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1. Name of the student : Vikram Singh
2. Name of the degree for Submitted : M. Sc(Agri.)
3. Registration No. : 2010115095
4. Major subject : Soil Science
5. Minor subject : Agronomy
6. Name of the major advisor : Dr.J. N. Nariya, Professor, Dept. of Agril. Chem. and
Soil Science, College Of Agriculture, JAU, Amerali.
7. Title of the research problem : “Effect of different levels of phosphorus and sulphur
on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L.)”
India is one of the major pulses growing country of the world, accounting roughly for one
third of total world area under pulse cultivation and one fourth of total world production. Pulses
occupy a key position in Indian diet and meet about 30 percent of the daily protein requirement.
Among the food crops, pulses are an important group which occupies a unique position in the
world of agriculture by virtue of their high protein content. Importance of pulses is relatively
more in our country as its contribution in nutrient supply is far more in Indian diet than that in
Asia and World as a whole. Among the pulses; chickpea is a most important rabi crop with high
acceptability and wider use (Singh, 2011).
The genus Cicer belongs to the Fabaceae family and to the sub-family Faboideae, tribe
Cicereae. It originated in southeastern Turkey.There are two distinct types of chickpea, “Kabuli”
(also known as macrosperma) and “Desi” (also known as microsperma) differing in their
geographic distribution and different plant type. The desi types are found in central Asia and in
the Indian subcontinent, while the kabuli types are mostly found in the Mediterranean region.
Chickpea is a good and cheap source of protein (21.1%), carbohydrates (56.5%), minerals
(phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc), fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and β-carotene.
Chickpea is also known as “Bengal gram” or “gram” which is mainly grown in about more than
50 countries including India, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Myanmar, Australia. Ethopia, Canada,
Mexico and Iraq (Gaur et al., 2010). The widely cultivated species Cicer arietinum L. has 2n=16
chromosome number. The origin of the crop is considered in Western Asia from where it spread
in India and other part of the world (Ali and Kumar, 2001).
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is most important pulse crop of India in terms of both area
and production. Chickpea plays a significant role in improving soil fertility by fixing the
atmospheric nitrogen. It can fix up to 140 kg/ha N from air. Chickpea is used as dal in split form
and whole fried or boiled seeds are also eaten. Husk and bites of dal are used as nutritional feed
for animal. Green immature chickpea seeds are used as vegetable and its flour is major ingredient
of snacks and sweets in India and Pakistan. During 2013, the global chickpea area was 13.5
million hectare, production was 13.1 million tones. Chickpea is grown in many tropical, sub-
tropical and temperate regions of the world. In India, the area under chickpea was 9.93 million
hectare with a production of 9.53 million tones and productivity of 960 kg/ha during rabi-2013-
14. In Gujarat, area under chickpea was 2.47 lakh ha.(Anon.,2015 ).Recently, prices of pulses in
the country have increased significantly as compared to other food crops, pushing pulses out of
the reach of poor masses. Declining per capita availability of pulses indicates the pace of
technological development could not common surate with the rising demand. Pulse production of
country touched the magic figure of 18.09 mt, but this is still not sufficient. According to an
estimate country has to produce 30 mt of pulses during the span 2020-30.
The role of primary and secondary (N, P, K, S, Ca and Mg) in crops is well known in the
present context. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important grain legume crop in the World,
and being a rich and cheap source of protein can help people to improve the nutritional quality of
their diets. It is also the premier food legume crop in India ranks first among all pulse crops.
Phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) are major nutrient elements for grain legumes. In many soil
types, P is the most limiting nutrient for the production of crops. It plays primary role in many of
the physiological processes such as the utilization of sugar and starch, photosynthesis, energy
storage and transfer. Legumes generally have higher P requirement because the process of
symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation consumes a lot of energy. Sulphur is becoming deficient in our
soil due to use of high grade S free fertilizers, cultivation of high yielding varieties. Sulphur is a
vital part of the ferredoxin, an iron-sulphur protein occurring in the chloroplasts. Ferredoxin has
a significant role in nitrogen dioxide and sulphate reduction and assimilation of N by root nodule
and free living N-fixing soil bacteria.
Therefore, Keeping these consideration in view, an experiment entitled “Effect of
different levels of phosphorus and sulphur on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L)” has been planned to conduct during rabi, 2015-2016.
The specific objectives envisaged to be achieved from this study are as follows:
1. To study the effect of Phosphorus and Sulphur on growth, yield and quality of chickpea.
2. To study the effect of Phosphorus and Sulphur on nutrient content and uptake by chickpea.
3. To study interaction effect of P and S on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Chick pea.
4. To assess economic viability of various treatments
Growth and Yield attributes:
Basir et al. (2008) reported that the application of P at 60 P2O5 kg/ha resulted in
maximum grain yield of chickpea and that application of P beyond 60 kg was unnecessary.
Ali et al. (2010) revealed that Chickpea genotypes 97086 and 98004 remained at par
giving higher seed yield than other genotypes. Fertilizer dose of N: P2O5@24:60 kg/ha proved to
be the best for increasing chickpea yield under Faisalabad conditions.
Sheikh et al. (2012) observed that all the attributes under study were highly influenced by
the Rizobium and Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria (PSB) along with nitrogen and phosphorus
applied @10kg/ha and 25 kg/ha, respectively; implying the application of dual doses of
biofertilizers helpful in combination with inorganic nutrient application in overall enhancement
of yield of Black Gram.
Islam et al. (2013a) reported that application of P and S resulted in increased dry matter
yield of crop, but at the same time, it resulted in considerable improvement in soil fertility status
of soil. Therefore, higher level of P (34 kg/ha) and S (30 kg/ha) should be applied to chickpea
grown under rainfed conditions in order to maintain soil health and sustainable crop yield.
Rashid et al. (2013) found that gram cultivar Paidar-91 gave the highest yield when
cultivated with fertilization of N: P2O5:K2O @ 25: 50: 0 Kg/ha and exceeding above this
combination was found to be uneconomical.
Jawahar et al. (2013) concluded that application of S @40 kg/ha recorded highest growth
(plant height, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, dry matter production and number of branches
/plant), yield components (number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod) and yield (grain and
haulm) of blackgram. This study showed that supplementation of sulphur as gypsum
significantly increased the growth and yield of blackgram.
Moinuddin et al. (2014) showed that Phosphorus application improved all the growth and
physiological attributes studied compared to no P application (P0), with P30 and P60 being
statistically equal in most cases. Application of N and P biofertilizers increased the values of
most of the parameters studied significantly compared to no biofertilizer application (BF0).
Hussen et al. (2015) indicated that the application of phosphorus fertilizer had
significantly affected all of the parameters; plant height, number of branches per plant and
number of pods per plant. The application of P2O5 @60kg/ha had result better performance in all
of the parameters studied.
Srinivasulu et al. (2015) observed that application of S @40 kg/ha also recorded
significantly higher seed yield, net return and B: C ratio and remained at par with 20 kg S ha-1.
However irrigating chickpea as per farmer’s practice along with 40 kg S ha-1 recorded higher W
UE and combination of 0.9 IW/CPE ratio with 40 kg S ha-1 recorded higher CUW. Similarly
interaction between sulphur and irrigation levels, 20 kg S ha-1 and 0.7 IW/CPE has reported
higher seed yield, net returns and B: C ratio.
Quality parameters:
Chiaiese et al. (2004) suggested that free methionine and O-acetylserine (OAS) acted as
signals that modulated chickpea seed protein composition in response to the variation in sulphur
demand, as well as in response to variation in the nitrogen and sulphur status of the plant.
Mondal et al. (2005) revealed that maximum protein content in the seeds of chickpea
(23.25 %) was obtained with 25 kg K ha-1 (K2) with 40 kg S ha-1 (S2).
Ghalotra et al. (2007) observed that the biomass content, seed sulfur and sulfur
containing amino acids (methionine and cysteine), the biochemical parameters responsible for
seed protein quality, maximally increased during cell enlargement phase (22 to32 DAF) with
GYP followed by SSP and ES at 40 Kg/ha as indicated by decline in the nitrogen to sulfur ratio.
Yadav (2011) concluded that applied P and S increased grain nitrogen and protein
contents. Available P in soil was increased with increasing levels of phosphorus. Similarly
available S in soil was increased with increasing levels of sulphur. The synergistic effect of
phosphorus and sulphur was reported on number and weight of nodules per plant, N, P, S and
protein content of clusterbean.
Shukla et al. (2013) reported that amongst the foliar spray nutrients, DAP (2%) and
N20P50K20S20 as basal, when applied separately or in combination, resulted in highest growth
parameters, chlorophyll content, grain yield, grain protein and net income from the rainfed
chickpea cv. JG 315.Thus, the combined input of DAP (2%) x N20P50K20S20 gave maximum
grain yield of 17.23q/ha, grain protein 23.13% and net income up to Rs. 51,201/ha. The net
income was higher by Rs. 32457/ha over the absolute control.
Lai et al. (2013) indicated that application of increasing levels of phosphorus and sulfur
increased the yield, protein content, nutrient content and nutrient uptake of chickpea. But
increase in grain yield, protein content, nutrient content and uptake were found to be
significantly up to 40 kg P2O5/ha and 30 kg S/ha.
Content and uptake of nutrients:
Tak et al. (2012) concluded that the urban wastewater proved beneficial for the crop
growth and productivity. The wastewater proved an effective source of essential nutrients and
reduced the quantity of phosphorus doses and thus acted not only as a source of irrigation water
but of nutrients also.
Islam et al. (2012) revealed that application of P and S resulted in significant increase in
seed yield. Interaction between P and S was positive at both lower and higher rate of nutrient
application. They also reported that Sulfur application resulted in a significant increase in
micronutrient uptake by plant; however effect of sulfur application on soil pH at the end of
experiment was not significant. Availability of soil zinc and copper increased with sulfur
application at the end of two year experiment.
Karaman et al. (2013) reported that P treatments with and without rhizobium inoculation
greatly affected the P Efficiency Index (EI) and P utilization performance of chickpea cultivars.
Islam et al. (2013b) reported that Effect of phosphorus application was non significant
while that of sulfur was significant on percent nitrogen derived from atmosphere. Both
phosphorus and sulfur application resulted in increase in nitrogen fixation up to 38% and 33%
over control, respectively. Nutrient uptake (N, P, and S) increased significantly with the
application of phosphorus and sulfur and correlated positively with nitrogen fixation. There is
direct involvement of sulfur in the process of nitrogen fixation whereas effect of phosphorus on
nitrogen fixation is indirect mainly through enhanced growth and dry matter production.
Neenu et al. (2014) concluded that for production of optimum chickpea seed yield.
Phosphorus application of 60 P2O5kg/ha is sufficient. Phosphorus application above 60 kg/ ha
increased the grain phosphorus content.
Patel et al. (2014) revealed that application of sulphur and phosphorus fertilization with
PSB inoculation gave significant effect on yield, protein content, nitrogen content, sulphur
content and post harvest soil nutrients status.
Bicer (2014) reported that chickpea cultivars showed low response to phosphorus
application, since the chickpea experiment exposed to drought stress due to late sown. Also,
phosphorus fertilization completely could not be effective since late sown caused short growing
season. Early sown and supply irrigation can be advisable for more effectiveness phosphorus
intake in rainfed conditions.
12.1 Details of technical programme
Note: Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur will be applied in form of Urea, DAP, COSAVET
Sulphur, respectively at the time of sowing of the crop. The Recommended dose of nitrogen in
Chickpea by University is 20 kg/ha, but due to treatment adjustment a common dose of 25 kg/ha
applying to all treatments as basal application.
1. Title of the Experiment “Effect of different levels of phosphorus
and sulphur on growth, yield and nutrient
uptake by Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)”
2. Location Instructional Farm, College of
Agriculture, J.A.U., Junagadh.
3. Year of commencement Rabi, 2015-2016
4. Experimental design Factorial Randomized Block Design
5. Number of replications 3
6. No. of Treatments 12
7. Total number of plots 36
8. Spacing 45 cm X 10 cm
9. Crop and variety Chickpea, GG-5
10. Seed rate 60 kg/ha
11. Plot size: Gross 5.0 m X 3.15 m
12. Plot size: Net 4.0 m X 2.70 m
Recommended dose of
25 Kg N /ha to all plots as basal dozes.
12.2. Treatments details:
1. Phosphorus levels (kg/ha): 2. Sulphur levels (kg/ha):
P0 = Control S0 = Control
P1 = 20 S1 = 20
P2 = 40 S2 = 40
P3 = 60
Treatment combinations:
(g/gross plot)
( g/gross plot)
T1 P0S0 0 0
T2 P0S1 0 34.99
T3 P0S2 0 69.99
T4 P1S0 68.48 0
T5 P1S1 68.48 34.99
T6 P1S2 68.48 69.99
T7 P2S0 136.96 0
T8 P2S1 136.96 34.99
T9 P2S2 136.96 69.99
T10 P3S0 205.43 0
T11 P3S1 205.43 34.99
T12 P3S2 205.43 69.99
Growth parameters :
A. Plant population at 20 DAS and at harvest.
B. Dry matter accumulation at 60 & 90 DAS and at harvest.
C. Number of root nodules per plant at 45 DAS.
D. Dry weight of root nodules per plant at 45 DAS.
E. Number of branches per plant.
F. Plant height at harvest
Yield and yield attributes
A. Number of pods per plant.
B. Number of seeds per pod.
C. Seed index.
D. Seed yield/ha.
E. Stover yield/ha.
F. Biological yield/ha.
G. Harvest index.
Soil analysis: Available N,P, K, and S at before sowing and after harvest.
A. Soil available nitrogen: Estimation of nitrogen content in soil will be carried out by
alkaline KMnO4 method as described by Subbiah and Asija (1956).
B. Soil available phosphorus: Phosphorus will be determined by vanadomolybdo
phosphoric yellow colour method as described by Olsen et al., (1954).
C. Soil available potassium: Potassium will be determined by flame photometer method
(Jackson, 1974).
D. Heat soluble Sulphur: Sulphur content will be determined by the method developed by
Williams and Steinbergs (1959).
Plant analysis:
Plant analysis Method Reference
Nitrogen Microkjeldahl digestion Kanwar & Chopra (1976)
Phosphorus Vanadomolybdate yellow colour method Jackson (1974)
Potassium Flame photometry Jackson (1974)
Sulphur Turbidimetry Williams & Steinberg (1959)
The uptake of N, P, K, and S by biological yield (grain and stover) of chickpea to be
computed by using the following formulae:
Macronutrient uptake (kg/ha) = Nutrient concentration (%) X Biological yield (kg/ha)
Quality parameter:
A. Protein content (%): Protein content in grain will be determined by multiplying nitrogen
content in grain (%) by a factor 6.25 (Gassi et al., 1973). The micro kjeldahl method will be
adopted to find out nitrogen content. (Kanwar and Chopra, 1976)
B. Protein yield (kg/ha): The protein yield is computed by using the following formulae.
Protein yield (kg/ha) = Protein content in seed (%) X Grain yield (kg/ha)
13. Statistical analysis:
The statistical analysis of data of the characters can be studied by the investigation
through the procedure appropriate to the design of the experiment. The significance of difference
to be tested by the ‘F’ test (Panse and Sukhatme, 1985).
Summary tables for treatment effects can be prepare and presented with standard error of
means (S.Em.+) and co-efficient of variations (C.V. %).
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Vikram synopsis of pg research programme

  • 1. 1 SYNOPSIS OF PG RESEARCH PROBLEM 1. Name of the student : Vikram Singh 2. Name of the degree for Submitted : M. Sc(Agri.) 3. Registration No. : 2010115095 4. Major subject : Soil Science 5. Minor subject : Agronomy 6. Name of the major advisor : Dr.J. N. Nariya, Professor, Dept. of Agril. Chem. and Soil Science, College Of Agriculture, JAU, Amerali. 7. Title of the research problem : “Effect of different levels of phosphorus and sulphur on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)” 8. INTRODUCTION: India is one of the major pulses growing country of the world, accounting roughly for one third of total world area under pulse cultivation and one fourth of total world production. Pulses occupy a key position in Indian diet and meet about 30 percent of the daily protein requirement. Among the food crops, pulses are an important group which occupies a unique position in the world of agriculture by virtue of their high protein content. Importance of pulses is relatively more in our country as its contribution in nutrient supply is far more in Indian diet than that in Asia and World as a whole. Among the pulses; chickpea is a most important rabi crop with high acceptability and wider use (Singh, 2011). The genus Cicer belongs to the Fabaceae family and to the sub-family Faboideae, tribe Cicereae. It originated in southeastern Turkey.There are two distinct types of chickpea, “Kabuli” (also known as macrosperma) and “Desi” (also known as microsperma) differing in their geographic distribution and different plant type. The desi types are found in central Asia and in the Indian subcontinent, while the kabuli types are mostly found in the Mediterranean region. Chickpea is a good and cheap source of protein (21.1%), carbohydrates (56.5%), minerals (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc), fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and β-carotene. Chickpea is also known as “Bengal gram” or “gram” which is mainly grown in about more than
  • 2. 2 50 countries including India, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Myanmar, Australia. Ethopia, Canada, Mexico and Iraq (Gaur et al., 2010). The widely cultivated species Cicer arietinum L. has 2n=16 chromosome number. The origin of the crop is considered in Western Asia from where it spread in India and other part of the world (Ali and Kumar, 2001). Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is most important pulse crop of India in terms of both area and production. Chickpea plays a significant role in improving soil fertility by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen. It can fix up to 140 kg/ha N from air. Chickpea is used as dal in split form and whole fried or boiled seeds are also eaten. Husk and bites of dal are used as nutritional feed for animal. Green immature chickpea seeds are used as vegetable and its flour is major ingredient of snacks and sweets in India and Pakistan. During 2013, the global chickpea area was 13.5 million hectare, production was 13.1 million tones. Chickpea is grown in many tropical, sub- tropical and temperate regions of the world. In India, the area under chickpea was 9.93 million hectare with a production of 9.53 million tones and productivity of 960 kg/ha during rabi-2013- 14. In Gujarat, area under chickpea was 2.47 lakh ha.(Anon.,2015 ).Recently, prices of pulses in the country have increased significantly as compared to other food crops, pushing pulses out of the reach of poor masses. Declining per capita availability of pulses indicates the pace of technological development could not common surate with the rising demand. Pulse production of country touched the magic figure of 18.09 mt, but this is still not sufficient. According to an estimate country has to produce 30 mt of pulses during the span 2020-30. 9. PRACTICAL UTILITY: The role of primary and secondary (N, P, K, S, Ca and Mg) in crops is well known in the present context. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important grain legume crop in the World, and being a rich and cheap source of protein can help people to improve the nutritional quality of their diets. It is also the premier food legume crop in India ranks first among all pulse crops. Phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) are major nutrient elements for grain legumes. In many soil types, P is the most limiting nutrient for the production of crops. It plays primary role in many of the physiological processes such as the utilization of sugar and starch, photosynthesis, energy storage and transfer. Legumes generally have higher P requirement because the process of symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation consumes a lot of energy. Sulphur is becoming deficient in our soil due to use of high grade S free fertilizers, cultivation of high yielding varieties. Sulphur is a
  • 3. 3 vital part of the ferredoxin, an iron-sulphur protein occurring in the chloroplasts. Ferredoxin has a significant role in nitrogen dioxide and sulphate reduction and assimilation of N by root nodule and free living N-fixing soil bacteria. Therefore, Keeping these consideration in view, an experiment entitled “Effect of different levels of phosphorus and sulphur on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L)” has been planned to conduct during rabi, 2015-2016. 10. OBJECTIVE: The specific objectives envisaged to be achieved from this study are as follows: 1. To study the effect of Phosphorus and Sulphur on growth, yield and quality of chickpea. 2. To study the effect of Phosphorus and Sulphur on nutrient content and uptake by chickpea. 3. To study interaction effect of P and S on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Chick pea. 4. To assess economic viability of various treatments 11. REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Growth and Yield attributes: Basir et al. (2008) reported that the application of P at 60 P2O5 kg/ha resulted in maximum grain yield of chickpea and that application of P beyond 60 kg was unnecessary. Ali et al. (2010) revealed that Chickpea genotypes 97086 and 98004 remained at par giving higher seed yield than other genotypes. Fertilizer dose of N: P2O5@24:60 kg/ha proved to be the best for increasing chickpea yield under Faisalabad conditions. Sheikh et al. (2012) observed that all the attributes under study were highly influenced by the Rizobium and Phosphate Solublizing Bacteria (PSB) along with nitrogen and phosphorus applied @10kg/ha and 25 kg/ha, respectively; implying the application of dual doses of biofertilizers helpful in combination with inorganic nutrient application in overall enhancement of yield of Black Gram. Islam et al. (2013a) reported that application of P and S resulted in increased dry matter yield of crop, but at the same time, it resulted in considerable improvement in soil fertility status of soil. Therefore, higher level of P (34 kg/ha) and S (30 kg/ha) should be applied to chickpea
  • 4. 4 grown under rainfed conditions in order to maintain soil health and sustainable crop yield. Rashid et al. (2013) found that gram cultivar Paidar-91 gave the highest yield when cultivated with fertilization of N: P2O5:K2O @ 25: 50: 0 Kg/ha and exceeding above this combination was found to be uneconomical. Jawahar et al. (2013) concluded that application of S @40 kg/ha recorded highest growth (plant height, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, dry matter production and number of branches /plant), yield components (number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod) and yield (grain and haulm) of blackgram. This study showed that supplementation of sulphur as gypsum significantly increased the growth and yield of blackgram. Moinuddin et al. (2014) showed that Phosphorus application improved all the growth and physiological attributes studied compared to no P application (P0), with P30 and P60 being statistically equal in most cases. Application of N and P biofertilizers increased the values of most of the parameters studied significantly compared to no biofertilizer application (BF0). Hussen et al. (2015) indicated that the application of phosphorus fertilizer had significantly affected all of the parameters; plant height, number of branches per plant and number of pods per plant. The application of P2O5 @60kg/ha had result better performance in all of the parameters studied. Srinivasulu et al. (2015) observed that application of S @40 kg/ha also recorded significantly higher seed yield, net return and B: C ratio and remained at par with 20 kg S ha-1. However irrigating chickpea as per farmer’s practice along with 40 kg S ha-1 recorded higher W UE and combination of 0.9 IW/CPE ratio with 40 kg S ha-1 recorded higher CUW. Similarly interaction between sulphur and irrigation levels, 20 kg S ha-1 and 0.7 IW/CPE has reported higher seed yield, net returns and B: C ratio.
  • 5. 5 Quality parameters: Chiaiese et al. (2004) suggested that free methionine and O-acetylserine (OAS) acted as signals that modulated chickpea seed protein composition in response to the variation in sulphur demand, as well as in response to variation in the nitrogen and sulphur status of the plant. Mondal et al. (2005) revealed that maximum protein content in the seeds of chickpea (23.25 %) was obtained with 25 kg K ha-1 (K2) with 40 kg S ha-1 (S2). Ghalotra et al. (2007) observed that the biomass content, seed sulfur and sulfur containing amino acids (methionine and cysteine), the biochemical parameters responsible for seed protein quality, maximally increased during cell enlargement phase (22 to32 DAF) with GYP followed by SSP and ES at 40 Kg/ha as indicated by decline in the nitrogen to sulfur ratio. Yadav (2011) concluded that applied P and S increased grain nitrogen and protein contents. Available P in soil was increased with increasing levels of phosphorus. Similarly available S in soil was increased with increasing levels of sulphur. The synergistic effect of phosphorus and sulphur was reported on number and weight of nodules per plant, N, P, S and protein content of clusterbean. Shukla et al. (2013) reported that amongst the foliar spray nutrients, DAP (2%) and N20P50K20S20 as basal, when applied separately or in combination, resulted in highest growth parameters, chlorophyll content, grain yield, grain protein and net income from the rainfed chickpea cv. JG 315.Thus, the combined input of DAP (2%) x N20P50K20S20 gave maximum grain yield of 17.23q/ha, grain protein 23.13% and net income up to Rs. 51,201/ha. The net income was higher by Rs. 32457/ha over the absolute control. Lai et al. (2013) indicated that application of increasing levels of phosphorus and sulfur increased the yield, protein content, nutrient content and nutrient uptake of chickpea. But increase in grain yield, protein content, nutrient content and uptake were found to be significantly up to 40 kg P2O5/ha and 30 kg S/ha.
  • 6. 6 Content and uptake of nutrients: Tak et al. (2012) concluded that the urban wastewater proved beneficial for the crop growth and productivity. The wastewater proved an effective source of essential nutrients and reduced the quantity of phosphorus doses and thus acted not only as a source of irrigation water but of nutrients also. Islam et al. (2012) revealed that application of P and S resulted in significant increase in seed yield. Interaction between P and S was positive at both lower and higher rate of nutrient application. They also reported that Sulfur application resulted in a significant increase in micronutrient uptake by plant; however effect of sulfur application on soil pH at the end of experiment was not significant. Availability of soil zinc and copper increased with sulfur application at the end of two year experiment. Karaman et al. (2013) reported that P treatments with and without rhizobium inoculation greatly affected the P Efficiency Index (EI) and P utilization performance of chickpea cultivars. Islam et al. (2013b) reported that Effect of phosphorus application was non significant while that of sulfur was significant on percent nitrogen derived from atmosphere. Both phosphorus and sulfur application resulted in increase in nitrogen fixation up to 38% and 33% over control, respectively. Nutrient uptake (N, P, and S) increased significantly with the application of phosphorus and sulfur and correlated positively with nitrogen fixation. There is direct involvement of sulfur in the process of nitrogen fixation whereas effect of phosphorus on nitrogen fixation is indirect mainly through enhanced growth and dry matter production. Neenu et al. (2014) concluded that for production of optimum chickpea seed yield. Phosphorus application of 60 P2O5kg/ha is sufficient. Phosphorus application above 60 kg/ ha increased the grain phosphorus content. Patel et al. (2014) revealed that application of sulphur and phosphorus fertilization with PSB inoculation gave significant effect on yield, protein content, nitrogen content, sulphur content and post harvest soil nutrients status.
  • 7. 7 Bicer (2014) reported that chickpea cultivars showed low response to phosphorus application, since the chickpea experiment exposed to drought stress due to late sown. Also, phosphorus fertilization completely could not be effective since late sown caused short growing season. Early sown and supply irrigation can be advisable for more effectiveness phosphorus intake in rainfed conditions. 12. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 12.1 Details of technical programme Note: Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur will be applied in form of Urea, DAP, COSAVET Sulphur, respectively at the time of sowing of the crop. The Recommended dose of nitrogen in Chickpea by University is 20 kg/ha, but due to treatment adjustment a common dose of 25 kg/ha applying to all treatments as basal application. 1. Title of the Experiment “Effect of different levels of phosphorus and sulphur on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)” 2. Location Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, J.A.U., Junagadh. 3. Year of commencement Rabi, 2015-2016 4. Experimental design Factorial Randomized Block Design 5. Number of replications 3 6. No. of Treatments 12 7. Total number of plots 36 8. Spacing 45 cm X 10 cm 9. Crop and variety Chickpea, GG-5 10. Seed rate 60 kg/ha 11. Plot size: Gross 5.0 m X 3.15 m 12. Plot size: Net 4.0 m X 2.70 m 13. Recommended dose of fertilizers 25 Kg N /ha to all plots as basal dozes.
  • 8. 8 12.2. Treatments details: 1. Phosphorus levels (kg/ha): 2. Sulphur levels (kg/ha): P0 = Control S0 = Control P1 = 20 S1 = 20 P2 = 40 S2 = 40 P3 = 60 Treatment combinations: Treatment Treatment combinations DAP (g/gross plot) COSAVET Sulphur 90%w/w ( g/gross plot) T1 P0S0 0 0 T2 P0S1 0 34.99 T3 P0S2 0 69.99 T4 P1S0 68.48 0 T5 P1S1 68.48 34.99 T6 P1S2 68.48 69.99 T7 P2S0 136.96 0 T8 P2S1 136.96 34.99 T9 P2S2 136.96 69.99 T10 P3S0 205.43 0 T11 P3S1 205.43 34.99 T12 P3S2 205.43 69.99 12.3 OBSERVATIONS TO BE RECORDED Growth parameters : A. Plant population at 20 DAS and at harvest. B. Dry matter accumulation at 60 & 90 DAS and at harvest. C. Number of root nodules per plant at 45 DAS.
  • 9. 9 D. Dry weight of root nodules per plant at 45 DAS. E. Number of branches per plant. F. Plant height at harvest Yield and yield attributes A. Number of pods per plant. B. Number of seeds per pod. C. Seed index. D. Seed yield/ha. E. Stover yield/ha. F. Biological yield/ha. G. Harvest index. Soil analysis: Available N,P, K, and S at before sowing and after harvest. A. Soil available nitrogen: Estimation of nitrogen content in soil will be carried out by alkaline KMnO4 method as described by Subbiah and Asija (1956). B. Soil available phosphorus: Phosphorus will be determined by vanadomolybdo phosphoric yellow colour method as described by Olsen et al., (1954). C. Soil available potassium: Potassium will be determined by flame photometer method (Jackson, 1974). D. Heat soluble Sulphur: Sulphur content will be determined by the method developed by Williams and Steinbergs (1959).
  • 10. 10 Plant analysis: Plant analysis Method Reference Nitrogen Microkjeldahl digestion Kanwar & Chopra (1976) Phosphorus Vanadomolybdate yellow colour method Jackson (1974) Potassium Flame photometry Jackson (1974) Sulphur Turbidimetry Williams & Steinberg (1959) The uptake of N, P, K, and S by biological yield (grain and stover) of chickpea to be computed by using the following formulae: Macronutrient uptake (kg/ha) = Nutrient concentration (%) X Biological yield (kg/ha) 100 Quality parameter: A. Protein content (%): Protein content in grain will be determined by multiplying nitrogen content in grain (%) by a factor 6.25 (Gassi et al., 1973). The micro kjeldahl method will be adopted to find out nitrogen content. (Kanwar and Chopra, 1976) B. Protein yield (kg/ha): The protein yield is computed by using the following formulae. Protein yield (kg/ha) = Protein content in seed (%) X Grain yield (kg/ha) 100 13. Statistical analysis: The statistical analysis of data of the characters can be studied by the investigation through the procedure appropriate to the design of the experiment. The significance of difference to be tested by the ‘F’ test (Panse and Sukhatme, 1985). Summary tables for treatment effects can be prepare and presented with standard error of means (S.Em.+) and co-efficient of variations (C.V. %).
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