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¿L{ CoNsuLT4Wr
eLl coNsuLTAwr
fG1 +h €
Cur S Ca
1_ sG, b
H¢, toa:
fÉ K:`+^g
sc hoo ^s,f#sÁ
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wÑ#+ t*|;s ;ál,:pmj;í:,J^o/+áes?:/^ r5: `.1
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. ~ __ ,€+|. C.ONsuLTAm
Uhti+^ dópj ;üu~
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üT lr A# +her€ f(ouJK+ Pu+s i. 7`~ /oüse?
7cJJr b_c>cAe?
Lc^u€ cL O)og -hL)cjso? :
-* lrcw Mcm, Tyr'`-i-j ur` i `~
7r tJ®v^om7 ~hJ€vq c# +kíe ``.7cJ`WL_l1
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=,ñeue, J
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s) lbw ofb` c)o 7cju
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•1 b- = Q`t±Lc-oru
k +hc ho¿e?
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r) `Éw -ofk-n cjo >ou go +h€ ct`hemc`
Z lbJ of+¢ cb 7oc+so +Áe /nakp?
3) HJe}W ofki cb 7cjc/ Licmj cLl w?+4 ;otJr
1)(bv G£¢| o;o7~ ÍeqJ bók¿?
S) lL ofb` üo 7c~ .dD ,sJWoy?P@a3} .
73u ` fa ck^-Lr^,.?
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Siib n"d £t.rcti.
rü i. d. Íp. tqdi do ar óe.€
1 H ó 1 !o ] ii<ü"pc! --.., Ai a„ 9bop
! m colc`góo`ouü:cr.o±¢. _ 3la¿k
•` -1 <m tt. í.`fa¢ Itm` - ' ao Sar,ta`r
¢ m-ú: } mi L.`r im. - :i i bm.-, br .
S. - ú` .,`cn L:Zt ae`r .J a óTit±-.-. 1 `Li.. S`LJ=i 2:rsi
6 --é-``i-5> c c+cEa:^ -` t-. r :,
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io m üi'l ti:C+. S}. .m}aaz ' --> ==C`. P.-..` .:} Pí '.`err„ ;hst mA ..L*d
You óns`Üeí€d g tasÁs oüt cí .o coíret!ly, That i.s 9o%.
® :,.:r,t*k.! :sst:b:5hy'®B#P
® fteyo"hEPpy,
® = =-.r3T,J"o=-r=,
® lschedíe in roLir€La8S.
® k yaür 86ndüich bQx bíüe?
® Are ttiéy G.rmsn?
® i!tl`.cb3frredr
® Aml üBtg7
® AÍoth€ kjd3 €n"w
iKP so k +he c`t`~^c`?
v)0 7ü- t_:K{ e^+ 5Usr.?
i/JOJ C7f#` O/o 7Q7. C-í SL£4`,
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E^ercise 1 -Presenc glrr`p e ar d ccj-t`ir «*Lis
®=F:*.#Wbjff. :¥c¥t%#¡wT# °+#uÍ:f* C°»tmDü fom.
1 Sh. -. rmrmg (rün) béc.Üi. i)wt (ate f¢r rL.r €isóí`
2 0Ür te.Choi.lriays Jva , (Qhí h!%-t`oí"í.rrii
J vw dadiwaii ,'m*.n.` mgot..bco"Íi
¢ Wh3t tims om |oLlfn3dB]g lyoll / mest ?.n® tomolTow.
5 ] 'm ool wcribg (aei wo-kt rod.y.n L,r hol]day
a poople >¡peBi {sp®ak; E83i `r. r, )ama`|r!
> rmnlicli le.;cori£: Éiiitl mÉ.r.:i£;eL > Eitglisli tc±£ #®791
1. Shc drinks ceffce. Does slt€ dri¡ik .ofFee? /
2. H€.s i)Iqftg football. [s hc ijlti¡ri.ig foott}all? /
1 au. dr€amino. ^m t drgsminS? .
. Shc llkcs Ei`gland. l>oe.g dc like Fnglóiid.? /
Thcy `morl[ in Lo.`doii. t}o `li€ry t«iri iii Lo"k.i`.i /
. Wc ar. `mtcli¡.`g T`Í. Ar€ w€ wdmíúr!g W? .
/ tLT
1 -.`Lri¿
/ r.~| C``3[::L'L{-`,i„
¿_'`,,: :,,,!:eb 'r
l ¢cn`ií`q:.areyour€riendsünfet" `q` ',':;' '.-1
hst üme 3f® L,'o`r bieílós ¢omhg?
2 (Cürkry i~Jc3:ión' you oÍ` Wti.`€ vi`jt¿ing sr(:`
3 `+Jhc y`.ii a~e tr>? `spea[irig
apeahhg io?
4 y<,u <ii.® c.myirig lüít:9ht? `..'?w?re
5_ írTéL(i:±L E8:i `cu_ are doirg``
6 i{i `tt>i!i' t ; .ttííien MoS<{i`^}. tr.iin iir!'iv{rii3
7 déncing .4iile `.¢ho;9 my .`tit i '
8 the`í 'v'b.?t b:jyir`g ' (..i. arc.
9 .`Ór( Áíg peóL}!€ H®.+ r-=-,
10 yoil `./'lut aía drií`k:rS'7
hal .Íe yoü drinlhg.
*Rn gc>c, .plcnn.i` b óo O.ri U¢cq+DÉ
2, Uho{+ pbces c)o p lik£ b u.`s`ik?
i!. '!S
-,-_k; . uisp+ "KAc,"
'0 3ew ±tAA4^+ -b Ge¡pns7?
CQ ~r7 c»c^spr- Crirals&th(}qp:)`?
ryc*Üoüs ¿^i``ricl|.
hQü C^/'C
A+e +he_yj cw foccer . d*dvun?
C1 fev=lpc>® '. `. ,
cn sz,n@ e*.,c 2j±±,S` he*:cc>
O,e c;ie ~y>c?m+icd`.shprh{ar7m
íhere u q ¿G+ Of
ti. th®ve
:ire `ls C
rr F|(c7i`(e ?
r(pJÍ+Ó^ ` r &/ryqr`±
(c?( o-Í m®^ej
+h¿{e f5 .1¡ Hb rvTgft.,cT
! WV2. ng ~¥ n¢ r.4xprri
o fe-
áJch ,
Ac +. vi L:-Á¿;sc:`,pho^
f ti) C(ó? ~`d =5_ / Cn`
eftp137?? qf s LTán
h-¥, -i,^Xr¡chJ``,í:"`S`3.:¿r.
fzac3c) m +k /Gfy`.É~8 rG
É`#e K=kk@n +k,e c,/€
re_ C`Úe yró>r-,
b,9Je, / cr #~+r-7
 ,.,' lu€ +d#+* {`,- f23£
U-', L "
ihp``i., i.Jf`J,,
`¡j,C F íü,1c 't`|`
+J :Tr r,.r- '-.:'
i- `''-e
({y í¡u.p
í¿' rj /
`T¿'>`ÁJ, {, ` ,` +tí,-l
Ú--.:` L..= *`
'L Í. -) ,,Ca(,l/ ,,-` ,ri`',
"jb`,,, í `, f`
í`Pí;C-í `f :v ?H`
{.J,: C¡''C í ,.,... l/,r
. ( u-+ „ `,1 r-`` ' `(
1} Tt]ereareriFñ:ií-people y+r.o pr3fer t: `,..r. :á~.-: --3
2} Wedonthave -r.á:-timeto.istei` tc í:|. :'?]m3Jhts
3} YouneedrTiFt`ot.-:irr¡3:.3fn:s.r .J=Lr-:~É..:-.
4} Lookatthe5k. `Gjcér s€3 Háb:± 3i':€=.,-- =s:_:-t.é'±
5} Haveyourecei€G'-`+¿-.-,- ==:.r=--:~.:_,;_=.:
6) r-peodelr`3w t-E:.=` r`:r.= :J:.::-Jr:E'.:ars
7} Ican5eethat` -=.€-±-':;-€s[ --E:i-:~É
8) -ca,icar! =-Tr==* 3J-:l`jrpr-.:.-
9; lherewe'e-il -.-- :'±:r:-s '-:-é:...=:£ =3=sLTiE':
10) I am `er+' bus., : :-a`e -.|ña-[l`.ngs to do
ii) Mar+: ts nst a m,;.ioriaire. I am sure he doe5n't have -riñ-money
12) I "t a -bft of sugar in my coffee becaüse 1 don't like it ye*y 5weet
i3; Peter has a stomach ache Bnd Éhat íg bec&gise he ate rgÑar bÉcufts
14) He didn't have ; án;ñT iüEk. He iüst a!t ms m®me¥ ir§ the £asñno
i5} [t is a very sma!! Í.,aE. park; it allDws ; -fi-Éjñ;}:/" c3r5
i6} We haven`t hÉi: { "ri-Ü.ñ-f"- raiH düring this ¥.gar
17¡ lhav boüií`s c¥f the Se€SFtd SÁ¢Srid 'War
|g} iie made r*r+n éff®rc ÉS ¥,¢im ±he race
19} Martin doesn't eBt ¡~áriiü-Maftin dc3e5rB.€ eat
2ü} Do you have rü.; i;, ~^ fr!ends in Eng!and?
21} iie w3s veFy fu{;w` anci said ;TíñffF nonsertge
22} FrfflT pe®ple c-~ .-qF€e wfth ¥oHr pstnt Sf #igw aBoÜÉ immf§rEtí®n
23} After r¥ñF atrj;í>pt§ he coiiíd €r®ss ghe rive,-
2q} Ín the m®ming `{J€ii raFÉ seg rir"~q±~ #e:Sg rüftning tü th£ bgadh
25) iie found rññÉ: st*9:.¥Sf in Íqis fBmiíy when he ©ot di`fc!rced
Your results
You answered 10 task5 oLat oí 10 correctiy. That is 100eío.
H®ÁÍ much mcme}` is iri a bank?
H®w many pec}rj``-> iive on isEand5?
H®`'.í {i* i .ix `)recií; :s eLi€en per day?
H®w mücst waE€r js m {jie ocean9
H®w mücH saím í5 iit ih€ deseíts?
H®W m&ffiy Úii'¿¡S ar€ €tiÉre?
li®w iridii,' uo, ,€:* f`ií é tii€r€ iii the hum3n body?
H®w iTiafly £ciuii [t i€s ai.€ there i'n the worid?
Ii®w mü¢R iítfoirria-tioBi is on thE ínternet?
H®w m£fty stai s z2`€ lli€re iii the sky?
Exercise 1 ®®oo®
Decide whether you have to use cJ j;.r£jg or # /e#
1 a fgw@ app]es
2. a litt¡ep rice
3. a few@ bicycies
4. a fewp trees
5. a few¢ boys
6. a iftlep money
7. a few!? dogs
8. a littleLiB time
9. a líttSe{P sug6r
• 0. a few`íJ ciips
Great. all answers are €®rrect!
House ancí hc}r?.`ie
Exerd}se 1 -:: cme. a!ri;, r:~¿.`i€!íi, mari¥p a itst í3f, a iíttíe, a fevv
atoos® the cort.ect an5v/er.
1. There arér. r ¿-á`` .-.- car D3rLs `n th.e centíe of Oxford.J
:: :3`::::aco::.:je a¡-::{"':` 3o'-,.€=r:ea:rq€.gehtac::=t *" ' £heap restauranw
4. HurTi up! ..`€ ol;: r3`.e é *:E . ümE before the coach leav€s.J'
5. We saw s¿Té -; [É.a;.tíu. scsner.,` when m went to Austria./
6. TT,ere are a ..-ew . sb reir t;Le ii`níversity.V
7, it's very q{.¡EL T;ier€ a-Ér.t ;.-ám . peopie here today.V
8. There are some . e`F€r.s" |`.€i.=` íle{s r@y`t to the river.Ú
Y®ur resuLts
You answered 10 tasks oi¡t of t.t` c®rr€`, Thé`t is ioffl.
Theí# is a bag an th€ tablc.
Th®ri£ is a catendar o,i tha ,<7ail`
Ther€ ar® two posteís in ti`/ Íoom.
Theíe i§ d baflana in this basket.
Ther® ai'€ >i.`` `i ,á. ; ~ ` ....,
Th®rs is a miríor in ouÍ i`éil.
Ther£ Bre 12 cushior¿s c.r` `r`€ sioía`
1`h®re is a big wardrób€ m m}' sisteí's bedroDm.
TharS arS children in `-ri€ `'aíd.
What do you and your family do from the Monday to Friday and the weekend?
In the week normally 1 wake up at 7 o'clock. Then 1 go to the dining room and my mom made the
breakfast later my dad and my mom go to the job. Then 1 prepare for the school and made the
homework. Depending on the class schedu!e ! made the lunch or my mom made the lunch, after 1
go to the school and 1 back to my house depending on the class schedule because on Monday
Wednesday, Friday 1 back at 10, Tuesday 1 back at s and Thursday 1 back at 9.When 1 go to my
house they welcome me then 1 made the diner and we coexist a little and finally 1 sleep at 12
But in the weekenc! 1 wake up later more than the 7.My family always made the housework on
Saturday in the moming. Next we frequently go to cinema, family event; we walked the dogs to
the park, we visited some places of the city, hang out with friends or we are staying home. On
Sunday normally v`/e stayed home to make homework, watch the TV or watch Netflix, but
frequently we just v,.ent out to eat in some restaurant.
Ricardo Aguilar Ruiz
cÍ? ® LÁJ + `
ri T:ra± `d L` -
;J';(o++,-3_s::/A w:# /ú;.rüAD /M V/+i
-- V c- ¢¢;J ,--,)
}tuj3L± /J/ TücC-Q-f fr£(.
•F=7 97- ti=£ M
Ricardo Aguilar Ruiz
Best my Friend
One of my best friends is Juan Antonio Neri Torres.
`= ÁJ6,
in Naucalpan. He has 4 turtles their names are Seya, Donatiu, Miguel, Angel. Hi§
hobbies are listen music, play videogames of console and pc, watch Nefflix and
watch videos on YouTube, read comics of Batman and go to the cine.
His father work in the bank and his mom is housewife.
His birth day is in the 6 of December
ln the primary he studied in the Chamizal and the high school 221 Tlacaelel, now
he study in the cecyt 1 1
Ricardo Aguilar Ruiz
My ideal house
My ideal house would a smart house that it will wo
house and have a fountain.
enéÉy. The house
many windows
d have
The house would have, three bathrooms and one of them have a Jacuzzi., four
bedrooms, a gym, a modern cook , a swimming pool outside the house also have
a backyard that have trees, basketball court, soccer field and dog house.
W-hn+ K`^o' Off>¢3~m cÁ.7c2Lz /t`Fe
WLé+ #-'¿ccJ
*`.`A`/C> Lc t-,

i" w,`th, -f{-ift-o,? <` ;``````'``
q .
`,r`i de jou (;l`,e
'(c}r7ícf@~ Of cáeffl .-
CT ± c)cn` ®fk9h @C`+ a+;es tc.Ljnc>h+s
C`.T+Ve Í¿ccdJ ¢'S L'SuG`(1g SaecJ c±`+ L/FPS
tl_t fl_+ fl+he'1_-r
/f,c-o's +Áp i',~J-t.:. {~+hp`r C)Desh+ c)o hop .vovt
9C}T Dt*_5 Lc |;¢ i`^ a €/a+?
3lr D. +i€/ hqw c/`i(ojíp^?
yl LiLc+ rmp JÓ~ f^o SAopc/o3¿o,`
•3ST 1+°` n`* bro+h°r.S oJ Í-istrs do 5cguhcst P
T3!°.TTt`eve o,-,er c^ lo+ ef a hc7`+s |e,€
10T-± V`e@J +e +e((3ou Sof`^t. +(``,c=`.
Tffiíc1 don't like s'occer, but 1
i 2GROUP 2W DATE 9~ ( 3
1 Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency. Use:, rarely, , always normally, never ,
meat, they are vegetarian.
::¥Er#,arly, except on Sundays.
ng about her,1 love that girl.
110rder the words to mal(e sentences.
6. isalwaysshe lateschool at.
7. everl drinkhardly
hp ;c; c`.)l-,-
.4- t,- Z+
8. gotime dó whatto usuálly b;ffl 
9. ,.4ffe'i s¢ea/etfiúúg[yóñíthezñ¢FB i
10. at often 1 restaurants don't eat. -
`.r'-#;> L,
` ,`,, c+,"-)c-,¢-AJí
11. mysometimesfriendswfth l havea beer. -`| s+]üT,~ ~" nc,i„-fr ;zCFpÍ wt+h í``Lr+`r ;4fi®`£
12.foodatthe8oodisusuallyvIPS. /'`T tpí+ L ` r`:L'`¿ ! ;„ ¿cxjc7 f.J||T í'rct,fiK .
111. complete with the correct forms.(for actions now)
13.What ii theman €/cÍ®W
(pay) attention?
~.`. , _ .-,, CGC, c>.í I¿j r-r~
14. ,/il`,+-
15. /L!,p your father
16"atch out! ! A dog
17. Believe me,
(work) at this
the kids £^,^
(run) to us.
19. Silence please, the baby
(play) in their ro
(feel) so hungry right now.
m right now./
(sleep) at this moment. u/
lv Complete the sentences with an affirmative or negative form of the verb.(use don't or
St;;9;y P,ave like sp/ak p/ay ¢Ó eat read drive
20. (+) he ( ` -_ -
2-1. (+) My father
the times
``i hGt
22. (-) her house is big, but it
23. (+) We very well.
a garden.
npw`é2i Roscrr¢rz> r4sk(cm`a
S- rcz_ GL9rp1' /%#`?VhGt-€ O;af'

rü wz=L>
'Lü fl;j;J bf.uí` T
Ah;:}b,o,@#,-+€:¡LJ`Á9GÍ:¿:bec "
VLJ£ ::@-; üQ d:sV(¿-u¿:e cg{ Hr¥o e(ec+{`hc?+Ü?
U:lNh°er: dddo:: #hsb°+:`!,` b3rú#
1^ tt;hG`+ #zw vc^s - bcvn
``h€íe €*flc+> ^Z4 _ bG7Ín ?
Whop Wr° jc» tocwn>
l`w Gc7rn i` n€+r~f;É
tu'haJe 20L; bo/n t.r
h/o/ ± wc^s^t
WE,cvl7 ici' bom7
± `iJcr£ buv4n ,` ..,
W €>C,L, +¥í>t€fjHÓ;É`'ú m Á„,>
.-tú U,LIC}S
---`ü-h¿ lz-c>-s--c-nf-i -L/ _á-f_-_l,¿,p£p ``

,he,i we/p )c-
lmm Cy...Stzew(c>/Ü: -
*Ajv.- LÁ,&S rc*C+:
V-Who wG{s€e.+w 'of .'-ff;het:
w'iu L47C+ CT- r,,€~/cJ
wh LLe,J a (iec.ldí ó>f Gc2e,4:
Wie uu,# eósczi¿ ¿cé ti((á¿?
9Ebwcns a lc'J{icAn ¢of+ c>~'c?-tc/
t`' lqM w`Gsswcm?
j+€ w# brv` Ll^ rejce,C, ÍC+|J
. iz/en wn S`he horív` . . `'-1,1-_  -__ _';*-`:¿s-v>o`,^ `: -ií* ,ng >_S c* (ci?s
Your re§uns
I `iias ln CanbefTa last sprlng.
We w.f. st school last Satusday.
Tlna tüas at liome yesteíday.
H€ wl6 happy-
Robeít and Stan wefe 6ariy's trlends.
you w®m veíy busy on Friday`
Th€y w.r® in fmnt of trie supemarket.
1 "as l!i the museum.
She `6ra3 in South Africa Last month.
Je§slca and Nimberbí w«ie Latc for scliool
i •¥
JH=, T j. - _
clta ?
`üT- £ co, - JJ
•ü-LÍW- !
+h® w" r
ü,`. i ahgrY " ou?
W Bjll amd ed ?ffi resta,J
Hli . . ¡hQLl*hi
 i,ü-` hti L]ri kl car? + +
SimpLe Past: Write qüestions with mas ®i. weie.
Y®u were in Liverpool.
Correct! Well done.
¥our score ié: 100%.EE
Wcre ¥8i] in Ljv€rpml?
He wa§ in
Was he in
We were in New Tork.
Were we in New York?
Yaü were in Hamburg.
W€r€ you in HambLirg?
They were in Birmingham.
Wcr€ they in BirpffiÉham?
Check aT"er§
3 pregLmtas escritas
]. ka'.ie *asstci
• , =T¿ :'. 3;Lsest `}'€áie{da}Z!
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  • 4. J r, Lbw ofk„- c,¿ >ou 8o +he C,t`h@,,nc_` Z ){» of+. cb ?c,cJso +Á@ „-5kp? 3) [{ew ofki cb 7cjc+ Licmj cLl `+z?+4 ;cW Í,-,e~ós? i)ibv; G£h o;o7üu s) lbw ofb` c)o 7cju (.:iS* tJi}U ` 7J `,)•G).(ti o GAé- 'r nc)r'm wt,c'h c> .+ L_ .,; v`eoic} bóks> •dD , shoíJp@ftj> . fó Ck/-c,-^>? lc}ihe c``inemch 2 Liyie_sc+ =L' Í_,, ) C r- _?=, , +uic,e á=-we€k •1 b- = Q`t±Lc-oru k +hc ho¿e? ?H7joht o+ - „ --1- { ;¥Í!,;'::É°"J^ocb;o;ÉKqf-.++
  • 5. _ ____ ------- = ------------------ S°h"4'+°dso774¿%Zf¢7"¿";(7U c)maJO RAR S28 /:t, ;:= .--.. L:, L: Gü o.i +he w€e K€no),`
  • 6. r) `Éw -ofk-n cjo >ou go +h€ ct`hemc` Z lbJ of+¢ cb 7oc+so +Áe /nakp? 3) HJe}W ofki cb 7cjc/ Licmj cLl w?+4 ;otJr Ít.,e~ds} 1)(bv G£¢| o;o7~ ÍeqJ bók¿? S) lL ofb` üo 7c~ .dD ,sJWoy?P@a3} . •.>,n-`-. Í#1`,tJSo/rncM'maj¢. wÚc,h 73u ` fa ck^-Lr^,.? (``,`net/ir`ch 2 Li.;`|e_ Sc7 _`?, +uic,e cá=-we€k •1 +ft = t nc,rho r fícq Q``€`:ELciho^W` k +hc ho¿e? #7í:!¥b:t #;Lh 9 f'`enJs. { i hc,,wÚ = j:r¢ei°';:n3„°c:;F fi "M
  • 7. . ^,::¥ -"- EfiglüshE"€ nEEEE " BE]BBB. " ¿,,„cÁ:eA`. Siib n"d £t.rcti. rü i. d. Íp. tqdi do ar óe.€ 1 H ó 1 !o ] ii<ü"pc! --.., Ai a„ 9bop ! m colc`góo`ouü:cr.o±¢. _ 3la¿k •` -1 <m tt. í.`fa¢ Itm` - ' ao Sar,ta`r ¢ m-ú: } mi L.`r im. - :i i bm.-, br . S. - ú` .,`cn L:Zt ae`r .J a óTit±-.-. 1 `Li.. S`LJ=i 2:rsi 6 --é-``i-5> c c+cEa:^ -` t-. r :, 7 -i É£g tl? ;all :.t`= ' - L Sb: cs` g €!J: c=: &flEI||Ó`ait!t.}`mcñ?-.,.T`.i:q:`p;.T 9 =B-dm }'ou btEB ?`"1. -. H. =t*i`r` . ! ¢E £i::=r7 io m üi'l ti:C+. S}. .m}aaz ' --> ==C`. P.-..` .:} Pí '.`err„ ;hst mA ..L*d íJ"#.,
  • 8. You óns`Üeí€d g tasÁs oüt cí .o coíret!ly, That i.s 9o%. ® :,.:r,t*k.! :sst:b:5hy'®B#P ® fteyo"hEPpy, ® = =-.r3T,J"o=-r=, ®w.---- ® lschedíe in roLir€La8S. ® k yaür 86ndüich bQx bíüe? ® Are ttiéy G.rmsn? ® i!tl`.cb3frredr ® Aml üBtg7 ® AÍoth€ kjd3 €n"w
  • 9. iKP so k +he c`t`~^c`? ¡T£w%uf¿:r,tew,:,e©4rm;f:„7,`cc`„„„ v)0 7ü- t_:K{ e^+ 5Usr.? i/JOJ C7f#` O/o 7Q7. C-í SL£4`, •=.,. ÓJ &,?.:, ', í l . ¢q_c,,,`,„ _--- •¡,.J:iJ±.'!T - 1 Dc>. 7ou [,.k< lJÓ- o{b r Of:Oo`Í# +,-u, c„t c,{ Ad -c/ r` :;:; Loc>4sF T``. .til Sl;,j`.¥.á~. .,- 1, • ` ` _ t'` r` ^ ``
  • 10. é`t¢h® cl,€ He fcah-,7' +hQ +r¿:`¥_*,r Of 7C3ÍL,, `.' -%á,,S``. !¡ Vht{ om +hev ho~ST?, „ oÜ a¢ t¢,? `:ü HPJ Wy.W7 ||`,v v`crn7 poop& `` = U, 4" - ) 1 7 ? •-+ 70v f=-: 2??Lefá ma~Lér3 car dc)ty`5} td h~ GÍ€ +he, ? „7h@Íc+ }c~z fi 4hu? ©© ±€-:-=,¿=-=: PobGL£;L4/ 15h¿_ ?s c>ch~j ! )
  • 11. SimplePresentorPresentProgressiw/Continuous-Enrcíse2 you,r-'ü U. .=tn7`j . .jú. ,`` ` €, i® ZTri> TEll ® m ®/-,|__T~rúccm.^ ® a-' .... `-'=th- ® -Tt- .-P=: € tJ- .- tb - ® i `- --L-l - . C- 12.T- ® 1-=-`-.i_,-±.;¡-,_ ®:=i:==i,:.=L-=B ® --¢-` ECT=. .-= -=~- ®i-.----_Lr-¿C-h.- ® .:r=±±rd]>!i--a.em--. ® c.o`=-1 Personallty E^ercise 1 -Presenc glrr`p e ar d ccj-t`ir «*Lis ®=F:*.#Wbjff. :¥c¥t%#¡wT# °+#uÍ:f* C°»tmDü fom. 1 Sh. -. rmrmg (rün) béc.Üi. i)wt (ate f¢r rL.r €isóí` 2 0Ür te.Choi.lriays Jva , (Qhí h!%-t`oí"í.rrii J vw dadiwaii ,'m*.n.` mgot..bco"Íi ¢ Wh3t tims om |oLlfn3dB]g lyoll / mest ?.n® tomolTow. 5 ] 'm ool wcribg (aei wo-kt rod.y.n L,r hol]day a poople >¡peBi {sp®ak; E83i `r. r, )ama`|r! i_S€_q,L3ii".q!~g#~e3m > rmnlicli le.;cori£: Éiiitl mÉ.r.:i£;eL > Eitglisli tc±£ #®791 Reststí 1. Shc drinks ceffce. Does slt€ dri¡ik .ofFee? / 2. H€.s i)Iqftg football. [s hc ijlti¡ri.ig foott}all? / 1 au. dr€amino. ^m t drgsminS? . . Shc llkcs Ei`gland. l>oe.g dc like Fnglóiid.? / Thcy `morl[ in Lo.`doii. t}o `li€ry t«iri iii Lo"k.i`.i / . Wc ar. `mtcli¡.`g T`Í. Ar€ w€ wdmíúr!g W? . / tLT u'p 1 -.`Lri¿ `.--.,¿,:-`=-~`±_
  • 12. / r.~| C``3[::L'L{-`,i„ ¿_'`,,: :,,,!:eb 'r l ¢cn`ií`q:.areyour€riendsünfet" `q` ',':;' '.-1 hst üme 3f® L,'o`r bieílós ¢omhg? / 2 (Cürkry i~Jc3:ión' you oÍ` Wti.`€ vi`jt¿ing sr(:` / 3 `+Jhc y`.ii a~e tr>? `spea[irig apeahhg io? / 4 y<,u <ii.® c.myirig lüít:9ht? `..'?w?re / 5_ írTéL(i:±L E8:i `cu_ are doirg`` / 6 i{i `tt>i!i' t ; .ttííien MoS<{i`^}. tr.iin iir!'iv{rii3 / 7 déncing .4iile `.¢ho;9 my .`tit i ' / 8 the`í 'v'b.?t b:jyir`g ' (..i. arc. / 9 .`Ór( Áíg peóL}!€ H®.+ r-=-, / 10 yoil `./'lut aía drií`k:rS'7 hal .Íe yoü drinlhg.
  • 13. --------____-___-____-__l;__ó=___á*___ú_;-;_;i_,-S:3) *Rn gc>c, .plcnn.i` b óo O.ri U¢cq+DÉ 2, Uho{+ pbces c)o p lik£ b u.`s`ik? i!. '!S -,-_k; . uisp+ "KAc," '0 3ew ±tAA4^+ -b Ge¡pns7? CQ ~r7 c»c^spr- Crirals&th(}qp:)`? #ccá=c+-=o#o^s#%'°c:;t: ryc*Üoüs ¿^i``ricl|. hQü C^/'C A+e +he_yj cw foccer . d*dvun? C1 fev=lpc>® '. `. , el+h cn sz,n@ e*.,c 2j±±,S` he*:cc> O,e c;ie ~y>c?m+icd`.shprh{ar7m íhere u q ¿G+ Of TSTwQr,?n! ti. th®ve :ire `ls C 4 rr F|(c7i`(e ? r(pJÍ+Ó^ ` r &/ryqr`± (c?( o-Í m®^ej +h¿{e f5 .1¡ Hb rvTgft.,cT
  • 14. ! WV2. ng ~¥ n¢ r.4xprri q(o:,_&_+,?rl_+ o fe- áJch , fTHfeTT#c"AL Ac +. vi L:-Á¿;sc:`,pho^ Ki+chc1, f ti) C(ó? ~`d =5_ / Cn` hL7 the_; eftp137?? qf s LTán +„#íPZ:``:c:-PZ:ezí h-¥, -i,^Xr¡chJ``,í:"`S`3.:¿r. fzac3c) m +k /Gfy`.É~8 rG t'ÉE É`#e K=kk@n +k,e c,/€ , re_ C`Úe yró>r-, ::d,.s±cK.j,KL.iás,`,-.` b,9Je, / cr #~+r-7 ,.,' lu€ +d#+* {`,- f23£ U-', L " ihp``i., i.Jf`J,, `¡j,C F íü,1c 't`|` +J :Tr r,.r- '-.:' ., i- `''-e ({y í¡u.p
  • 15. m_- í'r í¿' rj / `T¿'>`ÁJ, {, ` ,` +tí,-l Ú--.:` L..= *` 'L Í. -) ,,Ca(,l/ ,,-` ,ri`', "jb`,,, í `, f` ?ÜD 3 í`Pí;C-í `f :v ?H` {.J,: C¡''C í ,.,... l/,r upey--@v`ár: . ( u-+ „ `,1 r-`` ' `(
  • 16. 1} Tt]ereareriFñ:ií-people y+r.o pr3fer t: `,..r. :á~.-: --3 2} Wedonthave -r.á:-timeto.istei` tc í:|. :'?]m3Jhts 3} YouneedrTiFt`ot.-:irr¡3:.3fn:s.r .J=Lr-:~É..:-. 4} Lookatthe5k. `Gjcér s€3 Háb:± 3i':€=.,-- =s:_:-t.é'± 5} Haveyourecei€G'-`+¿-.-,- ==:.r=--:~.:_,;_=.: 6) r-peodelr`3w t-E:.=` r`:r.= :J:.::-Jr:E'.:ars 7} Ican5eethat` -=.€-±-':;-€s[ --E:i-:~É 8) -ca,icar! =-Tr==* 3J-:l`jrpr-.:.- 9; lherewe'e-il -.-- :'±:r:-s '-:-é:...=:£ =3=sLTiE': 10) I am `er+' bus., : :-a`e -.|ña-[l`.ngs to do ii) Mar+: ts nst a m,;.ioriaire. I am sure he doe5n't have -riñ-money 12) I "t a -bft of sugar in my coffee becaüse 1 don't like it ye*y 5weet i3; Peter has a stomach ache Bnd Éhat íg bec&gise he ate rgÑar bÉcufts 14) He didn't have ; án;ñT iüEk. He iüst a!t ms m®me¥ ir§ the £asñno i5} [t is a very sma!! Í.,aE. park; it allDws ; -fi-Éjñ;}:/" c3r5 i6} We haven`t hÉi: { "ri-Ü.ñ-f"- raiH düring this ¥.gar 17¡ lhav boüií`s c¥f the Se€SFtd SÁ¢Srid 'War |g} iie made r*r+n éff®rc ÉS ¥,¢im ±he race 19} Martin doesn't eBt ¡~áriiü-Maftin dc3e5rB.€ eat 2ü} Do you have rü.; i;, ~^ fr!ends in Eng!and? 21} iie w3s veFy fu{;w` anci said ;TíñffF nonsertge 22} FrfflT pe®ple c-~ .-qF€e wfth ¥oHr pstnt Sf #igw aBoÜÉ immf§rEtí®n 23} After r¥ñF atrj;í>pt§ he coiiíd €r®ss ghe rive,- 2q} Ín the m®ming `{J€ii raFÉ seg rir"~q±~ #e:Sg rüftning tü th£ bgadh 25) iie found rññÉ: st*9:.¥Sf in Íqis fBmiíy when he ©ot di`fc!rced
  • 17. Your results You answered 10 task5 oLat oí 10 correctiy. That is 100eío. ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® H®ÁÍ much mcme}` is iri a bank? H®w many pec}rj``-> iive on isEand5? H®`'.í {i* i .ix `)recií; :s eLi€en per day? H®w mücst waE€r js m {jie ocean9 H®w mücH saím í5 iit ih€ deseíts? H®W m&ffiy Úii'¿¡S ar€ €tiÉre? li®w iridii,' uo, ,€:* f`ií é tii€r€ iii the hum3n body? H®w iTiafly £ciuii [t i€s ai.€ there i'n the worid? Ii®w mü¢R iítfoirria-tioBi is on thE ínternet? H®w m£fty stai s z2`€ lli€re iii the sky? Exercise 1 ®®oo® Decide whether you have to use cJ j;.r£jg or # /e# 1 a fgw@ app]es 2. a litt¡ep rice 3. a few@ bicycies 4. a fewp trees 5. a few¢ boys 6. a iftlep money 7. a few!? dogs 8. a littleLiB time 9. a líttSe{P sug6r • 0. a few`íJ ciips Great. all answers are €®rrect!
  • 18. House ancí hc}r?.`ie Exerd}se 1 -:: cme. a!ri;, r:~¿.`i€!íi, mari¥p a itst í3f, a iíttíe, a fevv atoos® the cort.ect an5v/er. 1. There arér. r ¿-á`` .-.- car D3rLs `n th.e centíe of Oxford.J :: :3`::::aco::.:je a¡-::{"':` 3o'-,.€=r:ea:rq€.gehtac::=t *" ' £heap restauranw 4. HurTi up! ..`€ ol;: r3`.e é *:E . ümE before the coach leav€s.J' 5. We saw s¿Té -; [É.a;.tíu. scsner.,` when m went to Austria./ 6. TT,ere are a ..-ew . sb reir t;Le ii`níversity.V 7, it's very q{.¡EL T;ier€ a-Ér.t ;.-ám . peopie here today.V 8. There are some . e`F€r.s" |`.€i.=` íle{s r@y`t to the river.Ú Y®ur resuLts You answered 10 tasks oi¡t of t.t` c®rr€`, Thé`t is ioffl. ® ® ® ® ® Theí# is a bag an th€ tablc. Th®ri£ is a catendar o,i tha ,<7ail` Ther€ ar® two posteís in ti`/ Íoom. Theíe i§ d baflana in this basket. Ther® ai'€ >i.`` `i ,á. ; ~ ` ...., ®Tmreareknsoíbooksc,`,heshelf, ® ® ® ® Th®rs is a miríor in ouÍ i`éil. Ther£ Bre 12 cushior¿s c.r` `r`€ sioía` 1`h®re is a big wardrób€ m m}' sisteí's bedroDm. TharS arS children in `-ri€ `'aíd.
  • 19. Composition What do you and your family do from the Monday to Friday and the weekend? In the week normally 1 wake up at 7 o'clock. Then 1 go to the dining room and my mom made the breakfast later my dad and my mom go to the job. Then 1 prepare for the school and made the homework. Depending on the class schedu!e ! made the lunch or my mom made the lunch, after 1 go to the school and 1 back to my house depending on the class schedule because on Monday Wednesday, Friday 1 back at 10, Tuesday 1 back at s and Thursday 1 back at 9.When 1 go to my house they welcome me then 1 made the diner and we coexist a little and finally 1 sleep at 12 o,clock. But in the weekenc! 1 wake up later more than the 7.My family always made the housework on Saturday in the moming. Next we frequently go to cinema, family event; we walked the dogs to the park, we visited some places of the city, hang out with friends or we are staying home. On Sunday normally v`/e stayed home to make homework, watch the TV or watch Netflix, but frequently we just v,.ent out to eat in some restaurant. Ricardo Aguilar Ruiz 2lv14 t`_,~-J--,Y7^-- Lfl/Ah¿pÓÚcp) cÍ? ® LÁJ + ` =f.jstÁCL-:-,f,,r- 4cfí£f ri T:ra± `d L` - ;J';(o++,-3_s::/A w:# /ú;.rüAD /M V/+i -- V c- ¢¢;J ,--,) }tuj3L± /J/ TücC-Q-f fr£(. •F=7 97- ti=£ M
  • 20. Ricardo Aguilar Ruiz 2IV14 Best my Friend One of my best friends is Juan Antonio Neri Torres. J~- `= ÁJ6, in Naucalpan. He has 4 turtles their names are Seya, Donatiu, Miguel, Angel. Hi§ hobbies are listen music, play videogames of console and pc, watch Nefflix and watch videos on YouTube, read comics of Batman and go to the cine. His father work in the bank and his mom is housewife. His birth day is in the 6 of December ln the primary he studied in the Chamizal and the high school 221 Tlacaelel, now he study in the cecyt 1 1
  • 21. Ricardo Aguilar Ruiz 2lv14 My ideal house My ideal house would a smart house that it will wo wouidhavegardeninthehouse'sroof,WogaragT§Svea house and have a fountain. qA enéÉy. The house rdeÉdutsideofthe 1wouldlikethatoneofmywallswasaplantwall,thefloorúaÉQa many windows d have The house would have, three bathrooms and one of them have a Jacuzzi., four bedrooms, a gym, a modern cook , a swimming pool outside the house also have a backyard that have trees, basketball court, soccer field and dog house.
  • 22. -__-------`--------------------.--.---------------------_-------_- W-hn+ K`^o' Off>¢3~m cÁ.7c2Lz /t`Fe ,h¢ WLé+ #-'¿ccJ *`.`A`/C> Lc t-, i" w,`th, -f{-ift-o,? <` ;``````'`` ' q . whJ,? L'#GtÉáds+4,.~/pp/út*`.„,,,,hfc>t` .,Ílg/` `,r`i de jou (;l`,e -ó,,
  • 23. '(c}r7ícf@~ Of cáeffl .- H CT ± c)cn` ®fk9h @C`+ a+;es tc.Ljnc>h+s C`.T+Ve Í¿ccdJ ¢'S L'SuG`(1g SaecJ c±`+ L/FPS iiñ tl_t fl_+ fl+he'1_-r iii /f,c-o's +Áp i',~J-t.:. {~+hp`r C)Desh+ c)o hop .vovt 9C}T Dt*_5 Lc |;¢ i`^ a €/a+? 3lr D. +i€/ hqw c/`i(ojíp^? yl LiLc+ rmp JÓ~ f^o SAopc/o3¿o,` iH •3ST 1+°` n`* bro+h°r.S oJ Í-istrs do 5cguhcst P T3!°.TTt`eve o,-,er c^ lo+ ef a hc7`+s |e,€ 10T-± V`e@J +e +e((3ou Sof`^t. +(``,c=`.
  • 24. •Cl lNSTITUTO POUTECNIC0 NACIONAL CECYT 11 WILFRIDO MASSIEU FIRSTPERI0DEXAMENGUSH2 NAME Í{..CGi Tffiíc1 don't like s'occer, but 1 i 2GROUP 2W DATE 9~ ( 3 1 Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency. Use:, rarely, , always normally, never , sometimes meat, they are vegetarian. h#}#h:::C¿::hdaLt;S¿ousinherboririendisina ::¥Er#,arly, except on Sundays. ng about her,1 love that girl. 110rder the words to mal(e sentences. 6. isalwaysshe lateschool at. 7. everl drinkhardly hp ;c; c`.)l-,- .4- t,- Z+ 8. gotime dó whatto usuálly b;ffl 9. ,.4ffe'i s¢ea/etfiúúg[yóñíthezñ¢FB i 10. at often 1 restaurants don't eat. - `.r'-#;> L, X L~ ` ,`,, c+,"-)c-,¢-AJí 11. mysometimesfriendswfth l havea beer. -`| s+]üT,~ ~" nc,i„-fr ;zCFpÍ wt+h í``Lr+`r ;4fi®`£ 12.foodatthe8oodisusuallyvIPS. /'`T tpí+ L ` r`:L'`¿ ! ;„ ¿cxjc7 f.J||T í'rct,fiK . 111. complete with the correct forms.(for actions now) 13.What ii theman €/cÍ®W (pay) attention? ~.`. , _ .-,, CGC, c>.í I¿j r-r~ i= v/ !::i'n::ht# #t?, 14. ,/il`,+- 15. /L!,p your father 16"atch out! ! A dog 17. Believe me, 18.1 (work) at this the kids £^,^ (run) to us. 19. Silence please, the baby (play) in their ro (feel) so hungry right now. m right now./ (sleep) at this moment. u/ lv Complete the sentences with an affirmative or negative form of the verb.(use don't or doesn't) St;;9;y P,ave like sp/ak p/ay ¢Ó eat read drive 20. (+) he ( ` -_ - 2-1. (+) My father animals. the times ``i hGt í-r#Q#J5 22. (-) her house is big, but it 23. (+) We very well. a garden.
  • 25. npw`é2i Roscrr¢rz> r4sk(cm`a S- rcz_ GL9rp1' /%#`?VhGt-€ O;af' tiÉka,luJcl> rü wz=L> 'Lü fl;j;J bf.uí` T ?` Ah;:}b,o,@#,-+€:¡LJ`Á9GÍ:¿:bec " VLJ£ ::@-; üQ d:sV(¿-u¿:e cg{ Hr¥o e(ec+{`hc?+Ü? U:lNh°er: dddo:: #hsb°+:`!,` b3rú# 1^ tt;hG`+ #zw vc^s - bcvn ``h€íe €*flc+> ^Z4 _ bG7Ín ? Whop Wr° jc» tocwn> l`w Gc7rn i` n€+r~f;É /- tu'haJe 20L; bo/n t.r h/o/ ± wc^s^t WE,cvl7 ici' bom7 ± `iJcr£ buv4n ,` .., W €>C,L, +¥í>t€fjHÓ;É`'ú m Á„,> .-tú U,LIC}S
  • 26. ---`ü-h¿ lz-c>-s--c-nf-i -L/ _á-f_-_l,¿,p£p `` ,he,i we/p )c- lmm Cy...Stzew(c>/Ü: - *Ajv.- LÁ,&S rc*C+: V-Who wG{s€e.+w 'of .'-ff;het: w'iu L47C+ CT- r,,€~/cJ cgf:F-+{e,---r`és-? wh LLe,J a (iec.ldí ó>f Gc2e,4:
  • 27. Wie uu,# eósczi¿ ¿cé ti((á¿? 9Ebwcns a lc'J{icAn ¢of+ c>~'c?-tc/ t`' lqM w`Gsswcm? j+€ w# brv` Ll^ rejce,C, ÍC+|J . iz/en wn S`he horív` . . `'-1,1-_ -__ _';*-`:¿s-v>o`,^ `: -ií* ,ng >_S c* (ci?s
  • 28. Your re§uns Yo`ianswerediotasksoLitof10comctiy,Thatlsloo.L ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® I `iias ln CanbefTa last sprlng. We w.f. st school last Satusday. Tlna tüas at liome yesteíday. H€ wl6 happy- Robeít and Stan wefe 6ariy's trlends. you w®m veíy busy on Friday` Th€y w.r® in fmnt of trie supemarket. 1 "as l!i the museum. She `6ra3 in South Africa Last month. Je§slca and Nimberbí w«ie Latc for scliool
  • 29. i •¥ JH=, T j. - _ clta ? `üT- £ co, - JJ •ü-LÍW- ! +h® w" r ü,`. i ahgrY " ou? W Bjll amd ed ?ffi resta,J Hli . . ¡hQLl*hi i,ü-` hti L]ri kl car? + + +`wt SimpLe Past: Write qüestions with mas ®i. weie. Y®u were in Liverpool. Correct! Well done. ¥our score ié: 100%.EE Wcre ¥8i] in Ljv€rpml? He wa§ in Was he in We were in New Tork. Were we in New York? Yaü were in Hamburg. W€r€ you in HambLirg? They were in Birmingham. Wcr€ they in BirpffiÉham? Check aT"er§
  • 30. 3 pregLmtas escritas ]. ka'.ie *asstci • , =T¿ :'. 3;Lsest `}'€áie{da}Z! 1 *?LsrMÉ" • -±,s .. €'€ _,=,1: ,),esteítis`,? i - .2s at rw)r"3. = : , 3 ; `= -C • ,` -±'± ,'.é5'.¥`oi;r t}not#erüastn¥"? 3 Fmgimhs de op"rt müübtf 1. !! *`as greaLi COR#£CT® -+ `,`¢"t *~ds üle €<)¢ice!.! {i'Ñ€'j 2. They weíe n Ne* Vark` cSñEieeTB VP tjfl`L8!`e %ere }^üTC;! Par®}€.S tas{ ímíst£}? á it vüs at s o` cLo& coRRe€`T@ •`` {'éra{ !ií*e ` ahei corKef£'í 2"e. `odid.qftllsa ]. ?rM=y were born m Ecuador. ` > meíe ¢ere youT psrems Last r"Íh? £O£R8Cro Ü Falso Debe ser . Where `.aore }rc!uÍ coÜ6ins born? 2. !! was two weeks ago, ``` . When was )pur iast birmcíay part}.? (:a£ÑE.(:TO ~ `Í'eíd,3dero /
  • 31. U'h,o vo+ R=c¡sc.ic> (c>s+ ((c;í`oJ v>±os¿ntic tó^Skjtc,b, F+ cuL,C>ít+c` 4`,c^€ c ri *:tcí roQ+ anc;CAV+O`:. A_[?=^=_ :,+¿, +hdpf Gtfáo-,nst`-= C,í f- Í,P-,a{,c- J6S UU` >~ ec>btiei? :S:=,^NT, gN^-LíiHG|á>(a+ L/lG| |c.k'bp¡La F5 Á Iptaá` L''m lc hU s+c`€4 /`~,h- L ney^.,C.,^ C.t^¿-,9, C=^CJ tk bc7,h -,^ n=rk>o^ `Jtft{e uicri L*_ r-c/¢l bc]Í?? +e txg{ ..,.~ 9c^ Tqó'^ -iQ,ptfc> ÍEi.~ --WO Uu®`5 fi(G>4rc/" Lh `w G` St.oL|.. e wÉ'`g e , , c"/ 'An W'ho wGÚ Eíns+}^) -bo r r :; -.-,-., i.--_: ,/ _ , ® _`' _ ¿|'üt+--T5.,h c2lp-.^ wos,, ci G@ivü:, -!3om +heo_/c>+Jecl P`;3,S_-. C .,=+ / iJQ C,J`n,V'e,ipfo.? +vCO +jrp=,'=` Cof= :eL:-7 'L-.j:+),Orf i :=){ +t`¿ +UUO P,iic,|`-, C>Lc m`=c.,ev /-,í,'>:,,(SJ •Ltwd)fjrv a+ Lff/hn, i, i'c`' #w`¿'`Prs, C`>~|,,> Ctt flcúL.4 |1,, í`9JC:i t{h `:£:5 ms tf Ámíz¿,9.íL „ +n.p p„ ,t,ju,,, LW'h"í:í":¿`;"B~oY„```{ds:`'f,í``¥€ifL'f`J-í°}íC3.S ft=l,.I=,(
  • 32. W`hoí'f 9jig}++r ü`p„ ,*Lz.üt¥ti'-n r` r `uÍ'GFs bc7y.^ in ne* ;ro Í;b L`l`ev` 9iJ{m j7c,t. bcjín? 1 `.CZ3 bom ;. a@c>c> 4,7Cju,) /C,2e)/: TV- óTa`,/cj, =J.`íz;``-/ pj,`j-7 r{c:I;/ iRf;/. íP ,flcAc, :. Á,8,rKc4z¿ Lu,7.ft 7.¿,. c, , c,, -/ c ,, T, C , Th¢i.e'f nl+ fo/cj7 7.L: r>(ipo~ tL`` O';ó`;7i`/. FJ;;_+7 PrcD(P c,':J;/ h¿v@ {ríí3„7i,í TL`c,,o u.,éo,€ L,,`dTc>_r`r;r>ito hc:d v`Üc3(s ,j`n+¿`_f c/:c,)^tj c>¿: +f-
  • 33. TbT- +he ff®,c„ TL,c,r,s+, czfflc,rd ,,{t,,c, '![EEEEEE|HHEE|rH=EEmmriEH ¥#,#,-t t+¿+ñre+=€ `v'ere +here air p(fne ? i.M#' •'iT=-:- ==-:-_=:: í h~ Ce|st cr:v-? Ám cóti i._ d:„j„+¡ |;;„ CÓ40„ fi:,2r _
  • 34. í lbu/ UÁ`C€ (':fG fri --+J`,i3--/C7 j¿i-:| -------- + i +h-P ppc2P(C hciLP /éñc/,`C` 7}n`1Se . PLreAeq+± ¿nízi"ti :---:---=---=-:i--:----:---::-::----:--:--:-T-::--=----:-==----=--L'y>Zí3,„-- 1, , -~ ;É:::j:::-[--,-í--::l-Í:-i:::::i--:-L-:=-- -ij]