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1. Mooladhara Chakra
2. Clearing Mooladhara Chakra
3. Swadhisthan Chakra
4. Clearing Swadhisthan Chakra
5. Nabhi Chakra
6. Clearing Nabhi Chakra
7. Void
8. Anahatha Chakra
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9. Clearing Anahatha Chakra
10. Vishuddhi Chakra
11. Clearing Vishuddhi Chakra
12. Agnya Chakra
13. Clearing Agnya Chakra
14. Sahasrara Chakra
15. Clearing Sahasrara Chakra
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Mooladhara Chakra
The first center is called the Mooladhara center. It has four petals (sub-plexuses), is
placed below the triangular bone, and is responsible on the physical level of the
manifestation of the pelvic plexus which looks after all our excretion, inclusive of sex
activity. When the Kundalini rises, then this center becomes inactive in the excretion
functions but active in the support of the rising of the Kundalini. Though the Kundalini
has to rise through six centers, the first center of Mooladhara protects the purity of
chastity of the Kundalini at the time of its awakening"
                                                          -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
It is governed by Shri Ganesha , the deity of innocence and wisdom. 
The fundamental quality of this Chakra is innocence and the innate wisdom, which
comes from having childlike innocence. The innocence is the type of quality which is
evident in babies and small children. It represents action without motive or desire for
gross personal gain. This innocence is accompanied by the innate wisdom of a child. A
baby knows fundamental aspects of nature instinctively — it knows how to show
discomfort by crying, or how to suck to obtain food. This root wisdom, if left
untempered, would develop into a balanced set of priorities in the adult. Unfortunately
the influence of parents and society tends to muddy this innocence and so obscure the
wisdom that goes with it.
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Simplicity, joy, purity, integrity and balance are other qualities manifest in human
beings through this Chakra. Because this center governs the reproduction organs and
systems, sexual attitudes and behavior critically impact the strength or weakness of this
center. Sexual excessiveness, both physical and mental, creates imbalances throughout
the body’s systems. "So we have to put our carnal desires, dissolve them into the
innocence, the Ocean of Innocence, we have to dissolve it in the Ocean of Innocence.
Innocence is something to be appreciated, to be understood, to be enjoyed. Like you see
animals are innocent, the children they are innocent, flowers they are innocent — divert
your attention to all these things."
Once Kundalini is awakened reverence for and desire to serve the Spirit within
gradually becomes heightened. By awakening the qualities of the Mooladhara through
meditation, we learn again to be more innocent beings, to be less motive-led in our
actions, and to rediscover the wisdom which is strong enough to help us make the
correct decisions in our lives.
Gross Physical Aspects
The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs, and as such has
a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human being. There have been attempts in
the past to awaken the Kundalini through sexual practice such as tantra. This is
obviously very dangerous and can cause the greatest harm to the Chakra itself. If one
remembers that the Mooladhara centre provides a gateway through which the Kundalini
must pass, then it is easy to understand how anything which is not innocent can harm it.
Sex has its place in human life as the most sublime physical expression of love within
the marriage. Through this channel birth and creation continue their course. However, it
is another thing to allow sex to dominate our lives and bring us out of balance. After
Self-Realization one learns to develop respect and proper esteem for one’s own chastity
and of others. This sense of right conduct is essential for the development of our own
gravity and power. It is the foundation stone of each of us as human beings, the power
of incorruptible innocence
Clearing Mooladhara Chakra
A weakened Mooladhara may show up in a number of ways; Poor sense of direction, poor
memory, poor sense of balance (gravity), certain ‘incurable’ diseases or mental problems. One of
the most effective is the mantra of Shri Ganesha. So after raising your Kundalini and prior to
meditation put your right hand on Mother Earth, and the left open and resting on left lap, say Shri
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Ganesha's mantra four times:
 Sit on the earth as much as possible.
 For left Mooladhara place the left hand on the Chakra (just above the groin area) and the
right hand on the ground.
 Soak your feet in a bowl of warm salted water (foot-soaking).
 Affirmations: "Shri Mataji, please make me innocent." "Shri Mataji, please clear my
Mooladhara Chakra."
 Try to keep your attention on natural things such as the earth, sky or grass rather than the
gross or material things.
 Avoid too much red meat as this can over excite the Chakra.
 Relate to members of the opposite sex as brothers and sisters, not sex objects.
 Meditate on the quality of innocence to develop this power.
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Swadhisthan Chakra
 "The second center is the center of Swadhisthan. It has six petals and caters on the physical level to
functions of the aortic plexus, and is the one which supplies us with the energy of creativity, of
thinking, of being futuristic. It supplies Power to the brain cells by converting fat cells into brain
                                               -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The presiding deity for the Swadhisthan Chakra is Shri Brahmadeva. He represents the Creator,
and has as His power Shri Saraswati, who is the Goddess of music and arts. 
The fundamental quality of the Swadhisthan Chakra is that of creativity. It is here that the
energy for our creativity is generated. After Self-Realization we discover that the true key
to creativity is in achieving the state of thoughtless awareness (nirvichara samadhi)
through meditation.
From this we discover that all the beauty of Creation is reflected within us like a still and
silent lake. Once we locate this pool of beauty we can become the channel for it. We
become the Collective Unconscious, without ego to distort the purity of art.
The process of creativity in whatever form draws on the qualities of the Swadhisthan
Chakra. If this process is accomplished in a balanced state (i.e., using the energies of the
central or Sushumna channel in the subtle system) then the result is spiritually enhanced.
After Self-Realization this is emphasized, and the resulting creation can become an
inspired work. We can see this by looking at the classic works from artists of the past
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such as Mozart and Michaelangelo who were born as evolved realized souls. Works of
this quality are immortal, and provide joy and beauty which define a whole epoch.
However in the modern process, we can see that even where the artistic endeavor starts
out ‘with heart,’ there is a tendency for the artist to produce later works which are flat,
lifeless or even exploitative. The primary cause of this tendency is the ego of the artist.
As the artist becomes more successful, he or she works harder to maintain or grow this
success. This requires more exhaustive use of the right channel (the Pingala Nadi or
Channel of Action). A by-product of this channel becoming exhausted is that the ego of
the artist becomes inflated. Note that in subtle terms the ego is actually situated at the
end of the action channel (in the balloon-like shape on the left-hand side of the head). If
one is confused by an inflated ego, the excessiveness drains the central channel of
energy and exhausts the right side. In addition, the connection with the ego can take the
attention away from the Spirit. As the artist starts to believe that he is the creator of all his
works (thus eliminating divine inspiration) the process is accelerated and the ego
expands to such an extent that the spiritual content of the work is removed completely.
The Spirit, which resides in our heart, is the real reservoir of creativity, and artists and
people who think excessively or are obsessed with fame or success will usually suffer a
weak Swadhisthan Chakra and tend to be off-balance personalities. Their ambition is to
be superior to others or to be acclaimed by them for their talents comes from their ego,
which is connected to the right-side of the Swadhisthan Chakra through the right channel.
Their spontaneity is lost in this ambitious and competitive effort to create, and this
explains why most modern creation in any aspect lacks Spirit.
Gross Physical Aspect
One of the most important functions of this center is to generate the energy that fuels our
thinking by breaking down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the brain cells. Excessive
thinking and planning overworks this process and exhausts the center. The Swadhisthan also
looks after the liver (along with the Nabhi Centre). If the Chakra is having to cope with
excessive thinking, then the other organs it is supposed to look after are neglected. The liver is
particularly susceptible to this neglect.
The liver has a particular importance in that it is the seat of our Attention (chitta). Attention
should not be confused with thought, which comes from ego (our I-ness) and superego (our past
conditioning and upbringing). Attention is pure concentration minus thought/mental activity.
For example when we look at a flower we put our pure attention on it (i.e., we observe it).
However we will also think about it ("that’s pretty," "I wonder what’s it called," etc.). Attention
has no such associated thoughts - it is pure concentration/observation/witnessing. A balanced
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liver sustains and nourishes our Attention and filters it by scanning out any impurities and
external clutter. From this purified attention comes the peace and stillness that we obtain in our
meditation. The liver is susceptible to overheating (through alcohol or other stimulants),
effecting our Attention, which ultimately weakens our meditation and so on.
Clearing Swadhisthan Chakra
Clearing The Swadhisthan
A weakened Swadhisthan may show up in a number of ways: Diabetes, heart
disease and associated problems, difficulty meditating, irritability. You can say  Shri
Brahmadeva's  mantra six times:
 Soak your feet in a bowl of cold (or even iced) salted water during
meditation for clearing right Swadhisthan Chakra.
 Place ice-pack on right Swadhisthan Chakra (above junction of torso and
right leg).
 Soak your feet in bowl of warm salted water during meditation for clearing
left Swadhisthan Chakra.
 Use the candle treatment on left Swadhisthan Chakra area.
 Affirmations: "Shri Mataji, please give me the Pure Knowledge (Nirmala
 Place the right hand on the Chakra and left hand towards Her photo.
 Raise the left Ida channel and bring down the right Pingala channel 108
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Nabhi Chakra
"The third center is called as Nabhi center and has ten petals. It is behind the navel, and
this center gives us the Power to sustain something within ourselves. On the physical
level it caters to the functions of the solar plexus."
                                    --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The presiding Deity of the center is Shri Vishnu, the Preserver, who sustains our
Dharma and leads us in evolution. The power of the Nabhi Chakra rests with
Shri Laksmi, from whom we obtain our physical and material well-being
(Kshema). On the left channel of the Chakra is the place of Shri Grihalaksmi
and on the right is Shri Rajyalakshmi.
Satisfaction is actually a key word for the Nabhi Chakra. Some ‘hot-livered’
people are naturally irritable. For them life without worry is an impossibility and
will express their discontent at the slightest excuse. When our Spirit manifests,
we can put things into their true perspective, and worry becomes an unusual
occurrence. In the peace of thoughtlessness, we can only be content. We
realize that the Spirit is not concerned with the passing trends and fashions. We
have been blessed with intelligence and wisdom through which we can work to
fulfill all human needs. When these needs are satisfied, then these mundane
matters no longer occupy us and block our growth.
However, the vast majority of us get lost. The desire for basic needs transform
into a cycle of insatiable desire for things in general and the start of a
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materialistic existence. There is nothing wrong in being wealthy. The problem
lies in becoming obsessed with money. The desire for money for the sake of
money is greed. It crosses the boundary of need and becomes an obsession, a
disease that retards growth. Miserliness and hoarding prevent the proper flow of
money to places of need, and represents the selfish, primitive mind which does
not know the Truth about the Circle of Life. Nature sustains all creatures by
sharing everything, because it is part and parcel the Holistic Whole. But humans
have appropriated Mother Earth for themselves by carving and controlling vast
resources, especially through the machinery of money.
By sharing we learn. Being generous is so elevating, whereas hoarding leads to
stagnation, it creates a blocked mind. It is selfishness and greed that leads to
the impoverishment, suffering, disease, and death of hundreds of millions of
fellow humans on this beautiful, bountiful, ever generous Mother Earth. It is
human greed that has brought upon the entire Human Family the ever-growing
perils of deforestation, extinction of species, pollution and other environmental
crises. We are sucking all the nourishment of our Earth Mother in the wanton
abandonment and gluttonous feeding frenzy of a one-night stand life. We
humans have to come to our senses and look at our inner glories and eternal
nature. We must have the humility to bow in collective shame, the courage to
judge ourselves guilty, and begin to collectively heal our hearts, mind and soul.
We must become conscious of Reality and collectively dream again of the
eternal Afterlife.
Another aspect to the Nabhi Chakra is that of Dharma or right conduct in our
lives. In order for us to maintain a state of satisfaction within, we have to exist in
a state of satisfaction without; and this means appreciating the benefits of living
an upright life. It cannot be an artificial process. It comes naturally through our
Attention after Self-Realization. Just as gold cannot tarnish, so Dharma cannot
be altered. There is no relative state of Dharmic conduct. An act is either
fundamentally right or wrong. Dharma is the code of evolution through which
developed from amoeba to the present stage. This code protects and nourishes
our spiritual growth. The most powerful evocation of the laws of Dharma were
the Ten Commandments which were provided as evolutionary guidelines.
It must be remembered that these guidelines are there as examples for us to
follow. We are not forced to do anything. In Sahaja Yoga you are your own
judge and jury. The vibrations state the case for you, and then its up to you to
give the verdict and pass the sentence. This is a direct benefit of receiving your
Self-Realization, as you stop identifying with your weaknesses and become the
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witness to your true self. You are guided and corrected by the Spirit to remain
on the narrow path of righteousness during the Resurrection. In this way you
provide your own Last Judgment!
Gross Physical Aspect
The Nabhi Chakra regulates the direction and speed of our human evolution, as
it is the command center of our sustenance: of food, family love, parental roles
and relationships. Material satisfaction and a sense of calm arising from a
healthy Nabhi allow our attention to turn to inner spiritual pursuits.
The Nabhi can be weakened in a number of ways. We can catch on the left side
of this center if we suffer problems in the household or if we worry too much
about money. Too much thinking about food, whether in gluttony or fasting, also
affects this center. It keeps the stomach excited and hinders the energy flow.
Indiscriminate fasting disturbs the Nabhi Chakra. We cannot reach our Spirit
through fasting. Fasting may be undertaken for health purposes, but it has no
spiritual significance.
After Self-Realization we find that our attitude to food changes. We stop craving
particular dishes and start enjoying good food which gives the best vibrations.
We develop a subtle and detached attitude, and can gain the same amount of
satisfaction from a simple meal as from the finest cuisine.
This center governs the workings of the stomach area and also the liver. It is
very important to take particular care of the liver which is prone to overheating
through improper diet or stimulants, and to ensure that we do not exhaust it too
much through over thinking and planning.
Clearing Nabhi Chakra
One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Lakshmi and Vishnu:
 The use of a candle around the stomach area is very effective.
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 Soak your feet in a bowl of warm water (recommended for all the lower
 Deep and relaxed slow breathing in and out for a while.
 Affirmations: "Shri Mataji, in my Spirit I am satisfied."
 There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available relating to the
particular Nabhi Chakra affected; giving vibrations (center and left Nabhi),
drinking vibrated water (center Nabhi), avoidance of fatty food and
excessive amounts of dairy products (left Nabhi) are particularly effective.
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"As the Kundalini rises into the third part, next to the Nabhi Chakra, we become absolutely
righteous. This area, which we call as the Ocean of Illusion, is enlightened by ten principles of
mastery. The great masters have created these ten centers of commandment which are
enlightened and we become holy. There is no need to be strict in one’s behavior. We
automatically become really spiritual. Like an egg becomes the bird, we are born twice. In
Sanskrit a Yogi or the one who knows about Brahma, meaning the All-Pervading Power, is
called Dwija and a bird is also called Dwija, meaning twice born. There were Abraham and
Moses and all the ten Primordial Masters who have been born again and again on this Earth.
Zoroastra has been born five times and also so many of these were born in different places in
different countries to guide the people to take to religious life to establish the necessary
balance for the ascent.
By talking about religious life it does not work. By reading scriptures we get lost in the web of
words (Sabda Jalam). We innately feel the existence of universal pure religion within
ourselves after awakening when the Kundalini rises into this part called the Ocean of Illusion
(Bhavasagara or Void which is the circled area around Nabhi Chakra). When this center is
fully enlightened and established in spirituality, we become automatically righteous. We
respect our value system, we become moral, we become honest, non-violent and we become
innately compassionate. All these qualities becoming so evident within ourselves that we
change and get transformed into a new being who is extremely righteous and who is like a
saint. To such a person there is no need to talk about the do’s and the don’ts."
                                   -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
During the period of human evolution to date there has been a constant battle against
ignorance and illusion. This state of ignorance is something that has to be overcome before
humans can actually experience the beauty and Reality of the Spirit. The area that represents
this struggle to cross over from illusion to Reality is known as Void, or the Bhavasagara
(Ocean of Illusion). The Void is the gap between the Kundalini and the vagus nerve of the
parasympathetic system. It represents all spaces and time from the beginning of creation to
the peak of our evolution in human awareness. It is the vacuum which separates our
awareness from the Absolute, the critical gap that no religious institution or spiritual school
has able to cross — till now.
The Void is the center of our own mastery. As the Kundalini energy enlightens this area we
become our own Guru and attain gravity. This grounded state is one of the primary ways that
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we remain in balance in the midst of our turbulent existence. When the Kundalini rises and
fills the Void our Attention is led out of confusion and Maya, and into the awareness of the
higher Reality. In this way we can take control of our own evolution without relying on external
forces. Eventually our own introspection will provide answers and keys during our meditation.
We become our own masters, far surpassing the most enlightened religious prisoner.
In a lot of cases the key will be to recognize a solution to our problem presented to us
externally, but as we become our own master we are able to discern the right from wrong, the
Truth from falsehood from within. The other side of the coin is the principle of discipline. It is
important for us to recognize Truth in a humble and open-minded and give advice with the
gravity of a Master. The great Masters throughout the ages have been most humble. In this
way they surrender their ego to the Divine and are able to teach with absolute authority, even
when directly challenging the established wisdom of the time.
Since the Void is directly connected with the Nabhi Chakra it is no coincidence that the
principle of Dharma is a fundamental aspect of this area. All of the great Prophets who have
come to act as role models for the human race and to give Knowledge of the higher Reality
are associated with the Void. The Primordial Deity is Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya. The ten
embodiments of the Adi Guru are Socrates, Confucius, Moses, Abraham, Zarathustra,
Lao-tse, Mohammed, Raja Janaka, Guru Nanak, and Shri Sai Nath of Shirdi. One has to
understand that evolution is time sensitive. All incarnations of the Primordial Master came in
stages, and scattered all over Earth. It is they who have taught us the ways of righteous living
that maintain codes of conduct by which anarchy is avoided. All of the great Masters and
Prophets who took their birth on Earth to guide us, have made Dharma a key tenet of their
teachings. We can only become better beings by not abusing ourselves or debasing others,
that is, by living as beings of the Almighty Creator and in accordance to the laws of nature.
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Anahatha Chakra
"The fourth center is called as the Anahatha Chakra, meaning the heart center. It has twelve petals and
is placed behind the sternum in the spinal cord. This center produces the anti-bodies till the age of
twelve years and then these anti-bodies are circulated in the whole body to be ready to fight any kind of
attack on the body or on the mind. If there is any attack on the person these anti-bodies are informed
through the sternum, which has a remote control of information. Heart center caters for the cardiac
--H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The seat of the Heart Chakra is located in the Brahmarandhra at the crown of the head (in the
Sahasrara). This is where Shri Gauri (Kundalini) in Her form of Shri Parvati is united with Shri Shiva.
Shri Shiva presides as the Witness in the left Heart Chakra, in the center Heart Chakra resides Shri
Jagdamba, the Mother of the Universe. Lord Rama inhabits the right Heart Chakra.
The Heart Chakra is the home of the Self, the Spirit or Atma - all mean the same thing. Time and again
Shri Mataji has stressed that, "You are nothing but your eternal Spirit." In this way She is telling us that
we have to realize and become our Spirit, and leave behind the futility of the illusion we live in. We
start the process of becoming our Spirit after Self-Realization, as we start to lose our false
identifications with our body, mind and feelings. Only after this enlightenment can we take our
Attention to our heart and cleanse it. The Spirit can only manifest when our heart is open and clean, at
which point we feel the eternal Joy of Creation and the meaning and purpose of our place in it. If
functioning properly, it enables us to feel our Self-Transcendence, generate and radiate love. The state
of vibrations maintains and revitalizes our own human systems as well as those of others.
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Pure love, which enlightens all, is the real quality of the Heart Chakra. In the unrealized state we rarely
love for love’s sake. Because of our conditioning we confuse feelings of love with those of possession,
sex and selfishness. Pure love is detached and gives without motive. True love is the quality that
emanates from the Spirit and not from the body or mind. Bodily attraction is physical and the mind
does not love — it merely wants. When the want of the mind is attained, then the novelty wears off.
For instance a child is excited and attached to a new toy, but after a few days, as the novelty wears off,
the excitement dies. The same occurs with relationships which are based simply on physical attraction.
That which is illusory cannot love or be loved.
Love is often mistakenly taken as restricted to male and female. In fact Love is the flow of life is all
limbs, between children/parents, brothers/sisters, friends, senior citizens etc. Where many people share
and care, then the whole society opens up its Heart center. It becomes a collective society and changes
the world. This is the power of Love. Love is the principle behind all Creation. We say that God is
Love and love is God because in its depths we cease to be. In true Love there is no "I" and no "You" -
there is simply the merging of the Spirit. In this state we experience true human unity, the true oneness
of life. Physically we can appear as different colors, shapes, characteristics, but as we become the Spirit
the drop becomes the Ocean.
Gross Physical Aspect
Using the body as an instrument of athletic display fatigues the Heart center. Excessive athletic
competition simply develops into an ego-oriented thing, with no real gain at the end of it. In a similar
way modern Hatha yoga is a form of athleticism which has no correlation with the Spirit, and this too
can harm the center. Unfortunately today Hatha yoga is mistaken for spirituality and people spend
hours doing all kinds of asanas (positions). By standing on our heads (or wearing white/saffron robes or
being vegetarian or whatever) we are not going to know the Almighty Creator.
Clearing Anahatha Chakra
There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available. One of the most effective is the mantra of
Shri Jagdamba:
Clearing Blockage of Left Heart Chakra
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One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Shiva and Parvati:
Clearing Blockage of Right Heart Chakra
One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Sita and Rama:
There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available relating to the particular Heart Chakra
affected; giving vibrations and candle treatment around the heart area are particularly effective.
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Vishuddhi Chakra
"The fifth center is called as Vishuddhi Chakra. This is placed in the neck of the human
being and it had sixteen petals which look after ears, nose, throat, neck, tongue, teeth
etc. This center is responsible for communication with others because through our eyes,
through our nose, through our speech, through our hands, we communicate with others.
On the physical level it caters for the cervical plexus."
                    --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The deity for this center is Shri Krishna and His power is Shri Radha. On the left side
resides Shri Vishnumaya and on the right Shri Yashoda. 
One of the qualities that we need to develop for our spiritual growth is that of staying
detached from the problems we face every day whilst trying to survive in the modern
world. The flowering of the Vishuddhi Chakra provides us with a sense of detachment
which lets us witness the Play of Life to survive in the modern world. As a result we
avoid being brought down by things which seem traumatic, but are in fact simple
‘events’ or ‘coincidences’ which we must pass through to reach the Other Shore. This
does not mean that we stop accepting responsibility for our actions, or that we ‘give up’
on life. It simple gives us a means to maintain a sense of perspective when we are faced
with overwhelming emotional situations. We become a witness of the game, and can
keep a distance from our involvement and thoughts, from our planning and
conditionings, from our emotions.
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After our Self-Realization our ability to be a witness matures, and we see all of these
things as existing outside ourselves. These things and events are not of our Spirit; they
are of the external world. In this way we strip away layers of identity to reveal our
fundamental and individual essences, the Spirit. Shri Mataji says that "we see our own
acting, and the whole world becomes like a drama." In the same Shakespeare likened the
whole world to a stage, and us as actors on it.
The Vishuddhi Chakra also embodies those qualities which govern our relationship with
other members of the human race. It is key to our ability to feel and respond to our own
vibrations as well as others, and deepens our spiritual awareness. It gives us a sense of
oneness and harmony with the Great Circle of Life. As we become one with the Whole
we begin to feel the direct evidence of the subtle system on our Chakras and those of
others. This is what is meant by the actualization in Sahaja Yoga, this actual evidence of
our enlightenment, which we experience on our fingertips and in our bodies. It is a fact
that, as we become a collectively conscious person, we can work on the subtle system of
others simply by recording the state of their Chakras on our fingers and directing our
vibrations to these areas of need as required. It is like acquiring a new perception, a
natural new sense of subtle vibrations. This bond of humanity is the goal that seekers
have been searching for over many lifetimes, and it is starting its manifestation at this
point in time, not just through myth and conception, but through the direct evidence of
personal experience.
Gross Physical Aspect
The Vishuddhi Chakra has sixteen petals, each with different qualities and functions.
We should avoid lying or swearing or talking excessively as this could affect the right
center. Likewise it benefits is we use the voice for praise rather than criticism, for
dignity rather than coarse frivolity. We should never be harsh or sarcastic or witty at
another’s expense. We should simply aim to speak from the heart. Another way this
center can suffer is in the indiscriminate use of mantras. This is especially true in regard
to mantras sold as commercial commodities. These are simple sensory dulling toys
which have no relationship with our Spirit. Undergoing this type of self-hypnosis is
actually anti-consciousness.
Clearing Vishuddhi Chakra
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The best way is to take the mantra 
Also you can look at the sky and loudly say Allah-o-Akbar 16 times with your index fingers
in your ears.
For left Vishuddhi you can take the mantra of Shri Vishnumaya 16 times and for right
Vishuddhi you can take the mantra of Shri Yashoda 16 times.
There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available relating to the particular
Vishuddhi Chakra affected. Candle treatment around the throat and drops of ghee
inside nose are particularly effective.      
Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide
Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
Agnya Chakra
"The sixth center is called Agnya Chakra and has only two petals. This is the center
placed where the two optic nerves cross each other in the brain (optic chiasm). The
center caters for pituitary and pineal body which manifest the two institutions of ego and
superego within us."
                                --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The Agnya Chakra is situated in the center of the brain area, and represents the sixth
stage of human evolution. We can identify its position as the middle point of the
forehead. The Agnya Chakra is the gateway to the Sahasrara Chakra, the Kingdom of
This is the place of Lord Jesus and Mary. Jesus said that He is the Path, and it
is His Path that leads us to the Kingdom of Heaven in the Sahasrara.
At this point in our evolution humans have developed a sophisticated society, and
with it came the problem of ego — the idea that he is doing it all. This idea of "I"-
ness was accelerated by the continuing success of his material gains throughout
history. The natural result of this brought about an inflated ego, and with further
arrogance came the superego. So ego and superego isolated the human from
The ego and superego are located at the uppermost endpoints of the channels of
Ida Nadi (the Moon Line or Left Channel) and Pingala Nadi (the Sun Line or Right
Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide
Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
Channel). These two channels cross over at the Agnya Chakra. Everything related
to the past (such as memories, conditionings and emotions) accumulates as a
residue in the Superego on the right side of the brain, having crossed over from the
Left Channel. Everything relating to the future (such as thinking, planning and
action) likewise accumulates as a residue, but in the ego on the left side of the
brain. Therefore, before Self-Realization we are always in various stages of
The Ego and Superego border the outlying regions of the subtle universe. The
Superego is in the individual Subconscious realm where all of our past knowledge
and experience are stored. Beyond this is the Collective Subconscious, which is the
area where spiritualists and mediums ply their trade of the past. The Ego is in the
individual Super conscious, the realm of the future. It is in the Collective
Supraconscious that clairvoyants, visionaries and seekers of power conduct their
business of the future. Exploration of any of these realms is extremely dangerous.
Gross Physical Aspect
Amongst other things, the Agnya Chakra governs our sight. We should therefore
respect the eyes as a gift with which the beauty of the Divine creation is revealed to
us. We should not abuse it by having adulterous eyes.
Clearing Agnya Chakra
The mantra to be taken is
One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Mahavira:
Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide
Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Buddha:
 Put left hand towards Her photo and right hand on forehead and try to remain
thoughtless for a few minutes.
 Stop all meditative activities involving the Agnya Chakra — concentration,
visualization, hypnosis, clairvoyance etc.
 Forget the many wrong conditionings presented by the ‘Christian’
organizations and churches.
 Do not be futuristic; try to stay in the present.
Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide
Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
Sahasrara Chakra
"Lastly, the seventh centre, the most important centre is the Sahasrara which
has got, according to Sahaja Yoga, a thousand petals. Actually there are a
thousand nerves and if you cut the transverse section of the brain you can see
that all these petal-like structures of the brain are forming a lotus of the
thousand petals. This centre of a thousand petals covers the limbic area of the
brain before Realization like the closed bud of a lotus. Above this covering is the
balloon-like structure of ego and superego. As the brain is covered completely
when these two institutions join and calcification takes place on top of the head;
that is how we become a closed personality. At the time of our awakening, of
our second birth, this egg-like personality breaks at the top of the head."
 --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The Sahasrara Chakra encompasses the crown of the head where all Chakras of the
subtle system are integrated. When Kundalini passes through the top of the head, at the
fontanelle area, your Realization is manifested. Sahasrara is the Promised Land where
absolute freedom and Truth is granted.
The presiding Deity of the Sahasrara Chakra is Shri Lalita Devi. Her
first ever complete manifestation on Earth is in the human form of
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Through Her Grace our Kundalini is
Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide
Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
awakened, our spirit is enlightened, and we feel the Paramchaitanya
At the point of the Sahasrara we go beyond the relative to the Absolute,
and into the Absolute realization of Heaven on Earth. This is a country
far beyond our wildest imaginings, so much more than our words can
even seek to imply. This is our ultimate destination, stretching out
forever. Our progress towards this goal is a living process. When the
seed matures it naturally sprouts. When the Kundalini reaches the
Sahasrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment takes place. You
may feel a pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting
sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanel areas. This is
the baptism by which you know that you are truly born again.
Vibratory awareness begins at this point. As the Kundalini unites our individual
consciousness with the Universal Consciousness (the Atma to the Paramatma), we
are suddenly tuned in to the Universal Wavelength of Vibrations. These vibrations
pervade the cosmos but before Self-Realization, while we are still in the ego form,
we know nothing of them. When the Kundalini breaks the shell of the egg, we
emerge in His Kingdom, the Collective Unconscious. Very ancient and great
realized souls, liberated from the physical body ages ago, are now able to reach this
Kingdom of God within effortlessly. By taking birth again on this Earth they are living
proof to the human race that they are pure spirit within, and all capable of attaining
eternal life. "But the man who is ignorant, who has no faith, who is of a doubting
nature, perishes. For the doubting soul there is neither this world nor the world
beyond nor any happiness" (BG 4:40). We must have a positive basis for life, an
unwavering faith to discover the Truth which stands the test of life. "Kill therefore
with the sword of wisdom the doubt born of ignorance that lies in thy heart. Be one
in self-harmony, in Yoga, and arise, great warrior, arise!" (BG 4:42).
As human awareness is united to the Divine, we move into the subtlest of
communication, that is, into Collective Consciousness. We begin to feel the
presence and guidance of His Spirit within us and in others as well. We learn to
appreciate the real depth and beauty of another person through vibrations. The
beauty of Nature now manifests itself as vibrations. Just ask the question and a
Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide
Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
positive answer comes as a flow of vibrations. It is conversation with the Universe at
its most sublime.
Clearing Sahasrara Chakra
One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Adi Shakti:
Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide
Abundance and Prosperity Reiki

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The 7 Chakras and Techniques for Clearing Them

  • 1. ALL THE SEVEN CHAKRAS AND TECHNIQUES FOR CLEARING THEM 1. Mooladhara Chakra 2. Clearing Mooladhara Chakra 3. Swadhisthan Chakra 4. Clearing Swadhisthan Chakra 5. Nabhi Chakra 6. Clearing Nabhi Chakra 7. Void 8. Anahatha Chakra Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 2. 9. Clearing Anahatha Chakra 10. Vishuddhi Chakra 11. Clearing Vishuddhi Chakra 12. Agnya Chakra 13. Clearing Agnya Chakra 14. Sahasrara Chakra 15. Clearing Sahasrara Chakra Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 3. Mooladhara Chakra The first center is called the Mooladhara center. It has four petals (sub-plexuses), is placed below the triangular bone, and is responsible on the physical level of the manifestation of the pelvic plexus which looks after all our excretion, inclusive of sex activity. When the Kundalini rises, then this center becomes inactive in the excretion functions but active in the support of the rising of the Kundalini. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centers, the first center of Mooladhara protects the purity of chastity of the Kundalini at the time of its awakening"                                                           -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Deity      It is governed by Shri Ganesha , the deity of innocence and wisdom.  Quality The fundamental quality of this Chakra is innocence and the innate wisdom, which comes from having childlike innocence. The innocence is the type of quality which is evident in babies and small children. It represents action without motive or desire for gross personal gain. This innocence is accompanied by the innate wisdom of a child. A baby knows fundamental aspects of nature instinctively — it knows how to show discomfort by crying, or how to suck to obtain food. This root wisdom, if left untempered, would develop into a balanced set of priorities in the adult. Unfortunately the influence of parents and society tends to muddy this innocence and so obscure the wisdom that goes with it. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 4. Simplicity, joy, purity, integrity and balance are other qualities manifest in human beings through this Chakra. Because this center governs the reproduction organs and systems, sexual attitudes and behavior critically impact the strength or weakness of this center. Sexual excessiveness, both physical and mental, creates imbalances throughout the body’s systems. "So we have to put our carnal desires, dissolve them into the innocence, the Ocean of Innocence, we have to dissolve it in the Ocean of Innocence. Innocence is something to be appreciated, to be understood, to be enjoyed. Like you see animals are innocent, the children they are innocent, flowers they are innocent — divert your attention to all these things." Once Kundalini is awakened reverence for and desire to serve the Spirit within gradually becomes heightened. By awakening the qualities of the Mooladhara through meditation, we learn again to be more innocent beings, to be less motive-led in our actions, and to rediscover the wisdom which is strong enough to help us make the correct decisions in our lives. Gross Physical Aspects The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs, and as such has a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human being. There have been attempts in the past to awaken the Kundalini through sexual practice such as tantra. This is obviously very dangerous and can cause the greatest harm to the Chakra itself. If one remembers that the Mooladhara centre provides a gateway through which the Kundalini must pass, then it is easy to understand how anything which is not innocent can harm it. Sex has its place in human life as the most sublime physical expression of love within the marriage. Through this channel birth and creation continue their course. However, it is another thing to allow sex to dominate our lives and bring us out of balance. After Self-Realization one learns to develop respect and proper esteem for one’s own chastity and of others. This sense of right conduct is essential for the development of our own gravity and power. It is the foundation stone of each of us as human beings, the power of incorruptible innocence Clearing Mooladhara Chakra CLEARING BLOCKAGE OF MOOLADHARA CHAKRA A weakened Mooladhara may show up in a number of ways; Poor sense of direction, poor memory, poor sense of balance (gravity), certain ‘incurable’ diseases or mental problems. One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Ganesha. So after raising your Kundalini and prior to meditation put your right hand on Mother Earth, and the left open and resting on left lap, say Shri Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 5. Ganesha's mantra four times: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI GANESHA SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH  Sit on the earth as much as possible.  For left Mooladhara place the left hand on the Chakra (just above the groin area) and the right hand on the ground.  Soak your feet in a bowl of warm salted water (foot-soaking).  Affirmations: "Shri Mataji, please make me innocent." "Shri Mataji, please clear my Mooladhara Chakra." GENERAL ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI:  Try to keep your attention on natural things such as the earth, sky or grass rather than the gross or material things.  Avoid too much red meat as this can over excite the Chakra.  Relate to members of the opposite sex as brothers and sisters, not sex objects.  Meditate on the quality of innocence to develop this power. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 6. Swadhisthan Chakra  "The second center is the center of Swadhisthan. It has six petals and caters on the physical level to functions of the aortic plexus, and is the one which supplies us with the energy of creativity, of thinking, of being futuristic. It supplies Power to the brain cells by converting fat cells into brain cells."                                                 -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Deities The presiding deity for the Swadhisthan Chakra is Shri Brahmadeva. He represents the Creator, and has as His power Shri Saraswati, who is the Goddess of music and arts.  Quality The fundamental quality of the Swadhisthan Chakra is that of creativity. It is here that the energy for our creativity is generated. After Self-Realization we discover that the true key to creativity is in achieving the state of thoughtless awareness (nirvichara samadhi) through meditation. From this we discover that all the beauty of Creation is reflected within us like a still and silent lake. Once we locate this pool of beauty we can become the channel for it. We become the Collective Unconscious, without ego to distort the purity of art. The process of creativity in whatever form draws on the qualities of the Swadhisthan Chakra. If this process is accomplished in a balanced state (i.e., using the energies of the central or Sushumna channel in the subtle system) then the result is spiritually enhanced. After Self-Realization this is emphasized, and the resulting creation can become an inspired work. We can see this by looking at the classic works from artists of the past Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 7. such as Mozart and Michaelangelo who were born as evolved realized souls. Works of this quality are immortal, and provide joy and beauty which define a whole epoch. However in the modern process, we can see that even where the artistic endeavor starts out ‘with heart,’ there is a tendency for the artist to produce later works which are flat, lifeless or even exploitative. The primary cause of this tendency is the ego of the artist. As the artist becomes more successful, he or she works harder to maintain or grow this success. This requires more exhaustive use of the right channel (the Pingala Nadi or Channel of Action). A by-product of this channel becoming exhausted is that the ego of the artist becomes inflated. Note that in subtle terms the ego is actually situated at the end of the action channel (in the balloon-like shape on the left-hand side of the head). If one is confused by an inflated ego, the excessiveness drains the central channel of energy and exhausts the right side. In addition, the connection with the ego can take the attention away from the Spirit. As the artist starts to believe that he is the creator of all his works (thus eliminating divine inspiration) the process is accelerated and the ego expands to such an extent that the spiritual content of the work is removed completely. The Spirit, which resides in our heart, is the real reservoir of creativity, and artists and people who think excessively or are obsessed with fame or success will usually suffer a weak Swadhisthan Chakra and tend to be off-balance personalities. Their ambition is to be superior to others or to be acclaimed by them for their talents comes from their ego, which is connected to the right-side of the Swadhisthan Chakra through the right channel. Their spontaneity is lost in this ambitious and competitive effort to create, and this explains why most modern creation in any aspect lacks Spirit. Gross Physical Aspect One of the most important functions of this center is to generate the energy that fuels our thinking by breaking down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the brain cells. Excessive thinking and planning overworks this process and exhausts the center. The Swadhisthan also looks after the liver (along with the Nabhi Centre). If the Chakra is having to cope with excessive thinking, then the other organs it is supposed to look after are neglected. The liver is particularly susceptible to this neglect. The liver has a particular importance in that it is the seat of our Attention (chitta). Attention should not be confused with thought, which comes from ego (our I-ness) and superego (our past conditioning and upbringing). Attention is pure concentration minus thought/mental activity. For example when we look at a flower we put our pure attention on it (i.e., we observe it). However we will also think about it ("that’s pretty," "I wonder what’s it called," etc.). Attention has no such associated thoughts - it is pure concentration/observation/witnessing. A balanced Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 8. liver sustains and nourishes our Attention and filters it by scanning out any impurities and external clutter. From this purified attention comes the peace and stillness that we obtain in our meditation. The liver is susceptible to overheating (through alcohol or other stimulants), effecting our Attention, which ultimately weakens our meditation and so on. Clearing Swadhisthan Chakra Clearing The Swadhisthan A weakened Swadhisthan may show up in a number of ways: Diabetes, heart disease and associated problems, difficulty meditating, irritability. You can say  Shri Brahmadeva's  mantra six times: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI BRAHMADEVA SARASWATI SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH  Soak your feet in a bowl of cold (or even iced) salted water during meditation for clearing right Swadhisthan Chakra.  Place ice-pack on right Swadhisthan Chakra (above junction of torso and right leg).  Soak your feet in bowl of warm salted water during meditation for clearing left Swadhisthan Chakra.  Use the candle treatment on left Swadhisthan Chakra area.  Affirmations: "Shri Mataji, please give me the Pure Knowledge (Nirmala Vidya)." GENERAL ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI  Place the right hand on the Chakra and left hand towards Her photo.  Raise the left Ida channel and bring down the right Pingala channel 108 times. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 9. Nabhi Chakra "The third center is called as Nabhi center and has ten petals. It is behind the navel, and this center gives us the Power to sustain something within ourselves. On the physical level it caters to the functions of the solar plexus."                                     --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Deities: The presiding Deity of the center is Shri Vishnu, the Preserver, who sustains our Dharma and leads us in evolution. The power of the Nabhi Chakra rests with Shri Laksmi, from whom we obtain our physical and material well-being (Kshema). On the left channel of the Chakra is the place of Shri Grihalaksmi and on the right is Shri Rajyalakshmi. Quality Satisfaction is actually a key word for the Nabhi Chakra. Some ‘hot-livered’ people are naturally irritable. For them life without worry is an impossibility and will express their discontent at the slightest excuse. When our Spirit manifests, we can put things into their true perspective, and worry becomes an unusual occurrence. In the peace of thoughtlessness, we can only be content. We realize that the Spirit is not concerned with the passing trends and fashions. We have been blessed with intelligence and wisdom through which we can work to fulfill all human needs. When these needs are satisfied, then these mundane matters no longer occupy us and block our growth. However, the vast majority of us get lost. The desire for basic needs transform into a cycle of insatiable desire for things in general and the start of a Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 10. materialistic existence. There is nothing wrong in being wealthy. The problem lies in becoming obsessed with money. The desire for money for the sake of money is greed. It crosses the boundary of need and becomes an obsession, a disease that retards growth. Miserliness and hoarding prevent the proper flow of money to places of need, and represents the selfish, primitive mind which does not know the Truth about the Circle of Life. Nature sustains all creatures by sharing everything, because it is part and parcel the Holistic Whole. But humans have appropriated Mother Earth for themselves by carving and controlling vast resources, especially through the machinery of money. By sharing we learn. Being generous is so elevating, whereas hoarding leads to stagnation, it creates a blocked mind. It is selfishness and greed that leads to the impoverishment, suffering, disease, and death of hundreds of millions of fellow humans on this beautiful, bountiful, ever generous Mother Earth. It is human greed that has brought upon the entire Human Family the ever-growing perils of deforestation, extinction of species, pollution and other environmental crises. We are sucking all the nourishment of our Earth Mother in the wanton abandonment and gluttonous feeding frenzy of a one-night stand life. We humans have to come to our senses and look at our inner glories and eternal nature. We must have the humility to bow in collective shame, the courage to judge ourselves guilty, and begin to collectively heal our hearts, mind and soul. We must become conscious of Reality and collectively dream again of the eternal Afterlife. Another aspect to the Nabhi Chakra is that of Dharma or right conduct in our lives. In order for us to maintain a state of satisfaction within, we have to exist in a state of satisfaction without; and this means appreciating the benefits of living an upright life. It cannot be an artificial process. It comes naturally through our Attention after Self-Realization. Just as gold cannot tarnish, so Dharma cannot be altered. There is no relative state of Dharmic conduct. An act is either fundamentally right or wrong. Dharma is the code of evolution through which developed from amoeba to the present stage. This code protects and nourishes our spiritual growth. The most powerful evocation of the laws of Dharma were the Ten Commandments which were provided as evolutionary guidelines. It must be remembered that these guidelines are there as examples for us to follow. We are not forced to do anything. In Sahaja Yoga you are your own judge and jury. The vibrations state the case for you, and then its up to you to give the verdict and pass the sentence. This is a direct benefit of receiving your Self-Realization, as you stop identifying with your weaknesses and become the Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 11. witness to your true self. You are guided and corrected by the Spirit to remain on the narrow path of righteousness during the Resurrection. In this way you provide your own Last Judgment! Gross Physical Aspect The Nabhi Chakra regulates the direction and speed of our human evolution, as it is the command center of our sustenance: of food, family love, parental roles and relationships. Material satisfaction and a sense of calm arising from a healthy Nabhi allow our attention to turn to inner spiritual pursuits. The Nabhi can be weakened in a number of ways. We can catch on the left side of this center if we suffer problems in the household or if we worry too much about money. Too much thinking about food, whether in gluttony or fasting, also affects this center. It keeps the stomach excited and hinders the energy flow. Indiscriminate fasting disturbs the Nabhi Chakra. We cannot reach our Spirit through fasting. Fasting may be undertaken for health purposes, but it has no spiritual significance. After Self-Realization we find that our attitude to food changes. We stop craving particular dishes and start enjoying good food which gives the best vibrations. We develop a subtle and detached attitude, and can gain the same amount of satisfaction from a simple meal as from the finest cuisine. This center governs the workings of the stomach area and also the liver. It is very important to take particular care of the liver which is prone to overheating through improper diet or stimulants, and to ensure that we do not exhaust it too much through over thinking and planning. Clearing Nabhi Chakra CLEARING BLOCKAGE OF CENTRE NABHI CHAKRA One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Lakshmi and Vishnu: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI LAKSHMI VISNHU SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH  The use of a candle around the stomach area is very effective. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 12.  Soak your feet in a bowl of warm water (recommended for all the lower chakras).  Deep and relaxed slow breathing in and out for a while.  Affirmations: "Shri Mataji, in my Spirit I am satisfied." GENERAL ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI  There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available relating to the particular Nabhi Chakra affected; giving vibrations (center and left Nabhi), drinking vibrated water (center Nabhi), avoidance of fatty food and excessive amounts of dairy products (left Nabhi) are particularly effective. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 13. Void "As the Kundalini rises into the third part, next to the Nabhi Chakra, we become absolutely righteous. This area, which we call as the Ocean of Illusion, is enlightened by ten principles of mastery. The great masters have created these ten centers of commandment which are enlightened and we become holy. There is no need to be strict in one’s behavior. We automatically become really spiritual. Like an egg becomes the bird, we are born twice. In Sanskrit a Yogi or the one who knows about Brahma, meaning the All-Pervading Power, is called Dwija and a bird is also called Dwija, meaning twice born. There were Abraham and Moses and all the ten Primordial Masters who have been born again and again on this Earth. Zoroastra has been born five times and also so many of these were born in different places in different countries to guide the people to take to religious life to establish the necessary balance for the ascent. By talking about religious life it does not work. By reading scriptures we get lost in the web of words (Sabda Jalam). We innately feel the existence of universal pure religion within ourselves after awakening when the Kundalini rises into this part called the Ocean of Illusion (Bhavasagara or Void which is the circled area around Nabhi Chakra). When this center is fully enlightened and established in spirituality, we become automatically righteous. We respect our value system, we become moral, we become honest, non-violent and we become innately compassionate. All these qualities becoming so evident within ourselves that we change and get transformed into a new being who is extremely righteous and who is like a saint. To such a person there is no need to talk about the do’s and the don’ts."                                    -- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi During the period of human evolution to date there has been a constant battle against ignorance and illusion. This state of ignorance is something that has to be overcome before humans can actually experience the beauty and Reality of the Spirit. The area that represents this struggle to cross over from illusion to Reality is known as Void, or the Bhavasagara (Ocean of Illusion). The Void is the gap between the Kundalini and the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic system. It represents all spaces and time from the beginning of creation to the peak of our evolution in human awareness. It is the vacuum which separates our awareness from the Absolute, the critical gap that no religious institution or spiritual school has able to cross — till now. The Void is the center of our own mastery. As the Kundalini energy enlightens this area we become our own Guru and attain gravity. This grounded state is one of the primary ways that Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 14. we remain in balance in the midst of our turbulent existence. When the Kundalini rises and fills the Void our Attention is led out of confusion and Maya, and into the awareness of the higher Reality. In this way we can take control of our own evolution without relying on external forces. Eventually our own introspection will provide answers and keys during our meditation. We become our own masters, far surpassing the most enlightened religious prisoner. In a lot of cases the key will be to recognize a solution to our problem presented to us externally, but as we become our own master we are able to discern the right from wrong, the Truth from falsehood from within. The other side of the coin is the principle of discipline. It is important for us to recognize Truth in a humble and open-minded and give advice with the gravity of a Master. The great Masters throughout the ages have been most humble. In this way they surrender their ego to the Divine and are able to teach with absolute authority, even when directly challenging the established wisdom of the time. Since the Void is directly connected with the Nabhi Chakra it is no coincidence that the principle of Dharma is a fundamental aspect of this area. All of the great Prophets who have come to act as role models for the human race and to give Knowledge of the higher Reality are associated with the Void. The Primordial Deity is Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya. The ten embodiments of the Adi Guru are Socrates, Confucius, Moses, Abraham, Zarathustra, Lao-tse, Mohammed, Raja Janaka, Guru Nanak, and Shri Sai Nath of Shirdi. One has to understand that evolution is time sensitive. All incarnations of the Primordial Master came in stages, and scattered all over Earth. It is they who have taught us the ways of righteous living that maintain codes of conduct by which anarchy is avoided. All of the great Masters and Prophets who took their birth on Earth to guide us, have made Dharma a key tenet of their teachings. We can only become better beings by not abusing ourselves or debasing others, that is, by living as beings of the Almighty Creator and in accordance to the laws of nature. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 15. Anahatha Chakra "The fourth center is called as the Anahatha Chakra, meaning the heart center. It has twelve petals and is placed behind the sternum in the spinal cord. This center produces the anti-bodies till the age of twelve years and then these anti-bodies are circulated in the whole body to be ready to fight any kind of attack on the body or on the mind. If there is any attack on the person these anti-bodies are informed through the sternum, which has a remote control of information. Heart center caters for the cardiac plexus." --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Deities The seat of the Heart Chakra is located in the Brahmarandhra at the crown of the head (in the Sahasrara). This is where Shri Gauri (Kundalini) in Her form of Shri Parvati is united with Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva presides as the Witness in the left Heart Chakra, in the center Heart Chakra resides Shri Jagdamba, the Mother of the Universe. Lord Rama inhabits the right Heart Chakra. Quality The Heart Chakra is the home of the Self, the Spirit or Atma - all mean the same thing. Time and again Shri Mataji has stressed that, "You are nothing but your eternal Spirit." In this way She is telling us that we have to realize and become our Spirit, and leave behind the futility of the illusion we live in. We start the process of becoming our Spirit after Self-Realization, as we start to lose our false identifications with our body, mind and feelings. Only after this enlightenment can we take our Attention to our heart and cleanse it. The Spirit can only manifest when our heart is open and clean, at which point we feel the eternal Joy of Creation and the meaning and purpose of our place in it. If functioning properly, it enables us to feel our Self-Transcendence, generate and radiate love. The state of vibrations maintains and revitalizes our own human systems as well as those of others. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 16. Pure love, which enlightens all, is the real quality of the Heart Chakra. In the unrealized state we rarely love for love’s sake. Because of our conditioning we confuse feelings of love with those of possession, sex and selfishness. Pure love is detached and gives without motive. True love is the quality that emanates from the Spirit and not from the body or mind. Bodily attraction is physical and the mind does not love — it merely wants. When the want of the mind is attained, then the novelty wears off. For instance a child is excited and attached to a new toy, but after a few days, as the novelty wears off, the excitement dies. The same occurs with relationships which are based simply on physical attraction. That which is illusory cannot love or be loved. Love is often mistakenly taken as restricted to male and female. In fact Love is the flow of life is all limbs, between children/parents, brothers/sisters, friends, senior citizens etc. Where many people share and care, then the whole society opens up its Heart center. It becomes a collective society and changes the world. This is the power of Love. Love is the principle behind all Creation. We say that God is Love and love is God because in its depths we cease to be. In true Love there is no "I" and no "You" - there is simply the merging of the Spirit. In this state we experience true human unity, the true oneness of life. Physically we can appear as different colors, shapes, characteristics, but as we become the Spirit the drop becomes the Ocean. Gross Physical Aspect Using the body as an instrument of athletic display fatigues the Heart center. Excessive athletic competition simply develops into an ego-oriented thing, with no real gain at the end of it. In a similar way modern Hatha yoga is a form of athleticism which has no correlation with the Spirit, and this too can harm the center. Unfortunately today Hatha yoga is mistaken for spirituality and people spend hours doing all kinds of asanas (positions). By standing on our heads (or wearing white/saffron robes or being vegetarian or whatever) we are not going to know the Almighty Creator. Clearing Anahatha Chakra CLEARING THE CENTER HEART CHAKRA There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available. One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Jagdamba: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI JAGDAMBA SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH Clearing Blockage of Left Heart Chakra Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 17. One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Shiva and Parvati: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI SHIVA PARVATI SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH Clearing Blockage of Right Heart Chakra One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Sita and Rama: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI SITA RAMA SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH GENERAL ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available relating to the particular Heart Chakra affected; giving vibrations and candle treatment around the heart area are particularly effective. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 18. Vishuddhi Chakra "The fifth center is called as Vishuddhi Chakra. This is placed in the neck of the human being and it had sixteen petals which look after ears, nose, throat, neck, tongue, teeth etc. This center is responsible for communication with others because through our eyes, through our nose, through our speech, through our hands, we communicate with others. On the physical level it caters for the cervical plexus."                     --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Deities The deity for this center is Shri Krishna and His power is Shri Radha. On the left side resides Shri Vishnumaya and on the right Shri Yashoda.  Quality One of the qualities that we need to develop for our spiritual growth is that of staying detached from the problems we face every day whilst trying to survive in the modern world. The flowering of the Vishuddhi Chakra provides us with a sense of detachment which lets us witness the Play of Life to survive in the modern world. As a result we avoid being brought down by things which seem traumatic, but are in fact simple ‘events’ or ‘coincidences’ which we must pass through to reach the Other Shore. This does not mean that we stop accepting responsibility for our actions, or that we ‘give up’ on life. It simple gives us a means to maintain a sense of perspective when we are faced with overwhelming emotional situations. We become a witness of the game, and can keep a distance from our involvement and thoughts, from our planning and conditionings, from our emotions. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 19. After our Self-Realization our ability to be a witness matures, and we see all of these things as existing outside ourselves. These things and events are not of our Spirit; they are of the external world. In this way we strip away layers of identity to reveal our fundamental and individual essences, the Spirit. Shri Mataji says that "we see our own acting, and the whole world becomes like a drama." In the same Shakespeare likened the whole world to a stage, and us as actors on it. The Vishuddhi Chakra also embodies those qualities which govern our relationship with other members of the human race. It is key to our ability to feel and respond to our own vibrations as well as others, and deepens our spiritual awareness. It gives us a sense of oneness and harmony with the Great Circle of Life. As we become one with the Whole we begin to feel the direct evidence of the subtle system on our Chakras and those of others. This is what is meant by the actualization in Sahaja Yoga, this actual evidence of our enlightenment, which we experience on our fingertips and in our bodies. It is a fact that, as we become a collectively conscious person, we can work on the subtle system of others simply by recording the state of their Chakras on our fingers and directing our vibrations to these areas of need as required. It is like acquiring a new perception, a natural new sense of subtle vibrations. This bond of humanity is the goal that seekers have been searching for over many lifetimes, and it is starting its manifestation at this point in time, not just through myth and conception, but through the direct evidence of personal experience. Gross Physical Aspect The Vishuddhi Chakra has sixteen petals, each with different qualities and functions. We should avoid lying or swearing or talking excessively as this could affect the right center. Likewise it benefits is we use the voice for praise rather than criticism, for dignity rather than coarse frivolity. We should never be harsh or sarcastic or witty at another’s expense. We should simply aim to speak from the heart. Another way this center can suffer is in the indiscriminate use of mantras. This is especially true in regard to mantras sold as commercial commodities. These are simple sensory dulling toys which have no relationship with our Spirit. Undergoing this type of self-hypnosis is actually anti-consciousness. Clearing Vishuddhi Chakra CLEARING THE VISHUDDHI CHAKRA Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 20. The best way is to take the mantra  OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI RADHA KRISHNA SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH Also you can look at the sky and loudly say Allah-o-Akbar 16 times with your index fingers in your ears. For left Vishuddhi you can take the mantra of Shri Vishnumaya 16 times and for right Vishuddhi you can take the mantra of Shri Yashoda 16 times. GENERAL ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI There are a wide range of self-healing remedies available relating to the particular Vishuddhi Chakra affected. Candle treatment around the throat and drops of ghee inside nose are particularly effective.       Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 21. Agnya Chakra "The sixth center is called Agnya Chakra and has only two petals. This is the center placed where the two optic nerves cross each other in the brain (optic chiasm). The center caters for pituitary and pineal body which manifest the two institutions of ego and superego within us."                                 --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi The Agnya Chakra is situated in the center of the brain area, and represents the sixth stage of human evolution. We can identify its position as the middle point of the forehead. The Agnya Chakra is the gateway to the Sahasrara Chakra, the Kingdom of God. Deities This is the place of Lord Jesus and Mary. Jesus said that He is the Path, and it is His Path that leads us to the Kingdom of Heaven in the Sahasrara. Quality At this point in our evolution humans have developed a sophisticated society, and with it came the problem of ego — the idea that he is doing it all. This idea of "I"- ness was accelerated by the continuing success of his material gains throughout history. The natural result of this brought about an inflated ego, and with further arrogance came the superego. So ego and superego isolated the human from Spirit. The ego and superego are located at the uppermost endpoints of the channels of Ida Nadi (the Moon Line or Left Channel) and Pingala Nadi (the Sun Line or Right Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 22. Channel). These two channels cross over at the Agnya Chakra. Everything related to the past (such as memories, conditionings and emotions) accumulates as a residue in the Superego on the right side of the brain, having crossed over from the Left Channel. Everything relating to the future (such as thinking, planning and action) likewise accumulates as a residue, but in the ego on the left side of the brain. Therefore, before Self-Realization we are always in various stages of imbalance. The Ego and Superego border the outlying regions of the subtle universe. The Superego is in the individual Subconscious realm where all of our past knowledge and experience are stored. Beyond this is the Collective Subconscious, which is the area where spiritualists and mediums ply their trade of the past. The Ego is in the individual Super conscious, the realm of the future. It is in the Collective Supraconscious that clairvoyants, visionaries and seekers of power conduct their business of the future. Exploration of any of these realms is extremely dangerous. Gross Physical Aspect Amongst other things, the Agnya Chakra governs our sight. We should therefore respect the eyes as a gift with which the beauty of the Divine creation is revealed to us. We should not abuse it by having adulterous eyes. Clearing Agnya Chakra CLEARING BLOCKAGE OF  AGNYA CHAKRA The mantra to be taken is OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI JESUS MARY SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH CLEARING BLOCKAGE OF LEFT AGNYA CHAKRA One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Mahavira: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI MAHAVIRA SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 23. CLEARING BLOCKAGE OF RIGHT AGNYA CHAKRA One of the most effective is the mantra of Shri Buddha: OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI BUDDHA SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH GENERAL ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI  Put left hand towards Her photo and right hand on forehead and try to remain thoughtless for a few minutes.  Stop all meditative activities involving the Agnya Chakra — concentration, visualization, hypnosis, clairvoyance etc.  Forget the many wrong conditionings presented by the ‘Christian’ organizations and churches.  Do not be futuristic; try to stay in the present. Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 24. Sahasrara Chakra "Lastly, the seventh centre, the most important centre is the Sahasrara which has got, according to Sahaja Yoga, a thousand petals. Actually there are a thousand nerves and if you cut the transverse section of the brain you can see that all these petal-like structures of the brain are forming a lotus of the thousand petals. This centre of a thousand petals covers the limbic area of the brain before Realization like the closed bud of a lotus. Above this covering is the balloon-like structure of ego and superego. As the brain is covered completely when these two institutions join and calcification takes place on top of the head; that is how we become a closed personality. At the time of our awakening, of our second birth, this egg-like personality breaks at the top of the head."  --H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi The Sahasrara Chakra encompasses the crown of the head where all Chakras of the subtle system are integrated. When Kundalini passes through the top of the head, at the fontanelle area, your Realization is manifested. Sahasrara is the Promised Land where absolute freedom and Truth is granted. Deity The presiding Deity of the Sahasrara Chakra is Shri Lalita Devi. Her first ever complete manifestation on Earth is in the human form of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Through Her Grace our Kundalini is Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki
  • 25. awakened, our spirit is enlightened, and we feel the Paramchaitanya also. Quality At the point of the Sahasrara we go beyond the relative to the Absolute, and into the Absolute realization of Heaven on Earth. This is a country far beyond our wildest imaginings, so much more than our words can even seek to imply. This is our ultimate destination, stretching out forever. Our progress towards this goal is a living process. When the seed matures it naturally sprouts. When the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment takes place. You may feel a pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanel areas. This is the baptism by which you know that you are truly born again. Vibratory awareness begins at this point. As the Kundalini unites our individual consciousness with the Universal Consciousness (the Atma to the Paramatma), we are suddenly tuned in to the Universal Wavelength of Vibrations. These vibrations pervade the cosmos but before Self-Realization, while we are still in the ego form, we know nothing of them. When the Kundalini breaks the shell of the egg, we emerge in His Kingdom, the Collective Unconscious. Very ancient and great realized souls, liberated from the physical body ages ago, are now able to reach this Kingdom of God within effortlessly. By taking birth again on this Earth they are living proof to the human race that they are pure spirit within, and all capable of attaining eternal life. "But the man who is ignorant, who has no faith, who is of a doubting nature, perishes. For the doubting soul there is neither this world nor the world beyond nor any happiness" (BG 4:40). We must have a positive basis for life, an unwavering faith to discover the Truth which stands the test of life. "Kill therefore with the sword of wisdom the doubt born of ignorance that lies in thy heart. Be one in self-harmony, in Yoga, and arise, great warrior, arise!" (BG 4:42). As human awareness is united to the Divine, we move into the subtlest of communication, that is, into Collective Consciousness. We begin to feel the presence and guidance of His Spirit within us and in others as well. We learn to appreciate the real depth and beauty of another person through vibrations. The beauty of Nature now manifests itself as vibrations. Just ask the question and a Yoga : An Easy Yoga for Beginners Guide Abundance and Prosperity Reiki