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An equation is any mathematical statement
that contains an = sign.
6 + 4 = 10
5 – 9 = – 4 8 + 4 = 15 – 3
6 x 4 = 24
27 3 = 9 y + 4 = 10
2a + 4 = 12
are all examples of
If we begin with a true equation
9 + 6 = 15
We can do anything we like (add, multiply,
subtract or divide) to the numbers on
either side of the = sign as long as we do
the same thing to both sides!
9 + 6 = 15
Begin with a true statement
Add 3 to both sides
9 + 6 + 3 = 15 + 3 18 = 18 still true!
Subtract 8 from both sides
9 + 6 – 8 = 15 – 8 7 = 7 still true!
Multiply both sides by 5
(9 + 6) x 5 = 15 x 5 75 = 75
still true!
Divide both sides by 3
(9 + 6) 3 = 15 3 5 = 5
still true!
This is a very useful process when there is
an unknown (like x) on one side, and we wish
to isolate it to solve the equation.
Solve x – 9 = 5
We want x on its own on the left of the
= sign, so we aim to get rid of the – 9.
The opposite of – 9 is + 9, so we ADD 9
to both sides
x – 9 + 9 = 5 + 9
x = 14x = 5 + 9
Example 1: Solve y – 5 = – 3
We need to remove the 5 by “undoing” the
minus. The opposite of minus is add, so we
ADD 5 to both sides :
We can now cancel the 5s on the left
side, and at the same time work out – 3 + 5
y = 2
y – 5 = – 3+ 5 + 5
Example 2: Solve 5y = 30
As this is really 5 times y = 30, to isolate the
y we need to remove the 5 by “undoing” the
times. The opposite of times is divide, so we
DIVIDE both sides by 5:
5 y
We can now cancel the 5s on the left side,
and at the same time work out 30 5
y = 6
Example 3: Solve y/3 = 12
As this is really y divided by 3 = 12, we need
to remove the 3 by “undoing” the divide. The
opposite of divide is multiply, so we
MULTIPLY both sides by 3:
We can now cancel the 3s on the left
side, and at the same time work out 12 x 3
y = 36
EXAMPLE 4: Solve 3y + 5 = 26
To get x alone, first we need to remove the 5,
then the 3. Begin by taking 5 from both sides
3y + 5 = 26
3y = 21
Now we divide both sides by 3
y = 7
– 5– 5
3 y
Cancel the 3s on the left side
And now for a really useful trick!
Suppose we begin with 8 – 3 = 5
You’re allowed to change all the signs (the sign
in front of every term)
Still true!
Try this for 2 – 9 – 5 = – 12
and get – 2 + 9 + 5 = + 12
Still true!
– 8 + 3 = – 5
But remember you must change ALL the signs
This trick is really useful in equations where
there is a negative in front of the letter!
Solve – a + 7 = 12
Change all the signs
Now add 7 to both sides, as before
and get
a – 7 = – 12
a – 7 + 7 = – 12 + 7
a = – 5
Now check to see you’re right by substituting
a = – 5 into the original equation
– – 5 + 7 = 12 TRUE!
Example 6
Solve 5 – 2a = – 9
Change all the signs as the “a” has a minus in
Now add 5 to both sides, as before
– 5 + 2a = 9
– 5 + 2a + 5 = 9 + 5
2a = 14
Now check to see you’re right by substituting
a = 7 into the original equation
5 – 2 x 7 = – 9 TRUE!
a = 7
Solve 7
Since this is the same as a 4 = 7,
we do the opposite of divide, i.e.
multiply by 4
a = 28
x 4 x 4
= 7
Cancel the 4s on the left
Example 8:
37 a
First we multiply by 5 to get rid of the fraction
37 a
x 5 x 5
Cancel the 5s on the left
7 – 3a = 30
Seeing there’s a minus in front of the a, we can
change all signs
– 7 + 3a = – 30
Add 7 to both sides
– 7 + 3a + 7 = – 30 + 7
3a = – 23
Divide both sides by 3
a = – 7.667
Example 9:
First we subtract 4 from both sides
Cancel the 4s on the left
Multiply both sides by 5
3a = 10
Divide both sides by 3
a = 10/3
– 4 – 4
Example 10:
Solve 4
Add 9 to both sides
Multiply both sides by 7
Divide both sides by 2
a = 45.5
Sign change
2a = 91
Solve 2(x – 5) = 15
Expand the brackets
2x – 10 = 15
Add 10 to both sides
2x – 10 + 10 = 15 + 10
2x = 25
Divide both sides by 2
x = 25/2 or 12.5
Example 11……….
Solve 2(x – 5) + 3(2x + 1) = 28
Expand the brackets
2x – 10 + 6x + 3 = 28
Add 7 to both sides
8x – 7 + 7 = 28 + 7
8x = 35
Divide both sides by 8
x = 35/8 or 4.375
Example 12……….
Clean up left side
8x – 7 = 28
Equations with an unknown on both sides
Example 13 Solve 3a – 5 = a + 11
The aim is to get the a on one side only, so try
taking a from both sides:
What happens to the right-hand side?
3a – 5 – a = a + 11 – a
3a – 5 – a = a + 11 – a
Add 5 to both sides
2a – 5 + 5 = 11 + 5
2a = 16
Divide both sides by 2
a = 8
2a – 5 =
Back at the start, we
could have taken 3a from
both sides instead of just
a. This would have given
– 5 = 11 – 2a
and then proceed as usual!
Equations with an unknown on both sides
Solve 9 – a = 12 + 3a
The aim is to get only one term with a.
So try adding a to both sides:
What happens to the left-hand side?
9 - a + a = 12 + 3a + a
9 – a + a = 12 + 3a + a
12 + 4a
Take 12 from both sides
9 – 12 = 12 + 4a – 12
– 3 = 4a
Divide both sides by 4
a = – ¾
9 =
Equations with fractions on both sides
15 Solve
13 xx
Multiply both sides by the LCD, 12. This kills the fractions.
Put brackets around the numerators.
)2( x
)13( x
4(3x + 1) = 3(2 – x)
12x + 4 = 6 – 3x
15x = 2
x = 2/15
4 3
Equations with fractions on both sides
16 Solve
)24(3 xx
Multiply both sides by the LCD, 20.
This kills the fractions
5 x
)24(3 x
Cancel and make sure brackets are around numerators
4 3(4 – 2x) =5(5 - x)
48 – 24x = 25 – 5x
23 = 19x
x = 23/19
Example 17
A rectangular field is 5m
longer than it is wide
Its perimeter is 200m.
Find its dimensions (width and length).
Key Strategy ….. Always let x equal the smallest part
So, Let x equal the width.
So the length is… x + 5 and
The four sides total to 200…………..
x + x + x + 5 + x + 5 = 200
4x + 10 = 200
4x = 190
x = 47.5
So the width is
Length is 47.5 + 5 =
Finally make sure
they add to 200
x + 5
Instead of writing x + 5
twice, you could have
written 2(x + 5). This
becomes 2x + 10 when you
get rid of the brackets!
Example 18
Another rectangular field is
12m longer than it is wide
Its perimeter is 1km.
Find its dimensions (width and length).
Let x equal the width.
So the length is… x + 12 and
The four sides total to 1000…………..
4x + 24 = 1000
4x = 976
x = 244
So the width is
Length is 244 + 12 =
Finally make sure
they add to 1000
x + 12
Example 19
Find the value of x in this diagram
(4x – 3)º
(7x – 4)º As these are co-
interior, they are
supplementary and so must
add to 180º
4x – 3 + 7x – 4 = 180
Clean up left side
11x – 7 = 180
Add 7 to both sides
11x = 187
Divide both sides by 11
x = 17
It is wise to check
your answer by
substituting 17 into
both angles and seeing
that they add to 180.
7 x 17 – 4 = 115
4 x 17 – 3 = 65
115 + 65 = 180, so
we’re correct!
Example 18
Find the value of b in this isosceles triangle
(2b + 1)º
(b – 7 )º As it’s isosceles, the other bottom
angle must also be (2b + 1)
The three angles add to 180, so…..
b – 7 + 2(2b + 1) = 180
b – 7 + 4b + 2 = 180
5b – 5 = 180
5b = 185
b = 37
Now check your answer
by substituting 37 into
the 3 angles and seeing
that they add to 180.
37 – 7 = 30
2 x 37 + 1 = 75
30 + 2 x 75 = 180,
so we’re correct!
(2b + 1)º
Expanding brackets
Cleaning up left side
Adding 5 to both sides
Dividing both sides by 5
Example 19
Jimmy, Mary and Joseph have $24 between them.
Mary has twice the amount Jimmy has.
Joseph has $3.25 more than Mary.
How much do they each have?
Key Strategy ….. Always let x equal the smallest share
So, Let x equal Jimmy’s amount as he has the least.
So Mary has……… 2x and
Joseph has………. 2x + 3.25
Now we know they total to 24…………..
x + 2x + 2x + 3.25 = 24
5x + 3.25 = 24
5x = 20.75
x = 4.15
So Jimmy has
Mary has 2 x $4.15 =
Joseph has
$8.30 + $3.25
= $11.55Finally make sure
they add to $24
Mary is twice as old as John, and 4 years younger
than Peter. The sum of their ages is 159. How old
are they?
Let the youngest (John) be x.
So Mary’s age is 2x
& Peter’s age is 2x + 4
Now we add them up, knowing it will equal 159.
x + 2x + 2x + 4 = 159
5x + 4 = 159
5x = 155
x = 31
So John is 31
Mary is 2 x 31 = 62
Peter is 62 + 4 = 66– 4 from both sides
divide both sides by 5
Example 20
The isosceles triangle and the square have the
same perimeter. Find x as a mixed numeral
2x – 3
x + 5
Triangle’s perimeter
= x + 5 + 4x + 2
= x + 5 + 2(2x + 1)
= 5x + 7
Square’s perimeter
= 4(2x - 3)
= 8x - 12
5x + 7 = 8x – 12
5x + 7 – 5x = 8x – 12 – 5x
7 = 3x – 12
7 + 12 = 3x – 12 + 12
19 = 3x
Example 21
Twins Bessie and Albert have a brother, Marmaduke, 8
years older than they are, and they have a sister, Sylvia,
who is 12 years younger than they are. Together their
ages add to 168. Use algebra to find the twins’ ages.
Let the twins’ ages be x.
Marmaduke is x + 8.
Sylvia is x – 12.
x + x + x + 8 + x – 12 = 168
4x – 4 = 168
4x = 168 + 4
4x = 172
x = 43
The twins are 43!
Also, Marmaduke is 51, Sylvia is 31
 (3a – 5)cm
Robbie the rectangle is twice as long as he
is wide. His perimeter is 294 cm.
Calculate his dimensions and his area.
6(3a – 5) = 294
18a – 30 = 294
18a = 324
a = 18
Width = 49cm
Length = 98cm
Area: 49 x 98 = 4802cm2
If his width is (3a – 5)
then his length is twice
that, so must be 2(3a – 5).
This means all sides must
total 6(3a – 5)
(3a – 5)
2(3a – 5)
2(3a – 5)
Archibald, Muriel and Oswald come across a
bag of 95 marbles. They divide them up in
such a way that Muriel has 50% more than
Archibald, and Oswald has five fewer than
Archibald and Muriel combined. How many
does each have?
Let x be Archibald’s share
So Muriel’s share is 1.5x
Oswald’s share is x + 1.5x – 5
= 2.5x – 5
x + 1.5x + 2.5x – 5 = 95
5x – 5 = 95
5x = 100
x = 20
Archie has 20, Muriel 30 and Ossie 45
Example 25
5x - 4
3x + 2
20 – x
The perimeter of this
shape is 176 cm. Find
the value of x
This side is 5x – 4 – (3x + 2)
2x - 6
And so is this
side also
2x - 6
= 5x – 4 – 3x – 2
= 2x - 6
So this side has to
be 20 – x + 2x – 6
= x + 14
x + 14
Now add up all the sides!
12x + 20 = 176
12x = 156 X = 13
Attila, Otto, Peregrine and Ugly are cousins.
Peregrine is two decades younger than Ugly, and
Peregrine’s age is 80% of Attila’s age. Otto, the
eldest, is 26 years younger than the total of
Attila’s and Peregrine’s ages.
Their ages total eight less than four times Ugly’s
age. How old are they?
Example 26
Try letting Attila’s age = x, only because it says
“Peregrine’s age is 80% of Attila’s age” making it
easy to write Peregrine’s age as 0.8x.
Let Attila’s age = x
Peregrine’s age = 0.8x
Ugly’s age = Peregrine’s age + 20
= 0.8x + 20
Otto’s age = Attila + Peregrine - 26
= x + 0.8x – 26
= 1.8x – 26
Their ages total eight less than four times Ugly’s age.
Attila = x
Peregrine = 0.8x
Ugly = 0.8x + 20
Otto = 1.8x – 26
x + 0.8x + 0.8x + 20 + 1.8x – 26 = 4(0.8x + 20) - 8
4.4x - 6 = 3.2x + 80 - 8
1.2x = 78
x = 65
Attila is 65
Peregrine is 52
Ugly is 72
Otto is 91
Little Jimmy has a number of 10c and 20c coins in his piggybank.
His 29 coins total to $4.10,
How many of each kind of coin does he have?
Let x be the number of 10 cent coins.
Then, since there are 29 coins altogether, we can let the number of 20c coins
29 – x .
Example 27
so we now have that there are….
• x coins each valued at 10c, and…
• (29 – x) coins each valued at 20c
The x coins each valued at 10 cents must be worth a total of 10x
and the (29 – x) coins each valued at 20 cents must be worth a total of
20(29 – x)
We know these values total to 410, so
10x + 20(29 – x) = 410
10x + 580 – 20x = 410
580 – 10x = 410
Clean up
– 10x = 410 – 580
– 10x = – 170
x = 17
Remember, x was the number of 10 cent coins, so
there are 17 ten-cent coins. There were 29 coins
altogether, so there must be (29 – x) i.e.29 – 17 = 12
twenty-cent coins!
Clean up
Divide by – 10
Number of 10c = 17
Number of 20c = 12
Finally, check that 17 x 10 + 12 x 20 = 410
Example 28 – This uses FACTORISING
The diagram represents a path enclosing a park.
The curved section is a quadrant of a circle, radius r m.
The longest side is twice the width of the park. The
perimeter is 1km. Calculate the area of the park in m2
Circumference of a circle
C = 2π r
Area of a circle
A = π r 2
¼ x 2πr
We set up an equation for the perimeter….
Left side + top + bottom + quadrant = 1000m
r + r + 2r + = 1000mr
4r + = 1000mr
4 r
r = 179.50755m
Area = ¼ π r 2 + r 2
Area = 57531 sq metres

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Equations ppt

  • 1. Equations An equation is any mathematical statement that contains an = sign. 6 + 4 = 10 5 – 9 = – 4 8 + 4 = 15 – 3 6 x 4 = 24 27 3 = 9 y + 4 = 10 2a + 4 = 12 are all examples of equations!
  • 2. If we begin with a true equation 9 + 6 = 15 We can do anything we like (add, multiply, subtract or divide) to the numbers on either side of the = sign as long as we do the same thing to both sides!
  • 3. 9 + 6 = 15 Begin with a true statement Add 3 to both sides 9 + 6 + 3 = 15 + 3 18 = 18 still true! Subtract 8 from both sides 9 + 6 – 8 = 15 – 8 7 = 7 still true! Multiply both sides by 5 (9 + 6) x 5 = 15 x 5 75 = 75 still true! Divide both sides by 3 (9 + 6) 3 = 15 3 5 = 5 still true!
  • 4. This is a very useful process when there is an unknown (like x) on one side, and we wish to isolate it to solve the equation. Solve x – 9 = 5 We want x on its own on the left of the = sign, so we aim to get rid of the – 9. The opposite of – 9 is + 9, so we ADD 9 to both sides x – 9 + 9 = 5 + 9 x = 14x = 5 + 9 ZERO!
  • 5. Example 1: Solve y – 5 = – 3 We need to remove the 5 by “undoing” the minus. The opposite of minus is add, so we ADD 5 to both sides : We can now cancel the 5s on the left side, and at the same time work out – 3 + 5 y = 2 y – 5 = – 3+ 5 + 5
  • 6. Example 2: Solve 5y = 30 As this is really 5 times y = 30, to isolate the y we need to remove the 5 by “undoing” the times. The opposite of times is divide, so we DIVIDE both sides by 5: 5 30 5 5 y We can now cancel the 5s on the left side, and at the same time work out 30 5 y = 6
  • 7. Example 3: Solve y/3 = 12 As this is really y divided by 3 = 12, we need to remove the 3 by “undoing” the divide. The opposite of divide is multiply, so we MULTIPLY both sides by 3: 12 3 y We can now cancel the 3s on the left side, and at the same time work out 12 x 3 y = 36 x3x3
  • 8. EXAMPLE 4: Solve 3y + 5 = 26 To get x alone, first we need to remove the 5, then the 3. Begin by taking 5 from both sides 3y + 5 = 26 3y = 21 Now we divide both sides by 3 y = 7 ZERO – 5– 5 3 21 3 3 y Cancel the 3s on the left side
  • 9. And now for a really useful trick! Suppose we begin with 8 – 3 = 5 You’re allowed to change all the signs (the sign in front of every term) Still true! Try this for 2 – 9 – 5 = – 12 and get – 2 + 9 + 5 = + 12 Still true! – 8 + 3 = – 5 But remember you must change ALL the signs
  • 10. This trick is really useful in equations where there is a negative in front of the letter! Solve – a + 7 = 12 Change all the signs Now add 7 to both sides, as before and get a – 7 = – 12 a – 7 + 7 = – 12 + 7 a = – 5 Now check to see you’re right by substituting a = – 5 into the original equation – – 5 + 7 = 12 TRUE!
  • 11. Example 6 Solve 5 – 2a = – 9 Change all the signs as the “a” has a minus in front Now add 5 to both sides, as before – 5 + 2a = 9 – 5 + 2a + 5 = 9 + 5 2a = 14 Now check to see you’re right by substituting a = 7 into the original equation 5 – 2 x 7 = – 9 TRUE! a = 7
  • 12. Solve 7 4 a Since this is the same as a 4 = 7, we do the opposite of divide, i.e. multiply by 4 a = 28 x 4 x 4 4 a = 7 Cancel the 4s on the left
  • 13. Example 8: Solve 6 5 37 a First we multiply by 5 to get rid of the fraction 6 5 37 a x 5 x 5 Cancel the 5s on the left 7 – 3a = 30 Seeing there’s a minus in front of the a, we can change all signs – 7 + 3a = – 30 Add 7 to both sides – 7 + 3a + 7 = – 30 + 7 3a = – 23 Divide both sides by 3 a = – 7.667
  • 14. Example 9: Solve 6 5 3 4 a First we subtract 4 from both sides Cancel the 4s on the left Multiply both sides by 5 3a = 10 Divide both sides by 3 a = 10/3 2 5 3a 464 5 3 4 a – 4 – 4
  • 15. Example 10: Solve 4 7 2 9 a Add 9 to both sides Multiply both sides by 7 Divide both sides by 2 a = 45.5 13 7 2a Sign change 4 7 2 9 a 2a = 91
  • 16. Solve 2(x – 5) = 15 Expand the brackets 2x – 10 = 15 Add 10 to both sides 2x – 10 + 10 = 15 + 10 2x = 25 Divide both sides by 2 x = 25/2 or 12.5 Example 11……….
  • 17. Solve 2(x – 5) + 3(2x + 1) = 28 Expand the brackets 2x – 10 + 6x + 3 = 28 Add 7 to both sides 8x – 7 + 7 = 28 + 7 8x = 35 Divide both sides by 8 x = 35/8 or 4.375 Example 12………. Clean up left side 8x – 7 = 28
  • 18. Equations with an unknown on both sides Example 13 Solve 3a – 5 = a + 11 The aim is to get the a on one side only, so try taking a from both sides: What happens to the right-hand side? 3a – 5 – a = a + 11 – a 3a – 5 – a = a + 11 – a 11 Add 5 to both sides 2a – 5 + 5 = 11 + 5 2a = 16 Divide both sides by 2 a = 8 2a – 5 = Back at the start, we could have taken 3a from both sides instead of just a. This would have given – 5 = 11 – 2a and then proceed as usual!
  • 19. Equations with an unknown on both sides Example 14 Solve 9 – a = 12 + 3a The aim is to get only one term with a. So try adding a to both sides: What happens to the left-hand side? 9 - a + a = 12 + 3a + a 9 – a + a = 12 + 3a + a 12 + 4a Take 12 from both sides 9 – 12 = 12 + 4a – 12 – 3 = 4a Divide both sides by 4 a = – ¾ 9 =
  • 20. Equations with fractions on both sides Example 15 Solve 4 2 3 13 xx Multiply both sides by the LCD, 12. This kills the fractions. Put brackets around the numerators. 1 12 4 )2( x 1 12 3 )13( x Cancel 4(3x + 1) = 3(2 – x) Expand 12x + 4 = 6 – 3x 15x = 2 x = 2/15 4 3
  • 21. Equations with fractions on both sides Example 16 Solve 4 5 5 )24(3 xx Multiply both sides by the LCD, 20. This kills the fractions 1 20 4 5 x 1 20 5 )24(3 x Cancel and make sure brackets are around numerators 4 3(4 – 2x) =5(5 - x) Expand 48 – 24x = 25 – 5x 23 = 19x x = 23/19
  • 22.
  • 23. Example 17 A rectangular field is 5m longer than it is wide Its perimeter is 200m. Find its dimensions (width and length). Key Strategy ….. Always let x equal the smallest part So, Let x equal the width. So the length is… x + 5 and The four sides total to 200………….. x + x + x + 5 + x + 5 = 200 4x + 10 = 200 4x = 190 x = 47.5 So the width is 47.5m Length is 47.5 + 5 = 52.5m Finally make sure they add to 200 x x + 5 Instead of writing x + 5 twice, you could have written 2(x + 5). This becomes 2x + 10 when you get rid of the brackets!
  • 24. Example 18 Another rectangular field is 12m longer than it is wide Its perimeter is 1km. Find its dimensions (width and length). Let x equal the width. So the length is… x + 12 and The four sides total to 1000………….. 4x + 24 = 1000 4x = 976 x = 244 So the width is 244m Length is 244 + 12 = 256m Finally make sure they add to 1000 x x + 12
  • 25. Example 19 Find the value of x in this diagram (4x – 3)º (7x – 4)º As these are co- interior, they are supplementary and so must add to 180º 4x – 3 + 7x – 4 = 180 Clean up left side 11x – 7 = 180 Add 7 to both sides 11x = 187 Divide both sides by 11 x = 17 It is wise to check your answer by substituting 17 into both angles and seeing that they add to 180. 7 x 17 – 4 = 115 4 x 17 – 3 = 65 115 + 65 = 180, so we’re correct!
  • 26. Example 18 Find the value of b in this isosceles triangle (2b + 1)º (b – 7 )º As it’s isosceles, the other bottom angle must also be (2b + 1) The three angles add to 180, so….. b – 7 + 2(2b + 1) = 180 b – 7 + 4b + 2 = 180 5b – 5 = 180 5b = 185 b = 37 Now check your answer by substituting 37 into the 3 angles and seeing that they add to 180. 37 – 7 = 30 2 x 37 + 1 = 75 30 + 2 x 75 = 180, so we’re correct! (2b + 1)º Expanding brackets Cleaning up left side Adding 5 to both sides Dividing both sides by 5
  • 27. Example 19 Jimmy, Mary and Joseph have $24 between them. Mary has twice the amount Jimmy has. Joseph has $3.25 more than Mary. How much do they each have? Key Strategy ….. Always let x equal the smallest share So, Let x equal Jimmy’s amount as he has the least. So Mary has……… 2x and Joseph has………. 2x + 3.25 Now we know they total to 24………….. x + 2x + 2x + 3.25 = 24 5x + 3.25 = 24 5x = 20.75 x = 4.15 So Jimmy has $4.15 Mary has 2 x $4.15 = $8.30 Joseph has $8.30 + $3.25 = $11.55Finally make sure they add to $24
  • 28. Mary is twice as old as John, and 4 years younger than Peter. The sum of their ages is 159. How old are they? Let the youngest (John) be x. So Mary’s age is 2x & Peter’s age is 2x + 4 Now we add them up, knowing it will equal 159. x + 2x + 2x + 4 = 159 5x + 4 = 159 5x = 155 x = 31 So John is 31 Mary is 2 x 31 = 62 Peter is 62 + 4 = 66– 4 from both sides divide both sides by 5 Example 20
  • 29. The isosceles triangle and the square have the same perimeter. Find x as a mixed numeral 2x – 3 x + 5 Triangle’s perimeter = x + 5 + 4x + 2 = x + 5 + 2(2x + 1) = 5x + 7 Square’s perimeter = 4(2x - 3) = 8x - 12 5x + 7 = 8x – 12 5x + 7 – 5x = 8x – 12 – 5x 7 = 3x – 12 7 + 12 = 3x – 12 + 12 19 = 3x 3 1 6x Example 21
  • 30. Twins Bessie and Albert have a brother, Marmaduke, 8 years older than they are, and they have a sister, Sylvia, who is 12 years younger than they are. Together their ages add to 168. Use algebra to find the twins’ ages. Let the twins’ ages be x. Marmaduke is x + 8. Sylvia is x – 12. x + x + x + 8 + x – 12 = 168 4x – 4 = 168 4x = 168 + 4 4x = 172 x = 43 The twins are 43! Also, Marmaduke is 51, Sylvia is 31
  • 31.  (3a – 5)cm Robbie the rectangle is twice as long as he is wide. His perimeter is 294 cm. Calculate his dimensions and his area. 6(3a – 5) = 294 18a – 30 = 294 18a = 324 a = 18 Width = 49cm Length = 98cm Area: 49 x 98 = 4802cm2 If his width is (3a – 5) then his length is twice that, so must be 2(3a – 5). This means all sides must total 6(3a – 5) (3a – 5) 2(3a – 5) 2(3a – 5)
  • 32. Archibald, Muriel and Oswald come across a bag of 95 marbles. They divide them up in such a way that Muriel has 50% more than Archibald, and Oswald has five fewer than Archibald and Muriel combined. How many does each have? Let x be Archibald’s share So Muriel’s share is 1.5x Oswald’s share is x + 1.5x – 5 = 2.5x – 5 x + 1.5x + 2.5x – 5 = 95 5x – 5 = 95 5x = 100 x = 20 Archie has 20, Muriel 30 and Ossie 45
  • 33. Example 25 5x - 4 3x + 2 20 – x The perimeter of this shape is 176 cm. Find the value of x This side is 5x – 4 – (3x + 2) 2x - 6 And so is this side also 2x - 6 = 5x – 4 – 3x – 2 = 2x - 6 So this side has to be 20 – x + 2x – 6 = x + 14 x + 14 Now add up all the sides! 12x + 20 = 176 12x = 156 X = 13
  • 34. Attila, Otto, Peregrine and Ugly are cousins. Peregrine is two decades younger than Ugly, and Peregrine’s age is 80% of Attila’s age. Otto, the eldest, is 26 years younger than the total of Attila’s and Peregrine’s ages. Their ages total eight less than four times Ugly’s age. How old are they? Example 26
  • 35. Try letting Attila’s age = x, only because it says “Peregrine’s age is 80% of Attila’s age” making it easy to write Peregrine’s age as 0.8x. So….. Let Attila’s age = x Peregrine’s age = 0.8x Ugly’s age = Peregrine’s age + 20 = 0.8x + 20 Otto’s age = Attila + Peregrine - 26 = x + 0.8x – 26 = 1.8x – 26
  • 36. Their ages total eight less than four times Ugly’s age. Attila = x Peregrine = 0.8x Ugly = 0.8x + 20 Otto = 1.8x – 26 x + 0.8x + 0.8x + 20 + 1.8x – 26 = 4(0.8x + 20) - 8 4.4x - 6 = 3.2x + 80 - 8 1.2x = 78 x = 65 Attila is 65 Peregrine is 52 Ugly is 72 Otto is 91
  • 37. Little Jimmy has a number of 10c and 20c coins in his piggybank. His 29 coins total to $4.10, How many of each kind of coin does he have? Let x be the number of 10 cent coins. Then, since there are 29 coins altogether, we can let the number of 20c coins be 29 – x . Example 27
  • 38. so we now have that there are…. • x coins each valued at 10c, and… • (29 – x) coins each valued at 20c The x coins each valued at 10 cents must be worth a total of 10x and the (29 – x) coins each valued at 20 cents must be worth a total of 20(29 – x) We know these values total to 410, so 10x + 20(29 – x) = 410 10x + 580 – 20x = 410 580 – 10x = 410 Expand Clean up
  • 39. – 10x = 410 – 580 – 10x = – 170 x = 17 Remember, x was the number of 10 cent coins, so there are 17 ten-cent coins. There were 29 coins altogether, so there must be (29 – x) i.e.29 – 17 = 12 twenty-cent coins! Clean up Divide by – 10 Number of 10c = 17 Number of 20c = 12 Finally, check that 17 x 10 + 12 x 20 = 410
  • 40. Example 28 – This uses FACTORISING The diagram represents a path enclosing a park. The curved section is a quadrant of a circle, radius r m. The longest side is twice the width of the park. The perimeter is 1km. Calculate the area of the park in m2 Circumference of a circle C = 2π r Area of a circle A = π r 2
  • 41. r rr r r ¼ x 2πr We set up an equation for the perimeter…. Left side + top + bottom + quadrant = 1000m r + r + 2r + = 1000mr 2 4r + = 1000mr 2 1000 2 4 r 2 4 1000 r r = 179.50755m Area = ¼ π r 2 + r 2 Area = 57531 sq metres Factorising!