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1. Regular follow up of ongoing activities during implementations phase is described best by:
a) Management b) monitoring c) budgeting d) evaluation
2. What is most common cause of blindness in Nepal?
a) Trauma b) cataract c) glaucoma d) infection
3. Any numerical value computed from population is called:
a) Statistics b) sampling error c) error d) parameter
4. Epidemiological study does not consist of
a) Case control b) cohort study c) outbreak investigation d) Immunological study
5. Prevalence is:
a) Rate b) ratio c) proportion d) average
6. DOHS (department of health services) revealed that sale of anti-hypertensive drugs as more
in those states where deaths due to hypertension were more, this association may prove
wrong when the individual based study designs are conducted. This association is an
example of:
a) atomistic fallacy b) ecological fallacy c) indirect association d) specific association
7. in an outbreak of COVID-19 in a village of 2000 population ,200 cases have occurred and
50 die Case fatality rate is
a) 0.25% b) 1% c) 25% d) 50%
8. Which one of the following methods is used project district population?
a) Component method b) mathematical method
b) Ratio method d) regression
9. In which one of the following circumstances will the prevalence of a disease in the
population increase, all else being consent?
a) If the incidence rate of the disease fall
b) If survival time with the disease increases
c) If recovery of the disease is faster
d) If the population in which the disease is measured increases
10. Among 182,751 deaths are estimated in Nepal for the year 2017, which is the leading cause
of death?
a) COPD b) diarrhea c) lower respiratory illness d) Intracerebral hemorrhage
11. Which of the following is determined by calculating deaths after 24 hours of hospital
a) Gross death rate b) net death rate c) on –the-spot death rate d) random death rate
12. The percent of the total variation of the dependent of dependent variable variable YY
explained by the set of independent variables XX is measured by :
a) Coefficient of correlation b) coefficient of determination c) coefficient of skewness
d) standard error of estimate
13. Best way to study relationship between two variables is:
a) Bar chart b) scatter diagram c) histogram d) pie chart
14. If “time” is used as the independent variable in a simple linear regression analysis, then
which the following assumption could be violated?
a) Successive observations of the dependent variable are uncorrelated
b) The residual variation is same for all fitted values of Y
c) The residual is normally distributed
d) There is a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables
15. Constant presence of disease in an area during a period of time is:
a) Endemic b) epidemic c) pandemic d) sporadic
16. The median of the following data, is :2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16
a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10
17. Population pyramids are useful to:
a) Express the population growth rates b) express the age –sex distribution
b) Indicate the birth rates c) indicate the death rates
18. All of the following are an indicator of mortality except:
a) Case fatality rate b) neonatal mortality rate
b) Doctor population ratio d) infant mortality rate
19. In fourth stage of the demographic cycle the population will be:
a) Declining b) low stationary c) high stationary d) early expanding
20. Dependency ratio includes:
a) 0-5 years age b) 6-14 years age c) 15-45 years age d) >65 years
21. When total number of live births are expressed against the total population at a given place
and during a given period are referring to:
a) Crude birth rate b) specific birth rate c) total fertility rate d) general fertility rate
22. Treatment duration for multibacillary leprosy is:
a) 12 months b) 18 months c) 24 months d) 5 years
23. Which one is not transmitted by droplet nuclei?
a) Measles b) chicken pox c) influenza d) anthrax
24. The MDA terminology used in filariasis control means:
a) Minimum drug administration
b) maximum drug acquisition
c) Mass delivery assessment
d) Mass drug administration
25. All of the following diseases are eliminated from Nepal except:
a) Leprosy b) trachoma c) neonatal tetanus d) lymphatic filariasis
26. Which organ is involved by trachoma disease?
a) Brain b) eye c) heart d) stomach
27. The biggest single determinant of HIV transmission to infant is:
a) Mother’s age b) mother’s viral load c) mother’s immune status d) infant’s
28. Which of the following infectious diseases is also called elephantiasis ?
a) Filariasis b) malaria c) schistosomiasis d) trichuriasis
29. Man is intermediate host for:
a) Malaria b) tuberculosis c) filariasis d) relapsing fever
30. The most common type of cancer in males is:
a) Lung b) stomach c) colon d) prostrate
31. Best indicator for malaria in a community is :
a) Infant parasite rate b) spleen rate c) annual parasite infestalin d) new cases in a
32. Incubation period of mumps is:
a) 14 days b) 18 days c) 20 days d) 24 days
33. Government of Nepal has taken the vision of making Nepal malaria fee by:
a) 2020 AD b) 2025 AD c) 2030 AD d) 2035 AD
34. Which of the following predisposes someone to developing an illness?
a) Fluoride b) genes c) mercury d) toxin
35. Which is the first illness that was attributed to an animal carrier?
a) Rabies b) malaria c) chickenpox d) HIV
36. “Typhoid Mary “ is a classical example of a ……..
a) Clinical b) latent case c) healthy carrier d) incubatory carrier
37. A student of nursery class developed mild fever along with irritating cough gradually
becoming paroxysmal along with characteristic whoop. what you suggest for how long the
student should be isolated from the class?
a) 1 week b) 2 weeks c) 3 weeks d) 4 weeks
38. Which of the following is true about influenza ?
a) Affects all ages and sexes
b) Incubation period is 18-72 hours
c) Pandemic rare
d) No animal reservoir
39. Japanese encephalitis is transmitted by:
a) Culex b) Aedes c) mansonia d) Anopheles
40. Leprosy can be transmitted through all except:
a) Mother to child b) breast milks c) insect vector d) none of the above
41. Three doses of tetanus vaccine provide immunity for:
a) 1 year b) 4 years c) 10 years d) 16 years
42. A child is said to be wasted, if malnutrition is:
a) Acutely developed
b) developed as chronic malnutrition
c) developed due to low birth weight
d) associated with material malnutrition
43. iodine deficiency:
a) is unlikely to be seen in mountainous area
b) can result in permanent mental retardation
c) occurs especially in areas close to the sea
d) only results from the lack of iodine in drinking water
44. which of the following has the highest caloric value?
a) Carbohydrate b) fats c) proteins d) vitamins
45. Which of these is not considered a nutrient?
a) Fats b) fibers c) mineral d) vitamins
46. Foods from the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts groups are an important source
a) Beta carotene b) calcium c) fiber d) iron
47. Major source of air pollution in Nepal is:
a) Burning wood b) industries c) automobiles d) gas stove
48. In rural community, there is high prevalence of typhoid cases. The best method for
prevention this health problem in the long run is:
a) Immunization against typhoid
b) Living in fly proof zone
c) Provision of sanitary latrine
d) Use of boiled water
49. Which type of mosquito breed on dirty water collection?
a) Anopheles b) culex c) Ades d) monsoni
50. All are example waterborne disease except:
a) Leptospirosis b) fish tapworm c) schistosomiasis d) brucellosis
51. Following are the waterborne diseases except:
a) Pollomyelitis b) giardiasis c)kal-azar d) round worm
52. Ergonomics is ;
a) Study of human behavior
b) Study of social mobility
c) Study of health of female workers
d) Adjusting the worker to his/her job
53. All of the following are associated with asbestosis except:
a) Mesothelioma of pleura
b) Cancer of urinary bladder
c) Cancer of lungs
d) Cancer of gastrointestinal track
54. The most common source of radiation hazard is ;
a) X-ray b) cosmic ray c) thorium d) uranium
55. Which of the following colour is used for radiation hazards?
a) Orange b) red c) purple d) green
56. Which one of the following is associated with bladder tumor?
a) Mushroom poisoning
b) Polyvenyl chloride
c) Naphthalamine dye
d) None of the above
57. The most common manifestation of occupation diseases is:
a) Cancer b) bronchitis c) abdominal pain d) dermatitis
58. Suppose a group of 6 experts discussing and interacting about a topic in front of large
audience. then it is knowns as:
a) Seminar b) symposium c) panel discussion d) workshop
59. All the following should be for effective communication through lecture method except:
a) Group size should be less than 30
b) Talk duration should be less than 15-30 minutes
c) Combine with demonstration
d) Control the listener strictly
60. All of the following are objectives of health promotion except:
a) To enable people to gain greater control over the determinants of their health.
b) To advocate people for their health as major resources for their all-around development
c) To encourage people for their positive health
d) To medicate non-concerned health sector for raising health status of people
61. All of the following is the key strategy of Ottawa charter for health promotion except:
a) Building healthy public policy
b) Promote social responsibility
c) Strengthen community action
d) Create supportive environment
62. The process of preparing message for health education communication by the health
educator is called .
a) Sending b) receiving c) encoding d) decoding
63. Diarrhoea among children is more common in urban slum where almost all the mothers are
illiterate and belong to lower socio-economic class. it seems difficult to make them
understand the use of ORS (oral rehydration Solution). What method can provide the best
solution in this scenario?
a) Lectures b) poster competition c) radio program d) role paly
64. All health education medias are mass or group medias except:
a) Pamphlet b) radio c) poster d) television
65. Distortion of message means:
a) Twisting of message b) loss of clarity c) loss of certainty d) all of the above
66. Which is not projected aids of health education?
a) Transparencies b) epidiascope c) picture d) silhouette slide
67. To teach preparation of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) to a family, which is the most
suitable method?
a) Lecture b) exhibition c) role playing d) demonstration
68. All of the following are the millennium development goal except:
a) Achieve universal primary education
b) Promote gender equality and empower women
c) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
d) Combat the non-communicable disease like cancer etc
69. All of the following are the objectives fixed in the result frame work regarding to EHCS.
a) To increase access to and utilization of quality of EHCS
b) To improve the health system to achieve universal coverage of EHCS
c) To reduce culture and economic barriers to access health care services
d) To manage PHC services to urban people
70. To improve the health of the nation, “the millennium development goal”(MDGs) are
mainly focused on:
a) Involvement of men in RH
b) Women education
c) Health research system
d) Fertility regulation
71. “Reduce the burden of tuberculosis, malaria and HIV” is stated in the millennium
development goal(MGDs) as goal number.
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
72. Free health care program was launched in the year.
a) 1991 AD b) 2002 AD c) 2009 AD d) 2015 AD
73. USAID is helping in all of the following area except :
a) Family planning
c) Infectious diseases control
d) Non-infectious disease
74. The total number of members represented in UN general Assembly is:
a) 190 b) 193 c) 196 d)199
75. Which one of the following agency is bilateral?
76. Burden of disease is best detected by:
a) DALYs b) Sullivan’s Index c) IMR d) survival index
77. One DALY signifies:
a) One year of disease free life
b) One lost year of healthy life
c) One month of bedridden life
d) None of the above
78. Susceptibility of a host is an ability to
a) Fight against the agent before occurrence of disease
b) Fight against the disease after occurrence
c) Develop resistance against the disease
d) Develop the disease
79. Which united nation body deals with population problem?
80. Which one of the following is primary preventing obesity?
a) Low intake of salt
b) Low fiber diet
c) High fiber diet
d) High intake of protein
81. All of the following are the areas of quality services except:
a) Effectiveness b) technical competence c) safety d) choice in services
82. Audit of costs and services of all bills of health care providers is classified on:
a) Wellness reviews
b) Utilization reviews
c) Profitability review
d) Productivity review
83. All of the following are quality of characteristic of a leader except
a) Decisiveness b) self-confidence c) problem solving skill d) legal advisor
84. Change in demand for health care can be caused by changes in all excepts.
a) Consumer income
b) The prices of services in hospital, clinic, nursing home
c) Consumer expectation
d) Degree of service providers
85. Most comprehensive indicator of cost effectiveness analysis is :
a) No. of life years gained
b) no. of heart attacks avoided
c) QALYs gained
d) Cost per life year gained
86. The benefits associated with the best alternative use of resource is called:
a) Health economics
b) Health resources
c) Opportunity cost
d) Alternative activities
87. Which one of the following is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit
between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing
a) Strategic control
b) Strategic networking
c) Strategic planning
d) Strategic development
88. All of the following are the strengths of logistic management information system (LMIS)
a) Maintaining hardly the quality of drugs and commodities
b) A nationwide LMIS producing reliable logistics data for decision making at all level
c) Improvement in storage practices, thus reducing the waste and expiry commodities
d) LMIS made possible and successful introduction of pull system for essential drugs
89. Benefits associated with the best alternative use of resources is defined as :
a) Opportunity cost b) alternative activities c) resources need d) health economics
90. Strategic plan usually covers:
a) Long term (5 years)
b) Midterm (2-3 years)
c) Short term (1-2 years)
d) None of the above
91. The PERT chart helps in which of the following?
a) Budgeting b) scheduling c) evaluating d) none of the above
92. Health planning cycle, which is not included?
a) Situation analysis
b) Problem identification
c) Distribution of resources
d) Prioritization of problems
93. Latest national HIV strategic plan has been developed for a period of which year?
a) 2015-20AD b) 2016-21 AD c) 2016-20 AD d) 2017-21 AD
94. According to WHO, health sector budget must be at least what percentage of the country’s
total annual budget?
a) 3% b)5% c)6% d)10%
95. Which of the following agencies focuses on poverty reduction and the improvement of
living standards worldwide?
a) World bank
b) International labour organization
c) World health organization
d) International organization of migration
96. Key characteristics of quality of health care are:
a) Effectiveness, efficiency, acceptability , equity
b) Acceptability affordability, sensitivity, responsibility
c) Effectiveness, resposiblenesss, availability, responsibility
d) Effectiveness, validity, efficiency, availability
97. CIPP evaluation scheme stands for
a) Context-input-priority-product
b) Context-input-process-product
c) Content-input-premises-product
d) Content-input-practicability -product
98. All are include in planning spiral except
a) Need assessment b) implementation c) financing d) evaluation
99. What does mean by inventory management?
a) General management
b) Personnel management
c) Material management
d) Financial management
100.Cost of product failure, error prevention and appraisals are classified as:
a) Shrinkage cost b) stocking cost c) cost of quality d) stock out cost

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public health officer Loksewa 2077-10-19 first paper

  • 1. 1. Regular follow up of ongoing activities during implementations phase is described best by: a) Management b) monitoring c) budgeting d) evaluation 2. What is most common cause of blindness in Nepal? a) Trauma b) cataract c) glaucoma d) infection 3. Any numerical value computed from population is called: a) Statistics b) sampling error c) error d) parameter 4. Epidemiological study does not consist of a) Case control b) cohort study c) outbreak investigation d) Immunological study 5. Prevalence is: a) Rate b) ratio c) proportion d) average 6. DOHS (department of health services) revealed that sale of anti-hypertensive drugs as more in those states where deaths due to hypertension were more, this association may prove wrong when the individual based study designs are conducted. This association is an example of: a) atomistic fallacy b) ecological fallacy c) indirect association d) specific association 7. in an outbreak of COVID-19 in a village of 2000 population ,200 cases have occurred and 50 die Case fatality rate is a) 0.25% b) 1% c) 25% d) 50% 8. Which one of the following methods is used project district population? a) Component method b) mathematical method b) Ratio method d) regression 9. In which one of the following circumstances will the prevalence of a disease in the population increase, all else being consent? a) If the incidence rate of the disease fall b) If survival time with the disease increases c) If recovery of the disease is faster d) If the population in which the disease is measured increases 10. Among 182,751 deaths are estimated in Nepal for the year 2017, which is the leading cause of death? a) COPD b) diarrhea c) lower respiratory illness d) Intracerebral hemorrhage
  • 2. 11. Which of the following is determined by calculating deaths after 24 hours of hospital admission? a) Gross death rate b) net death rate c) on –the-spot death rate d) random death rate 12. The percent of the total variation of the dependent of dependent variable variable YY explained by the set of independent variables XX is measured by : a) Coefficient of correlation b) coefficient of determination c) coefficient of skewness d) standard error of estimate 13. Best way to study relationship between two variables is: a) Bar chart b) scatter diagram c) histogram d) pie chart 14. If “time” is used as the independent variable in a simple linear regression analysis, then which the following assumption could be violated? a) Successive observations of the dependent variable are uncorrelated b) The residual variation is same for all fitted values of Y c) The residual is normally distributed d) There is a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables 15. Constant presence of disease in an area during a period of time is: a) Endemic b) epidemic c) pandemic d) sporadic 16. The median of the following data, is :2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 17. Population pyramids are useful to: a) Express the population growth rates b) express the age –sex distribution b) Indicate the birth rates c) indicate the death rates 18. All of the following are an indicator of mortality except: a) Case fatality rate b) neonatal mortality rate b) Doctor population ratio d) infant mortality rate 19. In fourth stage of the demographic cycle the population will be: a) Declining b) low stationary c) high stationary d) early expanding 20. Dependency ratio includes: a) 0-5 years age b) 6-14 years age c) 15-45 years age d) >65 years 21. When total number of live births are expressed against the total population at a given place and during a given period are referring to:
  • 3. a) Crude birth rate b) specific birth rate c) total fertility rate d) general fertility rate 22. Treatment duration for multibacillary leprosy is: a) 12 months b) 18 months c) 24 months d) 5 years 23. Which one is not transmitted by droplet nuclei? a) Measles b) chicken pox c) influenza d) anthrax 24. The MDA terminology used in filariasis control means: a) Minimum drug administration b) maximum drug acquisition c) Mass delivery assessment d) Mass drug administration 25. All of the following diseases are eliminated from Nepal except: a) Leprosy b) trachoma c) neonatal tetanus d) lymphatic filariasis 26. Which organ is involved by trachoma disease? a) Brain b) eye c) heart d) stomach 27. The biggest single determinant of HIV transmission to infant is: a) Mother’s age b) mother’s viral load c) mother’s immune status d) infant’s CD4+level 28. Which of the following infectious diseases is also called elephantiasis ? a) Filariasis b) malaria c) schistosomiasis d) trichuriasis 29. Man is intermediate host for: a) Malaria b) tuberculosis c) filariasis d) relapsing fever 30. The most common type of cancer in males is: a) Lung b) stomach c) colon d) prostrate 31. Best indicator for malaria in a community is : a) Infant parasite rate b) spleen rate c) annual parasite infestalin d) new cases in a community 32. Incubation period of mumps is: a) 14 days b) 18 days c) 20 days d) 24 days 33. Government of Nepal has taken the vision of making Nepal malaria fee by: a) 2020 AD b) 2025 AD c) 2030 AD d) 2035 AD 34. Which of the following predisposes someone to developing an illness?
  • 4. a) Fluoride b) genes c) mercury d) toxin 35. Which is the first illness that was attributed to an animal carrier? a) Rabies b) malaria c) chickenpox d) HIV 36. “Typhoid Mary “ is a classical example of a …….. a) Clinical b) latent case c) healthy carrier d) incubatory carrier 37. A student of nursery class developed mild fever along with irritating cough gradually becoming paroxysmal along with characteristic whoop. what you suggest for how long the student should be isolated from the class? a) 1 week b) 2 weeks c) 3 weeks d) 4 weeks 38. Which of the following is true about influenza ? a) Affects all ages and sexes b) Incubation period is 18-72 hours c) Pandemic rare d) No animal reservoir 39. Japanese encephalitis is transmitted by: a) Culex b) Aedes c) mansonia d) Anopheles 40. Leprosy can be transmitted through all except: a) Mother to child b) breast milks c) insect vector d) none of the above 41. Three doses of tetanus vaccine provide immunity for: a) 1 year b) 4 years c) 10 years d) 16 years 42. A child is said to be wasted, if malnutrition is: a) Acutely developed b) developed as chronic malnutrition c) developed due to low birth weight d) associated with material malnutrition 43. iodine deficiency: a) is unlikely to be seen in mountainous area b) can result in permanent mental retardation c) occurs especially in areas close to the sea d) only results from the lack of iodine in drinking water 44. which of the following has the highest caloric value?
  • 5. a) Carbohydrate b) fats c) proteins d) vitamins 45. Which of these is not considered a nutrient? a) Fats b) fibers c) mineral d) vitamins 46. Foods from the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts groups are an important source of: a) Beta carotene b) calcium c) fiber d) iron 47. Major source of air pollution in Nepal is: a) Burning wood b) industries c) automobiles d) gas stove 48. In rural community, there is high prevalence of typhoid cases. The best method for prevention this health problem in the long run is: a) Immunization against typhoid b) Living in fly proof zone c) Provision of sanitary latrine d) Use of boiled water 49. Which type of mosquito breed on dirty water collection? a) Anopheles b) culex c) Ades d) monsoni 50. All are example waterborne disease except: a) Leptospirosis b) fish tapworm c) schistosomiasis d) brucellosis 51. Following are the waterborne diseases except: a) Pollomyelitis b) giardiasis c)kal-azar d) round worm 52. Ergonomics is ; a) Study of human behavior b) Study of social mobility c) Study of health of female workers d) Adjusting the worker to his/her job 53. All of the following are associated with asbestosis except: a) Mesothelioma of pleura b) Cancer of urinary bladder c) Cancer of lungs d) Cancer of gastrointestinal track 54. The most common source of radiation hazard is ;
  • 6. a) X-ray b) cosmic ray c) thorium d) uranium 55. Which of the following colour is used for radiation hazards? a) Orange b) red c) purple d) green 56. Which one of the following is associated with bladder tumor? a) Mushroom poisoning b) Polyvenyl chloride c) Naphthalamine dye d) None of the above 57. The most common manifestation of occupation diseases is: a) Cancer b) bronchitis c) abdominal pain d) dermatitis 58. Suppose a group of 6 experts discussing and interacting about a topic in front of large audience. then it is knowns as: a) Seminar b) symposium c) panel discussion d) workshop 59. All the following should be for effective communication through lecture method except: a) Group size should be less than 30 b) Talk duration should be less than 15-30 minutes c) Combine with demonstration d) Control the listener strictly 60. All of the following are objectives of health promotion except: a) To enable people to gain greater control over the determinants of their health. b) To advocate people for their health as major resources for their all-around development c) To encourage people for their positive health d) To medicate non-concerned health sector for raising health status of people 61. All of the following is the key strategy of Ottawa charter for health promotion except: a) Building healthy public policy b) Promote social responsibility c) Strengthen community action d) Create supportive environment 62. The process of preparing message for health education communication by the health educator is called . a) Sending b) receiving c) encoding d) decoding
  • 7. 63. Diarrhoea among children is more common in urban slum where almost all the mothers are illiterate and belong to lower socio-economic class. it seems difficult to make them understand the use of ORS (oral rehydration Solution). What method can provide the best solution in this scenario? a) Lectures b) poster competition c) radio program d) role paly 64. All health education medias are mass or group medias except: a) Pamphlet b) radio c) poster d) television 65. Distortion of message means: a) Twisting of message b) loss of clarity c) loss of certainty d) all of the above 66. Which is not projected aids of health education? a) Transparencies b) epidiascope c) picture d) silhouette slide 67. To teach preparation of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) to a family, which is the most suitable method? a) Lecture b) exhibition c) role playing d) demonstration 68. All of the following are the millennium development goal except: a) Achieve universal primary education b) Promote gender equality and empower women c) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger d) Combat the non-communicable disease like cancer etc 69. All of the following are the objectives fixed in the result frame work regarding to EHCS. except; a) To increase access to and utilization of quality of EHCS b) To improve the health system to achieve universal coverage of EHCS c) To reduce culture and economic barriers to access health care services d) To manage PHC services to urban people 70. To improve the health of the nation, “the millennium development goal”(MDGs) are mainly focused on: a) Involvement of men in RH b) Women education c) Health research system d) Fertility regulation
  • 8. 71. “Reduce the burden of tuberculosis, malaria and HIV” is stated in the millennium development goal(MGDs) as goal number. a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 72. Free health care program was launched in the year. a) 1991 AD b) 2002 AD c) 2009 AD d) 2015 AD 73. USAID is helping in all of the following area except : a) Family planning b) HIV/AIDS c) Infectious diseases control d) Non-infectious disease 74. The total number of members represented in UN general Assembly is: a) 190 b) 193 c) 196 d)199 75. Which one of the following agency is bilateral? a) SDC b) WHO c) UNICEF d) UNDP 76. Burden of disease is best detected by: a) DALYs b) Sullivan’s Index c) IMR d) survival index 77. One DALY signifies: a) One year of disease free life b) One lost year of healthy life c) One month of bedridden life d) None of the above 78. Susceptibility of a host is an ability to a) Fight against the agent before occurrence of disease b) Fight against the disease after occurrence c) Develop resistance against the disease d) Develop the disease 79. Which united nation body deals with population problem? a) UNDP b) UNICEF c) UNESCO d) UNEPA 80. Which one of the following is primary preventing obesity? a) Low intake of salt b) Low fiber diet
  • 9. c) High fiber diet d) High intake of protein 81. All of the following are the areas of quality services except: a) Effectiveness b) technical competence c) safety d) choice in services 82. Audit of costs and services of all bills of health care providers is classified on: a) Wellness reviews b) Utilization reviews c) Profitability review d) Productivity review 83. All of the following are quality of characteristic of a leader except a) Decisiveness b) self-confidence c) problem solving skill d) legal advisor 84. Change in demand for health care can be caused by changes in all excepts. a) Consumer income b) The prices of services in hospital, clinic, nursing home c) Consumer expectation d) Degree of service providers 85. Most comprehensive indicator of cost effectiveness analysis is : a) No. of life years gained b) no. of heart attacks avoided c) QALYs gained d) Cost per life year gained 86. The benefits associated with the best alternative use of resource is called: a) Health economics b) Health resources c) Opportunity cost d) Alternative activities 87. Which one of the following is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities? a) Strategic control b) Strategic networking
  • 10. c) Strategic planning d) Strategic development 88. All of the following are the strengths of logistic management information system (LMIS) except: a) Maintaining hardly the quality of drugs and commodities b) A nationwide LMIS producing reliable logistics data for decision making at all level c) Improvement in storage practices, thus reducing the waste and expiry commodities d) LMIS made possible and successful introduction of pull system for essential drugs 89. Benefits associated with the best alternative use of resources is defined as : a) Opportunity cost b) alternative activities c) resources need d) health economics 90. Strategic plan usually covers: a) Long term (5 years) b) Midterm (2-3 years) c) Short term (1-2 years) d) None of the above 91. The PERT chart helps in which of the following? a) Budgeting b) scheduling c) evaluating d) none of the above 92. Health planning cycle, which is not included? a) Situation analysis b) Problem identification c) Distribution of resources d) Prioritization of problems 93. Latest national HIV strategic plan has been developed for a period of which year? a) 2015-20AD b) 2016-21 AD c) 2016-20 AD d) 2017-21 AD 94. According to WHO, health sector budget must be at least what percentage of the country’s total annual budget? a) 3% b)5% c)6% d)10% 95. Which of the following agencies focuses on poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards worldwide? a) World bank b) International labour organization
  • 11. c) World health organization d) International organization of migration 96. Key characteristics of quality of health care are: a) Effectiveness, efficiency, acceptability , equity b) Acceptability affordability, sensitivity, responsibility c) Effectiveness, resposiblenesss, availability, responsibility d) Effectiveness, validity, efficiency, availability 97. CIPP evaluation scheme stands for a) Context-input-priority-product b) Context-input-process-product c) Content-input-premises-product d) Content-input-practicability -product 98. All are include in planning spiral except a) Need assessment b) implementation c) financing d) evaluation 99. What does mean by inventory management? a) General management b) Personnel management c) Material management d) Financial management 100.Cost of product failure, error prevention and appraisals are classified as: a) Shrinkage cost b) stocking cost c) cost of quality d) stock out cost