion stage Methodology Internal support organization Online Idea DB Intangible Workshop Benchmarking/ Megatrend Analysis Business Plan Competition Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Idea Generation Business plan write-up Implementation and growth Idea Generation Management Team Business Plan Development Team Investment Committee Venture Team (TFT) ļ€¦ What is a business plan A business plan can be defined as the intermediary stage before a business idea can actually be implemented as a new business
  • 6. 5 Ā¶ Significance of a business idea There are many different ways to generate a business idea. The following are recommendations to come up with well-organized business ideas-best if implemented at the same time ā€“ Intangible Workshop : Hold workshops to generate ideas to facilitate company intangibles, as the significance of intangibles continue to grow under the new economy ā€“ Benchmarking/Megatrend Analysis : Study megatrends of other industries to generate ideas or conduct benchmarking analysis ā€“ Online Idea DB : Make an idea DB online to enable review/posting of ideas as a way to help develop business ideas ā€“ Business Plan Competition: Hold business plan competitions to generate business ideas ļ€¦ What is a business plan ā€˜No business idea, no business planā€™ ā€˜No business plan, no businessā€™ A business idea is the start of a business establishment. You must have many creative ideas which can be transformed into a business in order to create value Ā¶ Developing a business idea
  • 7. 6 Ā¶ Elements of a promising business idea ā€“ The key to success in the marketplace is satisfied customers, not great products. (ex) ā€œOur new device can perform 200 operations per minute.ā€ (X) ā€œOur new device has 25% fewer parts.ā€ (X) ā€œOur new device will save the customer a quarter of the time.ā€ (O) ā€“ Make value propositions to the customer ā€“ Present customers with unique values. Clear customer value Market of adequate size Feasibility and profitability Sufficient degree of innovation 1 2 4 3 ļ€¦ What is a business plan ā—‡ Clear Customer Value ā€¢ Who will buy your product/service ? ā€¢ Why should the customer buy the product ? (What needs does your product fulfill that the competitor products cannot ?) ā€¢ What is most unique about your business idea ? Key Questions
  • 8. 7 ā€¢ Does the market you plan to target with your products/services have adequate size (no precise analysis needed, statistics or estimates can be used) ā€¢ Know who your competitors are. Clear customer value Market of adequate size Sufficient degree of innovation 1 2 4 3 ļ€¦ What is a business plan ā—‡ Market of adequate size Feasibility and profitability ā€¢ What is the market size ? ā€¢ Is the market growing ? ā€¢ What is your target market and market share ? ā€¢ Who are your competitors ? ā€¢ What are your strengths/weaknesses compare to your competitors ? Key Questions
  • 9. 8 ā€¢ A business idea should have the following four elements according to product/service type and business system ā€¢ Must specify where innovation is taking place New product (Microsoft) New industry (Netscape) Existing industry New business system (Dell) Business System ConventionInnovation Product/service Convention Innovation Clear customer value Market of adequate size Sufficient degree of innovation 1 2 4 3 Feasibility and profitability ā—‡ Sufficient degree of innovation ļ€¦ What is a business plan ā€¢ How is your product/service innovative ? ā€¢ How is your business system innovative ? Key Questions
  • 10. 9 ā€¢ Consider feasibility (legal constraints, time/resource limits, etc) ā€¢ Calculate overall profitability (simple cash flow, etc) Clear customer value Market of adequate size Sufficient degree of innovation 1 2 4 3 Feasibility and profitability ā—‡ Feasibility and Profitability ļ€¦ What is a business plan ā€¢ What are the constraints in implementing your business idea ? ā€¢ Why are other people not implementing this kind of business idea ? ā€¢ What is the gross margin rate of your planned business ? ā€¢ How much investment is necessary ? How much is the variable cost ? Does the profit increase ? ā€¢ What is the overall cash flow ? Key Questions
  • 11. 10 Ā¶ Prioritization of a business idea - In search of a killer idea ā€¢ A process to prioritize generated ideas ā€¢ Positioning of ideas on the below chart based on the potential market and its feasibility ā€¢ Killer Idea: An idea capable of creating a new market (ex. The pc, mobile phones, iphone, tabelets ) Seek solutions for obstacles in implementation Immediately launch business plan write-up Postpone Seek ways to expand market size Feasibility LowHigh Marketsize(allowgrowth) Low High ļ€¦ What is a business plan
  • 12. 11 Ā¶ Protecting a business idea Ways of protecting a business idea ā€¢ Patenting : Patenting a business idea to ensure legal protection ā€¢ Confidentiality agreement : Maintaining a confidentiality agreement with related parties working on the business idea ā€¢ Quick implementation : Implementing your business plan as soon as possible ļ€¦ What is a business plan Innovative ideas are the result of hard work and creative thinking. It is important to protect the idea sufficiently so that the idea is not exposed to other industries The best protection is to implement your business idea as quickly as possible so as to build an entry barrier
  • 13. 12 Ā¶ The need to write a business plan Ā¶ Elements of a good business plan Ā¶ Business plan structure ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Ā¶ Summary Ā¶ Product/ Service Ā¶ Market and Competition Ā¶ Marketing Ā¶ Business System Ā¶ Organization and HR Ā¶ Opportunities and Risks Ā¶ Implementation Schedule Ā¶ Financial Planning
  • 14. 13 Ā¶ The need to write a business plan ā€œWriting a business plan forces you into disciplined thinking, if you do an intellectually honest job. An idea may sound great, but when you put down all the details and numbers it may fall apart.ā€ ļ€¦ Writing a business plan The business plan was first used in the USA by start-up and venture companies as means of acquiring funds from private investors and venture capitalists. Even major corporations rely on business plans to help them make internal investment decisions. ā€¢ Can systematically examine feasibility of the new business from various angles ā€¢ Can provide solutions to problems and heighten efficiency of the new business with clear analysis of the situation ā€¢ Provides an invaluable tool for management and evaluation of the project Benefits of writing a business plan
  • 15. 14 Ā¶ Elements of a good business plan ā—‡ Clarity: Must clearly lay out the key points (strengths) of the business plan ā—‡ Objectivity: Must be based on objective data ā—‡ Simplicity: Should be comprehensible by technical layman ā—‡ Consistency: Must have uniform visual layout and consistency in editing of the final version ā—‡ Well-defined, quantifiable customer value : Lowering the cost of delivering an existing value or creating a new value if this can be achieved at reasonable cost ā—‡ Innovative product/service : The product/service and/or business system must possess a high degree of innovation ā—‡ The possibility to protect/sustain the innovation ā—‡ A growing and/or large market : The target market should grow at a fast pace or should be a large market ā—‡ A far-sighted analysis of the competition : Provide a complete and objective description of existing and potential future competitors ā—‡ A careful weighing of the risks and opportunities : Provide a realistic description of the risks involved in the business and plans to overcome them. Explain ways to make use of potential opportunities General principles Main Contents ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 16. 15 Check to see if your readers can read and comprehend the summary in five to ten minutes even if the person has no previous knowledge of your business concept or its technical or scientific basis ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Ā¶ Summary The summary should be able to deliver the most important aspects of the business plan to the decision-makers Focus on these four elements when writing your summary ā€• Clarity of the business idea ā€• Value the product/ service provides to the customer ā€• Market size and growth ā€• Return on investment Describe your business idea as clearly, compellingly, and concisely as you can
  • 17. 16 Ā¶ Product/ service Development status of the product/service ā€¢ Explain the stage of development your product/service has reached ā€¢ Identify technical/legal/consumer behavioral/partnership (need to partner with other industries)/social and cultural constraints in delivering product or service to customers and provide solution measures ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the customer value is, the whole thing is a waste of time.ā€ ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Clearly indicate how your product/service differs from those that are now or will be on the market Customer Value ā€¢ The business plan doesnā€™t make any sense if the product or service fails to provide better value to the customer compared to current market offerings ā€¢ Analyze the value the customer gains from your product/service ā€¢ Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the new product/service from the customerā€™s perspective
  • 18. 17 Check List (Product/service) ļƒ¼ Have you explained plans to retrieve the value delivered to the customer ? (how will you get your money back) ā–” Development status of the product/service ļƒ¼ Have you accurately explained the current stage of development of your product/service ? ļƒ¼ Have you indicated what resources (time, personnel, funds) you require for each subsequent development ? ā–” Customer Value ļƒ¼ Is there a clear definition of what customer value your product/service provides ? ļƒ¼ Have you defined who you customers are and who are not ? ļƒ¼ Have you identified why the customer buys your product/service ? (Have you explained what added value the customer receives compared to other products/services) ļƒ¼ Have you weighed the strengths/weaknesses of your product/service over comparable products/services from the customerā€™s perspective ? ļƒ¼ Have you conducted pilot tests or surveys to see if the product/service fulfills customer needs ? ( or tried other means to find out) ļƒ¼ Have you explained the technical barriers and solution measures ? ļƒ¼ Have you explained the institutional/legal constraints and ways to overcome them ? ļƒ¼ Have you explained the customary/consumer behavioral constraints and solutions ? ļƒ¼ Have you explained the cultural/social constraints and ways to overcome them ? Yes No ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 19. 18 Ā¶ Market and Competition Market size and growth ā€¢ A rapid increase in the value of the company can be expected only if the market holds a great potential ā€¢ The market size should be presented in figures i.e. number of customers, of unit sales, total sales ā€¢ Your expectations for market growth are critical ; show what factors will affect developments (, legislative initiatives) ā€¢ Forecasting market size and growth Define factors influencing market size and growth Set hypothesis on future developments Collect facts needed to verify hypothesis (past trends, expert opinions) Estimate market size and growth based on the proven hypothesis ā€œIf there is no competition, there is probably no market.ā€ ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 20. 19 Market Segmentation - Segment the market and explain your target market - There are many ways to segment the market but the following three elements need to be present 1) Determine the number of customer in each market segment and their buying power (Measurability) 2) Identify customer behavioral pattern in each segment (Homogenous-within) 3) Use the same marketing strategy for customers within each segment Customer segmentation criteria for consumer goods markets Customer segmentation criteria for industrial goods markets ā€¢ Location : country, urban/rural (population density), climate ā€¢ Demographics : age, sex, income, profession, religion, education level ā€¢ Behavior : Frequency of product purchase, product usage, brand loyalty, price sensitivity, purchasing variables ā€¢ Psychological factors : Lifestyle (behavior, interest, opinion) ā€¢Demographics : company size, industry, location ā€¢Operations : technology employed (e.g., digital, analog) ā€¢ Buying habits : centralized or decentralized purchasing, purchasing criteria ā€¢Situational factor : urgency of need, order size ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 21. 20 Competition ā€“Compare key customer value, target customers, sales revenue, market share, cost positioning, product lines, and distribution channels of your company with those of your competitors ā€“Compare strengths/weaknesses of your product with that of the competitors ā€“Consider ways to maintain your competitive edge ā€“Compare your intangible assets with those of the competitors ā€“Analyze your positioning strategy in the market with that of the competitors ā€“Maps for designing positioning strategy (samples) Quality LowHigh Price Low High Product line LowHigh Deliverytime Low High Credibility LowHigh Convenience Low High ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 22. ļƒ¼ Have you explained factors crucial for success in your target market ? ā–” Competition ļƒ¼ Have you identified your competitors with comparable products/services ? ļƒ¼ Have you given an analysis of your potential competitors ? ā–” Market size and growth ļƒ¼ Have you explained the general trend of your target market ? ļƒ¼ Is there a rationale for present market size ? ļƒ¼ Is there a rationale for future market growth rate ? ā–” Market segmentation ļƒ¼ Have you defined the criteria for market segmentation and its rationale ? ļƒ¼ Have you compared the strengths and weaknesses of your major competitors with your own ? ļƒ¼ Have you compared your strategies with those of your competitors ? ļƒ¼ What is your competitive edge and have you explained if your competitive edge will be sustainable ? ļƒ¼ Have you given a rationale for characteristics of each market segment (profitability, size, growth rate, future prospects)? ļƒ¼ Is there a clear definition of the target customer and customer examples ? ļƒ¼ Have you determined the target market share for each market segment ? ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Check List (Market and competition) Yes No
  • 23. 22 Ā¶ Marketing Price ā€“Determine the attainable price for your product/service and evaluate on willingness of customers to pay the asked price (new businesses often encounter problems because of the conventional wisdom that price is derived from cost) ā€“Quantify the customer value of your product/service and define the price bracket. Verify and refine your assumptions through discussions with potential customers ā€“The pricing strategy depends on your goal ; the choice can be either penetrating the market quickly by going with low price (Penetration Strategy) or generating the highest possible return from the outset (Skimming Strategy) Skimming strategy Penetration strategy ā€¢ A new product/service is positioned as better than previous options, so a higher price can be justified. You can also create a superior image of the product/service ā€¢ Higher prices generally lead to higher profit margins, and allow the new company to finance its own growth ā€¢Can set a new standard in the early stage (e.g. Facebook, google) ā€¢Can lower fixed costs per unit if the fixed cost is high in the initial stage of the business ā€¢ Can prevent market entry by competitors ā€œMarketing is far too important to be left to the marketing department.ā€ ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Marketing is a key element in a successful business launching. This requires a clear strategy for the so-called 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) (For product, refer to the product/service section)
  • 24. 23 Place ā€“How to deliver your product/service to the customer is a key marketing issue ā€“The main factors to consider are ; the number of potential customers, range of product/service, where do they prefer to shop, does the product require explanation, what is the price bracket, what is the frequency of purchase. ā€“Another significant decision is whether your company will handle the distribution itself, or whether a specialized operation will handle it for you. Technological developments have greatly expanded the spectrum of distribution channels and the choices are as follows ; 1) Third-party Retailers : Products sold to the end customer via retailers 2) Outside Agents : Specialized companies acting as agents for the distribution of products (donā€™t acquire ownership rights) and charging commission for sales 3) Franchising : Franchisees paying license or franchise fees and selling the product/service (e.g. McDonalds, Seven-eleven) 4) Wholesalers : A middle man specializing in re-sales to retailers 5) Stores : Selling products directly to customers 6) Own sales staff : Company marketing employees in charge of direct sales 7) Direct Mail : Selling products by mail to customers 8) Call Center : Inviting consumers to order products by telephone through advertising 9) Internet : Using Internet as a marketing channel ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 25. 24 Promotion ā€“Advertising your products/services in order to attract customerā€™s attention, informing, persuading and inspiring confidence ā€“Promotion can be defined as ā€˜marketing communicationā€™. Communication must explain the value of your product/service to your customers, and convince customers that your product meets their needs better than competing or alternative solutions ā€“Ways to attract the customerā€™s attention 1) Classic Advertising : newspapers, magazines, TV, radio 2) Digital marketing, e-mail, google adwords, social media etc 3) PR (Public Relations) : articles in print media about your product, business or the management 4) Exhibitions 5) Customer Visits ā€“ Focus on the people who make the purchasing decision or have the greatest influence on the purchasing decision ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 26. 25 ļƒ¼ Is the price of your product reasonable compared to market offerings from the customerā€™s point of view ? ā–” Promotion ļƒ¼ Have you analyzed who, within each customer group, ultimately makes the purchasing decision ? ļƒ¼ Have you identified ways to draw attention of your target groups to your product/service ? ā–” Price ļƒ¼ Have you specified what your price strategy is and reasons for adopting the strategy ? ļƒ¼ Does the price asked cover costs and ensure a fair return ? ā–” Place ļƒ¼ Have you explained the reasons for your choice of distribution channel ? ļƒ¼ Have you determined how much resources will be used to attract and maintain customers ? ļƒ¼ Have you described steps required for launching your product/service in the market ? ļƒ¼ Have you specified the target sales volume for each distribution channel ? ļƒ¼ Have you explained the typical process of selling your product/service ? ļƒ¼ Have alternative distribution channels been compared and studied ? ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Check List (Marketing) Yes No
  • 27. 26 R&D Production Marketing Sales Service ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Ā¶ Business System A business system maps out the activities necessary to prepare and deliver a final product/service to the customer Three elements, namely the value chain, make-or-buy decisions and the need for partnership, must be considered within the business system Value Chain ā€“Describes the entire process of product/service delivery to end-users (use charts to enhance understanding) ā€“Define the key value creating activities within the process (e.g.) In the case where R&D is the key activity
  • 28. 27 Need for partnership ā€“Determine whether it is necessary to forge a partnership for a part or whole of the business system ā€“Points to consider when making a partnership ļƒ¼ Win-Win situation: Determine whether both sides can gain a fair advantage from the relationship ļƒ¼ Need to disperse risks: Determine whether there is a need to avoid risks within certain parts of the business system (e.g. massive initial investment) ā€“Types of partnership ļƒ¼ Non-binding partnership: Both parties can end the partnership quickly and easily ļƒ¼ Close partnership: Can end the partnership only under agreement from both parties when there is a high degree of interdependence ā€“Select field for partnership: Explain why there is a need for partnership in the select field ā€“Select partner company: Compare strengths/weaknesses of the partner Make or Buy ā€¢ Define core skills for each process in the value chain ā€¢ Decide whether it is best to carry out the individual activities by yourself or whether outsourcing is a better option based on these criteria ; strategic significance, suitability, and availability ā€¢ If outsourcing is your choice, compare potential vendors or suppliers ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 29. 28 ļƒ¼ Has the key value creation factor in the value chain been indicated ? ā–” Partnership ļƒ¼ Has the need for partnership been clearly explained ? ļƒ¼ Have you compared potential partners ? ā–” Value Chain ļƒ¼ Is the value chain fully explained ? ļƒ¼ Is the cost in each value chain objectively explained ? ā–” Make or Buy ļƒ¼ Specify which activities you want to handle yourself and which should be carried out by third parties ? ļƒ¼ Have you compared possible ways to forge partnership ? ļƒ¼ Have you examined whether the partnership gives equal benefits to both sides ? ļƒ¼ Have you examined feasibility of your business from the viewpoint of strategic significance, suitability and availability ? ļƒ¼ Have you compared potential suppliers for outsourcing ? Check List (Business System) Yes No ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 30. 29 Organization ā€“Explain organizational structure necessary for each stage of the business (show organizational chart) ā€“Maintain TFT format during the incubating stage of the business. Separate into an independent business unit once the operation is in full swing ā€“Describe missions and functions of each organizational unit HR ā€“Describe skills and qualifications required of the team leaders and members ā€“Set up KPI for performance evaluation of team leaders and members ā€“Suggest ways to reward outstanding team leaders and members ā€“Show required number of personnel according to each organizational unit/rank ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Ā¶ Organization and HR
  • 31. 30 ļƒ¼ Is there enough background for the organizational structure ? ļƒ¼ Have you selected KPI for performance evaluation of team leaders/members ? ļƒ¼ Does the KPI match the missions and functions ? ļƒ¼ Have you presented an organizational chart according to each business stage ? ļƒ¼ Have you detailed functions and missions for each organizational unit ? ā–” HR ļƒ¼ Have you described the skills and qualifications required of each business unit leader ? ļƒ¼ Have you suggested ways to reward outstanding team leaders/members ? ļƒ¼ Is the organization structure suitable for speedy decision making ? ļƒ¼ Have you described the skills and qualifications required of each unit team member ? ļƒ¼ Will you utilize your own or outside people as team leaders/members, why ? ļƒ¼ Have the number of ranks been minimized as much as possible ? ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Check List (Organization and HR) Yes No ā–” Organization
  • 32. 31 Analyze the opportunities and risks involved in the new business and promote risk management and opportunity use Risk analysis ā€“Analyze the fundamental risks related to the market, competition and technological development for the new business ā€“Quantitatively measure the impact on the risks ā€“Seek ways hedge or manage the risks Opportunities analysis ā€“Analyze additional opportunities related to the market, competition and technological development for the new business ā€“Quantitatively measure the value of the options ā€“Seek ways to enhance the value of the options ā€œOne of the greatest myths about entrepreneurs is that they are all risk seekers. All sane people want to avoid risk.ā€ ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Ā¶ Opportunities and Risks
  • 33. 32 ļƒ¼ Are the risks related to the market, competition and technological change quantitatively evaluated ? ā–” Risk analysis ļƒ¼ Are the risks in market, competition, and technological change accurately defined ? ļƒ¼ Have you suggested ways to hedge the risks ? ā–” Opportunity analysis ļƒ¼ Are the opportunities in market, competition and technological development accurately defined ? ļƒ¼ Are the options related to the market, competition and technological development quantitatively evaluated ? ļƒ¼ Have you pointed out ways to heighten the value of the options ? ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Check List (Opportunities and risks) Yes No
  • 34. 33 Drawing up your implementation schedule 1) Gantt implementation schedule : Check major tasks on the Gantt chart 2) Major milestones : Indicate events that should be defined as milestones 3) Important connections and interdependencies between the work assignment groupings ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Ā¶ Implementation Schedule A realistic five-year plan enables you to consider inter-related issues in promoting your project and above all, help you to avoid possible risks from attempting to reach your targets with an overly optimistic planning
  • 35. 34 Sample Gantt Chart ļ€¦ Writing a business plan
  • 36. 35 ļƒ¼ Are all major tasks included in the schedule ? ā–” Gantt chart implementation schedule ļƒ¼ Is the implementation schedule in the form of a Gantt chart ? ļƒ¼ Is the schedule consistent with other sections (organization, personnel, financial planning) of the business plan ? ā–” Milestone ļƒ¼ Have all the major milestones been indicated ? ļƒ¼ Are the milestones consistent with the Gantt implementation schedule ? ļƒ¼ Is the schedule overly optimistic ? ā–” Interrelation and interdependency ļƒ¼ Is the order of tasks logically laid out ? ļƒ¼ Is there a reasonable explanation for the interdependencies between tasks ? ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Check List (Implementation schedule) Yes No
  • 37. 36 Minimum required for financial planning 1) Cash flow statement, income statement, balance sheet 2) Forecasts over five years, at least one year beyond the generation of positive cash flow 3) Detailed financial planning for the first two years (monthly or quarterly), thereafter annually 4) All figures must be based on reasonable assumptions (the basis for all assumptions must be provided in the business plan) 5) Analysis of the economical efficiency (NPV, IRR, Payback period) and sensitivity analysis of major variable changes ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Ā¶ Financial Planning Financial planning is a consolidation of all elements in the business plan and assists you in evaluating the profitability of your business Financial planning is used as a basic data for forecasting the amount of financing needed to set up a business ā€œPlanning substitutes chaos for mistakes.ā€
  • 38. 37 Income statement ā€¢ The income statement shows whether the business can generate profits. Businesses unable to yield long-term profits cannot continue to exist ā€¢ The provisions of the income statement are as below and sub-categorized according to the characteristics of the business (Businesses operating on internal funds without any external sources does not take the interest cost into consideration : unleveraged basis) ļ€¦ Writing a business plan A. Revenue B. Cost ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of price x volume ā€¢ Categorize into variable/fixed costs and give rationale NotesYear 1 ~ 5 C. Gross Profit (A-B) D. SG&A E. EBIDTA (C-D) F. Depreciation G. EBIT (E-F) H. Tax I. NOPLAT (G-H) ā€¢ Show gross profit rate (gross profit/revenue) ā€¢ Categorize into variable/fixed costs and SG&A/overhead and give rationale ā€¢ Should be consistent with investment plans in the cash flow statement, give rationale for manner and period of amortization ā€¢ Indicate tax rate
  • 39. 38 Cash Flow Statement ā€“The cash flow statement shows the amount of invested capital and the cash that will be generated from business operations ā€“The provisions of the cash flow statement are as below ; A. Operating cash flow A.1. After-tax sales profit A.2. Depreciation A.3. Decrease/(increase) in account receivables A.4. Increase in account payables/(decrease) A.5. Decrease/(increase) in inventory A.6. Decrease/(increase) in other working capital B. Invested cash flow ā€¢ Same as NOPLAT in income statement ā€¢ Same as depreciation in income statement ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of daily revenue x A/P period ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of daily revenue x A/P period ā€¢ Give rationale in the form of daily revenue x inventory days ā€¢ Give rationale in SG&A ratio ā€¢ Detailed annual investment (Categorize into assets/depreciation difference) should be put in a separate provision C. Net cash flow (A - B) D. Accumulative cash flow ļ€¦ Writing a business plan NotesYear 1 ~ 5
  • 40. 39 Balance Sheet ā€“The balance sheet shows changes in corporate assets on an annual basis ā€“The provisions of the balance sheet are as below ; (The balance sheet can be automatically calculated from the income statement and cash flow statement figures) ļ€¦ Writing a business plan A. Current assets A.1. Account receivables A.2. Inventories A.3. Other working capital ā€¢ Accumulative increase/decrease in account payables on the cash flow statement ā€¢ Accumulative increase/decrease in inventories on the cash flow statement ā€¢ Accumulative other working capital on the cash flow statement C. Total assets (A+B) D. Current liabilities D.1. Account payables E. Equity E.1. Investment capital E.2. Accumulative after-tax operating profit ā€¢ Accumulative invested cash flow on the cash flow statement ā€¢ Accumulative depreciation on the income statement ā€¢ Accumulative increase/decrease in account receivables on the cash flow statement ā€¢ Accumulative cash flow on the cash flow statement ā€¢ Accumulative EBITDA on the income statement NotesYear 1 ~ 5 F. Liabilities and equity (D + E) B. Non-current assets B.1. Investments B.2. Accumulated depreciation
  • 41. 40 Results of economics analysis ā€“Indicate economic profitability of the company by Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback period ā€“ A typical economics analysis is as below ; A. Net cash flow (from cash flow statement) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Perpetuity Total B. Accumulated net cash flow (from cash flow statement) C. Payback period : Point when accumulative net cash flow becomes a plus D. Perpetuity : EBITDA x Multiple (multiple reflecting business characteristics) E. Discount rate(i) : Cost of capital + Ī± (additional business risks) F. Present value index : G. NPV : (Ī£A x F + D x F) H. IRR : Discount rate when A + D = Zero 1/(1+i) 1/(1+i)Ā² 1/(1+i)4 1/(1+i)Ā³ 1/(1+i)5 1/(1+i) 5 ļ€¦ Writing a business plan ā€» Perpetuity : Continued value/remaining value when the business continues its operation after the forecasting period
  • 42. 41 Sensitivity analysis ā€“Sensitivity analysis looks at how changes in the key drivers of the business affects the economics and profitability, thereby evaluating the level of risk involved and identifying the risk factors ā€“Key drivers mainly used for sensitivity analysis are investment cost, price, sales volume, etc. ā€“Define potentials and solutions for each key driver ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Key Driver Investment cost Price Sales volume Cost of materials SG&A -20% Mark changes in PV and IRR -10% Base +10% +20% Mark changes in NPV and IRR
  • 43. 42 ļƒ¼ In there an accurate basis for the assumptions ? ā–” Balance sheet ļƒ¼ Is the balance sheet easy to understand ? ļƒ¼ Is the balance sheet consistent with the income statement/cash flow ? ā–” Assumptions ļƒ¼ Can a third person draw up the income & cash flow statements & balance sheet based on given assumptions ? ļƒ¼ Is there an explanation on whether the price covers the cost and guarantees a reasonable profit ? ā–” Income statement ļƒ¼ Is the income statement easy to understand ? ā–” Economics analysis and sensitivity analysis ļƒ¼ Is the economics analysis easy to understand ? ļƒ¼ Is the income statement categorized sufficiently ? ā–” Cash flow statement ļƒ¼ Is the cash flow statement easy to understand ? ļƒ¼ Is the perpetuity adequately evaluated ? ļƒ¼ Is the calculation accurate for NPV, IRR, and Payback Period ? ļƒ¼ Is the sensitivity analysis on the key drivers reasonable ? ļƒ¼ Is the cash flow statement categorized sufficiently ? ļ€¦ Writing a business plan Check List (Financial planning) Yes No
  • 44. Murray Region Futures: Infrastructure, Planning and Population A leading Australian consulting group recognised through the success of our clients John Gregg Principal Navigate Consulting Mobile: +61 (0) 402 493 278 Email: