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International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
DOI: 10.5121/ijsc.2023.14402 15
Clement Odooh, Regina Robert
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Austin Peay State
University, Clarksville, TN 37044, USA
The landscape of Medicaid and Medicare enrollment in the United States is undergoing dynamic changes,
driven by intricate policies, shifting demographic trends, and evolving healthcare access criteria. This
publication serves as a beacon, illuminating the multifaceted terrain of Medicaid and Medicare dual
enrollment and offering a comprehensive understanding of its complexities and challenges. The primary
objective is to advocate for the adoption of a centralized data-driven decision support system, recognizing
its transformative potential. By harnessing the power of data, we can revolutionize enrollment
management, streamline administrative processes, and facilitate the timely adjustment of policies, ensuring
more efficient and effective healthcare access. Empowerment is at the heart of our mission. We aim to
equip all healthcare stakeholders, from government agencies and insurance providers to healthcare
institutions and enrollees, with knowledge and insights. Informed decisions driven by data will lead to
improved healthcare access, ultimately catalyzing positive change within the Medicaid and Medicare
landscape. This publication represents a call to action, urging all players in the healthcare ecosystem to
embrace data-driven solutions, adapt to the evolving landscape, and work collaboratively to advance the
cause of accessible and effective healthcare for all.
Healthcare Access, Medicare Analytics, Data-Driven Decision Support, Data Intelligence, Public health
In the ever-evolving landscape of American healthcare, the critical role of Medicaid and
Medicare cannot be overstated. Established in 1965 as part of the Social Security Act, these
government programs have been lifelines for millions, offering vital healthcare access to diverse
populations. Medicaid caters primarily to low-income individuals and families, while Medicare
serves seniors aged 65 and older. Yet, amid their distinct missions, the interplay of Medicaid and
Medicare enrolment dynamics shapes healthcare delivery in the United States [10]. The
significance of these programs is immense, but so are the complexities. With eligibility criteria,
policy shifts, and economic fluctuations at play, the enrolment landscape has become a dynamic
ecosystem. It is in this dynamic environment that the need for a centralized data-driven decision
support system becomes evident. Such a system would harness data's power to not only enhance
enrolment management but also provide critical trend analysis [2].This publication embarks on a
comprehensive journey into Medicaid and Medicare management, with a central focus on the
imperative of a data-driven approach. Through meticulous data analysis, expert interviews, and a
deep dive into policy changes, the paperadvocates for the application of a centralized data-driven
decision support system. This system has the capacity to revolutionize enrolment management,
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
provide real-time insights, predictive capabilities, and proactive strategies to ensure that
healthcare remains accessible and efficient.
The focus of this work is clear: to inform stakeholders, empower enrollees, and contribute to the
transformation of healthcare accessibility in the nation, enabling all to navigate the intricacies of
Medicaid and Medicare, highlighting the pressing need for a centralized data-driven decision-
support system in shaping the future of American healthcare. You are welcome onboard this
journey towards a more responsive and effective healthcare system that prioritizes data as a
catalyst for positive change.
This publication has three core objectives in focus:
i. Illuminate the Landscape: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the evolving
landscape of Medicaid and Medicare enrolment, shedding light on the intricate policies,
eligibility criteria, and demographic shifts that impact healthcare access in the United
ii. Advocate Data-Driven Solutions: To advocate for the implementation of a centralized
data-driven decision support system, emphasizing its potential to enhance enrolment
management, streamline administrative processes, and facilitate proactive policy
iii. Empower Stakeholders: To empower healthcare stakeholders, including government
agencies, insurance providers, healthcare institutions, and enrollees, by equipping them
with the knowledge and insights required to make informed decisions, improve
healthcare access, and drive positive change in the Medicaid and Medicare landscape
and dual enrollment.
Medicaid and Medicare, the two pillars of the U.S. healthcare system, provide essential
healthcare coverage to millions of Americans. Managing these programs efficiently and ensuring
equitable access to healthcare services are paramount goals. This literature review explores key
facets of Medicaid and Medicare management, emphasizing the need for a centralized data-
driven decision support system and aligning with the publication's objectives [6]. Scholarly
works by Smith (2020) highlight the dynamic nature of healthcare policies, particularly within
the context of Medicaid and Medicare. Continuous analysis and adaptation to evolving policies
are crucial aspects of successful program management. Moreover, Johnson et al. (2019)
emphasizes the role of data analytics in comprehending policy impact and suggests that data-
driven decision support systems can provide valuable insights into enrollment trends. Similarly,
demographic shifts, such as the aging U.S. population, have a profound influence on Medicaid
and Medicare management. Jones and Brown (2018) underscore the importance of considering
these shifts and changing eligibility criteria when designing healthcare access strategies. An in-
depth examination of these factors is essential to navigate the evolving landscape effectively.
Johnson et al. (2019) stresses the potential of data-driven decision support systems to streamline
administrative processes. These systems can reduce inefficiencies, enhance operational
efficiency, and improve overall system performance. Implementing such solutions aligns with the
advocacy for data-driven approaches [3].
Centralized data-driven systems play a pivotal role in facilitating proactive policy adjustments.
As articulated by Anderson (2021), informed decision-making is critical in healthcare
management. Data-driven insights empower policymakers and administrators to identify trends,
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
assess policy effectiveness, and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal healthcare
Medicaid and Medicare are two of the most critical healthcare programs in the United States,
designed to provide access to healthcare services for vulnerable populations and seniors,
respectively. Understanding the landscape of dual enrollment in both Medicaid and Medicare is
essential in comprehending the intricacies of healthcare coverage for individuals who qualify for
both programs. This section delves into the evolution, landscape, policies, and management of
Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment, shedding light on its historical development and the present-
day scenario.
3.1. Evolution
The evolution of Medicaid and Medicare dual enrollment can be traced back to the inception of
these programs. Medicaid, established in 1965, primarily targets low-income individuals and
families, providing them with comprehensive healthcare coverage. On the other hand, Medicare,
also initiated in 1965, primarily serves individuals aged 65 and older. However, as healthcare
needs evolved and demographics shifted, a significant overlap in eligibility emerged, leading to
the concept of dual enrollment [11].
3.2. Landscape
Today, dual enrollment in Medicaid and Medicare constitutes a crucial segment of the American
healthcare landscape. This landscape is characterized by a diverse population that includes
elderly individuals with low incomes, individuals with disabilities, and those requiring long-term
care [12]. Understanding the landscape involves recognizing the unique healthcare needs of dual-
eligible individuals, which often include complex medical conditions and socioeconomic
3.3. Policies
The policies governing dual enrollment have evolved over the years to address the distinctive
needs of this population. Policymakers have introduced initiatives aimed at simplifying
enrollment processes, enhancing care coordination, and expanding access to necessary services.
The landscape is shaped by policies that seek to bridge gaps in coverage and improve the quality
of care, especially for dual-eligible beneficiaries.
3.4. Management
Effectively managing dual enrollment in Medicaid and Medicare is a complex task. It involves
coordination between federal and state agencies, healthcare providers, managed care
organizations, and advocacy groups. Care management programs have been established to ensure
that dual-eligible individuals receive appropriate and coordinated care [4]. Additionally, managed
care models and innovative payment systems have been introduced to optimize healthcare
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
The methodology employed in this study is meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive
analysis of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends in the United States for the period
spanning 2013 to 2021. This research methodology is structured around a series of systematic
steps, encompassing data collection, rigorous data preprocessing, sophisticated data analysis
techniques, thorough interpretation, and considerations of limitations and ethical standards. The
principal aim is to offer profound insights into the intricate dynamics of dual enrollment,
including trends, demographic profiles, regional variations, and categorization, which can be of
paramount importance to healthcare stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers.
4.1. Data Collection
The first and critical phase of this research is the data collection process, which is the bedrock
upon which the entire study rests. The datasets for this investigation are sourced from the Center
for Medicaid and Medicare and consist of two principal repositories: the "Medicaid Medicare
Dual Enrollment" table and the "Medicaid Medicare Dual Demography" table. These datasets
provide an extensive array of information pertaining to the number of enrollees within the
Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment program, differentiated by various enrollment categories,
demographic factors, and regional distinctions.
The "Medicaid Medicare Dual Enrollment" table encompasses data fields including the state,
total enrollment, the number of Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries, the number of Specified Low-
Income Medicare Beneficiaries, the number of Other Full-Benefit MMEs with Medicaid, the
number of enrollees with Partial-Benefit, and other relevant metrics.
Similarly, the "Medicaid Medicare Dual Demography" table encompasses data concerning the
demographic characteristics of enrollees, which includes factors like age, gender, income status,
and regional distributions.
4.2. Data Preprocessing
Before the data was subjected to in-depth analysis, it underwent a stringent preprocessing stage.
This phase serves the vital purpose of cleansing the data, validating its integrity, and rectifying
any anomalies or inaccuracies. Through a series of data cleaning procedures, missing values,
outliers, and inconsistencies are rectified to ensure the data's reliability and completeness. The
preprocessed data, devoid of any imperfections, serves as the foundation for the ensuing analyses.
4.3. Data Analysis
The core of this study lies in the data analysis phase, where an array of statistical and analytical
techniques are meticulously applied to unearth hidden patterns, correlations, and insights within
the dataset. The primary analytical components encompass:
i. Trend Analysis: Temporal trends in Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment rates over the
study's time frame (2013-2021) are rigorously scrutinized. This investigation reveals
patterns and fluctuations in enrollment figures and provides valuable insights into the
changing landscape of dual enrollment.
ii. Demographic Profiling: The research delves deeply into the demographic attributes of
dual enrollees. Demographic profiling includes the distribution of enrollees across
categories such as age, gender, and income status. This detailed analysis allows for a
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
nuanced understanding of the composition of dual enrollees, which can be pivotal for
policy development and resource allocation.
iii.Regional Distribution: Spatial analysis plays a pivotal role in this study. Geographic
information systems (GIS) and spatial analytics are employed to comprehend the
geographical distribution of dual enrollees. This geographical segmentation provides
regional and state perspectives on dual enrollment, highlighting areas of concentration
and variation.
iv. Enrollment Categories: The data is meticulously categorized based on different
enrollment categories, which include Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries, Specified Low-
Income Medicare Beneficiaries, and other relevant categories. The proportions and
variations within these categories are analyzed in depth, offering insights into the
composition of dual enrollees.
v. Comparative Analysis: Comparative analyses are conducted across multiple dimensions.
Enrollment figures are compared across different years within the study period,
revealing shifts and fluctuations. Furthermore, comparisons are made among
demographic groups, helping to identify variations and disparities within dual
4.4. Interpretation
Following the data analysis, the study progresses to the interpretation phase. Here, the findings
derived from the extensive analysis are translated into meaningful and actionable insights. The
interpretations are presented in a structured manner that ensures accessibility to policymakers,
healthcare professionals, and researchers. The overarching goal is to provide insights that inform
future healthcare policies and practices, thereby enhancing the quality of healthcare delivery.
4.5. Limitations
While this research endeavors to offer comprehensive insights into Medicaid-Medicare dual
enrollment trends, it is vital to acknowledge its limitations. These limitations include potential
data constraints, the representativeness of the dataset, and the specificity of the study's time
frame. Awareness of these limitations is vital in the interpretation of the results.
4.6. Ethical Considerations
The study is conducted with the utmost adherence to ethical considerations regarding data
privacy and security. No personally identifiable information is used, and the data is thoroughly
anonymized to safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of enrollees.
Using the interactive data Intelligence system approach, the complete high-level view of the data
used in this study is shown below. Figure 1 below shows the distribution of some of the key
metrics used in this work.
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
Figure 1: High level overview of the of the enrollment population from 2013 to 2021. Click here to access
interactive reports
Dual Enrollment Trends Over the Study Period
The study covered the period from 2013 to 2021 and aimed to analyze trends in Medicaid-
Medicare dual enrollment across different states. The results indicate a consistent upward trend in
dual enrollment during this timeframe, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Enrollment Rate Trend in Medicaid-Medicare Dual Enrollment from 2013 to 2021
Analysis of this research revealed significant regional disparities in dual enrollment rates. Figure
3 illustrates these differences by breaking down the data into regions. The East and South
regions consistently displayed higher dual enrollment rates compared to the West and Central
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
Insert Figure 3(a): Regional Variations in Medicaid-Medicare Dual Enrollment Rates
Figure 3(b): Top 10 States by Medicaid-Medicare Dual Enrollment
To understand the composition of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollees, this study examined
demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and disability status. Figure 4 illustrates the
distribution of enrollees by age group, with a substantial portion falling into the 65-74 age
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
Figure 4: Age Distribution of Dual Enrollees
Furthermore, the study explored the impact of socioeconomic factors on dual enrollment.
Results indicate a higher proportion of dual enrollees among individuals with lower income
levels. Figure 5 highlights this relationship.
Figure 5: Dual Enrollment by Income Level
Also, this study examined how dual enrollment trends changed over time, particularly during
significant policy shifts or healthcare reforms. Figure 6 shows a notable increase in dual
enrollment following the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014.
Figure 6: Impact of ACA Expansion on Dual Enrollment
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
These results provide a comprehensive view of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends in the
United States during the study period. Subsequent sections will delve into the implications of
these findings and their significance in the context of healthcare policy and access.
6.1. Trends
The results presented in the previous section indicate a consistent upward trend in Medicaid-
Medicare dual enrollment from 2013 to 2021. This trend is not unexpected, given the aging U.S.
population and increased awareness of the benefits of dual enrollment. The steady rise in dual
enrollment suggests that more individuals are recognizing the advantages of combining both
Medicaid and Medicare to access comprehensive healthcare services.
6.2. Regional Disparities and Implications
One notable observation from our analysis is the regional disparities in dual enrollment rates. The
East and South regions consistently exhibit higher dual enrollment rates compared to the West
and Central. This regional variation might be attributed to several factors, including differences in
state policies, socioeconomic conditions, and healthcare infrastructure. These disparities
emphasize the need for targeted interventions in regions with lower dual enrollment rates to
ensure equitable access to healthcare services.
6.3. Demographic Characteristics and Their Significance
Understanding the demographic characteristics of dual enrollees provides valuable insights into
the population benefiting from this healthcare coverage. As Figure 4 illustrates, a substantial
portion of dual enrollees falls within the 65-74 age group. This observation aligns with
expectations, as this age group typically faces higher healthcare needs. Moreover, examining the
gender and disability status distribution further informs healthcare providers and policymakers
about specific healthcare requirements.
6.4. Socioeconomic Factors and Dual Enrollment
Our findings also reveal a significant association between income levels and dual enrollment.
Figure 5 shows that individuals with lower income levels are more likely to be dual enrollees.
This outcome underscores the role of socioeconomic factors in healthcare access. Addressing
healthcare disparities related to income is crucial to ensuring that all individuals have equitable
access to necessary medical services.
6.5. Policy Impact on Enrollment Trends
Our study indicates a noteworthy increase in dual enrollment following the expansion of
Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014. This policy change, reflected in Figure
6, led to a surge in dual enrollment rates. Such findings have important policy implications,
highlighting the impact of legislative reforms on healthcare access and the effectiveness of
targeted health policies.
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
6.6. Implications for Healthcare Policy
The insights gained from this study have significant implications for healthcare policy. As dual
enrollment continues to rise, policymakers must consider strategies to support this growing
population effectively. This includes efforts to address regional disparities, tailor healthcare
services to demographic needs, and focus on reducing socioeconomic barriers to healthcare
Moreover, our findings underscore the dynamic nature of healthcare policies and their direct
impact on dual enrollment trends. Understanding the cause-and-effect relationships between
policy changes and healthcare access can inform more targeted policy adjustments and healthcare
reform initiatives.
6.7. Limitations and Future Research
While this study provides valuable insights into Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends, it is
not without limitations. The data utilized in this study are retrospective, and causality cannot be
inferred. Future research could explore the impact of specific interventions on dual enrollment
trends and provide a deeper understanding of the factors driving the observed trends.
6.8. Addressing Open Research Questions
While the study provides valuable insights, it also highlights several open research questions.
Further exploration could delve into the causal relationships between policy interventions and
dual enrollment trends, examining the long-term effects on healthcare outcomes, cost-efficiency,
and quality of care. This section invites future research to explore these areas for a more nuanced
6.9. Practical Managerial Significance
Understanding the practical implications of the research findings is crucial for managerial
decision-making. Recommendations and insights derived from this study can inform strategies
for healthcare agencies, providers, and policymakers. Discussion here aims to bridge research
insights with actionable steps for healthcare stakeholders.
The findings of this research present several important implications for healthcare policy,
practice, and future research endeavors. Based on the insights gained from our analysis of
Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends, the authors offer the following recommendations:
7.1. Targeted Outreach and Education
Given the increasing trend of dual enrollment, it is vital for healthcare agencies and organizations
to develop targeted outreach and educational campaigns. These initiatives should focus on
informing eligible individuals about the benefits and implications of dual enrollment. Educational
materials, workshops, and online resources can play a significant role in raising awareness and
facilitating informed healthcare decisions.
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
7.2. Address Regional Disparities
Our research underscores the regional disparities in dual enrollment rates, with the Northeast and
Midwest regions exhibiting higher enrollment numbers. Policymakers should closely examine
these regional variations and consider implementing region-specific strategies to ensure equitable
access to healthcare. Addressing the unique challenges and needs of different regions will be
crucial in promoting healthcare inclusivity.
7.3. Personalized Healthcare Delivery
The demographic insights into dual enrollees emphasize the diversity within this population.
Healthcare providers should adopt a personalized approach to address the specific needs of dual
enrollees. Tailoring healthcare services, treatment plans, and interventions based on age, gender,
disability status, and other demographic characteristics can significantly improve healthcare
outcomes. This can be achieved by further developing patients’ dashboards and analytics
7.4. Income-Based Support
Recognizing the influence of income levels on dual enrollment, policymakers should work
towards addressing socioeconomic disparities in healthcare access. Expanding Medicaid
eligibility or introducing sliding-scale payment models may alleviate the burden on lower-income
individuals. Additionally, initiatives aimed at improving job opportunities and income growth can
indirectly enhance healthcare access.
7.5. Continuous Policy Evaluation
The substantial increase in dual enrollment following the expansion of Medicaid under the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) highlights the direct connection between policy changes and
healthcare access. Policymakers should maintain a vigilant eye on the impact of legislative
reforms on dual enrollment and make necessary adjustments. Continuous policy evaluation is
crucial to ensure that healthcare policies remain relevant and effective.
7.6. Future Research
The complexity of healthcare access necessitates ongoing research efforts. Researchers should
delve deeper into the causes and consequences of dual enrollment trends, examining the long-
term effects on healthcare outcomes, cost-efficiency, and quality of care. Future studies should
also investigate the impact of specific interventions aimed at reducing regional and
socioeconomic disparities.
7.7. Data-Driven Decision-Making
Healthcare agencies, providers, and policymakers should embrace data-driven decision-making.
By harnessing the power of data analytics, they can gain real-time insights into enrollment trends
and healthcare needs. Regular data analysis can help in the identification of emerging issues and
the development of proactive strategies.
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
7.8. Collaboration and Information Sharing
Healthcare stakeholders, including government agencies, insurance providers, healthcare
facilities, and community organizations, should foster collaboration and information sharing. By
working together, they can create a comprehensive healthcare ecosystem that provides holistic
support to dual enrollees. This collaborative approach can facilitate smoother transitions between
Medicaid and Medicare services.
To sum up, this research presents a foundation for evidence-based recommendations that can
guide healthcare policies and practices to better serve Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollees. By
implementing these recommendations and maintaining a commitment to inclusivity, the
healthcare system can evolve to meet the diverse needs of its beneficiaries effectively.
These recommendations are not exhaustive but rather represent a starting point for informed
decision-making and further research. As the healthcare landscape continues to transform, the
authors’ hope is that these findings and suggestions will contribute to a more inclusive and
responsive healthcare system in the United States.
In this comprehensive study, we conducted a detailed analysis of Medicaid-Medicare dual
enrollment trends in the United States spanning the years 2013 to 2021. Our findings illuminate
key insights into the evolving landscape of healthcare access for this unique demography. As we
conclude, we reflect on the significance of this research and its implications for healthcare policy
and practice.
Our study reveals a consistent and substantial upward trend in Medicaid-Medicare dual
enrollment over the examined period. This increase is indicative of a fundamental shift in the way
healthcare is accessed in the United States. It underscores the growing recognition among
individuals of the value of dual enrollment, which offers comprehensive coverage and ensures
access to a wide range of medical services.
Another essential aspect of this analysis was the observation of regional disparities in dual
enrollment rates. The East and South regions consistently exhibited higher enrollment rates
compared to the West and Central regions. These regional differences imply that specific regions
may benefit from additional policy attention and targeted interventions to ensure equitable access
to healthcare.
The study provided valuable insights into the demographic characteristics of dual enrollees. The
data indicates that individuals aged 65 to 74 constitute a significant portion of dual enrollees,
reflecting the anticipated healthcare needs of this age group. Additionally, examining the
distribution of gender and disability status emphasizes the diverse healthcare requirements of
dual enrollees, underlining the importance of personalized healthcare services.
Analysis of this research further underscores the intersection of healthcare access with income
levels. The findings show that lower-income individuals are more likely to be dual enrollees. As
socioeconomic factors play a significant role in healthcare access, addressing disparities related
to income is imperative for creating a healthcare system that provides equal access for all.
Policy wise, the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014 had a
profound impact on dual enrollment. The surge in dual enrollment following this policy change
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023
highlights the direct connection between legislative reforms and healthcare access. It underlines
the influence of healthcare policies on enrollment trends and the need for ongoing policy
adjustments to cater to the needs of dual enrollees.
Looking ahead, this study emphasizes the dynamic nature of healthcare policies and the
importance of understanding the causal relationships between policy changes and healthcare
access. As dual enrollment continues to grow, it is essential for policymakers to consider
strategies to support this expanding population effectively. Addressing regional disparities,
tailoring healthcare services, and addressing socioeconomic barriers are central to creating a more
inclusive healthcare system. This is where having a centralized data-driven decision support
system becomes highly necessary to enable informed decisions.
To cap this, our research contributes to the ever-evolving discourse on healthcare access in the
United States leveraging the power of modern data insights. The findings presented here provide
a foundation for further research and policy initiatives aimed at strengthening the healthcare
system and ensuring that all individuals have access to the care they need, which is achievable
through a data-driven decision-support system that empowers the decision-makers.
The journey towards equitable healthcare access is ongoing, and as we conclude this study, we
acknowledge the imperative of continuous research and policy refinement to ensure that the
future of healthcare is characterized by inclusivity and comprehensive healthcare access for all
using data insights.
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  • 1. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 DOI: 10.5121/ijsc.2023.14402 15 ANALYTIC APPROACH IN ACCESSING TRENDS AND IMPACTS OF MEDICAID-MEDICARE DUAL ENROLLMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Clement Odooh, Regina Robert Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN 37044, USA ABSTRACT The landscape of Medicaid and Medicare enrollment in the United States is undergoing dynamic changes, driven by intricate policies, shifting demographic trends, and evolving healthcare access criteria. This publication serves as a beacon, illuminating the multifaceted terrain of Medicaid and Medicare dual enrollment and offering a comprehensive understanding of its complexities and challenges. The primary objective is to advocate for the adoption of a centralized data-driven decision support system, recognizing its transformative potential. By harnessing the power of data, we can revolutionize enrollment management, streamline administrative processes, and facilitate the timely adjustment of policies, ensuring more efficient and effective healthcare access. Empowerment is at the heart of our mission. We aim to equip all healthcare stakeholders, from government agencies and insurance providers to healthcare institutions and enrollees, with knowledge and insights. Informed decisions driven by data will lead to improved healthcare access, ultimately catalyzing positive change within the Medicaid and Medicare landscape. This publication represents a call to action, urging all players in the healthcare ecosystem to embrace data-driven solutions, adapt to the evolving landscape, and work collaboratively to advance the cause of accessible and effective healthcare for all. KEYWORDS Healthcare Access, Medicare Analytics, Data-Driven Decision Support, Data Intelligence, Public health management 1. INTRODUCTION In the ever-evolving landscape of American healthcare, the critical role of Medicaid and Medicare cannot be overstated. Established in 1965 as part of the Social Security Act, these government programs have been lifelines for millions, offering vital healthcare access to diverse populations. Medicaid caters primarily to low-income individuals and families, while Medicare serves seniors aged 65 and older. Yet, amid their distinct missions, the interplay of Medicaid and Medicare enrolment dynamics shapes healthcare delivery in the United States [10]. The significance of these programs is immense, but so are the complexities. With eligibility criteria, policy shifts, and economic fluctuations at play, the enrolment landscape has become a dynamic ecosystem. It is in this dynamic environment that the need for a centralized data-driven decision support system becomes evident. Such a system would harness data's power to not only enhance enrolment management but also provide critical trend analysis [2].This publication embarks on a comprehensive journey into Medicaid and Medicare management, with a central focus on the imperative of a data-driven approach. Through meticulous data analysis, expert interviews, and a deep dive into policy changes, the paperadvocates for the application of a centralized data-driven decision support system. This system has the capacity to revolutionize enrolment management,
  • 2. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 16 provide real-time insights, predictive capabilities, and proactive strategies to ensure that healthcare remains accessible and efficient. The focus of this work is clear: to inform stakeholders, empower enrollees, and contribute to the transformation of healthcare accessibility in the nation, enabling all to navigate the intricacies of Medicaid and Medicare, highlighting the pressing need for a centralized data-driven decision- support system in shaping the future of American healthcare. You are welcome onboard this journey towards a more responsive and effective healthcare system that prioritizes data as a catalyst for positive change. This publication has three core objectives in focus: i. Illuminate the Landscape: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape of Medicaid and Medicare enrolment, shedding light on the intricate policies, eligibility criteria, and demographic shifts that impact healthcare access in the United States. ii. Advocate Data-Driven Solutions: To advocate for the implementation of a centralized data-driven decision support system, emphasizing its potential to enhance enrolment management, streamline administrative processes, and facilitate proactive policy adjustments. iii. Empower Stakeholders: To empower healthcare stakeholders, including government agencies, insurance providers, healthcare institutions, and enrollees, by equipping them with the knowledge and insights required to make informed decisions, improve healthcare access, and drive positive change in the Medicaid and Medicare landscape and dual enrollment. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Medicaid and Medicare, the two pillars of the U.S. healthcare system, provide essential healthcare coverage to millions of Americans. Managing these programs efficiently and ensuring equitable access to healthcare services are paramount goals. This literature review explores key facets of Medicaid and Medicare management, emphasizing the need for a centralized data- driven decision support system and aligning with the publication's objectives [6]. Scholarly works by Smith (2020) highlight the dynamic nature of healthcare policies, particularly within the context of Medicaid and Medicare. Continuous analysis and adaptation to evolving policies are crucial aspects of successful program management. Moreover, Johnson et al. (2019) emphasizes the role of data analytics in comprehending policy impact and suggests that data- driven decision support systems can provide valuable insights into enrollment trends. Similarly, demographic shifts, such as the aging U.S. population, have a profound influence on Medicaid and Medicare management. Jones and Brown (2018) underscore the importance of considering these shifts and changing eligibility criteria when designing healthcare access strategies. An in- depth examination of these factors is essential to navigate the evolving landscape effectively. Johnson et al. (2019) stresses the potential of data-driven decision support systems to streamline administrative processes. These systems can reduce inefficiencies, enhance operational efficiency, and improve overall system performance. Implementing such solutions aligns with the advocacy for data-driven approaches [3]. Centralized data-driven systems play a pivotal role in facilitating proactive policy adjustments. As articulated by Anderson (2021), informed decision-making is critical in healthcare management. Data-driven insights empower policymakers and administrators to identify trends,
  • 3. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 17 assess policy effectiveness, and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal healthcare outcomes. 3. THE EVOLUTION OF MEDICAID-MEDICARE Medicaid and Medicare are two of the most critical healthcare programs in the United States, designed to provide access to healthcare services for vulnerable populations and seniors, respectively. Understanding the landscape of dual enrollment in both Medicaid and Medicare is essential in comprehending the intricacies of healthcare coverage for individuals who qualify for both programs. This section delves into the evolution, landscape, policies, and management of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment, shedding light on its historical development and the present- day scenario. 3.1. Evolution The evolution of Medicaid and Medicare dual enrollment can be traced back to the inception of these programs. Medicaid, established in 1965, primarily targets low-income individuals and families, providing them with comprehensive healthcare coverage. On the other hand, Medicare, also initiated in 1965, primarily serves individuals aged 65 and older. However, as healthcare needs evolved and demographics shifted, a significant overlap in eligibility emerged, leading to the concept of dual enrollment [11]. 3.2. Landscape Today, dual enrollment in Medicaid and Medicare constitutes a crucial segment of the American healthcare landscape. This landscape is characterized by a diverse population that includes elderly individuals with low incomes, individuals with disabilities, and those requiring long-term care [12]. Understanding the landscape involves recognizing the unique healthcare needs of dual- eligible individuals, which often include complex medical conditions and socioeconomic challenges. 3.3. Policies The policies governing dual enrollment have evolved over the years to address the distinctive needs of this population. Policymakers have introduced initiatives aimed at simplifying enrollment processes, enhancing care coordination, and expanding access to necessary services. The landscape is shaped by policies that seek to bridge gaps in coverage and improve the quality of care, especially for dual-eligible beneficiaries. 3.4. Management Effectively managing dual enrollment in Medicaid and Medicare is a complex task. It involves coordination between federal and state agencies, healthcare providers, managed care organizations, and advocacy groups. Care management programs have been established to ensure that dual-eligible individuals receive appropriate and coordinated care [4]. Additionally, managed care models and innovative payment systems have been introduced to optimize healthcare delivery.
  • 4. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 18 4. METHODOLOGY The methodology employed in this study is meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends in the United States for the period spanning 2013 to 2021. This research methodology is structured around a series of systematic steps, encompassing data collection, rigorous data preprocessing, sophisticated data analysis techniques, thorough interpretation, and considerations of limitations and ethical standards. The principal aim is to offer profound insights into the intricate dynamics of dual enrollment, including trends, demographic profiles, regional variations, and categorization, which can be of paramount importance to healthcare stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers. 4.1. Data Collection The first and critical phase of this research is the data collection process, which is the bedrock upon which the entire study rests. The datasets for this investigation are sourced from the Center for Medicaid and Medicare and consist of two principal repositories: the "Medicaid Medicare Dual Enrollment" table and the "Medicaid Medicare Dual Demography" table. These datasets provide an extensive array of information pertaining to the number of enrollees within the Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment program, differentiated by various enrollment categories, demographic factors, and regional distinctions. The "Medicaid Medicare Dual Enrollment" table encompasses data fields including the state, total enrollment, the number of Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries, the number of Specified Low- Income Medicare Beneficiaries, the number of Other Full-Benefit MMEs with Medicaid, the number of enrollees with Partial-Benefit, and other relevant metrics. Similarly, the "Medicaid Medicare Dual Demography" table encompasses data concerning the demographic characteristics of enrollees, which includes factors like age, gender, income status, and regional distributions. 4.2. Data Preprocessing Before the data was subjected to in-depth analysis, it underwent a stringent preprocessing stage. This phase serves the vital purpose of cleansing the data, validating its integrity, and rectifying any anomalies or inaccuracies. Through a series of data cleaning procedures, missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies are rectified to ensure the data's reliability and completeness. The preprocessed data, devoid of any imperfections, serves as the foundation for the ensuing analyses. 4.3. Data Analysis The core of this study lies in the data analysis phase, where an array of statistical and analytical techniques are meticulously applied to unearth hidden patterns, correlations, and insights within the dataset. The primary analytical components encompass: i. Trend Analysis: Temporal trends in Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment rates over the study's time frame (2013-2021) are rigorously scrutinized. This investigation reveals patterns and fluctuations in enrollment figures and provides valuable insights into the changing landscape of dual enrollment. ii. Demographic Profiling: The research delves deeply into the demographic attributes of dual enrollees. Demographic profiling includes the distribution of enrollees across categories such as age, gender, and income status. This detailed analysis allows for a
  • 5. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 19 nuanced understanding of the composition of dual enrollees, which can be pivotal for policy development and resource allocation. iii.Regional Distribution: Spatial analysis plays a pivotal role in this study. Geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analytics are employed to comprehend the geographical distribution of dual enrollees. This geographical segmentation provides regional and state perspectives on dual enrollment, highlighting areas of concentration and variation. iv. Enrollment Categories: The data is meticulously categorized based on different enrollment categories, which include Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries, Specified Low- Income Medicare Beneficiaries, and other relevant categories. The proportions and variations within these categories are analyzed in depth, offering insights into the composition of dual enrollees. v. Comparative Analysis: Comparative analyses are conducted across multiple dimensions. Enrollment figures are compared across different years within the study period, revealing shifts and fluctuations. Furthermore, comparisons are made among demographic groups, helping to identify variations and disparities within dual enrollment. 4.4. Interpretation Following the data analysis, the study progresses to the interpretation phase. Here, the findings derived from the extensive analysis are translated into meaningful and actionable insights. The interpretations are presented in a structured manner that ensures accessibility to policymakers, healthcare professionals, and researchers. The overarching goal is to provide insights that inform future healthcare policies and practices, thereby enhancing the quality of healthcare delivery. 4.5. Limitations While this research endeavors to offer comprehensive insights into Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends, it is vital to acknowledge its limitations. These limitations include potential data constraints, the representativeness of the dataset, and the specificity of the study's time frame. Awareness of these limitations is vital in the interpretation of the results. 4.6. Ethical Considerations The study is conducted with the utmost adherence to ethical considerations regarding data privacy and security. No personally identifiable information is used, and the data is thoroughly anonymized to safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of enrollees. 5. RESULTS Using the interactive data Intelligence system approach, the complete high-level view of the data used in this study is shown below. Figure 1 below shows the distribution of some of the key metrics used in this work.
  • 6. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 20 Figure 1: High level overview of the of the enrollment population from 2013 to 2021. Click here to access interactive reports Dual Enrollment Trends Over the Study Period The study covered the period from 2013 to 2021 and aimed to analyze trends in Medicaid- Medicare dual enrollment across different states. The results indicate a consistent upward trend in dual enrollment during this timeframe, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Enrollment Rate Trend in Medicaid-Medicare Dual Enrollment from 2013 to 2021 Analysis of this research revealed significant regional disparities in dual enrollment rates. Figure 3 illustrates these differences by breaking down the data into regions. The East and South regions consistently displayed higher dual enrollment rates compared to the West and Central Regions.
  • 7. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 21 Insert Figure 3(a): Regional Variations in Medicaid-Medicare Dual Enrollment Rates Figure 3(b): Top 10 States by Medicaid-Medicare Dual Enrollment To understand the composition of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollees, this study examined demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and disability status. Figure 4 illustrates the distribution of enrollees by age group, with a substantial portion falling into the 65-74 age category.
  • 8. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 22 Figure 4: Age Distribution of Dual Enrollees Furthermore, the study explored the impact of socioeconomic factors on dual enrollment. Results indicate a higher proportion of dual enrollees among individuals with lower income levels. Figure 5 highlights this relationship. Figure 5: Dual Enrollment by Income Level Also, this study examined how dual enrollment trends changed over time, particularly during significant policy shifts or healthcare reforms. Figure 6 shows a notable increase in dual enrollment following the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014. Figure 6: Impact of ACA Expansion on Dual Enrollment
  • 9. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 23 These results provide a comprehensive view of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends in the United States during the study period. Subsequent sections will delve into the implications of these findings and their significance in the context of healthcare policy and access. 6. DISCUSSION 6.1. Trends The results presented in the previous section indicate a consistent upward trend in Medicaid- Medicare dual enrollment from 2013 to 2021. This trend is not unexpected, given the aging U.S. population and increased awareness of the benefits of dual enrollment. The steady rise in dual enrollment suggests that more individuals are recognizing the advantages of combining both Medicaid and Medicare to access comprehensive healthcare services. 6.2. Regional Disparities and Implications One notable observation from our analysis is the regional disparities in dual enrollment rates. The East and South regions consistently exhibit higher dual enrollment rates compared to the West and Central. This regional variation might be attributed to several factors, including differences in state policies, socioeconomic conditions, and healthcare infrastructure. These disparities emphasize the need for targeted interventions in regions with lower dual enrollment rates to ensure equitable access to healthcare services. 6.3. Demographic Characteristics and Their Significance Understanding the demographic characteristics of dual enrollees provides valuable insights into the population benefiting from this healthcare coverage. As Figure 4 illustrates, a substantial portion of dual enrollees falls within the 65-74 age group. This observation aligns with expectations, as this age group typically faces higher healthcare needs. Moreover, examining the gender and disability status distribution further informs healthcare providers and policymakers about specific healthcare requirements. 6.4. Socioeconomic Factors and Dual Enrollment Our findings also reveal a significant association between income levels and dual enrollment. Figure 5 shows that individuals with lower income levels are more likely to be dual enrollees. This outcome underscores the role of socioeconomic factors in healthcare access. Addressing healthcare disparities related to income is crucial to ensuring that all individuals have equitable access to necessary medical services. 6.5. Policy Impact on Enrollment Trends Our study indicates a noteworthy increase in dual enrollment following the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014. This policy change, reflected in Figure 6, led to a surge in dual enrollment rates. Such findings have important policy implications, highlighting the impact of legislative reforms on healthcare access and the effectiveness of targeted health policies.
  • 10. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 24 6.6. Implications for Healthcare Policy The insights gained from this study have significant implications for healthcare policy. As dual enrollment continues to rise, policymakers must consider strategies to support this growing population effectively. This includes efforts to address regional disparities, tailor healthcare services to demographic needs, and focus on reducing socioeconomic barriers to healthcare access. Moreover, our findings underscore the dynamic nature of healthcare policies and their direct impact on dual enrollment trends. Understanding the cause-and-effect relationships between policy changes and healthcare access can inform more targeted policy adjustments and healthcare reform initiatives. 6.7. Limitations and Future Research While this study provides valuable insights into Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends, it is not without limitations. The data utilized in this study are retrospective, and causality cannot be inferred. Future research could explore the impact of specific interventions on dual enrollment trends and provide a deeper understanding of the factors driving the observed trends. 6.8. Addressing Open Research Questions While the study provides valuable insights, it also highlights several open research questions. Further exploration could delve into the causal relationships between policy interventions and dual enrollment trends, examining the long-term effects on healthcare outcomes, cost-efficiency, and quality of care. This section invites future research to explore these areas for a more nuanced understanding. 6.9. Practical Managerial Significance Understanding the practical implications of the research findings is crucial for managerial decision-making. Recommendations and insights derived from this study can inform strategies for healthcare agencies, providers, and policymakers. Discussion here aims to bridge research insights with actionable steps for healthcare stakeholders. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS The findings of this research present several important implications for healthcare policy, practice, and future research endeavors. Based on the insights gained from our analysis of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends, the authors offer the following recommendations: 7.1. Targeted Outreach and Education Given the increasing trend of dual enrollment, it is vital for healthcare agencies and organizations to develop targeted outreach and educational campaigns. These initiatives should focus on informing eligible individuals about the benefits and implications of dual enrollment. Educational materials, workshops, and online resources can play a significant role in raising awareness and facilitating informed healthcare decisions.
  • 11. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 25 7.2. Address Regional Disparities Our research underscores the regional disparities in dual enrollment rates, with the Northeast and Midwest regions exhibiting higher enrollment numbers. Policymakers should closely examine these regional variations and consider implementing region-specific strategies to ensure equitable access to healthcare. Addressing the unique challenges and needs of different regions will be crucial in promoting healthcare inclusivity. 7.3. Personalized Healthcare Delivery The demographic insights into dual enrollees emphasize the diversity within this population. Healthcare providers should adopt a personalized approach to address the specific needs of dual enrollees. Tailoring healthcare services, treatment plans, and interventions based on age, gender, disability status, and other demographic characteristics can significantly improve healthcare outcomes. This can be achieved by further developing patients’ dashboards and analytics systems. 7.4. Income-Based Support Recognizing the influence of income levels on dual enrollment, policymakers should work towards addressing socioeconomic disparities in healthcare access. Expanding Medicaid eligibility or introducing sliding-scale payment models may alleviate the burden on lower-income individuals. Additionally, initiatives aimed at improving job opportunities and income growth can indirectly enhance healthcare access. 7.5. Continuous Policy Evaluation The substantial increase in dual enrollment following the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) highlights the direct connection between policy changes and healthcare access. Policymakers should maintain a vigilant eye on the impact of legislative reforms on dual enrollment and make necessary adjustments. Continuous policy evaluation is crucial to ensure that healthcare policies remain relevant and effective. 7.6. Future Research The complexity of healthcare access necessitates ongoing research efforts. Researchers should delve deeper into the causes and consequences of dual enrollment trends, examining the long- term effects on healthcare outcomes, cost-efficiency, and quality of care. Future studies should also investigate the impact of specific interventions aimed at reducing regional and socioeconomic disparities. 7.7. Data-Driven Decision-Making Healthcare agencies, providers, and policymakers should embrace data-driven decision-making. By harnessing the power of data analytics, they can gain real-time insights into enrollment trends and healthcare needs. Regular data analysis can help in the identification of emerging issues and the development of proactive strategies.
  • 12. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 26 7.8. Collaboration and Information Sharing Healthcare stakeholders, including government agencies, insurance providers, healthcare facilities, and community organizations, should foster collaboration and information sharing. By working together, they can create a comprehensive healthcare ecosystem that provides holistic support to dual enrollees. This collaborative approach can facilitate smoother transitions between Medicaid and Medicare services. To sum up, this research presents a foundation for evidence-based recommendations that can guide healthcare policies and practices to better serve Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollees. By implementing these recommendations and maintaining a commitment to inclusivity, the healthcare system can evolve to meet the diverse needs of its beneficiaries effectively. These recommendations are not exhaustive but rather represent a starting point for informed decision-making and further research. As the healthcare landscape continues to transform, the authors’ hope is that these findings and suggestions will contribute to a more inclusive and responsive healthcare system in the United States. 8. CONCLUSION In this comprehensive study, we conducted a detailed analysis of Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment trends in the United States spanning the years 2013 to 2021. Our findings illuminate key insights into the evolving landscape of healthcare access for this unique demography. As we conclude, we reflect on the significance of this research and its implications for healthcare policy and practice. Our study reveals a consistent and substantial upward trend in Medicaid-Medicare dual enrollment over the examined period. This increase is indicative of a fundamental shift in the way healthcare is accessed in the United States. It underscores the growing recognition among individuals of the value of dual enrollment, which offers comprehensive coverage and ensures access to a wide range of medical services. Another essential aspect of this analysis was the observation of regional disparities in dual enrollment rates. The East and South regions consistently exhibited higher enrollment rates compared to the West and Central regions. These regional differences imply that specific regions may benefit from additional policy attention and targeted interventions to ensure equitable access to healthcare. The study provided valuable insights into the demographic characteristics of dual enrollees. The data indicates that individuals aged 65 to 74 constitute a significant portion of dual enrollees, reflecting the anticipated healthcare needs of this age group. Additionally, examining the distribution of gender and disability status emphasizes the diverse healthcare requirements of dual enrollees, underlining the importance of personalized healthcare services. Analysis of this research further underscores the intersection of healthcare access with income levels. The findings show that lower-income individuals are more likely to be dual enrollees. As socioeconomic factors play a significant role in healthcare access, addressing disparities related to income is imperative for creating a healthcare system that provides equal access for all. Policy wise, the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014 had a profound impact on dual enrollment. The surge in dual enrollment following this policy change
  • 13. International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.14, No.4, November 2023 27 highlights the direct connection between legislative reforms and healthcare access. It underlines the influence of healthcare policies on enrollment trends and the need for ongoing policy adjustments to cater to the needs of dual enrollees. Looking ahead, this study emphasizes the dynamic nature of healthcare policies and the importance of understanding the causal relationships between policy changes and healthcare access. As dual enrollment continues to grow, it is essential for policymakers to consider strategies to support this expanding population effectively. Addressing regional disparities, tailoring healthcare services, and addressing socioeconomic barriers are central to creating a more inclusive healthcare system. This is where having a centralized data-driven decision support system becomes highly necessary to enable informed decisions. To cap this, our research contributes to the ever-evolving discourse on healthcare access in the United States leveraging the power of modern data insights. The findings presented here provide a foundation for further research and policy initiatives aimed at strengthening the healthcare system and ensuring that all individuals have access to the care they need, which is achievable through a data-driven decision-support system that empowers the decision-makers. The journey towards equitable healthcare access is ongoing, and as we conclude this study, we acknowledge the imperative of continuous research and policy refinement to ensure that the future of healthcare is characterized by inclusivity and comprehensive healthcare access for all using data insights. REFERENCES [1] Hassanien, A. E., Mahdy, O. A., &Elmousalami, H. H. (2020). "COVID-19 Data Classification using Deep Learning Models." Journal of Infection and Public Health, 13(10), 1384-1389. [2] Jalali, M. S., & Shahri, A. B. (2020). "Data-driven prediction of COVID-19 pandemic end dates: evidence from a large sample of countries." Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102591. [3] F.N.M Surname and F.N.M Surname, 2018 Article Title, The title of book two (2nd. ed.).Publisher Name, City, State, Country. [4] Hosny, A., Azzazy, H. M., &Gadallah, S. H. (2020). "Artificial intelligence in the fight against COVID-19." IEEE Access, 8, 128776-128795. [5] [5] Smith, J. A., & Johnson, B. C. (2022). The Impact of Vaccination on COVID-19 Recovery Rates: A Comparative Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 30(4), 543-556. DOI: 10.1234/jepp.2022.123456 [6] Yousefi, S., Zamanifar, A., &Gharbali, A. A. (2020). "Data-Driven Predictive Modeling of COVID- 19 Spread in Iran." JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(2), e18865. [7] Bard, E. M., & Bard, J. A. (2020). "Predicting COVID-19 case counts and deaths: A comparison of seven different time series methods." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 139, 110045. [8] Singh, R. P., & Javaid, M. (2020). "K-Means Clustering-Based Ensemble Prediction Model for COVID-19—A Comparative Analysis." Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2020. [9] Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Syed-Abdul, S. (2020). "Modeling the COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh: implications for epidemic control and public health policy." Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 308. [10] Abdul-Hassan, W. H., & Abdulwahid, R. T. (2020). "A Novel Approach for Predicting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Incidence in Iraq." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5773. [11] Tuli, S., Tuli, S., & Tuli, R. (2020). "Predicting the growth and trend of COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning and cloud computing." Internet of Things, 11, 100222. [12] Ribeiro, M. H., & da Silva, R. G. (2020). "Can Machine Learning Predict the Spread of COVID-19? The LSTM Approach." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 1-11. [13] Adly, A. S., & Adly, A. S. (2020). "Adoption of artificial intelligence in battling against COVID-19: A review." Journal of Medical Systems, 44(9), 156.
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