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Part One has an extended focus on what we believe
1. What is the plan of God for man?
9. What is the full & definitive stage of God's Revelation?
The full and definitive stage of God’s revelation is accomplished in his Word made
flesh, Jesus Christ, the mediator and fullness of Revelation. He, being the only-
begotten Son of God made man, is the perfect and definitive Word of the Father. In
the sending of the Son and the gift of the Spirit, Revelation is now fully complete,
although the faith of the Church must gradually grasp its full significance over the
course of centuries.
“In giving us his Son, his only and definitive Word, God spoke everything to us at once in this sole
Word, and he has no more to say.” (Saint John of the Cross)
The Bible & “Salvation History”
You can find a
one year Bible
reading plan at
You can take a
cinematic look
at Salvation
History…. The Apostle Paul
The Book of Daniel
Bible: In the Beginning "was
originally conceived as the
first in a series of films
retelling the entire Old
Testament, but these sequels
were never made."
A review on the web site of the
United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops explains
that The Bible: In the
Beginning is a "reverent but
entertaining spectacular,"
covering "Creation, Adam &
Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah, the
Tower of Babel and Abraham"
from the Book of Genesis.
Though it's been a while, I
recall this as being a rather
excellent film. I came across
this enthusiastic review on
"Rarely do we find a movie
which so accurately depicts
the era of the time, the
culture, the traditions etc. It
is a real treat to finally be
able to see Scripture come
alive with picture and
Though it's been a while, I
recall this as being a
rather excellent film. As
per the Christian Film
Database, "For seven long
years, Jacob labored to
earn the right to marry
beautiful Rachel. Now the
time is up--but Rachel's
devious father substitutes
his elder daughter on their
wedding night! You'll be
enthralled by the
adventures of this
patriarch--from his theft of
Esau's blessing to his life-
changing wrestling match
with God.“
Though it's been a while, I
recall this as being a rather
excellent film. Peter
Chattaway tells us that
"disparate elements are
woven into Joseph's story
without sacrificing the film's
dramatic unity; the result is
unexpectedly coherent, even
poignant....[It]is about as rich
a three-hour epic as one
could want from television:
complex, challenging and
convincing, it has enough
emotional power to draw you
into its world and enough
realism to make you want to
stay there (Review: The Bible
Collection, Patheos(dot)com,
While I have found movies
based on the Bible to
employ much
(unnecessary) poetic
license, Moses seems
generally more faithful to
the Bible than other
movies. Ben Kingsley is
excellent in this role. "For
sheer human realism,
Kingsley's is probably the
best interpretation of
Moses any film has
offered to date"
First, this should not
replace Chapters 13 to
16 of the Old Testament
book of Judges. There is
plenty of poetic license
in this film and changing
details does NOT add to
the film. Be that said,
this production does
recount the basic
aspects of Sansom's
being beguiled and
betrayed - but never
forgotten by God.
Upon the death of her first husband, her
mother-in-law (Naomi) initially urged Ruth to
return to her own people. Ruth beautifully
"Do not ask me to abandon or forsake
for wherever you go I will go,
wherever you lodge I will lodge,
your people shall be my people,
and your God my God" (Ruth 1: 16).
Background info in the New American Bible
tells us that "Ruth's piety (Ruth 2:11), her spirit
of self-sacrifice, and her moral integrity were
favored by God with the gift of faith and an
illustrious marriage whereby she became the
ancestress of David and of Christ. In this, the
universality of the messianic salvation is
foreshadowed" (old(dot)usccb(dot)org/nab/bible/ruth/intro.htm).
While films based on the Bible
employ a good deal of "poetic
license," this seems well done:
"Here is one of the greatest sagas in
all human history--the story of
Israel's greatest king. He became a
nationally known hero while still a
teenager in his battle with the giant
Goliath. Thereupon his life was
caught up in the whirlwind of his
people's life and destiny. Never far
from danger, political intrigue, the
jealousy of opponents, and the
problems caused by his own surging
passions, David, nevertheless,
emerged as a 'man after God's own
"Solomon...was the second son of David by his wife Bathsheba,
and the acknowledged favourite of his father....his successful
reign of forty years speaks well for his intelligence, ability, and
statesmanship....Solomon went beyond any ancient monarch in
the luxury of the harem....The building operations of Solomon
were on a large scale and of a remarkable magnitude and
splendour. Besides the erection of a magnificent temple he
succeeded in emulating the great kings of Western Asia and
Egypt by building for himself in the city of Jerusalem, palaces,
houses, and gardens....On his accession to the throne, it is
related that Jehovah appeared to him at Gibeon in a dream...the
young king, instead of asking for long life or riches or success in
war, prayed to be endowed with an understanding heart that he
might judge the people committed to him. His request was
granted; ;and riches and honour were added thereto, with a
promise of length of days if he kept Jehovah's commandments.
In consequence of this endowment, he was reputed to be wiser
than all men....He was at once a philosopher and a poet. He
spake 3000 proverbs; his songs were 1005; and his utterances
embraced references alike to the vegetable and the animal
kingdoms....To his oppressive exactions, in furtherance of his
schemes of luxury and magnificence, was due the discontent
which in the reign of his son broke his kingdom in two, and
ultimately led to the destruction in detail of the Hebrew nation
by the power of Assyria and Babylon. It is clear likewise that,
besides being fond of display, he was voluptuous and sensual,
and that he was led by his wives and concubines to worship
strange gods" (Catholic Encyclopedia, [...]
As with other films based on the Bible, this film does well when
it follows the Bible! This film is HIGHLY excessive with poetic
license. The Bible does NOT say that King Solomon and the
Queen of Sheba were lovers who had a son!
While allowing for plenty of
artistic license, this film seems
to cover the essentials of
Jeremiah's birth in the 7th
century BC, his call to
prophecy, his opposition to
idolatry, and his prophesying
against policy toward
Babylon. As God's warnings
through Jeremiah went
unheeded, the prophesies
indeed came to pass.
Putting the Old Testament Book of
Daniel to film presents a great
challenge - especially in a mere 88
As per the New American Bible,
"This book takes its name...from its
hero, who was allegedly among the
first Jews deported to Babylon,
where he lived at least until 538
B.C...Daniel has the gift of
discernment from God....These
three sections constitute the
divisions of the Book of Daniel:
I.Daniel and the Kings of Babylon
II.Daniel’s Visions (7:1–12:13)
III.Appendix: Susanna, Bel, and the
Dragon (13:1–14:42)“
This production seems superior to "One Night with the
King." It depicts how Esther was chosen queen and
used her station to rescue her people. It seems to
avoid misleading poetic license excesses.
As per background material in the New American
Bible, "The Book of Esther is named after its Jewish
heroine. It tells the story of the plot of Haman the
Agagite, jealous and powerful vizier of King Xerxes
(Ahasuerus) of Persia (485-464 B.C.), to destroy in a
single day all the Jews living in the Persian Empire. He
is moved to this out of hatred for the Jewish servant
Mordecai, who for religious motives refuses to render
him homage. The day of the proposed massacre is
determined by lot. Meanwhile Esther, niece and
adopted daughter of Mordecai, is chosen queen by
King Xerxes in place of Vashti. She averts the pogrom
planned against her people and has the royal decree
of extermination reversed against Haman and the
enemies of the Jews. Mordecai replaces Haman, and
together with Esther, works for the welfare of their
people. The event is celebrated with feasting and
great joy, and the memory of it is to be perpetuated by
the annual observance of the feast of Purim (lots),
when the lot of destruction for the Jews was reversed
for one of deliverance and triumph by Queen Esther
and her uncle Mordecai.“
(i.e. about Maccabees)
First of all, as the focus of this film is Maccabees, the name "Old
Testament" is confusing. And if you're looking for a visually stunning
modern film, complete with special effects and a foot stomping
soundtrack, this is NOT your film.
This film is apparently considered by some to be an example of so-
called "Sword-and-Sandal" - "a genre of largely Italian-made
Historical or Biblical Epics (costume dramas) that dominated the
Italian film industry from 1958 to 1965....The terms 'peplum'
(referring to the togas or robes which the ancient Romans wore) and
'sword-and-sandal' were used in a condescending way by film critics"
This film was obviously NOT made with Hollywood-like resources -
even the Hollywood of the early 1960s. Be that said, if you do want
to see what's available on film regarding the Maccabees, this IS your
"The name Maccabee, probably meaning 'hammer,' is actually
applied in the Books of Maccabees to only one man, Judas...first
leader of the revolt against the Seleucid kings who persecuted the
Jews....the name has come to be extended to the brothers of Judas,
his supporters, and even to other Jewish heroes of the period....The
two Books of Maccabees contain independent accounts of events (in
part identical) that accompanied the attempted suppression of
Judaism in Palestine in the second century B.C.....The rededication of
the Jerusalem Temple described in 4:36-59 (see 2 Mc 10:1-8) is the
origin of the Jewish feast of Hanukkah....The first and second Books
of Maccabees, though regarded by Jews and Protestants as
apocryphal, i.e., not inspired Scripture, because not contained in the
Jewish list of books drawn up at the end of the first century A.D.,
have always been accepted by the Catholic Church as inspired and
are called 'deuterocanonical' to indicate that they are canonical even
though disputed by some" (New American Bible).
It is unfortunate that it is so difficult to find truly substantial critiques
of this film.
MOST films depicting parts of the Bible employ a great deal of poetic license.
Sometimes, this is entirely excessive. NOT so with the Gospel According to St.
Matthew! As per the USCCB, this is a "Straight-forward Italian dramatization of
the evangelist's account of the life of Jesus and His message of salvation. It
succeeds exceptionally well in placing the viewer within the Gospel events,
avoiding the artificiality of most biblical movie epics. Director Pier Paolo
Pasolini is completely faithful to the text while employing the visual
imagination necessary for his realistic interpretation"
As per Steven D. Greydanus, "Some of the most intriguing artistic tributes to
faith and religion come from nonbelievers....Pier Paolo Pasolini was an atheist,
indeed a Marxist....In 1962 he came to Assisi in response to Pope John XXIII's
call for dialogue with non-Christian artists. While there, he read through a
book of the Gospels 'from beginning to end, like a novel,' later proclaiming the
story of Jesus 'the most exalting thing one can read.' As a result of this
experience, Pasolini became consumed with the notion of filming the life of
Christ straight from one of the Gospels, shooting without a screenplay and
taking no editorial license with the text....Pasolini edits, but doesn't rewrite; he
omits some scenes and rearranges others, but on a scene-by-scene basis he
follows Matthew's dialogue almost verbatim, neither changing nor adding (A
few very minor departures are allowed, such as putting Matthew's list of the
names of the twelve disciples onto Jesus' lips.)....In the end, perhaps the most
enduring achievement of The Gospel According to Matthew is an ironic one,
given Pasolini's Marxism: No other life-of-Christ film is so contemplative,
inviting the viewer simply to meditate on the life and teaching of Jesus"
This film is apparently an example of so-called "Sword-and-Sandal" - "a genre
of largely Italian-made Historical or Biblical Epics (costume dramas) that
dominated the Italian film industry from 1958 to 1965....The terms 'peplum'
(referring to the togas or robes which the ancient Romans wore) and 'sword-
and-sandal' were used in a condescending way by film critics" (Wikipedia). Pier
Paolo Pasolini gets the last laugh...this is a masterpiece!
In looking for a cinematic
depiction of how the Acts of the
Apostles describes the earliest
Christians, I have found myself
disappointed with Anthony
Hopkins' " Peter & Paul " (and
more so with A. D. ). As per the
review for this film in the EWTN
religious catalogue, "Legendary
actor Omar Sharif gives a deeply
moving, authentic portrayal in
this epic film about St. Peter, the
leader of the Apostles and first
Pope....this is considered by
many as the best film portrait
ever made of St. Peter.“
This is a magnificent film, based
on the last days and death of St.
Paul the Apostle. Though both
took place in Rome, this movie
was filmed in beautiful Malta.
While artistic license was
employed in this production, it
was NOT abused. The end result is
faithful to essential elements
known from scripture and
tradition. Dialogue seems quite
In 2015, I was blessed to visit the
actual location of the martyrdom
- the Church of the Martyrdom of
St Paul at the Three Fountains in
With interesting special
effects and a
background story that
serves as a helpful tutor,
the Book of Revelation is
presented. I highly
recommend reading
Scott Hahn's The Lamb's
Supper in conjunction
with this.
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Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)
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Conversion, a lifelong process (2021)

  • 1.
  • 2. Part One has an extended focus on what we believe
  • 3. 1. What is the plan of God for man?
  • 4. 9. What is the full & definitive stage of God's Revelation? The full and definitive stage of God’s revelation is accomplished in his Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, the mediator and fullness of Revelation. He, being the only- begotten Son of God made man, is the perfect and definitive Word of the Father. In the sending of the Son and the gift of the Spirit, Revelation is now fully complete, although the faith of the Church must gradually grasp its full significance over the course of centuries. “In giving us his Son, his only and definitive Word, God spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word, and he has no more to say.” (Saint John of the Cross)
  • 5.
  • 6. The Bible & “Salvation History”
  • 7. You can find a one year Bible reading plan at https://apologetics m/ You can take a cinematic look at Salvation History…. The Apostle Paul The Book of Daniel
  • 8. Bible: In the Beginning "was originally conceived as the first in a series of films retelling the entire Old Testament, but these sequels were never made." A review on the web site of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops explains that The Bible: In the Beginning is a "reverent but entertaining spectacular," covering "Creation, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah, the Tower of Babel and Abraham" from the Book of Genesis. YO7R70ZOP6/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_rdp _perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00005NKT
  • 9. Though it's been a while, I recall this as being a rather excellent film. I came across this enthusiastic review on catholicjules(dot)net: "Rarely do we find a movie which so accurately depicts the era of the time, the culture, the traditions etc. It is a real treat to finally be able to see Scripture come alive with picture and sound!“ eview/R3NWMDA3YOMQH 8/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm
  • 10. Though it's been a while, I recall this as being a rather excellent film. As per the Christian Film Database, "For seven long years, Jacob labored to earn the right to marry beautiful Rachel. Now the time is up--but Rachel's devious father substitutes his elder daughter on their wedding night! You'll be enthralled by the adventures of this patriarch--from his theft of Esau's blessing to his life- changing wrestling match with God.“ iew/R1999VIDMQ0O7T/ref=
  • 11. Though it's been a while, I recall this as being a rather excellent film. Peter Chattaway tells us that "disparate elements are woven into Joseph's story without sacrificing the film's dramatic unity; the result is unexpectedly coherent, even poignant....[It]is about as rich a three-hour epic as one could want from television: complex, challenging and convincing, it has enough emotional power to draw you into its world and enough realism to make you want to stay there (Review: The Bible Collection, Patheos(dot)com, 1996)
  • 12. While I have found movies based on the Bible to employ much (unnecessary) poetic license, Moses seems generally more faithful to the Bible than other movies. Ben Kingsley is excellent in this role. "For sheer human realism, Kingsley's is probably the best interpretation of Moses any film has offered to date" (www(dot)patheos(dot)co m/blogs/filmchat/1996/12/r eview-moses-dir-roger- young-1995(dot)html).
  • 13. First, this should not replace Chapters 13 to 16 of the Old Testament book of Judges. There is plenty of poetic license in this film and changing details does NOT add to the film. Be that said, this production does recount the basic aspects of Sansom's being beguiled and betrayed - but never forgotten by God. review/R24WHXJYHXFPV/r ef=cm_cr_rdp_perm
  • 14. Upon the death of her first husband, her mother-in-law (Naomi) initially urged Ruth to return to her own people. Ruth beautifully responded, "Do not ask me to abandon or forsake you! for wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God" (Ruth 1: 16). Background info in the New American Bible tells us that "Ruth's piety (Ruth 2:11), her spirit of self-sacrifice, and her moral integrity were favored by God with the gift of faith and an illustrious marriage whereby she became the ancestress of David and of Christ. In this, the universality of the messianic salvation is foreshadowed" (old(dot)usccb(dot)org/nab/bible/ruth/intro.htm). &linkCode=&nodeID=&tag=
  • 15. While films based on the Bible employ a good deal of "poetic license," this seems well done: "Here is one of the greatest sagas in all human history--the story of Israel's greatest king. He became a nationally known hero while still a teenager in his battle with the giant Goliath. Thereupon his life was caught up in the whirlwind of his people's life and destiny. Never far from danger, political intrigue, the jealousy of opponents, and the problems caused by his own surging passions, David, nevertheless, emerged as a 'man after God's own heart'" (www(dot)catholicvideo(dot)com/detail(dot)taf?_function=detail &a_product_id=31783). dp_perm
  • 16. "Solomon...was the second son of David by his wife Bathsheba, and the acknowledged favourite of his father....his successful reign of forty years speaks well for his intelligence, ability, and statesmanship....Solomon went beyond any ancient monarch in the luxury of the harem....The building operations of Solomon were on a large scale and of a remarkable magnitude and splendour. Besides the erection of a magnificent temple he succeeded in emulating the great kings of Western Asia and Egypt by building for himself in the city of Jerusalem, palaces, houses, and gardens....On his accession to the throne, it is related that Jehovah appeared to him at Gibeon in a dream...the young king, instead of asking for long life or riches or success in war, prayed to be endowed with an understanding heart that he might judge the people committed to him. His request was granted; ;and riches and honour were added thereto, with a promise of length of days if he kept Jehovah's commandments. In consequence of this endowment, he was reputed to be wiser than all men....He was at once a philosopher and a poet. He spake 3000 proverbs; his songs were 1005; and his utterances embraced references alike to the vegetable and the animal kingdoms....To his oppressive exactions, in furtherance of his schemes of luxury and magnificence, was due the discontent which in the reign of his son broke his kingdom in two, and ultimately led to the destruction in detail of the Hebrew nation by the power of Assyria and Babylon. It is clear likewise that, besides being fond of display, he was voluptuous and sensual, and that he was led by his wives and concubines to worship strange gods" (Catholic Encyclopedia, [...] As with other films based on the Bible, this film does well when it follows the Bible! This film is HIGHLY excessive with poetic license. The Bible does NOT say that King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba were lovers who had a son!
  • 17. While allowing for plenty of artistic license, this film seems to cover the essentials of Jeremiah's birth in the 7th century BC, his call to prophecy, his opposition to idolatry, and his prophesying against policy toward Babylon. As God's warnings through Jeremiah went unheeded, the prophesies indeed came to pass. X9BXEDKQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8 &ASIN=B00004VVOW&linkCode=&nodeID =&
  • 18. Putting the Old Testament Book of Daniel to film presents a great challenge - especially in a mere 88 minutes! As per the New American Bible, "This book takes its name...from its hero, who was allegedly among the first Jews deported to Babylon, where he lived at least until 538 B.C...Daniel has the gift of discernment from God....These three sections constitute the divisions of the Book of Daniel: I.Daniel and the Kings of Babylon (1:1–6:29) II.Daniel’s Visions (7:1–12:13) III.Appendix: Susanna, Bel, and the Dragon (13:1–14:42)“
  • 19. This production seems superior to "One Night with the King." It depicts how Esther was chosen queen and used her station to rescue her people. It seems to avoid misleading poetic license excesses. As per background material in the New American Bible, "The Book of Esther is named after its Jewish heroine. It tells the story of the plot of Haman the Agagite, jealous and powerful vizier of King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) of Persia (485-464 B.C.), to destroy in a single day all the Jews living in the Persian Empire. He is moved to this out of hatred for the Jewish servant Mordecai, who for religious motives refuses to render him homage. The day of the proposed massacre is determined by lot. Meanwhile Esther, niece and adopted daughter of Mordecai, is chosen queen by King Xerxes in place of Vashti. She averts the pogrom planned against her people and has the royal decree of extermination reversed against Haman and the enemies of the Jews. Mordecai replaces Haman, and together with Esther, works for the welfare of their people. The event is celebrated with feasting and great joy, and the memory of it is to be perpetuated by the annual observance of the feast of Purim (lots), when the lot of destruction for the Jews was reversed for one of deliverance and triumph by Queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai.“ r_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B002Z2X7GU&linkCode=&nodeID =&tag=
  • 20. (i.e. about Maccabees) First of all, as the focus of this film is Maccabees, the name "Old Testament" is confusing. And if you're looking for a visually stunning modern film, complete with special effects and a foot stomping soundtrack, this is NOT your film. This film is apparently considered by some to be an example of so- called "Sword-and-Sandal" - "a genre of largely Italian-made Historical or Biblical Epics (costume dramas) that dominated the Italian film industry from 1958 to 1965....The terms 'peplum' (referring to the togas or robes which the ancient Romans wore) and 'sword-and-sandal' were used in a condescending way by film critics" (Wikipedia). This film was obviously NOT made with Hollywood-like resources - even the Hollywood of the early 1960s. Be that said, if you do want to see what's available on film regarding the Maccabees, this IS your film.... "The name Maccabee, probably meaning 'hammer,' is actually applied in the Books of Maccabees to only one man, Judas...first leader of the revolt against the Seleucid kings who persecuted the Jews....the name has come to be extended to the brothers of Judas, his supporters, and even to other Jewish heroes of the period....The two Books of Maccabees contain independent accounts of events (in part identical) that accompanied the attempted suppression of Judaism in Palestine in the second century B.C.....The rededication of the Jerusalem Temple described in 4:36-59 (see 2 Mc 10:1-8) is the origin of the Jewish feast of Hanukkah....The first and second Books of Maccabees, though regarded by Jews and Protestants as apocryphal, i.e., not inspired Scripture, because not contained in the Jewish list of books drawn up at the end of the first century A.D., have always been accepted by the Catholic Church as inspired and are called 'deuterocanonical' to indicate that they are canonical even though disputed by some" (New American Bible). It is unfortunate that it is so difficult to find truly substantial critiques of this film. (
  • 21. MOST films depicting parts of the Bible employ a great deal of poetic license. Sometimes, this is entirely excessive. NOT so with the Gospel According to St. Matthew! As per the USCCB, this is a "Straight-forward Italian dramatization of the evangelist's account of the life of Jesus and His message of salvation. It succeeds exceptionally well in placing the viewer within the Gospel events, avoiding the artificiality of most biblical movie epics. Director Pier Paolo Pasolini is completely faithful to the text while employing the visual imagination necessary for his realistic interpretation" (old(dot)usccb(dot)org/movies/g/gospelaccordingtostmatthewthe1966(dot)shtml). As per Steven D. Greydanus, "Some of the most intriguing artistic tributes to faith and religion come from nonbelievers....Pier Paolo Pasolini was an atheist, indeed a Marxist....In 1962 he came to Assisi in response to Pope John XXIII's call for dialogue with non-Christian artists. While there, he read through a book of the Gospels 'from beginning to end, like a novel,' later proclaiming the story of Jesus 'the most exalting thing one can read.' As a result of this experience, Pasolini became consumed with the notion of filming the life of Christ straight from one of the Gospels, shooting without a screenplay and taking no editorial license with the text....Pasolini edits, but doesn't rewrite; he omits some scenes and rearranges others, but on a scene-by-scene basis he follows Matthew's dialogue almost verbatim, neither changing nor adding (A few very minor departures are allowed, such as putting Matthew's list of the names of the twelve disciples onto Jesus' lips.)....In the end, perhaps the most enduring achievement of The Gospel According to Matthew is an ironic one, given Pasolini's Marxism: No other life-of-Christ film is so contemplative, inviting the viewer simply to meditate on the life and teaching of Jesus" (decentfilms(dot)com/reviews/gospelaccordingtomatthew). This film is apparently an example of so-called "Sword-and-Sandal" - "a genre of largely Italian-made Historical or Biblical Epics (costume dramas) that dominated the Italian film industry from 1958 to 1965....The terms 'peplum' (referring to the togas or robes which the ancient Romans wore) and 'sword- and-sandal' were used in a condescending way by film critics" (Wikipedia). Pier Paolo Pasolini gets the last laugh...this is a masterpiece!
  • 22. In looking for a cinematic depiction of how the Acts of the Apostles describes the earliest Christians, I have found myself disappointed with Anthony Hopkins' " Peter & Paul " (and more so with A. D. ). As per the review for this film in the EWTN religious catalogue, "Legendary actor Omar Sharif gives a deeply moving, authentic portrayal in this epic film about St. Peter, the leader of the Apostles and first Pope....this is considered by many as the best film portrait ever made of St. Peter.“ 2LSM3JENWQND7/ref=cm_cr_rdp_ perm
  • 23. This is a magnificent film, based on the last days and death of St. Paul the Apostle. Though both took place in Rome, this movie was filmed in beautiful Malta. While artistic license was employed in this production, it was NOT abused. The end result is faithful to essential elements known from scripture and tradition. Dialogue seems quite believable. In 2015, I was blessed to visit the actual location of the martyrdom - the Church of the Martyrdom of St Paul at the Three Fountains in Rome. Q8ABAFDHXXGM?ref_=glimp_1rv_cl
  • 24. With interesting special effects and a background story that serves as a helpful tutor, the Book of Revelation is presented. I highly recommend reading Scott Hahn's The Lamb's Supper in conjunction with this. m/review/R17KMLSGCIC 3Z5/ref=cm_cr_rdp_per m