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“So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with
them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart,
they would have disbanded from about you....” (QS : Ali ‘Imran :
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Al-
hamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and His blessing in com-
pleting this book. This book was released after several previous series (en-
gineering series), which has been widely spread throughout Indonesia and
cross to Timorleste in various formats.
The concept of tense in English that discussed in this book is a method
that we use to refer to time - past, present and future. Many languages use
tense to talk about time. Other languages have no concept of tense at all,
but of course they can still talk about time, using different methods. Hope-
fully by sharing this book, it can be recorded as a good deed in the hereafter.
Denpasar, 10th Ramadhan 1440 H
Edi Supriyanto
Preface ……………………………..................................................................
Table of Contents …………………....….…......................................................
1 Simple Present Tense …............................................................................
2 Present Continuous Tense | Present Progressive Tense .......................
3 Present Perfect Tense ...............................................................................
4 Present Perfect Continuous Tense .........................................................
5 Simple Past Tense | Preterite ...................................................................
6 Past Continuous Tense | Past Progressive Tense ..................................
7 Past Perfect Tense .....................................................................................
8 Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Progressive Tense ........
9 Simple Future Tense .................................................................................
10 Future Continuous Tense | Future Progressive Tense .........................
11 Future Perfect Tense ................................................................................
12 Future Perfect Continuous Tense ..........................................................
13 Past Future Tense .....................................................................................
14 Past Future Continuous Tense | Past Future Progressive ...................
15 Past Future Perfect Tense .......................................................................
16 Past Future Continuous Tense ..............................................................
17 Regular Verb In English .........................................................................
18 Irregular Verb In English ........................................................................
1-Simple Present Tense
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + V1 (+es/s)
(-) S + Do/Does + not +V1 e.g: I don’t know where to go.
(?) Do/Does + not + S + V1? e.g: Do you speak English (apakah kamu berbahasa Inggris?)
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- always (selalu) - often (sering)
- usually (biasanya) - sometimes (kadang-kadang)
- seldom (jarang) - never (tidak pernah)
- 3 days a week (3 hari per minggu) - twice a month (dua kali sebulan)
- 8 hours a day (8 jam per hari) - every day (setiap hari)
- every month (setiap bulan) - three times a week (tiga kali seminggu)
- Every (setiap) - Today (hari ini)
- Once a week (setiap minggu) - Once a day (sekali sehari)
- Once (sekali) - Occasionally (kadang)
- Ever (pernah) - Generally (umumnya)
- Seldom (jarang) - Normally (biasanya)
- Never (tak pernah)
C Fungsi (function) :
- We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now (Kami menggunakan
present tense sederhana ketika suatu tindakan sedang terjadi saat ini)
- Untuk menunjukkan kebenaran mutlak / menunjukkan suatu fakta
- Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan rutin. e.g: I go to school everyday
- It is used to describe habits (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan kebiasaan)
- It is used to describe unchanging situations (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan situasi yang
tidak berubah)
- It is used to describe general truths (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan kebenaran umum)
- It is used to describe fixed arrangements (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan pengaturan
- For repeated actions or events (Untuk tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang)
- For instructions or directions (Untuk instruksi atau petunjuk)
- In the third person singular the verb always ends in -s: he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
- Negative and question forms use DOES (= the third person of the auxiliary 'DO') + the infinitive of
the verb
- Verbs ending in -y : the third person changes the -y to -ies: ly --> flies, cry --> cries. Exception: if
there is a vowel before the -y: play --> plays, pray --> prays
Add -es to verbs ending in:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch: he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes
- Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan sehari-hari (habitual action)
- menunjukkan kejadian berulang yang berlangsung saat ini.
- Untuk menyatakan opini
- Tenses ini merupakan tenses yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
- digunakan ketika suatu kejadian sedang berlangsung saat ini atau kejadian yang berlangsung
berulang kali (kebiasaan)
- Kebiasaan, fakta, kejadian pada masa sekarang
Simple present tense adalah bentuk tense yang paling umum digunakan. Bentuk ini biasanya
digunakan untuk menunjukan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
1 He always works very hard in the company Dia selalu bekerja sangat keras di perusahaan
2 He does not work very hard in the company Dia tidak bekerja sangat keras di perusahaan
3 I usually go to bed at 9 pm. Saya biasanya tidur jam 9 malam.
You walk for two hundred meters, then you
turn left.
Anda berjalan sejauh dua ratus meter, lalu belok
5 You always wake up late! Anda selalu bangun terlambat!
6 She loves dancing. Dia suka menari
The students always read Holy Quran every
Para siswa selalu membaca Al-Quran setiap
8 He sleeps without a pillow. Dia tidur tanpa bantal
You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and
then boil it.
Kamu tambah segelas santan ke dalam panci lalu
10 You go straight ahead then turn left. Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.
If you meet the naughty boy, your parents will
be angry.
Jika kamu bertemu dengan anak nakal itu,
orangtuamu akan marah
12 He arrives from Osaka at 1 pm. Dia tiba dari Osaka jam 1 siang
13 The ceremony starts at nine. Upacara dimulai jam sembilan
14 Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. Air mendidih pada suhu 100 derajat celcius.
15 I see tears in your eyes. Saya melihat air mata di matamu
16 My brother owns a new house. Saudaraku memiliki rumah baru
The ship leaves the harbour this night at 7 o’
clock Kapal meninggalkan pelabuhan malam ini jam 7
18 We agree with the speaker’s opinion Kami setuju dengan pendapat pembicara tersebut.
I do the exercise three times a week to gain my
muscle mass.
Saya melakukan latihan tersebut tiga kali seminggu
untuk meningkatkan masa otot
20 He’s angry. Dia marah
21 She is so beautiful. Dia sangat cantik.
22 I live in Jakarta. Saya tinggal di Jakarta
The sun rises from the east and sets in the
Matahari terbit dari ufuk timur dan tenggelam di
ufuk barat
24 Many people work 8 hours a day. Banyak orang bekerja 8 jam sehari.
She sends much money to her parents in the
village every month.
Dia mengirimkan banyak uang kepada
orangtuanya di desa setiap bulan.
Open the packet and pour the contents into
hot water.
Buka paket dan tuangkan isinya ke dalam air
27 She never cries in front of us. Dia tidak pernah menangis di depan kita
28 They go to the gym every day. Mereka pergi ke gym setiap hari
29 Pauline does not want to share the pie. Pauline tidak ingin berbagi pai.
30 I always come on time. Saya selalu datang tepat waktu.
31 He sometimes hears a ringing in his ears.
Dia terkadang mendengarbunyi dering di
32 Her friends do not agree Teman-temannya tidak setuju
33 I don't want pie anyway. Lagipula aku tidak ingin pie.
You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then
the No.10 to Bedford.
Anda naik bus No.6 ke Watney dan kemudian
No.10 ke Bedford.
35 She'll see you before she leaves. Dia akan melihatmu sebelum dia pergi.
She doesn’t think there is enough to go
around Dia tidak berpikir ada cukup untuk berkeliling
37 He drinks tea at breakfast. Dia minum teh saat sarapan.
38 They drive to Monaco every summer.
Mereka berkendara ke Monako setiap musim
39 It rains every afternoon in the hot season. Hujan setiap sore di musim panas.
40 He goes to school every morning. Dia pergi ke sekolah setiap pagi.
41 She understands English. Dia mengerti bahasa Inggris.
42 he tries very hard. dia berusaha sangat keras.
43 She likes eating out Dia suka makan di luar
44 She enjoys playing the piano. Dia menikmati bermain piano.
45 The children are naughty. Anak-anak nakal.
46 She doesn’t like eating out Dia tidak suka makan di luar
47 It mixes the sand and the water. Ini mencampur pasir dan air.
48 Does she like eating out Apakah dia suka makan di luar
49 The children aren’t naughty Anak-anak tidak nakal
50 We'll give it to her when she arrives. Kami akan memberikannya ketika dia tiba.
51 Our holiday starts on the 26th March Liburan kami dimulai pada tanggal 26 Maret
52 Her mother is Peruvian. Ibunya adalah orang Peru.
53 His mother arrives tomorrow. Ibunya tiba besok.
54 Water freezes at zero degrees. Air membeku pada nol derajat.
55 The Earth revolves around the Sun. Bumi mengitari matahari.
56 Mella gets up at 4 o’clock every morning Mella bangun jam 4 setiap pagi
57 We catch the bus every morning. Kami naik bus setiap pagi.
58 They watch television regularly. Mereka menonton televisi secara teratur.
59 She only eats fish. Dia hanya makan ikan.
60 I take the motorcycle to the office Saya bawa motor ke kantor
Every year at Lebaran day, most of people
travel to their hometown.
Setiap tahun pada hari Lebaran, sebagian besar
orang melakukan perjalanan ke kota asalnya.
62 Doni gets up early at 5 o’clock every day. Doni bangun lebih awal pada jam 5 setiap hari.
63 John takes a bath twice a day. John mandi dua kali sehari.
Indonesia has 34 provinces, from Sabang to
Indonesia memiliki 34 provinsi, dari Sabang
hingga Merauke.
65 The President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo. Presiden Indonesia adalah Joko Widodo.
George sleeps seven hours every night during
the week.
George tidur tujuh jam setiap malam selama
68 A snake has no legs. Seekor ular tidak memiliki kaki.
69 They don’t watch new movies every sunday.
Mereka tidak menonton film baru setiap
She doesn’t read Harry Potter book
Dia tidak membaca buku Harry Potter setiap
Susi Pudjiastuti is not the Ministry of
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Susi Pudjiastuti bukan Kementerian Kelautan
dan Perikanan.
72 hey watch new movies every sunday. hei menonton film baru setiap minggu.
73 The train to Bekasi leaves every hour. Kereta menuju Bekasi berangkat setiap jam.
74 He usually goes to school by car Dia biasanya pergi ke sekolah dengan mobil
75 We often stayin for lunch. Kami sering menginap untuk makan siang.
76 I study for two hours every night Saya belajar selama dua jam setiap malam
77 She reads Harry Potter book everyday. Dia membaca buku Harry Potter setiap hari.
78 The center of our solar system is sun Pusat tata surya kita adalah matahari
79 I need some money right now Saya butuh uang sekarang
Susi Pudjiastuti is the Ministry of Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries.
Susi Pudjiastuti adalah Kementerian Kelautan
dan Perikanan.
81 She writes a letter everyday Dia menulis surat setiap hari
82 She comes to my home everyday. Dia datang ke rumah saya setiap hari.
83 She does not come to my home everyday. Dia tidak datang ke rumah saya setiap hari.
84 She does not write a letter everyday Dia tidak menulis surat setiap hari
85 The sun sets in the west Matahari terbenam di barat
86 She wears beautiful dress Dia memakai gaun yang indah
87 I have some smart students Saya punya beberapa siswa yang cerdas
88 A week has seven days Seminggu memiliki tujuh hari
89 They don’t want to go to the party. Mereka tidak ingin pergi ke pesta.
90 We produce lasers for cosmetic surgery. Kami memproduksi laser untuk operasi kosmetik.
91 My friends don’t usually leave so early. Teman-temanku biasanya tidak pergi sepagi ini.
92 I sometimes don’t go to the cinema Terkadang saya tidak pergi ke bioskop
93 Your boss gives you positive feedback. Bos Anda memberi Anda umpan balik positif.
94 You don’t surf the Internet every day Anda tidak menjelajahi Internet setiap hari
95 You have two brothers and a sister.
Anda memiliki dua saudara laki-laki dan satu
saudara perempuan.
96 The human body doesn’t contain 206 bones. Tubuh manusia tidak mengandung 206 tulang.
97 They eat spaghetti for dinner every Monday
Mereka makan spageti untuk makan malam setiap
hari Senin
98 It moves. Itu bergerak
99 Joko plays chess in the evenings. Joko bermain catur di malam hari.
100 It doesn’t always snow here in January Tidak selalu turun salju di sini pada bulan Januari
101 Mary needs a dictionary. Mary membutuhkan kamus.
102 I am happy with my last month earning.
Saya senang dengan penghasilan bulan terakhir
103 We are not the champions Kami bukan juara
104 That is pork Itu adalah daging babi
105 They are in the classroom. Mereka ada di ruang kelas.
106 You are a freelance writer. Anda adalah penulis lepas.
107 I am tired to write my second novel. Saya lelah menulis novel kedua saya.
108 They are not students in senior high school. Mereka bukan siswa di sekolah menengah atas.
109 You don’t speak Arabic Anda tidak bisa bahasa Arab
110 I don’t write a letter for my teacher Saya tidak menulis surat untuk guru saya
111 They sing beautifully in the stage
Mereka bernyanyi dengan indah di atas
112 The train leaves at 6.00 a.m Kereta berangkat pukul 6.00 pagi
113 Do you know how to bake a pie? Apakah Anda tahu cara membuat kue?
114 How much does Pauline love pie? Berapa suka Pauline pie?
115 Are the children naughty? Apakah anak-anak nakal?
116 Do they watch new movie everyday ? Apakah mereka menonton film baru setiap hari?
117 Are they football fans of Persija Jakarta ?
Apakah mereka penggemar sepak bola Persija
118 Does she come to your home everyday? Apakah dia datang ke rumahmu setiap hari?
119 Does she write a letter Everyday? Apakah dia menulis surat Everyday?
120 Does Andi visit you once a month? Apakah Andi mengunjungi Anda sebulan sekali?
Does Yusuf go to football practice every
Apakah Yusuf pergi latihan sepak bola setiap hari
122 Do they move into their new home next week?
Apakah mereka pindah ke rumah baru mereka
minggu depan?
123 Do you play basketball every morning ? Apakah Anda bermain basket setiap pagi?
Is Susi Pudjiastuti the Ministry of Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries ?
Apakah Susi Pudjiastuti adalah Kementerian
Kelautan dan Perikanan?
125 Does she read Harry potter book ? Apakah dia membaca buku Harry potter?
126 Are you new staff of Wall Street English ? Apakah Anda staf baru Wall Street English?
127 Does she live in Bandung? Apakah dia tinggal di Bandung?
128 Do we have time for a rest? Apakah kita punya waktu untuk istirahat?
129 Do I go to school every day? Apakah saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari?
130 Does he like pizza? Apakah dia suka pizza?
131 Is she nineteen years old? Apakah dia berusia sembilan belas tahun?
132 Is Toba Lake the largest lake in Indonesia?
Apakah Danau Toba adalah danau terbesar di
133 Do we have a meeting now? Apakah kita ada rapat sekarang?
134 Do you buy snack everyday?
Apakah Anda membeli makanan ringan setiap
2-Present Continuous Tense | Present Progressive Tense
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + am/is/are + Ving e.g: I am going to your home tomorrow
(-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving e.g: I am not crying
(?) Am/is/are + S + Ving? e.g: Are you still waiting for some one?
Kata sinyal : at the moment, just now, now, right now, Listen!, Look!, still, at present, at this moment, right
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- always (selalu) - constantly (selalu, senantiasa)
- forever (selamanya) - just (baru saja)
- still (masih) - now (sekarang)
- right now (sekarang juga) - at the moment (saat ini)
- tomorrow (besok) - this week (minggu ini)
- Now (sekarang) - Over the holidays (selama hari libur)
- these days (hari-hari ini) - this month (bulan ini)
- On Sunday (pada hari minggu)
- at nine o’clock on Sunday (pada pukul sembilan
hari Minggu)
- next week/month (minggu/bulan depan) - this month (bulan ini)
C Fungsi (function) :
- Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung
- used for actions happening now or for an action that is unfinished.
- This tense is also used when the action is temporary
- Present continuous tense can be used for actions that are still happening at the time of speaking
- Present continuous tense can also be used to show that something will or will not happen in the
near future.
- present continuous tense can be used to describe actions that are being repeated
- Present continuous tense can be used when speaking about current trends
- tense ini bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah tindakan yang mungkin atau bisa dilakukan
di masa depan
- Tense ini juga bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi dengan singkat dan
atau yang telah terjadi dalam rentang waktu yang lama.
- Menunjukkan Pekerjaan yang pasti dilakukan di masa yang akan datang
- Present Countinous Tense menunjukkan sebuah kejadian atau kondisi yang sedang terjadi
sekarang, sering terjadi, dan dapat dilakukan atau berlanjut ke masa depan.
- Present Continuous Tense merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang sedang
berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung
- Present continuous tense can be used to express something happening right now or to express
something that is not happening right now
- Another use of this tense is when talking about a planned event in the future
- Present continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan kejengkelan atas aksi yang terjadi berulang kali.
- Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan
- Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi sekarang
- Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu rencana atau perpindahan ke suatu
- Present continuous tense biasanya digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung
saat pembicaraan sedang berlangsung atau bisa juga digunakan untuk rencana di masa depan.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
1 Look! He is talking with his classmates.
Lihat! Dia sedang berbicara dengan teman-
teman sekelasnya.
Today, most people are using text messages
instead of the phone.
Saat ini, kebanyakan orang menggunakan pesan
teks dan bukan telepon.
3 I am going to your home tomorrow Saya akan ke rumah Anda besok
4 The ships are sailing Kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar
5 He is smiling Dia sedang tersenyum
Shopping online is growing in popularity
nowadays. Belanja online semakin populer saat ini.
The stocks are dropping constantly due to
the economy. Stok terus turun karena ekonomi.
8 The kids are arriving at six o'clock. Anak-anak akan tiba pada pukul enam.
9 She is cleaning the microwave oven Dia sedang membersihkan oven microwave
Some workers are still renovating my kitchen
and bathroom
Beberapa pekerja masih merenovasi dapur dan
kamar mandi saya
She is speaking at the conference this
evening. Dia berbicara di konferensi malam ini.
12 They are setting up the meeting room Mereka menyiapkan ruang pertemuan
13 Her mother is forever misplacing her keys.
Ibunya selamanya lupa tempat menyimpan
I’m spending my holiday on Kuta beach next
Saya sedang menghabiskan liburan di pantai Kuta
akhir bulan depan
We are leaving for the beach tomorrow
morning. Kami akan berangkat ke pantai besok pagi.
16 Marc is making pizza now. Marc membuat pizza sekarang.
They are reading books when I enter the
Mereka membaca buku ketika saya memasuki
She is constantly complaining about her
Dia terus mengeluh tentang saudara
19 She is being angry. Dia sedang marah.
20 Glorya is cooking in the kitchen. Glorya sedang memasak di dapur.
21 She is cooking when her husband gets home. Dia memasak ketika suaminya pulang.
22 Jack and Jill are always fighting. Jack dan Jill selalu bertengkar.
23 She is doing her homework now
Dia sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya
Frances is talking on the phone at the
moment. Frances sedang berbicara di telepon saat ini.
25 Rose is reading a book. Rose sedang membaca buku.
26 Mr. Tony is making design of the house. Pak Tony sedang membuat desain rumah.
27 My parents is getting older. Orang tua saya semakin tua.
28 They are eating lunch right now. Mereka sedang makan siang sekarang.
29 Anthony is sitting in the chair. Anthony duduk di kursi.
30 He is meeting his friends after school. Dia bertemu teman-temannya sepulang sekolah.
31 The boys are playing ball after school Anak-anak itu bermain bola sepulang sekolah
32 We are visiting the museum in the afternoon. Kami mengunjungi museum di sore hari.
33 The baby is sleeping in his crib. Bayi itu tidur di boksnya.
34 She is crying. Dia sedang menangis.
35 He is talking to his friend. Dia sedang berbicara dengan temannya.
Don’t disturb your little brother, he is praying
dhuhur in his room
Jangan ganggu adikmu, dia sedang berdoa
dhuhur di kamarnya
Don’t speak too loud, the baby is still
sleeping Jangan bicara terlalu keras, bayinya masih tidur
38 I‘m living with my sister at the moment
Saya tinggal dengan saudara perempuan saya saat
He’s learning English in order to be a great
Dia sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar
menjadi pemandu wisata yang hebat
40 She needs a doctor, because she is dying now
Dia membutuhkan dokter, karena dia sekarat
May the security is sleeping now, so we don’t
need to permit him to enter the library
Semoga keamanan sedang tidur sekarang, jadi
kami tidak perlu minta izin memasuki
Don’t speak when you are eating, you can
got choked Jangan bicara saat makan, Anda bisa tersedak
I am sick when seeing a dog is licking a dead
body of animal
Saya sakit ketika melihat seekor anjing menjilati
mayat hewan
John, MU and Chelsea is still playing football
now, let’s watch them in my home.
John, MU dan Chelsea masih bermain sepakbola
sekarang, mari kita tonton mereka di rumah
Just wait for me there, I am driving my car to
your place
Tunggu saja di sana, saya mengendarai mobil
saya ke tempat Anda
46 Tom is driving his new red car Tom mengendarai mobil merah barunya
My mother is cooking fried chicken in the
kitchen with Mr. Chen
Ibu saya sedang memasak ayam goreng di dapur
bersama Tuan Chen
48 She doesn’t know if I am spying her Dia tidak tahu apakah saya memata-matai dia
I’m getting sick of you always asking the same
Saya mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu
menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama
I don’t bring my hand phone since it is being
Saya tidak membawa ponsel saya karena sedang
The day is raining, you have to bring an
umbrella Hari ini hujan, Anda harus membawa payung
The man who is smoking in that room is my
father Pria yang merokok di ruangan itu adalah ayahku
My car is being washed now, so I can’t go
Mobil saya sedang dicuci sekarang, jadi saya
tidak bisa pergi ke mana pun
My son is playing with my wife on the
Anak saya sedang bermain dengan istri saya di
halaman belakang
We are sorry sir, you can’t meet our director,
he is meeting his partners
Kami mohon maaf, Tuan, Anda tidak dapat
bertemu dengan direktur kami, dia bertemu
dengan mitranya
56 I am reading magazine Saya sedang membaca majalah
57 The local chefs are preparing meals Koki lokal sedang menyiapkan makanan
58 Abigail just left for London. Abigail baru saja berangkat ke London.
59 I’m eating my pizza now. Saya sedang makan pizza saya sekarang.
60 Tomorrow, I’ll arrive in Jakarta at 8 AM. Besok, saya akan tiba di Jakarta pada jam 8 pagi.
Diandra still waiting for her scholarship
Diandra masih menunggu pengumuman
The teacher is teaching his students right
now Guru sedang mengajar murid-muridnya sekarang
63 We are playing volleyball Kami bermain voli
I am sorry, I can’t help you now, I am still
studying for examination tomorrow.
Maaf, saya tidak dapat membantu Anda
sekarang, saya masih belajar untuk ujian besok.
I am staying at the hotel until the end of this
month Saya menginap di hotel sampai akhir bulan ini
66 The kitchen assistants are cooking pie crusts. Asisten dapur sedang memasak kerak pie.
67 Charlie is arriving at eleven o'clock. Charlie tiba jam sebelas.
68 The food festival is opening tomorrow. Festival makanan akan dibuka besok.
69 They are looking for a cheap flat. Mereka mencari apartemen murah.
70 The buses are arriving in an hour Bus-bus tersebut tiba dalam satu jam
71 Those beavers are building a dam
Berang-berang itu sedang membangun
72 He is driving to Jakarta. Dia mengemudi ke Jakarta.
The students are solving the math problem
by using the substitution method.
Para siswa menyelesaikan soal matematika
dengan menggunakan metode substitusi.
Surprisingly, he is being very patient and
helpful to everyone.
Anehnya, dia sangat sabar dan membantu
semua orang.
75 She is riding her bicycle Dia mengendarai sepedanya
She is studying hard because she wants to
get a good SAT score
Dia belajar keras karena dia ingin mendapatkan
nilai SAT yang baik
The hunter and his wife are going to the
Triberg Waterfalls. Pemburu dan istrinya pergi ke Air Terjun Triberg.
78 The sun is shining brightly today Matahari bersinar cerah hari ini
The ship that transports goods is arriving at
this port at 5:30 p.m.
Kapal yang mengangkut barang tiba di
pelabuhan ini pada pukul 5:30 malam.
80 I am going to your home tomorrow. Saya akan ke rumah Anda besok.
81 She is brushing the bathroom floor. Dia sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi
82 She is doing his homework Dia melakukan pekerjaan rumahnya
Vina and I are learning how to cook French
Vina dan saya sedang belajar cara memasak
makanan Prancis
84 The children are playing in small groups Anak-anak bermain dalam kelompok kecil
The surveyor is collecting data about customer
Surveyor mengumpulkan data tentang kepuasan
86 The real estate agent is selling our properties Agen real estat menjual properti kami
My friend is looking for Human Resources jobs
in Jakarta
Teman saya mencari pekerjaan Sumber Daya
Manusia di Jakarta
88 I’m driving a car to Bandung now.
Saya sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung
89 I’m moving to West Jakarta this month Saya pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini
90 I am not crying Saya tidak menangis
We are not planning a trip to Thailand during
rainy season
Kami tidak merencanakan perjalanan ke Thailand
selama musim hujan
You can’t call me this night. I’m going to my
best friend’s wedding
Kamu tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini.
Saya akan pergi ke pernikahan sahabat saya.
93 Why is the wild dog always barking at me?
Mengapa anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada
94 He is not playing computer games now. Dia tidak bermain game komputer sekarang.
95 She is not doing her homework now
Dia tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya
96 You are not watching the movie. Anda tidak menonton film.
97 She is not going to the game tonight. Dia tidak akan pergi ke pertandingan malam ini.
98 He isn't sitting outside his tent Dia tidak duduk di luar tendanya
99 I am not going to the meeting after work.
Saya tidak akan pergi ke pertemuan setelah
100 He is not standing. Dia tidak berdiri.
Salesmen aren't selling our new products
door to door
Tenaga penjual tidak menjual produk baru kami
dari pintu ke pintu
I don’t know what is happening, all I know
she is just crying and say nothing
Saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi, yang saya tahu
dia hanya menangis dan tidak mengatakan apa-
103 They aren't laughing at me Mereka tidak menertawakan saya
104 We aren't leaving this city tomorrow Kami tidak akan meninggalkan kota ini besok
She isn't teaching mathematics to gifted
Dia tidak mengajar matematika untuk siswa yang
106 I am not reading magazine Saya tidak membaca majalah
107 We are not currently accepting new users. Kami saat ini tidak menerima pengguna baru.
108 It isn't happening in the world right now. Itu tidak terjadi di dunia saat ini.
109 Tommy is not driving an unregistered vehicle
Tommy tidak mengendarai kendaraan yang tidak
110 Sisca isn't getting married soon Sisca tidak akan segera menikah
111 The sun isn't rising behind the mountain. Matahari tidak terbit di balik gunung.
112 My football team is not playing against MU. Tim sepak bola saya tidak bermain melawan MU.
The day is not raining, you can have a date
with your wive on the beach
Hari tidak hujan, Anda dapat berkencan dengan
istri Anda di pantai
My mother is not cooking, she is sleeping on
the second floor
Ibuku tidak sedang memasak, dia sedang tidur di
lantai dua
She is not waiting for you, she is waiting her
Dia tidak menunggumu, dia sedang menunggu
I am not downloading an adult movie, it’s
Saya tidak mengunduh film dewasa, itu
The driver is not picking up your stuffs on the
his pick up truck, he is picking up mine.
Pengemudi tidak mengambil barang-barang
Anda di truknya, ia mengambil barang saya.
Life is not siding to me, I always failed to get
job this month
Hidup tidak memihak saya, saya selalu gagal
mendapatkan pekerjaan bulan ini
Your father is not punishing you, but he is
educating you how to behave like a
Ayahmu tidak menghukummu, tetapi dia
mendidikmu bagaimana berperilaku seperti pria
Come on, come join us! we are not busy
Ayo, bergabunglah dengan kami! kami tidak
sibuk sekarang.
121 I am not going to your home tomorrow. Saya tidak akan pergi ke rumah Anda besok.
122 They are not eating noodle Mereka tidak makan mie
You can come to meet her now, she is not
working today.
Anda bisa datang untuk menemuinya sekarang,
dia tidak bekerja hari ini.
Don’t you see my tears, I am not laughing, I
am crying
Apakah Anda tidak melihat air mata saya, saya
tidak tertawa, saya menangis
The class is not studying now, because the
teacher is sick.
Kelas tidak belajar sekarang, karena gurunya
126 I am not going any where. I am in home now.
Saya tidak akan kemana-mana. Saya di rumah
127 He is not speaking English Dia tidak berbicara bahasa Inggris
You are not listening to me, so that why you
don’t understand to what I am talking about.
Anda tidak mendengarkan saya, jadi mengapa
Anda tidak mengerti apa yang saya bicarakan.
129 The ships are not sailing Kapal-kapal itu tidak sedang berlayar
130 Is she laughing? Apakah dia tertawa?
131 Who is sitting next to your boss? Siapa yang duduk di sebelah bos Anda?
132 Are they listening to the teacher? Apakah mereka mendengarkan guru?
Is she learning flower-arranging at the flower
show now?
Apakah dia belajar merangkai bunga di pameran
bunga sekarang?
134 Are the ships sailing? Apakah kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar?
135 Is she doing her homework now?
Apakah dia sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan
rumahnya sekarang?
136 When is she cooking in the kitchen? Kapan dia memasak di dapur?
137 Where is she cooking? Di mana dia memasak?
Are the students planning a school trip
Apakah para siswa merencanakan perjalanan
sekolah ke luar negeri?
139 Who is cooking in the kitchen? Siapa yang memasak di dapur?
140 Is the baby drinking his bottle? Apakah bayi itu minum botolnya?
141 Are you going? Apakah kamu pergi?
142 Are you still waiting for some one? Apakah Anda masih menunggu seseorang?
143 Is John playing football today? Apakah John bermain sepakbola hari ini?
Why are you still loving her, whereas she has
got married with John?
Mengapa kamu masih mencintainya, padahal dia
sudah menikah dengan John?
145 Are you visiting your cousin this weekend?
Apakah Anda mengunjungi sepupu Anda akhir
pekan ini?
146 what is she doing on the roof? apa yang dia lakukan di atap?
What are you looking for my brother? May I
help you to find it?
Apa yang kamu cari saudara saya? Bolehkah saya
membantu Anda menemukannya?
148 Is the machine still working? Apakah mesin masih berfungsi?
149 who is playing the piano? siapa yang memainkan piano?
150 where is your cat? is it walking around? dimana kucingmu apakah itu berjalan?
Are you still thinking about what happened
Apakah Anda masih memikirkan apa yang terjadi
Betty is not at home, Is she going around
with you now?
Betty tidak di rumah, Apakah dia akan pergi
denganmu sekarang?
Are you still working at Angin Ribut
Apakah Anda masih bekerja di Perusahaan Angin
154 Is the screen displaying an error message? Apakah layar menampilkan pesan kesalahan?
155 Is Julian doing household chores?
Apakah Julian melakukan pekerjaan rumah
156 Is your mother making food? Apakah ibumu membuat makanan?
157 Am I interrupting your meeting? Apakah saya mengganggu rapat Anda?
158 Are we going to the mountain? Apakah kita akan pergi ke gunung?
159 Is she sleeping now? Apakah dia sedang tidur sekarang?
160 Are Sheila and you arranging flowers? Apakah Sheila dan Anda mengatur bunga?
161 Am I reading magazine? Apakah saya membaca majalah?
162 What are they looking for? Apa yang mereka cari?
163 Where are the hunter and his wife going? Ke mana pemburu dan istrinya pergi?
164 When is the food festival opening? Kapan festival makanan dibuka?
165 Is it snowing in London? Apakah salju turun di London?
166 What time is Charlie arriving? Jam berapa Charlie tiba?
167 Where is he driving? Ke mana dia mengemudi?
168 Are they eating something sweet? Apakah mereka makan sesuatu yang manis?
How are the students solving the math
Bagaimana para siswa memecahkan masalah
170 Why is she studying hard? Kenapa dia belajar keras?
171 Are the workers looking for a new job? Apakah para pekerja mencari pekerjaan baru?
172 What are the kitchen assistants cooking? Apa yang dimasak oleh asisten dapur?
173 Are you trying to start your own business? Apakah Anda mencoba memulai bisnis sendiri?
174 Am I walking too fast? Apakah saya berjalan terlalu cepat?
Why are you wearing rain coat whereas the
day is bright?
Kenapa kamu memakai jas hujan padahal hari
Are you still using the computer? I want to
use it too.
Apakah Anda masih menggunakan komputer?
Saya ingin menggunakannya juga.
What are you waiting for? it’s too late to go
Apa yang kamu tunggu? sudah terlambat untuk
pergi sekarang.
Is the president visiting the victims of
earthquake in Bantul now?
Apakah presiden mengunjungi korban gempa di
Bantul sekarang?
179 where are you living now? Dimana kamu tinggal sekarang?
Tell me that you are not lying to me, you
know whom you are with now?
Katakan padaku bahwa kamu tidak berbohong
padaku, kamu tahu dengan siapa kamu
181 Am I going to your home tomorrow? Apakah saya akan ke rumah Anda besok?
3-Present Perfect Tense
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + have/has + V3 e.g: Peter has gone just now.
(-) S + have/has + not + V3 e.g: I have not done my home work yet.
(?) Have/has + S + V3? e.g: Have you already taken a bath?
have/has + the past participle.
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- Already (sudah) - Just (baru saja)
- Ever (pernah) - Never (tidak pernah)
- Not yet (belum) - So far (sejauh ini)
- Till now (sampai sekarang) - Up to now (hingga sekarang)
- For (selama) - Since (sejak)
- Recently (baru-baru ini)
C Fungsi (function) :
- The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past
- Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah usai pada saat sekarang, kejadian masa lalu
- An action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by 'just' (Suatu tindakan yang
diselesaikan di masa lalu, diungkapkan dengan 'baru saja')
- An action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present
- A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now (Tindakan berulang dalam
periode yang tidak ditentukan antara masa lalu dan sekarang)
- The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in
the past or began in the past and continued to the present time (Bentuk perfect present tense
mengacu pada tindakan atau keadaan yang terjadi pada waktu yang tidak terbatas di masa lalu
atau dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut ke waktu sekarang)
- The first element is have or has, depending on the subject the verb is conjugated with
- The second element is the past participle of the verb, which is usually formed by adding -ed or -d
to the verb’s root
- An action when the time is not important
- An action performed during a period that has not yet finished
- Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang telah selesai dilakukan.
- Present Perfect Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut hingga sekarang atau telah
selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu, namun efeknya masih berlanjut
- Present perfect tense menekankan pada hasil. Tense ini menunjukkan aksi yang masih sedang
berlangsung atau baru saja selesai.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
1 He has already finished his homework. Dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya.
2 She has not drunk a glass of tea Dia belum minum segelas teh
3 I have just finished my work. Saya baru saja menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya.
4 She has been to the cinema twice this week Dia telah ke bioskop dua kali minggu ini
6 I have walked on this path before Saya telah berjalan di jalan ini sebelumnya
7 I have worked hard this week. Saya telah bekerja keras minggu ini.
8 They have seen that film six times Mereka telah menonton film itu enam kali
9 We have eaten the lasagna here. Kami sudah makan lasagna di sini.
10 She has visited. Dia telah mengunjungi.
11 She has not (hasn't) visited. Dia belum (belum) mengunjungi.
12 I have put away all the laundry. Saya telah menyimpan semua cucian.
13 She has had the chickenpox since Tuesday. Dia menderita cacar air sejak Selasa.
14 She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English. Dia belajar bahasa Jepang, Rusia, dan Inggris.
15 I have just eaten. Saya baru saja makan.
16 Someone has eaten my soup! Seseorang telah makan sup saya!
17 We have just seen her. Kami baru saja melihatnya.
18 She has visited them frequently. Dia sering mengunjungi mereka.
We have eaten at that restaurant many
times. Kami sudah makan di restoran itu berkali-kali.
20 It has happened several times already. Itu sudah terjadi beberapa kali.
21 It has rained a lot this year. Telah banyak hujan tahun ini.
22 We haven't seen her today. Kami belum melihatnya hari ini.
23 They haven't lived here for years.
Mereka sudah bertahun-tahun tidak tinggal di
24 He has read 'War and Peace' Dia telah membaca 'Perang dan Damai'
25 We have had the same car for ten years.
Kami memiliki mobil yang sama selama sepuluh
26 She has worked in the bank for five years. Dia telah bekerja di bank selama lima tahun.
27 I have lived in Bristol since 1984 Saya telah tinggal di Bristol sejak 1984
28 He has not been to Australia so far. Dia belum ke Australia sejauh ini.
29 We have visited Portugal several times. Kami telah mengunjungi Portugal beberapa kali.
30 We have been to Singapore. Kami telah ke Singapura.
31 My students have improved their English.
Murid-murid saya telah meningkatkan bahasa
Inggris mereka.
32 A car has just stopped in front of me. Sebuah mobil baru saja berhenti di depan saya.
33 He has not gone to the gymnastic class. Dia belum pergi ke kelas senam.
34 My father has never cut his hair himself.
Ayah saya tidak pernah memotong rambutnya
35 They haven’t got a baby girl yet. Mereka belum punya bayi perempuan.
You have never forgotten your favorite
Anda tidak pernah melupakan botol favorit
37 The weather hasn’t been warm lately. Cuaca belum hangat akhir-akhir ini.
38 The car hasn’t stopped in front of the man. Mobil belum berhenti di depan pria itu.
My friends and I haven’t gone out together
this month.
Teman-teman saya dan saya belum pergi
bersama bulan ini.
40 She hasn’t written any word yet. Dia belum menulis sepatah kata pun.
41 My students haven’t been lazy this semester. Murid-murid saya belum malas semester ini.
You have never told me about your girl
Anda tidak pernah memberi tahu saya tentang
teman perempuan Anda.
43 There hasn’t been any rain this month. Belum ada hujan di bulan ini.
44 My sister has not started a new business. Adikku belum memulai bisnis baru.
45 Julia hasn’t finished her Science project. Julia belum menyelesaikan proyek Sainsnya.
46 We have not been to Australia. Kami belum pernah ke Australia.
47 The weather has been cold recently. Cuaca sangat dingin baru-baru ini.
This is the first time she has written a love
Ini adalah pertama kalinya dia menulis surat
You have told me about this story three
Anda telah memberi tahu saya tentang kisah ini
tiga kali.
50 I haven’t bought a new laptop yet. Saya belum membeli laptop baru.
51 There has been an accident near here. Ada kecelakaan di dekat sini.
52 You have forgotten your lunch box. Anda lupa kotak makan siang Anda.
53 They have had a newborn baby. Mereka memiliki bayi yang baru lahir.
My friends and I have worked hard this
Teman-teman saya dan saya telah bekerja keras
bulan ini.
55 My father has broken his leg. Ayah saya patah kakinya.
56 Peter has gone just now. Peter baru saja pergi.
57 Peter has gone to the bookstore. Peter telah pergi ke toko buku.
Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of
wonderful things and I have also eaten and
drunk some strange foods and drinks.
Karena saya sering bepergian, saya telah melihat
banyak hal indah dan saya juga makan dan
minum beberapa makanan dan minuman aneh.
59 I have not done my home work yet. Saya belum melakukan pekerjaan rumah saya.
60 She has already submitted her paper. Dia sudah menyerahkan makalahnya.
61 She has worked in the hospital for six years
Dia telah bekerja di rumah sakit selama enam
I have finished my work and now I want to go
to the theater.
Saya telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya dan
sekarang saya ingin pergi ke teater.
He has already gone to Semarang so she will
go to Surabaya.
Dia sudah pergi ke Semarang sehingga dia akan
pergi ke Surabaya.
64 I have fixed my computer Saya telah memperbaiki komputer saya
65 They have whatched the film Mereka telah menonton film itu
66 Brandon has been recovered from illness Brandon telah pulih dari penyakit
67 Brandon has not been recovered from illness Brandon belum pulih dari penyakit
Einstein has developed the theory of
relativity, one of the two pillars of modern
Einstein telah mengembangkan teori relativitas,
salah satu dari dua pilar fisika modern.
69 We have not been back from office Kami belum kembali dari kantor
70 We have been back from office Kami telah kembali dari kantor
71 She hasn’t worked in the hospital Dia belum bekerja di rumah sakit
72 I have whatched the film Saya telah menonton film itu
73 I have not fixed my computer Saya belum memperbaiki komputer saya
74 you have whatched the film Anda telah menonton film itu
75 I think I have seen the movie before Saya pikir saya telah melihat film sebelumnya
Your English has really improved since You
studied at America
Bahasa Inggris Anda benar-benar meningkat
sejak Anda belajar di Amerika
I’m so worry, my boy has still not arrived
from school.
Saya sangat khawatir, putra saya masih belum
tiba dari sekolah.
78 He has whatched the film Dia (laki-laki) telah menonton film itu
79 My Daughter has learned how to read Putriku telah belajar membaca
80 I have seen several doctor for my illness
Saya telah menemui beberapa dokter untuk
penyakit saya
81 She has whatched the film Dia (perempuan) telah menonton film itu
82 Zakky has watched the film Zakky telah menonton film itu
83 She has not eaten Dia belum makan
84 They have not done their homework
Mereka belum melakukan pekerjaan rumah
86 I have read the book Saya sudah membaca buku itu
87 Zakariya has gone just now. Zakariya telah pergi sekarang.
88 My sister has started a new job this week.
Adikku sudah memulai pekerjaan baru minggu
89 Zakariya has not gone just now. Zakariya belum pergi sekarang.
90 I have bought a new car. Saya telah membeli mobil baru.
How long have your students improved their
Berapa lama siswa Anda meningkatkan bahasa
Inggris mereka?
92 Has your sister started a new business?
Apakah saudara perempuan Anda memulai
bisnis baru?
93 Have you bought a new car? Sudahkah Anda membeli mobil baru?
Have you played the piano since you were a
Sudahkah Anda bermain piano sejak Anda masih
95 Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'? Pernahkah Anda melihat 'Gone with the Wind'?
96 Have they been to Singapore? Apakah mereka pernah ke Singapura?
97 Have you just finished work? Apakah Anda baru saja selesai bekerja?
98 Hasn't she visited? Bukankah dia sudah mengunjungi?
99 Has she visited? Sudahkah dia berkunjung?
100 Has he just left? Apakah dia baru saja pergi?
101 Have you forgotten your lunch box? Apakah Anda lupa kotak makan siang Anda?
102 Have they got a baby girl already? Apakah mereka sudah punya bayi perempuan?
103 Has she drunk a glass of tea? Apakah dia minum segelas teh?
Why have your friends and you worked hard
this month?
Mengapa teman-teman Anda dan Anda bekerja
keras bulan ini?
105 When has your father broken his leg? Kapan ayahmu patah kakinya?
106 Has there been an accident near here? Apakah ada kecelakaan di dekat sini?
107 Who has gone to the bookstore? Siapa yang pergi ke toko buku?
108 Has Julia finished her Science project? Sudahkah Julia menyelesaikan proyek Sainsnya?
109 Has Brandon been recovered from illness? Apakah Brandon sudah pulih dari penyakit?
110 Have we been back from office? Apakah kita sudah kembali dari kantor?
111 Have you already taken a bath? Apakah kamu sudah mandi?
112 Has she worked in the hospital for six years?
Apakah dia sudah bekerja di rumah sakit selama
enam tahun?
113 Have I fixed my computer? Sudahkah saya memperbaiki komputer saya?
114 Has Zakariya gone just now? Apakah Zakariya sudah pergi sekarang?
115 How long has she played piano? Berapa lama dia bermain piano?
116 How long have you studied English? Berapa lama Anda belajar bahasa Inggris?
4-Present Perfect Continuous Tense
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + have/has + been + Ving
(-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving
(?) Have/has + S + been + Ving
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- For the past 5 years (Selama 5 tahun terakhir) - The whole week (Sepanjang minggu)
- How long .... ? (Berapa lama ..... ?) - Since xxxx (Sejak xxxx)
- For two weeks (Selama dua minggu) - Lately (Akhir-akhir ini)
- Recently (Baru-baru ini)
C Fungsi (function) :
- Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sudah terjadi dan masih ada kemungkinan terjadi sampai nanti.
- Kejadian yang sudah selesai namun mempunyai hubungan dengan sekarang
Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang telah selesai
pada suatu titik dimasa lampau atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai
sekarang. Biasanya aksi tersebut ada durasi waktu tertentu dan ada relevansinya dengan
kondisi sekarang.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
1 He has been working here since 1996. Dia telah bekerja di sini sejak 1996.
He has not been speaking for the last 3
hours. Dia belum berbicara selama 3 jam terakhir.
3 It has been raining since yesterday. Sudah hujan sejak kemarin.
Before we join the competition we have
been practicing for a week
Sebelum kita mengikuti kompetisi, kita sudah
berlatih selama seminggu
5 They have been talking for the last hour.
Mereka telah berbicara selama satu jam
They have been admiring him since 2012 and
they became the biggest fans club
Mereka telah mengaguminya sejak 2012 dan
mereka menjadi klub penggemar terbesar
7 Lisa has not been practicing her English. Lisa belum melatih bahasa Inggrisnya.
You have been begging to me for a day but
sorry to say that I can’t go
Anda telah memohon kepada saya selama sehari
tetapi maaf untuk mengatakan bahwa saya tidak
bisa pergi
He has been driving for five hours, if he gets
tired I can replace him
Dia sudah mengemudi selama lima jam, jika dia
lelah aku bisa menggantikannya
She has been working at that company for
three years.
Dia telah bekerja di perusahaan itu selama tiga
He has been feeling cold because it is snowy
day here Dia merasa kedinginan karena hari ini bersalju
12 It has been waiting for its master for a year Sudah menunggu tuannya selama satu tahun
She is tired because she has been working so
hard all day long
Dia lelah karena dia telah bekerja sangat keras
sepanjang hari
She has been watching too much television
Dia terlalu banyak menonton televisi akhir-akhir
When I saw that they have been running in
the field to be healthier I want to do the
same thing
Ketika saya melihat mereka berlari di lapangan
untuk menjadi lebih sehat saya ingin melakukan
hal yang sama
When I know that you have been earning
money by your own
Ketika saya tahu bahwa Anda telah
menghasilkan uang oleh Anda sendiri
We have been crying because of the movie
and we have to look for an entertainment
Kami menangis karena film itu dan kami harus
mencari hiburan
I just follow the cooking guide and I have
been baking the cake for 30 minutes
Saya hanya mengikuti panduan memasak dan
saya sudah memanggang kue selama 30 menit
Tomorrow is my test and I have been
studying for three hours but I still don’t
understand the materials
Besok adalah ujian saya dan saya telah belajar
selama tiga jam tetapi saya masih tidak mengerti
20 Recently, I have been feeling really tired. Baru-baru ini, saya merasa sangat lelah.
She has been announcing the important
message to all of us
Dia telah mengumumkan pesan penting kepada
kita semua
22 Mary has been feeling a little depressed. Mary merasa agak tertekan.
My cat has been eating its food for an hour I
think it is sick
Kucing saya sudah makan makanannya selama
satu jam saya pikir itu sakit
I have been sweeping the floor from dirt and
now I am tired
Saya telah menyapu lantai dari tanah dan
sekarang saya lelah
James has been teaching at the university
since June. James telah mengajar di universitas sejak Juni.
You must be thirsty because you have been
dancing for two hours
Anda pasti haus karena Anda telah menari
selama dua jam
We have been waiting here for over two
Kami telah menunggu di sini selama lebih dari
dua jam!
Her eyes are swollen because she has been
crying during the night
Matanya bengkak karena dia menangis di malam
I am sad because he has been ignoring me all
day long
Saya sedih karena dia telah mengabaikan saya
sepanjang hari
They have been comparing all the products
to choose the best one for them
Mereka telah membandingkan semua produk
untuk memilih yang terbaik untuk mereka
You have just been burying your dog and I
am sorry for that
Anda baru saja mengubur anjing Anda dan saya
minta maaf untuk itu
She has been starting to write a new chapter
of her novel in her room
Dia sudah mulai menulis bab baru novelnya di
We have been burning all the paper and
more paper will come
Kami telah membakar semua kertas dan lebih
banyak kertas akan datang
I have been boiling the water maybe if you
want to make a hot coffee
Saya telah merebus air mungkin jika Anda ingin
membuat kopi panas
It has been raining since you left me and I am
drowning in the flood
Sudah hujan sejak Anda meninggalkan saya dan
saya tenggelam dalam banjir
His mother puts him here because he is
naughty and he has been behaving better
here than in the outside
Ibunya menempatkan dia di sini karena dia nakal
dan dia telah berperilaku lebih baik di sini
daripada di luar
The police has been arresting many criminals
that escaped from the jail
Polisi telah menangkap banyak penjahat yang
melarikan diri dari penjara
38 It has not been raining since yesterday. Belum hujan sejak kemarin.
My dog is barks at me, it has been feeling
hungry. I think Anjing saya menyalak, merasa lapar. kupikir
He has not been healing his injury and I want
to help him but he doesn’t allow me to do so
Dia belum menyembuhkan lukanya dan aku
ingin membantunya, tetapi dia tidak
mengizinkanku melakukannya
I have not been using my sunglasses to
protect my eyes
Saya belum pernah menggunakan kacamata
hitam untuk melindungi mata saya
We have not been hoping for the best we
just let it go
Kami tidak berharap untuk yang terbaik kami
hanya membiarkannya pergi
You have not been heating the food for our
dinner yet
Anda belum memanaskan makanan untuk
makan malam kami
That poor little girl has not been eating any
food. Let’s go and buy her food
Gadis kecil malang itu belum makan makanan
apa pun. Ayo pergi dan beli makanannya
You have been answering all the questions
now you may take a break
Anda telah menjawab semua pertanyaan
sekarang Anda bisa istirahat
My mom doesn’t buy the tv because the
staffs have not been agreeing the price
Ibuku tidak membeli tv karena staf belum
menyetujui harganya
Tamara has not been gathering her junior
high school friends together
Tamara belum mengumpulkan teman-teman
We have not been catching the fish in the
river but we can try it one more time
Kami belum menangkap ikan di sungai tetapi
kami bisa mencobanya sekali lagi
You have not been grating the cheese I need
it now as the topping
Anda belum memarut keju yang saya butuhkan
sekarang sebagai topping
It has not been swimming because no one
takes my dog to swim
Belum berenang karena tidak ada yang
membawa anjing saya untuk berenang
I have not been looking for a new dress that
suits me perfectly
Saya belum mencari gaun baru yang cocok untuk
She doesn’t want to help you because you
have not been trusting her
Dia tidak ingin membantu Anda karena Anda
belum mempercayainya
I think he is asleep since he has not been
sleeping because of the task
Saya pikir dia tertidur karena dia belum tidur
karena tugas
He has not been laughing after her daughter’
s death Dia belum tertawa setelah kematian putrinya
They have not been expecting anything, they
just do the best thing that they can
Mereka tidak mengharapkan apa-apa, mereka
hanya melakukan hal terbaik yang mereka bisa
We have not been developing our company
and I think we need more investor
Kami belum mengembangkan perusahaan kami
dan saya pikir kami membutuhkan lebih banyak
The doctor has not been examining the
patients in the front line Dokter belum memeriksa pasien di garis depan
It has not been enjoying the walks to the
park with me
Belum menikmati jalan-jalan ke taman bersama
I have not been entertaining my parents by
my achievement in school
Saya belum menghibur orang tua saya dengan
prestasi saya di sekolah
She has not been accepting the letter
because she hates the man
Dia belum menerima surat itu karena dia
membenci pria itu
She has not been eating her lunch because
she has to finish all the task quickly
Dia belum makan siang karena dia harus
menyelesaikan semua tugas dengan cepat
The students have not been getting a new
lesson after the holiday season
Para siswa belum mendapatkan pelajaran baru
setelah musim liburan
We have not been living together in the
same house again because he works out of
Kami tidak tinggal bersama di rumah yang sama
lagi karena dia bekerja di luar kota
I have not been finding my science book and
now I think I need some help
Saya belum menemukan buku sains saya dan
sekarang saya pikir saya perlu bantuan
65 Sam has had his car for two years. Sam telah memiliki mobilnya selama dua tahun.
He has not been digging the soil but I want to
plant some flowers
Dia belum menggali tanah tetapi saya ingin
menanam bunga
Tom and Marry have not been choosing their
department because they are confused
Tom dan Marry belum memilih departemen
mereka karena mereka bingung
My best friend Maya is crying and I have
been giving an advice to her
Sahabat saya Maya menangis dan saya telah
memberikan saran kepadanya
My table looks so pale because it has not
been painting by my Dad
Meja saya terlihat sangat pucat karena belum
dilukis oleh ayah saya
We have not been travelling to the Lombok
because we are too busy to go that far
Kami belum melakukan perjalanan ke Lombok
karena kami terlalu sibuk untuk pergi sejauh itu
I have not been studying yet but now I feel so
Saya belum belajar tetapi sekarang saya merasa
sangat mengantuk
You have not been listening to her music that
is why you can’t make a better arrangement
Anda belum mendengarkan musiknya sehingga
Anda tidak dapat membuat pengaturan yang
lebih baik
73 It has been raining since at six o’clock Sudah hujan sejak pukul enam
We have been arguing about the group
project so loud and Mrs. Anna gives us more
project to do
Kami telah berdebat tentang proyek kelompok
begitu keras dan Ny. Anna memberi kami lebih
banyak proyek untuk dilakukan
75 I haven’t been eating for whole day Saya belum makan sepanjang hari
I have been writing with my computer all
night long
Saya telah menulis dengan komputer saya
sepanjang malam
His mother puts him here because he is
naughty and he has been behaving better
here than in the outside
Ibunya menempatkan dia di sini karena dia nakal
dan dia telah berperilaku lebih baik di sini
daripada di luar
The police has been arresting many criminals
that escaped from the jail
Polisi telah menangkap banyak penjahat yang
melarikan diri dari penjara
They have been comparing all the products
to choose the best one for them
Mereka telah membandingkan semua produk
untuk memilih yang terbaik untuk mereka
I have been boiling the water maybe if you
want to make a hot coffee
Saya telah merebus air mungkin jika Anda ingin
membuat kopi panas
You have just been burying your dog and I
am sorry for that
Anda baru saja mengubur anjing Anda dan saya
minta maaf untuk itu
We have been burning all the paper and
more paper will come
Kami telah membakar semua kertas dan lebih
banyak kertas akan datang
It has been raining since you left me and I am
drowning in the flood
Sudah hujan sejak Anda meninggalkan saya dan
saya tenggelam dalam banjir
She has been starting to write a new chapter
of her novel in her room
Dia sudah mulai menulis bab baru novelnya di
Has she been waiting for me for a long this
time? Apakah dia sudah lama menungguku?
What have you been doing for the last 30
Apa yang telah kamu lakukan selama 30 menit
87 What have you been doing? Apa yang selama ini kau lakukan?
88 Has it been raining since yesterday? Sudah hujan sejak kemarin?
89 Have you been exercising lately? Apakah Anda berolahraga akhir-akhir ini?
Why has Nancy not been taking her medicine
for the last three days?
Mengapa Nancy tidak minum obatnya selama
tiga hari terakhir?
91 Has it been waiting for its master for a year?
Apakah sudah menunggu tuannya selama satu
Have I been studying for three hours but I
still don’t understand the materials?
Apakah saya sudah belajar selama tiga jam
tetapi saya masih belum mengerti materi?
Has she been announcing the important
message to all of us?
Apakah dia sudah mengumumkan pesan penting
kepada kita semua?
94 Have I been giving an advice to her?
Apakah saya sudah memberikan saran
95 Has it been feeling hungry? Apakah sudah merasa lapar?
Have you been answering all the questions?
If so you may take a break
Sudahkah Anda menjawab semua pertanyaan?
Jika demikian, Anda dapat beristirahat
Have we been arguing about the group
project so loud? Because Mrs. Anna gives us
more project to do
Pernahkah kita berdebat tentang proyek
kelompok begitu keras? Karena Mrs. Anna
memberi kami lebih banyak proyek untuk
98 Has she been working so hard all day long? Apakah dia sudah bekerja keras sepanjang hari?
99 Has he been feeling cold because it is snowy? Apakah dia merasa kedinginan karena bersalju?
Have they been running in the field to make
them healthier? I want to do the same thing
Apakah mereka berlari di lapangan untuk
membuat mereka lebih sehat? Saya ingin
melakukan hal yang sama
Has my cat been eating its food for an hour? I
think it is sick
Apakah kucing saya sudah makan makanannya
selama satu jam? Saya pikir itu sakit
102 Have I been sweeping the floor from dirt? Apakah saya sudah menyapu lantai dari tanah?
Have you been dancing for two hours? You
must be thirsty
Apakah Anda sudah menari selama dua jam?
Anda pasti haus
104 Has she been crying during the night? Apakah dia menangis di malam hari?
105 Has he been ignoring me all day long? Apakah dia mengabaikan saya sepanjang hari?
106 Have we been crying because of the movie ? Sudahkah kita menangis karena filmnya?
107 Have you been earning money by your own? Sudahkah Anda menghasilkan uang sendiri?
Have we been practicing for a week
continuously before we join the
Sudahkah kita berlatih selama seminggu terus
menerus sebelum kita mengikuti kompetisi?
Has he been driving for five hours? If he gets
tired I can replace him
Apakah dia sudah mengemudi selama lima jam?
Jika dia lelah aku bisa menggantikannya
Have they been admiring him since 2012? All
I know is they became the biggest fans club
Apakah mereka mengaguminya sejak 2012?
Yang saya tahu adalah mereka menjadi klub
penggemar terbesar
Have you been begging to me for a day? but
sorry to say that I can’t go
Apakah Anda telah memohon kepada saya
selama sehari? tetapi maaf untuk mengatakan
bahwa saya tidak bisa pergi
Have I been baking the cake for 30 minutes?
Because I just follow the cooking guide
Sudahkah saya memanggang kue selama 30
menit? Karena saya hanya mengikuti panduan
5-Simple Past Tense | Preterite
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + V2 + O
(-) S + did + not + Inf (V1)
(?) Did + S + Inf (V1)
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- yesterday = kemarin - 2 minutes ago = dua menit yang lalu
- in 1996 = pada tahun 1996 - last Thursday = kamis lalu
- last year = tahun lalu - This morning = pagi ini
- last = terakhir - two days ago = dua hari yang lalu
- last week = minggu lalu - when I was a child = ketika saya masih kecil
- just now = baru saja - often = sering
- sometimes = terkadang - always = selalu
- six weeks ago = enam minggu yang lalu - the other day = hari yang lain
- ages ago = berabad-abad yang lalu - a long time ago = dahulu kala
C Fungsi (function) :
- Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau, tanpa ingin menekankan bahwa ia
sedang, atau telah selesai melakukan pekerjaan tsb.
- The simple past tense is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now (Bentuk
lampau yang sederhana digunakan untuk membicarakan tindakan yang selesai pada waktu
sebelum sekarang)
- The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not
important (Waktu tindakan bisa di masa lalu atau masa lalu yang jauh dan durasi tindakan tidak
- Aksi di masa lalu dengan durasi tertentu
- Kebiasaan pada masa lalu
- Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Simple past tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
1 Last year, he always worked until night. Tahun lalu, dia selalu bekerja sampai malam.
2 He did not go to school this morning. Dia tidak pergi ke sekolah pagi ini.
3 We waited for one hour. Kami menunggu satu jam.
4 People lived in caves a long time ago. Orang hidup di dalam gua sejak lama.
5 I often brought my lunch to school Saya sering membawa makan siang ke sekolah
6 He lived in Fiji in 1976 Dia tinggal di Fiji pada tahun 1976
7 We crossed the Channel yesterday Kami melintasi Kanal kemarin
8 I sometimes walked home at lunchtime. Saya kadang berjalan pulang saat makan siang.
9 She played the piano when she was a child. Dia memainkan piano ketika dia masih kecil.
10 I went to the theatre last night Saya pergi ke teater tadi malam
11 John Cabot sailed to America in 1498
John Cabot berlayar ke Amerika pada tahun
12 Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva. Kemarin, saya tiba di Jenewa.
13 She finished her work atseven o'clock Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya jam tujuh
14 We saw a good film last week Kami melihat film yang bagus minggu lalu
15 My father died last year Ayah saya meninggal tahun lalu
16 I lived in Brazil for two years. Saya tinggal di Brazil selama dua tahun.
17 We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
Kami berbicara di telepon selama tiga puluh
They did not stay at the party the entire
time. Mereka tidak tinggal di pesta sepanjang waktu.
19 I went to school alone yesterday. Saya pergi ke sekolah sendirian kemarin.
20 Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
Shauna belajar bahasa Jepang selama lima
21 They sat at the beach all day. Mereka duduk di pantai sepanjang hari.
You didn’t tell that you took my money
Anda tidak memberi tahu bahwa Anda
mengambil uang saya kemarin.
23 Tony went to the library three days ago. Tony pergi ke perpustakaan tiga hari yang lalu.
24 She washed her car. Dia mencuci mobilnya.
I finished work, walked to the beach, and
found a nice place to swim.
Saya selesai bekerja, berjalan ke pantai, dan
menemukan tempat yang bagus untuk
He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked
into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at
Dia tiba dari bandara jam 8:00, check in ke hotel
jam 9:00, dan bertemu yang lain jam 10:00.
27 Last year, I didn't travel to Korea. Tahun lalu, saya tidak bepergian ke Korea.
28 He didn't wash his car. Dia tidak mencuci mobilnya.
29 I saw a movie yesterday. Saya melihat film kemarin.
30 I didn't see a play yesterday. Saya tidak melihat drama kemarin.
31 Last year, I traveled to Japan. Tahun lalu, saya bepergian ke Jepang.
32 I often went to campus when i lived in Jogja
Saya sering pergi ke kampus ketika saya tinggal
di Jogja
33 We did not read a novel yesterday Kami tidak membaca novel kemarin
34 You bought a bicycle Anda membeli sepeda
35 He bought a bicycle Dia (laki-laki) membeli sepeda
36 I studied French when I was a child.
Saya belajar bahasa Prancis ketika saya masih
37 She bought a bicycle Dia (perempuan) membeli sepeda
38 He played the violin. Dia memainkan biola.
39 He didn't play the piano. Dia tidak memainkan piano.
They never went to school, they always
skipped class.
Mereka tidak pernah bersekolah, mereka selalu
bolos kelas.
41 They bought a bicycle Mereka membeli sepeda
42 It bought a bicycle Ia membeli sepeda
43 I went to school yesterday. Saya pergi ke sekolah kemarin.
She worked at the movie theater after
school. Dia bekerja di bioskop setelah sekolah.
45 I did not go to school yesterday. Saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin.
46 We ate meat with my best friend yesterday. Kami makan daging dengan sahabatku kemarin.
47 The bus stopped a few minutes ago. Bus berhenti beberapa menit yang lalu.
48 You were at station. Anda berada di stasiun.
49 I met my wife 9 years ago. Saya bertemu istri saya 9 tahun yang lalu.
50 I forgot my wallet. Saya lupa dompet saya.
51 I went to bed early yesterday. Saya pergi tidur lebih awal kemarin.
52 We played basketball last Sunday. Kami bermain basket hari Minggu lalu.
53 We saw the Eiffel Tower. Kami melihat Menara Eiffel.
54 I cancelled my meeting for tomorrow.
Saya membatalkan pertemuan saya untuk
55 I went to school yesterday. Saya pergi ke sekolah kemarin.
56 Mary forgot to turn off the light. Mary lupa mematikan lampu.
57 Amelia chose to stay with her father. Amelia memilih untuk tinggal bersama ayahnya.
58 We listened to music. Kami mendengarkan musik.
59 He had a dog last year. Dia punya anjing tahun lalu.
60 A gardener swept up dead leaves Seorang tukang kebun menyapu daun mati
61 A nurse brought a little girl baby to the park.
Seorang perawat membawa bayi perempuan ke
62 An old man sat down and read his book.
Seorang lelaki tua duduk dan membaca
63 I liked the film. Saya suka filmnya.
64 Alex changed his place. Alex mengubah tempatnya.
65 They lived in the Spain. Mereka tinggal di Spanyol.
66 He smoked a cigarrette. Dia merokok.
67 They had a meeting with her colleagues.
Mereka melakukan pertemuan dengan rekan-
68 I enrolled to the pilates course. Saya mendaftar ke kursus pilates.
69 My brother drank a glass of milk 2 hours ago. Adikku minum segelas susu 2 jam yang lalu.
70 They were students last year. Mereka adalah siswa tahun lalu.
71 They bought 2 tickets for the U2 concert. Mereka membeli 2 tiket untuk konser U2.
72 Michael studied hard all year. Michael belajar keras sepanjang tahun.
73 I missed the class last week. Saya melewatkan kelas minggu lalu.
74 Two boys played with a ball. Dua anak laki-laki bermain dengan sebuah bola.
75 She finished all the exercices. Dia menyelesaikan semua latihan.
76 Last year I traveled to Germany. Tahun lalu saya bepergian ke Jerman.
77 An old lady walked with her cat. Seorang wanita tua berjalan dengan kucingnya.
78 George came home very late last night. George pulang sangat larut tadi malam.
79 A large trunk came around the corner. Sebuah kopor besar muncul di sudut.
80 I read an interesting book last month. Saya membaca buku yang menarik bulan lalu.
81 It discovered a new land. Ia menemukan tanah baru.
82 The rain stopped an hour ago. Hujan berhenti satu jam yang lalu.
83 She left the school in 2010 Dia meninggalkan sekolah pada tahun 2010
We did a lot of shopping at the shopping
mall. Kami banyak berbelanja di pusat perbelanjaan.
85 We watched a movie last weekend. Kami menonton film akhir pekan lalu.
86 She finished her work at six o’clock.
Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya pada pukul
87 We were good friends. Kami teman baik.
88 He cut his finger and went to hospital. Dia memotong jarinya dan pergi ke rumah sakit.
89 He bought a new house last month Dia membeli rumah baru bulan lalu
90 I watched TV last week. Saya menonton TV minggu lalu.
91 How long did you wait for them? Berapa lama Anda menunggu mereka?
Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then
add the eggs?
Apakah Anda menambahkan tepung,
menuangkan susu, dan kemudian menambahkan
93 Did we read read a novel yesterday? Apakah kita membaca membaca novel kemarin?
94 Did you have dinner last night? Apakah Anda makan malam tadi malam?
95 Did you go to school yesterday? Apakah kamu pergi ke sekolah kemarin?
Did you play a musical instrument when you
were a kid?
Apakah Anda memainkan alat musik ketika Anda
masih kecil?
97 Where was she at 7 o’clock last night? Di mana dia jam 7 malam tadi?
98 Did you play football last day? Apakah Anda bermain sepakbola hari terakhir?
99 Did they lose the match? Apakah mereka kalah dalam pertandingan?
100 Did she clean her home? Apakah dia membersihkan rumahnya?
101 Did you came home last year? Apakah Anda pulang tahun lalu?
6-Past Continuous Tense | Past Progressive Tense
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + be (was/were) + Present Participle (V-ing) + O
(-) S + be (was/were) + not + Present Participle (V-ing) + O
(?) be (Was/were) + S + Present Participle (V-ing) + O ?
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- when = ketika - as long as = selama
- while = sementara, selagi - at this time yesterday = saat ini kemarin
- all day yesterday = sepanjang hari kemarin - the whole yesterday = keseluruhan kemarin
- as = sewaktu - today = hari ini
- the whole day last week = sepanjang hari
minggu lalu
C Fungsi (function) :
- The past continuous tense, refers to a
continuing action or state that was happening
at some point in the past
Past continuous tense, mengacu pada tindakan
atau keadaan berkelanjutan yang terjadi di
beberapa titik di masa lalu
- The past continuous tense is formed by
combining the past tense of to be (i.e.,
was/were) with the verb’s present participle (-
ing word).
- Past continuous tense dibentuk dengan
menggabungkan bentuk lampau menjadi (yaitu,
dulu) dengan kata kerja present participle (-ing
- The past continuous describes actions or
events in a time before now, which began in
the past and is still going on at the time of
speaking. It expresses an unfinished or
incomplete action in the past
- Past continuous menggambarkan tindakan atau
peristiwa di masa sebelum sekarang, yang dimulai
di masa lalu dan masih berlangsung pada saat
berbicara. Ini mengekspresikan tindakan yang
belum selesai atau tidak lengkap di masa lalu
- The past continuous of any verb is composed
of two parts : the past tense of the verb "to be"
(was/were), and the base of the main verb
- Past continuous dari kata kerja apa pun terdiri
dari dua bagian: bentuk lampau dari kata kerja "to
be" (was / were), dan dasar dari kata kerja utama
- Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau, ketika pekerjaan lain
terjadi, baik pekerjaan lain itu menyela atau terjadi bersama-sama.
- Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa ada kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lalu dan
belum selesai.
- Tidak seperti simple past tense yang menunjukkan tindakan telah di selesaikan, past continuous
tense menunjukkan tindakan yang telah dan sedang berlangsung
- Past continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada
waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Biasanya ada dua kejadian di masa lampau dan satu kejadian
menginterupsi kejadian yang lain. Kejadian yang sedang diinterupsi tersebut yang menggunakan
past continuous tense.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
1 He was speaking when I entered in room. Dia berbicara ketika saya masuk ke kamar.
2 At 6 o’clock, I was eating dinner. Pada jam 6 sore, saya sedang makan malam.
He was not doing his homework at this time
Dia tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya saat
ini kemarin.
4 I was riding my bike all day yesterday.
Saya mengendarai sepeda saya sepanjang hari
5 I was sleeping when you came. Saya sedang tidur ketika Anda datang.
6 Tashonda was always handing in late papers. Tashonda selalu menyerahkan surat-suratnya.
I was sleeping on the couch when Bertie
smashed through the door.
Aku sedang tidur di sofa ketika Bertie
mendobrak pintu.
8 Dad was working in his garden all morning. Ayah bekerja di kebunnya sepanjang pagi.
Joel was being a terrible role model for his
younger brother Joel menjadi panutan yang buruk bagi adiknya
10 My father was always lecturing my brother.
Ayah saya selalu memberi kuliah pada kakak
11 Was he being good to you? Apakah dia baik padamu?
During the mid-50s, real estate speculators
were buying all the swampland in Central
Florida, and innocent people were investing
all their money in bogus development
Selama pertengahan 50-an, spekulan real estat
membeli semua lahan rawa di Florida Tengah,
dan orang-orang tak berdosa menginvestasikan
semua uang mereka dalam proyek
pengembangan palsu.
13 Carlos lost his watch while he was running. Carlos kehilangan arlojinya saat dia berlari.
You weren’t listening to me when I was
Anda tidak mendengarkan saya ketika saya
She was talking constantly in class in those
Dia berbicara terus-menerus di kelas pada masa
The other animals were relaxing in the shade
of the trees, but the elephant moved very
Hewan-hewan lain bersantai di bawah naungan
pepohonan, tetapi gajah bergerak sangat cepat.
She was looking for her baby, and she didn't
notice the hunter who was watching her
through his binoculars
Dia mencari bayinya, dan dia tidak melihat
pemburu yang mengawasinya melalui
When the shot rang out, she was running
towards the river
Ketika tembakan terdengar, dia berlari ke arah
19 I was riding bicycle Saya sedang mengendarai sepeda
I was having a beautiful dream when the
alarm clock rang
Saya mengalami mimpi indah ketika jam alarm
21 They were buying Japanese comic books Mereka membeli buku komik Jepang
22 She was writing a letter. Dia sedang menulis surat.
23 The boys were play ing soccer in the field
Bocah-bocah lelaki sedang bermain sepak bola di
He was painting the door when a bird struck
the window.
Dia mengecat pintu ketika seekor burung
menabrak jendela.
25 He was coming to my house Dia datang ke rumah saya
26 I was playing aku sedang bermain
The sun was shining and the birds were
singing as the elephant came out of the
Matahari bersinar dan burung-burung bernyanyi
ketika gajah keluar dari hutan.
28 I was shopping at the market yesterday. Aku sedang berbelanja ke pasar kemarin
They were coming to the school yesterday
morning. Mereka sedang datang ke sekolah kemarin pagi
30 He was driving his car Dia mengendarai mobilnya
I was not expecting such a foolish behavior
from him
Saya tidak mengharapkan perilaku bodoh
32 I was cooking when my husband came Aku sedang memasak ketika suamiku datang
33 They were sleeping when the alarm went off. Mereka tidur ketika alarm berbunyi.
34 They were eating their food Mereka makan makanan mereka
35 They were watching Mereka sedang menonton
He was playing komputer games while I was
ironing my clothes
Dia (lk) sedang bermain game komputer
sementara saya menyeterika pakaian
37 He was playing Dia sedang bermain
38 The sun was going down in the west Matahari sedang terbenam di sebelah barat
39 The flower was blooming Bunga itu sedang mekar
40 They were playing Mereka sedang bermain
41 You were playing Anda sedang bermain
42 She wasn't reading Dia tidak membaca
He wasn't painting the door when a bird
struck the window.
Dia tidak mengecat pintu ketika seekor burung
menabrak jendela.
44 We were playing Kami sedang bermain
They weren't sleeping when the alarm went
off. Mereka tidak tidur ketika alarm berbunyi.
46 She was reading Dia sedang membaca
47 He was not sleeping Dia tidak tidur
48 They were not buying Japanese comic books Mereka tidak membeli buku komik Jepang
49 He was not coming to my house Dia tidak datang ke rumah saya
50 I was planning about my studies Saya berencana tentang studi saya
51 He was waiting for you Dia sedang menunggumu
52 I was not walking alone Saya tidak berjalan sendirian
53 The kids were not playing with the toys
Anak-anak tidak bermain-main dengan mainan
54 She was not decorating her room. Dia tidak mendekorasi kamarnya.
55 I was not sleeping when you came. Saya tidak tidur ketika Anda datang.
I was going to spend the day at the beach but
I've decided to get my homework done
Saya akan menghabiskan hari di pantai tapi saya
memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan
rumah saya
57 He was not reading the book Dia tidak membaca buku itu
I was wondering if you could babysit. for me
Saya ingin tahu apakah Anda bisa mengasuh
anak. untukku malam ini
59 Were you working in that factory? Apakah Anda bekerja di pabrik itu?
60 Were you asking me something? Apakah Anda bertanya sesuatu kepada saya?
61 Was she walking in the street? Apakah dia berjalan di jalan?
62 Was he listening to you? Apakah dia mendengarkanmu?
63 Was I answering the question correctly?
Apakah saya menjawab pertanyaan dengan
64 Was she singing a song? Apakah dia menyanyikan lagu?
65 Was I calling you? Apakah saya memanggil Anda?
66 Was he coming to his home? Apakah dia datang ke rumahnya?
They were waiting for the bus when the
accident happened.
Mereka menunggu bus ketika kecelakaan itu
68 You were not driving carefully. Anda tidak mengemudi dengan hati-hati.
69 Caroline was skiing when she broke her leg. Caroline sedang bermain ski saat kakinya patah.
70 When we arrived he was having a bath Ketika kami tiba dia sedang mandi
71 Were the people shouting at him? Apakah orang-orang meneriakinya?
72 They were not shouting Mereka tidak berteriak
When the fire started I was watching
Ketika api mulai menyala, saya sedang
menonton televisi.
74 I was not playing Saya tidak sedang bermain
75 You were not playing Anda tidak sedang bermain
76 He wasn't playing Dia tidak bermain
77 Were they going to their college? Apakah mereka akan kuliah?
78 We weren't playing Kami tidak bermain
79 They weren't playing Mereka tidak bermain
80 The snake was not running toward you Ular itu tidak berlari ke arahmu
81 You were smiling to see me Anda tersenyum melihat saya
82 She was not washing her clothes Dia tidak mencuci pakaiannya
83 She was making preparation for the exam Dia sedang mempersiapkan ujian
84 The dog was barking at them Anjing itu menggonggong pada mereka
85 Were you sleeping when I came? Apakah Anda tidur ketika saya datang?
86 I was sleeping when you came. Saya sedang tidur ketika Anda datang.
87 The sun was shining every day that summer Matahari bersinar setiap hari di musim panas itu
As I spoke, the children were laughing at my
Ketika saya berbicara, anak-anak menertawakan
kepintaran saya.
The audience was applauding until he fell off
the stage.
Penonton bertepuk tangan sampai dia jatuh dari
90 I was making dinner when she arrived.
Saya sedang membuat makan malam ketika dia
91 Wasn't she reading? Bukankah dia membaca?
92 Were we playing? Apakah kita bermain?
93 Were they playing? Apakah mereka bermain?
94 Were you playing? Apakah kamu bermain?
95 Was he playing? Apakah dia sedang bermain?
96 Were they buying Japanese comic books? Apakah mereka membeli buku komik Jepang?
97 Was he coming to my house? Apakah dia datang ke rumah saya?
Was he painting the door when a bird struck
the window?
Apakah dia mengecat pintu ketika seekor burung
menabrak jendela?
Were they sleeping when the alarm went
off? Apakah mereka tidur ketika alarm berbunyi?
100 Was I playing? Apakah saya sedang bermain?
101 Was she reading? Apakah dia membaca?
102 Was she still reading while father called her?
Apakah dia masih membaca sementara ayah
7-Past Perfect Tense
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + Had + V3
(-) S + Had + not + V3
(?) Had + S + V3
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- Before yesterday = sebelum kemarin - Till three days ago = hingga tiga hari lalu
- Already = sudah - Until that day = sampai hari itu
C Fungsi (function) :
- Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah selesai ketika pekerjaan lain baru dimulai pada
masa lampau.
- The Past Perfect Tense indicates that an
action was completed (finished or "perfected")
at some point in the past before something
else happened
Past Perfect Tense menunjukkan bahwa suatu
tindakan telah selesai (selesai atau
"disempurnakan") di beberapa titik di masa lalu
sebelum sesuatu yang lain terjadi
- To show that an action happened before a
specific time in the past
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan terjadi
sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lalu
- To show that an action happened before
something else in the past
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan terjadi
sebelum sesuatu yang lain di masa lalu
- The past perfect tense is for talking about
something that happened before something
else (Bentuk perfect past tense adalah untuk
membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi sebelum
sesuatu yang lain)
Bentuk perfect past tense adalah untuk
membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi sebelum
sesuatu yang lain
- Past perfect tense can also be used with the
word "just." When combined, this makes it
clear that the event was only a short time prior
- Bentuk perfect past tense juga bisa digunakan
dengan kata "just." Ketika digabungkan, ini
memperjelas bahwa acara itu hanya sesaat
- Past perfect tense can also be used to show
dissatisfaction with the past
Past perfect tense juga bisa digunakan untuk
menunjukkan ketidakpuasan terhadap masa lalu
- The past perfect is used in the part of the
sentence that explains the condition (the if-
Perfect past digunakan di bagian kalimat yang
menjelaskan kondisi (if-clause).
- Tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan juga sudah selesai
pada masa lalu.
- Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu
tertentu di masa lampau dan lebih menekankan pada fakta daripada durasi.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
He had finished his designs before he went
to work yesterday.
Dia telah menyelesaikan desainnya sebelum
pergi bekerja kemarin.
He had not been a high school student until
last year.
Dia belum menjadi siswa sekolah menengah
sampai tahun lalu.
3 She had appeared in the exam Dia muncul dalam ujian
You had studied English before you moved to
New York
Anda sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sebelum
pindah ke New York
John had gone out when I arrived in the
office. John keluar ketika saya tiba di kantor.
She had visited several doctors before she
found out what the problem was with her
Dia telah mengunjungi beberapa dokter sebelum
dia mengetahui apa masalahnya dengan
When Mrs Brown opened the washing
machine she realised she had washed the cat
Ketika Ny. Brown membuka mesin cuci, dia sadar
dia telah mencuci kucing
8 I had finished the work Saya telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan
She didn’t want to move. She had lived in
Liverpool all her life.
Dia tidak ingin pindah. Dia telah tinggal di
Liverpool sepanjang hidupnya.
10 She had gone Dia telah pergi
If we had called ahead, we would not have
needed to wait so long for a table
Jika kami menelepon dulu, kami tidak perlu
menunggu terlalu lama untuk meja
12 James had cooked breakfast when we got up James memasak sarapan ketika kami bangun
If I had seen him, I would have told him the
Jika aku melihatnya, aku akan memberitahunya
berita itu
We had just called home when my mom
texted us about returning the car
Kami baru saja menelepon ke rumah ketika ibu
saya mengirimi kami pesan tentang
mengembalikan mobil
She had lived in California before moving to
Dia pernah tinggal di California sebelum pindah
ke Texas
Before he did his homework, he had stayed
after school for help
Sebelum dia mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya,
dia tetap tinggal di sekolah untuk meminta
17 She wished she had seen her friend Dia berharap telah melihat temannya
The cat had chased the bird before it flew
out of the yard
Kucing itu mengejar burung itu sebelum terbang
keluar dari halaman
The boy wished he had asked another
Bocah itu berharap dia mengajukan pertanyaan
20 I wished I had told the truth
Saya berharap telah mengatakan yang
I did not have any cash because I had lost my
Saya tidak punya uang tunai karena dompet saya
22 I had been to Mexico once before Saya pernah ke Meksiko sekali sebelumnya
He understood the math test because he had
been tutored all week
Dia mengerti tes matematika karena dia telah
diajari sepanjang minggu
We wished we had purchased the winning
ticket Kami berharap telah membeli tiket yang menang
She had never been to the symphony before
last night. Dia belum pernah ke simfoni tadi malam.
Marc knew Philadelphia so well because he
had lived there for five years
Marc sangat mengenal Philadelphia karena dia
telah tinggal di sana selama lima tahun
I had never seen such a beautiful sunset
before I went to the island
Saya belum pernah melihat matahari terbenam
yang begitu indah sebelum saya pergi ke pulau
If I had woken up earlier this morning, I
would have caught Tootles red-handed.
Jika saya bangun pagi ini, saya akan menangkap
Tootles dengan tangan merah.
We were not able to stay overnight at the
hotel since we had not reserved a room in
Kami tidak dapat menginap di hotel karena kami
tidak memesan kamar sebelumnya
We were relieved that Tootles had used
washable paint.
Kami lega karena Tootles menggunakan cat yang
bisa dicuci.
31 The bus had just left when we got to the stop Bus baru saja pergi ketika kami sampai di halte
She had just left the room when the police
Dia baru saja meninggalkan kamar ketika polisi
I had just gone outside when it started to
rain Saya baru saja keluar ketika hujan mulai turun
He had just put the dog on the leash when
we got there
Dia baru saja meletakkan anjing di tali ketika
kami sampai di sana
She had just left the scene when the
ambulance arrived.
Dia baru saja meninggalkan tempat kejadian
ketika ambulans tiba.
36 The boss had said it would be a long meeting
Bos mengatakan itu akan menjadi pertemuan
yang panjang
She stayed up all night because she had
received bad news
Dia terjaga sepanjang malam karena dia telah
menerima kabar buruk
You had studied Italian before you moved to
Anda telah belajar bahasa Italia sebelum pindah
ke Roma
I had never seen such a beautiful beach
before I went to Kauai
Saya belum pernah melihat pantai yang begitu
indah sebelum saya pergi ke Kauai
40 My neighbor asked if we had seen her dog
Tetangga saya bertanya apakah kami melihat
Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had
visited the city several times.
Tony sangat mengenal Istanbul karena dia telah
mengunjungi kota itu beberapa kali.
The usher asked if we had purchased our
Kepala pintu bertanya apakah kami telah
membeli tiket kami
43 I had fallen asleep before eight o'clock Saya tertidur sebelum jam delapan
I did not have any money because I had lost
my wallet
Saya tidak punya uang karena dompet saya
The teacher asked if we had studied for the
Guru bertanya apakah kami sudah belajar untuk
46 They had gotten engaged before last year Mereka bertunangan sebelum tahun lalu
47 He had never played football until last week
Dia belum pernah bermain sepakbola sampai
minggu lalu
She had established her company before
Dia telah mendirikan perusahaannya sebelum
You had not studied English before you
moved to New York
Anda belum belajar bahasa Inggris sebelum
pindah ke New York
Anthony had met Ryan before you
introduced him to us at the party
Anthony telah bertemu Ryan sebelum Anda
memperkenalkannya kepada kami di pesta itu
They lost many of the games because they
had not practiced enough.
Mereka kehilangan banyak pertandingan karena
mereka tidak cukup berlatih.
He was very tired because he hadn't slept
Dia sangat lelah karena dia belum tidur dengan
When they arrived we had already started
cooking Ketika mereka tiba, kami sudah mulai memasak
We were shocked to discover that someone
had graffitied “Tootles was here” on our
front door
Kami terkejut mengetahui bahwa seseorang telah
membuat graffiti "Tootles ada di sini" di pintu
depan kami
55 She had met him before the party Dia telah bertemu dengannya sebelum pesta
The plane had left by the time I got to the
Pesawat telah berangkat pada saat saya tiba di
The train had just left when I arrived at the
station. Kereta baru saja pergi ketika saya tiba di stasiun.
58 I had written the email before he apologized.
Saya telah menulis email sebelum dia meminta
She had just left the room when the police
Dia baru saja meninggalkan kamar ketika polisi
I had saved my document before the
computer crashed
Saya telah menyimpan dokumen saya sebelum
komputer macet
61 He had lent me his book Dia meminjamkan saya bukunya
62 I had walked two miles by lunchtime. Saya telah berjalan dua mil saat makan siang.
I had run three other marathons before
entering the Boston Marathon
Saya telah menjalankan tiga maraton lainnya
sebelum memasuki Marathon Boston
Mary rang John’s doorbell at 8:15 yesterday
but John had already left the house
Mary membunyikan bel pintu pada pukul 8:15
kemarin, tetapi John sudah meninggalkan rumah
65 They had bought a new car Mereka telah membeli mobil baru
66 The patient had died before the doctor came Pasien telah meninggal sebelum dokter datang
67 He had not informed me about his illness.
Dia belum memberi tahu saya tentang
68 They had not cleaned their room Mereka tidak membersihkan kamar mereka
69 I had not visited him Saya belum mengunjunginya
She had not bought new dresses for the
wedding party
Dia belum membeli gaun baru untuk pesta
71 She had not applied for some job Dia belum melamar pekerjaan
I had not told him the truth when he asked
Saya tidak mengatakan yang sebenarnya ketika
dia bertanya kepada saya
73 He had not finished his work Dia belum menyelesaikan pekerjaannya
She only understood the movie because she
had read the book
Dia hanya mengerti film karena dia telah
membaca buku
You had not helped him when he needed
your help
Anda tidak membantunya ketika dia
membutuhkan bantuan Anda
Kristine had never been to an opera before
last night.
Kristine belum pernah ke opera sebelum
77 You had gone before I reached Anda telah pergi sebelum saya mencapai
We were not able to get a hotel room
because we had not booked in advance
Kami tidak dapat memperoleh kamar hotel
karena kami belum memesan sebelumnya
We had not finished our work when he came
Kami belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan kami
ketika dia datang ke sini
80 She had cooked some food Dia telah memasak makanan
81 He had not met me when I was in the college
Dia belum bertemu saya ketika saya masih di
perguruan tinggi
82 He had consumed a lot of alcohol Dia telah mengkonsumsi banyak alkohol
83 He had earned a lot of money Dia telah menghasilkan banyak uang
84 They had shifted to a new home Mereka pindah ke rumah baru
85 I had lost my camera Kamera saya hilang
She had undergone heart surgery in her
Dia telah menjalani operasi jantung di masa
87 She had gone before you came Dia sudah pergi sebelum kamu datang
I hadn’t already taken a bath when you visit
Saya belum mandi ketika Anda mengunjungi
89 She had gone before you came. Dia sudah pergi sebelum kamu datang.
90 She had not gone when you came. Dia tidak pergi ketika kamu datang.
91 She had not gone when you came. Dia tidak pergi ketika kamu datang.
Had you bought a calculator before you
attempted exam of mathematics?
Pernahkah Anda membeli kalkulator sebelum
Anda mencoba ujian matematika?
93 Had I thought about my future?
Apakah saya sudah memikirkan masa depan
94 Had he prepared himself for the exam?
Apakah dia sudah mempersiapkan diri untuk
95 Had you completed your task? Sudahkah Anda menyelesaikan tugas Anda?
96 Had she prepared some food for the kids?
Apakah dia menyiapkan makanan untuk anak-
97 Has he appeared in the exam? Apakah dia muncul dalam ujian?
98 Has she waited for you? Sudahkah dia menunggumu?
Had they quit smoking when doctor advised
Apakah mereka berhenti merokok ketika dokter
menyarankan mereka?
100 Had you taken medicine when you were ill? Apakah Anda minum obat ketika sakit?
101 Had she watered the plant before it dried?
Apakah dia menyirami tanaman sebelum
Had Susan ever studied Thai before she
moved to Thailand?
Apakah Susan pernah belajar bahasa Thailand
sebelum pindah ke Thailand?
Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip
in 2006?
Apakah Anda pernah mengunjungi A.S. sebelum
perjalanan pada tahun 2006?
Had you studied English before you moved to
New York?
Anda sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sebelum pindah
ke New York ?
had you already graduated from senior high
school last year?
sudahkah kamu lulus dari sekolah menengah
atas tahun lalu?
8-Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Progressive Tense
A Aturan (Tense Rules) :
(+) S + had + been + Ving
(-) S+had+not+been+Ving
(?) had+S+been+Ving ?
B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) :
- For = untuk - Since = sejak
- The whole day = sepanjang hari - All day = sepanjang hari
- When = ketika - For = selama
- Since = sejak - Before = sebelum
C Fungsi (function) :
- Duration Before Something in the Past - Durasi Sebelum Sesuatu di Masa Lalu
- Cause of Something in the Past Penyebab Sesuatu di Masa Lalu
- The past perfect progressive tense is used to
show that an on-going action in the past has
- Tense progresif sempurna masa lalu digunakan
untuk menunjukkan bahwa tindakan yang sedang
berlangsung di masa lalu telah berakhir.
a verb tense which is used to show that an
action started in the past and continued up to
another point in the past
kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan
bahwa suatu tindakan dimulai di masa lalu dan
berlanjut ke titik lain di masa lalu
Past Perfect Progressive tense is used to
describe an ongoing action that started in past
and continued for some time in past
Past Perfect Progressive tense digunakan untuk
menggambarkan tindakan berkelanjutan yang
dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut untuk beberapa
waktu di masa lalu
The past perfect progressive (continuous) is
used to describe an action that started in the
past and was still in progress when a second
action started
Past perfect progressive (kontinu) digunakan untuk
menggambarkan tindakan yang dimulai di masa
lalu dan masih dalam proses ketika aksi kedua
- The Past Perfect Continuous Tense indicates a
continuous action that was completed at some
point in the past
Past Perfect Continuous Tense menunjukkan
tindakan berkelanjutan yang diselesaikan di
beberapa titik di masa lalu
- The past perfect continuous tense shows that
an action that started in the past continued up
until another time in the past
Bentuk lampau perfect continuous menunjukkan
bahwa suatu tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu
berlanjut hingga waktu lain di masa lalu
- The past perfect continuous is a verb tense
that indicates something that began in the
past, continued in the past, and also ended at a
defined point in the past
Continuous perfect past adalah kata kerja yang
menunjukkan sesuatu yang dimulai di masa lalu,
berlanjut di masa lalu, dan juga berakhir pada titik
yang ditentukan di masa lalu
- Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sudah terjadi pada masa lalu dan masih berlangsung
hingga waktu tertentu pada masa lampau.
- Past perfect continuous tense hampir serupa dengan past perfect tense. Digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan suatu aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu
tertentu di masa lalu, tapi tense ini menekankan pada durasi kejadiannya.
D Contoh kalimat (sentences) :
He said that he had been working here for
ten years.
Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah bekerja di sini
selama sepuluh tahun.
He was told that his teacher had been
waiting for him since 2 p.m yesterday.
Dia diberitahu bahwa gurunya telah
menunggunya sejak pukul 2 sore kemarin.
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
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English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
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English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
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English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
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English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
English tenses   tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st
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English tenses tenses bahasa inggris - edi supriyanto, st

  • 1.
  • 2. “So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you....” (QS : Ali ‘Imran : 159)
  • 3. PREFACE In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Al- hamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and His blessing in com- pleting this book. This book was released after several previous series (en- gineering series), which has been widely spread throughout Indonesia and cross to Timorleste in various formats. The concept of tense in English that discussed in this book is a method that we use to refer to time - past, present and future. Many languages use tense to talk about time. Other languages have no concept of tense at all, but of course they can still talk about time, using different methods. Hope- fully by sharing this book, it can be recorded as a good deed in the hereafter. Ameen... Denpasar, 10th Ramadhan 1440 H Edi Supriyanto
  • 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface …………………………….................................................................. Table of Contents …………………....….…...................................................... 1 Simple Present Tense …............................................................................ 2 Present Continuous Tense | Present Progressive Tense ....................... 3 Present Perfect Tense ............................................................................... 4 Present Perfect Continuous Tense ......................................................... 5 Simple Past Tense | Preterite ................................................................... 6 Past Continuous Tense | Past Progressive Tense .................................. 7 Past Perfect Tense ..................................................................................... 8 Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Progressive Tense ........ 9 Simple Future Tense ................................................................................. 10 Future Continuous Tense | Future Progressive Tense ......................... 11 Future Perfect Tense ................................................................................ 12 Future Perfect Continuous Tense .......................................................... 13 Past Future Tense ..................................................................................... 14 Past Future Continuous Tense | Past Future Progressive ................... 15 Past Future Perfect Tense ....................................................................... 16 Past Future Continuous Tense .............................................................. 17 Regular Verb In English ......................................................................... 18 Irregular Verb In English ........................................................................
  • 5.
  • 6. 1-Simple Present Tense A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + V1 (+es/s) (-) S + Do/Does + not +V1 e.g: I don’t know where to go. (?) Do/Does + not + S + V1? e.g: Do you speak English (apakah kamu berbahasa Inggris?) B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - always (selalu) - often (sering) - usually (biasanya) - sometimes (kadang-kadang) - seldom (jarang) - never (tidak pernah) - 3 days a week (3 hari per minggu) - twice a month (dua kali sebulan) - 8 hours a day (8 jam per hari) - every day (setiap hari) - every month (setiap bulan) - three times a week (tiga kali seminggu) - Every (setiap) - Today (hari ini) - Once a week (setiap minggu) - Once a day (sekali sehari) - Once (sekali) - Occasionally (kadang) - Ever (pernah) - Generally (umumnya) - Seldom (jarang) - Normally (biasanya) - Never (tak pernah) C Fungsi (function) : - We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now (Kami menggunakan present tense sederhana ketika suatu tindakan sedang terjadi saat ini) - Untuk menunjukkan kebenaran mutlak / menunjukkan suatu fakta - Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan rutin. e.g: I go to school everyday - It is used to describe habits (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan kebiasaan) - It is used to describe unchanging situations (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan situasi yang tidak berubah) - It is used to describe general truths (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan kebenaran umum) - It is used to describe fixed arrangements (Ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan pengaturan tetap) - For repeated actions or events (Untuk tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang) - For instructions or directions (Untuk instruksi atau petunjuk) - In the third person singular the verb always ends in -s: he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks. - Negative and question forms use DOES (= the third person of the auxiliary 'DO') + the infinitive of the verb - Verbs ending in -y : the third person changes the -y to -ies: ly --> flies, cry --> cries. Exception: if there is a vowel before the -y: play --> plays, pray --> prays Add -es to verbs ending in:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch: he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes - Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan sehari-hari (habitual action) - menunjukkan kejadian berulang yang berlangsung saat ini. - Untuk menyatakan opini - Tenses ini merupakan tenses yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. - digunakan ketika suatu kejadian sedang berlangsung saat ini atau kejadian yang berlangsung berulang kali (kebiasaan) - Kebiasaan, fakta, kejadian pada masa sekarang Simple present tense adalah bentuk tense yang paling umum digunakan. Bentuk ini biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 He always works very hard in the company Dia selalu bekerja sangat keras di perusahaan
  • 7. 2 He does not work very hard in the company Dia tidak bekerja sangat keras di perusahaan 3 I usually go to bed at 9 pm. Saya biasanya tidur jam 9 malam. 4 You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left. Anda berjalan sejauh dua ratus meter, lalu belok kiri. 5 You always wake up late! Anda selalu bangun terlambat! 6 She loves dancing. Dia suka menari 7 The students always read Holy Quran every night Para siswa selalu membaca Al-Quran setiap malam 8 He sleeps without a pillow. Dia tidur tanpa bantal 9 You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and then boil it. Kamu tambah segelas santan ke dalam panci lalu rebus 10 You go straight ahead then turn left. Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri. 11 If you meet the naughty boy, your parents will be angry. Jika kamu bertemu dengan anak nakal itu, orangtuamu akan marah 12 He arrives from Osaka at 1 pm. Dia tiba dari Osaka jam 1 siang 13 The ceremony starts at nine. Upacara dimulai jam sembilan 14 Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. Air mendidih pada suhu 100 derajat celcius. 15 I see tears in your eyes. Saya melihat air mata di matamu 16 My brother owns a new house. Saudaraku memiliki rumah baru 17 The ship leaves the harbour this night at 7 o’ clock Kapal meninggalkan pelabuhan malam ini jam 7 18 We agree with the speaker’s opinion Kami setuju dengan pendapat pembicara tersebut. 19 I do the exercise three times a week to gain my muscle mass. Saya melakukan latihan tersebut tiga kali seminggu untuk meningkatkan masa otot 20 He’s angry. Dia marah 21 She is so beautiful. Dia sangat cantik. 22 I live in Jakarta. Saya tinggal di Jakarta 23 The sun rises from the east and sets in the west. Matahari terbit dari ufuk timur dan tenggelam di ufuk barat 24 Many people work 8 hours a day. Banyak orang bekerja 8 jam sehari. 25 She sends much money to her parents in the village every month. Dia mengirimkan banyak uang kepada orangtuanya di desa setiap bulan. 26 Open the packet and pour the contents into hot water. Buka paket dan tuangkan isinya ke dalam air panas. 27 She never cries in front of us. Dia tidak pernah menangis di depan kita 28 They go to the gym every day. Mereka pergi ke gym setiap hari 29 Pauline does not want to share the pie. Pauline tidak ingin berbagi pai. 30 I always come on time. Saya selalu datang tepat waktu. 31 He sometimes hears a ringing in his ears. Dia terkadang mendengarbunyi dering di telinganya 32 Her friends do not agree Teman-temannya tidak setuju 33 I don't want pie anyway. Lagipula aku tidak ingin pie. 34 You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the No.10 to Bedford. Anda naik bus No.6 ke Watney dan kemudian No.10 ke Bedford. 35 She'll see you before she leaves. Dia akan melihatmu sebelum dia pergi. 36 She doesn’t think there is enough to go around Dia tidak berpikir ada cukup untuk berkeliling 37 He drinks tea at breakfast. Dia minum teh saat sarapan.
  • 8. 38 They drive to Monaco every summer. Mereka berkendara ke Monako setiap musim panas. 39 It rains every afternoon in the hot season. Hujan setiap sore di musim panas. 40 He goes to school every morning. Dia pergi ke sekolah setiap pagi. 41 She understands English. Dia mengerti bahasa Inggris. 42 he tries very hard. dia berusaha sangat keras. 43 She likes eating out Dia suka makan di luar 44 She enjoys playing the piano. Dia menikmati bermain piano. 45 The children are naughty. Anak-anak nakal. 46 She doesn’t like eating out Dia tidak suka makan di luar 47 It mixes the sand and the water. Ini mencampur pasir dan air. 48 Does she like eating out Apakah dia suka makan di luar 49 The children aren’t naughty Anak-anak tidak nakal 50 We'll give it to her when she arrives. Kami akan memberikannya ketika dia tiba. 51 Our holiday starts on the 26th March Liburan kami dimulai pada tanggal 26 Maret 52 Her mother is Peruvian. Ibunya adalah orang Peru. 53 His mother arrives tomorrow. Ibunya tiba besok. 54 Water freezes at zero degrees. Air membeku pada nol derajat. 55 The Earth revolves around the Sun. Bumi mengitari matahari. 56 Mella gets up at 4 o’clock every morning Mella bangun jam 4 setiap pagi 57 We catch the bus every morning. Kami naik bus setiap pagi. 58 They watch television regularly. Mereka menonton televisi secara teratur. 59 She only eats fish. Dia hanya makan ikan. 60 I take the motorcycle to the office Saya bawa motor ke kantor 61 Every year at Lebaran day, most of people travel to their hometown. Setiap tahun pada hari Lebaran, sebagian besar orang melakukan perjalanan ke kota asalnya. 62 Doni gets up early at 5 o’clock every day. Doni bangun lebih awal pada jam 5 setiap hari. 63 John takes a bath twice a day. John mandi dua kali sehari. 64 Indonesia has 34 provinces, from Sabang to Merauke. Indonesia memiliki 34 provinsi, dari Sabang hingga Merauke. 65 The President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo. Presiden Indonesia adalah Joko Widodo. 66 67 George sleeps seven hours every night during the week. George tidur tujuh jam setiap malam selama seminggu. 68 A snake has no legs. Seekor ular tidak memiliki kaki. 69 They don’t watch new movies every sunday. Mereka tidak menonton film baru setiap minggu. 70 She doesn’t read Harry Potter book everyday. Dia tidak membaca buku Harry Potter setiap hari. 71 Susi Pudjiastuti is not the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Susi Pudjiastuti bukan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. 72 hey watch new movies every sunday. hei menonton film baru setiap minggu. 73 The train to Bekasi leaves every hour. Kereta menuju Bekasi berangkat setiap jam. 74 He usually goes to school by car Dia biasanya pergi ke sekolah dengan mobil 75 We often stayin for lunch. Kami sering menginap untuk makan siang. 76 I study for two hours every night Saya belajar selama dua jam setiap malam 77 She reads Harry Potter book everyday. Dia membaca buku Harry Potter setiap hari. 78 The center of our solar system is sun Pusat tata surya kita adalah matahari
  • 9. 79 I need some money right now Saya butuh uang sekarang 80 Susi Pudjiastuti is the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Susi Pudjiastuti adalah Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. 81 She writes a letter everyday Dia menulis surat setiap hari 82 She comes to my home everyday. Dia datang ke rumah saya setiap hari. 83 She does not come to my home everyday. Dia tidak datang ke rumah saya setiap hari. 84 She does not write a letter everyday Dia tidak menulis surat setiap hari 85 The sun sets in the west Matahari terbenam di barat 86 She wears beautiful dress Dia memakai gaun yang indah 87 I have some smart students Saya punya beberapa siswa yang cerdas 88 A week has seven days Seminggu memiliki tujuh hari 89 They don’t want to go to the party. Mereka tidak ingin pergi ke pesta. 90 We produce lasers for cosmetic surgery. Kami memproduksi laser untuk operasi kosmetik. 91 My friends don’t usually leave so early. Teman-temanku biasanya tidak pergi sepagi ini. 92 I sometimes don’t go to the cinema Terkadang saya tidak pergi ke bioskop 93 Your boss gives you positive feedback. Bos Anda memberi Anda umpan balik positif. 94 You don’t surf the Internet every day Anda tidak menjelajahi Internet setiap hari 95 You have two brothers and a sister. Anda memiliki dua saudara laki-laki dan satu saudara perempuan. 96 The human body doesn’t contain 206 bones. Tubuh manusia tidak mengandung 206 tulang. 97 They eat spaghetti for dinner every Monday Mereka makan spageti untuk makan malam setiap hari Senin 98 It moves. Itu bergerak 99 Joko plays chess in the evenings. Joko bermain catur di malam hari. 100 It doesn’t always snow here in January Tidak selalu turun salju di sini pada bulan Januari 101 Mary needs a dictionary. Mary membutuhkan kamus. 102 I am happy with my last month earning. Saya senang dengan penghasilan bulan terakhir saya. 103 We are not the champions Kami bukan juara 104 That is pork Itu adalah daging babi 105 They are in the classroom. Mereka ada di ruang kelas. 106 You are a freelance writer. Anda adalah penulis lepas. 107 I am tired to write my second novel. Saya lelah menulis novel kedua saya. 108 They are not students in senior high school. Mereka bukan siswa di sekolah menengah atas. 109 You don’t speak Arabic Anda tidak bisa bahasa Arab 110 I don’t write a letter for my teacher Saya tidak menulis surat untuk guru saya 111 They sing beautifully in the stage Mereka bernyanyi dengan indah di atas panggung 112 The train leaves at 6.00 a.m Kereta berangkat pukul 6.00 pagi 113 Do you know how to bake a pie? Apakah Anda tahu cara membuat kue? 114 How much does Pauline love pie? Berapa suka Pauline pie? 115 Are the children naughty? Apakah anak-anak nakal? 116 Do they watch new movie everyday ? Apakah mereka menonton film baru setiap hari? 117 Are they football fans of Persija Jakarta ? Apakah mereka penggemar sepak bola Persija Jakarta? 118 Does she come to your home everyday? Apakah dia datang ke rumahmu setiap hari? 119 Does she write a letter Everyday? Apakah dia menulis surat Everyday? 120 Does Andi visit you once a month? Apakah Andi mengunjungi Anda sebulan sekali?
  • 10. 121 Does Yusuf go to football practice every Tuesday? Apakah Yusuf pergi latihan sepak bola setiap hari Selasa? 122 Do they move into their new home next week? Apakah mereka pindah ke rumah baru mereka minggu depan? 123 Do you play basketball every morning ? Apakah Anda bermain basket setiap pagi? 124 Is Susi Pudjiastuti the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries ? Apakah Susi Pudjiastuti adalah Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan? 125 Does she read Harry potter book ? Apakah dia membaca buku Harry potter? 126 Are you new staff of Wall Street English ? Apakah Anda staf baru Wall Street English? 127 Does she live in Bandung? Apakah dia tinggal di Bandung? 128 Do we have time for a rest? Apakah kita punya waktu untuk istirahat? 129 Do I go to school every day? Apakah saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari? 130 Does he like pizza? Apakah dia suka pizza? 131 Is she nineteen years old? Apakah dia berusia sembilan belas tahun? 132 Is Toba Lake the largest lake in Indonesia? Apakah Danau Toba adalah danau terbesar di Indonesia? 133 Do we have a meeting now? Apakah kita ada rapat sekarang? 134 Do you buy snack everyday? Apakah Anda membeli makanan ringan setiap hari?
  • 11.
  • 12. 2-Present Continuous Tense | Present Progressive Tense A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + am/is/are + Ving e.g: I am going to your home tomorrow (-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving e.g: I am not crying (?) Am/is/are + S + Ving? e.g: Are you still waiting for some one? Kata sinyal : at the moment, just now, now, right now, Listen!, Look!, still, at present, at this moment, right B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - always (selalu) - constantly (selalu, senantiasa) - forever (selamanya) - just (baru saja) - still (masih) - now (sekarang) - right now (sekarang juga) - at the moment (saat ini) - tomorrow (besok) - this week (minggu ini) - Now (sekarang) - Over the holidays (selama hari libur) - these days (hari-hari ini) - this month (bulan ini) - On Sunday (pada hari minggu) - at nine o’clock on Sunday (pada pukul sembilan hari Minggu) - next week/month (minggu/bulan depan) - this month (bulan ini) C Fungsi (function) : - Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung - used for actions happening now or for an action that is unfinished. - This tense is also used when the action is temporary - Present continuous tense can be used for actions that are still happening at the time of speaking - Present continuous tense can also be used to show that something will or will not happen in the near future. - present continuous tense can be used to describe actions that are being repeated - Present continuous tense can be used when speaking about current trends - tense ini bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah tindakan yang mungkin atau bisa dilakukan di masa depan - Tense ini juga bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi dengan singkat dan atau yang telah terjadi dalam rentang waktu yang lama. - Menunjukkan Pekerjaan yang pasti dilakukan di masa yang akan datang - Present Countinous Tense menunjukkan sebuah kejadian atau kondisi yang sedang terjadi sekarang, sering terjadi, dan dapat dilakukan atau berlanjut ke masa depan. - Present Continuous Tense merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung - Present continuous tense can be used to express something happening right now or to express something that is not happening right now - Another use of this tense is when talking about a planned event in the future - Present continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan kejengkelan atas aksi yang terjadi berulang kali. - Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan - Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi sekarang - Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu rencana atau perpindahan ke suatu tempat/kondisi - Present continuous tense biasanya digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung saat pembicaraan sedang berlangsung atau bisa juga digunakan untuk rencana di masa depan. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 Look! He is talking with his classmates. Lihat! Dia sedang berbicara dengan teman- teman sekelasnya.
  • 13. 2 Today, most people are using text messages instead of the phone. Saat ini, kebanyakan orang menggunakan pesan teks dan bukan telepon. 3 I am going to your home tomorrow Saya akan ke rumah Anda besok 4 The ships are sailing Kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar 5 He is smiling Dia sedang tersenyum 6 Shopping online is growing in popularity nowadays. Belanja online semakin populer saat ini. 7 The stocks are dropping constantly due to the economy. Stok terus turun karena ekonomi. 8 The kids are arriving at six o'clock. Anak-anak akan tiba pada pukul enam. 9 She is cleaning the microwave oven Dia sedang membersihkan oven microwave 10 Some workers are still renovating my kitchen and bathroom Beberapa pekerja masih merenovasi dapur dan kamar mandi saya 11 She is speaking at the conference this evening. Dia berbicara di konferensi malam ini. 12 They are setting up the meeting room Mereka menyiapkan ruang pertemuan 13 Her mother is forever misplacing her keys. Ibunya selamanya lupa tempat menyimpan kuncinya. 14 I’m spending my holiday on Kuta beach next month Saya sedang menghabiskan liburan di pantai Kuta akhir bulan depan 15 We are leaving for the beach tomorrow morning. Kami akan berangkat ke pantai besok pagi. 16 Marc is making pizza now. Marc membuat pizza sekarang. 17 They are reading books when I enter the room. Mereka membaca buku ketika saya memasuki ruangan. 18 She is constantly complaining about her sister. Dia terus mengeluh tentang saudara perempuannya. 19 She is being angry. Dia sedang marah. 20 Glorya is cooking in the kitchen. Glorya sedang memasak di dapur. 21 She is cooking when her husband gets home. Dia memasak ketika suaminya pulang. 22 Jack and Jill are always fighting. Jack dan Jill selalu bertengkar. 23 She is doing her homework now Dia sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya sekarang 24 Frances is talking on the phone at the moment. Frances sedang berbicara di telepon saat ini. 25 Rose is reading a book. Rose sedang membaca buku. 26 Mr. Tony is making design of the house. Pak Tony sedang membuat desain rumah. 27 My parents is getting older. Orang tua saya semakin tua. 28 They are eating lunch right now. Mereka sedang makan siang sekarang. 29 Anthony is sitting in the chair. Anthony duduk di kursi. 30 He is meeting his friends after school. Dia bertemu teman-temannya sepulang sekolah. 31 The boys are playing ball after school Anak-anak itu bermain bola sepulang sekolah 32 We are visiting the museum in the afternoon. Kami mengunjungi museum di sore hari. 33 The baby is sleeping in his crib. Bayi itu tidur di boksnya. 34 She is crying. Dia sedang menangis. 35 He is talking to his friend. Dia sedang berbicara dengan temannya. 36 Don’t disturb your little brother, he is praying dhuhur in his room Jangan ganggu adikmu, dia sedang berdoa dhuhur di kamarnya
  • 14. 37 Don’t speak too loud, the baby is still sleeping Jangan bicara terlalu keras, bayinya masih tidur 38 I‘m living with my sister at the moment Saya tinggal dengan saudara perempuan saya saat ini 39 He’s learning English in order to be a great guide Dia sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar menjadi pemandu wisata yang hebat 40 She needs a doctor, because she is dying now Dia membutuhkan dokter, karena dia sekarat sekarang 41 May the security is sleeping now, so we don’t need to permit him to enter the library Semoga keamanan sedang tidur sekarang, jadi kami tidak perlu minta izin memasuki perpustakaan 42 Don’t speak when you are eating, you can got choked Jangan bicara saat makan, Anda bisa tersedak 43 I am sick when seeing a dog is licking a dead body of animal Saya sakit ketika melihat seekor anjing menjilati mayat hewan 44 John, MU and Chelsea is still playing football now, let’s watch them in my home. John, MU dan Chelsea masih bermain sepakbola sekarang, mari kita tonton mereka di rumah saya. 45 Just wait for me there, I am driving my car to your place Tunggu saja di sana, saya mengendarai mobil saya ke tempat Anda 46 Tom is driving his new red car Tom mengendarai mobil merah barunya 47 My mother is cooking fried chicken in the kitchen with Mr. Chen Ibu saya sedang memasak ayam goreng di dapur bersama Tuan Chen 48 She doesn’t know if I am spying her Dia tidak tahu apakah saya memata-matai dia 49 I’m getting sick of you always asking the same questions Saya mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama 50 I don’t bring my hand phone since it is being repaired Saya tidak membawa ponsel saya karena sedang diperbaiki 51 The day is raining, you have to bring an umbrella Hari ini hujan, Anda harus membawa payung 52 The man who is smoking in that room is my father Pria yang merokok di ruangan itu adalah ayahku 53 My car is being washed now, so I can’t go anywhere Mobil saya sedang dicuci sekarang, jadi saya tidak bisa pergi ke mana pun 54 My son is playing with my wife on the backyard Anak saya sedang bermain dengan istri saya di halaman belakang 55 We are sorry sir, you can’t meet our director, he is meeting his partners Kami mohon maaf, Tuan, Anda tidak dapat bertemu dengan direktur kami, dia bertemu dengan mitranya 56 I am reading magazine Saya sedang membaca majalah 57 The local chefs are preparing meals Koki lokal sedang menyiapkan makanan 58 Abigail just left for London. Abigail baru saja berangkat ke London. 59 I’m eating my pizza now. Saya sedang makan pizza saya sekarang. 60 Tomorrow, I’ll arrive in Jakarta at 8 AM. Besok, saya akan tiba di Jakarta pada jam 8 pagi. 61 Diandra still waiting for her scholarship announcement. Diandra masih menunggu pengumuman beasiswa. 62 The teacher is teaching his students right now Guru sedang mengajar murid-muridnya sekarang 63 We are playing volleyball Kami bermain voli
  • 15. 64 I am sorry, I can’t help you now, I am still studying for examination tomorrow. Maaf, saya tidak dapat membantu Anda sekarang, saya masih belajar untuk ujian besok. 65 I am staying at the hotel until the end of this month Saya menginap di hotel sampai akhir bulan ini 66 The kitchen assistants are cooking pie crusts. Asisten dapur sedang memasak kerak pie. 67 Charlie is arriving at eleven o'clock. Charlie tiba jam sebelas. 68 The food festival is opening tomorrow. Festival makanan akan dibuka besok. 69 They are looking for a cheap flat. Mereka mencari apartemen murah. 70 The buses are arriving in an hour Bus-bus tersebut tiba dalam satu jam 71 Those beavers are building a dam Berang-berang itu sedang membangun bendungan 72 He is driving to Jakarta. Dia mengemudi ke Jakarta. 73 The students are solving the math problem by using the substitution method. Para siswa menyelesaikan soal matematika dengan menggunakan metode substitusi. 74 Surprisingly, he is being very patient and helpful to everyone. Anehnya, dia sangat sabar dan membantu semua orang. 75 She is riding her bicycle Dia mengendarai sepedanya 76 She is studying hard because she wants to get a good SAT score Dia belajar keras karena dia ingin mendapatkan nilai SAT yang baik 77 The hunter and his wife are going to the Triberg Waterfalls. Pemburu dan istrinya pergi ke Air Terjun Triberg. 78 The sun is shining brightly today Matahari bersinar cerah hari ini 79 The ship that transports goods is arriving at this port at 5:30 p.m. Kapal yang mengangkut barang tiba di pelabuhan ini pada pukul 5:30 malam. 80 I am going to your home tomorrow. Saya akan ke rumah Anda besok. 81 She is brushing the bathroom floor. Dia sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi 82 She is doing his homework Dia melakukan pekerjaan rumahnya 83 Vina and I are learning how to cook French food Vina dan saya sedang belajar cara memasak makanan Prancis 84 The children are playing in small groups Anak-anak bermain dalam kelompok kecil 85 The surveyor is collecting data about customer satisfaction Surveyor mengumpulkan data tentang kepuasan pelanggan 86 The real estate agent is selling our properties Agen real estat menjual properti kami 87 My friend is looking for Human Resources jobs in Jakarta Teman saya mencari pekerjaan Sumber Daya Manusia di Jakarta 88 I’m driving a car to Bandung now. Saya sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung sekarang 89 I’m moving to West Jakarta this month Saya pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini 90 I am not crying Saya tidak menangis 91 We are not planning a trip to Thailand during rainy season Kami tidak merencanakan perjalanan ke Thailand selama musim hujan 92 You can’t call me this night. I’m going to my best friend’s wedding Kamu tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini. Saya akan pergi ke pernikahan sahabat saya. 93 Why is the wild dog always barking at me? Mengapa anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada saya? 94 He is not playing computer games now. Dia tidak bermain game komputer sekarang. 95 She is not doing her homework now Dia tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya sekarang 96 You are not watching the movie. Anda tidak menonton film.
  • 16. 97 She is not going to the game tonight. Dia tidak akan pergi ke pertandingan malam ini. 98 He isn't sitting outside his tent Dia tidak duduk di luar tendanya 99 I am not going to the meeting after work. Saya tidak akan pergi ke pertemuan setelah bekerja. 100 He is not standing. Dia tidak berdiri. 101 Salesmen aren't selling our new products door to door Tenaga penjual tidak menjual produk baru kami dari pintu ke pintu 102 I don’t know what is happening, all I know she is just crying and say nothing Saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi, yang saya tahu dia hanya menangis dan tidak mengatakan apa- apa 103 They aren't laughing at me Mereka tidak menertawakan saya 104 We aren't leaving this city tomorrow Kami tidak akan meninggalkan kota ini besok 105 She isn't teaching mathematics to gifted students Dia tidak mengajar matematika untuk siswa yang berbakat 106 I am not reading magazine Saya tidak membaca majalah 107 We are not currently accepting new users. Kami saat ini tidak menerima pengguna baru. 108 It isn't happening in the world right now. Itu tidak terjadi di dunia saat ini. 109 Tommy is not driving an unregistered vehicle Tommy tidak mengendarai kendaraan yang tidak terdaftar 110 Sisca isn't getting married soon Sisca tidak akan segera menikah 111 The sun isn't rising behind the mountain. Matahari tidak terbit di balik gunung. 112 My football team is not playing against MU. Tim sepak bola saya tidak bermain melawan MU. 113 The day is not raining, you can have a date with your wive on the beach Hari tidak hujan, Anda dapat berkencan dengan istri Anda di pantai 114 My mother is not cooking, she is sleeping on the second floor Ibuku tidak sedang memasak, dia sedang tidur di lantai dua 115 She is not waiting for you, she is waiting her friend Dia tidak menunggumu, dia sedang menunggu temannya 116 I am not downloading an adult movie, it’s forbidden. Saya tidak mengunduh film dewasa, itu terlarang. 117 The driver is not picking up your stuffs on the his pick up truck, he is picking up mine. Pengemudi tidak mengambil barang-barang Anda di truknya, ia mengambil barang saya. 118 Life is not siding to me, I always failed to get job this month Hidup tidak memihak saya, saya selalu gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan bulan ini 119 Your father is not punishing you, but he is educating you how to behave like a gentleman Ayahmu tidak menghukummu, tetapi dia mendidikmu bagaimana berperilaku seperti pria terhormat 120 Come on, come join us! we are not busy now. Ayo, bergabunglah dengan kami! kami tidak sibuk sekarang. 121 I am not going to your home tomorrow. Saya tidak akan pergi ke rumah Anda besok. 122 They are not eating noodle Mereka tidak makan mie 123 You can come to meet her now, she is not working today. Anda bisa datang untuk menemuinya sekarang, dia tidak bekerja hari ini. 124 Don’t you see my tears, I am not laughing, I am crying Apakah Anda tidak melihat air mata saya, saya tidak tertawa, saya menangis 125 The class is not studying now, because the teacher is sick. Kelas tidak belajar sekarang, karena gurunya sakit. 126 I am not going any where. I am in home now. Saya tidak akan kemana-mana. Saya di rumah sekarang.
  • 17. 127 He is not speaking English Dia tidak berbicara bahasa Inggris 128 You are not listening to me, so that why you don’t understand to what I am talking about. Anda tidak mendengarkan saya, jadi mengapa Anda tidak mengerti apa yang saya bicarakan. 129 The ships are not sailing Kapal-kapal itu tidak sedang berlayar 130 Is she laughing? Apakah dia tertawa? 131 Who is sitting next to your boss? Siapa yang duduk di sebelah bos Anda? 132 Are they listening to the teacher? Apakah mereka mendengarkan guru? 133 Is she learning flower-arranging at the flower show now? Apakah dia belajar merangkai bunga di pameran bunga sekarang? 134 Are the ships sailing? Apakah kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar? 135 Is she doing her homework now? Apakah dia sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya sekarang? 136 When is she cooking in the kitchen? Kapan dia memasak di dapur? 137 Where is she cooking? Di mana dia memasak? 138 Are the students planning a school trip abroad? Apakah para siswa merencanakan perjalanan sekolah ke luar negeri? 139 Who is cooking in the kitchen? Siapa yang memasak di dapur? 140 Is the baby drinking his bottle? Apakah bayi itu minum botolnya? 141 Are you going? Apakah kamu pergi? 142 Are you still waiting for some one? Apakah Anda masih menunggu seseorang? 143 Is John playing football today? Apakah John bermain sepakbola hari ini? 144 Why are you still loving her, whereas she has got married with John? Mengapa kamu masih mencintainya, padahal dia sudah menikah dengan John? 145 Are you visiting your cousin this weekend? Apakah Anda mengunjungi sepupu Anda akhir pekan ini? 146 what is she doing on the roof? apa yang dia lakukan di atap? 147 What are you looking for my brother? May I help you to find it? Apa yang kamu cari saudara saya? Bolehkah saya membantu Anda menemukannya? 148 Is the machine still working? Apakah mesin masih berfungsi? 149 who is playing the piano? siapa yang memainkan piano? 150 where is your cat? is it walking around? dimana kucingmu apakah itu berjalan? 151 Are you still thinking about what happened yesterday? Apakah Anda masih memikirkan apa yang terjadi kemarin? 152 Betty is not at home, Is she going around with you now? Betty tidak di rumah, Apakah dia akan pergi denganmu sekarang? 153 Are you still working at Angin Ribut Company? Apakah Anda masih bekerja di Perusahaan Angin Ribut? 154 Is the screen displaying an error message? Apakah layar menampilkan pesan kesalahan? 155 Is Julian doing household chores? Apakah Julian melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga? 156 Is your mother making food? Apakah ibumu membuat makanan? 157 Am I interrupting your meeting? Apakah saya mengganggu rapat Anda? 158 Are we going to the mountain? Apakah kita akan pergi ke gunung? 159 Is she sleeping now? Apakah dia sedang tidur sekarang? 160 Are Sheila and you arranging flowers? Apakah Sheila dan Anda mengatur bunga? 161 Am I reading magazine? Apakah saya membaca majalah? 162 What are they looking for? Apa yang mereka cari? 163 Where are the hunter and his wife going? Ke mana pemburu dan istrinya pergi?
  • 18. 164 When is the food festival opening? Kapan festival makanan dibuka? 165 Is it snowing in London? Apakah salju turun di London? 166 What time is Charlie arriving? Jam berapa Charlie tiba? 167 Where is he driving? Ke mana dia mengemudi? 168 Are they eating something sweet? Apakah mereka makan sesuatu yang manis? 169 How are the students solving the math problem? Bagaimana para siswa memecahkan masalah matematika? 170 Why is she studying hard? Kenapa dia belajar keras? 171 Are the workers looking for a new job? Apakah para pekerja mencari pekerjaan baru? 172 What are the kitchen assistants cooking? Apa yang dimasak oleh asisten dapur? 173 Are you trying to start your own business? Apakah Anda mencoba memulai bisnis sendiri? 174 Am I walking too fast? Apakah saya berjalan terlalu cepat? 175 Why are you wearing rain coat whereas the day is bright? Kenapa kamu memakai jas hujan padahal hari cerah? 176 Are you still using the computer? I want to use it too. Apakah Anda masih menggunakan komputer? Saya ingin menggunakannya juga. 177 What are you waiting for? it’s too late to go now. Apa yang kamu tunggu? sudah terlambat untuk pergi sekarang. 178 Is the president visiting the victims of earthquake in Bantul now? Apakah presiden mengunjungi korban gempa di Bantul sekarang? 179 where are you living now? Dimana kamu tinggal sekarang? 180 Tell me that you are not lying to me, you know whom you are with now? Katakan padaku bahwa kamu tidak berbohong padaku, kamu tahu dengan siapa kamu sekarang? 181 Am I going to your home tomorrow? Apakah saya akan ke rumah Anda besok?
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  • 20. 3-Present Perfect Tense A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + have/has + V3 e.g: Peter has gone just now. (-) S + have/has + not + V3 e.g: I have not done my home work yet. (?) Have/has + S + V3? e.g: Have you already taken a bath? have/has + the past participle. B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - Already (sudah) - Just (baru saja) - Ever (pernah) - Never (tidak pernah) - Not yet (belum) - So far (sejauh ini) - Till now (sampai sekarang) - Up to now (hingga sekarang) - For (selama) - Since (sejak) - Recently (baru-baru ini) C Fungsi (function) : - The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past - Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah usai pada saat sekarang, kejadian masa lalu - An action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by 'just' (Suatu tindakan yang diselesaikan di masa lalu, diungkapkan dengan 'baru saja') - An action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present - A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now (Tindakan berulang dalam periode yang tidak ditentukan antara masa lalu dan sekarang) - The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past or began in the past and continued to the present time (Bentuk perfect present tense mengacu pada tindakan atau keadaan yang terjadi pada waktu yang tidak terbatas di masa lalu atau dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut ke waktu sekarang) - The first element is have or has, depending on the subject the verb is conjugated with - The second element is the past participle of the verb, which is usually formed by adding -ed or -d to the verb’s root - An action when the time is not important - An action performed during a period that has not yet finished - Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang telah selesai dilakukan. - Present Perfect Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut hingga sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu, namun efeknya masih berlanjut - Present perfect tense menekankan pada hasil. Tense ini menunjukkan aksi yang masih sedang berlangsung atau baru saja selesai. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 He has already finished his homework. Dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya. 2 She has not drunk a glass of tea Dia belum minum segelas teh 3 I have just finished my work. Saya baru saja menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya. 4 She has been to the cinema twice this week Dia telah ke bioskop dua kali minggu ini 5 6 I have walked on this path before Saya telah berjalan di jalan ini sebelumnya 7 I have worked hard this week. Saya telah bekerja keras minggu ini. 8 They have seen that film six times Mereka telah menonton film itu enam kali 9 We have eaten the lasagna here. Kami sudah makan lasagna di sini. 10 She has visited. Dia telah mengunjungi. 11 She has not (hasn't) visited. Dia belum (belum) mengunjungi.
  • 21. 12 I have put away all the laundry. Saya telah menyimpan semua cucian. 13 She has had the chickenpox since Tuesday. Dia menderita cacar air sejak Selasa. 14 She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English. Dia belajar bahasa Jepang, Rusia, dan Inggris. 15 I have just eaten. Saya baru saja makan. 16 Someone has eaten my soup! Seseorang telah makan sup saya! 17 We have just seen her. Kami baru saja melihatnya. 18 She has visited them frequently. Dia sering mengunjungi mereka. 19 We have eaten at that restaurant many times. Kami sudah makan di restoran itu berkali-kali. 20 It has happened several times already. Itu sudah terjadi beberapa kali. 21 It has rained a lot this year. Telah banyak hujan tahun ini. 22 We haven't seen her today. Kami belum melihatnya hari ini. 23 They haven't lived here for years. Mereka sudah bertahun-tahun tidak tinggal di sini. 24 He has read 'War and Peace' Dia telah membaca 'Perang dan Damai' 25 We have had the same car for ten years. Kami memiliki mobil yang sama selama sepuluh tahun. 26 She has worked in the bank for five years. Dia telah bekerja di bank selama lima tahun. 27 I have lived in Bristol since 1984 Saya telah tinggal di Bristol sejak 1984 28 He has not been to Australia so far. Dia belum ke Australia sejauh ini. 29 We have visited Portugal several times. Kami telah mengunjungi Portugal beberapa kali. 30 We have been to Singapore. Kami telah ke Singapura. 31 My students have improved their English. Murid-murid saya telah meningkatkan bahasa Inggris mereka. 32 A car has just stopped in front of me. Sebuah mobil baru saja berhenti di depan saya. 33 He has not gone to the gymnastic class. Dia belum pergi ke kelas senam. 34 My father has never cut his hair himself. Ayah saya tidak pernah memotong rambutnya sendiri. 35 They haven’t got a baby girl yet. Mereka belum punya bayi perempuan. 36 You have never forgotten your favorite bottle. Anda tidak pernah melupakan botol favorit Anda. 37 The weather hasn’t been warm lately. Cuaca belum hangat akhir-akhir ini. 38 The car hasn’t stopped in front of the man. Mobil belum berhenti di depan pria itu. 39 My friends and I haven’t gone out together this month. Teman-teman saya dan saya belum pergi bersama bulan ini. 40 She hasn’t written any word yet. Dia belum menulis sepatah kata pun. 41 My students haven’t been lazy this semester. Murid-murid saya belum malas semester ini. 42 You have never told me about your girl friend. Anda tidak pernah memberi tahu saya tentang teman perempuan Anda. 43 There hasn’t been any rain this month. Belum ada hujan di bulan ini. 44 My sister has not started a new business. Adikku belum memulai bisnis baru. 45 Julia hasn’t finished her Science project. Julia belum menyelesaikan proyek Sainsnya. 46 We have not been to Australia. Kami belum pernah ke Australia. 47 The weather has been cold recently. Cuaca sangat dingin baru-baru ini. 48 This is the first time she has written a love letter. Ini adalah pertama kalinya dia menulis surat cinta. 49 You have told me about this story three times. Anda telah memberi tahu saya tentang kisah ini tiga kali.
  • 22. 50 I haven’t bought a new laptop yet. Saya belum membeli laptop baru. 51 There has been an accident near here. Ada kecelakaan di dekat sini. 52 You have forgotten your lunch box. Anda lupa kotak makan siang Anda. 53 They have had a newborn baby. Mereka memiliki bayi yang baru lahir. 54 My friends and I have worked hard this month. Teman-teman saya dan saya telah bekerja keras bulan ini. 55 My father has broken his leg. Ayah saya patah kakinya. 56 Peter has gone just now. Peter baru saja pergi. 57 Peter has gone to the bookstore. Peter telah pergi ke toko buku. 58 Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and I have also eaten and drunk some strange foods and drinks. Karena saya sering bepergian, saya telah melihat banyak hal indah dan saya juga makan dan minum beberapa makanan dan minuman aneh. 59 I have not done my home work yet. Saya belum melakukan pekerjaan rumah saya. 60 She has already submitted her paper. Dia sudah menyerahkan makalahnya. 61 She has worked in the hospital for six years Dia telah bekerja di rumah sakit selama enam tahun 62 I have finished my work and now I want to go to the theater. Saya telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya dan sekarang saya ingin pergi ke teater. 63 He has already gone to Semarang so she will go to Surabaya. Dia sudah pergi ke Semarang sehingga dia akan pergi ke Surabaya. 64 I have fixed my computer Saya telah memperbaiki komputer saya 65 They have whatched the film Mereka telah menonton film itu 66 Brandon has been recovered from illness Brandon telah pulih dari penyakit 67 Brandon has not been recovered from illness Brandon belum pulih dari penyakit 68 Einstein has developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. Einstein telah mengembangkan teori relativitas, salah satu dari dua pilar fisika modern. 69 We have not been back from office Kami belum kembali dari kantor 70 We have been back from office Kami telah kembali dari kantor 71 She hasn’t worked in the hospital Dia belum bekerja di rumah sakit 72 I have whatched the film Saya telah menonton film itu 73 I have not fixed my computer Saya belum memperbaiki komputer saya 74 you have whatched the film Anda telah menonton film itu 75 I think I have seen the movie before Saya pikir saya telah melihat film sebelumnya 76 Your English has really improved since You studied at America Bahasa Inggris Anda benar-benar meningkat sejak Anda belajar di Amerika 77 I’m so worry, my boy has still not arrived from school. Saya sangat khawatir, putra saya masih belum tiba dari sekolah. 78 He has whatched the film Dia (laki-laki) telah menonton film itu 79 My Daughter has learned how to read Putriku telah belajar membaca 80 I have seen several doctor for my illness Saya telah menemui beberapa dokter untuk penyakit saya 81 She has whatched the film Dia (perempuan) telah menonton film itu 82 Zakky has watched the film Zakky telah menonton film itu 83 She has not eaten Dia belum makan 84 They have not done their homework Mereka belum melakukan pekerjaan rumah mereka 85
  • 23. 86 I have read the book Saya sudah membaca buku itu 87 Zakariya has gone just now. Zakariya telah pergi sekarang. 88 My sister has started a new job this week. Adikku sudah memulai pekerjaan baru minggu ini. 89 Zakariya has not gone just now. Zakariya belum pergi sekarang. 90 I have bought a new car. Saya telah membeli mobil baru. 91 How long have your students improved their English? Berapa lama siswa Anda meningkatkan bahasa Inggris mereka? 92 Has your sister started a new business? Apakah saudara perempuan Anda memulai bisnis baru? 93 Have you bought a new car? Sudahkah Anda membeli mobil baru? 94 Have you played the piano since you were a child? Sudahkah Anda bermain piano sejak Anda masih kecil? 95 Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'? Pernahkah Anda melihat 'Gone with the Wind'? 96 Have they been to Singapore? Apakah mereka pernah ke Singapura? 97 Have you just finished work? Apakah Anda baru saja selesai bekerja? 98 Hasn't she visited? Bukankah dia sudah mengunjungi? 99 Has she visited? Sudahkah dia berkunjung? 100 Has he just left? Apakah dia baru saja pergi? 101 Have you forgotten your lunch box? Apakah Anda lupa kotak makan siang Anda? 102 Have they got a baby girl already? Apakah mereka sudah punya bayi perempuan? 103 Has she drunk a glass of tea? Apakah dia minum segelas teh? 104 Why have your friends and you worked hard this month? Mengapa teman-teman Anda dan Anda bekerja keras bulan ini? 105 When has your father broken his leg? Kapan ayahmu patah kakinya? 106 Has there been an accident near here? Apakah ada kecelakaan di dekat sini? 107 Who has gone to the bookstore? Siapa yang pergi ke toko buku? 108 Has Julia finished her Science project? Sudahkah Julia menyelesaikan proyek Sainsnya? 109 Has Brandon been recovered from illness? Apakah Brandon sudah pulih dari penyakit? 110 Have we been back from office? Apakah kita sudah kembali dari kantor? 111 Have you already taken a bath? Apakah kamu sudah mandi? 112 Has she worked in the hospital for six years? Apakah dia sudah bekerja di rumah sakit selama enam tahun? 113 Have I fixed my computer? Sudahkah saya memperbaiki komputer saya? 114 Has Zakariya gone just now? Apakah Zakariya sudah pergi sekarang? 115 How long has she played piano? Berapa lama dia bermain piano? 116 How long have you studied English? Berapa lama Anda belajar bahasa Inggris?
  • 24.
  • 25. 4-Present Perfect Continuous Tense A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + have/has + been + Ving (-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving (?) Have/has + S + been + Ving B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - For the past 5 years (Selama 5 tahun terakhir) - The whole week (Sepanjang minggu) - How long .... ? (Berapa lama ..... ?) - Since xxxx (Sejak xxxx) - For two weeks (Selama dua minggu) - Lately (Akhir-akhir ini) - Recently (Baru-baru ini) C Fungsi (function) : - Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sudah terjadi dan masih ada kemungkinan terjadi sampai nanti. - Kejadian yang sudah selesai namun mempunyai hubungan dengan sekarang Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik dimasa lampau atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Biasanya aksi tersebut ada durasi waktu tertentu dan ada relevansinya dengan kondisi sekarang. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 He has been working here since 1996. Dia telah bekerja di sini sejak 1996. 2 He has not been speaking for the last 3 hours. Dia belum berbicara selama 3 jam terakhir. 3 It has been raining since yesterday. Sudah hujan sejak kemarin. 4 Before we join the competition we have been practicing for a week Sebelum kita mengikuti kompetisi, kita sudah berlatih selama seminggu 5 They have been talking for the last hour. Mereka telah berbicara selama satu jam terakhir. 6 They have been admiring him since 2012 and they became the biggest fans club Mereka telah mengaguminya sejak 2012 dan mereka menjadi klub penggemar terbesar 7 Lisa has not been practicing her English. Lisa belum melatih bahasa Inggrisnya. 8 You have been begging to me for a day but sorry to say that I can’t go Anda telah memohon kepada saya selama sehari tetapi maaf untuk mengatakan bahwa saya tidak bisa pergi 9 He has been driving for five hours, if he gets tired I can replace him Dia sudah mengemudi selama lima jam, jika dia lelah aku bisa menggantikannya 10 She has been working at that company for three years. Dia telah bekerja di perusahaan itu selama tiga tahun. 11 He has been feeling cold because it is snowy day here Dia merasa kedinginan karena hari ini bersalju 12 It has been waiting for its master for a year Sudah menunggu tuannya selama satu tahun 13 She is tired because she has been working so hard all day long Dia lelah karena dia telah bekerja sangat keras sepanjang hari 14 She has been watching too much television lately. Dia terlalu banyak menonton televisi akhir-akhir ini. 15 When I saw that they have been running in the field to be healthier I want to do the same thing Ketika saya melihat mereka berlari di lapangan untuk menjadi lebih sehat saya ingin melakukan hal yang sama 16 When I know that you have been earning money by your own Ketika saya tahu bahwa Anda telah menghasilkan uang oleh Anda sendiri
  • 26. 17 We have been crying because of the movie and we have to look for an entertainment Kami menangis karena film itu dan kami harus mencari hiburan 18 I just follow the cooking guide and I have been baking the cake for 30 minutes Saya hanya mengikuti panduan memasak dan saya sudah memanggang kue selama 30 menit 19 Tomorrow is my test and I have been studying for three hours but I still don’t understand the materials Besok adalah ujian saya dan saya telah belajar selama tiga jam tetapi saya masih tidak mengerti materi 20 Recently, I have been feeling really tired. Baru-baru ini, saya merasa sangat lelah. 21 She has been announcing the important message to all of us Dia telah mengumumkan pesan penting kepada kita semua 22 Mary has been feeling a little depressed. Mary merasa agak tertekan. 23 My cat has been eating its food for an hour I think it is sick Kucing saya sudah makan makanannya selama satu jam saya pikir itu sakit 24 I have been sweeping the floor from dirt and now I am tired Saya telah menyapu lantai dari tanah dan sekarang saya lelah 25 James has been teaching at the university since June. James telah mengajar di universitas sejak Juni. 26 You must be thirsty because you have been dancing for two hours Anda pasti haus karena Anda telah menari selama dua jam 27 We have been waiting here for over two hours! Kami telah menunggu di sini selama lebih dari dua jam! 28 Her eyes are swollen because she has been crying during the night Matanya bengkak karena dia menangis di malam hari 29 I am sad because he has been ignoring me all day long Saya sedih karena dia telah mengabaikan saya sepanjang hari 30 They have been comparing all the products to choose the best one for them Mereka telah membandingkan semua produk untuk memilih yang terbaik untuk mereka 31 You have just been burying your dog and I am sorry for that Anda baru saja mengubur anjing Anda dan saya minta maaf untuk itu 32 She has been starting to write a new chapter of her novel in her room Dia sudah mulai menulis bab baru novelnya di kamarnya 33 We have been burning all the paper and more paper will come Kami telah membakar semua kertas dan lebih banyak kertas akan datang 34 I have been boiling the water maybe if you want to make a hot coffee Saya telah merebus air mungkin jika Anda ingin membuat kopi panas 35 It has been raining since you left me and I am drowning in the flood Sudah hujan sejak Anda meninggalkan saya dan saya tenggelam dalam banjir 36 His mother puts him here because he is naughty and he has been behaving better here than in the outside Ibunya menempatkan dia di sini karena dia nakal dan dia telah berperilaku lebih baik di sini daripada di luar 37 The police has been arresting many criminals that escaped from the jail Polisi telah menangkap banyak penjahat yang melarikan diri dari penjara 38 It has not been raining since yesterday. Belum hujan sejak kemarin. 39 My dog is barks at me, it has been feeling hungry. I think Anjing saya menyalak, merasa lapar. kupikir 40 He has not been healing his injury and I want to help him but he doesn’t allow me to do so Dia belum menyembuhkan lukanya dan aku ingin membantunya, tetapi dia tidak mengizinkanku melakukannya
  • 27. 41 I have not been using my sunglasses to protect my eyes Saya belum pernah menggunakan kacamata hitam untuk melindungi mata saya 42 We have not been hoping for the best we just let it go Kami tidak berharap untuk yang terbaik kami hanya membiarkannya pergi 43 You have not been heating the food for our dinner yet Anda belum memanaskan makanan untuk makan malam kami 44 That poor little girl has not been eating any food. Let’s go and buy her food Gadis kecil malang itu belum makan makanan apa pun. Ayo pergi dan beli makanannya 45 You have been answering all the questions now you may take a break Anda telah menjawab semua pertanyaan sekarang Anda bisa istirahat 46 My mom doesn’t buy the tv because the staffs have not been agreeing the price Ibuku tidak membeli tv karena staf belum menyetujui harganya 47 Tamara has not been gathering her junior high school friends together Tamara belum mengumpulkan teman-teman SMP-nya 48 We have not been catching the fish in the river but we can try it one more time Kami belum menangkap ikan di sungai tetapi kami bisa mencobanya sekali lagi 49 You have not been grating the cheese I need it now as the topping Anda belum memarut keju yang saya butuhkan sekarang sebagai topping 50 It has not been swimming because no one takes my dog to swim Belum berenang karena tidak ada yang membawa anjing saya untuk berenang 51 I have not been looking for a new dress that suits me perfectly Saya belum mencari gaun baru yang cocok untuk saya 52 She doesn’t want to help you because you have not been trusting her Dia tidak ingin membantu Anda karena Anda belum mempercayainya 53 I think he is asleep since he has not been sleeping because of the task Saya pikir dia tertidur karena dia belum tidur karena tugas 54 He has not been laughing after her daughter’ s death Dia belum tertawa setelah kematian putrinya 55 They have not been expecting anything, they just do the best thing that they can Mereka tidak mengharapkan apa-apa, mereka hanya melakukan hal terbaik yang mereka bisa 56 We have not been developing our company and I think we need more investor Kami belum mengembangkan perusahaan kami dan saya pikir kami membutuhkan lebih banyak investor 57 The doctor has not been examining the patients in the front line Dokter belum memeriksa pasien di garis depan 58 It has not been enjoying the walks to the park with me Belum menikmati jalan-jalan ke taman bersama saya 59 I have not been entertaining my parents by my achievement in school Saya belum menghibur orang tua saya dengan prestasi saya di sekolah 60 She has not been accepting the letter because she hates the man Dia belum menerima surat itu karena dia membenci pria itu 61 She has not been eating her lunch because she has to finish all the task quickly Dia belum makan siang karena dia harus menyelesaikan semua tugas dengan cepat 62 The students have not been getting a new lesson after the holiday season Para siswa belum mendapatkan pelajaran baru setelah musim liburan 63 We have not been living together in the same house again because he works out of town Kami tidak tinggal bersama di rumah yang sama lagi karena dia bekerja di luar kota
  • 28. 64 I have not been finding my science book and now I think I need some help Saya belum menemukan buku sains saya dan sekarang saya pikir saya perlu bantuan 65 Sam has had his car for two years. Sam telah memiliki mobilnya selama dua tahun. 66 He has not been digging the soil but I want to plant some flowers Dia belum menggali tanah tetapi saya ingin menanam bunga 67 Tom and Marry have not been choosing their department because they are confused Tom dan Marry belum memilih departemen mereka karena mereka bingung 68 My best friend Maya is crying and I have been giving an advice to her Sahabat saya Maya menangis dan saya telah memberikan saran kepadanya 69 My table looks so pale because it has not been painting by my Dad Meja saya terlihat sangat pucat karena belum dilukis oleh ayah saya 70 We have not been travelling to the Lombok because we are too busy to go that far Kami belum melakukan perjalanan ke Lombok karena kami terlalu sibuk untuk pergi sejauh itu 71 I have not been studying yet but now I feel so sleepy Saya belum belajar tetapi sekarang saya merasa sangat mengantuk 72 You have not been listening to her music that is why you can’t make a better arrangement Anda belum mendengarkan musiknya sehingga Anda tidak dapat membuat pengaturan yang lebih baik 73 It has been raining since at six o’clock Sudah hujan sejak pukul enam 74 We have been arguing about the group project so loud and Mrs. Anna gives us more project to do Kami telah berdebat tentang proyek kelompok begitu keras dan Ny. Anna memberi kami lebih banyak proyek untuk dilakukan 75 I haven’t been eating for whole day Saya belum makan sepanjang hari 76 I have been writing with my computer all night long Saya telah menulis dengan komputer saya sepanjang malam 77 His mother puts him here because he is naughty and he has been behaving better here than in the outside Ibunya menempatkan dia di sini karena dia nakal dan dia telah berperilaku lebih baik di sini daripada di luar 78 The police has been arresting many criminals that escaped from the jail Polisi telah menangkap banyak penjahat yang melarikan diri dari penjara 79 They have been comparing all the products to choose the best one for them Mereka telah membandingkan semua produk untuk memilih yang terbaik untuk mereka 80 I have been boiling the water maybe if you want to make a hot coffee Saya telah merebus air mungkin jika Anda ingin membuat kopi panas 81 You have just been burying your dog and I am sorry for that Anda baru saja mengubur anjing Anda dan saya minta maaf untuk itu 82 We have been burning all the paper and more paper will come Kami telah membakar semua kertas dan lebih banyak kertas akan datang 83 It has been raining since you left me and I am drowning in the flood Sudah hujan sejak Anda meninggalkan saya dan saya tenggelam dalam banjir 84 She has been starting to write a new chapter of her novel in her room Dia sudah mulai menulis bab baru novelnya di kamarnya 85 Has she been waiting for me for a long this time? Apakah dia sudah lama menungguku? 86 What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes? Apa yang telah kamu lakukan selama 30 menit terakhir? 87 What have you been doing? Apa yang selama ini kau lakukan? 88 Has it been raining since yesterday? Sudah hujan sejak kemarin? 89 Have you been exercising lately? Apakah Anda berolahraga akhir-akhir ini?
  • 29. 90 Why has Nancy not been taking her medicine for the last three days? Mengapa Nancy tidak minum obatnya selama tiga hari terakhir? 91 Has it been waiting for its master for a year? Apakah sudah menunggu tuannya selama satu tahun? 92 Have I been studying for three hours but I still don’t understand the materials? Apakah saya sudah belajar selama tiga jam tetapi saya masih belum mengerti materi? 93 Has she been announcing the important message to all of us? Apakah dia sudah mengumumkan pesan penting kepada kita semua? 94 Have I been giving an advice to her? Apakah saya sudah memberikan saran kepadanya? 95 Has it been feeling hungry? Apakah sudah merasa lapar? 96 Have you been answering all the questions? If so you may take a break Sudahkah Anda menjawab semua pertanyaan? Jika demikian, Anda dapat beristirahat 97 Have we been arguing about the group project so loud? Because Mrs. Anna gives us more project to do Pernahkah kita berdebat tentang proyek kelompok begitu keras? Karena Mrs. Anna memberi kami lebih banyak proyek untuk dilakukan 98 Has she been working so hard all day long? Apakah dia sudah bekerja keras sepanjang hari? 99 Has he been feeling cold because it is snowy? Apakah dia merasa kedinginan karena bersalju? 100 Have they been running in the field to make them healthier? I want to do the same thing Apakah mereka berlari di lapangan untuk membuat mereka lebih sehat? Saya ingin melakukan hal yang sama 101 Has my cat been eating its food for an hour? I think it is sick Apakah kucing saya sudah makan makanannya selama satu jam? Saya pikir itu sakit 102 Have I been sweeping the floor from dirt? Apakah saya sudah menyapu lantai dari tanah? 103 Have you been dancing for two hours? You must be thirsty Apakah Anda sudah menari selama dua jam? Anda pasti haus 104 Has she been crying during the night? Apakah dia menangis di malam hari? 105 Has he been ignoring me all day long? Apakah dia mengabaikan saya sepanjang hari? 106 Have we been crying because of the movie ? Sudahkah kita menangis karena filmnya? 107 Have you been earning money by your own? Sudahkah Anda menghasilkan uang sendiri? 108 Have we been practicing for a week continuously before we join the competition? Sudahkah kita berlatih selama seminggu terus menerus sebelum kita mengikuti kompetisi? 109 Has he been driving for five hours? If he gets tired I can replace him Apakah dia sudah mengemudi selama lima jam? Jika dia lelah aku bisa menggantikannya 110 Have they been admiring him since 2012? All I know is they became the biggest fans club Apakah mereka mengaguminya sejak 2012? Yang saya tahu adalah mereka menjadi klub penggemar terbesar 111 Have you been begging to me for a day? but sorry to say that I can’t go Apakah Anda telah memohon kepada saya selama sehari? tetapi maaf untuk mengatakan bahwa saya tidak bisa pergi 112 Have I been baking the cake for 30 minutes? Because I just follow the cooking guide Sudahkah saya memanggang kue selama 30 menit? Karena saya hanya mengikuti panduan memasak
  • 30.
  • 31. 5-Simple Past Tense | Preterite A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + V2 + O (-) S + did + not + Inf (V1) (?) Did + S + Inf (V1) B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - yesterday = kemarin - 2 minutes ago = dua menit yang lalu - in 1996 = pada tahun 1996 - last Thursday = kamis lalu - last year = tahun lalu - This morning = pagi ini - last = terakhir - two days ago = dua hari yang lalu - last week = minggu lalu - when I was a child = ketika saya masih kecil - just now = baru saja - often = sering - sometimes = terkadang - always = selalu - six weeks ago = enam minggu yang lalu - the other day = hari yang lain - ages ago = berabad-abad yang lalu - a long time ago = dahulu kala C Fungsi (function) : - Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau, tanpa ingin menekankan bahwa ia sedang, atau telah selesai melakukan pekerjaan tsb. - The simple past tense is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now (Bentuk lampau yang sederhana digunakan untuk membicarakan tindakan yang selesai pada waktu sebelum sekarang) - The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not important (Waktu tindakan bisa di masa lalu atau masa lalu yang jauh dan durasi tindakan tidak penting) - Aksi di masa lalu dengan durasi tertentu - Kebiasaan pada masa lalu - Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Simple past tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 Last year, he always worked until night. Tahun lalu, dia selalu bekerja sampai malam. 2 He did not go to school this morning. Dia tidak pergi ke sekolah pagi ini. 3 We waited for one hour. Kami menunggu satu jam. 4 People lived in caves a long time ago. Orang hidup di dalam gua sejak lama. 5 I often brought my lunch to school Saya sering membawa makan siang ke sekolah 6 He lived in Fiji in 1976 Dia tinggal di Fiji pada tahun 1976 7 We crossed the Channel yesterday Kami melintasi Kanal kemarin 8 I sometimes walked home at lunchtime. Saya kadang berjalan pulang saat makan siang. 9 She played the piano when she was a child. Dia memainkan piano ketika dia masih kecil. 10 I went to the theatre last night Saya pergi ke teater tadi malam 11 John Cabot sailed to America in 1498 John Cabot berlayar ke Amerika pada tahun 1498 12 Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva. Kemarin, saya tiba di Jenewa. 13 She finished her work atseven o'clock Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya jam tujuh 14 We saw a good film last week Kami melihat film yang bagus minggu lalu 15 My father died last year Ayah saya meninggal tahun lalu 16 I lived in Brazil for two years. Saya tinggal di Brazil selama dua tahun.
  • 32. 17 We talked on the phone for thirty minutes. Kami berbicara di telepon selama tiga puluh menit. 18 They did not stay at the party the entire time. Mereka tidak tinggal di pesta sepanjang waktu. 19 I went to school alone yesterday. Saya pergi ke sekolah sendirian kemarin. 20 Shauna studied Japanese for five years. Shauna belajar bahasa Jepang selama lima tahun. 21 They sat at the beach all day. Mereka duduk di pantai sepanjang hari. 22 You didn’t tell that you took my money yesterday. Anda tidak memberi tahu bahwa Anda mengambil uang saya kemarin. 23 Tony went to the library three days ago. Tony pergi ke perpustakaan tiga hari yang lalu. 24 She washed her car. Dia mencuci mobilnya. 25 I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. Saya selesai bekerja, berjalan ke pantai, dan menemukan tempat yang bagus untuk berenang. 26 He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00. Dia tiba dari bandara jam 8:00, check in ke hotel jam 9:00, dan bertemu yang lain jam 10:00. 27 Last year, I didn't travel to Korea. Tahun lalu, saya tidak bepergian ke Korea. 28 He didn't wash his car. Dia tidak mencuci mobilnya. 29 I saw a movie yesterday. Saya melihat film kemarin. 30 I didn't see a play yesterday. Saya tidak melihat drama kemarin. 31 Last year, I traveled to Japan. Tahun lalu, saya bepergian ke Jepang. 32 I often went to campus when i lived in Jogja Saya sering pergi ke kampus ketika saya tinggal di Jogja 33 We did not read a novel yesterday Kami tidak membaca novel kemarin 34 You bought a bicycle Anda membeli sepeda 35 He bought a bicycle Dia (laki-laki) membeli sepeda 36 I studied French when I was a child. Saya belajar bahasa Prancis ketika saya masih kecil. 37 She bought a bicycle Dia (perempuan) membeli sepeda 38 He played the violin. Dia memainkan biola. 39 He didn't play the piano. Dia tidak memainkan piano. 40 They never went to school, they always skipped class. Mereka tidak pernah bersekolah, mereka selalu bolos kelas. 41 They bought a bicycle Mereka membeli sepeda 42 It bought a bicycle Ia membeli sepeda 43 I went to school yesterday. Saya pergi ke sekolah kemarin. 44 She worked at the movie theater after school. Dia bekerja di bioskop setelah sekolah. 45 I did not go to school yesterday. Saya tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin. 46 We ate meat with my best friend yesterday. Kami makan daging dengan sahabatku kemarin. 47 The bus stopped a few minutes ago. Bus berhenti beberapa menit yang lalu. 48 You were at station. Anda berada di stasiun. 49 I met my wife 9 years ago. Saya bertemu istri saya 9 tahun yang lalu. 50 I forgot my wallet. Saya lupa dompet saya. 51 I went to bed early yesterday. Saya pergi tidur lebih awal kemarin. 52 We played basketball last Sunday. Kami bermain basket hari Minggu lalu.
  • 33. 53 We saw the Eiffel Tower. Kami melihat Menara Eiffel. 54 I cancelled my meeting for tomorrow. Saya membatalkan pertemuan saya untuk besok. 55 I went to school yesterday. Saya pergi ke sekolah kemarin. 56 Mary forgot to turn off the light. Mary lupa mematikan lampu. 57 Amelia chose to stay with her father. Amelia memilih untuk tinggal bersama ayahnya. 58 We listened to music. Kami mendengarkan musik. 59 He had a dog last year. Dia punya anjing tahun lalu. 60 A gardener swept up dead leaves Seorang tukang kebun menyapu daun mati 61 A nurse brought a little girl baby to the park. Seorang perawat membawa bayi perempuan ke taman. 62 An old man sat down and read his book. Seorang lelaki tua duduk dan membaca bukunya. 63 I liked the film. Saya suka filmnya. 64 Alex changed his place. Alex mengubah tempatnya. 65 They lived in the Spain. Mereka tinggal di Spanyol. 66 He smoked a cigarrette. Dia merokok. 67 They had a meeting with her colleagues. Mereka melakukan pertemuan dengan rekan- rekannya. 68 I enrolled to the pilates course. Saya mendaftar ke kursus pilates. 69 My brother drank a glass of milk 2 hours ago. Adikku minum segelas susu 2 jam yang lalu. 70 They were students last year. Mereka adalah siswa tahun lalu. 71 They bought 2 tickets for the U2 concert. Mereka membeli 2 tiket untuk konser U2. 72 Michael studied hard all year. Michael belajar keras sepanjang tahun. 73 I missed the class last week. Saya melewatkan kelas minggu lalu. 74 Two boys played with a ball. Dua anak laki-laki bermain dengan sebuah bola. 75 She finished all the exercices. Dia menyelesaikan semua latihan. 76 Last year I traveled to Germany. Tahun lalu saya bepergian ke Jerman. 77 An old lady walked with her cat. Seorang wanita tua berjalan dengan kucingnya. 78 George came home very late last night. George pulang sangat larut tadi malam. 79 A large trunk came around the corner. Sebuah kopor besar muncul di sudut. 80 I read an interesting book last month. Saya membaca buku yang menarik bulan lalu. 81 It discovered a new land. Ia menemukan tanah baru. 82 The rain stopped an hour ago. Hujan berhenti satu jam yang lalu. 83 She left the school in 2010 Dia meninggalkan sekolah pada tahun 2010 84 We did a lot of shopping at the shopping mall. Kami banyak berbelanja di pusat perbelanjaan. 85 We watched a movie last weekend. Kami menonton film akhir pekan lalu. 86 She finished her work at six o’clock. Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya pada pukul enam. 87 We were good friends. Kami teman baik. 88 He cut his finger and went to hospital. Dia memotong jarinya dan pergi ke rumah sakit. 89 He bought a new house last month Dia membeli rumah baru bulan lalu 90 I watched TV last week. Saya menonton TV minggu lalu. 91 How long did you wait for them? Berapa lama Anda menunggu mereka? 92 Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs? Apakah Anda menambahkan tepung, menuangkan susu, dan kemudian menambahkan telur?
  • 34. 93 Did we read read a novel yesterday? Apakah kita membaca membaca novel kemarin? 94 Did you have dinner last night? Apakah Anda makan malam tadi malam? 95 Did you go to school yesterday? Apakah kamu pergi ke sekolah kemarin? 96 Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid? Apakah Anda memainkan alat musik ketika Anda masih kecil? 97 Where was she at 7 o’clock last night? Di mana dia jam 7 malam tadi? 98 Did you play football last day? Apakah Anda bermain sepakbola hari terakhir? 99 Did they lose the match? Apakah mereka kalah dalam pertandingan? 100 Did she clean her home? Apakah dia membersihkan rumahnya? 101 Did you came home last year? Apakah Anda pulang tahun lalu?
  • 35.
  • 36. 6-Past Continuous Tense | Past Progressive Tense A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + be (was/were) + Present Participle (V-ing) + O (-) S + be (was/were) + not + Present Participle (V-ing) + O (?) be (Was/were) + S + Present Participle (V-ing) + O ? B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - when = ketika - as long as = selama - while = sementara, selagi - at this time yesterday = saat ini kemarin - all day yesterday = sepanjang hari kemarin - the whole yesterday = keseluruhan kemarin - as = sewaktu - today = hari ini - the whole day last week = sepanjang hari minggu lalu C Fungsi (function) : - The past continuous tense, refers to a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past Past continuous tense, mengacu pada tindakan atau keadaan berkelanjutan yang terjadi di beberapa titik di masa lalu - The past continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were) with the verb’s present participle (- ing word). - Past continuous tense dibentuk dengan menggabungkan bentuk lampau menjadi (yaitu, dulu) dengan kata kerja present participle (-ing word). - The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and is still going on at the time of speaking. It expresses an unfinished or incomplete action in the past - Past continuous menggambarkan tindakan atau peristiwa di masa sebelum sekarang, yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlangsung pada saat berbicara. Ini mengekspresikan tindakan yang belum selesai atau tidak lengkap di masa lalu - The past continuous of any verb is composed of two parts : the past tense of the verb "to be" (was/were), and the base of the main verb +ing. - Past continuous dari kata kerja apa pun terdiri dari dua bagian: bentuk lampau dari kata kerja "to be" (was / were), dan dasar dari kata kerja utama verb+ing - Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau, ketika pekerjaan lain terjadi, baik pekerjaan lain itu menyela atau terjadi bersama-sama. - Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa ada kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lalu dan belum selesai. - Tidak seperti simple past tense yang menunjukkan tindakan telah di selesaikan, past continuous tense menunjukkan tindakan yang telah dan sedang berlangsung - Past continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Biasanya ada dua kejadian di masa lampau dan satu kejadian menginterupsi kejadian yang lain. Kejadian yang sedang diinterupsi tersebut yang menggunakan past continuous tense. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 He was speaking when I entered in room. Dia berbicara ketika saya masuk ke kamar. 2 At 6 o’clock, I was eating dinner. Pada jam 6 sore, saya sedang makan malam. 3 He was not doing his homework at this time yesterday. Dia tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya saat ini kemarin. 4 I was riding my bike all day yesterday. Saya mengendarai sepeda saya sepanjang hari kemarin. 5 I was sleeping when you came. Saya sedang tidur ketika Anda datang. 6 Tashonda was always handing in late papers. Tashonda selalu menyerahkan surat-suratnya.
  • 37. 7 I was sleeping on the couch when Bertie smashed through the door. Aku sedang tidur di sofa ketika Bertie mendobrak pintu. 8 Dad was working in his garden all morning. Ayah bekerja di kebunnya sepanjang pagi. 9 Joel was being a terrible role model for his younger brother Joel menjadi panutan yang buruk bagi adiknya 10 My father was always lecturing my brother. Ayah saya selalu memberi kuliah pada kakak saya. 11 Was he being good to you? Apakah dia baik padamu? 12 During the mid-50s, real estate speculators were buying all the swampland in Central Florida, and innocent people were investing all their money in bogus development projects. Selama pertengahan 50-an, spekulan real estat membeli semua lahan rawa di Florida Tengah, dan orang-orang tak berdosa menginvestasikan semua uang mereka dalam proyek pengembangan palsu. 13 Carlos lost his watch while he was running. Carlos kehilangan arlojinya saat dia berlari. 14 You weren’t listening to me when I was singing Anda tidak mendengarkan saya ketika saya bernyanyi 15 She was talking constantly in class in those days. Dia berbicara terus-menerus di kelas pada masa itu. 16 The other animals were relaxing in the shade of the trees, but the elephant moved very quickly. Hewan-hewan lain bersantai di bawah naungan pepohonan, tetapi gajah bergerak sangat cepat. 17 She was looking for her baby, and she didn't notice the hunter who was watching her through his binoculars Dia mencari bayinya, dan dia tidak melihat pemburu yang mengawasinya melalui teropongnya 18 When the shot rang out, she was running towards the river Ketika tembakan terdengar, dia berlari ke arah sungai 19 I was riding bicycle Saya sedang mengendarai sepeda 20 I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang Saya mengalami mimpi indah ketika jam alarm berbunyi 21 They were buying Japanese comic books Mereka membeli buku komik Jepang 22 She was writing a letter. Dia sedang menulis surat. 23 The boys were play ing soccer in the field Bocah-bocah lelaki sedang bermain sepak bola di lapangan 24 He was painting the door when a bird struck the window. Dia mengecat pintu ketika seekor burung menabrak jendela. 25 He was coming to my house Dia datang ke rumah saya 26 I was playing aku sedang bermain 27 The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle. Matahari bersinar dan burung-burung bernyanyi ketika gajah keluar dari hutan. 28 I was shopping at the market yesterday. Aku sedang berbelanja ke pasar kemarin 29 They were coming to the school yesterday morning. Mereka sedang datang ke sekolah kemarin pagi 30 He was driving his car Dia mengendarai mobilnya 31 I was not expecting such a foolish behavior from him Saya tidak mengharapkan perilaku bodoh darinya 32 I was cooking when my husband came Aku sedang memasak ketika suamiku datang 33 They were sleeping when the alarm went off. Mereka tidur ketika alarm berbunyi. 34 They were eating their food Mereka makan makanan mereka
  • 38. 35 They were watching Mereka sedang menonton 36 He was playing komputer games while I was ironing my clothes Dia (lk) sedang bermain game komputer sementara saya menyeterika pakaian 37 He was playing Dia sedang bermain 38 The sun was going down in the west Matahari sedang terbenam di sebelah barat 39 The flower was blooming Bunga itu sedang mekar 40 They were playing Mereka sedang bermain 41 You were playing Anda sedang bermain 42 She wasn't reading Dia tidak membaca 43 He wasn't painting the door when a bird struck the window. Dia tidak mengecat pintu ketika seekor burung menabrak jendela. 44 We were playing Kami sedang bermain 45 They weren't sleeping when the alarm went off. Mereka tidak tidur ketika alarm berbunyi. 46 She was reading Dia sedang membaca 47 He was not sleeping Dia tidak tidur 48 They were not buying Japanese comic books Mereka tidak membeli buku komik Jepang 49 He was not coming to my house Dia tidak datang ke rumah saya 50 I was planning about my studies Saya berencana tentang studi saya 51 He was waiting for you Dia sedang menunggumu 52 I was not walking alone Saya tidak berjalan sendirian 53 The kids were not playing with the toys Anak-anak tidak bermain-main dengan mainan itu 54 She was not decorating her room. Dia tidak mendekorasi kamarnya. 55 I was not sleeping when you came. Saya tidak tidur ketika Anda datang. 56 I was going to spend the day at the beach but I've decided to get my homework done instead Saya akan menghabiskan hari di pantai tapi saya memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya 57 He was not reading the book Dia tidak membaca buku itu 58 I was wondering if you could babysit. for me tonight Saya ingin tahu apakah Anda bisa mengasuh anak. untukku malam ini 59 Were you working in that factory? Apakah Anda bekerja di pabrik itu? 60 Were you asking me something? Apakah Anda bertanya sesuatu kepada saya? 61 Was she walking in the street? Apakah dia berjalan di jalan? 62 Was he listening to you? Apakah dia mendengarkanmu? 63 Was I answering the question correctly? Apakah saya menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar? 64 Was she singing a song? Apakah dia menyanyikan lagu? 65 Was I calling you? Apakah saya memanggil Anda? 66 Was he coming to his home? Apakah dia datang ke rumahnya? 67 They were waiting for the bus when the accident happened. Mereka menunggu bus ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi. 68 You were not driving carefully. Anda tidak mengemudi dengan hati-hati. 69 Caroline was skiing when she broke her leg. Caroline sedang bermain ski saat kakinya patah. 70 When we arrived he was having a bath Ketika kami tiba dia sedang mandi 71 Were the people shouting at him? Apakah orang-orang meneriakinya? 72 They were not shouting Mereka tidak berteriak
  • 39. 73 When the fire started I was watching television. Ketika api mulai menyala, saya sedang menonton televisi. 74 I was not playing Saya tidak sedang bermain 75 You were not playing Anda tidak sedang bermain 76 He wasn't playing Dia tidak bermain 77 Were they going to their college? Apakah mereka akan kuliah? 78 We weren't playing Kami tidak bermain 79 They weren't playing Mereka tidak bermain 80 The snake was not running toward you Ular itu tidak berlari ke arahmu 81 You were smiling to see me Anda tersenyum melihat saya 82 She was not washing her clothes Dia tidak mencuci pakaiannya 83 She was making preparation for the exam Dia sedang mempersiapkan ujian 84 The dog was barking at them Anjing itu menggonggong pada mereka 85 Were you sleeping when I came? Apakah Anda tidur ketika saya datang? 86 I was sleeping when you came. Saya sedang tidur ketika Anda datang. 87 The sun was shining every day that summer Matahari bersinar setiap hari di musim panas itu 88 As I spoke, the children were laughing at my cleverness. Ketika saya berbicara, anak-anak menertawakan kepintaran saya. 89 The audience was applauding until he fell off the stage. Penonton bertepuk tangan sampai dia jatuh dari panggung. 90 I was making dinner when she arrived. Saya sedang membuat makan malam ketika dia tiba. 91 Wasn't she reading? Bukankah dia membaca? 92 Were we playing? Apakah kita bermain? 93 Were they playing? Apakah mereka bermain? 94 Were you playing? Apakah kamu bermain? 95 Was he playing? Apakah dia sedang bermain? 96 Were they buying Japanese comic books? Apakah mereka membeli buku komik Jepang? 97 Was he coming to my house? Apakah dia datang ke rumah saya? 98 Was he painting the door when a bird struck the window? Apakah dia mengecat pintu ketika seekor burung menabrak jendela? 99 Were they sleeping when the alarm went off? Apakah mereka tidur ketika alarm berbunyi? 100 Was I playing? Apakah saya sedang bermain? 101 Was she reading? Apakah dia membaca? 102 Was she still reading while father called her? Apakah dia masih membaca sementara ayah memanggilnya?
  • 40.
  • 41. 7-Past Perfect Tense A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + Had + V3 (-) S + Had + not + V3 (?) Had + S + V3 B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - Before yesterday = sebelum kemarin - Till three days ago = hingga tiga hari lalu - Already = sudah - Until that day = sampai hari itu C Fungsi (function) : - Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah selesai ketika pekerjaan lain baru dimulai pada masa lampau. - The Past Perfect Tense indicates that an action was completed (finished or "perfected") at some point in the past before something else happened Past Perfect Tense menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan telah selesai (selesai atau "disempurnakan") di beberapa titik di masa lalu sebelum sesuatu yang lain terjadi - To show that an action happened before a specific time in the past Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lalu - To show that an action happened before something else in the past Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan terjadi sebelum sesuatu yang lain di masa lalu - The past perfect tense is for talking about something that happened before something else (Bentuk perfect past tense adalah untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi sebelum sesuatu yang lain) Bentuk perfect past tense adalah untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi sebelum sesuatu yang lain - Past perfect tense can also be used with the word "just." When combined, this makes it clear that the event was only a short time prior - Bentuk perfect past tense juga bisa digunakan dengan kata "just." Ketika digabungkan, ini memperjelas bahwa acara itu hanya sesaat sebelumnya - Past perfect tense can also be used to show dissatisfaction with the past Past perfect tense juga bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketidakpuasan terhadap masa lalu - The past perfect is used in the part of the sentence that explains the condition (the if- clause) Perfect past digunakan di bagian kalimat yang menjelaskan kondisi (if-clause). - Tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan juga sudah selesai pada masa lalu. - Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau dan lebih menekankan pada fakta daripada durasi. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 He had finished his designs before he went to work yesterday. Dia telah menyelesaikan desainnya sebelum pergi bekerja kemarin. 2 He had not been a high school student until last year. Dia belum menjadi siswa sekolah menengah sampai tahun lalu. 3 She had appeared in the exam Dia muncul dalam ujian 4 You had studied English before you moved to New York Anda sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sebelum pindah ke New York 5 John had gone out when I arrived in the office. John keluar ketika saya tiba di kantor.
  • 42. 6 She had visited several doctors before she found out what the problem was with her hand Dia telah mengunjungi beberapa dokter sebelum dia mengetahui apa masalahnya dengan tangannya 7 When Mrs Brown opened the washing machine she realised she had washed the cat Ketika Ny. Brown membuka mesin cuci, dia sadar dia telah mencuci kucing 8 I had finished the work Saya telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan 9 She didn’t want to move. She had lived in Liverpool all her life. Dia tidak ingin pindah. Dia telah tinggal di Liverpool sepanjang hidupnya. 10 She had gone Dia telah pergi 11 If we had called ahead, we would not have needed to wait so long for a table Jika kami menelepon dulu, kami tidak perlu menunggu terlalu lama untuk meja 12 James had cooked breakfast when we got up James memasak sarapan ketika kami bangun 13 If I had seen him, I would have told him the news Jika aku melihatnya, aku akan memberitahunya berita itu 14 We had just called home when my mom texted us about returning the car Kami baru saja menelepon ke rumah ketika ibu saya mengirimi kami pesan tentang mengembalikan mobil 15 She had lived in California before moving to Texas Dia pernah tinggal di California sebelum pindah ke Texas 16 Before he did his homework, he had stayed after school for help Sebelum dia mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya, dia tetap tinggal di sekolah untuk meminta bantuan 17 She wished she had seen her friend Dia berharap telah melihat temannya 18 The cat had chased the bird before it flew out of the yard Kucing itu mengejar burung itu sebelum terbang keluar dari halaman 19 The boy wished he had asked another question. Bocah itu berharap dia mengajukan pertanyaan lain. 20 I wished I had told the truth Saya berharap telah mengatakan yang sebenarnya 21 I did not have any cash because I had lost my purse Saya tidak punya uang tunai karena dompet saya hilang 22 I had been to Mexico once before Saya pernah ke Meksiko sekali sebelumnya 23 He understood the math test because he had been tutored all week Dia mengerti tes matematika karena dia telah diajari sepanjang minggu 24 We wished we had purchased the winning ticket Kami berharap telah membeli tiket yang menang 25 She had never been to the symphony before last night. Dia belum pernah ke simfoni tadi malam. 26 Marc knew Philadelphia so well because he had lived there for five years Marc sangat mengenal Philadelphia karena dia telah tinggal di sana selama lima tahun 27 I had never seen such a beautiful sunset before I went to the island Saya belum pernah melihat matahari terbenam yang begitu indah sebelum saya pergi ke pulau itu 28 If I had woken up earlier this morning, I would have caught Tootles red-handed. Jika saya bangun pagi ini, saya akan menangkap Tootles dengan tangan merah. 29 We were not able to stay overnight at the hotel since we had not reserved a room in advance Kami tidak dapat menginap di hotel karena kami tidak memesan kamar sebelumnya
  • 43. 30 We were relieved that Tootles had used washable paint. Kami lega karena Tootles menggunakan cat yang bisa dicuci. 31 The bus had just left when we got to the stop Bus baru saja pergi ketika kami sampai di halte 32 She had just left the room when the police arrived. Dia baru saja meninggalkan kamar ketika polisi tiba. 33 I had just gone outside when it started to rain Saya baru saja keluar ketika hujan mulai turun 34 He had just put the dog on the leash when we got there Dia baru saja meletakkan anjing di tali ketika kami sampai di sana 35 She had just left the scene when the ambulance arrived. Dia baru saja meninggalkan tempat kejadian ketika ambulans tiba. 36 The boss had said it would be a long meeting Bos mengatakan itu akan menjadi pertemuan yang panjang 37 She stayed up all night because she had received bad news Dia terjaga sepanjang malam karena dia telah menerima kabar buruk 38 You had studied Italian before you moved to Rome Anda telah belajar bahasa Italia sebelum pindah ke Roma 39 I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai Saya belum pernah melihat pantai yang begitu indah sebelum saya pergi ke Kauai 40 My neighbor asked if we had seen her dog Tetangga saya bertanya apakah kami melihat anjingnya 41 Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had visited the city several times. Tony sangat mengenal Istanbul karena dia telah mengunjungi kota itu beberapa kali. 42 The usher asked if we had purchased our tickets Kepala pintu bertanya apakah kami telah membeli tiket kami 43 I had fallen asleep before eight o'clock Saya tertidur sebelum jam delapan 44 I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet Saya tidak punya uang karena dompet saya hilang 45 The teacher asked if we had studied for the exam Guru bertanya apakah kami sudah belajar untuk ujian 46 They had gotten engaged before last year Mereka bertunangan sebelum tahun lalu 47 He had never played football until last week Dia belum pernah bermain sepakbola sampai minggu lalu 48 She had established her company before 2008 Dia telah mendirikan perusahaannya sebelum 2008 49 You had not studied English before you moved to New York Anda belum belajar bahasa Inggris sebelum pindah ke New York 50 Anthony had met Ryan before you introduced him to us at the party Anthony telah bertemu Ryan sebelum Anda memperkenalkannya kepada kami di pesta itu 51 They lost many of the games because they had not practiced enough. Mereka kehilangan banyak pertandingan karena mereka tidak cukup berlatih. 52 He was very tired because he hadn't slept well. Dia sangat lelah karena dia belum tidur dengan baik. 53 When they arrived we had already started cooking Ketika mereka tiba, kami sudah mulai memasak 54 We were shocked to discover that someone had graffitied “Tootles was here” on our front door Kami terkejut mengetahui bahwa seseorang telah membuat graffiti "Tootles ada di sini" di pintu depan kami 55 She had met him before the party Dia telah bertemu dengannya sebelum pesta
  • 44. 56 The plane had left by the time I got to the airport. Pesawat telah berangkat pada saat saya tiba di bandara. 57 The train had just left when I arrived at the station. Kereta baru saja pergi ketika saya tiba di stasiun. 58 I had written the email before he apologized. Saya telah menulis email sebelum dia meminta maaf. 59 She had just left the room when the police arrived. Dia baru saja meninggalkan kamar ketika polisi tiba. 60 I had saved my document before the computer crashed Saya telah menyimpan dokumen saya sebelum komputer macet 61 He had lent me his book Dia meminjamkan saya bukunya 62 I had walked two miles by lunchtime. Saya telah berjalan dua mil saat makan siang. 63 I had run three other marathons before entering the Boston Marathon Saya telah menjalankan tiga maraton lainnya sebelum memasuki Marathon Boston 64 Mary rang John’s doorbell at 8:15 yesterday but John had already left the house Mary membunyikan bel pintu pada pukul 8:15 kemarin, tetapi John sudah meninggalkan rumah 65 They had bought a new car Mereka telah membeli mobil baru 66 The patient had died before the doctor came Pasien telah meninggal sebelum dokter datang 67 He had not informed me about his illness. Dia belum memberi tahu saya tentang penyakitnya. 68 They had not cleaned their room Mereka tidak membersihkan kamar mereka 69 I had not visited him Saya belum mengunjunginya 70 She had not bought new dresses for the wedding party Dia belum membeli gaun baru untuk pesta pernikahan 71 She had not applied for some job Dia belum melamar pekerjaan 72 I had not told him the truth when he asked me Saya tidak mengatakan yang sebenarnya ketika dia bertanya kepada saya 73 He had not finished his work Dia belum menyelesaikan pekerjaannya 74 She only understood the movie because she had read the book Dia hanya mengerti film karena dia telah membaca buku 75 You had not helped him when he needed your help Anda tidak membantunya ketika dia membutuhkan bantuan Anda 76 Kristine had never been to an opera before last night. Kristine belum pernah ke opera sebelum semalam. 77 You had gone before I reached Anda telah pergi sebelum saya mencapai 78 We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked in advance Kami tidak dapat memperoleh kamar hotel karena kami belum memesan sebelumnya 79 We had not finished our work when he came here Kami belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan kami ketika dia datang ke sini 80 She had cooked some food Dia telah memasak makanan 81 He had not met me when I was in the college Dia belum bertemu saya ketika saya masih di perguruan tinggi 82 He had consumed a lot of alcohol Dia telah mengkonsumsi banyak alkohol 83 He had earned a lot of money Dia telah menghasilkan banyak uang 84 They had shifted to a new home Mereka pindah ke rumah baru 85 I had lost my camera Kamera saya hilang 86 She had undergone heart surgery in her childhood Dia telah menjalani operasi jantung di masa kecilnya 87 She had gone before you came Dia sudah pergi sebelum kamu datang
  • 45. 88 I hadn’t already taken a bath when you visit me Saya belum mandi ketika Anda mengunjungi saya 89 She had gone before you came. Dia sudah pergi sebelum kamu datang. 90 She had not gone when you came. Dia tidak pergi ketika kamu datang. 91 She had not gone when you came. Dia tidak pergi ketika kamu datang. 92 Had you bought a calculator before you attempted exam of mathematics? Pernahkah Anda membeli kalkulator sebelum Anda mencoba ujian matematika? 93 Had I thought about my future? Apakah saya sudah memikirkan masa depan saya? 94 Had he prepared himself for the exam? Apakah dia sudah mempersiapkan diri untuk ujian? 95 Had you completed your task? Sudahkah Anda menyelesaikan tugas Anda? 96 Had she prepared some food for the kids? Apakah dia menyiapkan makanan untuk anak- anak? 97 Has he appeared in the exam? Apakah dia muncul dalam ujian? 98 Has she waited for you? Sudahkah dia menunggumu? 99 Had they quit smoking when doctor advised them? Apakah mereka berhenti merokok ketika dokter menyarankan mereka? 100 Had you taken medicine when you were ill? Apakah Anda minum obat ketika sakit? 101 Had she watered the plant before it dried? Apakah dia menyirami tanaman sebelum dikeringkan? 102 Had Susan ever studied Thai before she moved to Thailand? Apakah Susan pernah belajar bahasa Thailand sebelum pindah ke Thailand? 103 Had you ever visited the U.S. before your trip in 2006? Apakah Anda pernah mengunjungi A.S. sebelum perjalanan pada tahun 2006? 104 Had you studied English before you moved to New York? Anda sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sebelum pindah ke New York ? 105 had you already graduated from senior high school last year? sudahkah kamu lulus dari sekolah menengah atas tahun lalu?
  • 46.
  • 47. 8-Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Progressive Tense A Aturan (Tense Rules) : (+) S + had + been + Ving (-) S+had+not+been+Ving (?) had+S+been+Ving ? B Sinyal waktu (Time signal) : - For = untuk - Since = sejak - The whole day = sepanjang hari - All day = sepanjang hari - When = ketika - For = selama - Since = sejak - Before = sebelum C Fungsi (function) : - Duration Before Something in the Past - Durasi Sebelum Sesuatu di Masa Lalu - Cause of Something in the Past Penyebab Sesuatu di Masa Lalu - The past perfect progressive tense is used to show that an on-going action in the past has ended. - Tense progresif sempurna masa lalu digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu telah berakhir. a verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and continued up to another point in the past kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut ke titik lain di masa lalu Past Perfect Progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that started in past and continued for some time in past Past Perfect Progressive tense digunakan untuk menggambarkan tindakan berkelanjutan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut untuk beberapa waktu di masa lalu The past perfect progressive (continuous) is used to describe an action that started in the past and was still in progress when a second action started Past perfect progressive (kontinu) digunakan untuk menggambarkan tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih dalam proses ketika aksi kedua dimulai - The Past Perfect Continuous Tense indicates a continuous action that was completed at some point in the past Past Perfect Continuous Tense menunjukkan tindakan berkelanjutan yang diselesaikan di beberapa titik di masa lalu - The past perfect continuous tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past Bentuk lampau perfect continuous menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu berlanjut hingga waktu lain di masa lalu - The past perfect continuous is a verb tense that indicates something that began in the past, continued in the past, and also ended at a defined point in the past Continuous perfect past adalah kata kerja yang menunjukkan sesuatu yang dimulai di masa lalu, berlanjut di masa lalu, dan juga berakhir pada titik yang ditentukan di masa lalu - Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sudah terjadi pada masa lalu dan masih berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu pada masa lampau. - Past perfect continuous tense hampir serupa dengan past perfect tense. Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu, tapi tense ini menekankan pada durasi kejadiannya. D Contoh kalimat (sentences) : 1 He said that he had been working here for ten years. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah bekerja di sini selama sepuluh tahun. 2 He was told that his teacher had been waiting for him since 2 p.m yesterday. Dia diberitahu bahwa gurunya telah menunggunya sejak pukul 2 sore kemarin.