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01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 1
01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 2
 As a student, you may face various challenges in your
studies and school life. Despite these challenges, it is
important for you to come to terms with your own potential,
gifts and talents.
 Whatever your perceived level of intelligence, whether high
or low, you can excel in your studies and life.
 Doing well in your studies, tests and examinations involves
a systematic approach to studying.
 Studying is a process that takes time and conscious effort.
 Success in your studies requires passion and a commitment.
 Commitment to your studies is enhanced through a positive
attitude to schooling, your teachers and the subjects you
Study Skills
01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 3
Good Study habit = Good
Grades- A skill is a learned ability to carry out certain tasks
or activity successfully within a given period of time.
- Study skills are techniques for understanding the
content of the subjects that you study.
- You will use the techniques to read and understand,
remember and recall information.
- With time these skills become a habit – study habits.
- Reading is part of studying. From the reading you
carefully select essential information that you need
to learn and remember.
- The information is then retained in the memory to
recall and apply in tests and examinations.
01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 4
Concentrating on your Studies:
Sitting Position and Posture
- Sit comfortably and lean forward,
with your arms on the desk.
- Do not bend your back too much
as this becomes strenuous and you
tend to get tired.
- Sit near the table or desk so that
you do not have to stretch your
arms or strain your eyes to see
what you are writing.
- Let your feet rest firmly on the
ground. This gives you additional
support and helps avoid a fall.
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Concentrating on your Studies:
Sitting Position and Posture
- Use one hand to hold the writing tool
(pen, pencil or drawing pen), while the
other hand holds the book, test or
examination paper.
- Focus your eyes on the activity. In
class, eyes should move between what
you are actually writing and the
teacher. In a study group, focus on the
student presenting, your notes and
writing important points. In private
study, focus on the notes you are
reading and writing down important
points. In a test or examination, your
eyes move between the question paper
and where you are writing.
01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 6
Concentrating on your Studies:
Holding the Pen
- Use a good pencil, pen or drawing
pen for writing or drawing.
- Hold the pen a short distance away
from the tip. This makes it possible
to shape letters or make a drawing.
- Hold the pen or pencil slightly
backwards so that you can easily
manipulate it.
- A short pen can strain you since you
are unable to hold. Do not use a pen
that is leaking ink as it may mess up
your writing or drawing.
01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 7
Concentrating on your Studies:
Mind, Eye and Hand Coordination
You need to coordinate your brain, hands and eyes. This
coordination enables you to encode information in the memory.
The coordination assists you while listening to the teacher in class,
in your private study and in study groups as follows:
(a)In class, look and focus on the teacher. Focusing on the teacher
enables your brain to concentrate on what she or he is saying. Then,
write down and underline important points.
(b)In your private study, look at the notes. Once again, the eye and
mind are synchronised. Make brief notes as you read, or underline
important points.
(c)In a study group, look at the person speaking and listen to their
voice, explanation and examples. Outline the same points, draw the
map or diagram or note down illustrations in your notebook. If you
are the one speaking, you can use the fingers or numbers to
demonstrate (first, second, third)
01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 8
Concentrating on your Studies:
Writing and Handwriting
- You write to read your notes, or for someone to read your answers
in a test or examination. Good handwriting enables organise ideas.
- Practice your own writing by being tidy. Write and draw properly,
shape letters clearly and carefully in ten (10) aspects:
(1) Ensure correct spelling of words.
(2) Ensure correct diagrams and illustrations.
(3) Ensure proper size and shape of letters.
(4) Skip a line and create enough space.
(5) Use punctuation marks including capital letters, comma,
question mark and full stop.
(6) Use headings and sub-headings.
(7) Make certain good paragraphs.
(8) Number your items correctly.
(9) Use accurate symbols.
(10)Write correct grammatical sentences.
01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 9
Time and Timing
You must make good use of the time available
to you as a student. This includes:
(1)Time to attend class.
(2)Time to read.
(3)Time for extra-curricular activities.
(4)Time during examinations.
Time and Timing at School and
at home are very important
 Students who perform well in tests and exams
invest time in their studies. Studying involves
hard work.
 In class, your teachers instruct you in various
subjects. All these subjects are important.
 Learning is a three-stage process in which there
are certain things you should do:
- Before class;
- During class; and,
- After class.
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Before Class: Get Ready for Class
• Review your notes from the previous lesson.
• This helps you remember what you learnt and gets
you ready for the next class.
• Complete all homework, assignments and readings
before you come to class. Your teacher will expect
you to have done this. This is important because
you will use and build upon this information.
• Bring your note-taking materials with you to class.
This includes the correct note book, pen, pencil,
drawing materials for the subject.
• Carry an extra pen and pencil.
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Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 12
Attending Class – Good Study Habits
• You will learn a lot from the teacher in class.
• The teacher will talk about topics that you are
studying, explain the concepts, show the
formulas and provide examples.
• Information provided by the teacher is important.
• You must be able to take good written notes from
what your teachers say to assist in your revision.
• The teacher will also provide class activities.
• Ensure you take part in all class activities,
including class assignments and take-home
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Attending Class – Good Study Habits
Pay careful attention to specific items such as terms
(definitions, concepts), formulas, maps, diagrams and
During Class: Taking Notes in Class
• It is important that you attend class.
• Concentrate on what the teacher is saying, drawing,
pointing, writing and giving as examples.
• Note important points in your notes. These notes
will be used for your revision.
• Write quickly so that you can include all the
important information in your notes. Do this by
concentrating and writing short sentences.
• Underline in your notes words or statements that
you are not sure of, or whose meaning is not clear to
you. This includes questions you may want to ask a
friend or teacher after the lesson.Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 14
During Class: Taking Notes in Class
• Keep your attention focused on what your
teacher is saying. Listen for statements and
signs that tell you that what your teacher is
about to say, or says, is important, significant,
key. For example, ‘The most important
point…’ and ‘Remember that . . .’, ‘note this
part of …’
• Your notes should include information that
your teacher repeats or writes on the board, or
presents in a diagram or chart.
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After Class: Assignment and Revision
• Revise and rewrite your notes within 72 hours. This
is because the mind remembers in detail most of the
information. This also makes you complete your
notes by reading through them and changing any
words, adding information and checking the
symbols, diagrams, maps, formulas and terms.
• The shortened sentences can be turned into longer
and more meaningful sentences.
• During revision, you also try to answer various
questions you had when writing your notes in class.
• This is the time to make use of your textbook to
obtain more information and do your assignments.Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 16
• Check with other students to be sure you did not
leave out important information.
• If necessary, ask your
colleague for help
on any parts that you did
not understand clearly.
• This gives you the chance
to know that your friend
could also have missed
out and you can then ask your teacher.
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After Class: Assignment and Revision
Be Ready to Listen in Class. This is possible if:
1)You have completed all assignments and readings.
2)You have reviewed your notes from previous class.
3)You are emotionally ready for the teacher and the
4)Your attitude is positive. This is important because
you make a conscious choice to find the teacher and
topic useful and interesting.
5)You are committed to learning all that you can even if
the topic may be difficult.
6)You are disciplined and respectful.
7)You create interest in school and in all subjects.
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Good Listening and
Attention in Class
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You are must be attentive and maintain eye contact
with the activity and teacher.
Listening has Commitment if:
• You are Attentive.
• You maintain Eye Contact with the
• You focus on what the teacher is saying.
• You follow the teacher’s pace.
• You note down important points to
enable you revise later.
• You do all assignments and exercises.
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Listening is a commitment and is not possible if:
You are day dreaming.
Your mind is wandering to other things.
You are doing you own things.
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
01/06/2016 21
It helps to sit in class
and to maintain eye
and mind contact
with your teacher.
Studying Mathematics is different
from studying other subjects:
Math is learned by practice (doing).
Each lesson builds on the previous
It is important that you understand
the concepts taught in the previous
Make constant review of key
Follow directions.
Work neatly.
Show work and formulas.
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Mathematics Lessons
01/06/2016 22
• Read and understand the question.
• Be careful with concepts and questions that present
• The brain works in patterns. For example, LCM,
Volume, quadratic equation.
• Note carefully the details that are provided and
what the question is asking you to do. This will help
you determine the right formula / steps to use.
• Apply the formula / steps correctly paying attention
to units and correct symbols.
• Always leave your answer with correct units.
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Mathematics Lessons
01/06/2016 23
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Science Lessons
01/06/2016 24
Parts of a microscope
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Science Lessons
01/06/2016 25
- Understand the meaning of terms to be able to
define them with ease.
- Learn parts and their functions, for example,
parts of the brain and their functions.
- Understand laws to be able to apply them.
Also, apply the law as appropriate.
- Use proper formula (equation) and language
when responding to questions.
- Use correct terms with correct spelling.
- Pay careful attention to procedures and the
reasons for each step in the procedure.
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Science Practical
01/06/2016 26
- Follow instructions.
- Carry out more practicals.
- Ensure correct procedure
and proper use of
- Take precautions in order
to make and record
accurate observations.
- State accurately the
observations made.
- Record data appropriately.
Effective Study: Memory through
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 27
Memory is developed with use.
Study actively by classifying ideas
and information. This assists in
assimilation and memorizing.
Repetition is essential for memorizing
as many times as is necessary.
Therefore you must revise your notes.
Even when you are very intelligent,
make short notes. This is to enhance
your memory and assist you to recall
important information.
Allocate time for all subjects.
Study Place
• You need a good study place to
revise. Having a good reading
place is important to enable
good studying.
• Carry the necessary books and
supplies such as pens and
pencils, paper, and whatever
else you might need such as
drinking water.
• Turn off the cell phone, radio
and television to allow
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Study Place
Ensure the following:
Chair is comfortable. A bad chair can
cause discomfort or pain, while a chair
that is too comfortable might make you
feel sleepy. Select a chair in which you
can sit for considerable time while
maintaining your attention.
Adequate light. This allows you clearly
see what you are reading.
Healthy environment. Room should be
warm and comfortable.
Avoid interruptions. Study in a quiet
environment without interruptions.
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Suggestions for Improved study
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 General organization. Organize your activities including your
reading and personal well-being so that you are focused in
your studies. This helps you to avoid being distracted.
 Ensure the following:
• Time Table. A written schedule serves as a reminder and
increases your commitment to following it. Ensure you
have a personal Time Table.
• Time for Reading. Include time for:
(a) Personal study
(b) Group work
• Subject and topic. Identify the Subject and Topic you want
to study. Allocate time for all subjects.
Also, do not allow others to interrupt you unnecessarily.
Suggestions for Improved study
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 31
Shower. Taking a shower is refreshing. You can take
a shower early in the morning, during the day or in
the evening.
Sleep. You tend to retain more of what you study if
you get adequate sleep.
Time for reading. The mind tends to absorb more
when it is fresh, especially early in the morning.
Food. Eat enough food, with proper nutrients to
nourish the body.
Focus. Be focused on your studies and learn to
STUDY TIME …For how long
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
It is important to allocate definite
times to studying.
Find out the best time to study.
The best time to study is in the
morning when the mind is fresh.
This is because you have been
taking a rest.
Difficult topics are also studied
when your mind is fresh.
Concentrate for adequate time.
Take time to rest in between study
(study break).
01/06/2016 32
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
A study group is a group of
students who meet for
purposes of studying
It is important to review
notes and thus revise with
your friends.
01/06/2016 33
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Studying with friends is a really
fun way to study. This is because
it enables further insight. You
can ask each other questions and
you can assign each other topics
to read. You can also do different
assignments. That way, everyone
is responsible and disciplined
It also can be a lot more fun than
studying by yourself all the time.
01/06/2016 34
Tests and
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
An important part of your study is
to do well in tests and finally in
the final examinations.
(a) To do well in a test, you must
have good knowledge of the
information being tested.
(b) You must also have a strategy
for taking the test or exam.
(c) Read the instructions
01/06/2016 35
Tests and Examinations:
Answering Questions
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 36
Read instructions and pay attention to the Question:
• Describe …
• Eleza maana ya …
• Andika sentensi ifuatayo …
• With the aid of a diagram, describe …
• Distinguish between …
• State the difference between …
• Explain (the advantages of) ..
• State the characteristics of ..
• Explain SIX reasons why ..
• Explain the following terms:
• Define the following terms:
• Explain why …
ACTION in Tests and
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
 Arrive in TIME for examination
and test. This allows you to relax.
 Carry an extra Pen / Pencil.
 Take your seat or position.
 Instructions are very important
and you must carefully LISTEN
and READ instructions.
 Organize your TIME and WORK
 Neatly ordered work and writing
is easy to read.
01/06/2016 37
Concentrate on
your work and
avoid cheating.
• If you find difficult items early in the test, do
not panic. Move on to the next item.
• Answer the items you find easiest first. This is
important because:
It allows you to gain confidence.
The mind can take the time to remember the
other items.
There are answer items early in the test that
you may not know or find difficult.
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Tests and
01/06/2016 38
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners
Tests and
01/06/2016 39
• Plan your time well so that you give enough
attention to items that count for most points.
• Begin each question / problem on a new page
or in the designated space.
• Break down into parts items that are being
tested in a question. This is because it is more
manageable for you to answer.
• Remain neat and organized in your work.
• Remember to write your name, registration or
index number as required.
Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 40
Wango, G. M. and Gatere, A. W. (2016). Study Skills for Secondary
School Learners. Nairobi: The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation.

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Study Skills for Secondary School Learners

  • 1. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 1
  • 2. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 2  As a student, you may face various challenges in your studies and school life. Despite these challenges, it is important for you to come to terms with your own potential, gifts and talents.  Whatever your perceived level of intelligence, whether high or low, you can excel in your studies and life.  Doing well in your studies, tests and examinations involves a systematic approach to studying.  Studying is a process that takes time and conscious effort.  Success in your studies requires passion and a commitment.  Commitment to your studies is enhanced through a positive attitude to schooling, your teachers and the subjects you study. Study Skills
  • 3. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 3 Good Study habit = Good Grades- A skill is a learned ability to carry out certain tasks or activity successfully within a given period of time. - Study skills are techniques for understanding the content of the subjects that you study. - You will use the techniques to read and understand, remember and recall information. - With time these skills become a habit – study habits. - Reading is part of studying. From the reading you carefully select essential information that you need to learn and remember. - The information is then retained in the memory to recall and apply in tests and examinations.
  • 4. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 4 Concentrating on your Studies: Sitting Position and Posture - Sit comfortably and lean forward, with your arms on the desk. - Do not bend your back too much as this becomes strenuous and you tend to get tired. - Sit near the table or desk so that you do not have to stretch your arms or strain your eyes to see what you are writing. - Let your feet rest firmly on the ground. This gives you additional support and helps avoid a fall.
  • 5. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 5 Concentrating on your Studies: Sitting Position and Posture - Use one hand to hold the writing tool (pen, pencil or drawing pen), while the other hand holds the book, test or examination paper. - Focus your eyes on the activity. In class, eyes should move between what you are actually writing and the teacher. In a study group, focus on the student presenting, your notes and writing important points. In private study, focus on the notes you are reading and writing down important points. In a test or examination, your eyes move between the question paper and where you are writing.
  • 6. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 6 Concentrating on your Studies: Holding the Pen - Use a good pencil, pen or drawing pen for writing or drawing. - Hold the pen a short distance away from the tip. This makes it possible to shape letters or make a drawing. - Hold the pen or pencil slightly backwards so that you can easily manipulate it. - A short pen can strain you since you are unable to hold. Do not use a pen that is leaking ink as it may mess up your writing or drawing.
  • 7. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 7 Concentrating on your Studies: Mind, Eye and Hand Coordination You need to coordinate your brain, hands and eyes. This coordination enables you to encode information in the memory. The coordination assists you while listening to the teacher in class, in your private study and in study groups as follows: (a)In class, look and focus on the teacher. Focusing on the teacher enables your brain to concentrate on what she or he is saying. Then, write down and underline important points. (b)In your private study, look at the notes. Once again, the eye and mind are synchronised. Make brief notes as you read, or underline important points. (c)In a study group, look at the person speaking and listen to their voice, explanation and examples. Outline the same points, draw the map or diagram or note down illustrations in your notebook. If you are the one speaking, you can use the fingers or numbers to demonstrate (first, second, third)
  • 8. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 8 Concentrating on your Studies: Writing and Handwriting - You write to read your notes, or for someone to read your answers in a test or examination. Good handwriting enables organise ideas. - Practice your own writing by being tidy. Write and draw properly, shape letters clearly and carefully in ten (10) aspects: (1) Ensure correct spelling of words. (2) Ensure correct diagrams and illustrations. (3) Ensure proper size and shape of letters. (4) Skip a line and create enough space. (5) Use punctuation marks including capital letters, comma, question mark and full stop. (6) Use headings and sub-headings. (7) Make certain good paragraphs. (8) Number your items correctly. (9) Use accurate symbols. (10)Write correct grammatical sentences.
  • 9. 01/06/2016 Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners 9 Time and Timing You must make good use of the time available to you as a student. This includes: (1)Time to attend class. (2)Time to read. (3)Time for extra-curricular activities. (4)Time during examinations. Time and Timing at School and at home are very important
  • 10. LISTENING AND LEARNING IN CLASS  Students who perform well in tests and exams invest time in their studies. Studying involves hard work.  In class, your teachers instruct you in various subjects. All these subjects are important.  Learning is a three-stage process in which there are certain things you should do: - Before class; - During class; and, - After class. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 10
  • 11. Before Class: Get Ready for Class • Review your notes from the previous lesson. • This helps you remember what you learnt and gets you ready for the next class. • Complete all homework, assignments and readings before you come to class. Your teacher will expect you to have done this. This is important because you will use and build upon this information. • Bring your note-taking materials with you to class. This includes the correct note book, pen, pencil, drawing materials for the subject. • Carry an extra pen and pencil. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 11
  • 12. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 12 Attending Class – Good Study Habits • You will learn a lot from the teacher in class. • The teacher will talk about topics that you are studying, explain the concepts, show the formulas and provide examples. • Information provided by the teacher is important. • You must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say to assist in your revision. • The teacher will also provide class activities. • Ensure you take part in all class activities, including class assignments and take-home assignments.
  • 13. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 13 Attending Class – Good Study Habits Pay careful attention to specific items such as terms (definitions, concepts), formulas, maps, diagrams and experiments.
  • 14. During Class: Taking Notes in Class • It is important that you attend class. • Concentrate on what the teacher is saying, drawing, pointing, writing and giving as examples. • Note important points in your notes. These notes will be used for your revision. • Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by concentrating and writing short sentences. • Underline in your notes words or statements that you are not sure of, or whose meaning is not clear to you. This includes questions you may want to ask a friend or teacher after the lesson.Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 14
  • 15. During Class: Taking Notes in Class • Keep your attention focused on what your teacher is saying. Listen for statements and signs that tell you that what your teacher is about to say, or says, is important, significant, key. For example, ‘The most important point…’ and ‘Remember that . . .’, ‘note this part of …’ • Your notes should include information that your teacher repeats or writes on the board, or presents in a diagram or chart. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 15
  • 16. After Class: Assignment and Revision • Revise and rewrite your notes within 72 hours. This is because the mind remembers in detail most of the information. This also makes you complete your notes by reading through them and changing any words, adding information and checking the symbols, diagrams, maps, formulas and terms. • The shortened sentences can be turned into longer and more meaningful sentences. • During revision, you also try to answer various questions you had when writing your notes in class. • This is the time to make use of your textbook to obtain more information and do your assignments.Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 16
  • 17. • Check with other students to be sure you did not leave out important information. • If necessary, ask your colleague for help on any parts that you did not understand clearly. • This gives you the chance to know that your friend could also have missed out and you can then ask your teacher. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 17 After Class: Assignment and Revision
  • 18. GOOD LISTENING IN CLASS Be Ready to Listen in Class. This is possible if: 1)You have completed all assignments and readings. 2)You have reviewed your notes from previous class. 3)You are emotionally ready for the teacher and the subject. 4)Your attitude is positive. This is important because you make a conscious choice to find the teacher and topic useful and interesting. 5)You are committed to learning all that you can even if the topic may be difficult. 6)You are disciplined and respectful. 7)You create interest in school and in all subjects. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 18
  • 19. Good Listening and Attention in Class Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 19 You are must be attentive and maintain eye contact with the activity and teacher.
  • 20. Listening has Commitment if: • You are Attentive. • You maintain Eye Contact with the teacher. • You focus on what the teacher is saying. • You follow the teacher’s pace. • You note down important points to enable you revise later. • You do all assignments and exercises. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 20
  • 21. Listening is a commitment and is not possible if: You are day dreaming. Your mind is wandering to other things. You are doing you own things. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Listening 01/06/2016 21 It helps to sit in class and to maintain eye and mind contact with your teacher.
  • 22. Studying Mathematics is different from studying other subjects: Math is learned by practice (doing). Each lesson builds on the previous lesson. It is important that you understand the concepts taught in the previous lesson. Make constant review of key concepts. Follow directions. Work neatly. Show work and formulas. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Mathematics Lessons 01/06/2016 22
  • 23. • Read and understand the question. • Be careful with concepts and questions that present difficulty. • The brain works in patterns. For example, LCM, Volume, quadratic equation. • Note carefully the details that are provided and what the question is asking you to do. This will help you determine the right formula / steps to use. • Apply the formula / steps correctly paying attention to units and correct symbols. • Always leave your answer with correct units. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Mathematics Lessons 01/06/2016 23
  • 24. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Science Lessons 01/06/2016 24 Parts of a microscope
  • 25. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Science Lessons 01/06/2016 25 - Understand the meaning of terms to be able to define them with ease. - Learn parts and their functions, for example, parts of the brain and their functions. - Understand laws to be able to apply them. Also, apply the law as appropriate. - Use proper formula (equation) and language when responding to questions. - Use correct terms with correct spelling. - Pay careful attention to procedures and the reasons for each step in the procedure.
  • 26. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Science Practical 01/06/2016 26 - Follow instructions. - Carry out more practicals. - Ensure correct procedure and proper use of apparatus. - Take precautions in order to make and record accurate observations. - State accurately the observations made. - Record data appropriately.
  • 27. Effective Study: Memory through Repetition Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 27 Memory is developed with use. Study actively by classifying ideas and information. This assists in assimilation and memorizing. Repetition is essential for memorizing as many times as is necessary. Therefore you must revise your notes. Even when you are very intelligent, make short notes. This is to enhance your memory and assist you to recall important information. Allocate time for all subjects.
  • 28. Study Place • You need a good study place to revise. Having a good reading place is important to enable good studying. • Carry the necessary books and supplies such as pens and pencils, paper, and whatever else you might need such as drinking water. • Turn off the cell phone, radio and television to allow concentration. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 28
  • 29. Study Place Ensure the following: Chair is comfortable. A bad chair can cause discomfort or pain, while a chair that is too comfortable might make you feel sleepy. Select a chair in which you can sit for considerable time while maintaining your attention. Adequate light. This allows you clearly see what you are reading. Healthy environment. Room should be warm and comfortable. Avoid interruptions. Study in a quiet environment without interruptions. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 29
  • 30. Suggestions for Improved study Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 30  General organization. Organize your activities including your reading and personal well-being so that you are focused in your studies. This helps you to avoid being distracted.  Ensure the following: • Time Table. A written schedule serves as a reminder and increases your commitment to following it. Ensure you have a personal Time Table. • Time for Reading. Include time for: (a) Personal study (b) Group work • Subject and topic. Identify the Subject and Topic you want to study. Allocate time for all subjects. Also, do not allow others to interrupt you unnecessarily.
  • 31. Suggestions for Improved study Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 31 Shower. Taking a shower is refreshing. You can take a shower early in the morning, during the day or in the evening. Sleep. You tend to retain more of what you study if you get adequate sleep. Time for reading. The mind tends to absorb more when it is fresh, especially early in the morning. Food. Eat enough food, with proper nutrients to nourish the body. Focus. Be focused on your studies and learn to concentrate.
  • 32. STUDY TIME …For how long Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners It is important to allocate definite times to studying. Find out the best time to study. The best time to study is in the morning when the mind is fresh. This is because you have been taking a rest. Difficult topics are also studied when your mind is fresh. Concentrate for adequate time. Take time to rest in between study (study break). 01/06/2016 32
  • 33. STUDY GROUPS Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners A study group is a group of students who meet for purposes of studying together. It is important to review notes and thus revise with your friends. 01/06/2016 33
  • 34. STUDY GROUPS Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Studying with friends is a really fun way to study. This is because it enables further insight. You can ask each other questions and you can assign each other topics to read. You can also do different assignments. That way, everyone is responsible and disciplined It also can be a lot more fun than studying by yourself all the time. 01/06/2016 34
  • 35. Tests and Examinations Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners An important part of your study is to do well in tests and finally in the final examinations. Remember: (a) To do well in a test, you must have good knowledge of the information being tested. (b) You must also have a strategy for taking the test or exam. (c) Read the instructions carefully. 01/06/2016 35
  • 36. Tests and Examinations: Answering Questions Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 36 Read instructions and pay attention to the Question: • Describe … • Eleza maana ya … • Andika sentensi ifuatayo … • With the aid of a diagram, describe … • Distinguish between … • State the difference between … • Explain (the advantages of) .. • State the characteristics of .. • Explain SIX reasons why .. • Explain the following terms: • Define the following terms: • Explain why …
  • 37. ACTION in Tests and Examinations Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners  Arrive in TIME for examination and test. This allows you to relax.  Carry an extra Pen / Pencil.  Take your seat or position.  Instructions are very important and you must carefully LISTEN and READ instructions.  Organize your TIME and WORK  Neatly ordered work and writing is easy to read. . 01/06/2016 37 Concentrate on your work and avoid cheating.
  • 38. • If you find difficult items early in the test, do not panic. Move on to the next item. • Answer the items you find easiest first. This is important because: It allows you to gain confidence. The mind can take the time to remember the other items. There are answer items early in the test that you may not know or find difficult. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Tests and Examinations 01/06/2016 38
  • 39. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners Tests and Examinations 01/06/2016 39 • Plan your time well so that you give enough attention to items that count for most points. • Begin each question / problem on a new page or in the designated space. • Break down into parts items that are being tested in a question. This is because it is more manageable for you to answer. • Remain neat and organized in your work. • Remember to write your name, registration or index number as required.
  • 40. Wango and Gatere Study Skills for Secondary School Learners01/06/2016 40 Wango, G. M. and Gatere, A. W. (2016). Study Skills for Secondary School Learners. Nairobi: The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation.

Editor's Notes

  1. Dr Geoffrey Wango is a Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology at the University of Nairobi. Email. [email_address]. Dr. Wango has authored several publications on Counselling, Education and Gender including: Counselling in the School: A Handbook for Teachers (Wango and Mungai, 2007); School Administration and Management: Quality Assurance and Standards in Schools (Wango, 2009); School Finance Management: Fiscal Management to Enhance Governance and Accountability (Wango and Gatere, 2012); Early Childhood Development Education Guidance and Counselling (Wango, Kimani, Osaka, Githinji and Amayo, 2015); Counselling Psychology in Kenya: A Contemporary Review of the Developing World (Wango, 2015); and, Study Skills for Secondary School Learners (Wango and Gatere, 2016).