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Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of
         cluster-cluster aggregation

                              Colm Connaughton

           Mathematics Institute and Centre for Complexity Science,
                         University of Warwick, UK

Collaborators: R. Ball (Warwick), P. Jones (Warwick), P. Krapivsky (Boston), R.
       Rajesh (Chennai), T, Stein (Reading), O. Zaboronski (Warwick).

                       School of Physics Seminar
                         Trinity College Dublin
                               1 April 2011   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Aggregation phenomena : motivation

                                                                 Many particles of one
                                                                 material dispersed in
                                                                 Transport is diffusive or
                                                                 Particles stick together on
  Applications: surface physics, colloids, atmospheric science,
  earth sciences, polymers, cloud physics.
  This talk:
  Today we will focus on simple theoretical models of the
  statistical dynamics of such systems.

   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Simplest model of clustering: coalescing random

                                                       Particles move around
                                                       randomly by diffusion.
                                                       Upon contact they merge with
                                                       probability k : A + A → A.
                                                       Without a source of particles,
                                                       number decreases with time.
                                                       With source of particles a
                                                       statistically stationary state is
                                                       No non-trivial equilibrium -
                                                       lack of detailed balance.

   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Mean field description
  Equation for the average density, N(x, t), of particles:
                            ∂N          k
                               = D ∆ N − N (2) + J
                            ∂t          2

      k is the reaction rate, D is the diffusion coefficient, J is the
      rate of injection of particles.
      N (2) is the probability of two particles meeting at the same
      point in space.
      No correlations between particles: N (2) ∝ N 2 :
        dN        k
             = − N 2 + J (spatially homogeneous case).
         dt       2
                                              2ρ0       1
            J = 0 : N(t) =                            ∼    as t → ∞
                                           2 + k ρ0 t   kt
            J = 0 : N(t) ∼                        as t → ∞
   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
A more sophisticated model of clustering:
size-dependent coalescence
  A better model would track the sizes distribution of the clusters:

                                Am1 + Am2 → Am1 +m2 .

      Probability of particles sticking should be a function,
      K (m1 , m2 ), of the particle sizes (bigger particles typically
      have a bigger collision cross-section).
      Micro-physics of different applications is encoded in
      K (m1 , m2 ) - the collision kernel - which is often a
      homogeneous function:

                             K (am1 , am2 ) = aλ K (m1 , m2 )

      Given the kernel, objective is to determine the cluster size
      distribution, Nm (t), which describes the average number of
      clusters of size m as a function of time.
   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
The Smoluchowski equation

  Assume the cloud is well-mixed so that there are no spatial
  Cluster size distribution, Nm (t), satisfies the following kinetic
  equation :
  Smoluchowski equation :

   ∂Nm (t)
               =               dm1 dm2 K (m1 , m2 )Nm1 Nm2 δ(m − m1 − m2 )
     ∂t                0
               − 2                 dm1 dm2 K (m, m1 )Nm Nm1 δ(m2 − m − m1 )
               + J δ(m − m0 )

   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Self-similar Solutions of the Smoluchowski equation

                                                    In many applications kernel
                                                    is a homogeneous function:
                                                    K (am1 , am2 ) = aλ K (m1 , m2 )
                                                    Resulting cluster size
                                                    distributions exhibit

  Self-similar solutions have the form
                    Nm (t) ∼ s(t)−2 F (z)                      z=

  where s(t) is the typical cluster size. The scaling function, F (z),
  determines the shape of the cluster size distribution.

   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Stationary solutions of the Smoluchowski equation
with a source of monomers
                                                    Add monomers at rate, J.
                                                    Suppose particles having
                                                    m > M are removed.
                                                    Stationary state is obtained
                                                    for large t.
                                                    Stationary state is a
                                                    balance between injection
                                                    and removal. Constant
                                                    mass flux in range [m0 , M]
                                                    Essentially non-equilibrium:
                                                    no detailed balance.
  With some work:
                                         √          λ+3
                    Nm (t) ∼ CK              J m−    2    as t → ∞.
   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Violation of mass conservation: the gelation transition

  Microscopic dynamics conserve mass: Am1 + Am2 → Am1 +m2 .

                                                  Smoluchowski equation formally
                                                  conserves the total mass,
                                                  M1 (t) = 0 m N(m, t) dm.
                                                  However for λ > 1:
                                                  M1 (t) <              m N(m, 0) dm t > t ∗ .

                                                  (Lushnikov [1977], Ziff [1980])
   M1 (t) for K (m1 , m2 ) = (m1 m2 )3/4 .        Mean field theory violates mass

  Best studied by introducing cut-off, M, and studying limit
  M → ∞. (Laurencot [2004])

        arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Physical interpretation of the gelation transition

      As λ increases, the aggregation rate, K (m1 , m2 ), increases
      more rapidly as a function of m. If λ > 1 the absorbtion of
      small clusters by large ones becomes a runaway process.
      Clusters of arbitrarily large size (gel) are generated in a
      finite time, t∗ , known as the gelation time.
      Loss of mass to the gel component corresponds to a finite
      mass flux as m → ∞.
      Finite time singularities generally pose a problem for
      physics: for gelling systems Smoluchowski equation
      usually only describes intermediate asymptotics of Nm (t).
      In qualitative agreement with experiments in crosslinked
      polymer aggregation (Lushnikov et al. [1990]).

   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Instantaneous gelation

  Consider the asymptotic behaviour of the kernel describing the
  aggregation of small clusters by large:
                                         µ ν
                         K (m1 , m2 ) ∼ m1 m2 m1 m2 .

  Clearly µ + ν = λ so that gelation always occurs if ν is big
  Instantaneous Gelation
       If ν > 1 then t ∗ = 0. (Van Dongen & Ernst [1987])
      Worse: gelation is complete: M1 (t) = 0 for t > 0.

  Instantaneously gelling kernels cannot describe even the
  intermediate asymptotics of any physical problem.
  Mathematically pathological?

   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Droplet coagulation by gravitational settling: a puzzle

                                                   The process of gravitational
                                                   settling is important in the
                                                   evolution of the droplet size
                                                   distribution in clouds and
                                                   the onset of precipitation.
                                   Droplets are in the Stokes
                                   regime → larger droplets
                                   fall faster merging with
                                   slower droplets below them.
  Some elementary calculations give the collision kernel
                                              1      1          2         2
                  K (m1 , m2 ) ∝ (m1 + m2 )2 m1 − m2
                                   3    3     3    3

  ν = 4/3 suggesting instantaneous gelation but model seems
  reasonable in practice. How is this possible?
   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Instantaneous gelation in the presence of a cut-off

                                                 With cut-off, M, regularized
                                                 gelation time, tM , is clearly
                                                 tM decreases as M increases.
                                                 Van Dongen & Ernst recovered in
                                                 limit M → ∞.
                            2    3/2
   M(t) for K (m1 , m2 ) = m1 + m2     .

        Decrease of            ∗
                              tM     as M is very slow. Numerics and heuristics
                                               ∗          1
                                              tM ∼             .
                                                         log M
        This suggests such models are physically reasonable.
        Consistent with related results of Krapivsky and Ben-Naim
        and Krapivsky [2003] on exchange-driven growth.

       arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
"Instantaneous" gelation with a source of monomers
  A stationary state is reached in the regularised systems if a
  source of monomers is present (Horvai et al [2007]).

                                                  Stationary state has the
                                                  asymptotic form for M    1:

                                                                   J log M ν−1 m1−ν −ν
                                                    Nm =                      M    m .
                                                  Stretched exponential for small
                                                  m, power law for large m.
   Stationary state (theory vs numerics)
                                                  Stationary particle density:
               for ν = 3/2.

                     √                      1−ν
                         J M − MM                                 J
            N=                                          ∼               as M → ∞.
                        M        log M ν−1                    log M ν−1

            arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Approach to Stationary State is non-trivial

                                                  Numerics indicate that the
                                                  approach to stationary state is
                                                  Collective oscillations of the total
                                                  density of clusters.
        Total density vs
                              time for
                                                  Numerical measurements of the
   K (m1 , m2 ) = m1          + m2 .
                                                  Q-factor of these oscillations
                                                  suggests that they are long-lived
                                                  transients. Last longer as M
                                                  Heuristic explanation in terms of
                                                  “reset” mechanism.

    “Q-factor" for ν = 0.2.
        arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
Summary and conclusions
     Aggregation phenomena exhibit a rich variety of
     non-equilibrium statistical dynamics.
     If the aggretation rate of large clusters increases quickly
     enough as a function of cluster size, clusters of arbitrarily
     large size can be generated in finite time leading to a
     gelation transition.
     Aggregation kernels which mathematically speaking
     undergo complete instantaneous gelation still make sense
     as physical models provided a cut-off is included since the
     approach to the singarity is logarithmically slow as the
     cut-off is removed.
     Many other interesting phenomena not discussed today:
     diffusive fluctations in low dimensions and anomalous
     scaling, non-equilibrium phases transition in models with
     evaporation, effects of non-diffusive transport (Levy flights,
     turbulence), gelation beyond mean field....   arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech

     R.C. Ball, C. Connaughton, T.H.M. Stein and O. Zaboronski, "Instantaneous Gelation in Smoluchowski’s
     Coagulation Equation Revisited", preprint arXiv:1012.4431v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech], 2010
     C. Connaughton, R. Rajesh, and O. Zaboronski "On the Non-equilibrium Phase Transition in
     Evaporation-Deposition Models", J. Stat. Mech.-Theor. E., P09016, 2010
     C. Connaughton and J. Harris, "Scaling properties of one-dimensional cluster-cluster aggregation with Levy
     diffusion", J. Stat. Mech.-Theor. E., P05003, 2010
     C. Connaughton and P.L. Krapivsky "Aggregation-fragmentation processes and decaying three-wave
     turbulence ", Phys. Rev. E 81, 035303(R), 2010
     C. Connaughton, R. Rajesh and O. Zaboronski, "Constant Flux Relation for diffusion limited cluster–cluster
     aggregation", Phys. Rev E 78, 041403, 2008
     C. Connaughton,R. Rajesh and O. Zaboronski , "Constant Flux Relation for Driven Dissipative Systems",
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 080601 (2007)
     C. Connaughton,R. Rajesh and O. Zaboronski , "Cluster-Cluster Aggregation as an Analogue of a Turbulent
     Cascade : Kolmogorov Phenomenology, Scaling Laws and the Breakdown of self-similarity", Physica D 222,
     1-2 97-115 (2006)
     C. Connaughton R. Rajesh and O.V. Zaboronski, "Breakdown of Kolmogorov Scaling in Models of Cluster
     Aggregation", Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 194503 (2005)
     C. Connaughton R. Rajesh and O.V. Zaboronski, "Stationary Kolmogorov solutions of the Smoluchowski
     aggregation equation with a source term", Phys. Rev E 69 (6): 061114, 2004

         arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech

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Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of cluster-cluster aggregation, School of Physics seminar Trinity College Dublin, April 01 2011

  • 1. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of cluster-cluster aggregation Colm Connaughton Mathematics Institute and Centre for Complexity Science, University of Warwick, UK Collaborators: R. Ball (Warwick), P. Jones (Warwick), P. Krapivsky (Boston), R. Rajesh (Chennai), T, Stein (Reading), O. Zaboronski (Warwick). School of Physics Seminar Trinity College Dublin 1 April 2011 arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 2. Aggregation phenomena : motivation Many particles of one material dispersed in another. Transport is diffusive or advective. Particles stick together on contact. Applications: surface physics, colloids, atmospheric science, earth sciences, polymers, cloud physics. This talk: Today we will focus on simple theoretical models of the statistical dynamics of such systems. arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 3. Simplest model of clustering: coalescing random walks Particles move around randomly by diffusion. Upon contact they merge with probability k : A + A → A. Without a source of particles, number decreases with time. With source of particles a statistically stationary state is reached. No non-trivial equilibrium - lack of detailed balance. arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 4. Mean field description Equation for the average density, N(x, t), of particles: ∂N k = D ∆ N − N (2) + J ∂t 2 k is the reaction rate, D is the diffusion coefficient, J is the rate of injection of particles. N (2) is the probability of two particles meeting at the same point in space. No correlations between particles: N (2) ∝ N 2 : dN k = − N 2 + J (spatially homogeneous case). dt 2 2ρ0 1 J = 0 : N(t) = ∼ as t → ∞ 2 + k ρ0 t kt 2J J = 0 : N(t) ∼ as t → ∞ k arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 5. A more sophisticated model of clustering: size-dependent coalescence A better model would track the sizes distribution of the clusters: Am1 + Am2 → Am1 +m2 . Probability of particles sticking should be a function, K (m1 , m2 ), of the particle sizes (bigger particles typically have a bigger collision cross-section). Micro-physics of different applications is encoded in K (m1 , m2 ) - the collision kernel - which is often a homogeneous function: K (am1 , am2 ) = aλ K (m1 , m2 ) Given the kernel, objective is to determine the cluster size distribution, Nm (t), which describes the average number of clusters of size m as a function of time. arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 6. The Smoluchowski equation Assume the cloud is well-mixed so that there are no spatial correlations. Cluster size distribution, Nm (t), satisfies the following kinetic equation : Smoluchowski equation : ∞ ∂Nm (t) = dm1 dm2 K (m1 , m2 )Nm1 Nm2 δ(m − m1 − m2 ) ∂t 0 ∞ − 2 dm1 dm2 K (m, m1 )Nm Nm1 δ(m2 − m − m1 ) 0 + J δ(m − m0 ) arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 7. Self-similar Solutions of the Smoluchowski equation In many applications kernel is a homogeneous function: K (am1 , am2 ) = aλ K (m1 , m2 ) Resulting cluster size distributions exhibit self-similarity. Self-similar solutions have the form m Nm (t) ∼ s(t)−2 F (z) z= s(t) where s(t) is the typical cluster size. The scaling function, F (z), determines the shape of the cluster size distribution. arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 8. Stationary solutions of the Smoluchowski equation with a source of monomers Add monomers at rate, J. Suppose particles having m > M are removed. Stationary state is obtained for large t. Stationary state is a balance between injection and removal. Constant mass flux in range [m0 , M] Essentially non-equilibrium: no detailed balance. With some work: √ λ+3 Nm (t) ∼ CK J m− 2 as t → ∞. arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 9. Violation of mass conservation: the gelation transition Microscopic dynamics conserve mass: Am1 + Am2 → Am1 +m2 . Smoluchowski equation formally conserves the total mass, ∞ M1 (t) = 0 m N(m, t) dm. However for λ > 1: ∞ M1 (t) < m N(m, 0) dm t > t ∗ . 0 (Lushnikov [1977], Ziff [1980]) M1 (t) for K (m1 , m2 ) = (m1 m2 )3/4 . Mean field theory violates mass conservation!!! Best studied by introducing cut-off, M, and studying limit M → ∞. (Laurencot [2004]) arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 10. Physical interpretation of the gelation transition As λ increases, the aggregation rate, K (m1 , m2 ), increases more rapidly as a function of m. If λ > 1 the absorbtion of small clusters by large ones becomes a runaway process. Clusters of arbitrarily large size (gel) are generated in a finite time, t∗ , known as the gelation time. Loss of mass to the gel component corresponds to a finite mass flux as m → ∞. Finite time singularities generally pose a problem for physics: for gelling systems Smoluchowski equation usually only describes intermediate asymptotics of Nm (t). In qualitative agreement with experiments in crosslinked polymer aggregation (Lushnikov et al. [1990]). arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 11. Instantaneous gelation Consider the asymptotic behaviour of the kernel describing the aggregation of small clusters by large: µ ν K (m1 , m2 ) ∼ m1 m2 m1 m2 . Clearly µ + ν = λ so that gelation always occurs if ν is big enough. Instantaneous Gelation If ν > 1 then t ∗ = 0. (Van Dongen & Ernst [1987]) Worse: gelation is complete: M1 (t) = 0 for t > 0. Instantaneously gelling kernels cannot describe even the intermediate asymptotics of any physical problem. Mathematically pathological? arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 12. Droplet coagulation by gravitational settling: a puzzle The process of gravitational settling is important in the evolution of the droplet size distribution in clouds and the onset of precipitation. Droplets are in the Stokes regime → larger droplets fall faster merging with slower droplets below them. Some elementary calculations give the collision kernel 1 1 2 2 K (m1 , m2 ) ∝ (m1 + m2 )2 m1 − m2 3 3 3 3 ν = 4/3 suggesting instantaneous gelation but model seems reasonable in practice. How is this possible? arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 13. Instantaneous gelation in the presence of a cut-off With cut-off, M, regularized ∗ gelation time, tM , is clearly identifiable. ∗ tM decreases as M increases. Van Dongen & Ernst recovered in limit M → ∞. 3 2 3/2 M(t) for K (m1 , m2 ) = m1 + m2 . Decrease of ∗ tM as M is very slow. Numerics and heuristics suggest: ∗ 1 tM ∼ . log M This suggests such models are physically reasonable. Consistent with related results of Krapivsky and Ben-Naim and Krapivsky [2003] on exchange-driven growth. arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 14. "Instantaneous" gelation with a source of monomers A stationary state is reached in the regularised systems if a source of monomers is present (Horvai et al [2007]). Stationary state has the asymptotic form for M 1: J log M ν−1 m1−ν −ν Nm = M m . M Stretched exponential for small m, power law for large m. Stationary state (theory vs numerics) Stationary particle density: for ν = 3/2. √ 1−ν J M − MM J N= ∼ as M → ∞. M log M ν−1 log M ν−1 arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 15. Approach to Stationary State is non-trivial Numerics indicate that the approach to stationary state is non-trivial. Collective oscillations of the total density of clusters. Total density vs 1+ time for 1+ Numerical measurements of the K (m1 , m2 ) = m1 + m2 . Q-factor of these oscillations suggests that they are long-lived transients. Last longer as M increases. Heuristic explanation in terms of “reset” mechanism. “Q-factor" for ν = 0.2. arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 16. Summary and conclusions Aggregation phenomena exhibit a rich variety of non-equilibrium statistical dynamics. If the aggretation rate of large clusters increases quickly enough as a function of cluster size, clusters of arbitrarily large size can be generated in finite time leading to a gelation transition. Aggregation kernels which mathematically speaking undergo complete instantaneous gelation still make sense as physical models provided a cut-off is included since the approach to the singarity is logarithmically slow as the cut-off is removed. Many other interesting phenomena not discussed today: diffusive fluctations in low dimensions and anomalous scaling, non-equilibrium phases transition in models with evaporation, effects of non-diffusive transport (Levy flights, turbulence), gelation beyond mean field.... arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech
  • 17. References R.C. Ball, C. Connaughton, T.H.M. Stein and O. Zaboronski, "Instantaneous Gelation in Smoluchowski’s Coagulation Equation Revisited", preprint arXiv:1012.4431v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech], 2010 C. Connaughton, R. Rajesh, and O. Zaboronski "On the Non-equilibrium Phase Transition in Evaporation-Deposition Models", J. Stat. Mech.-Theor. E., P09016, 2010 C. Connaughton and J. Harris, "Scaling properties of one-dimensional cluster-cluster aggregation with Levy diffusion", J. Stat. Mech.-Theor. E., P05003, 2010 C. Connaughton and P.L. Krapivsky "Aggregation-fragmentation processes and decaying three-wave turbulence ", Phys. Rev. E 81, 035303(R), 2010 C. Connaughton, R. Rajesh and O. Zaboronski, "Constant Flux Relation for diffusion limited cluster–cluster aggregation", Phys. Rev E 78, 041403, 2008 C. Connaughton,R. Rajesh and O. Zaboronski , "Constant Flux Relation for Driven Dissipative Systems", Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 080601 (2007) C. Connaughton,R. Rajesh and O. Zaboronski , "Cluster-Cluster Aggregation as an Analogue of a Turbulent Cascade : Kolmogorov Phenomenology, Scaling Laws and the Breakdown of self-similarity", Physica D 222, 1-2 97-115 (2006) C. Connaughton R. Rajesh and O.V. Zaboronski, "Breakdown of Kolmogorov Scaling in Models of Cluster Aggregation", Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 194503 (2005) C. Connaughton R. Rajesh and O.V. Zaboronski, "Stationary Kolmogorov solutions of the Smoluchowski aggregation equation with a source term", Phys. Rev E 69 (6): 061114, 2004 arXiv:1012.4431 cond-mat.stat-mech