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1. Describe the interplay between gene flow, genetic drift, and
selection. Under what
circumstances does one overwhelm the others? Selection can
affect allele frequencies at
loci affecting fitness, but can selection also limit gene flow at
unlinked neutral loci?
2. Kimura’s equation (k = µ) provides a powerful prediction for
neutral genetic variation.
However, this prediction may not hold for neutral regions
linked to regions that are
subjected to selection. How might background selection and
rates of recombination affect
the substitution rates for neutral alleles?
3. How can expectations from coalescence theory allow us to
detect the effects of selection?
Describe neutrality tests including the Ewens-Watterson and
Tajima’s D tests. How can
these tests be confounded by violations of the assumption of
constant population size?
How might we distinguish the effects of historical bottlenecks
from the effects of
4. What can variation in levels of genomic differentiation (i.e.
speciation islands, FST
outliers) tell us about the effects of selection during divergence
among lineages? What
else besides selection can cause FST outliers? What would be a
good way to confirm that
these genomic regions were responsible for adaptation to
different habitats?
12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization
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Question 1 (2.5 points)
Question 2 (2.5 points)
Question 3 (2.5 points)
Pam is throwing bits of paper at Eli during quiet reading time.
She is a struggling reader and her
teacher, Mrs. Johnson, can tell she is not able to read
independently during this time. Mrs.
Johnson could help Pam by:
Trust is formed:
When children have arguments about sharing toys, it is usually
because young children have:
a) allowing Pam to do a different quiet activity during reading
b) ignoring Pam's behavior and putting her in a spot where she
will not disturb others
c) having Pam pick up the paper and return to her seat to read
easier books.
d) allowing Pam to read with a fifth-grade partner during
reading time.
a) outside the classroom.
b) in the teen years.
c) in the first years of life.
d) by age 10.
a) undeveloped cognitive skills.
b) irrational thinking patterns.
c) undeveloped social skills.
d) undeveloped language skills.
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Question 4 (2.5 points)
Question 5 (2.5 points)
Question 6 (2.5 points)
The type of written observation that involves longer
documentation of a child's behaviors,
including the observer's thoughts and comments, is called:
Kayla has very low self-esteem. She misbehaves often and is
rejected by other classmates. Her
teacher, Mr. Vickers, has decided to work hard to give Kayla
positive feedback whenever possible.
What can Mr. Vickers expect to happen first when he begins
this approach?
When communication is undeveloped, all of the following
strategies can help EXCEPT:
a) running records.
b) anecdotal notes.
c) time sampling.
d) event sampling.
a) Kayla's behavior will worsen.
b) Kayla will stop talking to Mr. Vickers.
c) Kayla will be kind to Mr. Vickers.
d) Kayla will cry frequently.
a) having a cool down period.
b) scaffolding each child as needed.
c) discouraging the child to use art.
d) role playing.
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Question 7 (2.5 points)
Question 8 (2.5 points)
Question 9 (2.5 points)
Question 10 (2.5 points)
All of the following are appropriate ways to evaluate a child
Lying, stealing, and cheating are all signs of:
Which one of the following statements about lying is TRUE?
a) individual formative assessments.
b) authentic feedback.
c) weekly child-teacher conferences.
d) traditional methods of assessment.
a) emotional immaturity.
b) lack of understanding.
c) social withdrawal.
d) developmental delay.
a) Young children often lie because they are confused between
what is real and pretend.
b) Young children cannot be held accountable for lying since
they cannot understand the
c) Young children who get fact and fantasy mixed up become
adults who lie.
d) Young children can be taught to tell the truth by giving them
natural consequences for
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Question 11 (2.5 points)
Question 12 (2.5 points)
Knowing what to expect, having consistent limits, and having a
reliable organization for materials
all lead to _______________, helping to keep children safe.
When Jill plays board games with her preschool-aged sister,
Karra, she notices that Karra keeps
changing the rules so that she wins. Jill is getting frustrated
which is leading toward conflict.
___________ is MOST likely contributing to Karra's problem.
For children to feel secure in their environment, there must be
limits and behavior expectations, or
guidelines. Two classroom guidelines children can easily
remember are to be kind and:
a) predictability
b) security
c) stress
d) evaluation
a) Egocentrism
b) Resentment
c) Defiance
d) Bad sportsmanship
a) safe.
b) careful.
c) take care of people and things.
d) a good listener.
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Question 13 (2.5 points)
Question 14 (2.5 points)
Question 15 (2.5 points)
When children are begging to help clean up, be the line leader,
be the homework helper, and
overall have a chance to shine in their classroom, their teacher
has made them feel:
Nora has been to the clinic three days this week with a
stomachache. The nurse lets her lie down
for ten minutes and then Nora seems fine and heads back to
class. Which of the following is
MOST likely causing Nora's problem?
Mr. Goldstein is working on a cooking project with his first
grade class. While some children chop
apples with plastic knives, five children at a time are working
with Mr. Goldstein to mix a piecrust.
Each child at the table is getting a turn to mix the crust with
their fingers. Jindira is mixing when
Kim gets impatient and pushes Jindira to the side so she can
have her turn. According to
constructive discipline, an appropriate consequence for Kim
would be to send her:
a) helpful.
b) needed.
c) loved.
d) significant.
a) A stomach virus
b) The flu
c) Another child upsetting her
d) A need for attention
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Question 16 (2.5 points)
Question 17 (2.5 points)
Question 18 (2.5 points)
Mrs. Miller sees Brittany putting Legos from the manipulative
shelf into her book bag. According
to constructive discipline, Mrs. Miller should:
Providing small child-sized pitchers for pouring juice and other
child-sized materials can help
children who have immature _________ skills be more
successful in independently completing
a) to time out for five minutes and then allow her to have a turn.
b) back to apple chopping and tell her she has lost her turn.
c) back to apple chopping after she has apologized to Molly.
d) back to apple chopping and tell her she may return when she
is ready to wait for her turn.
a) confront Brittany immediately and discuss why stealing is
b) tell the class that no one will go out for recess until the
Legos are returned.
c) ask Brittany to show her book bag to Mrs. Miller.
d) give Brittany a chance to return the Legos on her own
without confrontation.
a) cognitive
b) preschool
c) emotional
d) coordination
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Question 19 (2.5 points)
Question 20 (2.5 points)
Question 21 (2.5 points)
In Ms. Chen's two-year-old room, Brendan is working hard to
build a block tower. The tower falls
each time Brendan tries to stack the third block onto the second
block. After three tries, Brendan
throws the blocks wildly and begins to scream and cry. Which
one of the following statements
about Brendan is TRUE?
___________ sets the tone for the classroom.
A child _________ should NOT be considered a discipline
a) Brendan is having trouble regulating his emotions.
b) Brendan is not cognitively ready to stack blocks.
c) Brendan does not have the gross motor skills to stack blocks.
d) Brendan is not playing with an age-appropriate toy.
a) Classroom environment
b) Teacher attitude
c) Breakfast
d) A reward chart
a) bullying other students
b) rolling his eyes
c) sticking out her tongue
d) wetting their pants
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Question 22 (2.5 points)
Question 23 (2.5 points)
Question 24 (2.5 points)
Which of the following statements about community violence is
NOT true?
Providing students with opportunities to serve as a source of
support to others helps them realize
they are valuable members of the group which:
Why are children from minorities more likely to be referred to
the principal?
a) It can lead to parental conflict.
b) It causes children are fearful and anxious.
c) It causes children to want to have more friends.
d) It is increasing at an alarming rate.
a) improves their self-worth and self-confidence.
b) improves their academic performance.
c) creates jealousy among the students.
d) makes students forget to pay attention.
a) It is school policy.
b) Peers are more likely to tattle on them.
c) There is a mismatch with the teacher's values.
d) None of the above
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Question 25 (2.5 points)
Question 26 (2.5 points)
Question 27 (2.5 points)
Children undergo many significant changes in their daily life
when their parents separate or
divorce. These changes often leave children feeling less secure
in their attachment to others,
which often results in:
Prevention strategies will help about ____ percent of the
children learn appropriate social skills.
While cultural practices can be learned from books, it is BEST
for teachers to learn them:
a) outward silliness.
b) nightmares.
c) a fear of abandonment.
d) aggressive classroom behavior.
a) 25
b) 50
c) 75
d) 85
a) by asking other teachers about them.
b) firsthand through observation.
c) by speaking to an adult from that culture.
d) by presenting a lesson on that culture to the class.
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Question 28 (2.5 points)
Question 29 (2.5 points)
Question 30 (2.5 points)
One way to help reduce the tension that often leads to
aggression is:
One way to prevent emotional outbursts and help children
express how they feel is to:
The two components of self-esteem that teachers need to help
develop are:
Emotional abuse may include all of the following EXCEPT:
a) yoga.
b) singing.
c) time-outs.
d) ignoring it.
a) have them draw or write about their feelings.
b) have a daily check-in board.
c) ask them how they feel during snack time.
d) sing a song about feelings.
a) self-resilience and self-confidence.
b) self-respect and self-worth.
c) self-worth and self-confidence.
d) resilience and risk-taking.
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Question 31 (2.5 points)
Question 32 (2.5 points)
Question 33 (2.5 points)
Many children who have experienced trauma question their
competence and self-worth. This
makes it important for teachers to:
A goal should be for the child to become self-___________ at
school, not simply to obey for a
a) name-calling.
b) slapping.
c) rejection.
d) isolation.
a) fix all of their students' mistakes.
b) show their students the correct way to do things.
c) have a peer helper to fix other student's projects.
d) promote a "can-do" attitude in the classroom.
a) governing
b) reliant
c) assured
d) sufficient
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Question 34 (2.5 points)
Question 35 (2.5 points)
Question 36 (2.5 points)
Many children who are exposed to violence withdraw from all
interactions. As a teacher, you
should try any of the following strategies EXCEPT:
Children affected by divorce or separation may:
Viewing children from a strengths-based perspective means:
According to your text, ______ percent of children who die
from abuse are under the age of 4.
a) having plenty of large-group activities.
b) letting them play the lead role in one-on-one activities, such
as buddy reading.
c) teaching conflict resolution skills.
d) providing many opportunities to work in a small group.
a) not have a fear of abandonment.
b) be more secure in their attachment to others.
c) blame their parents.
d) be less secure in their attachment to others.
a) using children's strengths to plan the curriculum.
b) using the strengths of some of the children to help others.
c) believing in a child's abilities to succeed even in the face of
d) using a strong speaking voice and firm actions to help guide
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Question 37 (2.5 points)
Question 38 (2.5 points)
Question 39 (2.5 points)
_____________ is what allows us to stay focused on a specific
task while ignoring other distractions.
One of the BEST ways to discover children's special talents is:
Calling out children in pairs, providing materials to be shared,
and think-share-pair activities are
ways to:
a) 3
b) 25
c) 60
d) 80
a) Selective attention
b) Attention for survival
c) Positive attention
d) Attention to things of interest
a) let them help others.
b) offer them activity choices.
c) observe them at various required activities.
d) pair them with more skilled students.
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Question 40 (2.5 points) Saved
There are three levels of attention described in the text:
attention for survival, attention to things
of interest, and:
Submit Quiz 40 of 40 questions saved
a) teach sharing.
b) promote good behavior.
c) observe differences.
d) encourage friendships.
a) attention to nature.
b) selective attention.
c) necessary attention.
d) attention to details.

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1. Describe the interplay between gene flow, genetic drift, .docx

  • 1. 1. Describe the interplay between gene flow, genetic drift, and selection. Under what circumstances does one overwhelm the others? Selection can affect allele frequencies at loci affecting fitness, but can selection also limit gene flow at unlinked neutral loci? 2. Kimura’s equation (k = µ) provides a powerful prediction for neutral genetic variation. However, this prediction may not hold for neutral regions linked to regions that are subjected to selection. How might background selection and rates of recombination affect the substitution rates for neutral alleles? 3. How can expectations from coalescence theory allow us to detect the effects of selection? Describe neutrality tests including the Ewens-Watterson and Tajima’s D tests. How can these tests be confounded by violations of the assumption of
  • 2. constant population size? How might we distinguish the effects of historical bottlenecks from the effects of selection? 4. What can variation in levels of genomic differentiation (i.e. speciation islands, FST outliers) tell us about the effects of selection during divergence among lineages? What else besides selection can cause FST outliers? What would be a good way to confirm that these genomic regions were responsible for adaptation to different habitats? 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 1/14 Question 1 (2.5 points) Question 2 (2.5 points)
  • 3. Question 3 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved Pam is throwing bits of paper at Eli during quiet reading time. She is a struggling reader and her teacher, Mrs. Johnson, can tell she is not able to read independently during this time. Mrs. Johnson could help Pam by: Trust is formed: When children have arguments about sharing toys, it is usually because young children have: a) allowing Pam to do a different quiet activity during reading time. b) ignoring Pam's behavior and putting her in a spot where she will not disturb others tomorrow. c) having Pam pick up the paper and return to her seat to read easier books. d) allowing Pam to read with a fifth-grade partner during reading time.
  • 4. a) outside the classroom. b) in the teen years. c) in the first years of life. d) by age 10. a) undeveloped cognitive skills. b) irrational thinking patterns. c) undeveloped social skills. d) undeveloped language skills. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 2/14 Question 4 (2.5 points) Question 5 (2.5 points) Question 6 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved
  • 5. The type of written observation that involves longer documentation of a child's behaviors, including the observer's thoughts and comments, is called: Kayla has very low self-esteem. She misbehaves often and is rejected by other classmates. Her teacher, Mr. Vickers, has decided to work hard to give Kayla positive feedback whenever possible. What can Mr. Vickers expect to happen first when he begins this approach? When communication is undeveloped, all of the following strategies can help EXCEPT: a) running records. b) anecdotal notes. c) time sampling. d) event sampling. a) Kayla's behavior will worsen. b) Kayla will stop talking to Mr. Vickers. c) Kayla will be kind to Mr. Vickers. d) Kayla will cry frequently.
  • 6. a) having a cool down period. b) scaffolding each child as needed. c) discouraging the child to use art. d) role playing. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 3/14 Question 7 (2.5 points) Question 8 (2.5 points) Question 9 (2.5 points) Question 10 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved Saved All of the following are appropriate ways to evaluate a child EXCEPT:
  • 7. Lying, stealing, and cheating are all signs of: Which one of the following statements about lying is TRUE? a) individual formative assessments. b) authentic feedback. c) weekly child-teacher conferences. d) traditional methods of assessment. a) emotional immaturity. b) lack of understanding. c) social withdrawal. d) developmental delay. a) Young children often lie because they are confused between what is real and pretend. b) Young children cannot be held accountable for lying since they cannot understand the term. c) Young children who get fact and fantasy mixed up become adults who lie. d) Young children can be taught to tell the truth by giving them natural consequences for lying.
  • 8. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 4/14 Question 11 (2.5 points) Question 12 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Knowing what to expect, having consistent limits, and having a reliable organization for materials all lead to _______________, helping to keep children safe. When Jill plays board games with her preschool-aged sister, Karra, she notices that Karra keeps changing the rules so that she wins. Jill is getting frustrated which is leading toward conflict. ___________ is MOST likely contributing to Karra's problem. For children to feel secure in their environment, there must be limits and behavior expectations, or guidelines. Two classroom guidelines children can easily remember are to be kind and:
  • 9. a) predictability b) security c) stress d) evaluation a) Egocentrism b) Resentment c) Defiance d) Bad sportsmanship a) safe. b) careful. c) take care of people and things. d) a good listener. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 5/14 Question 13 (2.5 points) Question 14 (2.5 points) Question 15 (2.5 points)
  • 10. Saved Saved Saved When children are begging to help clean up, be the line leader, be the homework helper, and overall have a chance to shine in their classroom, their teacher has made them feel: Nora has been to the clinic three days this week with a stomachache. The nurse lets her lie down for ten minutes and then Nora seems fine and heads back to class. Which of the following is MOST likely causing Nora's problem? Mr. Goldstein is working on a cooking project with his first grade class. While some children chop apples with plastic knives, five children at a time are working with Mr. Goldstein to mix a piecrust. Each child at the table is getting a turn to mix the crust with their fingers. Jindira is mixing when Kim gets impatient and pushes Jindira to the side so she can have her turn. According to
  • 11. constructive discipline, an appropriate consequence for Kim would be to send her: a) helpful. b) needed. c) loved. d) significant. a) A stomach virus b) The flu c) Another child upsetting her d) A need for attention 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 6/14 Question 16 (2.5 points) Question 17 (2.5 points) Question 18 (2.5 points) Saved Saved
  • 12. Saved Mrs. Miller sees Brittany putting Legos from the manipulative shelf into her book bag. According to constructive discipline, Mrs. Miller should: Providing small child-sized pitchers for pouring juice and other child-sized materials can help children who have immature _________ skills be more successful in independently completing tasks. a) to time out for five minutes and then allow her to have a turn. b) back to apple chopping and tell her she has lost her turn. c) back to apple chopping after she has apologized to Molly. d) back to apple chopping and tell her she may return when she is ready to wait for her turn. a) confront Brittany immediately and discuss why stealing is wrong. b) tell the class that no one will go out for recess until the Legos are returned. c) ask Brittany to show her book bag to Mrs. Miller. d) give Brittany a chance to return the Legos on her own
  • 13. without confrontation. a) cognitive b) preschool c) emotional d) coordination 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 7/14 Question 19 (2.5 points) Question 20 (2.5 points) Question 21 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved In Ms. Chen's two-year-old room, Brendan is working hard to build a block tower. The tower falls each time Brendan tries to stack the third block onto the second block. After three tries, Brendan throws the blocks wildly and begins to scream and cry. Which
  • 14. one of the following statements about Brendan is TRUE? ___________ sets the tone for the classroom. A child _________ should NOT be considered a discipline problem. a) Brendan is having trouble regulating his emotions. b) Brendan is not cognitively ready to stack blocks. c) Brendan does not have the gross motor skills to stack blocks. d) Brendan is not playing with an age-appropriate toy. a) Classroom environment b) Teacher attitude c) Breakfast d) A reward chart a) bullying other students b) rolling his eyes c) sticking out her tongue d) wetting their pants
  • 15. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 8/14 Question 22 (2.5 points) Question 23 (2.5 points) Question 24 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved Which of the following statements about community violence is NOT true? Providing students with opportunities to serve as a source of support to others helps them realize they are valuable members of the group which: Why are children from minorities more likely to be referred to the principal? a) It can lead to parental conflict. b) It causes children are fearful and anxious.
  • 16. c) It causes children to want to have more friends. d) It is increasing at an alarming rate. a) improves their self-worth and self-confidence. b) improves their academic performance. c) creates jealousy among the students. d) makes students forget to pay attention. a) It is school policy. b) Peers are more likely to tattle on them. c) There is a mismatch with the teacher's values. d) None of the above 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 9/14 Question 25 (2.5 points) Question 26 (2.5 points) Question 27 (2.5 points) Saved
  • 17. Saved Saved Children undergo many significant changes in their daily life when their parents separate or divorce. These changes often leave children feeling less secure in their attachment to others, which often results in: Prevention strategies will help about ____ percent of the children learn appropriate social skills. While cultural practices can be learned from books, it is BEST for teachers to learn them: a) outward silliness. b) nightmares. c) a fear of abandonment. d) aggressive classroom behavior. a) 25 b) 50 c) 75 d) 85
  • 18. a) by asking other teachers about them. b) firsthand through observation. c) by speaking to an adult from that culture. d) by presenting a lesson on that culture to the class. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 10/14 Question 28 (2.5 points) Question 29 (2.5 points) Question 30 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved One way to help reduce the tension that often leads to aggression is: One way to prevent emotional outbursts and help children express how they feel is to:
  • 19. The two components of self-esteem that teachers need to help develop are: Emotional abuse may include all of the following EXCEPT: a) yoga. b) singing. c) time-outs. d) ignoring it. a) have them draw or write about their feelings. b) have a daily check-in board. c) ask them how they feel during snack time. d) sing a song about feelings. a) self-resilience and self-confidence. b) self-respect and self-worth. c) self-worth and self-confidence. d) resilience and risk-taking. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 11/14
  • 20. Question 31 (2.5 points) Question 32 (2.5 points) Question 33 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved Many children who have experienced trauma question their competence and self-worth. This makes it important for teachers to: A goal should be for the child to become self-___________ at school, not simply to obey for a reward. a) name-calling. b) slapping. c) rejection. d) isolation. a) fix all of their students' mistakes.
  • 21. b) show their students the correct way to do things. c) have a peer helper to fix other student's projects. d) promote a "can-do" attitude in the classroom. a) governing b) reliant c) assured d) sufficient 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 12/14 Question 34 (2.5 points) Question 35 (2.5 points) Question 36 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved Many children who are exposed to violence withdraw from all interactions. As a teacher, you
  • 22. should try any of the following strategies EXCEPT: Children affected by divorce or separation may: Viewing children from a strengths-based perspective means: According to your text, ______ percent of children who die from abuse are under the age of 4. a) having plenty of large-group activities. b) letting them play the lead role in one-on-one activities, such as buddy reading. c) teaching conflict resolution skills. d) providing many opportunities to work in a small group. a) not have a fear of abandonment. b) be more secure in their attachment to others. c) blame their parents. d) be less secure in their attachment to others. a) using children's strengths to plan the curriculum. b) using the strengths of some of the children to help others. c) believing in a child's abilities to succeed even in the face of adversity.
  • 23. d) using a strong speaking voice and firm actions to help guide behavior. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 13/14 Question 37 (2.5 points) Question 38 (2.5 points) Question 39 (2.5 points) Saved Saved Saved _____________ is what allows us to stay focused on a specific task while ignoring other distractions. One of the BEST ways to discover children's special talents is: Calling out children in pairs, providing materials to be shared, and think-share-pair activities are ways to: a) 3
  • 24. b) 25 c) 60 d) 80 a) Selective attention b) Attention for survival c) Positive attention d) Attention to things of interest a) let them help others. b) offer them activity choices. c) observe them at various required activities. d) pair them with more skilled students. 12/7/2019 Quiz - Guidance and Discipline - Parent Organization ontent/176147/View 14/14 Question 40 (2.5 points) Saved There are three levels of attention described in the text: attention for survival, attention to things of interest, and:
  • 25. Submit Quiz 40 of 40 questions saved a) teach sharing. b) promote good behavior. c) observe differences. d) encourage friendships. a) attention to nature. b) selective attention. c) necessary attention. d) attention to details.