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Republic of the Philippines
Dolores, Quirino, Isabela
I. Knowledge
Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Writetheletterofyouranswerin youranswersheet.
1. Thesearereferredto by somescholarsas“the wisdom ofmanyand the wit of one”. Howdo they term these?
a. myths b. verses c. proverbs d. sayings
2. In the anthologyof DamianL.Eugenio,she classifiedproverbsintosix categories.Whichof the followingcategorydoesnot belong
to the group?
a. miscellaneousproverbs b. ethnicalproverbs
c. humorousproverbs d. tribal proverbs
3. “Thelove of an oldmanis like a snailthat crawls.”Thisproverbis an exampleofa/an:
a. miscellaneousproverb b. ethicalproverb
c. humorousproverb d. tribal proverb
4. From what legendarytale the followinglinesarefound:
Then from the depth of this formless void, there appearedtwo gods, - TungkungLangitandAlunsina.Just where the two
deitiescame from it was not known.
a. Panayan b. Maranao c. Hiligaynon d. Ibaloi
5. Of what version of “Why the Sky is High?”this lineis found?
In the early days, when the sky was still low, two brothersnamedIngat andDaskollivedwith their parentson earth.
a. Panayan b. Tagalog c. Hiligaynon d. Ibaloi
6. Hanzel has an assignmentinEnglishaboutthe latest sports news. Towhatsectionof the libraryHanzel shouldlookfor the sports
a. Serials Section b. FilipinianaSection
c. GeneralReferenceSection d. Periodicals
7. Whichof the followingdoesnotbelongto the groupof words?
1. ate, consumed,gobbled,harassed,devoured
2. chaos,disaster, havoc, order, mayhem
3. news, reports, tidings, word, value
a. harassed, order,values b. harassed, havoc,tidings
c. devoured, mayhem,tidings d. gobbled,havoc, tidings
8. Refer to item no.7, news, reports, tidingsare wordscalledas:
a. heteronyms b. antonyms c. synonyms d. homonyms
9. Despite beingaking, Indarapatraremained downto earth whenhemetthe peoplewhohidin the caves. Down to earth means:
a. kneelingdown b. giving worship
c. humbleness d. giving honor
10. Thepairof wordsPROject:project, CONtent:content,Record:recordarecalled:
a. homonyms b. antonyms c. heteronyms d. synonyms
A. Directions:Underlinetheverb thatcompleteseach sentencein paragraph.
Shark is a meat-eatingfish.It 1( is , are ) oneof the mostfeared animalsofthe sea. Scientists 2( classifies , classify ) about
250speciesof fish as sharks. Thesefishes 3( lives , live ) inoceansthroughouttheworld, but they 4( is , are ) commoninwarm
Sharks 5( varies, vary ) greatlyin size andhabits. Thelargestkindof shark, the whalesharks, grow18 meterslong.A
whaleshark 6( weighs , weigh ) up to 14 metric tons.Thesmallestsharks 7( measures , measure ) only10 centimeterslongand
8( weighs, weigh ) less than28 grams.Somekindsof sharks 9( lives, live ) in the depthsof the ocean,butothers 10( is , are )
foundnear the surface.
All sharks 11( is , are ) carnivores.Mostof the 12( eats , eat ) live fish, includingothersharks.A shark’sonlynatural
enemy 13( is , are ) largersharks. Sharks 14( eats , eat ) their prey whole,or they tear off largeof flesh. Theyalso 15( feeds, feed
) ondead or dying animals.
B. SimpleRecall.In threesentencesforfivepoints,writesomethingaboutthemyth/epicread below.Makeitsimpleand brief.
1. How the World wasCreated (PanayanVersion)
2. Biag ni Lam-ang
3. Ibalon
A. Choosethemeaning ofthe italicized word fromtheoptionsgiven.
1. I was in doubtsoLudyexplainedthewholestory to me.
a. dull b. hesitation c. nervous d. natural
2. Indigent familiescangoto the DepartmentofSocialWelfareand Developmentforhelp.
a. dirty b. poor c. unhealthy d. accused
3. Eliza dozed offwhilelisteningtothe boringlecture.
a. fell asleep b. keep talking c. got out d. jumpedoff
4. Manycaraccidentsarecausedbyreckless drivers.
a. discourteous b. careless c. dishonest d. drunkard
5. Do you noticehow tranquil theseais at night?
a. clear b. clean c. peaceful d. deep
6. Mr. Lewishas an invaluable antiquevase.It is:
a. unbeatable b. priceless c. vacant d. old
7. Thewoundedsoldierswere groaninginpain.Theywere:
a. moaning b. crying c. screaming d. yelling
8. Thevaliantmanrescuedthegirlfrom herkidnappers.He wasindeeda:
a. gentleman b. courteousman c. gallantman d. brave man
9. Thesupervisorreprimanded thesalesgirl.Shewas____for beingrude to costumers.
a. embarrassed b. reminded c. talked d. scolded
10. Smokingshouldbe banned inallpublic places.Itshouldbe strictly:
a. observed b. prohibited c. noticed d. implemented
B. Rewriteeach sentencebyreplacing theunderlined word/wordswith thecorrectpronoun.
1. The Legendof Mariang Makiling is a popularfolktale.
2. MariangMakiling wasa young womanwholivedon a mountain.
3. The residents of the placesaidthat she was a nymph.
4. Everyone loved andrespected MariangMakiling.
5. MariangMakiling wasfond of anindustriousyoung manof the barrio.
6. The young man grew the best cropsinthe barrio.
7. MariangMakilingprotected hiscropsfrom typhoon and drought.
8. Thepest never affected the youngman’s animals.
9. Theyoung manwasengagedto pleasantbarriolass.
10. Before their wedding,theyoung man gave the bridea gownandjewels.
C. Underlinethe completesubjectonce andthe completepredicatetwice.
1. ThePhilippinesisanislandcountryin Southeast Asia.
2. Its officialnameisRepublic ofthe Philippines.
3. Thecountryconsistsof morethan 7,000 islands.
4. It has a total area of 300,000squarekilometers.
5. SpanishexplorerscolonizedthePhilippinesinthe 1500’s.
6. Lapu-lapufoughtMagellanandhismen.
7. ThesecolonizersnamedtheislandsafterKing PhilipII of Spain.
8. TheSpaniardsconvertedmostof the FilipinostoChristianity.
9. Sometribes kept their ownreligion.
10. Today,the PhilippineshasmoreChristiansthanany othernation inAsia.
D. Reading Comprehension.
A. Using theappropriatecoordinatingconjunction,usethedetailsgiven belowto writea completesentence.Underlinethe
1. now , never
2. here , abroad
3. he is rich, heis kind-hearted
4. before leaving, after dressingup
5. diligentstudy, constantpractice
B. Enumeratethefollowing:
a. Give5 categoriesofpronouns
b. Givethe6 categoriesofproverbs
School Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Dolores, Quirino, Isabela
Name:____________________________________________________Date:__________________Score: ___________________
Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Writetheletterofyouranswerin youranswersheet.
1. ManyJapanesetraditionsstem from theirdeep roots inreligion.TwomainreligionsdominatetheJapaneseculture:
a. Hinduism andBuddhism b. Buddhism andShintoism
c. Taoism andShintoism d. Hinduism andShintoism
2. Archbishops:Catholicism ; Brahmins: Aryans ; ___________________: Buddhism
a. Priests b. Upanishads
c. Monks d. Hermits
3. Amy saw a hugesnake.She screamedshouting,“Snake! Snake!” What matterin speakingconceptisobviousin this sense?
a. pitch b. highness
c. loudness d. volume
4. You look so beautiful! (usinga highpitch); You lookso beautiful.. . (usinga lowpitch)What do these sentencesshow?
a. stress b. intonation
c. pitch d. all of the above
5. You holdoffice in this building? Whatfeelingis demonstratedinthe sentence?
a. Thespeakeris doubtful. b. Thespeakeris excited.
c. Thespeakerhasself-confidence d. Thespeakerscorns.
6. You can identifyattitude and feelingsbyreadingto the way a personspeaks. Is there somethingwronginthepassage?
a. None, becausethepassageis true. b. Yes, there is. Thewordreadingshouldbelistening.
c. Yes, there is. Thewordspeaksshouldbe reads. d. Yes, there is. Thewordreadingshouldbewriting.
7. TheJapaneseTeaceremonyisa culturaltraditionthat originatedinChina.Before the ceremonybegins,thehost cleansthe serving
bowls,boils water, preparessweettreat for the guests, and then mixesthetea in front of the guests. What characteristics ofthe
Japanesemaybereflectedon this ceremony?
a. Theyconsidertheirguests as very importantpeople.
b. Theyare service orientedpeople.
c. Theydrinktheir tea onlyin the companyof friends.
d. Theywant to impresstheirguests.
8. You are a researcherfrom theDepartmentof tourism.You aretasked to gatherinformationaboutAsians’ ways of living, style of
dressingup, eating,expressingtheir faith, courtshipandbeliefs.What willbethe focus of your research?
a. History b. Customs
c. Economics d. Politics
9. You are tasked by the organizersof the Ms. Philippines’ searchtoformulateonequestionfor the Q & A portion. Eachcandidatewill
be askeda question.Based on whatyou have learnedinyour Languageclass,whatcouldbethebest questionthat you couldaskthe
a. If you won this pageant,what wouldyou initiallydo?
b. If you were to changesomethingaboutthispageant,what wouldthat be and why?
c. If you were to sacrificeonethingfor the pageant,what wouldit be andwhy?
d. If you were to judgethis pageant,whichcriterionwouldhavethe highest bearing?Why?
10. In your literatureclass,your performancetaskis to makeanadaptionof Mahabharata.Foryou to beableto showthe adaptation
clearlyand effectively, what is the possibleoutputyou couldhavefor this project?
a. Makeyour ownversion of the story. b. Have a photocopyof the story.
c. Preparea dramapresentationofMahabharata. d. Write a sloganaboutthe story.
11. Theteaceremonyisa practiceinJapan.Therearesteps that the host follows. First, beforethe ceremonybegins,the host
cleanstheserving bowls, the host cleanstheserving bowls. Next, he boilswater. Thenhepreparesa sweettreat for the guests. Lastly,
he mixesthe tea infront of the guests.
Howare the ideasin the paragraphorganized?
a. causeandeffect b. descriptive
c. chronologicalsequence d. simplelisting
*12-15.Choosethe appropriateconjunctiontocompletethesentence.
a. and b. but
c. therefore d. however
12. Theyworkedrapidly______carefully.
13. We sang ______danceheartily.
14. She was hereyesterday; _______,I didn’ttalk to her.
15. She is absent; ______I can’ttalk to her.
*16-20.Identify the sentenceaccordingtoits structure.Choosethe letter of your answer.
a. simple b. compound
c. complex d. compound-complex
16. Very few peoplerealize that the newsis incorrect.
17. Themanknewhowdangerousthemissionwas;nevertheless, he carriedoutthe assignment.
18. When the storm occurred,wewerein Legaspi.
19. Myneighbor,whois a scientist, is very muchinterested inthe latest advancesinspacetravel.
20. Ourteam lost the game.
A. Identifythefollowing itemsfor2points.
______________________________1.It is the “Veda of praise” anda collection1017hymns.
______________________________2.It is a Japanesestyle of wrestlingandJapan’snational sport.
______________________________3.“TheHandsofthe Blacks”is written by:
______________________________4.Who is the authorof “What is an EducatedFilipino?”?
______________________________5.It is a sentencecomposedoftwoor moreindependentclauses.
______________________________6.Thesewordsaresometimesstressedbecausetheyhave meaninginthemselves.
______________________________9.Theauthorof“TheSoulof the Great Bell”
______________________________10.Thesewordsareusedinrelation to their grammaticaluseinthe sentence.
______________________________11. Thelongestpoem inanylanguageform
______________________________15.It refers to the prominencegivento a syllableor wordwhichmakestheword or syllablestand
______________________________16.Intonationisalso knownas:
______________________________17. Theauthorof“I am an African Child”
______________________________18.It is a gradedsequenceofwordswhose meaningsgoacrossacontinuum ofmeaning.
______________________________19.It refers to the highnessorlownessof a sound.
______________________________20.Thebookofhistory of the Aryan raceand its relationshipwiththegods
B. Numberthesentencesin theorderin which theyshould appearin aparagraph.Noticethattheconnecting wordsare
italicized to help you.
1. _____ For example,ostrichesandpenguinscannotfly.
_____Thefastest birds canfly 160km. per hour.
_____Whenpeoplethinkof birds,they think first of their flying ability.
_____However, not all birdscanfly.
_____Theyuse their wingsonly for balance.
2. _____It receivesinformationfrom the senses.
_____Brain is the mastercontrolcenterof the body.
_____Thebrainalsostores informationfrom pastexperience.
_____Then it rapidlyanalyzes this information.
_____In addition,thebrain is the sourceof thoughtsandmotions.
_____After analyzing the information,the brainsendsout messages.
School Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Dolores, Quirino, Isabela
Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Shadethechoiceofyouranswerin youranswersheetprovided.
1. What skillis often definedas restating of passages/statementsintoyour ownwords?
a. defining b. dangling c. paraphrasing d. news writing
2. Howmanysyllablesare there in the word“community”?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
3. Who is the authorof the poem “TheDayof Destiny”?
a. Henry WadsworthLongfellow b. Rudyard Kipling c. Alice Walker d. Sir ThomasMalory
4. In the linesof Anglo-Saxon literature,howmanylinesof 10%are from Beowulf?
a. 3,182 b. 3,183 c. 3,184 d. 3,185
5. In the epic Beowulf,howdo they callthelarge hallwherethe lordand hiswarriors slept, ate, heldceremonies,etc..?
a. conferencehall b. session hall c. meadhall d. auditorium
6. Theseappearatthe end andwithinthe line as well.What is it?
a. Rhyme b. Literary device c. Sound d. Literary technique
7. What is calledthebeliefof the Anglo-Saxon cultureoffate?
a. Wyrd b. Wary c. Wyd d. Wyed
8. Who is the authorof “Motherto Son”?
a. Alice Walker b. William Shakespeare c. Langston Hughes d. O. Henry
9. What exampleofliterarydevice are“hissingof the snake”and “bubblingbrook”?
a. onomatopoeia b. assonance c. alliteration d. consonance
10. Who is the author of “A Psalm of Life”?
a. Henry WadsworthLongfellow b. Rudyard Kipling c. Alice Walker d. Sir ThomasMalory
11. What literarydeviceis used insomelinesfrom the poem “TheRaven”?
doubting,drearingdreamsno mortal / enter daredto dreambefore
a. onomatopoeia b. assonance c. alliteration d. consonance
12. What kindof poetry is a longnarrative poem that recountsthe adventures of a hero?
a. lyric poetry b. epic c. ballad d. ode
13. Where is the setting of the epic Beowulf?
a. Thanes b. Danes c. Denmark d. England
14. What doesthe kenning“gold-friendofmen”mean?
a. queen b. princess c. king d. prince
15. Where is the stress of the word“community”?
a. fourth b. third c. second d. first
16. Who was Arthur’s illegitimatesonwhoknowsof the secretlove affair betweenQueenGuinevereandSirLancelot?
a. Sir Gawain b. Sir Mordred c. Sir Bedivere d. Sir Lucan
17. From “TheDayof Destiny”, what/whois Merlin?
a. a monk b. a wise magician c. a warrior d. a king’s adviser
18. What punctuationmarkisaseries of dots that usuallyindicatesanintentionalomissionofaword, sentence,or wholesectionfrom
a text withoutalteringits originalmeaning?
a. dash b. dots c. ellipsis d. colon
19. What literarypiecewhichiswrittenin the pattern of ordinaryspokenlanguageandwithin thecommonflowofconversation?
a. prose b. poetry c. dialogue d. narrative
20. Who is the author of the poem “If”?
a. Henry WadsworthLongfellow b. Rudyard Kipling c. Alice Walker d. Sir ThomasMalory
21. What sworddoesKing Arthur possessand helpgreat to his regime?
a. Excaliboursword b. Exculibursword c. Excalibresword d. Excalibursword
22. Whichof the followingis appropriatelycontracted?
a. Jonaldcann’tcomebecausehe’sfeelingill. b. Jonaldcan’tcomebecausehe’sfeelingill.
c. Jonaldcant’comebecausehe’sfeelingill. d. Jonaldcan’tcomebecausehes’feelingill.
23. What is referredto expressionsin verse, with measures,rhymes,lines, stanzas and melodioustones?
a. prose b. poetry c. dialogue d. narrative
24. What literarydeviceis a metaphoric compoundexpressionfora noun?
a. idiom b. phrasalverb c. kenning d. compoundword
25. From whatselectionthefollowingpassageisread?
“Whoso pulletout this sword of this stone andanvil is rightly bornking of all England.”
a. Beowulf b. TheDayof Destiny c. Motherto Son d. A Psalm of Life
1. Who were the “Knightsof the RoundTable”ofKingArthur? (4)
2. Accordingto the poem “TheSevenAges of Man”,what arethe seven stages illustratedby the persona?(7)
3. Give five examplesofessay. (5)
A. Insertquotation markswherevertheyare needed in thesentencesbelow.
1. For several weeksin 2009, the BlackEyed Peas heldthe top two spots on music chartswiththeirsongs I GottaFeelingand Boom
Boom Pow.
2. Boni asked, areyou goingto the concertwithoutme?
A. Choosethemostappropriateparaphrasedoption ofthefollowing passages.
1. “25% of adolescents who have one babyhave a second babywithin two years of the first baby's birth” (Smithson, 2009, p. 6).
a. According to Smithson (2009), 25% of babies are born to mothers who are adolescents (p. 6).
b. Oneout of four adolescentmothershasanotherbabybeforethe first babyreacheshissecond birthday(Smithson, 2009, p.
c. A quarter of young mothers give birth when their first born is two (Smithson, 2009, p. 6).
d. 25% of mothers become pregnant again when their first babies are two years old.
2. “It has been reported that the richest one percent of Americans own 40% of the country's wealth” (Richards, 2005, p. 45).
a. The richest 1% are 40 times as wealthy as the rest of Americans (Richards, 2005, p. 45).
b. If the gap between rich and poor continues to grow at the current rate, the richest one percent will soon own 40% of the
country's wealth (Richards, 2005, p. 45).
c. 40% of the country's wealth is in the hands of only1% of Americans (Richards, 2005, p. 45).
d. 99% of Americans own 40% as much as the richest 1%.
3. “The judge was relieved when the jurywas finallyreadyto announce its verdict” (Ray, 2011, p. 69).
a. When the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved (Ray, 2011, p. 69).
b. The judge asked the juryto arrive at a verdict.
c. The judge welcomed the prospect of an imminent verdict (Ray, 2011, p. 69).
d. The jurywelcomed the judge's relief.
4. “Research data suggest that girls who witnessed maternal abuse maytolerate abuse as adults more than girls who did not” (Allen,
2000, p. 33).
a. Allen (2000) claimsthatwomenwhowitnessedtheabuseof their motheras teens are morelikelyto becomeabusiveadults
(p. 33).
b. Women who observed the abuse of their mothers when they were young are more likely to endure abuse themselves
(Allen, 2000, p. 33).
c. Women who were abused as children are more likelyto abuse their own children (Allen, 2000, p. 33).
d. Girls who testify about maternal abuse tolerate abuse as adults more readily.
5. “Martha thinks that the issue of adolescent problems is important to write about” (Black, 2013, para. 14).
a. Martha thinks that adolescents like to write about their problems (Black, 2013, para. 14).
b. Martha feels that writing about adolescent problems is worthwhile (Black, 2013, para. 14).
c. Martha believes that the dream of most adolescents is to write something important (Black, 2013, para. 14).
d. Martha thinks that adolescents can write about their problems.
B. Choosethecorrectmeaningoftheunderlined word,and identifythetypeofcontextclueused: example,contrast,or
definition .
_______________________1.Ourbaseball team’spitcherhasafew eccentric habits,suchasthrowingexactlythirteen warm-up
pitchesandnever wearingsocks.
a. normal b. strange c. messy d. bad
_________________________2.After the heavy rains, the stream became murky;infact, the water wasso cloudyyou couldn’tsee
the bottom.
a. cloudy b. bottomless c. clear d. deep
_________________________3.The debris onthestadium floorincludednumerouspapercups,ticketstubs,and cigarettebutts.
a. products b. papers c. trash d. appliances
_________________________4.Thecoachtakesevery opportunityto censure hisplayers , yet he ignoresevery opportunityto praise
a. approve of b. criticize c. choose d. train
_________________________5.Thenewlywedsagreedtobevery frugal intheirshoppingbecausetheywantedto save enough
moneyto buy a house.
a. economical b. wasteful c. interested d. honest
School Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Dolores, Quirino, Isabela
Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Shadethechoiceofyouranswerin youranswersheetprovided.
1. What doesname“Daedalus”mean?
a. skilledinventor b. master craftsman
c. skilledarchitect d. skilledworker
2. What literarygenreare stories aboutgods, goddesses,andheroes passedfrom one generationtoanother?
a. ballad b. myth
c. epic d. legend
3. Whichamongthemodalsexpressespast obligation?
a. shall b. should
c. will d. would
4. Whichamongthemodalsexpressesinvitation or past possibility?
a. shall b. should
c. will d. would
5. What/Who is “Minotaur”?
a. the land KingMinosrules b. half man – half bullbeast
c. the maze d. Daedalus’son
6. Who is the authorthat was born inRussiaand hadworkedas a teacher,asocialworker,and a translatorof Russianliterature?
a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel
c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low
7. What is Confucius’nameinChinese?
a. Kung FuTsu b. Kung FoChiu
c. KungFu Chiu d. Kung FoTsu
8. “No sons shallbe bornto you,”… “But you shallhavea grandson,and by hishand youshalldie.” Whose fate did this oraclespell
a. Perseus b. Danae
c. Dictys d. Acrisius
9. Who translated the workof Confucius“From theAnalects”?
a. Arthur Waley b. Arthur Weley
c. Arthur Waly d. Arthur Wely
10. TheAnti-BullyingAct of 2013is the:
a. Republic ActNo. 10629 b. Republic ActNo. 10625
c. Republic ActNo. 10627 d. Republic ActNo. 10630
11. Who was a maidenwhobecamefamousthroughoutGreece?
a. Arachne b. Athena
c. Andromeda d. Medusa
12. Who gave the brightshieldto Perseus?
a. Gray Women b. Andromeda
c. Hermes d. Alice Low
13. What doesthe nameof Mimirmean?
a. gallant b. smart
c. brave d. gentleman
14. Who is the author of “Arachne”?
a. NickPontikis b. Anne TerryWhite
c. OliveCoolidge d. Alice Low
15. Who is the author of “TheGorgon’sHead’?
a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel
c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low
16. Who is the author of “DaedalusandIcarus”?
a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel
c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low
17. What is the synonymous term of “valorous”?
a. gallant b. smart
c. brave d. gentleman
18. Who is the author of “How OdinLostHis Eye?
a. Anne TerryWhite b. NickPontikis
c. Yann Martel d. CatherineSellew
19. What is the appropriatemeaningof“entanced”?
a. calledforth b. to put somebodyintoa trance
c. doomed d. charmed
20. Who is the author of the myth “Orpheus”?
a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel
c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low
21. What is the synonymous term of “appease”?
a. thank b. please
c. satisfy d. convince
__________________________1.It refers to any severe, or repeateduseby oneor morestudents of a written, verbal, or electronic
expression,or a physicalactor gesture, or any combination.
__________________________2.Themanof“No arms!No Worries!”.
__________________________3.It is a myth that discussesadventuresandmistakesof heroes or characters.
__________________________4. A meaningthatsuggests ideaandfeelingsor overtone
__________________________5.An any bullyingdonethroughthe use of technologyor any electronicmeans.
Read carefullythepassages.Then answerappropriatelythequestions.
Exploring the Sea of Goodness
Lee Emm
1.) Doyou believe that a sea of goodnessis possibleinthis world? 2.) I always believe it is possible. 3.) Doing something good,
no matter what the consequences will always make me contented and secure.
4.) There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing something “good” for others. 5.) The steps are easy but
zealousness, humility, and consistencyare the subtle ways. Here are the simple ones:
6.) The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other person I’ll do good to. 7.) Next, I’ll imagine how she’ll feel and
react.8.) That way, I’ll think doing good to others will make me at least a better person. 9.) That will make me grateful; that I have done
something good.
10.) With these simple but notable ways I can prove to myself, to others and to God that I can explore the sea of goodness in
this ever changing world. 11.) How about you, can you explore it also? 12.) I bet you can!
1. Themainpointof the articleisbest expressedin sentenceno.____:
a. 3 b. 10
c. 4 d. 12
2. Exploringthe sea of goodness,meansyou are practicing____:
a. conscientiousness b. kindness
c. humility d. sympathy
3. Theword subtle insentence5means:
a. clear b. refined
c. practical d. strained
4. Thekindof evidenceusedby the writer to support her stand is through:
a. anecdotes b. statistics
c. examples d. video
5. Thegeneralizationorstatementaboutthe passageonlife or humanexperienceisto:
a. bringout the best inyou b. struggle againstthe odds
c. standup for one’sbelief d. take strength to bearup the odds
1. )The best wayto overcome a disabilityis to face it head-on and not to let it prevent you from achieving great things. 2. )This
is the lesson I draw from the lives of two people whom I admire – the musician Stevie Wonder and the track-and-field star Jackie
Joyner-Kersee. 3. ) I respect them for their courage and strength in overcoming obstacles. 4. )Both are persons with disabilities who
defiedobstaclesinorderto be successfulintheirfields.5. ) Theytaught me never to give up no matter how intimidating the obstacles I
face in life.
from: “OvercomeanObstacletoSucceed”byEddieHarris
6. Theword“fought” is a/an ______ofthe word “defied”in sentenceno.4.
a. connotation b. opposite
c. denotation d. symbol
7. Thispassagewouldmostprobablyinterest a/an:
a. adolescent b. child
c. adult d. old man
8. Thepassageismost probablya part of a/an:
a. anecdote b. letter
c. autobiography d. persuasive essay
9. Tosupporthis claim,thewriter uses:
a. facts b. reasons
c. opinion d. statistics
10. An effective persuasive techniqueusedbythe authorto emphasizehis point is throughappealingto:
a. emotion b. reason
c. moral d. both A andC
If you have endureda great despair,
Thenyou didit alone.
Gettinga transfusionfrom a fire,
Pickingthescabsof your heart,
Thenwringingitoutlike a sock.
- from: “Courage”byAnne Sexton
11. Thefeelingthatthe writer intendsus to have toward lifeis:
a. contentment b. fear
c. courage d. hopelessness
12. Thewordinthe poem that gives hintto the moodit evokes is:
a. aspired b. sink
c. sail d. succeed
13. Thefigureof speechusedin the poem is:
a. alliteration b. personification
c. metaphor d. simile
14. Thelasttwo linesof the poem express:
a. arrogance b. optimism
c. courage d. warning
1. Ways to Win Over Challenges(6)
2. Modals(6) Useeachina sentence.
3. Give at least 3 personalchallengesoneencounter
V. ESSAY (15)
1. Explainhow a studentlike you will overcomethechallengesinlife. (5pts.)
2. Elaboratethis creedfrom the movie Lifeof Pi “Doubtis useful; it keepsfaith a livingthing. After all, you cannotknow the strengthof
your faith untilit is tested.”.
3. Explainthis creed“ A gentlemanisashamedtolet his wordsoutrun his deeds.”.
School Principal I

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  • 1. Republic of the Philippines DOLORES INTEGRATED SCHOOL Dolores, Quirino, Isabela FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION ENGLISH 7 Name:_____________________________________________________Date:__________________Score:___________________ I. Knowledge Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Writetheletterofyouranswerin youranswersheet. 1. Thesearereferredto by somescholarsas“the wisdom ofmanyand the wit of one”. Howdo they term these? a. myths b. verses c. proverbs d. sayings 2. In the anthologyof DamianL.Eugenio,she classifiedproverbsintosix categories.Whichof the followingcategorydoesnot belong to the group? a. miscellaneousproverbs b. ethnicalproverbs c. humorousproverbs d. tribal proverbs 3. “Thelove of an oldmanis like a snailthat crawls.”Thisproverbis an exampleofa/an: a. miscellaneousproverb b. ethicalproverb c. humorousproverb d. tribal proverb 4. From what legendarytale the followinglinesarefound: Then from the depth of this formless void, there appearedtwo gods, - TungkungLangitandAlunsina.Just where the two deitiescame from it was not known. a. Panayan b. Maranao c. Hiligaynon d. Ibaloi 5. Of what version of “Why the Sky is High?”this lineis found? In the early days, when the sky was still low, two brothersnamedIngat andDaskollivedwith their parentson earth. a. Panayan b. Tagalog c. Hiligaynon d. Ibaloi 6. Hanzel has an assignmentinEnglishaboutthe latest sports news. Towhatsectionof the libraryHanzel shouldlookfor the sports news? a. Serials Section b. FilipinianaSection c. GeneralReferenceSection d. Periodicals 7. Whichof the followingdoesnotbelongto the groupof words? 1. ate, consumed,gobbled,harassed,devoured 2. chaos,disaster, havoc, order, mayhem 3. news, reports, tidings, word, value a. harassed, order,values b. harassed, havoc,tidings c. devoured, mayhem,tidings d. gobbled,havoc, tidings 8. Refer to item no.7, news, reports, tidingsare wordscalledas: a. heteronyms b. antonyms c. synonyms d. homonyms 9. Despite beingaking, Indarapatraremained downto earth whenhemetthe peoplewhohidin the caves. Down to earth means: a. kneelingdown b. giving worship c. humbleness d. giving honor 10. Thepairof wordsPROject:project, CONtent:content,Record:recordarecalled: a. homonyms b. antonyms c. heteronyms d. synonyms II.PROCESS A. Directions:Underlinetheverb thatcompleteseach sentencein paragraph. Shark is a meat-eatingfish.It 1( is , are ) oneof the mostfeared animalsofthe sea. Scientists 2( classifies , classify ) about 250speciesof fish as sharks. Thesefishes 3( lives , live ) inoceansthroughouttheworld, but they 4( is , are ) commoninwarm seas. Sharks 5( varies, vary ) greatlyin size andhabits. Thelargestkindof shark, the whalesharks, grow18 meterslong.A whaleshark 6( weighs , weigh ) up to 14 metric tons.Thesmallestsharks 7( measures , measure ) only10 centimeterslongand 8( weighs, weigh ) less than28 grams.Somekindsof sharks 9( lives, live ) in the depthsof the ocean,butothers 10( is , are ) foundnear the surface. All sharks 11( is , are ) carnivores.Mostof the 12( eats , eat ) live fish, includingothersharks.A shark’sonlynatural enemy 13( is , are ) largersharks. Sharks 14( eats , eat ) their prey whole,or they tear off largeof flesh. Theyalso 15( feeds, feed ) ondead or dying animals. B. SimpleRecall.In threesentencesforfivepoints,writesomethingaboutthemyth/epicread below.Makeitsimpleand brief. 1. How the World wasCreated (PanayanVersion) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  • 2. 2. Biag ni Lam-ang ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Ibalon ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. III.UNDERSTANDING A. Choosethemeaning ofthe italicized word fromtheoptionsgiven. 1. I was in doubtsoLudyexplainedthewholestory to me. a. dull b. hesitation c. nervous d. natural 2. Indigent familiescangoto the DepartmentofSocialWelfareand Developmentforhelp. a. dirty b. poor c. unhealthy d. accused 3. Eliza dozed offwhilelisteningtothe boringlecture. a. fell asleep b. keep talking c. got out d. jumpedoff 4. Manycaraccidentsarecausedbyreckless drivers. a. discourteous b. careless c. dishonest d. drunkard 5. Do you noticehow tranquil theseais at night? a. clear b. clean c. peaceful d. deep 6. Mr. Lewishas an invaluable antiquevase.It is: a. unbeatable b. priceless c. vacant d. old 7. Thewoundedsoldierswere groaninginpain.Theywere: a. moaning b. crying c. screaming d. yelling 8. Thevaliantmanrescuedthegirlfrom herkidnappers.He wasindeeda: a. gentleman b. courteousman c. gallantman d. brave man 9. Thesupervisorreprimanded thesalesgirl.Shewas____for beingrude to costumers. a. embarrassed b. reminded c. talked d. scolded 10. Smokingshouldbe banned inallpublic places.Itshouldbe strictly: a. observed b. prohibited c. noticed d. implemented B. Rewriteeach sentencebyreplacing theunderlined word/wordswith thecorrectpronoun. 1. The Legendof Mariang Makiling is a popularfolktale. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. MariangMakiling wasa young womanwholivedon a mountain. _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. The residents of the placesaidthat she was a nymph. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Everyone loved andrespected MariangMakiling. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. MariangMakiling wasfond of anindustriousyoung manof the barrio. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. The young man grew the best cropsinthe barrio. _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. MariangMakilingprotected hiscropsfrom typhoon and drought. _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Thepest never affected the youngman’s animals. _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Theyoung manwasengagedto pleasantbarriolass. _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Before their wedding,theyoung man gave the bridea gownandjewels. C. Underlinethe completesubjectonce andthe completepredicatetwice. 1. ThePhilippinesisanislandcountryin Southeast Asia. 2. Its officialnameisRepublic ofthe Philippines. 3. Thecountryconsistsof morethan 7,000 islands. 4. It has a total area of 300,000squarekilometers. 5. SpanishexplorerscolonizedthePhilippinesinthe 1500’s. 6. Lapu-lapufoughtMagellanandhismen. 7. ThesecolonizersnamedtheislandsafterKing PhilipII of Spain. 8. TheSpaniardsconvertedmostof the FilipinostoChristianity. 9. Sometribes kept their ownreligion.
  • 3. 10. Today,the PhilippineshasmoreChristiansthanany othernation inAsia. D. Reading Comprehension. IV. PRODUCT A. Using theappropriatecoordinatingconjunction,usethedetailsgiven belowto writea completesentence.Underlinethe connectorused.2pts. 1. now , never ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. here , abroad ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. he is rich, heis kind-hearted ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. before leaving, after dressingup ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. diligentstudy, constantpractice ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Enumeratethefollowing: a. Give5 categoriesofpronouns b. Givethe6 categoriesofproverbs Preparedby: IDEZAB. SABADO,T-I EnglishTeacher Checked: EDUARDO A. VINOYA School Principal I
  • 4. Republic of the Philippines DOLORES INTEGRATED SCHOOL Dolores, Quirino, Isabela FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION ENGLISH 8 Name:____________________________________________________Date:__________________Score: ___________________ I. KNOWLEDGE Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Writetheletterofyouranswerin youranswersheet. 1. ManyJapanesetraditionsstem from theirdeep roots inreligion.TwomainreligionsdominatetheJapaneseculture: a. Hinduism andBuddhism b. Buddhism andShintoism c. Taoism andShintoism d. Hinduism andShintoism 2. Archbishops:Catholicism ; Brahmins: Aryans ; ___________________: Buddhism a. Priests b. Upanishads c. Monks d. Hermits 3. Amy saw a hugesnake.She screamedshouting,“Snake! Snake!” What matterin speakingconceptisobviousin this sense? a. pitch b. highness c. loudness d. volume 4. You look so beautiful! (usinga highpitch); You lookso beautiful.. . (usinga lowpitch)What do these sentencesshow? a. stress b. intonation c. pitch d. all of the above 5. You holdoffice in this building? Whatfeelingis demonstratedinthe sentence? a. Thespeakeris doubtful. b. Thespeakeris excited. c. Thespeakerhasself-confidence d. Thespeakerscorns. 6. You can identifyattitude and feelingsbyreadingto the way a personspeaks. Is there somethingwronginthepassage? a. None, becausethepassageis true. b. Yes, there is. Thewordreadingshouldbelistening. c. Yes, there is. Thewordspeaksshouldbe reads. d. Yes, there is. Thewordreadingshouldbewriting. 7. TheJapaneseTeaceremonyisa culturaltraditionthat originatedinChina.Before the ceremonybegins,thehost cleansthe serving bowls,boils water, preparessweettreat for the guests, and then mixesthetea in front of the guests. What characteristics ofthe Japanesemaybereflectedon this ceremony? a. Theyconsidertheirguests as very importantpeople. b. Theyare service orientedpeople. c. Theydrinktheir tea onlyin the companyof friends. d. Theywant to impresstheirguests. 8. You are a researcherfrom theDepartmentof tourism.You aretasked to gatherinformationaboutAsians’ ways of living, style of dressingup, eating,expressingtheir faith, courtshipandbeliefs.What willbethe focus of your research? a. History b. Customs c. Economics d. Politics 9. You are tasked by the organizersof the Ms. Philippines’ searchtoformulateonequestionfor the Q & A portion. Eachcandidatewill be askeda question.Based on whatyou have learnedinyour Languageclass,whatcouldbethebest questionthat you couldaskthe candidates? a. If you won this pageant,what wouldyou initiallydo? b. If you were to changesomethingaboutthispageant,what wouldthat be and why? c. If you were to sacrificeonethingfor the pageant,what wouldit be andwhy? d. If you were to judgethis pageant,whichcriterionwouldhavethe highest bearing?Why? 10. In your literatureclass,your performancetaskis to makeanadaptionof Mahabharata.Foryou to beableto showthe adaptation clearlyand effectively, what is the possibleoutputyou couldhavefor this project? a. Makeyour ownversion of the story. b. Have a photocopyof the story. c. Preparea dramapresentationofMahabharata. d. Write a sloganaboutthe story. 11. Theteaceremonyisa practiceinJapan.Therearesteps that the host follows. First, beforethe ceremonybegins,the host cleanstheserving bowls, the host cleanstheserving bowls. Next, he boilswater. Thenhepreparesa sweettreat for the guests. Lastly, he mixesthe tea infront of the guests. Howare the ideasin the paragraphorganized? a. causeandeffect b. descriptive c. chronologicalsequence d. simplelisting *12-15.Choosethe appropriateconjunctiontocompletethesentence. a. and b. but c. therefore d. however 12. Theyworkedrapidly______carefully. 13. We sang ______danceheartily. 14. She was hereyesterday; _______,I didn’ttalk to her. 15. She is absent; ______I can’ttalk to her. *16-20.Identify the sentenceaccordingtoits structure.Choosethe letter of your answer. a. simple b. compound c. complex d. compound-complex 16. Very few peoplerealize that the newsis incorrect.
  • 5. 17. Themanknewhowdangerousthemissionwas;nevertheless, he carriedoutthe assignment. 18. When the storm occurred,wewerein Legaspi. 19. Myneighbor,whois a scientist, is very muchinterested inthe latest advancesinspacetravel. 20. Ourteam lost the game. II.PROCESS A. Identifythefollowing itemsfor2points. ______________________________1.It is the “Veda of praise” anda collection1017hymns. ______________________________2.It is a Japanesestyle of wrestlingandJapan’snational sport. ______________________________3.“TheHandsofthe Blacks”is written by: ______________________________4.Who is the authorof “What is an EducatedFilipino?”? ______________________________5.It is a sentencecomposedoftwoor moreindependentclauses. ______________________________6.Thesewordsaresometimesstressedbecausetheyhave meaninginthemselves. ______________________________7.TheauthorofSakuntala ______________________________8.despoticmeans: ______________________________9.Theauthorof“TheSoulof the Great Bell” ______________________________10.Thesewordsareusedinrelation to their grammaticaluseinthe sentence. ______________________________11. Thelongestpoem inanylanguageform ______________________________12.mandatemeans: ______________________________13.malletmeans: ______________________________14.Theauthorof“TheProphet” ______________________________15.It refers to the prominencegivento a syllableor wordwhichmakestheword or syllablestand out. ______________________________16.Intonationisalso knownas: ______________________________17. Theauthorof“I am an African Child” ______________________________18.It is a gradedsequenceofwordswhose meaningsgoacrossacontinuum ofmeaning. ______________________________19.It refers to the highnessorlownessof a sound. ______________________________20.Thebookofhistory of the Aryan raceand its relationshipwiththegods B. Numberthesentencesin theorderin which theyshould appearin aparagraph.Noticethattheconnecting wordsare italicized to help you. 1. _____ For example,ostrichesandpenguinscannotfly. _____Thefastest birds canfly 160km. per hour. _____Whenpeoplethinkof birds,they think first of their flying ability. _____However, not all birdscanfly. _____Theyuse their wingsonly for balance. 2. _____It receivesinformationfrom the senses. _____Brain is the mastercontrolcenterof the body. _____Thebrainalsostores informationfrom pastexperience. _____Then it rapidlyanalyzes this information. _____In addition,thebrain is the sourceof thoughtsandmotions. _____After analyzing the information,the brainsendsout messages. Preparedby: IDEZAB. SABADO,T-I EnglishTeacher Checked: EDUARDO A. VINOYA School Principal I
  • 6. Republic of the Philippines DOLORES INTEGRATED SCHOOL Dolores, Quirino, Isabela FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION ENGLISH 9 Name:_____________________________________________________Date:__________________Score:___________________ I. KNOWLEDGE Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Shadethechoiceofyouranswerin youranswersheetprovided. 1. What skillis often definedas restating of passages/statementsintoyour ownwords? a. defining b. dangling c. paraphrasing d. news writing 2. Howmanysyllablesare there in the word“community”? a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1 3. Who is the authorof the poem “TheDayof Destiny”? a. Henry WadsworthLongfellow b. Rudyard Kipling c. Alice Walker d. Sir ThomasMalory 4. In the linesof Anglo-Saxon literature,howmanylinesof 10%are from Beowulf? a. 3,182 b. 3,183 c. 3,184 d. 3,185 5. In the epic Beowulf,howdo they callthelarge hallwherethe lordand hiswarriors slept, ate, heldceremonies,etc..? a. conferencehall b. session hall c. meadhall d. auditorium 6. Theseappearatthe end andwithinthe line as well.What is it? a. Rhyme b. Literary device c. Sound d. Literary technique 7. What is calledthebeliefof the Anglo-Saxon cultureoffate? a. Wyrd b. Wary c. Wyd d. Wyed 8. Who is the authorof “Motherto Son”? a. Alice Walker b. William Shakespeare c. Langston Hughes d. O. Henry 9. What exampleofliterarydevice are“hissingof the snake”and “bubblingbrook”? a. onomatopoeia b. assonance c. alliteration d. consonance 10. Who is the author of “A Psalm of Life”? a. Henry WadsworthLongfellow b. Rudyard Kipling c. Alice Walker d. Sir ThomasMalory 11. What literarydeviceis used insomelinesfrom the poem “TheRaven”? doubting,drearingdreamsno mortal / enter daredto dreambefore a. onomatopoeia b. assonance c. alliteration d. consonance 12. What kindof poetry is a longnarrative poem that recountsthe adventures of a hero? a. lyric poetry b. epic c. ballad d. ode 13. Where is the setting of the epic Beowulf? a. Thanes b. Danes c. Denmark d. England 14. What doesthe kenning“gold-friendofmen”mean? a. queen b. princess c. king d. prince 15. Where is the stress of the word“community”? a. fourth b. third c. second d. first 16. Who was Arthur’s illegitimatesonwhoknowsof the secretlove affair betweenQueenGuinevereandSirLancelot? a. Sir Gawain b. Sir Mordred c. Sir Bedivere d. Sir Lucan 17. From “TheDayof Destiny”, what/whois Merlin? a. a monk b. a wise magician c. a warrior d. a king’s adviser 18. What punctuationmarkisaseries of dots that usuallyindicatesanintentionalomissionofaword, sentence,or wholesectionfrom a text withoutalteringits originalmeaning? a. dash b. dots c. ellipsis d. colon 19. What literarypiecewhichiswrittenin the pattern of ordinaryspokenlanguageandwithin thecommonflowofconversation? a. prose b. poetry c. dialogue d. narrative 20. Who is the author of the poem “If”? a. Henry WadsworthLongfellow b. Rudyard Kipling c. Alice Walker d. Sir ThomasMalory 21. What sworddoesKing Arthur possessand helpgreat to his regime? a. Excaliboursword b. Exculibursword c. Excalibresword d. Excalibursword 22. Whichof the followingis appropriatelycontracted? a. Jonaldcann’tcomebecausehe’sfeelingill. b. Jonaldcan’tcomebecausehe’sfeelingill. c. Jonaldcant’comebecausehe’sfeelingill. d. Jonaldcan’tcomebecausehes’feelingill. 23. What is referredto expressionsin verse, with measures,rhymes,lines, stanzas and melodioustones? a. prose b. poetry c. dialogue d. narrative 24. What literarydeviceis a metaphoric compoundexpressionfora noun? a. idiom b. phrasalverb c. kenning d. compoundword 25. From whatselectionthefollowingpassageisread? “Whoso pulletout this sword of this stone andanvil is rightly bornking of all England.” a. Beowulf b. TheDayof Destiny c. Motherto Son d. A Psalm of Life B. ENUMERATION 1. Who were the “Knightsof the RoundTable”ofKingArthur? (4) 2. Accordingto the poem “TheSevenAges of Man”,what arethe seven stages illustratedby the persona?(7) 3. Give five examplesofessay. (5)
  • 7. II.PROCESS A. Insertquotation markswherevertheyare needed in thesentencesbelow. 1. For several weeksin 2009, the BlackEyed Peas heldthe top two spots on music chartswiththeirsongs I GottaFeelingand Boom Boom Pow. 2. Boni asked, areyou goingto the concertwithoutme? III.UNDERSTANDING A. Choosethemostappropriateparaphrasedoption ofthefollowing passages. 1. “25% of adolescents who have one babyhave a second babywithin two years of the first baby's birth” (Smithson, 2009, p. 6). a. According to Smithson (2009), 25% of babies are born to mothers who are adolescents (p. 6). b. Oneout of four adolescentmothershasanotherbabybeforethe first babyreacheshissecond birthday(Smithson, 2009, p. 6). c. A quarter of young mothers give birth when their first born is two (Smithson, 2009, p. 6). d. 25% of mothers become pregnant again when their first babies are two years old. 2. “It has been reported that the richest one percent of Americans own 40% of the country's wealth” (Richards, 2005, p. 45). a. The richest 1% are 40 times as wealthy as the rest of Americans (Richards, 2005, p. 45). b. If the gap between rich and poor continues to grow at the current rate, the richest one percent will soon own 40% of the country's wealth (Richards, 2005, p. 45). c. 40% of the country's wealth is in the hands of only1% of Americans (Richards, 2005, p. 45). d. 99% of Americans own 40% as much as the richest 1%. 3. “The judge was relieved when the jurywas finallyreadyto announce its verdict” (Ray, 2011, p. 69). a. When the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved (Ray, 2011, p. 69). b. The judge asked the juryto arrive at a verdict. c. The judge welcomed the prospect of an imminent verdict (Ray, 2011, p. 69). d. The jurywelcomed the judge's relief. 4. “Research data suggest that girls who witnessed maternal abuse maytolerate abuse as adults more than girls who did not” (Allen, 2000, p. 33). a. Allen (2000) claimsthatwomenwhowitnessedtheabuseof their motheras teens are morelikelyto becomeabusiveadults (p. 33). b. Women who observed the abuse of their mothers when they were young are more likely to endure abuse themselves (Allen, 2000, p. 33). c. Women who were abused as children are more likelyto abuse their own children (Allen, 2000, p. 33). d. Girls who testify about maternal abuse tolerate abuse as adults more readily. 5. “Martha thinks that the issue of adolescent problems is important to write about” (Black, 2013, para. 14). a. Martha thinks that adolescents like to write about their problems (Black, 2013, para. 14). b. Martha feels that writing about adolescent problems is worthwhile (Black, 2013, para. 14). c. Martha believes that the dream of most adolescents is to write something important (Black, 2013, para. 14). d. Martha thinks that adolescents can write about their problems. B. Choosethecorrectmeaningoftheunderlined word,and identifythetypeofcontextclueused: example,contrast,or definition . _______________________1.Ourbaseball team’spitcherhasafew eccentric habits,suchasthrowingexactlythirteen warm-up pitchesandnever wearingsocks. a. normal b. strange c. messy d. bad _________________________2.After the heavy rains, the stream became murky;infact, the water wasso cloudyyou couldn’tsee the bottom. a. cloudy b. bottomless c. clear d. deep _________________________3.The debris onthestadium floorincludednumerouspapercups,ticketstubs,and cigarettebutts. a. products b. papers c. trash d. appliances _________________________4.Thecoachtakesevery opportunityto censure hisplayers , yet he ignoresevery opportunityto praise them. a. approve of b. criticize c. choose d. train _________________________5.Thenewlywedsagreedtobevery frugal intheirshoppingbecausetheywantedto save enough moneyto buy a house. a. economical b. wasteful c. interested d. honest Preparedby: IDEZAB. SABADO,T-I EnglishTeacher Checked: EDUARDO A. VINOYA School Principal I
  • 8. Republic of the Philippines DOLORES INTEGRATED SCHOOL Dolores, Quirino, Isabela FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION ENGLISH 10 Name:_____________________________________________________Date:__________________Score:___________________ Directions:Read carefullytheitems.Shadethechoiceofyouranswerin youranswersheetprovided. I. MULTIPLECHOICE(20) 1. What doesname“Daedalus”mean? a. skilledinventor b. master craftsman c. skilledarchitect d. skilledworker 2. What literarygenreare stories aboutgods, goddesses,andheroes passedfrom one generationtoanother? a. ballad b. myth c. epic d. legend 3. Whichamongthemodalsexpressespast obligation? a. shall b. should c. will d. would 4. Whichamongthemodalsexpressesinvitation or past possibility? a. shall b. should c. will d. would 5. What/Who is “Minotaur”? a. the land KingMinosrules b. half man – half bullbeast c. the maze d. Daedalus’son 6. Who is the authorthat was born inRussiaand hadworkedas a teacher,asocialworker,and a translatorof Russianliterature? a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low 7. What is Confucius’nameinChinese? a. Kung FuTsu b. Kung FoChiu c. KungFu Chiu d. Kung FoTsu 8. “No sons shallbe bornto you,”… “But you shallhavea grandson,and by hishand youshalldie.” Whose fate did this oraclespell doomedto? a. Perseus b. Danae c. Dictys d. Acrisius 9. Who translated the workof Confucius“From theAnalects”? a. Arthur Waley b. Arthur Weley c. Arthur Waly d. Arthur Wely 10. TheAnti-BullyingAct of 2013is the: a. Republic ActNo. 10629 b. Republic ActNo. 10625 c. Republic ActNo. 10627 d. Republic ActNo. 10630 11. Who was a maidenwhobecamefamousthroughoutGreece? a. Arachne b. Athena c. Andromeda d. Medusa 12. Who gave the brightshieldto Perseus? a. Gray Women b. Andromeda c. Hermes d. Alice Low 13. What doesthe nameof Mimirmean? a. gallant b. smart c. brave d. gentleman 14. Who is the author of “Arachne”? a. NickPontikis b. Anne TerryWhite c. OliveCoolidge d. Alice Low 15. Who is the author of “TheGorgon’sHead’? a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low 16. Who is the author of “DaedalusandIcarus”? a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low 17. What is the synonymous term of “valorous”? a. gallant b. smart c. brave d. gentleman 18. Who is the author of “How OdinLostHis Eye? a. Anne TerryWhite b. NickPontikis c. Yann Martel d. CatherineSellew 19. What is the appropriatemeaningof“entanced”? a. calledforth b. to put somebodyintoa trance c. doomed d. charmed
  • 9. 20. Who is the author of the myth “Orpheus”? a. Anne TerryWhite b. Yann Martel c. NickPontikis d. Alice Low 21. What is the synonymous term of “appease”? a. thank b. please c. satisfy d. convince II.IDENTIFICATION (10) __________________________1.It refers to any severe, or repeateduseby oneor morestudents of a written, verbal, or electronic expression,or a physicalactor gesture, or any combination. __________________________2.Themanof“No arms!No Worries!”. __________________________3.It is a myth that discussesadventuresandmistakesof heroes or characters. __________________________4. A meaningthatsuggests ideaandfeelingsor overtone __________________________5.An any bullyingdonethroughthe use of technologyor any electronicmeans. III.READING COMPREHENSION(15) Read carefullythepassages.Then answerappropriatelythequestions. Exploring the Sea of Goodness Lee Emm 1.) Doyou believe that a sea of goodnessis possibleinthis world? 2.) I always believe it is possible. 3.) Doing something good, no matter what the consequences will always make me contented and secure. 4.) There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing something “good” for others. 5.) The steps are easy but zealousness, humility, and consistencyare the subtle ways. Here are the simple ones: 6.) The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other person I’ll do good to. 7.) Next, I’ll imagine how she’ll feel and react.8.) That way, I’ll think doing good to others will make me at least a better person. 9.) That will make me grateful; that I have done something good. 10.) With these simple but notable ways I can prove to myself, to others and to God that I can explore the sea of goodness in this ever changing world. 11.) How about you, can you explore it also? 12.) I bet you can! 1. Themainpointof the articleisbest expressedin sentenceno.____: a. 3 b. 10 c. 4 d. 12 2. Exploringthe sea of goodness,meansyou are practicing____: a. conscientiousness b. kindness c. humility d. sympathy 3. Theword subtle insentence5means: a. clear b. refined c. practical d. strained 4. Thekindof evidenceusedby the writer to support her stand is through: a. anecdotes b. statistics c. examples d. video 5. Thegeneralizationorstatementaboutthe passageonlife or humanexperienceisto: a. bringout the best inyou b. struggle againstthe odds c. standup for one’sbelief d. take strength to bearup the odds 1. )The best wayto overcome a disabilityis to face it head-on and not to let it prevent you from achieving great things. 2. )This is the lesson I draw from the lives of two people whom I admire – the musician Stevie Wonder and the track-and-field star Jackie Joyner-Kersee. 3. ) I respect them for their courage and strength in overcoming obstacles. 4. )Both are persons with disabilities who defiedobstaclesinorderto be successfulintheirfields.5. ) Theytaught me never to give up no matter how intimidating the obstacles I face in life. from: “OvercomeanObstacletoSucceed”byEddieHarris 6. Theword“fought” is a/an ______ofthe word “defied”in sentenceno.4. a. connotation b. opposite c. denotation d. symbol 7. Thispassagewouldmostprobablyinterest a/an: a. adolescent b. child c. adult d. old man 8. Thepassageismost probablya part of a/an: a. anecdote b. letter c. autobiography d. persuasive essay 9. Tosupporthis claim,thewriter uses: a. facts b. reasons c. opinion d. statistics 10. An effective persuasive techniqueusedbythe authorto emphasizehis point is throughappealingto: a. emotion b. reason
  • 10. c. moral d. both A andC If you have endureda great despair, Thenyou didit alone. Gettinga transfusionfrom a fire, Pickingthescabsof your heart, Thenwringingitoutlike a sock. - from: “Courage”byAnne Sexton 11. Thefeelingthatthe writer intendsus to have toward lifeis: a. contentment b. fear c. courage d. hopelessness 12. Thewordinthe poem that gives hintto the moodit evokes is: a. aspired b. sink c. sail d. succeed 13. Thefigureof speechusedin the poem is: a. alliteration b. personification c. metaphor d. simile 14. Thelasttwo linesof the poem express: a. arrogance b. optimism c. courage d. warning IV. ENUMERATION (15) 1. Ways to Win Over Challenges(6) 2. Modals(6) Useeachina sentence. 3. Give at least 3 personalchallengesoneencounter V. ESSAY (15) 1. Explainhow a studentlike you will overcomethechallengesinlife. (5pts.) 2. Elaboratethis creedfrom the movie Lifeof Pi “Doubtis useful; it keepsfaith a livingthing. After all, you cannotknow the strengthof your faith untilit is tested.”. 3. Explainthis creed“ A gentlemanisashamedtolet his wordsoutrun his deeds.”. Preparedby: IDEZAB. SABADO,T-I EnglishTeacher Checked: EDUARDO A. VINOYA School Principal I