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Physical & Cognitive
Sources include: Boyd & Bee (2012) “Lifespan Development”
Defining Adolescence
Challenging: Synonymous with teenage years?
Physical changes may occur by age 9
Level of increased maturity/responsibility
Transitional Period (Childhood – Adult)
Def. Puberty - Collective term for all physical changes
required for reproductive maturity
Prefrontal Cortex
Changes in Brain
13 - 15 years:
Cortex thickens
Neural pathway efficiency increases
Increased energy produced/consumed
Just before Puberty
Synapses from Cortex form w/ other parts of brain
Changes in Brain
At Approx. 17 years – beginning Early Adulthood
Frontal lobes (logic/planning) more developed
Still, limited
Prefrontal Cortex (PFC)
Executive Functioning – control & organize thought processes
Impulse Control Won’t be complete until mid 20s
May lead to impulsive actions
(Not well thought out- consequences)
Body Systems
Adolescents: may grow 3 - 6 inches/year
Full adult height:
Girls: by 16 years
Boys: by 18 – 20 years
Cephalocaudal/Proximodistal Dev - “Reversed”
Hands/feet full adult size before arms/legs
Shoe size rapid changes - signal of puberty
Muscle mass differences:
Men - 40% of total body mass is muscle
Women - 24%
Milestones of Puberty
Pituitary Gland (Master Gland – controls all glands)
Signals Adrenal Gland to increase “Androgen”
Adrenarche – begins around aged 7-8
Hormone that stimulates growth of:
Ovaries (Girls) - Estradiol (Form of estrogen)
Testes (Boys) - Testosterone
Pituitary Gland
Pituitary Gland (cont.)
Pituitary gland secretes two other hormones:
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
General Growth Hormone
Two sets of body changes triggered:
1. Development of sex organs
2. General changes in brain, bone, muscles…
Physical Changes
Physical change most obvious and most associated with
adolescence is sexual maturity
Primary Sex Characteristics
Females - Ovaries, Uterus, Vagina
Males - Testes, Penis
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Females – Breast development, body hair
Males – Voice pitch, facial hair, body hair
AGING – Biological / Psychological / Social
Sexual Development:
First Menstruation (Menarche):
Tends to occur 2 years after other visible changes
10% females experience Menarche before age 11
90% females by age 14
Still possible to become pregnant after menarche
However, irregular cycles initially
Approx. 2-3 years after Menarche – no Ovum released
Full adult development takes years
Historical Trends
Timing of menarche
Between 1850 – 1950 (approx. 4 mos./decade earlier)
1840: age 17 years (Dropping 4 months/decade until 1950s)
Secular TrendChanges that occur in developing nations when
nutrition and health improve.
Increases in protein and fat consumption
N. Korean refugee camps (limited food): age 16
Critical value: 17% body fat
Sexual Development:
First Ejaculation (Spermarche)
Typically between 13-14 years
First viable sperm not produced for several months
Facial Hair and lowering voice not until late adolescence
Secular trend among males less apparent than for females.
Timing of Puberty
If discrepancy between Expected and Actual:
Females develop early (before 10-11 years)
Neg. body image (believe self to be fat)
Trouble (home/school)
More sexually active
Males - if either Early or Late
If early (leaders, academics/$ success in adulthood)
Increased Substance use (both sexes if early puberty)
Adolescent Sexuality
PubertyHormonal changes underlie sexual attraction and sexual
Other Factors besides Hormones
Prevalence of sexual behavior (Trends)
Boys more sexually active
Both sexes: Increases from grades 9 – 12
67% African American High School students (at least 1 exp.)
51% Hispanic
44% White
Adolescent Sexuality Historically
15-19 Year Olds reporting at least 1 sexual experience
198860% of Males
51% of Females
200843% of Males
43% of Females
EthnicityFemales39% Whites
43% Hispanics
45% of African Americans
Males39% Whites
45% of Hispanics
61% of African Americans
Contributing Factors
Social Factors
Lacking Adult Monitors/supervision
Alcohol (assoc. with 25-30% of sexual encounters)
Abused/Neglected in Early Childhood
Psychological Factors (Beliefs)
Premarital sex “morally wrong” less likely
Religious observance/attendance less likely
Sports or other after-school events less likely
You’ve missed till here
Despite high level of sexual behavior:
50% can identify highest fertility time in menstrual cycle
Little Knowledge of STD and consequences
90% learned about STD issues in school
Condom Use among Sexually Experienced Teens
198831% Females 200857% Females
53% Males79% Males
Adolescent Pregnancy
Rate of pregnancy among teens in U.S. higher than other
industrialized nations:
40 pregnancies per 1000 teens in U.S.
27 in United Kingdom
10 in Germany
5 in Japan
Misleading statistic in U.S. b/c only consider < 20 years
1 pregnancy per 1000 for females under 15 years
22 per 1000 for 15-17 years
70 per 1000 for 18-19 years
Changing Statistics
Birth rates among teens dropped since 1960s
Increased - birth rates among unmarried teens:
1960s+80% teen mothers were married
200314% teen mothers were married
Moms eventually marry baby’s father - Ethnicity
< 5% African American teen mothers marry baby’s father
26% Hispanic teen mothers
41% White teen mothers
17% teen moms maintain romantic relationship with dads after
Sexual Identities in Adolescence
HeterosexualityDeveloping attraction to opposite sex is a key
process for many teens
92% of teens identify selves as exclusively heterosexual
7% Uncertain about their sexual orientation (Questioning)
1% identify self as exclusively gay, lesbian, or bisexual
By Adulthood:94% heterosexual
5% gay, lesbian, or bisexual
Small Percentage still questioning
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Orientation
Twin Studies – when one twin is Homosexual
Identical Twins: 50-60% other twin is homosexual
Fraternal Twins: 20%
Unrelated (adopted) boys in same family: 11%
Psychological Experience
Research:Often report Isolation/Rejection by peers
Higher levels reported:Depression
Suicide attempts
Substance use
Def:One’s psychological gender not consistent with his or her
biological sex
Transgendered Adolescents often report interest in activities
typically associated with other gender since early childhood
However, most children interested in cross-gender activities
(even desire to be the opposite gender) don’t exhibit
transgenderism after puberty
Some evidence for Atypical levels of Androgens in Womb
Adolescent Health
Sensation-Seeking (arousal)
Explain: gain approval/establish autonomy
Remember PFC limitations
Popular media (sex, violence, drug/alcohol…)
13-17 year olds: tv, music, video (more than school)
Parents have few (if any) rules for media use
Parenting Styles
Used In last 12 months:
Drug8th Grade10th Grade12th Grade
Diet Pills*4%7%7%
* Recreational Use – outside of medical approval
Explaining Use
High interest in sensation-seeking
Peer influence (if friends share sensation-seeking)
Parenting Style (Authoritative less likely)
Eating Disorders
50% Women and 33% Men – weight loss diet
Teens 40% diet regularly
20% use extreme means, e.g., “diet pills”
Distorted body image
Extreme cases - even in starvation, believe fat
Can be fatal
More common among girls than boys
Eating Disorders (cont.)
Anorexia Nervosa: characterized by Self-starvation
More distorted body image than Bulimia
Extreme dieting
Fear of gaining weight
Obsessive exercise routines
Physical Symptoms:
Sleep disturbanceLose hair on head
Stop menstruatingcardiovascular issues
Insensitivity to pain
Bulimia Nervosa: Binge eating / Purging
Intense weight issue & cycles of binging (& purging)
Teens with bulimia not usually thin, but obsessed w/ weight
Shame about behavior
Often depressed
Teeth decay and stomach irritation
Freq: 1-3% adolescent girls/young adults (20% show signs)
Eating Disorders (cont.)
18-30% of teens experience depression
Girls 2X more likely report depression than boys
17% high school students consider suicide seriously
2-8% actually attempted
1 in 10,000 die (misleading b/c car accidents not incl.)
Boys 4X more suicide completion
Girls attempt suicide 3X more often than boys
Happiness Formula…
Someone to love…
Something to do…
Something to look forward to…
Changes in Thinking/Memory
Piaget – “Formal” Stage
Logical reasoning re: Abstract issues
Systematic Problem-Solving
Search methodically for solutions to problems (isolate potential
Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning
Conclusions based on hypothetical premises
Something maybe interesting but not real
Changes in Thinking/Memory
Metacognition – thinking about thinking
Adolescent Egocentrism
Adolescent Egocentrism
Imaginary Audience (when you slip in front of everyone, and
everyone is thinking about u)
Believe everyone is as concerned about you, as you are about
yourself. Watching You: “On Stage”
Exaggerate other’s reactions to your behavior
Text: Behavioral standards that come from peer group
Personal Fable (story that is not true) (no one can unders. how I
Stories/mind set that influences thoughts/behaviors
Eg, “No Use helmet” (accidents won’t happen to me).
Virtue or Fidelity
Transition to Formal Thinking
There is a typical house (4 sides) and each side of the house has
a Southern exposure.
A bear comes along…
What color is the bear?
Formal Thinking (11+)
Abstract thinking
Combine and classify objects in many ways
Higher-Order Reasoning
Manipulate objects in the mind without having to actually
manipulate them(props)
Trial and Error
Imagine outcomes of particular actions
Creative Thinking
Formal Thinking (11+)
If Paul is taller than Sarah
And Sarah is taller than John
Who is tallest?
Abstract Inferential Reasoning – if child not experienced this,
and they can draw conclusions from just thinking
3rd Eye Problem
Where would you put an extra eye (if you could have a third
one) ?
5 y/o – Silly ? – Kyle bumped my eye today at recess…
9 y/o – Forehead, because that is where eyes go.
11 y/o – “hand” so that you could see around corners.
Thinking about Thinking
Interesting article about introducing Abstract thinking:
Article on Flowers
Transition to Formal Thinking
Transition to Formal Thinking
Formal Operations
Teenage Brain
Mind-mapping Strategies
Summary of Stages
Formal Thinking
Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning
Not Trial and Error – think with mind…
Refined Deductive and Inductive Reasoning
"What if" thinkers
Logical thinking is not limited to their direct experiences
Logic can violate beliefs and what they ‘know’ to be true:
Abstract Logic
Formal Operational Princess
King had three children: two sons and daughter. King old -
leave kingdom to brightest child. He gave instructions:
“You will enter a dark room together and I will paint dot on
each of your foreheads. You won’t know color of dot - Red or
You will all sit down and the lights will turn on. If you see
Blue dot on anyone’s head, stand up.
If you know color dot on YOUR head, sit down. First one to sit
down and identify color dot on their head wins.”
King took them into dark room – paints Blue dots on each
forehead. Lights came on, all stood up. Hesitated, and then
daughter sat down, “I have a blue dot.”
How did she know?
Two Doors Problem
Two doors, one leads to certain death and one door leads to
Two guards in front of doors - will allow you to go through one
and only one door:
One guard always lies.
Other guard always tells the truth.
You don’t know who is who…
You can ask one question to one guard – what is the question
you should ask to know which door is right?
to Puzzle
Ask either guard:
“What door will the other guard tell me leads to freedom?” –
and then to walk through the other door)
Social/Personality Development
Erikson’s Identity vs. Role Confusion
Individual Uniqueness
Social Solidarity (‫نماضت‬, ‫)لفاكت‬
Identity achieved:
Sense of direction
At home in body
Knowing that you matter
James Marcia
Identity Diffusion
Little (if any) commitment to path/identity
Eg., Major of the week - Rebel without a clue
Identity Foreclosure
Accepts parental/culturally defined role
Hands over the keys
Identity Moratorium
Maybe in midst of identity crisis, but no commitment
Decide to not decide, put off a decision
Identity Achievement
Life Direction (and commitment)
William Perry
Intellectual/Ethical Development*
Reflects attitudes toward knowledge/understanding
9 Positions – 4 Stages
No clear boundary exists between stages
*Source: Parks, S. D. (2000) “Big Questions, Worthy Dreams:
Mentoring Young Adults in their Search for Meaning, Purpose,
and Faith”
Stage 1:
Dualism (Authority Bound)
What you know, trust, believe…comes from authority
Even life direction determined by others
Knowledge is absolute - Right / Wrong answers
Answers exist and authority’s (teacher, instructor, therapist…)
job is to inform you
Disagreements unthinkable – facts are facts
Students job: Learn right answers
Stage 2:
When Authorities fail (or conflict)
Initial response: just need a better teacher/book…
Assumption: knowledge attainable…
Authority may not have all answers, but they will.
Eventually, illusion of certainty gives way to multiplicity
I have my truth, you have yours, “Whatever”
Difficult to sustain position over time
Eventually realize - not all positions equal
Stage 3:
Grey areas are the rule of life - not the exception
No knowledge is absolute – Right/Wrong
Typical response to dilemma: “It depends…”
Balanced Views important
Authority figures seen - Fellow Seekers
Point: Truth is relative, knowledge constructed
Stage 4:
Commitment in Relativism
Formal Reasoning (Abstract)
Decisions based more on Personal Values and Situation
Dialectical thinking (see multiple sides of issues (think in
different ways, like why this is YES and why this NO. why this
is RIGIT and why this is WRONG)
Psychological Defense Mech.
Moral Reasoning
Moral dilemma?
Human need vs. Law or Social Constraint
Larry Kohlberg
Moral Reasoning
Level – I Pre-Conventional - Self-Interest
Stage 1 Avoid Punishment (stay safe)
Stage 2 Personal Concrete Rewards (What's in it for me?)
Level – II Conventional – Laws and Social Convention
Stage 3 Social Approval (Good Boy-Nice Girl)
Stage 4 Law and Order (Duty to others - no questions)
Level – III Post-Conventional - Abstract Principles
Stage 5 Social Contract Orientation (Affirms agreed-upon
Stage 6 Own principles (Own principles) Dialectical thinking
L. Kohlberg – Moral Development
Level-I (Preconventional Moral Reasoning –Self Interest)
Stage 1. Avoid Punishment (stay safe)
Stage 2. Concrete Rewards (What's in it for me?)
Level-II (Conventional Reasoning – Law/Social Rules)
Stage 3. Social Approval (Good Boy-Nice Girl)
Stage 4. Law & Order (Duty to family/Society,
No questions asked!!)
L. Kohlberg – Moral Development
Level-III (Postconventional Reasoning - Abstract Princ.)
Stage 5. Social Contract (Agreed-upon rights)
Stage 6. Own principles (Own ethics / principles)
“Dialectical Thought”
C. Gilligan
Morality based on “self” needs
Morality that demonstrates commitment to specific individuals
(family or friends)
then community, and finally to universal principles (e.g., truth,
freedom, fairness and equity).
G. Allport
Dimensions of Maturity:
*Extend Self
*Relating Warmly to Others
*Emotionally Secure
*Realistic Perceptions
*Possess essential Skills and Competencies
*Knowledge of Self
*Develop philosophy of Life
Identity – your story of You
Feeling at home in your skin
Having a sense of direction/purpose
Knowing that you matter to a particular group
family, friends, teammates…
Dependent – relying on someone too much
Co-Dependency - loving too much!
Needing to make others dependent on you (to validate yourself)
Independent – On your own but willing to take assistance
Counter-Dependent – Unwillingness to rely on others
Inter-Dependent – realizing we’re in this together - your actions
impact me and my actions impact you. “Takes a village…”
Illustration: Someone buying you dinner.
Intimacy v. Isolation 20+
Eros - physical aspects of relationship, excitement
Ludus - self-centered, flirt, no commitment "love is game"
Storge - calm, companionship, emotion deemphasized
Manic - intense, obsessive. Anxiety, continual reassurance
Agape - altruistic love, care deeply about partners
Pragma - practical and realistic - logical
Student 4
English 1302 - _________
Critical Thinking Essay
Title your Research/Argumentative Essay
Write an Argumentative/Research essay of four or five fully
typed pages (double spaced) that addresses a literary topic of
your choosing. Formulate a thesis statement that targets a
debatable topic or prompt in fiction, poetry, drama, or a
combination of these genres by an author. Develop an Outline to
reflect the direction and structure of your paper before using it
to develop an Argumentative (Research) essay.
Alternative prompts are listed below. Please one of these
prompts only if you are not able to generate a unique topic.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
· Analyze the actions of any major characters in Hamlet,
applying two tests which any ethical action must pass: (1) The
Golden Rule and (2) universality (Would the person taking the
action want all persons to act the same way in a similar
· Appraise the values of at least one character in The
Metamorphosis. Was this character(s) justified in his or her
treatment or reaction to Gregor Samsa’s condition? Defend
your reasoning.
· Analyze several works from one of the authors studied this
semester. How does the author’s own ethics resonate with his
or her work?
· Analyze several characters created by one of the authors
studied this semester. Evaluate the extent to which the author’s
own ethics resonates with each individual character. Describe
the impact on the finality of this particular piece.
· Formulate a thesis involving an answer to an ethical question
as it relates to an author or characters from a larger body of
As always, the answer to the question--your thesis--should be
defended with at least three points.
Evaluation criteria follow:
Explanation of issues: Issue/problem to be considered critically
is stated clearly and described comprehensively, delivering all
relevant information necessary for full understanding.
· Evidence: Information is taken from source(s) with enough
interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive analysis
or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are questioned thoroughly.
· Position: Specific position is imaginative, taking into account
the complexities of an issue. (This means that you have written
a sophisticated thesis.) Limits of position are acknowledged.
Others' points of view are synthesized within position
(Basically, these two things are the discussion of the opposing
view and rebuttal.)
· Conclusions and related outcomes: (Other terms might be
“implications and consequences”) Conclusions and related
outcomes are logical and reflect student’s informed evaluation
and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in
priority order.
· Additionally, your essay will earn the highest points in the
component area of written communication if it meets the
following criteria.
· Context of and Purpose for Writing: Demonstrate a thorough
understanding of context, audience, and purpose of a proposal
· Content Development: Use appropriate, relevant, and
compelling content to illustrate mastery of a proposal essay.
· Genre and Disciplinary Conventions: Properly format and
organize the essay in MLA style.
· Sources and Evidence: Incorporate at least three citations (at
least one source from the library database sources).
· Control of Syntax and Mechanics: Use graceful language that
skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and
fluency, making almost no errors.
The essay should demonstrate the following ENGL 1302
· College level spelling and punctuation skills
· MLA format for margins, header, personal information,
paragraph indention, double spacing
· In-text citations
· Works Cited page
· Clearly stated thesis statement
· Topic sentences that flows from thesis statement
· Sentence variety
· No egregious grammar mistakes
5% of your Final Exam Grade: Visual Component.
In your essay, you must accomplish the following in order to
receive credit for the visual interpretation component of the
· Description: Describe the physical image comprehensively
demonstrating a full understanding of significant elements of
the image.
· Explanation: Provide a well-developed explanation of the
meaning or purpose of the image, fully supported by the
evidence within the image.
· Consequences & Implications: Presents a detailed,
sophisticated discussion of consequences and/or implications of
the visual image’s meaning. How does your image connect with
the content or subject of your essay?
AdolescencePhysical & CognitiveDevelopmentSources.docx

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AdolescencePhysical & CognitiveDevelopmentSources.docx

  • 1. Adolescence* Physical & Cognitive Development Sources include: Boyd & Bee (2012) “Lifespan Development” Defining Adolescence Challenging: Synonymous with teenage years? Physical changes may occur by age 9 Level of increased maturity/responsibility Transitional Period (Childhood – Adult) Def. Puberty - Collective term for all physical changes (seen/unseen) required for reproductive maturity Prefrontal Cortex Changes in Brain 13 - 15 years: Cortex thickens Neural pathway efficiency increases Increased energy produced/consumed Just before Puberty
  • 2. Synapses from Cortex form w/ other parts of brain Changes in Brain At Approx. 17 years – beginning Early Adulthood Frontal lobes (logic/planning) more developed Still, limited Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) Executive Functioning – control & organize thought processes Impulse Control Won’t be complete until mid 20s May lead to impulsive actions (Not well thought out- consequences) Body Systems Adolescents: may grow 3 - 6 inches/year Full adult height: Girls: by 16 years Boys: by 18 – 20 years Cephalocaudal/Proximodistal Dev - “Reversed” Hands/feet full adult size before arms/legs Shoe size rapid changes - signal of puberty
  • 3. Muscle mass differences: Men - 40% of total body mass is muscle Women - 24% Milestones of Puberty Pituitary Gland (Master Gland – controls all glands) Signals Adrenal Gland to increase “Androgen” Adrenarche – begins around aged 7-8 Hormone that stimulates growth of: Ovaries (Girls) - Estradiol (Form of estrogen) Testes (Boys) - Testosterone Pituitary Gland Pituitary Gland (cont.) Pituitary gland secretes two other hormones: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone General Growth Hormone Two sets of body changes triggered: 1. Development of sex organs 2. General changes in brain, bone, muscles…
  • 4. Puberty: Physical Changes Physical change most obvious and most associated with adolescence is sexual maturity Primary Sex Characteristics Females - Ovaries, Uterus, Vagina Males - Testes, Penis Secondary Sex Characteristics Females – Breast development, body hair Males – Voice pitch, facial hair, body hair AGING – Biological / Psychological / Social Sexual Development: Females First Menstruation (Menarche): Tends to occur 2 years after other visible changes 10% females experience Menarche before age 11 90% females by age 14 Still possible to become pregnant after menarche However, irregular cycles initially Approx. 2-3 years after Menarche – no Ovum released Full adult development takes years Historical Trends Timing of menarche Between 1850 – 1950 (approx. 4 mos./decade earlier) 1840: age 17 years (Dropping 4 months/decade until 1950s)
  • 5. Secular TrendChanges that occur in developing nations when nutrition and health improve. Lifestyle/Diet: Increases in protein and fat consumption N. Korean refugee camps (limited food): age 16 Critical value: 17% body fat Sexual Development: Males First Ejaculation (Spermarche) Typically between 13-14 years First viable sperm not produced for several months Facial Hair and lowering voice not until late adolescence Secular trend among males less apparent than for females. Timing of Puberty If discrepancy between Expected and Actual: Females develop early (before 10-11 years) Neg. body image (believe self to be fat) Trouble (home/school) More sexually active Depressed Males - if either Early or Late
  • 6. Depression If early (leaders, academics/$ success in adulthood) Increased Substance use (both sexes if early puberty) Adolescent Sexuality PubertyHormonal changes underlie sexual attraction and sexual behavior Other Factors besides Hormones Psychological Social Prevalence of sexual behavior (Trends) Boys more sexually active Both sexes: Increases from grades 9 – 12 Race/Ethnicity 67% African American High School students (at least 1 exp.) 51% Hispanic 44% White Adolescent Sexuality Historically 15-19 Year Olds reporting at least 1 sexual experience 198860% of Males 51% of Females 200843% of Males 43% of Females EthnicityFemales39% Whites 43% Hispanics 45% of African Americans
  • 7. Males39% Whites 45% of Hispanics 61% of African Americans Contributing Factors Social Factors Poverty Lacking Adult Monitors/supervision Alcohol (assoc. with 25-30% of sexual encounters) Abused/Neglected in Early Childhood Psychological Factors (Beliefs) Premarital sex “morally wrong” less likely Religious observance/attendance less likely Sports or other after-school events less likely You’ve missed till here Contraception Despite high level of sexual behavior: 50% can identify highest fertility time in menstrual cycle Little Knowledge of STD and consequences 90% learned about STD issues in school Condom Use among Sexually Experienced Teens 198831% Females 200857% Females 53% Males79% Males Adolescent Pregnancy Rate of pregnancy among teens in U.S. higher than other industrialized nations: 40 pregnancies per 1000 teens in U.S.
  • 8. 27 in United Kingdom 10 in Germany 5 in Japan Misleading statistic in U.S. b/c only consider < 20 years 1 pregnancy per 1000 for females under 15 years 22 per 1000 for 15-17 years 70 per 1000 for 18-19 years Changing Statistics Birth rates among teens dropped since 1960s Increased - birth rates among unmarried teens: 1960s+80% teen mothers were married 200314% teen mothers were married Moms eventually marry baby’s father - Ethnicity < 5% African American teen mothers marry baby’s father 26% Hispanic teen mothers 41% White teen mothers 17% teen moms maintain romantic relationship with dads after birth Sexual Identities in Adolescence HeterosexualityDeveloping attraction to opposite sex is a key process for many teens 92% of teens identify selves as exclusively heterosexual 7% Uncertain about their sexual orientation (Questioning) 1% identify self as exclusively gay, lesbian, or bisexual By Adulthood:94% heterosexual
  • 9. 5% gay, lesbian, or bisexual Small Percentage still questioning Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Orientation Twin Studies – when one twin is Homosexual Identical Twins: 50-60% other twin is homosexual Fraternal Twins: 20% Unrelated (adopted) boys in same family: 11% Psychological Experience Research:Often report Isolation/Rejection by peers Higher levels reported:Depression Suicide attempts Substance use Transgender Def:One’s psychological gender not consistent with his or her biological sex Transgendered Adolescents often report interest in activities typically associated with other gender since early childhood However, most children interested in cross-gender activities (even desire to be the opposite gender) don’t exhibit transgenderism after puberty Some evidence for Atypical levels of Androgens in Womb Adolescent Health
  • 10. Sensation-Seeking (arousal) Explain: gain approval/establish autonomy Remember PFC limitations Popular media (sex, violence, drug/alcohol…) 13-17 year olds: tv, music, video (more than school) Parents have few (if any) rules for media use Parenting Styles Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco Used In last 12 months: Drug8th Grade10th Grade12th Grade Alcohol30%53%66% Marijuana12%27%33% Vicodin*3%8%10% Diet Pills*4%7%7% * Recreational Use – outside of medical approval Explaining Use High interest in sensation-seeking Peer influence (if friends share sensation-seeking) Lonely/shy Parenting Style (Authoritative less likely) Eating Disorders 50% Women and 33% Men – weight loss diet Teens 40% diet regularly 20% use extreme means, e.g., “diet pills” Distorted body image Extreme cases - even in starvation, believe fat
  • 11. Can be fatal More common among girls than boys Eating Disorders (cont.) Anorexia Nervosa: characterized by Self-starvation More distorted body image than Bulimia Extreme dieting Fear of gaining weight Obsessive exercise routines Physical Symptoms: Sleep disturbanceLose hair on head Stop menstruatingcardiovascular issues Insensitivity to pain Bulimia Nervosa: Binge eating / Purging Intense weight issue & cycles of binging (& purging) Teens with bulimia not usually thin, but obsessed w/ weight Shame about behavior Often depressed Teeth decay and stomach irritation Freq: 1-3% adolescent girls/young adults (20% show signs) Eating Disorders (cont.) Depression/Suicide 18-30% of teens experience depression Girls 2X more likely report depression than boys Suicide: 17% high school students consider suicide seriously 2-8% actually attempted 1 in 10,000 die (misleading b/c car accidents not incl.)
  • 12. Boys 4X more suicide completion Girls attempt suicide 3X more often than boys Happiness Formula… Someone to love… Something to do… Something to look forward to… Changes in Thinking/Memory Piaget – “Formal” Stage Logical reasoning re: Abstract issues Systematic Problem-Solving Search methodically for solutions to problems (isolate potential factors) Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning Conclusions based on hypothetical premises Something maybe interesting but not real Changes in Thinking/Memory Metacognition – thinking about thinking Adolescent Egocentrism Adolescent Egocentrism Imaginary Audience (when you slip in front of everyone, and everyone is thinking about u) Believe everyone is as concerned about you, as you are about
  • 13. yourself. Watching You: “On Stage” Exaggerate other’s reactions to your behavior Text: Behavioral standards that come from peer group Personal Fable (story that is not true) (no one can unders. how I feel) Stories/mind set that influences thoughts/behaviors Eg, “No Use helmet” (accidents won’t happen to me). Virtue or Fidelity Transition to Formal Thinking There is a typical house (4 sides) and each side of the house has a Southern exposure. A bear comes along… What color is the bear? Formal Thinking (11+) Abstract thinking Combine and classify objects in many ways Higher-Order Reasoning Manipulate objects in the mind without having to actually manipulate them(props) Trial and Error Imagine outcomes of particular actions Creative Thinking Formal Thinking (11+)
  • 14. Example: If Paul is taller than Sarah And Sarah is taller than John Who is tallest? Abstract Inferential Reasoning – if child not experienced this, and they can draw conclusions from just thinking 3rd Eye Problem Where would you put an extra eye (if you could have a third one) ? 5 y/o – Silly ? – Kyle bumped my eye today at recess… 9 y/o – Forehead, because that is where eyes go. 11 y/o – “hand” so that you could see around corners. Thinking about Thinking Interesting article about introducing Abstract thinking: Article on Flowers Transition to Formal Thinking Transition to Formal Thinking
  • 15. Formal Operations Teenage Brain Mind-mapping Strategies Summary of Stages Formal Thinking Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning Not Trial and Error – think with mind… Refined Deductive and Inductive Reasoning "What if" thinkers Logical thinking is not limited to their direct experiences Logic can violate beliefs and what they ‘know’ to be true: Abstract Logic Formal Operational Princess King had three children: two sons and daughter. King old - leave kingdom to brightest child. He gave instructions: “You will enter a dark room together and I will paint dot on each of your foreheads. You won’t know color of dot - Red or Blue.
  • 16. You will all sit down and the lights will turn on. If you see Blue dot on anyone’s head, stand up. If you know color dot on YOUR head, sit down. First one to sit down and identify color dot on their head wins.” King took them into dark room – paints Blue dots on each forehead. Lights came on, all stood up. Hesitated, and then daughter sat down, “I have a blue dot.” How did she know? Two Doors Problem Two doors, one leads to certain death and one door leads to freedom. Two guards in front of doors - will allow you to go through one and only one door: One guard always lies. Other guard always tells the truth. You don’t know who is who… You can ask one question to one guard – what is the question you should ask to know which door is right? Solution to Puzzle Ask either guard: “What door will the other guard tell me leads to freedom?” –
  • 17. and then to walk through the other door) Social/Personality Development Erikson’s Identity vs. Role Confusion Individual Uniqueness Sameness/Continuity Social Solidarity (‫نماضت‬, ‫)لفاكت‬ Identity achieved: Sense of direction At home in body Knowing that you matter James Marcia Identity Diffusion Little (if any) commitment to path/identity Eg., Major of the week - Rebel without a clue Identity Foreclosure Accepts parental/culturally defined role Hands over the keys Identity Moratorium
  • 18. Maybe in midst of identity crisis, but no commitment Decide to not decide, put off a decision Identity Achievement Life Direction (and commitment) William Perry Intellectual/Ethical Development* Reflects attitudes toward knowledge/understanding 9 Positions – 4 Stages No clear boundary exists between stages *Source: Parks, S. D. (2000) “Big Questions, Worthy Dreams: Mentoring Young Adults in their Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Faith” Stage 1: Dualism (Authority Bound) What you know, trust, believe…comes from authority Even life direction determined by others Knowledge is absolute - Right / Wrong answers
  • 19. Answers exist and authority’s (teacher, instructor, therapist…) job is to inform you Disagreements unthinkable – facts are facts Students job: Learn right answers Stage 2: Multiplicity When Authorities fail (or conflict) Initial response: just need a better teacher/book… Assumption: knowledge attainable… Authority may not have all answers, but they will. Eventually, illusion of certainty gives way to multiplicity I have my truth, you have yours, “Whatever” Difficult to sustain position over time Eventually realize - not all positions equal Stage 3: Relativism
  • 20. Grey areas are the rule of life - not the exception No knowledge is absolute – Right/Wrong Typical response to dilemma: “It depends…” Balanced Views important Authority figures seen - Fellow Seekers Point: Truth is relative, knowledge constructed Stage 4: Commitment in Relativism Formal Reasoning (Abstract) Decisions based more on Personal Values and Situation Dialectical thinking (see multiple sides of issues (think in different ways, like why this is YES and why this NO. why this is RIGIT and why this is WRONG) Psychological Defense Mech.
  • 21. Denial Repression Projection Displacement Humor Rationalize Regression Withdrawal Moral Reasoning Moral dilemma? Human need vs. Law or Social Constraint Larry Kohlberg Moral Reasoning Level – I Pre-Conventional - Self-Interest Stage 1 Avoid Punishment (stay safe) Stage 2 Personal Concrete Rewards (What's in it for me?) Level – II Conventional – Laws and Social Convention Stage 3 Social Approval (Good Boy-Nice Girl) Stage 4 Law and Order (Duty to others - no questions) Level – III Post-Conventional - Abstract Principles
  • 22. Stage 5 Social Contract Orientation (Affirms agreed-upon rights) Stage 6 Own principles (Own principles) Dialectical thinking L. Kohlberg – Moral Development Level-I (Preconventional Moral Reasoning –Self Interest) Stage 1. Avoid Punishment (stay safe) Stage 2. Concrete Rewards (What's in it for me?) Level-II (Conventional Reasoning – Law/Social Rules) Stage 3. Social Approval (Good Boy-Nice Girl) Stage 4. Law & Order (Duty to family/Society, No questions asked!!) L. Kohlberg – Moral Development Level-III (Postconventional Reasoning - Abstract Princ.) Stage 5. Social Contract (Agreed-upon rights) Stage 6. Own principles (Own ethics / principles) “Dialectical Thought”
  • 23. C. Gilligan Morality based on “self” needs Morality that demonstrates commitment to specific individuals (family or friends) then community, and finally to universal principles (e.g., truth, freedom, fairness and equity). G. Allport Dimensions of Maturity: *Extend Self *Relating Warmly to Others *Emotionally Secure *Realistic Perceptions *Possess essential Skills and Competencies *Knowledge of Self *Develop philosophy of Life
  • 24. Identity – your story of You Feeling at home in your skin Having a sense of direction/purpose Knowing that you matter to a particular group family, friends, teammates… Self-in-Relation Dependent – relying on someone too much Co-Dependency - loving too much! Needing to make others dependent on you (to validate yourself) Independent – On your own but willing to take assistance Counter-Dependent – Unwillingness to rely on others Inter-Dependent – realizing we’re in this together - your actions impact me and my actions impact you. “Takes a village…” Illustration: Someone buying you dinner. Stages Intimacy v. Isolation 20+
  • 25. Eros - physical aspects of relationship, excitement Ludus - self-centered, flirt, no commitment "love is game" Storge - calm, companionship, emotion deemphasized Manic - intense, obsessive. Anxiety, continual reassurance Agape - altruistic love, care deeply about partners Pragma - practical and realistic - logical Student 4 Student_______________ Instructor____________ English 1302 - _________ Date Critical Thinking Essay Title your Research/Argumentative Essay Write an Argumentative/Research essay of four or five fully typed pages (double spaced) that addresses a literary topic of your choosing. Formulate a thesis statement that targets a debatable topic or prompt in fiction, poetry, drama, or a combination of these genres by an author. Develop an Outline to reflect the direction and structure of your paper before using it to develop an Argumentative (Research) essay.
  • 26. Alternative prompts are listed below. Please one of these prompts only if you are not able to generate a unique topic. Examples include, but are not limited to: · Analyze the actions of any major characters in Hamlet, applying two tests which any ethical action must pass: (1) The Golden Rule and (2) universality (Would the person taking the action want all persons to act the same way in a similar situation?). · Appraise the values of at least one character in The Metamorphosis. Was this character(s) justified in his or her treatment or reaction to Gregor Samsa’s condition? Defend your reasoning. · Analyze several works from one of the authors studied this semester. How does the author’s own ethics resonate with his or her work? · Analyze several characters created by one of the authors studied this semester. Evaluate the extent to which the author’s own ethics resonates with each individual character. Describe the impact on the finality of this particular piece. · Formulate a thesis involving an answer to an ethical question as it relates to an author or characters from a larger body of works. As always, the answer to the question--your thesis--should be defended with at least three points.
  • 27. Evaluation criteria follow: Explanation of issues: Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. · Evidence: Information is taken from source(s) with enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are questioned thoroughly. · Position: Specific position is imaginative, taking into account the complexities of an issue. (This means that you have written a sophisticated thesis.) Limits of position are acknowledged. Others' points of view are synthesized within position (Basically, these two things are the discussion of the opposing view and rebuttal.) · Conclusions and related outcomes: (Other terms might be “implications and consequences”) Conclusions and related outcomes are logical and reflect student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order. · Additionally, your essay will earn the highest points in the component area of written communication if it meets the following criteria. · Context of and Purpose for Writing: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose of a proposal essay. · Content Development: Use appropriate, relevant, and
  • 28. compelling content to illustrate mastery of a proposal essay. · Genre and Disciplinary Conventions: Properly format and organize the essay in MLA style. · Sources and Evidence: Incorporate at least three citations (at least one source from the library database sources). · Control of Syntax and Mechanics: Use graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, making almost no errors. The essay should demonstrate the following ENGL 1302 outcomes: · College level spelling and punctuation skills · MLA format for margins, header, personal information, paragraph indention, double spacing · In-text citations · Works Cited page · Clearly stated thesis statement · Topic sentences that flows from thesis statement · Sentence variety · No egregious grammar mistakes YOU MUST SUBMIT AN OUTLINE
  • 29. 5% of your Final Exam Grade: Visual Component. In your essay, you must accomplish the following in order to receive credit for the visual interpretation component of the assignment. · Description: Describe the physical image comprehensively demonstrating a full understanding of significant elements of the image. · Explanation: Provide a well-developed explanation of the meaning or purpose of the image, fully supported by the evidence within the image. · Consequences & Implications: Presents a detailed, sophisticated discussion of consequences and/or implications of the visual image’s meaning. How does your image connect with the content or subject of your essay?