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Class 4: 
Case Study Framework
AFM 280 
Learning with Cases 
This presentation has been adapted from the work of 
Nancy Vanden Bosh for the course “Connections to 
Business Context – AFM 211”
OB Case analysis Framework 
Situation Size-up 
(Frame the Decision) 
Analysis to 
determine causes 
Identify & Assess 
What is a business case? 
 An unfinished short story - you get to finish it(1) 
 A simulation requiring you to: 
‒ DO organizational behaviour, accounting, finance, and 
‒ BE a decision-maker, advisor, or analyst, and 
‒ SOLVE an unstructured decision problem(2) 
 An opportunity to create something, not just accept 
information and give the “right” answer(3) 
Sources: (1) “Chapter 2, Multi-Subject Questions,” Integration and Analysis, Baker, Herauf, and Richardson, 2009. 
(2) Adapted from “Introduction to Comprehensive Simulations” [for ACC 610] by Dr. Gordon D. Richardson 
(3) “Case Preparation Guidelines” by Ann Velenchik 
Why – strengthen Decision Making 
Basic Decision Process* 
You encounter a choice. 
You analyze your options. 
You make a choice. 
Then you live with it. 
Case Analysis Process 
Frame the decision. 
Analyze issues +/or 
Make a choice. 
Communicate [+ live with it]. 
* Source: Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Decisive, 2013, p. 18.
…and learn how to transfer K&S 
Improve business, 
accounting and finance 
knowledge & skills [K&S], 
while strengthening soft 
[survival] skills, and 
practicing in simulated 
business situations 
so you can do “it” in the real 
world when it counts.* 
* Adapted from definition of “competence” by Dr. Peter Jensen in Ignite the Third Factor. 
Thomas Allen Publishers, 2008, p. 145.
Where do we use cases? 
Textbook problem Business case 
Question is structured [e.g. 
bullet points] 
is not obvious 
[read carefully] 
Analysis replicates samples 
in the relevant 
is rarely defined 
[plan your own 
Information uses information 
given in the 
uses relevant case 
information [so it 
depends on…] 
Solution answer is usually 
correct or incorrect 
there is rarely a 
“right” answer 
In developing… 
 capabilities for 
 ability to 
 ability to deal 
and ambiguity 
How are responses evaluated? 
We look for 
evidence of 
• Major issues/options 
• Each issue/option 
analyzed in depth 
• Appropriate OB 
theories applied 
Reliable if you integrate: 
• Use specific case facts 
• Do thorough analysis 
• Apply appropriate 
• Make reasonable 
Relevant to: 
• Role and situation 
• Required decision 
• Issue being analyzed
Participating in case discussions… 
 Recognize that informed participation will enable you 
to learn  look for opportunities. 
 For most, written prep is a must. 
 Use your skills in critique and argument. 
 Remember that numbers are the “language of 
business”  quantify wherever possible. 
 Have a point. Provide evidence. Do not blither on 
and on… 
 Listen…
Learn the case analysis process 
Frame the 
Step # 1 - How do I frame a decision [in a case]? 
Analyze Issues 
+/or Options 
Make a 
[+ live with it] 
Step # 2 - How do I do great analysis? 
Step # 3 – Isn’t the answer obvious? 
Step # 4 – Communicate. Really? Aren’t we done yet?
Case analysis Framework 
Situation Size-up 
(Frame the Decision) 
Analysis to 
determine causes 
Identify & Assess 
Frame the 
Analyze Issues 
+/or Options 
Make a 
[+ live with it]
How do I frame a decision? 
Frame the 
 What’s your role [e.g. decision-maker or analyst]? 
 What situation are you in [e.g. when, where, why]? 
 Who’s involved and why [e.g. stakeholders/users]? 
 What’s required [e.g. write memo, develop plan]? 
Analyze Issues 
+/or Options 
Make a 
[+ live with it] 
# 1 – Frame the Decision [in a case] 
What’s your 
plan [AKA 
blueprint] to 
address the 
You don’t read a case like a novel 
 Read the case very quickly 
 Carefully read the first and last few paragraphs of 
the case, looking for your role, the situation, key 
stakeholders, and what you are required to do 
 If the role and required aren’t clear, then re-scan the 
full case quickly for more context 
 Closely re-read the first and last few paragraphs, 
and make notes with short answers to the four 
Make notes or write on the case 
Questions to frame the decision 
1) What role are you playing? 
 Are you an employee or outside advisor? 
 Do you make a decision or provide advice? 
2) What situation are you in? 
 When is it taking place [year, date]? 
 What’s the business model? What goals? 
 Where is the business [e.g. lifecycle stage]? 
 Why has the situation arisen? 
3) Who’s involved and why? 
 What stakeholders are explicitly mentioned? 
 What needs or preferences are identified? 
 Do they have any limitations or constraints? 
4) What is required? 
 Is there a key question to answer? 
 Do you need to choose between options? 
 Is a specific deliverable mentioned? 
• Review your notes on role, 
situation, stakeholders, and 
what’s required. 
• In a sentence, summarize 
the required decision. 
Issues +/or 
Case Analysis 
Read to find relevant information 
With the required decision in mind: 
 carefully read the case narrative, looking for more 
subtle guidance about issues and options 
 as you read, jot down notes on the case that highlight 
and classify relevant information 
 skim exhibits, tables, and attachments – what’s 
there? why was that information included? 
Identify issues +/or options 
 How do you know an issue when you see one? 
 look for hints: concern, problem, challenge 
 think backwards from the required decision or options to 
identify the cause 
 How do you know what options exist? 
 look for changes or possible future actions 
 identify implicit options: e.g. an assessment [good or bad] 
or a specific change [yes or no] 
Interpret results 
and evaluate 
How do I do great analysis? 
Frame the 
Analyze Issues 
+/or Options 
Make a 
[+ live with it] 
# 2 - Analyze Issues +/or Options 
Perform thorough 
Structure your 
planned analysis: 
qualitative and 
It depends, 
Problem Statement 
 Identify issues (urgent? important?) 
 Primary - specific issue, decision or problem faced by 
decision-maker (generally it is time sensitive) 
 Secondary - the other problems that you identify in the 
case that need to be addressed 
 What are the implications of the problems identified? 
 Consequences if the problem is not resolved 
 Identify the root cause(s) 
 identify symptoms and root causes; what your analysis 
tells you are the underlying causes of problems 
 to be discussed and analyzed in next section 
 Conclude with key decisions facing decision 
Problem Statement - Symptoms and Root 
 Symptoms are generally observable 
 Examples? 
 (absenteeism, low morale, high employee turnover, 
decreases in productivity, delayed decision making, loss 
of market share) 
 Root Causes - not observable but are often the 
“hidden” reasons behind the problems 
 Examples? 
 lack of communication across departments, too much 
centralization, politics, imbalances in departmental power
Structure your analysis 
Detailed analysis in exhibit: 
 Relevant information/ 
assumptions by category 
 Reasonable time horizon 
 Level of precision required 
 Key measures and 
calculations clearly shown 
Relevant facts grouped, e.g.: 
 Situational facts [e.g. goals] 
 Stakeholder considerations 
 Customer/employee impact 
 Policies and standards 
 Opportunities and risks 
Note: bulleted lists work, but 
interpret case fact [so what?] 
Quantitative Qualitative
Perform thorough analysis 
 Quantitative and 
qualitative analysis 
 Balanced [e.g. strengths 
and weaknesses] 
 Explicit consideration of 
scenarios or uncertainty 
 Uses many relevant, 
specific case facts 
 States implication: why 
fact or finding is important 
 Uses scenario/sensitivity 
analysis to draw insights 
Breadth + Depth
Qualitative Analysis 
 Consider relationship between events and 
people – do a basic stakeholder analysis 
 What is the time-line and causal sequence of 
events that produced the current situation? 
 Can you anchor your ideas with evidence? 
 How can you use course theories to understand 
what is happening and why?
 Employees 
 Unions 
 Management 
 Customers 
 Owners and stockholders 
 Government 
 Creditors 
 Community 
 Suppliers 
What do they want? 
What impact do they have in the case?
Application of Theories 
 It is important to apply course concepts and theories 
in your analysis. 
 In many cases during the term we will be 
concentrating on particular conceptual areas and 
you should see how those concepts help your 
analysis of the case 
 In integrated cases you will need to apply concepts 
from multiple chapters
Interpret results – make sense? 
For EACH individual set of analysis, summarize findings 
 Result 
 Interpretation 
 Implications [if any] 
Look across all individual sets of analysis performed 
 Do I see obvious inconsistencies? Does it make sense? 
 Do I have “sufficient” support to make required decision? 
Isn’t the answer obvious? 
Frame the 
Analyze Issues 
+/or Options 
Make a 
[+ live with it] 
# 3 – Make a Choice [clearly]. It’s rarely obvious! 
 Assess your situation: 1 choice or multiple possibilities 
 Establish and use decision criteria – make choice 
 Document rationale that clearly links to your analysis
Is there really only one choice? 
1) It’s possible but rare – e.g. if your options are yes or no. 
But, you still need to document your choice. 
2) If you have multiple options and one [or more] is clearly not 
plausible, then drop it [explain why]. 
3) If you still have multiple plausible options, use decision-making 
criteria to surface trade-offs.
Decision criteria 
 Try this formulation: “In order to achieve our goals, 
any decision we make at this point MUST…” (reduce 
costs by x, improve time to market by y, etc). 
 If criteria are too broad, they’re meaningless (“Be 
more successful…” “Lower costs and increase sales…” 
“Be timely…”).
Decision Criteria 
 Use objectives or strategy of organization and what is 
important to decision maker 
Quantitative Qualitative 
Market share 
Delivery time 
Cash flow 
Time to complete 
Competitive advantage 
Customer satisfaction 
Employee morale 
Corporate image 
Ease of implementation 
Decision criteria – Cont’d 
Criteria/typical trade-offs 
 Cost versus benefit 
 Risk versus return 
 Growth versus profitability 
 Between two stakeholders 
 Urgency versus impact 
 Control versus flexibility 
Select most important criteria 
Impact on 
existing plant 
Build a new 
Buy a 
competitor for 
Time to 
Use criteria to show trade-off 
Impact on 
Expand + 10% 
+ 15-20% 1 year Low 
existing plant 
Build a new + 20% 
+ 40-50% 2 years Mod 
Buy a + 20% 
+25-50% 2 years High 
for facility 
Time to 
Choose and document choice 
 When you write “therefore it’s clear we should choose 
option 2”, it’s usually not clear at all. 
 If there’s one obvious choice – you don’t need the table. 
 But the structure illustrated below usually works well to 
communicate choice and rationale. 
Choose the best option Use criteria to show trade-off 
I recommend we build new facility 
because it has: 
• the highest return on assets 
• significant capacity increase 
• an acceptable risk on return 
Impact on 
Expand + 10% 
+ 15-20% 1 year Low 
existing plant 
Build a new + 20% 
+ 40-50% 2 years Mod 
Buy a + 20% 
+25-50% 2 years High 
for facility 
Time to 
Assessing Alternatives 
 Put yourself in the decision maker’s shoes 
 Assess both quantitative and qualitative factors 
 Evaluate all alternatives against identified decision 
 Refer to your knowledge and applicable theories 
 Predict outcomes -- short-term versus long-term 
 Consider constraints and opportunities 
 Consider the implications of your recommendation 
 is it realistic? 
 can it be done?
Recommended Solution 
 APPLY theories from the course 
 COMMIT to a plan of action 
 JUSTIFY your selected alternative 
 should relate to decision criteria, constraints and 
opportunities, immediate and basic problems 
 why is this solution better than the other alternatives? 
 PREDICT outcome you expect
Aren’t we done yet? 
Frame the 
Analyze Issues 
+/or Options 
Make a 
[+ live with it] 
# 4 – Communicate analysis and conclusion 
 Communicate analysis, findings, and implications 
as you perform analysis 
 Communicate choice, rationale, AND implications 
 Communicate deliverable tailored for the audience
Communicate as you analyze 
 Demonstrate use of specific, relevant case facts 
 Document assumptions in a way that indicates you 
considered reasonableness 
 Present detailed calculations in exhibit, interpret the 
results, and integrate results into analysis 
 Do not leave it to the reader to infer the meaning or 
implications of facts or findings. Interpret! 
Choice, rationale, and implications 
Don’t leave a reader asking “why” or “so what.” 
Clearly communicate choice and rationale, for example: 
I recommend _________________ because: 
‒ reason # 1, 
‒ reason # 2, and 
‒ reason # 3. 
Identify and communicate implications of choice. Consider: 
‒ briefly addressing any “next steps” that are required 
‒ highlighting major uncertainties that usually create risk 
Action and Implementation Plan 
 “What, who, when, how, cost/impact” for each 
action step 
 Identify immediate, short-term, long-term action 
 Focus on action needed to produce the desired 
advantages (or minimize the disadvantages) you 
described earlier in the case analysis 
 Discuss downside risk & contingency plan to 
deal with this risk explicitly and realistically.
Communicate to an audience 
 If case assignment requires a written submission or 
presentation, apply communication basics. 
 Identify your audience [needs/limitations] 
 Recognize purpose [inform, advise, persuade] 
 Use appropriate format and adapt as needed 
 Write/speak succinctly and professionally – to do so, 
you must think and plan before you start 
Now we’re done. 
Frame the 
Analyze Issues 
+/or Options 
Make a 
[+ live with it] 
Repeat or revisit when and as 
Next Class 
 Stress 
 Read Chapter 5 – there will be an in-class quiz

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  • 1. Class 4: Case Study Framework
  • 2. AFM 280 Learning with Cases This presentation has been adapted from the work of Nancy Vanden Bosh for the course “Connections to Business Context – AFM 211”
  • 3. OB Case analysis Framework Situation Size-up (Frame the Decision) Issue/Problem Identification Analysis to determine causes Identify & Assess Alternatives Recommendations Action Required
  • 4. What is a business case?  An unfinished short story - you get to finish it(1)  A simulation requiring you to: ‒ DO organizational behaviour, accounting, finance, and more, ‒ BE a decision-maker, advisor, or analyst, and ‒ SOLVE an unstructured decision problem(2)  An opportunity to create something, not just accept information and give the “right” answer(3) Sources: (1) “Chapter 2, Multi-Subject Questions,” Integration and Analysis, Baker, Herauf, and Richardson, 2009. (2) Adapted from “Introduction to Comprehensive Simulations” [for ACC 610] by Dr. Gordon D. Richardson (3) “Case Preparation Guidelines” by Ann Velenchik 4
  • 5. Why – strengthen Decision Making capabilities Basic Decision Process* You encounter a choice. You analyze your options. You make a choice. Then you live with it. 5 Case Analysis Process Frame the decision. Analyze issues +/or options. Make a choice. Communicate [+ live with it]. * Source: Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Decisive, 2013, p. 18.
  • 6. …and learn how to transfer K&S Improve business, accounting and finance knowledge & skills [K&S], while strengthening soft [survival] skills, and practicing in simulated business situations so you can do “it” in the real world when it counts.* 6 * Adapted from definition of “competence” by Dr. Peter Jensen in Ignite the Third Factor. Thomas Allen Publishers, 2008, p. 145.
  • 7. Where do we use cases? Textbook problem Business case Question is structured [e.g. bullet points] is not obvious [read carefully] Analysis replicates samples in the relevant chapter is rarely defined [plan your own analysis] Information uses information given in the problem uses relevant case information [so it depends on…] Solution answer is usually correct or incorrect there is rarely a “right” answer In developing…  capabilities for diagnosis  ability to manage yourself  ability to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity 7
  • 8. How are responses evaluated? 8 We look for evidence of competence Sufficient Analysis Appropriate Analysis • Major issues/options analyzed • Each issue/option analyzed in depth • Appropriate OB theories applied Reliable if you integrate: • Use specific case facts • Do thorough analysis • Apply appropriate theories • Make reasonable assumptions Relevant to: • Role and situation • Required decision • Issue being analyzed
  • 9. Participating in case discussions…  Recognize that informed participation will enable you to learn  look for opportunities.  For most, written prep is a must.  Use your skills in critique and argument.  Remember that numbers are the “language of business”  quantify wherever possible.  Have a point. Provide evidence. Do not blither on and on…  Listen…
  • 10. Learn the case analysis process Frame the Decision Step # 1 - How do I frame a decision [in a case]? 10 Analyze Issues +/or Options Make a Choice Communicate [+ live with it] Step # 2 - How do I do great analysis? Step # 3 – Isn’t the answer obvious? Step # 4 – Communicate. Really? Aren’t we done yet?
  • 11. Case analysis Framework Situation Size-up (Frame the Decision) Issue/Problem Identification Analysis to determine causes Identify & Assess Alternatives Recommendations Action Required Frame the Decision Analyze Issues +/or Options Make a Choice Communicate [+ live with it]
  • 12. How do I frame a decision? Frame the Decision  What’s your role [e.g. decision-maker or analyst]?  What situation are you in [e.g. when, where, why]?  Who’s involved and why [e.g. stakeholders/users]?  What’s required [e.g. write memo, develop plan]? 12 Analyze Issues +/or Options Make a Choice Communicate [+ live with it] # 1 – Frame the Decision [in a case] What’s your plan [AKA blueprint] to address the requirement?
  • 13. You don’t read a case like a novel  Read the case very quickly  Carefully read the first and last few paragraphs of the case, looking for your role, the situation, key stakeholders, and what you are required to do  If the role and required aren’t clear, then re-scan the full case quickly for more context  Closely re-read the first and last few paragraphs, and make notes with short answers to the four questions 13
  • 14. Make notes or write on the case Questions to frame the decision 1) What role are you playing?  Are you an employee or outside advisor?  Do you make a decision or provide advice? 2) What situation are you in?  When is it taking place [year, date]?  What’s the business model? What goals?  Where is the business [e.g. lifecycle stage]?  Why has the situation arisen? 3) Who’s involved and why?  What stakeholders are explicitly mentioned?  What needs or preferences are identified?  Do they have any limitations or constraints? 4) What is required?  Is there a key question to answer?  Do you need to choose between options?  Is a specific deliverable mentioned? 14 Role Situation Required Stakeholders
  • 15. CAUTION! 15 DO NOT BEGIN WRITING YOUR CASE RESPONSE UNTIL YOU HAVE A FEASIBLE CASE ANALYSIS PLAN. • Review your notes on role, situation, stakeholders, and what’s required. • In a sentence, summarize the required decision. Issues +/or Options Relevant Information Case Analysis Plan
  • 16. Read to find relevant information With the required decision in mind:  carefully read the case narrative, looking for more subtle guidance about issues and options  as you read, jot down notes on the case that highlight and classify relevant information  skim exhibits, tables, and attachments – what’s there? why was that information included? 16
  • 17. Identify issues +/or options  How do you know an issue when you see one?  look for hints: concern, problem, challenge  think backwards from the required decision or options to identify the cause  How do you know what options exist?  look for changes or possible future actions  identify implicit options: e.g. an assessment [good or bad] or a specific change [yes or no] 17
  • 18. Interpret results and evaluate analysis [sufficient] How do I do great analysis? Frame the Decision 18 Analyze Issues +/or Options Make a Choice Communicate [+ live with it] # 2 - Analyze Issues +/or Options Perform thorough analysis: [relevant/reliable] Structure your planned analysis: qualitative and quantitative It depends, but…
  • 19. Problem Statement  Identify issues (urgent? important?)  Primary - specific issue, decision or problem faced by decision-maker (generally it is time sensitive)  Secondary - the other problems that you identify in the case that need to be addressed  What are the implications of the problems identified?  Consequences if the problem is not resolved  Identify the root cause(s)  identify symptoms and root causes; what your analysis tells you are the underlying causes of problems  to be discussed and analyzed in next section  Conclude with key decisions facing decision maker(s)
  • 20. Problem Statement - Symptoms and Root Causes  Symptoms are generally observable  Examples?  (absenteeism, low morale, high employee turnover, decreases in productivity, delayed decision making, loss of market share)  Root Causes - not observable but are often the “hidden” reasons behind the problems  Examples?  lack of communication across departments, too much centralization, politics, imbalances in departmental power
  • 21. Structure your analysis Detailed analysis in exhibit:  Relevant information/ assumptions by category  Reasonable time horizon  Level of precision required  Key measures and calculations clearly shown Relevant facts grouped, e.g.:  Situational facts [e.g. goals]  Stakeholder considerations  Customer/employee impact  Policies and standards  Opportunities and risks Note: bulleted lists work, but interpret case fact [so what?] 21 Quantitative Qualitative
  • 22. Perform thorough analysis  Quantitative and qualitative analysis  Balanced [e.g. strengths and weaknesses]  Explicit consideration of scenarios or uncertainty  Uses many relevant, specific case facts  States implication: why fact or finding is important  Uses scenario/sensitivity analysis to draw insights 22 Breadth + Depth
  • 23. Qualitative Analysis  Consider relationship between events and people – do a basic stakeholder analysis  What is the time-line and causal sequence of events that produced the current situation?  Can you anchor your ideas with evidence?  How can you use course theories to understand what is happening and why?
  • 24. Stakeholders…  Employees  Unions  Management  Customers  Owners and stockholders  Government  Creditors  Community  Suppliers What do they want? What impact do they have in the case?
  • 25. Application of Theories  It is important to apply course concepts and theories in your analysis.  In many cases during the term we will be concentrating on particular conceptual areas and you should see how those concepts help your analysis of the case  In integrated cases you will need to apply concepts from multiple chapters
  • 26. Interpret results – make sense? For EACH individual set of analysis, summarize findings State:  Result  Interpretation  Implications [if any] Look across all individual sets of analysis performed  Do I see obvious inconsistencies? Does it make sense?  Do I have “sufficient” support to make required decision? 26
  • 27. Isn’t the answer obvious? Frame the Decision 27 Analyze Issues +/or Options Make a Choice Communicate [+ live with it] # 3 – Make a Choice [clearly]. It’s rarely obvious!  Assess your situation: 1 choice or multiple possibilities  Establish and use decision criteria – make choice  Document rationale that clearly links to your analysis
  • 28. Is there really only one choice? 28 Considerations: 1) It’s possible but rare – e.g. if your options are yes or no. But, you still need to document your choice. 2) If you have multiple options and one [or more] is clearly not plausible, then drop it [explain why]. 3) If you still have multiple plausible options, use decision-making criteria to surface trade-offs.
  • 29. Decision criteria  Try this formulation: “In order to achieve our goals, any decision we make at this point MUST…” (reduce costs by x, improve time to market by y, etc).  If criteria are too broad, they’re meaningless (“Be more successful…” “Lower costs and increase sales…” “Be timely…”).
  • 30. Decision Criteria  Use objectives or strategy of organization and what is important to decision maker Quantitative Qualitative Profit Cost R.O.I. Market share Capacity Delivery time Risk Cash flow Time to complete Competitive advantage Customer satisfaction Employee morale Corporate image Ease of implementation Ethics Safety Motivation Synergy Examples:
  • 31. Decision criteria – Cont’d Criteria/typical trade-offs  Cost versus benefit  Risk versus return  Growth versus profitability  Between two stakeholders  Urgency versus impact  Control versus flexibility 31 Illustration Select most important criteria Impact on ROA Expand existing plant Build a new facility Buy a competitor for facility Return Risk Time to Implement Capacity Increase Illustration Use criteria to show trade-off Impact on ROA Expand + 10% + 15-20% 1 year Low existing plant Build a new + 20% + 40-50% 2 years Mod facility Buy a + 20% +25-50% 2 years High competitor for facility Return Risk Time to Implement Capacity Increase Illustration
  • 32. Choose and document choice  When you write “therefore it’s clear we should choose option 2”, it’s usually not clear at all.  If there’s one obvious choice – you don’t need the table.  But the structure illustrated below usually works well to communicate choice and rationale. Choose the best option Use criteria to show trade-off I recommend we build new facility because it has: • the highest return on assets • significant capacity increase • an acceptable risk on return 32 Illustration Impact on ROA Expand + 10% + 15-20% 1 year Low existing plant Build a new + 20% + 40-50% 2 years Mod facility Buy a + 20% +25-50% 2 years High competitor for facility Return Risk Time to Implement Capacity Increase Illustration
  • 33. Assessing Alternatives  Put yourself in the decision maker’s shoes  Assess both quantitative and qualitative factors  Evaluate all alternatives against identified decision criteria  Refer to your knowledge and applicable theories  Predict outcomes -- short-term versus long-term  Consider constraints and opportunities  Consider the implications of your recommendation  is it realistic?  can it be done?
  • 34. Recommended Solution  APPLY theories from the course  COMMIT to a plan of action  JUSTIFY your selected alternative  should relate to decision criteria, constraints and opportunities, immediate and basic problems  why is this solution better than the other alternatives?  PREDICT outcome you expect
  • 35. Aren’t we done yet? Frame the Decision 35 Analyze Issues +/or Options Make a Choice Communicate [+ live with it] # 4 – Communicate analysis and conclusion  Communicate analysis, findings, and implications as you perform analysis  Communicate choice, rationale, AND implications  Communicate deliverable tailored for the audience
  • 36. Communicate as you analyze  Demonstrate use of specific, relevant case facts  Document assumptions in a way that indicates you considered reasonableness  Present detailed calculations in exhibit, interpret the results, and integrate results into analysis  Do not leave it to the reader to infer the meaning or implications of facts or findings. Interpret! 36
  • 37. Choice, rationale, and implications Don’t leave a reader asking “why” or “so what.” Clearly communicate choice and rationale, for example: I recommend _________________ because: ‒ reason # 1, ‒ reason # 2, and ‒ reason # 3. Identify and communicate implications of choice. Consider: ‒ briefly addressing any “next steps” that are required ‒ highlighting major uncertainties that usually create risk 37
  • 38. Action and Implementation Plan  “What, who, when, how, cost/impact” for each action step  Identify immediate, short-term, long-term action steps  Focus on action needed to produce the desired advantages (or minimize the disadvantages) you described earlier in the case analysis  Discuss downside risk & contingency plan to deal with this risk explicitly and realistically.
  • 39. Communicate to an audience  If case assignment requires a written submission or presentation, apply communication basics.  Identify your audience [needs/limitations]  Recognize purpose [inform, advise, persuade]  Use appropriate format and adapt as needed  Write/speak succinctly and professionally – to do so, you must think and plan before you start 39
  • 40. Now we’re done. Frame the Decision 40 Analyze Issues +/or Options Make a Choice Communicate [+ live with it] Repeat or revisit when and as needed.
  • 41. Next Class  Stress  Read Chapter 5 – there will be an in-class quiz