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Zoo Biology 32: 172–176 (2013)


Parthenogenesis in a Brazilian Rainbow Boa
(Epicrates cenchria cenchria)
Matthew E. Kinney,1,2∗ Raymund F. Wack,2,3 Robert A. Grahn,4 and Leslie Lyons4

William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of California-Davis, Davis, California
Sacramento Zoo, Sacramento, CA
Wildlife Health Center, University of California Davis, Davis, CA
Department of Population Health and Reproduction, University of California-Davis, Davis, California

A 22-year-old captive Brazilian rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria cenchria) gave birth to four offspring after being
housed with a vasectomized male. Sexual reproduction as a result of failed prior vasectomy, recanalization of the vas
deferens, or prolonged sperm storage was ruled out using the clinical history, histopathology, and gross necropsy. Short
tandem repeat (STR) DNA markers were genotyped in the male, female, and four offspring. None of the offspring
possessed a diagnostic STR allele present in the potential sire. In addition, all offspring were homozygous at each STR
locus evaluated, supporting parthenogenetic reproduction. This is the first report of parthenogenesis in a Brazilian
rainbow boa and has implications for the conservation of reptiles maintained in captive breeding programs. Zoo Biol.
32:172–176, 2013. C 2012© 2012Periodicals, Inc. Inc.
00:1–5, 2012.
Wiley Wiley Periodicals,

Keywords: automixis; microsatellite; parentage; sperm storage; vasectomy



A 22-year-old captive Brazilian rainbow boa
(Epicrates cenchria cenchria) gave birth to four snakes after being housed with a male rainbow boa which had
been vasectomized 59 months prior. A single snake was
still born. The remaining three snakes have continued to
thrive during the 36 months since their birth. At the time
of birth, four explanations were considered to elucidate
the births; incomplete vasectomy, recanalization of the vas
deferens, prolonged sperm storage, and parthenogenetic
reproduction. To determine whether offspring were produced through sexual reproduction or parthenogenesis,
DNA was isolated from the male, female, and all four offspring. Analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) markers
demonstrated the offspring were the result of parthenogenetic cloning. Here, we explain how progeny production from incomplete vasectomy, recanalization of the
vas deferens, and prolonged sperm storage were ruled
out and provide evidence to support parthenogenetic

Review of Specimen History

© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The adult male and female Brazilian rainbow boas
in this report were purchased at 3 months of age from a
private facility and housed together in a zoological collection. These snakes were captive bred and since 3 months
of age they have been housed as a pair with no other animals. The female snake gave birth to viable offspring four
times prior to the male’s vasectomy. Multiple observations of copulation were noted before and after the male’s
vasectomy while the pair remained in the same enclosure.
*Correspondence to: Matthew E. Kinney, Sacramento Zoo, 3930 West
∗ Correspondence to: Matthew E. Kinney, Sacramento Zoo, 3930 West
Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95822. E-mail: mkinney@ucdavis.

Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95822. E-mail: mkinney@ucdavis.
Received 11 June 2012; Revised 11 September 2012; Accepted 21 September
Received 11 June 2012; Revised 11 September 2012; Accepted 21 September 2012
DOI 10.1002/zoo.21050
Published online 19
DOI 10.1002/zoo.21050 October 2012 in Wiley Online Library
Published online in Wiley Online Library (
Parthenogenesis in a Brazilian Rainbow Boa 173

No DNA was collected from offspring produced prior to
vasectomy. Twenty-seven months following vasectomy of
the male, the female gave birth to two live snakes. DNA
was not isolated from these two snakes. Offspring (three
live and one stillborn) were born 59 months following vasectomy of the male. The three viable offspring were determined to be female using cloacal probing at 30 months of
age. Briefly, a probe was inserted caudally into the cloacal
opening after sterile lubrication. In all snakes, the depth of
the probe was equal to or less than three subcaudal scutes,
which is consistent with probe depth previously described
for female rainbow boas (E. cenchria) (three scutes) [Ross
and Marzec, 1990].
The male snake was found dead in the enclosure
16 months after the birth of the four offspring. Gross
necropsy and histopathology revealed the cause of death
to be chronic cardiac disease. Histological examination of
the vas deferens demonstrated fibrosis, complete occlusion, and cystic changes bilaterally. No evidence of vas
deferens recanalization was found after examination of
multiple tissue sections. Marked testicular atrophy and
minimal spermatogenesis was present.
DNA Isolation
DNA was isolated from a whole blood sample obtained from the tail vein of the adult male and female
snakes following the nucleated erythrocyte protocol, using DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia,
CA). A 3-mm segment of tail was collected from the stillborn snake and the first shed skin was collected from the
three viable offspring. A 1-cm segment of shed skin from
each viable offspring was minced and used for DNA isolation. All tissue (one tail tip and three shed skin) samples
from the four offspring were digested overnight following
the tissue extraction protocol of the DNeasy Blood and
Tissue kit. To remove any undigested scales, the digested
tissue was centrifuged prior to application of the solution to the wash column. To compensate for low yield,
DNA isolated from shed skin was concentrated prior to
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using Genomic DNA Clean and Concentrator Kit (ZYMO Research Corp., Irvine, CA).
STR Amplification
Thirty-nine STR markers previously characterized
in three genera of boids were used for analysis [Matson
et al., 2001; Ramanana et al., 2009; Tzika et al., 2008].
Forward primers were modified with a 5 addition of
a sequence specific to a dye-labeled primer. Using approximately 10 ng of template DNA for each sample, the
following 20 μl PCR reaction conditions were followed:
1 pmol of each dye-labeled primer and STR-specific reverse primer, 0.1 pmol each STR-specific forward primer,
2.0 mM dNTP, 2.0 mM MgCl2 , 0.5% BSA, 1X PCR buffer
II, and 0.375 U AmpliTaq polymerase (Applied Biosys-

tems, Foster City, CA). Each STR was amplified in a
separate reaction using the following temperature profile:
3-min incubation at 94◦ C followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94◦ C for 30 sec, annealing at 55◦ C for 20 sec,
and extension at 72◦ C for 45 sec. The amplification was
followed by a final extension step of 30 min at 72◦ C to
ensure that all products were full length. All PCR amplification was performed on a GeneAmp PCR Systems
9700 (Applied Biosystems). Products were individually
size separated on an ABI 3730 DNA analyzer and exact
fragment sizes were determined using STRand analysis
software [Toonen and Hughes, 2001].
Thirty-nine STRs were tested for analysis. Eighteen
STRs failed to produce products or generated nonspecific
products. Twelve were homozygous in all samples and
therefore nondiagnostic. The alleles for STR marker μsat
3 were uninformative for this male-female pairing and the
male shared an allele with the female for μsat 24 that
did not segregate in the offspring. The remaining nine
STRs had diagnostic differences between the two adults
that would have been present in the offspring with proper
segregation (Table 1). All offspring were homozygous for
all STR loci, always an allele present in the female snake.
In no instance did any offspring possess a diagnostic allele
from the sire. Offspring 1 possessed four markers that
displayed only the maternal allele that was not present
in the male, offspring 2 had seven exclusionary markers,
offspring 3 and the nonviable offspring each had three
markers with only a maternal allele.
Surgical vasectomy was first reported in snakes (two
garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis radix) in 1979 [Zwart
et al., 1979]. In all species, following identification of the
vas deferens, the procedure is relatively simple and involves bilateral removal of a portion of the vas deferens
with ligation or plugging of the remaining vas deferens. If
anatomy is not correctly identified, inadvertent removal
of non-vas deferens tissue is possible, which may result
in continued male fertility. In this case, histopathologic
examination of the tissue removed at the time of the vasectomy verified removal of two 3–4 mm segments of
tissue composed of fibrous tissue with multiple profiles
of tubules lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium
surrounded by smooth muscles, consistent with vas deferens and epididymis.
Vas deferens recanalization has not been reported in
reptilian species. However, in humans postvasectomy recanalization has been well studied. In general, recanalization is extremely rare and may represent granuloma formation with multiple small proliferating epithelial lined
channels containing spermatozoa [Haldar et al., 2000].
Zoo Biology
174 Kinney et al.
TABLE 1. STR genotypes of potentially parthenogenic Brazilian rainbow boas
μsat 1
μsat 3
μsat 11
μsat 24




Offspring 1




Offspring 2

Offspring 3

Offspring 4











Loci with no diagnostic value








Twenty-one STRs provided robust amplification products for analysis. Bolded types were diagnostically informative. A = female
exclusionary alleles (alleles present only in the male), B = male exclusionary alleles (alleles present only in the female). STR = short
tandem repeats.

In one study of 870 vasectomized men, 50 (5.7%) had
at least one post vasectomy semen analysis that showed
motile sperm, which the authors considered evidence of
recanalization [Labrecque et al., 2003]. It is important
to note that while early (<6 month) or late (>6 month)
recanalization is a considerable risk, the pregnancy rate
after vasectomy is about 1 in 2,000 (0.05%) likely due to
reduced number of sperm in the ejaculate [Philp et al.,
1984]. Upon the death of the potential sire in the case
described in this report, recanalization of the vas deferens with subsequent male fertility was ruled out. Gross
necropsy and histopathological evaluation concluded that
the vas deferens was disrupted with adhesions (to the regional fat pads), fibrosis, and cystic changes bilaterally.
The vas deferens were both occluded and testicular atrophy with minimal spermatogenesis was noted in both
testicles. Therefore, recanalization of the vas deferens following vasectomy was eliminated as a possible mechanism
of reproduction in the case reported here.
Prolonged sperm storage has been documented in a
number of snake species [Birkhead and Møller, 1993; Fox,
1976; Stewart, 1972]. Seven years and six months is the
longest reported time period of suspected sperm storage in
a snake [Magnusson, 1979]. However, in most reports of
suspected prolonged sperm storage, parthenogenetic reproduction was not excluded as a mechanism for offspring
production. A number of hypotheses have been proposed
regarding the function of prolonged sperm storage includ-

Zoo Biology

ing; separation of reproductive events (copulation and fertilization) to optimize the timing in both sexes, insurance
against not finding a partner (especially in species with a
low likelihood of encountering members of the opposite
sex), and enhanced opportunities for sperm competition,
as sperm storage could extend the time period over which
sperm from different males overlap in the reproductive
tract [Birkhead and Møller, 1993]. In the present case, the
male and female were housed in the same enclosure prior
to vasectomy. Vasectomy was performed approximately
five years prior to birth of the four offspring making sperm
storage unlikely. To definitively exclude prolonged sperm
storage, genetic analysis was required to demonstrate the
lack of male genetic contribution to the offspring.
STR genotypes supported offspring parthenogenesis. There were two possible parents but no female exclusionary alleles (alleles present only in the potential
sire) present in any of the offspring. The lack of the male
only alleles and the observed allele homozygosity of the
STR markers in the offspring support derivation from a
parthenogenetic event.
Parthenogenesis has been described in a variety of
vertebrates including captive fish, amphibians, reptiles,
birds, and mammals [Bartelmez and Riddle, 1924; Booth
et al., 2011a, 2011b; Chapman et al., 2007; Feldheim et al.,
2010; Groot et al., 2003; Kono et al., 2004; Lenk et al.,
2005; Olsen and Marsden 1954; Robinson et al., 2011;
Sarvella, 1973; Schut et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2000;
Parthenogenesis in a Brazilian Rainbow Boa 175

Spurway, 1953; Watts et al., 2006]. A necessary requirement for viable parthenogenetic reproduction is the maintenance of ploidy levels of offspring. Three mechanisms
have been described to maintain ploidy levels; apomixis,
premeiotic doubling of chromosomes, and automixis
[Lampert, 2008]. In the absence of mutations, apomixis
and premeiotic doubling of chromosomes produces offspring genetically identical to the mother. In the present
case, the heterozygous state of the female is not observed
at any of the STR in the offspring, thus excluding apomixis
and premeiotic doubling. Automixis can produce genetically variable offspring because of segregation and recombination of nonidentical homologous chromosomes.
The degree of variability depends on the exact mechanism
[Lampert, 2008]. Automixis is the only reported mechanism of parthenogenesis in reptilian species [Lampert,
2008]. Apomixis (oocyte production by mitosis) and premeiotic doubling (genome doubling prior to meiosis) in
a Burmese python could not be excluded but was not
proven [Groot et al., 2003]. In the ZW heterogametic sex
determination system, automixis has the potential to result in male or female progeny. If automictic terminal
fusion (fusion of the second polar body with the egg nucleus during meiosis) occurs, male (ZZ) or female (WW)
progeny can result. Until recently, it was thought that female WW vertebrates were nonviable, however a recent
report in a Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor imperators)
suggests WW females produced from terminal fusion automixis can be viable [Booth et al., 2011a]. In contrast to
terminal fusion, central fusion (fusion of the first polar
body with the oocyte during meiosis) results in female
(ZW) only progeny and maintains maternal heterozygosity [Lampert, 2008]. In the present study, the sex of all
three viable offspring was determined to be female using
cloacal probing. Offspring produced in this case report
are either ZW or WW. Because maternal homozygosity
is maintained in the offspring, automictic terminal fusion
with production of WW progeny is considered most likely.
Parthenogenesis, a rare event with unknown evolutionary significance, has fascinated scientist for a number of years. To the authors’ knowledge, parthenogenetic
reproduction in vertebrates has only been documented
in captive populations with females isolated from males
for an extended period of time. Recently, parthenogenesis has been identified as a possible problem for genetic
management of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis)
[Watts et al., 2006]. Parthenogenisis has the potential to
bias the sex ratio (depending on both the mechanism used
to maintain ploidy levels and gametic sex determination
system of the species) and instantaneously results in homozygosity of the genome, which results in an increased
risk for lower overall fitness [Watts et al., 2006]. Reproductive plasticity has been confirmed in Komodo dragons
using genetic fingerprinting. In a single case, a female was
documented to reproduce asexually through parthenogenesis and later sexually after the introduction of a male.

This observation led to the concern that housing female
Komodo dragons in exhibits without males could induce
parthenogenesis with potential negative impacts on the
population’s genetic pool. The present case is the first to
document parthenogenesis in the presence of a conspecific vasectomized male. This finding is significant as it
can no longer be assumed that the presence of a male prevents parthenogenesis in all species. Unfortunately, the
offspring that were produced prior to vasectomy of the
male are unavailable for genetic analysis and therefore we
can not determine if this female reproduced parthenogenetic offspring while being housed with a sexually capable male. We are also unable to document reproductive plasticity, as the mechanism of reproduction (sexual
vs. parthenogenic) for the offspring produced prior to the
vasectomy of the male was not determined. The documentation of parthenogenesis in an individual housed with a
vasectomized conspecific is important, as it has the potential to influence housing decisions in species that have
breeding recommendations to promote genetic diversity
within a population. Genetic fingerprinting of offspring
produced within populations of endangered species may
be needed to maintain maximum genetic diversity as it
may not be accurate to assume offspring produced by
pairs are the result of sexual reproduction.
1. Parthenogenesis, most likely as a result of automictic
terminal fusion, was demonstrated for the first time
in the Brazilian rainbow boa (E. cenchria cenchria)
through analysis of STR genotypes.
2. Incomplete vasectomy of the male cagemate, recanalization of the vas deferens, and sperm storage were
excluded using histopathology and genetic analysis.
3. This report of parthenogenesis in an individual housed
with a conspecific male, calls for more complete investigation into the triggers of parthenogenesis and the
potential genetic consequences of parthenogenesis for
captive populations.
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Zoo bio rainbow boa parthenogenesis

  • 1. Zoo Biology 32: 172–176 (2013) RESEARCH ARTICLE Parthenogenesis in a Brazilian Rainbow Boa (Epicrates cenchria cenchria) Matthew E. Kinney,1,2∗ Raymund F. Wack,2,3 Robert A. Grahn,4 and Leslie Lyons4 1 William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of California-Davis, Davis, California CA Sacramento Zoo, Sacramento, CA California 3 Wildlife Health Center, University of California Davis, Davis, CA California 4 Department of Population Health and Reproduction, University of California-Davis, Davis, California CA 2 A 22-year-old captive Brazilian rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria cenchria) gave birth to four offspring after being housed with a vasectomized male. Sexual reproduction as a result of failed prior vasectomy, recanalization of the vas deferens, or prolonged sperm storage was ruled out using the clinical history, histopathology, and gross necropsy. Short tandem repeat (STR) DNA markers were genotyped in the male, female, and four offspring. None of the offspring possessed a diagnostic STR allele present in the potential sire. In addition, all offspring were homozygous at each STR locus evaluated, supporting parthenogenetic reproduction. This is the first report of parthenogenesis in a Brazilian rainbow boa and has implications for the conservation of reptiles maintained in captive breeding programs. Zoo Biol. Biol. 32:172–176, 2013. C 2012© 2012Periodicals, Inc. Inc. 00:1–5, 2012. Wiley Wiley Periodicals, Keywords: automixis; microsatellite; parentage; sperm storage; vasectomy INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS A 22-year-old captive Brazilian rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria cenchria) gave birth to four snakes after being housed with a male rainbow boa which had been vasectomized 59 months prior. A single snake was still born. The remaining three snakes have continued to thrive during the 36 months since their birth. At the time of birth, four explanations were considered to elucidate the births; incomplete vasectomy, recanalization of the vas deferens, prolonged sperm storage, and parthenogenetic reproduction. To determine whether offspring were produced through sexual reproduction or parthenogenesis, DNA was isolated from the male, female, and all four offspring. Analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) markers demonstrated the offspring were the result of parthenogenetic cloning. Here, we explain how progeny production from incomplete vasectomy, recanalization of the vas deferens, and prolonged sperm storage were ruled out and provide evidence to support parthenogenetic reproduction. Review of Specimen History © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The adult male and female Brazilian rainbow boas in this report were purchased at 3 months of age from a private facility and housed together in a zoological collection. These snakes were captive bred and since 3 months of age they have been housed as a pair with no other animals. The female snake gave birth to viable offspring four times prior to the male’s vasectomy. Multiple observations of copulation were noted before and after the male’s vasectomy while the pair remained in the same enclosure. *Correspondence to: Matthew E. Kinney, Sacramento Zoo, 3930 West ∗ Correspondence to: Matthew E. Kinney, Sacramento Zoo, 3930 West Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95822. E-mail: mkinney@ucdavis. edu Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95822. E-mail: mkinney@ucdavis. edu Received 11 June 2012; Revised 11 September 2012; Accepted 21 September 2012 Received 11 June 2012; Revised 11 September 2012; Accepted 21 September 2012 DOI 10.1002/zoo.21050 Published online 19 DOI 10.1002/zoo.21050 October 2012 in Wiley Online Library ( Published online in Wiley Online Library (
  • 2. Parthenogenesis in a Brazilian Rainbow Boa 173 No DNA was collected from offspring produced prior to vasectomy. Twenty-seven months following vasectomy of the male, the female gave birth to two live snakes. DNA was not isolated from these two snakes. Offspring (three live and one stillborn) were born 59 months following vasectomy of the male. The three viable offspring were determined to be female using cloacal probing at 30 months of age. Briefly, a probe was inserted caudally into the cloacal opening after sterile lubrication. In all snakes, the depth of the probe was equal to or less than three subcaudal scutes, which is consistent with probe depth previously described for female rainbow boas (E. cenchria) (three scutes) [Ross and Marzec, 1990]. The male snake was found dead in the enclosure 16 months after the birth of the four offspring. Gross necropsy and histopathology revealed the cause of death to be chronic cardiac disease. Histological examination of the vas deferens demonstrated fibrosis, complete occlusion, and cystic changes bilaterally. No evidence of vas deferens recanalization was found after examination of multiple tissue sections. Marked testicular atrophy and minimal spermatogenesis was present. DNA Isolation DNA was isolated from a whole blood sample obtained from the tail vein of the adult male and female snakes following the nucleated erythrocyte protocol, using DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA). A 3-mm segment of tail was collected from the stillborn snake and the first shed skin was collected from the three viable offspring. A 1-cm segment of shed skin from each viable offspring was minced and used for DNA isolation. All tissue (one tail tip and three shed skin) samples from the four offspring were digested overnight following the tissue extraction protocol of the DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit. To remove any undigested scales, the digested tissue was centrifuged prior to application of the solution to the wash column. To compensate for low yield, DNA isolated from shed skin was concentrated prior to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using Genomic DNA Clean and Concentrator Kit (ZYMO Research Corp., Irvine, CA). STR Amplification Thirty-nine STR markers previously characterized in three genera of boids were used for analysis [Matson et al., 2001; Ramanana et al., 2009; Tzika et al., 2008]. Forward primers were modified with a 5 addition of a sequence specific to a dye-labeled primer. Using approximately 10 ng of template DNA for each sample, the following 20 μl PCR reaction conditions were followed: 1 pmol of each dye-labeled primer and STR-specific reverse primer, 0.1 pmol each STR-specific forward primer, 2.0 mM dNTP, 2.0 mM MgCl2 , 0.5% BSA, 1X PCR buffer II, and 0.375 U AmpliTaq polymerase (Applied Biosys- tems, Foster City, CA). Each STR was amplified in a separate reaction using the following temperature profile: 3-min incubation at 94◦ C followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94◦ C for 30 sec, annealing at 55◦ C for 20 sec, and extension at 72◦ C for 45 sec. The amplification was followed by a final extension step of 30 min at 72◦ C to ensure that all products were full length. All PCR amplification was performed on a GeneAmp PCR Systems 9700 (Applied Biosystems). Products were individually size separated on an ABI 3730 DNA analyzer and exact fragment sizes were determined using STRand analysis software [Toonen and Hughes, 2001]. RESULTS Thirty-nine STRs were tested for analysis. Eighteen STRs failed to produce products or generated nonspecific products. Twelve were homozygous in all samples and therefore nondiagnostic. The alleles for STR marker μsat 3 were uninformative for this male-female pairing and the male shared an allele with the female for μsat 24 that did not segregate in the offspring. The remaining nine STRs had diagnostic differences between the two adults that would have been present in the offspring with proper segregation (Table 1). All offspring were homozygous for all STR loci, always an allele present in the female snake. In no instance did any offspring possess a diagnostic allele from the sire. Offspring 1 possessed four markers that displayed only the maternal allele that was not present in the male, offspring 2 had seven exclusionary markers, offspring 3 and the nonviable offspring each had three markers with only a maternal allele. DISCUSSION Surgical vasectomy was first reported in snakes (two garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis radix) in 1979 [Zwart et al., 1979]. In all species, following identification of the vas deferens, the procedure is relatively simple and involves bilateral removal of a portion of the vas deferens with ligation or plugging of the remaining vas deferens. If anatomy is not correctly identified, inadvertent removal of non-vas deferens tissue is possible, which may result in continued male fertility. In this case, histopathologic examination of the tissue removed at the time of the vasectomy verified removal of two 3–4 mm segments of tissue composed of fibrous tissue with multiple profiles of tubules lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium surrounded by smooth muscles, consistent with vas deferens and epididymis. Vas deferens recanalization has not been reported in reptilian species. However, in humans postvasectomy recanalization has been well studied. In general, recanalization is extremely rare and may represent granuloma formation with multiple small proliferating epithelial lined channels containing spermatozoa [Haldar et al., 2000]. Zoo Biology
  • 3. 174 Kinney et al. TABLE 1. STR genotypes of potentially parthenogenic Brazilian rainbow boas STR μsat 1 μsat 3 μsat 11 μsat 24 55HDZ314 5HDZ277 55HDZ554 55HDZ602 55HDZ617 Male 314 213 274 272A 184A 204 180 214A 218A 318A 229 274 292 184A 208A 182A 214A 220 Female 314 213 274 292 183B 204 176B 204B 220 Offspring 1 364B 229 278B 292 183B 210B 180 212B 222B 314 213 274 292 183B 210B 176B 204B 220 314 213 274 292 183B 210B 176B 204B 220 Offspring 2 364B 213 278B 292 183B 210B 176B 204B 222B Offspring 3 Offspring 4 (dead) 364B 213 278B 292 183B 210B 176B 204B 222B 314 229 274 292 183B 204 180 212B 222B 314 229 274 292 183B 204 180 212B 222B 364B 213 274 292 183B 204 180 212B 220 364B 213 274 292 183B 204 180 212B 220 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 Loci with no diagnostic value 5HDZ229 5HDZ317 5HDZ360 5HDZ667 55HDZ11 55HDZ220 55HDZ302 55HDZ314 55HDZ339 55HDZ557 55HDZ56 55HDZ600 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 288 164 208 154 222 226 180 184 182 222 368 190 Twenty-one STRs provided robust amplification products for analysis. Bolded types were diagnostically informative. A = female exclusionary alleles (alleles present only in the male), B = male exclusionary alleles (alleles present only in the female). STR = short tandem repeats. In one study of 870 vasectomized men, 50 (5.7%) had at least one post vasectomy semen analysis that showed motile sperm, which the authors considered evidence of recanalization [Labrecque et al., 2003]. It is important to note that while early (<6 month) or late (>6 month) recanalization is a considerable risk, the pregnancy rate after vasectomy is about 1 in 2,000 (0.05%) likely due to reduced number of sperm in the ejaculate [Philp et al., 1984]. Upon the death of the potential sire in the case described in this report, recanalization of the vas deferens with subsequent male fertility was ruled out. Gross necropsy and histopathological evaluation concluded that the vas deferens was disrupted with adhesions (to the regional fat pads), fibrosis, and cystic changes bilaterally. The vas deferens were both occluded and testicular atrophy with minimal spermatogenesis was noted in both testicles. Therefore, recanalization of the vas deferens following vasectomy was eliminated as a possible mechanism of reproduction in the case reported here. Prolonged sperm storage has been documented in a number of snake species [Birkhead and Møller, 1993; Fox, 1976; Stewart, 1972]. Seven years and six months is the longest reported time period of suspected sperm storage in a snake [Magnusson, 1979]. However, in most reports of suspected prolonged sperm storage, parthenogenetic reproduction was not excluded as a mechanism for offspring production. A number of hypotheses have been proposed regarding the function of prolonged sperm storage includ- Zoo Biology ing; separation of reproductive events (copulation and fertilization) to optimize the timing in both sexes, insurance against not finding a partner (especially in species with a low likelihood of encountering members of the opposite sex), and enhanced opportunities for sperm competition, as sperm storage could extend the time period over which sperm from different males overlap in the reproductive tract [Birkhead and Møller, 1993]. In the present case, the male and female were housed in the same enclosure prior to vasectomy. Vasectomy was performed approximately five years prior to birth of the four offspring making sperm storage unlikely. To definitively exclude prolonged sperm storage, genetic analysis was required to demonstrate the lack of male genetic contribution to the offspring. STR genotypes supported offspring parthenogenesis. There were two possible parents but no female exclusionary alleles (alleles present only in the potential sire) present in any of the offspring. The lack of the male only alleles and the observed allele homozygosity of the STR markers in the offspring support derivation from a parthenogenetic event. Parthenogenesis has been described in a variety of vertebrates including captive fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals [Bartelmez and Riddle, 1924; Booth et al., 2011a, 2011b; Chapman et al., 2007; Feldheim et al., 2010; Groot et al., 2003; Kono et al., 2004; Lenk et al., 2005; Olsen and Marsden 1954; Robinson et al., 2011; Sarvella, 1973; Schut et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2000;
  • 4. Parthenogenesis in a Brazilian Rainbow Boa 175 Spurway, 1953; Watts et al., 2006]. A necessary requirement for viable parthenogenetic reproduction is the maintenance of ploidy levels of offspring. Three mechanisms have been described to maintain ploidy levels; apomixis, premeiotic doubling of chromosomes, and automixis [Lampert, 2008]. In the absence of mutations, apomixis and premeiotic doubling of chromosomes produces offspring genetically identical to the mother. In the present case, the heterozygous state of the female is not observed at any of the STR in the offspring, thus excluding apomixis and premeiotic doubling. Automixis can produce genetically variable offspring because of segregation and recombination of nonidentical homologous chromosomes. The degree of variability depends on the exact mechanism [Lampert, 2008]. Automixis is the only reported mechanism of parthenogenesis in reptilian species [Lampert, 2008]. Apomixis (oocyte production by mitosis) and premeiotic doubling (genome doubling prior to meiosis) in a Burmese python could not be excluded but was not proven [Groot et al., 2003]. In the ZW heterogametic sex determination system, automixis has the potential to result in male or female progeny. If automictic terminal fusion (fusion of the second polar body with the egg nucleus during meiosis) occurs, male (ZZ) or female (WW) progeny can result. Until recently, it was thought that female WW vertebrates were nonviable, however a recent report in a Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor imperators) suggests WW females produced from terminal fusion automixis can be viable [Booth et al., 2011a]. In contrast to terminal fusion, central fusion (fusion of the first polar body with the oocyte during meiosis) results in female (ZW) only progeny and maintains maternal heterozygosity [Lampert, 2008]. In the present study, the sex of all three viable offspring was determined to be female using cloacal probing. Offspring produced in this case report are either ZW or WW. Because maternal homozygosity is maintained in the offspring, automictic terminal fusion with production of WW progeny is considered most likely. Parthenogenesis, a rare event with unknown evolutionary significance, has fascinated scientist for a number of years. To the authors’ knowledge, parthenogenetic reproduction in vertebrates has only been documented in captive populations with females isolated from males for an extended period of time. Recently, parthenogenesis has been identified as a possible problem for genetic management of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) [Watts et al., 2006]. Parthenogenisis has the potential to bias the sex ratio (depending on both the mechanism used to maintain ploidy levels and gametic sex determination system of the species) and instantaneously results in homozygosity of the genome, which results in an increased risk for lower overall fitness [Watts et al., 2006]. Reproductive plasticity has been confirmed in Komodo dragons using genetic fingerprinting. In a single case, a female was documented to reproduce asexually through parthenogenesis and later sexually after the introduction of a male. This observation led to the concern that housing female Komodo dragons in exhibits without males could induce parthenogenesis with potential negative impacts on the population’s genetic pool. The present case is the first to document parthenogenesis in the presence of a conspecific vasectomized male. This finding is significant as it can no longer be assumed that the presence of a male prevents parthenogenesis in all species. Unfortunately, the offspring that were produced prior to vasectomy of the male are unavailable for genetic analysis and therefore we can not determine if this female reproduced parthenogenetic offspring while being housed with a sexually capable male. We are also unable to document reproductive plasticity, as the mechanism of reproduction (sexual vs. parthenogenic) for the offspring produced prior to the vasectomy of the male was not determined. The documentation of parthenogenesis in an individual housed with a vasectomized conspecific is important, as it has the potential to influence housing decisions in species that have breeding recommendations to promote genetic diversity within a population. Genetic fingerprinting of offspring produced within populations of endangered species may be needed to maintain maximum genetic diversity as it may not be accurate to assume offspring produced by pairs are the result of sexual reproduction. CONCLUSIONS 1. Parthenogenesis, most likely as a result of automictic terminal fusion, was demonstrated for the first time in the Brazilian rainbow boa (E. cenchria cenchria) through analysis of STR genotypes. 2. Incomplete vasectomy of the male cagemate, recanalization of the vas deferens, and sperm storage were excluded using histopathology and genetic analysis. 3. This report of parthenogenesis in an individual housed with a conspecific male, calls for more complete investigation into the triggers of parthenogenesis and the potential genetic consequences of parthenogenesis for captive populations. REFERENCES Bartelmez GW, Riddle O. 1924. On parthenogenic cleavage and on the role of water adsorption on the ovum in the formation of the subgerminal cavity in the pigeon’s egg. Am J Anat 33:57–66. Birkhead TR, Møller AP. 1993. Sexual selection and the temporal separation of reproductive events: sperm storage data from reptiles, birds, and mammals. Biol J Linn Soc 50:295–311. 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