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In C language please!!
Download "bingo struct.c" from the instructor’s website. This is a fully functioning program.
Make sure that it compiles and run and test it for a while. This program uses C structs to store
data. REWRITE this program so that it does not use structs. Instead, use a 2D array of 2D arrays,
(A 4D array actually) with the following value encoding shown below. I suggest you develop the
program by getting it to work with one bingo board first. You will have to change the way you
are passing the boards around, see the prototypes below. There are several nested loops, the
indexing ranges will change slightly, but the nesting order should not change. Mostly, you will
be changing the way you reference data elements, and a little bit of logic.
// use this global table of Bingo boards instead of structs
// Trow Tcol Brow Bcol
unsigned char Table[TROWS][TCOLS][6][5];
Value Encoding:
1-50 numbers
Page 7 of 7
250 the ASCII dot, indicates that this number has been picked (not visible)
66 B
73 I
78 N
71 G
79 O
// new prototypes for passing board array data
void initBoard(char B[6][5]);
void printBoard(char B[6][5]);
Struct Version of of the program(need to modify this to fit the description above)!!!!:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "time.h"
#pragma warning (disable:4996)
// a single bingo board
struct BingoBoard {
char letters[5]; // the letters
int nums[5][5]; // the numbers
int visflag[5][5]; // is this number visible
// a global 2D table of Bingo boards
#define TROWS 3
#define TCOLS 3
struct BingoBoard Table[TROWS][TCOLS]; // REMOVE THIS DATA
/* a global table of Bingo boards, another way to do it
This is a 4D array of BYTES.
Can also be thought of as a 2D array OF 2D arrays.
Trow Tcol Brow Bcol
unsigned char Table[TROWS][TCOLS] [6] [5]; // USE THIS DATA
Value Encoding:
1-50 numbers
250 the ASCII dot, indicates that this number has been picked (not visible)
66 B
73 I
78 N
71 G
79 O
Initializes one bingo board
void initBoard(struct BingoBoard * B)
// void initBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way
int row;
int col;
B->letters[0] = 'B';
B->letters[1] = 'I';
B->letters[2] = 'N';
B->letters[3] = 'G';
B->letters[4] = 'O';
// fill with random numbers
for (row = 0; row < 5; row++)
for (col = 0; col < 5; col++)
B->nums[row][col] = (rand() % 50) + 1; // 1 to 50
B->visflag[row][col] = 1; // all visible
Prints one board on the console
void printBoard(struct BingoBoard B)
// void printBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way
int Brow;
int Bcol;
// first print letters
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++)
printf(" %c", B.letters[Bcol]);
printf(" ");
// print the numbers if they are visible,
// otherwise print a dot (ASCII 250)
for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++)
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++)
// print visible numbers only
if (B.visflag[Brow][Bcol])
printf("%3d", B.nums[Brow][Bcol]);
printf(" %c", 250);
printf(" ");
Prints an NxN Table of Bingo boards to the console
void printTable()
int Brow;
int Bcol;
int Trow;
int Tcol;
// for each table row
for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++)
// first print letters for each board on this Trow
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++)
// print letters for one board
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++)
printf(" %c", Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol]);
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
// end print letters for this Trow
// print numbers for each board on this Trow
for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol
// print only the visible numbers
if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol])
printf("%3d", Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol]);
printf(" %c", 250);
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
// end print numbers for this Trow
} // next Trow
Receives a bingo move and checks for these values on all the boards.
Then checks for bingo
Returns the number of times this value appears on the boards,
plus a bitflag to indicate bingo
int play(char ch, int num)
int Brow;
int Bcol;
int Trow;
int Tcol;
int found = 0;
int bingo = 0;
int i;
// search every single number
for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) // Trow
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol
for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol
// look for a number match in this ch column
if (Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol] == num
&& Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol] == ch)
Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol] = 0;
// check for BINGO (an entire column filled)
if (!bingo) // neglect previous bingo from some other board
bingo = 64; // assume bingo! (a power of 2 bitflag)
// for each Brow
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[i][Bcol] != 0)
bingo = 0; // alas, no bingo
return found + bingo; // can take out the bingo later
Le main
void main(void)
time_t t;
struct BingoBoard B1;
int Trow;
int Tcol;
char ch;
int num;
int found;
// seed generator
// initialize and print one board for testing
// initialize the global table of boards
for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++)
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++)
// array version needs this ugly typecast:
//initBoard((char (*)[5]) Table[Trow][Tcol]);
// main game loop
// prompt user for next move
printf("DRAW! Example N5 (Q to quit): ");
// get move from user
ch = getche();
if (ch == 'Q')break; // terminate main loop
scanf("%d", &num);
// play this user move
found = play(ch, num);
// check for Bingo
if (found >= 64)
printf("BINGO!!!! ");
found -= 64; // take out the bitflag
// print results
if (found)
printf("%d occurance of %c%d found. ", found, ch, num);
printf("%c%d not found. ", ch, num);
} while (1);
printf(" ");
} Hints: T here is a line in plavo with Table[Trowl[Tcol].nums[Brow[Bcol] that will change to:
Table[Trow[Tcol[Brow][Bcol] And another line in play0 with Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[i[Bcol
0 Table[Trow][Tc01][i][Bcol1-250 that will change to: And a few other similar changes
elsewhere Sample Output: RCWindows system32cmd.exe occurance of N20 found. DRAW?
Example N5
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "time.h"
#pragma warning (disable:4996)
// a single bingo board
//struct BingoBoard {
char letters[5]; // the letters
int nums[5][5]; // the numbers
int visflag[5][5]; // is this number visible
// a global 2D table of Bingo boards
#define TROWS 3
#define TCOLS 3
//struct BingoBoard
/* a global table of Bingo boards, another way to do it
This is a 4D array of BYTES.
Can also be thought of as a 2D array OF 2D arrays.
Trow Tcol Brow Bcol
unsigned char Table[TROWS][TCOLS] [6] [5]; // USE THIS DATA
Value Encoding:
1-50 numbers
250 the ASCII dot, indicates that this number has been picked (not visible)
66 B
73 I
78 N
71 G
79 O
Initializes one bingo board
//void initBoard(struct BingoBoard * B)
void initBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way
int row;
int col;
B->letters[0] = 'B';
B->letters[1] = 'I';
B->letters[2] = 'N';
B->letters[3] = 'G';
B->letters[4] = 'O';
// fill with random numbers
for (row = 0; row < 5; row++)
for (col = 0; col < 5; col++)
B->nums[row][col] = (rand() % 50) + 1; // 1 to 50
B->visflag[row][col] = 1; // all visible
Prints one board on the console
//void printBoard(struct BingoBoard B)
void printBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way
int Brow;
int Bcol;
// first print letters
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++)
printf(" %c", B.letters[Bcol]);
printf(" ");
// print the numbers if they are visible,
// otherwise print a dot (ASCII 250)
for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++)
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++)
// print visible numbers only
if (B.visflag[Brow][Bcol])
printf("%3d", B.nums[Brow][Bcol]);
printf(" %c", 250);
printf(" ");
Prints an NxN Table of Bingo boards to the console
void printTable()
int Brow;
int Bcol;
int Trow;
int Tcol;
// for each table row
for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++)
// first print letters for each board on this Trow
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++)
// print letters for one board
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++)
printf(" %c", Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol]);
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
// end print letters for this Trow
// print numbers for each board on this Trow
for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol
// print only the visible numbers
if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol])
printf("%3d", Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol]);
printf(" %c", 250);
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
// end print numbers for this Trow
} // next Trow
Receives a bingo move and checks for these values on all the boards.
Then checks for bingo
Returns the number of times this value appears on the boards,
plus a bitflag to indicate bingo
int play(char ch, int num)
int Brow;
int Bcol;
int Trow;
int Tcol;
int found = 0;
int bingo = 0;
int i;
// search every single number
for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) // Trow
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol
for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow
for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol
// look for a number match in this ch column
if (Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol] == num
&& Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol] == ch)
Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol] = 0;
// check for BINGO (an entire column filled)
if (!bingo) // neglect previous bingo from some other board
bingo = 64; // assume bingo! (a power of 2 bitflag)
// for each Brow
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[i][Bcol] != 0)
bingo = 0; // alas, no bingo
return found + bingo; // can take out the bingo later
Le main
void main(void)
time_t t;
// struct BingoBoard B1;
int Trow;
int Tcol;
char ch;
int num;
int found;
// seed generator
// initialize and print one board for testing
// initialize the global table of boards
for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++)
for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++)
// array version needs this ugly typecast:
// initBoard((char (*)[5]) Table[Trow][Tcol]);
// main game loop
// prompt user for next move
printf("DRAW! Example N5 (Q to quit): ");
// get move from user
ch = getche();
if (ch == 'Q')break; // terminate main loop
scanf("%d", &num);
// play this user move
found = play(ch, num);
// check for Bingo
if (found >= 64)
printf("BINGO!!!! ");
found -= 64; // take out the bitflag
// print results
if (found)
printf("%d occurance of %c%d found. ", found, ch, num);
printf("%c%d not found. ", ch, num);
} while (1);
printf(" ");

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Vishram Singh - Textbook of Anatomy Upper Limb and Thorax.. Volume 1 (1).pdf

In C language please!!Download bingo struct.c from the instruc.pdf

  • 1. In C language please!! Download "bingo struct.c" from the instructor’s website. This is a fully functioning program. Make sure that it compiles and run and test it for a while. This program uses C structs to store data. REWRITE this program so that it does not use structs. Instead, use a 2D array of 2D arrays, (A 4D array actually) with the following value encoding shown below. I suggest you develop the program by getting it to work with one bingo board first. You will have to change the way you are passing the boards around, see the prototypes below. There are several nested loops, the indexing ranges will change slightly, but the nesting order should not change. Mostly, you will be changing the way you reference data elements, and a little bit of logic. // use this global table of Bingo boards instead of structs // Trow Tcol Brow Bcol unsigned char Table[TROWS][TCOLS][6][5]; /* Value Encoding: 1-50 numbers Page 7 of 7 250 the ASCII dot, indicates that this number has been picked (not visible) 66 B 73 I 78 N 71 G 79 O */ // new prototypes for passing board array data void initBoard(char B[6][5]); void printBoard(char B[6][5]); Struct Version of of the program(need to modify this to fit the description above)!!!!: #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "conio.h" #include "time.h" #pragma warning (disable:4996) // a single bingo board struct BingoBoard {
  • 2. char letters[5]; // the letters int nums[5][5]; // the numbers int visflag[5][5]; // is this number visible }; // a global 2D table of Bingo boards #define TROWS 3 #define TCOLS 3 struct BingoBoard Table[TROWS][TCOLS]; // REMOVE THIS DATA /* a global table of Bingo boards, another way to do it ******USE THIS FOR YOUR HOMEWORK***** This is a 4D array of BYTES. Can also be thought of as a 2D array OF 2D arrays. Trow Tcol Brow Bcol unsigned char Table[TROWS][TCOLS] [6] [5]; // USE THIS DATA Value Encoding: 1-50 numbers 250 the ASCII dot, indicates that this number has been picked (not visible) 66 B 73 I 78 N 71 G 79 O */ /* Initializes one bingo board */ void initBoard(struct BingoBoard * B) // void initBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way { int row; int col; B->letters[0] = 'B'; B->letters[1] = 'I'; B->letters[2] = 'N'; B->letters[3] = 'G';
  • 3. B->letters[4] = 'O'; // fill with random numbers for (row = 0; row < 5; row++) { for (col = 0; col < 5; col++) { B->nums[row][col] = (rand() % 50) + 1; // 1 to 50 B->visflag[row][col] = 1; // all visible } } } /* Prints one board on the console */ void printBoard(struct BingoBoard B) // void printBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way { int Brow; int Bcol; // first print letters for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) printf(" %c", B.letters[Bcol]); printf(" "); // print the numbers if they are visible, // otherwise print a dot (ASCII 250) for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) { for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) { // print visible numbers only if (B.visflag[Brow][Bcol]) printf("%3d", B.nums[Brow][Bcol]); else printf(" %c", 250); }
  • 4. printf(" "); } } /* Prints an NxN Table of Bingo boards to the console */ void printTable() { int Brow; int Bcol; int Trow; int Tcol; // for each table row for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) { // first print letters for each board on this Trow for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) { // print letters for one board for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) printf(" %c", Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol]); printf(" "); } printf(" "); // end print letters for this Trow // print numbers for each board on this Trow for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow { for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol { for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol { // print only the visible numbers if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol]) printf("%3d", Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol]);
  • 5. else printf(" %c", 250); } printf(" "); } printf(" "); } printf(" "); // end print numbers for this Trow } // next Trow } /* Receives a bingo move and checks for these values on all the boards. Then checks for bingo Returns the number of times this value appears on the boards, plus a bitflag to indicate bingo */ int play(char ch, int num) { int Brow; int Bcol; int Trow; int Tcol; int found = 0; int bingo = 0; int i; // search every single number for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) // Trow { for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol { for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow { for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol { // look for a number match in this ch column
  • 6. if (Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol] == num && Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol] == ch) { Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol] = 0; found++; // check for BINGO (an entire column filled) if (!bingo) // neglect previous bingo from some other board { bingo = 64; // assume bingo! (a power of 2 bitflag) // for each Brow for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[i][Bcol] != 0) bingo = 0; // alas, no bingo } } } } } } return found + bingo; // can take out the bingo later } /* Le main */ void main(void) { time_t t; struct BingoBoard B1; int Trow; int Tcol; char ch; int num; int found; // seed generator srand((unsigned)time(&t)); // initialize and print one board for testing
  • 7. //initBoard(&B1); //printBoard(B1); // initialize the global table of boards for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) initBoard(&Table[Trow][Tcol]); // array version needs this ugly typecast: //initBoard((char (*)[5]) Table[Trow][Tcol]); printTable(); // main game loop do { // prompt user for next move printf("DRAW! Example N5 (Q to quit): "); // get move from user ch = getche(); if (ch == 'Q')break; // terminate main loop scanf("%d", &num); // play this user move found = play(ch, num); printTable(); // check for Bingo if (found >= 64) { printf("BINGO!!!! "); found -= 64; // take out the bitflag } // print results if (found) printf("%d occurance of %c%d found. ", found, ch, num); else printf("%c%d not found. ", ch, num); } while (1); printf(" "); } Hints: T here is a line in plavo with Table[Trowl[Tcol].nums[Brow[Bcol] that will change to: Table[Trow[Tcol[Brow][Bcol] And another line in play0 with Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[i[Bcol
  • 8. 0 Table[Trow][Tc01][i][Bcol1-250 that will change to: And a few other similar changes elsewhere Sample Output: RCWindows system32cmd.exe occurance of N20 found. DRAW? Example N5 Solution #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "conio.h" #include "time.h" #pragma warning (disable:4996) // a single bingo board //struct BingoBoard { char letters[5]; // the letters int nums[5][5]; // the numbers int visflag[5][5]; // is this number visible //}; // a global 2D table of Bingo boards #define TROWS 3 #define TCOLS 3 //struct BingoBoard int Table[TROWS][TCOLS]; // REMOVE THIS DATA /* a global table of Bingo boards, another way to do it ******USE THIS FOR YOUR HOMEWORK***** This is a 4D array of BYTES. Can also be thought of as a 2D array OF 2D arrays. Trow Tcol Brow Bcol unsigned char Table[TROWS][TCOLS] [6] [5]; // USE THIS DATA Value Encoding: 1-50 numbers 250 the ASCII dot, indicates that this number has been picked (not visible) 66 B 73 I 78 N 71 G
  • 9. 79 O */ /* Initializes one bingo board */ //void initBoard(struct BingoBoard * B) void initBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way { int row; int col; B->letters[0] = 'B'; B->letters[1] = 'I'; B->letters[2] = 'N'; B->letters[3] = 'G'; B->letters[4] = 'O'; // fill with random numbers for (row = 0; row < 5; row++) { for (col = 0; col < 5; col++) { B->nums[row][col] = (rand() % 50) + 1; // 1 to 50 B->visflag[row][col] = 1; // all visible } } } /* Prints one board on the console */ //void printBoard(struct BingoBoard B) void printBoard(char B[6][5]) // the other way { int Brow; int Bcol; // first print letters for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) printf(" %c", B.letters[Bcol]);
  • 10. printf(" "); // print the numbers if they are visible, // otherwise print a dot (ASCII 250) for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) { for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) { // print visible numbers only if (B.visflag[Brow][Bcol]) printf("%3d", B.nums[Brow][Bcol]); else printf(" %c", 250); } printf(" "); } } /* Prints an NxN Table of Bingo boards to the console */ void printTable() { int Brow; int Bcol; int Trow; int Tcol; // for each table row for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) { // first print letters for each board on this Trow for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) { // print letters for one board for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) printf(" %c", Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol]); printf(" "); }
  • 11. printf(" "); // end print letters for this Trow // print numbers for each board on this Trow for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow { for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol { for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol { // print only the visible numbers if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol]) printf("%3d", Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol]); else printf(" %c", 250); } printf(" "); } printf(" "); } printf(" "); // end print numbers for this Trow } // next Trow } /* Receives a bingo move and checks for these values on all the boards. Then checks for bingo Returns the number of times this value appears on the boards, plus a bitflag to indicate bingo */ int play(char ch, int num) { int Brow; int Bcol; int Trow; int Tcol; int found = 0;
  • 12. int bingo = 0; int i; // search every single number for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) // Trow { for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) // Tcol { for (Brow = 0; Brow < 5; Brow++) // Brow { for (Bcol = 0; Bcol < 5; Bcol++) // Bcol { // look for a number match in this ch column if (Table[Trow][Tcol].nums[Brow][Bcol] == num && Table[Trow][Tcol].letters[Bcol] == ch) { Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[Brow][Bcol] = 0; found++; // check for BINGO (an entire column filled) if (!bingo) // neglect previous bingo from some other board { bingo = 64; // assume bingo! (a power of 2 bitflag) // for each Brow for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (Table[Trow][Tcol].visflag[i][Bcol] != 0) bingo = 0; // alas, no bingo } } } } } } return found + bingo; // can take out the bingo later } /* Le main */
  • 13. void main(void) { time_t t; // struct BingoBoard B1; int Trow; int Tcol; char ch; int num; int found; // seed generator srand((unsigned)time(&t)); // initialize and print one board for testing //initBoard(&B1); //printBoard(B1); // initialize the global table of boards for (Trow = 0; Trow < TROWS; Trow++) for (Tcol = 0; Tcol < TCOLS; Tcol++) initBoard(&Table[Trow][Tcol]); // array version needs this ugly typecast: // initBoard((char (*)[5]) Table[Trow][Tcol]); printTable(); // main game loop do { // prompt user for next move printf("DRAW! Example N5 (Q to quit): "); // get move from user ch = getche(); if (ch == 'Q')break; // terminate main loop scanf("%d", &num); // play this user move found = play(ch, num); printTable(); // check for Bingo if (found >= 64) {
  • 14. printf("BINGO!!!! "); found -= 64; // take out the bitflag } // print results if (found) printf("%d occurance of %c%d found. ", found, ch, num); else printf("%c%d not found. ", ch, num); } while (1); printf(" "); }