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D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Pondicherry University Community College
Department of Computer Science
Course : BCA
Year : II
Semester : III
Subject : Programming with Visual Basic
Unit III Study Material
Prepared by
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Pondicherry University Community College,
Lawspet, Puducherry-08.
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Functions and Procedure - Passing arguments by value and reference – Arrays,
dynamic arrays –User defined data types – symbolic constants – using Dialog boxes: Input
box, Message box functions - String functions, date and Time function, numeric functions
Functions and Procedure
A function is a named section of code that returns a value. You can reuse functions
many times within your program. For calculation purposes, you can pass information into
functions. The information that you pass into a function is called a parameter, also known as
an argument.
A function is a block of Visual Basic statements inside Function, End
Function statements. Functions return values.
There are two basic types of functions. Built-in functions and user defined ones. The built-in
functions are part of the Visual Basic language. There are various mathematical, string or
conversion functions.
A procedure is an assignment you ask the compiler to take care of inside of your
program. The assignment is performed behind the scenes. The program developer writes the
function and the user would only see the result.
In reality, there are two types of procedures you will use in your programs: those that
have already been created thus made available to you, and those you will create yourself.
Creating a Sub Procedure
 To create a new sub procedure, in the Routines file, type sub
SquarePerimeter and press Enter. This produces:
Sub SquarePerimeter()
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
 To create another sub routine, on the main menu, click Tools -> Add
In the Name edit box, type SquareArea
 Click OK
 Implement both routines as follows:
Sub SquarePerimeter()
Dim dblSide As Double
Dim dblPerimeter As Double
dblSide = Form1.txtSide
dblPerimeter = dblSide * 4
Form1.txtPerimeter.Text = dblPerimeter
End Sub
Public Sub SquareArea()
Dim dblSide As Double
Dim dblArea As Double
dblSide = Form1.txtSide
dblArea = dblSide * dblSide
Form1.txtArea.Text = dblArea
End Sub
 Save all
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Calling a Sub Procedure
 Display the form
 Double-click the top Calculate button and, in its body, type SquarePerimeter
 Double-click the bottom Calculate button and, in its body, type SquareArea
Private Sub cmdCalcArea_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCalcPerimeter_Click()
End Sub
 Text the application
 Close the form and return to VB
Function Creation
To create a function, you use the Function keyword followed by a name and
parentheses. Unlike a sub routine, because a function returns a value, you should/must
specify the type of value the function will produce.
To give this information, on the right side of the closing parentheses, type the As
keyword, followed by a data type. To indicates where a function stops, type End Function.
Based on this, the minimum syntax used to create a function is:
Function FunctionName() As DataType
End Function
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
The name of a function follows the same rules and suggestions we reviewed for sub
routines. The DataType factor indicates the type of value that the function will return. If the
function will produce a word or a group of words, you can create it as String.
If the function will check something and determine whether it produce a true or a
false value, you can create it as Boolean. The other data types are also valid in the contexts
we reviewed them.
As mentioned already, the section between the Function and the End Function lines is
the body of the function. It is used to describe what the function does. As done on a sub
routine, one of the actions you can perform in a function is to declare a (local) variable and
use it as you see fit. Here is an example:
Function CallMe() As String
Dim Salute As String
Salute = "You can call me AI"
End Function
After performing an assignment in a function, to indicate the value it returns,
somewhere after the assignment and before the End Function line, type the name of the
function, followed by the = sign, followed by the value the function returns.
Here is an example in which a function returns a name:
Function CallMe() As String
CallMe = "You can call me AI"
End Function
You can also use some local variables in the function to perform an assignment and
then assign their result to the name of the function. Here is an example:
Function CallMe() As String
Dim Salute As String
Salute = "You can call me AI "
CallMe = Salute
End Function
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Creating a Function
Display the Routines module and delete (only) the previously implemented routines
 To create a new function, at the end of the file, type function RectPerimeter and press
 To create another function, on the main menu, create Tools -> Add Procedure...
In the Name edit box, type RectArea
In the Type section, click Function
 Press Enter
Implement both functions as follows:
Function RectPerimeter()
Dim dblLength As Double
Dim dblHeight As Double
dblLength = Form1.txtLength.Text
dblHeight = Form1.txtHeight.Text
RectPerimeter = (dblLength + dblHeight) * 2
End Function
Public Function RectArea()
Dim dblLength As Double
Dim dblHeight As Double
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
dblLength = Form1.txtLength.Text
dblHeight = Form1.txtHeight.Text
RectArea = dblLength * dblHeight
End Function
 Save all
Calling a Function
As done for the sub routines, in order to use a function in your program, must call it.
Like a sub routine, to call a function, you can simply type its name in the desired section of
the program. Here is an example:
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Since the primary purpose of a function is to return a value, to better take advantage
of such a value, you can assign the name of a function to a property or a variable in the
section where you are calling the function.
In the following example, the return value of the CallMe function is assigned to the
Caption property of the form from its own Load event:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Caption = CallMe
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Calling a Function
 Display the form and double-click the Calculate button
 Implement its event as follows:
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
txtPerimeter = RectPerimeter
txtArea = RectArea
End Sub
 Test the application
Arguments or Parameters
To use a value in a procedure, we had to declare it. In some cases, a procedure may
need an external value in order to carry its assignment. A value that is supplied to a procedure
is called an argument.
When creating a procedure that will use an external value, declare the argument that
represents that value between the parentheses of the procedure. For a sub routine, the syntax
you use would be:
Sub ProcedureName (Argument)
End Sub
If you are creating a function, the syntax would be:
Function ProcedureName (Argument)
Function Sub
The argument must be declared as a normal variable, omitting only the Dim keyword.
Here is an example that creates a function that takes a string as argument:
Function CalculatePayroll(strName As String) As Double
Function Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
A certain procedure can take more than one argument. In this case, in the parentheses
of the procedure, separate the arguments with a comma. Here is an example of a sub routine
that takes two arguments:
Sub EvaluateInvoice(strEmplName As String, dblHourlySalary As Currency)
End Sub
In the body of a procedure that takes one or more arguments, use the argument(s) as
you see fit as if they were locally declared variables. For example, you can involve them with
values inside of the procedure. You can also exclusively use the values of the arguments to
perform the assignment.
Passing Arguments to a Procedure
To pass arguments to a function, change the functions in the Routines module as follows:
Function RectPerimeter(dblLength As Double, dblHeight As Double)
RectPerimeter = (dblLength + dblHeight) * 2
End Function
Public Function RectArea(dblLength As Double, dblHeight As Double)
RectArea = dblLength * dblHeight
End Function
 Save
Passing Arguments (By Value)
To call a procedure that takes an argument, type its name and a space, followed by
value for each argument. The value provided for an argument is also called a parameter. If
there is more than one argument, separate them with a comma. Here is an example:
Private Sub txtResult_GotFocus()
Dim dblHours As Double
Dim dblSalary As Double
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
dblHours = txtHours
dblSalary = txtSalary
CalcAndShowSalary dblHours, dblSalary
End Sub
Sub CalcAndShowSalary(Hours As Double, Salary As Double)
Dim dblResult As Double
dblResult = Hours * Salary
txtResult = dblResult
End Sub
Alternatively, you can use the Call keyword to call a sub routine. In this case, when
calling a procedure using Call, you must include the argument(s) between the parentheses.
using Call, the above GotFocus event could call the CalcAndShowSalary as follows:
Private Sub txtResult_GotFocus()
Dim dblHours As Double
Dim dblSalary As Double
dblHours = txtHours
dblSalary = txtSalary
Call CalcAndShowSalary(dblHours, dblSalary)
End Sub
If you use the above technique to call a procedure that takes more than one argument,
you must provide the values of the arguments in the exact order they are listed inside of the
parentheses of the function.
Fortunately, you don't have to. If you know the name of the arguments, you can type
them in any order and provide a value for each. To do that, on the right side of each
argument, type the := operator followed by the desired value for the argument. Here is an
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Function DisplayName(FirstName As String, LastName As String) As
Dim FullName As String
FullName = FirstName & " " & LastName
DisplayName = FullName
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Caption = DisplayName(LastName:="Nguyen",
End Sub
Passing Arguments by Value
 Display the form and double-click the Calculate button
 To call the above functions, change the button's event as follows:
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
Dim dblLen As Double
Dim dblHgt As Double
Dim dblPerim As Double
Dim dblArea As Double
dblLen = txtLength.Text
dblHgt = txtHeight.Text
dblPerim = RectPerimeter(dblLen, dblHgt)
dblArea = RectArea(dblLen, dblHgt)
txtPerimeter.Text = dblPerim
txtArea.Text = dblArea
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
 Test the application
 Close the form and return to MSVB
Passing Arguments By Reference
When calling a procedure that took an argument, we were supplying a value for that
argument. When this is done, the procedure that is called makes a copy of the value of the
argument and make that copy available to calling procedure.
That way, the argument itself is not accessed. This is referred to as passing an
argument by value. This can be reinforced by typing the ByVal keyword on the left side of
the argument. Here is an example:
Sub GetFullName(ByVal FullName As String)
FullName = "Nguyen, Hermine"
End Sub
If you create a procedure that takes an argument by value and you have used
the ByVal keyword on the argument, when calling the procedure, you don't need to use
the ByVal keyword; just the name of the argument is enough, as done in the examples on
arguments so far. Here is an example:
This would produce
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
An alternative to this technique is to pass the address of the argument to the called
procedure. When this is done, the called procedure doesn't receive a simple copy of the value
of the argument: the argument is accessed at its root.
That is, at its memory address. With this technique, any action carried on the
argument will be kept. That is, if the value of the argument is modified, the argument would
now have the new value, dismissing or losing the original value it had. This technique is
referred to as passing an argument by reference.
To pass an argument by reference, on its left, type the ByRef keyword. This is done
only when creating the function. When the called procedure finishes with the argument, the
argument would keep whatever modification was made on its value. Now consider the
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim FName As String
FName = "Albert Edou Nkoulou"
GetFullName FName
Caption = FName
End Sub
Sub GetFullName(ByRef FullName As String)
FullName = "Nguyen, Hermine"
End Sub
This would produce:
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Using this technique, you can pass as many arguments by reference as many
arguments by value as you want. As you may already, this technique is also used to make a
sub routine return a value, which a regular sub routine cannot do. Furthermore, passing
arguments by reference allows a procedure to return as many values as possible while a
regular function can return only one value.
In visual basic, Arrays are useful to store multiple elements of the same data type at
contiguous memory locations and arrays will allow us to store the fixed number of elements
sequentially based on the predefined number of items.
An array can start storing the values from index 0. Suppose if we have an array
with n elements, then it will start storing the elements from index 0 to n-1.
Following is the pictorial representation of storing the multiple values of the same type in a
visual basic array data structure.
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Visual Basic Arrays Declaration
In visual basic, Arrays can be declared by specifying the type of elements followed by the
brackets () like as shown below.
Dim array_name As [Data_Type]();
Here, array_name represents the name of an array and Data_type will represent the data type
of elements to store in an array.
For example, the following are the different ways of declaring an array with
different data types in a visual basic programming language.
' Store only int values
Dim numbers As Integer()
' Store only string values
Dim names As String()
' Store only double values
Dim ranges As Double()
Declaring two dimensional Array
The general syntax to declare a two dimensional array is as follow:
Dim ArrayName(Sub1,Sub2) as dataType
The code
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim prod, mth As Integer ' prod is product and mth is month
Dim saleVol(1 To 4, 1 To 6) As Integer
Const j = 1
listVolume.AddItem vbTab & "January" & vbTab & "February" & vbTab & "March"
& vbTab & "Apr" & vbTab & "May" & vbTab & "June"
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
listVolume.AddItem vbTab &
For prod = 1 To 4
For mth = 1 To 6
saleVol(prod, mth) = InputBox("Enter the sale volume for" & " " & "product" & " " &
prod & " " & "month" & " " & mth)
Next mth
Next prod
For i = 1 To 4
listVolume.AddItem "Product" & "" & i & vbTab & saleVol(i, j) & vbTab &
saleVol(i, j + 1) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 2) _
& vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 3) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 4) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 5)
Next i
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Dynamic Array
In VB6, the dynamic array can be resized when the program is executing. The first
step in declaring a dynamic array is by using the Dim statement without specifying the
dimenson list, as follows:
Dim myArray()
Then at run time we can specify the actual array size using the ReDim statement,as follows:
ReDim myArray(1 to n) when n is decided during run time
You can also declare a two dimensional array using ReDim statement, as follows:
ReDim myArray(1 to n, 1 to m) when m and n are known during run time
To display the elements of an array in a list box.The size of the array will only be
known during run time.
The Code
Private Sub cmd_display_Click()
Dim myArray() As Integer
Dim i, n As Integer
n = InputBox("Enter the upper bound of array")
For i = 1 To n
ReDim myArray(i)
myArray(i) = i ^ 2
List1.AddItem myArray(i)
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
User defined data types
Variables of different data types when combined as a single variable to hold several
related information is called a User-Defined data type.
A Type statement is used to define a user-defined type in the General declaration
section of a form or module.
User-defined data types can only be private in form while in standard modules can be
public or private.
An example for a user defined data type to hold the product details is as given below.
Private Type ProductDetails
ProdID as String
ProdName as String
Price as Currency
End Type
The user defined data type can be declared with a variable using the Dim statement as
in any other variable declaration statement. An array of these user-defined data types can also
be declared.
An example to consolidate these two features is given below.
Dim ElectronicGoods as ProductDetails ' One Record
Dim ElectronicGoods(10) as ProductDetails ' An array of 11 records
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
A User-Defined data type can be referenced in an application by using the variable
name in the procedure along with the item name in the Type block.
For example if the text property of a TextBox namely text1 is to be assigned the name
of the electronic good, the statement can be written as given below.
Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods.ProdName
If the same is implemented as an array, then the statement becomes
Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods(i).ProdName
User-defined data types can also be passed to procedures to allow many related items as one
Sub ProdData( ElectronicGoods as ProductDetails)
Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods.ProdName
Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods.Price
End Sub
Symbolic constants
Visual Basic defines a large number of constants for many activities, sometimes you
need to define your own constants.
Constants are defined with the Const keyword statement to give the constant a name
and a value, as shown in the following syntax:
Const CONSTANT_NAME [As ConstantType] = value
Naming conventions for constants
Constants are typically named with all uppercase characters and, if necessary, with an
underscore character (_) to separate the characters into words: SECRET_NUMBER = 42.
Now that Visual Basic supports its own constants and constants dedicated to classes,
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
however, it's conventional to name constants in mixed case, with a lowercase prefix:
snNumber = 42.
This statement appears similar to the declaration of a variable. As with declaring a
variable, you provide a name for the constant and optionally specify the type of data it will
The Const keyword at the beginning of the statement tells Visual Basic that this
statement defines a constant. This distinguishes the statement from one that just assigns a
value to a variable.
Finally, to define a constant, you must include the equal sign (=) and the value to be
assigned. If you're defining a string, remember to enclose the value in quotes ("").
Using Dialog boxes
Input box
Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button,
and returns a String containing the contents of the text box.
memory_variable = InputBox (prompt[,title][,default])
memory_variable is a variant data type but typically it is declared as string, which
accept the message input by the users.
The arguments are explained as follows:
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
 Prompt - String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt
consists of more than one line, you can separate the lines using the vbCrLf constant
 Title - String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit the
title, the application name is displayed in the title bar
 default-text - The default text that appears in the input field where users can use it as
his intended input or he may change to the message he wish to key in.
 x-position and y-position - the position or the coordinate of the inputbox
Following example demonstrates the use of InputBox function
* Open a new project and save the Form as InputBox.frm and save the Project as
* Design the application as shown below.
Object Property Setting
Form Caption
InputBox test
Label Caption
You entered
( empty)
1-Fixed Single
CommandButton Caption
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
 Following code is entered in cmdOK_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdok_Click()
Dim ans As String
ans = InputBox("Enter something to be displayed in the
label", "Testing", 0)
If ans = "" Then
lbl2.Caption = "No message"
lbl2.Caption = ans
End If
End Sub
 Save and run the application. As soon as you click the OK button you will get the
following InputBox
Here I have entered "Hello World" in text field. As soon as you click OK the output is shown
as shown below
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Message box functions
A message box is a special dialog box used to display a piece of information
to the user. As opposed to a regular form, the user cannot type anything in the
dialog box. To support message boxes, the Visual Basic language provides a
function named MsgBox.
The MsgBox function displays a message box and waits for the user to click a button
and then an action is performed based on the button clicked by the user.
Syntax :
 MsgBox ( Prompt [,icons+buttons ] [,title ] )
 memory_variable = MsgBox ( prompt [, icons+ buttons] [,title] )
The arguments are explained as follows:
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
 Prompt : String expressions displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt
consist of more than one line, you can separate the lines using the vbrCrLf constant.
 Icons + Buttons : Numeric expression that is the sum of values specifying the number
and type of buttons and icon to display.
 Title : String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit title,
the application name is placed in the title bar.
To display a simple message box, you can use the MsgBox() function with the following
Inside the parentheses, pass a string. Here is an example:
Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnMessage.Click
MsgBox("Welcome to Microsoft Visual Basic")
End Sub
If the message is made of different sections, you can concatenate them using the & operator.
You can also first declare a String variable, initialize it, and pass it to the function.
The Return Value of a Message Box
Besides displaying a message, a message box can be used to let the user make a
decision by clicking a button and, depending on the button the user would have
clicked, the message box would return a value. To be able to return a value, the
MsgBox() function is declared as follows:
Public Shared Function MsgBox ( _
Prompt As Object, _
<OptionalAttribute> Optional Buttons As MsgBoxStyle =
MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, _
<OptionalAttribute> Optional Title As Object = Nothing _
) As MsgBoxResult
The value returned by a message box corresponds to a button the user would have
clicked (on the message box). The return value of the MsgBox() function is based
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
on the MsgBoxResult enumeration. The buttons and the returned values are as
The Buttons of a Message Box
If you create a simple message box by providing only the message, it would
appear with only one button labeled OK. If you want the user to be able to make a
decision and communicate it to you, provide a second argument. The second
argument must be based on the MsgBoxStyle enumeration. When it comes to
buttons, some members of this enumeration are:
To use any of these combinations of buttons, call
the MessageBoxStyle enumeration and access the desired combination. Here is an
Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnMessage.Click
MsgBox("Now we will move to the next step", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel)
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
End Sub
This would produce:
The Caption of a Message Box
If you create a simple message box by providing only the message, the dialog box
would appear with the name of the project in the title. To allow you to specify a
caption of your choice, provide a second string as the third argument to
the MsgBox() function. Here is an example:
Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnMessage.Click
MsgBox("Now we will move to the next step", _
MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, "Lessons Objectives")
End Sub
This would produce:
The Icon of a Message Box
To enhance the appearance of a message box, you can display an icon on it.
To support icons, the MsgBoxStyle enumeration provides the following additional
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
To apply one of these buttons, combine its style with that of the button, using the
OR operator. Here is an example:
Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnMessage.Click
MsgBox("Are you ready to provide your credit card information?", _
MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel Or MsgBoxStyle.Question, _
"Customer Order Processing")
End Sub
This would produce:
The Default Button of a Message Box
When a message box is configured to display more than one button, the operating
system is set to decide which button is the default. The default button has a thick
border that sets it apart from the other button(s). If the user presses Enter, the
message box would behave as if the user had clicked the default button. If the
message box has more than one button, you can decide what button would be the
default. To support the default button, the MsgBoxStyle enumeration provides the
following additional options:
If the message box contains
more than one button, the
default button would be
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
DefaultButton1 0 the first
DefaultButton2 256 the second
DefaultButton3 512 the third
Here is an example:
Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnMessage.Click
MsgBox("Are you ready to provide your credit card information?", _
MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel Or _
MsgBoxStyle.Question Or _
MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2, _
"Customer Order Processing")
End Sub
Following is an example illustrates the use of message boxes
* Open a new Project and save the Form as messageboxdemo.frm and save the Project as
* Design the application as shown below.
Object Property Setting
Form Caption
Label Caption
TextBox Name
( empty )
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
ListBox Name lstName
CommandButton Caption
CommandButton Caption
CommandButton Caption
Following code is entered in the txtName_Change ( ) event
Private Sub txtName_Change()
If Len(txtName.Text) > 0 Then
cmdAdd.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Following code has to be entered in the cmdAdd_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
answer = MsgBox("Do you want to add this name to the list box?",
vbExclamation + vbYesNo,
"Add Confirm")
If answer = vbYes Then
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
lstName.AddItem txtName.Text
txtName.Text = ""
cmdAdd.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Following code is entered in the cmdDelete_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
Dim remove As Integer
remove = lstName.ListIndex
If remove < 0 Then
MsgBox "No names is selected", vbInformation, "Error"
answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete " & vbCrLf & "the
selected name?",_
vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Warning")
If answer = vbYes Then
If remove >= 0 Then
lstName.RemoveItem remove
MsgBox "Selected name was deleted", vbInformation, "Delete Confirm"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Following code is entered in the cmdExit_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
answer = MsgBox("Do you want to quit?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo,
If answer = vbYes Then
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
MsgBox "Action canceled", vbInformation, "Confirm"
End If
End Sub
String functions
String functions are mainly used to manipulate the string in Visual basic. There are
many useful string functions in Visual Basic 6. The string functions are defined in the
"Strings" module, which can be found in the Object Browser.
The Len Function
The Len function returns an integer value which is the length of a phrase or a
sentence, including the empty spaces. The syntax is
Len (“Phrase”)
For example,
Len (VisualBasic) = 11 and Len (welcome to VB tutorial) = 22
The Len function can also return the number of digits or memory locations of a
number that is stored in the computer. For example,
X=sqr (16)
Then Len(x)=1, Len(y)=4, and Len (z)=8
The reason why Len(z)=8 is because z# is a double precision number and so it is
allocated more memory spaces.
The Right Function
The Right function extracts the right portion of a phrase. The syntax is
Right (“Phrase”, n)
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Where n is the starting position from the right of the phrase where the portion of the phrase is
going to be extracted. For example,
Right(“Visual Basic”, 4) = asic
The Left Function
The Left$ function extract the left portion of a phrase. The syntax is
Left(“Phrase”, n)
Where n is the starting position from the left of the phase where the portion of the phrase is
going to be extracted. For example,
Left (“Visual Basic”, 4) = Visu
The Ltrim Function
The Ltrim function trims the empty spaces of the left portion of the phrase. The syntax is
.For example,
Ltrim (“ Visual Basic”)= Visual basic
The Rtrim Function
The Rtrim function trims the empty spaces of the right portion of the phrase. The syntax is
.For example,
Rtrim (“Visual Basic ”, 4) = Visual basic
The Trim function
The Trim function trims the empty spaces on both side of the phrase. The syntax is
.For example,
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Trim (“ Visual Basic ”) = Visual basic
The Mid Function
The Mid function extracts a substring from the original phrase or string. It takes the following
Mid(phrase, position, n)
Where position is the starting position of the phrase from which the extraction process will
start and n is the number of characters to be extracted. For example,
Mid(“Visual Basic”, 3, 6) = ual Bas
The InStr function
The InStr function looks for a phrase that is embedded within the original phrase and returns
the starting position of the embedded phrase. The syntax is
Instr (n, original phase, embedded phrase)
Where n is the position where the Instr function will begin to look for the embedded phrase.
For example
Instr(1, “Visual Basic”,” Basic”)=8
The Ucase and the Lcase functions
The Ucase function converts all the characters of a string to capital letters. On the
other hand, the Lcase function converts all the characters of a string to small letters. For
Ucase(“Visual Basic”) =VISUAL BASIC
Lcase(“Visual Basic”) =visual basic
The Str and Val functions
The Str is the function that converts a number to a string while the Val function
converts a string to a number. The two functions are important when we need to perform
mathematical operations.
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
The Chr and the Asc functions
The Chr function returns the string that corresponds to an ASCII code while
the Asc function converts an ASCII character or symbol to the corresponding ASCII code.
ASCII stands for “American Standard Code for Information Interchange”.
Altogether there are 255 ASCII codes and as many ASCII characters. Some of the
characters may not be displayed as they may represent some actions such as the pressing of a
key or produce a beep sound. The syntax of the Chr function is
and the syntax of the Asc function is
The following are some examples:
Chr(65)=A, Chr(122)=z, Chr(37)=% , Asc(“B”)=66, Asc(“&”)=38
We can create a Asc to Chr and Chr to Asc converter in the following Example:
In this example, we create two buttons, label one of them as ASC and the other one as
CHR. Insert two textboxes, one for the user to enter an ASC code and the other one to enter
the CHR character. When the user enter an ASC code, he or she can check for the
corresponding character by clicking the CHR button. Likewise, he or she can check the
corresponding ASC code after entering a character.
The Code
Private Sub CmdASC_Click()
TxtASC.Text = Asc(TxtCHR.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub CmdCHR_Click()
TxtCHR.Text = Chr(TxtASC.Text)
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
The String function
The String function has two arguments, a number and a single-character string, and
returns a string consisting of the specified character repeated the speficified number of times.
The syntax of the String function is:
For example, String(30, "#") will return the # sign 30 times, as shown in the program below:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Print String(30, "#")
End Sub
The output
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
The vbCrLf Named Constant
The vbCrLf named constant is a combination of two abbreviations Cr and Lf. Cr has
numeric code Chr(13) which represents carriage return and Lf has numeric code Chr(10)
which represents line feed. Carriage return means move the cursor to the left of the text field,
and line feed means move down one row in the text field. By combining Cr and Lf, vbCrLf
make it possible to display multiple lines in a text field such as in a message box, as shown in
the following example.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim message As String
Dim display As String
message = "Mission to Mars"
display = String(30, "*") & vbCrLf & message & vbCrLf & String(30, "*")
MsgBox display
End Sub
The output
Performing Word Search
We can make use of various string functions to perform word search from a
textbox.In the following example, we insert a textbox and set the multiline property to true.
We also insert a textbox for the user to enter the word to search and a command button to
perform the search. Besides that, we also include a label control to display the result. In the
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
code, we use the set setFocus property to highlight the word found. In addition, we also use
the SelStart to set the starting point of text selected.
The Code
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
Dim n, m, l As Integer
Dim myAricle, myWord As String
myArticle = TxtArticle.Text
myWord = TxtWord.Text
l = Len(myWord)
n = InStr(1, myArticle, myWord)
If n = 0 Then
LblResult.Caption = "Your word not found, try again."
LblResult.Caption = "Found your word " & myWord & " at " & " Position " & n
TxtArticle.SelStart = n - 1
TxtArticle.SelLength = Len(myWord)
End If
End Sub
The Output
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Date and Time Function
There are many useful functions for the date-time operations in VB6. Visual Basic
gives you enough power for handling the date and time.The functions that are defined in the
DateTime module of the VBA library. Search "DateTime" in Object Browser.
The weekday function returns the day of the week. It returns a number representing the day.
Variable = weekday(Date, [FirstDayOfWeek])
This function takes two arguments, one is the optional. You need to pass a date string to this
function, and the first day of week which is optional is set to vbSunday by default.
The constant values of FirstDayOfWeek paramenter are as follows:
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Print Weekday("1/4/2014")
The year function returns the year from the date.
Print Year("1/4/2014")
The month function returns the month of the year.
Dim m As Integer
m = Month("27 / 3 / 2013")
MsgBox m
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
The DateValue function returns the date part from a date/time value.
Dim dt As Date
dt = DateValue(Now)
Print dt
Returns the time part from a date/time value.
Dim dt As Date
dt = TimeValue(Now)
Print dt
12:51:25 PM
Returns the day part from a date
Dt = Day(Now)
Returns the hour of the day.
Print Hour(Now)
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Returns the minute of the hour.
Print Minute(Now)
Returns the second of the minute.
Print Second(Now)
Returns a specific part from a date.
DatePart(Interval, Date, [FirstDayOfWeek], [FirstWeekOfYear])
The interval parameter is the interval part of a date you want. Pass a date value through the
Date parameter. FirstDayOfWeek and FirstWeekOfYear are optional parameters, the values
of which are vbSunday and vbFirstJan1
Print "year = " & DatePart("yyyy", "4/1/2014")
Print "month = " & DatePart("m", Now)
Print "day = " & DatePart("d", Now)
Print "week = " & DatePart("ww", Now)
Print "hour = " & DatePart("h", Now)
Print "minute = " & DatePart("n", Now)
Print "second = " & DatePart("s", Now)
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Print "weekday = " & DatePart("y", Now)
The interval values can be:
"m"- Month
Returns a Date for a specific year, month and day.
Print DateSerial(2014, 1, 4)
Returns a time for a specific hour, minute and second.
Print TimeSerial(13, 15, 55)
Returns the number of time intervals between two dates.
dt = DateDiff("d", "5 / 5 / 1990", "26 / 4 / 2013")
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Numeric Functions
There are three numeric functions: SQR, INT, and Round
The Sqr function
The Sqr function returns the square root of a number. This function takes a Double type
argument and returns a Double implying that you can work with large numbers using the Sqr
Print Sqr(9)
Output: 3
The Int function
The Int function returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the number. It discards the
decimal part of a number.
This function greatly helps in truncating the decimal part of a number. But be aware that in
case of a negative decimal number, it returns a rounded up value, resulting in an increment of
integer part as it's shown in example 3 below.
Print Int(2.9)
Output: 2
Print Int(5)
Output: 5
Example 3
Print Int(-5.8)
Output: -6
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
The Round function
The Round function rounds a numeric value.
Round(Number, [no. of digits after decimal]
If the second parameter is omitted, the number is rounded to a whole number.
Print Round(5.8)
Output: 6
Print Round(5.8, 1)
Output: 5
Print Round(5.4568, 2)
It returns the absolute value of a number.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Print abs(-10)
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Sin, Cos and Tan
These functions return the sine, cosine and tangent of an angel. These functions receive
arguments in radian. Convert radian to degree multiplying Pi/180. You may declare a Pi
constant at the beginning.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Print Sin(90)
Print Cos(0)
Print Tan(45)
End Sub
The Exp function returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Print Exp(5) 'equivalent to e^5
End Sub
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
The Log function returns the natural logarithm of a number.
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Print Log(10)
End Sub
This function indicates the sign of a number. It returns -1, 0 or 1 if the number is negative,
zero or positive respectively.
Private Sub cmdShowSign_Click()
Print Sgn(-10)
End Sub
The Fix function
Fix function truncates the decimal part of a number. In Lesson 34, you have seen that
the Int function also truncates the decimal part of a number. But this function is different
from the Fix function. You see the difference when the number is negative in case of the Int
function. So the function that actually truncates the decimal part of a number is Fix.
Private Sub cmdTruncate_Click()
D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC.
Print Fix(4.5)
Print Fix(-4.5)
End Sub
The Rnd function
Sometimes, we need to generate some random values. The Rnd function returns a
random value between 0 and 1.
Each time the CommandButton is clicked , it gives a different value between 0 and 1.
Private Sub cmdGenerateRandomNumbers_Click()
Randomize() 'Randomizes the number
lblResult.Caption = Rnd
End Sub

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Unit iii vb_study_materials

  • 1. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page1 Pondicherry University Community College Department of Computer Science Course : BCA Year : II Semester : III Subject : Programming with Visual Basic Unit III Study Material Prepared by D.GAYA Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University Community College, Lawspet, Puducherry-08.
  • 2. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page2 MODULE –III Functions and Procedure - Passing arguments by value and reference – Arrays, dynamic arrays –User defined data types – symbolic constants – using Dialog boxes: Input box, Message box functions - String functions, date and Time function, numeric functions Functions and Procedure Functions A function is a named section of code that returns a value. You can reuse functions many times within your program. For calculation purposes, you can pass information into functions. The information that you pass into a function is called a parameter, also known as an argument. A function is a block of Visual Basic statements inside Function, End Function statements. Functions return values. There are two basic types of functions. Built-in functions and user defined ones. The built-in functions are part of the Visual Basic language. There are various mathematical, string or conversion functions. Procedures A procedure is an assignment you ask the compiler to take care of inside of your program. The assignment is performed behind the scenes. The program developer writes the function and the user would only see the result. In reality, there are two types of procedures you will use in your programs: those that have already been created thus made available to you, and those you will create yourself. Creating a Sub Procedure  To create a new sub procedure, in the Routines file, type sub SquarePerimeter and press Enter. This produces: Sub SquarePerimeter() End Sub
  • 3. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page3  To create another sub routine, on the main menu, click Tools -> Add Procedure... In the Name edit box, type SquareArea  Click OK  Implement both routines as follows: Sub SquarePerimeter() Dim dblSide As Double Dim dblPerimeter As Double dblSide = Form1.txtSide dblPerimeter = dblSide * 4 Form1.txtPerimeter.Text = dblPerimeter End Sub Public Sub SquareArea() Dim dblSide As Double Dim dblArea As Double dblSide = Form1.txtSide dblArea = dblSide * dblSide Form1.txtArea.Text = dblArea End Sub  Save all
  • 4. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page4 Calling a Sub Procedure  Display the form  Double-click the top Calculate button and, in its body, type SquarePerimeter  Double-click the bottom Calculate button and, in its body, type SquareArea Private Sub cmdCalcArea_Click() SquareArea End Sub Private Sub cmdCalcPerimeter_Click() SquarePerimeter End Sub  Text the application  Close the form and return to VB Function Creation To create a function, you use the Function keyword followed by a name and parentheses. Unlike a sub routine, because a function returns a value, you should/must specify the type of value the function will produce. To give this information, on the right side of the closing parentheses, type the As keyword, followed by a data type. To indicates where a function stops, type End Function. Based on this, the minimum syntax used to create a function is: Function FunctionName() As DataType End Function
  • 5. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page5 The name of a function follows the same rules and suggestions we reviewed for sub routines. The DataType factor indicates the type of value that the function will return. If the function will produce a word or a group of words, you can create it as String. If the function will check something and determine whether it produce a true or a false value, you can create it as Boolean. The other data types are also valid in the contexts we reviewed them. As mentioned already, the section between the Function and the End Function lines is the body of the function. It is used to describe what the function does. As done on a sub routine, one of the actions you can perform in a function is to declare a (local) variable and use it as you see fit. Here is an example: Function CallMe() As String Dim Salute As String Salute = "You can call me AI" End Function After performing an assignment in a function, to indicate the value it returns, somewhere after the assignment and before the End Function line, type the name of the function, followed by the = sign, followed by the value the function returns. Here is an example in which a function returns a name: Function CallMe() As String CallMe = "You can call me AI" End Function You can also use some local variables in the function to perform an assignment and then assign their result to the name of the function. Here is an example: Function CallMe() As String Dim Salute As String Salute = "You can call me AI " CallMe = Salute End Function
  • 6. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page6 Creating a Function Display the Routines module and delete (only) the previously implemented routines  To create a new function, at the end of the file, type function RectPerimeter and press Enter  To create another function, on the main menu, create Tools -> Add Procedure... In the Name edit box, type RectArea In the Type section, click Function  Press Enter Implement both functions as follows: Function RectPerimeter() Dim dblLength As Double Dim dblHeight As Double dblLength = Form1.txtLength.Text dblHeight = Form1.txtHeight.Text RectPerimeter = (dblLength + dblHeight) * 2 End Function Public Function RectArea() Dim dblLength As Double Dim dblHeight As Double
  • 7. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page7 dblLength = Form1.txtLength.Text dblHeight = Form1.txtHeight.Text RectArea = dblLength * dblHeight End Function  Save all Calling a Function As done for the sub routines, in order to use a function in your program, must call it. Like a sub routine, to call a function, you can simply type its name in the desired section of the program. Here is an example: Private Sub Form_Load() CallMe End Sub Since the primary purpose of a function is to return a value, to better take advantage of such a value, you can assign the name of a function to a property or a variable in the section where you are calling the function. In the following example, the return value of the CallMe function is assigned to the Caption property of the form from its own Load event: Private Sub Form_Load() Caption = CallMe End Sub
  • 8. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page8 Calling a Function  Display the form and double-click the Calculate button  Implement its event as follows: Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() txtPerimeter = RectPerimeter txtArea = RectArea End Sub  Test the application Arguments or Parameters To use a value in a procedure, we had to declare it. In some cases, a procedure may need an external value in order to carry its assignment. A value that is supplied to a procedure is called an argument. When creating a procedure that will use an external value, declare the argument that represents that value between the parentheses of the procedure. For a sub routine, the syntax you use would be: Sub ProcedureName (Argument) End Sub If you are creating a function, the syntax would be: Function ProcedureName (Argument) Function Sub The argument must be declared as a normal variable, omitting only the Dim keyword. Here is an example that creates a function that takes a string as argument: Function CalculatePayroll(strName As String) As Double Function Sub
  • 9. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page9 A certain procedure can take more than one argument. In this case, in the parentheses of the procedure, separate the arguments with a comma. Here is an example of a sub routine that takes two arguments: Sub EvaluateInvoice(strEmplName As String, dblHourlySalary As Currency) End Sub In the body of a procedure that takes one or more arguments, use the argument(s) as you see fit as if they were locally declared variables. For example, you can involve them with values inside of the procedure. You can also exclusively use the values of the arguments to perform the assignment. Passing Arguments to a Procedure To pass arguments to a function, change the functions in the Routines module as follows: Function RectPerimeter(dblLength As Double, dblHeight As Double) RectPerimeter = (dblLength + dblHeight) * 2 End Function Public Function RectArea(dblLength As Double, dblHeight As Double) RectArea = dblLength * dblHeight End Function  Save Passing Arguments (By Value) To call a procedure that takes an argument, type its name and a space, followed by value for each argument. The value provided for an argument is also called a parameter. If there is more than one argument, separate them with a comma. Here is an example: Private Sub txtResult_GotFocus() Dim dblHours As Double Dim dblSalary As Double
  • 10. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page10 dblHours = txtHours dblSalary = txtSalary CalcAndShowSalary dblHours, dblSalary End Sub Sub CalcAndShowSalary(Hours As Double, Salary As Double) Dim dblResult As Double dblResult = Hours * Salary txtResult = dblResult End Sub Alternatively, you can use the Call keyword to call a sub routine. In this case, when calling a procedure using Call, you must include the argument(s) between the parentheses. using Call, the above GotFocus event could call the CalcAndShowSalary as follows: Private Sub txtResult_GotFocus() Dim dblHours As Double Dim dblSalary As Double dblHours = txtHours dblSalary = txtSalary Call CalcAndShowSalary(dblHours, dblSalary) End Sub If you use the above technique to call a procedure that takes more than one argument, you must provide the values of the arguments in the exact order they are listed inside of the parentheses of the function. Fortunately, you don't have to. If you know the name of the arguments, you can type them in any order and provide a value for each. To do that, on the right side of each argument, type the := operator followed by the desired value for the argument. Here is an example:
  • 11. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page11 Function DisplayName(FirstName As String, LastName As String) As String Dim FullName As String FullName = FirstName & " " & LastName DisplayName = FullName End Function Private Sub Form_Load() Caption = DisplayName(LastName:="Nguyen", FirstName:="Hermine") End Sub Passing Arguments by Value  Display the form and double-click the Calculate button  To call the above functions, change the button's event as follows: Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() Dim dblLen As Double Dim dblHgt As Double Dim dblPerim As Double Dim dblArea As Double dblLen = txtLength.Text dblHgt = txtHeight.Text dblPerim = RectPerimeter(dblLen, dblHgt) dblArea = RectArea(dblLen, dblHgt) txtPerimeter.Text = dblPerim txtArea.Text = dblArea End Sub
  • 12. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page12  Test the application  Close the form and return to MSVB Passing Arguments By Reference When calling a procedure that took an argument, we were supplying a value for that argument. When this is done, the procedure that is called makes a copy of the value of the argument and make that copy available to calling procedure. That way, the argument itself is not accessed. This is referred to as passing an argument by value. This can be reinforced by typing the ByVal keyword on the left side of the argument. Here is an example: Sub GetFullName(ByVal FullName As String) FullName = "Nguyen, Hermine" End Sub If you create a procedure that takes an argument by value and you have used the ByVal keyword on the argument, when calling the procedure, you don't need to use the ByVal keyword; just the name of the argument is enough, as done in the examples on arguments so far. Here is an example: This would produce
  • 13. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page13 An alternative to this technique is to pass the address of the argument to the called procedure. When this is done, the called procedure doesn't receive a simple copy of the value of the argument: the argument is accessed at its root. That is, at its memory address. With this technique, any action carried on the argument will be kept. That is, if the value of the argument is modified, the argument would now have the new value, dismissing or losing the original value it had. This technique is referred to as passing an argument by reference. To pass an argument by reference, on its left, type the ByRef keyword. This is done only when creating the function. When the called procedure finishes with the argument, the argument would keep whatever modification was made on its value. Now consider the following: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim FName As String FName = "Albert Edou Nkoulou" GetFullName FName Caption = FName End Sub Sub GetFullName(ByRef FullName As String) FullName = "Nguyen, Hermine" End Sub This would produce:
  • 14. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page14 Using this technique, you can pass as many arguments by reference as many arguments by value as you want. As you may already, this technique is also used to make a sub routine return a value, which a regular sub routine cannot do. Furthermore, passing arguments by reference allows a procedure to return as many values as possible while a regular function can return only one value. Arrays In visual basic, Arrays are useful to store multiple elements of the same data type at contiguous memory locations and arrays will allow us to store the fixed number of elements sequentially based on the predefined number of items. An array can start storing the values from index 0. Suppose if we have an array with n elements, then it will start storing the elements from index 0 to n-1. Following is the pictorial representation of storing the multiple values of the same type in a visual basic array data structure.
  • 15. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page15 Visual Basic Arrays Declaration In visual basic, Arrays can be declared by specifying the type of elements followed by the brackets () like as shown below. Dim array_name As [Data_Type](); Here, array_name represents the name of an array and Data_type will represent the data type of elements to store in an array. For example, the following are the different ways of declaring an array with different data types in a visual basic programming language. ' Store only int values Dim numbers As Integer() ' Store only string values Dim names As String() ' Store only double values Dim ranges As Double() Declaring two dimensional Array The general syntax to declare a two dimensional array is as follow: Dim ArrayName(Sub1,Sub2) as dataType The code Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() Dim prod, mth As Integer ' prod is product and mth is month Dim saleVol(1 To 4, 1 To 6) As Integer Const j = 1 listVolume.AddItem vbTab & "January" & vbTab & "February" & vbTab & "March" _ & vbTab & "Apr" & vbTab & "May" & vbTab & "June"
  • 16. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page16 listVolume.AddItem vbTab & "____________________________________________" For prod = 1 To 4 For mth = 1 To 6 saleVol(prod, mth) = InputBox("Enter the sale volume for" & " " & "product" & " " & prod & " " & "month" & " " & mth) Next mth Next prod For i = 1 To 4 listVolume.AddItem "Product" & "" & i & vbTab & saleVol(i, j) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 1) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 2) _ & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 3) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 4) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 5) Next i End Sub
  • 17. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page17 Dynamic Array In VB6, the dynamic array can be resized when the program is executing. The first step in declaring a dynamic array is by using the Dim statement without specifying the dimenson list, as follows: Dim myArray() Then at run time we can specify the actual array size using the ReDim statement,as follows: ReDim myArray(1 to n) when n is decided during run time You can also declare a two dimensional array using ReDim statement, as follows: ReDim myArray(1 to n, 1 to m) when m and n are known during run time Example: To display the elements of an array in a list box.The size of the array will only be known during run time. The Code Private Sub cmd_display_Click() Dim myArray() As Integer Dim i, n As Integer n = InputBox("Enter the upper bound of array") List1.Clear For i = 1 To n ReDim myArray(i) myArray(i) = i ^ 2 List1.AddItem myArray(i) Next End Sub
  • 18. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page18 User defined data types Variables of different data types when combined as a single variable to hold several related information is called a User-Defined data type. A Type statement is used to define a user-defined type in the General declaration section of a form or module. User-defined data types can only be private in form while in standard modules can be public or private. An example for a user defined data type to hold the product details is as given below. Private Type ProductDetails ProdID as String ProdName as String Price as Currency End Type The user defined data type can be declared with a variable using the Dim statement as in any other variable declaration statement. An array of these user-defined data types can also be declared. An example to consolidate these two features is given below. Dim ElectronicGoods as ProductDetails ' One Record Dim ElectronicGoods(10) as ProductDetails ' An array of 11 records
  • 19. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page19 A User-Defined data type can be referenced in an application by using the variable name in the procedure along with the item name in the Type block. For example if the text property of a TextBox namely text1 is to be assigned the name of the electronic good, the statement can be written as given below. Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods.ProdName If the same is implemented as an array, then the statement becomes Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods(i).ProdName User-defined data types can also be passed to procedures to allow many related items as one argument. Sub ProdData( ElectronicGoods as ProductDetails) Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods.ProdName Text1.Text = ElectronicGoods.Price End Sub Symbolic constants Visual Basic defines a large number of constants for many activities, sometimes you need to define your own constants. Constants are defined with the Const keyword statement to give the constant a name and a value, as shown in the following syntax: Const CONSTANT_NAME [As ConstantType] = value Naming conventions for constants Constants are typically named with all uppercase characters and, if necessary, with an underscore character (_) to separate the characters into words: SECRET_NUMBER = 42. Now that Visual Basic supports its own constants and constants dedicated to classes,
  • 20. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page20 however, it's conventional to name constants in mixed case, with a lowercase prefix: snNumber = 42. This statement appears similar to the declaration of a variable. As with declaring a variable, you provide a name for the constant and optionally specify the type of data it will hold. The Const keyword at the beginning of the statement tells Visual Basic that this statement defines a constant. This distinguishes the statement from one that just assigns a value to a variable. Finally, to define a constant, you must include the equal sign (=) and the value to be assigned. If you're defining a string, remember to enclose the value in quotes (""). Using Dialog boxes Input box Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns a String containing the contents of the text box. Syntax: memory_variable = InputBox (prompt[,title][,default]) memory_variable is a variant data type but typically it is declared as string, which accept the message input by the users. The arguments are explained as follows:
  • 21. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page21  Prompt - String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt consists of more than one line, you can separate the lines using the vbCrLf constant  Title - String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit the title, the application name is displayed in the title bar  default-text - The default text that appears in the input field where users can use it as his intended input or he may change to the message he wish to key in.  x-position and y-position - the position or the coordinate of the inputbox Following example demonstrates the use of InputBox function * Open a new project and save the Form as InputBox.frm and save the Project as InputBox.vbp * Design the application as shown below. Object Property Setting Form Caption Name InputBox test frmInputBox Label Caption Name You entered lbl1 Label Caption Name BorderStyle ( empty) lbl2 1-Fixed Single CommandButton Caption Name OK cmdOK
  • 22. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page22  Following code is entered in cmdOK_Click ( ) event Private Sub cmdok_Click() Dim ans As String ans = InputBox("Enter something to be displayed in the label", "Testing", 0) If ans = "" Then lbl2.Caption = "No message" Else lbl2.Caption = ans End If End Sub  Save and run the application. As soon as you click the OK button you will get the following InputBox Here I have entered "Hello World" in text field. As soon as you click OK the output is shown as shown below
  • 23. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page23 Message box functions A message box is a special dialog box used to display a piece of information to the user. As opposed to a regular form, the user cannot type anything in the dialog box. To support message boxes, the Visual Basic language provides a function named MsgBox. The MsgBox function displays a message box and waits for the user to click a button and then an action is performed based on the button clicked by the user. Syntax :  MsgBox ( Prompt [,icons+buttons ] [,title ] )  memory_variable = MsgBox ( prompt [, icons+ buttons] [,title] ) The arguments are explained as follows:
  • 24. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page24  Prompt : String expressions displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt consist of more than one line, you can separate the lines using the vbrCrLf constant.  Icons + Buttons : Numeric expression that is the sum of values specifying the number and type of buttons and icon to display.  Title : String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit title, the application name is placed in the title bar. To display a simple message box, you can use the MsgBox() function with the following formula: MsgBox(Message) Inside the parentheses, pass a string. Here is an example: Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles btnMessage.Click MsgBox("Welcome to Microsoft Visual Basic") End Sub If the message is made of different sections, you can concatenate them using the & operator. You can also first declare a String variable, initialize it, and pass it to the function. The Return Value of a Message Box Besides displaying a message, a message box can be used to let the user make a decision by clicking a button and, depending on the button the user would have clicked, the message box would return a value. To be able to return a value, the MsgBox() function is declared as follows: Public Shared Function MsgBox ( _ Prompt As Object, _ <OptionalAttribute> Optional Buttons As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, _ <OptionalAttribute> Optional Title As Object = Nothing _ ) As MsgBoxResult The value returned by a message box corresponds to a button the user would have clicked (on the message box). The return value of the MsgBox() function is based
  • 25. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page25 on the MsgBoxResult enumeration. The buttons and the returned values are as follows: The Buttons of a Message Box If you create a simple message box by providing only the message, it would appear with only one button labeled OK. If you want the user to be able to make a decision and communicate it to you, provide a second argument. The second argument must be based on the MsgBoxStyle enumeration. When it comes to buttons, some members of this enumeration are: To use any of these combinations of buttons, call the MessageBoxStyle enumeration and access the desired combination. Here is an example: Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles btnMessage.Click MsgBox("Now we will move to the next step", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel)
  • 26. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page26 End Sub This would produce: The Caption of a Message Box If you create a simple message box by providing only the message, the dialog box would appear with the name of the project in the title. To allow you to specify a caption of your choice, provide a second string as the third argument to the MsgBox() function. Here is an example: Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles btnMessage.Click MsgBox("Now we will move to the next step", _ MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, "Lessons Objectives") End Sub This would produce: The Icon of a Message Box To enhance the appearance of a message box, you can display an icon on it. To support icons, the MsgBoxStyle enumeration provides the following additional members
  • 27. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page27 To apply one of these buttons, combine its style with that of the button, using the OR operator. Here is an example: Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles btnMessage.Click MsgBox("Are you ready to provide your credit card information?", _ MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel Or MsgBoxStyle.Question, _ "Customer Order Processing") End Sub This would produce: The Default Button of a Message Box When a message box is configured to display more than one button, the operating system is set to decide which button is the default. The default button has a thick border that sets it apart from the other button(s). If the user presses Enter, the message box would behave as if the user had clicked the default button. If the message box has more than one button, you can decide what button would be the default. To support the default button, the MsgBoxStyle enumeration provides the following additional options: MsgBoxStyle Integral Value If the message box contains more than one button, the default button would be
  • 28. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page28 DefaultButton1 0 the first DefaultButton2 256 the second DefaultButton3 512 the third Here is an example: Private Sub btnMessage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles btnMessage.Click MsgBox("Are you ready to provide your credit card information?", _ MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel Or _ MsgBoxStyle.Question Or _ MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2, _ "Customer Order Processing") End Sub Following is an example illustrates the use of message boxes * Open a new Project and save the Form as messageboxdemo.frm and save the Project as messageboxdemo.vbp * Design the application as shown below. Object Property Setting Form Caption Name MessageBoxDemo frmMessageBoxDemo Label Caption Name lblName Name TextBox Name Text txtName ( empty )
  • 29. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page29 ListBox Name lstName CommandButton Caption Name Add cmdAdd CommandButton Caption Name Delete cmdDelete CommandButton Caption Name Exit cmdExit Following code is entered in the txtName_Change ( ) event Private Sub txtName_Change() If Len(txtName.Text) > 0 Then cmdAdd.Enabled = True End If End Sub Following code has to be entered in the cmdAdd_Click ( ) event Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() answer = MsgBox("Do you want to add this name to the list box?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Add Confirm") If answer = vbYes Then
  • 30. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page30 lstName.AddItem txtName.Text txtName.Text = "" txtName.SetFocus cmdAdd.Enabled = False End If End Sub Following code is entered in the cmdDelete_Click ( ) event Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() Dim remove As Integer remove = lstName.ListIndex If remove < 0 Then MsgBox "No names is selected", vbInformation, "Error" Else answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete " & vbCrLf & "the selected name?",_ vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Warning") If answer = vbYes Then If remove >= 0 Then lstName.RemoveItem remove txtName.SetFocus MsgBox "Selected name was deleted", vbInformation, "Delete Confirm" End If End If End If End Sub Following code is entered in the cmdExit_Click ( ) event Private Sub cmdExit_Click() answer = MsgBox("Do you want to quit?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Confirm") If answer = vbYes Then End
  • 31. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page31 Else MsgBox "Action canceled", vbInformation, "Confirm" End If End Sub String functions String functions are mainly used to manipulate the string in Visual basic. There are many useful string functions in Visual Basic 6. The string functions are defined in the "Strings" module, which can be found in the Object Browser. The Len Function The Len function returns an integer value which is the length of a phrase or a sentence, including the empty spaces. The syntax is Len (“Phrase”) For example, Len (VisualBasic) = 11 and Len (welcome to VB tutorial) = 22 The Len function can also return the number of digits or memory locations of a number that is stored in the computer. For example, X=sqr (16) Y=1234 Z#=10# Then Len(x)=1, Len(y)=4, and Len (z)=8 The reason why Len(z)=8 is because z# is a double precision number and so it is allocated more memory spaces. The Right Function The Right function extracts the right portion of a phrase. The syntax is Right (“Phrase”, n)
  • 32. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page32 Where n is the starting position from the right of the phrase where the portion of the phrase is going to be extracted. For example, Right(“Visual Basic”, 4) = asic The Left Function The Left$ function extract the left portion of a phrase. The syntax is Left(“Phrase”, n) Where n is the starting position from the left of the phase where the portion of the phrase is going to be extracted. For example, Left (“Visual Basic”, 4) = Visu The Ltrim Function The Ltrim function trims the empty spaces of the left portion of the phrase. The syntax is Ltrim(“Phrase”) .For example, Ltrim (“ Visual Basic”)= Visual basic The Rtrim Function The Rtrim function trims the empty spaces of the right portion of the phrase. The syntax is Rtrim(“Phrase”) .For example, Rtrim (“Visual Basic ”, 4) = Visual basic The Trim function The Trim function trims the empty spaces on both side of the phrase. The syntax is Trim(“Phrase”) .For example,
  • 33. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page33 Trim (“ Visual Basic ”) = Visual basic The Mid Function The Mid function extracts a substring from the original phrase or string. It takes the following format: Mid(phrase, position, n) Where position is the starting position of the phrase from which the extraction process will start and n is the number of characters to be extracted. For example, Mid(“Visual Basic”, 3, 6) = ual Bas The InStr function The InStr function looks for a phrase that is embedded within the original phrase and returns the starting position of the embedded phrase. The syntax is Instr (n, original phase, embedded phrase) Where n is the position where the Instr function will begin to look for the embedded phrase. For example Instr(1, “Visual Basic”,” Basic”)=8 The Ucase and the Lcase functions The Ucase function converts all the characters of a string to capital letters. On the other hand, the Lcase function converts all the characters of a string to small letters. For example, Ucase(“Visual Basic”) =VISUAL BASIC Lcase(“Visual Basic”) =visual basic The Str and Val functions The Str is the function that converts a number to a string while the Val function converts a string to a number. The two functions are important when we need to perform mathematical operations.
  • 34. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page34 The Chr and the Asc functions The Chr function returns the string that corresponds to an ASCII code while the Asc function converts an ASCII character or symbol to the corresponding ASCII code. ASCII stands for “American Standard Code for Information Interchange”. Altogether there are 255 ASCII codes and as many ASCII characters. Some of the characters may not be displayed as they may represent some actions such as the pressing of a key or produce a beep sound. The syntax of the Chr function is Chr(charcode) and the syntax of the Asc function is Asc(Character) The following are some examples: Chr(65)=A, Chr(122)=z, Chr(37)=% , Asc(“B”)=66, Asc(“&”)=38 We can create a Asc to Chr and Chr to Asc converter in the following Example: In this example, we create two buttons, label one of them as ASC and the other one as CHR. Insert two textboxes, one for the user to enter an ASC code and the other one to enter the CHR character. When the user enter an ASC code, he or she can check for the corresponding character by clicking the CHR button. Likewise, he or she can check the corresponding ASC code after entering a character. The Code Private Sub CmdASC_Click() TxtASC.Text = Asc(TxtCHR.Text) End Sub Private Sub CmdCHR_Click() TxtCHR.Text = Chr(TxtASC.Text) End Sub
  • 35. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page35 Output The String function The String function has two arguments, a number and a single-character string, and returns a string consisting of the specified character repeated the speficified number of times. The syntax of the String function is: String(n,"Character") For example, String(30, "#") will return the # sign 30 times, as shown in the program below: Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show Print String(30, "#") End Sub The output
  • 36. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page36 The vbCrLf Named Constant The vbCrLf named constant is a combination of two abbreviations Cr and Lf. Cr has numeric code Chr(13) which represents carriage return and Lf has numeric code Chr(10) which represents line feed. Carriage return means move the cursor to the left of the text field, and line feed means move down one row in the text field. By combining Cr and Lf, vbCrLf make it possible to display multiple lines in a text field such as in a message box, as shown in the following example. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim message As String Dim display As String message = "Mission to Mars" display = String(30, "*") & vbCrLf & message & vbCrLf & String(30, "*") MsgBox display End Sub The output Performing Word Search We can make use of various string functions to perform word search from a textbox.In the following example, we insert a textbox and set the multiline property to true. We also insert a textbox for the user to enter the word to search and a command button to perform the search. Besides that, we also include a label control to display the result. In the
  • 37. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page37 code, we use the set setFocus property to highlight the word found. In addition, we also use the SelStart to set the starting point of text selected. The Code Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim n, m, l As Integer Dim myAricle, myWord As String myArticle = TxtArticle.Text myWord = TxtWord.Text l = Len(myWord) n = InStr(1, myArticle, myWord) If n = 0 Then LblResult.Caption = "Your word not found, try again." Else LblResult.Caption = "Found your word " & myWord & " at " & " Position " & n TxtArticle.SetFocus TxtArticle.SelStart = n - 1 TxtArticle.SelLength = Len(myWord) End If End Sub The Output
  • 38. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page38 Date and Time Function There are many useful functions for the date-time operations in VB6. Visual Basic gives you enough power for handling the date and time.The functions that are defined in the DateTime module of the VBA library. Search "DateTime" in Object Browser. Weekday The weekday function returns the day of the week. It returns a number representing the day. Syntax Variable = weekday(Date, [FirstDayOfWeek]) This function takes two arguments, one is the optional. You need to pass a date string to this function, and the first day of week which is optional is set to vbSunday by default. The constant values of FirstDayOfWeek paramenter are as follows: vbSunday vbMonday vbTuesday vbWednesday
  • 39. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page39 vbThursday vbFriday vbSaturday vbUseSystemDayOfWeek Example Print Weekday("1/4/2014") Output 7 Year The year function returns the year from the date. Example Print Year("1/4/2014") Output 2014 Month The month function returns the month of the year. Example Dim m As Integer m = Month("27 / 3 / 2013") MsgBox m Output 3 DateValue
  • 40. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page40 The DateValue function returns the date part from a date/time value. Example Dim dt As Date dt = DateValue(Now) Print dt Output 1/4/2014 TimeValue Returns the time part from a date/time value. Example Dim dt As Date dt = TimeValue(Now) Print dt Output 12:51:25 PM Day Returns the day part from a date Example Dt = Day(Now) Hour Returns the hour of the day. Example Print Hour(Now)
  • 41. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page41 Minute Returns the minute of the hour. Example Print Minute(Now) Second Returns the second of the minute. Example Print Second(Now) DatePart Returns a specific part from a date. Syntax DatePart(Interval, Date, [FirstDayOfWeek], [FirstWeekOfYear]) The interval parameter is the interval part of a date you want. Pass a date value through the Date parameter. FirstDayOfWeek and FirstWeekOfYear are optional parameters, the values of which are vbSunday and vbFirstJan1 Example Print "year = " & DatePart("yyyy", "4/1/2014") Print "month = " & DatePart("m", Now) Print "day = " & DatePart("d", Now) Print "week = " & DatePart("ww", Now) Print "hour = " & DatePart("h", Now) Print "minute = " & DatePart("n", Now) Print "second = " & DatePart("s", Now)
  • 42. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page42 Print "weekday = " & DatePart("y", Now) The interval values can be: "yyyy"-Year "m"- Month "d"-Day "ww"-Week "h"-Hour, "n"-Minute "s"-Second "y"-weekday DateSerial Returns a Date for a specific year, month and day. Example Print DateSerial(2014, 1, 4) TimeSerial Returns a time for a specific hour, minute and second. Example Print TimeSerial(13, 15, 55) DateDiff Returns the number of time intervals between two dates. Example dt = DateDiff("d", "5 / 5 / 1990", "26 / 4 / 2013")
  • 43. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page43 Numeric Functions There are three numeric functions: SQR, INT, and Round The Sqr function The Sqr function returns the square root of a number. This function takes a Double type argument and returns a Double implying that you can work with large numbers using the Sqr function. Example Print Sqr(9) Output: 3 The Int function The Int function returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the number. It discards the decimal part of a number. This function greatly helps in truncating the decimal part of a number. But be aware that in case of a negative decimal number, it returns a rounded up value, resulting in an increment of integer part as it's shown in example 3 below. Example Print Int(2.9) Output: 2 Example Print Int(5) Output: 5 Example 3 Print Int(-5.8) Output: -6
  • 44. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page44 The Round function The Round function rounds a numeric value. Syntax Round(Number, [no. of digits after decimal] If the second parameter is omitted, the number is rounded to a whole number. Example Print Round(5.8) Output: 6 Example Print Round(5.8, 1) Output: 5 Example Print Round(5.4568, 2) Abs It returns the absolute value of a number. Example Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show Print abs(-10) End Sub Output 10
  • 45. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page45 Sin, Cos and Tan These functions return the sine, cosine and tangent of an angel. These functions receive arguments in radian. Convert radian to degree multiplying Pi/180. You may declare a Pi constant at the beginning. Example Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show Print Sin(90) Print Cos(0) Print Tan(45) End Sub Output 0.893996663600558 1 1.61977519054386 Exp The Exp function returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power. Example Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show Print Exp(5) 'equivalent to e^5 End Sub Output 148.413159102677
  • 46. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page46 Log The Log function returns the natural logarithm of a number. Example Private Sub cmdPrint_Click() Print Log(10) End Sub Output 2.30258509299405 Sgn This function indicates the sign of a number. It returns -1, 0 or 1 if the number is negative, zero or positive respectively. Example Private Sub cmdShowSign_Click() Print Sgn(-10) End Sub Output -1 The Fix function Fix function truncates the decimal part of a number. In Lesson 34, you have seen that the Int function also truncates the decimal part of a number. But this function is different from the Fix function. You see the difference when the number is negative in case of the Int function. So the function that actually truncates the decimal part of a number is Fix. Example Private Sub cmdTruncate_Click()
  • 47. D.GAYA, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, PUCC. Page47 Print Fix(4.5) Print Fix(-4.5) End Sub Output 4 -4 The Rnd function Sometimes, we need to generate some random values. The Rnd function returns a random value between 0 and 1. Example Each time the CommandButton is clicked , it gives a different value between 0 and 1. Private Sub cmdGenerateRandomNumbers_Click() Randomize() 'Randomizes the number lblResult.Caption = Rnd End Sub Output