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Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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1/ Examine the differences between management and leadership and the impact of different management
and leadership styles on group and individual performance within an organisation
There are fundamental differences between Leadership and Management, the definition of
Leadership is “the action of leading a group of people or an organization and the ability to
do it”1. And Management is defined as “the process of dealing with or controlling things or
people”, but also “the responsibility for and control of a company or organization”2.
More than a semantic consideration, theorists have implemented what both categories
should be doing and the reason they should do it. However as business is in constant
evolution, both roles have also changed with the modernisation and e-era.
Henri Fayol was one of the first explaining what should be the functions of Management and
leadership in a scientific way:
Fayol explain that the common effort of all employees to fulfil successfully the goals and
purposes set for an enterprise3 should allow the management to give directions and
corrections to reach these goals. Therefore, management should Forecast and Plan,
Organize, Command or Direct, Coordinate, Develop output and Control.
To explain these 5 principal functions, H.Fayol developed 14 management principles:
1. DIVISION OF WORK (distribution of tasks amongst group and individual)
2. AUTHORITY (Give direct or indirect orders and receive obedience)
3. DISCIPLINE (Apply penalties to discourage bad behaviours)
4. UNITY OF COMMAND (Only one manager should give orders).
5. UNITY OF DIRECTION (Objectives in the organisation are set and made
understandable for all to follow towards the same goals in a common direction)
interests of the organization is the priority over the individual one)
7. REMUNERATION (Payment and Awards shall be fair and in accordance with the job
8. CENTRALIZATION or DECENTRALISATION (planning is specific to the organisation)
9. SCALAR CHAIN (Managers in hierarchies are part of the authority scale)
10. ORDER (command shall be follow)
11. EQUITY (All employees should be treated as equally as possible)
12. STABILITY OF TENURE OF PERSONNEL (Avoid turnover of workforce)
13. INITIATIVE (Encourage workers to take the initiative in their position)
14. ESPRIT DE CORPS (working together in harmony in a group spirit)
3 FAYOL H., 1916, Administration industrielle et gĂ©nĂ©rale,Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© de l’Industrie MinĂ©rale, N°10, 5-
164,Rééditions réguliÚres par Dunoddepuis1918.
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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Since then, other practise and theory have emerged to explain what is or what should be the
Management and Leadership roles, i.e. J. Kotter stated that “Management is about coping
with complexity 
 Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change”, he has also
underlined the complexity for both roles and defined them as being “distinctive and
complementary systems of action ... [but] both are necessary for success in an increasingly
complex and volatile business environment4”.
Later, D.A. Statt5 described the differentiation between managers and leaders in the
following terms:
1. Long range view versus short range view: Firstly, Leadership will have to view and
plan for the long term the goals of the company and set the means to execute these
goals. By opposition Management will see in a short term basis and operate on a
step-by step basis.
2. Trust Model: leaders have to be trustable. They are often idealised as role Model
with high standards of behaviour by employees. That is one of the ways to inspire.
3. Motivate: The leadership will motivate all employees (management and workforce)
to develop new objectives. The management motivates by recognizing and rewarding
the accomplishments of staff.
4. Emotional versus Rational: management is very rational, which means task-
oriented. Managers will implement the ideas of the leadership to achieve the goals.
5. Leadership draws policies versus Managers who focus on system and structure;
Management follows and applies policies using the tools defined by the leader.
6. Maintains versus develop: Leadership develops a common shared vision to spread
team spirit. Management efficiently and in a practical way implement, maintains and
gets the job done.
7. Focus on system versus focus on People: Leadership believes in people and in their
capacity to fill up the right position in the company e.g. by putting them on training.
That potentially can increase performances and achieve the goals set faster.
8. Challenging the Status quo versus accepting the Status quo:
By taking measurable risks to improve the organisation (policy, structure or the way
the thing are done) leadership improve the performances. Management accepts the
status quo by following directions to implement changes made at the upper level..
9. “Doing the right things” versus “doing the things right”. Leadership thinks out of
the box, challenging new ideas and opportunities, overviewing the whole picture
external and internal elements while management sees the pragmatic way and does
things right6.
4 Kotter, J. (1990) “What leaders reallydo?” Harvard BusinessReview, vol. 68, no.3,pp. 104–11.
5 Statt, D. A. 1994. Psychologyandthe Worldof Work. NewYork:New YorkUniversityPress
6 Statt, D. A. 1994. Psychologyandthe Worldof Work. NewYork:New YorkUniversityPress
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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For example in a large corporate the managing Director, who is the highest person in rank
(as plays the role of full-time executive) of a company will be responsible for the daily
operations and the performance of the company7.
Her/his duties would be either to:
Successfully implement the organization policies, handle the direction and operation of the
company, develop strategic operation plans, monitor, operate and check the financial
results. Basically he/she will be controlling the resources and expenditures.
Therefore, as she/he is in charge and responsible for the company (nonetheless for the good
conduct of the employees but also for the financial results), she/he takes actions where and
when they are required. Her/his responsibility and duties enclose the fact that she/he will be
accountable in front of shareholders and of the Board of directors e.g. in a PLC.
Taking actions where/when necessary and informing the board of any change will be
intrinsic part of the duty.
At a lower level, a Production manager will be involved with the planning, coordination and
control of Manufacturing Process. She/he will ensure that goods and services are produced
efficiently and that the correct amount is produced the right way, cost and quality
The typical activities will be to oversee production, make sure products are produced on
time, draft a time scale for the job, be responsible for the selection and maintenance of
equipment, reviewing workers performance, supervising and motivating team workers.
We can also add some similar definition and statement to explain the differentiation: If
management “is the process of assembling and using sets of resources in a goal-directed
manner to accomplish tasks in an organisational setting8”, leadership is more the process of
“influencing and directing the performance of group members towards the achievement of
organisational goals9” and delivers reward or recognition in return for the commitment or
loyalty of followers10.
8 Hitt et al, 2007
9 Chadwick& Beech, 2008
10 Leadershiptheoryin a nutshell © GB LearningConsultancy, Gritton, 2006.
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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Nowadays, it seems that these functions are easily interchangeable e.g. G. Yukl’s study11
underlines the narrow line between what separates Leadership and management: “it is
obvious that a person can be a leader without being a manager 
and a person can be a
manager without leading”.
Following these leadership /Management definitions and what tasks both entities perform,
theorists defined how different styles of leadership influence the organisation and are
dependant of the personality of the leader, the organisation ‘s situation or structure, or
other factors external or internal inherent to the organisation.
We will be describing the following styles:
 Human-relation Supportive/ Participative,
 Autocratic /Charismatic
 Democratic / Laissez-Faire
The ideas of H.Fayol (explained above) in the French industry did work well with the
Frederick W. Taylor‘s rational approach on structuring the workplace and implementing a
labour discipline. Both underlined the importance of Human-relation between the levels of
the hierarchy and the rational approach in a work environment. Management/workers’
Human relation is based in three elements considering Chester Barnard division: Voluntary
cooperation, common purpose and effective communication12. The approach has been very
successful in the automobile and in the tyre makers industries.
The example is the Michelin family who applied the Taylor’s planning system to a non-war
production13 (tyres industry) by giving several order on a daily basis in order to increase the
production and its quality and to reduce the cost. Michelin was convinced that the adoption
of Taylor’s principles improved the human relationship between the firm and its work force
as “employees shared the company’s destiny and felt they were part of it”14.
Therefore, Michelin has designed an employee suggestion program to improve its
involvement which was encouraged on the floor by engineers and foremen with a bonus
each time an employee proposed a valuable idea15.
11 Yukl, G. (2010) Leadership in Organizations (7th edition), Upper Saddle River, Pearson.p24.
12 Chester Barnard
13 Francesca Tesi, TaylorisminFrance: The Role ofthe MichelinFamily, p15
14 Paul NĂ©grier, OrganisationTechnique et commerciale des usinesd’aprĂšs lesmĂ©thodesamĂ©ricaines (systĂšme Taylor)
(Paris, 1918), vii, 1-5, pp182-84
15 Jean-Marie Lahy, Le SystĂšme Taylor et la physiologie dutravail professionnel (Paris, 1916), 1-16;
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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Henri Ford (Ford Motor Industry) had a different approach: autocratic.
Without consulting the followers on what should be done, Ford (automobile industry) had
lead his company to a worldwide success before the 30’s. With the authoritarian/autocratic
approach. The “autocratic-authoritarian cluster encompasses being arbitrary, controlling,
power-oriented, coercive, punitive and closed-minded”16.
By telling employees what they want to be done and how they want it to be accomplished,
the autocratic leadership style, does not allow suggestions or initiatives from the workforce.
All decision-making process is centralised and empowers the leader position in the highest
place of the hierarchy. Sometimes, there is personification of the system like the Stalinism.
Personification allows nothing else but the leader’s own ideas in order for her/him to reach
successfully the visions she/he has planted, even if controversial.
In an autocratic style, leaders do not entertain any suggestions or initiatives from
subordinates. Only one person decides or seems to decide for the whole group. If an
individual doesn’t follow the rules and policies, then punitive actions, sanctions are
implemented. An example is Henri Ford who was described by Lee Lacocca (a direct
subordinate) as “the consummate autocrat in Control of Ford Motor Industry firing people
without any reason” 17.
The oppressive leadership style is “results driven” with little concern for people18. It has been
criticized for the last decades because it creates a higher turnover and more absenteeism
than in other organizations19, where other styles are implemented.
By comparison the democratic style, often used in a creative environment i.e. artistic,
political or intellectual allows constructive perspectives, interests, ideas or inventions as it
provides debates and arguments.
Different Democratic styles co-exist. One of them is the Laissez-Faire style (free rein style)
where the reliability is on the shoulders of the team members to make decisions for
themselves. Leaders provide the tools and resources and the group members, followers, are
expected to solve problems on their own. Actually no “Leader is running the team”, there is a
Jules Amar, L’Organisation phycologique du travail, introduction byHenri Le Chatelier (Paris, 1917), 24-35 in Francesca Tesi,
op. cit, p20
16 The BassHandbookof Leadership:Theory, Research, andManagerial Applications ByBernardM. Bass, RuthBass, p440
17 Op.cit
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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complete freedom for followers to make decisions. When the leader reappears it is either to
take the credit for the success or either to take back the reins if the team fails to deliver.
Glenn Turner, president of LDG Consulting Inc., suggests that ”A great leader who uses
laissez faire leadership needs to assemble a great team of high achievers and performers
who do not need hands on supervision20”.
The inconvenience as underlined is that deadlines may be missed or that the laissez-faire
becomes an absolute anarchy.
Task 2
a/ Appraise the role of human resources function and the human resource tools and techniques used to
b/ Select and appraise employees and resolve conflict within organisation
The Human Resources Management is tied to National laws when recruiting and resolving
The Payments of Wages Act 1991
It gives every employees the right to a written statement every pay-day of wages with every
deduction itemised. This entitlement is described in the section dealing with wages. Anyone
who works for an employer for regular wage or salary has automatically a contract of
employment. Whether written or not. (Section 23 of the industrialisation act 1890 states that
contract of contract of employment for the purpose of industrial - relation acts 1946-1990
maybe expressed or implied, oral or in writing)
Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011
The EEA deals with discrimination within employment on the following nine grounds:
 Gender
 Civil Status
 Family status
 Age
 Religion
 Disability
 Sexual orientation
 Members of the traveller community
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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Safety, Health & Welfare at work Act 1989-2007
An act to make further provision:
 For securing the safety, Health & Welfare of persons at work
 For protecting other against risks to safety or health in connection with the activities
of persons at work,
 For the establishment of a national authority for occupational safety and Health
 To provide for the repeal of certain enactments
 To provide for the further regulation of dangerous substances in so far as they may
affect persons or property and for matters connected with the aforesaid (19th April
Most employment issues are dealt with by these Acts, including: dismissal, equal pay,
harassment, working conditions, promotion, access to employment, collective agreements.
Tools to recruit:
A Summary of the main types of selection technique are21:
Physical ability / dexterity tests: Tests that measure whether the applicant is physically able
to do the job. This test is mainly limited to unskilled or semiskilled jobs as in manufacturing.
However, there is a danger of unfair discrimination if not used properly.
Literacy and numeracy tests: Tests that measure applicants’ levels of literacy and numeracy.
Good for screening applicants from school, or for unskilled workers if reading, writing or
arithmetic is a core job component.
Technical tests: to assess the knowledge and capacity to solve technical issues
Intelligence / Cognitive tests to measure many different types of intellectual or cognitive
functions. Intelligence is linked to trainability and problem solving.
Personality tests that measure personality traits. It is useful if the HRM knows exactly what
personality trait she/he is looking for and why especially when dealing with recruitment of
Unforeseen circumstances can also interfere with HRM position such as changes in politics,
taxation or legislation.
Tools to solve conflict:
HRM is in charge of establishing the grievance, disciplinary policies and related procedures
to solve issues raised in the organisation. They also develop tools to monitor their
21 Managing people and organisations, table 3.1, pp 145-46
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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The grievance handling procedure allows employees individually or in group to address any
disagreement to the management. To visualise and accordingly deal with the concern of the
employee or group of employees, a hierarchical structure is established to efficiently
understand the nature of and the reason for the issues22.
A step-by-step procedure inside the organisation is introduced involving different levels of
management to solve the conflict: immediate supervisor/ department manager / HR
manager and line manager(s) before it reaches upper levels which involve third party
investigation (rights commissioner, Labour Relations, Commission), Labour court
investigation (employment appeals Tribunal)23 and finally, in very complex cases, before the
High Court when none of the precedent levels were able to resolve conflict. Note that Claim
to the Court could be made only at an individual level. At this stage, we can agree to the fact
that HRM has failed in his conflict policy procedure.
Disciplinary policies allow the HRM to take the disciplinary action against employees when
results are below the standards, when procedure in place in order to make employees
improved performances have failed or when the transgression is considered at a corrective
level. However if the offense is judged as a misconduct this will lead to dismissal and further
legal action if necessary.
Organisation disciplinary rules are de facto bound to national legislation (i.e. about unfair
dismissal 1977, 1993)24:
In the organisation policies shall be clearly defined, communicated and understood by all
employees. Monitoring that they were understood can be done through different exercises
or questionnaires.
Employee shall be entitled to fair and consistent treatment by the management and HR
(interview by supervisor, oral warning, written warning, suspension or dismissal) to be able
to defend his point of view, the suspected employee has right to an adequate representation
such as a fellow employee or a trade union representative; he has the right to a fair
investigation to establish the facts of the case and has the right of appeal.
22 Human Resources inIreland, 4th ed., P.Gunnigle, N. Heraty& M.J. Morley, Gill & McMillan, 2011, pp344-48Employment
23 Op.cit. p 346
24 Cited in Employment RelationPractise, p347, Human Resources inIreland, 4th ed., P.Gunnigle, N. Heraty& M.J. Morley,
Gill & McMillan, 2011.
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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HRM is in charge of all transcription and administration. HRM shall provide a written copy of
what have been recorded.
Describe the role of Human Resource function
The main functions of an H.R specialist are: recruitment, maintain policies and H.R. records,
handle employees concerns, to be responsible for retention of staff, advancement,
promotion and takes in charge the administration of the organisation payroll/benefits plans.
The H.R specialists belong to the management and his/her key competencies are:
 Organising and planning the needs for future requirement of staff.
 Staffing which include
 Recruitment or the ability to attract applicants
 Selection with interviews by filtering short list candidates
 Problem analysis and Problem solving with good Communication skills and
 Pay and benefits as HR are in charge of the salary and everything related to The
Payments of Wages Act 1991
 Performance appraisal: appraise performances
 Training and development by up-skilling the workforce
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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Identify and evaluate the human resource tools and techniques that may be used to recruit and select
employees for the various roles listed above.
Here are the steps I will perform and tools I will choose as a HRM:
1. For each role I will draw up the company needs and decide on what will be the
tasks I will perform
General Administration – secretarial, typing skills
Payroll – knowledge of bookkeeping, taxation and SAGE (software)
IT Support – knowledge of procurement software, database and overflow
Manufacturing – manual skills
Quality Control – literate, SLA oriented
Sales and Marketing – very good interpersonal and communication skills
2. Writing the proper advert for this successful organisation underlining for each position the
quality that the organisation is looking for.
F/M Marketing Officer who will assist the marketing manager in the following tasks:
 creating media releases
 finding target markets
 creating mailing lists
 copyrighting
 organising shows
 administration
With the following skills and ability to develop good ideas, be creative, innovative with good
communication and literacy skills. She/he needs to know the trends of the bicycle industry.
She/he can work on her/his own initiative as well as with different teams and find/develop
new markets.
Expectation salary depends on experience.
3. Advertising through different channels (firstly internal, then external to the organisation:
involving employment agencies, media communication press, TV, radio or exhibition) to
attract applicants.
4. Filtering the applications and therefore involving the head of each department to assess
the interviewees
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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 Selection of CVs
 Interviews of the selected candidates Tests
o Physical ability / dexterity tests: for the manufacturing department
o Proficiency tests for the administrative department
o Literacy and numeracy tests: specifically to the administrative interviewees
o Technical tests: for the IT department.
o Intelligence / Cognitive tests in the Sale and Marketing as well as in every
area where a promotional leader can be identified.
o Personality tests for recruitment of managers.
5. Verification of information provided
6. Recruiting signature of contract (that the legal department may have written)
7. Administrate by providing the Payroll department with the necessary documents
(contracts, PPS number
As HR Manager you will be heavily involved in the appraisal of staff performance. Identify and evaluate the
different performance appraisal techniques that may be used to you in your work.
By establishing performance objectives and standards, the company assesses and measures
the workload, the employees and the way the work is done. Appraisal measures help
generally to get relevant information on the quality of the work and how people do the
Performance management is not simply a way of ensuring that standards of work are met,
but is also central to motivating workers, identifying training needs and instilling higher
levels of commitment in employees.25
There are different forms of appraisal systems that allow the organisation
- to review key objectives, goals and standards,
- to define the weaknesses and strengths of employees,
- to discuss with them their performances,
- to advise them and ask for their feedback on how they can work better
- to give new processes to ameliorate their work and perform better.
25 146 3: Managing people
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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The complete Guide to Performance Appraisal26summarise weaknesses and strengths of
several methods such as: Rating, Ranking, Paired comparison, Critical incident, Free-form,
Performances and oriented systems, assessment centre, sell-assessment and the 360°
feedback appraisal; Amongst them:
The Free-form method is a subjective written overview given by a manager on an
employee’s performances. Mainly used in small structure it is the simplest method but also
the most subjective/unstructured one.
The ranking method allows the manager to easily make comparison between members of
the staff on pre-defined criteria, targets and job performances. This can be positive or
negative depending on the relationship that the employee has with the direct leadership.
And it won’t lead all the time to correction, so that a week employee can do better.
The critical incident method is more objective as it is based on good and bad performances
that allow discussion and observations over the different situations in order to put in place
the right development skills tools. This is very time consuming for the manager and can be
useless if the manager has no skill for this kind of observation.
The 360° feedback called the “all round” feedback allow new approaches to enhance
improvement and development with high performance teamwork, by “building mutual
support and trust27” in a group on a year basis. This is a combined perspective of a manager
and several peers about the team work, communication, leadership and management skills
of an employee. The reviewers are asked to comment and rate the employee’s professional
skills and team impact. It is team work. The danger is the unfairness of the feedback because
of subjective situations. Frustration, jealousy, or bad feelings over one person work, attitude
in the group can be very negative for that person. However, for the cohesion of the group,
this approach can be very effective. It is not valid for employment that do not exceed 12
26 Grote, D. (1996). The complete Guide to Performance Appraisal. New York:AmericanManagement association
27 HumanResources inIreland, 4th ed., P.Gunnigle, N. Heraty& M.J. Morley, Gill & McMillan, 2011, pp203 Managing and
Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310
Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2
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TASK6 - Gertrude
1. Appraisal review with evaluation on her bad performances – how, why, explanation
2. If she doesn’t say anything about the incident
Organisation for Improvement Performance Plan with training and assessment.
3. If she talks about the incident
Ask question (when, where, why, who, was the management aware
Explain that an enquiry will be held and advise her to talk with an accredited doctor
or nurse from the health and Safety Dpt.
4. beginning of an enquiry,
- supervisor or team manager of plaintiff and suspected offender
- Interview with witnesses if there are
- offender + 1 of his colleague as witness
- colleagues of offender and plaintiff
5. If proof of being verbally abused – Tolerance 0 – Exclusion
Another Interview with the offender + 1 of his colleague as witness
Explanation about the reason of immediate exclusion / company policy
6. If no witness, no proof then reinforcement of policy on harassment
 and training

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  • 1. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 1 1/ Examine the differences between management and leadership and the impact of different management and leadership styles on group and individual performance within an organisation There are fundamental differences between Leadership and Management, the definition of Leadership is “the action of leading a group of people or an organization and the ability to do it”1. And Management is defined as “the process of dealing with or controlling things or people”, but also “the responsibility for and control of a company or organization”2. More than a semantic consideration, theorists have implemented what both categories should be doing and the reason they should do it. However as business is in constant evolution, both roles have also changed with the modernisation and e-era. Henri Fayol was one of the first explaining what should be the functions of Management and leadership in a scientific way: Fayol explain that the common effort of all employees to fulfil successfully the goals and purposes set for an enterprise3 should allow the management to give directions and corrections to reach these goals. Therefore, management should Forecast and Plan, Organize, Command or Direct, Coordinate, Develop output and Control. To explain these 5 principal functions, H.Fayol developed 14 management principles: 1. DIVISION OF WORK (distribution of tasks amongst group and individual) 2. AUTHORITY (Give direct or indirect orders and receive obedience) 3. DISCIPLINE (Apply penalties to discourage bad behaviours) 4. UNITY OF COMMAND (Only one manager should give orders). 5. UNITY OF DIRECTION (Objectives in the organisation are set and made understandable for all to follow towards the same goals in a common direction) 6. SUBORDINATION OF INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS TO THE GENERAL INTERESTS (The interests of the organization is the priority over the individual one) 7. REMUNERATION (Payment and Awards shall be fair and in accordance with the job specifications) 8. CENTRALIZATION or DECENTRALISATION (planning is specific to the organisation) 9. SCALAR CHAIN (Managers in hierarchies are part of the authority scale) 10. ORDER (command shall be follow) 11. EQUITY (All employees should be treated as equally as possible) 12. STABILITY OF TENURE OF PERSONNEL (Avoid turnover of workforce) 13. INITIATIVE (Encourage workers to take the initiative in their position) 14. ESPRIT DE CORPS (working together in harmony in a group spirit) 1 2 3 FAYOL H., 1916, Administration industrielle et gĂ©nĂ©rale,Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© de l’Industrie MinĂ©rale, N°10, 5- 164,RĂ©Ă©ditions rĂ©guliĂšres par Dunoddepuis1918.
  • 2. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 2 Since then, other practise and theory have emerged to explain what is or what should be the Management and Leadership roles, i.e. J. Kotter stated that “Management is about coping with complexity 
 Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change”, he has also underlined the complexity for both roles and defined them as being “distinctive and complementary systems of action ... [but] both are necessary for success in an increasingly complex and volatile business environment4”. Later, D.A. Statt5 described the differentiation between managers and leaders in the following terms: 1. Long range view versus short range view: Firstly, Leadership will have to view and plan for the long term the goals of the company and set the means to execute these goals. By opposition Management will see in a short term basis and operate on a step-by step basis. 2. Trust Model: leaders have to be trustable. They are often idealised as role Model with high standards of behaviour by employees. That is one of the ways to inspire. 3. Motivate: The leadership will motivate all employees (management and workforce) to develop new objectives. The management motivates by recognizing and rewarding the accomplishments of staff. 4. Emotional versus Rational: management is very rational, which means task- oriented. Managers will implement the ideas of the leadership to achieve the goals. 5. Leadership draws policies versus Managers who focus on system and structure; Management follows and applies policies using the tools defined by the leader. 6. Maintains versus develop: Leadership develops a common shared vision to spread team spirit. Management efficiently and in a practical way implement, maintains and gets the job done. 7. Focus on system versus focus on People: Leadership believes in people and in their capacity to fill up the right position in the company e.g. by putting them on training. That potentially can increase performances and achieve the goals set faster. 8. Challenging the Status quo versus accepting the Status quo: By taking measurable risks to improve the organisation (policy, structure or the way the thing are done) leadership improve the performances. Management accepts the status quo by following directions to implement changes made at the upper level.. 9. “Doing the right things” versus “doing the things right”. Leadership thinks out of the box, challenging new ideas and opportunities, overviewing the whole picture external and internal elements while management sees the pragmatic way and does things right6. 4 Kotter, J. (1990) “What leaders reallydo?” Harvard BusinessReview, vol. 68, no.3,pp. 104–11. 5 Statt, D. A. 1994. Psychologyandthe Worldof Work. NewYork:New YorkUniversityPress 6 Statt, D. A. 1994. Psychologyandthe Worldof Work. NewYork:New YorkUniversityPress
  • 3. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 3 For example in a large corporate the managing Director, who is the highest person in rank (as plays the role of full-time executive) of a company will be responsible for the daily operations and the performance of the company7. Her/his duties would be either to: Successfully implement the organization policies, handle the direction and operation of the company, develop strategic operation plans, monitor, operate and check the financial results. Basically he/she will be controlling the resources and expenditures. Therefore, as she/he is in charge and responsible for the company (nonetheless for the good conduct of the employees but also for the financial results), she/he takes actions where and when they are required. Her/his responsibility and duties enclose the fact that she/he will be accountable in front of shareholders and of the Board of directors e.g. in a PLC. Taking actions where/when necessary and informing the board of any change will be intrinsic part of the duty. At a lower level, a Production manager will be involved with the planning, coordination and control of Manufacturing Process. She/he will ensure that goods and services are produced efficiently and that the correct amount is produced the right way, cost and quality The typical activities will be to oversee production, make sure products are produced on time, draft a time scale for the job, be responsible for the selection and maintenance of equipment, reviewing workers performance, supervising and motivating team workers. We can also add some similar definition and statement to explain the differentiation: If management “is the process of assembling and using sets of resources in a goal-directed manner to accomplish tasks in an organisational setting8”, leadership is more the process of “influencing and directing the performance of group members towards the achievement of organisational goals9” and delivers reward or recognition in return for the commitment or loyalty of followers10. 7 8 Hitt et al, 2007 9 Chadwick& Beech, 2008 10 Leadershiptheoryin a nutshell © GB LearningConsultancy, Gritton, 2006.
  • 4. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 4 Nowadays, it seems that these functions are easily interchangeable e.g. G. Yukl’s study11 underlines the narrow line between what separates Leadership and management: “it is obvious that a person can be a leader without being a manager 
and a person can be a manager without leading”. Following these leadership /Management definitions and what tasks both entities perform, theorists defined how different styles of leadership influence the organisation and are dependant of the personality of the leader, the organisation ‘s situation or structure, or other factors external or internal inherent to the organisation. We will be describing the following styles:  Human-relation Supportive/ Participative,  Autocratic /Charismatic  Democratic / Laissez-Faire The ideas of H.Fayol (explained above) in the French industry did work well with the Frederick W. Taylor‘s rational approach on structuring the workplace and implementing a labour discipline. Both underlined the importance of Human-relation between the levels of the hierarchy and the rational approach in a work environment. Management/workers’ Human relation is based in three elements considering Chester Barnard division: Voluntary cooperation, common purpose and effective communication12. The approach has been very successful in the automobile and in the tyre makers industries. The example is the Michelin family who applied the Taylor’s planning system to a non-war production13 (tyres industry) by giving several order on a daily basis in order to increase the production and its quality and to reduce the cost. Michelin was convinced that the adoption of Taylor’s principles improved the human relationship between the firm and its work force as “employees shared the company’s destiny and felt they were part of it”14. Therefore, Michelin has designed an employee suggestion program to improve its involvement which was encouraged on the floor by engineers and foremen with a bonus each time an employee proposed a valuable idea15. 11 Yukl, G. (2010) Leadership in Organizations (7th edition), Upper Saddle River, Pearson.p24. 12 Chester Barnard 13 Francesca Tesi, TaylorisminFrance: The Role ofthe MichelinFamily, p15 14 Paul NĂ©grier, OrganisationTechnique et commerciale des usinesd’aprĂšs lesmĂ©thodesamĂ©ricaines (systĂšme Taylor) (Paris, 1918), vii, 1-5, pp182-84 15 Jean-Marie Lahy, Le SystĂšme Taylor et la physiologie dutravail professionnel (Paris, 1916), 1-16;
  • 5. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 5 Henri Ford (Ford Motor Industry) had a different approach: autocratic. Without consulting the followers on what should be done, Ford (automobile industry) had lead his company to a worldwide success before the 30’s. With the authoritarian/autocratic approach. The “autocratic-authoritarian cluster encompasses being arbitrary, controlling, power-oriented, coercive, punitive and closed-minded”16. By telling employees what they want to be done and how they want it to be accomplished, the autocratic leadership style, does not allow suggestions or initiatives from the workforce. All decision-making process is centralised and empowers the leader position in the highest place of the hierarchy. Sometimes, there is personification of the system like the Stalinism. Personification allows nothing else but the leader’s own ideas in order for her/him to reach successfully the visions she/he has planted, even if controversial. In an autocratic style, leaders do not entertain any suggestions or initiatives from subordinates. Only one person decides or seems to decide for the whole group. If an individual doesn’t follow the rules and policies, then punitive actions, sanctions are implemented. An example is Henri Ford who was described by Lee Lacocca (a direct subordinate) as “the consummate autocrat in Control of Ford Motor Industry firing people without any reason” 17. The oppressive leadership style is “results driven” with little concern for people18. It has been criticized for the last decades because it creates a higher turnover and more absenteeism than in other organizations19, where other styles are implemented. By comparison the democratic style, often used in a creative environment i.e. artistic, political or intellectual allows constructive perspectives, interests, ideas or inventions as it provides debates and arguments. Different Democratic styles co-exist. One of them is the Laissez-Faire style (free rein style) where the reliability is on the shoulders of the team members to make decisions for themselves. Leaders provide the tools and resources and the group members, followers, are expected to solve problems on their own. Actually no “Leader is running the team”, there is a Jules Amar, L’Organisation phycologique du travail, introduction byHenri Le Chatelier (Paris, 1917), 24-35 in Francesca Tesi, op. cit, p20 16 The BassHandbookof Leadership:Theory, Research, andManagerial Applications ByBernardM. Bass, RuthBass, p440 17 Op.cit 18 19
  • 6. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 6 complete freedom for followers to make decisions. When the leader reappears it is either to take the credit for the success or either to take back the reins if the team fails to deliver. Glenn Turner, president of LDG Consulting Inc., suggests that ”A great leader who uses laissez faire leadership needs to assemble a great team of high achievers and performers who do not need hands on supervision20”. The inconvenience as underlined is that deadlines may be missed or that the laissez-faire becomes an absolute anarchy. Task 2 a/ Appraise the role of human resources function and the human resource tools and techniques used to recruit b/ Select and appraise employees and resolve conflict within organisation The Human Resources Management is tied to National laws when recruiting and resolving conflict: The Payments of Wages Act 1991 It gives every employees the right to a written statement every pay-day of wages with every deduction itemised. This entitlement is described in the section dealing with wages. Anyone who works for an employer for regular wage or salary has automatically a contract of employment. Whether written or not. (Section 23 of the industrialisation act 1890 states that contract of contract of employment for the purpose of industrial - relation acts 1946-1990 maybe expressed or implied, oral or in writing) Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011 The EEA deals with discrimination within employment on the following nine grounds:  Gender  Civil Status  Family status  Age  Religion  Disability  Sexual orientation  Members of the traveller community 20
  • 7. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 7 Safety, Health & Welfare at work Act 1989-2007 An act to make further provision:  For securing the safety, Health & Welfare of persons at work  For protecting other against risks to safety or health in connection with the activities of persons at work,  For the establishment of a national authority for occupational safety and Health  To provide for the repeal of certain enactments  To provide for the further regulation of dangerous substances in so far as they may affect persons or property and for matters connected with the aforesaid (19th April 1989) Most employment issues are dealt with by these Acts, including: dismissal, equal pay, harassment, working conditions, promotion, access to employment, collective agreements. Tools to recruit: A Summary of the main types of selection technique are21: Physical ability / dexterity tests: Tests that measure whether the applicant is physically able to do the job. This test is mainly limited to unskilled or semiskilled jobs as in manufacturing. However, there is a danger of unfair discrimination if not used properly. Literacy and numeracy tests: Tests that measure applicants’ levels of literacy and numeracy. Good for screening applicants from school, or for unskilled workers if reading, writing or arithmetic is a core job component. Technical tests: to assess the knowledge and capacity to solve technical issues Intelligence / Cognitive tests to measure many different types of intellectual or cognitive functions. Intelligence is linked to trainability and problem solving. Personality tests that measure personality traits. It is useful if the HRM knows exactly what personality trait she/he is looking for and why especially when dealing with recruitment of managers. Unforeseen circumstances can also interfere with HRM position such as changes in politics, taxation or legislation. Tools to solve conflict: HRM is in charge of establishing the grievance, disciplinary policies and related procedures to solve issues raised in the organisation. They also develop tools to monitor their application. 21 Managing people and organisations, table 3.1, pp 145-46
  • 8. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 8 The grievance handling procedure allows employees individually or in group to address any disagreement to the management. To visualise and accordingly deal with the concern of the employee or group of employees, a hierarchical structure is established to efficiently understand the nature of and the reason for the issues22. A step-by-step procedure inside the organisation is introduced involving different levels of management to solve the conflict: immediate supervisor/ department manager / HR manager and line manager(s) before it reaches upper levels which involve third party investigation (rights commissioner, Labour Relations, Commission), Labour court investigation (employment appeals Tribunal)23 and finally, in very complex cases, before the High Court when none of the precedent levels were able to resolve conflict. Note that Claim to the Court could be made only at an individual level. At this stage, we can agree to the fact that HRM has failed in his conflict policy procedure. Disciplinary policies allow the HRM to take the disciplinary action against employees when results are below the standards, when procedure in place in order to make employees improved performances have failed or when the transgression is considered at a corrective level. However if the offense is judged as a misconduct this will lead to dismissal and further legal action if necessary. Organisation disciplinary rules are de facto bound to national legislation (i.e. about unfair dismissal 1977, 1993)24: In the organisation policies shall be clearly defined, communicated and understood by all employees. Monitoring that they were understood can be done through different exercises or questionnaires. Employee shall be entitled to fair and consistent treatment by the management and HR (interview by supervisor, oral warning, written warning, suspension or dismissal) to be able to defend his point of view, the suspected employee has right to an adequate representation such as a fellow employee or a trade union representative; he has the right to a fair investigation to establish the facts of the case and has the right of appeal. 22 Human Resources inIreland, 4th ed., P.Gunnigle, N. Heraty& M.J. Morley, Gill & McMillan, 2011, pp344-48Employment RelationPractise 23 Op.cit. p 346 24 Cited in Employment RelationPractise, p347, Human Resources inIreland, 4th ed., P.Gunnigle, N. Heraty& M.J. Morley, Gill & McMillan, 2011.
  • 9. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 9 HRM is in charge of all transcription and administration. HRM shall provide a written copy of what have been recorded. TASK3 Describe the role of Human Resource function The main functions of an H.R specialist are: recruitment, maintain policies and H.R. records, handle employees concerns, to be responsible for retention of staff, advancement, promotion and takes in charge the administration of the organisation payroll/benefits plans. The H.R specialists belong to the management and his/her key competencies are:  Organising and planning the needs for future requirement of staff.  Staffing which include  Recruitment or the ability to attract applicants  Selection with interviews by filtering short list candidates  Problem analysis and Problem solving with good Communication skills and Adaptability  Pay and benefits as HR are in charge of the salary and everything related to The Payments of Wages Act 1991  Performance appraisal: appraise performances  Training and development by up-skilling the workforce
  • 10. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 10 TASK4 Identify and evaluate the human resource tools and techniques that may be used to recruit and select employees for the various roles listed above. Here are the steps I will perform and tools I will choose as a HRM: 1. For each role I will draw up the company needs and decide on what will be the tasks I will perform General Administration – secretarial, typing skills Payroll – knowledge of bookkeeping, taxation and SAGE (software) IT Support – knowledge of procurement software, database and overflow Manufacturing – manual skills Quality Control – literate, SLA oriented Sales and Marketing – very good interpersonal and communication skills 2. Writing the proper advert for this successful organisation underlining for each position the quality that the organisation is looking for. Example: F/M Marketing Officer who will assist the marketing manager in the following tasks:  creating media releases  finding target markets  creating mailing lists  copyrighting  organising shows  administration With the following skills and ability to develop good ideas, be creative, innovative with good communication and literacy skills. She/he needs to know the trends of the bicycle industry. She/he can work on her/his own initiative as well as with different teams and find/develop new markets. Expectation salary depends on experience. 3. Advertising through different channels (firstly internal, then external to the organisation: involving employment agencies, media communication press, TV, radio or exhibition) to attract applicants. 4. Filtering the applications and therefore involving the head of each department to assess the interviewees
  • 11. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 11  Selection of CVs  Interviews of the selected candidates Tests o Physical ability / dexterity tests: for the manufacturing department o Proficiency tests for the administrative department o Literacy and numeracy tests: specifically to the administrative interviewees o Technical tests: for the IT department. o Intelligence / Cognitive tests in the Sale and Marketing as well as in every area where a promotional leader can be identified. o Personality tests for recruitment of managers. 5. Verification of information provided 6. Recruiting signature of contract (that the legal department may have written) 7. Administrate by providing the Payroll department with the necessary documents (contracts, PPS number
.) TASK5 As HR Manager you will be heavily involved in the appraisal of staff performance. Identify and evaluate the different performance appraisal techniques that may be used to you in your work. By establishing performance objectives and standards, the company assesses and measures the workload, the employees and the way the work is done. Appraisal measures help generally to get relevant information on the quality of the work and how people do the tasks. Performance management is not simply a way of ensuring that standards of work are met, but is also central to motivating workers, identifying training needs and instilling higher levels of commitment in employees.25 There are different forms of appraisal systems that allow the organisation - to review key objectives, goals and standards, - to define the weaknesses and strengths of employees, - to discuss with them their performances, - to advise them and ask for their feedback on how they can work better - to give new processes to ameliorate their work and perform better. 25 146 3: Managing people
  • 12. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 12 The complete Guide to Performance Appraisal26summarise weaknesses and strengths of several methods such as: Rating, Ranking, Paired comparison, Critical incident, Free-form, Performances and oriented systems, assessment centre, sell-assessment and the 360° feedback appraisal; Amongst them: The Free-form method is a subjective written overview given by a manager on an employee’s performances. Mainly used in small structure it is the simplest method but also the most subjective/unstructured one. The ranking method allows the manager to easily make comparison between members of the staff on pre-defined criteria, targets and job performances. This can be positive or negative depending on the relationship that the employee has with the direct leadership. And it won’t lead all the time to correction, so that a week employee can do better. The critical incident method is more objective as it is based on good and bad performances that allow discussion and observations over the different situations in order to put in place the right development skills tools. This is very time consuming for the manager and can be useless if the manager has no skill for this kind of observation. The 360° feedback called the “all round” feedback allow new approaches to enhance improvement and development with high performance teamwork, by “building mutual support and trust27” in a group on a year basis. This is a combined perspective of a manager and several peers about the team work, communication, leadership and management skills of an employee. The reviewers are asked to comment and rate the employee’s professional skills and team impact. It is team work. The danger is the unfairness of the feedback because of subjective situations. Frustration, jealousy, or bad feelings over one person work, attitude in the group can be very negative for that person. However, for the cohesion of the group, this approach can be very effective. It is not valid for employment that do not exceed 12 months. 26 Grote, D. (1996). The complete Guide to Performance Appraisal. New York:AmericanManagement association 27 HumanResources inIreland, 4th ed., P.Gunnigle, N. Heraty& M.J. Morley, Gill & McMillan, 2011, pp203 Managing and appraisingperformances.
  • 13. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FETAC MINOR Level 6 Human Resources Management AIS Code: 6N4310 Yasmina Rayeh Assignment 2 P a g e | 13 TASK6 - Gertrude 1. Appraisal review with evaluation on her bad performances – how, why, explanation 2. If she doesn’t say anything about the incident Organisation for Improvement Performance Plan with training and assessment. 3. If she talks about the incident Ask question (when, where, why, who, was the management aware
). Explain that an enquiry will be held and advise her to talk with an accredited doctor or nurse from the health and Safety Dpt. 4. beginning of an enquiry, - supervisor or team manager of plaintiff and suspected offender - Interview with witnesses if there are - offender + 1 of his colleague as witness - colleagues of offender and plaintiff 5. If proof of being verbally abused – Tolerance 0 – Exclusion Another Interview with the offender + 1 of his colleague as witness Explanation about the reason of immediate exclusion / company policy 6. If no witness, no proof then reinforcement of policy on harassment
 and training