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UFO -"" 
Sec. H1: r 
no PW 
. y$ k ' &.#39; 
: :59; U. -L . I --.#3 19-;V _ 
; _;,_;__ 6_ f; ~»-2-9i ?-1..%_ 
. 1; 
 Date of %wmti Date of htemeI H--__ 
#39; I-4» 
Lbzn ticmt oef observ ıaotcioan1!_ 1Q 2°;-2lZ_49#39;_ 
e 13:. 
Z  .., -___ 
, I - 
. . ._ .._,. 
L . . 2: »C_@ _= K:?-#LW39;.__,.-, ,-- ,-.:--#39; n#39;;~-.».~ 
I-4#39;--.~f= 4 ~-#2--3-.-9;##3399;;:_-, 
##3 .399;; T I o - . _ 
if-1#.3.9; - 
v ,_7 ..._ ._ . ,_ . -.-a- .__ . p.  
A ;-, - -.---#39-;-.- #39;. 
. , , .- #39; 
A e *o~%I 
Y UHIDE2f1IPIIJ!ERIALCB.IECT8 . #39; ##3399;; -.-. 
_ - I DCMQ L ~ - t 
. - .#39;; #39; ,#39;-_ 
. . #39; __._$.._ 
. - 1 ,_ -1 
ˇag; pf @ 591-731,193; W W  
. hp Coordinates! ._ ] f _-I 
Positio onf observ ea:ir, oar, bldg, locatio onf - give details!o_ 
Ihnt attracted ttent on to oıojech Dmnn mlm has in on at: , 
Iumbe rb ct and =1 tot 1#39 o;-rn gart#oio3un9p;ing! on @§;§n°¢ ui°mm i t a#39; - W #lpparon stize compa tkorneown o bject 1, .6-; mm I,005; Qhuib  
or i1n_t_at_o11 lje9n2gpth!; , _ .#39; . 
lp9¢lr0-l92ODO1»hll¬-lOlIl#39;l181Ol#39;IlI-I ,#39; _ 
Color of object: #39; 
lˇnp £e§in;o.gz3¬?; -i% oon#p w3ei9tr l;hcoınicor-biIpnjeticoltn!; 
Altitude Anglo of elevation abovo horizon - O deg:-oo at horizon,  
I92 J.--_492,-e4 4;--92#39;92|-innnlxn - #39; I 
W GU B UVU ll-92g-5 U I an u 15ZZi~=-no . 
Direction from oba-orw rAnglo clooktiac from B_a rth!: ~ #. 4 _ 
Digtgnc forom obaorvt rDistance to ton, blag, ootwo.n,    
which object apps: od to ho!: . Y. ,.  g I:-at cintam II-oat;-II-ıll ggqm u-n ngcpmsstrinn -A-_ 
on MAR?61g7g #39, ;{_.-..-. - 
Dirootion of £11611 o. f object I!! - #3 19:;?5 C1D; 3 Us.1IrisCUHF##3399;;0~T. an tl but £111 1!n-osiPnoas:rznoo -5- 
oiˇhts  ##3399;; -# T3#93; 9;
. Q U -In .  _ , 92 % , 4 
. 42#39; - #39; 
. 7*;--¢#39; 
Troll color, length, width, persistenc ee-t ,c.! - .#39;.. 4- mu mu, Inn 92h.rv7,; m!.oa1m9a2, nummm us. 
Lminoeity visible by reflection, incandeecence, other - degree , 
n£¬¢336§f££hnuenuunqnu~. ,  
Projections tine, rings, rode, antennae c, anopiese, tc-	 
Inn ˇ limb 11 01-.--kthfflighi-path!! 
$#39;:#39;114§=92m:£s§¢¢f£¢»92#39;:§Ionfn ncr disappearance: - #39; - 
E. ffoctencleudat .#39; 
Ldditienal information concerning object: - 
5 - - . 
. .... -I: u{,L-ıgs] 
leathe cr onditio ann: d light at time 0! lighting: 93 AR116 
lbeailei ın_lll ys 2 1#:23 c?9au;nsnnsé 
1#39;13-P3a5ra and aodr d:-on observer: sm 
Occupation end hobbies: . 
Coef ments Interrogater rteol ative intelligence and cohfaracter 
obaerve rCheck neighbors p,olice dept nu records e,mployˇlet,c.!: 
k-l -rob-nan. .#39; 
Did Ob8B1VB glloIa#a3o9 e;a,Dpolcie#l3 ply9o;lerio gdlosse ast toimf e 
aighting, enro object viewed through canopy, Iionr doi, other 
transparent lnteriulf IOII . .. 
Iu#I3_9c;_$e$0ttt!ntoaneo§_q-;11_o_u3a92o92hl.|!ani¢e ceo usrnguili
l 1 13 
Pageisl withheld entirely at this location in tıhlee. One or more of the following statements, where 
indicated, explain tdheisletion. #39; 
Duenldeeter d exemptionlsl 7 with no segregable 
material available for rteol ease you. 
information pertained only to athird pwairthty no reference to you or the subject of your request. 
Information pertained only to athird party. Your name is listed in the toitnlely. 
D !Cl1II1B[]II S! originating wthiteh following government agencyliesl _ _l l __ 
, _______ , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. 
Pagelsl referred for consultation to the following govemment agencyıes!; _._.=_.____.i 
. _ _ W _ . as the inforination originated with them. You will 
be advised of availability upon return of tmheaterial to tFhBeI. 
Pagelsl withheld for the following reasonlslz 
»wmmmmmwmpqxLLendudLLu q§juwq TMJ.%i4z! ___ 43:15 *M1I IJI °:11We46 I e ¢/1g!f;o ırr mC£ds: //ıJe , f-,5/tM#3 ,9; _5éJ -¢n are The follonizuimngb etor bisue s edr feofre rence rethgeasred inpga ges: 
XNoinnnncATunsss X 
xi Fosiwnsenoe x 
, . -.. ,.__-_ - .._____.._... _.....-_._.....--*,----- 
ıllil-Q #39;|  
Oıiı ˇ #39;Z92/Iem - UoNmInTdE suDmreesovnmmsnr 
 C#397#;13 =#9 D3i9r;;e ctor FmBmI - - August 16 1#;3L4999; 
FlOM@_ SSa. AnAn#Ct3o,9n;i o ,, ~_-,#m o$ 92 ,  
sunJBc P#R3J91;r=3C# OV3FI9T;A1LI OK I!¬2ST;L.#39;:_§TIC!IS 1  - 
V gri~ if - 
| I 
#39; I 
Q ##39; I en ettac hheirn ee n;tuom o cfb er rep boertrisnegceived 
ignreet nuzbere in this office concerning the eoce11ed flying 
disk: or unnetural phenomena being frequently obee:-ved around Camp 
Hood, Texas. This ie, of course, n primary concern 0! the Air 
Ccrpe. Consequently, this office ie following the practice of 
reviewing these date and then destroying than in the event there 
ltpcp ˇırı be nothing of FBI interest tIht erein. in pointed out 
that the filin; of these would result in the rapid accumulation 
of very bulky files. 
Unleee the Bureau believes thin in unwie, this gfectice will 
Encl e. 
CEW:ce ,9#39; 
loo-ms E? 
REC  G#_ - 5L .-__.- 
R39D7; E#D3-§°  1W1? 8 , _ 
.  eˇé 
 i VS-I . #39;.92e-»#39;-#39;:¬:5 . :#_39 i:;v_ __;,-,--_ |_;-T__.-_ v_- i * :.__:- -;,~,*___ *:;, .__-. -.-. 6 . ._ FDA. _- 
92#39; -1
.__._ ._-......,.e.#39;_...~_#39;. i # 39 ; #39;- -- 
CF ,_ ,- 
4.,-» #39; ____ 
. ._ 92;__§592:#39;--.1- F14-14-r- 1 
#3 9; -mnarrrrmzmu 
_ - . 
. #3 n9; - 
# ..39;1 92  Q:#3-.9. ; 
- ., 2,» - . - ,_- . 
_ 1. Date or Qaeez-vation_ˇ_!;J D;_a_te of Into:-viev_1,_@1;_____ 
Exac ttime of observatıiomnd!  
-3 P1O0Of b$~8I;9V2B.¢;U1.bOn#l39;|¢°]3_}J_q._92_|_¢;-#39;- lap Coordinates! a e 
» s. -4. _ 
#39; u-mu mg on 11¢-q 1_9 0. -- 
- 5, Ibat attracted attention to object: 
_ #39; . __92 
6. lumber of objects and akotoh of formation or g_rouping: 
- ._ - -__|.-_92_, 
- » 
#39;I . #3 -9a; I Incicion§ 
-.| a 
#39#;389;0 _   
J? --or 
R: - 
Poaition of observe rair, car, bldg, location oi - give d-ot-ails!: 
- I. Apparent size compare to known object, 1.0., sun, loan, ıhullb 
or fiat n arm length!: .#39; 
- 8, Golor of object: . 
 manmm; Mk, 9 2i.i0H1uag-sea. #- 
Szape give graphic description - oonper weith knowonbject!; 
an ma mi. 4. #39; 
._ - 10. 
QQ dog:-eo onvoz-hood!:  -#3#i93;9; 
. n_o ._ #39;i- 
11, Direction from obeorvo rAngle clockwise tron Hort-h!: . 
~ 290 In#-3u9; Inn#.39; _ 
-_1z. Distance from observer Distance to town, bring, ate owr 
which objec at ppeare tod ho!: -2 
- U!-T s_sIr1E£! EGMM£3B1Z919 
av rz? c u#s3n9;n:s.3c.oFuDIC 
a._.. ;.a.,1-a 1-aos nonszoo 
= lppmctn I Inn. Z » 13 .D, iroct oiofnb 9jIe!2!c:]t1;1#39;- Uˇ-II-Olˇll. . - 
D92 . -~- ,, 4 - ~.-.7? .1. 
lin oor ugxm. -; ., =-..,:_-,:1l#39;1.,,M  Y 
n. 2  F /_._ L.$-_aLp %teino5ed, to oovo g rivon distance!: 
I-#39; -I. 
;-_-__ - 
- . 
I 92 
1#Altitude Anglo of elevation abovo ho:-iso -n O d0gr00 al t horiwn, #39;_; 92 
#39;-J . 
A . . - ..- . . 
- H__-.ia;#-_3-91;,--a__--4,.|-.;. . -. . P : g r#-359 -; ._;.9§_ ._-J 
-_ :1 1-!-u.-ya-_::--.-#39;,;:-.#:£3.9.;*4 ,-.-. 
: ,_ ;.,, . _.  I #3 9_ F;__, : n .#_ 3- 9;,_ V ,_ -_ ._.-#3#93,;992; # , :3%9.;a- Ck 1 -re -- 56-aXt5W-#F 0 
*  #5 , - ._ #39; _ .I #39 --;1-} ._#3#93;9;.-531 ;_- .-.....: ,_ . ._ .*,: #39; - . .- - ~#39; 92 , . . . .-. .-- _ , ._
;*;i,p.j*:f#3 e9fs;, ifp1jp s § .j,g*  
q #39;2 
16#39;. Ysoundandoderl #39; 
- - - -I 
 _ . 
1#3-9;h7. ail color, length, Iidthp, ersistence, etc.-! 
- I10 9-ecaoaalngudwuincny uninieqr. 
T K; HT:-_.--i-0 ff; #39;. Q 
18; L1_=.H_inccit -vyis ible br ievI !lectien- inw.nr1_eecerI_~ceQ- ;-cdte-m1o;n 
efbrillionce!: - _#39_; _ 
. |n¢=m92.u-auumnu-. i 
Projections fins, wings, rods, antennae, canopies0, §¢¢!l 
loneuvcre turns, climbs, divea,#39; -ectkco. tch of flight path!: 
c Iti.ri.71|ve1ˇ.iJ-:92,piain¢eeQL192i92Ib. 
lIl.enner of disappearance: _ 
- 2.2. Effect on clouds: 
:3; Additional into:-notion concernoinbgje cfs 
loll ,* 
._- .- --.- - -1 IA A 41 Q _1l_L.l___ 
2L Ioatner condition: one ugm: at use ex ugnumg: 
,- h:7¢ieu,d92hl:au=4mqeetokn. | ¢ 
Ilaennde odd:-cu of observer: . 
oi m i. -um--, -1;-ma aa,_rw,--m,,_m|..- 
#39; Occupation and bobbieua . 
QUE; X ˇsdéıˇˇjg 
-v, n 
I-----ct: ct Interrcgatcr mlazive to mzblligcnce cod choc-cote: of 
,1 1 -4 
» or 
. 1 #39;- 
¢- .#39;,-. - 
I #39; ~ - 
-u_ Q,-92 #39;_ #39; 
1 . 1 
.92.. __ 
|.-._ - . 
q-v .1 
I . t 
-J: __,- 
_- .yr -we-51 ll .-1 #3#93;.9; 
- #39;- __.; _-4 
.. -.-{F 
.-.e_ - 
_~ 1 
I  .-EI! . 
- -- -. #39;r 
-- ,. - 
#39; _,_ . - 
1 v 
92- 4--o 
? % 
g 0 
_#39;. .#39;-#4 #39; .4 
#39; -_#3_9-;. -1. 
ebaervor Cnheoicgkh borl, podliceep jc-, FreBcI ords,-_!lfPl9¬9Ir -_#r f3_9_;=, rch J LJCLASSIFI£p 
i hirebnmvehvvnclllhll-Icicle-#39; i O *R261979»-;.-.,-.#_ Bynzrcnsusarw . 
.1». ,#39; 
.- _ 
.Um Para 1ı n; SCOMFOIG- _ _e:,v9ı2ıı-ıIg oo #39; . 
Did observer wgeloasrses, especially poloried glosses atitme of 
:I . 
cighting, or IBI object viewed through canopy, window, or other 
.transparent material!  I#lIlI3 9; p -r --#3 -9;--~ 
_ _ p p w 7, - -=-;-- 
-,- h¢n$llee92epp1lah1e92e92M.line1huA, #39; 
r,-..#39;.#39;-, . 
.#39;- . 
I__- :__#39; Ivar p at 
. * #39;%Ai.cˇL Lip 
._!iL#39;92-_#39;1 I; 
|._Ar _.,..|,. .92 , . 9-, -  . 1hp . A__ :. _ _ ,#- Y .#39; # e3i I 9; . 92 39; 
Q#39;~ T_ #3 * 79I-; |.I. ,,q 2 ._ . , . _ * I. #3-99 ;.1#K_#39; 
39;l*?~d. - - 1-.. 
. |_, .. #39;__# 3_9_; N#3 9 ; #3#93I-;9- ;-Q I i f iii 
-,._, -,.# 0.- 39 z-».;..-- ~.. .a*. .-- 
. ..,,._.__ 
__ rı  __  ,. - - ___ 
yz hv ı_--.7 ~-.- .v._9_. 2,-__ 1-#39;-##39; -#- 39; * I 9_2r.  #39 ;92 .- 1.: :_,-#,-#339; 9A;-.#-# 13:.3-9 ı9;:. ;_ _-*#§39;.#._d
 ,# *3 I9 ,-;:~? PJ -1I3 9 ¢- 2 I#39;., __. 
I Q. 
cums, toIir vmrmi xm ,5 #39; _ 
UHIEIl92#39;I#39;IFIH!.l_.ERIALCBJI13T3 _ _-. 
__-..-.-=-nr-92P_ll:E.|L92 - #39;0 
 #39; : ;r-#39; 
- I I. 
Data of Obser-vatioq__ˇ__ı1[_ kta of Interv1eI_ˇ_L|1]__ - V  * 
. #39; I .  I 
kact timeo f observatiıownd ! 
Place oi Qaservationl #39; -. 
lap Coordinates! Q1. 0 301 c #39; #39;_ 
Poaition ofo bserver Q1c;-a, r, bldg,l ocation of - give aoioiisil 
Ulric; out on 11¢? 190» o #39; 
Ihat attracted attention to object: 
um z n92tmuib}0c9292aa9292pp092nl921a,915:12o::E 0c; !aa akoidt cfbo romf atgiorno uopri ng: _. 1 . 
II l_. -_ 
Appe:-out size coo-pr.92_Yg-eem to o bject, L8,; mm, I000, thumb 
or tint at am: length!: - 
3 than honing an. I 
Color of object: 
Initially tin 92-UB1! vhilo. _ 
Stops giveg raphic descriptio -cno mparew ith knowonb ject!: - 
M J . - . - - §n#iititudo iinglo of oiovation abovo ho:-iio -ı 6ı#39;Cgat; 5x$|G#i 39;rt:o#::Q degrees ovor-hood!: . - 
Direction 1#o3b9e;1o-rovno r Anglool ockwiao n-on# 39;Ior#39;th!a 
k lot. - #39; -- 
Distanoob foroomrv cr Dtoi sttocra:nz,c_eobt c1d Og,W ! #39; 
which object appeared to ho s ;-  , , 
3 or Q did. Q 
Direction of flight oi object |!l. _
#39;- 1- .. 
,  - ;.~_ p r_ I .-: # -3- 49I;1 3! 
* - . 1#- -3 =9 7;. ~.51» ,. L. -@#39 ?;  7  .- -#r39;.-.,1 .- . I . . ;#39; 92*ci#3 92; ..h. ~l :r-~ » =*-;_... 
I- I :#3 w9#; 3. 9 ; L I #39 r;- I#n L _ - #39; . h Ifp IF #39; .__ I -  
._ 3 a 
#39 . ; - 
_.-__..#39;¢..i# 39;k .r-_- 7 
_ , q___h,_ _ ; ,_ _. ._ . .. Q7-9 ., 
-- 1; -;. oozsaoacos-Iv-waa:.nV - .  
_ oxoanonsuxvsnucsaaami 
#39; ~~  @1:55§¢@9%@§-§?§ 
xss a - =2;;_1_-+v;#39;_3#--.  #39 I; -1 ulpwilo#ii3s9l;II1l#39; 7#3 ,9#;#3_39 9; ; --_-. _ -. #39; . %g;[u;.1910 1|,|06-I923§IUU.-I1, 
#3 9; ~#39#;39; aqua .= @-.0- 911 1?¢!?w qPı=n=wz Pz¢l°¥ W4-*Fq °1 1° ##3399;;919 
Jo mi 1 ˇ#v3m9;tˇ P°i-1° AI°Tdm= d#=3=9;= -ml= 1=*=-*t°9° P%.° 
. - - O- I 
#3 r9; #39;1  I 5  
92 - -#39; __ 
, 0-3599 9°-Q4 ¢:.mqq3;au qaoqg! auuoˇqo .a°3;:f;Eu:3q°#3 O91; B::A°:I .°x#o3¥9#;3.3uW9 JT;oE;i[zu0Nu8~4eoIm.T1o.:coqu1 
. _ . . 
-. _ I p11,|!OO-Ivlltiiˇiiuılh 
o .4 
., ., 
. __ , 
-1 0 
1 v 
I .1-1 
#39; riegqqoq put u°#T3$9; #39;°d°°O 
nun; Norm; 
I! ROY .. 
Q 7; pg Jqoo sea-zpg PjWl WWI 
_ #39;8NQ 
;3u1-;q3 3;00 on. go qqˇˇ PI-I W°T3lP_°-Z°QLIWQI 
:#39;,p ScfuQjuOzoouoo UOIQUDJOIU tIwognppy _ 
1 _ 
zapnota no -;oo;_r_; Z2 
iii! I Int P VII 
la _¢ 
# a3o9a;unxzoddes Jyopaouuug Qt: 
- , mum Mvrd mm vmv-nu 
t G9 zdqıw so q=wx= v=- 10 ww #39; =Wq=-m 1=!#39;-1°-#*3°9;°°¢l 
.  - #39;1 
P. |. #3 9w;=ido#w3 :9a;w-W-KeIB Q#3W9 ;m°Pu° -I #39;#3339!;°T *#°39°;6r1° 3 
unrmnnwiruaauhrwnnvwˇˇvl #39; 
- - r ==1mtn-Iqxv 
ooaıo -li 10111 0#39;eouo0 B#O3P99;2°i°H° I=QI °°IUq°¥-I# 39;T#*3!9;°T#39;9#139;1 
-.*#39; mp oouoqrgnod 
  #Q394;9 1 1qıwt #39;-twrt-I!; 
- ##3399;;41 
Ar-#39; #39;= 
x I. #39,;- 
-  =-rm PW who: #39;91: 
. -_ _ z . #39; 
 Q#3 L9 - ; -fl  # :# 339#9;3; -» 79-;Y~-9.i 2¢#.3 *#9 #3; ;3 9-h9;$;|__ - #3 .9 M;_- k Ijo _ -I-II-#
#3 9, ; ###3339 *99;;.;#:3 .9#;..3.t9#_;39 ;: # 3#9#3;39-9_;; _ 1. 3- .- -.4----- ---- ~  _ -#_3_9 -; _ , _ __., _###3399;;  .n 
.#39; wl. -#39;. Ri . ,1 f, .#39 !; #3r 9; . I . . - _ - . 4 :  2-I 
#39; r 
- - 7 ,..92-._ .I7 0. #3 9H; -F»-.e_ V 5 - -L. I I-fe¥P§;J l{ L ?13F!§#39;1 ;.f9:72.__ mnenunmimmeaamrs - 
. 1 . 
5#1349; #39; 
. ?_.2.#39;i5ii I- Iz-1o0iaum1m.2aeeoe.eˇr  
A ;_._1$¢_ toi#or3av9oe;r; stepeo gdiven angula d ristance!:  ..#=397;.;,~#i - I -:.i-I _ - ~  - 92 ;t :I5 _T_--I - -92  ._  -I#f 3_9_;.-|}f 
;. ~ -  #39 4; #39 ;  V 9 2  #3, 9 2e;? -:#39;~ m 
#3 I9; 1 
I 1 t 
F - # .379#;.39; -*_r. 
 ,#39; #39;; 
- mum Ie._T_1 N -.1-;. _¢ 
39; #39;.-92--1 
u  . .__#39;__ 
- .V _ #39;_.- 
Doaf te fbaervntiel-;§_h1; I#oh3ft e9;__ Into:-vieI_a__,h1#39 ;_ _-__._1_.#}3; - - - - I T. 
Exact tourn e oeeervnuen -e_ ;________________,_........_..._ -,1; 
FoLf a.oe C1b servatien: - -  
lap Coordinate s_L! L, :4 - ._i -._:#Positio oni observ aenr -, ear, bldg l,oofc ation - giveami1s_}s#hm»; a-n no:-: 1». 
Ihnt attracted attot ention object: - .- - . 
Irma nan t - - - f: 
loufm ber objects and sokf etch foorr mation grouping: _ ##3399;; - 
ho ~ # -39#;39; 
ipperen atiae tcoo mpare e., sun, awnt,huzzb 
-or fist at ex-no l-ength!: 
e-m uun; A I 
C_o lo:-etebject: .- 
mp egive graph dicescripti -o cnomp warieth know onbject!; #39; 
I__1;e u__g_9$2 I_4ll1,§1_ h lladnn. #- -- #39;-#39;-#39;-1 ~= 
lltitude oAfn gle elevation abov he- orizon O doet grees horizon ;, 
# W39 d; egree osverhead !: iv #39;--Aw:-euilntely 320 #39;. - _ 
iiireetion from observer Angie aIlochıee 
Diatenee It-on observer tDoi stance teen, bldg, etc ever A V  
- chic- e.hb_gee attop peared be !: - 
, Doifr Q-Illa ection ˇoigf ht objec at!: ON REQRAD g?;UN§éASsIF. 1m 
mu u um. =_ 41. Y P1- E cuP a;-r,aqR1li¢:!1979 rns 92- 
c#. o3! r9e;,-_;;___ 
otifn e e ight: .  _ -g 59995200 
. --he nu. uln, - .~-1- _ -l ipV-, -. i .. . I . .
,__.-#39;.. ,#39;_-n #39;. 4 ~--  - -  
---pa-u - 
- . 
- #39; .1. 
,_,_... ___ ___ ___._ . 
1 ~#39;4- 
- u. 92 
Ono . 1. ,1 .9- _ _- f1!-_,__E*:l 1!, 
16: -= . - am M L an i»#K#3- 39792;I;!V ,:_$;.,-;X,-¢A1la»-::ı#39;.; 
5 U*_~n-r 
, . 
- u-vs, l 
_ _. . . . - 
1##3399;1;7:,- nciol lor, length,w idth, poraiatonooot,c -! 
. Iltndlblupon lllidnc-Inw- 
1.8, hnincnity visible by reˇection, incondoaconcc, other - dog:-on - -#39;_ 
;_ o.tbr1l11nnco!:. #39; 
I1{h92ˇodl1ˇ92¢ #39;- - 
_ __ 
 _--J- 1-,1.-.:° 92- #39; ..,._ 
I, #39; . 
19. Projections f ins, wingsr,o ds, antennacen,n opieu, 01.0.!: 
loco. . - _~ 92 
20; Innouvor atu rns, climbsd,i ves, otc -.a kotcbo f ˇight path!! 
ltnlpt 811.5211 cod-I to monk h nan. 1 
21. Iofn ncr disappearance:  
22. I-{fact on clouds: 
Z3. ldditional 1.n.l#39;o1-notion coonbcjeercntsing 
- Ion. 
21,. leathceor ndition: alnigdh t at tinolof lighttrlgu 
#39;- GIi7n :r ill an cobfu ndnnoo ˇan. 
hne and address of obaorvor: cpl {gm I,Bill 
linen but 
Occupation and hobbies: - 
loll!-or, ˇ:o92-op#39;92ptnI- AGounentuo 
f Intorrogator rolotivo to intblligcnco and 
_ ¢ 
0 0- 
charnctor of #39; 
oboe:-vor Cnhooicgkb borg, podliecep t FBII #39;8¢Olil9, °-	IlP1°7#M ah ,,,, a#39;_-.4-.yl;#39;!;P#39;#~ 
_ =1». _In-Q, 
Did oboe:-vIoora r glnaaoae,s pecially polo:-iogdln ason attim e of 
Igighting, or Inao bject viorotdh rough canowpiyn,d ow, orth er . 
_. __,.. 
trm1.apcrontmterl.o11#39;Ium,  #39; #39; = _____ 
hppjlbnhunponulcppuabhkthiplmzdam. .#39;u -92 -  
i__#39;:.;~ REG? . AIik?iC o* éSSIF IE_D _ 
__,__.it_,_I nmuy. ,.Intu-rhnl . 
_:,. ntnrrcnausnxnscourozc 5 - _  
I. A#u3r9a ;Par: I-so n: o#n3s9z;oo 
-#39; - O §I -; --_. =.. 1# 39 ; - *-- 1-, 92~--- l I 
D# 39; #39;Z_.. ,E[ #39_;_- - -.# 3I 9; #39;3 .#39;92 
.. .: _ -  ı I1  I 
q-I- . 3_~ r9fn2. , # .3 r9.. 9;-922 -#g _3 - 19, ;.-. _1  . -,# #3#39 !39;9; ; - 
- #3-9 ; #39; _ .-
-.-._ .._. .-. -_ _,!-92 9? 
hloˇiız Z?92/16 7$7621020 -07 U7.N2ITE srDh isGOVERNMENT 
Hr. A. H. Belmonılˇ 
N @ 
fTQ : 
,. .-as FISQRY cozeorrree = meggoecouezeree 
DATE; S¬P#39;b¬?7 214b, ¬T19#53?9; 
£h Hr .Q R. Roacw 92|=§I _ 6 Q °:;ln_..__ 
lbbr _..._____ 
Pusan! __._ 
Nels: __i 
Iinlermad ...__ 
Reference is made to mmyemorandum 0f#39;Septemb2eEr graenua__ 
V 195?, on the captioned matter which reflected an Intelli~ :f- 
gence A dvisory Committe eIAC! evaluation of an Air Defense , d_*7T 
Comm arAenDpdCo r!t that rada srtation ast Monta Puokint, E? Iii 
Long Island, NYeowrk, aBnednton, Pennsylvania, detected anıueıem 
unidentified object pinro ceeding a wdeirsetcwtioanrd with {~__ 
an altitude o5f0,000 feet and a speed o2f,000 knots 
ae,psporoo ximately miles per hour! on - September lose. 
The IAC intelligence evaluation of this report reflected 
that #39i ;sUt highly improbable that a Soviet operation is 
responsible jbr the unidentified flying object reports oj - 
S2e0p, tember 195?. =_  
T  - 92 #39; #,. 3I9;-1 
II kj 
M T#o3d9a;y, at an Executive Session of the IAO, 
General Hillard Lewis, Director, Air Force Intelligence, . 
advised that although the ADC has not completed its investik 
|gation of the evidence on this matter, there are continuing indicatio tnhsat the objec dtetecte wdas anatmospheric 
phenomenon. The radar pickups now reflect speed variations 
.n in the object#39; csourse, ranging f1ro,5m00 miles per hour to 
4,500 miles per hour. This latter speed is improbable 
. according to U. S. scientific theory for any type jlying 
#39 o;bject which this could conceivably be. General Lewis added 
2 that the present sun spots are associated with the peculiar 
radar activity throughout the globe and that this could have 
scoamusee jbr the captioned report. 
Liaison will report further information on this 
matter as quickly as it is developed. 
gibftj:t W1- -.H.rM.#3r9.;F..B0.Suellilvamn o  n# ,F3#9#t3;319;; ,i ;£ e- - ° ° 7  D.#E3..9U; oor_e #3 49-; 4%£7Z3_ 
- I 7#3.9; at 
S2E5P 1957 5S5EP3 Q 1957 . .  #Y#3399; ; . 
L s #39; 929 .2 #39; 9_2_9_2 _,--_.-11 
~ I .rf1/9-2# l#--3£91;;# a3io9o;?si foZ £t~v=#-3-3/9; -/f6:§} r%_, #39;-7** 1i##3 399#;;3992-* -;*_-1?- ::ı#.3r9r!;- F - *-
1-. ,, ._,,_,___,, L 0 
if OˇlıéM emorandu -UmN ITEsuDr es GOVERNMENT 
to = llr. A. HB.elmonıi?! oars; Sep2te3m, 1b9e5r OM = R- gmrd. l|non!,,___ 
/1#39; ?:-.1 ¢-Mo_h._r ._._ 
nnr :1.-:Inrr|r.1u#39;nr:#ı3n9 ;IvOnE I7, llrˇ11fIT1T/#39;!1#39;2rI!ff!#39;:* $1  n1#39;._ Tamm i 
U1L__gD,C|.I,I,,C|.l£.DIL-.L5J U4U-I , ..L1V.lbL:.Ll..l.LI#39;.Cv-lI#39;L0£ »_#1/31 9 9;24 #39;l#3T9l;ˇ9ii2li__. 
-#39;-ii*---#39;-#39;-~---- y r T.|¢_R°°m_ i f I Hi ~#3H9o;ilfl_:oL.m. Gd_...._.. 
lhe following information was obtained by Liaison My -i 
- Supervisor H;W. Kuhrtz atthe Intelligence Advisory Committee - Watch 
Committee special meeting on September 21, 195?, relative to the 
captioned matter. Ihe initial report in thismatter was given by the N 
e,U.S. Air Defense Command to the:1hite_ˇgu§5,on September 20, 195?, 
IIIQPTAAJ-inn ~492J|nJ- an ||r|1#39;rT4n-J-?#39;F|i:R P1nu#39;nnn!92#39;|¢»-I- inaulIl 92I.I!L#39;ˇJ n Inn. up»:-7-cg 
lstation at Uontauk Point, Long Island, New York, at approximately 
f4 pp.rmoc.,eeding in a westward direction with an altitude qf 
50,000 feet and a sopf eed 2,000 knots approximately 2300 miles per 
hour!. Trahdear station at.Hontauk Point maintained aimn age for 
 approximately one minute,and thereafter itwas picked up by a radar 
92?station at Benton, Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania!, which 
coincided with the Montauk Point pickup and-was tracked by.Eenton for 
approximately 9 minutes. Thereafter, jamming was reported by several 
9F2n|ri-n,qr - -rwu-ivs--f-:vt #39;1#39;I:i-nrvny.qv nInonyp::p:w# 3q9-w;f ::nans P#a3Ur9 -;1r: p#g3 9n;sl : Thvivr~wrwuv|nu_awu 
hThe Watch aCt oimtmse metiStinteegpe to ewnm abse2 tro that - by the Air Defense Command tthhaet original reports had been down 
graded, stihnecre was an ll-minute break in the tracking by the 
various radat_stations, and further that weather istationsa in the 
area were of the type whhaivceh in the past produced false radar 
Qpıps and electronic information. Also, there were-a number qf 
Strategic.Air Command planes in the Chicago area on a training flight. 
Zhe hatch Committee was told that the Air Defense Command has not 
completed its investigation of this incident; however, in any event 
it;was reported tthhaet phenomena reported woef st Buffalo, New York, 
were not related to the object as reported by Hontauk Point and 
Benton, Pennsylvania.  i 
lhe Watch Committee concluded that, It is himigphrloybabl 
a Soviet operation is responsible for the unidentified 
flying} object reports of September, 1957.. Ihe HCaotmchmittee in conside ing 
this matter also concluded that there is no intelligence on 
activities which can be related to amissile launching qf this y e 
3}at 5 ré# 391; ?:@% -123% 4-?- _ _/ !#_ 3 -19#:a;3 / .,9.;/ -;..r- c/,_ 3l o.-.a./;or i._ n .,2;J5~ -11 #-11 . s - 1319: Mltor.r;-a ..-g. 1 t -. U5-9 n- o.zılivan Dre.E _#=5? 39; mo, .g #39; _ #- -~ -_ 39S;.:_ E8 ? 271957 -- .- ;-.-.._--F 
- in-. L fı.iitson 3; li4M._@,Tjˇ/Lari! 
,-J;-I28-i#39;£Oˇ,S£:Q#39;.f2i0Ti vi !*:»- #39; 
UM émiiˇıl
In _ I H 
92 l * ,r92#39; l! 
Memorandum doach to Belmont 
ADVISORY countries - euros cauurrrze 
over the U.S. Iits unlikely that a Soviet airoraft Oˇˇld Ovnduıi 
amission at this sapnede d altitude and return to Soviet territory. 
The Soviets are given credit for the capability of a#39;submarine 
launched cruise-type missile of low supersonic performance and a 
range of about 500 nautical miles; however, tihse re no evidence 
. of the existence of such a missile bthye Soviets. 
The Watch Committee also examined possible Soviet motives 
for launching a one way missile on an operation over the U.S., and 
it was concluded that there would be little motivation at this time 
£1if-?no n-i: nn.n.Qih7u Zn n:ennhnT YI nn Cini niTts F § 1 I n Cr Irp-I:In7i7inZ-ll:nlTrTI#U3 9I;i1i-.Y| T. mntiran, #39;T#139?; hIIn? ??ifn- tnh 
Committee rouuletd one way reconnaissance operations on the likelihood 
that the results would be of small value and the risk of compromise 
would be very great. This possible retaliatory motive bthye Soviets 
could be in response twdwk-idégde to a U.S. Vfroject Aquatone 
flight over the USSR wwhaisc h detected on September 9, I956, by 
Soviet planes and mentioned in mmyemorandum of September 19, 195?.! 
The above is submitted for information. Since the Air 
Defense Command is still investigating trheisport_further information 
wbiell reported as a more conclusive evaluation can be made. 
. /~ 6Uvii7p, ¥027P} CH#I -I 2 
W-; W- ,/..;., n#,319 ;..:.J_ l l. a t 1- _ . Va: ..v._ .-. ..;; , - T . | _ _
___ i_. 1# -39; --..-. . --~-- -- -- I 
__ _ I_ #39; q ,. .. -.. .- . - ~ . -.- in-#39;1 Q 
I .  -|- u#3 79#; 39; 
. _#39; cum :0 ihN#39;£Sl# ;39;I£-A.TION 
Q-92o 1LA3?L% !1#39;*? 4°!T °°#3 I_9.;-*_  _...,.-s 
#39 D;a1t.a of wwmt1o to.o! I11#.3to9r; v1ev_L%,__a_ #., ,, #39; 
1 5._ I JnQ-Q-QaUrk  taE-ln#a39 A 7;59P2l n vwhtwlnnrw Iunntvlcnwnq f912_n9r2_rwn-1un9i2; 11 _ 
1. P18 fQ $1 i 1 #3..9; TL? c-=: a§M$m 1=m§°§u- #39;§#3 n.9 u;t:.1Lu{;##3399;;1 ,oU§-$701 #39; #39; 
L. Position of obse:-va arir, oar, bldg, locati-O Onf#3 891;  5°!-ll!! #h92tutnt ¢9Q}10ltdl9291l~_$-Sid! 
5. Ibat attracted attention to object: #39; 
I-I41 11¢! ogpou-lag in I7» -. - 
6. lumber of objects and akotoh of formation or grouping: 
7. Apparen It186 tcoo mpare known object, 1.0., mm, noon, thumb . 
or ˇat at armslength!: 
lppurxuiht-ootmmt nttypontoulntotounuu bland-I, 8  # 
, 9. deacr1p ctio?m:.-p waitr kheno owbnject!;- 
ssliygl mghm? luguwuolthuIw-.PPll§lobn_ID. Altitu dAeng olro ologgo abgo hvoeriz -o bn dogr aoto haorizo--W degrees ovox-bond!: . 
$18501 wo ¢- .#11. Direction from oboorwr Anglo clockwise fromnorth!: 
Y -ı wmmmmuwmmi.  * 
1.2. Distance from obiorvcr tDoi stance town, blag, 01#39o;v-o0.r, 
Ihioh object atop peared h o!: - 
gig gym Jug, . nmunmuncmssnrxzn 
OH #39 M;-AR 26 92  13 m#139°;° °r n°igh °tr °-7 °#3 n9Y;!:r#u3#s93A;9;1zxs#c319m;PocIcr-_ % M  J# P3a9r; 1a~2-#3 D30I 9Q3;1135#2309_9;H 
_ -n 
14, Tim of light: :_  _ 
.}.#39;?-;- . . ¢#39; - 
-I --  I- 1#- 7 #3 S9;pee tdlno to oovo grivo anngula dristanceB!:U-St 
s q»! e5-5,3--1 o b odm| r=~@ws~I@.. -,- #39;[--wwu#39;~#39;--I#39;Iv1II_nwD|r|92:q-_ #39; f . ._92
. , #-.- . 0 -hın;  . q- 
ni o- P 
- xs,/vi-1.. 1;. . L. - 
- _ . 2 :,_ - 
15.#39;8oundsndodor: -I #39; 
1?; Trail color, longth, man, porsistonoo, otc.! .f;#39;~~-~~ ...| 
.dI1un-»1nit.o,92rn4outngvit|d1atnaa!rI=lIn10Il- - 
18, Luminosity visible broyflection, incandosconce, other -deg:-oe , 
#39; of brilliance!: #39; s 
him In canal; iri1.L1.nutj tall not 1400 Iii 
19. Projection st ins, rings, rods, antennacea,n opies, eta!! - _ 
I 1__- 
20. Ianouvor stu rns, climbsd,i ves, etc. - sketch of r11ght_path!=_- 
tL!sbodlnan,r|thul13¢92a#39;l14OId.isb|.bsd15#21. Iannor of disappoarunosa  #39; 
L404 id. 
22. Effect on clouds: - 
M I . Z 
23. Additional intomntion concerning object: lscmmbstllˇ If ltd ıll. 
gyqgigzunhnnqmdutdwhlh svgtsn bI#39;4192Ilpl21,. Iosthecro nditions al ingdh t at tionfo lighting} #39; 
- Iu!.bnsln:r#39;,qna:twn0l- #39; - 
lime anadd dress of b_so1-vi iDoirUal ˇl,GOı # 31M9_;, 
#39; 92,. 
. _______ __ _._.l |__92_92_;-_. 
Garments oInf torrogator relative tiontblligcnoo and characteor f ##339_9;; 
obaon-or Chocnke ighbors, policeG erm, IBI records, olployer,O to-!8 
#39;lnonnnnrnrvithcu|M|nblsupuunn1|p0Ilrioosa1nanvlma observer rg olarssos, especially polariodg losses a t tiomf e ##3399;;, 
sighting, or Ias object viewed through osno , winder, or other 5 -transparemnat terial! gIOiaNn t, B1 _.0 __ _--# 039; .. - 92 
P 30 L umu report -Am um» uma an #39; 
- , - . _ . nrcnmzn uucmssxrzm #39;- 
.. 92 . O-N 
- ~.= .- #39;. MAR 26 - , -I 1 -v - IYDEPC ir. USA1I1N0g1g3-5% 
.-_ 1#3#93;k 9 ;1  IUIH Para 1 l-6D003n52nn -#39; 
._ .id . --I - I-+1 
. .  #39; -0  l -  #39; 1.:-t,_. 
_ _  in . #39;_ _J .-__-1.._.. 92
~---.~~-the -- ~ ~;;*~--~~-*-*-#39;-#39 ,;o ,,- #39;;#- -.---- 1 e . - a  e92 ._ . . _,_ __; 92._  __ __-_#39;_ _ v_ . 
- 92,#39;.4 .-#30 nsronwzsrmmoa _ - . 
s a#39;¢urr1n£2rrirrzi:ts;__x_z §= i1.1#39;gL#s _ Incident IIe.___Q__, _ ._I 
I , v. e11 -#39; 
 IQ hte of Observation_,_;,q*_, Doaf tIen terviee_1_j=@#39;5___ 
#39; T 
# 23E,9x;act time of observation ımd! #39; 
 3. Place of Qservatien: . - hp Coordinatmesa! , 9 st, .#39; .- _ U 
_ r , _ _ - 
location e! -give def.-sii;#39;§s I 
natal petrol 
5. Ihat attracted attention to object: _ 
@515 H550  _ 
° 6. lumber of objects and sketch of formation er grouping: 
X . . 
7lp. perent s iczoempare to known object, i.e., sun, noon, thumb - 
or ıst setms length!: _ 
Ironing awor ˇaunt. #39; 
#39; _C8o. lor of object: __ 
mummy mu with the tide 
#39; S9z. xnp egg riavephic description - cIiothm pare known object!; 
_- !w4!11%-1=9892=:9214- .. . . . ..-..4 - 
#39; 10A. ltitude Unglo of elevation above nonzon - u eaet greei nıziieıl 
9! degrees overhead!: 
Apps-oadntely I. I  - _ 
1#.13,9 ; Direction from observer Anglec lockwise fromI orth!: 
19#39; .  
12. Distance from observer Distance to teen, bldg, etc ever #uhiob object appeared to ho!: _ i _  _ 3»;-n».#39; w V 
#39; 1D3i.r ectiomna omf oobf am =!= §§°D1ıfR,°§#; #3lo9a; th Int to lent-Il est. .3:122?c an usunsrcoorcul 
a . -#39;- #39; 
0 . .1.-:1 or J sweets. _ .  l 
15. S tpineee d to covegri ven engd#is3t9a;nuc.1en!:r _ r -}_#39;--/ mi *5 5*  ıe-1-ˇea, ; .#39;- - 
5 J. . _ ,.q92_ T Q . . l #39; _. ._ - -1#
. #39; - 
..Q - - ~ ~ o c 
- 0 I i fs??? #39;4: . v-_#39; 
., .- 2, han 
16.Seurdandeder: -~__- 
Zl _:._.l -L#3l 17, Trail color, length, width, persistence e,tc#.3!9; _- 
hqtnˇd su|spru$Jtanc7asnsilbed1- 
18, luminosity bviys ible reflection, inoondesconce, other - degree 
a:b#r3§91; L1ILln-Lnlnl¥n¬9#23l9;l .1 
Iinnlar to jbetognphlˇ nus um. #39; 
19. Projections tins, wings, rods, antennae c,anopieso,tc.!| 
20. llonouver turns, climbs, dives, etc. -- sketch of flight p. ath!: = 
lˇtirgdhgt hl lacing altitude. . 
21. Innner oi disappearance: 
Q-uhnlly hdld Ii» 
22. Effect on clouds: 
23. Ldditienel info:-notion concerningobject: 
- Inc 
24- leather conditions alingdht at tine of sighting: 
ıne and address of observer: O91 I-aymnl O, Gilli 31 L;-gs:-QD-111-Ls_ Ito Giusepp Iean OHIIRI 6lo;od, has 
Q #39; O3bi Ill I. *- Occupati aonnd hobbies: #39; -_ 
u. Q HQ - 
Oeenent osf Interrogotor relative to intelligence and character of _#g Cbghaorcvko r neighbo prso,lice dept., FBI records e,mploy aetro, .!I ___hhsbowvwsdmngotlhnipeˇotlldtbtbˇtls #Did observer wear glasses, especially polsriod glasses at time of 
liogr hting, was object vtiherwouegdh canopy w, indow o,r other 
transparent mterioli Qr , - . 
.,. n;u;s|,umunp~nmu;p1ueuusmm1aa.c -*-#39;. 10I- -.3:#3 l9 *;:-§# -39;_ %.- iD 
. . ..l- 1  L #39; #39; »K_ #3 D9;.-.;#-39; =_lm :I; *-..,  1 1_#- 13;9;? % I. - --9#- * -1 V .  I I  h  E#39; ~ I ._- - |.- ıre csa? unsuns rceomu . .T - . .. 
,._ - . TH Para 1-30 D3onszoo H -, - .
v ;  
~ 1 -h  3 -@. ~ 
-T - 
. _ 
. J 
,- . #39; -,1 ¢I.-#39;#39; #39; , .- :#39;¢-#Date of ®wrmt1o Ihto of IDt0ı18I # 3#-9_3;;9*;Ikact time of obaervntiımmi W9 
mm of laser-vatio :n5:,-#39 Q;m, -,. 71;.!-45¢,  #39;_. 
. mp C-oordlnstal! - 1 ~ #39;-= 
_ ,___ . ,L ___ 
# -39 ;Inc1ˇ I o0.n Q#!39;#t39;-. . _ _ - ,_ . .- _  z 
r .. 
i :* #39; *_ __ - _A_.#39;._Inr,, 
Positio onf oboe:-war_ o anri., nr,ag, locatio onr - give details!: P 
luod1:v¢n92tu1lhmobnmunpu92- A- :- 
Ihat attracte adttentio tno object 1: -, . A 
lulu; 1¢92 tIn 01.00 I7 » #39 -;  - 
Iumbe orf oh;ect aand llroto ohf formatio onr gr#o3u9p;ing: 
@t|92ll»li92lIl.nˇu1-All-Illa .#3M9; 
lpparen 01t :1!-Qéo tom kpnaorwo onbject 1,.0., mm n, oon t-h, umb 
or ıat a_t A1-aslength!: 
lugnuhn. Q I, ,3 
Color of object: _#39;  #39; #39; 
h- #39;o6~I!.ntl11qh1920£o110II4h70nql92l92ˇ¢ _ 
8:-ap egive graphi dc- escription compa wreith knowonbject!; 
I1#39;9211IH#39;IilI192-li ftlh _ 
Altitude lnglo of elovation above horizon - O dog:-oo aat;horizon, 
93 degree! ov#e3r9h;e ad!: - _. 
U M 1 - l -- 
ngmou Ioronn observ Aerng clolockw firsoem North!:  
n v8-1..#-|39 I;IQ .1.3_:Ij # t 3nQ9.»;--wi m wm0!I[ l alJ. - I -vI#3 y 19r1;-0=!! 1 U I*-_r.I-_I-w -05 -!uv! c , #39; 
Diata Inroo onobao rbvioarte tno £o0o1 h-rldnog, t,o.§_3;5§. , M _ ugh owe appea troe hdo!? #39; B 1Y1 c:?aunsuuscou 
M M 5 Illl#ll3ı9li;o LUT PHap; 1..6QD3QD5 
D11-ootio onf ˇight of wgm !: -_ A 
nadlowlaouhldtlaˇdnlmˇut hlllltlhb :1 .:#39;i ~#39;: ..1 g °1.@?._° 
=  -  1-= #39;.-1* -- -_-.:,,-1#39;Il1lo -- --- - ##3399; ;h#*3 _9##; 3399#;;. 39 -; #39; -Ii: 
-_ = 5 --#39;: t#in3e9;, eo#v3o g9ri;w1h5 ongu dlnisr tonc- F0!3! -1 SAANNTONIO 
 #3 9- ; #39 ~;. #3#93;9 ;F , - - #39;* . .#39;_ :-9 2-M-#39;*:f#39;. #39 ,.; ..-|_-_ #Q3 I9;5.040 . :-1 -_;:Y _4mwı5Q_ : _.__#§*:_#39 ;?_;f,i_;_ H#39; II h #
. _ 
. I 
. #39; 
, v 
Y At 3- b . . 
Sound anodd or: -_ -3 #39; -§: -Q 
In -e d ~- i  
- _ .- »b..e1- 1-~ ._- frail color,l ength, widpthe,r sistence, etc. ! * ..:f¬ 
nunisxstnuwiuncsdab ~ - _ - 
, IL 
Luminosity visible by reflection, incandescence, other - degree - 
of bicrinllce ! 2#39; 
uwmuausnuuu-oz-ansmu, e y I * 
Projections tins,w ings, r aondtse,nnae, canopies, etc»!_: H .L 
Innouver tculirmnsb,s , deivtce.s s-, ketchfl iogfh ı Pei-ll!! . 
£141-,;ıg s _é_r wumum . snnumm - p -u -u-.a -m ~w#21, nnc f sappe-r-once: - 
lint eel li0k e lighs 
Effect on clouds: . 
1 _ _; . . 
23. Additional inter-notion concerning objects 
Iepextol awsere clear owing. - . 
leather conditions end light at time oi sighting: 7 
Gar, sols slesn ıll.  - 
end a odf dressobserver: i 
Occupation and hobbies: 
driest, I IQ» _ _ _ . _ , 
CommentIsn otof rrogator relativtoe intblligcnoea nd characotef r . ,#s 
39;observer nCehigohckb ors, dpeoplice# 3re9c;o.r,d Fs,B 0I WP}§{§ £_#53:?9nun» churns. . = o.v-_ ~¢#39;usg;,,a 
BYE-TP Q.-.M§R _ U-TH Pa-I;IA. rLlr.s cou _ -r 1-~ D03 
Fbzg Did observer weer glasses, especially polnriod glasses atitme of _ 
sighting, owras object vtiherwouegdh canopy, windo owor,t ber_ ,_ .- r _ 
transparent suterielt lb _,_ -  #-3-#I9-3*;9; 
I|ps3sbeltblsbnse92l;5lie1bls_ts92 wblleli44A¢,__ 
.;L -~ ¢iv-   e»-=
g 1 E §$%§.E§ §ı;~ ..  . 0 n ;-#39; 
.  #39; 7 3 #39; .. :,..#39;a 
P 1;} 
. 8. 
# 3#903; 9; 
I --,fl :9 
,§: .: _ ll M 
. I D 
I- be_______ 
.__, - #39;;.¢.#._ #3 9#;# 3399;; #39;r9#23-9_;_ ,*,:.~§ I»- 
Date o®f aemtio to of Intenriei .;-;,. --. x 
Exact timeo i observationıo ca1!;_J2.° kLZ_,_1 __ .. - 
Place of Observation: - @0ll#39;I5in-!1-1I ¢, 0, i #39;3 1# 39; 
lap Coonlinatea! ° ~ _ #w ~ 
PoQs-iqtaiolinnn o#f3o 9b; aerver airo, ar, bldg,l ocation or - kin detaillh -. _#-pprauaq _ __ __ 
Ihat attractealatttoe notblojeac t: #39; 
lowing light Q #39; #39;- _ 
Igiémboebrj eocf ts aaknedt ehfo orfm atiognr our pi.n g __| 
- - _ ~ 
Apparent siz ceo mparek tnoo wn obje1c.t0, ., mmn, oon, thumub 
Or fist at am.s_1en51_;h!; _ __ __ _________ 
bob! Lib the btodlighi I Q on cu u no unnu- 
Coof lor object:  #39;- 
gallel to moan _ 
G griavpee graphic descripti -ocno mparwe ith k onbojewcnt!; 
In dotiaito ah-npo 0 jut 0 anvil; light . . . 
lltitude Angolof elevatio ahnbo orivzeon -O degreesh aotr izon, mm °gY75i;--»=#-3n9 o;- ue#m3u9i.s; n na.|nm 1n Direction Loebas crwr Ancglolec kwise tlroornth !! _ .. 
Distance from observer Distance to tern, bldg, etc e-ver 
Ihich object appeared to be!: .  _ 
- - 2 R2 I-....__ #39; -i #Dimctlon oflfi ght of object I!! 0,,-*1?-~_~ us-nuawuuaquupununuunmuu. m__3CB§¢§r-w a#h39; 
Homr sight: , AL_.i P1-50f 3 Ito I Quail . #39;  --ii-.,. 
I D _, 1!.  
ogvivemr i angular distanc -e-!: 
.#_39;# .131 9-;?, . :,#92#3 9##;3 3-99.; ;I I! 
Ira:-saiuorromol =11 .bUHHUl;Wl#m319;el71¥§?
___-_-_-..._4.~..-N--_ - 41 -- - *--#39;#39;--7 
. %R;#39°;;-i= ma 
t #39; t ,_____ . ; c 
16. Saonudn d odor  5|-I-L. *#39;.*;- 
.  #39;.#1#39;7. Tr aciol lor, longtb, width, persistence. etc.! #39;  T 
Is:-yasrro-so:-unptrliloiultillsthollagllollilllrioˇ _ 
18, Luminosity visible by reˇection, incandesoonce, other - dog:-no - 
of briiiianceil #39;  _ 
lioutnunnityuussstc #39; #39;-f #39; 
19. Projections fins, rings, rods, sntonnsoc, anopies, otc.!| 
m #39;-v 92 
20. Innouvcrs f.LL1n8, climbds,iv es, etc. -Ikˇtıh of flight path!: 7 
Absolutely ind Md! . y . 
21. Innncr of disappoarancol 
Out out in s{ratios of specans. 
22. Effect on clouds: 
23. Additional infomotion concerning object: 
mmmGm mmen-mmmamw wvˇmhˇl m 
#39; 21.. leather conditions and light stitme of sightingn . 
l lama address ofo baorvora 
Occupation and hobbies: 
#39; know, VI la-Q - -
#39; =l  A #39; A- , _ .i.P!§»UQWM? 
;#39;m41nnvr1r1z:_us;_:u.9 .2Lo 7e.:#in3-9r;s 
. #3 -9 ;- Incident I o. : 
4-I ##3399;; _ -. 
hta of %wmt1o Date of In temeI ,- 
Euct time of observatio ıdon ca1!_Z9;T@_ Q......-- h#3;9; 
P|_,_ g,-fig Qg uggg-1z=t,1r_;;92,g DQQ 5Q Q!#39;5.!! *1##3399;; !#3#93;!9-;.Hap Coordinates! ilk! ~ 858., #39; #Position of observe arir, oar, bldg, location of - givedetails!? 
It-udilgn I 7# 39;- - .I 
Ibat attracted attention to object: 
Evin; 11$. _ 
;I_un:b oef r objects and akoto ohf formatio onrgrouping: 
lpparent nize compar teo known object, i.o., nun, nthouomn,b 
or fiat at arms length!! . 
D I. I. tncor annals. 
Color or object: _ 
Itniolinnzttlq on-up with mite tail. A 
Saap goive gr-aph dieoscript -io cnomp wariteh know obnject!;#mm. 
Altitude Anglo of olovntion above horizon - O dogrooa at horizon, 
Q! dog:-oos ovorhocd:! 
Iwntliotlallomntinlblo. I 
Direction from obs-orvo Ar nglo oloclmiac fromBarth!: 
lvllwti. ,- 
L#39;li: E#39 o; .D~istnnooto 
n_- uuau. #39; 1-. 
ı:,°:.;:a  :#: 39 ;-  -- 
which object appear-o tdo ho!: 
blgg, otc,, ovor 
nzcmw .NCL ssxrrsn . on 535 2%1919 
f-1_ ii-Direction lbˇnatmd-._ or flight or objoct nnisfh5:a!|_ BY :2? §ens 1 usmescurourc 
n ~ 2.1:-.-1 Para 1=eo:=. nenszoo 
iipo toinri teo cov goivr ovnı i?ii?-ıı-ııi IU 
516.e _u:mnQ.0PJFlDEN *T¬!1#39; 
17. Trail colorl,e ngth, widpthe,r sistence, etc.! #39; -,;~#39;- -I|it0t:92$1aprI:.b92imi92_hslsq1-hefniabonlyu #39 .; #39_; #39;.18, Luminosity visible breyˇection, incnndcecence, othe -rd egree #3#93; o#f 39; brilliance!: - .- 
I92a_sb:-iliisdusotan _  
19. Projections fins, wings, rods, antennaec,a nopiese, te.!: 
20. llonouvo trusr ns, climbdsi,v es, etc -.s ketcho f flight path!: d 
trnolsdialhorinnnl fiightritbloilshtenn 
21. lonner of disappearance: ~ 
- *um waemamna; a cal naus. #39; 
22. Effect ocnlouds: r 
Z3. ldditional infornntien concerning object: - 
clan:-nrdid l00l#39;1l.1J-I#39;~;#39;l92e.rliu92thox1IllIooQpaI#39;1:nnotimsd to trheipsort. 
21,. leather conditions and light at toimf e lighting: __ 
#39; I100. Q  
hoe and address of observer: 355 Q-355.; f 153;, 
_ ¬92-CI I 12%! LII 
Occupatiohno babnide s: ard ms G aw l. 
Comments oInf torrogator relative to intelligence and charactero f 
observer Chonceki ghbors, policdee pt., IBI records, employetrc, .!l 
hit churns, B4 difficulty describing his obscrntisn. _ . #39;1 
. . _ . gzmmıfıauncussrr 
Did obswereveerr glaessspeesc, ially pgolalasrsioed tsBi m aTte2 3?g m; ,_,lighting, orw as objevciet wed throcuagnho py, windoor wO,ı b§!#39;.S# #39; transpmaarteenrtie l? M _ _ 
~~#l3ip9: ; JI lo! this ton autypumbio to Us imtdset. . 1... - 
e .#39; -1 -~ - as -#39;:;
? . ~?R*¥¥i5?53#39;?~; 
#39; Incident b.__#39;______,j # 39;_, . 
. - P __-. 
- 1. 
P . 
.- - _ .-- - _- ._ _;#_3;.9 V;.I , 1#39; 9922..f-f9f2l 3._._,_If92#DateW #39;7- 
0 --, 
. . . __ 
owf mtionm D oaf teInto:-#v#39; - 39;i -o, -v::#o1_39; II;I-. 
}1_[..,. -u,-_ 
Etixmaec tof observ laotcioanl! It i QBE #39#; Polfa c ehp GCaaoervoatirodm inaate!n! J#3  9#;.3 a9; ~#3#9_3; 9;_ Positiono bosf erver m .1t,1 b-l,d lgo,c ation- Ho fg aiveoe uu!: 
ltaadi-.3o abto e:-ration pd.  .. 
Iahtntrtacted attention toobject: 
Ixurnlliglthdm _ M 
lumber oobf jects eokf otebformationg oror upings 
ml at 0 ho  #39; #39; 
lpparent sciozme pakrneo tmo ob1je.0c.t,, sunno,o n, thumb 
or ıst at armlse ngth!: -#39; 
M Q 
Color of object: , . 
tit; till pun tall. 
Snapsg rgaivpeh ic dea -oroipmtiporeinthr e k nowbjne ct!;_ 
lltitude Angolfo e levatiaobno vo hor -iz Odocng roo ahato rizon, 
Q3 degreeosv orhoad!: ; - A 
lpq. If above horiult . 
Direction forobmoo rvor Acnlogclek wise Nfromrth !: 
Diatanoo ofrboamo rvor Dietoto tnoowonh ,ld g, otco.,v or - # 3#9#3;wohbijocoht appearo hdgo t!o: - #-39; 
ma - mo 1:111. H 
Dirootimona mofo o7f #39;.ioct; a!t -§:mmr;hToim It- oonfi ta gloathhtt:h , 1 #£:31 -9110;T0111!»5 1-511#?3 c9 *n;-6 s-°u3s a~trigaéégggc 
1ua...¢m - . _ - 
. ~4- 
.,- 0 _,. ~..1 -;,. .- ._-- 
- . _ 92 
-  # - .3_9 1§; 5- ,_ S:p e # etid3n# o#9 3 3tW;oo9.#9- o;.3;v .o;9 r; g#iav3ne9gnu; .l -a| r sdAistNanAce-FN!:5 TOHIO . . . - AU 1 6G #39;5* .;. - ewmwqw 
#39; _ . , Enciosuag _
#39; #39;1 2V #39; 
l£.#39;Souninndodor| ; 
» . 
H 0 
_---Q. e_ #39;:. ll:-5;-ollovtnil-ci.ci1a.r920thl92loi92F!1#39;921J1l~-lI1l-92#17. frail color, lengthw,i dth, poraiatoneotce. !, . _ r 
n #39;q 77.#39;I_ 
18, Luminosity visible by reˇection, inoondoacenoo, other - d¢5PO6 
of brilliance!: #3-9; 
his btllinnuu map nu. .-no --- -_ 
19. Projection fsin s, Iinga,I -0_d:, untem0fnmo0, P1°ls °°#39;!#mv-iw F  
20. Innouvcra turns, climbs, dives, e-t c. sketch pf flighi P6?-3!! 
_l1I=l92» 1171011 $; [Old-518 W5 #39;5 
21. _ Ionnei of dioappezu-anco:#39; 
_ H405 in 
22. Effect ocnloudaf 
_ . 
- . 23. Additional information concerning object: 
21,. leather conditions and light atitne of sighting: 
Q8? 0 ll? 5#°3-9r; 
lane aonddd reaoab soef rver: I 
I knead Divides, ¢; lend, II-Ill 
..ion u.-#39;h1o bbies! 
We _ #39; 
Garments oIin torrogator relative tiontblligcnce and e!10m¢$°Olr #39; 
eboerver Chonceki ghborg, policdee pt FBI race:-do, employaeter,: -!8 
Qnnwhltitnnityeapuidnghhunllntb |;1#39;,:r:=rAnz;0 
952 I I 
3#39c;1a nfl -uPsu zvsm 
- I.. ALT?! Pa 1rp-ag3 ;53 
_ . . _ - I 92q_ _ I _.l_.I _#39;I...._-_ -5 58-.-. I 
Did observer rear glasses, eapeoiauy pomneu gwuwu av I-uw w 
nighting, or Ian object viewed throughc qnopy, windowo,r etbır 
transparent material! III-n  - - 
I|pe!l§Ol92li.|IealI92l;Ip1ila921O!-I!-hlllnli.4!lu92._ ~ 
.11.; . #39 -;- :5 -w =0 - r --.1 . ;_-§*1E*54-ff?#!3-91; 
_ |92 
r ran. 
-pl . # 139; QI 
-1 ,4 
_: A 
1_ C 
.,_ -_u; 
I L; -.#3#93;9 .; O_#39;--.- l#39;..#39;.._.#39; - - r#39;.. p - #i hi fir i i _ iflii :7_Vi _.:_:_
 _L n... 2#39; #39; 
##3399;; o v#. 39; vIoaˇoli A 7  
. . unnannmummowms -- .»--- #39; I » 4-ea;-v.-5 . -#3 ~9; #39;--.-1-_+?,§r ,., _......|, ,- , .-- 
. » 
5I #39;. , I 
an aha: - Q _ #39;I T PB-s! m Anr_oa#i I#39;_, 9.2 
#39; L 
5 L-Sn 
92 . 
- i. 
~ 744. 
» #39; _ 
, . 
_ _ _ _r#39;.r_ 
-.- # -3-e9n; .-I 
-¢a»- ..- ,-- - 
-.. :,-.. 
.-*#-39#;3 9; 15¢ 
_-#39 ;.;# 39-;92# 39;-,-:- 
.... ---._1-...3- ., _ _, -92- -a-92 -- In . . -.»_-4»-v~.-,,.-._ _-. 
_.#39;5# 13 9;_--___ ..- ; 
._;, _. 0 _-- #39; 
_.. o . 
-., #J.3 9;~{l-I-7- - ..-°-- 92 
. Incident Io. ___, p L; 
» - 3 _ _ _ __ 1. ..,-t~..e;_?_#0#39; .2-Date oa r»omu1oq_}9_1ggm_uˇ oInr terview -,1-, -13 
Etirmeec t of obaervationıo oa1} 33-]; ,__.__.__.___#..3..9.i; - - 
P1aooo£G:ae1#39;vation:Q-..1;|_11.-ı@lap Coordinates! . . 
Poeition oofb server aoira, r, bldglo, cation o -gr ive detai-1l!I_ 
ltanˇq -  
Ibat attracted attention toobject: _ 
1_.l-4. 92l..92l. -.-Ina lpnnˇl 
lumber of objoota anda kotch of formation ogrrouping: _ 
lpparent aiae compar teko nown object, i.o., sun, noont!himb 
otirnt aatrna length!: #39; #3. 9; 
Coof lor objectk _ __ M ._#39; 
um rmela.m: w um 1-11-w ~ _ 
Ezapˇ giveg raphic descriptio -cno mpare w ith konbojo-ronth 
Inn! nu an-I mu o a _ p 
lltitude Anglo of elevation abovo horizo -nO dog:-oo aaht orizon, #Wdegrooa ovol-bond!: --#39; #39; #39;; 
blimhwˇnpntw _ - = 
on-notion obaorvor Anoglloc kwiac n-Ionrt hlt . 
al-not-ulnnnuuaonnlnn - 
Diatanoo froomb aorwr Diatnnc ttooo wn, bldg, 0O1W0;!; #39; 
shich object appeared tho o!: # 39#;3 9; #39; ##3399; ;17 
I If Sıı - #39; , - I#3 =9-;.#Direction ˇoigf ht objc-ot a !W: 91-RSS1;-11f- g1p 
in-ti la Inna - arm-¢§;§U#39;==d 1919 - o 
._. __ ...  4uI1~1p..-.. 1_iA.{N§§?. .F° 1I c7# ?3-nm ourgnu - , -----=1-uoJJQD520O ._. -::=--,~--3 
larJaaaaaln#39; . -7-.;ai;=. 
#39;8PB to6 o£o#5v3-wo9r;nl tiann-og ular dainsto n!! . #39;- . 
1 6 naod 7#3#93;;  1 -.-- o .- -- - - _:__  #39; ._#39;m@_¢$u/.m.-r!... .-rt: 
II#39; -v y9w2! __Qd 
3#39;-4##3399;9;.2 -4#3-r9.-;-.13*=1 §5i92#? #39;
-4» .. .. 5-v-#39;_.. 
16. Soundnndodora .- #39; - ._ 
1?. . ##39;92#39 39;-.-c;lo_l_#lozr_, 39;- lo#n3g9tv;haiql 1t1h ,_!§1;s1s # - #3 39; 9# #;339#on 9;#39; wg-QCi5_ˇ.iıiıiliIlllIE; @-w-Ir 
__ __- 
~u921aaqma92hnI=.Iwl ˇmmrd - M; 
18, Luminos vitiya ible brye ˇection, lncnndcec oo thnceord, eglfw 
of brillinneo I  #39;- 92.»u92.-; 1u-bum _- ;#39;,#-  , . _ . 
19. Projection tsin s, I-Lngrao,d s, antennoanen, opie eat,a !! e _ , 
-55 .-11.-.1-.. Alana mp Q llmt.-I1 nf mung until!; b ii - I...-....-,=.a H 92-4..L.A ,- In-I9 vvg rug , -nvvw- wa --v ._ I, , gm dwn nu; 95} ukllm - e .-_ 
U O 
is of dine? I ,! n_e-e: 
o¢ns§: lik 1Tel ˇ , _- 
Effect on oioudaz 
. l 1 tnrvornI£dJ1ngstu1hth£.r:.i¢i9292llI°#39;°#Icath-or conditionasn d light at toimf e sighting:  #39I ; 
Inna a aondfd d rea oıagbserver: 
2:! lrll Div 
9IQ Eli. M 
Comments oIfn ter:-ogotor relative to Lntblligcnoe and character of  
o Cbsheorcvke r neighbors, poliˇceep h, FBIr eoorda eo,m topJllo yer, J#_3f9 - bu W _:__EGPv.!LDEpˇ1rHlsr-vFIL-E .- - _ fl 
#39; 0:1 9 ° :1§#39;!9 #39; - I #39; 
. e BY 2:? can usnnscou rorc  
- - - - AJ#39;.#39;-.iPara1-603DOD5200 f  
- #3#93;e9b; amaarv e: -sgolaaer ses, eamcipuo.-1-n, :1o.#a3t 9ti;n gelQ ne; s oa #lighting, or was object viowod throughc anopy, windowo,r other _ 
mow #39;i#39Id;° 0§9°9I131}to0 0#9532 19Vb0;-s l lm :?=1 #-._ _ ~. u.- -#39;. 
, #39; .- #39; Innmrˇˇ: ---- 
I __-_ vi. qwrwlr Irwy I .#39; _ ;., -I - - J H %#39; Tn-=3E -- TQ, .#G39; #Q39; NFT-JD#39 ; --#3J9; #3J9; AK ##33 99;;4 - -1 X,1#--i - _ I _ -. ».- 
- u __-_ ---04.-fr-.§ -,1.- , 17:» 
-. _ s.- .- -.-#1 3-_9; .- . :.n-q.--- 
-,#39; ___ an . _ ,6 . .-; -_- _-_- 
.4-J. , -- ~,-.#39;J#39;~__a-~.--- i#39;J~# 39;J ##3399;; 92- -,-r.:--1- r-_1 
,, ._ . 
5 :   
o - 
J-f#39; 0 
_ˇ._; gjoloxd Iigerbhnl
R ..., q. 
Preparing Office: 111th TC, IAO f B, I-0. Bou 3t 19, IInor*1.1Teenn- 
Subject: OBJETB 8I H#39 O;1VE#R3 O9A;.K!D 3%, Elııˇ 
e Qpmma to an lunar! ere enclosure sslick and-1:; and substantiate1;, 
the infgiietio snublitte idn Brmmri oefs Infom-nat siounb,iec etsabove, 
25 o2= ;qe;#3 Io9;v=e.n,_ 1bi93e5r0o a,n: 8d Icvenb1e9r50. 
- --~ 15*.--»;;-_;1#39;_.#39;. ._-.*#39;g:!#is s revis oebdronolo egmiome oslfr tybe_r_~_e;_g_whic heveoccurr =e1d O; ak Ridge T, ennesse ceo,ncerni nOgbjectSsighted Ridge,  #39;1ennessee. # 39; 
Refer to Sunneries of Inforlneticn, Objects Bidlted Over O01 Ridge, renneseee, 
deted 13 October 1950, 17 October 1950, 21 October 129 50; Iovelber 1950, 8 
Iovenber 1950, end 111 Iovenber 1950.! 
June 19$]. Hr. I. R. Preseleg photographed e flying object st Oek 
 Puss 2! 
20 June 19* 
12 October 
13 October 
15 October 
15 October 
-92 a1t 
9 2 3. . O 
Ridge, 1#39;en:nes sBDtreieeee.t in the foreg-ound hbeesen 
identified ee Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 
At 1900 hours Hr. sndllrs. II. I. Anderson and lbs. John A. 
White sighted three objects st Oak Ridge, #39;I#39;esninielsrsee, 
to erunnwr. 
Ir. Btuert Mcoek reported peculiar readings tn his IQ 
Radar Sihceospee . objects reappeared st. spprozilsteiy tbs 
sane tine of dq which is sisiler to BUB-I#3 9R;leBfer#:39B;9l2.s:ry 
of Infozmtiou, Subject; Unidentified Objects Over Oak Ridge 
Vicinity, dated 6 am-on1950.! 
2325 hours. Kncx1i1J.e Airport Beder Unit indicated I. eeriel 
of unidentified targets over the Restricted Zone st Out 
Ridp . 
Sr I 
-r ai.:#39;cra --.f=t: at -.-h p-iti*-u cf #39:;-#-3c9;r.d...#39; 
do three perfect interceptions but could see 
0000-0100 hours. Additioml Bedsr plots es before. 
Approximately 1500 how:-s. bjosr L. I. Bonniger, eecclpenied 
1»; his daughter, beard interlittent noises. .-- 
151j_ h_ours. Fighter plane reds unsuccessfu pl asses sst good 
radar target four I! miles from the lest 1!-ounder yIerr 
Hollow Gate!. . , _ 
_ a.:.u;:u.u/so 
, - 0S 
oxuu-noun cm. OKLAHOMA 
- r 
Subject: BAH NELSONl ,ttcrney-at-Lil, 926 Perrine Bu.Llding, 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 
e Re: Flying Saucer l ystery Solved. 
On. 30 July 191.7 nu mson was i nterviewed at his office, 926 Per:-inc 
Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, relative to nu alleged solving of the - 
Flying Saucer 1-betery. 
1bject, whose age i s 53, i s at present engagedi n practicing l av and 
is the agent for the Dual Parking Eater Company. Subject advised he is 
married and has two sons, ages seven and ten, residing at 2613 NJ. lhth 
Street, Oklahom City, Oklahoma. Nelson stated he Iras a sergeant i n World 
War i , being sounded in action Ihile serving with Company 1, 53th infantry, 
and that before entering the service he had an eighth grade education. After 
l eaving the service he finished his education and graduated from the University 
cf Oklahoma i n 1929. He advised that since 1929 he has practiced general 
l ss i n both Herman and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 
Subject stated he notified the War Department by l etter on 19 July 
l 9h7, advising than of his discoveries concerning the Flying Saucer Mystery. 
He received an answer d2a3t ed July 19h? Idfising nu his l etter had been 
referred to em Air Forces. £5 stated he heard no are fror. the ¥c.r Depart ause o2nf9; Jul; 191 a0t. whi tcimh hee releas heisd statemtoent 
the Bail Oklahoman, Oklahoma City l ocal nesspaper. 
Subject advised the basis for his theory concerning the Flying Saucer 
i iy-stew was 6#39;ıtai 1ro.nnuu s_in-p#le39; ex-perizeente ihich he conducted i hile driving 
his automobile. NELSON stated he believed that mpaenoyple had seen lights 
or shining objects coanstto their Iindshields and side ventilator windows 
of their automobile and reflected aas saucer or disc shaped object. Be 
stated that the movement cf the automobile, plus the fact that the glass was 
not a perfect sir:-or and passing objects could be seen i n relation to the 
objects gave than an appearance of great speed. 
Subject advised that the vibration of the oar gave the objects an 
appeerance of rotating and that the reflections caused than to ;ppQ_l_lflat 
or saucer shaped. IEISOR stated that any number of objects might be seen 
according to_tbc direction that the car i s traveling and the number of bright 
objects being reflected onto the winder. He further stated that these objects 
l ightbeeeeninancrdinaryvindolinabouee accordingtothelighting 
I#3 ii9i?;ll i ii ?5l~ en- 
§3?2l|-I 30 July 1.9147 
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conditions, and that the objects might be either vertical or horizonsl. The 
subject related that any change in speed of the car resulted in a change in 
speed of the object, and that changes of direction resulted in a change in 
the angle of travel of the object. _ #39; 
HEISON stated hheas not talked to any persons that haacdtually seen 
flying saucers or dbiustc s he believed that trheeflseections plus the - 
excitement and hysteria caused by ortehpeorrts has been the basis for sost 
flying saucer reports. Subject also stated that this stahemoery could be 
true in relation to flying saucers seen from aircraft. 
attached hereto is a detailed statemnt by NELSON covering his findings 
and explaining his solution to the so-called Flying Saucer Hystery. 
.,. .92 
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#39;* ~* i 7  i #39; * j W j 
*_--I-I-www-vdnn»a-aJ_qF__ ;4,- a;;aMvi_ _ :q_:_ ˇ_%q _ 
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!#39s; w.IcNsOa mavSeOn!L VEDO 
Jul! 12. 19h7. 
The most impressive reports of the so-called flying #saucers or discs were those from aviators who claim they. 
saw disc-shaped objects flying through the air in various 
formations at high altitudes and at a high rate of speed. 
The first report was from an awvhiaot or stated that these 
so-called flying discs had a somewhat shiny appearance and 
would fly in formation and change tphoesirition from time 
to time. Most reports stated that they appeared in tlhaete 
afternoon oarbout dusk. -- 
a_l l 1 ru 91p2-uCrAuo.- L --Jamwew.r  at QQ4 n Host 
had the appearance of an inverted doirs c saucer, and some
These shiny c =eote may havexurious torn and there may 
be morteh an oned; epending othne numbeorf reflections. 
They may appear to be in the swkhyen the driver looks through 
the ventilation wing glass. Their position in the sky depends 
upon~the angle at which the object is reflected in-the ven-tilation 
wing and the position of the observer. They may have 
various fborumt s very frequently they are of asaucer shape 
or a flat shape when they appear to be itnhe sky. 
#39; The ventilation wing during day-light is not of course 
a perfect mirror, therefore, it appears to the driver oorb-server 
that he is actually looking through the glass into the 
sky. As he moves along, the bright objects appear to be#39; 
traveling at a high roaft e speed in comparison with the 
stationary objects on the ground, or the distant horizon, that 
he sees through the window, or icnomparison with the fairtly 
silhouetted objects on the landscape which at times are re-flected 
in the window. 
nvvhail QHRQQVI 
Au!-IDA I-lyynaiea
1 _ - i _ U 
If the vqntil .ion Hing windca were a paect mirror the 
objects causing the reflections would appear therein,es well as 
all ootbhjercts within range, but the ventilation wing being 
a sort of a semi-mirror, does not reflect the object but only 
the bright_epot, wlehaivcehs the impression that the observer 
is actually looking through the glass and that the 
ually aepears to be in the sky, oart times e long 
away. These results are best obtained in the late 
or after sun down. 
The aviators who reported seeing flying discs 
object ect-distance 
undoubtedly were seeing the reflection of bright objects ionr 
on their own plane. They saw them as reflected in their canopy 
or wind shie1d,.but failed troecognize thew as reflections. 
Otherwise they were reflections from other air craft. 
_ As the 
the disc in 
ary objects 
aviator#39;traveled along observing the movement of 
comparison with the mountains, clouds or station- othne 
earth, made them appear tboe traveling at 
_ _ .__.n._ _.fI ____-.J -.1.-- Q.-e-1... ..-I 
- HEB Oi apuˇue lug HuHl GLU
{ l r C; O 
are reflectee from eome#39;briogbhjte ct in or on the car or plane, 
the uapnd down motion of the car or plane causes the flying 
discs to appear to bgeoing throuzh adipping and rising motion, 
or, if the reflectinq object in stationery and the car moving, 
the results will bthee same. 
The statement that the discs appeared to breotating as 
they sailed through the atmosphere is due to the vibration of 
the automobile or plane. Vibrations make than aonear to be 
rotating at avery hriagthe of speed. Vibration is what gives 
them a Flat or disc-like shape-also. #39; 
If you wish to see some flyinq discs, make adrive at about 
dusk or at night, open your ventilation hing window at about a 
jle from the irivers seat and wet 
r..u..n. 9r922IQf#39; 
the stationary electric lights th.t appear on yleofut,r if you 
are driving, after ypoauss them,and see how many discs ycoaun 
observe flyin; through the air. If tahreer e not too many lights 
to yroeaurr, ymoauy have aperfect formation of beaufiful 
flying discs hLiCh may bred, gorre en silver according to 
the color of the electric lights which you have passed. They
Q . T {C} 
These appear best when the spproachinz car is sdoismtaence 
away, perhaps a quarter or half a mile. The results at night 
may not be aims pressive as those in the late afternoon because 
at night your ventilation wing window makes a more perfect 
mirror and the passing landscape is not as pronounced, therefore, 
the reflections therein are more easily detected as reflections. 
In the late afternoon, however, you have a feelin: that you are 
actun.1y loosing through the glass and the reflected objects 
§D83P uore real. The sun shinin: on a bright ring on your fin-ger 
uith yhoaunrd resting on the steering wheel may cast disc-like 
reflections in your wind shield. The form of the reflect-ion 
will depend uthpeo n ornamental decorations on yroinugr. 
The rear door handle on mauytomobile reflects nine beau-tiful, 
little, silver, flying discs itnhe briqht sun-light. 
These appear in the lower part of the ventilation win: and when 
traveling oan level highway, they appear to be racing along 
with me at the road side. These nine discs appear in a forn-ation 
of two rows ofof ur each, with the ninth one in the lead 
at the center of the formation. They appear as whirling pro- 
PBLIBFS in a vertical position. Tdhisecsse also have stream-ers 
which are due to the curveture and decorative pattern on 
the handle. While traveling north in the early afternoon under 
abright sun, thniensee daipspcesared far below tmo y left, 
racing up the valley at a terrific rate. 
V_Iou may be able to see flying discs in your own home. 
If you will turn on a small electric light in the hall-way 
and thenlbokth rough thew indow atth e other end of the hall,
_ e TO 
you may s:e as many as three flying discs from one electric 
l ight bulb, which may have more or l eosf s a bell shape. These 
discs many times appea arsi nverted saucers, aifn d youwill 
change your position slowly you will see that they change their 
position also. Those are best observedi n the l ite afternoon 
or between sun down and dusk, then i t sgpears to you that you 
are merely l ooking through the winoow pane at the discs sus- pended 
i nthe distance. As darkness comes on, the window pane 
becomes a more perfect mirror and your discs GJPGHP as reflect-i 
ons i n a mirror. 
To watch tdhiescs, through your ventilation wing, sail 
along with you as you drive through the country, becomes very 
fescinoting, especioll you use a l ittle i nuqinstion. It 
may absorb your thoughts completely, tIh erefore, could admon-i 
sh automobile drivers watching tfhlyeing discs, to be cautious 
and not roufnf the road or i nto some other oar. 
Soof me the reports on flying saucers, heretofore not ex- plained. 
in this article, such as those reported seeing bright 
flashes i n the sky, were no doubt reflected sun-light from 
planes. These l ight beams chanced to cross the l ionfe vision 
of the observer. They frequently appear very brilliant and 
may more or l ees blind the observer for an i nIfs taht. the 
plane i s very high i t may not be seen by the observer, which 
may be due to i mpaired vision or the great height at which 
the plane i s flying. We very often get these same blinding 
flashes from automobile wind-shields, Moaf ny the reports 
around July tth. were i ncited by various fofr ms fire works. 
Z  ! _ ,_- ._
J Some reports stemmed fproumre i 
others were deliberate hoaxes. 
plained if all the surrounding f 
Host all of the rezorts and 
saucers coincide so clearly with 
tchoeureld be no doubt bthuat t 
The foregoing statement may 
scientific terms, and may nboet 
ever, we believe it is so worded 
magination or hysteria, while 
Any other reports cbaen ex- acts 
are known. 
descrictions of the flying! 
the findings herein, that 
we have the correct solution. 
nboet coached in precise 
scientifically exact, how- that 
the average layman can 
understand it and that it is sufficiently correct to prove 
the proposition. 
IP ersonally, do not bthealite ve the so-called flying 
saucers or the solution thereof, 
unless the Government wished to 
the psychological effect upon an 
such as Germany did in regard to 
weapons during the war. 
_ A 
are of any mvailliutaer,y 
retain this information for 
y potential enemy nation, 
their so-called secret 
en of 
, r  __ w ,:_-____.._e_-e_ _ ,_ __  ,, . ......... . 92_ _-
T50 ˇ7-79¢ 
F f 
Page-ts! withheledn tirely at this location in the ıle. One or moreo f the following statementsw, here #359; 
indicated, explain this deletion. 
Deleted under exemptionn-3! _.__ ._ 7___.,_ _ wnioth segregable 
material available for release to you. 
Information pertained only to a thpiardrty wnioth reference to you otrhe subject of yroequurest. 
Information pertained only to a tphairrdty. Your name ilsisted in the toitnlely. 
Docnnienˇs! originating with the following government agencytiesl _ . _. -_. 
,_ _. , ____ _ , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. 
Page s! referred for consultation to the following government agencyfiesl; _i_______i_ 
_i ____.__ _. E ____ ___ athse information originated with them. You will 
be advised oafvailability upon return of the material to the FBI. 
Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: 
Foryour in0f4o;rfmg_aQti 4og_n-¢f:l /q{;¬ie___q1 Q[Jf_g_e4eg 1 ;L;_q¢,;.fe.e t~5 gff 
E}, C0E{{ #39.;i f¢d¢Q .g1_1i¢?t Zq1/4»4z54{.5;_ /a#J3i1_9_{;lL;!5iˇ41¢ gJ, 
:44 ıJe1 » ırmcff m t§U£ J¢ _ /1¢*¢,_ -i ;nf¢l;j @,,,1;,L,ll, 
The following number is to buesed for reference regarding tphaegsees: 
§ yosnsrsoP AGEHS! 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . 
1- Terné
l_ 2 * 
Ojjzllın? M¬mt.ˇˇd -%UmNI TESD #39;..1TES -u---pain 
 MTru. lson,_,_.Mr. C!e:|: ..---.. 
192IM.§ Yr. ?-..:-4.: Iii 
TO =3 13;;T¢3 F31 DjjaAyTuEa:ˇi1x0 1;9,9v_FR0Mˇi/PsiP. :A-:Q5.O #39; _ I g1/an I 
I. 1. #39; 
 1!. 31-- 
is 	 P;-e_nmr, | 
i MrQ. uinn ave.| MI. Ne- 
%e=»;1/On 2/6/L9 PAUL RYAIN C ffice oSfpecial Investigations, Roswell, New Hexico, advise 
J $111111?-¢I= FIIGTEICTTAILC nI-cI s#39;m:_rIc1;s#39t; :.. _ Bureau5 8fi3le0 0 !Z gFt.=7.4- 
~7{#39;f,:j, Q/ i.#39;1Reference is made to the letter from thé SahAntonio Office to the Dire 
dated 1/31/1.9., 
# -3. 9; 1 nu-R5 92#39P;.f.! the resident aaent at Roswell that he had ,ust left aconference wDirt.h LIncoL 
- LPAAL, Ieteorllogist, who has Written aletter summarizing the search for the 
Unidentifie:..erial Phenomena. 
RIAN advised that Dr. LPAAZ came to Roswell after one otfhese objects had 
boebesnerved bsyeveral persons in the Roswell atrheea night oJfanuary 30, 1949 
at approximately 6:00 P.U. One otfhese persOn8 who witnessed the object was an 
OSI Inv-Le 4 stigawtohro stattehde obdeacpt pearede txop l ode o r#3f9d; i 8s-Lseginsttehzenear 
khlhsr Air Force Base at Roswell, New Mexico. 
REA] infonned that all ohfis agents had been searching the area around 
Artesia, Tatum, and Kenna, Ken Zexico; Amherst, Brownfield, and Lamesa, 
where the phenomena had recently boebesnerved. Tsheeasrcehes all met 
negative results. 
|Dr. LPAAZ advanced the theory tRoYAN that the objects were controlled 
traveling around the earth at an altitude oafpproximately.25 miles and 
w . 
lover a de:1our !n- a.ed area and explode it. h U+e0- rs-1ta+-te#d3 9;l~+~.#a3t9 o;|r.# 39;92TL n# 3.a9;a.D .Ia .h-Ju4ıu.-I 
at a 
speed oafpproxismtely 15 miles per second. The missile was probably controlled 
» by agents stationed at various intervals who are able to bring the missile down 
l~#39;l.-.-.l- L.- 
hind U I15 
J with an atomic war head. * #believed 39; 
the Russians or some other country was practicing with these weapons 
I which LPAAZto carried ld RYthAaNt no war head twmoe and were n whheo being imnt exploded ervieawt at an Keedn altitude Nnae,w oafppromizetely 
L had l0 miles. observed After phenomena the practice which period appeared LPAAZ to have assumed disseminated the weapons near would Tatum be  
Eexico, had informed him nothing will be found. LPAAZ stated tached 
significance tot he aboves tatement antdh at the sen apparently-.2 ome A§L// 
nnouledge that the phenomena aas not a aeteor1te. @3e~*- -  1L i . i. -- _r 5 , n.__ ~. ._ .r .-by--#_RYAN advised his Office would keep this Oinffiocremed oafny cduervrelop- ments. --D 4 Q_, F, Fı/fj éba H/ IK/l, _ CC: Sena. vn#  3t3#o193n1;,9i1;o ; 92 §#33 I92;a_o Fl_ ! V =  r5 J1!] 
ERR/cm I  -;- -  9 ;-9Q2 w3 a9 4s; F 
i5Q.7.3,2, 9,%QD55 h§£§ ¢aL# §#lL 3. 2I934 9; 9 E./;E/ xi,P ti /éf 
5 };r._m 9. --,5181943 l,,~ 
N #3#93;9; 
:*#39;Il*#39;!#39;*_!7#39;_*.92=-v-#39;j§1-=I#39;:r¢t-;vv:q92.*-~w-r-rn*;7w -.!1 *#s53#-913;e19-;~ -~.7*,:,#r -s3.e 9;w-* w. 1 s#39;
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Q 3 i ,3 ;_. 
#39; . 
F l SA 3C1 P_u g I0bn 2m11::,7911? 
, , A Direct-or, rar#39; ~- 
, jlpi , - , Pi=C .Yl,!:C OF# v3n9m;_. I IIN.=SN1AILSLISA#39;l 
i . A gs - ____ » i 
» 44¢ 0 8300 - A- Q9 Q# R3e9u 2;rQ-l_o§Jt.0-1:#93-9»; 
#3 Q9R;.#39; J. 
A revie owf you rreferenc leetdter 3-aflec tthsat Dr. LincoIl1n 
#39; Pas, Hetoorologist, indicated to ur. Paul hymn, office of Special I.nvest..Lga- t- 
ions, Loswcll, Hen Lor.:Lco, that two men whom he inter-viewed at Karma,liar 
Mexico apparently had acme knowledg ethaL theu.r1.i.dent1.faieedrial 
# p3h9a;ncmcma was not a meteoriira. ~- ~ _ 
It i s believed desirable that you emf-aavor to ascertain tho 
1donti1..y.o tihe#s3e9; two individuals i t Emma, New Bcxim and to interview 
them for any information Ihioh they may bz= a-ble to furnish relative to 
this mat-t-er. V 
nm= 1K»:ar/»/X» 
#39; 1 IIr1f/04i 92 ~.m»i1i #3.99; 
:6] I 
92 W 
W-* ;b:oi¢*..-E:i s: zccI9m2u#39;1|o:92#39;§ 
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. ,.., 4.x 
J, yl,/ _,r.-,.---d#39; 
- .1- #39;. 
92#39; z - AIIF 
,1 //+ 
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{,| 1#39; 
,f,| __#39;. 
#39;4!3!--. f, 
. I -  
fl r/ 0;, # 3r9;4 
r 1 .._-//.1/7»-V-~~»/--/*.*// 
.11. P, , /.;r-.I-#39; 1r. ID - 92 rr 
,  ,7 .A 
,4 ,v_,|I1.2u, 
Z #=3_9,.; _ _#/7391#;!_3,9;#39;b=, 
::/A 13--éIQˇlédt 
, ,¢/f 
, - 
1-I .- ..,.. L--*~92-P~l#39;-W 
. ¢ , ,. . 1./.. ;=: 7/ ..-#3Z39J;/#LX111 -.4 f /# g39 6; [-  #3 9#,#; 3_3 .99; ,;#,/. 39;j#J h1 -I ,- Qˇ :u 1.4!- -4- ,L; /ti. 1#- #39; . / . , / 1 1|-#39;_$¢.¢4;L/M Ll., #39; - I 
I _ 92 
P :_-_ ,.. 
*~- 1:.-A-# P*39;3 
, 9¢2 .#39;_  . I . . , . V_ .. #3. 9; . . V . .- . ..r., .  , . v -.1- 92I._ 
#39;-of- . 
15 October 1950. 
Ootober 1950. 
, -1, _ 
#39;9 ,- . 
. _  9- 
_ 16 o¢u1_¢_1-A 1950. 
_ if .-__.|..#39; _._._§ 
- .5#39;?-? .##3399;;*.~.t 
16 October.-#39;1?§0. 
f,V_#39;-1._# 3 .9;_- 
16 October 19§O . 
1 20 October1950 . 
Ir _ - 
x 6 1 - 
#39;23 1950. 
#39; 1 ., . 
1 - . #39; 
- I92 O-I92O92Il#13995; 0- 
3-#39;a-m uasce . 
#39;5 Ion1-9b5u0 . 
 v . . 
- I2! IQ 195-9. 
11-. -- #39;... - 
~ 2 
.4-p , 
. 1##3399;;~ 
Q _ 
#39;5 I 
..r,_ ._ 
$92*-_#39;;.} : 
1, - 
-Jo-11: . 
I 92.3_,#39; 
 _ _ .~.r, #39; 
1 ti 
9_2~ . f1- ii j 
.- PM J, 
V 1- :,# 39; _92. 31##3399;3;5. -Q:-k 
1 _ g-..,,_ . ,. _ .._-gnu 
F --#39;1 
92#39;  -.1 1 - #39:;92,#; .l3##933;99-;:; _~ 0 I.#39; .-1r I 1 -rI. . 1I#3#93;9;- 
r :_ 1; .1 
~. #39;_b~#39;-1; 
_#39;_,.. 1  -9. 2,*, #39; 
92_ .92 i-_ #39; g»...S..I.i#» -31-9 : .;. . .... . #39; _#39;:.._~~41#39;-92~- 
1 - 7-#39;:-51. ., . .#391;.1 ~ 
,_ 3 - r - , - 
*1-2- ;. -2- _.=-P  x 
9 ,21-11?~:f }%*.7:3¥:#3#93;91-;1I}-9 2 ¬A-.1 1 
_ . 
. ##3399; ;#39; #39 .; -, ._.. 
*. - ~--..*»f__;n_; 
-_I-, #39; . # .3J9 ;112:., I5#3.9--;. -91-129 2 . . _~ . 3, 
1520 hours. SUB-JH eaJet e#n39;K1er#r 3H9o; llowG ate b !y#39;roope 1f_e_ 
Ryler and Zerzocki, Ir. Hidatover, ind Ir. lloneymker. _ - 
T . 
_ _.-_,,. 
4 1520 hoursm. m e=c1o peelIcˇ1oe-Tyson Airmpoarmt bo -_ 
unidentified targets. .7- # 3 ;f9a;; Lv J} .». . 
92- _#;!3 9;-Z-~,-..: --#-5#»3 9;.  *1 fi._#39;-92i..1555 t1o5 30 houOrsb. jec stse e bnTyroopersIe ebe1.1_,: 
end cm-1:. , JP? -;.-;1--:#3-992 #39; iii-:..*i 
1520 hom-e. Reaodoaproe at Iletˇnoe-Tyeon Airport giv .1 unintelligible reedinge. ~ -._-._*i.#3-A -.~#39;--# ,3§9-;.= r 
1956 t2o0 01» honuure G. -taxism, -own, Ierron, 
report peculiar eounde. . -. I ;#3~9;--}Qj= #39;-. -*1. I-..1~1 ;~ 
. _ .  r-:- _; 
1655 howlV. isual lighting b y LPa.r ry Riordan, 1 4 - 
chm, x-10 Plant. _ _,- ¢;#39;_ 
1630 boure. v1-6.1 lighting mu bIryencie .1. mm: [@191- -Rf, 
count-ere In the vicinity had 92me:qa1e1nerebe1ıein ge at about Qlie . 
-1--1 - 
mas u19:-o noun. van-1 @111; or e ltbˇiy layer In  
1#3 I7Q90;-.I} l.l H0 IIn9l2ent 9292Q»  N J R-ii-+,,_{__-LH bheallte. ! 115% 
new-92 0.I pneell an roatnhere 51¢-we *5. an 
I.:#39;nn:vi.l.1e Airport, Knoxville, l-e sneeeee. R ~ 
11551 t2o0 0 hoVuirssu. al om beDnyo; nı ufiu. ;;;;;§,_;-__;._.~ . #39;31.: 
Itnhe vicinity oi Louım, #39;11# 3m9t;,- onnue-1e1e1e6e ,o bject #eccoupeniod bye. flopping noiee, me eeen bfiyve. 
111-1-D3 i nthat eree. -#3_9 . ;  .._.5 -,_~ -§-#39 ; L. ; -..f 
w . :1. 11 ..°»~-.~_ 1»-w . 
 .. * . -.~--;.. . - -|~-I# 39{-;. 
-, ..-F» #39;~¥-1.71.? - 3 -- ..----#39;. 
-L 1.# 23; 9~; . -- --.-2 ~:--~f*r ##339;9r #4;319?; ~ -s. ._ # J13 ,.91?#;.! 3  9; 4 #399; 2- ~-. - -#39;u, _- ,~¢~#39;ˇ;_. - ,. 1 IF . 5 ~:-1 v3¢ #.3#939#;__;3 » 
_. ._.#39;~.-¢.-;.,. 
1... . -#39;1 5 _i-.1..;1:5I_i i:_:.,=-.-#39;,-= 1»**2--.~-.--ii.#P 
}#-3 9; . . l___ :1#-3?9}_;;9_2_._$.;§#39;-I,., 1 
,,4,-. 1 1.|#.39;. 
.-. -.1. .1 ..--_- ---.=-- ;-1.» 1- 
.#39 ~;- - -#.~3 9;-f;, , I#39;_.. 
 - *---.*-7*-1.5 
.-#39; ,.-.14 
Enclosures: b 
Fjˇtartenent bRyo bertM Iy. ers, HeSatehcetrio n, AtHmaice rgy 3 
;_.f*_CIIn1ssionR, idOgaek, Tennesseceo,n cerning thpee culiar sight _NQ_#1%,.-la;y ;1n9.5| - 9. fr I f 92?.=.;  __,,, 1? #-1 a0 -s, i__ r , - sIi _.:IA_ _;  Btatenent by Uillian O Frey, Security Becticn, IIPA Division, Atmie #39; 
Bnerg Ca-nzieeim, Oak Ri%, renncssee, c~.n.ce:.-1 Obgects 5ig,_11teQ 
Over Oak Ridge on 214 October 1950. 
Sbtya tement Major Lawrence I. Ballweg concerning Objects Bight-eı Over 
Oak Ridge Q 25 October 1950. 
Interview with Ir. Don Patrick, Illustrator, IKPA Division, Atmic 
Energy Ccnlission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, concerning Objects 8i@lted 
OOvaekr Ridge on 5 Iovenber 195-O and asketch thereof. 
Certified true tracing copies cfˇae original notes and sketches male by 
Hr. Don Patrick at the time and pclfa ce cbservation. 
Interview concerning objects sighted over Knoxville Airport on 29 
October 1959, 
Interview concerning the releases oi balloons, the captive Blimp, and 
other weather data, and the release oi radioactive particles in Argon 
Interview tit; #39;!ra_ncieM Jg,r concerning ObJecta Oighted Over 
Oak Ridge on 23 October 1950, and Geiger counter readings in that 
Knoxville Radar Bite rceopnocretrning Ob_1ects Sighted Over Oak 
Riige on 25 October 195?». - 
nl~;L. 5 
*1 £4! -¢ 
Z #39; 1-5*. 
-. : 9 #39;}~ SA 
. a 
J . 
r _ . 
#39; -_ .. 
2l0oto#39;ber1950 . 
no 18, r. o. Bo: 379, Inoxville, Ienneeeee A ~_#.39; 
oraao smimrr omvm on n: nm, u ;W§§ -W;;.-,Q,Q J,; *#39;._-#.{;§_ L# B39o;r;e»r_:- Bram-iee oi Intonation, sdbpot; so above I,ntel .4 
Octobe 1r990! .v#3;9I;-j;;;.;:# ?_.;#39;;:l,f #39; . e =*.ı_.* ¬#33.#93;.momma to this sum 1- eleven ı1! inclceure to clarity 
I Io-I--II.--L.-U---I-I.-_#=3o9;iU.l-U U 4H92#13u9s;9U2ll§9-2InlD.-.Il. I 4Ln,$11# I II3Q9v92iIi;9i9 22-l { W #IU39;3 I-.92 Qˇ9li2aiasq:s#39;svD#39;| in I 
iheee incloeuree are ccat qpoeed witness steterentsg be-okgro 
coming previous si@t1nge our peculiar objects over Oak Riiali e-11 
The most reliable scuroee svnilnble were utilized. in he occt ipilotion this reper 
The qploynent reoorés am the hie:-e.1 Bureau out Investigation reports qonoeo-sing 
ıne vitneesee were inspected. to ascertain their xveliabiliw, integrity, cal 10111.1; 
to the United States Govemmlt. . 
the opinions eat the officials of ıe Security Division, AIO, Oek Blip; 
§oo1.a#3 B9a;ni1a_l,=_r !_E1? DAivision, out Bilge; AL; 590::-it; Iotrol, OakBilge; 
D:-|c:vi1.Le;Ai.r Force Bmartme:ur Bqunlrone, Ihoxville; cal the OBI, Iho:|:vi1.l.| 
Tomnosee, tail to evolve an adequate elphmticl tor SUBJECT h, owever tpheeei- bilitiee 
of go-soticsl Jokers, mes hyeteris, bdllons out ew leeoription, tliˇts 
or bi:-rte with or vith-out oohnbe or eıer tibjocts sttcobi!, telling leaves, inn 
nurse, peculiar weather conditions, reˇections, £11193 kites, obJootsthroes 
1#39 ;:t-haes 5:~cu:n|l. I,inˇalonm cbJecte, insanity, enl new other anti:-Q1 kepjpenilp 
have boon reJec1iel. because out the simultaneous vimeseing of the objects with k 
rope:-ted. rear sigtings; because at the reiisbiliiiy eat the Iihaeoees; Incense st 
ıe detailed, einihr lseoription of its etjeots soon by littereat persons; X.  
ichfe ocuee il-p oeeiiiiiiw, ._ 
!#39;he1:~enlefopinicneeeQtoiollcIˇ:#39;eepci:termctlibou@#39;b. 1#39; 
ırst is that ıe objects ere s pigsical ˇaenmenon stick hsve s ecientitic equip: 
etion; the sie cond that the objects are ezgperinent-e o.lbjects tron ea unleternin 
source! 50.16.04 by eloctronice; enl ıe ˇirt is similar to the seoonl. except kt 
en intondot hum-slisetioa or her:-assnent is involved. the tsntutio is pas:-0.1.1 
r.e jootet. . 
Ping; eˇll kntn hfh lvlv_192nnt#39;I fsˇ#3l9|1;I sn9217 {Q-92 nnlrbguunn 
ıhottbotineotflidltiseithertowfrmtieiou-ıeuteolBouthnst,lirectic puusillelth toer:-s riiinpe intlis lnˇlw. . o 
Attention 1| mum to ˇue 19k? yhooogrsph or s 
#8!. Atomic lnorg Ooisiseicn officials um» um the 111- on-; et
this etatenent. they nee believe it eignitioent that ha, Air IIe1r1o e not #39; 
return the negative oıifeprint. J y 
I#39;01J =.cmhdro.nn5o l1o;g iceavl lmarqru qpr 1-Q9}-wevee nte and;o O. :,_.a- heaeveen-reoi at oak Ridge, lienneeeee. ~-,;#39;,~;;_-*,~. .~ . -  . - Q 1,,1~* 1 
A June 19!- -Ir#.3 9;I_. B . Preeeloy photographe eid1 ;1n3 0abt Je0t Oak 81490!,e ˇ..;#39;_;__#39;! 
The s intr eet the toregrounhnei been iientitiei eIlelinois Ave!n|e,f;#Ont BiigeT, ennessee. lncloauf r3e! #39;$92s0um 19b9 
1» 2» 3» #359»;h 
J2 October 
1.3 October 
13 October 
15 October 
15 October 
15 October 
. -_, 
.1--3 :4-. , 
..- - #349L; ,_ 
#39;;v {- 
 2 0 
- At 1900 hours Ilr. end. lire. I. I. Anıoreon and Ire. John A, White 
:..1,.1..,.5..1 _-..A.- ~l-In-en n--h,,h.-n..t n.. .1 -I-. ı0n.k.. I.ˇ.l.a..n,. , l-|-.q..n..n..n..e..u.-:n, n_ niniig .r. . in ıl.#..3_9-;_IR.-..lE!¥_ 
lnclosure §9! _ #39; . 
6, Mu-011950 -Ir. 8tue.rtA10o0krep0rto4I.1ne0u1.i.92rreu-Gingeˇ. 
hie Han Ruler Scope. These 0bJe0te reappeared at epproxinetely the 
can tile oMf y which 100111111 tSoIIBJIBOI. Refer: Brit: If 
Intortation, Subject; Unidentifieul ObJo0te Over Oek B1650 ˇetnity, 
um 6mu 1950.! - . 
1950-2325mm-| -Ih0c:v1A].11rep 0:#39;tB04!ArUn1.ti1_!Il10ntell-unidentified. targets ever the Reetr1cte¢ Zone at I-at R169. Imla 
1950 - 235»! lighter aircraft vee at ıe position othf e rtaetre r t 
an md teph ererfeect interception:o beuutl eln.e oething. final1.950 - 0000 to 0m1m00. AM.1t1oz#39;n.1 Rguamda r ebeefarm ıne1.§:|.! 
1950 hours. Ila;-or L. I. Bmmiger, eoocqpenieı. by his lnu@ter, burl 
intermittent noieee. lnoloeure # T! 
1950-1511 born-e. Iidlter plane lode uneuoooeeful pa-eeee at e pod. 
radar target tow ll-! lilee from the B1eBeot92.u:ˇ.u7 BK0e1rr101 Get 
lncloeure f 5! 0 
1950-1520 hours. SIIBJIOI eaet en Kerr Hollow Gate by 1#39;:-oopere Ryner 
anˇ. Zeraeoki, aw. Eiétbver, 0-nˇ. llr. lloneymher. In01oeuree f#39;3,1950-120 hours. Seeodoepree at Airport iˇioete 
unidentified. tn:-gate. lncloeune f 1|»! 
. - T - 
#39;,_;#-5- 9 -Kg.-§;#.-*5--92§e-.7 - 4 
. 0--92 -~~.*-*1 - #39; .#39; #3 9;-. T #39; |#39;{#39;492 qe-r~4?-.e-.--_T-- l--.5*- e
- /. 
1#39; .. * #39; !01 . . 
1060:00»: 1950-15 0:0 1530 hours. ouwu s0o: on 11-oopor mi mu, my 
lnicl-ark. Ino1.oauroaf5a.ı§6! , x#39;.._ 
. U. 1-,.- 
1050000. 1; 950-1 1502m0 . mm mp.» at nacam-annropnm 
qmnhˇiˇbh roalingl .Inoloau I r Eo- ! #39;;;;1 , -  * =*#39;: 
- 1.95 126:001 u+m . m00m01-0., B ron axm, -00 m, l1:-=.§ı g-.-. p00uJ.1u lom#3rl9s;. Imloawa f T! 1.1__ 1-?K*}-_#= _# .¢ 3._9._;1 ,f1;.¢i=#39;_- .J AP .-j 5:4; 
Azménaummgimommwmnnmmwxmpwuwm sxmamcfr. 
0 01 0 :n TL# o-3.n090;00i0 17039 of aw s$f0: 05000 as =%-~ - - - - - 
#39; won Ot linr Spring fosr Sulph Suprring. .-  2#3*9; 
00:00:: mm n0.. Caro, 08111 I1. . Akin, Lt. Olonngar, mmm am: Bib!! 
FE. H011 Pilot 0:! £19100: aircraft!; Iaatorn Air Dofomo Consul Boprosontatin 
Special Agent 081; Official: at Security Division, Atomic Energy Ganialica, - 
Oat B1630 , Tonnauaoo M; anic Inn-51 00-ninion S000:-it; Patrol; Security troop: 
Bgmr, Zarzeoki, Briggs, Clark, ml Infoolli John Iona:-m.100 I.r; II. Hishwnri 1 
Iednral Bu:-on at Innltigation; Officials of Security Branch, IIPA, OakHip, 
.~ .._rd- 
 #39; .92-92#-é -. 3-  #39;c.r 
- _-;.{;w92 
a .
Ufo part 16 of 16
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Ufo part 16 of 16
Ufo part 16 of 16
Ufo part 16 of 16
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Ufo part 16 of 16

  • 1. UFO -"" Sec. H1: r no PW se/KKK __--73
  • 2. . y$ k ' &.#39; 1*- : :59; U. -L . I --.#3 19-;V _ ; _;,_;__ 6_ f; ~»-2-9i ?-1..%_ . 1; Date of %wmti Date of htemeI H--__ L 30 L 5- 6- 7. 8. 9. 10- 11- 12- 13- #39; I-4» s Lbzn ticmt oef observ ıaotcioan1!_ 1Q 2°;-2lZ_49#39;_ .1 e 13:. Z .., -___ , I - _ . . ._ .._,. L . . 2: »C_@ _= K:?-#LW39;.__,.-, ,-- ,-.:--#39; n#39;;~-.».~ I-4#39;--.~f= 4 ~-#2--3-.-9;##3399;;:_-, ##3 .399;; T I o - . _ if-1#.3.9; - v ,_7 ..._ ._ . ,_ . -.-a- .__ . p. A ;-, - -.---#39-;-.- #39;. . , , .- #39; A e *o~%I Y UHIDE2f1IPIIJ!ERIALCB.IECT8 . #39; ##3399;; -.-. _ - I DCMQ L ~ - t . - .#39;; #39; ,#39;-_ . . #39; __._$.._ . - 1 ,_ -1 ˇag; pf @ 591-731,193; W W . hp Coordinates! ._ ] f _-I Positio onf observ ea:ir, oar, bldg, locatio onf - give details!o_ Ihnt attracted ttent on to oıojech Dmnn mlm has in on at: , Iumbe rb ct and =1 tot 1#39 o;-rn gart#oio3un9p;ing! on @§;§n°¢ ui°mm i t a#39; - W #lpparon stize compa tkorneown o bject 1, .6-; mm I,005; Qhuib or i1n_t_at_o11 lje9n2gpth!; , _ .#39; . lp9¢lr0-l92ODO1»hll¬-lOlIl#39;l181Ol#39;IlI-I ,#39; _ Color of object: #39; Q-[H lˇnp £e§in;o.gz3¬?; -i% oon#p w3ei9tr l;hcoınicor-biIpnjeticoltn!; Altitude Anglo of elevation abovo horizon - O deg:-oo at horizon, I92 J.--_492,-e4 4;--92#39;92|-innnlxn - #39; I W GU B UVU ll-92g-5 U I an u 15ZZi~=-no . Direction from oba-orw rAnglo clooktiac from B_a rth!: ~ #. 4 _ Digtgnc forom obaorvt rDistance to ton, blag, ootwo.n, which object apps: od to ho!: . Y. ,. g I:-at cintam II-oat;-II-ıll ggqm u-n ngcpmsstrinn -A-_ -0 on MAR?61g7g #39, ;{_.-..-. - Dirootion of £11611 o. f object I!! - #3 19:;?5 C1D; 3 Us.1IrisCUHF##3399;;0~T. an tl but £111 1!n-osiPnoas:rznoo -5- oiˇhts ##3399;; -# T3#93; 9;
  • 3. . Q U -In . _ , 92 % , 4 #3-9;7 . 42#39; - #39; . 7*;--¢#39; Troll color, length, width, persistenc ee-t ,c.! - .#39;.. 4- mu mu, Inn 92h.rv7,; m!.oa1m9a2, nummm us. Lminoeity visible by reflection, incandeecence, other - degree , n£¬¢336§f££hnuenuunqnu~. , Projections tine, rings, rode, antennae c, anopiese, tc- Inn ˇ limb 11 01-.--kthfflighi-path!! $#39;:#39;114§=92m:£s§¢¢f£¢»92#39;:§Ionfn ncr disappearance: - #39; - E. ffoctencleudat .#39; II Ldditienal information concerning object: - hue 5 - - . . .... -I: u{,L-ıgs] leathe cr onditio ann: d light at time 0! lighting: 93 AR116 lbeailei ın_lll ys 2 1#:23 c?9au;nsnnsé 1#39;13-P3a5ra and aodr d:-on observer: sm Occupation end hobbies: . ˇllq Coef ments Interrogater rteol ative intelligence and cohfaracter obaerve rCheck neighbors p,olice dept nu records e,mployˇlet,c.!: k-l -rob-nan. .#39; Did Ob8B1VB glloIa#a3o9 e;a,Dpolcie#l3 ply9o;lerio gdlosse ast toimf e aighting, enro object viewed through canopy, Iionr doi, other transparent lnteriulf IOII . .. Iu#I3_9c;_$e$0ttt!ntoaneo§_q-;11_o_u3a92o92hl.|!ani¢e ceo usrnguili
  • 4. l 1 13 C] E] E] E] rza E] XXXXX IXXXXX {XXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL B0UFR EAU INVESTIGATION FDOEIPLEATED PAGE INFDBMQTIIJII SHEET Pageisl withheld entirely at this location in tıhlee. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain tdheisletion. #39; Duenldeeter d exemptionlsl 7 with no segregable material available for rteol ease you. information pertained only to athird pwairthty no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to athird party. Your name is listed in the toitnlely. D !Cl1II1B[]II S! originating wthiteh following government agencyliesl _ _l l __ , _______ , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Pagelsl referred for consultation to the following govemment agencyıes!; _._.=_.____.i . _ _ W _ . as the inforination originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of tmheaterial to tFhBeI. Pagelsl withheld for the following reasonlslz »wmmmmmwmpqxLLendudLLu q§juwq TMJ.%i4z! ___ 43:15 *M1I IJI °:11We46 I e ¢/1g!f;o ırr mC£ds: //ıJe , f-,5/tM#3 ,9; _5éJ -¢n are The follonizuimngb etor bisue s edr feofre rence rethgeasred inpga ges: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx §EEKETEDPAGE§G! XNoinnnncATunsss X xi Fosiwnsenoe x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,/.7*~Pm7 9F2El#39;DQJ
  • 5. , . -.. ,.__-_ - .._____.._... _.....-_._.....--*,----- ıllil-Q #39;| Oıiı ˇ #39;Z92/Iem - UoNmInTdE suDmreesovnmmsnr I C#397#;13 =#9 D3i9r;;e ctor FmBmI - - August 16 1#;3L4999; FlOM@_ SSa. AnAn#Ct3o,9n;i o ,, ~_-,#m o$ 92 , sunJBc P#R3J91;r=3C# OV3FI9T;A1LI OK I!¬2ST;L.#39;:_§TIC!IS 1 - V gri~ if - 9292 | I #39; I Q ##39; I en ettac hheirn ee n;tuom o cfb er rep boertrisnegceived ignreet nuzbere in this office concerning the eoce11ed flying disk: or unnetural phenomena being frequently obee:-ved around Camp Hood, Texas. This ie, of course, n primary concern 0! the Air Ccrpe. Consequently, this office ie following the practice of reviewing these date and then destroying than in the event there ltpcp ˇırı be nothing of FBI interest tIht erein. in pointed out that the filin; of these would result in the rapid accumulation of very bulky files. Unleee the Bureau believes thin in unwie, this gfectice will continue. ? Encl e. CEW:ce ,9#39; loo-ms E? Q» REC G#_ - 5L .-__.- R39D7; E#D3-§° 1W1? 8 , _ . eˇé 52-35FQ??-949 i VS-I . #39;.92e-»#39;-#39;:¬:5 . :#_39 i:;v_ __;,-,--_ |_;-T__.-_ v_- i * :.__:- -;,~,*___ *:;, .__-. -.-. 6 . ._ FDA. _- 92#39; -1
  • 6. .__._ ._-......,.e.#39;_...~_#39;. i # 39 ; #39;- -- CF ,_ ,- 4.,-» #39; ____ IGATIOI . ._ 92;__§592:#39;--.1- F14-14-r- 1 #3 9; -mnarrrrmzmu Q-lıh _ - . pf#?39; 4 - J . #3 n9; - # ..39;1 92 Q:#3-.9. ; - ., 2,» - . - ,_- . _ 1. Date or Qaeez-vation_ˇ_!;J D;_a_te of Into:-viev_1,_@1;_____ Exac ttime of observatıiomnd! .,.__n* -3 P1O0Of b$~8I;9V2B.¢;U1.bOn#l39;|¢°]3_}J_q._92_|_¢;-#39;- lap Coordinates! a e » s. -4. _ #39; u-mu mg on 11¢-q 1_9 0. -- - 5, Ibat attracted attention to object: _ #39; . __92 6. lumber of objects and akotoh of formation or g_rouping: - ._ - -__|.-_92_, , - » ¢ #39;I . #3 -9a; I Incicion§ - 01 -.| a #39#;389;0 _ J? --or R: - .- Poaition of observe rair, car, bldg, location oi - give d-ot-ails!: -.#39; - I. Apparent size compare to known object, 1.0., sun, loan, ıhullb or fiat n arm length!: .#39; lb:-nttholiaatcnaingllat. - 8, Golor of object: . manmm; Mk, 9 2i.i0H1uag-sea. #- Szape give graphic description - oonper weith knowonbject!; an ma mi. 4. #39; 9. ._ - 10. QQ dog:-eo onvoz-hood!: -#3#i93;9; . n_o ._ #39;i- 11, Direction from obeorvo rAngle clockwise tron Hort-h!: . ~ 290 In#-3u9; Inn#.39; _ -_1z. Distance from observer Distance to town, bring, ate owr which objec at ppeare tod ho!: -2 - U!-T s_sIr1E£! EGMM£3B1Z919 av rz? c u#s3n9;n:s.3c.oFuDIC a._.. ;.a.,1-a 1-aos nonszoo _#39;a = lppmctn I Inn. Z » 13 .D, iroct oiofnb 9jIe!2!c:]t1;1#39;- Uˇ-II-Olˇll. . - D92 . -~- ,, 4 - ~.-.7? .1. lin oor ugxm. -; ., =-..,:_-,:1l#39;1.,,M Y n. 2 F /_._ L.$-_aLp %teino5ed, to oovo g rivon distance!: I-#39; -I. ;-_-__ - 9-2 -.92-- r I. _9292 .92 - . J-f -~ -6 4» I 92 ,- G .#9-#I n- 1#Altitude Anglo of elevation abovo ho:-iso -n O d0gr00 al t horiwn, #39;_; 92 92 K 92 1 N - 1 #39;-J . ._- A . . - ..- . . - H__-.ia;#-_3-91;,--a__--4,.|-.;. . -. . P : g r#-359 -; ._;.9§_ ._-J -_ :1 1-!-u.-ya-_::--.-#39;,;:-.#:£3.9.;*4 ,-.-. : ,_ ;.,, . _. I #3 9_ F;__, : n .#_ 3- 9;,_ V ,_ -_ ._.-#3#93,;992; # , :3%9.;a- Ck 1 -re -- 56-aXt5W-#F 0 * #5 , - ._ #39; _ .I #39 --;1-} ._#3#93;9;.-531 ;_- .-.....: ,_ . ._ .*,: #39; - . .- - ~#39; 92 , . . . .-. .-- _ , ._
  • 7. ;*;i,p.j*:f#3 e9fs;, ifp1jp s § .j,g* q #39;2 16#39;. Ysoundandoderl #39; - - - -I _ . 1#3-9;h7. ail color, length, Iidthp, ersistence, etc.-! I - I10 9-ecaoaalngudwuincny uninieqr. T K; HT:-_.--i-0 ff; #39;. Q 18; L1_=.H_inccit -vyis ible br ievI !lectien- inw.nr1_eecerI_~ceQ- ;-cdte-m1o;n efbrillionce!: - _#39_; _ . |n¢=m92.u-auumnu-. i 19. 20. Projections fins, wings, rods, antennae, canopies0, §¢¢!l loneuvcre turns, climbs, divea,#39; -ectkco. tch of flight path!: c Iti.ri.71|ve1ˇ.iJ-:92,piain¢eeQL192i92Ib. lIl.enner of disappearance: _ - 2.2. Effect on clouds: :3; Additional into:-notion concernoinbgje cfs loll ,* ._- .- --.- - -1 IA A 41 Q _1l_L.l___ 2L Ioatner condition: one ugm: at use ex ugnumg: ,- h:7¢ieu,d92hl:au=4mqeetokn. | ¢ Ilaennde odd:-cu of observer: . oi m i. -um--, -1;-ma aa,_rw,--m,,_m|..- #39; Occupation and bobbieua . QUE; X ˇsdéıˇˇjg -v, n 0 I-----ct: ct Interrcgatcr mlazive to mzblligcnce cod choc-cote: of ,1 1 -4 0-Iii! -u » or . 1 #39;- ¢- .#39;,-. - I #39; ~ - -u_ Q,-92 #39;_ #39; 1 . 1 .92.. __ |.-._ - . q-v .1 I . t -J: __,- _- .yr -we-51 ll .-1 #3#93;.9; - #39;- __.; _-4 .. -.-{F . #39;1 .-, .-.e_ - _~ 1 I .-EI! . - -- -. #39;r -- ,. - #39; _,_ . - 1 v 92- 4--o ? % 0 g 0 7 K #39;/.t _#39;. .#39;-#4 #39; .4 _-| #39; -_#3_9-;. -1. ebaervor Cnheoicgkh borl, podliceep jc-, FreBcI ords,-_!lfPl9¬9Ir -_#r f3_9_;=, rch J LJCLASSIFI£p i hirebnmvehvvnclllhll-Icicle-#39; i O *R261979»-;.-.,-.#_ Bynzrcnsusarw . .1». ,#39; .- _ .Um Para 1ı n; SCOMFOIG- _ _e:,v9ı2ıı-ıIg oo #39; . ı Did observer wgeloasrses, especially poloried glosses atitme of :I . cighting, or IBI object viewed through canopy, window, or other .transparent material! I#lIlI3 9; p -r --#3 -9;--~ _ _ p p w 7, - -=-;-- -,- h¢n$llee92epp1lah1e92e92M.line1huA, #39; .#39;,~.=¢§_-T.~0:1% r,-..#39;.#39;-, . .#39;- . I__- :__#39; Ivar p at . * #39;%Ai.cˇL Lip ._!iL#39;92-_#39;1 I; |._Ar _.,..|,. .92 , . 9-, - . 1hp . A__ :. _ _ ,#- Y .#39; # e3i I 9; . 92 39; Q#39;~ T_ #3 * 79I-; |.I. ,,q 2 ._ . , . _ * I. #3-99 ;.1#K_#39; 39;l*?~d. - - 1-.. . . |_, .. #39;__# 3_9_; N#3 9 ; #3#93I-;9- ;-Q I i f iii -,._, -,.# 0.- 39 z-».;..-- ~.. .a*. .-- . ..,,._.__ § __ rı __ ,. - - ___ yz hv ı_--.7 ~-.- .v._9_. 2,-__ 1-#39;-##39; -#- 39; * I 9_2r. #39 ;92 .- 1.: :_,-#,-#339; 9A;-.#-# 13:.3-9 ı9;:. ;_ _-*#§39;.#._d
  • 8. 5--.-.1-n-Q-ab-=4-I12 F 1.- 2- 30 *1 6. Q. 00 8- 9. iii. 11- 12- 13. ,# *3 I9 ,-;:~? PJ -1I3 9 ¢- 2 I#39;., __. 14¢ I Q. .4-,#39; -__I#39; 15- cums, toIir vmrmi xm ,5 #39; _ UHIEIl92#39;I#39;IFIH!.l_.ERIALCBJI13T3 _ _-. __-..-.-=-nr-92P_ll:E.|L92 - #39;0 #39; : ;r-#39; - I I. Data of Obser-vatioq__ˇ__ı1[_ kta of Interv1eI_ˇ_L|1]__ - V * . #39; I . I kact timeo f observatiıownd ! Place oi Qaservationl #39; -. lap Coordinates! Q1. 0 301 c #39; #39;_ Poaition ofo bserver Q1c;-a, r, bldg,l ocation of - give aoioiisil Ulric; out on 11¢? 190» o #39; Ihat attracted attention to object: um z n92tmuib}0c9292aa9292pp092nl921a,915:12o::E 0c; !aa akoidt cfbo romf atgiorno uopri ng: _. 1 . II l_. -_ Appe:-out size coo-pr.92_Yg-eem to o bject, L8,; mm, I000, thumb or tint at am: length!: - 3 than honing an. I Color of object: Initially tin 92-UB1! vhilo. _ Stops giveg raphic descriptio -cno mparew ith knowonb ject!: - M J . - . - - §n#iititudo iinglo of oiovation abovo ho:-iio -ı 6ı#39;Cgat; 5x$|G#i 39;rt:o#::Q degrees ovor-hood!: . - Direction 1#o3b9e;1o-rovno r Anglool ockwiao n-on# 39;Ior#39;th!a k lot. - #39; -- Distanoob foroomrv cr Dtoi sttocra:nz,c_eobt c1d Og,W ! #39; which object appeared to ho s ;- , , 3 or Q did. Q Direction of flight oi object |!l. _
  • 9. #39;- 1- .. , - ;.~_ p r_ I .-: # -3- 49I;1 3! * - . 1#- -3 =9 7;. ~.51» ,. L. -@#39 ?; 7 .- -#r39;.-.,1 .- . I . . ;#39; 92*ci#3 92; ..h. ~l :r-~ » =*-;_... I- I :#3 w9#; 3. 9 ; L I #39 r;- I#n L _ - #39; . h Ifp IF #39; .__ I - ._ 3 a |--1?#3.-9.;i= #39 . ; - -1. #39;.¢-Y3 _.-__..#39;¢..i# 39;k .r-_- 7 _ , q___h,_ _ ; ,_ _. ._ . .. Q7-9 ., -- 1; -;. oozsaoacos-Iv-waa:.nV - . _ oxoanonsuxvsnucsaaami #39; ~~ @1:55§¢@9%@§-§?§ xss a - =2;;_1_-+v;#39;_3#--. #39 I; -1 ulpwilo#ii3s9l;II1l#39; 7#3 ,9#;#3_39 9; ; --_-. _ -. #39; . %g;[u;.1910 1|,|06-I923§IUU.-I1, #3 9; ~#39#;39; aqua .= @-.0- 911 1?¢!?w qPı=n=wz Pz¢l°¥ W4-*Fq °1 1° ##3399;;919 . Jo mi 1 ˇ#v3m9;tˇ P°i-1° AI°Tdm= d#=3=9;= -ml= 1=*=-*t°9° P%.° . - - O- I #3 r9; #39;1 I 5 - - I 92 - -#39; __ I , 0-3599 9°-Q4 ¢:.mqq3;au qaoqg! auuoˇqo .a°3;:f;Eu:3q°#3 O91; B::A°:I .°x#o3¥9#;3.3uW9 JT;oE;i[zu0Nu8~4eoIm.T1o.:coqu1 . _ . . -. _ I p11,|!OO-Ivlltiiˇiiuılh I -#39;. Q#39; I |§#39;.4- In u In 92 s o .4 ., ., .-,- . __ , -1 0 f_Qo .. 1 v - e c I .1-1 #39; riegqqoq put u°#T3$9; #39;°d°°O nun; Norm; I! ROY .. Q 7; pg Jqoo sea-zpg PjWl WWI _ #39;8NQ ;3u1-;q3 3;00 on. go qqˇˇ PI-I W°T3lP_°-Z°QLIWQI a :#39;,p ScfuQjuOzoouoo UOIQUDJOIU tIwognppy _ 1 _ zapnota no -;oo;_r_; Z2 iii! I Int P VII rz la _¢ # a3o9a;unxzoddes Jyopaouuug Qt: - , mum Mvrd mm vmv-nu t G9 zdqıw so q=wx= v=- 10 ww #39; =Wq=-m 1=!#39;-1°-#*3°9;°°¢l . - #39;1 P. |. #3 9w;=ido#w3 :9a;w-W-KeIB Q#3W9 ;m°Pu° -I #39;#3339!;°T *#°39°;6r1° 3 unrmnnwiruaauhrwnnvwˇˇvl #39; - - r ==1mtn-Iqxv ooaıo -li 10111 0#39;eouo0 B#O3P99;2°i°H° I=QI °°IUq°¥-I# 39;T#*3!9;°T#39;9#139;1 -.*#39; mp oouoqrgnod #Q394;9 1 1qıwt #39;-twrt-I!; - ##3399;;41 Ar-#39; #39;= III x I. #39,;- - =-rm PW who: #39;91: . -_ _ z . #39; Q#3 L9 - ; -fl # :# 339#9;3; -» 79-;Y~-9.i 2¢#.3 *#9 #3; ;3 9-h9;$;|__ - #3 .9 M;_- k Ijo _ -I-II-#
  • 10. #3 9, ; ###3339 *99;;.;#:3 .9#;..3.t9#_;39 ;: # 3#9#3;39-9_;; _ 1. 3- .- -.4----- ---- ~ _ -#_3_9 -; _ , _ __., _###3399;; .n .#39; wl. -#39;. Ri . ,1 f, .#39 !; #3r 9; . I . . - _ - . 4 : 2-I #39; r - - 7 ,..92-._ .I7 0. #3 9H; -F»-.e_ V 5 - -L. I I-fe¥P§;J l{ L ?13F!§#39;1 ;.f9:72.__ mnenunmimmeaamrs - L . 1 . 5#1349; #39; . ?_.2.#39;i5ii I- Iz-1o0iaum1m.2aeeoe.eˇr A ;_._1$¢_ toi#or3av9oe;r; stepeo gdiven angula d ristance!: ..#=397;.;,~#i - I -:.i-I _ - ~ - 92 ;t :I5 _T_--I - -92 ._ -I#f 3_9_;.-|}f ;. ~ - #39 4; #39 ; V 9 2 #3, 9 2e;? -:#39;~ m #3 I9; 1 E -.,~. I 1 t F - # .379#;.39; -*_r. ,#39; #39;; - mum Ie._T_1 N -.1-;. _¢ 11- -2. .03. db- 5- 6. #39;7. ~11, 0.- 9. 10- ;:1#39;L 12¢ 13. 39; #39;.-92--1 u . .__#39;__ - .V _ #39;_.- Doaf te fbaervntiel-;§_h1; I#oh3ft e9;__ Into:-vieI_a__,h1#39 ;_ _-__._1_.#}3; - - - - I T. Exact tourn e oeeervnuen -e_ ;________________,_........_..._ -,1; FoLf a.oe C1b servatien: - - lap Coordinate s_L! L, :4 - ._i -._:#Positio oni observ aenr -, ear, bldg l,oofc ation - giveami1s_}s#hm»; a-n no:-: 1». Ihnt attracted attot ention object: - .- - . Irma nan t - - - f: loufm ber objects and sokf etch foorr mation grouping: _ ##3399;; - ho ~ # -39#;39; ipperen atiae tcoo mpare e., sun, awnt,huzzb -or fist at ex-no l-ength!: e-m uun; A I C_o lo:-etebject: .- P:eioad.aato1;niteualalnnoan;e|;leIte92be92-0.11. mp egive graph dicescripti -o cnomp warieth know onbject!; #39; I__1;e u__g_9$2 I_4ll1,§1_ h lladnn. #- -- #39;-#39;-#39;-1 ~= lltitude oAfn gle elevation abov he- orizon O doet grees horizon ;, # W39 d; egree osverhead !: iv #39;--Aw:-euilntely 320 #39;. - _ iiireetion from observer Angie aIlochıee Diatenee It-on observer tDoi stance teen, bldg, etc ever A V - chic- e.hb_gee attop peared be !: - --.-92._ , Doifr Q-Illa ection ˇoigf ht objec at!: ON REQRAD g?;UN§éASsIF. 1m mu u um. =_ 41. Y P1- E cuP a;-r,aqR1li¢:!1979 rns 92- c#. o3! r9e;,-_;;___ otifn e e ight: . _ -g 59995200 . --he nu. uln, - .~-1- _ -l ipV-, -. i .. . I . .
  • 11. ,__.-#39;.. ,#39;_-n #39;. 4 ~-- - - ---pa-u - - . - #39; .1. ,_,_... ___ ___ ___._ . 1 ~#39;4- - u. 92 Ono . 1. ,1 .9- _ _- f1!-_,__E*:l 1!, 16: -= . - am M L an i»#K#3- 39792;I;!V ,:_$;.,-;X,-¢A1la»-::ı#39;.; 5 U*_~n-r , . ,- - u-vs, l 9.2 _ _. . . . - 1##3399;1;7:,- nciol lor, length,w idth, poraiatonooot,c -! . Iltndlblupon lllidnc-Inw- 1.8, hnincnity visible by reˇection, incondoaconcc, other - dog:-on - -#39;_ ;_ o.tbr1l11nnco!:. #39; I1{h92ˇodl1ˇ92¢ #39;- - _ __ _--J- 1-,1.-.:° 92- #39; ..,._ 1 I, #39; . 19. Projections f ins, wingsr,o ds, antennacen,n opieu, 01.0.!: loco. . - _~ 92 20; Innouvor atu rns, climbsd,i ves, otc -.a kotcbo f ˇight path!! ltnlpt 811.5211 cod-I to monk h nan. 1 21. Iofn ncr disappearance: mIdu. 22. I-{fact on clouds: Inno- Z3. ldditional 1.n.l#39;o1-notion coonbcjeercntsing - Ion. 21,. leathceor ndition: alnigdh t at tinolof lighttrlgu #39;- GIi7n :r ill an cobfu ndnnoo ˇan. hne and address of obaorvor: cpl {gm I,Bill linen but IlIllooncan, Occupation and hobbies: - loll!-or, ˇ:o92-op#39;92ptnI- AGounentuo f Intorrogator rolotivo to intblligcnco and .7! -v 721 -I -r -v _ ¢ 0 I 0 0- charnctor of #39; o IJ 1 oboe:-vor Cnhooicgkb borg, podliecep t FBII #39;8¢Olil9, °- IlP1°7#M ah ,,,, a#39;_-.4-.yl;#39;!;P#39;#~ _ =1». _In-Q, Did oboe:-vIoora r glnaaoae,s pecially polo:-iogdln ason attim e of Igighting, or Inao bject viorotdh rough canowpiyn,d ow, orth er . _. __,.. Q trm1.apcrontmterl.o11#39;Ium, #39; #39; = _____ hppjlbnhunponulcppuabhkthiplmzdam. .#39;u -92 - i__#39;:.;~ REG? . AIik?iC o* éSSIF IE_D _ __,__.it_,_I nmuy. ,.Intu-rhnl . _:,. ntnrrcnausnxnscourozc 5 - _ I. A#u3r9a ;Par: I-so n: o#n3s9z;oo -#39; - O §I -; --_. =.. 1# 39 ; - *-- 1-, 92~--- l I D# 39; #39;Z_.. ,E[ #39_;_- - -.# 3I 9; #39;3 .#39;92 x .. .: _ - ı I1 I q-I- . 3_~ r9fn2. , # .3 r9.. 9;-922 -#g _3 - 19, ;.-. _1 . -,# #3#39 !39;9; ; - - #3-9 ; #39; _ .-
  • 12. -.-._ .._. .-. -_ _,!-92 9? hloˇiız Z?92/16 7$7621020 -07 U7.N2ITE srDh isGOVERNMENT v ,92! so Hr. A. H. Belmonılˇ N @ fTQ : PROM 2 #39;~/ A BUB J_BUCNI:_Ioe1vr OIFBIeJRBEECnPT5O¬RrIT.vEcD UN SETTEMBER , 1957, INTELLIGENCE ,. .-as FISQRY cozeorrree = meggoecouezeree DATE; S¬P#39;b¬?7 214b, ¬T19#53?9; £h Hr .Q R. Roacw 92|=§I _ 6 Q °:;ln_..__ Mason_....___ lbbr _..._____ Pusan! __._ Rnsenj___ #39;l#39;:m-t Nels: __i Iinlermad ...__ Reference is made to mmyemorandum 0f#39;Septemb2eEr graenua__ V 195?, on the captioned matter which reflected an Intelli~ :f- gence A dvisory Committe eIAC! evaluation of an Air Defense , d_*7T Comm arAenDpdCo r!t that rada srtation ast Monta Puokint, E? Iii Long Island, NYeowrk, aBnednton, Pennsylvania, detected anıueıem unidentified object pinro ceeding a wdeirsetcwtioanrd with {~__ an altitude o5f0,000 feet and a speed o2f,000 knots ae,psporoo ximately miles per hour! on - September lose. The IAC intelligence evaluation of this report reflected that #39i ;sUt highly improbable that a Soviet operation is responsible jbr the unidentified flying object reports oj - S2e0p, tember 195?. =_ T - 92 #39; #,. 3I9;-1 II kj M T#o3d9a;y, at an Executive Session of the IAO, General Hillard Lewis, Director, Air Force Intelligence, . advised that although the ADC has not completed its investik |gation of the evidence on this matter, there are continuing indicatio tnhsat the objec dtetecte wdas anatmospheric phenomenon. The radar pickups now reflect speed variations .n in the object#39; csourse, ranging f1ro,5m00 miles per hour to 4,500 miles per hour. This latter speed is improbable . according to U. S. scientific theory for any type jlying #39 o;bject which this could conceivably be. General Lewis added 2 that the present sun spots are associated with the peculiar radar activity throughout the globe and that this could have scoamusee jbr the captioned report. Q _ ACTQON; p Liaison will report further information on this matter as quickly as it is developed. gibftj:t W1- -.H.rM.#3r9.;F..B0.Suellilvamn o n# ,F3#9#t3;319;; ,i ;£ e- - ° ° 7 D.#E3..9U; oor_e #3 49-; 4%£7Z3_ - I 7#3.9; at S2E5P 1957 5S5EP3 Q 1957 . . #Y#3399; ; . L s #39; 929 .2 #39; 9_2_9_2 _,--_.-11 Q ~ I .rf1/9-2# l#--3£91;;# a3io9o;?si foZ £t~v=#-3-3/9; -/f6:§} r%_, #39;-7** 1i##3 399#;;3992-* -;*_-1?- ::ı#.3r9r!;- F - *-
  • 13. 1-. ,, ._,,_,___,, L 0 if OˇlıéM emorandu -UmN ITEsuDr es GOVERNMENT to = llr. A. HB.elmonıi?! oars; Sep2te3m, 1b9e5r OM = R- gmrd. l|non!,,___ /1#39; ?:-.1 ¢-Mo_h._r ._._ I ~ Parsons FU!FWT= UNIDENTIFIOEBDJ/TEZCYTI NRGE PORTED .1i/ l%wn___ nnr :1.-:Inrr|r.1u#39;nr:#ı3n9 ;IvOnE I7, llrˇ11fIT1T/#39;!1#39;2rI!ff!#39;:* $1 n1#39;._ Tamm i U1L__gD,C|.I,I,,C|.l£.DIL-.L5J U4U-I , ..L1V.lbL:.Ll..l.LI#39;.Cv-lI#39;L0£ »_#1/31 9 9;24 #39;l#3T9l;ˇ9ii2li__. N A#D3V9I;SORY COMMITTEE -0i#3C9O;.M4TMcIsT TEE ; e -#39;-ii*---#39;-#39;-~---- y r T.|¢_R°°m_ i f I Hi ~#3H9o;ilfl_:oL.m. Gd_...._.. lhe following information was obtained by Liaison My -i - Supervisor H;W. Kuhrtz atthe Intelligence Advisory Committee - Watch Committee special meeting on September 21, 195?, relative to the captioned matter. Ihe initial report in thismatter was given by the N e,U.S. Air Defense Command to the:1hite_ˇgu§5,on September 20, 195?, IIIQPTAAJ-inn ~492J|nJ- an ||r|1#39;rT4n-J-?#39;F|i:R P1nu#39;nnn!92#39;|¢»-I- inaulIl 92I.I!L#39;ˇJ n Inn. up»:-7-cg IUJJ-WI-Ivrliu UIIUU U EIIIUUGIIUIJ UUUI JLHUIIS UUJGDP IUD PUUWUU My U9 IHH-i#39;lJl#39; lstation at Uontauk Point, Long Island, New York, at approximately f4 pp.rmoc.,eeding in a westward direction with an altitude qf 50,000 feet and a sopf eed 2,000 knots approximately 2300 miles per hour!. Trahdear station at.Hontauk Point maintained aimn age for approximately one minute,and thereafter itwas picked up by a radar 92?station at Benton, Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania!, which coincided with the Montauk Point pickup and-was tracked by.Eenton for approximately 9 minutes. Thereafter, jamming was reported by several 9F2n|ri-n,qr - -rwu-ivs--f-:vt #39;1#39;I:i-nrvny.qv nInonyp::p:w# 3q9-w;f ::nans P#a3Ur9 -;1r: p#g3 9n;sl : Thvivr~wrwuv|nu_awu hThe Watch aCt oimtmse metiStinteegpe to ewnm abse2 tro that - by the Air Defense Command tthhaet original reports had been down graded, stihnecre was an ll-minute break in the tracking by the various radat_stations, and further that weather istationsa in the area were of the type whhaivceh in the past produced false radar Qpıps and electronic information. Also, there were-a number qf Strategic.Air Command planes in the Chicago area on a training flight. Zhe hatch Committee was told that the Air Defense Command has not completed its investigation of this incident; however, in any event it;was reported tthhaet phenomena reported woef st Buffalo, New York, were not related to the object as reported by Hontauk Point and Benton, Pennsylvania. i lhe Watch Committee concluded that, It is himigphrloybabl a Soviet operation is responsible for the unidentified flying} object reports of September, 1957.. Ihe HCaotmchmittee in conside ing this matter also concluded that there is no intelligence on Soviet activities which can be related to amissile launching qf this y e 3}at 5 ré# 391; ?:@% -123% 4-?- _ _/ !#_ 3 -19#:a;3 / .,9.;/ -;..r- c/,_ 3l o.-.a./;or i._ n .,2;J5~ -11 #-11 . s - 1319: Mltor.r;-a ..-g. 1 t -. U5-9 n- o.zılivan Dre.E _#=5? 39; mo, .g #39; _ #- -~ -_ 39S;.:_ E8 ? 271957 -- .- ;-.-.._--F L - in-. L fı.iitson 3; li4M._@,Tjˇ/Lari! ,-J;-I28-i#39;£Oˇ,S£:Q#39;.f2i0Ti vi !*:»- #39; UM émiiˇıl
  • 14. In _ I H 92 l * ,r92#39; l! Memorandum doach to Belmont UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT REPORTED QE SEPTEMBEB 20. I957: INIZLLIGENGE #39; ADVISORY countries - euros cauurrrze over the U.S. Iits unlikely that a Soviet airoraft Oˇˇld Ovnduıi amission at this sapnede d altitude and return to Soviet territory. The Soviets are given credit for the capability of a#39;submarine launched cruise-type missile of low supersonic performance and a range of about 500 nautical miles; however, tihse re no evidence . of the existence of such a missile bthye Soviets. The Watch Committee also examined possible Soviet motives for launching a one way missile on an operation over the U.S., and it was concluded that there would be little motivation at this time £1if-?no n-i: nn.n.Qih7u Zn n:ennhnT YI nn Cini niTts F § 1 I n Cr Irp-I:In7i7inZ-ll:nlTrTI#U3 9I;i1i-.Y| T. mntiran, #39;T#139?; hIIn? ??ifn- tnh Committee rouuletd one way reconnaissance operations on the likelihood that the results would be of small value and the risk of compromise would be very great. This possible retaliatory motive bthye Soviets could be in response twdwk-idégde to a U.S. Vfroject Aquatone flight over the USSR wwhaisc h detected on September 9, I956, by Soviet planes and mentioned in mmyemorandum of September 19, 195?.! . a ACTION: The above is submitted for information. Since the Air Defense Command is still investigating trheisport_further information wbiell reported as a more conclusive evaluation can be made. . /~ 6Uvii7p, ¥027P} CH#I -I 2 W-; W- ,/..;., n#,319 ;..:.J_ l l. a t 1- _ . Va: ..v._ .-. ..;; , - T . | _ _
  • 15. f ___ i_. 1# -39; --..-. . --~-- -- -- I __ _ I_ #39; q ,. .. -.. .- . - ~ . -.- in-#39;1 Q I . -|- u#3 79#; 39; 1 -p . _#39; cum :0 ihN#39;£Sl# ;39;I£-A.TION UNIIEIPTIFIHI AERIAL CB-TEDT8 . T Q-92o 1LA3?L% !1#39;*? 4°!T °°#3 I_9.;-*_ _...,.-s #39 D;a1t.a of wwmt1o to.o! I11#.3to9r; v1ev_L%,__a_ #., ,, #39; 1 5._ I JnQ-Q-QaUrk taE-ln#a39 A 7;59P2l n vwhtwlnnrw Iunntvlcnwnq f912_n9r2_rwn-1un9i2; 11 _ 1. P18 fQ $1 i 1 #3..9; TL? c-=: a§M$m 1=m§°§u- #39;§#3 n.9 u;t:.1Lu{;##3399;;1 ,oU§-$701 #39; #39; L. Position of obse:-va arir, oar, bldg, locati-O Onf#3 891; 5°!-ll!! #h92tutnt ¢9Q}10ltdl9291l~_$-Sid! 5. Ibat attracted attention to object: #39; I-I41 11¢! ogpou-lag in I7» -. - 6. lumber of objects and akotoh of formation or grouping: 1 7. Apparen It186 tcoo mpare known object, 1.0., mm, noon, thumb . or ˇat at armslength!: lppurxuiht-ootmmt nttypontoulntotounuu bland-I, 8 # , 9. deacr1p ctio?m:.-p waitr kheno owbnject!;- ssliygl mghm? luguwuolthuIw-.PPll§lobn_ID. Altitu dAeng olro ologgo abgo hvoeriz -o bn dogr aoto haorizo--W degrees ovox-bond!: . $18501 wo ¢- .#11. Direction from oboorwr Anglo clockwise fromnorth!: Y -ı wmmmmuwmmi. * 1.2. Distance from obiorvcr tDoi stance town, blag, 01#39o;v-o0.r, Ihioh object atop peared h o!: - gig gym Jug, . nmunmuncmssnrxzn 0 OH #39 M;-AR 26 92 13 m#139°;° °r n°igh °tr °-7 °#3 n9Y;!:r#u3#s93A;9;1zxs#c319m;PocIcr-_ % M J# P3a9r; 1a~2-#3 D30I 9Q3;1135#2309_9;H _ -n 14, Tim of light: :_ _ .}.#39;?-;- . . ¢#39; - -I -- I- 1#- 7 #3 S9;pee tdlno to oovo grivo anngula dristanceB!:U-St mil-lJmubuwmmod1:92_ s q»! e5-5,3--1 o b odm| r=~@ws~I@.. -,- #39;[--wwu#39;~#39;--I#39;Iv1II_nwD|r|92:q-_ #39; f . ._92
  • 16. . , #-.- . 0 -hın; . q- 1- ni o- P - xs,/vi-1.. 1;. . L. - - _ . 2 :,_ - 15.#39;8oundsndodor: -I #39; 1?; Trail color, longth, man, porsistonoo, otc.! .f;#39;~~-~~ ...| .dI1un-»1nit.o,92rn4outngvit|d1atnaa!rI=lIn10Il- - 18, Luminosity visible broyflection, incandosconce, other -deg:-oe , #39; of brilliance!: #39; s him In canal; iri1.L1.nutj tall not 1400 Iii 19. Projection st ins, rings, rods, antennacea,n opies, eta!! - _ I 1__- 20. Ianouvor stu rns, climbsd,i ves, etc. - sketch of r11ght_path!=_- tL!sbodlnan,r|thul13¢92a#39;l14OId.isb|.bsd15#21. Iannor of disappoarunosa #39; L404 id. 22. Effect on clouds: - M I . Z 23. Additional intomntion concerning object: lscmmbstllˇ If ltd ıll. gyqgigzunhnnqmdutdwhlh svgtsn bI#39;4192Ilpl21,. Iosthecro nditions al ingdh t at tionfo lighting} #39; - Iu!.bnsln:r#39;,qna:twn0l- #39; - lime anadd dress of b_so1-vi iDoirUal ˇl,GOı # 31M9_;, #39; 92,. . _______ __ _._.l |__92_92_;-_. U81 mu IIODIJJ-UII Garments oInf torrogator relative tiontblligcnoo and characteor f ##339_9;; obaon-or Chocnke ighbors, policeG erm, IBI records, olployer,O to-!8 #39;lnonnnnrnrvithcu|M|nblsupuunn1|p0Ilrioosa1nanvlma observer rg olarssos, especially polariodg losses a t tiomf e ##3399;;, sighting, or Ias object viewed through osno , winder, or other 5 -transparemnat terial! gIOiaNn t, B1 _.0 __ _--# 039; .. - 92 P 30 L umu report -Am um» uma an #39; - , - . _ . nrcnmzn uucmssxrzm #39;- .. 92 . O-N - ~.= .- #39;. MAR 26 - , -I 1 -v - IYDEPC ir. USA1I1N0g1g3-5% .-_ 1#3#93;k 9 ;1 IUIH Para 1 l-6D003n52nn -#39; ._ .id . --I - I-+1 . . #39; -0 l - #39; 1.:-t,_. _ _ in . #39;_ _J .-__-1.._.. 92
  • 17. ~---.~~-the -- ~ ~;;*~--~~-*-*-#39;-#39 ,;o ,,- #39;;#- -.---- 1 e . - a e92 ._ . . _,_ __; 92._ __ __-_#39;_ _ v_ . - 92,#39;.4 .-#30 nsronwzsrmmoa _ - . s a#39;¢urr1n£2rrirrzi:ts;__x_z §= i1.1#39;gL#s _ Incident IIe.___Q__, _ ._I I , v. e11 -#39; IQ hte of Observation_,_;,q*_, Doaf tIen terviee_1_j=@#39;5___ #39; T # 23E,9x;act time of observation ımd! #39; 3. Place of Qservatien: . - hp Coordinatmesa! , 9 st, .#39; .- _ U _ r , _ _ - location e! -give def.-sii;#39;§s I Q0 natal petrol 5. Ihat attracted attention to object: _ @515 H550 _ ° 6. lumber of objects and sketch of formation er grouping: X . . 7lp. perent s iczoempare to known object, i.e., sun, noon, thumb - or ıst setms length!: _ Ironing awor ˇaunt. #39; #39; _C8o. lor of object: __ mummy mu with the tide #39; S9z. xnp egg riavephic description - cIiothm pare known object!; _- !w4!11%-1=9892=:9214- .. . . . ..-..4 - #39; 10A. ltitude Unglo of elevation above nonzon - u eaet greei nıziieıl 9! degrees overhead!: Apps-oadntely I. I - _ 1#.13,9 ; Direction from observer Anglec lockwise fromI orth!: 19#39; . 12. Distance from observer Distance to teen, bldg, etc ever #uhiob object appeared to ho!: _ i _ _ 3»;-n».#39; w V #39; 1D3i.r ectiomna omf oobf am =!= §§°D1ıfR,°§#; #3lo9a; th Int to lent-Il est. .3:122?c an usunsrcoorcul a . -#39;- #39; 0 . .1.-:1 or J sweets. _ . l 15. S tpineee d to covegri ven engd#is3t9a;nuc.1en!:r _ r -}_#39;--/ mi *5 5* ıe-1-ˇea, ; .#39;- - 5 J. . _ ,.q92_ T Q . . l #39; _. ._ - -1#
  • 18. . #39; - ..Q - - ~ ~ o c - 0 I i fs??? #39;4: . v-_#39; ., .- 2, han 16.Seurdandeder: -~__- Zl _:._.l -L#3l 17, Trail color, length, width, persistence e,tc#.3!9; _- hqtnˇd su|spru$Jtanc7asnsilbed1- 18, luminosity bviys ible reflection, inoondesconce, other - degree a:b#r3§91; L1ILln-Lnlnl¥n¬9#23l9;l .1 Iinnlar to jbetognphlˇ nus um. #39; 19. Projections tins, wings, rods, antennae c,anopieso,tc.!| 20. llonouver turns, climbs, dives, etc. -- sketch of flight p. ath!: = lˇtirgdhgt hl lacing altitude. . 21. Innner oi disappearance: Q-uhnlly hdld Ii» 22. Effect on clouds: Inn 23. Ldditienel info:-notion concerningobject: - Inc 24- leather conditions alingdht at tine of sighting: - ıne and address of observer: O91 I-aymnl O, Gilli 31 L;-gs:-QD-111-Ls_ Ito Giusepp Iean OHIIRI 6lo;od, has Q #39; O3bi Ill I. *- Occupati aonnd hobbies: #39; -_ u. Q HQ - Oeenent osf Interrogotor relative to intelligence and character of _#g Cbghaorcvko r neighbo prso,lice dept., FBI records e,mploy aetro, .!I ___hhsbowvwsdmngotlhnipeˇotlldtbtbˇtls #Did observer wear glasses, especially polsriod glasses at time of liogr hting, was object vtiherwouegdh canopy w, indow o,r other transparent mterioli Qr , - . .,. n;u;s|,umunp~nmu;p1ueuusmm1aa.c -*-#39;. 10I- -.3:#3 l9 *;:-§# -39;_ %.- iD . . ..l- 1 L #39; #39; »K_ #3 D9;.-.;#-39; =_lm :I; *-.., 1 1_#- 13;9;? % I. - --9#- * -1 V . I I h E#39; ~ I ._- - |.- ıre csa? unsuns rceomu . .T - . .. ,._ - . TH Para 1-30 D3onszoo H -, - .
  • 19. v ; ~ 1 -h 3 -@. ~ 4-Q#39;0_;#39;.#39;¢ 1 I- 0 1 -I 0 -T - . _ . J 2. 3- b $- 6. 1} in 9- 10. 12- ,- . #39; -,1 ¢I.-#39;#39; #39; , .- :#39;¢-#Date of ®wrmt1o Ihto of IDt0ı18I # 3#-9_3;;9*;Ikact time of obaervntiımmi W9 mm of laser-vatio :n5:,-#39 Q;m, -,. 71;.!-45¢, #39;_. . mp C-oordlnstal! - 1 ~ #39;-= #39;3? _ ,___ . ,L ___ # -39 ;Inc1ˇ I o0.n Q#!39;#t39;-. . _ _ - ,_ . .- _ z r .. i :* #39; *_ __ - _A_.#39;._Inr,, L Positio onf oboe:-war_ o anri., nr,ag, locatio onr - give details!: P luod1:v¢n92tu1lhmobnmunpu92- A- :- Ihat attracte adttentio tno object 1: -, . A lulu; 1¢92 tIn 01.00 I7 » #39 -; - Iumbe orf oh;ect aand llroto ohf formatio onr gr#o3u9p;ing: @t|92ll»li92lIl.nˇu1-All-Illa .#3M9; lpparen 01t :1!-Qéo tom kpnaorwo onbject 1,.0., mm n, oon t-h, umb or ıat a_t A1-aslength!: lugnuhn. Q I, ,3 Color of object: _#39; #39; #39; h- #39;o6~I!.ntl11qh1920£o110II4h70nql92l92ˇ¢ _ 8:-ap egive graphi dc- escription compa wreith knowonbject!; I1#39;9211IH#39;IilI192-li ftlh _ Altitude lnglo of elovation above horizon - O dog:-oo aat;horizon, 93 degree! ov#e3r9h;e ad!: - _. U M 1 - l -- ngmou Ioronn observ Aerng clolockw firsoem North!: n v8-1..#-|39 I;IQ .1.3_:Ij # t 3nQ9.»;--wi m wm0!I[ l alJ. - I -vI#3 y 19r1;-0=!! 1 U I*-_r.I-_I-w -05 -!uv! c , #39; Diata Inroo onobao rbvioarte tno £o0o1 h-rldnog, t,o.§_3;5§. , M _ ugh owe appea troe hdo!? #39; B 1Y1 c:?aunsuuscou M M 5 Illl#ll3ı9li;o LUT PHap; 1..6QD3QD5 D11-ootio onf ˇight of wgm !: -_ A nadlowlaouhldtlaˇdnlmˇut hlllltlhb :1 .:#39;i ~#39;: ..1 g °1.@?._° = - 1-= #39;.-1* -- -_-.:,,-1#39;Il1lo -- --- - ##3399; ;h#*3 _9##; 3399#;;. 39 -; #39; -Ii: -_ = 5 --#39;: t#in3e9;, eo#v3o g9ri;w1h5 ongu dlnisr tonc- F0!3! -1 SAANNTONIO #3 9- ; #39 ~;. #3#93;9 ;F , - - #39;* . .#39;_ :-9 2-M-#39;*:f#39;. #39 ,.; ..-|_-_ #Q3 I9;5.040 . :-1 -_;:Y _4mwı5Q_ : _.__#§*:_#39 ;?_;f,i_;_ H#39; II h #
  • 20. -v. . _ . I 7-, - -u . #39; , v Y At 3- b . . Sound anodd or: -_ -3 #39; -§: -Q In -e d ~- i l6.#39; - _ .- »b..e1- 1-~ ._- frail color,l ength, widpthe,r sistence, etc. ! * ..:f¬ nunisxstnuwiuncsdab ~ - _ - , IL 17¢ ! Luminosity visible by reflection, incandescence, other - degree - 18. of bicrinllce ! 2#39; uwmuausnuuu-oz-ansmu, e y I * 19- Projections tins,w ings, r aondtse,nnae, canopies, etc»!_: H .L Innouver tculirmnsb,s , deivtce.s s-, ketchfl iogfh ı Pei-ll!! . 20. £141-,;ıg s _é_r wumum . snnumm - p -u -u-.a -m ~w#21, nnc f sappe-r-once: - lint eel li0k e lighs Effect on clouds: . 1 _ _; . . 23. Additional inter-notion concerning objects bllissstusnredaserndlsthseeundtben-usissbnıieots Iepextol awsere clear owing. - . leather conditions end light at time oi sighting: 7 Gar, sols slesn ıll. - end a odf dressobserver: i Occupation and hobbies: driest, I IQ» _ _ _ . _ , 22- 24. hue CommentIsn otof rrogator relativtoe intblligcnoea nd characotef r . ,#s 39;observer nCehigohckb ors, dpeoplice# 3re9c;o.r,d Fs,B 0I WP}§{§ £_#53:?9nun» churns. . = o.v-_ ~¢#39;usg;,,a BYE-TP Q.-.M§R _ U-TH Pa-I;IA. rLlr.s cou _ -r 1-~ D03 Fbzg Did observer weer glasses, especially polnriod glasses atitme of _ sighting, owras object vtiherwouegdh canopy, windo owor,t ber_ ,_ .- r _ transparent suterielt lb _,_ - #-3-#I9-3*;9; I|ps3sbeltblsbnse92l;5lie1bls_ts92 wblleli44A¢,__ .;L -~ ¢iv- e»-=
  • 21. g 1 E §$%§.E§ §ı;~ .. . 0 n ;-#39; . #39; 7 3 #39; .. :,..#39;a P 1;} 2» 3- L- 5. 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10- -11-. 12. 13-A In #39;.;0. --a # 3#903; 9; 1.315!-r I --,fl :9 ,§: .: _ ll M . I D -rn I- be_______ 1#39; 7#39;. .__, - #39;;.¢.#._ #3 9#;# 3399;; #39;r9#23-9_;_ ,*,:.~§ I»- Date o®f aemtio to of Intenriei .;-;,. --. x Exact timeo i observationıo ca1!;_J2.° kLZ_,_1 __ .. - Place of Observation: - @0ll#39;I5in-!1-1I ¢, 0, i #39;3 1# 39; lap Coonlinatea! ° ~ _ #w ~ PoQs-iqtaiolinnn o#f3o 9b; aerver airo, ar, bldg,l ocation or - kin detaillh -. _#-pprauaq _ __ __ Ihat attractealatttoe notblojeac t: #39; - lowing light Q #39; #39;- _ Igiémboebrj eocf ts aaknedt ehfo orfm atiognr our pi.n g __| - - _ ~ Apparent siz ceo mparek tnoo wn obje1c.t0, ., mmn, oon, thumub Or fist at am.s_1en51_;h!; _ __ __ _________ bob! Lib the btodlighi I Q on cu u no unnu- Coof lor object: #39;- gallel to moan _ G griavpee graphic descripti -ocno mparwe ith k onbojewcnt!; In dotiaito ah-npo 0 jut 0 anvil; light . . . lltitude Angolof elevatio ahnbo orivzeon -O degreesh aotr izon, mm °gY75i;--»=#-3n9 o;- ue#m3u9i.s; n na.|nm 1n Direction Loebas crwr Ancglolec kwise tlroornth !! _ .. Distance from observer Distance to tern, bldg, etc e-ver Ihich object appeared to be!: . _ hiuallgaighulltoldlolhnolouwut - - 2 R2 I-....__ #39; -i #Dimctlon oflfi ght of object I!! 0,,-*1?-~_~ us-nuawuuaquupununuunmuu. m__3CB§¢§r-w a#h39; Homr sight: , AL_.i P1-50f 3 Ito I Quail . #39; --ii-.,. I D _, 1!. ogvivemr i angular distanc -e-!: .#_39;# .131 9-;?, . :,#92#3 9##;3 3-99.; ;I I! Ira:-saiuorromol =11 .bUHHUl;Wl#m319;el71¥§?
  • 22. ___-_-_-..._4.~..-N--_ - 41 -- - *--#39;#39;--7 . %R;#39°;;-i= ma #39;9#39; t #39; t ,_____ . ; c 16. Saonudn d odor 5|-I-L. *#39;.*;- floss . #39;.#1#39;7. Tr aciol lor, longtb, width, persistence. etc.! #39; T Is:-yasrro-so:-unptrliloiultillsthollagllollilllrioˇ _ 18, Luminosity visible by reˇection, incandesoonce, other - dog:-no - of briiiianceil #39; _ lioutnunnityuussstc #39; #39;-f #39; 19. Projections fins, rings, rods, sntonnsoc, anopies, otc.!| m #39;-v 92 20. Innouvcrs f.LL1n8, climbds,iv es, etc. -Ikˇtıh of flight path!: 7 Absolutely ind Md! . y . 21. Innncr of disappoarancol Out out in s{ratios of specans. 22. Effect on clouds: ICI 23. Additional infomotion concerning object: mmmGm mmen-mmmamw wvˇmhˇl m #39; 21.. leather conditions and light stitme of sightingn . l lama address ofo baorvora Occupation and hobbies: #39; know, VI la-Q - -
  • 23. a #39; =l A #39; A- , _ .i.P!§»UQWM? L 2| 3. In 5. 6. 7. 8- 9. 10- 1-1+ 19, Qlri 13- 14. II? ;#39;m41nnvr1r1z:_us;_:u.9 .2Lo 7e.:#in3-9r;s . #3 -9 ;- Incident I o. : 4-I ##3399;; _ -. 1#39; hta of %wmt1o Date of In temeI ,- Euct time of observatio ıdon ca1!_Z9;T@_ Q......-- h#3;9; P|_,_ g,-fig Qg uggg-1z=t,1r_;;92,g DQQ 5Q Q!#39;5.!! *1##3399;; !#3#93;!9-;.Hap Coordinates! ilk! ~ 858., #39; #Position of observe arir, oar, bldg, location of - givedetails!? It-udilgn I 7# 39;- - .I Ibat attracted attention to object: Evin; 11$. _ ;I_un:b oef r objects and akoto ohf formatio onrgrouping: ti lpparent nize compar teo known object, i.o., nun, nthouomn,b or fiat at arms length!! . D I. I. tncor annals. Color or object: _ Itniolinnzttlq on-up with mite tail. A Saap goive gr-aph dieoscript -io cnomp wariteh know obnject!;#mm. Altitude Anglo of olovntion above horizon - O dogrooa at horizon, Q! dog:-oos ovorhocd:! Iwntliotlallomntinlblo. I i Direction from obs-orvo Ar nglo oloclmiac fromBarth!: lvllwti. ,- L#39;li: E#39 o; .D~istnnooto n_- uuau. #39; 1-. ı:,°:.;:a :#: 39 ;- -- which object appear-o tdo ho!: blgg, otc,, ovor nzcmw .NCL ssxrrsn . on 535 2%1919 I1 f-1_ ii-Direction lbˇnatmd-._ or flight or objoct nnisfh5:a!|_ BY :2? §ens 1 usmescurourc qMc5h1r9._4-9 n ~ 2.1:-.-1 Para 1=eo:=. nenszoo iipo toinri teo cov goivr ovnı i?ii?-ıı-ııi IU I H
  • 24. 516.e _u:mnQ.0PJFlDEN *T¬!1#39; - -r -.192 17. Trail colorl,e ngth, widpthe,r sistence, etc.! #39; -,;~#39;- -I|it0t:92$1aprI:.b92imi92_hslsq1-hefniabonlyu #39 .; #39_; #39;.18, Luminosity visible breyˇection, incnndcecence, othe -rd egree #3#93; o#f 39; brilliance!: - .- I92a_sb:-iliisdusotan _ 19. Projections fins, wings, rods, antennaec,a nopiese, te.!: 20. llonouvo trusr ns, climbdsi,v es, etc -.s ketcho f flight path!: d trnolsdialhorinnnl fiightritbloilshtenn 21. lonner of disappearance: ~ - *um waemamna; a cal naus. #39; 22. Effect ocnlouds: r Z3. ldditional infornntien concerning object: - clan:-nrdid l00l#39;1l.1J-I#39;~;#39;l92e.rliu92thox1IllIooQpaI#39;1:nnotimsd to trheipsort. 21,. leather conditions and light at toimf e lighting: __ #39; I100. Q hoe and address of observer: 355 Q-355.; f 153;, _ ¬92-CI I 12%! LII Occupatiohno babnide s: ard ms G aw l. ıimlo Comments oInf torrogator relative to intelligence and charactero f observer Chonceki ghbors, policdee pt., IBI records, employetrc, .!l ~ hit churns, B4 difficulty describing his obscrntisn. _ . #39;1 . . _ . gzmmıfıauncussrr Did obswereveerr glaessspeesc, ially pgolalasrsioed tsBi m aTte2 3?g m; ,_,lighting, orw as objevciet wed throcuagnho py, windoor wO,ı b§!#39;.S# #39; transpmaarteenrtie l? M _ _ ~~#l3ip9: ; JI lo! this ton autypumbio to Us imtdset. . 1... - -1 e .#39; -1 -~ - as -#39;:;
  • 25. J} ? . ~?R*¥¥i5?53#39;?~; #39; Incident b.__#39;______,j # 39;_, . u . - P __-. - 1. L 2. 3- I» 5. 6. P . .- - _ .-- - _- ._ _;#_3;.9 V;.I , 1#39; 9922..f-f9f2l 3._._,_If92#DateW #39;7- B. 9. 10. 11¢ I2. 1:; 11.. .4- 0 --, . . . __ | ,- - owf mtionm D oaf teInto:-#v#39; - 39;i -o, -v::#o1_39; II;I-. }1_[..,. -u,-_ Etixmaec tof observ laotcioanl! It i QBE #39#; Polfa c ehp GCaaoervoatirodm inaate!n! J#3 9#;.3 a9; ~#3#9_3; 9;_ Positiono bosf erver m .1t,1 b-l,d lgo,c ation- Ho fg aiveoe uu!: ltaadi-.3o abto e:-ration pd. .. J Iahtntrtacted attention toobject: Ixurnlliglthdm _ M lumber oobf jects eokf otebformationg oror upings ml at 0 ho #39; #39; lpparent sciozme pakrneo tmo ob1je.0c.t,, sunno,o n, thumb or ıst at armlse ngth!: -#39; M Q Color of object: , . D - tit; till pun tall. Snapsg rgaivpeh ic dea -oroipmtiporeinthr e k nowbjne ct!;_ lltitude Angolfo e levatiaobno vo hor -iz Odocng roo ahato rizon, Q3 degreeosv orhoad!: ; - A f lpq. If above horiult . Direction forobmoo rvor Acnlogclek wise Nfromrth !: Diatanoo ofrboamo rvor Dietoto tnoowonh ,ld g, otco.,v or - # 3#9#3;wohbijocoht appearo hdgo t!o: - #-39; ma - mo 1:111. H Dirootimona mofo o7f #39;.ioct; a!t -§:mmr;hToim It- oonfi ta gloathhtt:h , 1 #£:31 -9110;T0111!»5 1-511#?3 c9 *n;-6 s-°u3s a~trigaéégggc 1ua...¢m - . _ - . ~4- .,- 0 _,. ~..1 -;,. .- ._-- - . _ 92 - # - .3_9 1§; 5- ,_ S:p e # etid3n# o#9 3 3tW;oo9.#9- o;.3;v .o;9 r; g#iav3ne9gnu; .l -a| r sdAistNanAce-FN!:5 TOHIO . . . - AU 1 6G #39;5* .;. - ewmwqw I - #39; _ . , Enciosuag _
  • 26. #39; #39;1 2V #39; I l£.#39;Souninndodor| ; v » . H 0 _---Q. e_ #39;:. ll:-5;-ollovtnil-ci.ci1a.r920thl92loi92F!1#39;921J1l~-lI1l-92#17. frail color, lengthw,i dth, poraiatoneotce. !, . _ r n #39;q 77.#39;I_ 18, Luminosity visible by reˇection, inoondoacenoo, other - d¢5PO6 of brilliance!: #3-9; his btllinnuu map nu. .-no --- -_ 19. Projection fsin s, Iinga,I -0_d:, untem0fnmo0, P1°ls °°#39;!#mv-iw F 20. Innouvcra turns, climbs, dives, e-t c. sketch pf flighi P6?-3!! _l1I=l92» 1171011 $; [Old-518 W5 #39;5 21. _ Ionnei of dioappezu-anco:#39; _ H405 in 22. Effect ocnloudaf _ . - . 23. Additional information concerning object: Qanwˇlnoluonyhliiagounlnringtnopariodotobnrntiq 21,. leather conditions and light atitne of sighting: Q8? 0 ll? 5#°3-9r; lane aonddd reaoab soef rver: I I knead Divides, ¢; lend, II-Ill ..ion u.-#39;h1o bbies! We _ #39; Garments oIin torrogator relative tiontblligcnce and e!10m¢$°Olr #39; eboerver Chonceki ghborg, policdee pt FBI race:-do, employaeter,: -!8 Qnnwhltitnnityeapuidnghhunllntb |;1#39;,:r:=rAnz;0 952 I I 3#39c;1a nfl -uPsu zvsm - I.. ALT?! Pa 1rp-ag3 ;53 _ . . _ - I 92q_ _ I _.l_.I _#39;I...._-_ -5 58-.-. I Did observer rear glasses, eapeoiauy pomneu gwuwu av I-uw w nighting, or Ian object viewed throughc qnopy, windowo,r etbır transparent material! III-n - - I|pe!l§Ol92li.|IealI92l;Ip1ila921O!-I!-hlllnli.4!lu92._ ~ .11.; . #39 -;- :5 -w =0 - r --.1 . ;_-§*1E*54-ff?#!3-91; _ |92 r ran. -pl . # 139; QI .1#39; ~_ o n 4 -1 ,4 _: A J 1_ C !u- .,_ -_u; I L; -.#3#93;9 .; O_#39;--.- l#39;..#39;.._.#39; - - r#39;.. p - #i hi fir i i _ iflii :7_Vi _.:_:_
  • 27. 92 _L n... 2#39; #39; ##3399;; o v#. 39; vIoaˇoli A 7 . . unnannmummowms -- .»--- #39; I » 4-ea;-v.-5 . -#3 ~9; #39;--.-1-_+?,§r ,., _......|, ,- , .-- . » 5I #39;. , I ##3399;;-Y1 an aha: - Q _ #39;I T PB-s! m Anr_oa#i I#39;_, 9.2 I #39; L Z 3- I I 5 L-Sn 92 . I 6. - i. 8. 9. JD. ~ 744. 12¢ 1#33.9; » #39; _ , . .- ._|_ _ _ _ _r#39;.r_ -.- # -3-e9n; .-I -¢a»- ..- ,-- - -.. :,-.. .-*#-39#;3 9; 15¢ _-#39 ;.;# 39-;92# 39;-,-:- .... ---._1-...3- ., _ _, -92- -a-92 -- In . . -.»_-4»-v~.-,,.-._ _-. _.#39;5# 13 9;_--___ ..- ; ._;, _. 0 _-- #39; vi _.. o . -., #J.3 9;~{l-I-7- - ..-°-- 92 . Incident Io. ___, p L; » - 3 _ _ _ __ 1. ..,-t~..e;_?_#0#39; .2-Date oa r»omu1oq_}9_1ggm_uˇ oInr terview -,1-, -13 Etirmeec t of obaervationıo oa1} 33-]; ,__.__.__.___#..3..9.i; - - P1aooo£G:ae1#39;vation:Q-..1;|_11.-ı@lap Coordinates! . . Poeition oofb server aoira, r, bldglo, cation o -gr ive detai-1l!I_ ltanˇq - Ibat attracted attention toobject: _ 1_.l-4. 92l..92l. -.-Ina lpnnˇl my BI W ITICII lumber of objoota anda kotch of formation ogrrouping: _ lpparent aiae compar teko nown object, i.o., sun, noont!himb otirnt aatrna length!: #39; #3. 9; Coof lor objectk _ __ M ._#39; um rmela.m: w um 1-11-w ~ _ Ezapˇ giveg raphic descriptio -cno mpare w ith konbojo-ronth Inn! nu an-I mu o a _ p lltitude Anglo of elevation abovo horizo -nO dog:-oo aaht orizon, #Wdegrooa ovol-bond!: --#39; #39; #39;; blimhwˇnpntw _ - = on-notion obaorvor Anoglloc kwiac n-Ionrt hlt . al-not-ulnnnuuaonnlnn - Diatanoo froomb aorwr Diatnnc ttooo wn, bldg, 0O1W0;!; #39; shich object appeared tho o!: # 39#;3 9; #39; ##3399; ;17 I If Sıı - #39; , - I#3 =9-;.#Direction ˇoigf ht objc-ot a !W: 91-RSS1;-11f- g1p in-ti la Inna - arm-¢§;§U#39;==d 1919 - o ._. __ ... 4uI1~1p..-.. 1_iA.{N§§?. .F° 1I c7# ?3-nm ourgnu - , -----=1-uoJJQD520O ._. -::=--,~--3 larJaaaaaln#39; . -7-.;ai;=. #39;8PB to6 o£o#5v3-wo9r;nl tiann-og ular dainsto n!! . #39;- . 1 6 naod 7#3#93;; 1 -.-- o .- -- - - _:__ #39; ._#39;m@_¢$u/.m.-r!... .-rt: II#39; -v y9w2! __Qd 3#39;-4##3399;9;.2 -4#3-r9.-;-.13*=1 §5i92#? #39;
  • 28. #39;c%nH1§1£e§4=I-AC-f . -4» .. .. 5-v-#39;_.. 16. Soundnndodora .- #39; - ._ 1?. . ##39;92#39 39;-.-c;lo_l_#lozr_, 39;- lo#n3g9tv;haiql 1t1h ,_!§1;s1s # - #3 39; 9# #;339#on 9;#39; wg-QCi5_ˇ.iıiıiliIlllIE; @-w-Ir __ __- ~u921aaqma92hnI=.Iwl ˇmmrd - M; 18, Luminos vitiya ible brye ˇection, lncnndcec oo thnceord, eglfw of brillinneo I #39;- 92.»u92.-; 1u-bum _- ;#39;,#- , . _ . 19. Projection tsin s, I-Lngrao,d s, antennoanen, opie eat,a !! e _ , -55 .-11.-.1-.. Alana mp Q llmt.-I1 nf mung until!; b ii - I...-....-,=.a H 92-4..L.A ,- In-I9 vvg rug , -nvvw- wa --v ._ I, , gm dwn nu; 95} ukllm - e .-_ @#39;92 U O .,#39;n__ is of dine? I ,! n_e-e: o¢ns§: lik 1Tel ˇ , _- 21. Effect on oioudaz he . l 1 tnrvornI£dJ1ngstu1hth£.r:.i¢i9292llI°#39;°#Icath-or conditionasn d light at toimf e sighting: #39I ; Inna a aondfd d rea oıagbserver: 2:! lrll Div 9IQ Eli. M 22. 74- Ocunntiff Iw Comments oIfn ter:-ogotor relative to Lntblligcnoe and character of o Cbsheorcvke r neighbors, poliˇceep h, FBIr eoorda eo,m topJllo yer, J#_3f9 - bu W _:__EGPv.!LDEpˇ1rHlsr-vFIL-E .- - _ fl #39; 0:1 9 ° :1§#39;!9 #39; - I #39; . e BY 2:? can usnnscou rorc - - - - AJ#39;.#39;-.iPara1-603DOD5200 f - #3#93;e9b; amaarv e: -sgolaaer ses, eamcipuo.-1-n, :1o.#a3t 9ti;n gelQ ne; s oa #lighting, or was object viowod throughc anopy, windowo,r other _ mow #39;i#39Id;° 0§9°9I131}to0 0#9532 19Vb0;-s l lm :?=1 #-._ _ ~. u.- -#39;. , #39; .- #39; Innmrˇˇ: ---- I __-_ vi. qwrwlr Irwy I .#39; _ ;., -I - - J H %#39; Tn-=3E -- TQ, .#G39; #Q39; NFT-JD#39 ; --#3J9; #3J9; AK ##33 99;;4 - -1 X,1#--i - _ I _ -. ».- - u __-_ ---04.-fr-.§ -,1.- , 17:» -. _ s.- .- -.-#1 3-_9; .- . :.n-q.--- -,#39; ___ an . _ ,6 . .-; -_- _-_- .4-J. , -- ~,-.#39;J#39;~__a-~.--- i#39;J~# 39;J ##3399;; 92- -,-r.:--1- r-_1 ,, ._ . 5 : o - I J-f#39; 0 _ˇ._; gjoloxd Iigerbhnl
  • 29. R ..., q. 3-1- -.1 -_-. Preparing Office: 111th TC, IAO f B, I-0. Bou 3t 19, IInor*1.1Teenn- Subject: OBJETB 8I H#39 O;1VE#R3 O9A;.K!D 3%, Elııˇ e Qpmma to an lunar! ere enclosure sslick and-1:; and substantiate1;, the infgiietio snublitte idn Brmmri oefs Infom-nat siounb,iec etsabove, 25 o2= ;qe;#3 Io9;v=e.n,_ 1bi93e5r0o a,n: 8d Icvenb1e9r50. - --~ 15*.--»;;-_;1#39;_.#39;. ._-.*#39;g:!#is s revis oebdronolo egmiome oslfr tybe_r_~_e;_g_whic heveoccurr =e1d O; ak Ridge T, ennesse ceo,ncerni nOgbjectSsighted Ridge, #39;1ennessee. # 39; Refer to Sunneries of Inforlneticn, Objects Bidlted Over O01 Ridge, renneseee, deted 13 October 1950, 17 October 1950, 21 October 129 50; Iovelber 1950, 8 Iovenber 1950, end 111 Iovenber 1950.! June 19$]. Hr. I. R. Preseleg photographed e flying object st Oek Puss 2! 20 June 19* 1-6Il|nI#39;6h19§O. 12 October 13 October 15 October 15 October 9. 195° 1950 1950 1950 £33- -92 a1t 9 2 3. . O Ridge, 1#39;en:nes sBDtreieeee.t in the foreg-ound hbeesen identified ee Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. At 1900 hours Hr. sndllrs. II. I. Anderson and lbs. John A. White sighted three objects st Oak Ridge, #39;I#39;esninielsrsee, to erunnwr. Ir. Btuert Mcoek reported peculiar readings tn his IQ Radar Sihceospee . objects reappeared st. spprozilsteiy tbs sane tine of dq which is sisiler to BUB-I#3 9R;leBfer#:39B;9l2.s:ry of Infozmtiou, Subject; Unidentified Objects Over Oak Ridge Vicinity, dated 6 am-on1950.! 2325 hours. Kncx1i1J.e Airport Beder Unit indicated I. eeriel of unidentified targets over the Restricted Zone st Out Ridp . Oak! Sr I target nothing -r ai.:#39;cra --.f=t: at -.-h p-iti*-u cf #39:;-#-3c9;r.d...#39; do three perfect interceptions but could see 0000-0100 hours. Additioml Bedsr plots es before. Approximately 1500 how:-s. bjosr L. I. Bonniger, eecclpenied 1»; his daughter, beard interlittent noises. .-- 151j_ h_ours. Fighter plane reds unsuccessfu pl asses sst good radar target four I! miles from the lest 1!-ounder yIerr Hollow Gate!. . , _ rug?
  • 30. _ a.:.u;:u.u/so , - 0S OK. -IOMA CITY AIR MATERIEL ARE! TINKIR FIELD oxuu-noun cm. OKLAHOMA - r s IBIORANDU# F3D9;R.l THE SECURITY OFFICER, OCAML Subject: BAH NELSONl ,ttcrney-at-Lil, 926 Perrine Bu.Llding, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. e Re: Flying Saucer l ystery Solved. On. 30 July 191.7 nu mson was i nterviewed at his office, 926 Per:-inc Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, relative to nu alleged solving of the - Flying Saucer 1-betery. 1bject, whose age i s 53, i s at present engagedi n practicing l av and is the agent for the Dual Parking Eater Company. Subject advised he is married and has two sons, ages seven and ten, residing at 2613 NJ. lhth Street, Oklahom City, Oklahoma. Nelson stated he Iras a sergeant i n World War i , being sounded in action Ihile serving with Company 1, 53th infantry, and that before entering the service he had an eighth grade education. After l eaving the service he finished his education and graduated from the University cf Oklahoma i n 1929. He advised that since 1929 he has practiced general l ss i n both Herman and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Subject stated he notified the War Department by l etter on 19 July l 9h7, advising than of his discoveries concerning the Flying Saucer Mystery. He received an answer d2a3t ed July 19h? Idfising nu his l etter had been referred to em Air Forces. £5 stated he heard no are fror. the ¥c.r Depart ause o2nf9; Jul; 191 a0t. whi tcimh hee releas heisd statemtoent the Bail Oklahoman, Oklahoma City l ocal nesspaper. Subject advised the basis for his theory concerning the Flying Saucer i iy-stew was 6#39;ıtai 1ro.nnuu s_in-p#le39; ex-perizeente ihich he conducted i hile driving his automobile. NELSON stated he believed that mpaenoyple had seen lights or shining objects coanstto their Iindshields and side ventilator windows of their automobile and reflected aas saucer or disc shaped object. Be stated that the movement cf the automobile, plus the fact that the glass was not a perfect sir:-or and passing objects could be seen i n relation to the objects gave than an appearance of great speed. Subject advised that the vibration of the oar gave the objects an appeerance of rotating and that the reflections caused than to ;ppQ_l_lflat or saucer shaped. IEISOR stated that any number of objects might be seen according to_tbc direction that the car i s traveling and the number of bright objects being reflected onto the winder. He further stated that these objects l ightbeeeeninancrdinaryvindolinabouee accordingtothelighting e- 92#, I#3 ii9i?;ll i ii ?5l~ en- §3?2l|-I 30 July 1.9147 T-..#@1- ii gall . I? rr_ I H5 h I7 7 l @ __?@.=@.1 ,..._.,_.e At fir..- ~ _;,_,-.....__. -_,___,,..- _ * ~. - - . - -_ dd
  • 31. e _~ O 1 conditions, and that the objects might be either vertical or horizonsl. The subject related that any change in speed of the car resulted in a change in speed of the object, and that changes of direction resulted in a change in the angle of travel of the object. _ #39; HEISON stated hheas not talked to any persons that haacdtually seen flying saucers or dbiustc s he believed that trheeflseections plus the - excitement and hysteria caused by ortehpeorrts has been the basis for sost flying saucer reports. Subject also stated that this stahemoery could be true in relation to flying saucers seen from aircraft. attached hereto is a detailed statemnt by NELSON covering his findings and explaining his solution to the so-called Flying Saucer Hystery. .,. .92 /#39; e / .0 - i KDA. LHAN SIHDN CUIIQI,SI W 0 #39;* ~* i 7 i #39; * j W j *_--I-I-www-vdnn»a-aJ_qF__ ;4,- a;;aMvi_ _ :q_:_ ˇ_%q _ _ n ¢ -,, 92_ . . -.#-39;
  • 32. !#39s; w.IcNsOa mavSeOn!L VEDO Jul! 12. 19h7. The most impressive reports of the so-called flying #saucers or discs were those from aviators who claim they. saw disc-shaped objects flying through the air in various formations at high altitudes and at a high rate of speed. The first report was from an awvhiaot or stated that these so-called flying discs had a somewhat shiny appearance and would fly in formation and change tphoesirition from time to time. Most reports stated that they appeared in tlhaete afternoon oarbout dusk. -- a_l l 1 ru 91p2-uCrAuo.- L --Jamwew.r at QQ4 n Host had the appearance of an inverted doirs c saucer, and some
  • 33. 0 These shiny c =eote may havexurious torn and there may be morteh an oned; epending othne numbeorf reflections. They may appear to be in the swkhyen the driver looks through the ventilation wing glass. Their position in the sky depends upon~the angle at which the object is reflected in-the ven-tilation wing and the position of the observer. They may have various fborumt s very frequently they are of asaucer shape or a flat shape when they appear to be itnhe sky. #39; The ventilation wing during day-light is not of course a perfect mirror, therefore, it appears to the driver oorb-server that he is actually looking through the glass into the sky. As he moves along, the bright objects appear to be#39; traveling at a high roaft e speed in comparison with the stationary objects on the ground, or the distant horizon, that he sees through the window, or icnomparison with the fairtly silhouetted objects on the landscape which at times are re-flected in the window. nvvhail QHRQQVI Au!-IDA I-lyynaiea
  • 34. 1 _ - i _ U If the vqntil .ion Hing windca were a paect mirror the objects causing the reflections would appear therein,es well as all ootbhjercts within range, but the ventilation wing being a sort of a semi-mirror, does not reflect the object but only e the bright_epot, wlehaivcehs the impression that the observer is actually looking through the glass and that the ually aepears to be in the sky, oart times e long away. These results are best obtained in the late or after sun down. The aviators who reported seeing flying discs object ect-distance afternoon, osraucers, undoubtedly were seeing the reflection of bright objects ionr on their own plane. They saw them as reflected in their canopy or wind shie1d,.but failed troecognize thew as reflections. Otherwise they were reflections from other air craft. _ As the the disc in ary objects aviator#39;traveled along observing the movement of comparison with the mountains, clouds or station- othne earth, made them appear tboe traveling at _ _ .__.n._ _.fI ____-.J -.1.-- Q.-e-1... ..-I - HEB Oi apuˇue lug HuHl GLU
  • 35. /#39; { l r C; O are reflectee from eome#39;briogbhjte ct in or on the car or plane, the uapnd down motion of the car or plane causes the flying discs to appear to bgeoing throuzh adipping and rising motion, or, if the reflectinq object in stationery and the car moving, the results will bthee same. The statement that the discs appeared to breotating as they sailed through the atmosphere is due to the vibration of the automobile or plane. Vibrations make than aonear to be rotating at avery hriagthe of speed. Vibration is what gives them a Flat or disc-like shape-also. #39; If you wish to see some flyinq discs, make adrive at about dusk or at night, open your ventilation hing window at about a jle from the irivers seat and wet r..u..n. 9r922IQf#39; the stationary electric lights th.t appear on yleofut,r if you are driving, after ypoauss them,and see how many discs ycoaun observe flyin; through the air. If tahreer e not too many lights to yroeaurr, ymoauy have aperfect formation of beaufiful flying discs hLiCh may bred, gorre en silver according to the color of the electric lights which you have passed. They
  • 36. A Q . T {C} These appear best when the spproachinz car is sdoismtaence away, perhaps a quarter or half a mile. The results at night may not be aims pressive as those in the late afternoon because at night your ventilation wing window makes a more perfect mirror and the passing landscape is not as pronounced, therefore, the reflections therein are more easily detected as reflections. In the late afternoon, however, you have a feelin: that you are actun.1y loosing through the glass and the reflected objects §D83P uore real. The sun shinin: on a bright ring on your fin-ger uith yhoaunrd resting on the steering wheel may cast disc-like reflections in your wind shield. The form of the reflect-ion will depend uthpeo n ornamental decorations on yroinugr. The rear door handle on mauytomobile reflects nine beau-tiful, little, silver, flying discs itnhe briqht sun-light. These appear in the lower part of the ventilation win: and when traveling oan level highway, they appear to be racing along with me at the road side. These nine discs appear in a forn-ation of two rows ofof ur each, with the ninth one in the lead at the center of the formation. They appear as whirling pro- PBLIBFS in a vertical position. Tdhisecsse also have stream-ers which are due to the curveture and decorative pattern on the handle. While traveling north in the early afternoon under abright sun, thniensee daipspcesared far below tmo y left, racing up the valley at a terrific rate. V_Iou may be able to see flying discs in your own home. If you will turn on a small electric light in the hall-way and thenlbokth rough thew indow atth e other end of the hall,
  • 37. _ e TO you may s:e as many as three flying discs from one electric l ight bulb, which may have more or l eosf s a bell shape. These discs many times appea arsi nverted saucers, aifn d youwill change your position slowly you will see that they change their position also. Those are best observedi n the l ite afternoon or between sun down and dusk, then i t sgpears to you that you are merely l ooking through the winoow pane at the discs sus- pended i nthe distance. As darkness comes on, the window pane becomes a more perfect mirror and your discs GJPGHP as reflect-i ons i n a mirror. To watch tdhiescs, through your ventilation wing, sail along with you as you drive through the country, becomes very fescinoting, especioll you use a l ittle i nuqinstion. It may absorb your thoughts completely, tIh erefore, could admon-i sh automobile drivers watching tfhlyeing discs, to be cautious Q and not roufnf the road or i nto some other oar. Soof me the reports on flying saucers, heretofore not ex- plained. in this article, such as those reported seeing bright flashes i n the sky, were no doubt reflected sun-light from 0 planes. These l ight beams chanced to cross the l ionfe vision of the observer. They frequently appear very brilliant and may more or l ees blind the observer for an i nIfs taht. the plane i s very high i t may not be seen by the observer, which may be due to i mpaired vision or the great height at which the plane i s flying. We very often get these same blinding flashes from automobile wind-shields, Moaf ny the reports around July tth. were i ncited by various fofr ms fire works. Z ! _ ,_- ._
  • 38. . ,-n J Some reports stemmed fproumre i others were deliberate hoaxes. plained if all the surrounding f Host all of the rezorts and saucers coincide so clearly with tchoeureld be no doubt bthuat t The foregoing statement may scientific terms, and may nboet ever, we believe it is so worded 0 magination or hysteria, while Any other reports cbaen ex- acts are known. descrictions of the flying! the findings herein, that we have the correct solution. nboet coached in precise scientifically exact, how- that the average layman can understand it and that it is sufficiently correct to prove the proposition. IP ersonally, do not bthealite ve the so-called flying saucers or the solution thereof, unless the Government wished to the psychological effect upon an such as Germany did in regard to weapons during the war. _ A are of any mvailliutaer,y retain this information for y potential enemy nation, their so-called secret en of , r __ w ,:_-____.._e_-e_ _ ,_ __ ,, . ......... . 92_ _-
  • 39. T50 ˇ7-79¢ F f XXXXXX ~ FEDERAL BUREAU GF §NVESTlGATi0ii II] {Ii Cl E E [II XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FUIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page-ts! withheledn tirely at this location in the ıle. One or moreo f the following statementsw, here #359; indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemptionn-3! _.__ ._ 7___.,_ _ wnioth segregable material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a thpiardrty wnioth reference to you otrhe subject of yroequurest. Information pertained only to a tphairrdty. Your name ilsisted in the toitnlely. Docnnienˇs! originating with the following government agencytiesl _ . _. -_. ,_ _. , ____ _ , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page s! referred for consultation to the following government agencyfiesl; _i_______i_ _i ____.__ _. E ____ ___ athse information originated with them. You will be advised oafvailability upon return of the material to the FBI. Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: Foryour in0f4o;rfmg_aQti 4og_n-¢f:l /q{;¬ie___q1 Q[Jf_g_e4eg 1 ;L;_q¢,;.fe.e t~5 gff E}, C0E{{ #39.;i f¢d¢Q .g1_1i¢?t Zq1/4»4z54{.5;_ /a#J3i1_9_{;lL;!5iˇ41¢ gJ, :44 ıJe1 » ırmcff m t§U£ J¢ _ /1¢*¢,_ -i ;nf¢l;j @,,,1;,L,ll, The following number is to buesed for reference regarding tphaegsees: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx § yosnsrsoP AGEHS! X so DUPLICATION FEE X x FOR THIS PAGE X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . 1- Terné
  • 40. r l_ 2 * Ojjzllın? M¬mt.ˇˇd -%UmNI TESD #39;..1TES -u---pain MTru. lson,_,_.Mr. C!e:|: ..---.. 192IM.§ Yr. ?-..:-4.: Iii TO =3 13;;T¢3 F31 DjjaAyTuEa:ˇi1x0 1;9,9v_FR0Mˇi/PsiP. :A-:Q5.O #39; _ I g1/an I 1#39;-I. I. 1. #39; 1!. 31-- is P;-e_nmr, | i MrQ. uinn ave.| MI. Ne- %e=»;1/On 2/6/L9 PAUL RYAIN C ffice oSfpecial Investigations, Roswell, New Hexico, advise J $111111?-¢I= FIIGTEICTTAILC nI-cI s#39;m:_rIc1;s#39t; :.. _ Bureau5 8fi3le0 0 !Z gFt.=7.4- ~7{#39;f,:j, Q/ i.#39;1Reference is made to the letter from thé SahAntonio Office to the Dire dated 1/31/1.9., # -3. 9; 1 nu-R5 92#39P;.f.! the resident aaent at Roswell that he had ,ust left aconference wDirt.h LIncoL - LPAAL, Ieteorllogist, who has Written aletter summarizing the search for the Unidentifie:..erial Phenomena. RIAN advised that Dr. LPAAZ came to Roswell after one otfhese objects had boebesnerved bsyeveral persons in the Roswell atrheea night oJfanuary 30, 1949 at approximately 6:00 P.U. One otfhese persOn8 who witnessed the object was an OSI Inv-Le 4 stigawtohro stattehde obdeacpt pearede txop l ode o r#3f9d; i 8s-Lseginsttehzenear khlhsr Air Force Base at Roswell, New Mexico. REA] infonned that all ohfis agents had been searching the area around Artesia, Tatum, and Kenna, Ken Zexico; Amherst, Brownfield, and Lamesa, where the phenomena had recently boebesnerved. Tsheeasrcehes all met negative results. |Dr. LPAAZ advanced the theory tRoYAN that the objects were controlled traveling around the earth at an altitude oafpproximately.25 miles and w . lover a de:1our !n- a.ed area and explode it. h U+e0- rs-1ta+-te#d3 9;l~+~.#a3t9 o;|r.# 39;92TL n# 3.a9;a.D .Ia .h-Ju4ıu.-I Roswell, Texas, with missiles at a speed oafpproxismtely 15 miles per second. The missile was probably controlled » by agents stationed at various intervals who are able to bring the missile down l~#39;l.-.-.l- L.- hind U I15 J with an atomic war head. * #believed 39; the Russians or some other country was practicing with these weapons I which LPAAZto carried ld RYthAaNt no war head twmoe and were n whheo being imnt exploded ervieawt at an Keedn altitude Nnae,w oafppromizetely Mexico, L had l0 miles. observed After phenomena the practice which period appeared LPAAZ to have assumed disseminated the weapons near would Tatum be loaded rho en Eexico, had informed him nothing will be found. LPAAZ stated tached significance tot he aboves tatement antdh at the sen apparently-.2 ome A§L// nnouledge that the phenomena aas not a aeteor1te. @3e~*- - 1L i . i. -- _r 5 , n.__ ~. ._ .r .-by--#_RYAN advised his Office would keep this Oinffiocremed oafny cduervrelop- ments. --D 4 Q_, F, Fı/fj éba H/ IK/l, _ CC: Sena. vn# 3t3#o193n1;,9i1;o ; 92 §#33 I92;a_o Fl_ ! V = r5 J1!] ERR/cm I -;- - 9 ;-9Q2 w3 a9 4s; F i5Q.7.3,2, 9,%QD55 h§£§ ¢aL# §#lL 3. 2I934 9; 9 E./;E/ xi,P ti /éf 5 };r._m 9. --,5181943 l,,~ N #3#93;9; :*#39;Il*#39;!#39;*_!7#39;_*.92=-v-#39;j§1-=I#39;:r¢t-;vv:q92.*-~w-r-rn*;7w -.!1 *#s53#-913;e19-;~ -~.7*,:,#r -s3.e 9;w-* w. 1 s#39;
  • 41. F 5 ::#39;- L P: F -I. 0 I + i-. _,_w ,3 .,_ _ Q 3 i ,3 ;_. #39; . F l SA 3C1 P_u g I0bn 2m11::,7911? , , A Direct-or, rar#39; ~- , jlpi , - , Pi=C .Yl,!:C OF# v3n9m;_. I IIN.=SN1AILSLISA#39;l i . A gs - ____ » i » 44¢ 0 8300 - A- Q9 Q# R3e9u 2;rQ-l_o§Jt.0-1:#93-9»; #3 Q9R;.#39; J. A revie owf you rreferenc leetdter 3-aflec tthsat Dr. LincoIl1n #39; Pas, Hetoorologist, indicated to ur. Paul hymn, office of Special I.nvest..Lga- t- ions, Loswcll, Hen Lor.:Lco, that two men whom he inter-viewed at Karma,liar Mexico apparently had acme knowledg ethaL theu.r1.i.dent1.faieedrial # p3h9a;ncmcma was not a meteoriira. ~- ~ _ It i s believed desirable that you emf-aavor to ascertain tho 1donti1..y.o tihe#s3e9; two individuals i t Emma, New Bcxim and to interview them for any information Ihioh they may bz= a-ble to furnish relative to this mat-t-er. V 1 nm= 1K»:ar/»/X» #39; 1 IIr1f/04i 92 ~.m»i1i #3.99; LLL A :6] I I-u-I/ 92 W 92 W-* ;b:oi¢*..-E:i s: zccI9m2u#39;1|o:92#39;§ ; MAILED15 Mp; , L, 927 -iii LL: ~ r V /[EB 24 1949 PM. 7#39;
  • 42. -,._ ; I 21%., V- a ,. 9F.2_R , E I . 1; A??:*%#39;=#39; .g 4#-3.-9;~ 1 s9,-2-.1. i .92#39; n = ; Q/__J ¢/4 ,}#- 3- i9I I. .;-¢ I f.r ,. . é##3399; W.. 4. 1,1 J1= M.» - u _ Y 92~_/.-l#_ 39;L i .92-1IL#39; . r n 4 ¢r | i 1 J 5. S 1 L 4# ,3/,9.,; .,L ;_,,, ._2_/:9 I2/#0 L3!9-r;wr[r--4/#/1A39.-#;*. ../ / , ˇ u/;H ,;4¢-_X.|,,., .;M,[ PI #l/3,[9/4;:...j-[,./|J _ . . 4 . - I_ J _ -/. , , //A 14w/ .//_,. 1.,. -¢» ,/4 f7-/#39 -;P. nl r¢- ,. .-, -/- . /.QI#/ ~--3f»r9-;z-- - V 1 #£3 J594; f.1 : e~#/3r ,99- yr2;I j--y#H 1/-- 1v[£i r#1--3:]19 1#;| J 3 -9 ;-- ,~ /7/ l; . if //.LL -#39;2! 5 ,* ;:v#39;1... 1r-,| *» .1. £1 -/Z#3;9 ;r .#039, ;K .-= AI #39 [;.41 .15%;f-¢.# d#ll3- 9 #;3ı9#; 3#93;-l;¢ 6: e+ M#./ 3i 6;f 9} 6; ;#- 3 .-9-4;! ¢- AI-7#-3f-9- £I;»J£z----- #39 1;-##3#3939;9.;1;-4: .-#-3.9;15 K in.é.».§-gé-#39;~ #39;r ı#r3 . ¢9.;:..#39 5;/;. I /Z-»/--~-*5/H--4-*- 4 --.#39;:i-_ y. K O I. .=1.3;= :: - ~ .baa! _._ 1|_;-_.= 14-31~ -t?+i=#-3--9A;~,wi ~ *.J+ r--I~- *#.!.3*9A;-?9~=-@a#t,?39;#.3t9f,;{-=#39;- _! f92,H f. |.-.ı..nJ |. yr#.3-9;_Y u;} .-#;319¢ ;§ # .3#9-3. 1;9; .9- f2_ .».#39; 92 a : t #39;:# 39; : =?:, InL S!- ## 339#9w;3;.-§9l ;9? +5-:1 ~:.:.;-=;#39 =; -,¢4-, -., . * . llT3§??:é$ »= i1:#* 3=#T93;;9¢*..;;5+.=~§-,§:v1# - »#3-3-9-9;; ~I. -? l-§r7# .# 3 i91;,.? =#-3-C# 9 3;-W_-9i; ;!!#l H#1-i3.3 199-r.;;A.A#?3.-#9*53;!~9;~¬;=1-1:-#-%* .-%*m# M3m9;-@7;w--#3 9~;-- 9i2-=;.» ~9 -2 . =.92;,t.~ -.-{H;! W§, -#39; », --#v -39; .92 I¢ ,.. i . - , /L! i 3 35?49,. _ if : L -._:#39;~. 1-3?. ,1 5-. ,--1... W #39; ,. .-- 1 ,. . t .!,#39 H;f Jv /:.,n#. |-3,.9 4;,-j I rl .an # 3#39 .9;; -- 14- ¢,0.: ¢ - .é # 43#399;; - sr*Ar.# - -»f Zw#39; -#. 39; 1 1: T/fv~ # 39; 4 -. /J7 92 92 r -:/L ..~0 ./-. 4 I#n3 .91 .;#I :. .J3 , --9l./ .; ._ r/I r /~#I,3~. /9»2;.-/~---» I #39; 92 .#39; 4. Y 1-_.!.#39;.IF?// d;}fP .. Ir#e39-1;J1_.4¢-F 1JM#;39; . F #39; U pr . // #39;¢ ,/#03/{9I; 92 new I#39;- ; 2. #39al;p s-- 5#39; . ; # I 39;/ J ,*_._; ..-_ : ~- #39;,-_ Q . -_ _ .__ .. _,|..- ,__;_, g r I# 3*9 -;T-:.=m%#-339,;-35-~»/ 7-* 1:#3 3 !9 -; .# /39;ı/.%;#39;~~ *# 13 9;#39; , . . - .-_:.~-, - -- ,- an .5 t ._ T/ _lfF: h% _ f;/ ___ 1 ; i __¢A4,#. ~_3 .#-. .9//J3_ _;9 2 .r;1 ._ /,-.,,,,/. 4*/-,-1 }#»#3399#;.;39 ˇ;...f#..3.-9./;§z.Z.-L/ 9A{2Q¢..5000 ~ -1 1#,»3:9; 3#39; s~ ..1r#,~39;$ _=~_:/. , 1..., M -_45 : -_:. a ,. a9 .29 :. 12 7.92;F, as U 1. #39;- #39; 4-17 .I |_ _ . _ ; ,;,1,. 7 ,:/_z._-1:_/3, ~-%. ».-. I #39_;. j/_ - _ 92 . v W; _ . .~r.4-r-¢... r/¢ #39; /9 /N--~ .,. _ R! , =Z-, ~P A . -r# P3-9;-:.: TIAr :# 3#3b39/9;/;-I ~II -1I. --#3#93;9:;;#6.,1 # I3 -9; » --at-#39 4;-*-3#3#H/# /319-;1 .- ,o#f3! /9I/;1/#3In9!; /ˇA,I44»fr » 44 14#39; - [FJ 1..#39;P- - J {!_~_, _ 0_J;!#39;M . :2ˇ._., _- I o 7 #39; . ,. A . H4, ;»,,..,4.,,4..,4 --~~: /// »,,~......, / 4- ff/r ,[¢- en-1, Q:--.7..Z ~- //l.r?_r/t-A . ˇl-r J.,_ I. I- .. I H;/I I : V# /43;9,,;.o -vZl: - .{r1# 4¢v»3v-d9»#.#;33J;99#;;9319.|;#.-|U h - ,,.= 4#-:3 -.9|_ ;.jA..-..,£.:.._, ._..#:39;- _ _#39; # 3:p9; ¥.,.»# .3 9;,:,-_#39;;_.- ,4-vi-041 92 3 v-
  • 43. v, E I _-_..---LL-_----;....q--~-V-_ ;_-i_i _ W1?-7 -#39 ;7-* 7#39; I $5: J -,- -. rf_,r.J i-~;.1. . #39;_ °-,_..t$=-,__ I. I . #3 -9 ;; ?*1#309; ..#39;,_ .#39;| . - :-.-. ll 92|., t -i_. .. kI - ,1u. , #3 Y9;* r . T . . .91 . o#39 . ; . If _v V;é |,k ._~ #3 :9; #39;-. . -,#3 ..9 1;-##339 -9;- 7;_#.3J-, .9,.,-;g#,--3-9;;#39;_-92_;.*,/_ :j » 1 .I | i ,| #39;g#39;.|4v-|41, .._ J: ~ LI» .#.:.39;. 1 .,#-¢3.9.-;,.w% @ @ é . _ .1- F.l}J Jr-4 /., rA 4:9#-13,9; - A -/#3 H9; ~H 4# 43-91;JA 5 -.-u 1L¢.J/-1!, 92/#*-319- A; #3#93;9 ;1#3# 93;#9u3;9#;-3/L9,;_,a#39 -.;. K F . -1 t # 3#9 L3; -/9;%%* V~1;§4~%-/1~i;/W/7/*/#:3»9?;%r- M ... = * * ;/~ .#39;; ,- 4 f ti #39;1 ., .- -4-rd-I-I . #39; # 3 9IN; aw . , . , _ _/_|-.1. J I q_. ,.. I .|.---r-~/ *1 / - / . . .- ~ -:44 é-r.1 1# ~39# ;3ZC9 ? e_; J/. 4J »I.4 ,.,, .*. .~ //I -/-/17/» -#3 I9r ;.|LC ,:.a#39#;3l9-; 1 ¢ _/_ , w ..# .1 .39 ~; #- 39; ##39; 39-;_ /1, v J | 4». y 1 /0Q0#A39;5 - lv. ,#39;.H,_92-J_ -.-lf| #39; 1 1 1 1 I I M#E3!9; ,u;*.1 Jır 0.1.#3-9;# a.3¢w9 0;#7-3=..95-11;-*//?.4--..#13/9;id 92* 11/ ,z.-,...z.t;_,.- I r-r .-1#%3 ,91; l---r.-.-/-~:#--3#. .14 ---- e #39; . #39;9= /I. ,. : -1.». . .9.»2. 1; .._. :; #39; .. --1~ : - L.»--/izfi ., / ##339 9;,#;§=3,*;9.,;.5¢~~@;/#3-9 ; , 2,/I .#39 -; I - ~-~ [5 _ ,1 / 4 3 1! |/ | --*#39; . --#39;1#39;-I | ., 3-o 1 F4#39; 4-_. é /f:a#~39!.; #39;/ı-I-I/,7! I H n Q14-_ .. VP 4 4 _;f/0 92 -J, ,_;,_...¢. , . /,.../* .~--=» /=/44/~#39;_ 1;--.¢ u-r re .°- I I /, #39 §; ., f I 1 /-92 !. 1# a3é9r z;~| a, . _ f _ ._4nl¢l/I*I##3399;;; , 4., #39;7 . , Q- 4. :4-r, - , ./,-a . ,.., 4.x J, yl,/ _,r.-,.---d#39; - .1- #39;. 92#39; z - AIIF ,1 //+ _ _ #39;d¢_-44! 1 {,| 1#39; 4 ,f,| __#39;. -92 .. #39;4!3!--. f, . I - fl r/ 0;, # 3r9;4 r 1 .._-//.1/7»-V-~~»/--/*.*// .11. P, , /.;r-.I-#39; 1r. ID - 92 rr , ,7 .A ,4 ,v_,|I1.2u, Z #=3_9,.; _ _#/7391#;!_3,9;#39;b=, ::/A 13--éIQˇlédt , ,¢/f , - 1-I .- ..,.. L--*~92-P~l#39;-W . . ¢ , ,. . 1./.. ;=: 7/ ..-#3Z39J;/#LX111 -.4 f /# g39 6; [- #3 9#,#; 3_3 .99; ,;#,/. 39;j#J h1 -I ,- Qˇ :u 1.4!- -4- ,L; /ti. 1#- #39; . / . , / 1 1|-#39;_$¢.¢4;L/M Ll., #39; - I I _ 92 P :_-_ ,.. *~- 1:.-A-# P*39;3 | , 9¢2 .#39;_ . I . . , . V_ .. #3. 9; . . V . .- . ..r., . , . v -.1- 92I._ #39;-of- . -
  • 44.
  • 45. --COPY v 15 October 1950. Ootober 1950. , -1, _ #39;9 ,- . . _ 9- _ 16 o¢u1_¢_1-A 1950. _ if .-__.|..#39; _._._§ - .5#39;?-? .##3399;;*.~.t 16 October.-#39;1?§0. on f,V_#39;-1._# 3 .9;_- 16 October 19§O . 1 20 October1950 . Ir _ - I r J I i -1 x 6 1 - #39;23 1950. October #39; 1 ., . 9.2 1 - . #39; - I92 O-I92O92Il#13995; 0- 3-#39;a-m uasce . #39;5 Ion1-9b5u0 . v . . - I2! IQ 195-9. 11-. -- #39;... - ~ 2 .. .4-p , . 1##3399;;~ Q _ #39;5 I ..r,_ ._ 11R ._. 1; $92*-_#39;;.} : 1, - 4#39;- J xi II. Q#.39;ˇ1, r -Jo-11: . - g. 1. :- v F-I .1 #39;5 1: 4 .i I 92.3_,#39; _ _ .~.r, #39; 1 ti -% 9_2~ . f1- ii j .- PM J, V 1- :,# 39; _92. 31##3399;3;5. -Q:-k 1 _ g-..,,_ . ,. _ .._-gnu .1 F --#39;1 1.. 92#39; -.1 1 - #39:;92,#; .l3##933;99-;:; _~ 0 I.#39; .-1r I 1 -rI. . 1I#3#93;9;- r :_ 1; .1 ~. #39;_b~#39;-1; _#39;_,.. 1 -9. 2,*, #39; 92_ .92 i-_ #39; g»...S..I.i#» -31-9 : .;. . .... . #39; _#39;:.._~~41#39;-92~- 1 - 7-#39;:-51. ., . .#391;.1 ~ ,_ 3 - r - , - *1-2- ;. -2- _.=-P x 5 9 ,21-11?~:f }%*.7:3¥:#3#93;91-;1I}-9 2 ¬A-.1 1 _ . . ##3399; ;#39; #39 .; -, ._.. *. - ~--..*»f__;n_; -_I-, #39; . # .3J9 ;112:., I5#3.9--;. -91-129 2 . . _~ . 3, 1520 hours. SUB-JH eaJet e#n39;K1er#r 3H9o; llowG ate b !y#39;roope 1f_e_ Ryler and Zerzocki, Ir. Hidatover, ind Ir. lloneymker. _ - r T . _ _.-_,,. 4 1520 hoursm. m e=c1o peelIcˇ1oe-Tyson Airmpoarmt bo -_ unidentified targets. .7- # 3 ;f9a;; Lv J} .». . 92- _#;!3 9;-Z-~,-..: --#-5#»3 9;. *1 fi._#39;-92i..1555 t1o5 30 houOrsb. jec stse e bnTyroopersIe ebe1.1_,: end cm-1:. , JP? -;.-;1--:#3-992 #39; iii-:..*i 1520 hom-e. Reaodoaproe at Iletˇnoe-Tyeon Airport giv .1 unintelligible reedinge. ~ -._-._*i.#3-A -.~#39;--# ,3§9-;.= r 1956 t2o0 01» honuure G. -taxism, -own, Ierron, report peculiar eounde. . -. I ;#3~9;--}Qj= #39;-. -*1. I-..1~1 ;~ . _ . r-:- _; 1655 howlV. isual lighting b y LPa.r ry Riordan, 1 4 - chm, x-10 Plant. _ _,- ¢;#39;_ 1630 boure. v1-6.1 lighting mu bIryencie .1. mm: [@191- -Rf, count-ere In the vicinity had 92me:qa1e1nerebe1ıein ge at about Qlie . -1--1 - mas u19:-o noun. van-1 @111; or e ltbˇiy layer In 1#3 I7Q90;-.I} l.l H0 IIn9l2ent 9292Q» N J R-ii-+,,_{__-LH bheallte. ! 115% new-92 0.I pneell an roatnhere 51¢-we *5. an I.:#39;nn:vi.l.1e Airport, Knoxville, l-e sneeeee. R ~ 11551 t2o0 0 hoVuirssu. al om beDnyo; nı ufiu. ;;;;;§,_;-__;._.~ . #39;31.: Itnhe vicinity oi Louım, #39;11# 3m9t;,- onnue-1e1e1e6e ,o bject #eccoupeniod bye. flopping noiee, me eeen bfiyve. 111-1-D3 i nthat eree. -#3_9 . ; .._.5 -,_~ -§-#39 ; L. ; -..f w . :1. 11 ..°»~-.~_ 1»-w . .. * . -.~--;.. . - -|~-I# 39{-;. -, ..-F» #39;~¥-1.71.? - 3 -- ..----#39;. -L 1.# 23; 9~; . -- --.-2 ~:--~f*r ##339;9r #4;319?; ~ -s. ._ # J13 ,.91?#;.! 3 9; 4 #399; 2- ~-. - -#39;u, _- ,~¢~#39;ˇ;_. - ,. 1 IF . 5 ~:-1 v3¢ #.3#939#;__;3 » _. ._.#39;~.-¢.-;.,. 1... . -#39;1 5 _i-.1..;1:5I_i i:_:.,=-.-#39;,-= 1»**2--.~-.--ii.#P v }#-3 9; . . l___ :1#-3?9}_;;9_2_._$.;§#39;-I,., 1 15.:-$1 . -.#39;~=. ac ,,4,-. 1 1.|#.39;. .-. -.1. .1 ..--_- ---.=-- ;-1.» 1- ,|. .#39 ~;- - -#.~3 9;-f;, , I#39;_.. - *---.*-7*-1.5 4#I- .-#39; ,.-.14 1
  • 46. Enclosures: b Fjˇtartenent bRyo bertM Iy. ers, HeSatehcetrio n, AtHmaice rgy 3 ;_.f*_CIIn1ssionR, idOgaek, Tennesseceo,n cerning thpee culiar sight _NQ_#1%,.-la;y ;1n9.5| - 9. fr I f 92?.=.; __,,, 1? #-1 a0 -s, i__ r , - sIi _.:IA_ _; Btatenent by Uillian O Frey, Security Becticn, IIPA Division, Atmie #39; 3. E. 5. 6. T. a- 9. Bnerg Ca-nzieeim, Oak Ri%, renncssee, c~.n.ce:.-1 Obgects 5ig,_11teQ Over Oak Ridge on 214 October 1950. Sbtya tement Major Lawrence I. Ballweg concerning Objects Bight-eı Over Oak Ridge Q 25 October 1950. Interview with Ir. Don Patrick, Illustrator, IKPA Division, Atmic Energy Ccnlission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, concerning Objects 8i@lted OOvaekr Ridge on 5 Iovenber 195-O and asketch thereof. Certified true tracing copies cfˇae original notes and sketches male by Hr. Don Patrick at the time and pclfa ce cbservation. Interview concerning objects sighted over Knoxville Airport on 29 October 1959, Interview concerning the releases oi balloons, the captive Blimp, and other weather data, and the release oi radioactive particles in Argon Interview tit; #39;!ra_ncieM Jg,r concerning ObJecta Oighted Over Oak Ridge on 23 October 1950, and Geiger counter readings in that vicinity. Knoxville Radar Bite rceopnocretrning Ob_1ects Sighted Over Oak Riige on 25 October 195?». - nl~;L. 5 -3- -: *1 £4! -¢ Z #39; 1-5*. -. : 9 #39;}~ SA .
  • 47. ¢ I . a P I I 1 J i. I 1 J . r _ . #39; -_ .. 92- 2l0oto#39;ber1950 . no 18, r. o. Bo: 379, Inoxville, Ienneeeee A ~_#.39; oraao smimrr omvm on n: nm, u ;W§§ -W;;.-,Q,Q J,; *#39;._-#.{;§_ L# B39o;r;e»r_:- Bram-iee oi Intonation, sdbpot; so above I,ntel .4 Octobe 1r990! .v#3;9I;-j;;;.;:# ?_.;#39;;:l,f #39; . e =*.ı_.* ¬#33.#93;.momma to this sum 1- eleven ı1! inclceure to clarity I Io-I--II.--L.-U---I-I.-_#=3o9;iU.l-U U 4H92#13u9s;9U2ll§9-2InlD.-.Il. I 4Ln,$11# I II3Q9v92iIi;9i9 22-l { W #IU39;3 I-.92 Qˇ9li2aiasq:s#39;svD#39;| in I iheee incloeuree are ccat qpoeed witness steterentsg be-okgro coming previous si@t1nge our peculiar objects over Oak Riiali e-11 The most reliable scuroee svnilnble were utilized. in he occt ipilotion this reper The qploynent reoorés am the hie:-e.1 Bureau out Investigation reports qonoeo-sing ıne vitneesee were inspected. to ascertain their xveliabiliw, integrity, cal 10111.1; to the United States Govemmlt. . the opinions eat the officials of ıe Security Division, AIO, Oek Blip; §oo1.a#3 B9a;ni1a_l,=_r !_E1? DAivision, out Bilge; AL; 590::-it; Iotrol, OakBilge; D:-|c:vi1.Le;Ai.r Force Bmartme:ur Bqunlrone, Ihoxville; cal the OBI, Iho:|:vi1.l.| Tomnosee, tail to evolve an adequate elphmticl tor SUBJECT h, owever tpheeei- bilitiee of go-soticsl Jokers, mes hyeteris, bdllons out ew leeoription, tliˇts or bi:-rte with or vith-out oohnbe or eıer tibjocts sttcobi!, telling leaves, inn nurse, peculiar weather conditions, reˇections, £11193 kites, obJootsthroes 1#39 ;:t-haes 5:~cu:n|l. I,inˇalonm cbJecte, insanity, enl new other anti:-Q1 kepjpenilp have boon reJec1iel. because out the simultaneous vimeseing of the objects with k rope:-ted. rear sigtings; because at the reiisbiliiiy eat the Iihaeoees; Incense st ıe detailed, einihr lseoription of its etjeots soon by littereat persons; X. ichfe ocuee il-p oeeiiiiiiw, ._ !#39;he1:~enlefopinicneeeQtoiollcIˇ:#39;eepci:termctlibou@#39;b. 1#39; ırst is that ıe objects ere s pigsical ˇaenmenon stick hsve s ecientitic equip: etion; the sie cond that the objects are ezgperinent-e o.lbjects tron ea unleternin source! 50.16.04 by eloctronice; enl ıe ˇirt is similar to the seoonl. except kt en intondot hum-slisetioa or her:-assnent is involved. the tsntutio is pas:-0.1.1 r.e jootet. . Ping; eˇll kntn hfh lvlv_192nnt#39;I fsˇ#3l9|1;I sn9217 {Q-92 nnlrbguunn tlotthoyeeresiytedstıeeeunhcu-onbwoocnsecthinhgeenltie ıhottbotineotflidltiseithertowfrmtieiou-ıeuteolBouthnst,lirectic puusillelth toer:-s riiinpe intlis lnˇlw. . o Attention 1| mum to ˇue 19k? yhooogrsph or s inclonm #8!. Atomic lnorg Ooisiseicn officials um» um the 111- on-; et
  • 48. K this etatenent. they nee believe it eignitioent that ha, Air IIe1r1o e not #39; return the negative oıifeprint. J y I#39;01J =.cmhdro.nn5o l1o;g iceavl lmarqru qpr 1-Q9}-wevee nte and;o O. :,_.a- heaeveen-reoi at oak Ridge, lienneeeee. ~-,;#39;,~;;_-*,~. .~ . - . - Q 1,,1~* 1 A June 19!- -Ir#.3 9;I_. B . Preeeloy photographe eid1 ;1n3 0abt Je0t Oak 81490!,e ˇ..;#39;_;__#39;! The s intr eet the toregrounhnei been iientitiei eIlelinois Ave!n|e,f;#Ont BiigeT, ennessee. lncloauf r3e! #39;$92s0um 19b9 1» 2» 3» #359»;h J2 October 1O2ctober 1.3 October 13 October 15 October 15 October 15 October . -_, .1--3 :4-. , ..- - #349L; ,_ #39;;v {- 2 0 - At 1900 hours Ilr. end. lire. I. I. Anıoreon and Ire. John A, White :..1,.1..,.5..1 _-..A.- ~l-In-en n--h,,h.-n..t n.. .1 -I-. ı0n.k.. I.ˇ.l.a..n,. , l-|-.q..n..n..n..e..u.-:n, n_ niniig .r. . in ıl.#..3_9-;_IR.-..lE!¥_ lnclosure §9! _ #39; . 6, Mu-011950 -Ir. 8tue.rtA10o0krep0rto4I.1ne0u1.i.92rreu-Gingeˇ. hie Han Ruler Scope. These 0bJe0te reappeared at epproxinetely the can tile oMf y which 100111111 tSoIIBJIBOI. Refer: Brit: If Intortation, Subject; Unidentifieul ObJo0te Over Oek B1650 ˇetnity, um 6mu 1950.! - . 1950-2325mm-| -Ih0c:v1A].11rep 0:#39;tB04!ArUn1.ti1_!Il10ntell-unidentified. targets ever the Reetr1cte¢ Zone at I-at R169. Imla 1950 - 235»! lighter aircraft vee at ıe position othf e rtaetre r t an md teph ererfeect interception:o beuutl eln.e oething. final1.950 - 0000 to 0m1m00. AM.1t1oz#39;n.1 Rguamda r ebeefarm ıne1.§:|.! 1950 hours. Ila;-or L. I. Bmmiger, eoocqpenieı. by his lnu@ter, burl intermittent noieee. lnoloeure # T! 1950-1511 born-e. Iidlter plane lode uneuoooeeful pa-eeee at e pod. radar target tow ll-! lilee from the B1eBeot92.u:ˇ.u7 BK0e1rr101 Get lncloeure f 5! 0 1950-1520 hours. SIIBJIOI eaet en Kerr Hollow Gate by 1#39;:-oopere Ryner anˇ. Zeraeoki, aw. Eiétbver, 0-nˇ. llr. lloneymher. In01oeuree f#39;3,1950-120 hours. Seeodoepree at Airport iˇioete unidentified. tn:-gate. lncloeune f 1|»! ¢ tf . - T - #39;,_;#-5- 9 -Kg.-§;#.-*5--92§e-.7 - 4 . -.|-o¢,- . 0--92 -~~.*-*1 - #39; .#39; #3 9;-. T #39; |#39;{#39;492 qe-r~4?-.e-.--_T-- l--.5*- e
  • 49. 92 F 92 Q 4 I .1
  • 50. .4! 3 ..92 0 ~:~_ .. - /. 1#39; .. * #39; !01 . . 1060:00»: 1950-15 0:0 1530 hours. ouwu s0o: on 11-oopor mi mu, my lnicl-ark. Ino1.oauroaf5a.ı§6! , x#39;.._ . U. 1-,.- 1050000. 1; 950-1 1502m0 . mm mp.» at nacam-annropnm qmnhˇiˇbh roalingl .Inoloau I r Eo- ! #39;;;;1 , - * =*#39;: - 1.95 126:001 u+m . m00m01-0., B ron axm, -00 m, l1:-=.§ı g-.-. p00uJ.1u lom#3rl9s;. Imloawa f T! 1.1__ 1-?K*}-_#= _# .¢ 3._9._;1 ,f1;.¢i=#39;_- .J AP .-j 5:4; Azménaummgimommwmnnmmwxmpwuwm sxmamcfr. 0 01 0 :n TL# o-3.n090;00i0 17039 of aw s$f0: 05000 as =%-~ - - - - - #39; won Ot linr Spring fosr Sulph Suprring. .- 2#3*9; 00:00:: mm n0.. Caro, 08111 I1. . Akin, Lt. Olonngar, mmm am: Bib!! FE. H011 Pilot 0:! £19100: aircraft!; Iaatorn Air Dofomo Consul Boprosontatin Special Agent 081; Official: at Security Division, Atomic Energy Ganialica, - Oat B1630 , Tonnauaoo M; anic Inn-51 00-ninion S000:-it; Patrol; Security troop: Bgmr, Zarzeoki, Briggs, Clark, ml Infoolli John Iona:-m.100 I.r; II. Hishwnri 1 Iednral Bu:-on at Innltigation; Officials of Security Branch, IIPA, OakHip, Ionnouoo. b .~ .._rd- #39; .92-92#-é -. 3- #39;c.r #1:.- - _-;.{;w92 a .