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Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017
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Arun Sudhakaran
Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse.
Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017
Arun Sudhakaran Page 2
1. Standard Deviation
The most commonlyusedmeasure of
variation.Showsvariationaboutthe mean.
It isthe square rootof variance andhas the
same unitas the original data.
𝑺 = √(
∑(𝑿 − 𝑿̅) 𝟐̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
(𝒏 − 𝟏)
2. A frequencydistributionof asetof values
that isnot symmetrical iscalled Skewed.
3. The Statistical technique toindicate the
directionandextentof skewnessinthe
distributionof numerical valueof the
datasetiscalled Measure of Skewness.
4. Kurtosis isthe degree of flatnessor
peakednessinthe regionaroundthe Mode
of a frequencycurve.
5. StratifiedRandom Sampling isa methodof
samplingthatinvolvesthe divisionof a
Strata. In StratifiedRandomsampling,
Strata are formedbasedonmembers
sharedattributesorcharacteristics. E.g.
‘based on the employeesalary’.
6. ArithmeticMean isthe most common
measure of central tendency.
𝑿̅ =
∑ 𝑿
; Meanis the average.
Median: In an orderedarray,the medianis
the middle numberanditisnot affectedby
the extreme values.
𝑀𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (
𝒏 + 𝟏
) 𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎
Mode:It is the measure of central tendency. i.e.
the value thatoccurs mostoften.
Notaffectedbyextreme values.Itisusedforeither
numerical orcategorical data.There may be cases
where there are several modesorevenno mode.
7. Rule of Addition:
If two or more than 2 eventsare likelyto
occur from a randomexperimentandwe
are interestedtoknowthe probabilityof
occurrence of at leastone of the events,
thenthe rule of additionare usedtodo so.
The rule statesthat: Of twoeventsA&B
that isMutually Exclusive,Exhaustiveand
Equi-Probablethenthe probabilityof A orB
or both occurringisequal to the sum of
theirindividual probabilities.
8. Rule of Multiplication:
Whenoccurrence of an eventdoesnot
affectthe probabilityof occurrence of any
otherevent,thenthe eventissaidtobe
9. Poissondistribution:
A discrete probabilitydistributioninwhich
the probabilityof occurrence of an
outcome withinaverysmall time periodis
businesssituations inwhichthere are only
few successes inaninterval of time against
a large numberof failuresorvice versaand
has single independentoutcomes thatare
mutuallyexclusive.Becauseof thisthe
probabilityof success,‘p’isverysmall in
relationtothe numberof trials‘n’,so only
the probabilityof successisconsidered.
10. ClusterAnalysis:
isthe taskof groupinga setof objectsin
such a way thatthe objectsinthe same
group(called“Cluster”) are more similar(in
some wayor the another) toeach other
than to those inother groups.
11. Interval Estimate:
An interval withinwhichthe value of a
parameterof a populationhasa stated
probability of occurring.
An Interval estimateisdefinedbytwo
parameterissaidto lie.
12. One WayANOVA isusedto determine
whetherthere are anysignificantdifference
betweenthe meansof three ormore
Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017
Arun Sudhakaran Page 3
independentgroups.( Using F
distribution).Itspecificallyteststhe null
13. The three main assumptionsare:
1) There is homogeneityof variance.
2) There is independence of observances.
3) The dependentvariableisnormally
distributedineachgroupthatis being
comparedinOne Way ANOVA.
14. Developinganalgebraicequationbetween
twovariablesbasedonthe givendataand
estimatingthe value of adependant
variable giventhe value of anindependent
variable isreferredtoas Regression
15. Measuringthe strengthanddirectionof the
relationshipbetweenthe twovariablesis
referredtoas CorrelationAnalysis.
The directionof the relationshipisindicated
by the CorrelationCoefficientandthe
absolute value of correlationcoefficient
indicatesthe extendof the relationship.
16. CorrelationAnalysisdeterminesthe
strengthof associationof twovariablesbut
doesnotestablisha‘Cause andEffect’
the ‘Cause and Effect’relationship
17. In ‘Linear’RegressionAnalysisOne Variable
the Otheras Independent.Whilein
consideredtobe Independent.
18. The Classical definitionofProbability:
If an experimentcanproduce outcomes
that are mutually exclusiveand equally
likely Out of which‘n’outcomesare
favourable tothe occurrence of event‘A’
thenprobabilityof event‘A’isdenotedby
(𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔)
(𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔)
19. Limitations:
where there are finite numberof possible
2) Mainly consideredfordiscrete events
and itsmethodswere mainlycombinatorial.
3) Each possible outcomeisEquallyLikely.
20. MutuallyExclusive Events cannothappen
at the same time.egwhenacoinistossed;
the resultcan eitherbe a heador a tail but
cannot be both.The occurrence of one
eventexcludesthe occurrence of the other.
Thisof course meansthat the mutually
exclusiveeventsare notindependentand
independenteventscannotbe Mutually
21. IndependentEventsare eventswhere the
occurrence of one eventdoesnotinfluence
and isnot influencedbythe occurrence of
the other.
22. Stepsin testingHypothesis:
1)State the Null andAlternate Hypothesis
(𝐻0& 𝐻1).
2) Chose the level of Significance (LOS),α
and the sample size ‘n’
3) Determine the appropriate TestStatistic
and SamplingDistribution.
4) Determine the Critical Value thatdivides
the Rejection&Non RejectionRegion.
5) Collectthe Data and Compute the Value
of TestStatistic.
6) Make the Statistical DecisionandState
the Managerial Conclusion.
If the teststatisticfallsintothe non
rejectionregion,donotreject 𝐻0.
Expressthe Managerial conclusioninthe
contextof the problem.
23. Type I Error:
The probabilityof rejectingthe Null
Hypothesis,when itistrue and an Alternate
The probabilityof makingaTYPE I Error is
definedbythe symbol ‘α’.Itisrepresented
by the area underthe samplingdistribution
curve overthe regionof rejection.
Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017
Arun Sudhakaran Page 4
TYPE I Error measuresthe probabilityof not
rejectingthe true null hypothesis.
24. Type II Error:
isthe probabilityof acceptingthe null
Hypothesiswhenitisfalse andanalternate
The probabilityof makingaType II Error is
25. Conditional Probability
isthe Probabilityof one eventgiventhe
probabilityanother event:
Thus conditional Probabilityisthe
probabilityof aneventA giventhatthe
eventBhas alreadyoccurred.
26. Binomial Distribution
it isa frequencydistribution,of the possible
numberof successful outcomesinagiven
numberof trialsineach of whichthere is
the same probabilityof success
It isa widelyusedprobabilitydistribution
for a discrete randomvariable.Itdescribes
data resultingfromanexperimentcalleda
‘Bernoulli Process’.
27. Systematic Sampling:
It isa type of probabilitysamplingmethod,
inwhichsample membersfromalarge
populationare selectedaccordingtoa
randomstartingpointand a fixedperiodic
interval.Itisa statistical methodinvolving
the selectionof elementsfromanordinary
28. ANOVA:
It isa collectionof Statistical modelsused
to analyse the differencesamonggroup
meansand theirassociated procedure
(suchas variationamongand between
groups).Itcanbe usedincaseswhere there
are more than twogroups.
29. DependentVariable:
A dependentvariableis whatyoumeasure
inthe experimentandwhatisaffected
duringthe experiment.The dependent
variable respondstothe independent
variable.Itisso calledbecause itdepends
on the IndependentVariable.
30. Spearman’s Rank Correlation:
Thismethodwasdevelopedto measure the
statistical relationshipbetweentwo
variable whenonlyrankisavailable.
Thismeansthat thismethodisappliedina
situationwhere quantitative measure of
qualitative factorssuchasbeauty,
intelligence etccannotbe fixedbut
individualobservationscanbe arrangedin a
𝑹 = 𝟏 −
𝟔∑ 𝒅 𝟐
𝒏( 𝒏 𝟐 − 𝟏)
31. Baye’s Theorem
A theoremdescribinghowthe conditional
probabilityof asetof possible causesfora
knowledge of the probabilityof eachcause
and the conditional probabilityof the
outcome of each cause.
little more thanthe probabilityof A givenB,
to findthe probabilityof BgivenA.
Basedon the definitionof Conditional
Probabilityandthe lawof total probability.
It isusedto revise previouslycalculated
32. Hypothesis:
A hypothesisisanassumptionabouta
may or may notbe true.
The processthat enablesadecisionmaker
to testthe validityof hisclaimbyanalysing
the difference betweenthe valueof sample
Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017
Arun Sudhakaran Page 5
statisticandthe hypotheticalpopulation
parametervalue iscalled Hypothesis
33. Difference between‘ConvenientSampling’
and ‘JudgementSampling’
In convenience sampling,unitstobe
includedare selectedatthe convenience of
the investigator.
Thismethodiseasyfor the collectionof
data for a particularissue butthe samples
may nottrulyrepresentthe populationand
hence precautionsshouldbe takenin
JudgementSamplingisusedwhen aspecific
numberof respondentsare inthe best
positiontoprovide the desiredinformation.
The resultof this methodcannotbe
generalisedbecausethe responseisfroma
setof respondentswhoare conveniently
available are considered.
Thismethodisuseful onlywhenthose
caseswhere desiredinformationcanonly
be obtainedfroma veryspecificsectionof
respondents.Howeverthe validityof the
sample resultsdependsonthe judgement
of the investigatorinchoosingthe sample.
34. Difference between1way ANOVA and 2
way ANOVA?
One way ANOVA teststhe difference in
populationmeansbasedonone factor.
eg:When youwanttotest if there is a
differencebetweenthe heightsof 3 types
of seeds.
Since there ismore than one Mean,youcan
use One Way ANOVA asthere isonlyone
factor that ismakingthe heightsdifferent.
Two wayANOVA isa hypothetical test
multiple characteristic.
Supposethereare morethanonevariety of
seedsandthe possibilitythat fourdifferent
fertilizers are used,then two way ANOVA is
The mean heightof the stalksmaybe
differentfora combinationof several
A one wayAnalysisOf Variance is
performedwhenthere isonlyone
Two wayANOVA isusedwhenthere are
twoindependentvariable inthe
35. Normal Distribution:
It isthe probabilitydistributionthatplotsall
of the valuesina symmetrical fashion.
Normal Distributionisaverycommon
calledthe ‘Bell Curve’
The bell curve are alsoambiguousbecause
theysometimesrefertothe multiplesof
the normal distributionthatcannotbe
36. Central Limit Theorem:
In probabilitytheory,the Central Limit
Theorystates that,givencertainconditions,
the arithmeticMeanof a sufficientlylarge
numberof iteratesof independentrandom
variables,each withawell definedvariance,
will be approximatelyNormallyDistributed
regardlessof the underlyingdistribution.
37. Sample Space:
It isdenotedby‘S’,Setof all probable
outcomesof an experiment.Itisthusthe
setof all distinctoutcomesfora random
experimentiscalledthe samplespace
1) 2 or more of these outcome donotoccur
2) Each randomexperimentisresultingin
to exactlyone of the outcomes.
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Arun Sudhakaran Page 6
38. Student’s‘t’test:
Amongthe most frequently used‘t’ test.
A one sample locationtestof whetherthe
meanof a populationhasavalue specified
inthe Null Hypothesis.
A twosample locationtestof Null
Hypothesissuchthatthe meansof the two
populationsare equal.
39. Standard Error:
The Standard erroris the standard
deviationof the samplingdistributionof a
statistic- mostcommonlyof the mean.
[Itis a measure of the statistical accuracy of
an estimate,equal tothe standard
deviationof the theoretical distributionof a
large populationof suchestimates].
40. Coefficientof Variation:
It measuresthe relativevariation.Itis
Mean. Canbe usedto compare twoor
more setof data measuredindifferent
𝑪. 𝑽 = (
) ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎 %
41. Chi Square Test:
It isa testfor establishingthe association
of the nonparametriccategoriesof the
testsor methodstotesta hypothesis.
The decisionof acceptinganull hypothesis
isbasedon howclose the sample statisticis
to the expectedvalue.
42. Karl Pearson coefficientofCo relation:
Quantitativelymeasuresthe degreeof
associationof betweentwovariablesinX
and Y for a set of n pairsof values.
Usedonlywhentwovariablesare linearly
relatedandare measuredon aninterval or
43. Random Sampling: Everymemberof the
populationhasanequal chance of being
selectedeachtime asample isdrawnfrom
the population.
For applyingthismethod,anexhaustivelist
of membersof the populationof interestis
The disadvantage of thismethodisthat all
membersof the populationhave tobe
available forselection,thatmaynot be
possible everytime.
1. Non probabilisticSampling
A Samplingtechnique where the
samplesare gatheredina process
that doesnotgive all the individuals
ina populationequalchancesof
The typesof nonprobabilistic
1) Convenience Sampling:
2) Purposive Sampling:
3) JudgementSampling:
4) Quota Sampling:
2. Baye’s TheoremApplication:
Baye’stheoremisa methodto
compute posteriorprobabilities
whichisa revisedprobabilityof an
additional information.
Baye’sTheoremisuseful inrevising
the original orprior probability
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Arun Sudhakaran Page 7
estimatesknownasthe outcomes
basedon additional information
aboutthese outcomes.
The newestimate of original
probabilitiesof outcomesinviewof
additional informationiscalled
Revisedor Posteriorprobability.
3. Methodsof Sampling:
SamplingMethodsare of two
(1) Probabilistic(Random)
(2) Non Probabilistic(Non-
Random) Sampling.
1. ProbablisticSampling:
a) Simple Random Sampling:
In thismethod,everymemberof
the populationhasanequal chance
of beingselected-eachtime a
sample isdrawnfromthe
One disadvantage isthat,all the
membersof the population have to
be available atthe time of
selection,thatmaynotbe possible
at all pointsof time.
b) StratifiedSampling:
Thismethodisuseful whenthe
populationconsistof anumberof
(age,type of industryetc) The
groupscalled‘strata’ basedon
c) ClusterSampling:
Thismethodisalsoknownas ‘Area
SamplingMethod’, helpstomeet
the cost or in adequate sampling
For thismethodthe entire
populationisdividedin tosmaller
groupsor ‘Clusters’anda sample is
drawnusingsimple random
The elementsof aclusterare called
d) Multi Stage Sampling:
Thismethodof samplingisuseful
whenthe populationisverywidely
spreadand randomsamplingisnot
The populationisfirststratifiedin
classifiedintorural and urban
areas- knownas clusters;anda few
clustersare chosenrandomlyfor
the study.
The essence of thistype of
samplingisthata cubsample is
takenfromsuccessive groupsor
The selectionof samplingunitsat
each stage maybe achievedwithor
e) Systematic Sampling:
ThisProcedure isuseful whenthe
elementsof the populationare
alreadyarrangedinsome order.
(e.g.: bankcustomersbyaccount
In suchcases,one elementof
fromfirst‘K’ elementandthen
Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017
Arun Sudhakaran Page 8
everykth elementisincludedinthe
The numberK=
N= Size of Population,
n = Size of desiredsamplecalled
the sampling Interval.
2. NonProbabilistic(Non-Random)
Essay Question1.

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Qt theory at a glance

  • 1. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 1 Arun Sudhakaran 2017 Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse.
  • 2. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 2 1. Standard Deviation The most commonlyusedmeasure of variation.Showsvariationaboutthe mean. It isthe square rootof variance andhas the same unitas the original data. 𝑺 = √( ∑(𝑿 − 𝑿̅) 𝟐̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (𝒏 − 𝟏) ) 2. A frequencydistributionof asetof values that isnot symmetrical iscalled Skewed. 3. The Statistical technique toindicate the directionandextentof skewnessinthe distributionof numerical valueof the datasetiscalled Measure of Skewness. 4. Kurtosis isthe degree of flatnessor peakednessinthe regionaroundthe Mode of a frequencycurve. 5. StratifiedRandom Sampling isa methodof samplingthatinvolvesthe divisionof a populationintosmallergroupsknownas Strata. In StratifiedRandomsampling, Strata are formedbasedonmembers sharedattributesorcharacteristics. E.g. ‘based on the employeesalary’. 6. ArithmeticMean isthe most common measure of central tendency. 𝑿̅ = ∑ 𝑿 𝒏 ; Meanis the average. Median: In an orderedarray,the medianis the middle numberanditisnot affectedby the extreme values. 𝑀𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ( 𝒏 + 𝟏 𝟐 ) 𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎 Mode:It is the measure of central tendency. i.e. the value thatoccurs mostoften. Notaffectedbyextreme values.Itisusedforeither numerical orcategorical data.There may be cases where there are several modesorevenno mode. 7. Rule of Addition: If two or more than 2 eventsare likelyto occur from a randomexperimentandwe are interestedtoknowthe probabilityof occurrence of at leastone of the events, thenthe rule of additionare usedtodo so. The rule statesthat: Of twoeventsA&B that isMutually Exclusive,Exhaustiveand Equi-Probablethenthe probabilityof A orB or both occurringisequal to the sum of theirindividual probabilities. 8. Rule of Multiplication: Whenoccurrence of an eventdoesnot affectthe probabilityof occurrence of any otherevent,thenthe eventissaidtobe StatisticallyIndependentEvent. 9. Poissondistribution: A discrete probabilitydistributioninwhich the probabilityof occurrence of an outcome withinaverysmall time periodis verysmall.Poissondistributionoccursin businesssituations inwhichthere are only few successes inaninterval of time against a large numberof failuresorvice versaand has single independentoutcomes thatare mutuallyexclusive.Becauseof thisthe probabilityof success,‘p’isverysmall in relationtothe numberof trials‘n’,so only the probabilityof successisconsidered. 10. ClusterAnalysis: isthe taskof groupinga setof objectsin such a way thatthe objectsinthe same group(called“Cluster”) are more similar(in some wayor the another) toeach other than to those inother groups. 11. Interval Estimate: An interval withinwhichthe value of a parameterof a populationhasa stated probability of occurring. An Interval estimateisdefinedbytwo numbers,betweenwhichapopulation parameterissaidto lie. 12. One WayANOVA isusedto determine whetherthere are anysignificantdifference betweenthe meansof three ormore
  • 3. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 3 independentgroups.( Using F distribution).Itspecificallyteststhe null hypothesis. 13. The three main assumptionsare: 1) There is homogeneityof variance. 2) There is independence of observances. 3) The dependentvariableisnormally distributedineachgroupthatis being comparedinOne Way ANOVA. 14. Developinganalgebraicequationbetween twovariablesbasedonthe givendataand estimatingthe value of adependant variable giventhe value of anindependent variable isreferredtoas Regression Analysis. 15. Measuringthe strengthanddirectionof the relationshipbetweenthe twovariablesis referredtoas CorrelationAnalysis. The directionof the relationshipisindicated by the CorrelationCoefficientandthe absolute value of correlationcoefficient indicatesthe extendof the relationship. 16. CorrelationAnalysisdeterminesthe strengthof associationof twovariablesbut doesnotestablisha‘Cause andEffect’ relationship.Regressionanalysisestablishes the ‘Cause and Effect’relationship 17. In ‘Linear’RegressionAnalysisOne Variable isconsideredasDependentVariableand the Otheras Independent.Whilein CorrelationAnalysisbothvariablesare consideredtobe Independent. 18. The Classical definitionofProbability: If an experimentcanproduce outcomes that are mutually exclusiveand equally likely Out of which‘n’outcomesare favourable tothe occurrence of event‘A’ thenprobabilityof event‘A’isdenotedby P(A)= (𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔) (𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔) 19. Limitations: 1)Limitsitsapplicationonlytosituations where there are finite numberof possible outcomes. 2) Mainly consideredfordiscrete events and itsmethodswere mainlycombinatorial. 3) Each possible outcomeisEquallyLikely. 20. MutuallyExclusive Events cannothappen at the same time.egwhenacoinistossed; the resultcan eitherbe a heador a tail but cannot be both.The occurrence of one eventexcludesthe occurrence of the other. Thisof course meansthat the mutually exclusiveeventsare notindependentand independenteventscannotbe Mutually Exclusive. 21. IndependentEventsare eventswhere the occurrence of one eventdoesnotinfluence and isnot influencedbythe occurrence of the other. 22. Stepsin testingHypothesis: 1)State the Null andAlternate Hypothesis (𝐻0& 𝐻1). 2) Chose the level of Significance (LOS),α and the sample size ‘n’ 3) Determine the appropriate TestStatistic and SamplingDistribution. 4) Determine the Critical Value thatdivides the Rejection&Non RejectionRegion. 5) Collectthe Data and Compute the Value of TestStatistic. 6) Make the Statistical DecisionandState the Managerial Conclusion. If the teststatisticfallsintothe non rejectionregion,donotreject 𝐻0. Expressthe Managerial conclusioninthe contextof the problem. 23. Type I Error: The probabilityof rejectingthe Null Hypothesis,when itistrue and an Alternate Hypothesisiswrong. The probabilityof makingaTYPE I Error is definedbythe symbol ‘α’.Itisrepresented by the area underthe samplingdistribution curve overthe regionof rejection.
  • 4. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 4 TYPE I Error measuresthe probabilityof not rejectingthe true null hypothesis. 24. Type II Error: isthe probabilityof acceptingthe null Hypothesiswhenitisfalse andanalternate hypothesiswhenitistrue. The probabilityof makingaType II Error is denotedby‘β’. 25. Conditional Probability isthe Probabilityof one eventgiventhe probabilityanother event: P(A/B)= 𝑷(𝑨&𝑩) 𝒑(𝑩) P(B/A)= 𝑷(𝑨&𝑩) 𝑷(𝑨) Thus conditional Probabilityisthe probabilityof aneventA giventhatthe eventBhas alreadyoccurred. 26. Binomial Distribution it isa frequencydistribution,of the possible numberof successful outcomesinagiven numberof trialsineach of whichthere is the same probabilityof success It isa widelyusedprobabilitydistribution for a discrete randomvariable.Itdescribes data resultingfromanexperimentcalleda ‘Bernoulli Process’. 27. Systematic Sampling: It isa type of probabilitysamplingmethod, inwhichsample membersfromalarge populationare selectedaccordingtoa randomstartingpointand a fixedperiodic interval.Itisa statistical methodinvolving the selectionof elementsfromanordinary samplingframe. 28. ANOVA: It isa collectionof Statistical modelsused to analyse the differencesamonggroup meansand theirassociated procedure (suchas variationamongand between groups).Itcanbe usedincaseswhere there are more than twogroups. 29. DependentVariable: A dependentvariableis whatyoumeasure inthe experimentandwhatisaffected duringthe experiment.The dependent variable respondstothe independent variable.Itisso calledbecause itdepends on the IndependentVariable. 30. Spearman’s Rank Correlation: Thismethodwasdevelopedto measure the statistical relationshipbetweentwo variable whenonlyrankisavailable. Thismeansthat thismethodisappliedina situationwhere quantitative measure of qualitative factorssuchasbeauty, intelligence etccannotbe fixedbut individualobservationscanbe arrangedin a definiteorder. 𝑹 = 𝟏 − 𝟔∑ 𝒅 𝟐 𝒏( 𝒏 𝟐 − 𝟏) 31. Baye’s Theorem A theoremdescribinghowthe conditional probabilityof asetof possible causesfora givenobservedoutcomefromthe knowledge of the probabilityof eachcause and the conditional probabilityof the outcome of each cause. Baye’stheoremenablesyou,knowingjusta little more thanthe probabilityof A givenB, to findthe probabilityof BgivenA. Basedon the definitionof Conditional Probabilityandthe lawof total probability. It isusedto revise previouslycalculated probabilityafternewinformationis obtained. 32. Hypothesis: A hypothesisisanassumptionabouta populationparameter.Thisassumption may or may notbe true. The processthat enablesadecisionmaker to testthe validityof hisclaimbyanalysing the difference betweenthe valueof sample
  • 5. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 5 statisticandthe hypotheticalpopulation parametervalue iscalled Hypothesis Testing. 33. Difference between‘ConvenientSampling’ and ‘JudgementSampling’ In convenience sampling,unitstobe includedare selectedatthe convenience of the investigator. Thismethodiseasyfor the collectionof data for a particularissue butthe samples may nottrulyrepresentthe populationand hence precautionsshouldbe takenin drawinginferencesaboutapopulation characteristicsbasedonConvenient Sampling. JudgementSamplingisusedwhen aspecific numberof respondentsare inthe best positiontoprovide the desiredinformation. The resultof this methodcannotbe generalisedbecausethe responseisfroma setof respondentswhoare conveniently available are considered. Thismethodisuseful onlywhenthose caseswhere desiredinformationcanonly be obtainedfroma veryspecificsectionof respondents.Howeverthe validityof the sample resultsdependsonthe judgement of the investigatorinchoosingthe sample. 34. Difference between1way ANOVA and 2 way ANOVA? One way ANOVA teststhe difference in populationmeansbasedonone factor. eg:When youwanttotest if there is a differencebetweenthe heightsof 3 types of seeds. Since there ismore than one Mean,youcan use One Way ANOVA asthere isonlyone factor that ismakingthe heightsdifferent. Two wayANOVA isa hypothetical test comparisonwhenpopulationbasedon multiple characteristic. Supposethereare morethanonevariety of seedsandthe possibilitythat fourdifferent fertilizers are used,then two way ANOVA is used. The mean heightof the stalksmaybe differentfora combinationof several reasons. A one wayAnalysisOf Variance is performedwhenthere isonlyone independentvariable. Two wayANOVA isusedwhenthere are twoindependentvariable inthe experiment. 35. Normal Distribution: It isthe probabilitydistributionthatplotsall of the valuesina symmetrical fashion. Normal Distributionisaverycommon continuousprobabilitydistribution.Itisalso calledthe ‘Bell Curve’ The bell curve are alsoambiguousbecause theysometimesrefertothe multiplesof the normal distributionthatcannotbe directlyinterpretedintermsof probabilities. 36. Central Limit Theorem: In probabilitytheory,the Central Limit Theorystates that,givencertainconditions, the arithmeticMeanof a sufficientlylarge numberof iteratesof independentrandom variables,each withawell definedvariance, will be approximatelyNormallyDistributed regardlessof the underlyingdistribution. 37. Sample Space: It isdenotedby‘S’,Setof all probable outcomesof an experiment.Itisthusthe setof all distinctoutcomesfora random experimentiscalledthe samplespace provided: 1) 2 or more of these outcome donotoccur simultaneously. 2) Each randomexperimentisresultingin to exactlyone of the outcomes.
  • 6. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 6 38. Student’s‘t’test: Amongthe most frequently used‘t’ test. A one sample locationtestof whetherthe meanof a populationhasavalue specified inthe Null Hypothesis. A twosample locationtestof Null Hypothesissuchthatthe meansof the two populationsare equal. 39. Standard Error: The Standard erroris the standard deviationof the samplingdistributionof a statistic- mostcommonlyof the mean. [Itis a measure of the statistical accuracy of an estimate,equal tothe standard deviationof the theoretical distributionof a large populationof suchestimates]. 40. Coefficientof Variation: It measuresthe relativevariation.Itis alwaysin%.Itshowsvariationrelativeto Mean. Canbe usedto compare twoor more setof data measuredindifferent units. 𝑪. 𝑽 = ( 𝑺 𝑿̅ ) ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎 % 41. Chi Square Test: It isa testfor establishingthe association betweentwocategorisedvariables.Itisone of the nonparametriccategoriesof the testsor methodstotesta hypothesis. The decisionof acceptinganull hypothesis isbasedon howclose the sample statisticis to the expectedvalue. 42. Karl Pearson coefficientofCo relation: Quantitativelymeasuresthe degreeof associationof betweentwovariablesinX and Y for a set of n pairsof values. Usedonlywhentwovariablesare linearly relatedandare measuredon aninterval or ratioscale. 43. Random Sampling: Everymemberof the populationhasanequal chance of being selectedeachtime asample isdrawnfrom the population. For applyingthismethod,anexhaustivelist of membersof the populationof interestis preparedtoidentifyeachmemberbya distinctnumber The disadvantage of thismethodisthat all membersof the populationhave tobe available forselection,thatmaynot be possible everytime. ESSAY QUESTIONS: 1. Non probabilisticSampling A Samplingtechnique where the samplesare gatheredina process that doesnotgive all the individuals ina populationequalchancesof beingselected. The typesof nonprobabilistic Samplingare: 1) Convenience Sampling: 2) Purposive Sampling: 3) JudgementSampling: 4) Quota Sampling: 2. Baye’s TheoremApplication: Baye’stheoremisa methodto compute posteriorprobabilities whichisa revisedprobabilityof an eventobtained,aftergetting additional information. Baye’sTheoremisuseful inrevising the original orprior probability
  • 7. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 7 estimatesknownasthe outcomes basedon additional information aboutthese outcomes. The newestimate of original probabilitiesof outcomesinviewof additional informationiscalled Revisedor Posteriorprobability. Baye’sTheoremisusedtorevise previouslycalculatedprobability afternewinformationisobtained. 3. Methodsof Sampling: SamplingMethodsare of two types: (1) Probabilistic(Random) Sampling and (2) Non Probabilistic(Non- Random) Sampling. 1. ProbablisticSampling: a) Simple Random Sampling: In thismethod,everymemberof the populationhasanequal chance of beingselected-eachtime a sample isdrawnfromthe population. One disadvantage isthat,all the membersof the population have to be available atthe time of selection,thatmaynotbe possible at all pointsof time. b) StratifiedSampling: Thismethodisuseful whenthe populationconsistof anumberof heterogeneoussubpopulation (age,type of industryetc) The populationisdividedintosmall groupscalled‘strata’ basedon memberssharedattributesor characteristics. c) ClusterSampling: Thismethodisalsoknownas ‘Area SamplingMethod’, helpstomeet the cost or in adequate sampling frames. For thismethodthe entire populationisdividedin tosmaller groupsor ‘Clusters’anda sample is drawnusingsimple random samplingmethods. The elementsof aclusterare called ‘Elementaryunits’. d) Multi Stage Sampling: Thismethodof samplingisuseful whenthe populationisverywidely spreadand randomsamplingisnot possible. The populationisfirststratifiedin differentstatesandfurther classifiedintorural and urban areas- knownas clusters;anda few clustersare chosenrandomlyfor the study. The essence of thistype of samplingisthata cubsample is takenfromsuccessive groupsor strata. The selectionof samplingunitsat each stage maybe achievedwithor withoutsatisfaction. e) Systematic Sampling: ThisProcedure isuseful whenthe elementsof the populationare alreadyarrangedinsome order. (e.g.: bankcustomersbyaccount numberetc). In suchcases,one elementof populationischosenatrandom fromfirst‘K’ elementandthen
  • 8. Quantitative Techniques- Theory @ a glimpse. 2017 Arun Sudhakaran Page 8 everykth elementisincludedinthe sample. The numberK= 𝑁 𝑛 ; N= Size of Population, n = Size of desiredsamplecalled the sampling Interval. 2. NonProbabilistic(Non-Random) Sampling: Essay Question1.